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Inspired by Monty Oum

The unofficial guide to RWBY D20 tabletop roleplaying

Other than being a fan, I do not have any relation or ownership of RWBY in any shape or form. This guide
is a free product to help others roleplay using RWBY concepts and characters. Any mention of characters
or people from RWBY, RoosterTeeth, or any Fullscreen, Inc owned content are for the purpose of
understanding, comparing, and referencing.

V 1.0

If you would like to support me, the creator of this guide, please do so
through Patreon

Alternatively, if you would like to watch our RWBY D&D experience, please
check us out at

If you would like to recommend a change, please send it to the following

address and ensure that you mention “RWBY” somewhere in the subject.

Special Thanks:
Monty Oum, Miles Luna, and Kerry Shawcross for creating this world
The founding members of RoosterTeeth
All those involved with the RWBY production
The RWBY Wiki and its contributors

Thank you
Table of Contents

The World of Remnant

Chapter 1: Creating a character

Chapter 2: Races

Chapter 3: Classes

Chapter 4: Semblance

Chapter 5: Weapon Creation

Chapter 6: Equipment

Chapter 7: Feats

Chapter 8: Dust

Chapter 9: Adrenaline Rush

Chapter 10: Teamwork

Chapter 11: Skills

Chapter 12: DMing

Chapter 13: Bestiary

Hi! My name is Conor. I’m a member of HotSwappableGaming. I made this, with some
assistance from the other members of HSG (Zach, Mike, Travis, and Nick). Here’s a quick
rundown on what to expect from this book.

This is a standalone book, not requiring any other books or guides (although inspired by and
using certain elements from D&D 5e and Modern D20). It’s based on standard D&D concepts in
that you make a decision, roll the dice, and either you succeed or fail. I’ve also done my best to
implement the world of RWBY into a form that uses that concept, is relatively balanced, and
also holds true to the RWBY experience.

I try and give direct examples, to the best of my ability, for clarity. I also try keeping details fairly
concise and the experience/concepts easy to learn. Based on my personal experience and
preference, I think complex and in-depth knowledge (while helps balance and is rewarding for
the well-versed) makes the learning curve too large for many potential players. Even my first
taste (Naruto D20) pushed me back two or three years just because I was intimidated by it.

I’ve added a few main focuses into this book that’s unique from the usual D&D experience:
Weapon Creation
Adrenaline Rush
Team Formations

If you are familiar with the typical D&D experience then the list above contains the bulk of the
new concepts that I recommend you familiarize yourself with.

If you are unfamiliar with RWBY in general then I recommend you look through ‘The World of
Remnant’ below, which is a rundown of the core concepts in the world without spoiling the show.
There is a spoiler section that covers content in the show towards the end of the chapter. It’s
clearly marked.

If you’re brand new to D&D as a whole then thanks for letting me pop your cherry! I recommend
you read through this introduction and chapter 1 thoroughly to understand the main concepts.
And of course, don’t be afraid of asking your DM to clarify on anything!
Before you start
So let’s get started on what you’ll need to play this game:
This book (nice start!)
Some semblance of imagination...heh...get it?
Dice: Physical, through a website, or a smartphone app.

You will need the following dice: A 4-sided, 6-sided, 8-sided, 10-sided, 12-sided, and 20-sided
dice. These are each referred to as a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20 respectively.

The Game
The long and short of it is that you’re playing ‘Imagination simulator’ with your friends using this
guide as your boundary-setting rulebook. One of you is the ‘DM’ or Dungeon Master and the
rest of you are the players. The DM crafts the world, either through improv or preparation, and
the players try to either complete the DM’s story or try and destroy it along the way as well as
the DM’s will to live. Of course, you can also achieve any level in between!

Before you start your first session you’ll want to have your character created. Chapter 1 of this
book outlines the general rules as well as the steps to creating your character. While it’s
recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules of the game, the DM will have the final
say as to what rules will and won’t apply.

The typical course of a session follows these steps:

1. The DM describes the setting and situation.
2. The players describe what they want to do
3. The DM describes the result, or asks the player to roll a dice which will determine the result.

Common dice usage:

This book will often ask you to roll the dice to determine something, such as the amount of
damage done. Let’s say your sword deals 2d8 damage; The 2 means the number of dice, and
the d8 indicates the type of dice. So you will roll 2 8-sided dice and add the result of both dice
together, plus any relevant modifiers your character may have..

The 20-sided dice, or D20, is arguably the most important of the dice. While the others are
typically reserved for damage or special rolls, the d20 is used for everything else. You’ll more
often than not roll it and then add the result of the dice to another number on your character
sheet. For example, if you’re trying to throw a boulder that you can’t easily lift in the heat of
battle you’ll roll 1d20 and add your strength modifier, plus any miscellaneous additions, to it and
compare the result against a number this guide, or your DM, has determined. This number is
referred to as Difficulty Class or DC.
The Most Important Rule
Above all else, there is one thing to keep in mind: This is a game. Whether you’re playing in a
group of casual players just looking to accomplish your task or as a group of hardcore
roleplayers you should still strive to have fun. We all enjoy ourselves in different ways, but don’t
let the game take over your life or ruin relationships. Whether you accomplish your task or fail
on the way, just remember to enjoy yourself in the end.
The World of Remnant
This chapter covers the world of RWBY. Most of the chapter is spoiler-free, describing the world
as of the start of the series, but note that the end of the chapter does cover the core changes
from the initial start of the series to its current point of release.

Remnant is the ominous name of the planet that the story of RWBY takes place on. It is a
pseudo-future-fantasy world with its own unique continents, nations, and forms of magic.

The Kingdoms
Remnant is divided into four kingdoms: Vale, Vacuo, Atlas, and Mistral. These kingdoms span
three continents and are in a time of relative peace. There are two more continents that are
outside of the kingdom's authority; Menagerie, the home of the Faunus, and an unnamed
dragon-shaped continent. The four kingdoms operate in peace after The Great War 80 years
prior devastated each of the kingdoms.

The Races of Remnant

There are two officially recognized races on the planet; Human and Faunus. The two
races live in peace and are integrated equally into the kingdoms. Well...on paper,
anyway. Before the Great War the Faunus were treated with extreme prejudice in most
kingdoms. Only when the tensions of war hit their peak as humans and faunus were
back to back defending and relying on each other for protection did this truly start to
change. After the war they were given the continent of menagerie for their own as a
thank you for what they had done. But a question still lingers between the two races:
Was it to pay them back or to push them out?

The Huntsman Academies

The Huntsman Academies are some of the most important institutions on Remnant. They are in
charge of training the future Huntsman and Huntresses; warriors who defend the villages and
kingdoms from the Creature of Grimm. After the Great War there were four academies created,
one for each kingdom: Beacon for Vale, Haven for Mistral, Atlas for Atlas, and Shade for Vacuo.
The teachers of these academies tend to be Huntsmen and Huntresses, themselves. The
students are put into teams of four, ensuring growth of teamwork, communication, and social
skills. Before attending the academies, students are typically required to go through primary
combat school and be at least age 17, though exceptions can be made for the exceptionally
In honor of the founding of the academies, and the peace treaty that ended the war, a
tournament is held called the Vytal Festival. Huntsmen and Huntresses of each academy
compete in a tournament to ensure they strive for excellence and see the upcoming generation
from the other kingdoms. These tournaments start with team battles of 4 on 4, then the winners
choose 2 of their team for a 2 on 2 fight, and then a 1 on 1 after that. It’s not known what the
next step of the tournament consists of, but more 1 on 1’s are the likely result.

Aura and Semblance

Aura is a manifestation of the soul: a life force that runs through every living creature of
remnant. Aura is primarily a defensive mechanism, protecting the wielder like a forcefield, but it
does not make the user invincible. Aura must be ‘activated’ for it to be used, though proper
training allows you to activate your aura subconsciously. As more damage is taken, the aura
reserve depletes and will eventually drain completely. When battles turn gruesome, aura can be
used in a different manner: Semblance. Semblance is the projection of aura into a tangible form,
and every aura is completely unique. Sometimes you can unlock your aura through training, but
it is not always guaranteed. Sometimes it can be unlocked by a freak accident, such as a
lightning strike. Since each semblance is unique so are the ways it may be discovered. And
even when attempting to unlock your semblance, success isn’t always guaranteed. Time and
training may only take you so far.

The Creatures of Grimm

The creatures of Grimm are a ravenous, destructive force that covers the majority of remnant.
Commonly referred to as Grimm, they are the greatest foe to humanity and have been around
just as long. Many believe that Grimm are tortured animal spirits, though newer and stronger
forms of grimm go against this theory. The Grimm almost exclusively attack humans and their
creations, only occasionally attacking animals due to territorial disputes. The common belief is
that the grimm aren’t required to eat, but choose to. One of the most dangerous aspects of
Grimm are that they are attracted to negative emotion. Even when a village fends off invading
Grimm the negativity tends to only attract more. Another troublesome aspect of the Grimm are
that they tend to die or kill their captor when held in captivity, and when Grimm die the corpse
evaporates completely, making study difficult. The Grimm may appear mindless, but older
grimm who survive their combat tend to learn from it, thus making them more effective killers
and more strategic opponents. Above all else, one fact stands true among the grimm: killing is
all that matters.

Major Plot Changes Up To Now

As of Volume 6 a few major changes have occurred. These are listed here to remind you of
what you should keep in mind, should you be running a campaign meant to coincide with it.
● First and foremost, Beacon Academy and its CCT have fallen to the plots of the
antagonist, Salem. This has drastically reduced communication around the world,
negating the communication between kingdoms.
● The Four Maiden’s also have two known hosts: Raven Branwen for Spring and Cinder
Fall for fall.
● Haven Academy has been attacked and the headmaster has fallen.
● There is a dust embargo from Atlas, reducing the amount and raising the price of dust
outside of the kingdom.
● The Relic of Knowledge has been claimed and has one question remaining.

The Beginning
Before the World known as Remnant existed there was the original race of human beings. They
were strong, resilient, and capable of magic. They existed in the world alongside two gods; The
God of Light and the God of Dark. Together they created the world and the creatures upon it:
Humanity and Grimm. They ended up leaving the world and destroying the moon in the process
because of the actions of Salem, cursing her with immortality and a world of loneliness. After
this took place, the god of light chose a champion to fight for humanity; Ozpin. They allowed him
to return to the world and gave him the ability to reincarnate after he died. They then placed four
relics in the world to help him with his task. These relics are guarded by the academies, which
Ozpin put in place and Salem is trying to end.

Chapter 1: The Basics, Rules, &
Character Creation
So you think you’re ready to make a character? Well let’s see about that! This chapter contains
a step-by-step character creation guide and houses a majority of the general rules in this book.
I’ll be providing a custom example, too: Creating Jaune Arc.

The Basics of your Character Sheet

For looking at the basics we’ll be looking at the character sheet!
1) Character Name
This is your character’s name. Typically, there are no rules on your name other than what your
DM may forbid. For a more genuine RWBY experience I recommend you refer to the ‘Rule of
Names’ to follow the canon name concept. In short, have it be a color, mean a color, or make
you think of a color.
2) Semblance
This is your semblance. Refer to Chapter 4 for an in-depth summary of what that entails. In
short, your semblance is the manifestation of your Aura and is essentially a super-power that is
unique to you.
3) Player Name
This your real life name. It’s simply to help you keep track of your own character sheet.
4) Alignment
This is your alignment. While this provides no inherent bonus one way or the other, your DM
may use this to determine certain events around your character. It also provides you a reminder
of what your characters general outlook on life is. There are commonly nine different alignment
possibilities: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic
Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil. Below is a breakdown.
- Lawful Good: You believe in helping people and that the rules we have in place are for
everyone’s good. You uphold the law because it is the right thing to do and the right thing
to do is to uphold the law
- Neutral Good: You believe in helping people. You do what you can while respecting the
law, but you’re willing to go around it when it becomes necessary. Good isn’t something
that can be easily defined - certainly not by the government or a single individual. So you
just do your best to determine what is good and uphold that concept.
- Chaotic Good: You believe in helping people, but the world doesn’t always agree. More
often than not, the laws put in place to protect us are merely a method to keep us held
down. You will do whatever it takes to help the people you can and nothing will get in
your way.
- Lawful Neutral: You obey the law because it is the law. You aren’t certain whether it
helps or harms people, but the structure of it is to be admired. Sure, it may not always
align with what you believe in, but it’s there for all of our sake and it must be upheld.
- True Neutral: You stand between good and evil, chaos and order. While the rest of the
world tries to understand the differences between what is right and what is wrong, you
stand in the center and acknowledge both are necessary. You don’t put your own
interests above the interests of others or vice versa; You simply do what you do.
- Chaotic Neutral: You don’t concern yourself with right or wrong, you simply concern
yourself with what you want. You have morals and borders of what you will and won’t do,
but you can also be quite flexible. Above all else, stands your own goals and you will
accomplish them.
- Lawful Evil: The law is known to protect the people whether they want protection or not.
Sure, some people have dissenting opinions, but you understand the value in their
silence. They might not know what’s best, but you do. You will defend the law no matter
the cost. And if you strike down one individual or one hundred along the way, then you
will do so knowing it was in their best interest.
- Neutral Evil: You commit evil acts not out of a need to rebel or a desire to serve yourself,
but you do it because you see it as the most efficient path. Some people need to be
killed for the safety of others, some need to be killed for your own safety. It’s not about
you or them, but about sending a message.
- Chaotic Evil: Isn’t murder fun? It can line your pockets, get you into a higher status, or
even just take the edge off of a long day. But you don’t do it for yourself, plain and
simple! Huh, but that guy over there sure does have a nice big wallet. Well...greed is a
terrible thing to have. Why not relieve this man of the burden? After all, corpses have no
need for wallets and you could use some help taking that edge off, today.
5) Race
This is your character’s race. Refer to Chapter 2 for an in-depth summary of what that entails. In
short, your race determines where your character comes from, what makes them who they are,
and/or benefits you will receive from birth.
6) Classes
Refer to Chapter 3 an in-depth summary of classes. You will have four classes in total. One
beginner, two advanced, and one prestige. Each class can go to level 5, so you will reach a
maximum of level 20. Classes determine the majority of your core stats, your AC, your BAB,
skills, and special abilities.
7) Abilities
Your Abilities are the foundation of your character. They determine the strength, dexterity,
constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma of your character. At character creation you will
roll or use a point-buy system to determine these scores and they affect almost everything you
will do. Their value will determine your Ability Modifier. See the chart below for their values. Note
that Ability Scores cannot go below 4 or above 24, with the exception of specific semblances.
8) Skills
Refer to Chapter 11 for a more in-depth summary. Skills are how you interact with the world in a
more practical sense out of combat. You are granted a list of ‘Class Skills’ with each class that
will be your character's primary skills. With each level you are granted skill points that you
increase the rank of your skills with. This rank can never exceed your total character level plus
three. When using these points on a class skill it is one point for one rank. When using these
points for a non-class skill it costs two points for one rank.
9) HP
Your Hit Points are determined after you set your Ability Score and Race. Your starting HP Max
is 10 + your Constitution Modifier. This value will not increase unless a class ability or feat is
taken to do so. When your Hit Points reach -10 you will die. When your HP is between -9 and 0
you will fall unconscious and begin bleeding out. When bleeding out you take 1 damage a round
until you succeed a Fortitude Save to stop bleeding out (DC 15).
10) Aura
Your Aura is like a force field that heals you, protects you from damage, and can be turned into
a weapon. Before you take any HP damage your aura must first be reduced to 0. Your aura is
reduced from taking attacks and using your semblance, forcing you to decide what’s better
between using your semblance or keeping a strong defense. Your Aura increases with every
level up and is based on both your Class and your Constitution Modifier. Some classes and
feats can also raise this stat.
11) Aura Class
Aura Class, or AC, is your ability to evade attacks. This stat is determined by combining a few
factors: 10 + Your class bonus + Dexterity Modifier + Any miscellaneous bonuses. When an
enemy attacks you, they will roll a hit check against your AC value. If there is a tie, then the
attacker lands their attack. A good way to think about this for roleplaying is that if they failed to
beat your AC with their hit check then you either easily evaded the attack or they missed.
Note that unlike Armor Class in other D&D’s there is no bonus to passive Aura Class since it
isn’t armor based. Your base passive AC is 10 and will only be higher through custom rules.
Due to aura also covering clothing and armor (albeit inconsistently) there is no armor to buy and
it’s all treated as cosmetic. To make up for this there are optional feats to increase your AC.
12) Base Attack Bonus
Your Base Attack Bonus, or BAB for short, is the bonus to your hit checks and is determined by
your classes.
13) Speed
Your speed is how many feet you can move per action. Typically, when playing on a grid, each
square is 5ft.
14) Initiative
Your initiative determines what the turn order will be per round. Either at the start of combat or a
session (per DM preference) you will roll 1d20+your initiative against all the other rollers. The
highest leads the turn order.
15) Adrenaline Rush
Refer to Chapter 9 for an in-depth summary. Adrenaline Rush is your stored energy waiting to
be unleashed. Whenever you don’t take an attack or movement action the action can be stored
in your Adrenaline Rush Counter, up to three of each. These actions can be used later or can be
used to deflect and dodge attacks for reduced damage.
16) Attacks
This is an at a glance tracker for determining your hit checks. Melee is based on strength,
ranged on dexterity, and dust on intelligence combined with your BAB and miscellaneous
17) Weapon Forms
Refer to Chapter 5 for an in-depth summary. You are granted a custom weapon that is typically
multiple weapons in one compact, shifting design. Each form has its own stats.
18) Saving Throws
Your saving throws are one of your core defenses. They consist of a class bonus, an ability
modifier, and a miscellaneous bonus. When prompted, you will roll a specific save as 1d20 and
add the appropriate saving throw bonus to it to determine a success or fail. Typically, Fortitude
saves are for poisons, resisting status effects, or other general physical resistances. Reflex
saves are for taking reduced damage or dodging and deflecting attacks. Will saves are for
resisting mental effects and other more emotional and personal detrimental effects.

Character Creation - Step by Step

Step 0: Name & Imagination
Imagine what you want your character to be. Are they a strong fighter who will face any
challenge? An intellectual who will use their wits to win? Perhaps you’re a thief just looking to
make a score? This concept should be what you build your character around. Also be sure to
consider what they want and where they came from, but this is more covered in step 4.

Jaune Arc - 0:
Jaune has always wanted to be a huntsman - to save others and not be the damsel in distress.
But he also doesn’t think that much of himself, knowing that he tends to be weaker than
everyone around him. This passion and drawback makes him who he is.

Step 1: Ability Score

Your ability score is the very foundation of your character. There are two ways of selecting these
scores, and your DM should choose one or ask you to choose either.

The first, and easiest, is to roll 4d6 (four six-sided dice) and add up the results. Do this for each
ability score and you’ll receive random scores that average at 14. (Alternatively, at your DM’s
discretion, you can roll the dice and then choose what ability score the roll will be for after.)
Note that this method can result in potentially extraordinary or potentially worthless characters

The second is through a point-buy system. Your ability scores all start at 8 and you can ‘buy’ a
higher score. You are given 40 points to spend, but it’s not all 1 to 1. Upgrading your ability
score, up to 14, costs 1 point. 15 and higher costs 2 points. You can also drop below the 8
starting point for bonus points, 1 per score below 8. At no point can an ability score be below 4
or above 24. (This method can be slightly abusable, but tends to be more balanced)
Ability Score Ability Modifier

4-5 -3

6-7 -2

8-9 -1

10-11 0

12-13 1

14-15 2

16-17 3

And so on... And so on...

Jaune - 1:
Roll Method: Jaune rolls the dice and ends up with the following stats.
Point-Buy Method: Jaune has 40 points.
STR 8 -> 15 (-8 points, 32 remain)
DEX 8 -> 13 (-5 points, 27 remain)
CON 8 -> 18 (-14 points, 13 remain)
INT 8 -> 11 (-3 points, 10 remain)
WIS 8 -> 10 (-2 points, 8 remain)
CHA 8 -> 15 (-8 points, 0 remain)

Step 2: Race
Choose a Race. Races are listed in chapter 2. In RWBY your race may determine where you
come from, if you’re human, faunus, or an android. It may determine your personality, if you’re a
faunus. Every race has a benefit and should be either chosen to fit your character concept, or to
craft your backstory.
Jaune Arc - 2:
Jaune Arc is a human born in Vale, so he will be a Human (Vale). Because of these decisions
he gains a bonus 2 Wisdom Score, sets his alignment to neutral good, sets his speed to 30,
adds 2 to the misc box for teamwork and survival in his skills.
Step 3: HP, Semblance, and Backstory
Let’s now add some of the base stats to your character. This includes your HP and Semblance.
Your starting HP is 10 + Con Mod.
You’ll next choose your semblance or create one and get permission from your DM.
If your character doesn’t have one yet, it’s time to give yourself a backstory! Why are you here?
What are you doing? What drives you? What got you here? Let your ability score, your race,
and your class fill in the gaps or guide your hand.
Jaune Arc - 3:
Jaune’s starting HP is 14 (10 + 4 Con Mod). His semblance is unknown to him at the start of his
journey, but as he grows and develops he has finally uncovered it: Aura Amplifier.
Jaune has decided to become a true huntsman, no matter what. His journey starts at Beacon
Academy, but his path to get there wasn’t easy. He forged his papers to get into the academy
and is less skilled than those around him.

Step 4: Class
Choose a beginner class. You can only choose one of the beginner classes to start off with, but
that class will determine most of your starting stats and houses unique abilities. Your class is
also responsible for your aura and skills. Your aura is raised by the rolled result of the classes
Aura stat and is combined with your Con Mod. Your skills are determined by the class and are
combined with your intelligence mod. Each one has significant advantages. Choose carefully.
Jaune Arc - 4:
Jaune isn’t wise, intelligent, quick, strong, or very charismatic. His strength lies in his ability to
keep fighting and getting back up. Jaune will choose the most fitting class for himself -
Constitutional Huntsman. He rolls the 1d10 to determine his aura and rolls a 6. He adds his Con
Mod to it to determine his max aura is 10. Next, he checks his skill points and receives 4 plus
his Int Mod for a total of 4. He distributes the points into some of his new class skills, 2 to
survival and 2 to teamwork. For the remaining stats he adds 1 to his Base Attack Bonus, 1 to his
AC, and 1 to his Fortitude. Lastly, he gains the class ability of ‘Aura isn’t Everything.’

Step 5: Custom Weapon

Your weapon is an extension of yourself, and as such you have a great bond with it. Maybe it’s a
family heirloom, passed down from your parents. Maybe you made it yourself. Maybe you stole
it. Regardless of its origin, it’s yours now. Use it well. Refer to Chapter 5 for in-depth creation or
alternatively use one of the example weapons, at your DM’s discretion.
Jaune Arc - 5:
Jaune’s weapon is one that was handed down to him: Crocea Mors - A sword and shield. (see
the example in Chapter 5 to see observe its stats)
Step 6: Equipment
Each character starts with 150 lien and a custom weapon. The lien you can use to buy anything
in Chapter 6 or Chapter 8 that you can afford until you run out, or you can save it.
Jaune Arc - 6:
Jaune starts with 150 lien, his weapon Crocea Mors, and a scroll. He spends his 150 lien on
survival gear mostly: A backpack, binoculars, a flashlight, a map, a compass, two rations, two
water bottles, and a sleeping bag. He also gets a set of common clothes in the form of a white

Step 7: Feats
Each character is allowed to pick two feats during character creation from the list in Chapter 7.
Make sure to double check for any prerequisites they may have!
Jaune Arc - 7:
Jaune will choose two feats to start off. He chooses Bonus Aura and adds 3 to his aura, for a
total of 13, and he’ll also choose Extreme Character and choose Dexterity, making his new
Dexterity Score 14.

Step 8: Final Details

Now you’ll verify every other part of your sheet has been filled in, where it’s needed. Make sure
your initiative and saving throws are set.
Jaune Arc - 8:
Jaune double checks the smart, auto-calculating, character sheet and sees his stats are all
accurate. Initiative is 2, Fortitude is 5, Reflex is 2, and Will is 1.

Step 9: Double Check!

You’re done! Now just double check to make sure you did it all and did it right! Your DM may
request your character sheet as well, to double check.
Jaune Arc - 9:
Jaune double checks and makes sure everything is accurate. To see his finalized character
sheet, please refer to JauneArcV1 in the Google Drive Folder.

Step 10: Leveling up

When leveling up, you’ll go to the next rank of your class or choose a new one, depending on
your level. You’ll add the new stats and abilities from this new rank, accordingly. There are a few
bonuses that you receive when you hit certain levels.
Every even level (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20) you will gain 1 free point to upgrade your weapon.
Keep in mind that the upgrade isn’t automatic and you will have to manually craft/upgrade your
weapon or have someone else do it for you, typically requiring material or money.
Every three levels (3,6,9,12,15,18) you’ll choose a new feat.
Every four levels (4,8,12,16,20) you’ll upgrade one of your Ability Scores by a single point.
Your semblance may gain additional effects based on your level. This is listed in your
semblance details.
Experience Chart
Current Level Total Experience so far Experience required to level

1 0 300

2 300 600

3 900 900

4 1800 1200

5 3000 1500

6 4500 1800

7 6300 2100

8 8400 2400

9 10800 2700

10 13500 3000

11 16500 3300

12 19800 3600

13 23400 3900

14 27300 4200

15 31500 4500

16 36000 4800

17 40800 5100

18 45900 5400

19 51300 5700

20 57000 0
The Rules And Key Terms
Adventure is out there! And it comprises most of the actions you’ll take outside of combat.
These actions tend to be loose in terms of rules and structure. The players will often describe
their intentions here and build their characters throughout the world. Whether it be traveling
through a forest, spending time in a tavern, or conversing with others. Oftentimes the DM will
require you to roll skill checks based on what you intend to accomplish.

Combat is much more structured and has more rules to be followed. Depending on your DM you
will either roll an initiative for your session as a whole or just for the current combat session.
Once everyone, both players and NPCs, have rolled for initiative the turn order is decided with
the highest initiative going first. A round is the entirety of everyone’s turns with a new round
starting once the last character has taken their turn and is only 6 seconds in real time.

While it’s your turn, you are limited to only a certain number of actions you can take. You are
allowed to take one attack action, one movement action, one swift action, and an unlimited
amount of free actions (per DM’s discretion.)

Attack Action:
As the name implies, this is the action you will use to make an attack. Whether it’s with your
custom weapon, dust, or otherwise, this action only allows for a single attack. At the start of your
turn you’re granted a single attack action that can be used during this turn, used as a part of a
readied action, or stored in your Adrenaline Rush Storage Pool (see chapter 9). Alternatively, an
attack action can be converted to a movement action if your movement action has already been
spent, but when used like this it cannot be stored into your Adrenaline Rush Storage Pool.

Movement Action:
As the name implies, this action is how you will move. You can only move a distance equal to
your speed per movement action. At the start of your turn you are granted a single movement
action that can be used during this turn, used as a part of a readied action, or stored in your
Adrenaline Rush Storage Pool (see chapter 9). Alternatively, a movement action can be
converted into a swift action.

Swift Action:
A swift action is an action that you would be able to make quickly, but not more than once a
round. At the start of your turn you are granted a single swift action that can be used. This may
be to use your semblance, to pick up a rock, to pull out an item from your inventory, to change
your weapons form, or, most commonly, for a skill check (per DM’s discretion).
Free Action:
A free action is an action that you can take as much as you want to during a single turn. (per
DM’s discretion). Primarily, a free action consists of talking.

Readied Action:
A readied action is a special action you can take during your turn. In short, a readied action is
an action that your character will take before your next turn, but requires you to declare your
intentions beforehand at the cost of the equivalent actions. You can turn any of your other
actions into a readied action. When you declare your intent you can be broad or specific (per
DM’s discretion) with the trigger of the action (such as ‘When enemy A moves next to me,
attack’ or ‘If Enemy B throws a dust crystal at me, move away.’) If the trigger of your action is
met then your readied action begins immediately. If the condition isn’t met then the action(s) are
wasted. You can also ready multiple actions through the Adrenaline Rush system, but doing so
risks all of the actions being wasted.

Full-Round Action:
A full-round action is a unique action that applies when using specific high-focus semblances or
specific class abilities. There are no other actions, except free actions, that you can take during
this round, such as attack, movement, swift, readied, or storing actions.

Aura is a force field that protects you and can be used in other ways. In terms of gameplay, the
most important thing to note about aura is that it is NOT always on! It must be consciously
activated if there isn’t clear danger. This means that you’re not automatically protected by your
aura while adventuring or if you’re caught by surprise, but it’s automatically turned on once in
combat. While this is dangerous for you, it’s also a great tool that you can use against your
enemies. Whenever you take damage while your aura is active it will take the damage before
you do, unless otherwise stated. Most semblance’s also require aura to be used, forcing you to
choose between using your aura in defensive or offensive manner. When your aura reaches 0 it
is broken, no longer protecting you. When this occurs you are immediately exhausted.
Note 1: You can consciously turn your aura off in combat by succeeding a will save DC 15.
Note 2: If you’re being attacked multiple times in a single sequence of attacks (such as
dual-wielding, adrenaline rushes, or teamwork combos) your aura will persist until the sequence
is over unless piercing damage is involved or your DM says otherwise.

After your hit points take damage it can recover in two ways:
1) Natural Regeneration; You’ll heal your level divided by 2, rounded up, every four hours.
2) Aura Regeneration; Your aura heals you rapidly at almost no cost at all. Once your aura is
activated you’ll gain +1 HP every round (or +10 every minute) until full.
After your aura takes damage it can regenerate in only one way:
1) Natural Regeneration; Your aura will regenerate at a rate of your total level every hour,
doubled during sleep, and is fully recovered after a full night's rest (8 hours)
Attacks made against targets that have their aura deactivated or drained have the chance to
dismember them (this applies to grimm only per DM’s discretion). The attacker must simply
declare the intent, succeed on a hit check, and the target will roll a reflex save (DC25). This can
be used to instantly kill targets by beheading them or to cripple them by removing limbs.

Severed limbs take various penalties, based on the limb, and take time to get used to. These
limbs can be replaced with prosthetics, from simple to advanced, but require material, time, and,
often times, money.

The penalties are as follows:

One Arm:
-8 to hit checks made with handheld large and huge weapons (or per DM’s discretion).
Both Arms:
Handheld weapons are no longer wieldable.
Single Leg:
-20 speed, -8 to hit checks made with footheld weapons.
Both Legs:
Speed is now 5, footheld weapons are no longer wieldable.
Faunus Exclusive Limbs:
The bonus from the limb can no longer be used. If that limb doubled as an arm or a leg, it also
takes that respective penalty.

The lost limbs can be replaced with various forms of prosthetics, ranging in shape, quality, and
price. The prosthetics will vary from extremely cheap, and only act as an unmoving prosthetic,
or from an expensive prosthetic that connects directly the nerves and can be controlled just like
a natural limb. Aura protects the prosthetics, just as it would a natural arm. (Note: There has
been some inconsistency in the show about this fact.)
Prosthetics are listed and explained under Chapter 6: Equipment

Custom Weaponry
Every character is granted a custom weapon that they’ll create alongside their character. This
weapon is often the primary weapon they’ll use throughout their lives and it can be upgraded
once you’ve accomplished certain feats. In terms of gameplay, custom weaponry has a more
specific advantage and disadvantage. You, as well as others, can use custom weapons that
aren’t yours, but because you’re unfamiliar with the weapon you will take a massive penalty in
hit checks made with it. The penalty to your hit checks are -5 when used in this manner (or per
DM discretion).
Status Effects
Frozen: Targets frozen at the start of their turn are not allowed to take any actions and
immediately end their turn, unless a semblance dictates otherwise. The remaining turn counter
drops by 1 and the target is thawed once the counter hits 0. The number of turns frozen and the
DC to resist is listed in the dust or semblance description.
Paralyzed: Targets paralyzed at the start of their turn are not allowed to take any actions and
immediately end their turn, unless a semblance dictates otherwise. The remaining turn counter
drops by 1 and the target is unparalyzed once the counter hits 0. The number of turns paralyzed
and the DC to resist is listed in the dust or semblance description.
Burning: Targets burning at the start of their turn take damage, unless a semblance dictates
otherwise. The remaining turn counter drops by 1 and the target is no longer burning once the
counter hits 0. The number of turns burning and the DC to resist is listed in the dust or
semblance description.
Staggered: Targets staggered suffer a penalty of -2 to their hit checks and AC, each. The
remaining turn counter drops at the end of the turn by 1 and the target returns to normal once
the counter hits 0. Adrenaline Rush stacks are also reduced to 0.
Tired: Targets that are tired suffer a penalty of -2 to their hit checks and AC, each. If there is
one, the remaining turn counter drops at the end of the turn by 1 and the target returns to
normal once the counter hits 0. Adrenaline Rush stacks are also reduced to 0.
Exhausted: Targets exhausted suffer a penalty of -5 to their hit checks and AC, each. If there is
one, the remaining turn counter drops at the end of the turn by 1 and the target returns to
normal once the counter hits 0. Adrenaline Rush stacks are also reduced to 0.
Panic: Targets panicked can still act as normal, but they suffer the effects of stagger (-2 to hit
checks and AC) and you also attract the attention of any nearby grimm. At the start of your turn
this effect can be removed by rolling a will save DC20, or per DM’s discretion, otherwise the
panic will last for 5 minutes, or longer per DM's discretion.
Immobilized: Targets immobilized are helpless until the turn timer expires. While immobilized,
the target cannot avoid attacks or other damage and they cannot make an attack or deal
damage, unless a semblance states otherwise. The remaining turn counter drops at the end of
their turn by 1 and the target returns to normal once the counter hits 0. If there isn’t a timer, the
target is immobilized until the source of the immobilization is removed.
Terrified: The same as immobilized, but instead of using a turn counter this lasts until the
affected succeeds the required will save.
Asleep: Creatures that are asleep are unable to act in any way. When a sleeping creature takes
damage they will immediately wake up. Otherwise, if there is a turn timer the creature remains
asleep until the timer expires.
Blind: Targets that are blind can still act mostly as normal, but they suffer a series of penalties to
their stats. If there is a turn timer then these stats remain until the timer expires. While blinded,
the target cannot make attacks of opportunity, hit checks and AC are penalized by -5 each,
perception checks involving only sight are automatic fails, and there may be other penalties as
determined by your DM. If there is a turn timer, the counter drops by 1 at the end of the target's
turn and their vision is restored once the counter reaches 0.
Deaf: Targets that are deaf can still act mostly as normal, but they suffer a series of penalties to
their stats. If there is a turn timer then these stats remain until the timer expires. While
deafened, hit checks and AC are penalized by -2 each, perception checks involving only hearing
are automatic fails, and there may be other penalties as determined by your DM. If there is a
turn timer, the counter drops by 1 at the end of the target's turn and their hearing is restored
once the counter reaches 0.
Heat Stroke: Targets under extreme heat begin to suffer heat stroke and suffer a series of
penalties that increase over time. Certain semblances can trigger heatstroke, otherwise it’s
determined by your DM. While suffering from heat stroke, you suffer Stage 1 Heat Stroke and
become staggered. As the heat increases, or after an hour of Stage 1, you enter Stage 2 Heat
Stroke and become Exhausted. As the heat increases, or after an hour of Stage 2, you enter
Stage 3 of Heat Stroke and start to take 1 damage to your HP per 10 minutes. These effects
persist until death or until your Heat Stroke ends.
Frostbite: Targets under extreme cold begin to suffer frostbite and suffer a series of penalties
that increase over time. Certain semblances can trigger frostbite, otherwise it’s determined by
your DM. While suffering from frostbite, you suffer Stage 1 Frostbite and become tired. As the
cold increases, or after an hour of Stage 1, you enter Stage 2 Frostbite and become Exhausted
and your speed is penalized by -10 feet. As the cold increases, or after an hour of Stage 2, you
enter Stage 3 of Frostbite and start to freeze, taking 1 damage to your HP per 10 minutes.
These effects persist until you freeze to death or until your Frostbite ends.

Cone Technicality
When something refers to a ‘cone’ for its targeted area it will either provide a size of that cone or
it won’t, in which case the cone is a 45 degree angle. Here is an example of cone sizes.

120 degree cone 90 degree cone 60 degree cone

Your vision is how far your token can see with no issues. The standard for all creatures 60. In
dim light this is reduced by ½. In darkness this is reduced by ¾. Faunus ignore these penalties.
Damage Calculation
Damage calculation is fairly straightforward. Whether you’re armed with dust, weapons, or your
fists, you’ll roll the base weapon damage, add any misc damage boosts, and the appropriate
ability modifier. Melee damage goes off of your Strength modifier, ranged damage goes off of
your Dexterity modifier, and powdered dust damage goes off of your Intelligence modifier.

Critical Success
When rolling a check, whether it be a save, hit check, or skill check, a natural 20 determines a
Critical Success. A natural 20 is when the D20 rolls a 20 on its own, without modifiers. When a
critical success occurs it means things have gone exceeding well. Skill Checks and Saving
Throws are automatically succeeded, so long as they’re not impossible. Hit Checks are
guaranteed to be successful hits and also deal critical damage which doubles the damage done
by the attack. Additionally, if your action would result in the enemy needing to roll a saving throw
except through an adrenaline rush (such as through a powdered dust attack) they are denied
the saving throw and the effect is automatically successful. Finally, a critical success through a
hit check on any grimm (except boss grimm) will automatically kill the target, regardless of its
remaining hit points.

Critical Failure
Similar to a Critical Success, but this only occurs when a natural 1 is rolled. Skill Checks and
Saving Throws are automatically failed. Hit checks are automatically missed but also risk
adverse effects occurring, such as attacking an ally on accident, injuring yourself, or losing your
grip on your weapon. These effects are determined rolling a 1d20 with the chart below or by
your DM.

Critical Failure Hit Chart

Roll Effect

11-20 You miss your attack

6-10 You miss your attack and your weapon misfires or slams into the ground or a nearby
object. It takes ½ the weapon damage you would have done.

2-5 You miss your attack and, if applicable, your attack hits a nearby teammate as
relevant (determined by your DM)

1 Your weapon must have had a bad repair job! Part of it breaks while you attempt to
use it and it becomes sundered. If your weapon is already sundered, it instead breaks
and becomes unusable until repaired. You also miss.
Note that Powdered Dust has a unique chart (Chapter 8)
Those in Remnant who have regular control of their aura are capable of jumping higher and
farther than the average person. As a player character. you can naturally jump up to 10 feet high
and 10 feet away with relative ease. You can exceed this distance with an acrobatics check, the
DC being determined by your DM.

