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Setting Description

Please write a setting description. Aim to take about 5 minutes. Don’t worry about telling a
story, just describe a scene. Try to use sophisticated vocabulary and punctuation. Remember

Here are some examples from my other students. Feel free to steal ideas, build on their ideas
and be inspired. The aim is to use great language and lots of techniques. Feel free to use a

High in the heavens, pompous clouds lounged like kings as they smiled ebulliently. In the blue sky, the
warm sun smiled jovially. Gorgeous green grass danced in the playful breeze as if they were on a live
stage. Everywhere I looked, lofty trees stood proudly as if they were the kings of the world. The wind
frolicked about like a young child visiting the playground for the first time. Fallen foliage made an
autumnal carpet fit for a Queen.

Stars twinkled like flashlights in an inky night sky. In vain, trees desperately reached over the
meandering, cracked pavement to give each other much needed hugs. Occasionally, the hoot of an owl
would ring through the night like a moan from a depressed soul. The obnoxious smell coming from the
fetid dustbins was as nauseating as the River Thames at the time of the Great Stink. Loft lampposts
stood humbly, winking at anyone who passed underneath them happily. On every street, robust brick
houses stood pompously as if they were a display in a museum.

A crimson sky smiled brightly upon the jovial criss-crossed windows. Trees surrounded the house, they
swayed in unison as the sweet breeze massaged their languorous limbs. The sun was a box of light
exploding in never ending joy; it filled the serene scene with happiness. Clumsy clouds slowly
sauntered through the great expanse of mellow scarlet. Bright, brave and beautiful birds trilled their
loud melodies over a carpet of bluebells below.

I fondly and distinctly remember the first house I grew up in. It was at the end of a quiet, tranquil road
that was a little haven, away from the hustle and bustle of gritty inner city life. Without any trouble I
can clearly picture how the house was large and imposing. One warm summer’s day, the sun smiled
upon the world and called everyone out to enjoy the day. Except I was inside. Smiling as they left, my
parents had gone out to their favourite shopping centre in the suburbs. Left to my own devices, it
wasn’t long before I had transformed a pristine house into a hellish nightmare: plates towered high in
the sink like the leaning tower of Pisa; the carpet was strewn with litter; and my toys had conquered the

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