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1(CESGRANRIO) The word that DOESN’T have an irregular plural form like

tooth — teeth is (A palavra que NÃO tem uma forma irregular no plural, como
tooth — teeth, é):
a. ox.
b. foot.
c. cloth.
d. goose.
e. mouse.

2. (FUVEST) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:

Boys have big _____ and girls have small _____.
a. foots — ones
b. feet — ones
c. feet — one
d. feets — ones
e. foot — one

COMENTÁRIO: Para evitar de repetir substantivos, foi utilizada a palavra

“one(s)” sem a função de numeral.

(PUC-PR/1996) Match the columns below so that the words in the second
column fit the sentences provided in the first one (Combine as colunas abaixo
de forma que as palavras nas colunas de baixo se encaixam na primeira):
1. Tom and Mary love their _______________.
2. Put the oranges inside those ____________.
3. I can’t walk. My ___________ are aching a lot. 4. The ___________ are
flying south. 5. The cat is hunting the ____________.
6. When Jane fell over, she broke two of her ___________.
( ) feet ( ) geese
( ) teeth ( ) children
( ) mice ( ) boxes

1. c
2. b
3. 3, 4, 6, 1, 5, 2

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