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10 p granted

1. Match the words with the definitions. (10 p)

○ Demolish to enter water head-first
○ Dive to completely destroy a building
○ Flee to take quickly
○ Grab to hit
○ Strike to run away or escape

2. Choose the correct words. (10 p)

JULIE: We’re having a party on Saturday. Can you come?
KATE: I don’t know. My cousin will arrive / is arriving from the US on Saturday morning.
She ’ll be / ’s being really tired, and probably won’t want / isn’t going to want to go out in the
JULIE: How long will she stay / is she staying for?
KATE: Two weeks. I 'm making / ’m going to make sure she has a great time!
3. Choose the correct words. (20 p)
After I was going / went outside , I realised / was realising that I forgot/ had forgotten my keys.
Claire was standing/ stood at the bus stop, when Martin had arrived/ arrived there.
After I was eating / had eaten all the chips, mum told / had told me they were for my dad.
Sue had spent/ was spending all morning in the park before she had come/ came to my house.
My brother played/ had played football yesterday until it started /was starting to rain.

4. Complete the story with the correct past tense of these verbs. (20 p)

watch look get happen start decide

be begin lose tell sit

By the time I ___________ to the cinema, the film________________. My friends

_______________ at the back of the cinema and they_____________ the film, but as soon as
they ____________ to explain, other people______________ them to be quiet!
After the film, we_______________ to go to a cafe to get an ice-cream. I __________________
for my phone to call my parents, but it _______________ in my pocket.
5. Read the text. For each question, choose the correct answer. (10)

Many people think sheep aren’t very intelligent creatures. But in fact,1 ______D_______ to new
research, they may be cleverer than we think. For example, sheep can actually be trained to
recognise human faces from photographs!
Recognising faces is an important human social 2___________. However, it seems that sheep
are also social animals that can recognise other sheep as well as 3 ___________ humans. In
experiments, researchers trained eight sheep to recognise the faces of celebrities from
photographs. Training involved getting the sheep 4 ______________ decisions about the photos
they saw. At one end of a room they would see two different photographs, and would receive a
5 ___________ of food for approaching the photograph of the celebrity; if they approached the
wrong photograph, they got nothing. Over time, they learned to 6 __________________ getting
food with the celebrity’s photograph. And after training, the sheep correctly chose the celebrity’s
face eight times out of ten.

1 A regarding B following C resulting D according

2 A skill B talent C knowledge D method

3 A ordinary B usual C familiar D frequent

4 A set B make C have D do

5 A reward B benefit C tip D goal

6 A attach B join C add D connect

6. Write a story in about 130-150 words, beginning with this sentence. (20 p)

“The friends found a strange old map under the bed.”

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