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Simple Present Tenses

Simple present tenses digunakan ketika menggunakan fakta, kebenaran dan kebiasaan maka tidak
membutuhkan referensi waktu sehingga kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk infinitive.

Rumus simple present tense, yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + infinitive V1 (+s/es) to be (ia, am, are) + O

Kalimat negatif : S + do/does not + infinitive (V1) + O + S + to be (is, am, are) + not+O

Kalimat tanya : do/does + S + infinite + (V1) + O + to be ( is, am, are) + S + O?

Contoh kalimat : (+) hamster runn all night

(-) cats don't runn all night

(?) Do hamster runn all night?

2. Present continuous tenses

Present continuous tenses biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan hal yang sedang dilakukan atau sedang
terjadi dimasa sekarang.

Rumus presnt continuous tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + to be (is, am, are) + Ving

Kalimat negatif : S + to be ( is, am, are) + bung

Kalimat tanya: : to be (is, am, are) + S + Ving?

Contoh kalimat : (+) i'm eating fruting and vegetables

(-) i'm not eating fruit and vegetables

(?) Am i eating fruit and vegetables?

3. Simple past tenses

Simple past tenses digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu.
Biasanya waaktu spesifik.
Rumus simple past tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + V2

Kalimat negatif : S + did not + V1

Kalimat tanya : did + S + V1?

Contoh kalimat : (+) my sister cried a lot

(-) my sister did not cry a lot

(?) Did your sister cry a lot?

4. Past continuous tenses

Past continuous tenses digunakan ketika kita berbicara tentang kejadian atau kegiatan yang sedang
terjadi dimasa lalu. Biasanya waktunya spesifik.

Rumus past continuous tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + was/were + ving

Kalimat negatif : S + was/ were + not + ving

Kalimat tanya : was/were + S + ving?

Conroh kalimat : (+) i was eating While my brother was studying

(-) i wan't eating while my brother was studying

(?) Were you eating while your brother was studying?

5. Present perfect tenses

Present perfect tenses digunakan ketika kita menyatakan kejadian atau kegiatan yang sudah terjadi
dimasa sekarang.

Rumus present perfect tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + has/have + V3

Kalimat negatif : S + has/have + not + V3

Kalimat tanya : has/have + S + V3?

Contoh kalimat : (+) i have seen her today

(-) i haven+'t Deen her today

(?) Have you seen her today?

6. Present perfect continuous tenses

Present perfect continuous tenses digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian atau kegiatan yang
sudah dilakukan dan berlanjut hingga masa sekarang.

Rumus present perfect continuous tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + has/have + been + ving

Kalimat negatif : S + has/have + been + not + ving

Kalimat tanya : has/have + S + been + ving?

Contoh kalimat : (+) my mother has been baking cookies latelt

(-) my mother has not been baking cookies lately

(?) Has your mother been baking cookies lately?

7. Past perfect tenses

Past perfect tenses digunakan ketika kita berbicara mengenai hal atau kegiatan yang sudah terjadi dan selesai
dimasa lampau.

Rumus pas perfect tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + had + V3

Kalimat negatif : S + had + not +V3

Kalimat tanya : had + S + V3?

Contoh kalimat : (+) i had fed my cat before i left

(-) i had not fed my cat before i left

(?) Had you fed my cat before i left?

8. Past perfect continuous tenses

Past perfect continuous tenses digunakan ketika kita berbicara tentang hal atau kegiatan yang dimulai dan
terjadi hingga suattu waktu tertentu dimasa lampau.

Rumus past perfect continuous tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + had + been + ving

Kalimat negatif : S + had + not + been + ving

Kalimat tanya : had + S + been + ving?

Contoh kalimat : (+) i had been watching tv all day

(-) i had not been watching tv all day

(?) Had i been watching tv all day?

9. Simple future tenses

Simple future tenses digunakan ketika kita berbicara hal atau kejadian yang akan terjadi dimasa depan atau
sebuah rencana.

Rumus simple future tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + Will + V1.

S + ia/am/are + going to + V1

Kalimat negatif : S + Will + not + V1.

