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Additional The Aesir

Gods Hodur
AKA: Hod, Hother, Hoth

Compiled by Telgar Hodur is Baldur’s blind half brother who, according

----------------------------------------------------- to legend, was tricked by Loki into killing Baldur
while he was impervious to all but the “insignificant”
Foreword mistletoe. This angered Odin who sired Vali to
kill Hodur the next day. The death of Baldur was
The majority of this collection comes from the prophesied to be the first of a series of events that
Official Scion Wiki. Some of the Gods posted there will precede Ragnarok wherein most of the current
have been left out. If I left one out, it was probably pantheon is fated to be slain. This myth is still just a
because there was a canon version of the God prophesy presently, however, as the events leading
published, the description was especially difficult up to Ragnarok will occur closer toward the end
to clean up, or because the God was heavily reliant of the Aesir’s existence. Hodr is also prophesied to
upon non-canon material. return as a deity in the post-Ragnarok pantheon.
Currently, Hodur stands as the Norse god of
Grammar and spelling have been checked and darkness. Little else is known of Hodur except that
the entries standardizes to a single format. Aside he is blind and that few of the Aesir respect him
from that, the only changes have been removing for his perceived betrayal of his brother, the likable
references to non-canon material. Credits are listed Baldur. He is on rare occasion referred to as “Hodr
at the end of the document. of Battle” perhaps suggesting aptitude in combat
despite the debilitating lack of sight. Some consider
Thanks to all the authors for writing all these great his moniker as “Hodr of Battle” to suggest that Hodur
Gods and putting them out there for us to use! himself represents the blindness of war among the
Aesir, how it sweeps over and strikes down guilty
and innocent (particularly his brother Baldur) alike.
Still, his presence stirs uneasy feelings among the
other Aesir and various other just deities.

Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Dexterity,

Epic Perception, Darkness, Jotunblut, and War
Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Melee, Presence,
Survival, and Thrown
Rivals: Baldur, Frigg, Odin, Anubis, Shango, Xipe
Totec, and Zeus

AKA: Skade, Skadhi, Skathi

Skadi is the Jotun-born Goddess of hunting, winter

and the cold, wife of the sea god Njord. She came to
Asgard to avenge her father’s death, but agreed to
marry Njord as compensation, seeing nobility in him
and they divide the year between their homes. An
avid hunter with a sharp tongue, and gray eyes, she’s
most at home in the wilderness, skiing effortlessly
through the mountains for her quarry. Despite her by the finest things in life, but will never be forceful,
sometimes blunt personality she has a weakness for she is above all things subtle and respectful, even
beautiful things, evidenced by her crush on Baldur. to her enemies. Similarly she gains great pleasure
Despite her proficiency as a warrior, she will never be from pleasing others , but not so much as to be
goaded into combat. She doesn’t openly love or hate sycophantic, or gauche. Benten has been a geisha,
the other gods, but neither does she love her giant- and dancer, and a musician, and even at times is the
kin or the Titans. wife of a Zaibatsu CEO or Politician. She teaches the
In modern days, Skadi has taken on a number of way of the Silken Glove rather than an Iron Fist.
roles. She prefers cold places and has been an
Olypmic level skier, a mountain climber, wise martial Associated powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma,
arts instructor, an arctic biologist and even an Inuit Epic Manipulation, Magic, Tsuko-Gami, and Water
woman who is somehow in the right place at the Abilities: Art, Awareness, Craft, Presence,Empathy,
right time to do some good for someone. Those and Politics
who meet her recall a woman of determination and Rivals: Aphrodite, Amaterasu, Persephone,
patience, misty eyed, with a sharp wit, slow to anger Tlazolteotl, Frigg, and Raiden
but easy to placate.
When Skadi sires a scion, it’s usualy with handsome
or strong men. Her children tend to be the outdoorsy
AKA: Kangimo, Karitei, Kariteimo, Kishibojin, Koyasu Kishibojin
kind, with a love for hunting and an appreciation
for the cold, with her enjoyment for pretty baubles. Kishimo-jin was originally a Hindu demon who had
She takes care to arm them the best she can, but for hundreds of children and loved and doted on all of
the most part they’re left to their own devices. They them. However, in order to keep them fed, she would
function well in groups, but work best alone. Like kidnap and sacrifice the children of mortals. This
Skadi, they’re capable warriors, but are not easily behavior continued for ages until Buddha showed
roused to fighting. her the suffering she was causing by abducting the
youngest of her children and hiding him. After she
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Stamina, had searched the universe and not found her child,
Epic Intelligence, Frost, Psychopomp, and Jotunblut she went to Buddha for help and he asked her to
Abilities: Athletics, Survival, Marksmanship, Brawl, compare her suffering for the loss of one child of
Awareness, and Melee hundreds to the suffering of other mothers for the
Rivals: Uller, Loki, Artemis, Tsuki-Yomi, and Horus loss of their only child. Realizing the magnitude of
what she had done, Kishimo-jin repented and has

