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Teach And Learn

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU (Comics),
Nightwing (Comics)
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Previous Slade Wilson/Dick Grayson,
Previous Jason Todd/???, Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Kon-El
| Conner Kent
Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Original Child Character(s), Damian Wayne,
Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Slade Wilson, Roy
Harper, OCs, Oswald Cobblepot, Clark Kent, Talia al Ghul, William
Randolph Wintergreen, Barbara Gordon
Additional Tags: Drama, Romance, A/B/O, Alpha Jason Todd, Omega Dick Grayson,
Fertility Issues, Mpreg, much later on, Non con as relating to abo, Slade
Wilson is a Dick, Dick Grayson is Not Okay, Jason Todd is Good With
Kids, No capes A/U, single dad Jason, Slade is a manipulative asshole,
Slade Wilson is a bad guy, Gaslighting, Slow Burn, Jason Bakes, Past
Underage, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, Overprotective Damian Wayne
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-11-16 Updated: 2023-12-07 Words: 169,729 Chapters:
Teach And Learn
by Birdlovers4


Omega Dick Grayson is Detective Alpha Jason Todd’s daughter's new preschool teacher.
Unfortunately, Jason keeps seeing the man in places (and ways) he really shouldn’t.

See the end of the work for notes
Chapter 1

“And this,” Marcia Weaver’s sharp heels clicked on the floor. The Beta woman’s steps were
precise and calculated, almost too perfectly in sync to actually be human. Dick Grayson
considered himself a graceful person when he needed to be, but following Ms. Waters was
like avoiding a stern, angry bomb at almost every turn. The woman stopped short at the
oddest times and each stride and glance she gave seemed a more determined search to judge
things (aka Dick) “This is where we keep the problems.”

“Problems?” Dick thanked whatever force was watching over him that he didn’t crash into
the smaller woman when she suddenly stopped again. The word seemed harsh like she was
speaking of defective items, and as he looked around the perfectly child-friendly room, Dick
wasn’t quite sure what she meant. It was clean and well organized and not a thing seemed out
of place. Something that might even seem strange when speaking of very young kids and
their tendency to raise a bit of havoc.

“The problems,” She repeated, her flared tip glasses falling down her nose. The repetition of
the word was obviously supposed to better define what she meant, but Dick was still at a loss.

Her tone became exasperated, “Mr. Wayne.”

“It’s Grayson, actually,” Dick corrected. In fact, it had never been Wayne, but being as Bruce
had been the one to set up this job, it made sense she thought they might be related. His
former last name wasn’t something he liked to think about of late, but given he still had the
ring on his finger…

“Right, of course,” Like it really wasn’t an ‘of course’ thing, but another irritation to add to
her list.

Of all the times not to have a witty or charming retort.

“This one here, in particular, is quite a trouble starter,” Ms. Weaver turned back to a table
situated in the rear left of the room. A girl who couldn’t possibly be more than four was
seated there, her fingers toying with her slightly undone braid as she stared down at the long,
purple-colored desk dejectedly.

Dick was sure the woman had to be joking.

The girl was downright adorable. Dark brown hair and big green eyes, the child seemed more
sad than anything. She rubbed at her eyes before going back to playing with her hair.

“She probably needs a nap.” Dick knew the tell-tale signs of a tired child and she seemed to
be exhibiting all of them in what he considered a quite apparent way.

The quick turn and glare at his suggestion nearly gave Dick whiplash. The reply was
absolutely seething, “You’re soft.”
“Soft?” Dick blinked then gestured to make his point, “No, I mean just look, she's

“You can’t be soft,” Ms. Weaver snapped. Her sharp blue eyes moved down his neck and
further down his shoulder. Like she knew what was there and it offended her. Which, it
probably did. Dick shifted and her cold stare blinked back to his. “I suppose I should have
expected that given your…”

Dick inhaled, waiting for what term she’d want to (no doubt scathingly) label it.


He snorted.

Which only seemed to annoy Ms. Weaver even more.

“Despite what you may think, I’m not soft, I just...know kids,” Dick shrugged.

“Yet, you have none of your own?”

Which was a pointless and cruelly intended question. As was customary, demanded even, he
wouldn’t be here, caring for other children, if he did.

Ms. Weaver, it seemed, enjoyed being a bitch.

Dick kept his smile, if only to further aggravate her. His childlessness was in no way her
business, but as was usual, that didn’t seem to matter, “Nope. Just younger siblings.”

Which was pretty much sacrilegious at his age, something Dick was painfully aware of.

“I was informed that you could handle this job, even with,'' she gave a vague hand motion for
him to fill in the blanks. His condition. “We made special exemptions so don’t think for a
moment I won’t remove you from it if I see you to be unfit.”

Which was not only completely ridiculous, but a complete lie. Wayne Enterprises had built
and funded this preschool center, among many others. Dick didn’t have much fear of being
fired. Still...

“I know what I’m doing. I’m just here to help.”

Better to let her have her unnecessary power trip and get it over with. Dick wasn’t here to
start trouble. In fact, he wanted the exact opposite. The past five years had left a deep impact
on him so much that all he wanted was a quiet, normal existence.

(Growing old Alpha-less and barren, not exactly normal, Grayson)

Before Ms. Weaver could reply, there was a ringing from her pocket. Pulling out her phone
she answered, frowning as she listened to whoever was on the other line, “I’ll be right there.”
Putting the object away she pointed directly at Dick. “Stay here,” The woman looked ready
to explode and Dick was relieved that, for once that day, she wasn’t directing her ire at him.
As she stomped away to the school's front, slamming the door behind her, Dick almost felt
sorry for the poor bastard she was going to confront.

Unsure how long she would be, Dick began searching for a chair. He found only the purple
desk with the supposed ‘problem’ actually had any left. The remaining kids all seemed to be
doing various tasks in an almost too organized manner and Dick didn’t like seeing the girl all
alone to begin with, especially given she didn’t seem at all misbehaved at that moment.

As Dick tried to figure out what to do with his legs in the child-sized chair, there was a soft
whisper. “Are you in trouble too?”

Dick blinked at the girl across from him, unsure how to answer, but also relieved he hadn’t
managed to scare her in any way. “Honestly, I have no idea,” he joked.

The girl looked down again, chewing at Her lip.

Dick kept his voice low and friendly, “Is Ms. Weaver always this…”

“Scary?” the girl answered. She nodded in reply to her own question and hiccuped, “She took

“Allie?” Dick asked, slightly alarmed at who Allie could be. Just what in the world was this
woman doing to these children?

The girl pointed to the top of a metal cabinet across from them. A stuffed purple alligator in a
rainbow tutu was tossed carelessly on top. Her voice wavered and sounded watery as she
continued, “She’s in time-out, she--she didn’t even do anything.”

Dick huffed. Really? The woman took toys from the children too? “Well, of course, she
didn’t.” He agreed, standing and walking over so he could reach the stuffed plush, “I mean
unless you count being fashionable, which is totally not a crime,” He joked as he handed it
back to her. “There. Allie is officially out of time out.”

The girl blinked at him in amazement, “She is?”

“Yep, in fact, Allie’s never going to be in time out again. Not while I’m here.”

The girl held the toy close and smiled into it. “She’s an Alligator.”

“Ah, of course, Allie the Alligator, very clever.”

“She’s a...ballernena.”

The pronunciation was almost right and she definitely got an A for effort. “So she is,” Dick
agreed. “I'm sure she’s very skilled at it too.”

The girl spun the toy on the table to show him.

A different life...what felt like ages ago, moving to music, rhythm, crowds cheering…
Dick blinked out of the memory as soon as it started. Not the time. He smiled instead as the
girl carefully placed the stuffed alligator to sit in the chair next to her.

“Does Ms. Weaver put you here by yourself a lot?”

The girl nodded. “I pushed Toby and she got mad. He’s always pinching me,” she rubbed at
her arm. “It hurts.”

“Well, Toby won’t be doing that anymore,” Dick promised. Once he found out who Toby
was, he’d make sure the boy stayed away from...he looked at the top of a worksheet she must
have colored in earlier…

“Catherine, that’s a nice name.”

She squished her nose and shook her head, “Cat.”

“Cat,” he agreed. The nickname seemed to fit her, “That’s even better.”

“I can draw a cat,” she exclaimed, grabbing at the paper and flipping it over.

Dick’s brows raised as he chuckled at her enthusiasm, “Do you like drawing?”

Cat nodded, deeply concentrating on her art and grabbing an orange crayon to start coloring
it, “It’s my favorite.”

“Well, maybe you can teach me, I can’t draw at all.”

Cat laughed, “Daddy can’t draw either. He makes the cats look really funny.”

“Hey, I’m sure he tries his best,” Dick defended with a chuckle.

“My Mommy was an artist.”

The words fell heavy.

Was. As in an Omega who had no doubt given up their profession after having a child. Daddy
was a traditionalist then. Dick swallowed, he couldn’t show bitterness with this child that
didn’t deserve it.

“What on….” the shocked-sounding voice from behind him made Dick turn in his too-small
chair. Ms. Weaver was back and she looked anything but happy. She gave him a disapproving
frown before addressing Cat, “Catherine, your father’s here and you’re going home. I suggest
you have a better attitude when you return so this doesn’t happen again.”

The girl looked upset all over again and Dick couldn’t help wanting to comfort her.

“I’ll see you tomorrow Cat, okay?” Dick gave her a reassuring smile. “Maybe we can do
some more drawing and make sure to bring Allie so she doesn’t miss out.”
Cat nodded excitedly before grabbing Allie and her backpack. She then handed him the paper
with the cat picture she’d drawn, shyly. “His name’s Orange.”

“He’s perfect. We’ll have to find a good place to hang him up.”

Ms. Weaver tutted and prodded the girl towards the door before she could respond, but Dick
knew she was smiling.

Once the door fell shut, Dick exhaled, trying to ignore the itchiness of the scent blocker and
biting at his lip. A nearing 30 Omega, masquerading as a Beta, trying to pretend he was
functioning on all cylinders and now possibly having to save a class from a tyrannical teacher
on his first official day tomorrow...

Looking at the picture again, he noticed the blue bow tie Cat had added and couldn’t hold in a
warm smile.


“I’m sorry, what?”

“Your daughter pushed…”

“Someone who was hurting her?” Jason Todd had to make sure he was hearing it right. This
woman had always pissed him off. From her shameless flirting at first to her now set
determination to constantly have a disciplinary issue he knew was complete bullshit.

The blonde woman shook her head, further vexing Jason, “That was her story, but I assure

“Assure me that you're bringing my daughter out here. Right now.”

“Daddy, what’s this color?”

Jason turned his head from the television he’d been focused on, glad to be pulled from the
anger he’d begun feeling again at remembering the conversation, to look down at the crayon
being presented to him. “That’s blue, Kit.”

Cat huffed from her position on the floor in front of the coffee table. She held up two
different shades of the coloring tool before shaking her head and tossing them down. Her tub
of crayons was filled with all kinds of different colors, but Jason had never seen her this
particular about shades before.

“Blue is blue, I’m sure whatever you find will work.” Then again, Jason wasn’t what one
would call a color snob.

Cat shook her head again, rubbing her forehead in frustration, “I can’t find the right one.”

Jason moved from his spot on the couch so he could get a better look. Crouching over the
bin, he hummed, “Well, I don’t know, maybe this is just too many crayons for one little girl to
“Daddy, no!”

“I’m kidding, Kit-Cat.” As if Jason would ever take even one stupid crayon from her. He’d
cut off his own hand first. “Okay, let’s see. How about…” He reached into the tub and found
the first shade that caught his eye. It was bright, pretty, and very, very, blue. He held it out to
her, “...this one.”

Jason could already see from the widening of her eyes that he’d picked the right one. He
handed her the object then observed the paper pad in front of her.

“What are you drawing anyway?”

Her main focus seemed to be on a character he’d never seen her draw before. The face had
dark fringy hair, a big smile, and with the now added crayon, two giant bright, blue eyes.

“Is that a new person on that show you like?”

Cat shook her head, sending her freshly brushed curls flying, “He’s my teacher.”

Jason’s brow rose in surprise, “Teacher?”

