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after pill, t0 mmediately, continue or oasand have enopause— panties esaswellas is uterus to nd women's in certain sextostop om having lp women traduire, /-abortion BIOETHICS [7 LA BIOETHIQUE ') des problames {| délicats tricky issues a thorny, tricky, sticky issue tun probléme épineux, déicat an ethical issue tun probléme éthique unethical ‘moralement contestable, contraire alethique code of ethics, code of conduct déontologie, code de conduite the sacredness, the sanctity oflife le caractére sacré de la vie human dignity la dignité humaine avalue tune valeur ‘Thomas Beatie, as all he world now surely knows, isa transgender man from Oregon who had the breasts (seins) he was born with surgically removed, but elected to keep his female reproductive organs. When his wife, Nancy, found that she could not have another child - she has two daughters from a previous relationship - he decided to leave off (arréter) taking the testosterone for a while and get pregnant himself, using donor sperm, In June, he gave birth to a daughter, Susan, New Statesman, 11 December 2008 a controversy {kan'trovasi,‘kentravassi] une polémique @ controversial, contentious issue un probléme controversé a hot-button issue tun probleme sensible, qui suscite de vives réactions provoquer un débat un débat enflammeé, passionné to be faced with, confronted witha _étre face 4 un dilemme dilemma a permissive society ne société permissive to cause an outcry susciter un tollé, une levée de boucliers the decision caused an uproar la décision a provoqué une tempéte de protestations the news caused a furore [jus la nouvellea fait scandale to cause public outrage [autrerds] __scandaliser Fopinion. concern tune préoccupation to bea cause for concern {tre source dinguiécude to outlaw questionable practices interdire des pratiques contestables ‘The announcement that scientists are to be allowed to edit the DNA of human embryos will no doubt provoke an avalanche of warnings from opponents of genetic modification (GM) technology, who will warn that we are “playing God" with our 'genes.The opponents are right. We are indeed playing God with our genes. But it isa > P| BIOETHICS 2 LIFESTYLES _g0od thing because God, nature or whatever we want to call the agencies that have made us, often get it wrong and its up to us to correct those mistakes. Johnjoe McFadden, The Guardian, 2 February 2016 acell une cellule ‘nucleus {'njurklos} un noyau askin cell tune cellule de la peau stem cells les cellulessouches stem-cell research la recherche sur les cellules souches ‘Most cells have only one function. But stem cells can do many things. The most versatile (polyvalent) of them come from human embryos and can be used in a number of therapies, in particular to treat cancer, Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease During his eight years in the White House, George W. Bush refused to expand federal funding (fonds) for stem-cell research on the ground that “it crosses a moral boundary (Grontiére)” but President Obama reversed the ban in 2008. infertile, sterile stérile, infertile infertility, seriicy ta stérlicé fertility treatment traitement pour la fertité assisted reproduction aide la procréation, procréation médicalement assistée, PMA conception ‘conception tofertilizean egg fertiliser un ovule an oocyte ['2u2U5a1t) tun ovocyte sperm, semen [simian] lesperme sperm count nombre de spermatozoides to donate an egg / sperm faire don d'un ovule | de sperme a semen donor, a sperm donor un donneur de sperme an egg donor une donneuse dovule ‘An indian woman in her 70s has given birth to her frst child after she and her husband, who have been married for 46 years, underwent IVF treatment. Daljinder Kaur, who believes she is 70 years old, had two years of treatment at the National Fertility and Test Tube Baby Centre in Hisar in the north of india. Anurag Bishnei, who runs the IVE lini, told the Guardian the couple had suffered stigmatization for not having children and that “a person who is infertile is not given a piece of and or property by his father”, ‘Mr Gill had taken his father to court to win the right to inherit land from his father and asa result had been able to afford the IVF treatment. ‘The Independent, 10th May, 2016 an embryo ['embriau} un embryon to freeze an embryo / sperm a foetus, fetus (US) [':t25] artificial insemination in vitro fertilisation, IVF atest-tube baby congeler un embryon / du sperme un foetus Vinsémination artificielle la fécondation in vitro, FIV Un bébé-éprouverte The Nuffield Cou step: it has open! traits of future ch reproduction: soc permissible” und genetically modifi dangerous biotec purported (soils as superior to the hierarchies before racism, is this the Marcy Darnovsky, ‘womb [ivu:m, to implant an a surrogate mc surrogacy to give birth tc genetic moth The fate of industs ‘our time. Tens of and emotions, lv history, and the er worst crime in his animals. Even ten: responsible fora se about 45,000 year was the first signif was