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Simplified Class Plan

Introduction (10 minutes)

 Objective Sharing
 Simple Line: "Today, we will learn how to speak in front of others. We'll talk
about tourism and practice speaking clearly." -> very useful in real life
 First, tell me sth you learn at school, but never ever use in real life?
 Warm-up Activity
 Activity: Quick Sharing
 Simple Line: "Let's start by sharing. Please tell us one place you want to visit and
why, in one short sentence."
Vocabulary and Basics of Public Speaking (20 minutes)
 Vocabulary Introduction
 Use simple visuals for key words.
 Simple Line: "We will look at some important words about speaking and tourism.
These words help us share our ideas better."
 Public Speaking Essentials
 Talk about using hands, changing voice, and looking at people.
 Simple Line: "Good speakers use their hands, change their voice to make it
interesting, and look at people when they talk. This helps keep everyone
Group Activity Preparation (15 minutes)
 Forming Groups
 Simple Line: "I will make two groups now. Each group will talk about tourism
 Role Assignment
 Simple Line: "In your group, decide who talks, who finds information, and who
makes pictures or slides. Everyone should have a job."
 Idea Brainstorming
 Simple Line: "Now, think and talk about your ideas on tourism. Use real examples
to make your point strong."
Group Presentations (30 minutes)
 Presentation by Group 1
 Simple Line: "Group 1, please start. You will tell us why tourism is good for your
 Presentation by Group 2
 Simple Line: "Now, Group 2. Please share why tourism might not be good for
your city."
Feedback and Discussion (15 minutes)
 Feedback Session
 Give simple comments on what was good and what could be better.
 Simple Line: "I liked how you explained your ideas. Try looking at people more
when you speak next time."
 Open Discussion
 Ask what they learned from others.
 Simple Line: "What did you learn from listening to the other group? Did any idea
or way of speaking stand out to you?"
Additional Simplifications
 Clear Roles: Explain roles in the simplest terms, like "talker," "finder," and "drawer."
 Step-by-Step Instructions: Break down tasks into smaller, clear steps, so they are easier
to follow.
 Use Examples: Give a simple example of a good speech or point, using straightforward
 Visual Aids: Use more pictures and fewer words in your slides or handouts to help
explain concepts.

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