Falling Damage
Falling damage occurs when you fall a great distance. You can fall 20 feet before taking any
damage, 30 feet when succeeding an acrobatics check DC20. Every 10 feet beyond the safe
falling distance you’ll suffer 1d6 damage. You are also forced prone when hitting the ground
unless you succeed the above acrobatics check.

Piercing Damage
Piercing damage is a very rare ability to have, granted solely through specific semblances.
When dealing piercing damage that would break your targets aura the remaining damage after
breaking the aura goes immediately to their hit points, instead of being wasted.
Note that Piercing Rounds in Custom Weaponry does NOT count as piercing damage.

Taking Cover
There are two forms of cover you are allowed to take advantage of. Partial Cover is when you
are behind an object that covers at least half of your body, such as a gravestone. While using
this form of cover any attacks made at you where the cover could get in the way (determined by
a 45 degree cone from your location centered on the source of cover) has a 50% chance to
miss. To determine this you must roll a 1d10 and the attack misses on a roll of 1-5. Full Cover
occurs when you’re taking cover behind an object that covers your entire body, such as a tree or
wall. Its effects are the same as partial cover except the attack has an 80% chance to miss, or a
roll of 1-8.

Size is the classification of how large something is and how much space on the board it fills.
Tiny ¼ of a square.

Small 1 square

Medium 1 square

Large 2x2 squares (4 total)

Huge 3x3 squares (9 total)

Gargantuan 4+x4+ squares (16+ total)

In typical DnD there are a variety of penalties and bonuses that coincide with size, but in this
book that is foregone, only rarely relevant through certain semblances. Any size related
changes are purely per the DM’s discretion.
To grab a creature you make a special attack action that you can only use once per round. You
make a melee attack check to an adjacent target and you must have at least one free hand or
equivalent grabbing limb (such as a faunus with a tail trait). After a successful melee hit check
you’ll need to succeed a ‘Grapple Check’ (1d20 + Base Attack Bonus + Strength Mod or
Dexterity Mod, whichever is higher) that the target will contest by rolling a Reflex Save. If the
user's Grapple Check exceeds the target's chosen roll they are officially grappled. While
grappling a target you receive a partial cover bonus and the grappled victim will take damage if
the attack fails to pass the cover check, like standard cover would. This benefit is negated when
flanked (more than one creature adjacent to you, not counting the grappled target). While the
target is grappled you can use your attack action to deal a guaranteed hit against them with
your drawn weapon. You can also move while carrying the victim, but your speed is halved
when doing so.
If you’re grappled you are unable to take any actions but to make an attempt to escape .
To escape, grappled targets can roll either a counter Grapple Check(1d20 + Base Attack Bonus
+ Strength Mod or Dexterity Mod, whichever is higher) or Acrobatics Check against the
grapplers INITIAL Grapple Check to break free once per turn.

Tl;dr: Step-by-step rundown:

Step 1: Melee Attack Check against targets AC
Step 2: Grapple Check (1d20 + Base Attack Bonus + Strength Mod or Dexterity Mod,
whichever is higher) against targets Reflex Save
Step 3: Grappled, you can attack or move with them.
Step 4: Target can attempt escape once per round on their turn; Counter Grapple check
(1d20 + Base Attack Bonus + Strength Mod or Dexterity Mod, whichever is higher) or
Acrobatics Check against grapplers Initial Grapple Check
Step 5: Grappled target is either freed or remains grappled (see step 3).

Climbing, Swimming, Crawling

When taking one of the above actions your speed is reduced by half, rounded up to the nearest
5ft increment. At the DM’s discretion, a strength check may be used to go further when climbing
or swimming.

Suffocating Damage
While underwater you can hold your breath for 1 minute + 30 seconds per your CON mod. After
the allotted time has expired you begin to take significant damage every round. After 1 round of
suffocating you take 1d4 damage that bypasses your aura. After 2 rounds of suffocating you
take 2d4 damage that bypasses your aura, and so on for every round until you are able to
breathe or until you die.
Carrying Capacity
Your carrying capacity is the number associated with how much you can carry at one time
without being negatively impacted. The number is determined your taking your Strength Score
and multiplying it by 10 (i.e. A Strength Score of 12 means you're able to carry up to 120
pounds comfortably.)
If you exceed your carrying capacity at any point there are a few notable debuffs and effects that
will occur. First, you’ll immediately suffer a debuff of -3 to your hit checks, AC, and reflex saving
throws. Second, and more notably, you will lose all stored actions and no longer be able to store
actions until you lose the extra weight.

The amount an individual can safely push, drag, or lift an object is determined in a similar way to
your carry capacity. The number is determined your taking your Strength Score and multiplying
it by 20 (ie A Strength Score of 12 means you're able to push, lift, or drag up to 240 pounds,
comfortably). Your DM may have you roll a strength check or use a stored action for items that
exceed this weight limit.

A living creature can survive for up to three weeks without food, but will feel the detrimental
effects of it in as little as 8 hours. After 8 hours without food you start to ‘starve’ and you suffer a
-1 to hit checks, AC, and saving throws. After 24 hours without food you suffer a -3 to hit
checks, AC, and saving throws. After 72 hours you suffer a -5 to hit checks, AC, and saving
throws. After one week you suffer a -10 to hit checks, AC, and saving throws. After two weeks
you suffer a -20 to hit checks, AC, and saving throws. After three weeks, you’re dead. These
penalties can be halved, rounded up, at the start of an encounter with a successful Fortitude
Save (DC 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 respectively). These effects are on top of other penalties such
as exhaustion and dehydration.

A living creature can survive up to three days without water. After 8 hours without water you
start to ‘dehydrate’ and you suffer a -1 to hit checks, AC, and saving throws. After 24 hours
without food you suffer a -5 to hit checks, AC, and saving throws. After 48 hours you suffer a -10
to hit checks, AC, and saving throws. After three days, you’re dead. These effects are on top of
other penalties such as exhaustion and starvation.

Your initiative determines what the turn order will be per round. Either at the start of combat or a
session (per DM preference) you will roll 1d20+your initiative against all the other rollers. The
highest leads the turn order. This stat is increased by your Dex Mod and your feats.
Order of Combat (Rounds, Turns)
When you enter combat it’s known as entering an ‘encounter.’ To keep things simple combat is
broken into a mix of steps and organized into a process known as ‘rounds.’ A round represents
6 seconds in the game world and each individual in combat is granted a turn. To organize who
goes first you’ll either roll or reference your initiative and compare it to everyone else in combat.
If opposing sides are still engaged then once everyone has taken a turn a new round begins
and the process, with the exception of rolling initiative, is repeated. There is a special round that
can occur at the start of combat known as a ‘surprise round.’ A surprise round occurs when one
opposing side sneaks up on the other and gets the jump on them, granting that side a free turn.
The DM determines if a surprise round occurs, typically requiring one side to roll stealth checks
to determine this and comparing it to the other side's passive or active perception.

A simple breakdown of the steps are as follows:

1: The DM determines whether or not there is a surprise round.
2: Locations of all enemies are determined by the DM, if not already done.
3: Roll initiative
4: Normal rounds begin and everyone takes their turns.
5: Repeat step 4 until only one side is still engaged in combat.

When prone you are laying on the ground, unable to move freely. You can get up with move
action or crawl forward at half your speed. If you’re fighting an opponent in an adjacent square
you suffer a -5 to your AC and hit checks.

Attack of Opportunity
While engaged in combat and moving out of an adjacent square they are granted an attack of
opportunity allowing them to make an immediate attack against you with their currently drawn
weapon, even if the weapon is ranged. All creatures (human, faunus, androids, grimm) are able
to make attacks of opportunity.

Dropping to 0 Aura
When you take damage while your aura is active it takes damage in place of your health, but
when the damage received exceeds your remaining aura there are a few special occurrences.
First, unless the attack that broke your aura was piercing damage, the rest of the damage is
reduced to 0. Second, you are immediately exhausted for the remainder of the encounter. Third,
any effects that your semblance is tied to end immediately, unless otherwise stated.

Dropping between 0 and -9 HP

If you are at 0HP exactly you can make one attack or move action on your turn and then you fall
unconscious, go to -1 HP, and start to bleed out, immediately. If you fall between -1 and -9 HP
you fall unconscious immediately and start to bleed out. Every turn after you take 1 point of HP
damage until you succeed a fortitude save DC15 to stop bleeding out.
Once you hit -10HP, either from bleeding out or from an attack, your character dies. Time to
make a new one!

Underwater Combat
Fighting underwater is different from fighting on land, granting a number of penalties.
When not moving at your full speed*:
- You suffer a -5 to all melee hit checks.
- Your AC is reduced by -5.
*To move at your full speed requires a specific faunus trait, semblance, ability, or feat.
Universal penalties:
- All ranged hit checks beyond your max range are an automatic miss and attacks in your range
suffer a -5 penalty.
- No fire-based dust or abilities can be used properly. Attempting to use fire-based dust or
abilities instead creates a mass of bubbles that rise to the surface.
- Other dust may have unique effects as determined by the DM.

Air Combat
Fighting in the air is mostly the same as fighting on land, but with a few nuances. To join in on
air combat requires a specific faunus trait, semblance, or ability. When two flying combatants
are engaged they fight mostly as normal, but a piloting check will give one an advantage over
the other. At the start of air combat all flying combatants will roll a pilot check. Whichever side
has the higher check will receive +2 to hit checks and AC. If multiple air combatants are
engaged this is influenced the same way (see example below). This bonus does NOT apply to
ground combatants engaging air combatants.

Multi-combat pilot example:

There are 4 players engaged in air combat. Player 1 rolls a pilot check of 16, player 2 rolls 18,
player 3 rolls 20, and player 4 rolls 8. Player 4 gains no bonus to any combatants. Player 3
receives the +2 hit/AC bonus against all combatants. Player 2 has the bonus over player 1 and
4, but not 3. Player 1 has a bonus over 4, but not 2 or 3. None of these players would receive a
bonus against a ground opponent, though natural bonuses (such as can’t be targeted with
standard melee attacks while in the air) still apply.
Chapter 2: Races
This chapter is comprised of the races in RWBY and the advantages/disadvantages that they
each naturally have.

“I was created to defend humanity when they could not defend themselves. I’m combat ready.”
You were not born; you were made. Originally, your kind were intended to be soldiers and to take the
place of the human and faunus armies. As science progressed, you became more; you became a living
creature with an aura and a semblance. And if you must have a soul to have an aura, how are you
anything, but alive? Now, for the first time you have a choice to make. What will you do with it?
Ability Score Increase: +2 Con
Alignment: Androids are almost always lawful good, as per their creators instructions.
Speed: 30 feet
Naive: -2 Sense Motive
One Of Us: +4 Computer Use
Quick Learner: +1 Skill Point/Level

“We have been discriminated against our whole lives. But that isn’t who we are. We won’t let
that define us. Well...Most of us.”
You are an animalistic race. Literally. Every Faunus shares a trait with an animal in the world, and the
greatest of you take advantage of it. The Faunus have spent their history as slaves, second-class
citizens, and under the thumb of discrimination. Only after the Great War did that truly start to change.
The world came together and gave you your own continent, but your people are still split on thinking if it
was a way to pay you back or push you out.
Creator’s Note: The following are merely general ideas, and you’re not restricted to these
animals or even in the Ability Score Increase. A case could be made that a frog faunus could go
under strong, using powerful legs to kick at enemies. Check with your DM for permission.
Strong faunus variations
Bull, Ox, Cow, Bear, Dog, Tiger, Elephant, Turtle, Horse, Whale, Kangaroo, Rhino, Hippo, Pig,
Goat, Shark, Crocodile.
Ability Score Increase: +2 Strength
Fast faunus variations
Cat, Bird, Snake, Scorpion, Fox, Dolphin, Eagle, Wolf, Deer, Rabbit, Monkey, Squirrel, Frog,
Bat, Leopard, Raccoon, Chameleon, Lizard.
Ability Score Increase: +2 Dexterity
Alignment: Faunus vary greatly in their alignments, but more often than not tend to be neutral
and lawful.
Speed: 30 feet
Sins of my Father: -2 Persuade when dealing with humans.
One Of Us: +4 Animal Handling
Nightvision: Can see normally in dimly lit areas & only lose half of their vision in pitch
Faunus Trait: Every faunus is born with a single animal-like trait. The list below has
recommended trait concepts..
Creator’s Note: Like above, special cases can be made. Be imaginative and check with your DM
for permission on custom concepts.
Ears: +2 to perception checks
Teeth: Bite attack dealing 1d8+Str damage.
Eyes: Night Vision - You can see clearly in complete darkness.
Muscle Structure: +1 Strength or Dexterity, depending on variation
Legs: +2 to Acrobatics or +5 speed, Depending on the variation.
Claws/Talons: Claw attack dealing 1d8+Str damage.
Fangs: Capable of injecting poison with a bite attack.
Wings: Capable of flight, allowing you to fly instead of normal movement.
Fins: +15 speed in water
Horns: Charge attack dealing 1d8+Str damage.
Skin: Scales/Thick Hide: +1 to Constitution
Tail: +2 Acrobatics or capable of injecting poison or able to use it like a third arm, depending on
the variation.
Aesthetic: Visual change, but no stat upgrade from the trait.

Human (Atlas)
“We do what we do to protect ourselves and each other. We must stay clear-headed and willing
to do what others are afraid to do. We are soldiers and scientists for the greater good. We will
never forget that. And neither will the enemy.”
Atlas is one of the four great kingdoms of Remnant. Unlike the other kingdoms, they believe in a calm and
steady hand; always. The Grimm are brought by anger and fear and that’s why Atlas has chosen a
civilized and composed way of life. Their greatest strength isn’t in their muscle or their guts, but in their
intellect. Atlas has stood tall thanks to their technological advancements and their soldier-like mentality.
Of course, an army of androids helps, too.
Ability Score Increase: +2 Intelligence
Alignment: Humans from Atlas tend to be Lawful and either good or neutral, placing their faith
in either themselves or those around them.
Speed: 30 feet
Rider: +2 Drive/Navigate/Pilot
Knowledgeable: +2 knowledge
Impersonal: -2 Sense Motive
Human (Mistral)
“Life can be terrifying. It’s better to focus on the good while we have it. If art is the key to a joyful
life then our freedom is a masterpiece.”
Mistral is one of the four great kingdoms of Remnant. The criminal underbelly is just as prevalent as the
wealthy nobles. The people of Mistral tend to focus more on the arts and lifestyle choices than they do in
creating an honorable community. You are a people of freedom, and you will not be denied.
Ability Score Increase: +2 Charisma
Alignment: Humans from Mistral vary greatly from person to person. Some believe in honor
and right, others believe in profit and self-interest.
Speed: 30 feet
Theatrical: +2 Perform
Questionable: +2 Deceive/Sleight of Hand

Human (Vacuo)
“We don’t have many rules here, but there’s one that we all follow. If you can survive here then
you’re welcome here.”
Vacuo is one of the four great kingdoms of Remnant. It was once a great land free of strife and conflict,
but that was long ago. Vacuo is now a shell of its former self with almost no true law in place outside of
the academy. The people of Vacuo live hard lives and every day can be a struggle, but that same struggle
breeds them strong. You may never know who is truly on your side in Vacuo, but you can rely on that
same uncertainty in others.
Ability Score Increase: +2 Strength
Alignment: Humans from Vacuo tend to be neutral or chaotic, placing their self-interest and
survival above all.
Speed: 30 feet
Distrustful: -2 Persuasion
Hard Living: +2 Survival
Cautious: +2 Sense Motive/Intimidate

Human (Vale)
“There is an invisible line that divides our world: the Light from the Dark; the Good from the Evil.
And we stand on the edge of that line, keeping evil at bay.”
Vale is one of the four great Kingdoms of Remnant. Their way of life is based on a simple principle: ‘You
have a choice to make. What will you do?’ The people of Vale make their choice and they will continue to
do so. That choice is to fight the injustices of the world, but to do so wisely. As such, they built their
homes in locations with natural defences as well as man-made ones. Wisdom and Strength; That is Vale.
Ability Score Increase: +2 Wisdom
Alignment: Humans from Vale tend to be good and lawful, placing the common good above all.
Speed: 30 feet
Makes the Dreamwork: +2 Teamwork
Dangerous Lands: +2 Survival
Chapter 3: Classes
Classes work in a structured manner that allow you to diversify your field of expertise or focus
on one. You choose one of the Beginner Classes at level 1 and this will be your class until you
hit level 6. At level 6 you will choose an advanced class to level into. Between levels 7 and 10
you can either level up your first advanced class or choose a second to start putting levels into.
You can continue leveling either of the two classes until they are both level 5, which will be when
your character is level 15. At level 16 you will choose a prestige class to finish off your
character. There are no prerequisites for standard classes, so your character can be very

Class Properties
Aura: This is the dice that you will roll to determine your aura. Every level adds the rolled
number and your constitution modifier to your total max aura.
Skills: This is the number of points you can apply to your character. Keep in mind that the total
ranks per skill cannot exceed your character level + 3 and if the skill being upgraded isn’t a
class skill it takes two points to increase the skill by one rank. You add your intelligence mod
(minimum 0) to this amount, every level.
Class Skills: This is the list of skills that will become class skills every time you take a new
class. Keep in mind when taking a new class if you already have the skill listed as a class skill
you gain a + 1 miscellaneous bonus to the skill, instead.
Level Chart: This chart goes row by row with each level you place into it. You gain the bonus’
for each level when you level up and the bonus’ to your stats are listed in the ‘total’ row at the
base of the chart.
Special: These are your class abilities that you gain as you level up. The progress is tracked
through the chart and below the chart is the details of the class abilities. Typically they are in
order, but abilities that have a number increment ([1], [2], [3]) are the exception.
Beginner Classes
Starting classes are fairly similar in terms of stats. Their uniqueness comes more from their
special traits and skills rather than anything else.

Strong Huntsman/Huntress
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Intimidate, Survival, Teamwork
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Heavy Hitter [1]

2 +1 +1 Reckless Attack

3 +1 +1 +1 +1 Heavy Hitter [2]

4 +1 +1 Passionate Strength

5 +1 +1 +1 Heavy Hitter [3]

Total 5 3 2 3 1

Heavy Hitter:
[1]: +2 damage to melee attacks
[2]: +4 damage to melee attacks
[3]: +6 damage to melee attacks

Reckless Attack:
You can make your next attack a reckless one, focusing on your offense over your defense.
Doing so grants you +3 to your hit checks made this turn, but -3 to your AC until your next turn.

Passionate Strength:
At the cost of an attack action you can make a strength check with double your Strength
Dexterous Huntsman/Huntress
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Deceive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Teamwork
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Quick Attack

2 +1 +1 Speed [1]

3 +1 +1 +1 Low Blow

4 +1 +1 +1 Speed [2]

5 +1 +1 +1 Evasion

Total 3 5 3 1 2

Quick Attack:
During combat you push yourself to the front of initiative order for one round. This can only
occur once per encounter.

[1] Your base speed is increased by +5
[2] Your base speed is increased by +5 (+10 total)

Low Blow:
When an opponent in melee range of you takes damage you may make an Attack of
Opportunity against them. This can only happen once per round. This cannot happen in
response to an attack that was a low blow.

When prompted to make a reflex save to take half damage you take no damage if you pass the
Constitutional Huntsman/Huntress
Aura: 1d10
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Animal Handling, Drive, Knowledge, Survival, Teamwork
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Aura Isn’t Everything

2 +1 +1 But It Sure Helps [1]

3 +1 +1 Not Done Yet

4 +1 +1 But It Sure Helps [2]

5 +1 +1 +1 Recovery

Total 3 2 1 4 2

Aura Isn’t Everything:

You don’t rely on your aura alone to hold up in a fight. Your endurance and ability to take a hit
excels, naturally. Your starting hit points (including the Con Mod) are doubled.

But It Sure Helps:

[1] +5 Aura
[2] +5 Aura (+10 total)

Not Done Yet:

Instead of falling unconscious the moment you fall between -1 and -9 HP you can instead roll a
fortitude save (DC 15) to immediately stop bleeding out and remain conscious. Any further
damage you take will knock you out, if it doesn't kill you, without another fortitude save to remain

You now recover HP and Aura at twice the standard rate.
Intelligent Huntsman/Huntress
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 7
Class Skills: Computer Use, Disable Device, Knowledge, Repair, Teamwork
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Quick Wits [1]

2 +1 +1 Knowledgeable

3 +1 +1 +1 Quick Wits [2]

4 +1 +1 Dust Training

5 +1 +1 +1 Quick Wits [3]

Total 3 3 2 2 3

Quick Wits:
You use your wits to gain a bonus to any type of skill check. This bonus is your Intelligent
Huntsman/Huntress level.
[1] Can be used once a day
[2] Can be used twice a day
[3] Can be used three times a day

You gain a +2 misc bonus to knowledge checks

Dust Training:
When making a dust-based attack you gain +1 to your hit check and +1 dice of dust damage.
Wise Huntsman/Huntress
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 6
Class Skills: Animal Handling, Craft, Perception, Sense Motive, Teamwork
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Wildlife Experience [1]

2 +1 +1 +1 Insight

3 +1 +1 Wildlife Experience [2]

4 +1 +1 +1 Aware

5 +1 +1 +1 Wildlife Experience [3]

Total 3 3 2 2 4

Wildlife Experience:
[1] +2 to survival and handle animal checks
[2] +4 to survival and handle animal checks
[3] +6 to survival and handle animal checks

Gain a bonus to attacks made against opponents you have fought before or observed fighting
equal to your Wise Huntsman/huntress.

At the cost of your attack action you can make a wisdom based skill check with double your
Wisdom Modifier.
Charismatic Huntsman/Huntress
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Deceive, Disguise, Perform, Persuade, Teamwork
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 Charming [1]

2 +1 +1 +1 Inspire

3 +1 +1 +1 Charming [2]

4 +1 +1 Distract

5 +1 +1 +1 Charming [3]

Total 3 3 2 2 3

You gain a bonus on all charisma based skill checks made.
[1] +1
[2] +2
[3] +3

At the cost of a movement action, you can inspire an ally once per round. An inspired ally gains
+2 to their attack, AC, and saving throws until your next turn.

At the cost of a swift action, you may attempt to become the focus of a target by making a
charisma check towards them, DC = Their Intelligence Mod + Their Character Level.
Advanced Classes
Scouting Huntsman/Huntress
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 6
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Tracking

2 +1 +1 Weapon Proficiency

3 +1 +1 +1 Careful Steps

4 +1 +1 Weapon Specialization

5 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

Total 3 3 3 2 2

Prey that others would think are long gone are easy marks for you. +5 to your Survival checks.

Weapon Proficiency:
You gain +1 on hit checks made with your custom weapon. This ability stacks with other abilities
with the same name.

Careful Steps:
Attempts made to track you suffer a -5 penalty.

Weapon Specialization:
You gain +2 on your damage rolls made with your custom weapon. This ability stacks with other
abilities with the same name.

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Adept Huntsman/Huntress
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Computer Use, Knowledge, Sense Motive
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Weapon Proficiency

2 +1 +1 +1 Bonus Formations

3 +1 +1 Weapon Specialization

4 +1 +1 +1 Powdered Dust Training

5 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

Total 4 3 3 2 2

Weapon Proficiency:
You gain +1 on hit checks made with your custom weapon. This ability stacks with other abilities
with the same name.

Bonus Formations:
+3 Teamwork

Weapon Specialization:
You gain +2 on your damage rolls made with your custom weapon. This ability stacks with other
abilities with the same name.

Powdered Dust Training:

You’re an expert at using powdered dust. +1 dice of damage when using powdered dust.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Close Combatant
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Deceive, Intimidate, Sleight of Hand
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Weapon Proficiency

2 +1 +1 Clash

3 +1 +1 +1 Power Attack

4 +1 +1 +1 Weapon Specialization

5 +1 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

Total 5 3 2 3 2

Weapon Proficiency:
You gain +1 on hit checks made with your custom weapon. This ability stacks with other abilities
with the same name.

When deflecting an attack with your custom weapon you negate the damage your weapon
would take once per encounter.

Power Attack:
When making a melee attack you can subtract from your hit check bonus to increase your
damage by up to 10. (-10 hit, +10 dmg) This doesn't stack with other abilities sharing the same

Weapon Specialization:
You gain +2 on your damage rolls made with your custom weapon. This ability stacks with other
abilities with the same name.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Martial Artist
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Drive, Perform, Sense Motive
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Unarmed Specialist

2 +1 +1 +1 Power Attack

3 +1 +1 +1 Smash

4 +1 +1 +1 Brawl

5 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

Total 5 3 2 2 3

Unarmed Specialist:
Once per round you can add +1 dice of damage to your unarmed attacks.

Power Attack:
When making a melee attack you can subtract from your hit check bonus to increase your
damage by up to 10. (-10 hit, +10 dmg) This doesn't stack with other abilities sharing the same

You deal double damage to objects when making an unarmed attack.

+1 to unarmed hit checks and your strength modifier bonus to damage with unarmed attacks is
1.5x, rounded up (ex: Str Mod is +4, with brawl you deal +6 instead)

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 6
Class Skills: Computer Use, Craft, Drive, Pilot
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Line of Sight

2 +1 +1 +1 Weapon Proficiency

3 +1 +1 +1 Stopping Power

4 +1 +1 Weapon Specialization

5 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

Total 4 2 2 3 2

Line of Sight:
+1 to your hit checks made with ranged weaponry

Weapon Proficiency:
You gain +1 on hit checks made with your custom weapon. This ability stacks with other abilities
with the same name.

Stopping Power:
Your custom ranged weapon(s) deals damage as though one size larger. If the ranged form is
huge, then instead of a damage increase target’s that are hit with your ranged attacks must
succeed a fortitude save (DC15) or be stunned for 1 round.

Weapon Specialization:
You gain +2 on your damage rolls made with your custom weapon. This ability stacks with other
abilities with the same name.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Deceive, Disguise, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 My Old Friend

2 +1 +1 +1 +1 Contract

3 +1 +1 Weak Point

4 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

5 +1 +1 +1 Lethal Sneak Attack

Total 4 4 4 1 2

My Old Friend:
Darkness is your ally, whether it be the night or the shadows. You gain +3 to stealth checks
made in darkness.

At the start of combat, you declare a target. You gain +1 to all hit checks made against that

Weak Point:
You’re an expert at identifying the vital areas to take your opponent down. Roll a perception
check (DC is 10 + the targets level). If you pass the check, you gain +5 damage to any attacks
towards the chosen opponent, excluding dust.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Lethal Sneak Attack:

Sneak Attacks made against unsuspecting opponents can now kill them instantly, without
dealing damage. This doesn’t work on Grimm or if the target’s aura is active. Should the target
survive the attempt (such as a unique semblance) regular attack damage is still applied.
Aura Operative
Aura: 1d10
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Disable Device, Drive, Persuade, Repair
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 Semblance Training

2 +1 +1 +1 Offensive Shielding [1]

3 +1 +1 +1 Offensive Shielding [2]

4 +1 +1 Offensive Shielding [3]

5 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

Total 3 2 2 4 2

Semblance Training:
You gain the benefits of your semblance as though you were one level higher and the aura cost
is reduced by 1.

Offensive Shielding:
Once a day, you can use your aura offensively to deflect an attack without using a stored attack
action. The number of times a day increased by one at levels 3 and 4. Note that you take half
damage in place of your weapon.
If you have the ‘Hard Plating’ feat you gain an additional use of this ability per day.

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 7
Class Skills: Craft, Disable Device, Knowledge, Repair
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Weapon Repair

2 +1 +1 +1 Craftsmanship

3 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

4 +1 +1 +1 Expert Repair

5 +1 +1 +1 Elite Weaponry

Total 3 3 2 3 3

Weapon Repair:
You’re an expert at fixing weaponry. You gain +3 to repair checks made to any form of

You gain +3 to all craft checks.

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Expert Repair:
You are an expert at fixing equipment, even without a workbench or equipment. You can now
repair equipment wherever you are and in half the time.

Elite Weaponry:
You gain 4 extra points to add to your custom weapon.
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 7
Class Skills: Computer Use, Knowledge, Perception, Survival
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Grimm Knowledge

2 +1 +1 +1 Educated

3 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

4 +1 +1 On and Off Again

5 +1 +1 +1 Mind Over Matter

Total 3 2 3 2 4

Grimm Knowledge:
You're a quick learner of grimm. Whenever you encounter a new grimm type you can roll a
knowledge check (DC 10+level of target) and on a success you will gain a permanent +3 AC to
that type of grimm. If you fail your check you cannot retry until you encounter the grimm again.

+5 Knowledge

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

On and Off Again:

+5 Computer Use/Disable Device

Mind Over Matter:

Your combat training doesn’t just lie in your physical strength, but in your stance and study. You
can choose to apply your intelligence modifier to your melee attack hit checks and damage
instead of your strength.
Dust Expert
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Animal Handling, Intimidate, Knowledge, Sleight of Hand
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Powdered Dust Training

2 +1 +1 +1 Crystalline Dust Training

3 +1 +1 +1 Dust Range Increase

4 +1 +1 +1 Powdered Dust Expertise

5 +1 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

Total 4 3 3 2 4

Powdered Dust Training:

You’re an expert at using powdered dust, increasing damage done by +1 dice with any use of
powdered dust.

Crystalline Dust Training:

You’re an expert at using crystalline dust, increasing damage done by +1 dice with any use of
crystalline dust.

Dust Range Increase:

You can use powdered dust at double its range (60 ft) before taking hit check penalties.

Powdered Dust Expertise:

Dust that provides a physical effect (Ice Wall, Earth Barrier, Steam, etc) can now extend its
range by 2x.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Animal Handling, Deceive, Knowledge, Perception
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Bonus Formations

2 +1 +1 Plan

3 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

4 +1 +1 +1 Grimm Lesson

5 +1 +1 +1 Rain Check

Total 2 3 3 2 4

Bonus Formations:
+4 teamwork

Using team formations gives you and your allies a +1 bonus to all respective stats. This bonus
does not stack with other Plan abilities.

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Grimm Lesson:
You gain +2 to your hit checks against any grimm type that you have dealt the killing blow to,

Rain Check:
Any wisdom-based skillcheck you perform can be re-rolled once, before the result of the check
is announced. You MUST take the second roll.
Team Leader
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Perception, Persuade, Sense Motive
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Bonus Formations

2 +1 +1 Plan

3 +1 +1 +1 Encourage

4 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

5 +1 +1 +1 Morale Boost

Total 3 2 2 3 4

Bonus Formations:
+4 teamwork

Using team formations gives you and your allies a +1 bonus to all respective stats. This bonus
does not stack with other Plan abilities.

When an ally within 30 feet is shaken or affected by a status effect with a timer you can
encourage them to remove the shaken effect or reduce the duration of the timer by 1 turn.
Requires a successful charisma check (DC 10).

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Morale Boost:
You’re the team leader and you must inspire your team. Once per encounter you can roll a
charisma check (DC 15). On a success, your team and any allies within 60 feet gain +1 to all hit
checks and to their AC.
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Deceive, Disguise, Persuade, Sleight of Hand
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Blending In

2 +1 Hidden Intent

3 +1 +1 +1 +1 Pickpocket

4 +1 +1 Play it Off

5 +1 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

Total 4 3 3 1 3

Blending In:
+4 Disguise

Hidden Intent:
You’re an expert at hiding your true intentions from those who are prying. Add your Vagabond
level to the DC of opposed Sense Motive skill checks.

+4 Sleight of Hand

Play it Off:
You are quick with your words. Even when you slip up, you can typically recover. Whenever you
roll a deceive or persuade check you can re-roll it once before you find out the result of the roll.
You MUST take the second roll.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 6
Class Skills: Disguise, Perform, Persuade, Sense Motive
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Smooth Talker

2 +1 +1 +1 Personal Insight

3 +1 +1 +1 Showbiz

4 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

5 +1 +1 +1 Smolder

Total 3 4 3 2 3

Smooth Talker:
+3 Deceive/Persuasion

Personal Insight:
+4 Sense Motive

+4 perform

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Once a day, you can use your smolder to increase a persuade check by +5.
Prestige Classes
Master Huntsman/Huntress
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Drive, Knowledge, Survival
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Grimm Expert

2 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

4 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

Total 4 4 2 3 2

Grimm Expert:
You’re a master hunter of the creature of Grimm. Whenever attacking or being attacked by
grimm your hit checks, damage, and AC are increased by +2.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Queen/King of the Castle
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Disable Device, Intimidate, Navigate, Perform
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Physical Prowess

2 +1 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

4 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 All I’ve Got

Total 5 3 2 4 3

Physical Prowess:
You are capable of extreme physical feats. +10 Acrobatics.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

All I’ve Got:

Once a day, at the start of your turn declare that you’re giving it all you’ve got. Every attack you
make this turn has a critical range of 11-20. Once the turn is over you are stunned for 1 round
per attack made and exhausted for the rest of the encounter.
Aura Instinct
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Intimidate, Navigate, Sense Motive
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

2 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Instinctual Deflection

4 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 +1 Instinctual Dodge

Total 4 4 3 3 3

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Instinctual Deflection:
You can now use deflect without using any stored attacks, but no more than once per round
through this method.

Instinctual Dodge:
You can now use dodge without using any stored movement, but no more than once per round
through this method.
Combat Dancer
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 4
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Perception, Perform, Sleight of Hand
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

2 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

4 +1 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 Dance Dance Revolution

Total 5 5 4 1 2

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Dance Dance Revolution:

Once a day, for a single round you can double your currently stored attack and stored
movement actions and the maximum stored limit is increased from 3 to 6. You’re stunned for 1
round afterwards and become exhausted afterwards for the remainder of the encounter.
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 6
Class Skills: Craft, Deceive, Intimidate, Sleight of Hand
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Aimed Shot

2 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

4 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 +1 Rapid Shot

Total 4 3 2 3 3

Aimed Shot:
At the cost of a move action you can enhance the accuracy of your next attack by +5. Taking
any other action between the aim and attack will negate this bonus.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Rapid Shot:
Once a day, as a full round action you can make an attack at everyone you can see this round.
HP: 1d10
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Disguise, Navigate, Perform, Persuade
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Resistant

2 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

4 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 Defensive Stance

Total 4 3 2 3 2

Any negative status effect that is placed on you has its duration reduced by 50%, rounded up.

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Defensive Stance:
You no longer are able to take actions and instead your actions are spent on holding a
defensive stance. While in the stance, you take reduced damage by 50% (rounded up) and you
glow with a shimmering aura, potentially provoking nearby grimm. Succeed an intimidate check
(DC 10+level of grimm) to provoke them and draw their focus. You can end this effect at the
start of each of your turns.
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 8
Class Skills: Computer Use, Knowledge, Navigate, Repair
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Well-Versed

2 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

4 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 Breakthrough

Total 3 3 3 3 3

+3 to all skill checks.

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

After years of study and effort, you’ve discovered a moderately safe method of dust infusion into
a living creature. You can infuse yourself or others with a vial dust without triggering the
negative side effects. Multiple infusions in a single day WILL cause the negative side effects to
occur, still. Alternatively, you can overload a creature with five dust vials, through a dust attack
action, and make them a ticking time bomb that will detonate once attacked. The detonation
deals triple the damage of the dust type infused. If multiple dust types are used for this attack it
will be based on the average damage.
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 7
Class Skills: Craft, Drive, Perception, Sense Motive
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

2 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Hot on the Trail

4 +1 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 Reconstruction

Total 3 3 3 2 3

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Hot on the Trail:

You gain +5 to survival checks to tracking creatures. You also gain the track ability, if you didn’t
already have it.

You can reconstruct events like a crime scene and immediately break down the details of what
you’re seeing. Succeed a Perception Check (DC 30, or what the DM sets) to identify the details
of what you’re observing. It may be a specific function of a semblance, where an attack came
from, or breaking down a crime scene. The DM determines what can and can’t apply.
Dust to Dust
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 7
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Craft, Knowledge, Perception
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Dust Master

2 +1 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

4 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 Dust Barrage

Total 4 3 3 3 3

Dust Master:
+2 dice of damage to any dust-based attack, except ammunition.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Dust Barrage:
Once a day, for the rest of your turn you can unleash twice the amount of dust per attack to
either deal double damage or deal damage to two separate targets. This works with stored
attack actions.
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 6
Class Skills: Knowledge, Perception, Perform, Persuade
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

2 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Elite Formations

4 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 Hope

Total 3 3 3 3 3

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Elite Formations:
When executing a formation with one or more teammates you and your teammates get +2 to all

Once a day, your ability to motivate your allies spirits is unparalleled. Succeed a Charisma
Check (DC 15) to boost your stats and your allies. All saving throws and hit checks are boosted
by +3.
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Craft, Intimidate, Pilot, Survival
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 Blood of the Covenant

2 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

4 +1 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 Just Following Orders

Total 4 3 3 3 3

Blood of the Covenant:

You name one of your allies to be your battle-buddy. Formations between just the two of you are
enhanced by a +3 bonus to all stats.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your Adrenaline Rush at the start of encounters. If you already
have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Just Following Orders:

Once a day, your ability to remind your allies of the true task at hand is enhanced. Succeed a
Charisma Check (DC 15) to boost your stats and your allies. All skill checks, hit checks, and
damage checks are boosted by +3 for the rest of the encounter.
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 7
Class Skills: Deceive, Disguise, Intimidate, Persuade
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Makeup Artist

2 +1 +1 +1

3 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

4 +1 +1 +1

5 +1 +1 +1 Passionate Presence

Total 3 3 3 3 4

Makeup Artist:
With minimum effort, you can blend into a variety of situations. +6 to disguise checks.

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Passionate Presence:
Once a day, you can bolster your persuade, deceive, or intimidate check gaining a +10 bonus.
Mega Classes
These classes are NOT recommended to use at all for a normal campaign as they are
unbalanced. Use at your DM’s discretion.
These classes can be taken in place of an advanced or prestige class.

Silver Eyed Warrior

Prerequisite: Silver Eyes
Aura: 1d8
Skills: 5
Class Skills: Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Purge [1]

2 +1 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

3 +1 +1 +1 Purge [2]

4 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

5 +1 +1 +1 +1 Purge [3]

Total 5 2 3 3 4

Once a day, any grimm or grimm-corrupted creatures within range, centered on you, are turned
to stone. Omega, Beta, and Alpha grimm die while Boss grimm remain encased in stone unless
they succeed a fortitude save DC40. Grimm killed in this manner don’t grant experience. This
ability cannot be used when blinded.
[1] The range is 30 feet
[2] The range is 60 feet
[3] The range is 90 feet

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Prerequisite: Female
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 7
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Magic [1]

2 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Movement

3 +1 +1 +1 Magic [2]

4 +1 +1 +1 Quickened Attack

5 +1 +1 +1 +1 Magic [3]

Total 5 3 3 4 2

You can use dust based attacks without requiring the dust materials and the effects are more
[1] No bonus damage
[2] Dust damage is tripled, or can be sent at three separate targets.
[3] Dust status effects DC’s are increased by +5.

