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Summative Assessment

Executive Leadership and Governance

Table of Contents

Part A: Board Review Report Extracts for New and Existing Board Members..........................3

Task 1: Organisational Culture and the Role of the Board in Coca-Cola............................3

Task 2: Corporate Governance................................................................................................5

Task 3: Regulatory Landscape and Management Risks........................................................7

Part B: Leadership Report...........................................................................................................10

Task 1: Leadership and Management....................................................................................10

Task 2: Leadership for Performance.....................................................................................12

Task 3: Ethical Leadership.....................................................................................................18

Part A: Board Review Report Extracts for New and Existing Board Members

Task 1: Organisational Culture and the Role of the Board in Coca-Cola

Board of Directors plays a vital role in operational management as well as impacting the overall
organisational culture in a business organisation influencing the values, behaviours and beliefs
along with the constructive strategic approaches. Board of directors essentially impacts on the
overall development and business processes of a company. However, defining clear strategy and
visionary directions under the influence of the CEO is playing a vital role for the board of
directors for shaping a business organisation. The multinational companies like Coca Cola
essentially focus on using reputation and slow pace of strategic implementation that can create
positive and impactful approaches in the global business (Mansouri et al., 2018). On the other
hand, effective stakeholder management through appointing the Board of Directors in this
organisation significantly emphasises on the stewardship towards legal and environmental
identity of the company. However, this report essentially emphasises on different aspects of a
new appointment of the non-executive board members in terms of assessing the company's
organisational culture and leadership and the governance practices that can create value in an
extensive manner. As a global beverage company, Coca Cola essentially shows effective
organisational culture and leadership that processes through the board that significantly shapes
the strategic decision-making driven by the visionary leadership approaches of the CEO, James
Quincy. The Board of Directors essentially shows the effective execution approaches along with
the leadership implementation emphasising on creativity, innovation and extensive level of
global customer preferences. On the other hand, the current emphasis on environmental
sustainability and adopting these principles to organisational culture is showing a higher degree
of responsibility of the company.
The strategic vision and decision making of the Board of Directors and driven by key personnel
like the Directors Harb Allen, Ana Botin, and Marc Boland essentially emphasises on the current
global perspectives that are valuable in social as well as environmental context. Emphasising on
environmental sustainability and adoption of these principles is playing a vital role for the board
of directors and to encourage the adherence of ethical standards. However, Coca Cola has the
mission of value leadership and organisational structure development that prioritise the effective
strategies for the customers as well as the environmental context (Chiu et al., 2019). On the other
hand, the culture of the organisation displays a dedication to social and environmental
responsibility. Strategic approaches like water conservation, sustainable sourcing, and
community engagement are woven into the organisation's fabric, reflecting an ethical
responsibility culture. For example, Coca-Cola prioritises developing an inclusive and diverse
workforce that can be practised through the organisational policies related to workplace
discrimination and inclusivity practices. According to García et al., (2023), the corporate
governance and the guidelines of the company essentially shows the responsible approaches and
that can create value through responsible business practices. Corporate social responsibility
(CSR) and supply chain management the different layers of the business organisation crucially
shows the innovative approaches that can minimise environmental impacts as well as enhance
the value-driven approaches through employees and stakeholders. However, Brondoni, (2019),
argues that stakeholder management of the company is significantly structured through the
visionary approaches of the Board of Directors by emphasising on prioritising the organisational
goals. Apart from that, aligning the business organisation with current perspectives of human
relationships and social development is playing a vital duty for organisational culture and that
can emphasise on productivity and sustainability in an extensive manner.