“From today,” Cat nodded. “He said he’d be there tomorrow, too.”

“You got a new teacher?” Jason certainly didn’t remember seeing any male teachers. Just that
witch he had a mind to go off on very soon.

Cat nodded again, “He’s nice. He liked my art.”

Jason brushed some hair from her face, grabbing a hair tie from a side dish to start working
on her braid. Educating himself on hairstyles had been one of the more surprisingly easy
tasks to learn for Jason. (Bottle feeding and potty training...not so much) “Well, I mean
anyone who can see would like your art.” He commented as he sectioned and gently overlaid
the dark strands. He was often glad the color was closer to his, though a slight highlight of
blonde could be seen in certain lights.

Thankfully, her eyes were unquestionably Jason’s.

“Daddy,” she giggled into his arm.

“Hey, I can’t do this when you move,” he laughed, poking her.

“If I get one, so does Allie.”

“Last I looked, alligators don’t have hair.” Jason turned to the raggy-looking toy and
grimaced. The thing was filthy, “What she needs is a bath.”

“Allie hates baths!”

“Well you both have that in common then,” Jason wondered how he could toss the old thing
in the wash without his daughter noticing. “Anyway, you need to clean up and get ready for

Cat’s fallen expression and toying with the end of her shirt stopped him. “I’ll try not to get in
trouble tomorrow, daddy.”

And the rage was bubbling all up again, but Jason had to quiet that part and stay level-
headed. “Hey, hey, come here,” he pulled the girl to him. “You did nothing wrong and I’m
gonna make sure your teacher knows that.” He'd been too angry to deal with it before and
didn’t want to be accused of Alpha rage, but he definitely wasn’t allowing it another single
day. “And I don’t care what anyone says about ‘that’s how boys show they like you‘, you
kick his nuts next time if you have to.”

“His leg nuts?”

Jason chuckled, he had Roy Harper to thank for that one, “Yeah, baby, kick them as hard as
you can if he bothers you again. He’ll probably cry, that’s how you know you did it right. But
only if he hurts you first, okay?”

(Jason never claimed to be parent of the year.)


“Good,” he kissed her cheek and pushed gently on her back to get her moving. “Now get to

A flash from the TV screen, which was turned down to almost mute, caught Jason’s eye as
paused his finger on the off button of the remote. The figure in front of the camera was
familiar and not in a good way. Pointed, almost twisted features, the man looked more like a
bird than an actual human. He held out his arms in some kind of proclamation. Jason only
heard the end of the speech as he turned up the volume, but he couldn’t miss the cutting of
the ribbon and pulling away of a large tarp.


The outlined words were like a dagger with how deeply they cut across the screen.

Jason’s heart dropped. It couldn’t be possible. There was no way this had passed by the
Mayor, The Commissioner, fucking anyone in any kind of power. Not after the shit that had
happened in Bludhaven. The missing Omegas, the outright prostitution, and Christ knew
what else went on in the supposedly upscale club, disguising horrors the Haven police had
only scratched the surface of.

And now it was in Jason’s city, which meant...

“Shit. Fuck...fucking shit…” Jason didn’t know what word worked better.

To use the two words eloquently, It was too fucking late for this shit and Jason really only
knew two things.

He needed to tuck his daughter in…

...and a fucking cigarette.
Chapter 2

“A bit early for you to be up and about isn’t it, Master Dick?”

The voice startled Dick to nearly drop the box in his hands. Trying to eat while still half
asleep and attempting to blink himself back into the world of being awake was proving to be
a bit of a challenge. It had been a while since he’d had a routine and it didn’t feel anything
like getting back on a bike (or any other crappy metaphor Dick’s barely functioning mind
could think of) He felt tired, and Dick needed to feel the opposite of that as quickly as he
could. “Morning Al,” he finally got out.

The brow raise at not only the full mouth of Cherry Pop-Tart greeting but also the box of
processed ‘pasty bites’ that signified Dick might possibly have more, wasn’t one of any
beguilement. Alfred Pennyworth wasn’t amused, “Shall I prepare you some real food or
would you prefer your...carton of sugar?”

“Thanks, but I don’t have the time.” He was getting an early start with the classroom and
despite deeply hating being up before the sun, Dick was determined to start changing things
as quickly as he could.

The elderly butler tutted a vague noise of disappointment before going to fill up the kettle,
“While I do applaud your commitment to early rising, rare as it usually is, If I recall, we
didn’t see you at supper last night either.”

“I picked something up,” Dick shrugged. His eating habits hadn’t been something he’d
openly brag of lately, but at least he had an appetite. After nearly two years of almost
complete nausea, he was okay with the few pounds he might have put on from the recent junk
and fast food binges…

Who exactly did Dick have to impress anyway?

“We miss seeing you, you know.”

“You do see me,” Dick offered lightly. He knew exactly what Alfred meant, but Dick wasn’t
ready for this conversation, not this early (or ever, honestly). He shoved the rest of his sugar-
laden treat into his mouth before adding, “Damian’s in my room so he’ll probably want
something soon.”

And Damian Wayne absolutely would not settle for Pop-Tarts.

“Is it helping?” Alfred asked, his tone kind. “I still say you should see a specialist here in the
city, but is any of it helping?”

A tough question to answer, honestly.

“It’s…” Dick ruffled his hair. “I guess.” There was still soreness in his chest, still the feeling
something should be there. He wasn’t sure if it was better or worse that he never produced
anything. If the phantom ache was more in his head than his actual body. Damian’s presence
near him was a comfort. It felt instinctual to nest with the young boy, but if it was
manufactured from the pills or his actual Omega, Dick couldn’t say.

“I know the young master enjoys it, but I do hope it’s being helpful and not...”

“Screwing him up?” Dick had the same fear.

Alfred’s eyes were firm, shining with sincerity, “It’s not just him I’m worried about.”

Dick chuckled. Humor deflected him from having to think about how right the man might
actually be. “Al, that’s sweet, but as everyone knows...I’m already screwed up.” Broken
might be more accurate, but either term seemed to work.

“That is neither funny nor is it remotely true,” Alfred’s accent grew stronger with each word.

“I..” Dick swallowed. “I guess…” He shook his head. “No, it’s stupid.” And painful.

“Speak freely, I promise no ears here will judge.”

“I just...I can’t handle the I told you so looks from him, Alfred, I just...I can’t.”

The man grabbed his shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. He nodded and Dick was grateful
he didn’t try to argue that he was imaging anything. The past few years had been nothing but
fights and returning to the manor had done nothing to make that any better, “Give him time.
But please, this is your home, you don’t need to hide in it.”

“A real Beta wouldn’t have this problem,” Dick didn’t know who he was talking to or why he
even said it.

“You are very much real just as you are, Master Dick.”

Sometimes Dick wondered. “Thanks, Al.”

“Bloody world, that's the problem.”

Dick couldn’t disagree with that. “Well we can’t fix the world, right?”

“Someone bloody should.”

Dick hummed and began searching for his keys, sweeping his hand across the counter until
he found them, “Well until that happens, I should get going.”

“Please be careful, there’s…” Alfred stopped and seemed to rethink his words. He knew Dick
hated feeling coddled, “Don’t hesitate to call if you need help.”

“It’s kids,” Dick chuckled, grabbing his scarf and bag. “I dealt with worse in Haven.” Dear
God, had that class been a tough one. “It’s the other teacher I’m more worried about.”

“Perhaps something to discuss with Master Bruce?”

Dick tied his scarf, probably a bit too roughly. Having Bruce get him the job was as far as
Dick ever wanted the man involved in any of it, “I can handle it.”

Alfred smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, “I’d never had any doubt otherwise.”

Despite not fully believing that, Dick nodded, “I’ll be back later. Wish me luck.”

“Perhaps you’ll join us for supper tonight?” Alfred asked, sounding hopeful.

Dick couldn’t promise anything, “Yeah...” He didn’t want to say no, especially not to the
man’s eager, hopeful face, but…he couldn’t lie either “...maybe.”

Alfred knew him too well and although he kept in the disappointed sigh he no doubt wanted
to give, he did give a small, acknowledging nod.

Even if disagreeing, also understanding.

“Thanks,” Dick murmured, truly meaning it. “For...well for everything.”

Dick almost missed the, “Always” as he headed for the door.


“Can we get a dog, daddy?”

After a somewhat restless night, Jason couldn’t hold in a yawn as he grabbed Cat’s backpack,
helping her out of the car. The girl was unusually chipper this morning and a large part of
Jason was happy she seemed excited (the much smaller part was tired and really not ready for
50 questions). Jason couldn’t remember the last time she hadn’t looked miserable knowing
she was going to school.

Could it all be over one new teacher?

“Last week you wanted a turtle,” Jason reminded her, steering her away from the car door as
he shut it. She grabbed his hand and they started towards the building with ‘Little Steps’
painted brightly across the side.

“Can we get both?” Like that’s at all what he meant by bringing it up.

“Are we gonna add the duck you also wanted?” Jason couldn’t remember how long ago that
one had been. Possibly before or after the hedgehog.

“He could live in the bathtub. There’s lots of water. I’d take good care of them all.”

“No, I’d take care of them all,” Jason corrected her with no real heat. “We use that bathtub.”
And the last thing they needed was bird shit everywhere. “Sorry Kit, we don’t have room for
a dog.”

“Uncle Roy could build more room.”

Jason stopped their walking, “What makes you think Uncle Roy knows anything about
building things?”

“He said he did,” Cat explained, like it all was reasonably logical and Roy Harper had
become a carpenter at some point Jason was unaware of. “When we played Legos.”

“Well unless you want to live in a Lego house…” Talking to a four-year-old, Jason reminded
himself as her eyes lit up at the idea. “Uncle Roy was just being funny.” Or he was tipsy, that
was almost always a possibility. “But hey, you can have a Lego dog if you want.”

Cat didn’t look thrilled at the idea (and truthfully Jason had no idea if Lego dogs even
existed) but there was no way owning any kind of animal was an option right now. Jason had
enough on his plate with work and despite making decent money, living in an area in Gotham
that wasn’t overrun with filth or reeking of old cheese wasn’t exactly cheap.

“Hey, there princess, I love your dress,” A young, pretty blonde Omega greeted them as they
walked up the stairs to the main hallway. Cat hugged his leg, shyly, but looked pleased with
the compliment giving a small, “Thank you.” It was hard not to notice how heavily pregnant
the woman was and Jason tried not to veer too close or invade her space. He could see her
mate bite, meaning she had an Alpha and the woman didn’t look nervous, but he never
wanted an Omega to feel uncomfortable. Jason dealt with too many frightened Omegas on
his job and he’d learned early on that Omega abuse was a very common, if hardly talked
about, thing. Despite his size, Jason never wanted to appear threatening, especially to an
unknown Omega, not unless he needed to.

They passed down the hall and Jason opened the door labeled 4. He wanted to get out as
quickly as he could, but he also wanted to talk to someone about yesterday. Even if it was
that witch, Ms. Weaver, she needed to know that there was no way he was allowing...

“The hell…”

Bright colors, large laminated posters, and silly-looking animals. Jason’s senses were
assaulted by...a whole hell of a lot happening on the walls. It was so different he had to
double-check they had entered the right room. The place was normally as sterile and neat as a
hospital (as welcoming too) but now, now everything was vivid and well it was really hard
not to fucking notice. Good or bad, all Jason could say was it was startling.

“It’s Orange,” Cat exclaimed, pointing at what was no doubt her art of a bow tie-wearing cat
hanging on a bullet board.

Someone called out a second later.

“Oh, hey, sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be this early, give me a minute.”

The voice was definitely male, but Jason couldn’t actually see anyone. Then he noticed
movement in the back, the only place partly hidden by a wall so Jason moved in further.
Movement that...looked like a person. A person crouching atop a bookshelf and...very
gracefully...backflipping off it.
Backflip being a simple and safe term as Jason honestly had no clue how the man had moved
his body in such a way. Or what the hell else to call it.

The man sounded sheepish, “Couldn’t find a ladder so I had to make do.”

Like he hadn’t just done a move that might qualify him for the Olympics.

He pointed back at the bookcase, “Don’t worry, I promise that’s not in the curriculum.”