Quickened Movement:
You gain 1 move action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.

Quickened Attack:
You gain 1 attack action into your adrenaline rush storage at the start of encounters. If you
already have this ability in another class the effects stack.
Grimm Human
Prerequisite: Evil
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 3
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 1 1 1 1 1 Magic [1]

2 1 2 1 2 2 Grimm Domination

3 2 2 2 3 3 Magic [2]

4 2 3 2 4 4 Demonic Presence

5 3 3 3 5 5 Magic [3]

Total 3 3 3 5 5

You can use dust based attacks without requiring the dust materials and the effects are more
[1] No bonus damage
[2] Dust damage is tripled, or can be sent at three separate targets.
[3] Dust status effects DC’s are increased by +5.

Grimm Domination:
The Grimm fear you above all else. You can control any nearby grimm.

Demonic Presence:
The air around you is thick with a menacing presence. Whenever a creature comes within 60
feet of you it must succeed a will save (DC 35) or be shaken for the next 4 hours.
Enlightened human
Prerequisite: Good
Aura: 1d6
Skills: 5
Level BAB AC Ref Fort Will Special

1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Magic [1]

2 +1 +1 +1 Righteous Might

3 +1 +1 +1 +1 Magic [2]

4 +1 +1 +1 Rise and Fall

5 +1 +1 +1 +1 Magic [3]

Total 4 4 4 4 3

You can use dust based attacks without requiring the dust materials and the effects are more
[1] No bonus damage
[2] Dust damage is tripled, or can be sent at three separate targets.
[3] Dust status effects DC’s are increased by +5.

Righteous Might:
When fighting any evil creature your hit checks, damage, AC, and saves are boosted by +5.

Rise and Fall:

Your journey in life has more mistakes than any other, but also more good. Every day you will
roll a 1d20. On a roll of 1-10, all of your checks made have a reduction of -3. On a roll of 11-20,
all of your checks made have a bonus of +3
Chapter 4: Semblance
Semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each
individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user and often developing further as the
user masters it. The nature of one's Semblance is noted as representing an aspect of their
character. However, a person's Semblance can be similar to the Semblances of their parents or
other family members.

Put simply, your semblance is a unique gift that belongs to you and you alone. This bonus may
be active or passive and the use of it will typically drain your aura to use it.
“General rule of thumb is: If you’re out of Aura, you can’t use your Semblance.” -Miles/Kerry/Gray

Action Cost
All semblances cost a swift action to use, unless otherwise stated. If trying to determine an
action for a custom semblance I recommend treating it with the following.
Full-round action: Semblance is truly powerful, borderline overpowered.
Attack action: Semblance does decent or heavy damage.
Move action: Semblance doesn’t deal damage, but is grand in a manner of its own.
Swift action: Semblance doesn’t deal damage and has a decent effect, typically lower aura cost.
Free action: Semblance is reactionary, requiring others to act first.

Aura Cost
A semblance typically costs aura to use. The grander the semblances effects, the higher the
cost. If a semblance is a constant buff then it should cost aura per turn. If the semblance has a
large drawback, then a lower aura drain could apply. If a semblance is always active then the
effects shouldn’t be grand, or at least partially negative if they are, and should cost no aura.
Once a character’s aura runs out their semblance typically becomes unusable. Where that
doesn’t apply, when a character dies their semblance and all effects from it end. (Such as Bad
Luck Charm or Calm)

Below are listed a mix of custom and canon semblance’s for you to use on your own or as a
guide to creating your own. They are designated with a tier system that determines their quality
and strength. (SSS > SS > S > A > B > C > D > F). DM’s should take caution allowing players to
take SS, or SSS as they tend to be overpowered and are more meant for powerful NPC’s. Even
low tier semblances can be powerful, but their applications tend to be more specific. If you’re
looking for a canon character's semblance they will be marked with (Name) indicator. Note that
some have a ...sorta text alongside them. That means they’re a canon character with not
enough detail about their semblance, so I slotted them into a custom one of my making.

Remember that any custom semblance requires approval of your DM! After all, being too
overpowered or underpowered can create a poor role playing experience.
7 Sins
Tier: SSS
Type: Passive/Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You can absorb the entire aura and soul of creatures to revive yourself.

How it works:
When a sacrifice calms themselves in your grip you can spend a full-round action to absorb the
aura of the sacrifice. While the transfer happens the sacrifice is immobile and their body is
numbed, even if they change their mind after the transfer begins. The absorption can be
delayed by succeeding a will save (DC30), but the sacrifice remains immobile. Once the transfer
is complete you add their soul to your ‘soul count.’ (doesn’t include yours). The body of the soul
owner is still alive, but in a coma that they cannot awake from unless the semblance owner
releases them. The semblance owner can release them at any point, at which point the soul will
return to its body, regardless of location. If the body is dead, the soul instead disappears. The
semblance owner no longer glows his natural aura color when hit, instead taking the color of the
most recent victims aura. Once one of the aura’s are drained the semblance owner collapses as
though dead, but will revive immediately after with the next soul. Once an aura is broken, that
soul is gone forever and must be replaced.
You suffer a -1 penalty to ALL rolls per soul collected due to the soul being in conflict with yours.
Your max aura per soul is the same as your aura.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You can absorb up to one soul per 3 levels (Max 7).

Tier: S
Type: Passive
Description: Individuals who touch you instinctively like you more. While this is great for gaining
friends and allies, it’s not without its drawbacks.
Type Effect
Benefit When touched, others view you with a positive disposition. You gain a bonus in
ALL relevant skill checks with them equal to your total level.

Drawback After being away from you for 1 hour, they suffer withdrawal and must succeed a
fortitude save (DC15 + Your Total Level) or else take a penalty of Your current
total level / 4 to all of their rolls. Additionally, they emit more negative emotions.
Tier: SS
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can convert common metals into gold.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 6 A: You can convert common metals to gold, up to 20lbs at a time.

7 6 U: You can convert uncommon metals to gold, up to 20lbs at a time.

12 3 Golden Gun: You can convert weapons made of metal into gold during
combat by touching them. The weapon must be remade.

Tier: B
Type: Passive
Description: You gain benefits and penalties to combat based on your blood alcohol content.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Sober: While sober, you suffer a -5 penalty to all checks.

1 - Tipsy: While having a low BAC you suffer a -2 to all checks.

1 - Sloshed: While having a medium BAC, you no longer suffer penalties.

1 - Hammered: While having a high BAC, you gain +3 to all checks.

1 - Fucked: While having a very high BAC, you gain +5 to all checks.

Anger Management
Tier: B
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: Your aura molds itself into black nevermore feathers and point towards objects or
individuals that you genuinely hate, regardless of their location or other effects.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 You create one feather that points to the thing that you hate most in the
world. The feather emits extreme negativity, possibly attracting grimm.

5 4 The same as above, but now two feathers targeting two things.

10 4 The same as above, but now three feathers targeting three things.
Tier: SSS
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You bestor life onto unliving touched objects. .
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 Varies You touch a nonliving thing and animate it. The DM determines all of its
stats. This is a GM’s best friend for making unique creatures.

Tier: S
Type: Passive
Description: You gain immense strength from the moonlight and glow silver to reflect that.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You gain a variety of bonuses based on the phase of the moon.
Phase Bonus
New Moon No bonus
Waxing/Waning Crescent +2 to hit checks and AC
1st/3rd Quarter +3 to hit checks and AC
Waxing/Waning Gibbous +4 to hit checks and AC
Full Moon +5 to hit checks and AC

Ash and Dust

Tier: SSS
Type: Passive
Description: Your aura doesn’t act as most. It converts your body into an ash-like substance.
Your pain senses are almost non-existent due to this.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Attacks that hit your dust body go through or are held in place. Melee
attacks made must succeed a strength check DC10 to successfully
remove the weapon. All damage taken is reduced by ¼.

7 - As above, but damage is reduced by ½.

15 - As above, but damage is reduced by ¾.

Astral Projection
Tier: S
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You can send your spirit to other areas to observe and interact, but leaving your
body helpless.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 per minute You project your spirit near another living humanoids position. You
must know the humanoid's name to project near them. You appear
behind them and they can see you if you end up in your line of sight.
You are also able to talk to the chosen target. You must remain within
60 feet of the target, but can move through physical barriers. Magical
creatures and items emit a 60ft field that blocks sight and sound from
this semblance’s senses.

Aura Amplifier (Jaune)

Tier: SSS
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You can transfer your aura into others or even amplify their semblance.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 Up to 10 per Aura Transfer: You spend a full-round action transfering your aura into
round an adjacent ally, up to 10 per round.

10 10 per round Amplify: You can enhance the semblance of your target, expanding the
range, capability, aura cost, and all around functionality. You must
remain in contact with them while this applies. The functionality of this
is too vast to list, so it’s up to your DM’s discretion.

Aura Bond
Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You bond your aura with another object or creature, allowing you to take damage
on their behalf.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 You bond your aura with the target and take damage on their behalf.
Aura Leech
Tier: S
Type: Active
Description: Your aura absorbs that of others, willing or not.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - When touching another for one turn, you can absorb their aura into yours
at a rate of 10 per round. You can exceed your max aura this way.

7 - Same as above, but now up to 20 per round.

15 - Same as above, but now up to 30 per round.

Aura Padding
Tier: SS
Type: Passive
Description: Your aura naturally resists damage based on the number of people nearby
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You take -2 damage per creature within 15ft from all sources of damage

Aura Siphon (Gillian)

Tier: A
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You siphon the aura of a touched target into yourself or another. Your aura glows a
mix of your primary color and theirs.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Suckle[1]: You absorb the aura of a touched creature, up to 10 per round.
The touched creature can still act normally. Aura absorbed this way can
exceed your maximum aura, but decays at a rate of 10 per hour until it
meets your max again.

3 - Share the Load: As Suckle, but you can transfer the aura to a second
touched creature.

5 - Suckle[2]: As Suckle[1], but up to 20 per round.

10 - Suckle[3]: As Suckle[1], but up to 30 per round.

15 - Suckle[4]: As Suckle[1], but up to 40 per round.

20 - Suckle[5]: As Suckle[1], but up to 50 per round.

Aura Vines (Vine)
Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You use your aura to create extendable limbs.
Level Aura Drain Effect

1 5 per turn Long: You can extend your limbs with aura up 30 feet.

10 - Wrap: You can use the limbs to increase your grapple capability, gaining
+5 to all grapple checks made with the limbs.

Aura Roots (Elm)

Tier: B
Type: Active - Move Action
Description: You use your aura to root yourself in place.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 per turn Immovable: You use your aura to root yourself in place, becoming
immune to knockback effects while this is active. To maintain this status
you must expend both the aura drain and a movement action every turn.

7 - Strong[1]: While Immovable is active, your Strength Mod is doubled.

15 - Strong[2]: While Immovable is active, your Strength Mod is tripled.

Aurora Beam
Tier: A
Type: Active - Attack / Full-Round Action
Description: You channel your aura into a rainbow ball of energy and give it a path.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 Beam: You launch a beam up to 60 feet away dealing 4d8 damage.

5 15 Charge: As Beam, but you can spend a full-round action to charge it up

another turn to deal 8d8 damage.

10 - The DC of Beam is increased to 25.

15 20/30 As Beam and Charge, but increased to 5d12 and 10d12, respectfully.

20 - The DC of Beam is increased to 30.

Tier: S
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You can make inanimate objects into a humanoid shape to fight for you.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 per pound You can convert up to 20 pounds of an unattended object or material
into a humanoid shape that can fight for you. It’s AC is 15, Hit Checks
are +7, damage is 2d8+4 and HP is triple the pounds converted.

7 1 per pound As above, but up to 40 pounds. If more than 20 pounds are converted
the new stats are: 20 AC, +10 to hit checks, and 3d8+6 damage.

15 1 per pound As above, but up to 60 pounds. If more than 40 pounds are converted
the new stats are: 25 AC, +15 to hit checks, and 4d10+8 damage.

Bad Luck Charm (Qrow)

Tier: S
Type: Passive
Description: You bring bad luck to those around you; allies, enemies, and civilians alike.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - All creatures within 120 feet of your have their base rolls reduced by 2.
This means that critical failures occur on rolls of 1-3 and it makes critical
successes typically impossible. Random bad luck may also occur.

Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can make a tangible and invisible barrier.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 per square You create an invisible, tangible barrier covering 5 squares at one time.
Each square has 40HP and lasts either 4 turns or until broken.

5 3 per square As above, but each square now has 60HP.

10 2 per square As above.

15 2 per square As above, but you can now make up to 10 squares.

20 2 per square As above, but each square now has 80HP.

Tier: D
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You create a light from your aura for a variety of uses.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 per round Small Beacon: You create a light that shines in a 30 foot radius.

5 5 per round Medium Beacon: You cast a beacon 60 feet into the sky.

10 10 Solar Flare: You create an intense light that blinds any creature in a 30ft
radius, blinding them unless they succeed a Reflex Save (DC20)

15 10 per round Large Beacon: You cast a beacon 200 feet into the sky.

Beast Mode (Fenix)

Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can enter a frenzy to increase your physical abilities.
Type Effect
Benefit You increase your Strength Score and Dexterity Score by 8.

Removal This is ended when you become stunned, frozen, or otherwise incapacitated.

Frenzied Every round while in Beast Mode requires you to succeed a will save DC10, or
else you lose your mind and attack the nearest creature regardless of their
relationship to you. Every failed save increases the DC by 5 for the remainder of
the encounter.
Beastial Spirit
Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift Action / Full-Round Action
Description: You can bond with an animal and manipulate it or even embody it.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 Link: You link your mind to an animal within 30 feet and can manipulate it
through an animal handle check (DC15) to become your ally. The animal
will still act on its own and can refuse orders or flee. This lasts until you
turn it off by using this effect again. You can only have 1 link at a time.

4 - Command: You can command the linked animal to do whatever you

want, regardless of its own will.

8 - Embody: You concentrate for a full round to perceive the world as the
animal does, sharing all sight, sound, and sensation. This effect can last
as long as you wish, but your body is vulnerable while this is happening.

12 - Possess: The same as Embody, but you can control the animal now.

Body Builder
Tier: S
Type: Active - Free Action
Description: Your aura shield just isn’t enough protection for you and so your aura helps even
the odds. You can use other forces to increase your defensive abilities.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 Sand: When being attacked you can instantly draw sand within 120 feet
of you to your location, increasing your AC by 1. The material disappears
after the attack.

5 6 Dirt: Same as Sand, but the material is dirt and increases your AC by 2.

10 8 Wood: Same as Sand, but the material is wood and increases your AC
by 3 and decreases damage taken by 10.

15 10 Stone: Same as Sand, but the material is stone and increases your AC
by 4 and decreases damage taken by 15.

20 12 Concrete: Same as Sand, but the material is concrete and increases

your AC by 5 and decreases damage taken by 20.
Bubble Burst
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You create bubbles that pop to deal damage or can be infused with dust through a
‘semblance compatibility’ and ‘dust (powdered)’ mods for additional effects.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 Bubble: As a move action you can create a large, head-sized bubble
within 30 feet that lasts for 2 turns and pops as a free action whenever
you want. You can infuse the bubble with dust, making the bubbles color
the same as the dust infused. The bubble deals 1d8 damage plus any
special dust effects you may have infused (DC15 all). (see below)

5 4-8 Bubbles: The same as Bubble, but you can now make two at once.

10 4-8 Bubblebeam: The same as Bubbles, but the base damage is now 2d8,
lasts 3 turns, and the DC for dust infusion is raised to 20.

15 4-12 Bubble Burst: The same as Bubblebeam, but you can now make three at

20 4-12 Bubble Bath: The same as Bubble Burst, but the base damage is now
Dust effects:
Dust Type Effect
Yellow The bubble moves 5ft every round in a chosen direction and deals an additional
1d8 damage.

Green The bubble pops into a waft of air, knocking all targets away 5 feet unless they
succeed a fortitude save.

Purple The bubble creates a gravitational field, pulling anyone next to it into it and
dealing 1d6 damage every round from the pressure until the bubble pops.

Light Blue The bubble pops into shards of ice, dealing 1d6 damage to all adjacent targets
and shooting a special shard up to 15 feet away in a chosen direction.

Cyan The bubble pops into a hexagonal shield for 1d4 turns, absorbing up to 4d8 points
of damage from any outside attack.

Dark The bubble pops into a wider explosion, in a 10ft radius,

Bubble Shield
Tier: A
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You create a bubble shield made of aura-based hexagonal tiles.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 per round Theta Protocol [1]: You create a bubble shield that covers a 5ft radius,
centered on you. Your aura is still damaged by attacks that hit the
shield, but the damage is reduced by ¼, rounded up. Taking any
actions prematurely ends this effect.

5 +5 per round Mark?: You can spend 5 additional aura to increase the radius of the
shield by 5ft.

10 10 per round Theta Protocol [2]: Same as Theta Protocol [1], but the damage is now
reduced by ½, rounded up.

15 +5 per round Mark!: Same as Mark, but the range is now increased by 10ft.

20 10 per round Theta Protocol [3]: Same as Theta Protocol [1], but the damage is now
reduced by ¾, rounded up.

Tier: B
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You are able to increase the mass of other creatures and objects.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 Geode [1]: When touching another creature or object you can increase
its weight by 20 and decrease its speed by 5, hit checks by 1, and AC by
1. This effect lasts 5 rounds and can stack up to three times.

5 6 Gravel: When touching an object you can increase its weight by 100
pounds for 30 minutes.

10 3 Geode [2]: Same as Geode [1], but the effects now stack up to five times.

15 12 Golem: You can increase your own weight and the weight of others in an
offensive manner. The affected targets weight is increased by 10 and
their Str Mod bonus to melee attacks are tripled.

20 3 Geode [3]: Same as Geode [2], but it now increases weight by 40 and
decreases its speed by 10, hit checks by 2, and AC by 2.
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: Your aura helps bypass that of another when making an attack, inflicting minor
damage to their HP
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 Your melee attacks inflict 1 HP damage per size category (Small = 1,
Medium = 2, Large = 3, Huge = 4) per attack.

Calm (Lie Ren)

Tier: A
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You can calm yourself and others and even hide from grimm
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 per round Meditation: You spend a full-round action calming yourself to hide your
presence from the grimm. As long as grimm aren’t actively seeking you
they will not notice you in any way. This also removes panic and

5 9 per round Tranquil: The same as Meditation, but you can also calm one other
person adjacent to you.

10 20 per round Mind and Spirit: The same as Meditation, but you can calm anyone
within 30 feet.

Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift / Attack Action
Description: Your aura forms two beastial dog heads on your shoulders that can be used
offensively or defensively.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 6 Bite: As an attack action, one of your heads can bite an adjacent
opponent, dealing 2d8+Str damage.

5 6 Vice Grip: When grappling a target, each head can bite the enemy
dealing 2d8+Str damage each round.

10 3 Counter-Bite: When being attacked by an adjacent opponent one of your

dog heads can bite back, dealing 1d8+Str damage to your attacker.

15 - The damage of Bite and Vice Grip is now 3d8+Str.

Tier: S
Type: Active - Passive / Free Action
Description: You can increase your speed dramatically, leaving an afterimage.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 Rush: As a free action you grant yourself an additional move action once
per turn. You cannot store move actions the turn this is used.

8 8 Riders High: You can apply Rush to an animal you’re riding.

10 - Charge [1]: Your first melee attack after using Rush in the same round
grants you a boost to your hit check by +3 and your damage by +1 dice.

20 - Charge [2]: As Charge [1], but +5 to hit checks and +2 dice of damage.

Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You and the area around you glows, making all in the area sick.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 8 per round Irradiated: You emit a glow up to 30ft away that makes all others feel
sick while inside of it, suffering a -1 to hit checks and AC.

7 8 per round Not Great: Same as Irradiated, but suffering -3 to hit checks and AC.

15 8 per round Not Terrible: Same as Irradiated, but suffering -5 to hit checks and AC.

Tier: SS
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: Your aura refracts light as it passes, giving you the appearance of invisibility.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 9 per round You gain +15 to stealth checks, but move/attack actions end this effect.

7 14 per round The same as above, but you can now move hidden.

18 30 per round The same as above, but you can now attack while hidden.
Conjure (Fiona)
Tier: B
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can store non-living objects in a pocket dimension and call upon them as you
need. If your aura is drained or you’re killed then stored objects will immediately reappear in
front of you. The aura drain only occurs when sealing and unsealing the object.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 You can store up to 100 weight.

5 3 You can store up to 200 weight.

10 3 You can store up to 300 weight.

15 3 You can store up to 400 weight.

20 3 You can store up to 500 weight.

Tier: A
Type: Active - Readied Attack Action
Description: You are able to immediately evade and counter-attack incoming attacks.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 7 You must ready an attack action to use this semblance. You evade the
next incoming melee attack and appear behind the attacker. You then
attack them per standard attack action.
Dash (Ruby)
Tier: SSS
Type: Active
Description: You are able to dramatically increase your speed and even evade attacks with an
unnatural speed.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 Dash: Once per turn you may take an extra move action.

4 6 Rose Petals: Same as Dash, but you no longer trigger attacks of

opportunity with this movement.

8 6 A Dashing Defense: You can use Rose Petals defensively, granting a +5

Reflex Save bonus when attempting to dodge an attack.

12 30 Tornado Rush: You use Dash to move at 3x your movement speed,

causing a funnel of wind that pulls in all creatures and sending them
down-wind up to half the distance you moved and dealing 5d6 damage
unless they succeed a fortitude save, DC25.

16 6 Triple Time: You can now use your semblance in an offensive, but
efficient, manner. You may make a charge attack at your target and gain
a +5 to your hit check and damage rolls.

Dead Zone
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You create an area around you that negates all semblances and dust from working.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 20 per turn You create a 30ft area around you that negates all semblances and
inhibits dust from working, requiring an intelligent check DC15 to be
succeeded to use it.

7 20 per turn As above, but 60 feet.

15 20 per turn As above, but the DC is raised to 20.

Deal With the Devil
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: After going through an immense tragedy you made a deal in anger and spite. This
deal grants you immense power, boosting all of your stats. But there’s a darkness building from
this deal… Will you survive to hear its call? And will you survive to see life after?
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 per round You channel your anger into a massive power boost, buffing all of your
base ability scores by +10.

10 - After hitting level 10, you feel an incredibly ominous dark presence
inside of yourself, tied to your soul. Every time you activate your
semblance roll a 1d4. On a 1 an Abaddon Grimm emerges, climbing
out of your chest. Slaying Abaddon will permanently remove this effect.
Note that you cannot prepare for this. The grimm is part of you and
knows your plans. If you make preparations to be ready for the grimm
then it will know, bypassing the 1d4.

Dimension Door
Tier: C
Type: Active - Free Action
Description: You can return thrown weapons and objects to your hand.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 Objects thrown or placed within the last 6 seconds teleport back to you.

5 1 per 6 sec As above, but within 18 seconds.

10 1 per 6 sec As above, but within 30 seconds.

Tier: A
Type: Active - Instant Action
Description: You can dismantle touched objects.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 7 You dismantle a touched unattended object, damaging it by 60 damage.
This can apply to structures as well, damaging the 5ft section.

10 7 As above, but this can apply to attended objects now.

20 10 After succeeding a melee attack at a held weapon, you can choose to

immediately sunder it. If this is used on a sundered weapon it completely
breaks apart, instead.
Distant Trigger
Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You reach out with your aura and to trigger objects and weapons.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 Transform: If a weapon transforms into different forms you can trigger it
from up to 60 feet away.

5 4 Weapon: If a weapon with a trigger is targeted you can pull its trigger
from up to 60 feet away.

10 5 Dust: You can target a powdered dust vial or dust crystal from a distance,
up to 60 feet away.

15 6 Tech Trigger: You can target a variety of objects, from small traps to
complex machinery. You can detonate bombs, activate security alarms,
and other devices within your DM’s discretion from up to 60 feet away.

Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: After interacting with another individual’s aura your fates, bodies, and souls are
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - After touching the aura of another person all damage between you two is
shared and you control whether or not both yours and their aura’s
shielding property is on or off.

Earthly Tether
Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You focus your energy on an opponent to hold them down with immense gravity.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 8 per round You can focus on an opponent within 30 feet and hold them down with
immense gravity, immobilising them. You can move while using this
effect, but must remain within 30 feet of the target.

7 7 per round As above, but within 45 feet.

15 6 per round As above, but within 60 feet.

Emotions Enhanced (August)
Tier: C
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You enhance the currently felt emotions of those around you.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 per turn Amplify: In a 30 foot radius you amplify the currently felt emotions of
those around you, influencing their moods as per the DM’s discretion.

Equilibrium (Arrastra)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You use powdered dust on an ally to regen their aura, but penalize yourself.
Level Aura Drain Effect

1 5 You attack an ally with powdered dust, regenerating their aura by the
damage rolled, but instilling a penalty to yourself based on the dust type.
The penalty lasts for 1d4 rounds
Dust Effect:
Dust Type Effect
Red You suffer ½ the damage done and fire damage you take is doubled.

Yellow You are paralyzed.

Blue Your speed is reduced by half.

Orange You suffer damage equal to the amount healed.

Purple When attacking, you roll twice and take the lower result.

Green You are knocked out.

Evaporate (Jupiter)
Tier: D
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You turn water into vapor
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 per square You evaporate touched water, up to 15ft away.
Tier: B
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You tap into your feline sense to increase a variety of rolls based on the amount of
aura expended.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 Up to 4 You can expend aura up to half your level to increase any Dexterity or
Wisdom based roll by half of the aura used.

Fish out of Water

Tier: C
Type: Passive
Description: The water is your ally, and you are your best when in it.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Swim: While in water, your speed is increased by 5 feet per level.

4 - Lure: You can leap out of water up to 5 feet per 2 levels.

8 - Deep Breath [1]: You can hold your breath up to 15 minutes.

20 - Deep Breath [2]: You can hold your breath up to 30 minutes.

Flash (Asher)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You emit a bright burst of light that blinds others and damages grimm
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 Blind: You emit a burst of light in a 30ft radius from you that blinds any
creatures that fail a reflex save to avoid the light (DC20).

1 2 per turn Glow: You emit a light from your hand up to 30ft ahead of you.

2 10 As Blind, but this light now damages all grimm affected by your level*3.
Force Persuasion
Tier: SS
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You wave your hand towards a target to attempt to force them to your bidding.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 You try to force your target to follow an order. They must succeed a will
save (DC15) to resist the effect. Creatures with a Wisdom Modifier of 20
or higher are immune to this. This persuasion lasts up to one hour.

10 10 As above, but the DC is now 20.

20 10 As above, but the DC is now 25.

Freeze (Marrow)
Tier: SS
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You yell “Stay!” in a direction and slow down all creatures in that area.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 20 per turn Stay! [1]: You yell “Stay!” in a direction and render all creatures in a 30
degree cone up to 30ft away in that direction immobile, as though time
itself has almost stopped for them. They are released on your next turn,
unless you maintain this effect.

5 20 per turn Stay [2]: As Stay [1],but now in a 45 degree cone.

10 20 per turn Stay [3]: As Stay [2], but now up to 60 feet away.

15 20 per turn Stay [4]: As Stay [3], but now in a 60 degree cone.

20 20 per turn Stay [5]: As Stay [4], but now up to 60 feet away.
Tier: A
Type: Active - Move Action / Readied Move Action
Description: You create a vortex of wind, sucking in air and sending it somewhere else.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 Clean Air: You create a light vortex capable of moving gases (smoke,
steam, etc) to another location within 60 feet.

6 6 Dust Counter: You can create a medium vortex to redirect powdered dust
that hasn’t been triggered to another location within 60 feet.

11 8 Ranged Counter: You can create a strong vortex with a readied action
that redirects incoming ranged attack to another location within 60 feet.

16 12 Vortex: You create an immense vortex that can lift another target, under
300 weight, and move them to another location within 60 feet.

Game of Shadows
Tier: S
Type: Active - Move Action / Attack Action
Description: You transport yourself in between shadows to surprise your opponent. A noticeable
shadow must be cast for this to work, so it doesn’t apply in complete darkness.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 Dive [1]: As a move action you dive into your own shadow and appear
within the shadow of another creature you can see within your speed

3 - Hidden [1]: When attacking an unaware opponent you gain one dice of
weapon damage to your damage roll.

5 - Ghosted: After using Dive you can immediately make a stealth check
against the target's perception. On a successful check they are unaware
of you. This effect doesn’t apply if your target’s shadow is in their vision.

10 10 Dive [2]: Same as Dive [1], but within your speed range plus half

14 3 Hidden [2]: Same as Hidden [1], but you now gain two dice of damage.

17 4 Dive [3]: Same as Dive [1], but within double your speed range.

20 3 Hidden [3]: Same as Hidden [1], but you now gain three dice of damage.
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You open up portals leading through each other nearby.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 20 You can create two 15x15 portals connected to each other within 30ft.

5 20 You can create two 20x20 portals connected to each other within 45ft.

10 20 You can create two 25x25 portals connected to each other within 60ft.

15 20 You can create two 30x30 portals connected to each other within 75ft.

20 20 You can create two 50x50 portals connected to each other within 120ft.

Tier: SS
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can swap sexes, physically and mentally. Your body makes minor changes
when swapping, acting as their own selves, having different builds, voices, and personalities.
This grants you access to two character sheets that you can swap between, changing
everything except for inventory, HP, and Aura. HP and Aura are the higher of the two classes.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 You swap to your first sex.

1 10 Yous wap to your second sex.

Glyph (Weiss)
Tier: SS
Type: Active - Swift / Full-Round Action
Description: You can create glyphs and even summon previously slain enemies.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 Physical: You create a flat 5x5 glyph within 30 feet acts as a physical
construct until the start of your next turn. It can be walked on or used as
a barrier and possesses 20HP.

5 5 Dust Enhancement: Same as Physical, but you can use your weapon
with the powdered dust and semblance compatibility mods to bestow
special effects into the glyphs (See below)

10 3-60 Summoning: You spend a full-round action to create a unique glyph that
summons an allied creature. The summoned creature is based on a
grimm that you have bested in your past and has the same stats and
abilities of the original except the ‘Grimm Sense’ ability. The aura drain is
dependent on the type of grimm you summon, being triple their level.
Dust Effects:
Dust Type Effect
Yellow Time Dilation: You create a golden glyph under your target which grants then an
additional attack and move action on their next turn.

Purple Force Pull: You create a black glyph at a target location that pulls in everything
within 15 feet. Creatures can resist the pull with a fortitude save DC 25.

White Force Push: You create a white glyph at a target location that rapidly pushes any
creature that steps on it forward by 30 feet.

Good Fortune (Clover)

Tier: S
Type: Passive
Description: You bring good luck to those around you; allies, enemies, and civilians alike.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 15 All creatures within 120 feet of your have their base rolls increased by 2.
This means that critical successes occur on rolls of 18-20 and it makes
critical failures typically impossible. Random good luck may also occur.
Great Force
Tier: A
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You can use your hands to push yourself or others a great distance. Damage can
apply when pushing a creature into a structure or creature, per DM’s discretion.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 Force [1]: You can push another creature within 15 feet away up to 30
feet. They can resist this push by succeeding a fortitude save (DC
10+Your Level) to only go back 15 feet.

4 3 Retreat: You can push yourself away up to 5 feet per level.

7 4 Force [2]: Same as Force [1], but now up to 60 feet (30 feet resisted)

10 7 Divide: You can apply both Force and Retreat at the same time.

17 4 Force [3]: Same as Force [1], but now up to 90 feet (45 feet resisted).

Grimm Bond
Tier: S
Type: Passive
Description: Your semblance has been corrupted due to grimm corruption. You bond with a
single Grimm and your wills are shared. If your grimm is slain then this semblance has no effect.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You bond with a Grimm that you meet. This grimm will follow you, listen
to you, and will seek you out if you disappear.

10 - You can enhance your Grimm, if it’s still alive. It evolves into a higher tier
variant of itself (Beowolf evolves into Fenrir) or if it’s a boss variant
already then its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and
Wisdom all increase by 10.

Grimm Sense
Tier: C
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: Like the grimm, you have the ability to sense negative emotions.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 You can sense negative emotions up to 100 feet away.

8 6 You can sense negative emotions up to 200 feet away.

15 9 You can sense negative emotions up to 300 feet away.

Hallucination (Emerald)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You can trick the senses of those around and change their perception of reality.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 per person Mirage: You can create a hallucation within the mind of your target,
per round unless they succeed a will save DC20, rolled every round on their
turn. Interacting with the mirage will reduce the DC required by 10.

10 8 per person Greater Mirage: The same as Mirage, but the DC is now 25.
per round
20 6 per person Massive Mirage: The same as Mirage, but the DC is now 30.
per round

Hammer Time
Tier: A
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You channel your aura to make your next attack hit harder, but you also risk losing
your grip.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 6 For your next attack you gain +5 to your hit check and your damage is
increased by 50%, but a critical failure now occurs on any base roll of

7 9 As above, but the bonuses are now +7 to hit checks, +75% damage, and
critical failure occurs on 1-4.

15 12 As above, but the bonuses are now +10 to hit checks, +100% damage,
and critical failure occurs on 1-5.
Tier: A
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You are able to channel your aura into electronic devices to influence them.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 You use your aura to brute force through password protection.

5 5 You use your aura to connect to nearby hidden networks.

10 5 You are able to use your scroll to send messages to others as though
you were someone else. You must have attained their scroll number or
ID prior to this.

15 10 You are able to hack into mechs, controlling them remotely. The Pilot of
the mech can take back control by succeeding a Pilot Check DC30.

20 15 You are able to hack into Androids, controlling them remotely. The
android rolls a will save DC30 at the start of their turns to regain control.

Heart of the Dragon

Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift / Attack Action
Description: A dragon's blood runs through your veins increasing your physical attributes to be
higher than most and you can focus this power to bellow flames from your mouth.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 2 per round Dragon’s Blood: Your aura glows crimson and grants you +2 to your
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability scores.

4 5 Dragon’s Anger: Using an attack action you breathe fire in a 45° cone
ahead of you, up to 30 feet away, dealing 3d6 damage that can be
halved by succeeding a reflex save DC 25.

8 5 Dragon’s Fury: Same as Dragon’s Anger, but the damage is now 4d6.

10 4 per round Dragon Born: Same as Dragon’s Blood, but now +4 to ability scores.

12 10 Dragon’s Fume: Same as Dragon’s Anger, but the damage is now 5d6,
the DC is 30, and the range is increased to 60 feet.

16 10 Dragon’s Rage: Same as Dragon’s Fume, but the damage is now 6d6.

20 10 Dragon’s Wrath: Same as Dragon’s Fume, but the damage is now 8d6.
Higher Education
Tier: C
Type: Passive
Description: You learn quicker than the average person, gaining a broader amount of skills.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You gain 5 more skill points every level.

5 - You can choose a non-class skill to become a class skill.

10 - You can choose a non-class skill to become a class skill.

15 - You can choose a non-class skill to become a class skill.

20 - You can choose a non-class skill to become a class skill.

Holy Endo Fire

Tier: C
Type: swift - Attack Action
Description: You use your aura to create a white and blue fire that doesn’t burn objects or
creatures with a soul. This has no effect on non-grimm creatures.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 Ignite: You conjure a small flame and ignite a target within 30 feet and
chill them. The flames deal 1d8 damage, last for 1d3 turns, and the
target must succeed a FORT save DC 10 or else be frozen each turn.

5 6 Heating Up: The same as Ignite, but the damage is now 2d8 initially and
1d8 per turn after. The save DC is now 15.

10 15 Aura of Fire: You target all targets within 30 feet and send specks of your
aura into them dealing the effects of Heating Up.

15 9 Burn, Baby Burn: The same as Heating Up, but the damage is now 3d8
and lasts for 1d4 turns, dealing 1d10 per turn. The save DC is now 20

20 21 Disco Inferno: You target all targets within 40 feet and send specks of
your aura into them dealing the effects of Burn, Baby Burn.
Holy Fire
Tier: C
Type: swift - Attack Action
Description: You use your aura to create a white hot fire that doesn’t burn objects or creatures
with a soul. This has no effect on non-grimm creatures.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 Ignite: You conjure a small flame and ignite a target within 30 feet. The
flames deal 1d8 damage per turn. The flames last for 1d3 turns.

5 5 Heating Up: The same as Ignite, but the damage is now 2d8.

10 15 Aura of Fire: You target all targets within 30 feet and send specks of your
aura into them dealing the effects of Heating Up.

15 7 Burn, Baby Burn: The same as Heating Up, but the damage is now 3d8
and lasts for 1d4 turns.

20 21 Disco Inferno: You target all targets within 40 feet and send specks of
your aura into them dealing the effects of Burn, Baby Burn.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Tier: B
Type: Passive
Description: Honesty is in your soul: You cannot tell a lie.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You can no longer lie. You gain your level / 2 misc bonus to persuasion.

Tier: SS
Type: Passive/Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You make a deal with an opponent that binds you two together.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 As a full-round action you hold hands with your target. Each side speaks
their end of the deal, then they wager a limb. Chains emerge from the
hands and wrap around the chosen limb before disappearing. Should
one side not honor their deal before the expected time (specified or
implied) then the wagered limb of that side is numbed permanently and
no longer usable. The limb can only be un-numbed through another deal,
at which point they must also wager a second limb if they fail.
Hot Head
Tier: D
Type: Passive
Description: You take reduced damage from fire and gain resistance to high temperature effects.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You take 50% reduced damage from any fire or lava based attack.

10 - You no longer suffer a penalty from extreme heat.

20 - You take 100% reduced damage from any fire or lava based attack.

Hunter’s Wrath
Tier: S
Type: Passive
Description: After dropping below a certain aura point your adrenaline kicks into overdrive.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - After falling below 25% aura your crit range is doubled, max 2-20.

5 - After falling below 50% aura your crit range is doubled, max 2-20.

10 - After falling below 75% aura your crit range is doubled, max 2-20.

15 - After falling below 50% aura your crit range is tripled, max 2-20.

20 - After falling below 75% aura your crit range is tripled, max 2-20.

Ice Queen
Tier: D
Type: Passive
Description: You take reduced damage from ice and gain resistance to low temperature effects.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You take 50% reduced damage from any water or ice based attack.

10 - You no longer suffer a penalty from extreme cold.