S + ia/am/are + not + going to + V1

Kalimat tanya : Will + S + V1?

ia/am/are + S + goung to + V1?

Contoh kalimat : (+) the bus had left when i reached the bus stop

(-) the bus gas not left when i reached the bus stop

(?) Had the bus left when you reached the bus stop?

10. Future continuous tenses

Future continuous tenses digunakan ketika kita berbicara tentang hal atau kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung
dasa depan.

Rumus simple future tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + Will + be + ving.

Kalimat negatif : S + Will + not + be + ving.

Kalimat tanya : Will + S + be + ving?

Contoh kalimat : (+) i'll be sleeping at 11 p.m to night

(-) i wan't be sleeping at 11 p.m to night

(?) Will you be sleeping at 11 p.m to night?

11. Future perfect tenses

Future perfect tenses digunakan untuk berbicara mengenai hal yang sudah terjadi dimasa depan.

Rumus future perfect tenses :

Kalimat positif : S + Will + have + V3.

Kalimat negatif : S + Will + not + have + V3.

Kalimat tanya : Will + S + have + V3?.

Contoh kalimat : (+) we Will have moved Kim by this time tomorrow

(-) we wan't have moved Kim by this time tomorrow

(?) Will they moved Kim by this time tomorrow?

12. Future perfect continuous tenses

Future perfect continuous tenses digunakan saat berbicara mengenai hal atau kegiatan yang akan telah
berlangsung dimasa depan.

Rumus future perfect continuous tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + Will + have + been + bung

Kalimat negatif : S + will + not + have + been + ving

Kalimat tanya : Will + S + have + been + ving?

Contoh kalimat : (+) i will have be been teaching here for five years this year

(-) i Will not have been teaching here for five years thes year

(?) Will you have been teaching here for five years this year?

13. Simple fast future tenses

Simple fast future tenses digunakan ketika kita berbicara tentang hal atau kegiatan yang direncanakan atau
diprediksi dimasa lampau.

Rumus simple fast future tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + would + infinitive (V1).

S + was/ware + going to + infinitive (V1).

Kalimat negatif : S + would + not + infinitive (V1).

S + was/ware + not + going to + infinitive (V1).

Kalimat tanya : would + S + infinitive (V1).

Was/ware + S + going to + infinitive (V1).

Contoh kalimat : (+) my uncle told me that he would come on time

(-) my uncle tould me that he would not come on time

(?) My uncle tould me that he would not come on time?

14. Fast future continuous tenses

Fast future continuous tenses digunakan ketika berbicara mengenai sesuatu sedang akan berlangsung dimasa
lampau (kita akan melakukan kilas balik).

Rumus fast future continuous tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + would + be + ving

Kalimat negatif : S + would + not + be + Ving

Kalimat tanya : would + S + be + bung?

Contoh kalimat : (+) i would be sleeping when you colled at 12

(-) i would not be sleeping when you filled at 12

(?) I would be sleeping when you colled at 12?

15. Past future perfect tenses

Past future perfect tenses digunakan ketika menyatakan hal yang akan sudah terjadi dimasa lampau (kita
melakukan kilas balik, namun tidak terjadi, hanya pengandaian).

Rumus past future perfect tenses yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + should/would + have + V3.

Kalimat negatif : S + should/would + not + have + V3.

Kalimat tanya : should/would + S + V3?

Contoh kalimat : (+) she would have stayed in the hotel

(-) she would not have stayed in the hotel

(?) Would she have stayed in the hotel?

16. Past future perfect continuous

Past future perfect continuous digunakan saat Kuta berbicara tentang hal atau kegiatan yang akan telah
dilakukan atau berlangsung dimasa lalu ( kita melakukan kilas balik, namun tidak terjadi, hanya pengandaian).
Rumus past future perfect continuous yaitu :

Kalimat positif : S + should/would + have + been + ving

Kalimat negatif : S + should/would + not + have + been + ving

Kalimat tanya : should/would + S + have + been + ving?

Contoh kalimat : (+) I would have been studying for ten hours by 3 pm

(-) I wouldn’t have been studying for ten hours by 3 pm

(?) She wouldn’t have been staying here for three weeks by March 3

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