Jason was sure his blink relayed his thoughts. Which were quite stunned at the moment. He
could all but feel Cat vibrating in excitement next to him. Guess this had to be the guy.
This...backflipping, grinning...whatever the hell he was.

“You’re a ballernena!” Cat sounded absolutely amazed.

“Not quite,” the guy laughed, reaching down to retrieve his shoes (easier to do bookshelf
gymnastics in mismatching socks, it seemed). If Jason had felt cautious around the pregnant
Omega, it was nothing compared to watching the man… bend over and put on shoes?

No, Jason wasn’t looking at his daughter’s new teacher's ass (because Jason was not a pervert
and had never been into Betas) but did the dark-haired man have to wear such...well-fitting
slacks? Especially when otherwise...he seemed to be kind of a mess.

Quite literally as there was a line of blue chalk down one of his cheeks and...okay the button-
down shirt may have fit him well too and his hair might have looked very soft and just the
right length and his eyes…it was startling how close the color of the crayon had ended up

The man wiped what looked like glitter onto his pants as he offered his hand, “It’s an honor
to meet the man responsible for such an amazing artist. Dick Grayson. Mr, Grayson,” he
added for Cat’s benefit.


Of course, Jason’s daughter's flipping teacher with the bright, blue eyes would be

The man’s hand was warm and inviting. It wasn’t even hostile aggression that made Jason
squeeze harder than he probably should have. He was wary. His senses may have been more
in-tuned than most due to his line of work, but...something was off about this (undeniably
beautiful) man. The wedding ring on his finger for one, but no smell of mate. Even his Beta
scent was…odd. Jason knew he was analyzing details when he probably shouldn’t and shook
the feeling away for the moment, “Jason Todd. I actually wanted to talk to you about

The man winced, “Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. I’ve made some changes I’m putting into
place and I promise, it’ll never happen again.”

“It won’t?” Jason wanted to be sure.

The man, Dick, shook his head, “From what I saw yesterday, Cat was unjustly punished. I
also won’t tolerate bullying. Every student should feel safe and comfortable.”

“That’s...good to hear.”

“Cat’s a good kid. Talented too, she said her Mommy was an artist?”

The kindness and sincerity of the remark was almost worse than the feeling of a knife inside
Jason’s throat.

(The door closing, not knowing that would be the last time Jason would hear anything from
him. Not until nine months later and a baby on his doorstep.)

“He did like to draw,” Jason forced out. One of the few things he was sure of. Possibly, the
only fucking thing.

“I look forward to meeting him.”

Jason swallowed, the warmness in Dick’s eyes was almost too much, “He’s not in the

“Mommy’s in heaven.”

(A split decision Jason was sure he would regret, but how else did he explain it?)

“My Mommy’s in heaven too,” Dick smiled at Cat, but it was sorrowful. “I’m sorry,” he
offered to Jason.

“We’ve managed fine,” Jason shrugged. He was still bitter so the casualness was probably
more accurate than acting like he was torn up about it.

If Jason was torn up about anything, it certainly wasn’t from grief. Grief for Cat maybe, but

The rapid blinking said Jason may have gone too cold in his tone. He backtracked, “Sorry, it
just, it kind of got complicated…towards the end.” Jesus, that definitely didn’t sound much
better, especially given the man was ‘dead’. Jason sucked his teeth. “Sorry, it’s...”

“It’s early,” Dick offered in rescue. “I dumped salt in my coffee this morning because I
couldn’t tell the difference.” He chuckled at his own story and something about his laugh was
both comforting and also...kind of annoying. Just like his scent, the man was causing very
mixed emotions in Jason, “So I’m guessing I’ll see you again for pickup?”

Jason nodded, “Yeah, I have my list of contacts in case something happens, but it’s almost
always going to be me getting her.”

Dick hummed, “Well, I’ve been promised a key to the office for records like that but my uh,
coworker hasn’t quite given me it yet.”

“That I can believe,” Jason snorted.

Dick leaned over to address Cat, “Well since you’re here early, maybe you want to help me
finish before everyone else gets here? I could use your eye.” He turned to Jason to confirm,
“If that’s okay?”

Cat nodded enthusiastically, “I can daddy, right?”

Jason crouched and held her forehead to his. His way of saying goodbye. His Alpha letting
her know he’d be back. He’d always be back. “Just...stay on the ground, okay?”

Cat looked slightly disappointed but nodded before going to put her backpack away in her
cubbie. Now with a bright new sign over it, Jason couldn’t help but notice.

Dick’s olive skin almost didn’t show his blush, “I uh...sorry about that, again.”

“Actually, I should thank you,” Jason acknowledged, rising and dusting his pants off. “I don’t
think she’s ever been so excited to come to school.”

“I can’t imagine it’s been…” Dick shook his head as if to stop the thought. “Well, we’re
changing all that. Starting today.”

Jason took most things with a grain of salt, but this man...for some reason (stupid or not) he
believed him, “Okay well, I should probably go then.”

“Bye, daddy,” Cat called, already skipping towards a box filled with all kinds of colorful
banners, papers, and decor.

“Should I give you my number in case you can’t get,” Jason gestured, “the key, or

The other man snapped, “Good idea, let me just…” Dick grabbed a piece of paper with ducks
on it. “Here we go.”

Jason was feeling Deja Vu on all the previous duck talk and almost laughed as he wrote his
phone number down.

Dick took the paper back with a pointed flick, “I doubt I’ll need it, but just to be safe.”

Jason nodded, “I know Ms. Weaver has it but...I'd kind of prefer not to hear from her.” Ever
again, in fact.

As he exited the classroom, Jason couldn’t help but be curious. It wasn’t often, if ever, that he
turned to observe his daughter’s interactions once he dropped her off. Not when Jason
normally wanted to rush back in and take her with him. Dick’s soft smile, his encouraging
nod to the object Cat was showing him…

Jason swallowed. He had no idea why his heart wasn’t beating quite right. He turned to leave,
making it to the car before he felt he could fully exhale. Dick’s Beta smell stayed with him,
even as it still felt wrong it wasn’t...entirely unpleasant.
Chapter 3

Richard Grayson.

Jason’s finger floated above the enter key. He had no idea why he’d even written the name
into the search field (which was a colossal lie, but Jason had been arguing with himself all the
way to the damn station) but even worse, Jason didn’t know why he couldn’t...just push the
goddamn button.

The Beta hadn’t done anything but be kind to his daughter (and confusing Jason’s Alpha was
not an excuse, not by Jason’s standards anyway), and yet…Jason’s eyes flickered to a report
on his desk. A stalking Alpha harassing an Omega, filed not by the Omega themselves, but
the Omega’s Alpha mate. The man had made that point very clearly that the Omega was his
and no one else was allowed near them. The Omega had said nothing.

Jason moved his finger over the delete key. This was stupid. He had real work to do. Real
creeps to investigate. Not too beautiful Beta’s with too bright smiles. Smiling and being
pretty wasn’t illegal.

(And yet how many cases had started from claiming an Omega was too attractive, too
tempting to keep away from?)


A wrapped plate of food was flung unceremoniously on his desk causing Jason to push back
in his chair in shock. “Jesus.”

“Present from the one and only, Lian Harper.” Roy Harper announced cheerily. The slightly
older Alpha clearly hadn’t shaved in a while and his shirt was slightly rumpled. He raised a
brow at Jason’s intense and seemingly uncalled-for reaction. “Chill, man.” He reached over
and grabbed a cookie not quite secured under the messy saran wrap job and placed it in his
mouth, “I supervised, they’re edible.”

“You don’t bake,” Jason countered, studying the plate. The cookies might have been meant to
be some kind of special shape, but hell if Jason could tell what.

“No, but I can read directions,” The redhead pointed at Jason's face while he chewed. “And I
can see Cat’s started using glitter. Good luck, pal, that shit doesn’t get out of anything.”

Jason wiped at his face, wondering how much of it he had on him. “No, it’s not...Cat’s got a
new teacher and he’s a bit…” what word to use? Weird? Odd? Probably extremely flexible?
Prettier than anyone had any right to be? “...eccentric.”

“He, huh?” Roy raised his eyebrows suggestively. “He hot? I mean glitter can definitely be
hot. Messy, but still hot.”
“He’s…” Jason scowled because he kind of wanted to say yes. Fucking asshole, bringing up
the question so casually. “He’s a Beta.”

Roy considered the answer with a head tilt, “Well, to be fair I’ve known some pretty cute

“He’s married,” Jason said pointedly, cutting Roy off from regaling any stories about the
wonders of dating Betas. Not in broad daylight at ten in the morning. Jason already had a
slight headache as it was.

“He told you that?”

“He was wearing a ring,” A pretty expensive-looking one at that. “And he seems like an
honest person.”

Roy was staring at Jason’s screen with a smirk, “Which is why you’re checking his name in
the database.”

“I’m not...”

“Let’s see,” Roy leaned forward to get a better view. “Richard Grayson,” He mused the name.

“You know him?” Jason asked, trying to keep down any thoughts on whether that might be
good or bad. Roy could keep some...questionable company sometimes.

Roy finally shook his head, “The name seems kind of familiar, but not really. Maybe I met
him at one of Ollie's parties or something. I only really remember mostly being blitzed and
how pissy Ollie was so I can’t really say. But I thought you weren’t interested in him?”

“I’m not,” Jason affirmed.

“Totally believe that,” Roy snickered.

“I do have work to do, you know.”

At the word work, Roy’s mood immediately sobered. He lowered his voice so there was no
way they could be overheard, “Speaking of, did you see that bullshit about the Omega club?
What the hell are they thinking bringing that shit here?”

Jason nodded. It had been at least partly on his mind since last night, “Couldn’t believe it
when I saw it. And my guess, as with most things...”

“Money,” Roy finished for him, shaking his head in disgust. “It’s always fucking money.”

“Sex, money, corruption,” Jason sighed. “Take your pick.”

“None of those Omegas that disappeared were ever found, were they?”

Jason pursed his lips, “Not that I heard. Although the owner always swore he had nothing to
do with it.” Which had been bullshit, Jason had been a city away and watching through a
screen and even he could see the dishonesty crawling all over the disgusting man's face.

Except, Jason wasn’t a city away anymore. The garbage had crawled right into his backyard.

“The hell is with that guy, anyway?”

“Must have an in with someone,” Jason shrugged. “Can’t imagine why anyone else would
want him here. Not unless he’s supplying...something.”

“Christ, please don’t tell me it’s Omegas.”

The idea had crossed Jason’s mind more than once, “I fucking hope not.”

“Either way, I think our jobs are gonna get a whole hell of a lot harder,” Roy was in Missings
Persons and Jason was in Omega Abuse. It didn’t seem to bode well for either of them if
what happened in Bludhaven trickled down into Gotham. The opening of the club might just
be the beginning.

“If we actually do them,” Jason agreed. He had a bad feeling a giant sweep of cover-ups
might be heading their way.

“Hey,” Roy poked his shoulder. “Don’t do your vigilante thing, that almost got you fired last

“It kept the guy behind bars, didn’t it?” After beating his Omega into a near-catatonic state,
the man had deserved worse.

“Yeah well, with the new Chief coming, I’d say you might want to be on your best behavior.”

Roy was one to talk, considering he was never on time and tended to...wait… “New Chief?
Already? Towns hasn’t even been in that long.”

Roy sniffed, “Yeah, and how often have you seen his fat ass in here? This guy’s apparently
way more hands-on, getting an office and everything.”

Jason’s brow crinkled, “How the hell do you know all this?”

Roy took a second cookie, seemingly enjoying his handwork, “Pretty Omega at the front
desk, real chatty. Said she’d just seen the paperwork for the transfer.”


“From Haven.”

And the shit just kept coming. “The same guy who couldn’t find dozens of Omegas...they’re
sending him here?”

Roy held his hands up in defense, “Don’t shoot the messenger. But you know the saying,
what happens in Haven…definitely doesn’t stay there.”
“That is not a saying,” Jason grumbled, feeling his headache growing ever so slightly more
with each passing second.

“Yeah, well,” Roy tore away another bite. “It should be.”


