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INTRODUCTION a ee ace CBee eee oe Cue UC Ee aca) featuring prehistoric-themed deathtrap dangers for characters Rank 1-2 to survive. NARRATORS ONLY! The information in this adventure is meant only for the game's Narrator. That's the person in charge of running the game for the rest of the players. This adventure is full of all sorts of secrets that unfold during the game. Because of that, people playing heroes in the game should avoid reading the adventure and walk away to avoid spoiling any of the surprises it might hold for them. WHAT YOU NEED This adventure does not stand on its own. To play through it, you need a copy of the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game: Core Rulebook. As described in the Core Rulebook, you also need: > One or more other players. Friends are often the best. > Three six-sided dice, one of which is a different color. Ideally, have one set for each player, including yourself. > Ablank character sheet for each of the other players, or access to a digital character sheet on Marvel Multiverse RPG NEXUS. > Abit of time. > A good sense of fun. We assume you came loaded with plenty of the last one. ABOUT THIS ADVENTURE Welcome to The Murderworld That Time Forgot, an introductory adventure for Rank 1-3 characters and the first part of a trilogy of connected adventures that span power levels from street-level scraps all the way to cosmic calamity. If this is your first time running a tabletop role-playing game, don't worry! This adventure has been specifically built with new Narrators in mind. We'll guide you through each scene and offer suggestions to help keep the game moving and your players entertained. By the time this adventure wraps up you'll be well versed in how to tell stories with your friends in the Mighty Marvel Manner! ‘Summary; Arcade has built a brand new Murderworld hidden in the legendary jungles of the Savage Land. Outside international jurisdiction, he’s transformed a section of the untouched landscape into sprawling battlegrounds and prehistoric-themed deathtraps that use a mixture of robotic enemies and actual dinosaurs. If our heroes overcome these dangers, they'll discover that a mysterious benefactor hired Arcade and footed the bill for this new location, and the heroes are invited to attend a new “Contest of Champions” being held in a secret location soon... WAIT A SEC, WHO IS ARCADE AND WHAT IS MURDERWORLD? Good question! Arcade is a game show-style assassin with an infamous reputation in the Marvel Universe. He and his minions build expansive and elaborate locations called “Murderworld’ where he pits heroes (or sometimes regular people) against deadly traps, robotic duplicates, and each other to entertain himself and his audience of many fans who watch the show through dark web livestreams. Arcade and Murderworld first appeared in Marvel Team-Up #65 in 1977 against Spider-Man and Captain Britain, but over the years he's come up against the X- Men, Fantastic Four, Alpha Flight, Black Widow, and many others. Murderworld has been reinvented multiple times in multiple locations. Sometimes it resembles a fairground and carries a circus theme, other times it's a giant pinball machine, virtual reality-based video game, or remote survival scenario on a distant island. This time, Arcade has received funding from a mysterious source, enabling him to create an ambitious Murderworld locale in the Savage Land! What’s the Savage Land? The Savage Land is an unusual location in Antarctica that resists wintery weather near the south pole thanks to a ring of volcanoes situated around it, allowing a lush tropical rainforest to flourish. Remote and well hidden, this jungle is home to dangerous denizens aplenty, including many species of dinosaurs previously thought extinct! Preparation: Before the Adventure Begins! Chapter 10 in the Core Rulebook covers a lot of great advice for Narrators that includes general set-up, combat, and other important aspects of running a game, but we also want to make sure you're primed for success specific to this adventure, especially if you're a brand-new Narrator. A bit of preparation can go a long way at the gaming table and keep you confident no matter what curveballs players might throw your way during a game session. Read through the entire adventure so you have a clear understanding of not just what's happening at the beginning, but also how each scene builds on the previous ones as the story heads toward a climactic final battle at the end of the Murderworld competition Keeping the Twist Intact Ideally, you don’t want your players to know you're using this specific adventure and are taking them to Murderworld. The first scene is a typical threat for a street level group of heroes and, whether the heroes win or lose, they'll be pulled into Arcade’s latest machinations. The surprise of that turn can be a lot of fun, so if it's possible to keep the name of the adventure hidden from your group until the second scene reveal, please do so. Marvel Heroes Before the first session begins, make sure you know the characters who will be embarking on the adventure. If you allow your players to choose from pre-generated characters in the Core Rulebook, we recommend narrowing that selection to the following Rank 2 and 3 established heroes, as their powers and abilities are well-suited to the encounters we've built: RANK 2: Daredevil, Elektra, Hawkeye, Nick Fury Jr, White Tiger (Ava Ayala). RANK 3: Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff), Iron Fist (Danny Rand), Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Wolverine (Laura Kinney Our first scene begins on a pier in Manhattan and most of these heroes are already based in New York City or are relatively close by, so it's easy to set up the first scene and establish why they might be in the neighborhood, whether on patrol or because theyre following up on a tip given to them by someone in their communication network. Daredevil and Elektra have a history and work well together, as do Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage have teamed up in the past as the Defenders, so that's also an easy jumping on point if you want a pre-established group with a shared connection. In any case, all the heroes on this list are aware of each other and have some level of mutual respect so it won't be difficult to enable a team-up between them against a shared foe even if they arrive from different locations under different circumstances. Original Heroes Original heroes at a Rank 1 or 2 power level are also applicable for this adventure, just make sure they also have a reason to be in New York City, whether that's because it's their homebase or they're visiting the city for fun or business. Ensure that these new heroes feel as well integrated as any of the pre-generated characters, with their own network of contacts and informants appropriate to their background story and traits. Whether you're using established heroes, original heroes, or a combination of both, make sure you carefully read over their character sheets, taking note of their highest ability and defense scores, traits, tags, and powers so you understand what they're capable of and won't be blindsided during the game session with capabilities you weren't aware of Setting Expectations Before the first session of this adventure begins, you'll want to talk with your group about the upcoming game to set clear expectations. A successful game of the Marvel Multiverse TTRPG is one where both the Narrator and players are thoroughly engaged and entertained. The best way to set yourself up for that success is by ensuring your Narrator vision for the game matches player expectations. Are you looking for a dramatic or light-hearted experience? Some Narrators and players want to delve deep into the psyches of their characters and play up inter-personal drama between them, while others are more comfortable with a lighter approach using simple character motivations and minimal drama. Are you looking fora narrative-heavy or more strategic approach to combat? Some Narrators and players use their dice rolls as fuel for broadly describing combat through narration (also known as “Theater of the Mind’), while others are looking to use tight strategy ona map to visualize each battle. Are you looking for a challenging or more playful game experience? Some Narrators and players are excited at the prospect of their characters being in mortal danger and pushed to their limit, while others want a more casual or empowered game where the inevitability of good defeating evil is rarely in doubt. This is also the perfect time to go over the core mechanics of the game with them - action checks, traits & tags, clarifications on powers, and reminding the group that they have team maneuvers they can use when the action gets intense. Expect that the early part of the game, especially the first session, will be a bit slower as everyone gets up to speed on the rules and learns what their character can do. Talking to your players about the above to make sure they understand and agree with how you see the upcoming game can save a lot of hassles later. There’s no wrong way of playing the game just as long as the group is in agreement and excited for the adventure to come. DON'T FORGET - KARMA! As you start the adventure, or perhaps during, make sure to remind players of their ability to use Karma points and how to gain them. In a place called Murderworld, recovery and healing will be pretty important. ADVENTURE Hired by a mysterious client, the hitman Arcade builds a new Murderworld hidden in Re Cog tis ea ae Brot aes Coe attic Ly its first challengers! SCENE 1: ALREADY A WINNER! Overview: Stopping a group of smugglers is actually a trap intended to bring our heroes ‘together and set them up for capture and shipment to Arcade’ latest Murderworld theme park. Storytelling Style: Guided or Interactive? AAs the session begins, you can either get things started by reading the box text introduction below that gives players a simple explanation for how they arrived at Pier 65, or you can ask ‘each player to tell you and the rest of the table what brought them to this location and how they feel at this moment. There's no need to rush right into combat if your players want to roleplay their arrival, but if they're unsure how to start things off or the scene begins to drag, ‘move things along with the box text or your own improvised version. Ee eR eee oe ea ‘City That Never Sleeps’ but, down by the shipping ports of the Hudson