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By RC Pinnell

INTRODUCTION For two years the Baroness Dunwick has been searching for her lost
daughter. Assumed to have been taken by the slavers and held for
ransom, she awaited word of such every day until, finally, giving up hope
This adventure is designed for characters of levels 5th through 9th. It is
she would ever see her daughter again. But as the campaign against
intended for moderately experienced characters of various classes. If the slave lords neared its end, the Baroness began receiving notes that,
the players do not have characters of such caliber, you (the DM) may perhaps, her daughter was still alive. Delivered at random times of day
allow them to use the pre-generated ones provided at the end of this and night, often weeks apart, the notes expanded in detail and began
adventure. Optionally, if your players used the ones described in the offering more hope to the Baroness. Until finally, within the last such
TSR module, A1 (Slave Pits of the Undercity, by David Cook, published note delivered, the Baroness was offered the chance to retrieve her
in 1980) then you may allow to extend those characters’ levels by two, daughter, in exchange for a large sum of coin. Instructions were to tell
with increases in hit points commensurate to such gains. Whatever the no one—especially the council of nobles—about the proposal.
case, the party should include at least one cleric, one magic-user, one
thief and several fighter types; using multi-classed characters to fill in START
the gaps, or—double up—if the need arises.
Some weeks after the defeat of the slave lords, the players’ characters
Created to be a link between the TSR Slavers and Giants adventure- return to Highport, where it all began. Perhaps some wish to help rebuild
modules (A1-4 and G1-3), the bulk of what follows is derived from the the sea port, where others seek merely to rest after the weary campaign
Advanced rules system. Using the classic, Basic and Expert game rules, they have survived. But like many other groups, also enlisted by the
will require you (the DM) to make modifications to the material. noble councils long ago, they have come back, mainly, to receive the
pay they were promised.
One night while dining in one of the rebuilt taverns they are approached
BACKGROUND by a woman bearing a parchment note. Clearly a simple courier by the
manner of attire, the person cannot answer specific or detailed queries
Having defeated the slavers of the Pomarj, the armies of the ruling about the note’s content, but will respond that it is from the Baroness,
nobles swept across the land, chasing the lesser outlaws and their Dunwick. Upon delivering the note the person will wait for their response.
minions deep into the wilderness beyond the boundaries of civilization; (Note to DM: how you conduct this exchange, and the depth of
capturing and executing those that could not get away. And now with the roleplaying you and your party produce, is up to you to decide.)
slavers more or less eradicated, the council of high lords can recall their Upon opening the note, the group will read the following:
troops, regroup, and turn their attention to the needs and peace of their
citizenry Salutations, honorable defenders of the realm.
This plea is sent from the sad and heavy heart of a mother in search of
But outside of the Slavers’ circle were others, less known and not her missing daughter. My noble status has not helped me find her, and
entirely evil, that only interacted with the slavers for their own profits. she has been gone longer than I can bear.
Such persons were not part of the official organization. Those unknown With the war against the slavers ended, many of you might wish to be
to the council of nobles were able to cease their activities and lay-low, paid and return to your normal affairs of living. I am hoping that, you, are
hiding in hope that the ire of the ruling authorities would eventually an adventurous group, and find this proposal more interesting.
subside. I have received communications from someone calling herself. the
Riverboat Queen, that Liana, my daughter, is alive and well, being held
Nalia DuBose, known locally in the criminal world as the Riverboat at a secret location. Upon payment, I will get her back. While I most
Queen, is one such person. Neither evil for evil’s sake or good for the certainly will pay anything necessary, I would prefer such money be paid
sake of others, Nalia is the leader of a large band of river buccaneers to someone—perhaps you—to find this location, and retrieve my darling
that has remained unnoticed by the nobles of the land. As she and her daughter, instead. If you agree to do so, I will personally double the
crews rarely use physical force during their raids, and have never amount offered by the council of nobles to enlist your services so long
knowingly transported abducted persons or slaves, their operation has ago. If something other than coin was agreed upon, then I will offer each
not attracted the interest of the authorities. Until now. of you a land grant of 20 acres (worth 20,000 XP to each character).
I have no idea where my daughter is being held, but after investigating
the matter, I have learned that an abandoned stagecoach station stands
PLOT outside an old keep along the Jewel River; I mention this, because the
parchments I have received bear the markings of this locale—perhaps
To avoid the authorities that might be investigating her little corner of the stationary for the manager of that failed enterprise. And my intelligence
world, Nalia took half her crew and left the safety of her River Keep, network has confirmed that the keep is occupied by low level criminals
sailing along the coast to her secondary domicile on a small isle; part of and miscreants.
the bank islands south of Keoland. There she has remained for a year, If you accept my proposal, sign your initials to this document and return
waiting for word to be sent from her companion and second in command, it to the bearer. She will wait at Highport until your return.
informing her that it is safe to return. But being out of touch with her Please, I beseech you, help me get my daughter back.
network of eyes and ears, she is unaware of the changes that have
taken place in her organization. Nor that her most trusted companion is Baroness Dunwick,

Unlike the other high lords, recent, and disturbing, activities in and
around the area of River Keep have become known to at least one of
the ruling nobles—Baroness Dunwick.
During day time hours the following buccaneers are present:
Map 1 shows the community to be a keep within a walled village. Out- 2 x H. crossbow; 3 x sword; 5 x spear; 5 x ax Each will be wearing
buildings include craftsmen (16-18), two farms (19 & 20) and the (modified) leather armor for AC 8, M 12”, ATK (per weapon), DAM (per
stagecoach station (#21); those bearing no symbol can be used to house weapon/or 1-6), HP 1-6 ea., AL Neutral.
day laborers, passers-through seeking free shelter, criminals hiding out, (At night the gates are closed and locked. Half the numbers above will
or just run-aways. be present.)
These women will refuse entry to all males, and females they do not
The purpose of the mission requires the characters to use stealth and know. However, should a female character, having a charisma of 13 or
(hopefully) their wits as they infiltrate the community. Their goal is to find better and comeliness of 14 or better, demurely behave, seeking entry,
and retrieve the daughter of the Baroness. But some groups might feel there is a 30% chance she will be allowed in. (Minus her weapons, which
the urge to openly assault the keep and its citizenry. Since it is more must be left with the guards; to be returned when the female departs.)
than possible for the characters to reduce the entire place to rubble, Clearly, role playing is required here, and the better the case stated that
doing so should be discouraged, as the Baroness does not want her the female character wishes only to conduct some type of business
name and position involved in such actions. Also, attempts to do such within, the more likely she will succeed.
would likely result in those in charge quickly gathering up their goods The buccaneers’ modest belongings are kept in their quarters within the
and making a getaway. Keep. They carry no treasure!

