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Web Programming

Assignment 1
1. (a) Differentiate GET and POST.
(b) What is FTP? Mention functionality of various FTP
commands in brief
2. (a) What is the role of Cache and Cookies in the browser?
(b) Discuss how display resolution affects web site design.
3. Write a form to collect details of a user such as name, address,
radio button to choose subject of book he wants to buy,
Dropdown to choose favorite author and comments for the
last book he read.
4. Write HTML and CSS code for the following:
a. Set the background color for the active link states to
b. Set the list style for unordered lists to "square".
c. Set "paper.gif" as the background image of the page.
5. Design a login form with username and password option using
HTML and JavaScript. Perform following validations.
a) Username field: minimum length 6 characters, it should
not have any special character or digits other than _
b) Password field: minimum length 8 characters and
maximum length 12 characters, it must contain at least one
digit and atleast one special character from the set {*,#,_}

(Submit the assignment on or before 22/03/24)

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