River, erred eae ee aerate) der if the tip had any merit b poerere eg evant ects egg ‘set a ramp down to the piei The goal here should be quite clear - there are criminals undertaking illegal activity and the heroes can stop them, There may be discussion about whether to move in stealthily and pick off smugglers one at a time or go in big and bold, but otherwise the situation will almost certainly begin moving toward combat. Stealth If all the characters decide they want to stay hidden and keep watching, they will gain an ‘unexpected advantage. After a few more minutes of the criminals loading crates without interruption, the heroes will see Bullseye emerge from the shadows as he carefully patrols the area, watching for intruders. If Daredevil, Elektra, or Black Widow are part of this adventure, they'll immediately recognize him and be confused as to why hed be acting as a ‘guard for a group of smugglers, Other characters can come to a similar conclusion if the Narrator believes their background would give them access to that kind of knowledge or if they succeed at Logic vs TN 11 action check. Otherwise, each time one of the heroes tries to attack from stealth, there's an increasing chance that they'll be spotted by a smuggler or Bullseye. Staying quiet and undetected is a Vigilance check vs. the heroes Agility defense. Ifa hero remains undetected and attacks an enemy, roll initiative with the enemy suffering the effects of being Surprised. Darting around and quietly taking out the bad guys from the shadows is ideal, but it gets riskier each time itis attempted as it starts becoming more and more obvious to the Smugglers and Bullseye, that something is wrong, Each time a hero attacks from stealth, the smugelers and Bullseye immediately roll their Vigilance checks vs, the heroes Agility defense again, this time ‘with a +1 bonus to their roll. Repeat this for any subsequent stealth attacks, awarding the ‘Smuggler and Bullseye an additional +1 for each check. Ifany of the enemies are still standing after the initial surprise attack, the alarm is raised, and every other enemy that is still active enters the combat with their standard initiative roll. Time for a brawll Otherwise the heroes can repeat this process until they are either caught or until Bullseye dramatically realizes he's suddenly all alone. How Many Enemies? This first encounter is meant to give players a chance to test out character abilities and grow comfortable with the flow of combat as outlined in chapter 4 of the Core Rulebook. With that in mind, we want to keep things straight forward: there should be two smugglers for each hero, plus Bullseye acting as a “Boss’-style enemy, giving the heroes someone more dangerous to handle with powers like their own. If most of the heroes are at Rank 3, consider adding a couple extra smugglers wielding S.H.LE.L.D. prototype laser weaponry as well to keep things interesting, The S.H.LE.LD. prototype laser is an experimental rifle that can deal massive damage, but ended up being too bulky for conventional field use. A stockpile of the weapons was recently stolen and have made their way into the hands of various criminal organizations. Again, this initial combat encounter isn't meant to be strategically complicated. It’s a way for everyone at the table to grow comfortable with the core mechanics and how their characters work, individually and as a group. ENEMIES - Bullseye (L.M.D.) and Smugglers The stats for Bullseye can be found in the Core Rulebook. The Bullseye L.M.D. is a faithful replica of the real villain with some differences. However, he is still a Rank 2 villain and will put up a fight to be sure. Remember, it's got to be convincing! The Smugglers vary only in how they are equipped and serve as an excellent swarm of fodder for the heroes to unleash some super heroic fighting moves on. If you elect to give one or two the Smuggler profile: Range 20 Spaces (or 100ft). The weapon also ignores a single rank in Damage Reduction The profiles for Bullseye L.M.D, and Smugglers can be found in Character Profiles, Pier 65 This pier includes a couple open areas that work well for open hand-to-hand combat along with covered perches (the warehouse and a crane) at higher vantage points for ranged attacks. There are also stacks of crates and shipping containers heroes or villains can take cover behind. In this way, you can throttle the complexity of combat with environmental items and other small complications as you get more comfortable with the core systems. Crates; Crates can be used as cover and they provide trouble for any ranged attacks against them for 3 rounds, after which the crates become too damaged to be effective. Time to move! They can also be lifted and thrown by heroes with who want to use the environment to maximum effect. These unwieldy crates are Average in size with a Throwing Range of 5. See Chapter 4 of the Core Rulebook for Improvised Weapons and size modifiers. Shipping Containers: Containers can be used as cover and they provide much more resilient cover, granting trouble for any ranged attacks made against the hero so long as the hero remains in cover without fear that damage will break the container. Note that since this is not the real Bullseye, he still suffers trouble on the attack roll to hit anyone behind cover! The containers are Huge in size and much, much heavier than the crates, so an Average sized hero must have at least Mighty 1 if they wish to attempt to even move them. To wield a container, an Average sized hero must have (at least) the Mighty 2 power. The huge metal containers have a +2 attack modifier and a +2 damage multiplier. While they don't have a ‘Throwing Range (which means throwing a container results in automatic Trouble on the roll), they do have the potential of hitting up to 5 targets at once! ‘The Forklift; The Forklift has a speed of 5 spaces and is being driven by one of the smugglers and it gives them cover if attacked by range from head on. Attacks against the forklift operator suffer Trouble from frontal ranged assaults, If a hero wants to disable it, can be done by melee or ranged attacks from the flank, or the use of the Disrupt Electronics power. Either way, attacks against the Forklift (whether to disable it or destroy it) need to hit a TN 12, You as the storyteller, get to decide if the attack is enough to take it down. For rules on attacking objects and vehicles, check out Chapter 4 in the Core Rulebook. The Crane: The crane used to load and unload shipping containers normally requires a key to start it up, but industrious heroes can hotwire it by making a Logic vs. TN 12 check and use it to grab and move shipping containers by making an Agility vs. TN 10 check. Enemy Strategy: Normally, when heroes dispatch small-time thieves, the criminals would start to scatter, but these smugglers are surprisingly quiet and methodical, confidently fighting the heroes until every one of them is incapacitated. Any hero with a minimum Logic score of 2 will automatically notice this silent and efficient approach, though they will probably assume it’s training and loyalty rather than realizing that their opponents are not actually human. Bullseye is similarly efficient and fearless, though he's much more talkative and interactive than the smugglers. He counts off each successful strike and uses his extensive ranged attack abilities to target heroes out of hand-to-hand range as much as possible before allowing himself to be pulled into direct physical conflict. Any heroes who have fought Bullseye in the past (Daredevil and Elektra in particular) may make a Logic vs. TN 12 action check to notice that there is something slightly ‘off’ about his movements and speech patterns. On the surface he appears to be the villain they've fought before, but there's an extra layer of efficiency to him that isn't quite right and, if combat continues for more than five rounds, he'll repeat an insult or threat in an identical way, calling a bit more attention to the artificial nature of this set-up. If the Heroes Lose It’s unlikely the heroes will lose completely in this initial encounter but, on the off chance it does happen, they are knocked out, flooded with knockout gas to make sure they won't wake up any time soon, and then awaken in Murderworld to start Scene 2. If the Heroes Win When Bullseye's health reaches zero, he collapses in a heap and doesn't move at all, like a puppet with their strings cut. Any remaining smugglers not already incapacitated at that point also lifelessly drop to the ground regardless of their current Health totals. Moments later, operatic music and the voice of an announcer cuts through the silent night air: “Bravo, my friends - You're already a winner! You courageously stopped Tae) eT sees Ma gee) CB eed MTFOD e)-Lel Tele LT mae ICTY Rac Te -oR Tee B eee es) ee another night! Truly, you are kings of the urban jungle, but now we must see if ir skills extend to a more, shall we say, primitive locale!” With that, the Bullseye and smuggler Life Model Decoys explode in a haze of colorful confetti and pink knockout gas that causes the world around them to spin and go black, knocking them unconscious, glitching their senses or otherwise causing them to blackout. Heroes may try to outmaneuwver this little surprise attack, either with incredible speed or quick thinking. Arcade is nothing if not well prepared! Narrators are invited to get creative to subdue the heroes ina way that doesn’t steal their thunder. You could easily say that the explosion of the knockout gas was simply the crescendo and that the L.M.D’s had been slowly leaking this knock out gas the whole time! As the heroes move to act, they find it impossible to focus and their body feels heavy. Plenty of time for the exploding bots to finish the job. ‘ART BY SEAN IZAAKSE B SHANE M. BAILEY WHAT'S A LIFE MODEL DECOY (L.M.D.)