The following information is intended to provide a skeleton for you to B. Wall Towers
expand upon. It is minimal in most cases, since the focus of this module Similar to above, these are guarded by the following:
is the dungeon areas meant to be explored by the characters. You do 4 x L. crossbow; 2 x spear; 2 x ax
not need to flesh-out anything you do not plan to include, or you may go
all-out and create descriptions for every location and person in and C. Gatehouse
around the village and keep. Two large wooden doors (6’w x 9’t) allow going in and out of the village
through this structure. A 15’ wide corridor within is flanked by rooms, one
NOTES REGARDING THE BUCCANEERS on each side, accessible via single doors; these are usually locked,
barring travelers from casually attempting entry. Two more large wooden
Whether born into the life, abducted and raised from a child, or having doors (same as those on the outer side) usually stand open at the end
recently joined as a teen or young adult, all the buccaneers that currently of this corridor; thus, while inside, buildings can be seen beyond.
follow Nalia, the Riverboat Queen, are exceptionally attractive women. The two rooms within the structure serve as an office and holding cell
Those with specific Comeliness are described where they appear later; for the superior buccaneers on duty here. When not needed at the front
for all others, assign each a CM score based on 12 + 2 d4 (this gate, the office is occupied by two female fighters. The senior one being
generates a range of 14 to 20). In addition, each will have a series of a 5th level fighter. HP 38, AC 2 (chain mail & shield), M 9”, ATK 1, DAM
tattoos covering their arms, legs, neck, chest, back and face. Some (by weapon/or 1-8), AL Neutral. Her abilities are: S 15, I 13, W 13, D 16,
might be small, but all are elaborate designs that, when combined with C 15, CH 15, CM +16. The junior officer is a 3rd level fighter. HP 23, AC
their high CM scores, produce unusual responses in most humans upon 3 (chain mail), M 9”, ATK 1, DAM (by weapon/or 1-8), AL Neutral. Her
first seeing them. abilities are: S 13, I12, W13, D 16, C14, CH 14, CM +15.
These two are under strict orders that no one is to be admitted to the
When in combat, they wear nothing, or specifically tailored leather village/keep without prior approval. Their personal treasure is kept in
protection that has cut-out portions to reveal these markings. This effect their quarters within the keep.
functions similar to the war paint worn by the Quallan; most humans (At night two different officers of identical description are present.)
seeing this for the first time will be temporarily thrown off-balance,
resulting in the buccaneer gaining the initiative, and a +2 to hit their D. East Gate
opponent for 1 round. After that, the target need only make a Save throw Unlike the Gatehouse, this does not have any rooms; two doors at each
versus Paralyzation to rid themselves of the effect; until a Save is made, side of the structure can be opened/closed to allow/prevent entrance
the effect remains active. into the village. Usually sitting (or standing) within it during the day time
are two superior buccaneers, each a 3rd level fighter; other than one
THE VILLAGE having CH 13/COM +15 and the other CH16/COM +16, they are the
1. Keep same as the one described in C (above).
2. Inn
3. Miner/Dwarf Fighter (Level 4) * All towers are 3-level structures with flat roofs where those with missile
4. Trader weapons may fire down upon invaders. Small rooms within each serve
5. Provisioner various purpose for those on duty at the time. The 2 lower levels do not
6. Tavern of the Salty Wench have windows.
7. Smith/Barbarian (Level 5)
8. Stable Master/Fighter (Level 3) E-R/T Private Residences
9. Sword-smith Most of these are occupied by normal-folks; 0-level types that do most
10. Herb seller/Foxwoman (See description later) * of the mundane tasks in the keep and village. Some may be seen as
11. Leather worker/Druid (Level 6) camp-followers, while others are merely down on their luck, or displaced
12. Mercenary/Fighter-Thief (Level 7-8) * by the events of the Slavers’ raids of the past.
13. Scribe
14. Lighthouse S Stables
15. Temple Ruins This structure is able to house up to forty horses maximum; six private
16. Trapper/Ranger (L5) rooms and stalls for the rest. At present, it is currently occupied by 9 light
17. Laborer riding horses; 3 light, and 2 medium warhorses, Only the riding horses
18. Miller are available for rent; decide what prices/terms you wish to employ in
19. Farmer this regard.
20. Farmer
21. Stagecoach Station
22. Wizard’s Tower/MU (Level 8) *
U-V Island Bridges Knife; wears two rings (see above & Ring of Water Walking). Hidden
Only the former structure is intact, allowing travel to and from the river in her quarters is her remaining treasure: 5678 CP, 4567 SP, 3456 EP,
islands. The latter one has been dismantled and thrown away. Rumors 2345 GP, 1234 PP, 13 gems (total value 11,111 GP), 9 pieces of jewelry
regarding this might be gained according to the interaction of characters (total value 22,222 GP).
and residents. (See Table later.)
Soran is Nalia’s Lieutenant and 2nd in command. She has been in charge
W. Warehouses (1-2-3) of the Keep in Nalia’s absence. But of late she has not been happy with
Simple large buildings with doors that can be locked. Each has a her rank, position and the loss of favor she once got from Nalia. (More
separate floor plan containing ground level, basement and an upper on this later.)
level and/or attic. Windows can be added (as many per elevation as you
wish) or not. The contents of each, or—what might remain from past Bosuns x 2
use—is for you to decide. F5, 38 hp ea.; AC 2 (chain mail & shield, dexterity bonus); M 9”; ATK 1;
Exploration of the warehouses is not necessary (with the exception to DAM 1-8/1-12; AL Neutral. For abilities see Gatehouse (C) previously.
follow), but are ripe for wandering encounters with things like Giant Rats, These two senior officers share quarters in the main building within the
Weasels and other vermin. Even the placement of a unique item, hidden Keep. Each has a personal treasure of various items valued at 5,000
and forgotten by time. GP. They rotate guard duty (as noted previously) and are either in the
The cellars of W-2 are part of a dungeon designed to be explored by the compound (60%) or out in the village (40%) during their off time.
characters; maps of it will appear in that section of the module.
Look-outs x 4
X. Commercial Docks F3, 23 hp ea.; AC3 (chain mail, dexterity bonus); M 9”; ATK 1; DAM 2-7
These are wider than the others; built for supporting heavy loads of /1-6; AL Neutral. Three of these have been previously described; the last
cargo. one/4th differs only in that she has a CH16/CM +17.
All of them share a large suite in the main building in the Keep. Each
Y. Keep Docks has a small sleeping chamber wherein they hide their own personal
These are private; intended solely for the use of the Riverboat Queen treasure, valued at 3,500 GP.
and her entourage. When not on duty, a Look-out is either within the compound (50%) or
out in the village (30%) or patrolling the outbuildings beyond the Keep
Z. Common Docks walls (20%).
These are for everyone else. Should a Bosun or Look-out be outside the compound, she will always
be accompanied by 7 to 12 0-level buccaneers not on guard duty. These
THE KEEP are detailed as follows:


5 x leather, shield, ax, knife

5 x leather, shield, sword, knife
10 x leather, sword, knife
30 x leather, spear, knife
20 x leather, ax, knife
10 x leather, h. crossbow, knife
20 x leather, l. crossbow, knife

Deduct from above those on guard duty at a tower and from those that
remain determine the number and type to accompany an officer.


a—Manor Hall. This large structure contains the private quarters of all
the superior buccaneers (F5, F4, F3), Soran and Nalia. It also has a
dining hall, kitchen, study and reception room.

b—Dormitory. All 0-level buccaneers reside here.