The Amatsukami
since acted as the protector of children. She has also
since acquired reputation for easing the pain of labor
and for blessing a woman with a child in the first
place. Kishimojin, known as Haritei in India, was one
Benten of the Goddesses involved in an exchange program
AKA: Benzei, Benzaiten, Lakshmi
similar to Bast. Only she chose to remain with the
Japanese as a Buddhist goddess rather than return
One of the Seven Fortunes, Benten is a goddess
to the Hindu and back to being overshadowed by
associated with Beauty , Grace, Love Wisdom and the
Kali. In modern times, Kishimo-jin’s face, lovely in
Arts (particularly Dance and Music), as well as Luck.
friendship and terrifying in wrath, graces the fertility
She is also a sea goddess with strong associations
clinics to help young couples conceive. In the legal
with water and the ocean.
system, she is a prosecutor of child abusers. She
Benten most often appears as a demure woman
has also been the manager of an orphanage, or as
of indeterminate age, often young, but not girlish,
a private foster mother. Or as the teacher that every
but full of life and wisdom. Her grace is flawless,
student accuses of being evil, but who goes to great
and often she will have a musical instrument at
lengths to aid and shelter them. As an immigrant
hand to enhance her lilting voice. Benten is used to
goddess herself, Kishimo-jin is also a fervant force
getting what she wants and is always surrounded
in acquiring equal rights for all ethnicities in Japan.
Kishimo-jin’s scions love children like her and most (Alternate) Associated powers: Epic Stamina,
of them take on callings as the defenders of children Epic Charisma, Epic Appearance, Fertility, Health,
in one form or another. Some can be gruff or scary Tsukumo-Gami
in form, recalling Kishimo-jin’s previous demonic Abilities: Academics, Art, Athletics, Integrity,
tendencies, but for the most part they are cheerful Presence, Stealth
and energetic people. Kishimo-jin is also a frequent Rivals: Iha-Naga, Durga, Green Tara
adopter of the scions of gods that cannot reach
them, or of those that have fallen in battle. Nor does
she concern herself much with ethnicity in choosing
lovers or adopting scions.
To most, Masamune is known as the legendary smith
whose katanas and tantos were as much works of art
Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Appearance,
as they were tools of war. What is not known to most
Epic Manipulation, Epic Perception, Health, Justice,
is that he himself was a Scion.
Guardian, Darkness, and Tsuko-Gami.
Born to a swordsmith’s wife and fathered by
Abilities: Stealth, Craft, Larceny, Medicine, Empathy,
Hachiman, the man history would know as
and Integrity
Masamune took up his stepfather’s trade and made
Rivals: Zeus, Hera, Odin, Loki, Aphrodite, Tlazolteotl,
it an art form. While rarely battling titanspawn
Baron Samedi, Erzuli, and Kali
directly, he forged many of the weapons that
Amatsukami Scions carried into war. His divine
Konohana Sakuya-hime father approved, and inducted him into the
secrets of forging relics. By the time of his death,
Konohana Sakuya-hime, commonly known as the name “Masamune” had taken on an even
Konohana, is the blossom-princess and symbol of greater significance among Scions than it has
delicate earthly life, and is the Goddess of Mount among mortals. It also earned him a divine seat in
Fuji. She is the daughter of the mountain god Takamagahara, at Hachiman’s left hand, as the god
Ohoyamatsumi. She is often considered an avatar of weaponsmithing.
of Japanese life, especially since her symbol is the In the centuries since his death and quiet apotheosis,
sakura, or cherry blossom. Masamune has not been idle. He handles the
She is the wife of Ninigi. She met the god on the creation of the majority of relics that are gifted to
seashore and they fell in love; Ninigi asked Oho- Amatsukami Scions, either creating them himself
Yama for her hand in marriage. Oho-Yama proposed or overseeing his tennin smiths. Weapons are his
his older daughter, Iha-Naga, instead, but Ninigi had forte, and while he has great pride in the traditional
his heart set on Konohana. Oho-Yama reluctantly swords and knives that carry his name, he has
agreed and Ninigi and Konohana married. Because developed a respect for modern weapons and
Niniji refused Iha-Naga, the rock-princess, human welcomes them as an opportunity for honing his
lives are said to be short and fleeting, like the sakura skills.
blossoms, instead of enduring and longlasting, like Masamune, in the rare times he appears to mortals,
stones. often wears the guise of a Japanese man in late
Konohana more often than not manifests as female, middle age and dressed casually, with glasses
but has taken male form in the past. In any case, she dangling on the end of his nose and the merry
has assumed the role of maiko, geisha, musician sparkle in his eye of a grease monkey tuning a
(with an affinity for the shamisen and tsugaru- lovingly-restored sports car.... or of a lovably-
jamisen), a “harajuku girl”, a hostess, and tour guide. crackpotted mad scientist. This is an accurate
Her scions are typically interested in traditional reflection of his personality. He is also something of
or exceptional arts that require grace, intricacy, an otaku, and he draws many of his inspirations for
delicacy, beauty and most of all, perfection. weapons and devices from the anime he watches. He
has few Scions, as most of his time is spent working
Associated powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Appearance, on projects, and those he has are much like their sire.
Sun, Fertility and Tsuko-Gami
Associated powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Strength, Xochipilli
Earth, Guardian, and Tsukumo-gami AKA: Xochipili
Abilities: Art, Craft, Integrity, Marksmanship, Melee,
and Science Xochipilli is the god of Flowers, dance and beauty,
Rivals: Raiden, Hephaestus, Ptah, and Thoth as well as games. He also has associations with
male ecstasy and eroticism and even entheogenic
drugs. Xochipilli is free spirited and carefree and
The Atzlanti rarely taken seriously by his fellows in the Atzlanti,
save for his twin sister Xochiquetzal and the female
counterpart in all the same realms. Xochipilli is
Chalchiuhtlicue also patron of games including the Ball Game of
AKA:Chalciuhtlicue, Chalcihuitlicue, She of Jade Skirts, Aztec fame. While the game may be dedicated to
Huitlipoctli or one of the more militant gods for
a specific event or purpose, Xochipilli quietly but
Chalciuhtlicue is the goddess of the rivers, streams,
firmly asserts himself as the Lord of the Game.
lakes, child birth, and presides over the baptism
Xochipilli often appears in modern times as a
of warriors. At one time, she had domain over
handsome young man and is often seen with flowers
the fourth world until it was destroyed by a great
in his hair. He is quick to laugh, rarely acts seriously,
flood, she would learn to use the waters to her
and is often under the influence of entheogens. He
advantage which is why she is the goddess of
frowns on materialism and often appears with skin
water. She is married to Tlaloc and lives with him
flayed as an example to his followers and Scions. He
in Tlalocan with her child Tecciztecatil. She is often
has been a landscaper, prostitute, professional sports
depicted as a woman with a aquamarine colored
player, botanist, pharmacist, and drug dealer.
skirt that seems to flow like water, sometimes there
are children playing in the waters of her skirt. She
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic
is a nice woman but can anger quickly and that
Perception, Epic Dexterity, Fertility, Health, and Itzli.
shows when the waters and rains are strong and
Abilities: Art, Athletics, Brawl, Presence, Thrown, and
damaging. Sacrifice is made to her by pouring blood
Science (Agriculture).
in the waters of her temple or even the bodies of
Rivals: Aphrodite, Freya, Cihuacoatl, Erizuli, Shango,
deformed or dead children.
Hachiman, Apollo, and Isis.
She is often seen dressed in simple clothes
and in roles close to the water or children, or a
combination of both. She has played the part
of a Lifeguard, a swimming coach, a midwife, A
member of the Coast guard, a Nanny, and once
The Dodekatheon
she was a marine Biologist. Her Scions tend to be
like there mother, their moods shift like the waters
AKA: Ceres, Kabeiraia, Chthonia, Erinys, Malophoros, Aneisidora,
their mother loves, they are often strong and Thesmophoros
independent or in total contrast they could very
well be dependent and childish depending on the Of the twelve Olympians of the Dodekatheon, it is
mood their mother was in. Demeter who seems least suited to the war against
the titans. A goddess of grain and fertility, sponsor of
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma, marriage and holy law, and of the nourishing earth,
Animal (Dolphin), Water, Fertility, Health, Chaos, and Demeter represents the more passive and genteel
Itzli. side of the Greek pantheon, though her capacity for
Abilities: Empathy, Melee, Presence, Integrity, vengeance when slighted is easily as great as that of
Athletics, and Medicine the other deities.
Rivals: Hera, Freya, Frigg, Poseidon, Eruzlie, Sobek, Demeter is the elder sister of Zeus, but never
and Susano-o. threatened her Titan parents as he did, and took
her place within the Dodekatheon only once the
usurpation wars were over and done. In fact, any by outright violence. An abusive husband who finds
malice she does bear tends to be more for the himself hated by his family and (ex-)friends, who is
other gods and goddesses rather than for her Titan finally driven to take his own life, may well be the
forebears ~ Poseidon once pursued her and forced target of a righteous Scion of Demeter.
himself on her, and her daughter from that coupling
(Persephone) would one day be abducted by Hades Associated powers: Epic Stamina, Epic Manipulation,
to be his “love”. Animal (horse), Fertility, Earth, and Arete.
Demeter sometimes takes the form of an elderly Abilities: Animal ken, Control (horse riding),
matriarch, regal and seemingly calm, but with a sharp Empathy, Fortitude, Integrity, and Survival.
tongue if wronged. More often she chooses to take Rivals: Poseidon, Hades, Pan, Quetzalcoatl, Thor, and
the form of a wild mare, and takes great pleasure in Min,
running with horses across the few wild places left
in earth. She rarely has any inclination to join in the
battle against the titans, much to the chagrin of the
AKA: Strife, Discordia, Enyo
other gods and goddesses, and generally values her
isolation. Her rivals are those gods who feel it is right The Olympian Ares is not a tame god, personifying
to force themselves upon women - she will interrupt murder and war, but his darkness and malice pales
her solitude to spite them, but will otherwise stay in comparison to his sister, Eris. While Ares sees war
away from war and conflict. as a means to an end, and sponsors noble hero and
Demeter’s hates to sire Scions, and rarely adopts bloodthirsty killer alike, he at least is dedicated to
them. While Demeter is far from being a virgin the war against the Titans. Truly, Ares has his dark
goddess, she has never enjoyed the touch of men side, but in contrast Eris is darkness incarnate. Eris
(or women) and would never procreate by choice. is relentlessly wrathful, reveling in the pain and
However, fate seems to deem that she be a victim of cruelty she inflicts on others. Modern Discordianists
being forced upon, and once every few dozen years argue that the truth is more complex than this, that
Demeter will walk the world in the form of a young while Eris is goddess of terrible things she did not
and vulnerable girl, and will be fated to be forcibly create them, but regardless she and her Scions are
laid upon by a mortal rapist. Why the goddess allows fearsome indeed.
this is unknown: certainly the revenge Demeter will Eris chooses to manifest in forms that allow her to
invariably lay upon her aggressors would suggest revel in her role to bring strife and pain. Whether a
that she resents their abuse. Regardless, Demeter has diplomatic agitator who deliberately pushes nations
great love for any progeny that ensue, despite that towards war, a punk-musician calling for violence
they are products of rape, and treasures each and on the streets of America or an African warlord
every one of them. Sometimes, it can be said, she commanding the pillage and systematic destruction
can be a little too interfering in their lives, and more of villages, Eris thinks in terms of scale. She is not
than one Scion who has failed to act in a manner interested in small-scale suffering – strife on a grand
that meets her particular code of conduct has been scale is her only goal.
punished by their mother. Despite rumors to the contrary, Eris is not a
Demeter’s Scions tend to inherit their mother’s servant of the Titans, and in fact has a good
connection to earth and the cycles of nature and working relationship with several members of the
her disdain for society. They may be quiet farmers, Dodekatheon, most especially her mother Hera, who
back-to-nature ruralists or even antisocial geologists. she respects as someone superior in guile and power
Many suffer from swings of mood - seasonal affective to her. However, Eris is not a nice person, and has
disorder and bipolar disorder are common to many of little time for heroes and noble virtues.
them. They rarely have much propensity for violence, When Eris is mother to Scions it is usually because
and can seem disinterested in the Titan War. However she respects the achievements of the mortal fathers.
they also often have a great sense of justice and Exceptionally cruel men and spreaders of discord
vengeance, seeking to take revenge on those who do and strife may draw her lust and she will seduce
harm to them, or who abuse women, usually through them or even take them by force.
careful manipulation of social situations rather than Her Scions, in contrast, often suffer their mother’s
creative cruelty as Eris takes the time and special Hecate
effort to make them suffer on an individual basis. AKA: Hecate, Hekat
Abuse creates abusers, and her children are often
viciously cruel themselves. Scions of Eris in the Sometimes depicted with three faces, and
past have included professional torturers, S&M sometimes with one, the role of Hecate in myth has
prostitutes, serial abusers and political rabble- evolved over the ages. Many different mythologies
rousers. have called her the midwife of Zeus (replacing the
infant god with a stone to fool the titan Kronos,
Associated powers: Epic Wits, Epic Manipulation, War, who swallowed the stone whole thinking he had
Chaos, and Arete. destroyed the child prophesied to destroy him), a
Abilities: Athletics, Command, Craft (torture), contemporary of Zeus (as the daughter of the titans