? SH.LELD. technicians built lifelike robotic humanoids to act as stand-ins for important figures during spy missions, but the technology leaked out into the criminal underworld and now Arcade uses the same technology to create dangerous copies of heroes and villains to use for his own evil ends. Some lower end L.M.D. models can be easy to spot while others have incredibly advanced systems that simulate complex emotions, heartbeats, blood flow, and even injuries to keep them from being detected as anything but human unless theyre literally torn apart to reveal their robotic innards. Arcade has a variety of L.M.D. models at his disposal and uses several types in this, adventure to keep contestants confused and always wondering if they can trust the people around them. Bullseye and the smugglers were ‘mid-range’ LM.D’s that can be detected with a bit of knowledge and effort, while the Captain America LMD. included in the upcoming Murderworld contestant line-up is a top-of the line model that is almost undetectable by any but the most suspicious heroes with greatly enhanced senses. Ifa hero is completely out range of the knockout gas or otherwise manages to escape the explosion and knockout effect, they'll see at least a dozen more ‘smugglers’ emerge from the ship to cart away unconscious heroes and prep them for transport to Murderworld, Even if the lucky hero withdraws from the encounter completely, Arcade has a nefarious backup plan already underway - Someone near and dear to that hero (typically a long-time ally, romantic partner, or family member) has already been captured and taken to Murderworld. Arcade chastises the hero for not playing along with his ambush and then threatens the hostage, forcing the hero to go to an established pick-up point and enter the game willingly. In any case, the heroes are brought to Murderworld and the real game can now begin. ‘SCENE 2: WELCOME TO MURDERWORLD! Overview: Transported to the Savage Land, our heroes are welcomed to the deadly theme park and given a relatively ‘simple’ first test. Calm Before the Storm ‘The heroes slowly awaken from their slumber and focus on their mysterious new surroundings. If the characters sustained any injuries in the first scene, they're completely recovered now, though any broken or lost items from the battle will still be missing. iding cell that is approximately 50 feet Sa ee er een eee] or nds beyond the ones you and the o ear In addition to the group who battled Bull eS eee oe in the room waking up alongside you - the legendary super free erase] Captain America appears to have been kidnapped and imprisoned here as well, though he's actually an advanced LM.D. traitor included in the line-up by Arcade as a way to keep tabs on. the heroes, subtly guide them through the park and, when the time is right, to betray them and strike with lethal force. Its critical that you as the Narrator play Captain America as heroic as possible until that Detrayal. As faras the players should be concerned, this is Steve Rogers, Sentinel of Liberty and alliving legend. He's kind, caring, protective, and hard-working, He looks out for everyone and. is willing to sacrifice himself to save others. Steve appears to be already wounded and, if asked about it, he indicates that he fought off at least a dozen bystanders who suddenly attacked. him and exploded in a haze of gas during a charity event in Battery Park, If your gaming group enjoys role-playing, use this as an extended quiet moment for everyone to get into character’ and introduce themselves to Steve Rogers and each other. Let them discuss possibilities in terms of who their kidnapper might be and hypothesize what may happen next, with Cap earefully listening and encouraging conversation as needed. Enemy - Captain America (Wounded) Captain America (Steve Rogers) is a Rank 4 character with the statistics in the Core Rulebook, ‘but this L1M.D. version is ‘wounded’ on purpose by Arcade to elicit sympathy and deflect detection that he’s anything other than the person he appears to be. You can find his statistics in the Character Profiles chapter. ‘While its typically easy enough to adjust villains on the fty in the Marvel Multiverse Role- Playing Game, if this ever proves 100 much, simply adjust his rank which will in turn, lower his dMarvel damage multiplier. This isa useful trick if the players selected far more Rank 2 ‘premade heroes than Rank 3, of if you feel the players are still adjusting tothe rules and their hero stats. Even a fake Rank 2 Steve Rogers can be a nasty fight! It's important to include Steve Rogers in discussions and combat as the adventure continues, but make sure he never outshines the player characters, especially in their areas of expertise. ‘Always let the players make major decisions and set the tone for party strategy, with Steve chiming in with alternate suggestions only if the course of action seems particularly poorly thought out, If other characters suggest Cap take the lead, he politely refuses, citing his injuries and lingering aftereffects of the potent knockout gas used to bring him down, Since this adventure is meant for beginning characters and new players alike, you can lean into that aspect here with Captain America, using him as a guide to ‘proper heroic behaviour’ ‘while building up player trust that this genuinely is Steve Rogers until the key moment when Arcade activates his ‘killer protocol’ and he betrays the group. The better you're able to keep this secret, the more impactful the twist will be later on. Game On! Once you've decided the heroes have had enough ‘quiet time, interrupt their conversation or punctuate the stillness with the following: PO Ne een ea EATS eo a eae Beat Bota Re (Ree LRT Eee ea ad OR CLC e B felt ye) a 9 E 2) “Welcome one, welcome all! It took a bit of fenagling to get you all here on ee ea ne Ue eee ae ee ee ee aia Oe EOS Oa (oie DE Re RAO oer gs ee ae eae a below, you hear the grinding of gears and hiss of pistons. Then, a large holographic eae ee tte serge ee ete eet ee et renee bee hc “Some of you may know me, others haven't yet had the pleasure. Either way, Ill kindly introduce myself - My name is ARCADE-" After he bombastically says his name, the walls suddenly drop away into large Deer eer esa De eds eee tet Pog a oars rad De eked eee ee Lee eel “and this is my newest creation, THE MURDERWORLD THAT TIME FORGOT!” Give the players a moment to react to the villain reveal and then, before they can initiate an action, unleash the next part: Oem R el eee Me Mee ald Ae RL) ye CB Le CREE EY CR aa loans BiB a OBC RRL LE ene eae PRN Sea eT TOS OL yee Te DL Bee ae Breede aia eels DR es mR ee eee Oe Rie ae ee ee ee EL ee Le irr ee ee er] one just over six feet tall and running on their hind legs like ostriches, come ee CR neta hea ayo As soon as you finish introducing the race, get the players to roll initiative and enter combat. The challenge here is not one where heroes will be directly fighting opponents, instead it will be a series of ability and power checks to get across the field as quickly as possible and stay ahead of the Gallimimus herd. Adding a bit more motivation to the proceedings, once the Gallimimus get their first turn, describe one of the poor dinosaurs getting instantly vaporized after stepping on a hidden land mine! Not only will this give the heroes a glimpse at what is before them, it further panics the herd causing a violent stampede in the hero's direction. PV ome ee em Lea ee ey eee Oe eee) “Did I forget to mention there are a few landmines hidden out there as well? My bad! Watch your step! It should take most characters at least four combat rounds to cross the field if they're moving full speed each round, but there will be Troubles and other complications aplenty messing with their rolls and slowing them down. For the race, the most important aspect is to keep things fast paced and dangerous! This is accomplished by treating the stampeding herd of dinosaurs as an environmental hazard rather than becoming bogged down in the individual stat blocks of each creature. What's important is the threat of being trampled, avoiding damage, getting out of the way if you fall behind, etc. ART BY SEAN IZAAKSE 8 SHANE M, BAILEY Gallimimus Stampede DINO FACTS: Did you know that the Gallimimus could reach speeds of over 30 mph (48 kph)? “Arcade sure does. It's almost inevitable the heroes are overtaken by the terrified herd. ‘meaning the race will be side by side with dozens of frenzied dinosaurs and exploding landmines. For the purposes of measuring how many spaces they cover in a turn and how quickly they may overtake the group, the Gallimimus has @ Run speed of 12 Each turn, have each hero make an Agility vs.TN 12 action check Success means they manage to keep up with the herd and avoid begin trampled, bitten, or smashed into. Failure results in dMarvelx@ health damage and for the next round, the Agility ve. IN check gains a ccurmulative +1 penalty until they can score as many successes as they do failures. In other ‘words, its harder to catch up when falling behind and the danger grows! To keop that TN at 12, a hero needs to keep rolling successes! A Fantastic success means somehow the hero has managed tofind an opening and has the option of granting an Edge toa fellow hero as they callout to them, helping their team stay one stop ahead of the onslaught. If misfortune strikes ‘and a hero rolls 6 or lower, they're knocked prone! Being knocked over in a stampede can be ‘very dangerous and increases the damage taken to dMarvelx4 health fat any point ahero rolls a Fantastic Failure, they become the unlucky racer to also discover a land mine, The Hero suffers dMarvelx2 health damage as do any other hero within, 2 spaces (10 ft) of the explosion. The flipside however, is the explosion causes the herd to part! Have the hero make an Agility vs.TN 13 action check Success means they managed ta keep ‘thelr footing and have a straight shot o the finish line without any dinos getting in their way. Failure means the blast has knocked them down and they receive the Prone condition, but the crowd goes wild! ‘Track the number of each heroes’ successful rolls Once each hero has rolled 6 times, the one ‘with the most successes crosses the finish line first n the case of ate have the heroes roll a ‘combat check against the other’ Agility Defense TN to see who managed to snatch up the photo finish ‘If any characters try to leave the race area instead of heading toward the finish line, they discover thatthe jungle environment on either side is blocked by force fields that causes a burst of energy which knocks the characters back, forcing a Resilience vs. IN 10 action check. ‘A failure means the hero is blasted backwards and knocked to the ground, causing 10 Health ‘damage while recelving the Prone condition. Any further attempts prove futile and activate the same effect repeatedly, A Fantastic Failure causes 10 Health damage and 10 Focus damage, bt it also comes with the benefit of charging the hera's body with crackling ionic ‘energy. The panicked Gallimimus will try to avoid the hero when the stampede begins, reducing the TN from a 10: The punishment also applies to flyers. Arcade wont suffer a cheater ‘and while moving low across the ground is