Thirty feet high walls surround the keep; the tops lined with sharpened
spikes coated routinely with contact poison. Thus, from the illustration c—Crafts Building & Storage.
above, it is clear that entering the Keep is possible only through the
tower, or the docks. Neither will be easy or without resistance, as both d—Kitchen (downstairs)/Dining Hall (upstairs)
will be patrolled and guarded by many buccaneers. There are six
(including the tower) structures that make up the Keep; floorplans are e—Latrine.
not included for any. Infiltrating the Keep is not required in this module,
and unless you (the DM) wish to include such actions by the players, it f—Tower Entry-passage.
is recommended you lead them away from thinking of such things.
The Keep walls are 3 feet thick and 30 feet high as noted. The narrow
The roster of the Keep follows. But bear in mind, the location of where catwalk atop these is lined with inset iron spikes running down the
each might be at any time of day is not provided, with the exception of middle at 1 foot apart; sharpened at the tip enough to cause a full d8 of
the guard towers and gatehouse. (Note: only half of the entire gang of damage to anyone attempting to cross over or move about on them;
buccaneers is listed, since Nalia and the other half are not present.) should a person attempting to do so stumble and fall upon them, from 1
to 3 of these will pierce them, causing 1-8 damage as noted, and an
Soran (the sly) additional poison damage may be inflicted if the person fails to make a
F7, 53 hp; AC 4(not armored)/-2 (armored: chain mail, shield, +2 ring of Save vs Poison roll. (Type B/Insinuative. See DMG p.20) The spikes are
protection); M 9”; ATK 3/2; DAM 1-8/1-12 +4 (16 strength and magical recoated with the venom every other day.
sword); AL Neutral. Abilities are: S 16, I 15, W 12, D 18, C 15, CH 18,
CM +21. 5’7” tall, 115 pounds. Swings a +3 Frost Brand long sword, +2
SPECIAL NPCs Typical greetings of “Good day”, “morning”, “afternoon”, “evening” and
so on will not be encountered with frequency; and of those, few with a
The Village roster (see previous table) lists several character types that friendly and/or smiling face. The residents of the village/Keep are a
are above the other residents in status, being as they actually have a close-knit group, having come here for various reasons; many include
profession/class, and rank therein. These NPCs should all be given their fleeing from the slavers and the authorities. Thus, the safety they have
own reasons for being in the Keep/Village, but need not have personal received from being here is something they will strongly seek to retain,
connections to the overall plot of the adventure. In other words, be as and strangers will always be treated with suspicion.
creative with them as you wish. (The exceptions are noted below.)
Inquisitive queries and asking too many things will more than likely be
3. Miner/Dwarf Fighter—Level 4. This NPC has some knowledge of the met with silence. The mission of the characters is to find the daughter of
dungeon beneath the station house (#21). Though she is Neutral, it is the Baroness—if she is, indeed, in the vicinity—and, get her out. Players
possible that she can be hired to accompany the characters. However, should be mindful of such (and reminded by the DM if necessary). But
since she only worked on areas 15-20; she is not aware of the others, casual social intercourse is a delicate matter if the characters wish to
as these were added later. Nor does she know of the secret passage learn things. ‘Is there a blacksmith in town?’ or ‘we are in need of food
that exists. S17, I10, W11, D14, C15, CH13, CM +14. HPS 33, AC and lodging’ are not threatening inquiries, and the residents will respond
3/prepared (+1 chain mail, +1 shield) or 8/usual attire (leather). Wields to such. ‘We’ve come looking for someone, can you help us out?’ on the
a war hammer, or ax (doing 2-5/1-4 or 1-6/1-4 damage) She keeps her other hand, is too direct, and will be met with glares. You (the DM) will
wealth of 350 SP/163 GP in a strongbox, hidden beneath her bed. She have to weigh all dialogue provided by the characters and respond with
fears going into the cellar and keeps its door locked. the amount of information you deem deserve a response. You must,
also, be prepared to divulge some, all, or none of the background you
10. Herb Seller/Foxwoman. HD 8+1 (37 hp) AC 2/4/6, M 24”/18”/12”, alone know.
ATK 1, DAM 1-2 or 2-12, SA Charm, spells (as L4 magic-user), SD Hit
only by silver or +1 magic weapons, MR Std. or as elf, AL Chaotic Evil,
Size S-M. This creature has only recently settled into the village, having BEGINNING THE MISSION
fled her former abode as the armies of the high lords swept through the
Pomarj. Her knowledge of the Keep, the Riverboat Queen, the activities Since the ransom proposal the Baroness received was on stationary that
of the buccaneers, is minimal as she has attempted to remain as normal came from the abandoned Stagecoach Station, it is reasonable for the
and inconspicuous as possible. Many in the Keep/Village are, in fact, characters to begin their search there. Should they inquire of it openly,
suspicious of her and thus she avoids leaving her shop as much as she the locals will—hesitantly—direct them to its location. Characters that
can. Her only treasure consists of Q(x5) and S; determined randomly or pay attention will notice that once so directed, the responding resident
decide what it is. will quickly move on, as if the matter disturbed them.

12. Mercenary/Fighter-Thief—Level 7-8. This individual came to River It is possible the characters may wish to enter and explore the village
Keep around the same time as the druid (see above), but for her own before the abandoned station. You should allow this, only if they manage
reasons; as a mercenary for hire, she has participated in activities that to get past the gates/guards. Be prepared to have the residents within
many would find—repulsive and maybe even criminal. As the armies of interact with the characters, behaving according to all the previously
the high lords swept the Pomarj, she decided to cut ties with the Slavers described sections.
(and anyone associated with them) and lay-low. She came upon the
Keep and village during her flight and upon gaining entry, found her skills (Note: exploration of the village to establish a base of operations, is
to be of use as a bouncer at the tavern. She knows little to nothing about possible. But this will not provide access to the sewers below unless,
who is in charge or what goes on, nor does she care to; her plans are to somehow, the characters gain entrance to one of the basement/cellars
simply—lay low—and when the time is right, head west. Although she is of a building that grants such. This should be very difficult to do; at best,
not attractive as most of the residents within the village/Keep, her looks it is only likely possible at night.)
are above normal for a half-orc. S18/23, I10, W11, D17, C16, CH12, CM
+14. HPS 56. AC 7/normal (dexterity plus magic cloak +1 and ring of
protection +1), or 2/with ring mail (and bonuses). She wields a magic ABANDONED COACH STATION (#21)
long sword +1 or +2 hand ax (for 1-8/1-12 or 1-6/1-4 damage). The only
wealth she has hidden away totals 90 GP. About three weeks ago a small band of a dozen Spriggan came upon
the abandoned station and took residence therein. Soran, informed by
22. Wizard’s Tower/Magic-user—Level 8. This is the abode of a magic- her troops of the situation, has allowed the creatures to remain; having
user, and follower, of the Riverboat Queen. Currently, she is with Nalia plans of her own to use their abilities and skills. This group is on-the-run
at the winter quarters on the isle south of Keoland, and her tower is from the authorities and has reduced their banditry to times after sun-
locked up securely. However, cellars beneath the tower connect to the down and a good distance from the Keep. During the day, most of them
sewers beneath the village, and may allow the characters access into will be resting, or asleep.
the structure. Should you wish to do so, you may design the tower your-
self, complete with traps and guardian creatures. If you do not want to Infiltrating and/or overpowering the Spriggan is a tactic the characters
do so, simply place several magical traps strategically within the sewers will decide upon. You (the DM) need only to establish the state of
to prevent characters from approaching this area. readiness of these beings, and their location at the time of the encounter.

The structure has multiple levels: ground, second story, cellars and attic.
INTERACTION BETWEEN CHARACTERS AND RESIDENTS Windows are not marked and you (the DM) will have to decide their
location. Neither is each room described in detail. The purpose of each
Having taken the road out of Highport by foot or mount, the characters is given, and you can elaborate upon that as you like.
will enter the area at the upper right portion of Map 1. From here they
will be able to see a farm to their left (#19) and one straight ahead of In addition, the Spriggan are capable of assuming a Large size (12’ tall)
them (#20). They can also make out some free-standing buildings to at will. Normally they are 3’ tall, and appear as very ugly gnomes. The
their left beyond the farm, and the wall and towers of the Keep. statistics for both forms will be provided for each encounter, but you (the
DM) will have to decide before play begins, how many and which ones
Time of day will determine if people are out-and-about. You (the DM) are in which form.
should determine who these would likely be and what they will be doing.
As characters approach, residents will stop to pause and stare.
KEY TO ENCOUNTERS #21 COACH STATION * This number is taken from MM 2. Use whatever rate of attack you find
appropriate for the weapon/s used.
Ground Level:
1. Waiting Area/Arrival-Departure Each room/chamber should be furnished appropriately. Though the
2. Manager’s Office place has been abandoned for a long time before the Spriggan arrived,
3. Dining Room they have tidied it up a bit, in regards to the areas they actually use. The
4. Kitchen remaining spaces will be filled with dust, cobwebs, rotted consumables,
Second Story:
5. Private Room/Double At night, it is possible the structure will be empty (60%), or occupied by
6. Private Suite but 2-3 Spriggan (40%). During the day, all will be present, though in
7. Common Room varying stages of alertness. Determine this as you like.
8. Private Room/Single
9. Private Room/Single Though they are on-the-run, they have actually managed to bring with
them a small amount of treasure after fleeing the authorities. You may
Cellars: break these amounts down further if you wish as to where they are
10. Dry Storage located; their total treasure amounts to the following:
11. Cold Storage
12. Secret Passage 4,000 CP; 3,000 SP; 2,000 EP; 1,500 GP; 6 gems (=1,200 GP); 2 pieces
13. Secret Room of jewelry (- 6,000 GP); and a magic Morningstar +1/+3 vs. humans.

Attic (14.) Though the strongest (in hp) among them acts as leader, the group
votes on everything they do. Majority rules. The leader is elected; he will
use the magic weapon in large-form.

CELLARS (#10-#13.)

