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True Love

Never Goes
A long time ago, Sofi, a girl barely ten years old, had an
inseparable friend in school, her name was Lia. Both in the
time they were in school did not stop living together all the
time, both went to each other’s house to eat after school,
carried their favorite toys at the time of school break, And if
they could agree to spend a weekend together, whether it was
in a pool, in the cinema or just to walk around the park, their
simple little life together was the best they had back then,
were inseparable and everyone around them knew it.

But happiness can’t last forever, without them realizing they

were slowly separating as they grew older, this was normal,
as each one was having different dreams, when they both
turned sixteen, It was time to choose which high school they
would enter, this according to what they had in mind to study,
you loved had very different goals.

For her part, Sofi wanted to study dramatic art, she always
liked cinema and wanted to get involved in some way, but Lia
was passionate about science and was considering studying
something related to medicine. And so the days passed and
both did the respective paperwork for each of their schools
and then the terrible day came.
On the last day of school they gave each other a huge hug
and said goodbye with tears in their eyes. You wouldn’t
understand why switching schools made them never speak
again, if they planned things for the weekends when they
were little, when they were big they could also do it, Maybe
they were too busy with school scares and the next college
admission, but none of that was a pretext for them to ever
plan a way out again. With the passage of time almost no text
messages were sent, until finally they stopped and lost

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