20 - You take 100% reduced damage from any water or ice based attack.
Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You can breathe a chilled air capable of freezing surfaces and living targets.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 8 Minty Fresh: You breathe a cold breath that is capable of freezing an
adjacent opponent for 1d4 rounds, resisted by succeeding a fortitude
save DC25.

6 10 Icicle: You can breathe a cold breath onto objects or surfaces to freeze
them for up to an hour.

12 24 Chillax: The same as Minty Fresh, but your breath targets a 15ft cone
ahead of you and the DC is increased to 30.

18 30 Iceberg: The same as Icicle, but the breath affects up to 100 feet of a
surface and lasts for up to 24 hours.

Illusion (Neo)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You create physical illusions to deceive onlookers.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Contacts: You can make very minor changes in your appearance, such
as changing your eye color.

4 2 per round Stylish: You can change how others perceive your appearance. This
applies to your body, clothes, hair and held items.

10 15 per round Black Mirror: You create a large ‘invisible’ wall at a location. You can
change what others perceive when looking upon the wall, but the wall
can be broken quite easily when touched, shattering like a mirror.
There are no signs that the wall exists or the illusion is fake.

Invincibility (Tock)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You gain invincibility for a brief period of time. At the end of your invincibility your
aura is completely depleted. This semblance cannot be ended prematurely.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 All You become invincible for 1 round per 2 levels.
Invisibility Field (May)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can make creatures or an area invisible.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 per turn Cloak [1]: You render yourself invisible.

5 5 per creature Cloak [2]: As Cloak [1], but you can now apply this effect to other
per turn creatures within 30 feet.

10 3 per square Field: You render an area invisible to all creatures outside of the area.
per turn Entering the area will allow the creature to see everything within it.
Field and Cloak cannot be active at the same time.

Tier: SSS
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: This immensely powerful semblance makes the user a powerhouse that cannot be
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 20 As a swift action you turn on your semblance and surround your entire
body with an incredibly powerful shell of aura.

Status Effect
Strong Your strength mod is doubled while the shield is active.

Resistant You resist ALL damage while in this state. You also resist grapple checks, able to
shrug them off with ease.

‘Immunity’ All Status Effects have their timers reduced to 1 and can be negated at the start
your turn by rolling the corresponding save again.

Slow Your speed is halved.

Killer Quartet (Flynt)

Tier: C
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You make temporary clones to mimic your actions and increase damage.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 When making an attack you use your aura to try and deal 2x damage.
Tier: B
Type: Active - Move Action
Description: You can launch yourself across a great distance in a direction.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 As a move action, you can launch yourself 60 feet in one direction.

7 5 As above, but 90 feet.

15 6 As above, but 120 feet.

Tier: B
Type: Active - Move Action
Description: You use your aura to propel you into the air or in a direction.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 You propel yourself up to 15 feet per level.

Lie Detection (Robyn)

Tier: B
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: When holding someone’s hand, lies and the truth are laid bare.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 per round You ‘shake’ hands with another creature and your aura’s glow white,
together. While this is active, the target creature’s words influence the
color, turning green when the truth is told and red when a lie is made.

Lone Wolf
Tier: S
Type: Passive - Free Action
Description: When no allies are near you, you gain a massive bonus to your combat capability.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - When no allies are within 30 feet, you gain a bonus to your hit checks,
AC, and Saving Throws equal to 1.

5 - As above, but equal to 2.

10 - As above, but equal to 3.

15 - As above, but equal to 4.

20 - As above, but equal to 5.

Magical Darkness
Tier: B
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You create a patch of darkness that hides all light inside. Light passing from one
side to the other is unaffected and ignores the patch.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 per round You create a domed patch of darkness that’s a 30ft diameter up to 60
feet away. Creatures inside are blinded as long as they remain inside the

Manipulation of Distance
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You are able to treat anything in your line of sight as though it was adjacent to you.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 2 per 5ft You can attack anyone, regardless of distance, as though they were
adjacent to you. You make a brief distortion of reality when you attack,
closing the gap between you and your target for a brief instant. No
movement occurs during these steps.

Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You use paint to form a body double.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 As an attack action you can use paint to create a body double. The
double changes colors to imitate you perfectly, but it cannot speak or
take a hit. The body double is much lighter and quieter (+10 to stealth
checks) but leaves a trail of pain with any touched surface (+20 to
opposed track attempts). If the double is attacked or interacted with in an
unexpected way it will collapse into paint. Upon collapsing, all things
seen or heard are known by the semblance owner.
Medusa’s Gaze / Stone Glance (Umber ...sorta)
Tier: B
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: While looking at an opponent they’re frozen in place, petrified.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 per round When locking eyes with another being you can activate this to
immobilize them. Due to the intense focus required you are unable to
take any actions other than free actions while this is being used.

Medusa’s Kiss
Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You mark a creature with a kiss and then detonate it, later
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 15 Mwah!: You kiss a creature and leave an invisible mark. This mark stores
energy, waiting to be detonated. Only one mark can exist at a time.

1 1 Detonate: You activate the Mwah!, detonating it for 1d10 damage per
minute the mark has existed (max 60d10). There is no indicator of the
mark having been triggered, the energy just suddenly releases in an
invisible and silent manner to deal damage to the marked creature.

Mermaid’s Song
Tier: SS
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: While in water you can sing a song that sucks the life out of others.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 per round Siren [1]: While in water you spend a full-round action singing. All other
creatures in water and up to 30 feet away become immobilized by the
song and begin to lose 3HP per round, regardless of their aura.

5 - Love: Those who you genuinely love are no longer affected by this

10 5 per round Siren [2]: Same as Siren [1], but now 5HP per round.

15 - Echo: The range of all Siren effects are now 60 feet.

20 5 per round Siren [3]: Same as Siren [1], but now 7HP per round.
Tier: C
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You are able to perfectly mimic the actions of another, even saying the words they
are saying (though it’s not very mime-like to do so).
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You mimic your opponents every action, except for damage done. If they
hit you then you’re guaranteed to hit them, even if their AC is higher than
their attack roll. This doesn’t mimic attacks that you can’t mimic.

Mind Control (Jax)

Tier: SSS
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You touch a creature and influence their thoughts to dominate their wills.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 15 Mine [1]: You touch a living creature to try and dominate their mind. They
must succeed a will save DC10 or else be under the influence of the
user. This can be used on multiple people at once, there is no timer, and
the influenced minds aura takes on an appearance of the users. The
mind control ends when the target's aura is drained to 0.

10 15 Mine [2]: As Mine [1], but the DC is now 15.

20 15 Mine [3]: As Mine [1], but the DC is now 20.

Misery Loves Company

Tier: S
Type: Passive
Aura Drain: None
Description: When you feel a tremendous amount of anger or hatred your aura emanates a
noticeable dark glow that empowers you, but also draws in grimm much more easily.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - When feeling a tremendous anger you gain a bonus to hit checks, AC,
and saving throws equal to your level / 2 rounded up. You glow a black
aura that immediately alerts all grimm up to 50 feet per level.
Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You charge towards your opponent and use the momentum to boost attacks.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 When making a charge you gain +1 to your hit check and +5 to damage.

4 4 The same as above, but now +2 to your hit check and +10 to damage.

8 4 The same as above, but now +3 to your hit check and +15 to damage.

12 4 The same as above, but now +4 to your hit check and +20 to damage.

16 4 The same as above, but now +5 to your hit check and +25 to damage.

Moonslice (Adam)
Tier: SSS
Type: Passive/Active - Swift / Attack Action
Description: Using your weapon to absorb attacks, you can unleash heavy attacks.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Deflection: Your weapon takes only ¼ of the deflected damage.

4 5 Charged Slice: All damage deflected by your weapon since the start of
the encounter or the last use of this ability is unleashed with your next
attack, dealing it as a flat bonus to damage.

8 15 Afterimage: You can create an afterimage that is capable of taking its

own distinct actions. You create the afterimage by expending a swift
action and the afterimage is granted a single attack and move action.
The afterimage disappears at the start of your next turn.

12 25 Greater Afterimage: The same as Afterimage, but you can now make two

16 10 Moonslice: Same as Charged Slice, but the extra damage is doubled.

Mother Nature
Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You use your aura to commune with plant-life and observe events.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 Flexitarian: You can faintly ‘hear’ what the plant has ‘heard’ in the last
hour. Words are indiscernible, but you can tell if someone or something
has gone by and what direction it was headed.

4 1 Pollotarian: Same as Flexitarian, but you can clearly hear anything that
has happened within the last hour.

8 2 Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian: Same of Pollotarian, but you can also get a

vague image of the surroundings during the last hour.

12 2 Vegan: Same as Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian, but you can now clearly see
the surroundings in the last hour.

16 20 per round Todd Ingram: You can manipulate plant life through a telekinetic-like
gift, allowing you to shift and shape the plants within 30 feet of you and
use them as weapons and barriers, per DM’s discretion.

Motion Tracker
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can track your targets movement regardless of light, cover, and invisibility.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 You lock on to the aura of a target you can see up to 120 feet away. You
can track the exact position of that target as long they’re within that
range. You gain +1 to all hit checks against the target.

10 8 As above, but up to 2 targets and you gain +3 to your hit checks.

20 10 As above, but up to 3 targets and you gain +5 to your hit checks.

Night Vision
Tier: B
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You gain the ability to see in the dark.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 2 per round You can see in the dark as though it was daylight.
Negate (Edward)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You focus on a target or around you to negate the semblances of others.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 per turn Nega: You focus on a creature up to 60ft away and stop them from
having any use of their semblance in any way. Even passive semblances
are turned off with this. This can only apply to one creature at a time.

10 30 per turn Negazone: As Nega, but it affects everyone in a 60ft radius of the user.

Tier: SS
Type: Passive
Description: Your aura naturally increases your dexterity, making you quicker and more nimble.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - +1 Dexterity Score per 2 levels

Overcharge (Nora)
Tier: S
Type: Passive
Description: When hit by an electric damage you become supercharged.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Shocking: When hit by an electric attack your next successful melee
attack deals bonus damage equal to the damage you took.

5 - Electric: Same as Shocking, but the bonus damage is now twice the
damage that you took.

10 - Lightning: Same as Electric, but you take half damage from the electric
attack (bonus damage is still based on damage taken before being
halved) and your attack deals double damage as though it was a critical.

15 - Thunder: Same as Lightning, but your attack deals triple damage.

Pain Killer (Hazel)
Tier: SSS
Type: Passive
Description: You feel pain at a much lower intensity than most granting you a much higher
fortitude than the average person and gain fast aura regeneration.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You gain a +1 bonus to your Constitution Score per level. You also gain
fast aura regeneration, recovering your level/2 + Con Mod aura per

Tier B:
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You use your aura to make yourself or others enter a state of panic.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 Stressed Out: You can put yourself into a state of panic, suffering -2 to
your hit checks, AC, and will saves. You also emit negative emotions.
This effect lasts for 10 minutes.

6 9 per round Fear: The same as Stressed Out, but you use it on someone else,
requiring a touch attack to be made.

12 20 per round Terror: The same as Stressed Out, but your semblance affects all
targets within 30 feet, yourself and allies included.

Phantom Limb
Tier: B
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: After losing a limb, your aura can replace it and even exceed it.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 per round Your aura forms and replaces all functions of the missing limb while
per limb active. The new limb is stronger and increases hit checks made with the
phantom limb by +2.

6 - As above, but the damage is boosted by +1 dice of weapon damage.

12 - As above, but the hit checks are now +4

18 - As above, but the damage is now +2 dice of weapon damage.

Phase (Rosa …sorta)
Tier: SS
Type: Active - Free Action
Description: You are able to phase in and out of the tangible world, briefly.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 You become untargetable and take no damage. You are still visible, but
somewhat transparent and emit a static-like visual effect when active.

Photographic Memory (Velvet)

Tier: B
Type: Passive
Description: You are capable of wielding any weapon that you have observed.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You can wield any weapon you’ve seen be used, removing the penalty
for using custom weaponry that isn’t yours.

Polarity (Pyrrha)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift / Move / Attack / Full-Round Action
Description: Your semblance allows you to control the forces of magnetism.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 per pound Magnet: You can move any metal object up to 5 pounds per level and up
to 5 feet per level in any direction

Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: you are able to physically transform into other individuals.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 per round You can change your height, sex, skin tone, and any physical aspect of
your person and worn items to match another that you’ve seen.
Portal (Raven)
Tier: SSS
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You are able to create portals between you and those who you have bonded with.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 20 You can bond with one person per two levels and are able to then slice
open a portal to their location, regardless of where they are. The portal is
clearly visible to both sides as it occurs.

Portal A
Tier: SSS
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can send yourself to the possessor of the semblance Portal B.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 You touch a creature or object and send them to the location of the
semblance owner of Portal B, regardless of their location. If the Portal B
owner is dead, using this semblance will kill you.

Portal B
Tier: SSS
Type: Passive - Free Action
Description: You receive targets from the possessor of Portal A.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - The possessor of Portal A sends their targets to you, regardless of your
Powerful Melody
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: Your musical prowess can assault your listeners.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 You play an instrument affecting those within 60 feet. Roll a perform
check and the roll determines what happens (see below). All effects only
last a single turn.

Perform DC Effect
1 Broken String - Your instrument breaks, becoming sundered.

2-10 All affected individuals are deafened.

11-15 All affected individuals are staggered.

16-20 All affected individuals are deafened and staggered.

21-25 All affected individuals are deafened, staggered, and knocked back 15ft

26+ All affected individuals are stunned and knock back 15ft.

Psyche Up
Tier: B
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You take time to charge up your next attack for heavy damage.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 Tension 5: You spend a turn charging up your next attack. On your next
turn, if a successful attack is made, it deals 1.5x damage. A missed
attack results in the built up tension being wasted and reverting to 0.

5 5 (10 Total) Tension 20: Same as Tension 5, but you spend a second turn charging
up to increase the damage to 3x.

10 5 (15 Total) Tension 50: Same as Tension 20, but you spend a third turn charging up
to increase the damage to 5x.

15 5 (20 Total) Tension 100: Same as Tension 50, but you spend a fourth turn charging
up to increase the damage to 10x and counts as piercing damage.
Tier: D
Type: Active - Move Action
Description: You use your aura to cleanse your target of impurities.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 Infection: You can clean infections of corruption.

4 4 Disease: You can remove almost any disease from your target.

7 6 Poison: You can nullify any poison in or on the target's body.

10 10 Dust: You can purify raw dust and then collect it as powdered or
crystalline dust, as relevant.

13 20 Grimm Corruption: You remove any grimm corruption from your targets,
unless they have the ‘Grimm Human’ class.

Quick Hands
Tier: S
Type: Passive/Active - Free Action
Description: You enhance the damage of thrown weapons and can bestow them with unique
dust effects (Requires powdered dust, but bonus damage and DC’s are treated like ammo).
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 2 Your attacks deal damage as though one size larger (max d8). You can
also quickly empower your thrown weapon with a carried vial of
powdered dust, giving it new effects on top of the increased damage.
Dust Effects:
Dust Type Effect
Red You deal bonus dust damage, and on a successful hit the target is denied a
dex save to avoid being burned.

Blue You deal bonus dust damage and the target is doused in water.

Yellow You deal bonus dust damage and the weapon splits apart while midair,
targeting any other creature within 15 feet of the target (but not directly behind)

Green The critical range for your weapon is doubled.

Purple If your attack succeeds in hitting your opponent it flies off and then turns
around, back at them as though it was the original hit check -2, cumulatively
stacking. The damage of each hit is reduced by 1 dice, cumulatively (minimum
1 dice), and potentially knocking back your target 15ft each time (Fort Save
DC15 to resist)
Light Blue You deal bonus dust damage, and if the target is already frozen you add 1 to
the turn counter.

Cyan You deal bonus dust damage, shooting the weapon like a laser beam. The
beam bursts on first contact, dealing ½ damage to all adjacent creatures.

Dark Orange This makes your weapon function as a proximity mine, dealing damage to all
adjacent creatures when a creature enters an adjacent square. This effect
applies once it is on the ground for 1 turn.

Rally Defense
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can increase your AC as well as those around you while active.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 per person per round Increase the AC of all allied creatures within 30 feet by 1.
Note: Allied creatures leaving the 30 feet radius still maintain
the bonus while the semblance is active.

5 1 per person per round Increase the AC of all allied creatures within 30 feet by 2.

10 1 per person per round Increase the AC of all allied creatures within 30 feet by 3.

15 1 per person per round Increase the AC of all allied creatures within 30 feet by 4.

20 1 per person per round Increase the AC of all allied creatures within 30 feet by 5.

Rally Strength
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can increase your attacks and of those around you while active.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 per person per round Increase hit & damage checks of allied creatures within 30
feet by 1. Note: Allied creatures leaving the 30 feet radius
still maintain the bonus while the semblance is active.

5 1 per person per round As above, but by 2.

10 1 per person per round As above, but by 3.

15 1 per person per round As above, but by 4.

20 1 per person per round As above, but by 5.

Rapid Response
Tier: SS
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: Your quicker than others, but only when your blood is pumping.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 per round While active, you store a movement action for free at the start of your

5 10 per round As above, but you also store an attack action.

10 10 per round As above, but you also gain a +5 bonus to dodging.

Reactive Spirit
Tier: S
Type: Active - Free Action
Description: Your aura can react to incoming attacks, upping your ability to dodge.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 You use this to gain a +5 bonus to dodging reflex rolls.

10 3 As above, but the bonus is now +10.

Rebound (Yang)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: Your attacks become empowered when injured.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 per round Tantrum: After falling below 75% remaining aura you can activate this
effect to double Str Mod damage from your attacks.

5 5 per round Annoyed: After falling below 50% remaining aura you can activate this
effect to deal double damage from your attacks.

10 6 per round You Wouldn’t Like Me: You can now activate Tantrum or Annoyed at any
time, but the aura cost is doubled when used this way.

15 9 per round I Burn: Every round using Tantrum, Annoyed, or You Wouldn’t Like Me,
you can gain 1 stored attack and move action, but the aura cost
becomes triple the amount for the turn when doing so. (This stacks with
You Wouldn’t Like me, tripling the double.)
Tier: B
Type: Active - Free Action/Swift Action
Description: Objects you throw come back to you.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 2 As a free action you can bestow your next attack with this ability to curve
back to you, even after it hits something else. If the thrown object is
grabbed or gets lodged in something then this bestowment is wasted.

10 5 As a swift action you can pull back your thrown object even if it is
grabbed or lodged in something and it will come straight back to you
instead of continuing its curved path.

Reflexes (Maria)
Tier: S
Type: Passive
Description: You’re quicker than most, granting you a larger reaction time to dodge attacks.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You gain a passive +1 AC, +1 Reflex, and +1 perception bonus.

10 - As above, but now the bonus is +3 AC, +3 Reflex, and +3 Perception.

20 - As above, but now the bonus is +5 AC, +5 Reflex, and +5 Perception.

Tier: F
Type: Passive
Description: You are able to regenerate severed limbs.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - The process takes 1 month to fully regenerate the lost limb.
Resonance of Fate
Tier: SSS
Type: Passive / Active - Swift / Attack / Full-Round Action
Description: Within your body resides two clashing energies of light and dark. It’s a detriment to
you, your enemies, and your allies. But if you can master it you’ll attain an almighty power.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Yin [1]: Your right hand contains the power of darkness and is capable
of dealing 3d6 damage when touching non-grimm creatures.
1 - Yang [1]: Your left hand contains the power of light and is capable of
dealing 3d6 damage when touching creatures of darkness (grimm).
1 - Dissonance: If your hands ever meet they erupt and deal an immense
shockwave from the clashing energy, dealing 1d8 damage per level.
6 - Yin [2]: The same as Yin [1], but the damage is now 4d6.
6 - Yang [2]: The same as Yang [1], but the damage is now 4d6.
6 5 (base) Clash: As an attack action, you bring your hands near each other,
opened towards a target location and launch a burst of energy 60ft in
that direction, dealing base 6d6 +1d6 per additional 3 aura used.
12 - Yin [3]: The same as Yin [1], but the damage is now 5d6.
12 - Yang [3]: The same as Yang [1], but the damage is now 5d6.
18 - Yin [4]: The same as Yin [1], but the damage is now 6d6.
18 - Yang [4]: The same as Yang [1], but the damage is now 6d6.
20 60 Resonance: You spend a full-round action to charge up your clashing
30 per round energies. On your next turn you press the two energies into your body.
You then roll a will save, DC30. If you fail, your energy collapses upon
itself and explodes in a 120ft radius dealing 25d8 damage to everything
nearby. On a success, the energies flow within your body and you
become an angel of life and death. Your hit checks and saving throws
are all automatic successes, and you take no damage for as long your
aura lasts. You can also fly.
Tier: A
Type: Active - Free Action
Description: When others attack you, your aura reacts and sends a portion of the damage back
at them.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 2 Reverb: When hit by melee attacks, you can reflect ¼ of the damage
back at your attacker.

5 3 Reflect: When hit by ranged attacks, you can reflect ¼ of the damage
back at the source as a shard of your aura flies back at them.

10 4/6 Pressure Spike: The same as Reverb and Reflect, respectively, but the
aura cost is doubled and the damage reflected is now ½.

15 See Effect From All Sides: You channel your aura to act as though it’s being
attacked at all sides, forcing a series of reverberations and reflections
from all sides and dealing a large amount of damage in a 15 foot radius
around you. You draw from your aura and deal damage equal to ½ the
aura you use.

Rotten Smoke (Green)

Tier: A
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You release a smoke that harbors a foul stench and chokes creatures
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 15 You release a smoke from your body that spreads quickly up to 60 feet in
all directions. Creatures in the gas automatically fail all sight based
checks. Creatures that breathe the gas suffer 1d8 damage per round for
4 rounds, as well taking a -4 penalty to all ability scores for the duration.
Sand Witch
Tier: SSS
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You can make sandwiches and bestow them with a gift, either benefiting or harming
the consumer. Note the effect names are based on my own tastes and this is a perfectly usable
semblance for player characters if you remove the level 20 effect.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 (or 15) Bread: You spend a full-round action making a sandwich and mixing your
aura into it, giving it a special effect. Ingredients (effects) can be mixed to
combine effects, but doing so triples the aura cost.

1 - Ham: The special effect of this sandwich buffs the eater, boosting their hit
checks and AC by +1 for one hour.

4 - Onion: The special effect of this sandwich staggers the eater, staggering
them for one hour.

8 - Chicken: The special effect of this sandwich buffs the eater, boosting
their skill checks by +2 for one hour.

12 - Tomato: The special effect of this sandwich nerfs the eater, reducing their
hit checks and AC by -3 for one hour.

16 - Turkey: The special effect of this sandwich buffs the eater, boosting their
hit checks and AC by +2 for one hour.

20 - Mustard: The special effect of this sandwich stops the eater's heart
unless they succeed a fortitude save (DC30), killing them on the spot.

Tier: A
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You have a final trump card up your sleeve as long as you have an aura.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 All You use your entire remaining supply of aura to explode in a 60 foot
radius. You aren’t harmed from the explosion, and the damage is 1:1.
Seven Swell
Tier: SS
Type: Passive
Description: When your aura breaks there is a massive eruption of energy that alters the
landscape around you and heavily damages everyone affected.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - This semblance automatically triggers once your aura hits 0. You emit a
sudden and massive eruption of rainbow-like aura, shooting a beacon
into the sky (1000ft) and in a 60ft radius around you, damaging all
creatures and structures. All targets hit take 100d4 damage and all
weapons are immediately broken. The ground and all objects and
structures in the area of effect are turned into waves of salt. You and any
creatures that had their aura broken from this effect are immediately
knocked unconscious for 1d4 hours.

Tier: S
Type: Active - Move Action
Description: You can shackle creatures neat you to force them to stay within a certain distance.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 per round You shackle an opponent up to 60 feet away. Shackles opponents
cannot move beyond 100ft from your location.

4 3 per round You can shackle up to two opponents at once.

8 3 per round You can shackle up to three opponents at once.

12 3 per round You can shackle up to four opponents at once.

16 3 per round You can shackle up to five opponents at once.

Shadow (Blake)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Free Action
Description: You are able to make shadows to throw off opponents and you can even bestow
them with special dust-based effects.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 Shadows: You make a shadow of yourself when being attacked or
attacking to increase your AC or hit check by +1.

5 5 Dust Shadows: Same as Shadows when being attacked, but you can
spend a vial of dust to give the shadow a special effect. This requires a
powdered dust and semblance compatibility mod. Successful hit checks
against you still hit you, except where otherwise stated.

10 3 Enhanced Shadows: As Shadows, but now +2.

15 3 Maximum Over-Shadow: As Shadows, now +3.

Dust Effects:
Dust Type Effect
Red Fire Shadow: You leave a red shadow that explodes into fire, dealing 1d6

Light Blue Ice Shadow: You leave a light blue shadow that catches incoming melee attacks.
The ice shadow has 30HP and holds melee attacks if the damage done doesn’t
exceed the HP, requiring you to succeed a Strength check DC10 to pull your
weapon out.

White Earth Shadow: You leave an earth shadow that leaves a shell of stone, absorbing
up to 30 damage.

Shadow Clones
Tier: S
Type: Active
Description: You can make duplicates of yourself.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 40 per clone You make a perfect replica of yourself, sharing all of your stats.

8 30 per clone Same as above.

15 20 per clone Same as above.

Shadow Weaving
Tier: B
Type: Active - Move Action
Description: You can mold your shadow into a tendril-like limb for various uses.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 2 Weaving [1]: You can use one tendril as a limb to interact with objects
and carry up to 10 weight. Attacks cannot be made this way.

3 8 Shadow Shot [1]: You can use your shadows to throw creatures up to 15
feet away. If the creature is unwilling then you must succeed a strength
check (DC is their Strength Ability Score).

5 2 Weaving [2]: As above, but two tendrils up to 20 weight, each.

7 12 Hidden: You cloak you and any nearby creatures in your shadowy limbs,
granting a bonus +15 to stealth checks.

9 8 Shadow Shot [2]: As Shadow Shot [1], but up to 30 feet.

10 4 Pride [1]: You can use up to two tendrils to make additional attacks to
your target, each sharing your melee hit check and dealing 1d12

13 18 Shadows Loom: You place your hand to the ground to deal one tick of
Pride damage to all enemies within 90 feet.

15 2 Weaving [3]: As above, but four tendrils and up to 100 weight, each.

20 4 Pride [2]: As Pride [1], but you can make four tendrils to attack.

Silver Tongue
Tier: A
Type: Active
Description: You’re a strong diplomat and able to influence others with your aura.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 Others are more easily swayed by your words. You gain +2 to persuasion
checks with others within 15 feet.

5 4 Same as above, but now +4 to persuasion.

10 6 Same as above, but now +7 to persuasion and the range is 30 feet.

15 6 Same as above, but now +10 to persuasion.

Simon Says
Tier: SSS
Type: Active - Free Action
Description: Simon says you’ll do what I say.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 You force your target to follow a short order, no matter what it is, but you
must say it as a sentence led with “Simon says…” They must succeed a
will save (DC20) to resist the effects.

10 10 As above, but the DC is now 25.

20 10 As above, but the DC is now 30.

Tier: A
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: Influence others to fall asleep.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 8 You force yourself into a deep sleep, getting a full rest in half the time.

7 12 When touching another individual you can try and induce a deep sleep
upon them for 1d4 turns, resisted on a Fort Save DC25.

15 30 You induce all targets within 60 feet of you into a deep sleep for 1d8
turns, resisted through succeeding a fortitude save DC30.

Slow (Argento ...sorta)

Tier: A
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You use your aura to slow the actions of your opponents.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 Sluggish: Touching your targets debuffs them, decreasing their hit
checks, AC, and reflex saves by -1 and their movement by -5 per level.
Sound the Alarm
Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift / Attack Action
Description: You can link your semblance to others and then use the link to make a loud sound
that all linked targets can hear.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 Link: You touch another living creature and ‘link’ it to you. You can unlink
the target in the same manner.

1 5 Alert: As an attack action you can make a loud sound, like a musical
horn, that all linked targets hear.

Spicy (Bertilak …sorta)

Tier: C
Type: Passive/Active - Swift / Attack Action
Body can emit high temperatures, allowing the boiling of water, instant thawing from freezing,
damage targets, and other such effects.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Warmup: You’re warm to the touch. You’re immune to all freezing
effects, thawing instantly.

5 4 per round Too Hot To Handle: You can heat up yourself to deal 4d6 damage to all
creatures touching you per round. You can also boil small pots or cups.

10 8 per round Boil: You can heat up bodies of water to a boil up to 30 feet away,
dealing 4d8 damage to all creatures touching it per round.
Spirit Animal
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Aura Drain: Dependant
Description: You summon one or more spirit animals of different types within 15ft by channeling
your aura into a physical form (takes multiple action). It exists for one hour or until its aura or
your aura is depleted and is immune to status effects. The emotions listed are the emotion that
needs to be felt to unlock the next step of summoning.
Level Effect
1 Bird (Happy):
Aura: Aura Spent x 1.
Stats: Your stats -5 except as follows: Pilot = Yours + 10, Hit Check = Yours - 3, Damage =
2d4+Str, AC = Yours + 3.
Abilities: Flight - This creature is capable of normal flight.
Size: 4x1x1 (1 square)

6 Wolf (Angry):
Aura: Aura Spent x 1.5.
Stats: Your stats except as follows: Hit Check = Yours + 1, Damage = 3d8+Str, AC =
Yours - 3.
Abilities: Howl - This creature can make a howl to intimidate any nearby targets within
30 feet.
Size: 2x5x3 (1 square)

12 Shark (Sad):
Aura: Aura Spent x 2.
Stats: Your stats except as follows: Navigate = Yours + 10, Hit Check = Yours + 10,
Damage = 3d12+Str, AC = Yours + 3.
Abilities: Aquatic - This creature can swim normally and breath underwater.
Waterbound - This creature can’t survive outside of water.
Size: 3x8x3 (2 squares)---

18 Great Dire Wolf (Determined):

Aura: Aura Spent x 4.
Stats: Your stats except as follows: Hit Check = Yours + 5, Damage = 5d10+Str, AC =
Yours - 5.
Abilities: Rideable - This creature can be ridden. The rider rolls a Drive check DC30.
On a success the AC and hit checks of the rider and wolf are increased by +2. Swipe -
This creature can do a rapid spin for a single attack, hitting all adjacent targets for
4d8+Str. Howl - This creature can make a howl to intimidate any nearby targets within
90 feet.
Size: 8x20x9 (8 squares)
Sound Manipulation
Tier: S
Type: Active - Free / Attack Action
Description: You manipulate sound to have it act as a weapon or enhance your current one.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 Convert: You use your weapon to attack to the air and then use your
semblance to carry the waves across a range, granting ALL non-dust
attacks a range increase of 30.

10 10 Sonic-Boom: As an attack action, you create a burst of sound centered

on you that knocks ALL creatures nearby away by 30 feet, halved on a
Fort Save (DC25).

14 5 High Intensity: As Convert, but the attacks are now granted an increased
crit range or +1 (ie was 20, now 19+)

Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: From shadows you descend upon the world to reclaim your destiny. When hiding in
the shadows you become a ghost that makes reduced noise, can travel swiftly inside the
shadow, dash between shadows rapidly, and even avoid damage.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 2 per round Muffle: When hiding in shadows you gain a +5 to stealth rolls.

4 2 per round Stalk: Same as Muffle, Your speed is increased by +10 in shadows.

8 5 Shadow Dash: You can rapidly leave and enter shadows without
revealing yourself. If you have enough remaining movement you can
just into shadows within 15 feet.

12 20 Become Shadow: You become the shadow you’re hiding in and

become unable to take or deal damage until the start of your next turn.

16 4 per round Blanket of Darkness: Same as Muffle, but now you gain a +10 bonus.

20 30 per round Shadow Strike: Same as Become Shadow, but you can deal damage
as normal. Your weapon briefly leaves the shadows when attacking
and can be deflected and dodged.
Steal (Marcus)
Tier: SSS
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You are able to steal the semblance of others and use them yourself.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - As a full-round action you can start to steal the semblance of another
person you’re touching. This process takes 1 minute (10 rounds) of
constant contact to succeed. After completion, the victim of your
semblance can no longer use theirs, but you can use it fully. There is no
limit on how many you can have at once. The semblance can be
returned through the same process.

Sticky (Lily)
Tier: D
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You make touched small objects sticky.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 You touch a small object and give it sticky properties. The details of how
this will apply is up to your DM’s discretion.

Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: Can channel aura into a sphere of energy and throw it up to 60 feet. The damage is
highest at 15ft and 20ft away, reduced at 10ft and 25ft, and lowest at 5ft and 30ft. Damage:
6d10, 4d10, 2d10, respectively.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 You channel your into a sphere of energy and throw it (per ranged attack
action). Upon hitting the target location it detonates in a 15ft radius,
dealing 6d10 damage to targets up to 5ft from the center, 4d10 on targets
10ft from the center, and 2d10 on targets 15ft from the center.

10 25 As above, but the damage is not 8d10, 6d10, and 4d10 respectively.

20 40 As above, but the damage is not 10d10, 8d10, and 6d10 respectively.
Tier: A
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You can channel your aura into any object to increase its damage dealing potential.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 5 per charge You channel your aura into an object and increase its damage by 1
dice per 5 aura spent, up to 25 aura. This lasts for one round.

10 5 per charge As above, but the maximum is now 50 aura.

20 5 per charge As above, but the maximum is now 75 aura.

Super-speed (Harriet)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You move significantly faster and gain a variety of bonuses.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 per turn Faster [1]: Your base movement speed is increased by 10 while active.

4 - Mobile: While Faster is active you gain +5 to dodge checks.

7 1 per turn Faster [2]: As faster [1], but now 20 speed.

10 - Mobile [2]: As Mobile [1], but now you gain +5 to all reflex checks.

13 1 per turn Faster [3]: As faster [1], but now 30 speed.

15 - Mobile [3]: As Mobile [2], but now the bonus is +10.

17 - Quickened: You gain an additional stored move action in encounters.

20 1 per turn Faster [4]: As faster [1], but now 45 speed.

Tartarus Pit
Tier: S
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You immobilize up to two targeted creatures.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 per turn You hold your hands at up to two creatures, immobilizing them as long
per creature you continue doing so.
Telekinesis (Glynda & Carmine)
Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You are able to move and shape unattended objects at will and even repair them.
The aura drained is equal to the weight of the targeted objects / 5.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 Varies As an attack action you are able to move unattended objects at will. The
aura drain is equal to the weight of the targeted objects divided by 5.

Telepathy (Fox)
Tier: A
Type: Active - Free Action
Description: you are capable of communicating with others telepathically.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 2 You can communicate with others up to 30 feet away through telepathy,
speaking through your mind or even sharing images.

Tier: S
Type: Active - Move Action
Description: You are able to teleport to another nearby location.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 8 A Hop: You can teleport up to 15 feet away and through solid objects. If
your destination is in a structure then you suffer 4d8 damage and the
teleport fails, sending you back to your original location.

6 12 A Skip: The same as A Hop, but the range is now 30 feet.

12 16 A Jump: The same as A Hop, but the range is now 60 feet.

The Razor's Edge

Tier: SS
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You pull your target into a battle of wills and whoever loses dies.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 20 You target an individual within 30 feet and the two fight on the
metaphysical level via a battle of wills. Both you and your target roll a will
save and the lower rollers body turns on itself, causing them to die.
The Scales
Tier: S
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: When touching someone, you can tell whether they’re lying with perfect accuracy.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 per round You touch someone, and while touching them any deceive rolls they
make are automatic failures.

Thermal Vision
Tier: C
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You gain the ability to see thermal heat signatures.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 per round You can see thermal readings with your natural eyesight.

Tier: B
Type: Passive
Description: When the conditions are right you transform into a beastial force
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - When feeling immense negative emotion, whether it be anger, fear, or
something else, you transform and gain a variety of benefits:
+3 to melee hit checks, +3 AC, and +5 to melee damage.

Unsure Fate (Pyke)

Tier: A
Type: Active - Free Action
Description: You make your next interaction a gamble.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 You gamble on your next roll and instead roll a 1d12.
1-4: Critical Failure
5-8: Neutral result, roll dice as normal.
9-12 Critical Success
Veil of Mist
Tier: S
Type: Active/Passive - Swift/Move Action
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 15 As a swift action you let out a veil of dust from your aura, surrounding
you in a 30ft radius.

7 5 As a move action you can teleport to any other location in the mist.

10 - Your aura flows through the mist, passively granting you knowledge of
where anyone in the mist resides.

Via Sun (Sun Wukong)

Tier: S
Type: Active - Full-Round Action
Description: You can create clones of yourself to fight in your stead.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 10 per round Me: You spend a full-round action to create a clone of yourself to fight
per clone or act in your stead. You are immobile while controlling the clones, as
you must maintain your focus on them. Clones stats are the same as
yours, they ignore dust effects, they cannot use dust, they cannot store
actions but can use your stored actions, and your aura and their are
linked (damage they take applies to you). You can also detonate the
clones to deal 4d8 damage to all adjacent creatures.

5 10 per round Myself: The same as Me, but you can now make two clones.
per clone
10 10 per round And I: The same as Me, but you can now make three clones.
per clone

Tier: S
Type: Active - Attack Action
Description: You let out a loud wail that debuffs those hit.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 8 Cry: As an attack action you can wail a loud screech, deafening all
creatures within 45 feet.

6 8 Scream: Same as Yell, but it now also staggers creatures hit.

11 8 Screech: Same as Scream, but the range is now 90 feet.

Water Manipulation
Tier: S
Type: Active: Swift Action
Description: You control water, gaining the ability to move it or even use it as a weapon.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 3 per round Flow Motion: You can stop water from flowing through areas within 15
feet of you. This may apply to rain, creeks, or pipes.

6 5 per round Heavy Rain: You manipulate rain to become tiny razors, damaging all
rained on creatures within 60 feet by 2d6 damage per round.

12 9 per round Torrent: You manipulate water to flow immensely in one direction. This
can redirect rivers, burst pipes, and congregate rainfall.

18 18 per round Water Golem: You manipulate the water around you to form a
golem-like shell. You must be partially in open air to avoid suffocating.
The water golem deals damage 4d12+5 damage with melee attacks.

Wind Walker
Tier: D
Type: Passive
Description: You take reduced wind damage, fall damage, and your speed is increased.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - You take 50% reduced damage from any wind based attack.

10 - You take 50% reduced fall damage and your speed increases by +10.

20 - You take 100% reduced damage from any wind based attack.

Winter Wonderland
Tier: B
Type: Active - Free / Swift Action
Description: You can create and form ice into shapes or at your feet and slide along it.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 4 Shape [1]: You create ice from your aura and form it into basic shapes.