The Spriggan avoid entering these chambers after encountering several

creatures that nearly killed them. Rooms 10 & 11 are standard cellars,
filled with the sundry items one would associate as being within them.
Currently, there are three (3) large Gray Oozes in areas 12-13 (HP 27,
25, 23). AC 8, Move 1”, HD 3+3, ATK 1, DAM 2-16, SA/SD/MR see the
Monster Manual (p.49), INT animal, AL neutral, Size L. XP Value 200 +
5/hp (each).
Area 13 is a secret room that leads to a dungeon and the sewers. It is
sparsely furnished—a desk, table, footlocker… On the table is a stack
of parchment sheets; some filled with writing, charts, timetables, etc.
This is/was the official stationery used by the station manager when it
was operative. Several faded sheets appear to be the beginnings of a
ransom note, but are scribbled over to the point of divulging anything
other than that.

ATTIC (#14.)

(a) This trapdoor is easy to locate and activate. The pitched roof creates
very cramped conditions near the perimeter of the chamber (around 3’
in height), whereas the center is nearly 7’. Movement is only possible
atop the rafters, which support vertical beams. Cobwebs fill the entire
area and must be burned or cut to get through. This space is the abode
of a Giant, Black-widow, Spider. She usually nests at location B. She
is AC 4, Move 3” *12”, HD 4+4 (40 hp), ATK 1, DAM 2-8 + poison, SA
poison, webs, SD webs, MR standard, INT low, AL chaotic evil, Size
large. A magic ring (Regeneration/vampiric) is stuck on the end of one
of her feelers. Thus, if injured, she restores 1-4 HP upon herself every
time she damages (hits) her prey.

AC 3(5), Move 9” (15”), HD 4(8+4), ATKS 2*, DAM by weapon type (or ADDITIONAL NOTES TO DM
2-8 +4), SA Thief skills/spell-like powers, SD Same, MR Standard, INT
Avg. to Exceptional, AL chaotic-evil, Size small (3’)/or Large (12’), XP In this scenario, the Spriggan have not discovered the secret cellar
Value 1,000 +10/HP (Unless you prefer to determine XP individually for rooms or the dungeon-sewers. This is done to keep each adventuring
each Spriggan, consider those in small form having 29 hp, while those area separate. You can, if you like, allow them to have discovered the
in large form will have 40.) secret rooms and what lies beyond; even using them as wandering-
random encounters, if they have not all been disposed of.
In small form Spriggan have the abilities of a level 8 thief; including an
18 dexterity. In the next two areas of adventure there are ways of access beyond the
PP 75%, OL 78%, FRT 70%, MS 77%, HS 64%, HN 35%, CW 81%; starting point suggested. (See later.) If you wish, you may make these
backstab for triple damage. locations available to the characters to allow them multiple choices as
In addition, they cast the following at will (1/round): affect normal fires; to how they wish to explore. However, you will need to find a means to
assume giant size (reversible); scare at -2 to save throws; shatter. convey such information to the characters in order for this to happen.
In large-form they can only cast a reverse of assume giant size.
KEY TO DUNGEON ENCOUNTERS 17. Long Chamber (20’x65’) Upon entering characters will immediately
be assaulted by a horrific stench. The walls are lined with wooden
The dungeon area to follow shares only a loose affiliation to what is barrels from end to end, with a second row of identical ones stacked
commonly thought of when the term is used. The area is underground, upon those resting on the ground (24 along each wall). These are filled
it has rooms, passages, and low ceilings (able to accommodate a tall with various liquids (of contraband) that have been sitting for, at least,
human—6’ to 7’ in height—but restricting anything larger.) Wall sconces thirteen months. A full half of them (24) contain various levels of plain,
have been mounted at various locations (1 per each wall/elevation per drinking water; all of which is stale and barely drinkable. Of the others,
room and 1 per 30 feet of passage), that might be used to hold torches six (6) are filled with dwarf-ale—each valued at 300 GP; three (3) contain
or oil lamps. The floors throughout are either (simply) hard packed earth weak beer; nine (9) are full of fine brandy—each worth 1500 GP; and six
or fitted wood slats. (6) filled with elvish wine—2500 GP each. Laying upon the floor about
midway down the center is the corpse of a dead giant-rat. A small part
The area was not (nor is) designed to be a gathering space for monsters of the far wall is bumped-out, where a secret door awaits discovery.
to occupy, awaiting the arrival of player-characters. Initially, it was a few
connecting chambers and passages, linking the sewers beneath the 18. Secret Chamber (20’x30’ish) Obviously meant to store items of more
village, and the cellars of the station house (15-21/ & 32). Its expansion value than that in the previous room, it is also occupied by a large,
(areas 22-30/ & tunnel 31) came later, during the height of the slave floating sphere-like being with a large central eye. This Spectator—4+4
lords’ regime, and with the Riverboat Queen’s desire to capitalize from HD/32 hp—was summoned here before the Riverboat Queen left, by her
it by moving contraband about. companion. It is rather annoyed at still being here, but will not attack
intruders unless, or until, they molest the treasure it guards. Five small
At present, the dungeon has seen little activity; the floors have become leather bags lie about the chamber floor, containing the following: 400-
thick with dust, ceilings and walls covered with spider webs and fungal 600 CP; 300-400 SP; 100-300 EP; 60-100 GP; 60 gems (base value of
growth. With the Riverboat Queen away for the past year, and the 100 GP each). A scabbard holding a magic silver dagger lies on the
complete halt of her usual business dealings, most of what was here floor as well. While it has no bonuses to hit/damage, when held, it will
before her departure still remains, untouched; some items in various allow its possessor to swim on or under the water at the rate of a Triton,
stages of rot/decay. That is not to say that the place is empty. For over and hold one’s breath for 7 to 12 turns if submerged. (The latter being
the past year various beings and creatures—having discovered entry cumulative, and proper time keeping is required.) It has an XP value of
either through the sewers or the tunnel to the surface (31)—have found 750 and GP Sale Value of 5,000.
their way here and are currently bidding their time.
19. Large Room (30’x30’) It is not clear from immediate inspection if this
Set encounters will be described, but you should also include the chance room has been entered or used recently. Filled with crates/boxes of
for characters to come-across other things, randomly, that one might various sizes and dimensions, nothing seems disturbed or opened. A
expect to find in such a location. The list below is by no means complete, visual count taking one full turn will produce the figure of 60 containers.
and you should expand upon it, or alter what appears, as you desire. Of these, half are full of mangy, smelly pelts (21-30 in each) of various
animals, worth half their usual value if in good condition (Use table in
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS DMG, p.17 to determine worth of each.) Fifteen of the remaining crates
contain 2-8 trimmings, 2-5 capes/or jackets, and 1-2 coats. All are in the
1. Beholder (20:20), 45 hp same condition as the pelts, thus worth half their standard value. The
2. Rust Monster (18-19:20) 40 hp last fifteen containers are filled with the following: 5 contain 1 to 4
3. Ghost (16-17:20) 60 hp tapestries each (determine yards and value, or simply assign a total
4. Slug, Giant (13-15:20) 72 hp value to each crate of 3,000 GP; 5 contain fifty/50 to one hundred/100
5. Basilisk (9-12:20) 37 hp pounds of ivory each (determine as required); and the last 5 each
6. Minotaur, 1-3 (6-8:20) 42/40/38 hp contain five/5 to ten/10 bolts of silk—each of from 25 to 50 square yards.
7. Shadow, 1-3 (4-5:20) 20 hp ea. But, within this chamber might be 1-3 Ochre-jelly, 6 HD/40 hp each.
8. Spiders, huge 1-3 (1-3:20) 14 hp ea. There is a base chance (30%) they will be present when characters
enter the room. If not, they are in the next chamber (20).
For every hour the characters spend exploring the dungeon that has not
included an encounter with a set-creature, roll a die of your preference 20. Large Room (30’x30’) The door to this room is stuck so tight within
to determine if a random encounter will occur. If the result is positive, the frame as to add a negative 1 penalty to Open Doors attempts. Once
then refer to the above list. None of those encountered above will inside the characters will see that it is pretty much the same as the one
possess treasure at the time of the event. Please limit random types of before it. But rather than being filled with crates, this room is cluttered
encounters to one each. The idea of the dungeon attracting a continuous with dozens of stone statues and art work. The majority of the statues
population of such things is beyond the time-frame the characters will are of sea elves and nymphs in various poses/positions; all but a few
likely be spending down there. are full body. While very well made, none hold any particular value on
the open market.
SET ENCOUNTERS Nine pieces of art, some in wood frames others rolled up like scrolls, can
also be found lying about or leaning against a wall. Eight of them depict
15. Small Room (20’x20’) It is currently empty. If you wish, characters scenes focused on sea elves and nymphs along a beach, or in a grotto,
may be allowed to discover a trap door in the Coach House, as an cavorting. Like the statues, none are of much value. The only painting
alternate route of entry. Should they discover the secret door leading to that differs from the rest is a scene depicting what appear to be a group
it (the coach house), be advised to prepare material-information that of female pirates. This was intended to be a gift from Soran to the
might be needed regarding said structure. Riverboat Queen, before she left. Instead, Soran hid the item here, in
anger, after being replaced by someone else as the Riverboat Queen’s
16. Small Room (20’x20’) This is the first chamber one enters if exiting companion. The item appears to have been defaced (see illustration to
the sewers; or possibly last, before entering the sewers. It may have follow.)
been a guard post at one time, but nothing aside from a sword rack on It is possible that in the room are 1-3 Ochre-jelly (see 19 above); there
the wall and a heavy foot-locker in the corner, remains. The latter is not, is a base chance of 70% that they are, if they have not already been
in fact, what it appears to be. It is, actually a monster in disguise. A large encountered. These creatures only recently came into the dungeon, and
Mimic (9 HD/54 hp) has managed to enter the room and occupy one of do not possess any treasure themselves.
the corners. It possesses no treasure at this time.
25. Large Room (20’x30’ish) A secret door in the n-e corner of the room
leads to a long tunnel that exits to the surface some 300 yards away. A
large wooden barrel half filled with stale water stands against the wall
opposite the secret portal. Another secret door in the s-e corner can be
located by the standard means. Other than the creatures present, the
chamber is otherwise empty. Three (3) giant Ants have gotten into the
room. HD 3, 20 hp each.

