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Title: "Friends in Need"


1. Sarah

2. Alex

3. Jordan

(Scene: A cozy living room with three friends sitting on a couch, sipping tea.)

Sarah: (Concerned) Hey, guys, I've been thinking. Have you noticed anything off about Jordan lately?

Alex: (Puzzled) Well, now that you mention it, Jordan has been pretty quiet lately. What's going on?

Jordan: (Defensive) Oh, it's nothing. Just some stress from work, you know?

Sarah: (Supportive) Jordan, we're your friends. You can talk to us about anything. We're here for you.

Alex: (Nodding) Yeah, Jordan, you've always been there for us. Let us be there for you.

Jordan: (Sighs) Alright, it's just... I've been feeling overwhelmed with work, and my personal life has
been a mess.

Sarah: (Empathetic) It's okay to feel that way, Jordan. We all go through tough times. You don't have to
face it alone.

Alex: (Reassuring) And if you ever need help, whether it's with work stuff or just someone to talk to,
we're here.

Jordan: (Grateful) Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it. I guess I've been trying to handle everything on my

Sarah: (Smiling) That's what friends are for, Jordan. We've got your back.

(Scene fades out with the three friends sharing a warm moment, knowing they can rely on each other
for support.)

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