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The integration of Asynchronous Learning Modalities has become increasingly prevalent in

modern education, with particular relevance to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics) disciplines. Asynchronous learning, characterized by its flexibility and self-paced nature,

offers students the opportunity to engage with course materials at their own convenience, providing

avenues for deeper understanding and mastery of complex STEM concepts. Moreover, the COVID-19

pandemic has accelerated the adoption of asynchronous learning as educational institutions seek to

provide flexible and accessible remote learning options.

The COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated the adoption of asynchronous learning as

educational institutions worldwide sought to adapt to remote teaching and learning requirements (Hodges

et al., 2020). This shift underscored the importance of flexible and accessible learning modalities, making

asynchronous learning an integral part of contemporary educational practices.

Recent data from national and international sources indicate a significant increase in the adoption

of asynchronous learning modalities across educational institutions. According to a report by the National

Center for Education Statistics (NCES), asynchronous learning has seen a steady rise in enrollment rates,

with over 36% of higher education students in the United States participating in online courses in 2020

(NCES, 2020). Similarly, a survey conducted by the European Commission found that asynchronous

learning platforms have become increasingly popular among universities in Europe, with approximately

72% of institutions offering online courses (European Commission, 2021).

In the context of STEM education at UC-Pri, anecdotal evidence suggests that asynchronous

learning has become an integral part of students' academic experiences. However, despite its advantages,

STEM students encounter various challenges while navigating asynchronous learning. These challenges
may include limited opportunities for hands-on experimentation, difficulties in accessing real-time

feedback, and feelings of isolation in virtual learning communities.

While existing literature has explored the broader implications of asynchronous learning in higher

education, there remains a notable gap concerning STEM students' specific experiences and perspectives.

Previous studies have primarily focused on the advantages and challenges of online education without

delving into the unique nuances of STEM disciplines. Thus, this study aims to fill this gap by

investigating STEM students' experiences in asynchronous learning modality at UC-Pri.

This research seeks to provide insights into the advantages, challenges, and coping mechanisms

employed by STEM students in asynchronous learning settings. By understanding the specific needs and

experiences of STEM learners, educators and institutions can tailor their approaches to optimize learning

outcomes in asynchronous environments. Ultimately, this study aims to contribute valuable insights that

can inform evidence-based practices and support mechanisms aimed at enhancing STEM education in

asynchronous learning modalities.


This study is anchored in Transactional Distance Theory (Moore, 1997) as the main theory,

supplemented by Constructivist Theory (Piaget, 1980), and Connectivism Theory Siemens and Downes

(2009) as supporting theories.

Transactional Distance Theory, proposed by Moore in 1997, is a framework that delineates the

psychological and communicative space between learners and instructors within distance education

contexts. This theory suggests that the physical and psychological separation between learners and

instructors can impact the effectiveness of communication and interaction, consequently influencing

learning outcomes (Moore, 1997). The theory highlights the importance of understanding the distance

between learners and instructors in facilitating effective communication and fostering meaningful
interactions (Delgaty, 2018). The concept of transactional distance encapsulates three key dimensions:

structural distance, dialogical distance, and transactional autonomy. Structural distance pertains to the

tangible separation between learners and instructors, while dialogical distance concerns the quality and

depth of communication exchanges. Transactional autonomy reflects the degree of learner independence

within the educational process. By comprehensively addressing these dimensions, educators can

effectively mitigate transactional distance, fostering a more conducive learning environment conducive to

active engagement, collaborative discourse, and the attainment of meaningful learning outcomes.

In the context of STEM education, where complex concepts and problem-solving skills often

necessitate close guidance and feedback, transactional distance can significantly influence students'

experiences and learning outcomes.

Moreover, Transactional Distance Theory highlights the importance of effective communication

and interaction in asynchronous learning, which is crucial for STEM students' engagement and

comprehension (Moore, 1997). The theory suggests that minimizing the transactional distance between

learners and instructors can enhance learning outcomes by fostering meaningful interactions and feedback

mechanisms (Moore, 1997).

