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Common Roots of

Cramming Dilemma
Among Teenagers
Results and Discussions
Figure 1.1

Only three percent of the respondents (N = 1 out of 30) in figure 1.1 said that he or she finds
examinations difficult to meet when he or she is “not feeling well”. The reasons of “insufficient
time for review” and “concentration problem” had the same amount of responses each with
twenty three percent (N = 7 out of 30) while “countless projects “gained the highest rate of forty
seven percent of the respondents (N = 14 out of 30).
Figure 1.2
Only 33 percent of the respondents stated that they don’t feel distracted on their studies while 67 percent of the respondents confirmed that they are having a tough time focusing on
their studies. When asked the reason why, much of the responses were attached to the presence of technology at home earning 53 percent followed by peer pressure gaining 10 percent
of the respondents. On the other hand, only 3 percent of the respondents answered that family problems distract him or her on his or her studies and none of the respondents chose
love life as one of his or her distractions when studying
Figure 1.3

Figure 1.3 illustrates that majority of the Night High School students, seventy seven percent of them (N= 23 out of 30) feel that they are being distracted on their studies because

of browsing several social media sites while twenty three percent of the respondents (N = 7 out of 30) answered that social media doesn’t affect them in their studies.
Figure 1.4
As seen in Figure 1.4, students who answered “YES” when asked if weekly commitments hinder them from having enough study time, gained a
total of sixty seven percent (N = 20 out of 30) while thirty percent of the respondents (N = 10 out of 30) answered that weekly commitments does not delay
them from having a period for study.
Figure 1.10
Majority of the respondents, about fifty-three percent (N = 16 out of 30) have chosen “home chores” as the primary reason that hinders them from having sufficient
study time. It was then followed by the reason “church” gaining 23 percent (N = 7 out of 30) and “sports” that has twenty percent (N = 6 out of 30). Thirteen percent response rate
were collected under the choice “special events” Lastly, none of the respondents have chosen “outings” and “sidelines” as a hindrance from having adequate study time.
Based on the results of this research, it occurs that the insights of high school students on

cramming dilemma stem from various different causes and this was in harmony with the studied

information. Thus, a number of primary conclusions were drawn.

First, the one of the common roots of cramming dilemma is from extreme use of social media

sites. They spend too much time surfing the internet and engaging themselves into different sites

that entertains them such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like. Also, data in this

investigation indicate that students already feel distracted because of the presence of technology at

home. In fact, 70 percent of the respondents confirmed that the time which they are supposed to

be studying was often spent on browsing the internet that may serve as an alternative escape from

tons of projects at school. This result fits those of Rimm (1995) when he suggested that “teenagers

especially like to do browse the internet when they are supposed to be studying for exams.

Television, computers and video games may serve as alternative escapes.”

Second, pressure brought by tight deadlines cause students to concentrate better. The findings of this
research matched those of Robinson (1993) when he suggested that this was because “They’ve found that
cramming helps them focus on the essential issues: details are a luxury they simply don’t have time for. They
also find that they rehearse for and take tests better in that frightened state of awareness that adrenaline
produces. In short they like the rush.” They feel that rushing things and studying the night before an exam is
more effective than the distributed practice of learning.

Third, too much attention over a subject you like the most may cause you to cram for the overlooked
subjects. This research supported the conclusion of Landy (1996) when she stressed that “most teenagers have
an unhealthy attitude towards examination on a subject they found uninteresting thus, give them far more
importance than they deserve.” They tend to avoid lessons that seem boring or difficult or they may put off
studying because they doubt their ability to understand it. In addition, results from this research shows that
the respondents regard Math as the main area of subject difficulty among the six subjects having a
considerable high amount of response rate with a total of 80 percent. Also, Cahill (2000) proposed that “when
you have several subjects to study on that night with more than one test looming, it’s easy to become
distracted and lose your concentration.”
Fourth, absence of study schedule cause teenagers to cram. Although
majority of the respondents answered “YES” when asked if they have their
own study schedule, it is not often followed due to several reasons. It could
be because of personal problems or problems with your family and friends.

Fifth, weekly commitments may cause you to fall behind on your

studies. In fact, more than half of the respondents agreed that weekly
commitments inside and outside the campus delay them from having
sufficient study period. These include home chores, church responsibilities,
sports and special events. In line with this, Bullock, Gall & Jacobsen’s (1990)
findings suggested that “Most students are expected to help with work at
home. Some have major responsibilities for cleaning, meal preparation and
care of younger siblings. Thus, leads them to have difficulty studying on

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