fine, fying above the stampede and avoiding the race may interfere with audience enjoyment and will certainly result in a nasty shock. BZZ77 If alero refuses to race at all,on round 3 of the race aline of explosions ignite just behind the starting line and each round after will continue, destroying the terrain in 5 meve increments, (carrie telematics Ts eral ha cee rtieeaetete adic Ae| ARCADE THE SHOWMAN Remember that Arcade isn't just manipulating events inside Murderworld, he's a bombastic gameshow host, constantly insulting or applauding the contestants as the game continues. Use Arcade's colorful commentary as a way to amuse and annoy the characters as they endure each encounter and you'll make the adventure even more memorable. You'll also motivate the players to want to make it through Murderworld in one piece so they can see Arcade get his much-needed comeuppance. Arcade is always looking to distract and annoy his contestants and will pepper his commentary with character insults, especially when they screw up a skill challenge or get hit hard in combat. Here are some character specific taunts you can use with heroes or adapt to original heroes where appropriate: Black Widow: Natty, Spy-Girl, Miss Run n' Gun, the Sad Spy, the Assassin Avenger Captain America: Captain Speeches, Captain Shields Up, Stars-Stripes-and- Stupidity, Super Soldier Steroids, Mr. Where's My Avengers At Daredevil: Horn-Head, Dainty Devil, Red and Soon Dead, Elektra’s Favorite Sidekick, the Dim Devil of Hell's Kitchen, Dork-Devil Elektra: Miss Scowls-A-Lot, Sad Sais, Low-Rent Ninja, Bullseye’s Favorite Target, Red and Ready to Kill Hawkeye: Hawk-Guy, Captain Cupid, Mr. Bow n’ Arrow, Robin Hood, Clint the Clown Iron Fist: Danny-Boy, Sad Karate Clown, Mr. Punchy, Black Belt Buffoon, Iron Fish, Jron Filth Jessica Jones: Jessie, New York's Worst Detective, Anger Management PI, Luke Cage’s Babysitter Luke Cage: Tough Guy, Big Guy, All-Fists-No-Brains, Luke Rage, Brooklyn's Biggest Bozo ‘Misty Knight: Miss All-Business, Cyber-Lady, Shiny Arm, Miss Shoot First Ask Questions Later Nick Fury Jr: Daddy's Li'l Nick, Spy Guy, Eye Patch, One Eye, the Guy Who Wrecked SHIELD. Spider-Man (Miles Morales): Spider-In-Training, Not-Spidey, Spider-Baby, Spider Junior, Spider-Tot White Tiger (Ava Ayala): Feisty Feline, Cat Lady, Angry Kitty, Not-Quite Black Panther Wolverine (Laura Kinney): Cut and Run, Cranky Claws, Miss Wolverine, Logan's Little Girl Winners The first hero to cross the finish line gets excited encouragement from Arcade as his hologram, now regular human size, appears to cheer them on. “Great job! You got ahead of the pack and abandoned your fellow contestants Pee As other contestants complete the race, each of them momentarily gets a holographic number over their head that notes the number of their arrival past the finish line. Losers Ifa hero loses all their Health and collapses and no other hero carries them to the finish line, Captain America will bravely make his way to them with a rallying cry of “No one gets left behind!" Steve gets clipped a few times by running dinos and takes some shrapnel from an explosion but narrowly manages to make it through with the unconscious hero on his back so the contest can continue. If multiple heroes drop, Arcade insults the character for their poor start as he sends a few worker robots to drag them unceremoniously across the finish line. Those knocked out heroes will receive the equivalent of 1 hour rest before the next encounter if other heroes carry or otherwise help them trek through the jungle. Once all the heroes have made it over the finish line, upright or unconscious, Arcade cheers or chastises them as required and then a glowing green neon arrow directs them to take a path into the dense jungle ahead, bringing them to the next scene. ‘SCENE 3: JUST LIKE FLIES (Overview: Traversing through a dense jungle, our heroes are ambushed by a twisted version ofa famous heroic wal-crawler Jungle Trek ‘Once the heroes enter the jungle, the clear path they were given by Arcade quickly falls away. ‘The thick ground cover and vines make it dificult to move through and the dense foliage from the trees above blocks out mos ofthe sunlight, creating eerie shadows even in the middle of theday ‘Ask the heroes how they're traversing this terrain and have them roll an Agility vs TN 11 ‘action check. You could also give them the option of rolling one of their bilities if they ean describe how they are using them, like a Logic vs. TN 12 ction check to reflec their knowledge ‘of survival and terrain. This isa useful option for heroes who aren‘ as physically adept and can help ensuring everyone's character fels capable and heroic. reflet their what pitfalls and plants to avoid. Faslure means they suffer the effects of difficult terrain (Chapter 4 of the Core Rulebook). Give each hero a chance to explain how they're handling the jungle and interacting with each ‘other. Captain America uses his shield to clear vines and continue marching onward, ‘encouraging the heroes no! to fall behind or give up If the heroes arent already chatty, he starts some discussion about the nature of the theme park, wondering how Arcade could have Funded such an ambitious version of Murderworld in Antarctica without anyone discovering it ‘head of time, ‘Once conversation has run its course or ifany ofthe heroes climb to the top ofthe treeline to ‘get a better look at their surroundings unleash the spider ambush. Spins « Web Hidden within the trees isan unexpected enemy-a combat-LM.D. of Spider-Man covered in ‘moss and muel as camouflage. As soon asthe heroes entered the dense jungle, Arcade activates this Jungle Spider” and it moves into position to surprise and slay them. ‘The Jungle-Spider is extremely hard to detect ahead of combat. A hero would need a Vigilance of to even know something is moving through the trees above and a Vigilance vs. TN 13. ‘action check to not be caught off guard by the impending attack. If Miles Morales (or any other ‘pider-based hero with Spider-Sense) i inthis adventure, he gains an Edge on any Vigilance checks to detect the threat and his Spider-Senses warn him something is coming from above, Dbuthe won't know exactly what until the enemy attacks, Otherwise, see Chapter 4 ofthe Core Rulebook for rules on Surprise and Chapter 7 for the Webgrabbing power as Jungle-Spider unleashes his frst attack. emcees shoots down fro re rapidly yanked up into the trees you're surprised to see Spider-Man above tumme 1s caked with dark mud and his hands are Black with dried aaa its some kind of monster! Jungle-Spider will target heroes with the highest current Health totals first, attacking them ‘with ensnaring web lines as it tries to choke them. Once the heroes fight back it will change tactics, switching to acrobatic punches and kicks from in and out of hiding, using its ‘camouflage and quick movement to keep the heroes off guard. ‘Once combat is underway, Arcade taunts the heroes and brags about his angry arachnic: a ee eS ree ea ee Pees eee oN Pete es ee er! ay hes er ee ee gees ee eee Jungle-Spider was b Jungle-Spider isn’t actually “jolly” at all. The robot doesn't make any of Peter Parker's familiar quips or wry observations. The only vocal sounds this killer robot emits are sharp hissing noises, adding to its creepy animalistic demeanor. Like the Captain America L.M.D, Spider-Man is a Rank 4 character in the Core Rulebook, making him a substantial challenge for Rank 1-3 heroes, but this robotic version has been lurking in the jungle for many months and, as such, is no longer operating at full power. In addition, the L.M.D. program was unable to reproduce Spider-Man's spectacular Spider- Senses, so that power is not available to it. His complete statistics are provided in Character Profiles. Make sure you have read up on Spider-Man's various Spider-Powers and understand how they work so you can use them in exciting and unexpected ways to keep the characters off guard with offensive, defensive, and crowd control abilities. Once the Jungle-Spider is knocked down to zero Health, its eyes glow red and it self-destructs, causing (dMarvelx2) health to anyone within 2 spaces, as Arcade cackles. IS STC LISA OTB EET eT eR CSTE SR ToC TTS anymore so, honestly, you just saved me the hassle of shipping pieces back home. reenact PONS ae aE ee CR ea ee No ae Bela OE Aneon green arrow begins flashing, pointing toward a dirt path that winds its way up a nearby hill, leading to the next scene If the entire team of heroes is knocked out by Jungle-Spider's vicious attacks, the last thing they see is Captain America bravely fighting the hissing spider enemy before they go unconscious. They'll gain two hours worth of healing and awaken with Steve Rogers standing guard over them while they recover. The Super Soldier looks even more wounded than before but isn't ready to give up as he helps them to their feet and the group stoically heads toward the next scene. Yes, the Cap L.MD. could have slain the heroes once they were knocked out here, but Arcade wants to squeeze the maximum amount of livestream views and drama out of this contest, so he’s stringing them along so the betrayal to come is even more powerful and tragic. SCENE 4: A LITTLE HELP? Overview; The heroes encounter a trapped dinosaur and must decide if they trust what they see and, if so, how best to free the creature using their abilities After two back-to-back action scenes, we want to switch gears and give characters a choice and ‘a chance to use their powers to solve a problem instead of just fighting, DS Ea ee ee Ee a Ted PO eee Lies a Neate est eee epee eee Pe eta of large metal pits ees eed Seg ead ee aaa ee E, d midway down a pit that’s approximately 40 Perna tay rene OE eae Ree eee eT EY stupid dinosaur makes a mess out of it! Look, just walk around and the trap will Protege message from our sponsors playing right now so our BO Tee cee See Ma hae E ea Sas aa) the net and pulley system keeping it dangling over the spikes but, even if its ab Pes eraena ar unless you help it e EE aed ART BY SEAN IZAAKSE 8 SHANE M. BAILEY Assistance Getting the ankylosaurus free from this trap is going to require quite a bit of teamwork. Getting down to the ankylosaurus on the net without spooking it will require an Agility vs. TN 13 action check. Pulling up both ends of the net while bracing progress with the pulleys will require at least two heroes with Mighty 1 or multiple heroes attempting a collective Melee vs. ‘IN 12 action check with each hero needing to achieve a success. However, without superhuman