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Ben10 Add-on V3 Changelog:

-Players can now hold items as an alien.

-Updated entity models,textures, and animations.
-Added particles on alien transformation.
-Diamondhead is now green.
-Added xray vision ability for wildmutt.
-Greymatter is now grey.
-Ghostfreak texture is now more transparent.
-Added falling omnitrix ball.
-New omnitrix bar design.
-Added function command to untransform.
-Custom particles for transforming, magic, etc. are now glowing in the dark.
-Players on alien form can now shoot projectiles multiple times while sneaking.
-Dying on alien form causes the player to untransform.
-Some actionbar messages are changed.
-Omnitrix trasformation animation fixed.
-Vilgax can now untransform players transformed into alien.
-Omnitrix battery decreases faster as the player uses alien's special powers.
-RB, Kevin 11 and Vilgax health are increased to 500.
-Added corrodium.
-Added new aliens (Ditto, Eye Guy, Wildvine, Benmummy, Benwolf).
-Added new enemies (Mummy, Werewolf, Evil Ghostfreak).

"variable.random = math.round(math.random(0,2));"

"minecraft:attack": {
"damage": {
"range_min": 17,
"range_max": 25

"body": {
"scale": 0
"leftArm": {
"scale": 0
"rightArm": {
"scale": 0
"leftLeg": {
"scale": 0
"rightLeg": {
"scale": 0
"head": {
"scale": 0
scoreboard objectives add p90_nap dummy
scoreboard players add @s p90_nap 1

execute @s[scores={p90_nap=1}] ~~~ playsound gun.p90_nap

execute @s[scores={p90_nap=20..10000}] ~~~ replaceitem
entity @s slot.weapon.mainhand 0 gun:p90 1 0
execute @s[scores={p90_nap=20..10000}] ~~~ replaceitem
entity @s slot.weapon.offhand 0 air 1 0
execute @s[scores={p90_nap=20..10000}] ~~~ scoreboard
players set @s p90_nap 0

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