Dick read over the note on the microwave a second time. “Signed, disappointed?” He read
aloud. People actually wrote passive-aggressive notes about microwave cleanliness? Maybe
he had been out of the job field for too long after all.

“We’re all pretty sure we know who wrote that.”

The pregnant Omega that entered the break-room wore a weary smile.

“I think I can take a lucky guess,” Dick replied with a laugh.

“You’ve become a bit of a hero around here, you know,” she huffed as she sat down, the
weight on her front obviously a lot to handle. Dick was honestly surprised she was still
working at such a size. “Twins,” she offered before he could ask.

“Oh um, sorry, I didn’t mean…”

She waved his apology away, “I’m huge, I know. I look like a whale.”

Dick shook his head, “No, seriously, you look, you look good.”

Healthy, glowing, filled with life, she looked just like an Omega should.

“You said you weren’t feeling well.”

A shaky swallow, “I’m not.”

“Then why is it negative? Again?”

Dick had no answer. He never did.

“You know most people tell me that and I don’t believe them but you,” she pointed her spoon
she had pulled out of her lunchbox at him. “There’s something about you.”

“I mean I’d never tell Ms. Weaver she looks good if that’s anything to go by,” Dick offered as
he joined her at the table.

“I still can’t believe you took down that tyrannical bitch in less than a day.”

“I can’t believe she was allowed to do what she was for so long,” Dick countered. He had
seen very little of the other teacher as she’d taken to mostly sulking in every hour or so to
‘check’ on him. He was honestly waiting for retaliation for all the changes.

“No one takes an Omega seriously, especially a pregnant one,” the blonde woman replied
with a sigh. “They’d just say it’s the hormones and me being overly sensitive. It needed a
Beta to show it wasn’t hysteria, so I’m glad you’re here.”

Dick had never felt so conflicted about a compliment before, “Glad I could help.”

“I’ll be out of commission soon so my biggest fear would be them moving her to my class.”
The woman rubbed her swollen belly. “Once little juniors are out, I have to go out to pasture,
you know?”

Dick did know.

“I already love them so much, but...I just wish I had the option to come back.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Circle of life,” she laughed gently.

“And it moves us all,” Dick continued with only slightly false somberness.

She chuckled. “I do have to say, though, I’m kind of jealous,” she said as she dove into her

“Jealous?” He assumed she meant because he was a ‘Beta’, but her answer surprised him.

“You got hot Dad.”

“Hot Dad?” Dick knew exactly who she meant, (how could he not?) but the term still
surprised him.

Dark cropped hair, deep green eyes, wide shoulders, and powerful thighs, all finished with a
ridiculously handsome face. Even Dick’s muted Omega could smell how delicious the Alpha
scent was. Gruff, but caring. Protective. And the obvious love for his kin...

A bright laugh brought Dick back from his apparent daydreaming, “Yeah, he has that effect
on people. Even Betas, it seems.”

“About that,” Dick held up his left hand to show his ring finger and the woman groaned.

“Dammit,” She returned with a show of her own. Not that the bite mark and belly weren’t
screaming ‘taken’ already. “Me too and I love my wife more than anything, but god, I just
want someone to bag him already. I was sure it would be you. Marcia tried, but he completely
blew her off.”

“Taken,” Dick reminded. And not looking. Jesus, was Dick not interested in any of that right

“I know,” she grumbled.

And Dick somehow doubted someone who smelled as Alpha as Jason Todd dated Betas
(pretending or real).
(Not interested, his mind reminded)

“So Ms. Weaver tried to…”

The woman nodded, “Hard. As in full-on presenting herself.”

If that was the reason she had gone so hard on Cat, to punish her dad...Dick stewed, “I’m
adding more monkeys.”

The happy smiling monkeys had seemed to offend Ms. Weaver the most. She’d looked
absolutely horrified at seeing them.

“What?” his coworker asked, brows twisted in confusion.

Dick nodded his head towards his sandwich, while his mind traveled to other ways his
decorating could offend Ms. Weaver, “I need more mayonnaise.”


He checked his watch. Four after Five, Jason cursed as he closed the car door. He was late,
which meant they were going to charge him for every minute he was over. Fuck. He hurried
his steps.

Like he wasn’t paying an arm and a leg already.

Pulling open the main door, Jason was immediately struck by a familiar scent. A scent he’d
dealt with more times than he could probably count. A scent that very rarely meant anything

Anger. Not just anger, but Alpha rage.


Seeing several Omegas quickly heading with their kids for the doors, Jason tried his best to
let them through. The last thing they needed was more Alpha scent, but Jason also had to get
through to find the source as well.

Pushing forward, he followed the scent trail. It led him down a familiar path. A path Jason
took most mornings and the smell only grew stronger the closer he moved. Moved towards
the room with the large 4. The room with his daughter, his everything.


“The hell kind of Beta are you anyway?” A male voice shouted. The door was wide open and
the scene inside was a total standoff.

Jesus, Really?

The man shouting was at least a few inches taller than Dick, but he seemed determined to
make himself even larger with his stance and added girth. The smaller, slighter man he was
screaming at stood tall, arms crossed. Dick looked poised, calm even. Jason was honestly
impressed by how unaffected he seemed to be.

“Mr. Harton...”

The man’s teeth could almost be heard grinding in anger, “You should be addressing me as
Alpha, bitch.”

Dick kept his composure, “Well, I wouldn’t want to be rude.”

Jason had to stop this. Dick, for whatever reason, felt the need to be a comedian and while it
was kind of admirable, it could also end up being very, very stupid.

“Hey, pal,” Jason called, trying to keep his voice firm, but calm. “Want to tone it down a

The man’s eyes were burning red as he turned to Jason. “Who asked you, asshole?”

Jason held the badge hanging around his neck inbetween his fingers. He hated these kinds of
Alphas so goddamn much, “Want to try that again?”

The man clicked his teeth in disgust as he pointed at Dick, “This bitch said my kid was
pinching little girls. He’s a fucking liar.”

“We’re gonna try this one more time,” Jason suggested, his tone turning much less kind.
“You get one last chance.”

The man grunted in frustration, “I’m taking my kid out of this class. Can’t tell me he don’t
look like he shouldn’t be wet on some…” he shook his head. “Whatever. Toby, let's get the
hell out of here. You’re never coming to this class again.” His son looked terrified, but
followed. Jason really hoped the abuse cycle wouldn’t continue with him, but the odds
weren’t great.

Jason grabbed his shoulder as the man tried to leave. His grip tightened as his voice lowered,
“Word of advice, buddy. Teach your kid to stop hurting little girls,” The man hissed as Jason
twisted his fingers in harder. “They don’t like it.”

Releasing him and making sure the asshole actually left, Jason’s next instinct was to make

“Daddy,” Cat ran to him and Jason scooped her up.

“Hey baby,” He checked her over, “You okay?”

She nodded, but it was obvious she was upset. “He was really mean to Mr. Grayson.”

Jason realized she couldn’t actually say Dick’s last name properly, but he doubted the man
minded, “I know, I…” he turned to look at the Beta.
“Sorry you had to see that,” the man was smiling. The man was smiling and although it was
small and obviously forced, it was still so fucking wrong.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Dick still hardly looked ruffled at all. “Thanks for the help.” He didn’t sound
upset, he sounded...numb. Not nearly as sincere as he had earlier that day. Not surprising as
he’d just had an enraged Alpha screaming and calling him horrible things, but the forced look
in his eyes really bothered Jason.

“For what it’s worth, I think you could have taken him,” Jason was almost serious. “I just
didn’t want it to escalate any further.”

“You’re a cop,” It was said more as a statement than a question.

“Detective, yeah. I deal with abuse cases, mostly.”

Dick toyed with the ring on his finger and gave a nod. The movement seemed significant in
some way, but Jason wasn’t sure how.

“Do you want to press charges?” Jason could make the Alpha’s life pretty difficult. Including
large fines and not allowing him anywhere near this school or Dick ever again.

“No, I’m okay. Really. Thank you, though.”

“You should kick his leg nuts, daddy.”

And how in the hell had Jason known that would someday come back to bite him in the ass?
It was good to see he was the last parent there so when Dick raised a brow it wasn’t nearly as
judging as it could have been from someone else.

“Leg nuts?”

“His uh, his balls. I told her to... never mind. Do you need help with anything? I could walk
you to your car at least. Unless you have more work to do?”

“No, thank you, but um, I’ll be fine. I do have a few more things I want to get done.”

“Okay,” Jason licked his lips, unsure if he should actually go. It almost felt wrong to, but
there was little he could do if Dick said he was okay.

Dick went to grab Cat's bag and handed it to Jason. “Don’t forget to show Daddy the picture
you made today,” he winked at her.

“Kay,” she said into Jason’s shoulder. “Bye, Mr. Grayson.”

Dick poked her cheek fondly, “I’ll see you in a few days, okay?” He looked at Jason, “Have a
good weekend and...thanks again.”
Jason nodded at him, unable to do much else (and feeling kind of pissed about it, honestly).
There was one thing that caught his eye, the one thing that told Jason Dick was more affected
than he let on. The man’s right hand he’d turned into a fist had started shaking. Jason wanted
to grab it to stop the movement, to offer some kind of small comfort, even if the man
continued to swear he was fine...

but he turned and left instead.

Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

Was a bit nervous about posting this one, lol but enjoy! And thank you again for all the
supporting and lovely comments T-T (Also I had to reformat and remove some spelling
errors so you may want to refresh the page if you’re coming from a subscription)

The fireplace was lit, candles placed. Everything was perfect. The room smelled of vanilla;
sweet, warm, and soothing, mixing with the smell of heat and flame. The warmth could be felt
reaching into every corner, illuminating just the right places and casting shadows in others.

Silk sheets, silk robe, skin bathed in expensive and alluring oils.

The roses were freshly cut and strewn in paths, swirling this way and that, capturing the
deep, almost blood red color in the light of the fire. Not something he usually cared about or
really for (and his petal laying skills left much to be desired) but tonight was special.

Tonight was a celebration.

A year, it had been a full year. Dick felt the coolness of the sheets, still remembering the
feeling of the lace being torn off him on their wedding night. How his heart had never felt so
full, so ready to burst as the man, his mate and husband, devoured him, adored and showered
him with kisses and bites and promises of giving him the world.

Dick didn’t want the world, he wanted…

“I hope I’m not interrupting.”

The voice crawled up his spine, curling a cold storm in his stomach as Dick pulled the robe
closed and glared.

Well, Dick certainly didn’t want...this.

William Wintergreen seemed undeterred, obviously not caring one bit about interrupting. The
tall Beta continued further in the room, his arms filled with a covered tray and a small box,
“Don’t cover up on my account.”

Dick didn’t flinch, nor did he cower. This Beta always tried to give off an Alpha energy and it
never once intimidated him. Annoyed, maybe. “I don’t remember saying you could come in.”

There were few people Dick could openly say he despised. This man, with his leering eyes
and sneer, easily topped the list.
“I told him he spoils you too much, allows you to speak too freely, but who am I to stand in
the way,” It was said like the last word was a joke, which to this despicable man, it
might easily have been.

This was the last thing Dick wanted or needed. Not tonight after all the planning and
prepping. “Why are you here?”

The man took in Dick’s crossed arms and expression with a small, patronizing smirk, “I’m
here to keep you safe while he’s away, of course.” He placed the tray and box on the
nightstand, “It’s a shame you don’t see me like family.”

“Away?” Again? “But…”

“He called while you were...preparing yourself.”

If Wintergreen thought that was going to embarrass Dick, he was very wrong. “It’s our

“Of course, which is why he’s so very upset he couldn’t be here. But,” Wintergreen snatched
a petal from the bed with a raised, unimpressed brow, “...your husband is a busy man.”

“I’m aware of what my husband is.” Dick knew his important position, how it often took the
man away from him at a moment's notice.

Not tonight though, Dick had hoped not tonight.

Wintergreen's dark eyes clearly dared him, are you? though the man merely hummed. “He
did get you something, however, something he knows you’ve wanted for a while.”

He clearly meant whatever was in the box and for a moment, Dick wanted to chuck it at his
head, just for the hell of it. “Then he can give it to me when he gets back…”

“I suggest you take the gift, Omega. It soften the rest.”