Furthermore, the Theory of Transactional Distance finds support in Constructivist Theory,

championed by Jean Piaget in 1980, posits that learners actively construct knowledge through interactions

with their environment and social interactions with others (Ormrod, 2020). According to this theory,

individuals make sense of new information by integrating it with their existing knowledge and

experiences, thereby creating their own understanding of the world. Central to constructivism is the idea

that learning is a dynamic and personal process, shaped by each learner's unique background, prior

knowledge, and cognitive processes

Therefore, Constructivist Theory emphasizes students' active role in constructing knowledge,

suggesting that STEM students' engagement and participation in asynchronous learning activities are
essential for deep learning (Piaget, 1980). By providing opportunities for exploration, collaboration, and

reflection, educators can promote meaningful learning experiences in asynchronous settings

This theory is pertinent to understanding how Grade 11 STEM students engage with course

materials, collaborate with peers, and independently overcome challenges in asynchronous learning

settings. By examining students' active involvement in knowledge construction, educators can tailor

instructional strategies to support their learning needs effectively (Piaget, 1980)

Additionally, this study was also supported by Connectivism Theory, developed by Siemens and

Downes (2009), is a learning theory that emphasizes the role of digital connections and information flow

in the process of learning (Siemens & Downes, 2009). In asynchronous learning environments, where

students engage with course materials and interact with peers and instructors at different times and

locations, Connectivism Theory becomes particularly relevant (Kop & Hill, 2008). This theory posits that

learning is not just about acquiring static knowledge but rather about navigating dynamic networks of

information, ideas, and resources (Siemens & Downes, 2009).

Within the framework of Connectivism Theory, STEM students are seen as active participants in

a vast digital ecosystem where they have access to diverse sources of information and opportunities for

collaboration (Bell, 2011). Asynchronous learning environments provide fertile ground for students to

leverage technology and networked resources to construct knowledge collaboratively (Kop & Hill, 2008).

For example, students might engage in online discussions, participate in virtual labs or simulations, or

access multimedia content to deepen their understanding of STEM concepts (Bell, 2011).

Moreover, Connectivism Theory emphasizes the social dimension of learning, highlighting the

importance of interactions and knowledge exchange among learners (Siemens & Downes, 2009). In

asynchronous learning environments, students have the opportunity to engage with peers from diverse

backgrounds and perspectives, enriching their learning experience through dialogue and debate (Bell,
2011). By fostering social connections and collaboration, Connectivism Theory informs how STEM

students navigate asynchronous learning environments and construct knowledge collectively (Siemens &

Downes, 2009).

In conclusion, these theories provide valuable frameworks for understanding and enhancing

STEM students' experiences in asynchronous learning environments. By drawing insights from

Transactional Distance Theory, Constructivist Theory, and Connectivism Theory, researchers can explore

the complex dynamics of asynchronous learning and develop evidence-based strategies to support STEM

education effectively.


Asynchronous Learning Modality

Asynchronous learning, increasingly prominent in contemporary education, offers a flexible and

accessible approach to learning, particularly in the digital age. Learners engage with course materials and

activities at their own pace, utilizing various online resources and tools. This modality has garnered

attention for its ability to cater to diverse learner needs and schedules, facilitating meaningful learning


According to recent research by Zhang et al. (2020), asynchronous learning modalities have become

widely utilized across various educational settings, from K-12 to higher education. The study highlights

the prevalence of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) as key tools in asynchronous learning

environments, enabling the distribution of course materials, assignments, and facilitating communication

between students and instructors.

Moreover, Araka et al. (2019) emphasize the importance of asynchronous learning in complementing

traditional face-to-face teaching methods. By providing features that support active participation and

interaction, asynchronous learning platforms enable students to access course materials conveniently,
fostering continuity in learning. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for students with other

commitments, such as work or family responsibilities, who may find attending traditional classes


Furthermore, Bradley (2021) underscores the role of asynchronous learning platforms in enhancing

student engagement and interaction. These platforms not only provide access to teaching materials but

also facilitate communication among students and instructors, fostering a collaborative learning

environment. Additionally, LMS systems offer features for monitoring student progress and performance,

enabling instructors to provide timely feedback and support.