Empathy, Melee, and Politics. Perses and Asteria (the sister of Leto), or even the
Rivals: Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, daughter of Zeus. Indeed, though the depiction of
Hestia, Demeter, Freya, and Amaterasu, Hecate as three-in-one (with its clear association
with the Moirae) is thought to date to as late as the
Hebe 5th century, Hecate’s exact place in the pantheon
AKA: Juventas, Ganymeda, Dia has always been uncertain. Indeed, many of her
roles (goddess of fertility, of travel, crossroads and
The Goddess of Youth, Hebe is the daughter of Zeus death) seem to be within the domain of other
and Hera. She married her stepbrother Heracles Greek gods and goddesses.
when he rose to godhood. She represents everything When she manifests in the mortal world Hecate
that is good and fun about being young, and she is plays these different roles. Some have described
sometimes said to be the most beautiful of Goddess’s, her as a malicious crone, in keeping with her
though other goddesses often disagree. depiction in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Others have
She wis able to bring youth back to the old and seen her as a fecund mother, late into pregnancy
wherever she walks spring always comes. She is the and with a warm and welcoming smile. others
cupbearer and heaven and always makes sure the have encountered her as a pretty teenage girl, with
other gods and goddess have plenty to drink. Of braided red hair and a voracious sexual appetite.
course she also helps her mother Hera to her war Hecate’s Scions tend to carry a lot of the
Chariot, and even bathes Ares after battle. Hebe strangeness of their mother, and often seem to
enjoys being young and never looks a day over 18. their contemporaries to be far more aware of the
In the Mortal world Hebe is always young, always workings of Fate than most. They tend to gravitate
helpful, and always caring. She has been a school towards roles with an air of enigma and ritual
maid, a young kindergarten teacher, a nurse, a - priests and priestesses, occultists, theoretical
daughter, and a teenager. She doesn’t like cheating scientists and academics. Hecate, however, is a
on her husband but he of all people, being a former distant parent, and though she has many children
scion, knows how dire the battle with the Titans is and rarely visits them herself. Indeed, many of her
that his young bride must play her part. Her Scions children never realize that Hecate is their parent,
are very similar to her, they are young, helpful, and and often end up being sponsored by other gods
caring. They know the world is in danger but they and goddesses, especially Artemis in the case of
aren’t warriors, most prefer to help behind the scenes, women.
to make sure the warriors are ready to fight and make
sure they are welcomed home with joy. Associated powers: Epic intelligence, Epic
perception, Death, Fertility, Psychopomp, Magic,
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma, and Arete.
Epic Dexterity, Arete, Fertility, and Health Abilities: Academics, Art, Awareness, Empathy,
Associated Skills: Art, Athletics, Awareness, Empathy, Occult, and Science.
Integrity, and Medicine Rivals: Hermes, Artemis, Freya, and Huitzilopochtli
Rivals: Aphrodite, Artemis, Bastet, Freya, Hel, Sif, and
Hecate (version 2) the sea as a falling star. Helios has been regretful
ever since then.
The Goddess of sorcery, necromancy, crossroads and Helios only has occasional dalliances in the mortal
witches, Hecate is associated with the Dodekatheon, realm, and in modern life, has been a poet, an artist,
but she predates them by a fair margin. The Goddess an academic, always brilliant and deeply troubled at
a quiet, lonesome figure who avoids company, aside the same time.
from is the dogs who always trail her. She is maternal His scions are brash and arrogant, but are also full
and protective, despite her dark proclivities. The of resolve and courage, and they often fight with
Weird Sisters of Shakespeare’s Macbeth made a bravery and skill.
strong impression of Hecate and she often appears
in the guise of a trio of identical, elderly women. Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Intelligence,
Never desiring the spotlight, Hecate prefers to Sun, Fire, Sky, and Arete
keep to the shadows and guide events from the Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Occult, Fortitude, and
background. She has appeared in the World as Awareness
the anonymous cadre of personal assistants to a Rivals: Huitzilopochtli, Apollo, Amaterasu, Artemis,
powerful CEO, the unofficial advisor of the chairman, and Horus
and the best friend of the mayor’s wife who is always
asked for advice. Sometimes Hecate appears as a Hestia
night-shift security guard or a phone psychic who AKA: Vesta
has nothing but bad news.
Scions of Hecate often find themselves drawn to Hestia was the first-born of Rhea and Kronos, and
darkness in various forms. Their mother is rarely elder sister to Hera, Demeter, Zeus, Poseidon and
more than a distant memory, but messages or signs Hades. Long before the age of heroes she gave
from her tend to appear at crucial times in their lives up her position amongst the twelve Olympians
to guide them. Hecate may even insert herself into to Dionysus, in order to tend the sacred hearth of
their lives as an eccentric aunt or strange neighbor. mount Olympus. Hestia has little interaction with the
She loves her children and is fiercely protective of mortal world - she rarely journeys beyond her sacred
them, but the typical role of motherhood is just not hearth. however, she was revered greatly by ancient
Hecate’s cup of tea. Greeks and Romans as the chief of the goddesses
and as matron of hearth and home.
Associated Powers: Epic Manipulation, Arete, Animal Hestia remains in the Overworld at all times,
(Dog), Darkness, Death, Guardian, Magic, Mystery, and the sacred hearth she guards is nothing
and Psychopomp less than the Divine Fire that empowers all
Abilities: Academics, Control, Medicine, Integrity and gods, goddesses, demigods and Scions of the
Occult Dodekatheon. It is thought that should the Titans
Rivals: Artemis, Baron Samedi, Frigg, Hera, Isis, Kalfu, succeed in extinguishing this fire, the deities of the
Shiva, and Tezcatlipoca Dodekatheon would be stripped of power, and
unable to sire any further Scions.
Because she remains in the Overworld, and because
Helios her virginity is absolute, she has birthed no Scions.
Very occasionally, however, she may adopt a Scion.
God of the Sun, Helios is one of the lesser deities Scions chosen by Hestia will always be virgins, and
of the Dodekatheon. Looking at him, you wouldn’t will be beings of exemplary virtue. They may come
think this was the case. Generally blond-haired, his into her service late in their legendary progress,
eyes shining with inner fire, tall and proud as the perhaps serving under another deity for decades
noonday sun, he is the sheer fire and fury of the solar before seeking her out. Certainly they would need to
disc at its zenith, driven by an inner fire and an epic have the strength to visit the Overworld, and reach
resolve. However, a deep sorrow lurks in his heart. the Sacred Hearth first, though some particularly
His son Phaeton once drove the chariot of the sun, noble souls claim to have reached her in dreams
failed to keep a steady course, and crashed far into rather than through physical journey.
Scions of Hestia will always select a single area to Nemesis
protect, and will not leave that area for the rest AKA: Rhamnousia, Rhamnusia, Invidia, Rivalitas,
of their lives. This might be a single city, or a holy
temple, or just an area of sacred wilderness. They Nemesis is the beautiful and terrible goddess of
will rarely join bands of Scions, nor engage in the indignation and divine retribution, both against
Titan War directly, but will rather care for and nurture those who escape punishment for evil deeds or
their chosen territory, protecting the people within receive undeserved good fortune. She has served
it and the land itself. They will almost always be as judge, jury and executioner to countless victims
somewhat otherworldly, removed from society and over the millennia. Her justice is swift: she does not
uninterested in impure pursuits. permit her quarry to live for more than an instant
once they are found guilty. She is the balance to
Associated powers: Epic appearance, Epic stamina, Tyche and her good fortunes, ensuring equilibrium
Fire, Guardian, Health, and Arete. of happiness and unhappiness in the mortal world.
Abilities: Fortitude, Integrity, Medicine, Presence, Nemesis’ eternal mission is not to maintain law and
Occult, and Awareness. order, but rather to ensure balance. She will often
Rivals: Set, Loki, Prometheus, Zeus, and Hera wear a winged form and favors arrows or thrown
weapons when she must execute a transgressor
Janus against her perceived sense of injustice.
Nemesis hates the Titans because they take power
Janus presides over change and transitions such as that is not rightfully theirs anymore, and she hates
the progression of future to past, of one condition their servants for prospering against the will of the
to another, of one vision to another, the growing up gods. She also hates those who come into wealth
of young people, and of one universe to another. or power through unjust means, or who simply
He watches over the happenings that pass from the are powerful but do not deserve to be powerful.
Overworld into this. As the god of beginnings and A ruthless CEO who spends his money on self-
endings it has been suggested that he has acquired indulgence would raise her ire, as would an adored
Kronus’ purview over time, a suggestion which Janus idol who breaks hearts and spurns true love. Even
fervently denies. a good man who is the subject of jealousy from
When Romulus and his men led their raid to kidnap others would be hated by Nemesis, as the goddess
the Sabine women, Janus caused a hot spring to erupt, of justice hates those who create envy in others
making the would-be attackers flee. In honor of this, without realizing it.
the doors to his temples were kept open during war The sons and daughters of Nemesis pursue similar
so that he could easily intervene. The doors and gates goals with sometimes brutal and calculating
were closed during peace an event that occurred only proficiency. While some Scions of Nemesis find
four times in eight hundred years. themselves drawn to enforcement (for example
Janus appears now in one of two forms, clean-shaven as policemen or lawyers) it should be noted that
and of some indeterminate age between 20 and 40 or Nemesis is not a goddess of law, but rather of
as a more elderly, bearded gentleman. He favors jobs vengeance. Nemesis and her children do not believe
in the mortal realm which relate to his godly duties, in unflinching adherence to the rules, but rather to
security guards and museum curators are his most the redressing of perceived wrongs, via whatever
frequent guises but he has also been known to take means are necessary. Their sense of justice can
positions in funeral homes and on maternity wards. often be out of step with the society they exist in:
for example, to a true follower of Nemesis, it is a
Associated powers: Epic Wits, Epic Perception, Arete, greater crime to be a wealthy philanthropist that is
Guardian,Moon, Prophecy, and Sun the subject of jealousy than it is to be the poor and
Abilities: Awareness, Command, Investigation, Larceny, jealous worker who murders that philanthropist.
Occult, and Politics
Rivals: Heimdal, Huitzlopochtli, Xipe-Totec, Izanami, Associated Powers: Epic Wits, Epic Appearance, Epic
Raiden, Set, and Horus Perception, Arete, Sky, Justice, and Psychopomp
Associated Skills: Awareness, Command, Integrity,
Investigation, Marksmanship, and Stealth wearing heavy cosmetics. Educated in the finest
Rivals: Tyche, Aphrodite, Loki, and Huitzilopochtli European schools, Charlotte prefers to speak in
aristocratic French, but even when speaking English,
her accent is thick and her vocabulary is expansive.
Saturn She is capricious in her kindness and something of
A complex figure and often confused by modern
an outsider in the Loa pantheon, being more likely
minds with other, similar figures, Saturn is a bitter and
to aid the wealthy and educated than the needy.
melancholy god. Under the ancient Romans, Saturn
Nevertheless, in the battle against the Titans, all
was a god of harvest, calendars and the passage of
Gods are needed to lend a hand, and the Loa have
time. Greek syncretization lead Saturn to adopting
reluctantly accepted Mademoiselle’s offer to help.
many aspects of Cronus, the father of the Olympians.
In modern times, Charlotte chooses positions
To further cloud issues, Cronus is sometimes identified
of wealth and authority. She has been the PTA
with Chronos, the personification of time. Fatebindings
president at an elite private school, a French food
lay particularly heavy upon Saturn and, as a result, he
critic, a diplomat, and the wife of a prosperity gospel
often finds himself confused about who he is. Angry at
televangelist. Wherever she appears, she is the
humanity and Fate for his uncertainties and at history
sophisticated foreigner, always looking gorgeous
for largely relegating him to a minor role compared to
and making you feel inferior.
his Olympian children, Saturn keeps to the Overworld
Mademoiselle Charlotte’s Scions are rarely as vain
in all but the most extreme cases. When he comes to
as their mother, but they come close. Blessed with
the World for his (brief) visits, Saturn is an elderly but
wealth and good looks, the pleasures of the World
strong man who occupies positions of authority, but
have come easy to them, and they tend to pursue
lacks real power. He’s the political figurehead, the CEO
private interests as opposed to service-oriented
with an uncooperative board, the honorary chairman.
professions. Academics specializing in European
Castrated by his son, Saturn can no longer sire his own
history are especially common.
Scions but in rare cases he will adopt a Scion out of a
sense of duty. Even if willing to adopt a Scion, Saturn is
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma,
a disinterested parent and typically stingy with Boons
Epic Intelligence, Cheval, and Guardian.
and Birthrights. The adopted Scions typically grow
Abilities: Academics, Command, Empathy, Politics,
to resent their father, returning his indifference will
Science, and Presence.
their own cold bitterness. Misery loves company and
Rivals: Erzulie, Shango, Horus, Hera, Amaterasu,
Saturn’s familial relationships exemplify that truism.
Baldur, and Tlazoltéotl.
Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Epic Stamina, Epic
Strength, Arete, Death, Fertility, and Stars.
Abilities: Awareness, Command, Fortitude, Melee,
Science, and Survival
The Pesedjet
Rivals: Atum-Re, Miclantecuhtli, Kali, Quetzalcoatl, and
AKA: Bisu, Aha

