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a Syntactic analysis on a taxi’s billboard advertisement “If you hate waiting, raise

your hand.” With the following template:

Word Categories (Word Class) (write none if there are no)

 Nouns :
 Pronouns :
 Verbs :
 Adjectives :
 Adverb :
 Preposition :
 Conjunction :
 Contraction :
 Articles :
 Determiner :

Use of Phrase and Prepositions (if there are no write none)

- Phrase: …
- Preposition:

Use of Clause

Argument Function and Non-argument Function

A syntactic analysis of a taxi’s billboard advertisement “If you hate waiting, raise your hand.” With
the following template:

Word Categories (Word Class):

- Nouns: Hand

- Pronouns: You, your

- Verbs: hate, waiting, raise

- Adjectives: None

- Adverb: None

- Preposition: None

- Conjunction: If

- Contraction: None

- Articles: None

- Determiner: None

Use of Phrase and Prepositions:

- Phrase: None
- Preposition: None

Use of Clause:

The sentence "If you hate waiting, raise your hand." consists of two independent clauses joined by
the coordinating conjunction "and." Each of these independent clauses can stand alone as a
complete sentence:

1. Conditional clause: “If you hate waiting."

- Verb: hate

- Subject: You (implied, not explicitly stated)

- Object: Waiting

- Adverbial phrase: None

- Predicate: "hate waiting"

2. Main clause: "Raise your hand."

- Verb: Raise

- Subject: Your hand

- Object: None

- Adverbial phrase: None

- Predicate: "Raise your hand.

Argument Function and Non-Argument Function:

Argument Function:

a) Subject: "You" (implied)

- This is the subject of the conditional clause, representing the doer of the action. It is implied but
not explicitly stated in the sentence.

b) Object: "waiting"

- This is the object of the verb "hate," representing what the subject "You" dislikes.

c) Subject: "You" (implied)

- This is the subject of the main clause, representing the doer of the action. It is implied but not
explicitly stated in the sentence.

d) Object: "your hand"

- This is the direct object of the verb "raise," representing the action the reader is encouraged to
Non-Argument Function:

a) Verb: "hate"

- This is the verb in the conditional clause, describing the action of disliking.

b) Verb: "waiting"

- This is the verb's object in the conditional clause, the action being disliked.

c) Verb: "raise"

- This is the verb in the main clause, describing the action the reader is encouraged to perform.

A syntactic analysis of a porter’s billboard advertisement “Let Us Take Care Of Your

Baggage.” With the following template:
Word Categories (Word Class):
- Nouns: Baggage
- Pronouns: Your, us
- Verbs: Let, Take, Care
- Adjectives: None
- Adverb: None
- Preposition: Of
- Conjunction: None
- Contraction: None
- Articles: None
- Determiner: None

Use of Phrase and Prepositions:

- Phrase: "of Your Baggage" is a prepositional phrase that functions as the object of the verb
"Take Care." It provides more information about what the care is for.
- Preposition: "of" is used to introduce the prepositional phrase.

Use of Clause:
The sentence "Let us Take Care of Your Baggage" consists of one main clause:
1. Main clause: "Let us Take Care of Your Baggage."
- Verb: Let, Take, Care
- Subject: Us (implied)
- Object: Your Baggage
- Adverbial phrase: None
- Predicate: "Let us Take Care of Your Baggage."

Argument Function and Non-Argument Function:

Argument Function:
a) Subject: "Us" (implied)
- This is the subject of the main clause, representing the doer of the action. It is implied but
not explicitly stated in the sentence.
b) Object: "Your Baggage"
- This is the direct object of the verb "Take Care," representing what is being taken care of.
Non-Argument Function:
a) Verb: "Let"
- This is the main verb in the sentence, indicating permission or an offer to do something.
b) Verb: "Take"
- This is the verb that describes the action of taking.
c) Verb: "Care"
- This is the verb that describes the action of caring for or looking after.
The sentence invites the reader to allow the speaker to take care of their baggage, with the
main clause expressing this offer or permission.

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