6 4 Shape [2]: Same as Shape [1], but you can form regular shapes.

8 8 Bifrost: You create ice from your feet to slide across and form it as you
run. Ice created this way can block paths, and every square has 40HP.

12 4 Shape [3]: Same as Shape [1], but you can form complex shapes.
Tier: B
Type: Active - Free Action / Move Action / Attack Action / Full-Round Action
Description: You can return touched weapons and objects to your hand, within limitation.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 1 Unmanned weapons or objects touched weighing 10 or lower within the
last 6 seconds can teleport back to you.

5 1 per 6 sec Unmanned weapons or objects touched weighing 20 or lower within the
last 12 seconds can teleport back to you.

10 1 per 6 sec Unmanned weapons or objects touched weighing 30 or lower, or manned

weapons or objects weighing 10 or lower, within the last 18 seconds can
teleport back to you.

10 - You can spend a higher level action to increase the weight limit for both
manned and unmanned objects. Move: +10, Attack: +20, Full-Round: x2

15 1 per 6 sec Unmanned weapons or objects touched weighing 40 or lower, or manned

weapons or objects weighing 15 or lower, within the last 24 seconds can
teleport back to you.

20 1 per 6 sec Unmanned weapons or objects touched weighing 50 or lower, or manned

weapons or objects weighing 20 or lower, within the last 30 seconds can
teleport back to you.

X-ray vision
Tier: B
Type: Active - Swift Action
Description: You are able to see through physical objects.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 7 You can see through 5 feet of objects and structures.

10 10 You can see through 10 feet of objects and structures.

20 13 You can see through 15 feet of objects and structures.

Tier: D
Type: Passive
Description: Your aura can commune emotions with a wild animal. Whether you ask it for help
getting your kite out of a tree or to help you in a fight, wildlife has a habit of loving you.
Level Aura Drain Effect
1 - Friendly [1]: You gain +5 to handle animal checks.

4 - Pet Pal [1]: You can talk to animals. They understand you clearly, but you
don’t understand them.

8 - Friendly [2]: Same as Friendly [1], but the bonus is now +10

12 - Pet Pal [2]: Same as Pet Pal [1], but now you can understand them.

16 - Friendly [3]: Same as Friendly [1], but the bonus is now +15

20 - Friendly [3]: Same as Friendly [1], but the bonus is now +20.
Chapter 5: Weapons
Weapon Properties:
Form: This property contains the name of your weapon in its chosen form of combat. If it’s a
transforming weapon then it represents the different transformations. If it’s a weapon that has
multiple types of weapons in one compact shape then each type counts as its own form.
WHP: Weapon Hit Points. Each of your weapons forms their own HP. If a weapon drops to 0
WHP it can still be used, but it’s far more limiting. If your weapon transforms, then it is locked in
its current form and parts of it are no longer usable or weakened. Here’s a list of downsides:
- Weapon damage and range are halved
- Most mods are unusable (Chain/Ribbon, Dust, Enhanced Rounds, Serrated/Barbed,
possibly Unique Mod per DM’s discretion)
- If the weapon physically transforms to change forms then it can no longer do so
Weapons can be repaired with the Repair Skill (DC 15 + 1 per mod), a workbench, appropriate
tools, and time. This means that repairing weapons outside of towns is typically impossible.
Damage: Damage is how much your weapon injures your opponents when attacking them. This
is determined by a series of dice combined with your own natural bonuses. Note that the
damage listed in this chapter will only include the base damage.
Range: The distance your weapon can attack before receiving a penalty or being unable to
reach is what its range is. For melee weapons this is typically 5 or 10, and ranged weapons tend
to vary between 30 and 90.
Critical: Critical is the range on a d20 that you have to roll to make a critical success. This only
applies to base rolls, before any modifiers are applied. The natural critical range is just on a 20,
but with certain mods and semblances this can be raised.
Weight: This determines the weight value of your weapon and is based on the weapons size.
Dust: This property displays if the weapon form is capable of using dust and what type.

Signature Weapon Creation

In the world of RWBY your signature weapon is the truest extension of yourself. This weapon is
typically the only weapon you’ll use in your life, only changing as you upgrade it. Weapons
usually have multiple ‘forms.’ and may physically transform into these other forms or it may just
be the combination of multiple weapons in one standard appearance. This style of weaponry
gives a great amount of versatility in fighting styles all in a compact and efficient design.
“It’s also a gun.” - Ruby Rose

When designing your weapon you should keep your characters strengths and weaknesses in
mind. While most weapons tend to be a mix of both melee and ranged forms that doesn’t have
to be the case. Some weapons are even skateboards, or other utility-based objects. The
greatest limit to your weapon is your own imagination. Well, that and the rules listed below.
Standard Weapon Creation (Recommended)
Weapons are allowed a maximum of 4 different forms. Even if the weapon doesn’t transform,
the different weapon styles count as different forms. Multiple weapons that aren’t mimicked ARE
allowed, but they count as a separate form (such as a sword and shield). Each single form
starts with 4 form points each. Form points are only granted at weapon creation and can’t be
used on Combined Upgrades. You have ‘Extra Points’ (EP) that can go into any of the forms.
You start with 4 Extra Points. EP can be used on both Combined Upgrades or Form Upgrades.
You will receive more extra points as your character levels up (1 every 2 levels), but you can
only spend them at appropriate shops, or by crafting the upgrades yourself. Most weapons also
have a passive mode for when they’re not being used; this doesn’t count as a form.

Alternate Weapon Creation - Strong Start

Same as standard weapon creature, but with two major changes. Instead of starting with 4 EP
you start with 14 and you no longer gain extra points as you level up.
Note: This version isn’t recommended for an extended campaign, as power progression feels much lesser.

Weight: A weapons weight is determined by the largest form of your weapon. Small is 5
pounds, Medium is 10 pounds, Large is 15 pounds, Huge is 20 pounds. If your custom weapon
uses two separate weapons they each have their own unique weight.

Using Another's Custom Weapons: When using a custom weapon that isn’t yours, you take a
-5 to all hit checks with it. With time and effort you can take control of the custom weapon as
your own, but doing so forfeits your current custom weapon. Familiarizing yourself with a new
custom weapon takes 5 weeks, losing part of the penalty with each week.

Changing Custom Weapons:

Upgrading is using the Extra Points allotted to you from leveling up to make small upgrades.
These points can be saved to grant larger bonuses when upgrading. To upgrade your weapon
you will need to craft it (refer to Ch. 11) or to pay for a professional to do so. Upgrading is a
process meant to reflect your own growth, so your weapon should grow with you.
Renewal is when you abandon your custom weapon or it’s destroyed beyond repair. This
process requires a series of crafting checks and materials or a significant amount of Lien to
purchase or forge one. Renewal is uncommon in the world of RWBY, but when it does occur it’s
because you’re given no choice or because your old weapon no longer represents who you are.
Sundered Weapons
When a weapon falls to 0 HP it is broken, or sundered. While sundered:
If the weapon transforms, it cannot change from its current form and it deals half damage.
If the weapon doesn’t transform, it cannot use the form that was sundered.
If there is a mix between the two, it’s up to your DM’s discretion.
Sundered weapons can be repaired with an appropriate Repair Check, but require a workbench.

Changing Weapon Forms:

To change weapon forms costs a swift action.
Weapon Upgrades
Combined Upgrades Default 1 Point 2 Points 3 Points 4 points Pre-Requisites

Dual Weapons - - - - Second Weapon, same Can’t be size

(Mimicked) as the first large or huge*

Light Weaponry - - Weight is halved. Melee attacks - - -

are now based on Dex

Semblance - - Can channel semblance through - - Requires DM

Compatible the weapon Approval
*dual small or medium weapons combining into a single large or huge weapon ARE allowed

Form Upgrades Default 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points Pre-req

Chain/Ribbon - - Weapons can be - - Form size must

thrown and pulled be small or
back medium

Damage: Melee 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 Melee

Damage: Ranged 1d4 2d4 3d4 4d4 5d4 Ranged

Durable Base WHP +20 Weapon HP +40 Weapon HP +60 Weapon HP +80 Weapon HP -

Dust Mod - - Bonus Dust Effects - - -

(Powdered) and Range

Dust Mod - - Bonus AoE Dust - - -

(Crystalline) Effects

Dust Mod - - Bonus Dust Effects


Enhanced Rounds - - Crit threat range - - Ranged

increases by 1

Range Close (5) Short (15) Medium (30) Long (60) [Size must Huge (90) [Size Ranged*
be at least medium] must be at least

Reach - Very Short (10) - - - Melee

Serrated/Barbed - - Crit threat range - - Melee**

increases by 1

Shield Mod: - +2 AC - - - Form Must be a


Size Mod: Melee Small: 1d6 - Medium: 1d8 Large: 1d10, -1 Huge: 1d12, -2 Melee

Size Mod: Ranged Small: 1d4 - Medium: 1d6 Large: 1d8, -1 Huge: 1d10, -2 Ranged

Size Mod: Shield Small: - Medium: +3 AC Large: +4 AC Huge: +5 AC Shield Mod

+2 AC partial cover full cover

Custom Mod - Minor custom Mild custom Large custom Massive custom Required DM
change change change Mod*** approval.
*Melee can take as well, if they have the Chain/Ribbon Mod.
**Can also apply to ranged weaponry where it applies, such as a thrown weapon.
**Can exceed 4 points for truly exceptional mods, per DM's discretion.
Combined Upgrades:
These upgrades can ONLY be purchased with points from the extra points pool and must be
taken before creating the rest of the weapon.

Dual Weapons [4]

Prerequisite: Weapon cannot be Large or Huge.
Note: If you take this to wield two small or medium weapons that combine into a single larger weapon
you can still take this feat. (refer to Gladio Libra)
Dual weapons allow you to take advantage of two weapons without having to spend a large
amount of points to upgrade both, individually. When taking the Dual Weapons upgrade you’ll
create a single weapon as normal, using the extra points to take this upgrade beforehand. Once
the first weapon is finished, you are granted a second weapon with the exact same stats and
abilities. While using dual weapons you suffer a -4 penalty to both arms. It’s recommended to
take the two-weapon fighting feats to maximize the potential of these weapons. The weight of
the weapon is also doubled, so a medium dual weapon would weigh 20, even if it transforms
into a combined large weapon. When upgrading this weapon your DM may require the cost to
be doubled, due to logic.

Light Weaponry [2]

Prerequisite: None
Your weapon is made of a durable, yet lightweight, material. The weight of your weapon is
halved. Melee attacks are now based on your Dexterity Mod, not Strength.

Semblance Compatible [2]

Prerequisite: Requires DM Approval
Semblance Compatibility can be an enormously useful ability depending on your semblance.
While some semblances have no use for channeling it through a weapon others can make
fantastic use of it. Semblances that can add dust to effects typically require this mod. One
important factor to remember is that there is a difference in using your semblance directly
through the weapon and using your semblance on its own to compliment the weapon.

Form Upgrades:
These upgrades can be purchased with both base points and extra points. Each point only
applies to a single form of the weapon.

Chain/Ribbon [2]
Prerequisite: Form size must be small or medium
Weapons can be thrown and pulled back. Throwing a weapon counts as a standard attack
action and deals standard melee damage. The weapon will return at the start of your next turn.
The Range of the throw is based on the Range Mod.
Damage (Melee) [1-4]
Prerequisite: Form must be melee
This determines the damage of your melee weapon. Each upgrade increases the number of
dice rolled by 1. This stacks with the Size (Melee) Mod. The following list doesn’t account for the
Size Mod.
[0] Weapon deals one dice of base damage; 1d6
[1] Weapon deals two dice of base damage; 2d6
[2] Weapon deals three dice of base damage; 3d6
[3] Weapon deals four dice of base damage; 4d6
[4] Weapon deals five dice of base damage; 5d6

Damage (Ranged) [1-4]

Prerequisite: Form must be ranged
This determines the damage of your ranged weapon. Each upgrade increases the number of
dice rolled by 1. This stacks with the Size (Ranged) Mod. The following list doesn’t account for
the Size Mod.
[0] Weapon deals one dice of base damage; 1d4
[1] Weapon deals two dice of base damage; 2d4
[2] Weapon deals three dice of base damage; 3d4
[3] Weapon deals four dice of base damage; 4d4
[4] Weapon deals five dice of base damage; 5d4

Durable [1-4]
Prerequisite: None
This mod determines the additional durability of a weapon, granting it an incremental amount of
bonus weapon hit points.
[0] Weapon has the default weapon hit points. (40)
[1] Weapon has the default weapon hit points + 20. (60)
[2] Weapon has the default weapon hit points + 40. (80)
[3] Weapon has the default weapon hit points + 60. (100)
[4] Weapon has the default weapon hit points + 80. (120)

Dust Mod (Powdered) [2]

Prerequisite: None
This mod grants the use of powdered dust through your weapon. This allows you to use
powdered dust through your weapons range and allows the use of ‘Dust Arc Attacks.’ Note that
damage from this manner doesn’t stack with your weapon damage itself. Doing so requires
powdered dust to use.
[0] Weapons are unable to add dust effects.
[2] Weapons are able to use dust effects.
Dust Mod (Crystalline) [2]
Prerequisite: None
This mod grants the use of Crystalline dust through your weapon. This allows you to use dust
crystals through your weapons range to shoot them out and detonate upon contact or otherwise
within reason. Note that damage from this manner doesn’t stack with your weapon damage
itself. Doing so requires crystalline dust to use.
[0] Weapons are unable to add dust effects.
[2] Weapons are able to use dust effects.

Dust Mod (Ammunition) [2]

Prerequisite: None
This mod grants the use of dust-based ammunition through your weapon. This allows you to
deal additional damage and status effects. Doing so requires dust ammunition to use.
[0] Weapons are unable to add dust effects.
[2] Weapons are able to use dust effects.

Enhanced Rounds [2]

Prerequisite: Ranged
Ranged attacks have a greater chance of dealing heavy damage. Your critical threat range is
increased by 1. ie: If you currently crit on 20, now you’ll crit on 19-20.

Range [1-4]
Prerequisite: Form must be ranged. Long range requires the weapon to be size category
medium or larger. Huge range requires the weapon to be size category large or larger.
Range determines the distance a weapon can be used before suffering from the Range Penalty.
[0] Without the Range upgrade your maximum attack range is considered ‘close’ and can only
attack adjacent squares without suffering from the Range Penalty
[1] Attack Range is Short and can attack from 15 feet before suffering Range Penalty.
[2] Attack Range is Medium and can attack from 30 feet before suffering Range Penalty.
[3] Attack Range is Long and can attack from 60 feet before suffering Range Penalty.
[4] Attack Range is Huge and can attack from 90 feet before suffering Range Penalty.

Reach [1]
Prerequisite: Form must be melee.
[0] Without the Reach upgrade your maximum attack range is considered ‘close’ and can only
attack adjacent squares.
[1] Attack Range is considered Very Short and can attack from 10 feet. Attacks of Opportunity
now apply to targets leaving your 10 feet range.

Serrated/Barbed [2]
Prerequisite: Melee
Melee attacks have a greater chance of dealing heavy damage. Your critical threat range is
increased by 1. ie: If you currently crit on 20, now you’ll crit on 19-20.
Shield Mod [1]
Prerequisite: Form must be a shield.
This mod is reserved for specific weaponry that prioritize defense. Whether it be a standalone
shield or a weapon that can double as one, this mod is a must for the defensive player.
[0] The weapon is granted no defensive bonus.
[1] The wielder of the weapon gains +2 AC while using this form.

Size Mod (Melee) [2-4]

Prerequisite: Form must be melee
This determines the base damage of your melee weapon by increasing its size. This stacks with
the Damage (Melee) Mod. The following list doesn’t account for the Damage Mod.
[0] Weapons are considered small and deals 1d6 base damage.
[2] Weapons are considered medium and deal 1d8 base damage.
[3] Weapons are considered large and deal 1d10 base damage. The weapon must be wielded
with both hands. Due to the size you suffer a -1 to your hit checks.
[4] Weapons are considered huge and deal 1d12 base damage. The weapon must be wielded
with both hands. Due to the size you suffer a -2 to your hit checks.

Size Mod (Ranged) [2-4]

Prerequisite: Form must be ranged
This determines the base damage of your ranged weapon by increasing its size. This stacks
with the Damage (Ranged) Mod. The following list doesn’t account for the Damage Mod. Melee
attacks made with a ranged weapon go off of the base melee damage for the weapon size.
Example: A large Sniper Rifle using a melee slam attack would deal 1d10 base damage.
[0] Weapons are considered small and deal 1d4 base damage.
[2] Weapons are considered medium and deal 1d6 base damage.
[3] Weapons are considered large and deal 1d8 base damage. The weapon must be wielded
with both hands. Due to the size you suffer a -1 to your hit checks.
[4] Weapons are considered huge and deal 1d10 base damage. The weapon must be wielded
with both hands. Due to the size you suffer a -2 to your hit checks.

Size Mod (Shield) [2-4]

Prerequisite: Shield Mod
This determines the bonus defense granted by increasing the size of the weapon itself. Using a
medium and large shield also grants cover bonuses. Melee attacks made with a shield weapon
go off of the base melee damage for the weapon size.
Example: A large Shield using a melee slam attack would deal 1d10 base damage.
[0] Shield grants +2 AC and is considered small.
[2] Shield grants +3 AC and is considered medium.
[3] Shield grants +4 AC and is considered large. The weapon must be wielded with both hands.
The Shield can also grant partial cover.
[4] Shield grants +5 AC and is considered huge. The weapon must be wielded with both hands.
The Shield can also grant full cover.
Custom Mod [1+]
Prerequisite: Requires DM approval.
This mod exists to encourage unique traits to your weapons to specialize them. You will create
the desired benefit yourself and show it to your DM for approval.
[0] No custom bonus
[1] Minor custom bonus
[2] Mild custom bonus
[3] Large custom bonus
[4+] Massive custom bonus

Adam’s Wilt and Blush - Level 20 [14 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Chokuto 120 5d8 5 20 M 20 -
Rifle 40 3d6 90 20 M -
Other: Semblance Compatibility, Propel
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
Chokuto [6 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Size: 2
Rifle [6 EP]: Damage: 2, Range: 4, Size: 2, Custom Mod (Propel): 2 = Can launch the Chokuto to deal equivalent
melee damage.

Amber’s Staff - Level 1 (4 EP)

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Staff 60 3d10 5 20 L 15 Crystal
Staff [3 EP]: Damage: 2, Durable: 1, Dust Mod: 2, Size: 3

Arslan’s Dagger - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Dagger 40 5d6 30 20 S 5 -
Other: Grappling Hook & Ribbon
Dagger [4 EP]: Ribbon: 2, Damage: 2, Range: 2, Custom Mod(Grappling Hook): 2 = Shoot a tethered shot and
use the weapon to pull the wielder to it (Attack action)
Ashes - Level 4 [6 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Crossbow 40 5d4 30 20 S 5 Ammo
Custom: Semblance Compatibility
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
Crossbow [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 2

Badaboom - Level 12 + Incredible Weapon [12 EP]

Description: A medium sized staff that holds a notably large dust crystal at the top. The tip flips
inward, burying the crystal within the shaft and revealing a spear tip. When a button on the side
is flipped the spear will detonate the dust crystal within and create a large explosion.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Staff 40 4d6 x 2 5 20 M 15 -
Spear 40 1d6 x 2 60 20 M Crystal
Other: Badaboom
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Staff [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2
Spear [7 EP]: Dust Mod (crystal): 2, Range: 3, Size: 2 = Medium, Custom Mod (Badaboom): 4 = When throwing
the spear you can activate this feature. The spear will detonate in a 10 foot radius dealing 10d8 damage. The
weapon is broken afterwards and must be rebuilt.

Bahamut - Level 20 [14 EP]

Description: Dual short swords that transform into SMG’s.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
SMG’s 40 4d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Short Swords 40 3d6 x 2 60 20 M Ammo
Other: Dual Weapons, Light Weaponry
Combined Upgrades [6 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4, Light Weaponry: 2
Short Swords [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2 = Medium
SMGs [5 EP]: Damage: 2, Dust Mod (ammo): 2, Range: 3, Size: 2
Bangarang - Level 4 [6 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Revolvers 60 5d4 15 20 S 10 -
Rifle 40 3d6 90 20 M -
Custom: None
Revolvers [2 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 1, Range: 1
Rifle [4 EP]: Damage: 2, Range: 4, Size: 2

Blake’s Gambol Shroud - Level 12 [10 EP] (Pre-Volume 7)

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Cleaver 40 3d8 5 20 M 10 -
Katana 40 4d8 5 20 M -
Pistol 40 3d4 60 20 S Ammo
Other: Semblance Compatibility, Light Weaponry, Pistol ribbon
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Light Weaponry: 2, Semblance Compatibility: 2
Cleaver [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 2
Katana [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2
Pistol [5 EP]: Ribbon: 2, Damage: 2, Range: 3, Dust Mod (ammo): 2

Blood - Level 6 [7 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Boomerangs 40 2d6 x 2 30 20 M 20 -
Dual Swords 40 3d8 x 2 5 20 M -
DS Sword 40 2d10 5 20 L -
Custom: Dual Weapons, Light Weaponry
Combined Upgrades [6 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4, Light Weaponry: 2
Boomerangs [1 EP]: Damage: 1, Range: 2, Size: 2
Dual Swords [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 2
Double-Sided Sword [0 EP]: Damage: 1, Size: 3
Bolin’s Staff - Level 2 [5 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Staff 40 3d10 5 20 L 15 -
Bladestaff 40 5d10 5 20 L -
Other: None
Staff [2 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 3
Bladestaff [3 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 3

Brawnz’s Claws - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Claws 40 5d6 x 2 5 20 S 10 -
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Claws [0 EP]: Damage: 4 = 5d6

Cardin’s The Executioner - Level 16 [12 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Mace 80 5d8 5 19-20 M 10 Powder
Mace [12 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 2, Dust Mod (powder): 2, Serrated: 2, Size: 2, Custom Mod: 4 = Can cause
explosions in a line of up to 15 feet away when striking the ground dealing damage akin to a dark orange (explosion)
dust crystal. Requires powdered explosion dust.

Clover’s Kingfisher - Level 18 [13 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Fishing Pole 120 5d10 90 20 L 20 -
Other: Grappling Hook
Greatsword [13 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Range: 4, Size: 3, Custom Mod(Grappling Hook): 2 = Shoot a
tethered shot and use the weapon to pull the wielder to it (Attack action)
Coco’s Gianduja - Level 12 [10 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Handbag 80 3d6 5 20 S 20 -
Gatling Gun 40 5d10 90 19-20 H -
Other: None
Handbag [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Durable: 2
Gatling Gun [10 EP]: Damage: 4, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Range: 4, Size: 4

Corsac and Fennec’s Cyclone and Inferno - Level 12 [10 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Wands 40 1d6 x 2 90 20 S 10 Powder
Daggers 60 5d6 x 2 5 20 S -
DS Dagger 60 5d8 5 20 M -
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Wand [2 EP]: Dust Mod: 2, Range: 4
Dagger [1 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 1
Double-sided Dagger [3 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 1, Size: 2

Dew’s Spear - Level 4 [6 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Spear 40 5d12 5 20 H 20 Powder
Other: None
Spear [6 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Size: 4

Dove’s Hallshott- Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Sword 40 4d8 5 20 M 10 -
Revolver 40 2d6 90 20 M -
Sword [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2
Revolver [3 EP]: Damage: 1, Range: 4, Size: 2
Elm’s Timber - Level 20 [14 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Hammer 40 5d12 5 20 H 20 -
Rocket Launcher 40 5d10 90 20 H Ammo
Other: None
Hammer [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 4
Rocket Launcher [10 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 4, Size: 4

Emerald’s Thief’s Respite - Level 16 [12 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Revolvers 40 3d6 x 2 60 19-20 M 20 -
Sickles 40 4d8 x 2 5 20 M -
Kusarigama 40 4d8 10 20 M -
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Revolvers [5 EP]: Damage: 2, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Range: 3, Size: 2
Sickles [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2 = Medium
Kusarigamas [2 EP]: Damage: 3, Reach: 1, Size: 2 = Medium

Flynt’s Trumpet - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Trumpet 40 3d4 30 20 S 5 Powder
Other: Semblance Compatibility
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
Trumpet [2 EP]: Damage: 2, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 2

Fox’s Sharp Retribution - Level 4 [6 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Tonfa 40 5d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP] Dual Weapons: 4
Tonfa [2 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 2
Gladio Libra (Sword of Balance) - Level 20 + Incredible Weapon [16 EP]
Description: Dual Swords with silver metallic blades, but distinct handles; one white, one black. The swords
extend and expand, combining into a double-edged Greatsword. The handles open up and slot into each other,
forming a white and black mixed handle with two triggers. If both are pressed, it reverts to its former form. If just one
is pressed then the greatsword changes again, opening up at the center to reveal a large barrel and pulling in a
section of the blade for a second grip, and a trigger. The handle also turns 90 degrees. The cannon solely uses dust,
and a heavy amount of it to create its beam-like attack.

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust

Dual Swords 40 3d6 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Greatsword 40 5d12 5 19-20 H Powder
Other: Dual Weapons, Cannon
Combined Upgrades: [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Dual Swords [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 2
Greatsword [12 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod (Powder): 2, Size: 4, Serrated: 2, Custom Mod (Cannon): 4 = Costs 4
Hard Light Dust vials, combining them into a single ranged attack (16d8)

Glynda’s Disciplinarian - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Crop 40 2d6 5 20 S 5 Powder
Other: Semblance Compatibility, Dusty
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
Crop [2 EP]: Damage: 1, Dust Mod: 2, Custom Mod (Dusty): 3 = Can be used to control dust with higher accuracy,
granting an increase to shapeable effects.

Goddess’ Feathers - Level 20 + Incredible Weapon [16 EP]

Description: Two finely crafted medium-sized daggers etched to look like feathers that connect
at the base to form a large bow.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Daggers 40 3d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Bow 40 4d8 90 19-20 L Ammo
Other: Dual Daggers, Light Weaponry.
Combined Upgrades [6 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4, Light Weaponry: 2
Daggers [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 2
Bow [10 EP]: Damage: 3, Dust Mod (Ammo): 2, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Range: 4, Size: 3
Grayg’s Club - Level 6 [7 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Club 40 4d8 5 20 M 10 -
Boomerang 40 4d6 60 20 M -
Custom: Recursive
Club [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2
Boomerang [6 EP]: Damage: 3, Range: 3, Size: 2, Custom Mod (Recursive): 2 = Can return to the sender when

Gushing Lotus - Level 12 [10 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Spear 40 5d12 10 19-20 H 20 -
Staff 40 1d12 10 20 H Powder
Other: Leash
Spear [7 EP]: Damage: 4, Reach: 1, Serrated: 2, Size: 4
Staff [3 EP]: Reach: 1, Size: 4, Custom Mod (Leash): 2 = Uses earth powdered dust to tie up a touched target.

Gwen’s Knives - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Knives 40 4d6 5 20 S 5 Powder
Throwing Knives 40 4d4 30 20 S Powder
Other: None
Knives [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Dust Mod: 2
Throwing Knives [3 EP]: Damage: 3, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 2

Hades - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Claws 40 3d6 x 2 5 19-20 S 10 -
Knives 40 4d4 x 2 5 20 S -
Custom: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Claws [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Serrated: 2
Knives [0 EP]: Chain: 1, Damage: 3
Harriet’s Fast Knuckles - Level 18 [13 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Exoskeleton 120 5d10 5 19-20 L 30 -
Knuckle Dusters
Other: Dual Weapons, Bigger Hit
Combined Upgrades: [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Exo Knuckle Dusters [9 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Barbed: 2, Size: 3, Custom Mod (Bigger Hit): 1 = You are
able to exceed the size limit on dual weapons at the cost of an additional -2 penalty to hit checks with this weapon.

Hofund - Level 14 [11 EP]

Description: A sword and shield combo. The shield attaches to the sword to extend its range.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Sword 40 5d8 5 20 M 20 -
Shield 100 1d6 5 20 M -
Greatsword 100 5d12 5 20 H -
Other: Shield +3 AC
Sword [2 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 2
Shield [2 EP]: Durable: 3, Shield Mod: 1, Size: 2
Greatsword [7 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 3, Size: 4

Ilia’s Lightning Lash - Level 8 [8 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Blade 40 3d8 5 20 M 10 -
Whip 40 3d8 10 20 M Powder
Gun 40 3d4 60 20 S Ammo
Other: Light Weaponry
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Light Weaponry: 2
Blade [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 2
Whip [3 EP]: Damage: 2, Dust Mod (powder): 2, Reach: 1, Size: 2
Gun [3 EP]: Damage: 2, Dust Mod (ammo): 2, Range: 3
Ironwood’s Due Process - Level 20 [14 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
White Revolver 120 5d6 5 19-20 M 20 -
Black Revolver 120 1d4 90 20 M Ammo
Other: None
White Revolver [8 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Size: 2
Black Revolver [6 EP]: Durable: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 4

Ivori’s Whip - Level 6 [7 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Whip 120 5d8 10 20 M 10 -
Other: None
Whip [7 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Reach: 1, Size: 2

Jaune’s Crocea Mors - Level 20 [14 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Longsword 100 2d8 5 20 M 15 -
Shield 100 1d6 5 20 M Powder
Broadsword 100 4d10 5 20 L -
Other: Shield +3 AC, Power Shield
Longsword [2 EP]: Damage: 1, Size: 2, Durable: 3
Shield [7 EP]: Durable: 3, Dust Mod: 2, Shield Mod: 1, Size: 2, Durable: 3, Custom Mod (Power Shield): 3 = You
can fill the shield with powdered dust to deal a variety of effects with it (as per DM’s discretion).
Broadsword [5 EP] Damage: 3, Size: 3, Durable: 3

Junior’s Bazooka - Level 14 [11 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Bazooka 40 5d10 60 20 H 20 Ammo
Club 40 3d12 5 20 H -
Other: None
Bazooka [9 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 3, Size: 4
Club [2 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 4
Kami to Akuma - Level 12 [10 EP]
Description: Intended to represent the two sides of morality: God and Devil. Kami is a handgun dealing
minor damage, but equipped for dust ammunition. It transforms into a shield, intended to protect the
weapons user. Akuma is a handgun dealing heavy damage intended to severely wound or kill. It
transforms into an immensely sharp dagger with a serrated blade intended to assassinate its target. Kami
is bright white with gold highlights, and when it transforms into the shield it’s painted with a design of a
soft smile to go over the mouth of the wielder. Akuma is pitch black with red highlights, and when it
transforms into the dagger it’s painted with a sadistic smile to go over the mouth. This weapon is aimed to
be usable in almost any situation and works best for a character willing to do both good and evil.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Kami: Handgun 40 2d4 90 20 S 5 Ammo
Akuma: Handgun 40 4d4 60 19-20 S -
Kami: Shield 100 1d6 5 20 S -

Akuma: Dagger 40 5d6 5 19-20 S -

Other: Light Weaponry, Shield +2 AC
Combined Upgrades: [2 EP]: Light Weaponry: 2
Handgun (Kami) [2 EP]: Damage: 1, Range: 3, Dust Mod (ammo): 2
Handgun (Akuma) [4 EP]: Damage: 3, Range: 3, Enhanced Rounds: 2,
Shield (Kami) [0 EP]: Shield Mod: 1, Durable: 3
Dagger (Akuma) [2 EP]: Damage: 4, Serrated: 2

Leonardo’s Stalwart - Level 20 (14 EP)

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Shield 120 1d6 90 20 M 10 Powder
Other: Dust Mixer, Shield +3 AC
Shield [14 EP]: Durable: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 4, Shield Mod: 1, Size: 2, Custom Mod (Dust Mixer): 5 = Can
combine one or more vials of dust to deal special, atypical effects, such as combining white and red dust to make a
small meteor attack. (further details are unknown)

Lie Ren’s StormFlower - Level 16 [12 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
SMGs 40 5d4 x 2 5 19-20 S 10 Ammo
Daggers 60 5d6 x 2 5 20 S -
Other: Dual Weapons, Grappling Hook
Combined Upgrades: [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
SMG [7 EP]: Damage: 4, Range: 3, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Dust Mod (ammo): 2, Custom Mod (Grappling Hook): 2
= Shoot a tethered shot and use the weapon to pull the wielder to it (Attack action)
Dagger [1 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 1
Lieutenant’s Chainsaw - Level 8 [8 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Chainsaw 100 5d10 5 19-20 L 15 -
Other: None
Chainsaw [8 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 3, Serrated: 2, Size: 3

Lucifer - Level 8 [8 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Torch Staff 40 1d10 5 20 M 10 -
Morningstar 40 3d8 5 19-20 M -
Two-Pronged Spear 40 5d12 5 19-20 M -
Custom: Lamp
Torch Staff [0 EP]: Size: 3, Custom Mod (Lamp): 1 = Emits a light from the crystal atop it.
Morningstar [2 EP]: Damage: 2, Serrated: 2, Size: 2
Two-Pronged Spear [6 EP]: Damage: 4, Serrated: 2, Size: 4

Maria’s Life and Death - Level 20 [14 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Staff 40 3d8 5 20 M 20 -
Kama’s 40 5d8 x 2 5 20 M -
Double-Kama 40 5d12 5 20 H -
Other: Dual Weapons,
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Staff [1 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 2
Kama [5 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod (Powder): 2, Size: 2, Custom Mod (Yoink): 2 = As a swift action you can pull
one of your Kama’s to the other, so long as they’re within 120 feet.
Double-Kama [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 4
Marrow’s Fetch - Level 20 [14 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Boomerang 120 5d10 60 19-20 L 15 -
Rifle 40 5d8 60 20 M
Other: None
Boomerang [12 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Range: 3, Serrated: 2, Size: 3
Rifle [2 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 2

Master - Level 12 [10 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Whip 40 5d10 10 19-20 L 15 -
Sword 60 5d10 5 19-20 M -
Other: None
Whip [6 EP]: Damage: 4, Reach: 1, Serrated: 2, Size: 3
Sword [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Serrated: 2, Size: 2

May’s Rifle - Level 4 [6 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Rifle 40 4d6 90 20 M 10 -
Axe 40 4d8 5 20 M -
Other: None
Rifle [5 EP]: Damage: 3, Range: 4, Size: 2
Axe [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2

Melanie’s Heels - Level 4 [6 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Daggers 80 5d6 x 2 5 20 S 10 -
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Daggers [2 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 2
Mercury - Level 20 [14 EP]
Description: A Spear that transforms into an Ice Pick with a chained grip for throwing.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Spear 100 4d10 5 19-20 L 15 -
Ice Pick 100 2d8 30 20 M -
Other: Ice Pick Chain.
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Light Weaponry: 2
Spear [8 EP]: Damage: 3, Durable: 3, Serrated: 2, Size: 3
Ice Pick [4 EP]: Chain: 2, Damage: 1, Durable: 3, Range: 2, Size: 2

Mercury’s Talaria - Level 20 (14 EP)

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Boots 80 5d6 x 2 5 20 S 10 -
Guns 60 5d4 x 2 60 20 S Ammo
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Boots [2 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 2,
Guns [8 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 1, Dust Mod (Ammo): 2, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Range: 3

Mettle - Level 4 [6 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
War-hammer 40 5d10 5 19-20 L 15 -
Custom: None
War-hammer [6 EP]: Damage: 4, Serrated: 2, Size: 4

Midas - Level 10 [9 EP]

Description: A large Pike that doubles as a Sniper Rifle.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Pike 40 5d10 5 20 L 15 -
Sniper 40 4d8 90 20 L -
Other: None
Pike [3 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 3
Sniper Rifle [6 EP]: Damage: 3, Range: 4, Size: 3
Miltia’s Claws - Level 8 [8 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Claws 80 5d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Claws [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 2, Size: 2

Moonsbane - Level 20 [14 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Greatsword 40 5d12 5 19-20 H 20 -
Sniper 40 5d8 60 20 L Ammo
Custom: None
Greatsword [6 EP]: Damage: 4, Serrated: 2, Size: 4
Sniper [8 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 3, Size: 3

Mors Velox - Level 12 [10 EP]

A broadsword with a large grip. When the button is clicked the blade rotates, separating, and
can be shot like a grappling hook.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Broadsword 80 5d10 5 19-20 L 20 -
Grappling Hook 40 1d4 60 20 M -
Other: Grappling Hook
Broadsword (Mors) [7 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 2, Size Mod: 3, Serrated: 2
Grappling Hook/Velox [3 EP]: Range: 3, Size Mod: 2, Custom Mod (Grappling Hook): 2 = Shoot a tethered shot
and use the weapon to pull the wielder to it (Attack action)

Nadir’s Gun - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
SMG 80 4d4 60 20 S 5 -
Sword 80 3d6 5 20 S -
Other: None
SMG [4 EP]: Damage: 3, Durable: 2, Range: 3
Sword [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Durable: 2
Neo’s Hush - Level 8 [8 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Umbrella 80 4d8 5 20 M 10 -
Shield 120 1d6 5 20 M -
Other: Light Weaponry, Shield +3 AC
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Light Weaponry: 2
Umbrella [3 EP]: Damage: 3, Durable: 2, Size: 2
Shield [3 EP]: Durable: 4, Shield Mod: 1, Size: 2

Neon’s Nunchaku - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Nunchaku 40 5d8 5 20 M 10 Powder
Other: None
Nunchaku [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Size: 2

Neptune’s Tri-Hard - Level 8 [8 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Trident 40 4d12 5 20 H 20 -
Guandao 40 2d12 5 20 H -
Rifle 40 4d8 60 20 N -
Other: None
Trident [3 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 4,
Guandao [1 EP]: Damage: 1, Size: 4
Rifle [4 EP]: Damage: 3, Range: 3, Size: 2
Nirvash - Level 20 + Incredible Weapon [16 EP]
Description: A hoverboard that uses dust to control the battlefield and transforms into a shield
and a rifle.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Rifle 40 5d6 60 19-20 M 10 Ammo
Hoverboard 40 1d6 5 20 M Powder
Shield 120 1d6 5 20 M -
Other: Hoverboard, Shield +3 AC
Rifle [8 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod (Ammo): 2, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Range: 3, Size: 2
Hoverboard [4 EP]: Dust Mod (Powder): 2, Size: 2, Custom Mod (Hoverboard): 4 = Grants 2x Speed while riding
it. If successfully attacked, the user must roll an acrobatics check DC 25 to stay on the board. The hoverboard can
also leave dust trails through the use of powdered dust, dealing damage and special effects. The hoverboard requires
green powdered dust to run and drain at a rate of 1 vial per hour of hoverboard use.
Shield [3 EP]: Durable: 4, Shield Mod: 1, Size: 2 = Medium

Nolan’s Prod - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Cattle Prod 40 4d8 5 20 M 10 Powder
Other: Powdered Dust Converter
Prod [4 EP]: Damage: 3, Dust Mod: 2, Size: 2, Custom Mod: 2 = Powdered Dust Converter: Can use powdered
dust to apply additional melee effects. Primarily yellow dust to damage and stun.