“The rest?”

An icy silence followed before the man spoke again.

“It seems your physical yesterday...well, it’s not my place to say…” None of this was his
place, was ever place, but when had that stopped him before? “But…” Wintergreen removed
the cover to the silver plate. Objects filled the serving dish, objects he could objectively
name, but still, Dick had no idea what he was looking at. Bottles, a syringe, an odd-looking
powder mix...“As you said, it’s been a year of wedded bliss and yet...still no pitter-patter of
little feet.”

Dick swallowed, it was cold and dry. His eyes couldn’t leave the plate, “What is that?”

“Well, most Omegas don’t need them so it’s no surprise you wouldn’t know.”

“What is that?” Dick repeated, heart now racing and thumping in his chest.
A pause before, “As I said, I suggest you open the gift first.”

The ring was almost fully off his finger this time, but once again (as always), Dick slid the
metal back down. In the end, the band and embedded diamonds hadn’t softened anything, but
the idea of how the object helped his story and trying to blend in more...

“Gaudy looking if you ask me.”

Short dark hair, mused and pushed in every direction tickled Dick’s nose as the speaker
shimmied further into his space to make himself comfortable.

“I thought you decided you were going to the movies with Tim today.”

Damian Wayne snorted in disgust, burrowing further and rearranging a few pillows on the
bed, “And deal with the insufferable looks he and Kent insist on sharing when they think no
one is looking? Absolutely not.”

Dick sighed, but it was with fondness, “Conner’s a good guy.”

“Father’s skull is about to split at the idea of having a Kent in the family.”

“Could be worse,” Dick mused, feeling tired all over again.

Damian made a vague noise, “Nothing’s worse than reaching for popcorn through people
pretending they accidentally fell on each other’s mouths.”

Dick smiled. Somehow, the boy managed to find both the best and worst moments to say
things. He nudged his shoulder, “You should go, Dami. Seriously, it’ll be more fun than this.”

Damian had spent little time away from Dick in the past two days and Dick knew it had
nothing to do with Conner Kent.

“Who did it? I’ll dismember them piece by…”

Dick collapsed on the bed. After passing through the manor, hearing concerned voices
muddled out by the ringing in his ears, the unsteadiness of his legs as well as the shake in his
hands (wondering in what daze he’d even gotten there in one piece), the youngest member of
the house was the only one brave (or more accurately, stubborn) enough to force their way in
after him.

“I’m perfectly fine where I am.”

Dick wasn’t. Dick wasn’t fine with the ten-year-old spending his days here, comforting Dick
when he should be out experiencing things and enjoying himself. Living his life as a child
should, not forming patterns that might be detrimental to them both in the end. “Damian,” he
tried firmly.

The boy shifted the covers, giving Dick a very sharp and pointed look. His dark blue eyes
insisted he was not going to be told what to do.
Realizing Damian had been about Cat’s age when Dick had left, Dick wondered if the girl
herself ever longed for her Mother’s Omega scent. It seemed almost impossible that she
wouldn’t, but Jason, Jason was so good with her. Jason was proof, to Dick at least, that
Alpha's could, in fact, be single parents.

Even if the idea of his apparent anger towards his deceased mate, lover...husband (Dick
wasn’t sure) did still bring up a few questions, the man obviously and openly loved Cat in a
way Dick had seen few Alphas express before. Certainly no other Alpha parent in his class
came even close to showing the same interest and care about seeing their child happy.

“Are you okay?” The concern, the look in Jason’s eyes, an Alpha he barely knew, showing
Dick more care in those few moments than Dick had felt in...

“Your smell,” Damian nosed at his neck.

Dammit. It had been about six months so it was probably time to switch out the blocker.
Rushes of emotion that further fought his Omega didn’t help either, making the patch work
harder and for less time.

Damian burrowed into his side with a small whine. “Not leaving,” he muttered into Dick’s

There would be no removing him now. Not even Bruce’s Alpha strength would have been
able to pull the boy away from his side as he clutched to Dick.

Dick knew he’d never experience the maternal bond between any child, not in the way a real
Omega did, not in the he was supposed to, the way he'd been assured for years he someday

But if he ever could, he liked to imagine it might feel a little like this.


The rough tongue kept licking the same spot. Jason wouldn’t mind so much if the cat just
didn’t insist on attempting to clean (or taste?) the same damn area on his arm over and over
again. The large, furry animal had taken up residency in his lap and refused to move.
Cheshire was like that, and Jason had given up long ago on trying to get the cat to do
anything but what she wanted.

Inside the house, Roy was yelling at something. Probably from another point score. This was
a football day, after all. Not that Jason gave two shits about sports. He ate nachos and drank
beer, that was as far as the excitement ever got for him.

Taking another drag of his cigarette, Jason was rather suddenly confronted by two little girls,
one a bit taller than the other. Lian Harper was six and although she could be a little rough at
times, she didn’t seem to find Cat’s age difference a problem. The girls, for the most part, got
along great.
“Uncle Jason, is it true about Cat’s teacher?” The dark-haired, dark-eyed girl asked, hands on
her hips.

Cat rested between his knees so she could pet the actual cat while insisting, “Tell her, daddy.”

Jason was a little lost so he clarified, “Is what true?” As if it wasn’t hard enough to clear his
thoughts on the Beta as it was. He really hoped Cat hadn’t told her about the angry Alpha
because Jason really didn’t need to revisit that with a six-year-old. No matter all the shit
Jason had known by that age, he wanted better for these girls.

“That he’s a ballerina,” Lian sounded suspicious.

“He said he wasn’t,” Jason shrugged. He acknowledged his daughter didn’t know many terms
so her insisting on using ‘ballerina’ was due more to limited vocabulary than stubbornness
(not that Cat couldn’t be stubborn when she wanted to). “I’d call it more…acrobatics. Like an

“Acrobatics?” Lian tried the word but looked confused.

“It’s when you,” Jason tried to demonstrate with his finger, rotating the digit in a circle. “You

Lian clearly didn’t know and was unimpressed with his explanation, “She said he smells
good and is the best teacher she ever had.” Jason wasn’t sure if she was jealous or simply
didn’t believe Cat, but she clearly wanted an answer.

“Well, I mean he’s technically only the second teacher she’s ever had,” Jason replied. And the
first teacher hadn’t been the shining example of amazing. The smell though, that one was a
bit strange. He looked down at his daughter prodding her, “You think he smells good, Kit?”

The girl nodded. “He smells like when you make cookies and pancakes,” She chirped.

“Cookies and pancakes?” Was she trying to say Dick smelled...sweet? Jason prided himself
on his nose and while Dick definitely smelled of something other than plain Beta, he
definitely wouldn’t call it sweet (and certainly not good). “Maybe it’s his shampoo?”

Cat pouted at the thought, not seeming happy with the answer, but finally shrugged, “I’ll
show you the ababatics (Jason smiled at her valiant try).” She grabbed Lian’s hand and
headed for the grass.

Her first attempt at a flip was more just a roll and although it looked nothing at all like what
Dick had done, the older girl seemed impressed and started trying as well.

“We’re up by 14,” Roy exclaimed as he opened the patio door to join him.

Jason exhaled smoke and flicked ash with an unenthused, “Cool.”

“You know, it’s more fun when there’s...what the hell are they doing?” Roy squinted at the
two girls giggling and laughing in the grass as they continued to roll and pretend to flip.
“Being kids?” Jason offered. He didn’t know if he had it in him to really explain it at the
moment. He was too sure he might say something stupid.

(Stupid being something to do with Jason’s sleepless nights worrying about a Beta he had no
reason to think about so goddamn much)

Roy, thankfully, let it go with a shrug. Sitting in the chair next to him, he grabbed the
cigarette pack on the table and put one between his lips, “I thought you were trying to quit?”
he asked as he lit it up.

Jason’s brow rose, “Who would you bum them off of if I did?”

Roy chuckled as he exhaled, “Touche.” He peered over at the cat in Jason’s lap, but didn’t
actually comment on it. “It’s grand opening next weekend.”

Jason nodded, he’d seen it on the news.

“Makes sense that the Chief is gonna be starting tomorrow. Must be expecting worse than we

Jason turned, shocked, “That soon?” He’d anticipated at least a few weeks of bullshit and
paperwork as these transitions usually seemed to take forever before they actually happened.

“Looks like it.” Roy pulled out his phone as it started to buzz. He grinned and openly
appreciated the message (no doubt a picture) with a whistle, “Well, damn.”

Jesus Christ. “Can you look at your tit pic some other time? Preferably not next to me?”
Jason pointed towards the yard, “Or when our daughters are around?”

Christ, that was all Jason needed.

“It’s not just tit pics,” the man corrected him as he started scrolling though...Jason didn’t even
want to know what kind of messages, “I mean it is a lot of them, but she’s also been giving
me more details. Got to warn you, you might want to try getting those brownie points in

Another drag of his cigarette and Jason had no clue where Roy was going with that
statement, “What?”

Roy considered him, “Has there been a chief that hasn’t threatened to fire you yet?”

“There’s only been two since I’ve been there,” But the answer was no, Jason had been
threatened many times.

“Maybe try kissing this one's ass,” Roy suggested. “He’s gonna see the report Towns did on

Jason snorted, “Which one?”

“See, that in itself should be a red flag,” Roy halted his scrolling with a grin at something
he’d found for a moment, before continuing, “...just try not to be so…”

Combative? Unruly? Unwilling to help out another cop’s Alpha buddy because Jason refused
to give a positive testimony the asshole hadn’t earned?

“I don’t let scumbags off because of what’s hanging between their legs. I call that fair.”

“Unfortunately, given the situation, that could also be insubordination,” Roy countered. “Not
saying it’s right, but Christ, Jason, how much do you really think we can do in a fucked up

“Nobody should be born into this world to be an object for someone else.” Jason tossed down
his cigarette and smashed it under his boot.

“I have an ashtray for a reason, asshole. And yeah, Jade could kick my ass from one side of
the house to the other. Sometimes I’d even let her,” Roy’s mouth lifted as if in remembrance
of a fond memory with his ex that Jason really didn’t need to hear more about. “I never got
the whole objectification, treat them like glass or wear them down until they're basically
vegetables, thing.”

“No, you just,” Jason gestured to the phone, “do this.”

Roy shrugged in what he probably thought was a charming way, “No man’s perfect.” Setting
the phone down and stretching he continued, “Commercials are probably over now.” He left
with a salute, going back into the house.

Jason was about to start on another cigarette when two now winded and grass-stained girls
returned, all but falling on him.

“We’re hungry, daddy.”

It was almost two so that made sense.

“What do you guys want?” The better question was honestly, what did Roy have?
“Nevermind, I’ll be in a minute, we’ll see what there is.”

Cheshire seemed to take that as her cue too as she hopped down and followed the running
two girls, finally freeing up Jason’s lap. He stretched out his now free legs just as the phone
on the table next to him vibrated. Looking over Jason saw the screen light up and the new
message wasn’t one he actively tried to read, but it was also hard to miss.

“Dad said he forgot his phone,” Lian called from the door.

“Yeah, I got it,” Jason was worried about what might pop up next if he gave it to her so he
decided he'd deliver it to Roy himself. The phone buzzed a second time and the message
showed again.

His name is Slade Wilson

Jason studied the words before clicking the screen off. He somehow doubted ‘Slade Wilson’
was another cute Omega Roy was interested in.

Guess that answered the question of who they’d soon be answering to.
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

Sorry for the repost the real chapter 5

A red-nailed, well-manicured finger, tapped the paper on the table, “Insects?” Marcia Weaver
prodded unhappily.

Dick stopped his cutting of the colored paper in his hands and looked at the woman with utter
bewilderment. Ms. Weaver stared at the printed-out pieces (with their silly-looking smiles
and oversized wings) like they’d declared death on her entire family. “You…don’t like

Was there truly no end to this woman’s determination to keep this place like a prison,
stripping it of every ounce of color and joy? Kids liked butterflies. Well, Dick assumed most
kids liked butterflies, anyway.