26. Secret Room (20’x20’) A medium-sized chest stands upon the floor
of this small chamber (in the s-w corner). It is locked, but not trapped.
However, lying atop it is a creature—a cat—that will immediately rise up
if anyone approaches. It is a Guardian Familiar, HD 1(9), variable hp.
A full description of the creature is found in the Fiend Folio, p.49. If you
lack this book, information regarding the creature is as follows: AC 8,
Move 12”, HD 1 (9), Attacks 3, Damage 1-6x2/1-4, MR 40%, AL Neutral,
Size Small. XP Value 1800 +12/hp. Each time the creature dies it is
reborn, adding 1 better to its stats (AC, Move, HD, Damage, etc. Until,
Apparently, someone took a quill and scratched over the face of one of upon dying the 9th and final time, when it is forever slain.) The spells
the subjects in the art. disintegrate, flesh to stone, temporal stasis, wish and alter reality will
There is a secret door at the far end of the chamber leading to a series block the creature from increasing in its abilities; Holy Word will banish
of passages. The usual discovery methods to find this are required. it back to its plane of origin.
Inside the chest is clothing, very fine (upper class) apparel one would
21. Large Room (20’x30’ish) The door to this room is locked, requiring imagine a young woman would wear. The number and type are left for
characters to bust it down, or find the key that opens it. Inside is a desk, you to decide. Among this is a small travelling case containing the kind
chair, and a cabinet with shelves against one wall. The desk has one of devices women use for their hair, makeup, grooming, etc.
drawer that is also locked. It is also trapped, and forcing it open will Also present is a stack of folded parchments, bound and tied by ribbon.
activate the trap, causing a thick cloud of poisonous vapor to fill the If opened and read, these will immediately be recognized as letters
entire room. Anyone within the room at the time must make a Save vs. written by Liana to her mother, the Baroness Dunwick. They generally
Poison, or suffer lung damage each round they remain inside. The vapor convey the following: that she (Liana) is sorry and does not wish her
will linger for 2 to 5 rounds (d4+1), with the first round causing 24 hit mother to worry, but she could not remain within her mother’s house.
points of damage, the second—20 hit points, the third—16 hit points, the That she (Liana) had met someone, and had to follow her heart. She
fourth—12 hit points, the fifth—8 hit points (half damage each if a Save asks her mother to not try to find her, for she will never return to her
is made per round). After five rounds the poison will dissipate. former existence, not after having found the love of her life.
Inside the drawer is a journal/diary. Many of the pages have been torn Clearly the letters were not sent. But why?
out and are missing, while others have been scribbled over so badly that
deciphering the contents is not possible. Of the few words and partial 27. Large Room (20’x30’) This chamber and those that follow were only
sentences that can be made out, the characters can deduce that the recently completed about three months ago. They are part of Soran’s
author was Soran, and that she became very angry when someone plan to expand the business of the riverboat gang into other activities;
came to the keep two years ago, and gained the favor of the Riverboat things the Riverboat Queen (Nalia) had avoided. Things like kidnapping
Queen; thus, displacing her (Soran). There is also the mention of some and extortion. Meant to serve as a guard room, its simple furnishings (3
kind of plan to get rid of this person, but that she (the author) must bide beds, a table and some chairs) do not suggest such; only upon finding
her time till the moment is right. the cells beyond the western door, will one see a connection. At present
Also, within the drawer is a silver necklace with a locket attached. Inside it is not occupied (unless you wish to place an encounter within.) A ring
the locket is a rendering of a woman. The necklace is worth 3,000 GP, with keys hangs on a peg on the s-w wall.
and the portrait is of the Baroness Dunwick. This item belonged to her
daughter, the missing girl! 28. Small Room (20’x20’) What look to be two (2) sword racks are
A secret door on the wall opposite the entry door must be located by mounted on the east wall. Both appear to be empty. One, however,
usual means in order to activate. actually holds an invisible magic cursed-berserking sword. It is
detectable by magic, or touch, becoming visible when grasped.
22. Large Room (30’x30’) Accessible only via the secret door (see map).
Once filled with a multitude of items, not much of anything remains; bits 29. Small Room (20’x20’) Though just another room used in the past to
and chunks of wood, metal, puddles of sticky goop are scattered about. store contraband or serve as a hideout, it is currently occupied by a pair
Clinging to the ceiling and ready to drop upon the next living thing that of hideous, giant females that discovered the dungeon after fleeing the
enters the chamber is a Huge Green Slime! 5+2 HD/ 33 hp. (See MM/ southern Pomarj. It is possible they are aware of the Spriggan, and that
p.49 for more information regarding this.) a casual agreement exists between them and the dour gnomes, but such
might not be the case. Racially, they are related to night and green hags;
23/24. Halls (20’x60’) These long chambers were once used to hold these are known as, Annis, 7+6 HD/ 52, 47 hp. Due to their height, they
contraband. If you desire, they may still contain within them countless are forced to hunch down a lot, reducing their usual AC by 2 worse, and
barrels, urns, crates, chests, etc., filled with anything you decide. Items causing them to attack at -1 per blow. (Complete info for them is located
may be mundane, worthless, or very rare and valuable; even magical in MM2/p.9) They have not discovered the secret chambers or passages
things might possibly be found after lengthy exploration. Regardless of within the dungeon and thus their personal treasure at the moment is M
the contents of each, there is a 50-50 chance that, upon entering the x100, N x10, and Q x5. The room contains two bunks, a wooden table
hall, the characters will have to deal with two creatures that have, some- and two chairs.
how, managed to find their way into these chambers. You may, if you
wish, have one in each; it is left to you to decide. Two (2) enormous 30. Large Room (20’x50’) Another long chamber intended to store items
Dungeon-crawlers (kin to their smaller cousins—carrion crawlers) will or hide groups of prisoners (or creatures). The door to it is currently
immediately move to attack and eat intruders. HD 6+6/ 48, 44 hp. They bolted from the west side to prevent a creature trapped within from
have only half the feelers (attacks) as the smaller versions, and the escaping (the Annis trapped it.) It is starving and will attack on sight the
substance they secrete will only paralyze victims that do not make their first thing that enters the chamber. The Otyugh is HD 8/ 21 hp, due to
Save against it, for 2 to 12 turns. They have no treasure themselves. starvation (See MM/p.77 for more information.)
Secret Passage: Add more gibberish to help create the madness within this poor soul.
You can also include more information the fellow might have picked up—
a) Currently, this space is occupied by a Huge Gelatinous Cube, having bits and pieces from the background/plot. Beyond what is provided, he
6 HD/38 hp, doing 2-12 damage. (Otherwise, it is the same as the one may even be henchman/hireling material; should the characters find a
described in MM/p.43.) way to end his madness. In such case, you will have to create his
persona and abilities to suit the situation.
b) A trap at this location is triggered by a pressure plate, that releases
from twelve to forty (12-40) crossbow bolts from holes in the ceiling. Up 4. A muzzled, nearly dead War-Dog (2+2 HD/ 4 hp; normally 11) lies
to four (4) characters can be within the square and, if so, each will be within this cell. If approached cautiously and treated, it is possible to
struck by three to ten (d8+2) of these missiles, doing 2-5 hp of damage mend the poor creature (note the low hit points) and bond with it. If left
each. (Always have from 3 to 10 bolts fire per person on the plate.) The be, it will die in two days. (Oddly, the man in the next cell has no idea
device is stocked so as to replenish its ammo twice, once pressure is off the dog is here.)
the plate. The plate requires a minimum of 75 lbs. to activate it.
31. Secret Passage. As previously mentioned, this 5’ wide tunnel makes
c) Another trap is located here—a 10’x10’x30’ deep pit. Anyone falling its way to the surface some 300 yards to the northeast. The exit there—
in will sustain six d6 hp of damage. It will release downward from a hinge a 3’x3’ wooden door—is hidden behind a rock, and covered with dirt.
along one side of the pit when enough weight is applied (50 lbs. or more.)
32. Secret Passage. This leads to the sewers beneath the village. Which
T-Passage is the next area of adventure described.