Nora’s Magnhild - Level 18 [13 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
War Hammer 40 4d10 5 20 H 20 -
Grenade Launcher 60 3d8 60 20 L Ammo
Other: Semblance Compatibility, Witchy
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
War Hammer [3 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 4
Grenade Launcher [6 EP]: Damage: 2, Durable: 1, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 3, Size: 3, Custom Mod (Witchy): 3 =
At the cost of a Dark Orange dust crystal you can ride your weapon like a witch’s broom and gain +20 speed.
Northern Winds - Level 20 [14 EP]
Description: A cane that doubles as a wand. Goof for a dust user looking for a durable weapon.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Cane 120 3d8 5 20 M 10 -
Wand 120 1d8 90 20 M Powder
Other: Light Weaponry
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Light Weaponry: 2
Cane [4 EP]: Damage: 2, Durable: 4, Size: 2
Wand [8 EP]: Dust Mod (powder): 2, Durable: 4, Range: 4, Size: 2

Octavia’s Kris - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Kris 40 5d6 5 20 S 5 Powder
Other: None
Kris [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Serrated: 2

Oobleck’s Antiquity Roast - Level 18 [13 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Club 40 4d10 5 20 L 15 -
Flamethrower 40 5d8 30 20 L Powder
Other: Flamethrower
Club [2 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 3
Flamethrower [11 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 2, Size: 3, Custom Mod (Flamethrower): 4 = Can deal
damage in a 30ft, 45 degree cone. Costs two vials of red dust and deals weapon damage plus one vials worth of red
powdered dust damage (and all effects therein)

Ozma’s Staff - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Staff 80 5d8 5 20 M 10 -
Other: None
Staff [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 2, Size: 2
Ozpin’s The Long Memory - Level 20 [14 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Cane 120 5d8 5 20 M 10 -
Other: Time Storage
Cane [14 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Size: 2, Custom Mod (Time Storage): 8 = Can store time, allowing it its own
stored action pool that can be tapped into. It can store 3 attack actions and does not reset once combat ends.

Penny’s Floating Array - Level 20 + Incredible Weapon [16 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Swords 40 1d8 x ? 5 20 M 40 Powder
Guns 40 1d6 x ? 5 20 M -
Other: Dual Weapons, Semblance Compatibility, Multi-Weapon Assault, Dust Cannon
Combined Upgrades [6 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4, Semblance Compatibility: 2
Swords [6 EP]: Dust Mod: 2, Size: 2
Custom Mod (Multi-Weapon Assault): 4 = Increase the number of weapons, up to 12, but damage cannot exceed 1
dice and hit checks suffer a -1 per additional weapon used per turn.
Custom Mod (Dust Cannon): 4 = You can spend a full-round action charging up a massive dust-based energy attack.
Costs 10 vials of dust, unleashes a laser beam of charged energy up to 90 feet away and dealing damage equal to
5x the damage of the dust type used. This can only be used once per encounter
Guns [2 EP]: Size: 2
Custom Mod (Multi-Weapon Assault): 4 = Increase the number of weapons, up to 12, but damage cannot exceed 1
dice and hit checks suffer a -1 per additional weapon used per turn.

Piercing Veil - Level 4 [6 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Yari 60 3d10 5 20 L 15 -
Chain-Spear 40 3d10 5 20 L -
Custom: Light Weaponry
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Light Weaponry: 2
Yari [2 EP]: Damage: 2, Durable: 1, Size: 3
Chain-Spear [2 EP]: Damage: 2, Reach: 1, Size: 3
Port’s Blowhard - Level 6 [7 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Axe 40 4d10 5 20 L 15 -
Blunderbuss 40 4d8 30 20 L -
Other: None
Axe [3 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 3
Blunderbuss [4 EP]: Damage: 3, Range: 2, Size: 3

Poseidon’s Crown - Level 8 [8 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Forearm Blades 40 3d6 5 20 S 10 Powder
Fan Shield 40 1d6 5 20 M -
Custom: Dual Weapons, Light Weaponry, Semblance Compatibility, Propeller
Combined Upgrades [8 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4, Light Weaponry: 2, Semblance Compatibility: 2
Forearm Blades [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Dust Mod: 2
Fan Shield [0 EP]: Shield Mod: 1, Size: 2, Custom (propeller): 1 = Can use the shield as propeller blades to
double movement speed under water.

Prince - Level 6 [7 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Short Mace 40 4d8 5 19-20 M 10 -
Long Mace 40 3d8 10 19-20 M -
Bouquet 40 1d6 5 20 S -
Custom: None
Short Mace [3 EP]: Damage: 3, Serrated: 2, Size: 2
Long Mace [4 EP]: Damage: 2, Reach: 1, Serrated: 2, Size: 3
Bouquet [0 EP]: -
Pyrrha’s Miló and Akoúo̱ - Level 20 [14 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Xiphos 40 5d10 5 20 L 25 -
Javelin 40 3d8 30 20 L -
Rifle 40 4d8 60 20 L -
Shield 120 1d6 5 20 M -
Other: None
Xiphos [3 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 3
Javelin [3 EP]: Damage: 2, Range: 2, Size: 3
Rifle [5 EP]: Damage: 3, Range: 3, Size: 3
Shield [3 EP]: Durable: 4, Shield Mod: 1, Size: 2

Qrow’s Harbinger: Level 20 [14 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Scythe 40 5d12 5 20 H 20 -
Fullblade 60 4d12 5 20 H -
Shotgun 60 4d6 30 20 M Ammo
Other: None
Scythe [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 4
Fullblade [4 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 4, Durable: 1
Shotgun [6 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2, Range: 2, Dust Mod: 2, Durable: 1

Raven’s Omen
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Odachi 100 5d10 60 20 L 15 Powder
Other: Semblance Compatibility, Multi-Blade Augment, Ejection-Blade Augment
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
Odachi [10 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 3, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 3, Size: 3
Custom Mod (Multi-Blade Augment): 2 = Can replace the blade of the weapon with other variations of it, but they
must be repaired, crafted, and bought separately.
Custom Mod (Ejection Blade Augment): 2 = Can launch the blade of the attached sword blade to deal ranged
damage. Goes off of a ranged hit check and deals ranged damage (5d8).
Reese’s Hoverboard - Level 14 [11 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Hoverboard 80 1d6 5 20 S 10
Revolvers 40 5d4 x 2 60 20 S
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Hoverboard [4 EP]: Dust Mod: 2, Durable: 2 = 80WHP, Custom Mod (Hoverboard): 4 = Grants 2x Speed while
riding it. If successfully attacked, the user must roll an acrobatics check DC 22 to stay on the board. The hoverboard
can also leave dust trails through the use of powdered dust, dealing damage and special effects. The hoverboard
requires green powdered dust to run and drain at a rate of 1 vial per hour of hoverboard use.
Revolvers [3 EP]: Damage: 4, Range: 3

Refractor - Level 16 [12 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Staff 120 5d8 90 20 M 20 -
Other: Semblance Compatibility
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
Chokuto [10 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Range: 4, Size: 2

Robyn’s Crossbow - Level 8 [8 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Crossbow 40 5d6 90 19-20 M 10 Ammo
Shield 120 1d8 5 20 M -
Other: None
Crossbow [6 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Serrated: 2, Size: 2
Shield [2 EP]: Durable: 4, Size: 2

Rocket Power - Level 10 [9 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Rocket Launcher 40 2d8 60 20 L 15 Ammo
Rocket Fist 40 3d10 5 20 L Crystal
Custom: Rocket Punch
Rocket Launcher [4 EP]: Damage: 1, Dust Mod (Powder): 2, Range: 3, Size: 2
Rocket Fist [5 EP]: Damage: 2, Dust Mod (Crystal): 2, Size: 3, Custom Mod (Rocket Punch): 2 = You can load a
dust crystal into this form to deal additional damage. You also take the bonus damage.
Roman’s Melodic Cudgel - Level 14 [11 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Cane 60 4d8 5 20 M 10 -
Flare Gun 40 5d8 60 20 M Ammo
Other: Grappling Hook
Cane [4 EP]: Damage: 3, Durable: 1, Size: 2, Custom Mod (Grappling Hook): 2 = Shoot a tethered shot and use
the weapon to pull the wielder to it (Attack action)
Flare Gun [7 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 3, Size: 2

Roy’s Saws - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Saws 40 5d6 x 2 5 20 S 10 -
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Saws [0 EP]: Damage: 4

Ruby’s Crescent Rose - Level 20 [14 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Scythe 60 5d12 5 20 H 20 -
Sniper 40 3d8 90 20 L Ammo
Other: Light Weaponry
Combined Upgrades: [2 EP] Light Weaponry: 2
Scythe [5 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 1, Size: 4
Sniper [7 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 3, Range: 4, Dust Mod (ammo): 2

Russel’s Shortwings - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Daggers 40 3d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Other: Dual Weaponry
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Daggers [0 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 2
Sage’s Pilgrim - Level 8 [8 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Greatsword 120 5d12 5 20 H 20 -
Greatsword [8 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Size: 4

Santiago - Level 20 [14 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Harpoon Gun 40 3d8 60 19-20 L 15 Ammo
Pike 60 3d10 5 20 L -
Drill 60 5d8 5 19-20 M -
Custom: None
Harpoon Gun [9 EP]: Chain: 1, Damage: 2, Dust Mod (ammo): 2, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Range: 3, Size: 3
Pike [2 EP]: Damage: 2, Durable: 1, Size: 3
Drill [3 EP]: Damage: 4, Reach: 1, Size: 2

Scarlet’s Hook and Darling - Level 8 [8 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Pistol 40 4d4 60 20 S 20 -
Cutlass 40 5d8 5 20 M -
Other: Grappling Hook, Pistol Chain
Pistol [6 EP]: Chain: 2, Damage: 3, Range: 3, Custom Mod(Grappling Hook): 2 = Shoot a tethered shot and use
the weapon to pull the wielder to it (Attack action)
Cutlass [2 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 2

Shock And Awe - Level 4 [6 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Blunderbuss 40 3d6 30 20 M 15 Ammo
Club 40 4d10 5 20 L -
Custom: None
Blunderbuss [4 EP]: Damage: 2, Dust Mod: 2, Range: 2, Size: 2
Club [2 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 3
Shooting Star - Level 4 [6 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Crossbow 40 5d6 90 20 M 10 -
Sword 40 4d8 5 20 M -
Other: None
Crossbow [5 EP]: Damage: 4, Range: 3, Size: 2
Sword [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2

Sienna’s Cerberus Whip - Level 12 [10 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Dagger 40 4d6 5 20 S 15 Crystal
Throwing Dagger 40 4d4 60 20 S Crystal
Whip 40 4d8 10 20 M Crystal
Other: Light Weaponry
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Light Weaponry: 2
Dagger [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Dust Mod (Crystal): 2
Throwing Dagger [4 EP]: Damage: 3, Dust Mod (Crystal): 2, Range: 3
Whip [4 EP]: Damage: 3, Dust Mod (Crystal): 2, Reach: 1, Size: 2

Sky’s Feather’s Edge - Level 1 [4 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Halberd 40 5d12 5 20 H 20 -
Other: None
Halberd [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 4
Snakeskin - Level 20 [14 EP]
Description: A medium-sized glaive that can be combined with another, should it exist. The
uncombined glaive can transform into a bolt-action style rifle.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Glaive 60 5d8 5 20 M 20 -
Rifle 40 5d6 90 20 M -
DS Glaive 60 5d12 5 20 H -
Other: None
Glaive [3 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 1, Size: 2
Rifle [6 EP]: Damage: 4, Range: 4, Size: 2
Double-Sided Glaive [5 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 1, Size: 4

Soresu - Level 10 [9 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Longsword 120 5d10 5 19-20 L 15 -
Other: None
Longsword [9 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Serrated: 2, Size: 3

Starters Gunblade: Level 1 [4 EP]

Description: Standard gunblade. A longsword with an automatic rifle on the back of the blade.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Longsword 40 3d8 5 20 M 10 -
Assault Rifle 40 2d6 30 19-20 M -
Other: None
Longsword [1 EP]: Damage: 3, Size: 2
Assault Rifle [3 EP]: Damage: 1, Size: 2, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Range: 2

Strung-Up - Level 15 [13 EP]

Description: A harp capable of being used in melee combat as well as performances.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Harp 120 5d8 60 20 M 10 -
Other: Performance
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
Harp [9 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Range: 3, Size: 2, Custom Mod (Performance): 2 = Bonus’ to custom
weapons hit checks through feats and class abilities referring specifically to custom weaponry also grant a bonus to
perform checks.
Sun’s Ruyi bang and Jingu Bang - Level 16 [12 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Nunchaku 40 5d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Shotguns 40 5d6 x 2 30 20 M -
Staff 60 3d10 5 20 L -
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Nunchaku [2 EP]: Damage: 4, Size: 2
Shotguns [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Range: 2, Size: 2
Staff [2 EP]: Damage: 2, Durable: 1, Size: 3

The House - Level 12 [10 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Deck of Cards 120 5d4 90 19-20 S 5 Powder
Other: Semblance Compatibility
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
Deck of Cards [8 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Piercing Shots: 2, Dust Mod: 2

The Law - Level 20 [14 EP]

Description: A baton and Stun Rod meant for non-lethal combat.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Baton 100 5d8 5 20 M 10 -
Stun Rod 100 5d8 5 20 M Powder
Other: Powdered Dust Converter
Baton [5 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 3, Size: 2
Stun Rod [9 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 3, Dust Mod (powder): 2, Size: 2, Custom Mod: 2 = Powdered Dust
Converter: Can use powdered dust to apply additional melee effects. Primarily yellow dust to damage and stun.

Tock’s Swords - Level 4 [6 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Swords 60 4d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Other: Dual Weapons
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Swords [2 EP]: Damage: 3, Durable: 1, Size: 2
Tyrian’sThe Queen's Servants - Level 20 [14 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Wrist Blades 120 5d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Guns 40 4d4 x 2 60 20 S -
Other: Dual Weapons, Light Weaponry
Combined Upgrades [6 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4, Light Weaponry: 2
Wrist Blades [6 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Size: 2,
Guns [2 EP]: Damage: 3, Range: 3

Up Close and Personal - Level 16 [12 EP]

Description: A handheld pistol that can turn into a dagger. Discreet and perfect for assassins.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Pistol 60 5d4 60 19-20 S 5 Ammo
Dagger 80 5d6 5 19-20 S -
Other: None
Pistol [8 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 1, Dust Mod (ammo): 2, Enhanced Rounds: 2, Range: 3
Dagger [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 2, Serrated: 2

Velvet’s Anesidora - Level 12 [10 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Camera 40 1d6 5 20 S 5 -
Other: Semblance Compatibility
Combined Upgrades [2 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2
Camera [8 EP]: Dust Mod: 2, Custom Mod: 10 = This mod allows your weapon to mimic any weapon that it has
taken a picture of through the use of hard light dust. It shares all mods and stats other than Weight, Durable, Dust
Mod, and possibly Unique Mod.

Vernal’s Chakras - Level 20 + Incredible Weapon [16 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Chakras 40 5d8 x 2 60 20 M 20 -
Pistols 40 5d4 x 2 60 20 S -
Other: Dual Weapons, Recursive
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Chakras [9 EP]: Damage: 4, Range: 3, Serrated: 2, Size: 2, Custom Mod (Recursive): 2 = Can return to the
sender when thrown.
Pistols [3 EP]: Damage: 4, Range: 3
Vine’s Thorn - Level 8 [8 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Unknown [ EP]:

Watt’s Revolver and Rings - Level 20 + Incredible Weapon + Elite Weaponry [20 EP]
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Revolver 40 5d8 90 19-20 M 10 Ammo
Rings (8) 40 1d4 90 20 S Powder
Other: 20 Shots, Paneling, Hacking, Last Resort
Revolver [10 EP]: Damage: 4, Range: 4, Piercing: 2, Size: 2, Custom Mod (20 Shots): 2 = You preload 20 shots
into your revolver, and mark down the order if dust ammo has been added. Once you run out of shots your revolver is
unusable, but you are allowed an additional attack with each attack action. The DC of dust is reduced by 10 with this..
Rings(8) [10 EP]: Range: 4, Custom Mod (Paneling): 4 = You can preload your rings with hard light dust (1 dust
vial permits 3 uses per ring). You can use the preloaded dust to create a physical light barrier platform in front of you,
not touching anything, as a move action, Custom Mod (Hacking): 4 = You can use your rings to hack and manipulate
electronics per DM discretion, Custom Mod: (Last Resort): 2 = You can use your rings (requires preloaded hard light
dust from paneling) to connect them together to form a barrier. This barrier can trap objects and creatures inside of it,
rendering them immobile for 10 turns. They CAN free themselves by succeeding a Strength Check DC 20, but doing
so damages the trapped part of the body, causing 20 HP damage and rendering the limb useless until treated.

Weiss’ Myrtenaster - Level 14 [11 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Rapier 80 3d8 5 20 M 5 Powder
Revolver 40 3d4 90 20 S Ammo
Other: Semblance Compatibility, Light Weaponry
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Semblance Compatibility: 2, Light Weaponry: 2
Rapier [4 EP]: Damage: 2, Size: 2, Durable: 2, Dust Mod (powder): 2
Revolver [3 EP]: Damage: 2, Dust Mod (ammo): 2, Range: 3
Winter’s Rapier - Level 18 (13 EP)
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Rapier 100 5d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 Powder
Other: Dual Weapons, Semblance Compatibility
Combined Upgrades [6 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4, Semblance Compatibility: 2
Rapier [7 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 3, Dust Mod: 2, Size: 2

Wrath - Level 20 + Incredible Weapon Feat [16 EP]

Dual hookblades for heavy damage that transform into bladed chakrams that double as shields and can
transform again to form a pair of dust capable pistol-like gatling guns.
Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Hook Blades 100 5d8 x 2 5 20 M 20 -
Chakrams 120 1d6 x 2 5 20 S -
Pistols 40 5d4 x 2 30 20 S Ammo
Other: Grappling Throw, Shield +2 AC
Combined Upgrades: [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Hookblade [5 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 3, Size: 2
Chakrams [3 EP]: Durable: 4, Shield Mod: 1, Custom Mod (Grappling Throw): 2 = Shoot a tethered shot and use
the weapon to pull the wielder to it (Attack action)
Pistols [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Dust Mod (Ammo): 2, Range: 2

Yang’s Ember Celica - Level 20 [14 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Gauntlets 40 5d6 x 2 5 20 S 10 Ammo
Shotguns 40 5d4 x 2 30 20 S Ammo
Other: Dual Weaponry, Explosive Tips
Combined Upgrades [4 EP]: Dual Weapons: 4
Gauntlets [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Custom Mod (Explosive Tips): 4 = Every successful melee attack leaves a dust tip
on the target which can be detonated later for a stacked effect, dealing damage for each tip (treated as dust ammo)..
Shotguns [4 EP]: Damage: 4, Range: 2, Dust Mod (ammo): 2

Yatsuhashi’s Fulcrum - Level 8 [8 EP]

Form WHP Damage Range Critical Size Weight Dust
Greatsword 120 5d12 5 20 H 20 -
Other: None
Greatsword [8 EP]: Damage: 4, Durable: 4, Size: 4
Chapter 6: Equipment
This chapter covers the varieties of equipment, non-custom weapons, tools, and even relics that
you can acquire.

Starting Equipment
Every player starts with their own custom weapon (chapter 5) and a handheld Scroll, free of
charge. Every player also starts with 150 Lien that they can spend on their starting equipment or
keep for the start of the game.

A scroll is a communication device akin to a cell phone or tablet. It’s collapsible, holographic,
and functions as an ID, phone, handheld computer, camera, network device, and even a gaming
controller. It’s greatest function, at least in terms of combat, is its ability to gauge the user’s and
the user’s teammates' aura. The scroll requires a signal to run most functions, so unmapped
areas or locations without a signal greatly limit its utility.

Lien (Ⱡ)
Lien is the currency of Remnant. It’s typically in the form of magnetic plastic cards in different
colors, though a physical cent representation has been made. (Not much is canonically
explained about how Lien works other than it seems to be a universal card based currency for
the kingdoms and surrounding nations.)

Common methods of gaining Lien are through completing tasks for individuals, found as loot, or
as payment from bulletin board missions.

Armor plays a much smaller role than normal with those who are proficient with their Aura. To
replace this factor to your AC there’s a feat, instead. As a result, it’s highly common for
huntsmen and huntresses to not worry about armor at all, prioritizing their speed over the armor
itself. The biggest exception to this is with dust-infused clothing, which allows for a large variety
of effects. See Chapter 8 for dust infused armor.
This allows for a role-playing advantage that most systems lack: The ability to look however you
want. So have fun with it!
Aside from your custom weaponry, there isn’t often much diversity. Here is a list of the more
common weaponry you’ll find in modern Remnant. Note that these weapons are severely
weaker than custom weapons.
Weapon Damage Range Weight Size Price Special

Gauntlet 1d4 5 1 S 20 -

Knife 1d4 5 0.5 S 25 -

Baton 1d6 5 1 M 40 -

Shortsword 1d6 5 2 M 80 -

Longsword 1d8 5 3 M 120 -

Spear 2d6 10 3 L 140 Reach

Javelin 1d6 15 2 M 60 -

Bow 1d6 30 1 M 60 -

Crossbow 1d8 30 2 M 100 -

Handgun 2d6 30 1 S 140 -

Rifle 2d8 60 3 M 260 -

Gatling Gun 3d10 30 10 H 500 -

See Chapter 8 for Dust details.
Tool Size Weight Price Tool Size Weight Price

Backpack M 5 30 Lock S 1 10

Binoculars S 1 15 Magnifying Glass S 1 5

Bolt Cutter M 3 25 Map S 1 10

Books S 1 5 Med-kit S 2 30

Briefcase M 1 20 Paper S 1 5

Climbing Gear S 3 40 Pen S 1 5

Clothes (Common) Varies 2 30 Rations S 1 10

Clothes (Military) Varies 3 80 Repair Tools S 3 50

Clothes (Fancy) Varies 2 150 Rootkit S 3 50

Compass S 1 10 Shovel M 3 20

Crafting Tools S 3 50 Sleeping Bag Varies 3 20

Disabling Kit S 3 50 Surgery Kit S 2 100

Disguise Kit S 3 50 Tent (One Person) M 5 30

Flashlight S 1 5 Tent (Two Person) L 10 50

Forgery Kit S 3 50 Tent (Four Person) H 20 100

Hunting Trap Set S 3 50 Water Bottle S 1 5

Backpack: A personal carrying bag that’s useful for holding a variety of items. Can store up to
20 weight that doesn’t count against your maximum carrying capacity.

Binoculars: Handheld observation device that allows you to see clearly over a long distance.
Grants a +3 perception bonus while being used to see things over 60 feet away.

Bolt Cutter: A medium sized tool that assists with cutting through metal.

Books: A book that may contain poetry, stories, or a collection of knowledge.

Briefcase: A secure container with a lock meant to carry valuable objects, up to 10 weight and
of small or tiny size.

Climbing Gear: A set of climbing spikes and a harness. Useful for scaling both up and down
vertical distances, granting a +5 to strength checks while climbing.

Clothes (Common): A standard set of clothing consisting of a top, bottom, socks, and shoes.

Clothes (Military): A set of clothing modeled for military usage.

Clothes (Fancy): A set of professional clothing meant for nobles or others of a higher status in

Compass: A small handheld object that points North.

Crafting Tools: A set of tools used for crafting various objects. The tools can be used for a
single craft, granting a bonus +3 to your craft checks.

Disabling Kit: A set of tools for disabling a variety of devices. The kit can be used for a single
disable attempt, granting a +3 to your disable device checks.

Disguise Kit: A set of makeup, dye, and various props for creating a variety of disguises. The
kit can be used for a single disguise, granting a +3 to your craft checks.

Flashlight: A handheld portable lightsource (powered by kinetic dust!) that grants a +15 bonus
to vision in dim and dark areas, up to 60 feet.

Forgery Kit: A set of inks, papers, seals, and trims that can be used to forge documents. The
kit can be used for a single forgery, granting a +3 to your deceive checks.

Hunting Trap Set: A trap that can be used for catching small to medium-sized wildlife. The set
can be used once, granting a bonus of +5 to survival checks made for laying traps.

Lock: A padlock meant for securing important content. The lock comes with a custom fit key.

Magnifying Glass: A small handheld object for analyzing small details in an easy manner,
granting a bonus of +3 perception when analyzing small details.

Map: A sheet of paper showing a geographical location, paths, and various other details.

Med-kit: A set of various medical supplies that can be used to immediately stop someone from
bleeding out.
Paper: A thin sheet of paper.

Pen: A writing utensil using permanent ink.

Pencil: A writing utensil using lead.

Rations: A supply of food that is packaged to last up to one month before decaying.

Repair Tools: A set of basic repair tools for repairing gear. The tools can be used for a single
repair, granting a +3 to your repair checks.

Rootkit: A set of software and hardware used for hacking your way into computers. The kit can
be used for a breach, granting a bonus +3 to your computer use checks when hacking.

Shovel: A medium sized tool meant for digging.

Sleeping Bag: A bag for sleeping.

Surgery Kit: A set of various surgical tools that can be used to perform basic surgery, such as
severing limbs or attaching basic prosthetics.

Tent (One Person): A tent that provides shelter from the elements and fits one person.

Tent (Two Person): A tent that provides shelter from the elements and fits two people.

Tent (Four Person): A tent that provides shelter from the elements and fits three people.

Water Bottle: A sealable bottle of water.

Poisons are an alternative way to damage or disable your adversaries. They occur through two
means: contact and ingestion.

Contact poison requires your opponent to be physically touched by the poison to affect them.
One dose of contact poison refers to coating your weapon with it one time which applies on your
next successful attack. The poison is removed from the weapon afterwards. Note that if your
opponent deflects the attack (but not dodges) the poison will not trigger and the dose will be

Ingestion requires them to consume it through food or drink and takes multiple hours to start
the effects. The effects can also be cured with proper medicine, making ingestion a very
effective, albeit risky, path of poison.

Either way, poison is extremely dangerous, especially when used on targets without an active
aura. Each of these poisons bleed through aura, but aura is capable of fending off the effects,
either partially or completely depending on the type of poison (through a fortitude save). On the
chart below the first damage indicator refers to the damage done when the target's aura is
active. The second refers to the damage done if their aura is inactive.

Poison Effect Damage Intake Doses Weight Price

Suxam Paralysis - Contact 3 1 80

Pestic STR Damage 4 Contact 3 1 60

Strych DEX Damage 4 Contact 3 1 60

Ironia CON Damage 4 Contact 3 1 60

Rotene INT Damage 4 Contact 3 1 60

Alco WIS Damage 4 Contact 3 1 60

Flunite Sleep - Contact 3 1 80

Bromide Damage 3d8/6d8 Contact 3 1 40

Thallia Damage 6d8/12d8 Contact 3 1 100

Warf Delayed Damage 4d8/8d8 Ingestion 1 1 60

Curara Delayed Paralysis - Ingestion 1 1 100

Mello Delayed Sleep - Ingestion 1 1 100

Suxam: This poison is intended to be put on a weapon and can paralyze the touched target for
1d4-1 rounds unless they succeed a fortitude check DC25.

Pestic: This poison is intended to be put on a weapon and reduces the STR score of the
touched target by 4 for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed a fortitude save DC25.

Strych: This poison is intended to be put on a weapon and reduces the DEX score of the
touched target by 4 for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed a fortitude save DC25.

Ironia: This poison is intended to be put on a weapon and reduces the CON score of the
touched target by 4 for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed a fortitude save DC25.

Rotene: This poison is intended to be put on a weapon and reduces the INT score of the
touched target by 4 for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed a fortitude save DC25.

Alco: This poison is intended to be put on a weapon and reduces the WIS score of the touched
target by 4 for 1d4 rounds unless they succeed a fortitude save DC25.

Flunite: This poison is intended to be put on a weapon and can make the target drowsy, even
including sleep in the touched target unless they succeed a fortitude save DC25. The target
remains asleep for an hour or until they take damage.

Bromide: This poison is intended to be put on a weapon and can damage the touched target
for 3d8 damage, halved on a successful fortitude save DC25.

Thallia: This poison is intended to be put on a weapon and can damage the touched target for
6d8 damage, halved on a successful fortitude save DC25.

Warf: This poison is intended to be put in a drink or food and after an hour goes by the target
will feel extremely sick and take 3d8 damage over the course of an hour.

Curara: This poison is intended to be put in a drink or food and will paralyze the target after an
hour goes by. The target’s body will fall into a state of immobility, their pulse and breath will
dramatically slow down and they will remain this way for 8 hours or until treated.

Mello: This poison is intended to be put in a drink or food and will make the target drowsy after
an hour goes by. The target will fall asleep and remain asleep for 8 hours or until they take
Description: This section describes the mount or vehicle
Weight Capacity: This section contains the weight limit of the mount or vehicle. This amount
can be exceeded, up to double, but doing so doubled the fuel per hour cost. Note that the riders
and occupants weight are not factored into this number.
Occupant Capacity: This section contains the number of occupants that can be safely carried
by the mount or vehicle. If a mount or vehicle is killed or destroyed then any occupants
exceeding the capacity are thrown from the vehicle and take fall damage based on the distance
traveled, 5 feet per 5 speed, or as determined by your DM.
Speed: This section covers the distance capable of traveling per action.
HP: This section covers the amount of damage that can be taken before the mount is killed or
the vehicle is destroyed.
Fuel: This section contains the type of fuel necessary to function.
Fuel Cost: This section contains the amount of fuel necessary to function.
Armaments: This section contains a list of weapons and defenses that exist in the vehicle.
Range: This section contains the distance that the armament can reach before suffering a
penalty to hit checks. Note that all hit checks made in a vehicle are based on your dexterity
score and may receive a bonus from your pilot skill check when engaging in air combat.
Damage: This section contains the damage the armament is capable of.
Ammo: This section contains the number of uses the armament has before it must restock.
Special: This section contains any unique or special information that the armament may have.

Mount Price

Donkey 300

Horse 600


Description A medium-sized beast of burden meant for smaller riders.

Weight Capacity 60 Occupant Capacity 1

Speed 45 HP 20

Fuel Grass/Hay Fuel Cost 10


Description A large-sized beast of burden meant for riding and carrying.

Weight Capacity 100 Occupant Capacity 1

Speed 60 HP 30

Fuel Grass/Hay Fuel Cost 10

Pre-Modern Vehicles
Vehicle Price

Bicycle 100

Cart 700


Description A personal bi-wheeled vehicle operated by gears, chains, and you.

Weight Capacity 40 Occupant Capacity 1

Speed 50 HP 10

Fuel - Fuel Cost -


Description A large wooden cart meant for transporting goods.

Weight Capacity 800 Occupant Capacity 4

Speed 40 HP 60

Fuel 2 Horses Fuel Cost -

Vehicle Price

Bumblebee 9000

Cargo Truck 12000

Personal Car 10000

Motorcycle 8000


Description A black and yellow customized motorcycle

Weight Capacity 200 Occupant Capacity 1

Speed 90 HP 60

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 1 Vial / Hour

Cargo Truck

Description A heavy duty open back truck meant for hauling loads

Weight Capacity 1,600 Occupant Capacity 2

Speed 80 HP 100

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 3 Vials / Hour

Personal Car

Description A personal vehicle meant for transportation.

Weight Capacity 800 Occupant Capacity 4

Speed 80 HP 100

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 2 Vials / Hour


Description A personal bi-wheeled vehicle meant for maneuvering and


Weight Capacity 200 Occupant Capacity 1

Speed 90 HP 60

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 1 Vial / Hour

Vehicle Price

Atlesian Airship 100000

Atlesian Dropship 26000

Beacon Airship 25000

Bullhead 30000

Cargo Airship 30000

Manta 25000

Mistral Airship 22000

Atlesian Airship

Description A massive mobile operation center and military airship from Atlas,
capable of staying in the air for weeks at a time. While not actively
being flowed the fuel cost is negated.

Weight Capacity 100,000 Occupant Capacity 1,000

Speed 150 HP 200

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 40 Vials / Hour

Armaments: Laser Batteries

Armament Laser Batteries Range 600

Damage 20d12+30 Ammo 20 Charges

Special: The laser can shoot through targets if the initial target is killed.
Beacon Aiship

Description A large transport airship with a viewing gallery from Vale.

Weight Capacity 3,000 Occupant Capacity 30

Speed 210 HP 80

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 10 Vials / Hour


Description A Vertical Take-Off and Landing tiltjet aircraft, capable of hovering,

taking off and landing vertically.

Weight Capacity 1,600 Occupant Capacity 13

Speed 240 HP 140

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 15 Vials / Hour

Armaments: Chin-Mounted Machine Gun

Armament Machine Gun Range 60

Damage 5d8+6 Ammo 50 Shots

Special: None

Cargo Airship

Description An Atlesian airship meant for carrying cargo.

Weight Capacity 4,000 Occupant Capacity 4

Speed 120 HP 140

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 10 Vials / Hour


Description A small military transport airship from Atlas.

Weight Capacity 1,400 Occupant Capacity 10

Speed 240 HP 100

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 15 Vials / Hour

Armaments: Missiles

Armament Missiles Range 210

Damage 4d8+3 Ammo 84 Missiles

Special: Up to 4 missiles can be launched during the same attack action, but they must target
different locations.

Mistral Airship

Description A Mistral airship made in the design of a wooden boat.

Weight Capacity 1,000 Occupant Capacity 8

Speed 120 HP 80

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 3 Vials / Hour

Vehicle Price

Vehicle Price

Cargo Ship 20000

Transport Ship 10000

Cargo Ship

Description A massive freighter meant for transporting large quantities.

Weight Capacity 200,000 Occupant Capacity 80

Speed 40 HP 500

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 1 Vial / Hour

Transport Ship

Description A large ship meant for quicker passenger transport

Weight Capacity 10,000 Occupant Capacity 100

Speed 90 HP 300

Fuel Hard Light Dust Fuel Cost 1 Vial / Hour

Armaments: Side Cannons, Heavy Cannon

Armament Side Cannons Range 60

Damage 3d8+8 Ammo 200 Cannonballs

Special: Capable of shooting 6 cannons at one time, but all targeting different locations.

Armament Heavy Cannon Range 120

Damage 12d12 Ammo 10 Shots

Special: None
Prosthetic Price

Wooden Prosthetic 50

Iron Prosthetic 400

Carbon Fiber Prosthetic 1,000

Iron Electronic Prosthetic 2,000

Carbon Fiber Electronic Prosthetic 5,000

Wooden Prosthetic:
A wooden prosthetic to replace a lost limb. The prosthetic is very basic, the equivalent of a
peg-leg. The only benefit of this prosthetic comes from when replacing legs, reducing the
movement speed penalty by 5 feet. Otherwise its purpose is primarily aesthetic or for minor
utility purposes.

Iron Prosthetic:
An iron prosthetic structured to visually mimic the lost limb. Through the use of complex
clockwork engineering the prosthetic works with the users nerves to function like a regular limb,
but it’s still much slower and doesn’t fully replace it.
The penalties for an arm is reduced by 4, making the penalty -4.
The penalties for a leg are reduced by 10 speed and 4 to hit checks, making the penalties -10
speed and -4 for hit checks.

Carbon Fiber Prosthetic:

A carbon fiber prosthetic structured to visually mimic the lost limb. Through the use of complex
clockwork engineering the prosthetic works with the user's nerves to function like a regular limb,
but it’s still slower and doesn’t fully replace it. Due to the nature of carbon fiber the penalties are
reduced by more than the iron version
The penalties for an arm is reduced by 6, making the penalty -2.
The penalties for a leg are reduced by 15 speed and 6 to hit checks, making the penalties -5
speed and -2 for hit checks.

Iron Electronic Prosthetic:

An iron prosthetic structured to visually mimic the lost limb. Through the use of electronic
circuitry and the use of dust the prosthetic works with the users nerves to function like a regular
limb, but it’s still slower than a regular limb and doesn’t fully replace it. The benefits of an
electronic prosthetic are that you can merge your custom weapon into it and it’s freely
detachable, allowing for a variety of additional functions.
The penalties for an arm is reduced by 6, making the penalty -2.
The penalties for a leg are reduced by 15 speed and 6 to hit checks, making the penalties -5
speed and -2 for hit checks.

Carbon Fiber Electronic Prosthetic:

A carbon fiber prosthetic structured to visually mimic the lost limb. Through the use of electronic
circuitry and the use of dust the prosthetic works with the users nerves to function like a regular
limb, but it doesn’t fully replace it. The benefits of an electronic prosthetic are that you can
merge your custom weapon into it and it’s freely detachable, allowing for a variety of additional
The penalties for an arm are reduced completely.
The penalties for a leg are reduced completely.

Relic of Knowledge
A blue and gold lamp filled with magical energy. The lamp holds a djinn inside named Jinn.
When the holder of the lamp says the name of the djinn time stops for everyone within 30 feet
and Jinn, a voluptuous light blue 12-foot tall woman. She has elongated pointed ears and long,
flowing dark blue hair. She appears nude-like aside from various gold accessories: a chain
headdress, big hooped earrings, a choker, bracelets with chains dangling from them along with
a single bracelet on her left forearm, anklets, and a belt of chains around her waist that ends in
a big ring with three prongs. Trailing below her waist is a veil of a wisp-like smoke resembling
the skirt of a dress. She is an almost omniscient being, possessing the knowledge of everything
past and present, but not future. However, she will only answer 3 questions every 100 years.

Relic of Creation
Unknown - Staff

Relic of Destruction
Unknown - Sword

Relic of Choice
Unknown - Crown
Chapter 7: Feats
This chapter lists and explains the benefits of every possible feat as well as listing what the
standard rules without the feat are, where relevant. Your character will start with two free feats
at character creation and you’ll choose more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18. This allows a
maximum of 8 feats.