Figure 1: Agency Theory based on principal to the agent

(Source: Van Slyke, 2007)
The multinational business organisation essentially has cultural values and social benefits in
different regions of the world by encouraging and popular beliefs and cultural values extensively.
Additionally, this component of its culture fosters many viewpoints and ideas, resulting in a
more robust decision-making process and a higher ability to meet a wide range of consumer
needs. However, the agency theory significantly emphasises on the traditional view of agent
principal relationship that can create value by assessing the self-interest and interests of the
organisation. The Agency Theory emphasises on the incompatibility between the self-interest in
the organisational management like the board members and the self-interest of the stakeholders
and investors (Van Slyke, 2007). As the contemporary business world is showing a significant
duty of information, the Agency theory argues the role of board members for the motivation of
short-term decision making and self-interest. The incoherence between principal and agent in an
organisation that needs to be assessed through the moral hazards and opportunism in strategic
decision-making through self-interest of the board member as the agent. Additionally, the
organisational culture of Coca Cola emphasises on delegating the works by the Board of
Directors that can implement effective contingency leadership in this transforming era of
business management.
Task 2: Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance significantly emphasises on the development of rules along with practices
that can operate the company by aligning with the vision and goals. The development of
relationships among different management agents, stakeholders, customers, as well as the
suppliers essentially plays a vital role in the development of corporate governance in
contemporary business management (Chiu et al., 2019). The corporate governance framework of
Coca Cola significantly shows the importance of responsible decision making in all layers of the
organisation by aligning the board members with the strategic vision of the business
organisation. However, the board composition of the company shows a wide range of individuals
for decision making and strategic implementation based on their experience and skills expertise.
This factor essentially focuses on the reversal development of a decision making system with the
execution approaches of strategies based on resources and strategic vision. Additionally, the
independence of directors essentially focuses on minute operations of the company to align the
workforce with the strategic vision. For example, the corporate governance of the company
essentially emphasises on environmental strategies with a global perspective to create value in
the overall supply chain in the changing market (MROZEK, 2023).
Partnering with essential stakeholders also shows the ethical standards and strict guidelines for
the employees to create value in the changing market. However, the Remuneration Committee of
Coca Cola significantly shows the importance of determining executive approaches regarding
compensation and implementing visionary strategic strategies in a productive manner. The
Remuneration Committee plays a vital role for developing the rewarding system leading towards
balancing the executive operations with the visionary approaches. Apart from that, the factors
like executive compensation disparity assessment in the company essentially focuses on the
employee salaries and well-being to align the workforce with the organisational goals
productively. Moreover, this factor significantly focuses on the effective stakeholder
management and adoption of human resource strategies that can create value for the
organisation. Contrastingly, the incentives averaged through the short-term as well as long-term
strategies significantly prioritises on value creation for the employees and other stakeholders
(Orhero, and Okolie, 2023). Coca Cola significantly emphasises on the investors for the
decision-making process that can enhance the overall productivity and the business performance
in the global market.
However, maintaining transparency and transformational leadership approaches through ethical
codes and conducts is significantly essential for the Remuneration Committee to foster positive
values and practices. It is evident that the corporate governance framework of Coca Cola
significantly emphasises on these approaches through appointing the non-executive board
members that can manage the diversity and the skills within the business organisation (McLeod,
2019). However, the independence of the non-executive directors essentially ensures the
affiliation for minimising the lack of control in a rational and practical manner of organisational
practices. As a member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) signifies the priority of conformity of the guidelines to develop competent
organisational practices for Coca Cola through focusing on productivity and competitiveness.
Additionally, creating engagement through executive and non-executive board members
essentially shows an effective corporate governance framework to create better control and
sustainability for the business organisation.
Task 3: Regulatory Landscape and Management Risks

Figure 2: Compliance management system through leadership

(Source: Callan, 2021)
The regulatory landscape and the management risk essentially shows the crucial importance of
an organisation by emphasising on the operational frameworks and uncertainty in management
approaches. The beverage company Coca Cola essentially shows a broader range of regulatory
requirements regarding environmental standards, food safety, advertising, international trading
and market disruptions. Callan, (2021), suggests that monitoring the gaps and creating
governance and accountability influences the effectiveness of leadership implementations in a
highly integrated organisational environment. However, maintaining regulatory compliance for
the company essentially shows effective incorporation of strategic management by the board
members to enhance the overall performance and sustainability of the company. Akanji et al.,
(2020), suggest that the responsibility of the board significantly focuses on identifying strategic
decision-making by forecasting the risks and uncertainties in internal and external business
environments. On the other hand, the regulatory landscape is now essentially focusing on the risk
management by strategic integration of resourcing and collaborative forces in a global
perspective. This factor essentially shows the requirement of aligning the operational strategies
with risk management approaches of business objectives of the company. Apart from that, the
board members need to communicate and the expectations and mitigation approaches opera risks
by promoting transparency strategic frameworks (Greenhalgh, 2021). The board is responsible
for creating accountability for the business organisation by assessing different risk areas of the
company to create a higher degree of sustainability in the operational practices. Assessing the
major three risks of Coca Cola shows the requirement of effective implementation of strategic
frameworks and corporate governance through the board members.
Health and wellness concerns through the beverage products
Consumers' growing health consciousness has raised concerns about the health implications of
sugary beverages. According to Motwani, (2023), the board members need to develop the risk
oversight of the which essentially shows the importance of identification and mitigation of risks
related to the broader aspects of production, market disruption, environmental standards as well
as food safety issues.
Ethical considerations
The intrinsic approaches towards threats and weaknesses of Coca Cola essentially emphasises on
the hierarchical process of organisational governance to create a coherence in strategies and
implementations. Apart from that, Shaykhian et al., (2019), argue that the ethical standards
enforced by the different responsible global organisations essentially emphasises on the ethical
behaviour as well as the compliance of operational approaches of Coca Cola in different intrinsic
and extrinsic manner with a global perspective.
Supply chain disruptions in the changing global market context
As the contemporary business market is evolving through technology and changing societal
perspectives. According to Southward et al., (2021), natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, and
labour issues all have the potential to disrupt Coca-Cola's enormous global supply chain.
Emergence of the operational gaps in global context is being a crucial factor in this post-
pandemic era of supply chain management. Evaluation of the rapidly changing market in
contemporary global scenario