d) A door at the top of the T (east wall) leads to the cell-block. Standing
in the north alcove is a, man-sized, stone figure—a Stone Guardian, KEY TO THE SEWERS
HD 4+4/ 30 hp (See MM2/p.115 for more information.) Its purpose is to
stop anyone from passing through without giving the password (Ahoy.) Preface: Constructed at various times in the Keep’s past, the maze of
tunnels and collection-chambers beneath the village is designed to flush
Cell-block (e) These small alcoves are blocked by iron bars spaced 6 waste into the river and away from the community. Whom dug it and built
inches apart. A small, iron-grate door, accesses each. A key to each it is not important. The dimensions of the chambers are apparent from
door can be found on the ring hanging in room 27. The entire place reeks the map (to follow), but ceiling heights within these, and the tunnels, is
of urine and decay. Found within are the following: not. You should use your own judgement to guide you in this matter; an
average of 7’-10’ in large areas and 6’-7’ in the narrow passages would
1.The corpse of an invisible half-elf sits in the corner of this cell. A Magic- be reasonable.
user/Thief by profession, this unfortunate was from a previous party that Human waste and other disposed things can be dumped into the system
came looking for the Baroness’s missing daughter. When she and her via grate-covered holes found throughout the village (See map to follow
companions were attacked by the Annis the group scattered; with her also). Thus, the ground/floor of the passages will generally be found to
finding this location; using her last spell (Invisibility) and shutting the door be covered in layers—varying from 1 to 6 inches—from muck and slime;
closed behind her as she thought she might be able to heal. Instead, her perhaps small bones and other matter, as well.
wounds were worse than she thought, and she expired. For one reason There is nothing compelling the characters to explore the sewers, other
or another, this cell has not been needed or used. As a MU6/T7 she still than, perhaps, a gut feeling; but from various clues they have discovered
has on her a few, minor, items that might be of use to the characters: a already, the idea of continuing their search beneath the village/Keep,
scroll of 3 spells (Unseen Servant, Wizard Lock, Slow); Boots & Cloak seems reasonable.
of Elven-kind; Ring of Jumping (See UA/p.93); Dagger of Severing* Random encounters will occur. You may check each Turn with a 1 rolled
on a d10 indicating an encounter, or every 3 Turns, with a roll of 1 on a
* The MU/Thief was not aware of the full power of this weapon. At +1 to d6 indicating the same. (See MM/MM2 for # of type appearing.)
hit/damage, it is formidable enough, but the additional powers bestowed All the creature-monsters on the list provided have a maximum number
to it make it an item to be feared. Similar to the sword of sharpness, this to be found within the sewers. Once this has been reached, no more of
dagger can sever hands, feet, and fingers from opponents, but is also that type will be present until being restocked; a check must be made
capable of removing an ear and nose; or tails, if such applies. Its most each week, and a roll of 1 on a d6 indicates 1 per creature type has
dreaded ability is that, in addition, it acts like a sword of wounding (See returned to the sewers. If all random creatures are slain, the sewers will
DMG/p.166) However, it is semi-intelligent, and a command word is remain vacant for at least 4 weeks before restocking begins. (This is due
required for anything other than its +1 bonus to come forth. (You may to the ecosystem and other factors.)
alter this item as you like, retaining one, both, or neither of the major
abilities described. How long its major powers remain once activated, is Random Creatures
left for you to decide.) A small leather bag tied to her belt contains five Encountered:
(5) gems (base value 250 GP ea.), 5 PP, 10 GP, 20 EP. Type: Source: Max.#:
Alligator, Normal (4+1 HD; AC5, M6”, D2-9, L) Var. MM 20
2. A man-sized skeleton is all there is within this cell. Alligator, Large (6+3 HD; AC4, M6”, D2-16, L) Var. MM 10
Basilisk (6+1 HD; AC4, M6”, D1-10, M) MM 2
3. Inside this cell is a starving man, delirious, skittish, covered in his own Black Pudding (10HD; AC6, M6”, D3-24, S-L) MM 1
urine and defecation, but quite full of information; A former resident of Carrion Crawlers (3+1HD; AC3/7, M12”, D 0, L) MM 5
the village, he crossed Soran and was immediately incarcerated to keep Otyugh (6-8HD; AC3, M6”, D1-8x2/2-5, M-L) MM 3
him silent. Extracting lengthy explanations and/or answers from him will Rats, Gargantuan (3HD; AC5, M12”, D1-6, S-M) Var. MM 75
prove fruitless. Upon seeing the characters (or anyone) he will launch Rats, Giant (1/2HD; AC7, M12”, D1-3, S) MM 500
into a barrage of short, quick dispatches as follows: Slime Creature, Small (3+2HD; AC9, M6”, D1-4, S) MM2 20
Slime Creature, Medium (5+2HD; D2-8, M) MM2 10
Soran did it! She put me here, the hell-bitch! Slime Creature, Large (8+2HD; D4-16, L) MM2 1
It’s haunted, there. I seen it (points to cell 1), the door opens and closes Snake, Water moccasin (2+1HD; M15”, D1, S) MM2 18
all by itself! I’m not mad! Troll, Marine (5+5HD; AC3, M3”, D2-5x2/3-12, L) MM2 6
Rats is all I gits to eat. Rats ‘s good. Luv’em I duz. Undead, P.-Ghoul (2HD; AC6, M9”, D1-3x2/1-6, M) MM2 9
Ahoy! They always yell Ahoy! Stupid land-lubbers. Open the door there Undead, P.-Ghast (4HD; AC4, M15”, D1-4x2/1-8, M) MM2 6
(he points west) and they yells Ahoy! Idgits! All idgits! Weasel, Giant (3+3HD; AC6, M15”, D2-12, M) MM 6
Sent her to the giants, she did! Soran. That poor girl—fergit her name. Event*
The Queen won’t like it. Nope. Not a bit. Poor girl.
When (if) the characters discover and explore these chambers, convey
Other Information: upon them the extreme feeling of being cramped as they move about.
Each room is so full of things, that they will have to, literally, wind their
Alligators also have a swim move of 12”, and a tail slap for 1-12 or 2- way between items as they search. (You may penalize combat within
20 damage. (See Crocodiles/MM p.15) this context by some minus to hit/damage if you desire, and reduce their
Basilisk have a Gaze attack that turns victims to stone unless a Save AC rating and ability to use shields as well.)
vs Petrification is successful. (See MM p.8) Each turn they linger within a room will provoke the appearance of the
Black Pudding dissolve wood and metal; blows from lighting and cold aforementioned spiders. You may have small groups of the creatures
do it no harm. (See MM p.10) (1-4 giant/ 1-6 huge/ 1-10 large) rush out and attack intruders; usually in
Carrion Crawlers have 8 attacks that cause Paralyzation, unless the groups of the same type, but you can mingle and mix as you like. Use
victim makes a Save vs. Paralysis roll. (See MM p.13) the following base information—
Otyugh are never surprised, and their bite is 90% likely to cause their
victim to become infected with typhus (See MM p.77) Type: AC HD Move DAM Poison* Size
Rats (both types listed) have a 5% chancer per bite of infecting victims Large 8 1+1 6” *15” 1 +2 Small
with a disease (See MM p.81) Huge 6 2+2 18” 1-6 +1 Man
Snake/Water Moccasins will inject some type of venom into its victim Giant 4 4+4 3” *12” 2-8 NA Large
upon biting it (See MM2 p.111)
Slime Creatures are cunning, and can infect their victim with the Olive * The bonus is added to the victim’s Save roll in order to avoid.
Slime disease (See MM2 p.110)
Marine Trolls swim at 15”, and regenerate (See MM2 p.122) Digging through the stockpiles of items, the characters will come upon
Pseudo-Undead share traits of those they imitate (See MM2 p.102) some bearing labels and tags inscribed with names of families; perhaps
Giant Weasels drain blood from their victim (See MM p.100) heirlooms even. While the majority of things found are not of much value
there would be great interest in having these back. Clearly, the council
Var. means, a variation of the creature it is based on. of Lords would appreciate the finding of looted and stolen property to be
reported to the local authorities. Doing so can possibly earn them some