not the lat. Yuval Noah Harari ‘organ donatior ‘an organ dono! ‘organ removal organ transpla a recipient [-': to implant an ¢ organ rejection body parts the sale of bod) ‘medical tourist ae ss that have he Nuffield Council on Bioethics has eaken what it cleatly regards as a brave new Sek: I has openly endorsed (approuvé) the use of genome elting to ‘engineer the ; hierarchice rns eet OF Us: Haver‘t we been down the path of biologealy defined The most )anumber rs disease nd federal womb {wuir}, uterus (justaras) Futérus boundary to implant an egg / an embryo implanter un ovule / un embryon a surrogate mother, a tummy mummy une mére porteuse surrogacy ‘gestation pour autrui (GPA), maternité de substitution to give birth toa girl /a boy donner naissance a une fille / un garcon a genetic mother lune mere génétique {he ate of industrially farmed animalsis one of the mos pressing ethical questions of Sur time. Tens of billions of sentient beings censibles). each with comples ae oga nmotions lve and die on a production line. Animal are the natn acca of bistory and the treatment of domesticated animals in industrial forme g pethaps the sree in history. The march of human progress is strewn (jonche) with saad animals. Even tens of thousands of years ago, our stone age ancestors wens already 3 senor nen fora series ofecologcal disasters. When the first humans reached Acre, about 45,000 years ago, they quickly drove to extinction 90% of ie large animals. This Was the ist significant impact that Homo sapiens had on the planets ‘ecosystem. It ‘was not the last. 2 Bsband, Yuval Noah Harari, The Guardian, 26 September 2015 E a, who . . 3 lity and ‘organ donation le don dorgane the IVE an organ donor un donneur dorgane organ removal le prélévement dorgane organ transplant {a greffe la transplantation dorgane s father a recipient [1'sipzant] un receveur une receveuse +o implant an organ implanter un organe organ rejection le rejet dorgane body parts ‘organes et parties du corps humain the sale of body parts a marchandisation du corps humain ‘medical tourism le tourisme médical BIOETHICS le 3 E e Although experiments on cloning started in the late 19th century, it was only in 1996 that British scientists created Dolly the sheep, the first mammal (mammifére) that was a DNA “copy” of another. Since then, pigs, cattle (bovins), mice and dogs have been cloned. In 2002 the Raelian group, which believes aliens created humans by cloning, claimed to have cloned the first human baby, though it failed to provide any evidence (prewe). ‘The Sunday Times, November 9, 2008 a clone (kiavn} un clone cloning. le lonage a cloned egg un ceufcloné human clo le clonage des étres humains therapeutic cloning le clonage thérapeutique aa saviour sibling 'Servjor'sib.liq] un bébé-médicament reproductive cloning le clonage reproductit Gattaca is a 1997 science fiction film starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman and describinga world in which children ofthe middle and upper classes are selected through genetic diagnosis to ensure (garantir) that they possess the best hereditary traits oftheir parents: they are called “valids" while those conceived by traditional means are known as “invalids’. Though genetic discrimination isillegal, in practice "invalids" are relegated to ‘menial jobs (emplois subalternes). The film explores the concerns (inquiétudes) aroused by reproductive technologies and their possible consequences for society. Feugenisme un eugéniste, un partisan de Feugénisme un bébé sur mesure parents qui choisissent les caractéristiques de leur Futur bébé to tamper with nature porter atteinte la nature, toucher ala nature toplay God jouer 8 'apprentisorcier tobe ona slippery slope {tre sur une pente dangereuse Eugenics is the belief that the human race can be improved by discouraging the reproduction of individuals thought to have undesirable hereditary characters and ‘encouraging that of individuals possessing desirable ones. The term was coined at the ‘end of the nineteenth century by Sir Francis Galton, a scientist and a polymath (um esprit uuniversel) and was supported by many prominent figures such as Emile Zola, George Bernard Shaw, John Maynard Keynesand Winston Churchill. Eugenic policies were first implemented (appliquées) in the early 1900s in the United States. Later, in the 1920s and 30s, the eugenic policy of sterilizing certain mental patients was implemented in variety of other countries such as Belgium, Brazil, Canada, and Sweden. Eugenics was discredited by the abuses committed by the Nazi regime during Word War Il and has been abandoned since then, 1. Surrogacy is an a handing it overt 2. Surrogacy is noth their maidservan 3. transgender ma to get pregnant v 4. Strictly speaking, «body part. 5. Demand for VF i and gay. 6 Stercell researc a woman to have 2 Iewasonly in 195 wasa DNA copy. 8. sntitamaring th 9, The supertich wi tohave an exact 10. Indats medical to foreign patients i 1. Laplupare des ge 2 Touslespsycholo paternelle pour g 3. Mlyadesbébéss 4. Unefemmede