Recommendations for the responses to risks of Coca Cola

Apart from that, the leadership approach through the board members essentially shows the
importance of executing the process of strategic visions and that can create a value for the
organisation on a large scale. Additionally, the strategic approaches related to production and
distribution, along with resourcing practices essentially shows important risks of ethical and
environmental concerns on a large scale. McLeod et al., (2019), suggest that it should provide
advice on marketing tactics that emphasise the health benefits of these alternatives while also
dealing with any stakeholder reaction. Understanding the potential impacts of external risks to
the financial health of the business organisation to be assessed by the Chairman and Board of
Directors to create a strategic framework for mitigating the risks. However, the information gap
in organisational management in recent years needs to be assessed through effective capital
assessment and beneficial approaches of organisational practices that influences and
organisational culture in an extensive manner. However, the risk appetite of the company
effectively needs to emphasise on the willingness to achieve the business goals by considering
resources and long-term impacts on the environment through creating compliance with
regulatory principles in different nations (Greenhalgh, 2021). On the other hand, the committee
structure of the company essentially focuses on the board of members which needs to be
assessed through audit and better control of strategic decision-making and implementation.
Part B: Leadership Report
Task 1: Leadership and management
Leadership and Management are significantly intertwined as well as a distinctive concept that
influences the organisational practices for achieving their goals in a productive and sustainable
manner. However, Coca Cola emphasises on the innovative and collective approaches in
leadership management through compelling vision and implementation strategies in an extensive
manner. The current CEO of the company James Quincy along with the Board of Directors
essentially focuses on the contingency leadership to emphasise on the current changes in global
perspective. However, according to Wilson, and Newstead, (2022), these approaches are
essentially motivating employees from different layers for adopting effective strategies and
productive decision making that can benefit the organisation for a long run. Additionally, the
leadership style of the former CEO Neville Isdell significantly enforced an organisational culture
of teamwork and cooperation and that essentially influences the overall decision making
processes and efficiency in the organisation. Contrastingly, the management approaches
emphasises on the day to day operations in the organisation in this integrated workplace culture.