Dick had certainly liked butterflies. He’d liked them at 4, and he liked them now at 27.
Butterflies were just...

“Who doesn’t like butterflies?” he asked, probably a bit too defensively.

“I don’t.”

Dick blinked at her bluntness before he smiled his brightest smile. The smile she almost
always glared at, “There’s some very classic literature I suggest you read that might just
change your mind.”

Ms. Weaver put a hand on her hip. Annoyed, or maybe waiting for more. Dick went with the

“And luckily enough, I think we just happen to have it here,” Dick walked over to the
bookshelf and pulled out a well-worn book. He presented it to her with a showy hand wave
around the cover. “The Hungry Little…”

“I know the book, and no, it doesn’t change anything.”

Dick’s smile fell a little, “Not even the ending?”

“Especially the ending,” Ms. Weaver retorted.

Dick almost feared for Goodnight Moon’s chances of also being reprehensible. Or heaven
forbid If you Give A Mouse A Cookie ever came into the equation.
How and why had this woman chosen to teach children again?

She thankfully left a few moments later and Dick continued his cutting just as a familiar
voice came from behind and an excited sounding, “Bugs!” filled the room.

Dick would have patted himself on the back (because yes kids did, in fact, love butterflies)
but his head was swimming a little from turning too fast. Hearing Cat’s voice had made him
move too quickly and the stars blasting in his vision were going to take a while to subside.
New blockers always made him feel slightly sick the first day or two. Meaning today was not
the day for moving as much as Dick usually did. Not if he didn’t want to end up face down
on the floor.

And with Jason coming in behind his daughter...yeah, Dick really didn’t want to collapse now
of all times.

If he gave something away or just looked genuinely out of sorts, Dick tried to hide it with a
friendly greeting. Jason however, seemed to be looking at him with...concern? Crap. If it was
for Friday’s fiasco or his possible pale, even sickly pallor, Dick wasn't sure, but he tried his
best to keep his focus on Cat, “You like bugs, huh?”

“I like spiders!” the girl responded, hugging her stuffed ballerina alligator tightly.

Dick blinked. “Spiders, huh?” Well, he couldn’t say he’d expected that answer.

Cat nodded. “I wish I had lots of legs too,” she continued, pulling at one of her pigtails
adorned with sparkly pom-poms. “They can climb walls,” she stated proudly.

“That’s,” Dick couldn’t think of anything more horrifying.

“She wanted a tarantula,” Jason cut in.

“Oh no, no,” Dick shook his head (and then immediately regretted it as the world spun
again). “Those things are absolutely horrible.”

“Exactly what I said,” Jason placed her bag on the table so she could go put it away. “But
she’d have us living in a Zoo if she could.”

“Hey, might not be that bad, at least you’d never be bored,” Dick joked.

Jason’s lips sort of lifted at the jest, but not much else.

They shared a moment of silence as Cat mused over the butterflies and the colors she wanted
to use. Dick had a feeling Jason was going to ask or say something, judging by how he
seemed to be studying Dick’s face with a pursed mouth. Dick had to look bad, maybe even
worse than he felt. He wasn’t (not to mention couldn’t be) honest about the reason why
though, so... “Did you guys have a good weekend?” Simple pleasantries it was.

Jason’s shoulder raised slightly, “We did. It was mostly uneventful. Normal, I guess. You?”
Eating two gallons of ice cream and four boxes of dry cereal all while not leaving a bed for
two whole days. “Yeah, same.” Absolutely normal. “Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to
eat my breakfast this morning so my blood sugars sort of crashing.” That could explain
looking like a ghost and being kind of shaky...right? “But other than that,” Dick chuckled. “I
feel it’s gonna be a good start to a wonderful week.”

Jason’s blink as he followed where Dick pointed to his desk and his ‘breakfast’ could pretty
much be heard. The man didn't seem in the least bit convinced, so either Dick had lost his
touch or Dick just looked that bad.


Ah, never mind. It seemed instead that Jason Todd could put almost as much disgust in his
voice as one Alfred Pennyworth at seeing the wrapped ‘pastries’. A massive feat if ever Dick
had seen one.

“I’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth,” Dick laughed again.

“Well,” Jason said after another long moment. “I uh...hope it helps.”

They both knew it was junk (tasty junk) but at least Jason kept back on saying outright that
he looked like shit and eating tons of sugar probably wasn’t going to help. Jason’s face pretty
much confirmed his words were superficial and the worry was still very much there.

“It will,” Dick assured. He fought another small wave of nausea he knew was from the
Alpha’s concern. His Omega...damn, it needed to stop.

Turning his attention back to the printout, Dick chose to focus on the main project they’d be
doing today, just to possibly help quiet things inside him a little (because deflecting topics
was working so well so far…) “I know it’s kind of cheesy, but I chose butterflies because
they can be a symbol for rebirth, for change...”

“Transformation,” Jason added as if he understood where Dick was going.

Dick smiled softly, “I figured that all might be a little heavy-handed for 4-year-olds but it did
seem fitting, given everything that’s happened recently.”

Jason observed the size of the project, “At this rate, I think I’m going to have to get a bigger
fridge to put all this stuff on.” He didn’t sound irritated, more amused.

“Butterflies are pretty.”

Jason wasn’t looking at his daughter as she tugged on his arm, but he still agreed. His green
eyes met Dick’s and didn’t leave as he answered, “Yeah, they are.”

The sounds of other parents and students starting to pile in caused them both to break contact.

“Well, um…”

“Yeah,” Jason replied, like Dick had actually said something to warrant a ‘yeah’”
“I’ll see you at pickup?”

Jason nodded. He gave Cat what seemed to be his usual goodbye of forehead touching and he
hesitated only the briefest moment before leaving.

The last thing he’d looked at again, frowning heavily as he did, had been the Pop-Tarts.


“Welcome to D Day, Todd.”

Jason continued towards his desk, hardly hearing the words as he passed the speaker.
Watching his daughter’s teacher's head barely able to stay up as he so obviously tried not to
look like he didn’t want to toss his cookies into the nearest trash can, had been frustrating.
Not because the man was obviously not feeling well, but because Dick was trying to act like
he didn’t look like death warmed over. And Jason was all for putting on a brave face, but...

But the man needed more than some damn processed shit in a box to...

“Kid, you with me?”

Jason finally looked up, realizing he’d marched right over to his office and hadn’t even
bothered to notice the chaos around him.

Hector Diaz, his sometimes partner from Homicide, was watching him with a raised brow,
“Might want to put the Alpha away for a minute and pay attention, kid. The new chief’s here
and he’s not happy.” The man was much older and more seasoned as a detective, but Jason
liked him decent enough.

Had Jason been allowing his Alpha to show that much? Was that even possible over concern
for a Beta?

Continued concern, Jason’s mind reminded him, quickly answering his question.

“What’s he so mad about?” Jason asked, still feeling slightly preoccupied from the apparently
chaotic setting.

Hector tsked, folding his thick arms over his large stomach, “The better question is what isn’t
he mad about? I had my ass chewed over cases from ten years ago.”

Jason scratched his cheek, “Sounds thorough.”

Also sounded like Jason was gonna be in for a hell of a time when his review started.

“Bastards doing everything but bending us over and flashing a light up our assholes. He’s
searching everything.”

To be fair, the station had been kind of a mess for quite some time. Files went missing,
statements mysteriously vanished and it jeopardized a lot of very vital information. Not that
Jason was in favor of a strip search, or anything, but there could be better management in
even simply keeping cases organized.

“He had Harper in there for almost an hour.”

Jason sucked at his cheek. Roy, for all his straightening up and moving towards a better,
decent path in life, was still known not to follow through on things. He clearly wasn’t the
only one, though.

“And with your record…”

“Guess I should prepare for two,” Jason joked with no humor whatsoever.

“Guy’s a fucking brick wall, too. One of those Alpha’s Alpha,” Hector shivered. “Wouldn’t
want to see him go full rage, he’d probably be able to rip the whole building apart. And I
mean physically.”

“Thanks for the warning.”

The other man nodded before taking his leave, “Good luck, kid.”

How long Jason stared at his screen, just watching the cursor blink over and over, it could
have been an hour, or five minutes, it felt about the same. All while wondering what kind of
flavoring and ingredients he had at home or if he needed to get some more at the store.
Despite everything, he still couldn’t focus and it really should be more troubling that Jason
was determined on thinking through recipes and not worrying about his goddamn job.

“Jason Todd?”

An unfamiliar female voice came from behind him and Jason turned in his chair to see a
young, petite, blonde woman holding a clipboard. She gave him a smile as he nodded.

“The chief would like a few words.”

The color of her red blouse made Jason ponder if strawberry would be better. Or maybe
honey. Maybe both.

“You know I love when you make these.” The smile, the laughter at the spilled flour on the
floor, the smell of happiness.

The sourness and hate it had eventually turned into...


“Yeah, alright,” he agreed.

The woman, who seemed almost too young to actually be working, led him towards the
newly set up office, complete with a sign letting everyone know the man’s name and title.
She opened the door and let him in.
“Jason Todd is here.” She announced.

“Thank you, Terra. That will be all.” came a deep voice. The blonde woman seemed to give a
longing look at the speaker before closing the door.

“Have a seat.”

Jason picked the only other one in the room across from the desk. The man behind it finished
signing something before he finally looked up. It might have been nice if Hector had
mentioned the man only had one fucking eye, because seeing the scar and the eye patch,
Jason’s shocked reaction couldn’t have come across all that great.

An immediate underlying feeling of ‘sharp’ came across every one of Jason’s senses. This
man was not to be trifled with. Not like Eddie Towns who had sweated through his shirts and
kept his hand inside a chicken bucket, even during reviews (when he actually showed his
ugly mug to do them).

Alpha’s Alpha had been an understatement if anything.

The man’s grey eye was almost unsettlingly piercing as he observed Jason. The man looked
well over 40, but Jason would never use the word old in how he presented himself, “I’m sure
word has gotten out, but today has been rather a disappointing day, Jason.”

“I actually have heard that,” Jason responded mildly.

The man suddenly stood and while he had looked intimidating sitting, it was nothing
compared to how massive he was when he stood.

At just a little over six one, Jason would never be described as short, but Slade Wilson…was
simply something else entirely.

Resting on the desk in what was supposed to seem relaxed but was very much a power move,
the room seemed to shrink to an uncomfortable scale and Jason swallowed. Removing some
lint from his shoulder, Slade spoke again, “Tell me, what do you see for your future here,
Jason? For the future of this force?”

Shit. Starting with questions like these couldn’t be good.

“I guess I haven’t given it much thought,” Jason answered honestly.

Slade continued, “Well surely you agree that things here need a change, that things could be
running much smoother than they are?”

Jason considered if there was some kind of trick in the question, but again, answered
honestly, “Yeah, I do.”

“Your accent, you’re from Gotham, correct?”

“I am.” Wasn’t this all in his paperwork? And why did it matter where Jason was from?
“The truth is, Jason...” The lone eye really was unsettling in how deeply it looked like it
could cut through things. “I wouldn’t trust anyone here to correctly tie their own shoes, much
less protect or help anyone.”

A hard blink, “Okay?”

Was this where Jason handed in his badge with orders not to let the door hit his ass on the
way out?

Slade tapped at a folder on his desk, “And then I found one person, one individual I saw
some slight potential in. I’m sure you know who I mean.”

Not really.

Jason’s face must have shown some kind of confusion because Slade gave a slight chuckle,
“Although, perhaps you don’t.” He picked up and opened the file, flipping through writeups
upon writeups, “You have quite the history, don’t you?”

Jason was lost on whether he was being complimented or rebuked.

Slade closed the file and tossed it back on the desk, “The truth is the world needs more
Alphas like you. I want to see you in a more active role here, more involved in bigger things.
You seem to understand the true Alpha’s purpose.”


The man studied him before replying, “Omegas are meant to be treasured. Alpha’s so often
fail at that, don’t you agree?”

“A lot do,” Jason nodded. He wasn’t sure why the word ‘treasured’ sent a chill up his spine.

“Which is why I want you to continue what you do. I’m truly impressed by what I’ve read.”

Wait, was Jason getting an attaboy? From the man destroying everyone else to shreds? What
the hell was going on here?