*EVENTS monetary reward (and XP); implement this if you like.
After much digging and sifting, and at least 6 Turns of searching, the
Annoying Insects. Hordes of gnats, flies and mosquitoes might swarm characters will come across the former possessions of the Atwell family.
up in an instant. While not usually capable of doing serious damage to The items are a little better quality than the majority of things found,
the characters, such things could obscure vision, block hearing or cause since the family was considered minor nobility (upper middle-classed at
one to slip and stumble. Use common sense if including them. least) in the Pomarj at the time their estate was raided and looted. Oddly,
among all of it is a small, ladies’ hat box full of letters. If investigated,
Ghastly Odors. In general, the air within the sewers will be unpleasant, they appear to be correspondence to Genevieve Atwell (the daughter of
at best. At worst, it might be so toxic as to burn one’s eyes, nose, throat Lord & Lady Atwell), from her friend—Liana Dunwick! The Baroness
and lungs. But there will come times when, rounding a corner or entering Dunwick’s missing daughter!
a chamber, such assaults will be met. How this affects the characters is The letters span the time of several (pre-debutante) years, where the
left to you to decide. girls appear to discuss things young girls would at their age. But as they
grow older, their letters begin to include topics regarding becoming a
Noises & Shadows. Again, sounds can carry along the walls, and the woman, and marriage, and children. Liana’s have a feel of defiance in
flickering of shadows caused by torches/lanterns will divert one’s eyes them; not wanting to be forced into a way of life her parents want her to
from time to time. Strange creaking, groaning, shrieking, splashing, are embrace. Her tone becomes more rebellious, describing adventures
things to use to avoid the boredom of constant silence, in-game. where she snuck out of the house and journeyed to Highport to find
Random Flushing of Sewers occurs twice per day. Buckets of river After the mention of Highport, Liana’s letters begin to make mention of
water are drawn and poured down all the grates in great volume. This a certain person encountered there; someone Liana was immediately
can cause the tunnels to become quickly flooded with 3” to 6” of running smitten with. Continued reading reveals that Liana and this person
water and debris, making its way to the outlets along the shore. (Which became lovers, meeting whenever they could in the seaport town. The
all tunnels drain towards.) Devise a/your timetable to reflect this, and last of the letters hint that Liana planned to run away to be with this
determine how much water you feel is reasonable; an average volume person. But with the Slavers raiding and burning coastal towns, it was
of 1 cubic foot/bucket x 100 buckets per grate is about normal. too dangerous to meet in Highport. It is in the very last letter that Liana
reveals, to Genevieve, her decision to journey to River Keep!
(The plot thickens!)
WAREHOUSE-1 The dwarf fighter/miner that resides in the structure above has locked
For some reason, this structure does not have a cellar. Optionally, you the door leading to the cellar and avoids coming down to it. Though it is
can design your own and create encounters to occur within, if you wish. spacious (see appropriate map) enough to store a large amount of
goods, it is currently occupied by a pack of creatures that have, so far,
WAREHOUSE-2 intimidated others from attempting to use the space.
Three cellar-chambers (A-B-C) can be found and explored. Each is full Immediately upon entering the cellar, from 2 to 12 Megalo-centipedes
of items, mostly mundane, furnishings and such, that once belonged to will rush forth to attack. They are AC5, HD 3+1, Move 12”, ATK 1, DAM
those that resided on the Pomarj, but were displaced due to the endless 1-2, SA Poison (Save or Die/ those that do still suffer 5-20 burn damage
raids by the Slavers. Mostly bought or bartered from looters, the from the venom inside their blood and muscle), SD Nil, MR Std, INT-
Riverboat Queen’s plan was to return everything to those claiming them Non, AL Neutral, SZ S-M (5’-7’ long). There are 18, total, located all
as once belonging to them…for a small fee. throughout the cellar. (Roll hp as needed, or give each 15.)
Well-built and insulated from the cold and damp sewers, the chambers The corpses of expired creatures that, unfortunately, made their way into
are unusually dry and warm. Dust can actually be seen, covering many this cellar lay about in varying stages of decay. The air is foul, and for
of the items found. As well as silky egg casings and threads, lying each turn spent within, each character has a 15% chance of contracting
randomly about. These, obviously, have been deposited by the large some type of disease; 5% chance of becoming infested by a parasite.
colony of spiders that currently occupy the rooms. Two hundred (200) (See the DMG, pages 13-14 for more on this.)
Large Spiders, sixty (60) Huge Spiders, and sixteen (16) Giant
Spiders are hiding throughout all three rooms!
KEY TO THE KEEP CELLARS Like the previous guards, they are dedicated to Soran. However, either
(or both) of them has a 20% chance of having overheard her rant and
D. This one-room level is directly beneath the buccaneers’ dormitory curse over a person called, Liana. To the point that even the half-orcs
listed as b (See previous map). It is full of boxes, crates, barrels, urns were amazed at the degree of hatred Soran expressed. It is not likely
and chests containing various sundry items the women use, but are not that either of them knows what has become of Liana, (that she was sent
in current need of. (Extra clothes, weapons, blankets, etc.) An iron-grate on a secret mission by Soran) but they might make something up, if they
in the floor near the north wall is a dumping station for waste. This can are overcome and think it might be of use; or, if the characters openly
be lifted, and the sewers beneath entered; though the smell of urine and inquire about the missing girl while interrogating them.
the buildup of excrement might repel the weak-of-stomach.
Since Soran has been in command, this chamber has been occupied by If the guards do not enter at any time during the characters’ searching
two elite-guardswomen: Fighter 4/Assassin 4 (HP: 40, 38.) These Half- of these chambers, you may—optionally—place some minor encounter
orc females serve Soran alone, and the buccaneers usually avoid them. with a creature, if you like.
They will attack any intruders coming up through the grate. They are:
AC 6, due to leather armor (one having magical +1; the other a magic G. Guard Room. Two cots with a footlocker beneath each, a small table
ring +1); Move 12”; ATK 1; DAM 1-8/sword (+3 due to strength) or 1- and three chairs are all that occupy this chamber. It is currently being
6/axe (+3 due to strength; attacks at +2 (due to strength); SA backstab used by the two elite guards already mentioned (See E-F). There is a
+4 to hit for double-damage; SD thief skills (MS 21%/HS 15%;HN 10%); 90% chance they will be here if not already encountered. Within each of
MR standard; INT very to exceptional; AL neutral evil; SZ M(5.5’ tall). the footlockers is the meager treasure they possess (J-N; Q x2) There
Two cots against the south wall are where they rest and beneath each is also a 40% chance that either or both of them will have 1-4 potions at
is a small box containing their meager wealth: treasure type J-N, and Q their disposal.
each. There is a 20% chance that one or both of them possess 1-2
potions of some type. H. Large Cellar. Similar to those already mentioned (E-F), this chamber
They are devoted to serving Soran, but have no important information is filled with looted/stolen items. If the characters enter and explore it
they could use to barter if they are over-come. from the opposite direction (through J then I), the guards at G have a
greater chance of hearing them (75%); if they have not been slain at
some previous time. If the guards do not come into play, you may place
a creature-encounter here, if you wish.