The Loa A fat, bearded dwarf, Bes is ugly to the point of

being comical. Not originally a god of Egypt, Bes’s
origins are unknown though he resembles gods
from central and southern Africa. Nonetheless, the
Mademoiselle Charlotte Pesedjet took him in and made him one of their
AKA: White Lady, Saint Barbara
own. Along with Tawaret, he protected children and
Unique among the Loa, who typically manifest as women in labor and became a popular household
humans of Haitian or African descent, Mademoiselle deity though no temples were dedicated to him.
Charlotte represents European and Caucasian Also seen to drive away ill humor, he became a sign
women in the voodoo religion. She is beautiful and of joy, human pleasure, music, and dance. But Bes
sophisticated; always clad the latest fashions and was more than that, he was also an early god of
war and was seen as the demonic Aha: ferocious Hathor
and able to strangle animals with his bare hands. AKA: Mehurt, Mehet-Weret, Mehet Uret
Despite that, he was and still is a protector of Ra.
In modern times, Bes retains his good humor Hathor is the goddess of love, music, and was
and charm. Never one to appear as anyone but reported to be the mother of the pharaoh. At times
himself, he revels in his grotesque appearance in a she is depicted as a woman with the head of the
charmingly good-natured manner, making all feel cow, at others times she is a woman with a sun
comfortable and good about themselves. He has disk, crown, and necklace. Of course these three
been an OBGYN, stand-up comic, folk musician, and items are always depicted with Hathor no matter
shaman, using his divine powers to bring happiness what form she takes. Hathor is an inspiration to
and protection to those under his care. women everywhere. She is always wearing the face
Bes’s Scions can’t help but be good-natured and of a mother, wife, and lover. She is a lover of art
jolly regardless of their short stature, husky build, and children; she enjoys spending her time with
and less-than-average looks. People are naturally both and is often seen with them. Hathor is also
drawn to their positive outlook; and despite their the goddess of joy. Hathor existed long before the
appearance, they are never without companionship. formation of the Pesedjet and was respected if not
revered by most of the gods and goddess’s in the
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma, Pantheon. She is the wife of Thoth and has a great
Epic Strength, Animal (lion), Guardian, Heku, and dislike for Sekhmet, after all modern myth says they
War are one in the same and such talk insults this mother
Abilities: Art, Brawl, Empathy, Melee, Occult, and goddess greatly.
Presence In modern day life Hathor has been seen most in
professions and roles that bring joy to people. She
Hapi was a performer at Barnum and Bailey’s circus; she
AKA: Hep, Hap, Hap-Meht, Hap-Reset was an orphanage owner, a nun, a midwife, a pop
star, and even a marriage counselor. Much like their
Often confused with Horus’s son, Hapy, Hapi is a mother, Hathor’s scions are capable of great love
god of the annual flooding Nile and the fertility and can bring joy to people easier then any other
brought with it. He was married to Bhuto in the scion out there. They lend a hand when they can and
north and Nekhebet in the south and thought to always there to help there friends, it would also be a
have created the universe and everything within it. mistake to assume they are all peace loving hippies,
He is aided by crocodile gods and frog goddesses as though there are a few of those, they are more then
he travels Iteru. willing to rise to the occasion to defend those they
In modern times, Hapi appears as a pot-bellied love.
male with a beard and pendulous breasts hidden
under loose fitting clothing. His skin tends to have Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma,
a bluish tint. He has been a ship captain, farmer, Fertility, Heku, Animal (Cow), and Health
oceanographer, fisherman, and cook. Hapi’s Scions Abilities: Art, Empathy, Medicine, Presence, Craft, and
tend to become overweight as they age both Integrity
mortally and divinely. Many challenge themselves Rivals: Isis, Bastet, Aphrodite, Athena, Eruzila, and
out in the wilderness, especially white water rafting, Hera.
and many fight for cleaner water.
Hathor (version 2)
Associated Powers: Epic Stamina, Animal (Fish, AKA: Het Heret, Het Heru, Het Hert, Hat Hor, Athyr, Baalat
Marsh Birds), Fertility, Heku, Psychopomp, and
Water An ancient goddess, Hathor was originally seen as
Abilities: Animal Ken, Control, Fortitude, Integrity, the personification of the Milky Way and a greeter
Science, and Survival of the dead in Duat. After the death of Bat and the
Rivals: Poseidon assimilation of her duties, Hathor became associated
with joy, love, romance, fecundity, dance, music, someone else is garnering more than they.
alcohol and perfume. She is the abundance in life
and intricately connected to the female gender. She Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Stamina,
also has a fierce temper that can only be mellowed Epic Strength, Animal [dung beetle], Health, Heku,
with alcohol. Sun
In modern times, Hathor blends her fierce protective Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Fortitude, Integrity,
nature and love of women and children to come Presence, Survival
to the World as an OBGYN, counselor, midwife, and Rivals: Atum-Re
detective in a special victim’s unit. As a goddess of
alcohol, love, and dance, she has been an exotic
dancer, ballerina, vintner, and perfume maker.
AKA: Chon, Khon, Khonshu, Khensu
Hathor’s natural born Scions are very much like their
mother: fiercely protective of women and children. Khonsu is the God of the Moon, Time, and
Because of her very nature, Hathor adopts Scions far Knowledge, and Travel, and is the Guardian of Night
more often than she births them. Adopted Scions Travelers. Khonsu was an ancient god that existed
come from all ranks and professions and have been before the formal formation of the Pesedjet. He is a
disowned by their divine parent or abused by their boon companion of Thoth in his love of knowledge
natural parent. and games. As defender of Night travelers, Khonsu
watches over those beneath the light of the Moon,
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Charisma, in particular the Crescent, with which he is most
Animal (cow), Fertility, Guardian, Health, Heku, and associated. Ironically in more modern times Khonsu
Sky has become more associated with certain aspects of
Abilities: Art, Craft, Empathy, Integrity, Medicine, and vengeance as well as guardianship, always acting in
Presence the light of the Moon.
Rivals: Isis, Sekhmet and Aphrodite Khonsu is a young man contrary to most deities
associated with Time, and is often pictured with the
Khepri head of hawk, and with the disk of the Moon on his
AKA: Khepera, Kheper, Chepri, Khepra shoulders. He tends to appear as a young man with
bright eyes, though he is slightly on the smaller
Once a major god in the Pesedjet, Khepri side. His mortal guises have included astronomers,
ceaselessly pushed the sun across the sky during librarians, and even night watchmen. Rumor has
the day and through the Underworld at night. it has even donned the mask of a vigilante on
He became a symbol of rebirth, renewal, and occasion. He tends to have a quiet demeanor until
resurrection. When Atem-Re gained prominence, those under his protection are threatened, then he
Khepri was relegated to the “aspect” of Atem-Re of becomes a forceful fist of vengeance.
the dawning sun. Not pleased with his now minor Scions of Khonsu tend to follow in the footsteps of
status, Khepri fights to gain a more important role their father, leading quiet lives, though they tend to
in the Pesedjet. be night owls. They are intelligent and capable of
In modern times, Khepri appears as a muscular dark complex investigations, with subdued but strong
skinned, clean-shaven male. He has been a weight personalities.
trainer, bodyguard, and martial arts star. He loves
and strives for attention. If he can’t be the sun god, Associated Powers: Epic Wits, Epic Perception,
he will be something better and brighter and he Animal (Hawk), Darkness, Guardian, Heku, Justice,
charges his Scions to do the same. Moon, and Psychopomp.
Khepri’s Scions are extremely competitive Abilities: Awareness, Integrity, Melee, Investigation,
individuals, especially when against Scions of Stealth, and Thrown.
Atem-Re. No matter what field they are in, they Rivals: Artemis, Horus, Vidar, Sobek, Hoder,
strive to be the best, the brightest, and the most Tezcatlipoca, Tsuki-Yomi, and Kalfu.
unique. Certainly not camera shy, they use their
divine gives to draw others’ attention, especially if
Khons (version 2) silt was released into the water during inundation.
AKA: Khonsu, Khensu, Chons, Traveler, Wanderer, Tameran In compensation, Khnum was also given an
important part in the Pesedjet: protect Re on the
Khons is an ancient deity from before the time of the solar barge and create the form and soul of the
Pesedjet’s formal structuring. He is the god of the pharaoh. Though the time of the pharaohs are long
moon, time, and knowledge. He is the protector of gone, Khnum continues to guard both the dead
night travelers, the influencer of fertility, the healer and Re. As a potter, he continues to mold the body
of the pharaoh, and the destroyer of evil spirits. In of a child and its ka (spiritual double) before birth,
his early incarnation he was a bloodthirsty god who especially the body and ka of the Pesedjet Scions.
helped the deceased king catch and consume the Khnum had harbored some resentment for a time.
other gods. Later on, he was seen as a gentle and However, with the Titans’ recent escape from their
compassionate deity. prison and the rise of Scions in the world again, he
In modern times, Khons appears as a handsome has taken his role as potter and molder of ka very
youth or young adult with a keen intellect and a seriously.
dangerous light in his eyes. He has been a med Khnum appears as a ram, a ram-headed man, or
student, chess player, and a drifter. Although he has as a human male with the horns of a ram. Though
been relatively mellow for many years, it might not he no longer wears the plumed white crown of
take too much to bring out the blood lust again. Upper Egypt, he does have a tendency to sport
Khons’s Scions are smart and quick-witted, but they white hats. In modern times, Khnum appears on
tend to speak before thinking, getting themselves earth as a counselor of sorts. Molding the ka is all
into (and out of ) all kinds of trouble. They have a well and good, but molding the ba (the soul) is just
passion for learning or challenging their minds with as important. Khnum fathers Scions for that very
knowledge and games. Some recent Scions have purpose. Scions of Khnum tend to be counselors,
been computer game programmers and developers sages, wise men and women, holistic healers, and
of children’s learning tools. teachers. They believe that the soul and the body are
interwoven and the health of one affects the health
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Wits, of the other. Some Scions of Khnum take the potter
Animal (Falcon), Guardian, Health, Heku, Moon, and aspect of Khnum literally, gaining mastery in the
Psychopomp craft. They see the clay as the human body and soul
Abilities: Academics, Brawl, Investigation, Medicine, and think that to master the craft by understanding
Melee, and Stealth its properties and abilities they gain an insight into
Rivals: Thoth, Bastet; Arianrhod, Artemis, Kalfu, Odin, molding the soul.
Tezcatlipoca, Tsuki-Yomi
Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Intelligence,
Animal (ram), Earth, Fertility, Health, Heku, and Water
Khnum Abilities: Art, Brawl, Craft, Integrity, Medicine, and
AKA: Khenmew, Khnemu, Khenmu, Chnum, Knum, “Divine Potter”,
“Lord of created things from himself”, Her-shef, Khnemu Khenti Science
Netchemtchem Ankhet, Khnemu Khenti Per-Ankh, Khnemu Khenti- Rivals: Anubis, and Tlaloc
Taui, Khnemu Neb, Khnemu Neb-Ta-Ankhtet, Khnemu Hehep,
Khnoumis, Khnum, Khunum, Qebh
AKA: Kamutef, Menew, Amsu, Menu-ka-mut-f
The source of the Nile whose waters brought life to
its surroundings and whose flooding brought silt
Patron of traveling caravans and god of male sexual
and clay that was used on Khnum’s potter’s wheel.
potency, Min was a pre-dynastic god of the sky and
Husband of Satis and father of Anuket, Khnum was
thunder and important for the fertility of the Nile. His
one of Egypt’s most important gods as the builder of
image was brought into the fields and the people
the human body and the god who poured out the
danced naked in his honor to bless the harvest. He
Nile from his body. When Re rose to prominence and
is the god of the Eastern Desert, offering protection
Napy (a son of Horus) was given the Nile, Khnum was
to travelers and traders from Gebtu to the Red Sea.
relegated to making sure that the right amount of
He was also cherished by the miners and men who
quarried the stone at Hammamat. He is the god of animated and has a great sense of humor for a
men and male virility. death goddess. She likes jewelry, particularly golden
In modern times, Min appears as a handsome, necklaces and amulets. Nephthys takes a very dim
sexual, dark-skinned male with a large penis. He view of tomb robbing and will often punish anyone
has been a porn star, model, fertility specialist, and she discovers taking the possessions of the dead.
rugged farmer. Min is never short of companionship These punishments often take the form of a curse of
and many of his lovers have found themselves misfortune.
pregnant even when they have protected Nephthys has a decent number of scions due to her
themselves. Unfortunately, Min cares little for his husband’s inattentiveness. Many of her scions take
children until they have become adults. His male a protective role, choosing a person or object that
children usually received their first visitation when they decide needs defending. Woe to the titanspawn
they were fifteen or sixteen. However, as modern that destroys such a charge. Those scions that do
times require an individual to be an adult for legal not take up a guardian role often seek to return lost
matters, Min waits until his sons’ 18th birthday. He souls to the underworld that they emerged from.
rarely, if ever, visits his female children. Instead, he
will disown them through a deal with another deity. Associated Powers: Epic Manipulation, Epic Wits,
Min’s Scions are incredibly handsome men with an Darkness, Death, Guardian, Heku, Magic, and
undeniable sex appeal. Like their father, they are Mystery
only without companionship if they wish to be. Most Abilities: Awareness, Fortitude, Investigation, Occult,
of Min’s Scions become fathers shortly after their Politics, and Presence
first sexual encounter. They are considered a “man’s Rivals: Sobek, Set, Hades, Odin, Loki, Miclantecuhtli,
man” whether they are athletes, doctors, teachers, or Kalfu, and Damballa

Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Stamina,

Nephthys (version 2)
AKA: Nebet-het, Nebt-het, Kheresket, Anukis, Neb-hut, Neb-hwt, Nebt-
Earth, Fertility, Health, Heku, Moon, and Sky hut, Nebthet
Abilities: Brawl, Marksmanship, Medicine, Presence,
Science, and Thrown Daughter of Nut and Geb and companion to Set,
Nephthys is the divine completion (or dark twin) of
Nephthys her sister, Isis, and is a ferocious, dangerous goddess,
AKA: Nebet-het, Nebthet one capable of incinerating enemies with her fiery
breath. Nephthys symbolizes the transitional death
Nephthys is the dark counterpart to her sister, Isis. experience. She is the “saving sister of the god Osiris”
Where Isis is birth and light, Nephthys is death and and assisted Isis with gathering and mourning the
darkness. This does not mean she is evil. In fact, Osiris’ dismembered parts. Nephthys also serves as
she is quite the opposite. Nephthys represents the primary nursemaid and watchful guardian of the
protection on several levels. She protects the dead, infant Horus. As a chief mortuary deity, she protects
the gods, the pharaohs, mothers, and families. Still, the canopic jars storing the deceased’s lungs and
she is, first and foremost, a mortuary goddess. She is able to bring the breath of life to the dead via
is the wife of Set (who has little interest in her) and her wings. She is also the protector of the Sacred
mother of Anubis (she had hoped to attract Set by Phoenix or Bennu bird.
disguising herself as Isis, but got Osiris’ attention Generally, Nephthys was considered to be barren,
instead). Her magical powers equal those of Isis but was also considered to be the mother of Anubis
(although she does not have Ra’s name to play by Osiris. Because she was seen as barren, she was
around with). believed to be gay or bi-sexual.
Nephthys found that she likes the modern world, Nephthys appears as young Egyptian woman either
appearing whenever she is not needed in the sad and in mourning or joyous and celebratory. As a
Overworld. She has been a cemetery manager, a mourner, she wears typical mourning clothes for the
famous TV medium, an escape artist, an insurance culture and attends funerals. She takes on the role
executive, and a telephone psychic. She is very of grief counselor helping the living cope with their
loss. She also takes on the role of mortician, making problem from behind if they can’t hit it from the
sure that the deceased is properly buried. As a party front. They never, ever, take crap. They do seem to
girl, Nephthys loves her beer. She likes to take on have a weakness for beer and can get drunk easily,
the role of a fun-loving girl with many friends and an but Sekhmet always makes sure that this never
ability to out drink her male companions. becomes a fatal flaw. Sekhmet always sees that her
Scions of Nephthys are usually one or the other. children are strong and courageous, but also well
On occasion, her Scions are able to incorporate a equipped for the fight ahead.
little of the opposite in themselves, but only after
experience. Many Scions are drawn to death and Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina,
the occult. Their fascination with both brings them Animal (lion), Fire, Health, Heku, Sun, and War
into the world of Medical Examiners, Morticians, Abilities: Athletics, Control, Fortitude, Medicine,
and Grief Counselors, as well as Ghost Hunters and Melee, and Thrown
Parapsychologists. Even those that are considered Rivals: Set, Athena, Apollo, Tyr, Huitzilopochtli, and
flighty are drawn to the occult and paganism. Ogoun

Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic

Manipulation, Animal (kite, vulture), Darkness,
Sekhmet (version 2)
AKA: Sachmet, Sakhet, Sekmet, Sakhmet, Sekhet, Sacmis, Nesert
Death, Guardian, Heku, and Magic
Abilities: Awareness, Empathy, Fortitude, Occult, Originally a warrior goddess of Upper Egypt,
Politics, Presence Sekhmet was considered an aspect of Hathor and
Bast. However, it is Sekhmet whose bloodlust is
Sekhmet satiated by wine, thus Hathor came into existence.
AKA: Sechmet, Sacmis, Sakhet The two are separate deities. Like Min is a special god
ruling over men and their virility, Sekhmet rules over
In Egypt, Sekhmet was the lioness-headed goddess women’s menstruation. Sekhmet stalked the land,
of war and fire. Hers was the scorching heat of the destroying the pharaoh’s enemies with arrows of fire.
sun and the dry, sweltering wind of the desert. She is the bringer of disease and the means to cure it
Legend has it that when half of mankind joined and, thus, the Patron of Physicians. And in the days of
Set in a rebellion against Ra, he set Sekhmet loose the Pharaohs, she was sent to punish humanity.
upon them. She slew all of Set’s followers and even In modern times, Sekhmet appears as a black-
slaughtered those humans loyal to Ra until the gods skinned woman with red hair and “fiery” eyes.
tricked her into drinking enough beer (colored to Sekhmet still believes that what she does is the
look like blood) that she fell into a stupor. Sekhmet most appropriate for the situation. Her temper is
was also the goddess of pestilence, so her name was still legendary, but can still be softened with a bit of
invoked to cure or prevent diseases. wine. She has been a specialist in counter-terrorism,
In the modern world, Sekhmet has taken the form of a tough marine, and a weapons contractor. On her
a defense contractor, a counter-terrorism expert, a softer side, she works at a women’s clinic or shelter
virologist, a sports-bar manager, and even a Marine for abused women, healing both physical and mental
sergeant. She’s always ready for a fight, but rarely wounds. Woe is the man who messes with a woman
starts them (she always finishes them, however). weaker than he. Out comes the lioness and down
In all forms, Sekhmet is fond of beer, but she never goes the abuser. As rough and tumble as Sekhmet is,
drinks heavily. On the very rare occasions when she she prefers the comfort of women to men. She is not
does get drunk, she is very merry. Otherwise, she is adverse to a roll in the hay with a man she finds as a
fairly taciturn (but does not avoid conversation, as superior specimen, however.
long as it doesn’t become too intellectual). She loves Sekhmet’s Scions are much like their mother. They
American football. She always keeps a slight leonine are quick to temper and ready to fight, but a drink
quality to her features. of wine, especially red, will calm their anger. Most of
Sekhmet’s scions aren’t nearly as fierce or reckless as the time her Scions do not look for love (or lust), but
their mother, but instead are strong and steadfast when he or she finds a mate, the purring begins. Just
in battle. They rarely give up a fight, attacking a don’t make these Scions too angry.
In modern times, Serqet appears as a small, pretty
Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Animal [lion], woman dressed in whatever her profession dictates.
Health, Heku, Fire, Justice, War, and Sun However, under her calm exterior lay a sharp tongue
Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Fortitude, Medicine, Melee, she’s not afraid to use. Her words can sting and be as
and Presence poisonous as the scorpion or snake. She has been a
doctor/surgeon, a zoologist in the arachnid and/or
reptile section, a pest control agent, and a mortician.
Serqet Serqet’s Scions are as sharp-tongued as their mother.
AKA: Serket, Selqet, Selket, Selkit, Selkis
Whether they keep that tongue under control
Serqet was the Egyptian Goddess of Scorpions is another matter. Most of her Scions have little
and Magic. She protected humans from scorpion patience for or love of criminals and “wrongdoers”,
and snakes bites, but could just as easily kill with and many take some powers of Justice to ferret them
the same. A master poisoner she was revered and out.
feared in equal measure. Serqet also guarded the
jars containing the organs of the dead, further Associated Powers: Epic Stamina, Epic Wits, Animal
enhancing her association with medicine and (Scorpion), Death, Guardian, Health, Heku, and Magic
bandages. She was also a potent magician. Abilities: Animal Ken, Fortitude, Investigation,
Serqet appears as a small but beautiful woman, Medicine, Melee, and Occult
but her beauty hid her poisonous sting. Content
with her role as a guardian and healer, she is slow Seshat
to anger, but wrathful when wronged. Her revenge AKA: Sashet, Seshet, Sesheta, Safekh-Aubi, Safkhet
was not always swift, and often long, filled with
poison, and very painful. Her mortal roles have been Daughter/Consort/Wife of Thoth, Seshat is
as pharmacists, and doctors, Forensic scientists and the goddess of writing, astronomy, astrology,
New age herbalists, her scions often choose similar architecture, and mathematics. She is also the Patron
professions in tune with their parent. All have some of Libraries and all forms of writing. Seshat assisted
glimmer of her deadly beauty the Pharaoh in the stretching the cord ritual in which
the foundations of temples and other important
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Stamina, structures were assured the sacred alignments and
Epic Wits, Animal (Scorpion), Health, Heku, Magic, the precision of the dimensions.
and Guardian. Having once recorded the Pharaoh’s life in days,
Abilities: Medicine, Fortitude, Occult, Awareness, Seshat now travels the World and the Overworld
Academics, and Integrity. recording history as it happens. She usually appears
Rivals: Set, Hera, Sif, Tezcatlipoca, and Kalfu. as an average, somewhat bookish woman with
practical, neutral-colored clothing. She has traded
her stylus for a laptop and PDA. She can access
Serqet (version 2) Thoth’s massive library and upload information with
AKA: Selket, Serket, Selqet, Selkit, Selkis, Selchis, Selkhit, Selqet, Serkhet,
Serket-hetyt, Serquet the touch of a button.
Seshat’s Scions are as equally adept with computers
Serqet, the dangerous scorpion goddess of magic, as they are with the Dewey Decimal System and
both protected the masses from and punished come from the rank of librarians, history professors,
wrongdoers with snake and scorpion poison. She architects, mathematicians, astrophysicists, and
protected Isis and Horus from Set. She joined Ra on astrologers.
his Solar Barque through the underworld to protect
him from Apep. There, she also helped the newly Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Wits,
deceased orient themselves. She was the goddess of Animal (leopard), Heku, Magic, and Moon
marriage and conjugal union and protected mothers Abilities: Academics, Art, Investigation, Occult,
and children against the scorpion’s poison, as well as Politics, and Science
protected the canopic jar that held the intestines.
Tawaret Tefnut
AKA: Taurt, Tuat, Taueret, Tuart, Ta-weret, Tawaret, Taueret, Opet, Ipet,
Apet, Ipy, Reret, Rert, Reret, Rerit, Rertu; Thoeris and Toeris
Tefnut is the goddess of moisture and rain. In ancient
times, she kept the land of Egypt fertile by making
Tawaret started out the demon wife of Apep and
sure the inundation occurred without fail. Long ago,
the original god of evil, but as the Egyptian people
she left Egypt after an argument with her husband,
began to see female hippopotamuses as less
Shu (likely over his decision to separate Geb, their
aggressive than the males, Tawaret’s role changed
son, from Nut), and went south, leaving Egypt in
to one of protection, especially the protection of
drought. Thoth found Tefnut, who was hunting
children. She was seen as the goddess of the annual
humans in the form of a lion, and managed to
flooding of the Nile and the harvest it brought
convince her to return to Egypt. She seems to have
with it as well as one who protected against evil by
gotten over this and forgave Shu, although she likes
restraining it.
to work against Thoth in revenge. She is depicted as
Although a lesser god in the roles the Pesedjet
a lioness-headed goddess.
perform (she was a household deity), she was still
Tefnut does not often visit the modern world. She’s
considered the consort of Apep and, eventually, Set’s
appeared as a big game hunter, a worker in a water
concubine after he took over the role of the god of
purification plant, and a wealthy elderly woman
evil. However, she deserted Set and took Horus’s side
who wears a ridiculous amount of furs and jewelry
in the two’s fight over the Egyptian throne.
. Tefnut believes heavily in the superiority of the
Tawaret had other roles as well. In the Book of
Pesedjet and does not often meddle in the affairs of
the Dead, she is the goddess who nourishes the
outside pantheons. She is generally unconcerned
deceased and devours the wicked and guides
about the war with the titans and believes that the
the dead to the afterlife. She is also a guard of the
gods’ victory is certain. This does not mean she’s
mountains in the west where the deceased entered
blind or stupid. She prepares her scions for the
the land of the dead. She also helped with the
upcoming battles as much as any other god. To
rebirth of souls. Tawaret prefers dealing with the
mortals, she is vain and conceited to the point of
souls of recently deceased children.
In modern times Tawaret usually appears in the
Tefnut’s scions tend to have a streak of their mother’s
World as a pregnant young woman whether she is
arrogance. While they can work well with the scions
pregnant or not. Tawaret’s true and preferred form
of other pantheons, they prefer to either work alone
is that of a hippopotamus with the arms and legs of
or with scions of the Pesedjet. Like their mother,
a lioness and with a back of a crocodile. She takes
many don’t see what the big deal is about this little
on roles such as social worker (in children’s services),
war. Often, they have to be shown that fighting is in
obstetrician, pediatrician, and guardian ad litem. She
their best interests before they join the battle. When
is aggressive and fierce when confronting those who
they do fight, they are steadfastly loyal to the gods.
have harmed children in some way and will stop at
nothing to see that the wrongdoer is punished. This
Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Epic Wits,
has led her to actions that most mortals would love
Animal (lion), Fertility, Heku, Sky, and Water
to do but cannot for fear of legal ramifications.
Abilities: Animal Ken, Awareness, Investigation,
Tawaret’s Scions are like their mother in that they
Melee, Stealth, and Survival
abhor those who harm children. They tend towards
Rivals: Sobek, Thoth, Zues, Loki, Tlaloc, Susano-o, and
occupations dealing with children and pregnancy
Xipe Totec
where they can do the most good.

Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Animal Tefnut (version 2)

(hippopotamus), Fertility, Guardian, Heku, AKA: Tefenet, Tefnet
Psychopomp, and Water
Abilities: Animal Ken, Empathy, Medicine, Melee, Tefnut is the goddess of water and fertility. With Shu,
Occult, and Presence she is the mother of Nut and Geb. Once, Tefnut was
Rivals: Anubis and Set so upset with her father that she left Egypt, taking
the moisture with her. She fled to Nubia, where she
disguised herself as a lioness, and destroyed any
AKA: Wadjit, Wedjet, Uadjet, Ua Zit; Greek: Udjo, Uto, Edjo, Buto
man or god that came near. Missing her, Ra sent
Thoth to retrieve her. She made a triumphant entry Once the patron and protector of Lower Egypt
back into Egypt and brought the moisture back. where every new king had to claim his throne from
Tefnut is both the left eye of Ra (the moon) and the her, Wadjet joined with her twin sister, Nekhbet,
right (sun). Tefnut was also involved with a now to protect and patron all of Egypt. Although she is
obscure god called Tefen. Together, they assisted a fierce and unrepentant goddess, she also has a
Ma’at with the weighing of the heart. Tefnut also nurturing side. She assisted Isis in nurturing Horus.
helped Shu hold separate Nut and Geb. In modern times, Wadjet rarely appears anywhere
When she returned from Nubia, accompanied but Egypt to protect its people from the Titans
by musicians, dancers, and baboons, and spread and their spawn. She has been a force in politics, a
moisture to the cities, the Egyptian people rejoiced bodyguard for prominent politicians, and a soldier in
and celebrated. Tefnut found she loved the attention the Egyptian army. No matter her role in the World,
she was given. It was she whose moisture kept Egypt she always has some item or article of clothing
from falling to chaos. And they should never forget depicting snakes, especially the cobra. She also has
it. a tendency towards wearing clothing in blues and
In modern times, Tefnut has traveled the globe as a greens.
dilettante, famed explorer, and celebrity. She loves Scions of Wadjet come from all walks of life and all
celebrations—music, dance, animals, etc. Wherever are very patriotic. Few of Wadjet’s Scions are outside
she goes, the party goes too. She finds ways to bring of the Middle East, and those that are outside are
the focus to her. If she is not the center of attention, sent to protect Wadjet’s interests—mainly Egyptian
she sulks or goes on a violent rampage. citizens or their descendents. Her Scions tend
As Tefnut travels quite frequently and mingles with towards a serious demeanor…until someone sets
many different people, her Scions come from all loose the zealot in them. Her Scions also tend to
walks of life and varying occupations. They stand no protect Egyptian treasures.
chance of gaining attention when their mother is
around. In fact, Tefnut usually ignores her children Associated Powers: Epic Stamina, Animal (cobra,
unless they are the only people around her, and even ichneumon/mongoose), Fire, Guardian, Heku, and
then, she takes center stage. However, like a mother War
lioness, she will fight tooth and nail with anyone that Abilities: Awareness, Brawl, Fortitude, Marksmanship,
harms any of her children. Scions of Tefnut rarely, if Melee, and Politics
ever, brought attention to themselves before their
ichor was awakened. After, however, is usually a
different story. Armed with their mother’s fierceness Wepwawet
AKA: Ap-uat, Upuaut, Upwaut
and pride, many of Tefnut’s Scions become (or
attempt to become) leaders of any group they are
in. This brings a lot of discord and dislike with it. His name meaning “the opener of ways,” Wepwawet
Other Scions become just the opposite: quiet and was one of the earliest war gods of Egypt. Depicted
unassuming, with a general dislike of attention. This as a man with the head of a wolf, Wepwawet led
doesn’t mean that they do nothing. There is an old the Pharaoh’s armies into battle, scouting the
saying to “beware of the quiet ones.” This rings true battlefield and clearing any obstacles in the army’s
here. Tefnut’s “quiet” Scions can be hellions when path. However, as war often led to death, Wepwawet
provoked, fighting with weapons and words to do became associated with death. In later times, he was
the most damage. often confused with Anubis (and even called Anubis’
son), a fact which remains true today and annoys
Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Wits, Animal Wepwawet to no end. Thus, he is rarely remembered
(lion), Fertility, Heku, Moon, Sun, and Water by anyone but Egyptologists and dedicated
Abilities: Awareness, Brawl, Fortitude, Melee, amateurs.
Presence, and Survival In the modern world, Wepwawet prefers military
professions, although he sometimes appears as a serving the public in some way.
peacetime guide or scout. He’s been a Navy SEAL,
an army sniper, an Apache helicopter pilot, an ROTC Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Animal (Jackal,
instructor, and a wilderness guide. He has authored Wolf ), Death, Guardian, Heku, Psychopomp, and War
and co-authored many of the field manuals used Abilities: Awareness, Command, Integrity,
by the militaries of a number of nations. He views Marksmanship, Melee, and Stealth
the war with the titans as an opportunity to remind Rivals: Anubis
the gods of his prowess and fights each battle
enthusiastically. He is never bloodthirsty or reckless;
instead he calculates every move like a seasoned
general studying a battlefield map. Mortals tend
The Tuatha Dé
view him as a militaristic nut-job simply because he
is anticipating the coming battles (the fact that he
takes little interest in anything that has no military
application does not help).
Wepwawet’s scions are calculating like their father.
AKA: Amathaon
They do not like to be caught off-guard and do not
adapt well to changing situations. This does not God of agriculture and husbandry and patron of
make them poor warriors in any way. Wepwawet farmers, Amaethon is a ploughman of extraordinary
likes to train his scions as a drill instructor would talents. He was the only man who could till a certain
raw-recruits, and all who undergo this training often field; one of the impossible tasks Culhwch had been
become tougher and more dangerous than many set before he could win Olwen’s hand. He is also
U.S. Marines. These scions are also adept at seeking one of the few beings allowed entrance to Annfwn
out titanspawn, recording their weaknesses, and (the Underworld) without invitation and able to
using those weaknesses against them. They are as return unharmed. It was during one of his sojourns
good spies as they are warriors. to Annfwn that he stole a sacred dog, a lapwing and
a roebuck from Arawn, King of Annfwn. This action
Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Stamina, Epic directly caused one of the most epic events, Cad
Strength, Animal (Wolf ), Death, Heku, Psychopomp, Goddeu (the Battle of the Trees)
and War In Modern Times, Amaethon appears as a healthy
Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Marksmanship, and muscled individual. Although he looks quite the
Stealth, and Survival innocent sort, Amaethon has a devilish streak and
Rivals: Anubis, Hermes, Heimdall, Huitzilopochtli, tends to cause trouble wherever he goes. He has been
Tezcatlipoca, Hachiman, and Baron Samedi a gambler, thief, and carnival worker. His Scions are
rarely different. Trouble follows them whether they
Wepwawet (version 2) want it or not.
AKA: Ophios, Upuaut, Wep-wawet, Wepawet, Ap-Uat
Associated Powers: Epic Manipulation, Chaos, Enech,
Wepwawet, whose name means “the opener of the Fertility, and Psychopomp
ways”, is a god of death and war. Once a guardian of Abilities: Fortitude, Investigation, Larceny, Science,
the dead and a protector of the pharaoh, Wepwawet Stealth, and Survival
hasn’t set foot in Duat or led a soul there since the Rivals: Arawn and Loki
age of the Pharaohs was over. Now, he leads the
Pesedjet’s army against the Titan Aten and his forces.
Although he rarely leaves the Overworld now, he
knows that it is essential to have children that can
Arawn is the King of Annwyn (the Underworld). He
serve in the war. While in the World, Wepwawet has
is fond of taking his hounds (white with red ears) to
been a bodyguard, military scout, police officer, royal
help track down lost souls. Once while pursuing a
guard, and communications expert. Wepwawet’s
stag, a chieftain named Pwyll drove away his hounds
Scions are very honest and highly protective, usually
to set his own upon them. Arawn challenged Pwyll, Scions of Arianrhod tend to be a pale imitation of
who agreed to help him defeat Hafgan. Once Pwyll their mother. Once a Scion has received her mother’s
defeated Hafgan and Arawn regained his throne, he blessing, she is lucky if Arianrhod pays much attention
and Arawn became close friends. to her afterword. Most, if not all, of Arianrhod’s Scions
In Modern Times, Arawn charges his Scions to track have a geas put on them by their mother.
down lost souls and destroy those that must be
destroyed. He usually appears as a grey-cloaked Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Enech, Magic,
individual with a pack of white hounds. He is rarely Moon, and Sky
anything but who he is. His Scions are more than Abilities: Awareness, Control, Integrity, Melee, Occult,
often not the product of rape as he has little time for and Presence
the niceties involved with the courting ritual. Rivals: Artemis and Tsuki-yomi
When Arawn awakens his Scions it is because he
needs them for a particular purpose and sets them
forth on that purpose until they reach godhood. The
AKA: Ceridwen, Caridwen, Kyrridwen
war isn’t always the main purpose. Most of the time,
the Scion’s are tasked with tracking souls, dispatching Cerridwen lived on an island in the middle of Lake
Titanspawn undead, and the like, things which he Tegid with her husband and two children. Her
doesn’t have time to do himself. daughter, Creidwy, was very beautiful, but her son,
Afagdu, was very ugly. To compensate, Cerridwen
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance (frightful), Epic brewed a “greal” which would make him the most
Perception, Darkness, Death, Enech, and Psychopomp brilliant and inspired man. The brew had to simmer
Abilities: Command, Fortitude, Investigation, Melee, for a year and a day and was under constant care
Occult, and Presence of a boy named Gwion. The first three drops would
Rivals: Hades confer the wisdom, but the remaining brew would be
poison. However, three drops splattered on Gwion’s