strength, the immense weight in addition to not wanting to scare the animal nullifies the standard Edge given to characters assisting one another. Lifting the dinosaur out of the pit requires two consecutive attempts. Should the first attempt fail, they may try again at a +2 to the original Melee vs. TN 12 action check, (which now makes the ‘Na 14). The Ankylosaurus is beginning to panic as the net begins to slip from the hero's grasp! If they manage to recover and beat the Melee vs. TN 14 action check, the TN resets to 12 for the next attempt. Remember! They need 2 consecutively successful attempts! If they fail one, they must begin again! If the heroes give up after they have begun, refer to the Failure section below. Beyond those direct physical options, let the heroes propose solutions of their own using their skills or powers individually or together and, if it sounds interesting and plausible, assign an appropriate ability or power check with a target number based on how difficult you think it will be, as shown in Chapter 2 of the Core Rulebook. If the heroes can free the ankylosaurus and pull it out of the pit, the creature shakes off the last of the metal net, moves in circles a bit like a happy dog and then clambers over the rocks back into the jungle. When the heroes are deep in combat during Scene 8: The Big Finish, this same ankylosaurus will come to their aid, providing an unexpected bonus for their good deed. This is also an excellent opportunity to award the heroes with Karma! Failure Ifa hero fails on multiple action checks and their allies are unable to save them, they may end ‘up sending both the dinosaur and them plummeting to the spikes below. The fall kills the dino and causes dMarvel x3 Health damage to each hero, unless a character can succeed on an Agility vs. TN 13 action check and twist their body to avoid hitting the spikes head-on, reducing the damage by half. Let it Lie Given the duplicitous nature of Murderworld, the heroes may presume that this is another set- ‘up, the dinosaur is fake, and that it's all some kind of trap within a trap. If so, they can just walk around the entire section and avoid the encounter completely. Captain America may voice some concern about the creature's innocence (despite its size and the danger it may pose), but he'll go along with the group majority if they decide it's too great a risk and want to move on without getting involved. Within a few minutes of inactivity, if the heroes do nothing and stick around to watch, the ankylosaurus will finally tear its way free of the metal net, fall and be impaled on the spikes below, killing it in grizzly fashion. The “problem is solved, though ina way that will probably leave any heroes feeling awkward and guilty as they move on to the next scene. ‘SCENE 5: SOMEWHERE SAFE? (Derview: Arcade reveals acest station where the heroes can heal up as they get ready forthe big final Rest Station M rs ee esate of large glass-encased fireplaces that surround dl errs lanterns hanging from the ceiling “You've done well to make it this far in one piece. Our streaming numbers are ene With that, he motions tower a large digital clock readout on the wall that reads This Has Got 10 be a Trick The heroes will almost certainly be on their guard when they see this palatal set-up. They have no reason to take Arcade at hs word, s0 they can search each section of Rest Station M and use a Viglance vs, TN 11 action check to investigate for traps, ‘The trick here is that everything in Rest Station M is exactly what it appears tobe, a safe spot torest until midnight, but dont tell players that. Make them roll for each area they check and, ‘whether they succeed or not, describe it s listed below, carefully building up tension and the expectation that something must be off and they/re in imminent peril ‘The heroes can tear apart the furniture or destroy any items in the rest facity without repercussions or additional communication from Arcede. He knows the real danger is coming at midnight and will enjoy any paranoia or arguing betoreen the heroes until then. GENERATING PARANOIA Aocation where there's no clear threat but one may be coming may not work for ‘every group s0 pay close atention to your players to see if they're enjoying this ‘moment-by-moment investigation. Ifthey'e clearly not into itor their atention starts to wane, cut things short by having the next successful roll ead them to conclude thatthe entire facility is safe and move onto either character conversations as they rest or the ambush that rolls out inthe next scene However, i investigating the space engages your players, really dig ntoit. Get them to be specific about their actions -Where they're searching and how they pick up or interact with each item or piece of furniture ‘are you going to look under the bed?” “How are you opening the first aid kit?” “Which hand are you using to reach into the hot ub?” “How many sandwiches are you taking out ofthe fridge?” ‘The more precise you are in asking for information on character action the more the players will assume those decisions are important and could mean the diflerence between safety and danger, adding tothe paranoid atmosphere in Murderworid even when things are 100% safe Doerr ae i Ta ete eer sheets and a series of comfy pillows monogramed with the letter M: All f it looks eee? Sieve Eee oS Se ee ee Eee with brass faucet fixtures, There appear to be folded wash cloths and a pump ttle labeled ‘liquid soap’ beside each basin. All of pr er gre) The large granite hot tub is spacious and has built in seating for up to ten Cee eae eee cee sett Prey BT eee sry red fridges that appear to be stocked with cans of soda, Perens ere et a ee ea een eee ees or 3 ER eg leet rn et eee ag ee rae al to the rest facility: They flicker ee ee E nount of heat to help break the cold rete temperature control settings or on-off switch that you can see. Once the heroes are either satisfied that Rest Station M is safe or have refused to use any of the furnishings or items, switch over to some character interaction role-play - How do they feel about being in Murderworld? How do they feel about each other after their initial encounters? If conversation stalls, Captain America may try to improve morale by relaying an anecdote from his time fighting in World War II CGO) CENCE Res Cm OCR ay) lee B lB Bis Ieee e: erg 24th, 1945. We had to steal every bit of sleep we could before the Battle of Berlii In those moments, when you can't go back and you're afraid to move forward, PCa ae There error ee crenata bilge Tek 7c reste eee R CE I know things seem bleak right now, my friends, but as long as we have each other Chante ace oa eta cases E haa eb core Of course, those inspirational platitudes from Cap are a ruse because Arcade is about to flip the kill switch on his fake Steve Rogers in the very next scene. SCENE 6: DANGER IN THE DARK Overview: Just when our heroes think they might be safe, Arcade plunges the rest station into darkness and unleashes two threats against our heroes - a Wolverine robotic duplicate and his Steve Rogers betrayer bot. Rest No More Whether the heroes are actively role-playing the entire time they spend in Rest Station M or if, the Narrator moves things along when the previous scene slows down, at midnight the entire complex is plunged into darkness, Ce eee eee ee mira Ey wey oa ett Se era ight in Rest Station M simultane ees eee te are you going to d Enemy - Wolverine (Wounded) Like the Captain America and Spider-Man M.D this robotic duplicate of Logan is based on 1 Rank 4 hero and would normally be an incredibly difficult challenge for a Rank 1 or 2 hero to handle. However, this version isnt optimized, as Arcade used this Wolverine robot to hunt down and corral dinosaurs while building this Murderworld, i stil has some lingering, Injuries, Arcade also couldn't obtain any unbreakable Adamantium when building his Wolverine duplicate so this versions claws aren't as dangerous or unstoppable asthe original hero's On top ofthat, since this isa M.D. and not an actual mutant, italso doesn't have Wolverine’ infamous healing factor, so each injury t sustains is permanent. You can find his full statistics in Character Profiles. Even with a reduction in power, Wolverine is still incredibly dangerous, so make sure you play up how savage and relentless he is in combat as he hunts and guts anyone in his way. Making hhim even more unnerving, this assassin duplicate doesi‘t speak in full sentences and cant be reasoned with, The only word this Wolverine robot double uses is “Bub. He hisses it, snarls it, or screams it, over and over again. The more he says “Bub’, the more amused Arcade gets, eigeling over the loudspeaker after each successful Bub-laced attack. lights Out Fighting in complete darkness is an unexpected challenge the heroes will have to overcome. Ifany characters have powers or abilities that create illumination, they will be able to see where they are as long as the light lasts, but that will also make them a target for Wolverine as he tries to keep the facility in darkness as he hunts. Characters like Daredevil who have heightened senses can operate in the dark without penalty, but also don't have any way of visually signaling their allies unless they want to make noise and call attention to themselves. If Wolverine isnt already attacking a character creating, light, hel focus on the loudest target within range. Everyone, including this L.M.D. Wolverine, hhas Trouble on all attacks and their movement rate halved, so longas the darkness persists. Ifa character manages to stay hidden and completely silent, they'll need an Agility vs. N14 action check for Wolverine to completely overlook them. A character hidden this way may also ‘be able to get the drop on Wolverine and gain an Edge on the initiative check, but that will obviously reveal their location and almost certainly make them his next target. If they can. perceive Wolverine as well, they may additionally gain an Edge on their attack while Wolverine will have Trouble on his. Note that as this is a LMD, Wolverine, he does not have those useful super olfactory senses to alert him when someone is near by! VISCERAL COMBAT It can be easy to let the die rolls take over combat scenes during a game session. Characters hit or miss and damage gets tabulated, rinse and repeat. The danger with this is that the dramatic stakes and storytelling can easily get pushed away, making your players feel more like number crunchers than heroes engaged in an exciting story. For this scene in particular, there