Figure 3: Levels of organisational leadership

(Source: Collins et al., 2020)
The organisational structure allows the managers to set goals by maintaining the hierarchical
approaches in different layers and regional operations of Coca Cola. The hierarchical approach
of executive leadership and manage,met essentially focuses on the formation of teams and team
leadership through the managers to align the workforce with organisational objectives (Collins et
al., 2020). However, effective corporate governance of a Coca Cola essentially emphasises on
the contingency leadership by the CEO James Quincy and the adoption of ethical behaviour of
the organisation to create a value in the global market in an extensive manner. On the other hand,
fostering the sense of ownership among the team leaders and employees essentially plays a vital
role for the managers to enhance overall productivity of the company. However, the
transformational leadership style in Coca Cola also plays a vital role for aligning the workforce
with the organisational goal of sustainability and the customer-centric approaches in global scale
(Al-Dhaafri, and Alosani, 2020). The leadership and management style significantly
compliments and organisational decision making and implementation of vision to enhance the
overall sustainability and the growth of the company.
Coca Cola has a very proficient business track record with effective leadership and impact in
society. Their leadership approaches for the business organisation emphasising on
transformational leadership with adopting foster goals and inspiring people on a large scale.
However, the visionary and leadership of the global business organisation essentially focuses on
the day to day operational approaches to gain potential in achieving the goals. On the other hand,
one of the most important competitors like PepsiCo emphasises on diversified leadership styles
to create positive changes. The CEO of the company, Indra Nooyi, is now emphasising on the
productivity and performance and even a process to create competitive forces in the global
market. However, Mansaray, (2019), argues that this leadership style is significantly focused on
skills and operational excellence enhances the overall performance of the business organisation
unlike PepsiCo, Coca Cola emphasises on the value of integrity and beliefs on first priority.
Additionally, PepsiCo is showing a potential drawback of the leadership for the potential risk of
highly performance-driven and conservative workplace management in a significant way. On the
other hand, Coca Cola emphasises on the innovative and integrated approaches in human
resource management that can significantly enhance the brand image of the company. Compared
to that, the performance driven leadership in PepsiCo significantly focuses on the short term
goals for achievement for achieving organisational objectives.
Strong brand identity with extensive global presences is one of the most significant strengths of
Coca Cola which essentially focuses on innovation and diversification in a broader perspective.
However, identifying the key challenges in this transformational era of business development is
an essential factor for the leadership of the company. On the other hand, as the company
emphasises on visionary leadership along with an effective management approach (Benmira, and
Agboola, 2021). The strategic framework of the company essentially focuses on the key areas
like sustainable development and supply chain integration in a broader sense. These approaches
essentially show the higher degree of capability of a Coca Cola to create positive changes with a
global perspective and on a large number of people. Apart from that, addressing the challenges
like health and wellness and change in this era of business development is one of the most
crucial factors for the company. The company has an inclination towards innovation and
customer centric development which can create effective strategic management to mitigate risks
in the food product development. On the other hand, the market saturation within the local
brands is another important factor for the company which needs to be assisted through effective
branding and exploring the opportunities through local collaborations. However, the
collaborative operational approaches of Coca Cola have the potential to develop a higher degree
of integration with a global presence that can make the company thrive and grow in a sustainable
manner. Additionally, the leadership and management processes need to adapt the agility and
flexibility in this Industry 4.0 era of business development by incorporating technologies and
creative branding approaches in an effective manner (Maisoni et al., 2019). Apart from that,
maintaining strong brand loyalty is a crucial factor for the company fostered through the strategic
leadership emphasising on the organisational culture as well. The organisational culture of the
company essentially shows the responsibility of the board by adopting the most effective
approaches in workplace management as well as business operations on a global scale. The
evidential data show that the contemporary leadership commitments of Coca Cola are inclining
towards managing compliance obligations in a contingency manner. These approaches signifies
the importance of governmental collaborations by enforcing strategic decision-making of the
board members to create compliance in the international market.
Task 2: Leadership for performance
Balanced Scorecard of Coca Cola
The strategic management of an organisation has significant meaning and a diverse range of
practices. The Balanced Scorecard assessment approach associated with the strategic objectives
of Coca Cola effectively emphasising on the current business development. On the other hand,
categorising the major strategic operational areas of implementation assessed through the key
performance indicators (KPIs) essentially signifies the objective and measurable evaluation
(Camilleri, 2021). However, different areas like customer satisfaction and incorporation of
sustainability goals effectively shows the strategic approaches of the company in the changing
market. The financial perspective of the company, the revenue growth rate and operating profit
margin in this post-pandemic era of business development significantly shows the positive
outcomes for the business organisation. Apart from that, key performance indicators in the
financial approach of Coca Cola effectively focus on return of investment (ROI) and earning per
share (EPS) in the global beverage market.

Perspectives Strategic Objectives Key Performance Indicators


Financial Financially profitable growth  Return on Investment (ROI)

Perspective  Operating Profit Margin (%)
 Earnings per Share (EPS)

Collaborative Learning and development with  Employee Turnover Rate (%)

perspective effective communication system  Employee Training Hours per
 Acceptance ratio for

Internal process Quality in production and  Quality Control Index (%)

perspective distribution process  Distribution Cycle Time
 Production Efficiency
(manufacturing units per

Global customer Customer loyalty and satisfaction  Customer Retention Rate (%)
perspective  Net Promoter Score (NPS)
 Customer Satisfaction Index