I. Armory-Cellar. Used to store weapons. Part of Soran’s plan to build

her own regiment of devout followers, this chamber is filled with the best
quality of weaponry gathered and collected from raids and other deals.
Stacked in piles, hanging on the walls, held in racks, are the following:

5000 arrows 2500 crossbow bolts 150 hand axes

100 battle axes 250 clubs 300 daggers
175 halberds 300 swords, broad-- 250 bows, short—
125 bows, long-- 100 crossbows, light-- 300 spears

J. Keep-Basement. Designated as the basement, it is the true lowest

level of the Manor Hall of the Keep (A above). Set in the stairs is a trap
door (see illustration) that is known only to the Riverboat Queen and
Soran. Standard find-secret-doors is required to detect it. This portal
leads to the sewers below (See Sewers Map). Again, it is a single, full-
level chamber that is filled with (bought but) stolen goods. As it is passed
through semi-frequently by the guards coming and going, there is little
opportunity for any creature/s to take up residence within. That said, at
the moment characters enter there is a 75% chance they will encounter
someone else in the chamber.
A rogue-looking person is currently searching the chamber. She is, in
fact, the sole survivor of a previous group hired by the Baroness to find
the missing girl. This person has not only managed to survive, but, due
to her skills, was able to remain undetected outside the keep in one of
E-F. These outer-cellars are, and have been, used as storage. Stacks the abandoned buildings. Determined to fulfill her agreement with the
and piles of various assorted sundry items might be found within (Use Baroness, she has entered the sewers periodically in order to continue
the DMG APPENDIX I: DUNGEON DRESSING as a guide or create the search.
your own lists.) There is a small chance (5%) that as the characters enter She is, Rayna Meadow-Leaf, a Grugach-Elf, F7/T10 (55 hp). AC 0, Move
and explore them, either or both of the chambers will be entered by a 15”, ATK 3/2 or 2, DAM 1-6/spear (+1 for strength, +3 for magic spear)
pair of guards. Like those previously mentioned, these are, elite, half- or 1-6/bow (+1 for magic bow), SA +1 to hit with bow/spear, SD Traps*,
orc guardswomen. The stronger looking one being a F7, and the other MR 90% vs charm/sleep only, AL Neutral, Size S (4’6” tall) Her Thief
a C5 /A5 (HP: 74, 45). The former being AC3 (wearing +2 chain mail), abilities are: PP 90%, OL 62%, FRT 65%, MS 93%. JS 63%. HN 30%,
Move 12”, ATK 3/2*, DAM 1-8 (+3 for strength, +2 for magic sword). The CW 99% RL 50%. Backstab at +4 to hit, for damage x 4.
latter being AC5 (having bracers AC5), Move 12”, ATK 1, DAM 2-7 (+1
for strength, +1 for magic footman’s mace). The smaller one (C/A) has *See MM2 p.63/UA p.10, or ignore this ability.
assassin-thief skills that may be used if called for, as well as being able
to cast the following spells: She wears Bracers of Defense AC6, and +2 Cloak of Protection.
Her stats are: S16, I13, W17, D18, C15, CH17, CM +20
L1: Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Light, Sanctuary
L2: Hold Person, Know Alignment, Resist Fire x2 Rayna has pieced together the following from all the information she has
L3: Remove Curse so far managed to gather:
1. Liana Dunwick, daughter of the Baroness, met someone in the coastal
town of Highport and began a romance with them.
2. Rather than be the debutante her mother expected her to be, and
being somewhat rebellious, she ran off to be with this person.
3. Originally intending to reside in Highport and continue her affair with
this person, the plan changed, as raiders attacked up and down the
coast. This caused her to divert, turning inland toward the small village
of River Keep, where the two of them were to reunite.
4. Once together, everything seemed to be settled. But for some reason,
the buccaneer lieutenant, Soran, did not like the situation. Feeling as if
she had been replaced as the favored one of the Riverboat Queen, she
began plans to dispose of Liana, somehow.
5. Slowly, Soran began reporting to her commander, rumors that the
council of high lords planned to arrest her. Fearing this, she took half her
command and fled to their winter hideaway.
6. Why Liana did not go along is not clear. But clues suggest that Soran
convinced the Queen to leave the girl behind so that she could use her
mother’s rank and position to persuade the high council not to pursue
the buccaneer leader.
7. With the Queen away, Soran took control of the Keep. Immediately
she imprisoned Liana in the cells of the Coach-station dungeon, and
planned to dispose of her.
8. Only recently it appears Soran concluded her plan, and Liana was
sold into slavery. Knowing that the Queen would never forgive her had
she outright killed Liana, Soran arranged to transport her nemesis to a
distant location, where Nalia—the Queen—would never think to look.
9. Having seen and copied a map (see map 4), hidden within Soran’s
private quarters, Rayna believes that Liana is being transported to
someone in the Jotens—a spur of the great mountain range to the west.
But, why there?

All the information Rayna has gathered (above) will likely complete the
picture for the characters; filling in the gaps they might have from things
they have not found during their own exploration and search. And she
will be glad to share what she knows. In fact, she will aggressively try to
offer her services to the characters, as she wishes to see her own quest
fulfilled. (If the players agree, you may have Rayna join their party. If
they do not, you can still have her follow them on their mission, spying
and keeping a distance. Should the party continue their quest to find
Liana and venture west, she will follow them. That’s how determined she
If she is not encountered at this location, she will automatically be found AFTERWORD
at some point after the characters have explored everything there is to
be explored. This will occur outside the Keep, at her instigation. This entire scenario is designed to require characters to infiltrate, spy,
As a possible companion, she adds not only her skills to the group, but search, discover… It is not meant to be an all-out conflict between the
a small number of items that she may aid them with; either by using buccaneers and the characters, exacting hours (or nights) of miniature
herself, or giving to those that can, things she cannot. Among these are battles of a major kind. The Keep is not built to, or manned to the point
the following: of withstanding, a siege by characters of the powers they possess. And
it is within that reason that the buccaneers—aside from those described
Potion of Extra-healing x3; scroll of 3 spells/clerical (Cure Light Wounds- in the KEYS—their locations, their actions, are not pinned down. Thus,
Heal-Raise Dead); Wand of Fear; Talisman of Pure Good. you must be prepared to make decisions regarding such warfare, should
your players go down that road.
Also, the absence of the Riverboat Queen (Nalia Du Boise) might raise
CONCLUSION more questions. There are reasons she is not here, and would likely not
come. These are answered in the next module, where she plays a critical
With everything described having been explored and/or encountered by role in the adventure.
the characters, this adventure can conclude with them continuing their And, as always, products of mine are never 100% complete; it is
quest for the missing Liana, if they wish to. They can (and should) notify expected that the DM will alter, modify, expand, add, delete, that which
the Baroness of what they have learned, allowing her to decide what she or he chooses.
further steps she wishes to take.

But in addition to all that has been provided up to this point, there is one
more area that might be investigated: the Temple Ruins! Located on the
largest river island, the temple is left for you to populate, if you want. It Text and Maps by RC Pinnell
can contain creatures, traps, treasure and whatever else you would like Cover/Interior Art by Unknown Artist. (I wish I could provide the identity
to incorporate into your game sessions. Who built it? Who conducted of this person, as the art is well done. Note: found on the internet under
services within? Why is it abandoned? When was it abandoned? These the search of “free pirate images”.)
are all questions that do not need answering, nor direct connection to
the plot of this adventure, unless you want them to. (It is possible that
the temple priests once served a dark goddess!)


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