are quite a few opportunities to describe exciting action beats that give the rolls context. As this scary L.M.D. of Wolverine hunts heroes in the dark, amp up the intensity with descriptions of the attack: “You hear the light pad of footsteps and a snarl moments before Wolverine leaps over the bed and dives at you with his claws extended.” The aftermath of damage dealt: “Wolverine’s claws stab deep into your shoulder as you both tumble to the ground in the darkness, He’ relatively short but also incredibly heavy and his weight presses down on you as he rears up and gets ready to attack again. What do you want to do?” Or tense moments wondering where he might be between attacks: “You hear a splash of water, clanging metal and a scream somewhere out in the darkness but can‘t quite pinpoint where it’s coming from. What do you want to do?” ‘The more exciting your combat descriptions are, the easier it will be for your players to imagine the scene and the more encouraged they'll be to describe their own actions in ways that make each session a lot more memorable. Captain, Oh Captain Once the lights go out, Captain America is nowhere to be seen. Don't mention this unless the heroes specifically ask about his whereabouts or call out to him. The Steve Rogers L.M.D. will stay out of sight throughout the fight and let Wolverine battle the heroes until the climax. No Escape If any of the heroes decide they're going to head back to the cave mouth entrance to try and make their escape, they discover it’s now closed, completely covered over with a solid stone section as thick and impenetrable as the rest of the cavern around them. The characters are boxed into Rest Station M and must defeat Wolverine or be slain by him. Once Wolverine is knocked down to zero Health, the heroes will assume it's going to self destruct like Jungle-Spider did, but instead it just goes inert. As Wolverines body crumples to the floor, all the lights in the complex snap on again. Youre surprised to see Captain America standing by the fireplaces holding a pulley hanging down from the ceiling as Arcade’s voice echoes all around you. he OPE CMe BR Ace CR rR o ee ew Leet finest creation, why don't you tell our hapless heroes what comes next! el ee SEL ee ET EN Loris ae Ee Roney Oe Riek Can Cyt “My pleasure, Arcade! Friends, you've fought bravely by my side and kept our EU eho a Roe le atl b Le RRA AI Mtoe BRL LEB MCF Te He Law lee eve T Le sey Deron ei aca ae Bee et eB Jb Uae e)0) 5/9) Be (Bry emer TORR eB mom COMIC OB LET Cea Arley Or-LLlA POSE Pcliaaersriia ered deen If any of the heroes are defeated by Wolverine and another hero doesn't pick them up or revive them within two rounds of combat, their unconscious body will automatically be pulled into the nearest wall by hidden robotic arms. If another hero notices this and wants to stop it they'll need to act fast with either a Vigilance vs. TN 12 or Agility vs. TN 12 action check If the unconscious hero is pulled away, they'll be taken to the command tower where Arcade directs all the action and keeps any hostages he may have brought as collateral. SCENE 7: BIG DINO ACTION Overview: Our injured and confused heroes fall into a massive arena space for Arcade’s grand finale - a pitched battle against a rampaging Tyrannosaurus Rex! The heroes fall 50 feet straight down, landing in a huge area and will take falling damage equal to dMarvel x3 health damage. Falling rules can be found in Chapter 4 of the Core Rulebook. Heroes who can fly (and are conscious and able to use their flight) aren't affected and if any of the other heroes come up with a plausible way to slow their descent, reduce damage, or assist their allies, give them a chance with an appropriate action check of Agility vs TN 10. If there are too many in need of help and not enough in the group who can fly, those who fly can.use themselves as a living parachute to slow the descent of everyone in the fall. If the hero in question elects this strategy, forgo the roll all together and the entire group (including the flier) simply takes half damage from the fall as well as earning some Karma (Narrator's discretion) You plummet to the muddy ground and, now looking around, find yourself in a football field-sized arena. The arena is surrounded by stadium seating filled with a PO sey Sacchi da ascites anata soe PNY EO NOS Ee te ee Ee eC CIES Td above that tower are holographic letters that flash and change with messages that FT eR Let BLL TALKIE ULL B OO MN TAN Te ARO Cas ce Oe Me ee ae eee ae eR eS eg Oe Oe ee eae Cee ne Ceo e en Oe en Baca ee ede Baas ge Oe Tore SRST OE eae CM Mee eR els ELSES ADT Oe ed CO eee PU Le ed oO e eee Bee yaa ole Bieri S oe Jee ees BOMB Cmi Eee Aa. m ROUND MY ce a Arcade’s Arena The final round arena is a huge combat zone 350 feet long and 200 feet wide, with force fields onall sides (and above as well once the heroes drop into the space) to keep characters from escaping the action. In addition toa rampaging Tyrannosaurus Rex with Captain America on its back, there are a couple other key features in this scene to keep in mind. Drones: A series of six flying drones buzz around the arena to film exciting angles of the action for Arcade's devious livestream but, unlike any passive filming they may have done in other sections of Murderworld, these drones also have lasers mounted on them, enabling them to zap heroes who Arcade decides aren't being “exciting” enough. Ifa hero is being too defensive, trying to hide or take cover too much, or are staying away from the big action and using ranged attacks too effectively, a pair of drones will fly in and fire stinging blasts that deals dMarvel x2 +4 health damage, while Arcade chastises them with commentary like: CE eset ST ee Ree ey eee ee Striking these quick-moving drones is surprisingly difficult. A hero will need to beat their Defense score TN of 14, or otherwise devise a method for entrapping them using their abilities and powers. Ahero with the Gearhead or Tech Reliance traits may be able to hack one of these drones and use it for their own purpose if they can get a hold of one but doing that will require landing a successful Grab on the target. To Grab a drone requires a Melee vs. TN 14 action check. Hacking the drone is a Logic vs. TN 14 action check (plus their Gearhead benefit, if they have it) Arcade’s Command Tower: For this grand finale, Arcade is physically on location (along with a couple other Murderworld staff members and any hostages Arcade may have taken) but protected inside a 30-foot diameter command tower mounted 20 feet up that's located at the far end of the arena. The dome at the top of the tower is transparent so Arcade can watch the action play out live along with his camera feed monitors and the aquarium thick transparent material is protected with force fields aplenty, each dealing out the same punishment as the energy fields during the race, requiring a Resilience vs. TN 10 action check. A failure means the hero is blasted backwards and knocked to the ground, causing 10 Health damage while receiving the Prone condition. Any further attempts prove futile and activate the same effect repeatedly. A Fantastic Failure causes 10 Health damage. If any of the heroes break away from the T. Rex fight and try to attack the tower to get to Arcade, the tower's self defense systems will respond with powerful electrical shocks on its surface or up to 50 feet away that has the exact same effect as attempting to breach the force fields, Doing so will also elicit scorn from Arcade. eae Teer eee ae eee Oe ata roe If that electrical blast isn't enough to deter them, all six flying drones and the traitorous Captain America L.M.D. will break away from the main combat and target them to keep Arcade safe. Tyrannosaurus Wrecks ‘A.40-foot-tall angry dinosaur with &-inch-long sharp teeth that weighs over 7 tons is certainly. going to command attention and keep our heroes busy. Beyond the creature's base statistics, which can be found in Character Profiles, it also has some extra combat abilities to keep things interesting. ‘Stomp: If a hero is unfortunate enough to be stomped on by the'T. Rex they'll need to succeed ata Melee vs, TN 12 avoid being pinned, Bite: Ifthe T Rex successfully bites a hero, they'll need to roll a Melee vs. IN 12 action check to avoid being Caught (see below) in the massive jaws of the beast. The only slight advantage to hhaving someone trapped in the T. Rex's mouth is that tean‘t bite anyone else while its mouth is full. ‘Caught: Once a hero is Caught, they're in a really bad spot. Each round, before their action, they must now roll a Melee vs TN 12 action check just to stay wedged in the T Rex's mouth. If they fail, they could be either Thrashed or Swallowed ‘There are four ways a Caught hero can escape: > Another hero assists and rolls a Melee vs. TN 12 action check with an Edge to pull the trapped hero fee, but that helping hero must fist roll an Agility vs. TN 12 action check ‘o avoid also being Caught and put in the same predicament. > The Rex takes at least 15 health damage in a single round, causing it to roar, which opens its mouth enough for the hero to maneuver their way out, > The T Rec is knocked down to zero Health > Aplayer comes up with an inventive use oftheir powers or abilities you agre could work and they succeed against the T Rex's Melee Defense. ‘Thrash: A hero caught in the T. Rex mouth may be thrashed around and slammed against the ground or walls of the arena. Unless the hero makes a Resilience vs. TN 14 ction check, they'll suffer (@Marvelx4) +6 health damage. If that thrashing damage takes the hero down to zero Health, they're automatically Swallowed, ‘Swallow: Ifthe T Rex rolls an Ultimate Fantastic on any of its Bite attack rolls or if hero {goes unconscious while in the T. Rex's mouth, the T. Rex target is Swallowed whole. Being Swallowed causes (¢Marvelxé) ~6 to the target each round at the beginning of the T-Rex’s turn. ‘Anhero who manages to be Swallowed and is still conscious can try to battle thelr way back up the T. Rex’ throat by making a Melee vs.TN 14 action check with an Edge. Success causes the T- Rex to gag and expel the hero as quickly as possible. Fantastic Success adds an additional +1 Damage Multiplier to the heroes’ attack against such a sensitive spot! Otherwise, they'll need to-wait for the T Rex's Health to be reduced to zero before they can climb out automaticaly. EPIC ACTION ‘As mentioned in the previous scene, make sure you describe the action in exciting ‘ways to keep your players engaged and encourage