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TOPIC: The Earth

Summer is warm, and winter is cold. Do you know why? Earth moves around the sun. It is
tipped on one side. Our part of the earth has winter when the North Pole slants away from
the sun. Our part of the earth has summer when the North Pole slants toward the sun.

What is the reason why summer is warm?

Is the Sun away from the Earth when it is winter?

What does the Earth move around?

Why was it hard for Galileo to prove to the Catholic church in the middle ages that the earth
moved around the sun and not the other way around?

Did you know that the earth orbits around the sun and around its own axis in a counter
clock motion?

Do you believe that no one made the earth except God?

Have you been to North Pole?

Why do other countries are very cold?

Why do other countries are very hot?

warm : 따뜻한
cold : 추운
tip : 기울이다
slant : 비스듬히 하다
North Pole : 북극
orbit : 궤도를 돌다

KEY SENTENCE: It is tipped on one side.

TOPIC: The Ant and the Grasshopper

On a cold frosty day an ant was dragging out some of the corn, which he had laid up in
summer time, to dry it. A grasshopper, half-perished with hunger, asked the ant to give him
a morsel of it to preserve his life? "What were you doing," said the ant, "this last summer?"
"Oh," said the grasshopper, "I was not idle. I kept singing all summer long." Said the ant,
laughing and sitting on the tree, "since you could sing all summer, you may dance all

Summarize the above story.

Why didn't the grasshopper prepare for the winter?

Which one is wiser, the ant or the grasshopper? Why or why not?

How do you describe the grasshopper/ant?

What lessons have you learned from these two creatures?

What do you prepare for winter? for summer?

Do you preserve food for every season? Why or why not?

Do you prepare things earlier or later?

Do you know what the word, “Maniana Habit” means?

frosty : 서리가 내리는
drag : 질질 끌다
lay up : 저축하다
half-perished : 거의 초췌한
morsel : 한 입
summarize : 요약하다
preserve : 보존하다.

KEY SENTENCE: I kept singing all summer long.

TOPIC: Money

Every week Sarah's parents would give her money for her weekly allowance. Sarah likes to
save up from her pocket money, so she can buy the things that she needs at school or for
her personal needs. For Sarah, it is important to save up. She uses the money, wisely. She
does not spend it on things that she really does not need. Sarah's parents are so happy
about her good attitude by saving up money.

What does Sarah have every week?

Do your parents give you money every week?

What is the money for?

Do you save up from your pocket money? Why or why not?

What do you usually buy from your saved up money

Do you ask money from your parents? Why or why not?

How do you spend your money?

Can people survive without money?

Do you believe that money is the root of all evils?

Are you contented of the life that you have now? Why or why not?

Why do people work?

weekly : 주간의
allowance : 용돈
personal : 개인의
wisely : 현명하게
spend : 사용하다
attitude : 태도
survive : 살아남다
KEY SENTENCE: She does not spend it on things.

TOPIC: Vincent Van Gough

Vincent van Gough was famous for painting portraits. He was especially good at
self-portraits. But during his lifetime he only sold one painting. He worked in Paris, but he
did some of his best paintings in Arels in the south of France. He painted his house yellow.
Yellow is his favorite color. He never married and his younger brother, Theo was his best

How many paintings did Van Gough sell?

Where did Van Gough work to paint most of his paintings?

Summarize Vincent van Gough's life.

Did you know that Van Gough, in a fit of rage, once cut off the ear of a friend at a pub?

Did you know that an original painting of Van Gough entitled, "The Sunflower," sold for a
record 10 million dollars at an auction in London?

Are you interested in Art?

What do you usually paint?

Does it describe your personality with the painting that you have made?

Do you have any idea about painting?

be famous for : ∼로 유명하다
portrait : 초상화
especially : 특별히
be good at : ∼에 능하다
original : 독창적인
auction : 경매
interested : 흥미있는
describe : 묘사하다, 설명하다
painting : 그림

KEY SENTENCE: Gough was famous for painting portraits.

TOPIC: Using Different Mediums

Most people use words to send messages. But artists use colors, lines, and shapes.
Paintings show how artists think and feel about things. Artists have painted pictures of
almost anything you can think of. They have painted families, people, bright sky, big cities,
quiet lakes, and animals. An artist expresses his thoughts and feelings in his painting.

What do most people use to send messages?

How can you express your feelings?

Do you like to paint to express your emotions?

Do you think you can express your thoughts and feelings well on the Internet like a painter
does on canvass?

Do you think the Internet especially the E-mail has made the post office and sending mail

Do you like painting?

What kind of painting do you like to draw when you’re lonely? when you’re happy?

Do you want to be an artist? Why or why not?

message : 소식
artist : 예술가
shape : 모양
express : 표현하다
thought : 생각
feeling : 느낌

KEY SENTENCE: Paintings show how artists think about things.

TOPIC: Dangerous Crossing

Mrs. Hazel and Heidi were going to the bank. They saw something that happened at an
intersection that was reckless and dangerous. A young man started running trying to beat
the red traffic light, though there were two cars coming at him. The cars almost hit him. He,
somehow, evaded the cars and ran towards the people who were waiting on the other side.

What happened to him?

Do you keep the traffic rule?

Has something similar like this ever happen to you?

What can you do to protect yourself from traffic accidents?

Tell me about Mrs, Hazel's behavior.

Have you ever seen an accident where pedestrians were run over or a motorcycle rider was

Do you always carry your driver's licence with you at all times as well as your car

dangerous: 위험한
crosswalk: 횡단보도
against: ~에 거슬러서
traffic light: 교통 신호등

KEY SENTENCE: A young man started running trying to beat the red traffic light.

TOPIC: Fortuneteller
A famous fortuneteller sat in a marketplace. He was very popular and made lots of money
from the villagers. One day, a villager ran up to the fortuneteller. "Run home," said the
villager. "Somebody has broken into your house." The fortuneteller ran home, immediately.
Upon arriving, the fortuneteller found that all his valuables had been stolen from his house.
He was very sad.

Where did the fortuneteller sit?

How did the fortuneteller make lots of money?

Why did the fortuneteller run home?

What is a fortuneteller?

Is it good to be a fortuneteller?

fortuneteller : 점쟁이
marketplace : 시장
popular : 인기 있는
immediately : 즉시
valuables : 귀중품
villager : 마을사람

KEY SENTENCE: Somebody has broken into your house.

TOPIC: A Good Animal

When I sit down, I am tall. When I stand up, I am short. I live in a small house made of
wood. Some people raise me. They are happy when they play with me. I am weak-sighted.
But I am good at smelling. I usually stand before the gate of a house. If a stranger comes
near the gate, I bark at him. I am color-blind. My duty is to watch your house and property.

What am I? Why or why not?

Do you like to raise pets?

What kinds of pets do you like?

Do you believe that a dog is a man's best friend?

What do you prefer, a small dog or a big dog?

raise : 기르다
weak-sighted : 근시의
gate : 문
stranger : 낮선 사람
color-blind : 색맹의
duty : 의무
property : 자산

KEY SENTENCE: When I stand up, I am short.

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