Feat Shorthand Effect

Agile +2 Reflex

Arm Day Increased speed when climbing

Bonus Aura* +3 Aura

Bonus Health* +3 Hit Points

Cross-Class Skill* Choose a non-class skill to become one

Defense Training AC bonus based on Dexterity and Level

Dodging +2 Reflex when Dodging

Dust Purity +2 damage with attacks involving powdered

or crystalline dust

Dust Proficiency +1 to dust-based hit checks

Dust Rations When using powdered dust the shapeable

effect range is doubled

Extreme Character* +1 Ability Score

Finny Frenzy Increased speed when swimming

Frightful Presence Lower level non-grimm creatures have a

chance to be staggered by being near you

Hard Plating You can use a relevant faunus trait to deflect

Heroic Storage A limited number of times a day, when storing

an action it counts as charging two

Improved Initiative +4 Initiative

Incredible Weapon +2 Weapon Extra Points

Leg Day You can jump further with ease

Life Experience Use your Wis Mod instead of Int Mod to
determine skill points

Melee Proficiency +1 Hit checks with melee

Monkey Grip Reduce Large/Huge Weapon Penalty

Opportunist More Attacks of Opportunity per Round

Quadruped Increased speed when crawling

Ranged Proficiency +1 Hit checks with ranged

Resistant +2 Fort

Scan More information revealed from perception

checks on your target

Skilled +1 skill point per level

Skillful Assault You take a penalty to hit and damage checks,

but your attacks won’t kill your target

Skill Training* +2 to the chosen skill

Strong Willed +2 Will

Strongarm Double weight limits

Tight Hugs +2 to Grapple Checks

Two-Weapon Fighting Reduce two-weapon penalty

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting Further reduce two-weapon penalty

Unarmed Fighter You don’t fight with a custom weapon, so you

gain a different type of strength
*Can be taken more than once.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to reflex saves.

Arm Day:
Benefit: You can move up your normal speed while climbing.
Normal: While climbing, you can only move half your speed.

Bonus Aura:
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to your maximum Aura. This feat can be taken more than once.
Bonus Health:
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to your maximum Hit Points. This feat can be taken more than

Cross-Class Skill:
Benefit: You gain a non-class skill a class skill. This feat can be taken more than once, each
time it applies to a different skill. If you gain the chosen class skill through a later class this feat
is NOT refunded. This effect is NOT retroactive.

Defense Training:
Prerequisite: Max Dexterity Bonus cannot exceed +4
Benefit: You gain a bonus to your AC based on your level and Dexterity Bonus. Every 4 levels
(4, 8, 12, 16, 20) you gain a bonus +1 to your AC, but this effect stops when your Dexterity
bonus and this bonus together equal 5.
This means that a level 12 character with a +3 Dexterity Bonus would only get +2 to AC from
feat and wouldn’t get additional benefits after level 8. Alternatively, a character with a +0
Dexterity Bonus would receive the full feat bonus of +5 at level 20.

Benefit: When rolling a reflex save to dodge an incoming attack you gain a +2 bonus.

Dust Purity:
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to damage with attacks involving powdered or crystalline dust.

Dust proficiency:
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to hit checks with dust-based attacks (excluding cartridges.)

Dust Rations:
Benefit: When using powdered dust any shapeable effects have their range doubled.

Extreme Character:
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to any Ability Score. This method cannot exceed the 24 Score
limit. This feat can be taken more than once.

Finny Frenzy:
Benefit: When swimming, you can move up to your regular speed.
Normal: When swimming, you can move up to half your regular speed.

Frightful Presence:
Benefit: Any other lower-level non-grimm targets within 30 feet of you must succeed a will save,
DC equal to your character level plus your Charisma Modifier (DC Your Level+Cha Mod), or
else be staggered for the next 5 minutes. Creatures commonly around you are immune to this
Hard Plating:
Prerequisite: Must be a faunus with a relevant trait (GM Discretion)
Benefit: Once a day you can use your faunus trait chosen area or limb to deflect an attack with
guaranteed success.

Heroic Storage:
Benefit: Once per 5 levels a day, when storing an attack or move action you can use this feat to
make it count as though you’re storing two. This cannot exceed the maximum number of stored

Improved Initiative:
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to Initiative checks.

Incredible Weapon:
Benefit: You gain 2 extra points for weapon creation.

Leg Day:
Benefit: You can jump up to 20 feet high and 20 feet away with ease before needing to roll an
acrobatics check.
Normal: You can jump up to 10 feet high and 10 feet away before needing to roll an acrobatics

Life Experience:
Prerequisite: Must be taken at level 1.
Benefit: You use your Wisdom Modifier instead of your Intelligence Modifier to determine your
skill points during character creation and when leveling up.

Melee proficiency:
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to hit checks with melee attacks.

Monkey Grip:
Benefit: You no longer suffer penalties to your hit checks when using a large or huge weapon.
Normal: When using a large weapon you suffer a -1 to your hit checks. When using a huge
weapon you suffer a -2 to your hit checks.

Benefit: You gain more attacks of opportunity per round, one plus one per five levels (5, 10, 15,
20 ie at 5 you have 3 attack of opportunity per round: Base 1 + Opportunist 1 + Opportunist 5)
Normal: You can perform one attack of opportunity per round.

Benefit: When crawling, you can move up to your normal speed.
Normal: When crawling, you can move up to half your normal speed.
anged proficiency:
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to hit checks with ranged attacks.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves.

Benefit: You can roll a perception check to determine a target’s remaining hit points and aura,
the DC is 10 + the target’s level.

Skillful Assault:
Benefit: At the start of your turn you can declare a target. You take a -3 penalty to your hit and
damage checks against that target, but your attacks can’t bring the target below -1 hit points.

Benefit: You gain 1 more skill point per level. If this is taken after level 1 the effect is retroactive.

Skill Training
Benefit: You gain +2 misc bonus to the chosen skill. This feat can be taken more than once and
can apply to the same or different skills each time.

Strong Willed:
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Will saves.

Benefit: Your maximum carrying capacity as well as the amount you can push, lift, and throw is

Tight Hugs:
Benefit: You gain a +2 to grapple checks

Two-Weapon Fighting:
Benefit: The penalty for fighting with two weapons at once is reduced by +2/+2.
Normal: When fighting with two weapons at once your hit checks are reduced by 2 per size
class of the weapon. This means small weapons have a -2/-2 penalty and medium have a -4/-4.

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting:

Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting
Benefit: The penalty for fighting with two weapons at once is further reduced by +2/+2, negating
the two-weapon penalty altogether. .
Normal: When fighting with two weapons at once your hit checks are reduced by 2 per size
class of the weapon. This means a small weapon has a -2/-2 penalty and medium have a -4/-4.
Unarmed Fighter:
Benefit: You’re a specialist at fighting without a custom weapon. When you’re fighting without a
weapon you gain a bonus to your unarmed attacks. Any custom weapon class bonuses apply to
your unarmed attacks. Additionally, Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 damage plus 1d4 per 3
levels up to a maximum of 5d4. (Level 1 = 1d4, Level 3 = 2d4, etc)
Chapter 8: Dust
Dust is a naturally occuring energy propellant that can be triggered by the aura of humans and
faunus. In more common terms, it is referred to as nature’s wrath because it lets the user tap
into the power of the elements and use them at their will. While dust was originally used to keep
the Grimm at bay, as time has progressed so has its usage. It is still often used in battle, but it
also fuels almost all of modern technology from rocket ships to stoves to weapon ammunition. A
common sign that dust is at work is its shimmering sound effect and glowing color.

Dust comes in four natural colors; Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. Each color has a
corresponding element, and they can be naturally or artificially mixed to create a great number
of variations. The ways dust can be found and used varies just as much. In its natural forms,
dust is either a powder or a crystal. It can be artificially refined into a purified crystal or even
woven into clothing. The most common and controllable usage of dust in modern times is
combining dust with ammunition. Load the chosen cartridge, pull the trigger, and it works. In rare
cases, some have infused dust into their bodies, but this process is exceptionally dangerous.

For the sake of simplicity, here’s the measurements of dust:

Powdered Dust: 1 usage = 1 vial.
Crystalline Dust: 1 usage = 1 crystal.
Dust Ammunition: 20 usage = 1 cartridge

Practical use of dust is typically accomplished with a weapon, though not required. Through the
use of both crystals and powder, your potential attacks become far more fierce. Below is a list of
different types of dust, what they do, the damage they do, and how they can be used.
Note: I am taking a fair amount of liberty in how Dust works to make a balanced system.

How To Use Dust

Powdered Dust:
Powdered dust is carried typically in vials and can be used in its raw form. Using powdered dust
does require a relative amount of intellect, as well. If the users Int Mod is 10 or above, to use
powdered dust you just make an attack roll with the chosen vial (1d20+BAB+Int Mod) and then
roll the damage of the dust plus your Int Mod, apply its shapeable aspect (if it has one), and
finally apply special effects. If your Int Mod is below 10, before rolling your attack roll, you must
succeed a unique check by rolling a 1d10 with the DC being 1 per Intelligence score below 10
(ie, if your Intelligence score is 8, you must roll a 3-10 to succeed.)
Powdered dust can also be used in weapons with the proper weapon modification. Using it
through this manner allows you to make the attack roll with your strength or dexterity modifier,
depending on weapon form, or your intelligence modifier; whatever’s higher. You can also add
any other weapon modifiers, such as custom weapon proficiency, to your rolls in this manner.
Powdered dust has a range of 30 feet, unless used through a weapon. When used through a
weapon the range of the dust is shared with the weapon’s range.
Powdered dust can be triggered by other attacks, as well as through direct contact with the vial,
making the carrying of it a potential risk. The attacker must know the dust is on the target and
declare it as the attack target with the DC being the holders AC+3. A successful attack roll will
automatically detonate the dust on the target's location.

Critical Failure Powdered Dust Hit Chart

Roll Effect

11-20 You miss your attack and shapeable effects don’t apply

6-10 You miss your attack and shapeable effects target the wrong area (DM Discretion)

2-5 You miss your attack and, if applicable, your attack hits a nearby teammate as
relevant (DM Discretion)

1 The dust detonates on your location, making you suffer its damage and negative

Dust Arc Attacks (Requires Weapon Mod)

When using some versions of powdered dust through a weapon you gain access to an ‘arc
attack’ (AKA wave attack) which sends out dust in a cone ahead of the user and up to 30 feet or
the users max range. The arc is launched forward in a 45 degree angle that damages all targets
hits and deals additional effects, as relevant. The dust doesn’t go through people or objects, so
cover still applies. Dust can’t be shaped when used through this method.

Crystalline Dust
Crystalline dust is a solid, refined form of dust that is much less volatile, but still risky to carry. To
use crystalline dust is simple: Place the crystal where you want it and then attack it to detonate
it. You can throw the crystal as well, possibly requiring you to make a ranged attack roll (at the
DM's discretion). If you’re targeting a dust crystal on another person you’ll make an attack roll
(melee or ranged, based on equipped weapon) against the holder's AC+3. A successful attack
roll will automatically detonate the dust on the target's location. Dust Crystals deal damage and
their effects in the square it’s detonated and every adjacent square, as well (aka, 5ft radius).

Crystalline Dust can be thrown as far as a grenade (30 ft)
Crystalline dust damage can be halved with a successful reflex save (DC20)
Dust Ammunition
Dust ammunition functions similarly to powdered dust, but dealing less damage, and without the
drawbacks and ability to shape it. To use dust ammunition you must change your ammunition
type and then shoot, just like a regular ranged attack, applying regular bullet damage as well as
the bonus dust damage and effects. If you don’t have the appropriate weapon mod in your
weapon you can still use dust ammunition, but the dust damage and effects won’t trigger. In
other words, it’s treated like a regular bullet, but with more damage and a special effect.
Shared with weapon.

Dust Properties
Dice Checks:
Certain dust types have a special effect that may be negated by the target. Those that consist of
Burning and Immobilize require a reflex save and those that consist of Freezing or Paralysis
require a fortitude save. All special effects that apply a debuff last 1d4 turns. Burning deals an
additional 1d6 damage per turn, applying at the start of the victims turn, and freezing and
paralysis can be ended early by succeeding another fortitude check (same DC) at the start of
their turn. Crystalline dust also allows a reflex save (DC 20) to take half damage.

All dust types and general descriptions are listed below the dust ammunition chart.
Effects marked with * have special effects that are unique to the specific type and form of dust

Powdered Dust:
A = Arc Capable. The dust can be used with weapon mod to deal an arc-based attack
(otherwise known as a wave attack). See above for details.
S = Shapeable. The dust can take a physical form at its point of contact that remains after the
dust is used, up to 15 feet or 3 squares. This allows damage to apply to multiple targets and
also adds physical barriers or environmental effects.
Powdered Dust
Powdered Dust Type Damage Special Effect Cost/vial Weight

Red Fire 2d6+Int A, S, Burning DC25 8 1

Blue Water 1d6+Int A, S 6 1

Yellow Lightning 3d6+Int A, Paralyze DC 25 10 1

Green Air +1 dice of Must be used on a 4 1

weapon damage weapon*

Purple Gravity - S, Mobilize DC 25, 20 1


Light Blue Ice 2d6+Int A, S, Freezes DC 25 9 1

Cyan Hard-Light 4d8+Int Energy Beam* 30 1

Energy Shield*

White Earth - S, Creates Barrier 15 1

Bright Orange Lava 3d8+Int A, Burning DC25 9 1

Dark Orange Explosive 2d8+Int AoE damage* 8 1

Dark Red Steam - A, Creates Steam 10 1

Crystalline Dust:
Most crystals have a burst radius of 5 feet.
Crystals Type Damage Special Effect Cost/Crystal Weight

Red Fire 3d6 Burning DC 20 17 1

Blue Water 2d6 - 13 1

Yellow Lightning 4d6 Paralyze DC 20 21 1

Green Air - Causes a gust of 9 1


Purple Gravity - Manipulates Gravity* 41 1

Light Blue Ice 3d6 Freezes DC 20 19 1

Cyan Hard-Light - Blind DC* 61 1

White Earth - Creates Barrier 31 1

Bright Orange Lava 4d8 Burning DC 20 19 1

Dark Orange Explosive 3d8 Increased AoE* 17 1

Dark Red Steam - Creates Steam 21 1

Dust Ammunition:
Dust ammunition uses highly refined dust in small doses to empower regular ammunition.
Ammunition Type Damage Special Effect Cost/cartridge Weight

Red Fire 2d4 Burning DC 15 160 1

Blue Water 1d4 - 120 1

Yellow Lightning 3d4 Paralyze DC 15 200 1

Green Air 1d4 - 80 1

Purple Gravity - Manipulates Gravity* 400 1

Light Blue Ice 2d4 Freezes DC 15 180 1

Bright Lava 3d4 Burning DC 15 180 1


Dark Orange Explosive 2d6 - 160 1

Also known as Fire or Burn Dust, this is a type of dust that bursts into flames when triggered,
burning all nearby objects and creatures.

Also known as Water Dust, this is a type of dust that converts into water when triggered,
dousing all nearby objects and creatures with enough force to wound.

Also known as Lightning Dust, this is a type of dust that releases rapidly as a bolt of lightning
when triggered, shocking the targeted object or creature and possibly paralyzing them.

Also known as Air dust, this is a type of dust that manipulates the air to either release a gust of
wind or to temporarily sharpen a blade or bullet.
*Powdered Dust: This dust must be used on a weapon. Using dust in this manner only costs a
move action. This does NOT require the dust mod to use. It increases the damage by 1 dice of
the weapons damage and lasts for 1d4 turns. This cannot apply to the same weapon form more
than once.
*Crystalline Dust: This dust can be used to spread a fire further, wipe an area of dust, dirt, or
sand, as well as many other possible utilities (per DM discretion).

Also known as Gravity Dust, this dust manipulates gravity to either remove or strengthen the
active gravity.
*Powdered Dust: This dust can be used to increase the gravity of the targeted area immensely,
making all creatures in the area immobilized. If there is an adjacent square they can reach that
is unaffected by the dust then they can roll a reflex save to change paths before being
immobilized. The field lasts for 1d4 turns and the duration is shared among all the targets.
Unlike other dust uses, the effects of this dust require anyone entering the affected areas to
succeed a reflex save to change directions or else be immobilized for the remaining duration. It
also affects objects and is capable of making small structures collapsing, per DM’s discretion.
*Crystalline Dust: This dust removes the gravity in the targeted area for 1d4 turns, making all
targets hit levitate. All levitating targets can no longer take or store movement actions. Anyone
entering the affected area will begin to levitate for the remaining duration, as well. Succeeding a
reflex save will allow the affected to get out of the way when the crystal detonates, but anyone
entering the affected area won’t get this save chance.
*Dust Ammunition: This dust is used with an attack action to shoot yourself in a specific
direction, up to 60 feet away. This dust type is mainly used as an escape, to catch up to a
target, or for formations.
Light Blue:
Also known as Ice Dust, this is a type of dust that bursts into ice when triggered, freezing all
nearby objects and creatures. When using this dust to make shapes or walls each square has
20HP and will break upon hitting 0.

Also known as Hard-Light Dust, this is a type of dust that carries a kinetic energy of sorts,
capable of being turned into a beam of energy, forming a hexagonal barrier, or being converted
into various types of fuel. The most common use of this dust is to power more modern
technology, but it can be used for combat as well. It can be used either as an offensive energy
beam or as a defensive energy shield.
*Powder: Energy Beam: Unlike other powdered dust, this doesn’t trigger at the targeted site,
instead taking form upon use and being shot like a beam towards the target. This makes it
susceptible to cover and barriers.
*Powder: Energy Shield: This requires a readied action to be used in this manner and shields up
to 4d8 points of damage from the next attack.
*Crystalline: You detonate the grenade and trigger a flash in a 30ft radius, prompting a reflex
save to avert your gaze in time.

Also known as Earth Dust, this is a type of dust that bursts into an earthen barrier. When using
this dust to make shapes or walls each square has 40HP and will break upon hitting 0.

Bright Orange:
Also known as Lava Dust, this is a type of dust that bursts into a small pool of rapidly cooling
lava, burning all nearby objects and creatures.

Dark Orange:
Also known as Explosive Dust, this is a type of dust that bursts with a loud, echoing boom and
an explosion.
*Powdered Dust: The effects of this type of powdered dust are similar to crystalline dust, dealing
explosive damage in a 5ft radius of the chosen area.
*Crystalline Dust: The explosion is now in a 10ft radius as opposed to a 5ft radius.

Dark Red:
Also known as Steam Dust, this is a type of dust that bursts into steam thus creating a large
cloud of steam to hide in or block vision.
Dust woven into clothing has no differing effects than that of powdered dust. The advantage of
woven dust is in two components: Intimidation and Stealth. Dust, inactive when in clothing,
looks just like the clothing itself which allows you to keep what types of dust you’re carrying a
secret. However, once you start to draw from it, it glows the color of the woven dust. Perception
checks will not be able to discern a difference between standard clothing and dust-woven
clothing until the dust is drawn from. When tapping into the dust to use it and it glows, you gain
a +2 to your intimidate checks.

To weave dust into clothing requires a Craft check of 20 and risks destroying the clothing when
the craft fails (per DM discretion). You can infuse up to 5 vials of dust into one piece of clothing.

The final usage of dust is also, by far, the most dangerous. You can infuse the dust directly into
your person, through a physical form of delivery (such as stabbing crystalline dust into yourself)
or through ingestion. The human and faunus body can only safely ingest a small amount of dust
before irreparable damage occurs. Ingesting a vial's worth of most dust will enhance your melee
attacks to deal the same type of effects, with bonus unique effects, as the dust itself for one
hour afterwards. However, you will take PERMANENT damage from this method of use. Every
vials worth of dust will reduce each of your ability scores by -1 permanently, and it will also
reduce your maximum health and aura by -2 permanently. If you take more than one vial in an
hour the initial effects apply, and then the second vials worth cause double the effects for a total
or -3 Ability Scores and -6 HP and Aura. Once your health hits 0 through this manner, you die.

Infusion Type Damage Special Effect

Red Fire 3d6 Additional damage

Blue Water 2d6 Additional damage

Yellow Lightning 4d6 Additional damage and can shoot lightning as a

ranged attack

Purple Gravity - Grants the ability to levitate and attacks immobilize


Light Blue Ice 3d6 Additional damage

White Earth - Resistant, reducing damage taken by half

Bright Orange Lava 4d8 Additional damage

Dust Traps:
Dust can be used to create a variety of traps. You can craft these traps by succeeding a craft
check (listed in the table) while having the components that make them. Details of each trap are
listed below the table.
Trap Dust Used Craft DC Cost

Dust Mine Red, Yellow, Light Blue, Dark Orange - Crystals 15 4x Crystal

Gravity Bola Purple - Powder 20 100

Gravity Tripwire Purple - Powder 25 120

Hard Light Barrier 2x Cyan - Powder 25 150

Dust Mine:
A dust mine is a proximity mine that triggers once a creature enters an adjacent square. The
mine triggers and deals the chosen dust type inside, ignoring the reflex save to half the damage.
This uses Dust Crystals to craft.

Gravity Bola:
This is a thrown weapon that uses gravity dust to latch the blunt ends of the bola together once
a creature is hit with the bola. Use requires you to succeed a ranged attack check on your target
and renders their legs immobile. The creature's speed is reduced to 5 and they can only free
themselves with a Strength Check DC 25 to remove the bola or to cut the bola apart at the cost
of two full-round actions.

Gravity Tripwire:
This is essentially a mini gravity bola that’s much harder to remove, but initially weaker and it
must be triggered by a creature stepping through a tripwire. The tripwire doesn’t inhibit speed,
but tightens around the leg over time, reducing blood flow and adding weight to weaken the
target. Every tripwire reduces the victim’s AC and reflex save by 1 and can stack up to 20 times.
The only way this can be removed is with the help of another person or by succeeding a Disable
Device Check DC25. On a success, the tripwire turns off and releases you. On a failure, it
remains on. On a critical failure, it tightens more and doubles the current stack amount on the

Hard Light Barrier:

This trap, once triggered, uses hard light dust to create a 5x10 barrier with 100HP. This barrier
can be projected vertically or horizontally and is primarily used in narrow hallways or to create
makeshift cover. This trap can be triggered remotely or by other connected constructs like a
tripwire or pressure plate.
Chapter 9: Adrenaline Rush
The combat in RWBY is a mix of strategy, timing, and rapid-paced attacks. So I’ve created a
system aimed to encourage the use of strategy and patience without making you suffer the
downsides of losing actions for it: Adrenaline Rush.

Every action you make and don’t make matters. Whether you consistently barrage your
opponent or wait for an opening to attack them matters. Every attack and move action that you
don’t take will be stored for later use so that you can prepare yourself for a variety of situations.
And not only can these stored actions be used offensively, but they can also be used to reduce
damage through deflecting and dodging attacks.

Attack and Move Counter

Unused attack and move actions can be added to their respective ‘stored’ counter. To store the
chosen action you must declare your intent to the DM and then you can add the action to its
respective counter. The counter cannot exceed the number of classes you are enrolled into, or
3, whichever is lower. That means if you have at least 1 level in 3 classes then you can store up
to 3 attack actions and 3 movement actions. If you have 1 class then that means you can store
1 of each action. And if you have 4 classes then you can store 3 of each action.

Offensive Actions
These counters can be used on top of your regular actions. That means if your turn has just
begun and you have stored 1 attack action and 2 move actions earlier in the encounter then you
can use up to two attack actions (1 from this turn, 1 from your storage) and three move actions
(1 from this turn, 2 from your storage).

Defensive Actions
Alternatively, you can use these stored actions defensively on your enemies turns to deflect and
dodge attacks. When your opponent makes an attack at you, you declare the use of the
deflection or dodge before knowing the result of their hit check. Deflect requires an attack action
and Dodge requires a movement action. If the attack succeeds in a hit, then they will roll
damage as normal. If you’re dodging the attack then you will roll a reflex save. On a fail, the
attempt is failed and you take full damage and the action spent is wasted. On a success you
take reduced damage. (see below for deflect vs dodge)

There are two major parts of deflection besides what is stated above. If you deflect an attack
while holding a weapon, the weapon will take half of the damage you would have. So if the
attack deals 30 damage then your weapon takes 15 and you take 0. The advantage of this
method is that your character avoids all damage done, at the cost of your weapons durability.
While it’s harder to dodge attacks, it only risks a movement action. You still take half damage on
a success. If the attack deals 30 damage and you succeed your reflex save then you take 15
damage. The DC for dodging an attack is: 15+enemy level.

How to Use
Using this offensively, your actions and order of actions must be declared at the start of the rush
and if something would stop you in the middle of the rush (such as a dust effect or a triggered
semblance) then your rush is over and the remaining actions that were declared are lost. That
means that if you have two attack and move actions stored and declared and only succeed in
moving before you’re frozen by a dust trap, then your remaining movement action and two
attack actions are wasted.

Attacks of Opportunity are still triggered as normal. If you think you’ll kill an enemy in a rush and
plan to move away after the attack, but the enemy survives, then they will get an attack of
opportunity as you move away just like they regularly would.

If you’re using a readied action to dodge you gain a bonus +5 to your reflex check.
Chapter 10: Teamwork
Teamwork is a core part of RWBY. And so, like Adrenaline Rush, I’ve tried to create a balanced
system to encourage and reward teamwork, but keeping it challenging enough to not be easily
abusable. Remember to reward those who use the rule of cool.

When creating a formation, your role is specific. If you and your teammates want to be
interchangeable, then you must have a separate formation for that. Formations can be forgotten
in one of two ways: You can forget one formation a day or if one of the formation teammates
dies then you forget all formations that involve them.

Before anything else, you must have available formations. Your formation cap is determined by
your teamwork skill, 1 minimum. A total bonus of 5 teamwork allows 5 formations, for example.

The Steps of Teamwork

The first step of teamwork is preparation. You can make a team strategy for up to four
characters, including yourself, and requires a minimum of two characters, including yourself.
You work with your teammate/s and designate specific tasks that can be completed in a single
turn. Formations can use adrenaline rush, if needed. Based on those tasks, and the stats of the
enemy, This planning stage will use the model below or your own custom ideas - either way, all
formations must be approved by a DM.

The second step is the positioning of the formation and the use of ‘readied actions.’ During the
positioning stage you must get into a fitting location to execute the formation and then ready the
actions necessary to execute it. If it’s a two-person formation that is simply an attack from both
sides of the enemy to boost damage and you’re already next to the enemy you must both ready
attack actions.

The third step is the execution of the formation, in battle. When every teammate in the
formation has readied the actions, the formation will trigger. While a certain level of adaptability
is allowed, if your plan relies on specific actions that fail to take shape (such as hopping off of a
wall of ice that was never formed) then the remaining formation steps are wasted. Otherwise, if
it makes sense to continue without those actions, then you may proceed. Of course, this is per
your DM’s discretion.

Below is a list of recommended modifiers, common tactics, and examples. If you’re risking more
with your plan, you should receive better bonuses. Like everything else that you can custom
make in this book, be imaginative! And ask your DM for help and permission.

Grimm with an intelligence score of 10 or higher can also make use of simple and short
Note: A number of the below examples are simple, for any character. Semblance driven strategy
can expand the capability exponentially.

Recommended Modifiers
Easy to hit weak spots: Double critical range.
Stacked status effects: +5 to the DC, but only a single save is rolled.
Attacks made easier: +2 to hit checks
Attacks hit harder: +1 dice of damage.
Bracing for dust damage: +2 fortitude
Readying to dodge attacks: +2 reflex to dodge
Reducing target accuracy: +2 to AC

Simple Battle Tactics

Dust Enhancement

Desc Teammate 1 and 2 attack simultaneously with powdered dust.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

All Attack target with dust +1 Dice DMG, +5 DC - 1 Attack

Firing Squad

Desc Four characters shoot a single target at once.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

All Attack target w/ ranged +1 Dice DMG, +2 hit - 1 Attack


Desc One teammate draws focus, the other teammate/s attack the distracted target.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 Distract via intimidate - -2 intimidate per 1 Swift

nearby teammate

2+ Attack the target +3 hit - 1 Attack


Desc One teammate charges forward to trigger anything that may lie in wait.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 Take potential hits +3 to dodge Attacks of Opportunity 1+ Move

Backup Charge

Desc You charge behind a teammate, ready to attack

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 You follow a teammate, You gain partial cover If ally is stopped, 1+ Move
ready to attack bonus, +1 dice DMG you stop too. 1+ Attack


Desc One teammate grapples a creature allowing vital attack to be made by the other.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 Grapples a target - - 1 Attack

2 Attacks grappled target Critical Range Nat 1 attacks 1 Attack

is doubled grappling teammate

Flanking Maneuver

Desc Two teammates attack a target from opposite sides.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 Move to one side, attack +3 hit - 1 Move, 1 Attack

2 Move to other side, attack +3 hit - 1 Move, 1 Attack


Desc Two teammates run back and forth in a strange pattern to try and confuse the
target while repositioning themselves.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

All Move in a strange pattern +1 AC per move - 1+ Move

action until next turn

Intense Combat

Desc Two teammates charge at the opponent and attack, one after the other, for six
total attacks.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

All Move at target, take turns +2 hit, +1 Dice DMG - 1+ Move

attacking it. 3 Attack
Complex Battle Tactics
Moonrise Kingdom

Desc One teammate launches themself into the air with gravity ammo above a target,
the other uses powdered gravity dust to send them down quickly to deal heavy
damage to the target.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 Grav dust into the air, x2 DMG Fall DMG 2 Attack

attack the target

2 Grav dust on ally - - 1 Attack

Sword and Shield

Desc One teammate runs forward, deflecting incoming attacks. The second teammate
follows behind, attacking once teammate one stops.
Blake bonus: -2 AC, +2 Reflex. Yang bonus: Full cover, +1 dice of damage.
Blake cost: Movement & Attack. Yang cost: Movement & Attack.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 Run forward, deflect attacks - - 1+ Move,

1+ Attack

2 Follows behind, attacks Partial cover, +1 dice DMG 1+ Move,

1+ Attack

Ice Queens

Desc Both teammates use light blue dust to attack the same target.
Bonus: Both attacks deal an extra dice of damage and the enemy only rolls one
fortitude save, but the DC is increased to 30.
Cost: Attack actions from both Weiss and Ruby

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 Ice Dust Powder Attack +1 Dice DMG, +5 DC - 1 Attack

2 Ice Dust Ammo Attack +1 Dice DMG - 1 Attack

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice

Desc Teammate one shows off to a target, trying to distract it with their sexy body.
Teammate two then reveals themself, attacking with red powdered dust.
Teammate three shoots the target with all stored actions.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 Tries to charm the target - - 1 Swift

2 Attacks with red dust +3 hit, +1 Dice DMG - 1 Attack

3 Attacks a lot +2 hit, +1 Dice DMG - 1+ Attack

Toppling Goliath

Desc Teammate 1 runs at the target, deflecting attacks, then attacking multiple times.
Teammate 2 follows behind, jumping past and attacking multiple times.
Teammate 3 then attacks with light blue dust, as much as possible
Teammate 4 then charges forward, attacking the target as much as possible.

Teammate Personal Description Bonus Risk Cost

1 Tank, then attack +1 Dice DMG - 1+ Move/Attack

2 Backup Charge, then attack +1 Dice DMG - 1+ Move/Attack

3 Ice dust attacking +1 Dice DMG - 1+ Attack

4 Multiple Attacks +1 Dice DMG - 1+ Attack

Chapter 11: Skills
This chapter covers the skills that you will use, how they apply, and general expectations.

When using skill checks you’re trying to accomplish a task, but some obstacles may prevent you
from doing so. This is similar to a standard Ability-based roll, but it often has miscellaneous
bonuses that apply. You can up this bonus manually by spending skill points when you create
your character or level up.

When you spend skill points manually, you’re increasing their ‘rank.’ Your rank can NEVER
exceed your level + 3. So if you’re level 1, your max rank can be 4. If you’re level 20, then it’s
23. However, your misc bonus to these skills has no limit.

A good rule of thumb for determining the DC is ‘Would everyone be able to do this? The
average person? Only the exceptional few?’
Recommended DC: For those who want a struggle
0 - Anyone can do this, easily
10 - the average person can do this, easily
20 - this typically requires some degree of training or familiarity.
30 - this requires an experienced individual
40 - only the exceptional few can accomplish this - and they still have trouble.

Easier DC: For those who want to feel powerful

0 - Anyone can do this, easily
10 - the average person can do this, easily
20 - this typically requires some degree of training or familiarity.
30 - only the exceptional can accomplish this.

Keep in mind that base ability checks without a skill will have a lower roll.
Some skills will have tables with them for more specific recommendations.

There are no specific skill checks for strength. Due to the world’s more forgiving laws of physics,
keep in mind that player characters are capable of more elite actions.
You still will use strength checks for lifting or pushing objects, jumping with no momentum,
climbing, forcing doors open, or swimming, but only at your DM’s discretion.

Dexterity is how quick and light you are on your feet as well as with your hands.
Acrobatics is essentially a mix between balance and stunts. You’ll use acrobatics to control your
balance on ice and ledges, flipping and somersaulting, and leaping with momentum.
Pilot is your ability to fly, control a flying object, such as a jet or a helicopter, or controlling a
mech-suit. The DC of mech-suits is typically defined in the mechs abilities.
Sleight of Hand
Sleight of Hand is how quick and light you are with your fingers. Typical uses consist of
pickpocketing, sneaking an item onto someone, or stealing in general. If someone is around to
observe you then you are rolling against their perception check.
Stealth is your ability to conceal your presence and hide. Whether it be hiding in the shadow of
an alley or sneaking up behind someone, stealth is key. Too low of a check will get you caught
and you’re rolling against your target's perception.
Hiding in a dark corner on a moonless night. DC 0

Hiding in the shadows of an alley in the day. DC 20

Kneeling in an empty field dressed as a clown. DC 40

There are no constitution checks. The use of these checks are very rare and typically depend
on your GM. Constitution’s primarily about your passive endurance. More often than not, checks
made involving constitution are through your fortitude saves.

Intelligence is your learned knowledge from books, studies, and school. To clarify: Unlike
wisdom, intelligence as a skill is learned through second-hand experience.

Computer Use
Computer Use is your ability to use technology in general. From military computers to your
personal scroll, when a system goes does or needs to you have the right idea on what to do.
Disable device
Disable Device is your capability to break or disable devices. This ranges from lockpicking to
circuitry to sabotage.
Knowledge is how familiar you are with the world around you. This covers geography, famous
people, history, and the grimm themselves.
Navigate is your ability to steer a ship over water.
Repair is your proficiency to fix what’s broken. Whether it be a computer, a train, or your
weapon itself. Most forms of repair also require the appropriate tools and a workbench to use.
Maintaining an unused weapon DC 0

Repairing a slightly damaged weapon DC 10

Repairing a sundered weapon DC 20

Repairing an item missing some components DC 30

Wisdom is your life experience. To clarify: Unlike intelligence, wisdom as a skill is learned
through first-hand experience.

Animal Handling
Animal handling is your ability to handle animals. The better you are at handling them, the more
you will be able to use them to your aid. Whether it be calming a bear, or just picking up a
puppy, you need to know how to handle it. Keep in mind, Grimm are not animals despite their
Craft is the ability to manually create. These can range from regular items to weapons to clothes
to structures to dust itself. Most forms of crafting also require the appropriate materials, tools
and a workbench to use.
A basic craft with extra tools and materials DC 10

An advanced craft with the appropriate tools and materials. DC 20

Upgrading a weapon with the appropriate materials. DC 20

A difficult craft with bare minimum materials and appropriate tools. DC 30

Perception is your general awareness of the world around you. This applies to what you can see
and what you can hear.
Sense Motive
Sense Motive is your ability to decipher the honesty and intent of someone near you. Use this
skill if you think they’re lying to you, if you think they might have a negative intent, or other such
Survival is primarily used for hunting, fishing, identifying dangerous terrain and wildlife, and for
Charisma has three parts. The presence or demeanor of a leader or hero, the ability to simply
make others feel good just by being there, and the ability to speak eloquently about all sorts of

Deceive is your ability to fool your opponent. Whether it’s through a bluff or your intent,
deception can be a valuable, yet dangerous, tool.
Disguise is your ability to mask your appearance. You might just be trying to hide your presence
from curious eyes or you might be trying to dress up and imitate someone else.
Intimidate is your ability to unnerve an opponent before fighting them. You adjust your
demeanor, stance, and tone to scare your opponent.
Perform is your ability to entertain. Whether it be through instruments, theatrical performance, or
dancing you must perform your best.
Persuade is your ability to convince others to join your view. This might be for a subtle purpose,
like trying to convince a shop owner to give you a better price. It also could apply to trying to
convince your enemy to join your side or to stand down.
Teamwork is a more unique skill than the rest. It doesn’t have any skill checks associated with it.
But your total teamwork determines the number of formations you can be involved with. See
chapter 10 for more details.
Chapter 12: DMing
This chapter is about suggested DMing tactics for this style.

Being a DM:
If you are the DM, you are the God of your players world. You can play it by the book, make
crazy twists and turns, be gentle and loving, or ruthless and cunning. But remember that you
create the world for your players so keep them in mind with every step.

Step 1: Craft a Story

Before anything else, you should have a direction made for your game. Maybe it’s all combat
and minimal talking, maybe combat is just a rare treat, but no matter where you go you should
be thinking ahead at least a little bit and be ready for your players to shift it at every step along
the way.

Step 2: Set the Scene

Don’t be afraid to describe the setting and general genre. A murder mystery situation is
thematically great to go with a stormy night. A sunny day goes great with a typical adventure
scene. A windy day goes great with an ominous setup. Make a slow build-up or a sudden twist
to fit the story and scene! Have fun with it!

Step 3: Read the Players

Sometimes you put a lot of effort into an idea that you think is great, but stops the world dead in
its tracks. Don’t be stubborn in this situation and read your players. If they seem bored, amp up
the pace. If they seem excited, keep it going.

Step 4: Improvise!
Improv! Always be ready for a random encounter. Have a couple enemies in your back pocket
and a general map to use them on. Sometimes your players will go off the beaten track or an
idea will strike you in the middle of a setup. Don’t be afraid to try it out and see how it goes. In
my personal experience, some of the best sessions are completely improvised.

Step 5: Keep the Players Involved

Things can get slow for your players when the party is divided into multiple groups. Some
players are slower than others, some situations are grander. Bounce around between them and
leave cliffhangers to come back to while keeping the players active and ready.

Step 6: End Strong

When ending a session try to end it with a cliffhanger or a reveal so that your players are
excited and impatient for the next session. Keeping that level of momentum between sessions is
what makes these games last and what makes them funner than you thought they could ever
General Reminders:
Figure out what’s best for you!:
Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some people are better at handling the
roleplaying, others are better at running combat. Some groups designate two separate DM’s to
divide up these duties if a single DM isn’t good at one of them.