Table 1: Balanced Scorecard assessment for Coca Cola

(Source: Developed by the author)
However, the customer perspective of Coca Cola ensures the business development process by
incorporating the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and customer retention rate with positive
outcomes. The strategic management of the company effectively understands the requirement of
strategic development through customer acquisition and retention rate. This strategy develops a
sense of responsibility and accountability, which leads to increased productivity. On the other
hand, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) allows the management of the company to evaluate the
importance of innovative branding and strategies like environmental sustainability development
(Appie et al., 2020). The Balanced Scorecard focusing on the internal process perspective
through the key areas of optimising the product development and distribution process indicates
the factors like efficiency and effective global supply chain management. Apart from that, the
quality control index is significantly showing the effective strategic approaches of compliance
with the food and beverage regulations all across the world. Organisational leaders can set clear
financial goals and emphasise the importance of each employee's contribution. The importance
of the learning and growth perspective of Coca Cola refers to the KPIs like research and
development investments and employee development as a strategic goal. However, strategic
communication for the stakeholder management also plays a vital role in the collaborative
practices of the organisation. Leaders in the organisation can effectively establish a suggestion
system that encourages employees to offer process changes and links their suggestions to actual

Leadership for performance of Coca Cola

Leadership for performance in the global business organisations like Coca Cola plays a crucial
role in this transformational era of business development. As the global business environment is
changing rapidly with the influences of Industry 4.0 aspects and extensive digitalization.
However, the transformational leadership in Coca Cola is now focusing on aligning
organisational goals with the current market trends like sustainability and inclusivity in the
workplace. As the competitors are focusing on short-term goal achievements and achieving
extensive levels of diversification in overall business processing, the leadership of Coca Cola is
now shifting towards value generation through morally influencing the global customers and
stakeholders. For example, adoption of effective strategic principles like technological
innovations and environmental sustainability, the leadership essentially emphasises on the
business performance that can create value and extensive social impacts (Ibrahim, and Daniel,
2019). Apart from that, the theoretical approaches of Herzberg’s motivators and hygiene,
essentially focuses on the wellbeing and encouraging factors of the employees in different levels
of a Coca Cola. This is consistent with Herzberg's approach, which emphasises both motivators
and hygiene considerations. According to Azeem et al., (2021), motivators like recognition,
responsibility, and personal development have a direct impact on job satisfaction and intrinsic
motivation. The leadership of Coca-Cola stimulates innovation and recognises employees'
achievements, which increases job satisfaction. However, different initiatives related to
employee management are playing a vital role in contemporary business and development
through reshaping the organisational culture. For example, Coca-Cola's "Open and Inclusive"
campaign encourages employees to share ideas and collaborate across hierarchies, cultivating a
sense of ownership and personal progress.
Figure 4: Elements based on Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
(Source: Bundtzen, 2020)
The leadership approaches and management in the business organisation and significantly
focuses on inclusivity in workplace management through employee-centric human resource
management practices that can create value in the organisational culture. The organisation has
made investments in fostering a great work environment, competitive wages, and prospects for
promotion. This is consistent with Herzberg's Two-factor Theory of Motivation, since basic
requirements are addressed for employees, minimising unhappiness and allowing motivators to
take precedence (Bundtzen, 2020). The company is also evolving through adopting effective
strategies and practices by motivating the workforce at different hierarchical levels. Coca-Cola
has adopted transformational leadership, which drives great performance by setting high
standards and instilling a sense of purpose in people. Coca-Cola's "Live Positively" campaign,
for example, not only promotes healthy lifestyles externally but also emphasises staff wellness
programmes internally, guaranteeing a positive work environment. Focusing on productivity and
individual performance enforced by the strategic vision of the organisational leaders and board
members allows the management to align the workforce with the performance goal of the
company. Coca-Cola's leadership also exhibits a commitment to promoting a culture of diversity
and inclusion. According to Dagher, and El-Farr, (2023), this factor is consistent with Herzberg's
thesis, as recognising individual differences and respecting varied opinions can lead to increased
job satisfaction. On the other hand, the corporate governance of the company is driving through
better control by developing employee-centric policies aligning with the global market in this
changing era of business development.
Evaluation of recent financial statement of the company