pl un tole, 5. Le président Bush son mandat en 2 6 Les techniques d leur reve 2. Nese question de 8. Une banque de s issu dun homme: 9. Ledanger que rep 10. Mparait que le rou ‘Why could human clo ‘Why do some consery How far should the st it was only in 1996 amrmifere) that was ad dogs have been »umans by cloning, ovide any evidence ma Thurman and eselected through ary traits oftheir ans are known as, sare relegated to wiétudes) aroused ciety, de leugénisme = caractéristiques oucher euse iscouraging the ‘characters and 2scoined at the ymath (un esprit le Zola, George olicies were first er in the 1920s mplemented in n. Eugenics was {War Il and has Se 1 Surrogacy is an arrangement whereby a woman cartes a child with the intention of handingit over to another woman after its birth, 2. Surrogacy is nothing new:in the book of Genesis, three women sene their husbands to. their maidservants to remedy their own deficiency in producing sons. 3. Attansgenderman who had his breasts but nothis reproductive organs removed decided {0 get pregnant when he discovered his wife could no longer have babies. 4 Surety speaking, paying for donated eggs ilegal in America sinceit counts as buying abody part. 5 Demand for IV's soaring no just among infertile couples but also among the single and gay 6 Seem-cell research has made i possible to create sperm and cherefore theoretically for woman to have a baby wichoue a man, 7. le was only in 1996 that British scientists created Dolly the sheep, the frst mammal that ‘was a DNA copy of another tetitamazing thar progressive minds suchas Zola, Shaw or Keynes supported eugenics? ‘The super-rich who cant face losing a pet can now have their beloved animal clonedd tohave an exact replica, 10. Indias medical ours industry has boomed over the past few years attracting 150.000 foreign patients in 2005 © ia ss 1 Lapluparc des gens estiment que eclonage humain est contra & éthique ‘Tous les psychologues ne sont pas accord pour direqutunenfanta besoin dune figure pacernelle pour grand 3. Ilya des b&bés-éprouvetce depuis plus de ros décennies Une emmede plus de soixante ans venait accoucher dejumeaux, ce quiavat provogué un tol 5: Le présdenc Bush sest opposé a la recherche sur le cellules souchesjusqu’a la fn de son mandat en 2008 6. Les techniques d'aide a procréation permercent& des couples sans enfants de réalser leur reve. 2. lest question de légalsr fa gestacion pour autru dans plusieurs pays européens 5. Une banque de sperme danoise donne la possiblicé 3 ses cients de choir du sperme {Ssudlun homme ayant ls yeux bleus par exemple, ou quia fait des études supérioures TeGiBer due représenceleugénisme ne dot pas éceoublé das tout at surle donage 10. I para que le rourismie mécical est en pleine expansion, See ‘Why could human cloning be dangerous for the future of mankind? ‘Why do some conservatives oppose stem-cell research? How far should the stave regulate conception? Q 9 = E o 9 a 8 g 2 5 — @ a (01. Trouver les mots correspondant aux définitions suivantes : 1. The... _.ofa woman is the part of her body in which a baby develops. before birth. csv Este action ofa woman havinga baby for another woman who Unable to do so herself, Be Accosmnnnnnnan isa feeling of worry about something important. 4 An isastrongexpression ofanger and disapproval about something, made by eoupof pope ‘or by the publi isa sudden excited or angry reaction to something by a lot orci” 02. La traduction des mots suivants ne pose qu'un probleme d'orthographe. 1.un embryon «2. la dignite «3. un traitement médical » 4, éthique (adj) » 5. controversé 03. Trouver un synonyme pour les mots suivants. 1. infertile «2. semen +3. thorny issue +4. a surrogate mother «5. be confronted with (04, Associer les mots suivants pour former cing noms composés et traduire. sibling - sperm - organ - designer - removal - baby - cell - saviour - count - stem 05. Compléter avec les mots adéquats. 1. She gave to twins on the day af her 29th birthday. 2. Acodeof... sa statement of general principles with which members| ‘of an organization, fr instance doctors, are supposed to comply. 3. Atest, vv baby isa baby that develops from an egg removed from a ‘woman's body, and then put back inside the woman to continue developing, 4. The ssvannn 0f body parts such a kidneys isillegal in many countries, 5. Medical vss the practice of travelling abroad to obtain healthcare. 06. Trouver les dérivés des mots-racines a gauche. Jaire don de gch to donate sth c tun donneur sacré. sacred a ven Aractre sacré rejeter coreject : rejet ‘gine gene ' cous eugénisme lone clone = o clonage ‘euthanasia | Involuntary et ‘consent), as ws patient is unabl everywhere d when the patie Active euthans the patient wit! (arréter) medic tocommit the sacredn ‘Active euthanas in Switzerland, Public opinion over the world. terminal d a degenerati tobe termin tobe brain-« irreversible tofall into / tobe brain d tobeinave tobea burd paralysis [02 to be paraly to be para tobe paraly to be quad

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