“I look forward to working with you, Jason Todd,” Slade offered his hand for the first time
and Jason almost hesitated to take it. The pure power in even the simple movement of the
handshake coupled with Slade’s unwillingness to look anywhere but straight...fucking right
into Jason’s core...

It was a lot.

Releasing his hand, Slade gestured back towards the door, signifying Jason could leave. Jason
was halfway to the door when the man added, “And Jason…”

Turning at being addressed again, Jason waited.

“I do hope your Omega feels better.”


There was no way Jason’s worry could still be lingering that much. Maybe he’d brought the
scent in when he’d come into the room? Hector had noticed it too, though, so maybe Jason
was being too transparent these days. And Dick was also a Beta so nothing about any of it
made any sense. Either way… “I don’t have an Omega, sir.”

Slade merely raised a brow, “Oh? Well, my mistake then.”

Jason took his cue to leave before the man could add anything else.

He’d expected a pink slip...and was pretty sure he’d just gotten some weird kind of

For the third time that morning, Jason repeated



When Dick opened the mansion door, he immediately knew he’d walked into something he
wasn’t meant to hear.

“...he has the right to know, Master Bruce.”

Throwing his head back and exhaling, Dick could already feel the tension building. He’d had
a good day, despite not feeling well. The kids had enjoyed the project and it had all worked
out well. He really didn’t want this.

“I’m just trying to protect him, Alfred.”

It was obvious as day who ‘he’ and ‘him’ was. Dick made sure the door closed loudly behind
him to make his presence known. And honestly...Dick couldn’t care less what Bruce didn’t
want to tell him. It used to bother Dick so immensely, but now…

“Dick,” Bruce’s eyes weren’t cold as he entered the stairwell. They weren’t cold, but they
were determined. Probably ready for a fight.

Dick wouldn’t give him one. Not today. He held out his open palms in surrender and shook
his head, “I don’t care, Bruce. You obviously know better than me and, for once, I really just
don’t care. I’m trying my best to get out of your hair, okay?” Once he adapted better to being
a believable ‘Beta’, things would be different. Dick would have his own place, his own space
to do what he pleased. No one would rent or sell to an unmated Omega, but as a Beta, Dick
Grayson could be free.

Dick brushed past him without another word.

Alfred’s voice carried across the walls, “Is this what you want, sir? Do you want him to leave
and for us to never hear from him again? Because that’s what’s going to happen.”
Hurrying his steps and fighting a sting in his eyes, Dick focused his thoughts on what he
wanted the kids to do next tomorrow.

He didn’t want to hear Bruce’s answer.

Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

Thank you for the continued support and encouraging comments.

“I can’t believe he likes you. He literally told me I was lazy and threatened to write me up for
shit from two fucking years ago,” Roy adjusted his sunglasses with a wince. The obvious
signs he’d been drinking alcohol somewhat recently (if the smell hadn’t been obvious
enough) He took a sip of his coffee and groaned as the car took another turn, “He’s a
massive, fucking prick. Sorry Cat,” he said to the girl in the backseat. “Just ignore those bad
words, okay?”

Like it totally worked that way and the girl didn’t parrot things she heard.

Jason wondered if the man was just openly taunting the new chief looking as disheveled as he
did, supposedly ‘ready to work’. “Like might be a strong word.” Jason wasn’t sure what word
really defined…anything that had happened in his meeting with Slade. “And do you honestly
think showing up drunk is going to make you look any better?”

“Mostly sober now and also…whatever, I won’t talk badly about your new boyfriend,” Roy

Very mature. “I didn’t have to give you a ride, you know.”

“Yeah, but I knew you would,” Roy grinned and waged a brow, but then groaned as his
liquored-up brain seemed to take another spin inside his head.

“Mostly sober, my ass.”

Roy turned to look at the wrapped pastries on the center console between them, poking them,
he asked. “Were these here the whole time?”

Jason sighed, rubbing at his temple with the hand not on the steering wheel, “Considering
you’ve almost fallen asleep on them twice, yes.”

“So you’re sucking up with goodies too?” Roy considered the sweets with a whistle. “Damn,
I should have thought of that.”

Jason exhaled, “They’re not for…”

“He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who eats normal food though,” Roy continued,
seemingly mostly to himself. “He probably eats protein powder or whole cows or something.
Maybe people, maybe that’s how he lost the eye.”
Jason shook his head, he didn’t want to know what Roy was rambling about. “That’s why it’s
not for him. Although I do seem to remember you telling me to try and get brownie points

“I didn’t mean literal brownies.”

“It’s not brownies.”

“Why wouldn’t it be brownies?”

Jesus Christ, was the man high too? “It’s for someone else. It’s not a big deal so just…shut up
about it.”

No, Jason wasn’t blushing, but he was cursing the universe's awful timing that today would
be the day that Roy Harper’s car would break down and he’d need a ride.

Roy looked down his sunglasses at him with watery, blue eyes. “Uh, huh.” He called to the
back again. “Cat, who did your Daddy make the treats for?”

Jason was hopeful she wouldn’t answer, but he knew better. Young children were like open
books when asked direct questions, he’d learned.

“They’re for Mr. Grayson,” Cat replied helpfully. Her sweet voice sounded so excited it was
hard to be even remotely upset at her.

Roy, on the other hand…

Roy’s lips popped, “Who is…Mr…hmm…” He fell off on a mumble then snapped his fingers
and grinned, “Oh my god, the teacher. I knew it! You’re wooing the teacher.”

“I’m not wooing anybody,” Jason countered. Never mind, how long he’d spent making the
damn things. There were so many reasons it couldn’t and shouldn’t be any kind of wooing.

Which it wasn’t.

Dick was a Beta and Alpha’s offering food wasn’t the same for Betas as Omegas…

It wasn’t wooing.

“That flush on your face says otherwise, dude. Hold on, I thought you said he was married?”

“Which is why it isn’t wooing.”

Roy tapped the treats again, “Jason, this is…”

“It’s not.”

“Hey, you know I don’t judge.”

Thank Christ, they’d made it to the school and the conversion could end. Parking the car,
Jason turned to the older man, “There’s nothing to judge,” he reiterated. “Now wait here
while I drop her off.”

Jason opened the door to get out and Roy called to him sounding disappointed, “Wait, I don’t
at least get to see him?”

Helping Cat out Jason grabbed for the treat container next, “Why would you need to see him?
Just stay in the car.”

Jason very much knew why Roy wanted to see Dick and he had no intention of it happening.
Not today, at least.

“Dude, come on, just a little peek?” Roy held his fingers apart to show a small space between
them signifying the ‘little’.

Jason glared, his teeth set. He tried to keep Cat further back so he could shift forward and
hiss, “Stay in the goddamn car.”

“Marking your territory,” Roy snorted, leaning his head back against the seat. “Yeah man,
definitely not wooing,” He waved Jason on. “Fine. Fine.”

Jason slammed the door.

“Can I hold them, daddy?” Cat asked, holding her hands out.

Jason gave one last pointed look back at the car’s passenger side before handing her the
wrapped bag.

The girl all but ran up the walkway and into the school, only waiting for him to catch up
outside the door to the class, which was, of course open, giving Jason very little time to
prepare any kind of explanation.

Roy was right, Dick was married. Honestly, he’d been kind of on autopilot yesterday after
seeing how bad Dick looked, but now that it came down to it…

“Well someone certainly is excited this morning.”

Jason took a breath. Dick…well he looked better. He looked in the middle of organizing
another project, shifting through some colored paper while sitting on a ridiculously too small

“You’d think they’d get me a chair by now,” Dick chuckled as he stretched out so he could
properly greet them (Jason hoped he was kidding). He noticed what Cat was holding with a
raised brow, “Hey, is it someone's birthday?”

As Cat handed the treats over, Jason realized they probably should have rehearsed something
beforehand. He really hadn’t thought this out or how it looked and damn Roy for putting
notions in his head.

Cat beamed as she explained, “Daddy made them.”

Dick’s initial shock couldn’t be hidden, but he recovered quickly taking the offering with a
smile. “Thank you, that’s..”

“I think he wants to be your friend.”

Yep, definitely should have rehearsed.

The girl's attempt at a whisper may as well have been a bullhorn proclaiming it to the world.
And Jason…

Well, his little girl might just be the literal death of him.

Dick composed his surprise a little less quickly this time, but his smile was no less sincere.
“Well,” He leaned in to speak to Cat softly but his eyes flickered to Jason. (And just why in
the hell was anyone allowed to have such pretty eyes?) “That’s very nice. I’d love to be your
daddy's friend.” Dick was placating her, surely but…

“You said you weren’t feeling well from not eating so,” Jason pointed to the bag. “Some of
it’s got protein because I thought that might help.”

Dick’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth, but another voice came from behind them.

“Sir, you need a visitor's pass if you don’t have a child that goes here.”

A familiar drawl followed in response. “I just need the bathroom, won’t be more than a…”
Roy walked past and then back into the doorway. His eyes lit up and he lifted his arms as if
expecting some kind of celebration at his arrival. “There you are.”


It was impossible he’d gotten more drunk in the past few minutes, but Jason suddenly wanted
to punch Roy a thousand times more.

Dick was understandably confused and maybe even startled, “I’m sorry but if you’re looking
for the bathroom…”

“Nah, I’m good,” Roy waved him off but remained in the doorway. Leering, most likely.

“Then do you need help with something?” Dick ventured.

Jason cut Roy off before he could speak. “I’m pretty sure he was just leaving,” He all but

“Do you know him?” Dick asked.

“Uncle Roy was supposed to stay in the car,” Cat again whispered, far too loudly.

Both Dick’s brows rose.

“He’s leaving,” Jason promised. He glared at Roy. “Now.”

Even with Jason all but pushing the man out the door, Roy hardly looked apologetic, “Come
on, you know I had to see. Like I said, just a peek.”

“You saw, now out.”

Jason turned back once Roy was out of the room and in the hallway, unsure even what to say
to Dick now, “I’m uh…this won’t happen again.”

“It’s okay, he just needs a pass next time,” Dick assured, far too kindly. Much kinder than the
situation deserved.

Roy grinned, “See, I just need a…”

“Out,” Jason pointed down the hall.

Dick, despite it all, was smiling and talking softly to Cat. The girl was probably telling him
all about ‘Uncle’ Roy (who thankfully did actually leave after his ‘peek’).

Jason drummed the door frame. Honestly, almost all their meetings had been kind of hectic in
one way or another and he wasn’t sure why even with the smile there seemed to be a…
melancholy around Dick but…Jason really didn’t like it.

He sort of wanted to keep offering what he could to help make it go away.

But Jason didn’t know what or how much that could be.

Or why he cared so much.

Maybe there was a part of him that did want to be Dick’s friend, Cat might have been on to
something. Roy however…

Roy would be lucky if he lived to see another day.


“Get up.”

He thinks you’re a Beta…

He’s just trying to be nice…

Dick was pacing back and forth, musing and fussing with his hair, all over what looked like
admittedly very good-looking food.

Stop being weird, Grayson, there’s nothing weird about it.

“You’re going to be late if you don’t get up.”

How can Dick be late to something in his own home? Something that if he didn’t show up for,
would technically be meaningless?
“How can I be late to my own birthday?” he grumbled into his pillow, pulling the covers
over his head.

“I won’t say it again.”

Dick’s head felt both on fire and yet somehow, ice cold. Numb and yet burning. And that was
nothing compared to his stomach which refused to stop rolling and aching. His whole body
felt tired and worn and all he wanted was to sleep.

“I don’t…”

“This isn’t about you.”

But it was supposed to be, wasn’t it?

“I’ve asked one thing of you after giving in to your demands all week, now get up.”

Demands? Dick wasn’t sure what demands those possibly were, he’d barely felt present or
coherent for a full day in well over a month, much less up to making many demands.

(You’re an Omega…anything you want is a demand.)

(But he gives you the world…doesn’t he?)

New dosages meant new side effects and these ones had hit him hard. Dick only knew it was
his birthday because he’d been told, he might have forgotten it otherwise.