Arianrhod hand. He instinctively put his hand to his mouth.
Cerridwen chased Gwion, who continually changed
Beautiful daughter of Don and Beli, Arianrhod claimed shape, until she caught him and swallowed him. She
virginity to hold her brother, King Math’s feet so that instantly became pregnant and bore Taliesin, whom
he may remain alive. Her brother, Gwydion, tested she couldn’t kill because of his beauty.
her by having her jump over his magic wand. She In Modern Times, Cerridwen appears as a hunch-
instantly gave birth to a yellow-haired boy named backed hag. She offers knowledge and wisdom, but at
Dylan and another child, later named Llew Llaw a steep price. She has been a fortune-teller, witch, and
Gyffes, whom she had cursed. Humiliated, Arianrhod teacher. Like her other children, Cerridwen’s Scions
retreated to her castle, Caer Arianrhod (Aurora are either very beautiful or very ugly and have a
Borealis) where she remained in hiding for some time tendency to get themselves in trouble by seeking for
with her female attendants presiding over the fates knowledge in places better left alone.
of the departed. Arianrhod is the keeper of the silver
“circling wheel of stars”, also known as the Oar Wheel, Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Intelligence,
a ship that carries dead warriors to Emania (Moon- Earth, Enech, Fertility, Magic, Mystery, and Prophecy
Land). Abilities: Academics, Art, Investigation, Occult,
In Modern Times, Arianrhod has appeared to her Presence, and Science
worshippers in a pale white chariot to choose a male
to get her with child. She has also appeared as a Coventina
mysterious lady dressed in silver-white. She has pale AKA: Cuhvetena, Covventina, Disappearing Memory
skin, thin red lips, and blonde hair. Arianrhod rarely
stays long on the earth. She has the child in her castle Coventina started life as a nameless humble water
by the sea and gives him or her to the father to be spirit holding power over a single spring. However,
raised. after an earth spirit who had been courting her
arranged to have a cistern built around her, she grew Cuchulainn
in power as her well became a common worship site. AKA: Cu Chulaind, The Hound of Ulster, Setana
Soon, she was receiving patronage from all across
western England to as far away as northern Spain, The son of Lugh, fostered by the King of Ulster,
no mean feat for a water spirit! Many thousands of Conchobar mac Nessa, and the famed warrior Fergus
Celts tossed coins into wells wishing to Coventina mac Roich (among others), and taught the arts of war
for healing, good crops, or even just general by the deadly warrior-woman Scathach, Cuchulainn
beneficence. Unfortunately, it was not to last, for her was destined for greatness and an early death from
rise to prominence brought her to the Lady of the the moment he took up arms at the tender age of
Lake’s attention, and the Lady wasn’t about to let an seven. After a childhood of exploits greater than
upstart water nymph encroach on her turf as water those of most heroes in their prime, seventeen-year-
goddess of the burgeoning England mythos. One old Cuchulainn managed to defend Ulster from the
day, Coventina awoke to find herself drifting across combined armies of southern Ireland by himself while
the Irish sea, banished from England forever by the the men of Ulster lay under birthing pangs caused
Lady’s magic. Falling to the deep, she was discovered by the curse of the goddess Macha. His deeds as an
and saved by Manannán Mac Lir. Though he could adult were also legendary, as was his beauty, but it
not break the Lady of the Lake’s magic, he was struck was not to last, for Cuchulainn was forced to break his
by Coventina’s story and vowed to help her return to geasa and then died shortly thereafter, but with the
her beloved spring and earth spirit husband (named re-emergance of the Titans he has returned to prove
Granite). He gave her admission to the Tuatha De himself once again.
Dannan and taught her the secrets of illusion, with In the modern world, Cuchulainn has been a soldier,
which she was able to sneak back home, albeit only a bodyguard, a professional soccer player, an
for brief trips. Olympic javelin thrower, the leader of a biker gang,
Since then, Coventina has been an irrigation a dog breeder, and even occasionally a particularly
specialist, an advice columnist, a water witch, a intense professor of Irish literature. Whatever he’s
cruise doctor, a midwife, and a swimsuit model doing, he always manages to do it better and more
posing for good causes. Though often a little spectacularly than anyone could have imagined.
homesick, she manages to stay positive and her While Cuculainn is undoubtably one of the best
enthusiasm for helping those who show even the warriors in the world, he never wins a battle through
slightest bit of care can hardly be matched. sheer strength if he can win instead through
True Scions of Coventina have the interesting cleverness (or, by modern standards, “cheating”).
distinction of being technically more divine than Cuchulainn very rarely fathers Scions. The death of
most other Scions: Coventina is faithful to her Connla weighs heavily on him though Enech required
husband Granite (who goes by Grant in the modern the killing and he is loathe to be put in that situation
world), and thus only sires Scions when he takes again. He does have frequent affairs, though, any
on human form, generally giving the children to one of which could result in a child through the
human parents to raise. These Scions tend to be intervention of Fate, and since Emer his wife is merely
caring individuals with seemingly endless energy for a Legendary Mortal, he could certainly father a Scion
helping others with a rock-hard willfulness inherited with her. In any case, Cuchulainn’s few Scions are
from their father. However, some can be fiercely invariably capable of fighting with their heads in
territorial, and few manage to find a place they can addition to their hands. Stubborn to a fault, they can
truly feel at home. be found charging into the most dangerous situations
to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are
Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Appearance, truly the best.
Earth, Enech, Fertility, Health, Illusion, and Water.
Associated Abilities: Empathy, Integrity, Medicine, Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Epic Stamina, Epic
Presence, Stealth, and Survival. Dexterity, Epic Appearance, Epic Wits, Animal (Dog),
Rivals: Brigid, Danu, Dian Cecht; The Lady of the Lake, Enech, Guardian, and War.
Arawn, Susano-O, Queztalcoatl, and Lakshmi. Associated Abilties: Athletics, Fortitude, Integrity,
Larceny, Melee, and Thrown.
Rivals: The Morrigan, Mannanan Mac Lir, Lugh; takes him incognito to see his mother, who had
Herakles, Ares, Athena, Susanno-O, Tyr, Thor, and cursed him. Because of Gwidion’s manipulations, Lleu
Ogoun. Llaw Gyffes is able to break his mother’s three curses.
In Modern Times, Gwidion likes to champion the
underdog, although his methods of doing so are
Govannon questionable. Gwidion likes to appear as a respectable
AKA: Gofannon, Goibniu, Goibhniu, Gobanos, Gobannus, Cobannus
Welsh gentleman with philanthropic ideals or as a
Son of Don and Beli, Govannon was the god of the energetic lawyer championing human rights. Words
forge and patron to blacksmiths, metalworkers, are just words, however, and Gwidion, though quite
jewelry-makers and ale brewers. His special ale good at using words, believes that some actions are
rendered the gods immortal in battle. His weapons also necessary, even if those actions hurt someone
always hit their mark. And he made the silver had else in the process.
used by King Nuada. Brother to Arianrhod, he Scions of Gwidion are like their father in that aspect.
accidentally slew her son, Dylan. He was also the They whole-heartedly believe in championing
provider of the Fled Goibnenn (the sacred feast). those that are without and go to extremes to do
In Modern Times, Govannon appears as a muscular so. Although they are labeled as extremists and
male of Celtic descent. He has been a weaponsmith sometimes considered “unstable”, they are also
in such organizations as the SCA, as well as a crafter valuable allies. Their sense of loyalty to those they
of non-war weapons like chalices. Govannon has also champion cannot be shaken.
been a mechanical engineer.
Although Govannon is intrigued by modern weapons Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic
(which he helps create for the War), he far prefers Manipulation, Enech, Magic, Prophecy, and War
making swords, spears, and armor, which he believes Abilities: Academics, Animal Ken, Art, Occult, Politics,
shows off the talent of the metalworker, especially and Melee
if it is ornate and useful. Govannon has a serious
rivalry with Hephaestus, the Dodekatheon smith. If Credits
he hears word of Hephaestus creating something, he
sets to creating something better. His Scions are the • Hodur by Corporate_Sellout
same way. Serious competitors in their field, Scions • Skadi by Armadio2
of Govannon enjoy working with their hands and the • Inari by Colin Chapman with rivals selected by
resources of the earth. Glamourweaver
• Konohana Sakuya-hime by Gift of Names
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Stamina, • Kishimo-jin by Thrythlind
Epic Strength, Enech, Earth, and Fire • Mademoiselle Charlotte by saintbroom
Abilities: Art, Craft, Investigation, Melee, Science, and • Helios by The Name of Madness
Thrown • Janus by FaeWitch
Rivals: Hephaestus • Hecate v.2 and Saturn by Telgar
• Khonsu, Serquet, Benten and Xochipilli by
Taocowboy with additional information by Yellow
Gwidion Archer
AKA: Gwydyon, Gwydion • Demeter, Hecate, Hestia, and Eris by Asklepios
• Hathor, Chalchiuhtlicue, and Hebe by Propaganda
Gwidion helped his brother Gilfaethwy rape Goewin, Art
King Math’s foot-holder. He steals Pryderi of Dyfed’s • Sekhmet, Tefnut, Nephthys, and Wepwawet by
pigs, forcing Math to go to war and thus leaving ptah1888
his foot-holder. When Math hears of this, he turns • Amaethon, Arawn, Arianrhod, Cerridwyn,
Gwidion into a stag, then a sow, then a wolf. When his Govannon, Gwidion, Bes, Four Sons of Horus, Hapi,
sister, Arianrhod, gave birth to Dylan and [Lleu Llaw Hathor v.2, Khepri, Khnum, Khons v.2, Min, Nephthys
Gyffes], Gwidion steals away the unnamed child and v.2, Sekhmet v.2, Seshat, Tarwaret, Tefnut v.2, Wadjet,
raises him. When the child is old enough, Gwidion and Wepwawet v.2 by Toni D.

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