Figure 5: Key financial statement of Coca Cola in recent years

(Source: Adams, 2023)
The annual report in 2022 of Coca Cola shows that Net Revenues increased by 7% for the
quarter and 11% for the year, while Organic Revenues (Non-GAAP) increased by 15% for the
quarter and 16% for the year in 2022 (Adams, 2023). GAAP represents the financial system
referred through Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for a company. In a fiscal
year, non-GAAP financial measurements include organic revenues, comparable currency neutral
operating income, and comparable currency neutral EPS. On the other hand, the fourth-quarter
EPS fell 16% to $0.47, although comparable EPS (non-GAAP) was even at $0.45 for the year.
Organic revenue growth was high across operational segments, with price/mix increasing by
12% and concentrate sales increasing by 2%. However, the operating margin, which included
factors affecting comparability, was 25.4% for the full year, compared to 26.7% the previous
year of 2021, while comparable operating margin of Coca Cola was 28.7% in both the referred
and preceding years (Adams, 2023).
Task 3: Ethical leadership
Contemporary global business development is showing a significant inclination towards
environmental sustainability and ethical business practices on a large scale. The leadership
approaches also played a vital role in developing effective strategies and goals for achieving
sustainability that can create positive impacts within the global business environment. Bhaduri,
(2019), suggest that Coca Cola essentially focuses on ethical leadership approaches and that can
create value for a large number of stakeholders as well as business management by creating an
integrated approach in the international market. For example, Coca Cola is focusing on water
resource management and water pollution in the global supply chain which is gaining potential
for the company. On the other hand, the ethical leadership of the beverage business organisation
significantly focuses on customer rice and for the security regulations in different editions of
driving and business operations. Apart from that, managing the local market as well as the
collaboration is a vital part of ethical leadership for the company to create sustainability and
strategic frameworks. According to Dash et al., (2023), the ethical issues like, air pollution and
carbon footprint throughout the supply chain impacts on reputation as well as business
operations strategies of the company.
While the corporation has taken steps to address these concerns, their effectiveness and
transparency remain debatable. However, the effectiveness in information sharing and overall
transparency in operations influences leadership decision making of Coca Cola by adopting
innovative strategic leadership frameworks in a global perspective. On the other hand, the critical
assessment of the issues like local protests and legal actions related to water resourcing and
natural resource utilisation is now a crucial factor for organisations. Organisational leadership
focusing on situational leadership approaches and contingency leadership style essentially
emphasises on the importance of proactive and transparent cooperation in the local market to
regain the reputation effectively (Docters et al., 2023). However, the complexity related to
managing social and environmental responsibilities significantly impacts on organisational
decision-making through the effective strategic incorporation of the global beverage business of
Coca Cola. Ethical issues related to environmental and societal factors like inclusivity plays a
vital role in the current business management of the business organisation. Contrasting to that,
focusing on the sustainability principles emphasising on society, environment and the economy
with a global perspective significantly impacts on the organisational leadership of the world
leading beverage company (Saha et al., 2020).
Developing effective measures and short-term as well as long-term goals for minimising carbon
footprints and Greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions essentially impact on branding approaches and
customer satisfaction of Coca Cola. Apart from that, Coca-Cola's ethical challenge with water
usage and environmental sustainability highlights the difficulty of balancing social and
environmental duties while running a corporation. However, assessing the current challenges and
risks of global marketing essentially shows the importance of visionary leadership approaches by
new invigorating and the challenges and drivers of changes. While such initiatives are positive,
critics argue that they may not fully offset the company's environmental and social impacts. This
ethical issue highlights the tension between corporate profits and environmental and social
responsibility (Sharma et al., 2019). Adopting a flexible strategic framework by identifying the
drivers of changes, and needs to be aligned with organisational goals and objectives, and to
create sustainability and growth in the current competitive market. However, development of the
strategic frameworks and corporate governance through focusing on responsible business
practices essentially needs to identify the key areas of developments.
Recommendations for Coca Cola focus on the ethical issues
The strong global brand presents Coca Cola has the potential to strengthen community
engagement in different regions of the world that can enhance the effective decision-making
towards ethical issues and responsible leadership practices. On the other hand, Southward et al.,
(2021), suggest that the effective collaborative approach in the local market can create a
responsible resourcing and impact on the water pollution issues in an effective manner. Apart
from that, developing transparency reporting and effective key performance indicators (KPI) can
create a significantly strong transparency in the overall organisation management and that can
encourage sustainability practices on a broader scale. The company needs to emphasise on
corporate governance and leadership approaches that can regulate the sustainable policies and
enforce values in workforce and stakeholders through the work environment and organisational
culture. This approach has the potential to create a positive impact on branding and stakeholder
collaboration that can encourage the sustainability practices in a significant manner.
Additionally, innovative approaches like a sustainable practice in packaging and creative
branding can promote the responsible leadership approaches in the organisation. However, the
holistic water management approaches in different local markets can minimise the quality of
food production and the distribution system in a broader perspective (Sarwar et al., 2020).
Developing sustainable goals in short term as well as long term manner can help the
management system to practise sustainability practices and ethical leadership in an extensive
manner. On the other hand, the effective collaborations with the different NGOs and local
authorities along with the administrative organisations is also playing a vital role for the positive
initiatives towards environmental and associated approaches by the business organisation.

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