ther to get more creative with their own descriptions as they play. Everything the Tyrannosaurus Rex does should be large and terrifying- “The T Rex shifts turns its huge body toward you and its massive jaws hinge ‘openas it gets ready to try and bite you in halt.” Every action check made to keep from being Caught, Thrashed, or Swallowed should sound intense- “Your muscles straim as you try to break free, but the T. Rex's teeth hold you fast. Before you can try again, the dinosaur’ head starts to lurch and you realize its about to slam your body against the metal walls that surround the arenaf” ‘When heroes deliver a big hit, make sure the results also sound epic- “Your jump kick lands right in the 7 Rex’ eye! The huge beast roars with rage aiid confusion as you temporarily Blind it” ‘This battle isthe climax of the adventure, so you want to make sure it feels as big, and bombastic as possible, The Captain America L.M.D. isn‘t pretending to be an ally or even human anymore, which means his behaviour will start to get strange and unpredictable as a way for Arcade to amp up the entertainment in this final encounter. Steve Rogers’ expression locks into a freakish grin and he starts loudly singing the American national anthem as he fights, with musical accompaniment coming from hidden speakers within his iconic shield. Once he's finished singing the anthem, he'll start loudly announcing each attack he makes like a video game character, punctuating each move with bold and ridiculous titles like: Shield Slash! Charging Star! Stars & Stripes! Land of the Free! Democracy Always Wins! Unstoppable Freedom! Uncle Sam Smash! Final Justice! Cap starts the battle on the Tyrannosaurus Rex's back but, as soon as he gets initiative, he'll focus his attention on the hero with the least amount of damage taken, either leaping toward them or launching his shield at them as required. Thereafter, roll a Logic vs. TN 10 action check at the start of each combat round to see if Cap stays focused on his current target or breaks off to engage another hero in need of some ‘All-American Justice.” ART BY SEAN IZAAKSE & SHANE M. BAILEY If the heroes managed to free the ankylosaurus back in Scene 4, it will also arrive with the T- Rex as it emerges. It was swept up by the same robotic sentries who captured the tyrannosaurus rex in preparation for this encounter, Find it's statistics in Character Profiles. The ankylosaurus immediately recognizes its ‘friends’ and will help in the desperate fight against the T. Rex, Captain America, and any drones, attacking with its horned head and club like tail or providing defensive cover for heroes using its thick-armored back. Any hero using their new dino friend as cover imposes trouble on all ranged attacks made against them. The ankylosaurs also recognizes Captain America as part of the rescue, so it will have Trouble on any attacks against the Cap LM.D. When the Captain America L.M.D. is defeated, Arcade will memorialize his fallen Super Soldier by having Taps (the traditional military funeral song) play over the loudspeakers in the arena. When the T. Rex is defeated, it stumbles through the arena for a few moments before its massive bulk comes crashing down on top of Arcade’s command tower, leading us directly into the final scene, If Captain America or the T. Rex manage to defeat all the heroes, the adventure comes to an end, but not quite the way the players might expect. After the last of the heroes go unconscious, everything goes black and then, all of them awaken ona small remote controlled shipping vessel heading through the Pacific Ocean toward New Zealand. The heroes are still quite injured, but surprisingly they're still alive. Once the battered heroes start moving around, a message from Arcade automatically triggers: POO Lye ake Vines Bila CBT Bes Te Fore Saeed noe eater meat es CEN a aK rag Rae Nee CIE oe 1g you all dead and buried but the mysterious benefactor who footed the Seance ya ee acest aea Ree eer ee ec DO KRM ea eon Rear er cee a ee ee It feels wrong to take the ‘murder’ out of Murderworld; but the client is always right, so well play it on easy mode this time. Igot to build a wild dino park, mess you all up and send you packing, so that’s hed e cee ee ie eee Ce eee eso ec ed eae a EL Ea aie eae eee Le Td Er ea ae Any hostages taken by Arcade are also found here on the ship. They're a bit dazed, but otherwise okay. SCENE 8: BIG FINISH Overview: It's Game Over for Arcade ‘As soon as the T. Rex is defeated, Arcade’s plans quickly fall apart dy teeters for a few moments before it collapses right on top of Ce eee enc a ee ea eee Dee eee ee dae ee ee eee ee es amet el beac reCat Te Re a Te oks at all of you for the first time without any screens, holograms, or force fields between you. GU eRe Coa ede TS ee DR oR ae The heroes have fought hard to get here, so give them the chance to relish this victory over Arcade. All of Arcade's bravado is gone and his staff immediately surrender. Without any technology to fall back on, Arcade is just a snivelling, simpering loser who won't accept any blame for his horrifying actions. Helll offer money, connections, and even propose killing the heroes most hated enemies if it'll keep him from being incarcerated and losing his toys. As soon as the conversation turns to why he did this or who hired him, Arcade is all too quick to give up his secrets, but Fora moment, Arcade seems to get his confidence back as a big smile crosses his ve ‘Now that is a good question, pall In the past I've been hired by wealthy jerks with a vendetta, huge corporations, and even corrupt governments, but this job...well, eee Eger ee Suddenly, gold-flecked sparkles materialize around Arcade’s head and his expression goes completely blank before he collapses to the floor in a heap. He's Piece ee naa Arcade has been knocked out by some kind of mystic spell and, when he wakes up, he has no memory of who hired him or their plans and, even more surprising, all the money he was paid has vanished from his well-hidden offshore accounts. If you're using this as a self-contained adventure, the heroes won't know exactly who set up this Murderworld location and tried to kill them, though all signs point to a villain powerful in the ways of magic. Feel free to link it up to future stories in a way that ties well into your character's ongoing adventures. If you're using this adventure as a single issue of a graphic novel-styled trilogy, continue with either of the following: A moment later, a shimmering piece of parchment appears out of thin air and, Desi BT RT ode lac mea aslo Te el eligi a “WELL DONE, CONTESTANTS. YOU HAVE VANQUISHED ARCADES GRAVE WORLD OF MURDER AND THUS HAVE PROVEN YOUR WORTH AMONGST THE COMMON FOLK. A GRAND CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS IS SET TO BEGIN AND YOU ARE FORTHWITH INVITED TO SPECTATE AND ENCOURAGE COMPETITORS WHO SHALL FIGHT FOR PARODY. 10-7 V BUN IIIB D101 O DO be At the same time, a swirling portal of golden magic forms in the air in front of you. Lee tac If the heroes accept this mysterious invitation and step through the glowing portal, they'll appear in Champions of the Ten Realms and may be able to influence the climactic events in that epic adventure! If not, they can make their way back home and wonder what legendary deeds are playing out across the cosmos while they carry on with their regularly scheduled heroics. REWARDS If players played with existing Marvel characters, you won't need to worry about gaining Ranks. Instead, you might use this as an opportunity to solidify some of the relationships that evolved over the course of play in case the players chose to play those characters again. Think of it as adding continuity to your own comic series! How does this affect them moving forward and what scars do they carry back with them from the adventure? If the players were playing an original character, the case could easily be made that their harrowing adventure through this new Murderworld in the Savage Lands would warrant an increase in Rank, Consider the heroes triumphs (and failures) that added to the enjoyment of the adventure and the experience those character may have gained. A Rank 1 character likely should advance to Rank 2. A Rank 2 character would be at the Narrator’s discretion. Beyond statistical enhancements, the heroes are now aware of the Savage Land, if they didn’t know about it already, which could lead to future exploration of the strange jungle climate and its many inhabitants. RETROSPECTIVE: IMPROVING YOUR GAME Running the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game as a Narrator can be a lot of hard work and you want to make sure you're maximizing the impact of your game. After an adventure wraps up, it can be extremely helpful to go through a ‘debrief’ with your players to make sure things went well and ensure that future sessions continue to be entertaining for everyone involved. Here are some questions you can ask your group: Overall » Did you enjoy your time in Murderworld? > What parts did you enjoy the most? > Which encounters were the most memorable? > Were there any parts you didn’t enjoy or aspects you found frustrating? > Were there any rules you found confusing that we can clarify now? Character > Did you enjoy playing your character? ‘What powers or abilities did you enjoy the most? Were you motivated to continue after each scene? Did you have enough to do? Were you challenged? Were there parts of your character you didn’t enjoy or things you found confusing or frustrating? yvvvvy Combat > Did you enjoy combat? > If not, would you be interested in moving toward a more tactical or narrative style of play? Tabletop role-playing games are incredibly flexible and each group has their own dynamic in terms of gameplay, narrative, and combat. The more you understand how your players approach the game and what engages them, the easier it will be for you to collaborate to build superhero stories all of you will fondly remember. ANKYLOSAURU: 4 [TRAITS & TAGS “SS ‘Trarts Tacs ‘* Monster ‘* Extreme © Signature ‘Appearance attack Tail lub ¢ Mute (Can only ‘© Surprising roa) Power: Sturdy 3 Surprising Power: Sturdy 4 POWERS! /sirmaeenentily Basie Suren-Srasncrs piece a lame seas i ervacs ances Poise weeee 1 ase mIceneal ieee appeal eee = © Mighty 1 Sisaay ‘* Unrelenting ‘Smash RESIZE © Grow 1 (permanently Huge size; Reach 5) BIOGRAPHY Real Name: Varies Height: Varies Weight: Varies Gender: Varies Eyes: Varies Hair: None Size: Huge Distinguishing Features: None Occupation: None Origin: Monstrous Teams: None Base: None History The ankylosaurus is a quadrapedal dinosaur with armor plating and a long tail with a club used for defense. It was originally thought to have become extinct in the Cretaceous period, but can still be found in the Savage Land. Personality This profile is for an average ankylosaurus. It can be used in a pinch for similar dinosaur- like characters, but it can also be tailored to suit specific ones with just a few adjustments. : : 5 eR} rots © Abrasive © Hunted © Connections: © Public Identity Griminal © Rich * Determination © Streetwise * Gearhead © Villainous * Inventor ‘Signature ‘Attack: Traps (characters suffer trouble when attempting to disable Arcades traps) BIOGRAPHY Real Name: Unknown Height: 5'6" Weight: 140 lbs. Gender: Male Eyes: Blue Hair: Red Size: Average Distinguishing Features: None Occupation: Assassin Origin: Special Training Teams: Often associates with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, various criminal groups Base: Murderworld History The exact origins of Arcade are an enigma that may never be solved. As a fan of chaos and mystery, Arcade enjoys telling differing and contradictory stories about his early life. What is known is that, as a young man, Arcade discovered his calling as an assassin. Across the underworld, he quickly established himself as the best in luxury assassination services He works only for the richest and most powerful villains, and he invests his earnings back into his wildly intricate schemes. Ordinary criminals could never afford to underwrite Arcade's lavish lifestyle, much less subsidize his incredible construction plans. Arcade specializes in killing super heroes, but as he lacks super powers of his own, he prefers to lure his victims into elaborate complexes filled with traps—Murderworlds—rather than confront them face to face. His most frequent targets include the X-Men and the Avengers. Over the course of decades, Arcade’s failures have only inspired him to become more sadistic. He loves to pit heroes trapped in his Murderworlds against one another, forcing them to fight to the death. Personality As a psychopath with a flair for the theatrical, Arcade is fiercely independent and not to be trusted. He gets paid to commit murder, but he is dedicated beyond that to his craft. For the right targets, hed probably do it for free. Arcade’s greatest flaw as an assassin is his love for the hunt. He tends to go easy on heroes who impress him, disabling his most deadly traps so that he can extend his personal enjoyment of the hero’s suffering. Tears Tacs * Combat Reflexes © Al. © Connections: Streetwise criminal * Entre Determination Appearance © Signature Attack: Sniping © Tech Reliance RANGED WEAPONS © Double Tap © Point-Blank Parry Skeleton ‘© Snap Shooting © Sniping BIOGRAPHY Real Name: Life Model Decoy Height: 6' Weight: 200 lbs. Gender: Male Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond Size: Average Distinguishing Features: Bull’s-eye scar on forehead Occupation: Assassin Origin: High Tech: Android Teams: None Base: None History The Bullseye L.MD. is a faithful replica of the real villain with some differences. However, he is still a Rank 2 villain and will put up a fight to be sure. Remember, it’s got to be convincing! Personality Bullseye is a madman who enjoys killing above all else. He's generally not the type to be reasoned with, though he has been persuaded to cooperate with others in exchange for money or power. -Artby Paco Medina & Yen Mic Tras Tacs @ BattleReady @ AL. © Connections: ‘Signature Military Weapon: Imitatio ‘© Public Speaking Captain America’s Shield [+1 damage * si a Sinational ‘muleiplier] Awareness , © Surprising Pcreme Power: Rico- eres Shield ‘© Tech Reliance Inspiration ¢ ‘Hurled Shield Bash ‘® Rico-Shield © shield 2 © Shield Bash Shield Deflection BIOGRAPHY Real Name: Life Model Decoy Height: 62" Weight: 240 lbs. Gender: Male Eyes: Blue Hair: Blond Size: Average Distinguishing Features: None Occupation: Military Origin: High Tech: Android ‘Teams: None Base: None History Originally created by Arcade to fool heroes trapped in his Murderworlds into thinking they have a staunch ally. Arcade used the Captain America L.M.D. to keep tabs on the heroes as they progressed through his gauntlets of deathtraps. Steve appears to be already wounded and, if asked about it, he indicates that he fought off at least a dozen bystanders who suddenly attacked him and exploded in a haze of gas during a charity event in Battery Park. Personality To any heroes this L.M.D. version of Cap encounters, this is Steve Rogers, Sentinel of Liberty and a living legend. He's kind, caring, protective, and hard-working. He looks out for everyone and is willing to sacrifice himself to save others. JUNGLE-SPIDER (L.M.D.) i KARMA TRAITS & TAGS Trarrs Tacs © Bloodthirsty Al. ‘© Combat Reflexes @ Extreme ¢ Free Running Appearance © Tech Reliance © Combat Trickery * Jump 1 © Evasion Spider-Dodge © Mighty 1 Spider-strike ¢ Slow-Motion ‘Webcasting sere ee Webslinging Webtrapping [BIOGRAPHY \izeteisistsiietsaoisis loser iosot desriessnstelsier terravitss Real Name: None Height: 5'10" Weight: 170 lbs. Gender: Male Eyes: Hazel Hair: Brown Size: Average Distinguishing Features: None Occupation: Assassin Origin: High Tech: Android Teams: None Base: None History Originally created by Arcade for Kraven the Hunter as a new robotic Spider-Man to practice his tactics against. Arcade used the spare parts to create his own version, which became Jungle-Spider. Personality Described by Arcade as the "Jolly Jungle-Spider’, Jungle-Spider isn’t actually “jolly” at all. The robot doesn't make any of Peter Parker's familiar quips or wry observations. The only vocal sounds this killer robot emits are sharp hissing noises, adding to its creepy animalistic demeanor. el SMUGGLER KARMA ‘artby Gulu Vlanova & Lee Loughridge Tras Tacs * Abrasive Black Market * Connections: Access Criminal © Streetwise © Determination gna ‘Attack: Weapons Blazing * Sneaky POWERS / "RANGED WEAPONS ‘¢ Snap Shooting Note: If you electto waceras give one or two of the aoa smugglers a following: Range 20 Spaces (or 100ft). The ‘weapon also ignores a single rank in Damage Reduction. BIOGRAPHY Real Name: Varies Height: Varies Weight: Varies Gender: Varies Eyes: Varies Hair: Varies Size: Average Distinguishing Features: None Occupation: Criminal Origin: Special Training Teams: None Base: None History This person has lived a life of crime smuggling goods to and from locations illegally. In addition to that, they have no super-powers. Personality This profile is for an average smuggler. It can be used ina pinch for many criminal characters, but it can also be tailored to suit particular characters with just a few adjustments. Tacs © Extreme Appearance ‘© Mute (Can only roar) '¢ Clobber © Crushing Grip © Ground-Shaking Stomp ‘* Immovable © Quick Toss © Smash ‘© Unrelenting Smash Resize © Grow 1 (permanently Huge size; Reach 5) BIOGRAPHY Real Name: Life Model Decoy Height: 5'3" Weight: 195 lbs. Gender: Male Eyes: Blue Hair: Black Size: Average Distinguishing Features: Retractable claws, muttonchops Occupation: Military Origin: High Tech: Android Teams: None Base: None History Created by Arcade, this L.M.D. is a not-quite-optimized version of the famous hero of the same name. Arcade couldn't obtain any unbreakable Adamantium when building his Wolverine duplicate, so this version's claws aren't as dangerous or unstoppable as the original hero's. Personality The only word this Wolverine robot double uses is “Bub”. He hisses it, snarls it, or screams it, over and over again. The more he says “Bub’, the more amused Arcade gets, giggling over the loudspeaker after each successful Bub-laced attack. ‘WRITER: jim Zub [ADVENTURE MECHANICS: Ere Campbell, Adam Bradford & Mellie Doucette PRODUCER, EDITOR, & CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Adam Bradford ‘COVER ART: Paco Medina & Yon Nitro INTERIOR ART: Sean Izaakse& Shane M. Bailey ‘CARTOGRAPHY Brian Patterson 1L0G0 DESIGN: Travis Howell GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT: Adam Bradford & Mellie Doucette MARVEL WULIIVERSE PLAYING GAME TEAM PRODUCER & PROJECT LEAD: Carlos ‘C)* Cervantes Jr. LEAD WRITER, CORE RULEBOOK: Matt Forbeck EDITOR, CORE RULEBOOK: Brin Overton [ASSISTANT PRODUCER: Amir Osman ORIGINAL RPG DESIGN: Simeon Cogswell BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LEAD: Trent Belen EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MARKETING & INTEGRATED PLANNING: Tim Dillon \VP PRODUCTION & SPECIAL PROJECTS: jeff Youngest POF PLANNING & FORECASTING: Mark Annunziato DEMIPLANE DIGITAL TEAM Josephine Berlage, Adam Bradford, Robert Brown, Melle Doucette, Travis Howell, Brandon Fox, ‘Travis Frederick, Julie Hawkins, Mason Hendricks, Travis Howell, Luke Janssen, Joseph Keen, Domenic Kelly, Mike Krause Aria Marizcor, Michael O'Conner, Thomas Opper, jacob Parma, Mike Rabas, Jason Roberts, Peter Romenesko Tanner Scadden, Josh Simons Kelly Stanze, Robert Veitch, Samantha Vondrum, Craig Westhoven “The Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game uses the d616 game engine. See for more details. MARVEL MULTIVERSE ROLE-PLAYING GAME: THE MURDERWORLD THAT TIME FORGOT. Published by MARVEL WORLDWIDE, INC, a subsidiary of MARVEL ENTERTAINMENT, LLC OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: 1290 Avenue ofthe Americas, New York NY 10104 © 2023 MARVEL No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions in this book with those of any living or dead person or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. KEVIN FEIGE. Chief Creative Oficer: DAN BUCKLEY, President, Marvel Entertainment; DAVID BOGART, Associate Publisher & SVP of Talent Affairs TOM BREVOORT, VP Executive Editor; NICK LOWE, Executive Editor, VP of Content, Digital Publishing: DAVID GABRIEL, VP of Print & Digital Publishing; SVEN LARSEN, ‘VP of Licensed Publishing, MARK ANNUNZIATO, VP of Planning & Forecasting: JEFF ‘YOUNGOUIST, VP of Production & Special Projets; ALEK MORALES, Director of Publishing Operations; DAN EDINGTON, Director of Editorial Operations; RICKEY PURDIN, Director of Talent Relations; JENNIFER GRUNWALD, Director of Production & Special Projects; SUSAN (CRESPI Production Manager; STAN LEE, Chairman Emeritus For information regarding ‘advertising in Marvel Comics or on Marvel com, please contact Vit DeBellis, Custom Solutions & Integrated Advertising Manager, at vdebellise@marvelcom. For Marvel subscription inquiries, please call 886-511-5480,

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