Enemies and balance:

The various types of enemies in this game allow for a variety of situations, but can also be tricky
to balance due to the vast difference. Against human and faunus characters, creating enemies
that are the same level and number tends to work just fine. Against Grimm, a single higher level
grimm can fight a number of lower level players and they should be able to handle it at about a
5 level difference. The more enemies you add, this quickly changes. Higher numbers of grimm,
even lower-mid level ones, can very quickly overtake your players. Robotic enemies vary greatly
in balance. Lower level robots are good to have an increased number due to their lower HP, but
higher level robots are intended to have less numbers because of their excessive damage and

Grimm are a unique enemy type in RWBY that grants you access to some really fun and
abusable concepts. Thanks to their grimm sense ability they’re drawn towards negative
emotions. Take advantage of this and make your players negativity and bitterness work against
them. This works especially well when combined with a darker story.

One way to ensure a balance in your players is by limiting their lien intake. Too much lien can
result in enough dust to keep any normal enemy down, so making them pick and choose when
to use it can add a lot to the challenge.

Faunus Prejudice:
Depending on the time your story is set in can determine a significant plot point from the
prejudice against faunus. While not practical in most combat situations, it adds a whole new
layer to roleplaying and an opening for enemies.

Semblances grant a very unique form of what is essentially magic to every character. Be sure to
utilize Chapter 4 for a variety of semblances to pull from and add in your own ideas. Also
remember that higher tier semblances can be very overpowered and shouldn’t be used by
players, but are great for villains.

Weapons are another great unique element to pull from. There are so many possibilities that
you can utilize to make every opponent unique and they’re far more balanced.
Sticking to the Canon?
Rule of Names:
If you’re sticking to the canon world of RWBY, there are a few things worth keeping in mind.
First is the rule of names - all character names should be a color, mean a color, or represent
one/make you think of one. The same rules apply to team names. If your campaign is taking
place before The Great War then this rule isn’t necessary, but sticking to it thematically could be
a good idea.

Major Character Themes:

In the canon RWBY most of the characters are based on fairy tales and various other
mythology. Major protagonists and antagonists should be treated with this same treatment. It
can give you great ideas for weapons and semblances as well as just their characters
personality as a whole.

Teamwork is a very practical concept to ensure your players take advantage of. If they don’t use
it often, put them against an enemy team that does so that they understand. It’s a core element
to the canon story and should be treated as such.

Mega Classes:
Mega Classes are very story specific and shouldn’t be allowed for use at all in a traditional
campaign. They’re already overpowered, but giving them to regular players can quickly upset
your balance and ruin the canon setup.

Fun ideas:
- Use theme’s created in the show.
- Create a Mission Board and give them a chance to choose between a variety of
possibilities for Lien and experience.
- Maybe your characters don’t have their semblance at the start - maybe only some do.
Maybe the characters don’t even know their semblance and it’s unlocked through the
right experience. You can even choose it.
- The Amity Arena is a fantastic challenge opportunity. The downside is that it’s a lot of
work for you and not all the players can fight in each round.
- Make your own custom concepts - Unique weapons, semblances, grimm, and more.
- Natural dust deposits to trigger as large explosives.
- Omega Grimm large scale attacks.
- Faunus-based rights groups like The White Fang
- Morality-based storylines that can put you at the heart of the grimm’s dangers.
- Use the relics for your own characters
- A team of four maidens for an epic campaign
- Various unique androids and robots for grand battles.
- Incredibly powerful grimm that are human-sized (or at least on the smaller side)
Chapter 13: Bestiary
This chapter contains a list of creatures and characters throughout the world, both canon and

Universal Descriptors:
Name - Level: This says the name and level of the creature. Note that enemies can go above
level 20, but custom creations should do so with caution.
Non-Canon (NC): If a creature isn’t canon then it is noted with “NC” before the creature's name.
Descriptions for these creatures tend to be longer.
Size: This is a descriptor to show the size of the creature. As such, to accomodate D&D play
structure the size will be noted with three markers: Width x Length x Height. Keep in mind that
this is from a top-down view! All size indicators are in increments of 5.
Example: Size: 5x10x10 = 5 Wide, 10 long, and is 10 feet high. This means that it will occupy 2
squares on a D&D board as each square is 5 square feet.

Robotics are a newer creation in Remnant and take many forms: Turrets, Androids, and even
Pilotable Mechs. Every form of these robotics are powered by a mix of modern engineering and
dust fueling. While not equal to living creatures in many ways they still provide a significant
advantage and are primarily used by Atlas for military purposes. A single huntsman or huntress
can handle the smaller robots with little trouble, but the larger the robot gets the more
dangerous it becomes.

Ability Scores: Robots tend to have a medium Strength, medium dexterity, high constitution,
high intelligence, and no wisdom or charisma.
HP: [(10 + Con) * level] - Typically smaller robots will be less durable as they fight from afar.
Hit: [1d20 + (Level/2, rounded up) + Ability Mod] - The bonus to their hit checks is based on
their level plus a bonus for their variety and uses the appropriate ability modifier.
Damage: [?d? + Ability Mod] - The damage done by robots is based on the weapon used,
typically a d6, d8, d10, or d12. Stronger robots tend to deal higher damage.
AC: [10 + Dex Mod + Armor Bonus] - Robots tend to have a decent AC, because their armor
acts as a defense more than their mobility.
Speed: Most robots have a speed of 30.
Abilities: Some robots possess unique weapons and abilities.
Special: Robots level 20 and above have their HP determined as [(20+Con) * level] Instead
(NC) Atlas Academy: Colossus Mode 30
Description Ironwood’s pinnacle of creation, this is a massive mech created from Atlas
Academy itself. The body and limbs are created from the buildings of the
school connecting together. It’s controlled by Ironwood himself plugging into
the core and running it as though it was his own body.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
60 8 100 Pilots - -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
1950 (+5000) +40 8d10+25 19 60 250x250 x1000

Abilities Dust Cannon, Hard-Light Dust Generator, Sword

Ability Hit Range Damage
Dust Cannon +15 120 20d12
Special Deals a random dust type effect in a massive region when shot, can only be
used once every 3 rounds.
Ability Hit Damage
Hard-Light Dust Generator - -
Special This creature has a shield of hard-light dust, blocking up to 5,000 points of
damage. There is a generator on each limb that can be destroyed with 50
melee damage to reduce the shield by 1,000 points.
Ability Hit Damage
Sword +40 10d12+25
Special Can only be used once every two rounds.

(NC) Atlesian Auto-Archer-100 5

Description An automated turret defense system.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
- 16 16 4 - -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
65 +6 2d6+3 15 - 15x10 x5
(NC) Atlesian Auto-Archer-200 5
Description An advanced automated turret defense system with light golden plating
capable of inflicting heavy damage.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
- 24 16 4 - -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
65 +10 3d6+7 18 - 15x10 x5
Abilities Rocket, Self-Destruct
Ability Hit Damage
Rocket +10 2d8+7
Special There is only one missile and it deals damage in a 5ft radius
Ability Hit Damage
Self-Destruct - 2d8
Special If the Rocket ability is unused, the turret will detonate using it.

Atlesian Knight-130 3
Description A very basic android capable of both melee and ranged fighting.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
14 14 16 10 - -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
39 +4 1d8+2 16 30 5x5 x5
Abilities Gun
Ability Hit Range Damage
Gun +4 30 1d6+2
Atlesian Knight-200 6
Description A more common android capable of both melee and ranged fighting.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
12 16 16 14 - -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
78 +4 1d8+1 18 30 5x5 x5
Abilities Gun
Ability Hit Range Damage
Gun +6 30 2d6+3

Atlesian Paladin-290 14
Description A large mechanized mobile suit capable of dealing massive damage with a
variety of weapons. The 290 requires a capable pilot to operate to its full
extent, but is still capable of moderate damage output through its autopilot.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
18 22 30 18 - -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
280 +10 3d10+4 26 30 15x15 x15
Abilities Piloting, Turret Barrage, Homing Rockets
Ability Hit Damage
Piloting - -
Special The pilot of the 290 must roll a pilot check to run it properly.
DC: 1-14 = Complete failure to operate the 290.
DC: 15-19 = You barely operate the 290, causing -2 to hit, AC, and saves.
DC: 20-24 = You are to operate the 290. No stat changes.
DC: 25+ = You fully operate the 290, gaining +2 to hit, AC, and saves.
Ability Hit Range Damage
Turret Barrage +13 30 5d6+6
Special After shooting the turret, you immediately make a second attack.
Ability Hit Range Damage
Homing Rockets +13 60 3d10+6
Special The rockets can lock onto a target and instead of rolling against the targets AC
the target must instead succeed a reflex save (DC 29) to avoid the hit.
Colossus 20
Description A large mech suit piloted by a single person.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
40 26 60 10 - -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
900 (+1800) +25 5d8+15 28 30 30x30 x100
Abilities Piloting, Drill, Dust Cannon, Hard-Light Dust Generator
Ability Hit Damage
Piloting - -
Special The pilot of the Colossus must roll a pilot check to run it properly.
DC: 1-14 = Complete failure to operate the Colossus.
DC: 15-19 = You barely operate the Colossus, causing -2 to hit, AC, and saves.
DC: 20-24 = You are to operate the Colossus. No stat changes.
DC: 25+ = You fully operate the Colossus, gaining +2 to hit, AC, and saves.
Ability Hit Damage
Drill +25 5d20+45
Special Can only be used once every two rounds.
Ability Hit Damage
Dust Cannon +18 20d12
Special Deals a random dust type effect in a massive region when shot.
Ability Hit Damage
Hard-Light Dust Generator
Special This creature has a shield of hard-light dust, blocking up to 1,800 points of
damage. There is a generator on the back that can be destroyed by a melee
attack with 50 damage to prematurely end the shield.
Spider Droid 10
Description An android modeled after a spider with a bulky core.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
18 18 20 12 - -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
150 +9 3d10+4 22 30 10x10 x10
Abilities Turrets, Dust Cannon
Ability Hit Range Damage
Turrets +9 30 5d4+4
Special None
Ability Hit Range Damage
Dust Cannon +9 60 10d10
Special Full-Round Action: A massive hard-light dust cannon dealing heavy damage
that can be halved with a successful reflex save (DC20)
The Creature of Grimm are durable creatures that terrorize the world. They are made up of a
black body with white bone-like armor covering parts of their body, like an exoskeleton. The
Grimm represent animals and mythological creatures, and they are known to evolve and learn.

Grimm have up to four varieties: Omega, Beta, Alpha, and Boss.

Ability Scores: Grimm tend to have a high Strength, varying dexterity, medium constitution,
very low intelligence, very low wisdom, and no charisma.
HP: [(10 + Con) * level + Variant Bonus] - typically smaller grimm will have a lower Con score.
Hit: [1d20 + (Level/2, rounded up) + Abil Mod + Variant Bonus] - The bonus to their hit checks is
based on their level plus a bonus for their variety and uses the appropriate ability modifier.
Damage: [1d? + Abil Mod] - The damage done by the grimm is based on the variety and type of
the grimm, but is typically a d6, d8, d10, or d12 and the number of dice is based on the
variation. Stronger, more unique grimm tend to deal more damage.
AC: [10 + Dex Mod + Armor Bonus + Variant Bonus] - Grimm tend to have a low AC.
Speed: Grimm on four legs, that can swim, and that can fly tend to have higher than normal
speed between 40 and 60. Grimm on two legs tend to have a normal speed of 30. Grimm
without legs, wings, and fins tend to be slower, between 10 and 20.
Abilities: All grimm have the ‘Grimm Sense’ ability to detect and track negative emotions
(scaling in distance with the level of negativity), and other abilities are based on the type of
grimm. Not that Grimm Sense, Aquatic, and Flight aren’t specified on their listings.

A fresh grimm with no experience in battle or with humans and faunus.
This is a grimm that has learned from prior encounters with humans and faunus. Its hit, damage,
and wisdom tend to be slightly higher
Bonus: HP + 20, Hit + 2, Damage Dice + 1, AC + 2, Wis + 2
This variant of grimm has survived many encounters with humans and faunus. It is smarter than
the average grimm and typically won’t recklessly attack unless it feels like its experience is
adequate. Their damage and hit checks are notably higher, and their constitution, intelligence,
and wisdom are higher as well.
Bonus: HP + 60, Hit + 4, DMG Dice + 3, AC + 4, STR + 2, Con + 4, Int + 4, Wis + 6, Speed + 10
This is a truly elite form of grimm, typically earning its own listing and classification. These Boss
varieties are typically made of a mix of custom stats, sometimes based on a more common
variety of grimm. Visually, they also change greatly in terms of size, armor, and other general
appearance. These grimm are notably rare and less than a handful tend to ever exist at one
Bonus: HP x2, Hit + 8, DMG Dice + 4, AC + 6, STR + 8, Con + 10, Int + 8, Wis + 10, Speed + 20
Abaddon Boss 20
Description A truly powerful humanoid grimm that’s mostly skeletal with black ooze
dripping from its bones forming a confusing mesh of skeleton and black ooze.
An ominous red light emerges from the chest. Its ooze forms a large spear.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
30 18 30 24 20 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
1,000 +28 5d12+10 27 45 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Shade Shift, Multi-Attack, Menacing Aura, Life Drain, Perfect
Flight, Empower
Ability Hit Damage
Shade Shift - -
Special This grimm disappears and reappears within 120 feet as a move action
Ability Hit Damage
Multi-Attack - -
Special This Grimm can attack 3 times in one turn.
Ability Hit Damage
Menacing Aura - -
Special This grimm lets out an aura that makes all creatures within 120 feet shaken
Ability Hit Damage
Life Drain - -
Special This grimm heals itself equal to half of its damage done, rounded up.
Ability Hit Damage
Perfect Flight - -
Special In flight battles, this grimm always has the advantage.
Ability Hit Damage
Empower - -
Special After falling below half health this grimm empowers itself. It gains +5 to hit
checks, AC, and +2 dice of damage per attack. Its body also glows a much
brighter red, making the black ooze glow dark red, to indicate this effect.
Apathy Omega 2
Description A horrific humanoid grimm with claws that’s slow, yet immensely dangerous
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
8 8 8 8 - -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
18 +0 1d8-1 9 15 5x5 x10
Abilities Grimm Sense, Horde, Wail
Ability Hit Damage
Horde - -
Special This grimm moves in a large group of the same type of grimm. Hordes of
grimm can only use collective-based abilities once per round, together.
Ability Hit Damage
Wail - -
Special All Apathy wail a collective loud cry, hitting any nearby non-grimm targets
within 90 feet. All targets hit must succeed a will save (DC equal to the number
of all nearby Apathy) or suffer from a progressional apathy. Every successful
will save brings you to the former stage, but multiple failures will likely result in
Stage 1: You cannot use attack actions during your next turn.
Stage 2: Same as stage 1, but additionally your speed is halved.
Stage 3: You lose your next turn.

Beetle Omega 1
Description A small beetle-based grimm that is capable of transferring aura.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
4 4 4 4 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
7 -3 1d4-3 10 30 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Leech
Ability Hit Damage
Leech - -
Special This grimm absorbs the aura of a creature, transferring it into another creature
at a rate of 40 aura per round.
Beowolf Omega 8
Description A wolf-based grimm with long claws and sharp teeth
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
24 16 14 2 2 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
96 +11 1d10+7 16 30 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense

Beowolf Beta 8
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
24 16 14 2 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
116 +13 3d10+7 18 30 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense

Beowolf Alpha 8
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
30 20 18 6 8 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
172 +18 4d10+10 22 40 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense
Beringel Beta 11
Description A gorilla-based grimm capable of immense feats
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
28 10 30 8 8 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
185 +17 4d8+9 24 30 10x10 x10
Abilities Grimm Sense, Smash, Grimm Toss
Ability Hit Damage
Smash +17 3d8+9
Special Deals damage to all adjacent creatures
Ability Hit Damage
Grimm Toss - -
Special This grimm tosses a smaller grimm up to 60 feet away.

Beringel (Winged) Alpha 11

Description A gorilla-based grimm with wings capable of immense feats.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
30 10 34 12 14 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
247 +20 5d8+10 26 40 10x10 x10
Abilities Grimm Sense, Smash, Grimm Toss, Flight
Ability Hit Damage
Smash +17 4d8+10
Special Deals damage to all adjacent creatures
Ability Hit Damage
Grimm Toss - -
Special This grimm tosses a smaller grimm up to 60 feet away.
Boarbatusk Omega 3
Description A boar-based grimm with lots of armor plating and aggression
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
16 16 16 2 2 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
39 +4 2d6+2 15 40 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Charge
Ability Hit Damage
Charge +4 2d8+4
Special This grimm can roll into its opponent at double its speed as a full round action

Boarbatusk Alpha 3
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
18 16 18 6 8 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
102 +10 4d6+4 19 50 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Charge
Ability Hit Damage
Charge +4 4d8+4
Special This grimm can roll into its opponent at double its speed as a full round action
Centinel Omega 8
Description A centipede based grimm.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
18 18 14 4 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
96 +8 1d8+4 18 40 5x20 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Tunnel, Attach, Coil
Ability Hit Damage
Tunnel - -
Special This grimm can tunnel underground for up to two turns as a move action.
Ability Hit Damage
Attach - -
Special The grimm can attach to others of the same type, becoming longer and gaining
a +3 to all checks per attachment.
Ability Hit Damage
Coil +16 5d4+8
Special The grimm can grapple its target with a +5 bonus.

Creep Omega 4
Description A subterranean grimm capable of tunneling through the ground
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
14 14 12 2 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
44 +4 2d6+2 14 45 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Sweep, Tunnel
Ability Hit Damage
Sweep +4 2d4+2
Special This grimm attacks all adjacent targets by swinging its tail
Ability Hit Damage
Tunnel - -
Special This grimm can tunnel underground for up to two turns as a move action.
Creep Beta 4
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
14 14 12 2 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
64 +6 3d6+2 16 45 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Sweep, Tunnel
Ability Hit Damage
Sweep +4 3d4+2
Special This grimm attacks all adjacent targets by swinging its tail
Ability Hit Damage
Tunnel - -
Special This grimm can tunnel underground for up to two turns as a move action.

(NC) Dasher Omega 10

Description A reindeer-themed grimm capable of dealing heavy damage and moving fast.
Its horns are branched, curved forwards with sharp tips. Its hoofs are armored,
thick on the bottom and reducing as it rises to the knee. It has plated armor on
its shoulders, back, and thighs.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 18 14 2 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
120 +10 2d10+5 19 40 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense

(NC) Dasher Beta 10

Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 18 14 2 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
140 +12 3d10+5 21 40 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense
(NC) Dasher Alpha 10
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
22 18 18 6 10 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
200 +15 5d10+6 23 50 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flame Breath
Ability Hit Damage
Flame Breath +15 5d8+5
Special This grimm breathes fire onto an adjacent target, lighting them on fire dealing
1d8 damage for 1d4 turns, negated by a successful reflex save DC20. The
Dasher’s nose lights up red to indicate a charge is ready and must be
prepared at least one turn in advance as a free action.

Death Stalker Beta 9

Description A large scorpion-based grimm with a light-up tail
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 16 20 4 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
155 +12 3d10+5 22 50 15x20 x10
Abilities Grimm Sense, Lure
Ability Hit Damage
Lure - -
Special This grimm’s tail emits a light for luring in prey

Death Stalker Boss 9

Description A large scorpion-based grimm with a light-up tail
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
28 14 30 12 14 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
270 +22 5d10+5 25 70 25x35 x30
Abilities Grimm Sense
(NC) Fenrir Boss 20
Description An evolution of the Beowolf, this grimm has bone armor along its feet and
claws and lining its spine and skull and is large, strong, and agile.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
40 16 40 14 16 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
1,000 +33 4d10+15 26 60 20x20 x20
Abilities Grimm Sense, Grimm Spawn, Ragnarok
Ability Hit Damage
Grimm Spawn - -
Special This grimm drools large amounts of grimm liquid. Once every 3 rounds,
summon 1d4-1 grimm of 1d10 level or lower.
Ability Hit Damage
Ragnarok +33 4d10+15 (+8d10+30)
Special Fenrir’s ultimate attack, costing a full-round action. Fenrir leaps at the target
and attempts to pin them, dealing standard damage. If the first attack is a
success then Fenrir immediately follows up with a bite attack dealing double
damage that counts as piercing damage. This can be used 3 times per day.
(NC) Fenrir EVOLVED Boss 30
Description An evolution of the Beowolf, this grimm has bone armor along its feet and
claws and lining its spine and skull and is large, strong, and agile.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
40 16 40 14 16 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
1,500 +25 4d10+15 28 60 20x20 x20
Abilities Grimm Sense, Grimm Spawn, Multi-Attack, Serrated, Ragnarok
Ability Hit Damage
Grimm Spawn - -
Special This grimm drools large amounts of grimm liquid. Once every 3 rounds,
summon 1d4 grimm of 1d12 level or lower.
Ability Hit Damage
Serrated - -

Special All Claw and Bite attacks (Ragnarok included) crit on a natural roll of 19-20.
Ability Hit Damage
Ragnarok +28 4d10+15 (+8d10+30)
Special Fenrir’s ultimate attack, costing a full-round action. Fenrir leaps at the target
and attempts to pin them, dealing standard damage. If the first attack is a
success then Fenrir immediately follows up with a bite attack dealing double
damage that counts as piercing damage. This can be used once every 3 turns.
Ability Hit Damage
Multi-Attack - -
Special This grimm can attack twice in a single turn.
Geist Omega 2
Description A ghost-based grimm capable of possessing other objects
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
4 10 10 4 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
20 -3 1d6-3 11 40 5x5 x5
Abilities Possess
Ability Hit Damage
Possess - -
Special This grimm possesses matter and brings it life, changing between other forms
of grimm. This ability can’t be used for 3 turns after leaving a possession.

Arma Gigas Omega 7

Description A living suit of armor due to a Geist Possession
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
18 12 16 4 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
91 +7 3d8+3 17 30 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense

Petra Gigas Beta 10

Description A collection of rocks grouped together from a Geist possession
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
24 10 22 4 8 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
180 +14 4d10+7 13 30 25x25 x40
Abilities Grimm Sense
Frosted Petra Gigas Alpha 10
Description An ice variant of the Petra Gigas
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
30 10 28 12 18 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
180 +18 5d10+10 19 30 30x30 x40
Abilities Grimm Sense

Ammos Gigas Beta 12

Description A large collection of sand grouped together from a Geist possession.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
24 10 24 4 8 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
224 +14 4d10+7 13 30 25x25 x40
Abilities Grimm Sense, Sand Castle
Ability Hit Damage
Sand Castle - -
Special Only usable when 5 Ammos Gigas are within 200ft of each other, they
combine their bodies and beings to form a Ammothelia Gigas
Ammothelia Gigas Boss 20
Description A massive sandstorm taken shape, the Ammothelia Gigas is a terrifying
wonder among grimm. It controls all the sand nearby, whirling it around and
attacking with it. This grimm can only be damaged by attacking the large Geist
mask that exists above the sand in the eye of the storm. It attacks by sending
out pillars of sand at the creature.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
24 10 10 18 14 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
400 +25 5d8+7 10 10 500x500 x80
Abilities Grimm Sense, Sandstorm, Opportunist, Biofuel
Ability Hit Damage
Sandstorm - -
Special This grimm is a sandstorm, blinding all creatures inside it.
Ability Hit Damage
Opportunist - -
Special This grimm gains 5 attacks of opportunity per round
Ability Hit Damage
Biofuel - -
Special This grimm consumes dead creatures in the sandstorm, healing 50 HP.

Goliath Boss 16
Description A massive elephant-based grimm that has survived for hundreds of years.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
36 4 60 14 10 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
1,120 +25 5d12+13 12 30 25x40 x60
Abilities Grimm Sense, Slam
Ability Hit Damage
Slam +25 4d12+13
Special The grimm slams the ground, attacking all adjacent targets.
Griffon Omega 7
Description A griffon-based grimm
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
16 16 16 4 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
91 +7 2d8+3 18 40 5x10 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight

Griffon Beta 7
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
16 16 16 4 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
101 +9 3d8+3 20 40 5x10 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight

(NC) Hag - by @Sherbertday Alpha 17

Description A humanoid grimm that keeps its knees bent, imitating a hunch. It has armor
on its face, hands, feet, shoulders, knees, thighs, and ribs. Underneath its ribs
it holds a number of glowing red orbs that it can use offensively.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
12 24 24 14 12 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
349 +20 4d6+1 20 60 5x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Cloak, Poison Gas Bomb
Ability Hit Damage
Cloak - -
Special This grimm hides itself with a black cloak, giving it a more human appearance.
Ability Hit Damage
Poison Gas Bomb +20 5d4+7
Special Usable once every two rounds, this grimm can throw one of its red orbs at a
target location detonating on impact and leaving a poison gas in a 10ft radius.
Creatures in the gas must succeed a Fort Save DC20 or else be poisoned,
dealing 2d10 damage every round for 1d4 rounds.
(NC) Ibex - by C. Varren Parker Jr. Omega 8
An Ibex based grimm with two long horns atop its head.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 18 14 2 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
96 +10 2d10+5 19 40 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense

King Taijitu Alpha 8

Description A double-ended snake-based grimm featuring a black-and-white pattern.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
26 18 14 6 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
156 +16 4d6+8 22 30 15x15 x15
Abilities Grimm Sense, Coil
Ability Hit Damage
Coil +16 5d4+8
Special The grimm can grapple its target with a +5 bonus.

Lancer Omega 2
Description A bee-based grimm capable of a variety of feats
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
10 18 10 4 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
20 +1 1d6 16 40 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Harpoon
Ability Hit Range Damage
Harpoon +5 60 1d4+4
Special This grimm can shoot its stinger into its target and attach a tether to a shot
stinger to reel in its target, when hit.
Lancer Queen Alpha 13
Description A large queen bee-based grimm usually surrounded by lancers.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
18 18 20 12 14 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
255 +15 5d6+4 23 60 15x15 x15
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Harpoon
Ability Hit Damage
Harpoon +15 5d4+4
Special This grimm can shoot its stinger into its target and attach a tether to a shot
stinger to reel in its target, when hit.

Leviathan Boss 20
Description A massive kaiju-based grimm capable of dealing immense damage
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
40 4 60 6 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
1,400 +33 5d20+15 17 30 40x40 x100
Abilities Grimm Sense, Aquatic, Massive Regen, Energy Breath
Ability Hit Damage
Massive Regen - -
Special This grimm generates 5% of its max HP per round (71)
Ability Hit Range Damage
Energy Breath +15 60 6d12
Special None
(NC) Mangal Boss 18
Description Two grimm in one, this is a humanoid grimm with large bat-like wings. Its
mouth can open wide, revealing dozens of long, thin, sharp teeth. Its armor is
minimal and consists of a spine on the back, wrapped around the jaw, and
thick armor on top of the arms that extend from the elbow and down the hands,
forming a blade-like weapon.
The Mangal separates above the waist, allowing the upper half to move freely
while the lower half remains immobile, but lets out tendrils that can grapple
Mangal is a dangerous predator and tends to target those who are alone, with
children, or pregnant. It also actively hunts animals - one of the only grimm that
do. It consumes its prey with a ravenous, insatiable hunger.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
24 20 20 12 16 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
540 +16 5d12+7 21 30 M
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Separate.
Ability Hit Damage
Separate - -
Special The grimm separates into two parts, the torso and legs, putting ¾ of its HP into
the torso and the rest into the legs. If one part is destroyed, the other part will
regenerate it over the course of one week.

Manticore Omega 13
Description A manticore-based grimm capable of a variety of abilities.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 18 16 4 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
169 +12 2d10+5 20 40 5x10 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Fireball
Ability Hit Range Damage
Fireball +11 30 3d8+3
Special The hit target must succeed a reflex save DC 25, else ignite on fire for 1d6
damage per round for 1d4 rounds.
Manticore Beta 13
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 18 16 4 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
189 +14 3d10+5 22 40 5x10 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Fireball
Ability Hit Range Damage
Fireball +13 30 4d8+3
Special A hit target must succeed a reflex save DC 25, else ignite on fire for 1d6
damage per round for 1d4 rounds.

Megoliath Beta 14
Description A massive elephant-based grimm.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
28 4 30 10 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
300 +17 3d12+8 12 30 10x15 x10
Abilities Grimm Sense, Slam
Ability Hit Damage
Slam +17 2d12+13
Special The grimm slams the ground, attacking all adjacent targets.

Megoliath Alpha 14
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
32 6 40 14 10 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
410 +25 4d12+13 16 40 15x25 x20
Abilities Grimm Sense, Slam
Ability Hit Damage
Slam +25 3d12+13
Special The grimm slams the ground, attacking all adjacent targets.
(NC) Narocero Boss 15
Description A narwhal-themed grimm that wreaks havoc in shallow and medium depths. It
has armor plates scattered around its bondy and has a long, thin horn on its
front jutting outward.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
30 18 30 10 12 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
600 +26 6d10+10 26 70 20x60 x25
Abilities Grimm Sense, Harpoon
Ability Hit Range Damage
Harpoon +20 60 6d8+4
Special This grimm shoots its horn like a harpoon as a ranged attack and regrows it.

Nevermore Beta 10
Description A raven-based grimm that specializes in air combat
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
16 20 18 6 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
160 +10 3d10+3 18 50 15x15 x15
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Fatal Feathers
Ability Hit Range Damage
Fatal Feathers +12 60 2d10+5
Special These feathers hit all targets within a 10ft radius of the target and can only be
used once every 3 rounds.
Nevermore Alpha 10
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
16 20 18 6 8 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
200 +12 4d10+3 20 60 20x20 x15
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Fatal Feathers
Ability Hit Range Damage
Fatal Feathers +14 60 3d10+5
Special Once every 3 rounds, you can shoot feathers hitting all targets within a 10ft
radius of the target.

Nuckelavee Boss 14
Description A centaur-based grimm capable that has massacred over a dozen villages
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
26 14 24 14 18 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
476 +23 5d8+8 19 60 10x20 x20
Abilities Grimm Sense, Wail, Rubber-Arms, Whirlwind
Ability Hit Damage
Wail - -
Special This grimm lets out a wail affecting all creatures hit, requiring them to succeed
a will save DC20 or else be staggered for 2d4 turns.
Ability Hit Damage
Rubber-arms - -
Special This grimm extends its arms to make regular melee attacks up to 60ft away.
Ability Hit Damage
Whirlwind +23 3d8+8
Special The grimm swings its arms rapidly, dealing damage to all targets and knocking
them away up to 20ft, resisted by a fortitude save DC20.
(NC) Primorjalus Boss 14
Description A mammoth-themed grimm that’s the boss form of the Boarbatusk. It has thick
mats of fur covering its body that drips small amounts of grimm liquid. It has
two large armored tusks and a large trunk in front of its body.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charism
30 6 30 10 10 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
560 +25 5d10+10 20 40 15x25 x20
Abilities Grimm Sense, Grimm Spawn, Earthquake, Honk
Ability Hit Damage
Grimm Spawn - -
Special This grimm oozes grimm liquid, creating 1d4-2 grimm of 1d4 level or lower.
Ability Hit Damage
Earthquake - 4d8+10
Special As a full-round action once every 3 rounds, this grimm slams its front to the
ground to deal damage to all targets within 90 feet and knocks them prone,
unless they succeed a reflex save DC24 which also halves the damage.
Ability Hit Damage
Honk - -
Special This grimm can honk through its trunk to alert nearby grimm within 300 feet.
(NC) Rat King Boss 30
Description A reference to a long time joke in HSG, the Rat King Grimm is fiendishly clever
and maliciously devious.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
30 10 100 15 13 10
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
3,300 +34 5d12+15 15 60 30x30x30
Abilities Grimm Sense, Speech!, My Minions!
Ability Hit Damage
Speech! - -
Special The Rat King gives a speech in a high pitched and snooty voice to annoy the
players… I mean nearby creatures.
Ability Hit Damage
My Minions! - -
Special The Rat King calls upon his fellow rats, summoning 10 rats per round. The rats
stats are all baseline stats, gaining no bonuses or penalties, just annoyance.
(NC) Reaper Boss 14
Description A Geist-like grimm with its own unique abilities allowing it to pass through walls
and paralyze its target to drain their life and convert them into a Geist. Visually
it looks like a Geist, but with broader shoulders, bone armor lining its skull, and
an arm shaped like a scythe, with the blade being made of bone.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
10 8 30 18 18 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
560 +15 - 18 40 15x15 x15
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Intangible, Latch, Reap, Mitosis
Ability Hit Damage
Intangible - -
Special This grimm can move through physical objects, such as walls and earth.
However, it takes damage from vibrations such as weapon attacks,
earthquakes, etc. Tremors from non-living creatures deal 1d8 per magnitude,
as determined by the DM.
Ability Hit Damage
Latch +15 -
Special In place of a traditional attack, the scythe arm can stab into a target and latch
onto them, ignoring their aura. Latched targets are immobilized.
Ability Hit Damage
Reap - 1d8
Special When a target is Latched, they take HP damage ignoring their aura. Every
round the target needs to succeed a will save (DC25) or else have their life
drained by 1d8, halved by a fortitude save (DC20).
Ability Hit Damage
Mitosis - -
Special Every target killed through reaping allows one use of this ability. Once per turn,
you can create 1d4 Geist grimm.
(NC) Rotherium - by Kristina Mickel Beta 12
Description A Rhino based grimm with thick armor plating.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
28 14 20 6 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
200 +20 2d12+14 18 40 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense

Sabyr Omega 8
Description A sabertooth based grimm capable of powerful but attacks.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
24 16 14 2 2 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
96 +11 1d10+7 16 30 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense

Sea Feilong Alpha 12

Description A traditional Chinese-based grimm capable of all forms of travel.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 16 26 8 8 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
336 +15 5d10+5 19 60 20x20 x80
Abilities Grimm Sense, Aquatic, Flight
Seer Omega 3
Description An octopus based grimm that hovers above land
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
14 4 8 18 22 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
27 +4 1d8+2 8 8 5x5 x5
Abilities Magical Orb
Ability Hit Damage
Magical Orb - -
Special This grimm can share vision and audio with other Seers.
(NC) Shadow Boss 30
Description A frail, humanoid grimm, it barely has any armor on it. Its eyes and heart glow
yellow, but the rest of its oozy body faintly glows red. Despite this, it has an
astounding amount of durability. Once a human, this grimm emerged from the
pool of grimm cursed with eternal life and eternal madness. This grimm is from
the old era and is capable of both speech and magic.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
8 8 80 30 20 4
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
2,700 +22 5d6-1 13 20 5x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Magic, Flood, Stretchy, Multi-Attack, Reverb, Stone Gaze
Ability Hit Damage
Magic +34 5d6+15
Special This grimm can use dust without requiring it, and can even do additional
effects per DM’s discretion.
Ability Hit Damage
Flood - -
Special The ooze of this grimm suddenly inflates up to 120 feet, wrapping around
every creature before deflating, pulling them adjacent to the grimm.
Ability Hit Damage
Stretchy - -
Special This grimm can make melee attacks up to 60 feet away.
Ability Hit Damage
Multi-Attack - -
Special This grimm can make 3 attacks per round.
Ability Hit Damage
Reverb - -
Special This grimm sends out a concentrated mass of energy all around it, knocking all
creatures away up to 120 feet from this grimm. Only usable once per 3 rounds.
Ability Hit Damage
Stone Gaze - -
Special As an attack action, this grimm can give an intense gaze at a creature, making
them lose their next attack action.
Sphinx Alpha 12
Description A sphinx-based grimm capable of dealing heavy damage
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
24 14 18 8 8 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
228 +17 5d8+7 18 30 10x15 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Fireball
Ability Hit Range Damage
Fireball +12 30 4d8+3
Special The hit target must succeed a reflex save DC 25, else ignite on fire for 1d6
damage per round for 1d4 rounds.

Sulfur Fish Omega 1

Description A small land-based silverfish grimm, this creature isn’t a threat… when alone.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
4 12 6 4 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
8 -2 1d6-2 11 20 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Gulliver, Form B, Form C
Ability Hit Damage
Gulliver +5 -
Special When at least 8 Sulfur Fish are together they can swarm a creature, making a
grapple check and rendering the creature immobile on a success.
Ability Hit Damage
Form B - -
Special When at least 20 Sulfur Fish are together they combine to become Sulfur Fish
Form B
Ability Hit Damage
Gulliver - -
Special When at least 40 Sulfur Fish are together they combine to become Sulfur Fish
Form C
Sulfur Fish Form B Beta 10
Description A mix of Sulfur Fish forming a humanoid golem.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
24 16 20 8 10 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
170 +14 3d10+7 18 30 10x10 x10
Abilities Grimm Sense

Sulfur Fish Form C Alpha 16

Description A mix of Sulfur Fish forming a dragon-like head.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
34 10 28 10 14 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
364 +14 4d12+12 18 15 10x10 x20
Abilities Grimm Sense

Teryx Beta 11
Description A mix of a pteranodon and a raptor, this is a dangerous and capable grimm.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 20 18 6 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
174 +13 3d10+3 21 50 10x10 x10
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight
(NC) Tuscus Omega 9
Description A walrus-themed grimm capable of land and water travel, but specializing on
icy terrain. It looks just like a normal walrus, but with more prominent armored
tusks and armor along its head and spinal column.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 12 18 2 2 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
126 +10 2d8+5 15 20 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Aquatic, Slippery
Ability Hit Damage
Slippery - -
Special Moves at double speed in water and triple on snow or ice.

(NC) Tuscus Beta 9

Description A walrus-themed grimm capable of land and water travel. It has prominent
armored tusks and armor along its head and spinal column.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 12 18 2 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
146 +12 3d8+5 17 20 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense, Aquatic, Slippery
Ability Hit Damage
Slippery - -
Special Moves at double speed in water and triple on snow or ice.

Ursa Minor Omega 6

Description A bear-based grimm with notable durability
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
16 10 20 4 4 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
90 +6 2d6+3 12 30 5x5 x5
Abilities Grimm Sense
Ursa Major Alpha 6
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
20 10 26 6 6 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
198 +12 5d6+5 13 30 10x10 x10
Abilities Grimm Sense

Wyvern Boss 25
Description A wyvern-based grimm that oozes grimm liquid and almost unstoppable.
Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
26 20 40 14 16 -
HP Hit Damage AC Speed Size
1,250 +29 5d12+8 24 60 30x60 x20
Abilities Grimm Sense, Flight, Grimm Spawn
Ability Hit Damage
Grimm Spawn - -
Special This grimm oozes grimm liquid, creating other grimm. Once per 3 rounds,
summon 1d4 grimm of 1d12+1 level or lower.

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