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Ancestry KOBOLD Tiny, humanoid dog-lizards with a penchant for tinkering, trap building, and a hint of magic. You know the Common and Draconic languages. Knack. You get +1 to spellcasting checks or may begin each session with a luck token Designed for use with Shadow Dark KPO i } of the outcropping, keeping their = head low and ears back. "They’s be twelve!" they whispered. a akael slithered towards the edge Ilrid groaned. They had been tracking the bandits for three days now, and he'd hoped rescuing Tilryn was going to be easy work. "Probably take an arrowjust gettin down there." he muttered. "Quiet! Rakael hissed. The kobold moved back from the edge and pulled out their weapon, inspecting it closely. It was going to be another bloody o:Purty License und is not affiiated with e Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC. Note: despite this content being published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party ense, it was actually created by Kelsey However the Discord message is a bit tricky to find, so | created this pdf version to hopefully make it easier for those wanting to be clever little lizards.

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