In conclusion, asynchronous learning modalities, facilitated by advanced technologies and learning

management systems, offer a promising approach to education in the digital age. Empirical studies from

2019 to 2024 underscore the effectiveness and versatility of asynchronous learning in meeting the diverse

needs of learners and promoting meaningful learning experiences.


This study aims to delve into the experiences of STEM students within Asynchronous Learning.

Specifically, it seeks to address the following key questions:

1. What are the advantages of Asynchronous Learning for STEM students at UC-Pri?

2. What challenges do STEM students encounter while engaging in Asynchronous learning in UC-

Pri, and how do they navigate these challenges?

3. What Coping Mechanism do STEM students employ to overcome the challenges that they

encounter in Asynchronous Learning Modality?


The study's findings are beneficial to the following:

Students. By uncovering the challenges and strategies inherent in asynchronous learning

environments, this study empowers STEM students to navigate online platforms more efficiently, thereby

enhancing their learning outcomes and satisfaction.

Educators. Insights from this study enable educators to tailor instructional approaches and

support mechanisms to meet the diverse needs of STEM learners in Asynchronous settings. This, in turn,

promotes student engagement and success in online learning environments.

Policy Makers. As it provides policymakers with evidence-based insights into the effectiveness

of asynchronous learning modality for students. By understanding the opportunities and challenges

associated with online learning, policymakers can develop policies and allocate resources to ensure that

all students have access to high-quality, inclusive, and equitable educational opportunities, regardless of

their geographical location or socioeconomic background.

Parents. Understanding their children's experiences with asynchronous learning allows parents to

provide targeted guidance and support, fostering a collaborative approach to education and strengthening

the home-school partnership.

Researchers. The study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on effective educational

technology interventions, providing insights into the impact of asynchronous learning modality on STEM

student engagement, learning outcomes, and satisfaction. This informs future research endeavors and

facilitates evidence-based decision-making in the field of educational technology.

Future Research. Serving as a foundation for further investigations into asynchronous learning,

this study informs future research endeavors aimed at understanding the advantages, challenges, and

coping strategies associated with online education. By building upon this research, future studies can

contribute to the development of innovative solutions to enhance student learning experiences in

asynchronous settings.


This chapter discusses the methodology of this study. It describes the research design,

research locale, research informants, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and data

analysis procedure.

Research Design

The researchers used a phenomenological research approach to explore students’

experiences in asynchronous learning modality. According to Alhazmi (2019),

phenomenological approaches allow researchers to engage in flexible activities that can describe

and help to understand complex phenomena, such as various aspects of human social experience.
Through this method, the researchers explored the students' attitudes and perceptions of the

Asynchronous Learning Modality, including its advantages, challenges, and coping strategies

when faced with challenges. The researchers used thematic content analysis to analyze the data.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at the University of Cebu's Main Campus, Senior High School

Department, located at J. Cebu City, Alcantara Street, Barangay Sambag I, during the 2nd

semester of S.Y. 2023-2024.

Research Informants

The participants of this study were senior high school students of the University of Cebu

Main Campus. The study used a Convenience Sampling Procedure in selecting at 10 participants

or until data were saturated at the University of Cebu Main Campus, Senior High School

Department. According to Simkus (2023) Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling

method where data is collected from an easily accessible and available group of people. The

individuals in the sample are selected not because they are most representative of the entire

population, but because they are most easily accessible to the researcher. This could be due to

geographical proximity, availability at a given time, or a willingness to participate in the study.

Research Instruments

The researchers utilized a semi-structured interview questionnaire to gather in-depth data

about the students’ experiences In Asynchronous Learning. Semi-structured interviews allow the

researcher to be focused on the topic of interest while still giving the autonomy to explore
relevant ideas that may come up during the interview (Delve, 2023). The questionnaire consisted

of open-ended questions that were based on the study’s objectives. The questions aimed to

address sub-components such as students' positive experiences, challenges, and how they cope

with those challenges. Additionally, to mitigate language-related misunderstandings, the

questions were formulated in both English and Cebuano.


The key terms in the study give the following operational definitions.

Asynchronous learning is a term describes an educational approach where STEM

students participate in learning activities and interact with course materials, instructors, and

fellow students at different times and locations, facilitated through digital platforms or tools.

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