Dick moved the covers back so he could plead with the Alpha, “I just…please can’t we just
have a quiet night? Just…spend it together?”

A deep sigh, “I spent the last two nights with you.”

That wasn’t…what?

Dick was sure he hadn’t felt his husband’s touch in days. The words put another stone in his
stomach, “Two nights?”

A was brow slightly raised, the tone not pleased, “You don’t remember?”

It felt like a trick question. How…why wouldn’t Dick remember that? Of course, he would…
but..why would Slade lie about something like that?

He wouldn’t. It had to be Dick forgetting, but that…

The Alpha gave a disappointed sound when Dick didn’t reply fast enough, “Seems my touch
is now forgettable to you.”

Dick shot up to grab at his arm to keep the much larger man from leaving, “No, no…I
promise I just don’t remember. But…why don’t I…” Dick’s mouth felt like cotton and his head
was spinning. His brain frantically searched for a reason…he could remember his wedding,
even the night they’d met all those years prior, but Dick couldn’t remember two nights ago?
“Why can’t I…”

The mattress dipped as his Alpha sat next to him, “You said you were having blackouts. I
didn’t realize it was this serious.”

He didn’t remember that either. “I…guess I must be.”

A hand on his face, gentle despite its size, “We may have to see about what’s going on.” More
changes, more doctor visits. “But, tonight isn’t an option. You will be there.”

“Did it offend you in some way or…”

Tim Drake entered the kitchen, toweling off his wet hair from what looked like a recent
shower. The young Beta looked slightly cautious, but also very confused at Dick’s apparent
standoff with the baked goods on the counter.

Dick shook his head, “No, it’s,” He swallowed. “’s from an Alpha.”

Tim’s mouth tightened in shock, “An Alpha?”

“It’s from one of my student’s parents…they were just being thoughtful.”

Tim’s eyes went from Dick to the counter and back to Dick again, “Then why are you
looking at it like it’s a bomb?”

“Funny how we’re the only two Omegas here not pregnant, huh?”

Dick really wished the blonde girl would go away already. He didn’t even remember her
name (something with a T?) or why Slade or Wintergreen or whoever had invited her. Dick
knew almost no one here, in fact, despite it supposedly being ‘his’ party.

“Do you really think he made that?”

The food prepared on the table, the food his Alpha was supposed to have made in celebration
of him…

Of course, his husband hadn’t.

It was no doubt from some bakery or worse, Wintergreen had made it.

“Excuse me,” Dick mumbled his way past her, past a crowd of Alpha’s drinking and
laughing. Past his disapproving-looking husband.

Faces were pretty much a blur, there was chatter and dishes clicking but…it all just seemed
to run together. Colors became indistinguishable and his head…throbbed.

“You sure he isn’t knocked up, Wilson. He looks pretty awful.”

The blonde, heavily pregnant Omega next to the rude Alpha, the always arrogant Roman
Sionis, looked at Dick with disgust. Dick wanted to tell them both off, but he couldn’t even
find his tongue. He’d only have been chastised for it anyway, but he hated his fertility status
(or lack thereof) always being a topic of conversation.

(Well if you just had one, did your duty like you’re supposed to, they’d shut up, wouldn’t

“It’s really a shame because he’s so pretty.”

Another Alpha, behind or in front of him, Dick couldn’t tell anymore because the room was
spinning. The room was nothing but lights and colors and Dick couldn’t breathe.

Stumbling through the crowd, he barely found the bathroom in time.

“Dick?” A gentle shake of his shoulder paired with the calling of his name.

Dick hoped his smile came on faster than it felt, “Sorry, I kind of zoned out, it’s been a long
day. I’m okay, Timmy.”

Tim hadn’t even asked, but the answer always came out anyway.

Dick was okay.

“Do you…want me to throw them out?” Tim asked, seeing the obvious distress they seemed
to be causing.

His palms itched as Dick bit his cheek. He considered the idea, running it over and over as he
had done earlier. And then he thought of Cat’s excitement, her comment about Jason wanting
to be his friend. How utterly embarrassed the handsome Alpha had looked at his daughter’s

The green of Jason’s eyes and how they seemed to change colors with his moods.

Dick swallowed that last part away. He stepped forward and grabbed the top pastry. He was
no food connoisseur and didn’t know the name of it, what it even looked in relation to, or
could possibly be.

“Is this Alpha a baker, or a chef, or something?” Tim peered at the object in Dick’s hand,
looking amazed at all the details on it.

A flashing remembrance of Jason holding his badge and Dick shook his head, “He’s a cop.”

The unease could be felt as Tim’s face fell. The comparison most definitely seemed to worry

Dick put his free hand on the shorter man’s shoulder, “It’s not like that. It’ll…never be like
Tim bit his lip as if considering something, “It’s okay if it is, though. Like…you don’t have to
be a hermit or anything. And honestly if you like this guy…”

Dick cut him off, “It’s not like that.”

“You have the right to be happy, though.”

Dear sweet, sometimes a little grumpy, but still sweet, Tim.

“Seeing you happy makes me happy.”

Tim rolled his eyes and huffed, “That’s not what I mean.”

Dick winked and took a bite, because…what the hell? It wasn’t his birthday, he had no Alpha
and it meant nothing past a kind gesture. The first taste hit and…




“What?” Tim sounded terrified at his reaction, “God, what is it? Are you dying, do I need to

Dick shoved another pastry into Tim’s hand, “Try it.”

“What? I don’t…”

“Try it.”

Tim took a tentative bite, all the while still looking at Dick like he’d lost his mind. He
chewed and proceeded to take a very long swallow. He contemplated the rest still in his hand.

“If this guy asks you out, please say yes.”

Dick chuckled at the joke, shoving the rest in his mouth. It was a bittersweet feeling and all
he knew was no PopTart had ever tasted a fraction as good.
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

Kind of late. Have been having trouble getting WiFi access to work on or post anything,
sorry about that.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Dick studied his work with a head tilt. Framing the object with his hands, taking in the
entirety of the lights, and netting as he did, the man ultimately came away with ‘good

Or rather ‘good enough’ for running on a few hours sleep and it being eight o'clock in the

“Mosquito nets.”

The deep voice behind him wasn’t asking a question, more stating a fact. A confused-
sounding fact at that. Dick puffed up, feeling he deserved a bit more credit than that. They
were indeed mosquito nets, but with the fairy lights, he liked to imagine they looked more
magical and mystical than their purpose of merely stopping bug infestations.

Jason didn’t seem impressed (not that Dick was trying to impress him…really) but Cat
looked interested, so that was definitely something.

“Use your imagination,” Dick offered with a grin, spreading his arms open. “Now what do
you see?”

Jason raised a brow, eyes returning to the ceiling where the fabric was stapled into the boards.
“I see mosquito nets.”

Dick breathed out deeply with a disappointed sigh, “Really?”

“To be fair I don’t think I’m your audience,” Jason reached out to grab at one of the sheer
panels. “Quality netting, though.”

Definitely not what Dick wanted to be complimented on considering the hour and a half he’d
spent putting it up. “Not much of an imagination user, are you?”

Jason gave a half shrug, “Not really.” Though he did seem genuinely curious about the setup.
“What’s it for, anyway?”

Cat had found the foam sword and a crown with a look of glee, causing Dick’s smile to return
at her enthusiasm, “We’re going to play some Fairy Tales.”
Jason’s look didn’t change much, he just nodded.

“Not a fan?” Dick asked with a slight tease.

Jason’s mouth lifted in almost a smile, but not quite, “I think I’m a little old for all that.”

Considering Jason had to be younger than Dick himself, blaming age seemed a bit unfair.
Dick strongly disagreed and shook his head, “No one’s too old for Fairy Tales.”

Jason’s counter look clearly said ‘if you say so’.

“Adventure, romance, fantasy; what’s not to like?”

“As long as there are no clowns involved, I don’t…hate the idea of them, I guess.”


“Like circus clowns,” Jason motioned in some vague shape with his hands.

“What’s wrong with clowns?”

“What’s right with them?” Jason answered with what sounded like deep conviction. “They’re

“They're not all that bad,” Dick insisted, feeling a sharp tug on his heart. A feeling of a time
past, a time of bright lights and warm smiles.

Of family.

Jason shook his head in disagreement.

Dick put an amused hand on his hip, “You’re telling me a big, strong guy like you is scared
of clowns?” He could think of a few men that would find this fact absolutely hilarious. A
grown Alpha, terrified of their silly antics.

Jason crossed his arms and it was hard not to notice the muscles pulling tight against the
fabric. A thought Dick probably shouldn’t be comfortable having, but…it was impossible to
miss, “It has nothing to do with age or size, clowns are just freaky.”

The conversation was almost laughable when Dick was considering how strong the man
looked…while sharing a fear about clowns.

Dick hummed, “Well, luckily there’s no clown involvement.” He smirked, “not today,

“Lucky me,” Jason joked, dryly.

“I think there might be a jester, though,” Dick smirked.

“Nearly just as bad.”

“Okay, okay, perhaps I can offer you,” Dick reached for a cape on one of the tables, “the role
of our dashing prince?”

“I wasn’t aware I was getting a role and I think that’s a little small,” Jason noted with a small
barely-there smile. He seemed to take in all the various costumes spread about with an
appreciative eye. “Did you really make all of these yourself?”

“Oh no, I don’t really sew.” Well, that wasn’t true, Dick could sew (somewhat) he just hadn’t
gotten past Damian and the boy’s disapproval at his fabric choices fast enough to actually
make anything.


Dick held the two different colored textiles next to each and frowned, “They don’t look that

“No, they look much worse,” Damian held his hand out. “Give them here. Hopefully, I can
make something usable with them. Even children deserve better choices than…those

“You agree with me, right?” Dick’s mouth fell as he gave a pleading look to Tim. He
presented the options and the younger man’s mouth twisted at the corner.

“I don’t normally say this,” Tim breathed in like he didn’t quite want to finish his statement.
“But Damian’s right.”

“Of course, I am.”

“You both suck,” Dick pouted with no real fire in his words. Still, he handed the fabric over.

And Damian had done a pretty fantastic job, all things considered.

“Your spouse?”

Dick’s head snapped up at that.

Jason motioned back to the costumes, “I thought maybe your spouse made them?”


If the idea was more absurd or horrifying, Dick couldn’t quite say. He had decided earlier not
to think of Slade at all that day, so Dick instead pushed the notion away with a slight laugh,
“No, he uh…” better to not even go down that path and open any doors, “It was my brother,
actually. He’s pretty handy with a sewing machine.”

Jason wasn’t looking at his face, but down at his hand, where Dick hadn’t realized he’d been
pushing down on his ring finger with his thumb. Had that become a habit at some point when
thinking about…

(No, not today, he reminded himself.)

Dick released the ring and only then did Jason’s eyes return to his face.

Very smooth.

“You’re welcome to stay and participate,” Dick meant it, but a big part of him was thinking
without really using his brain because he really didn’t want Jason asking anything more. He
highly doubted the Alpha had any interest in being in an impromptu play with a bunch of
rowdy four-year-olds, though.

“Maybe next time,” Jason offered. He hardly looked enthused at the idea, however.

“Daddy says that when he means no.”

Dick laughed at Jason’s indignant scoff as the man turned to his daughter, “I do not.”

Cat had three different crowns on and was looking through the costumes. She addressed Dick
and insisted, very seriously, “He does.”

Jason also insisted, “No, I don’t.”

Dick looked between them both and concluded, “Well, I can certainly see the family

The two already shared very similar physical features and coloring, so much so that it was
quite obvious they were parent and child, but their mannerisms also seemed to be mirroring
almost exactly at that moment. One just happened to be an over six-foot-tall man giving the
same expression as a four-year-old.

“I…may have said it once. Or twice,” Jason slowly agreed.

“One time Allie just wanted a birthday cake,” Cat maintained her story with all seriousness.

“And all the other stuffed animals too,” Jason corrected. “Of which you have many.”

Dick continued to tease, “And you said ‘maybe next time’?”

Jason shrugged, but his answer was somewhat hesitant, “...Possibly.”

Cat threw her arms up in despair, “They’ve had a lot of birthdays with no cake.”

“Well,” Dick offered to both the pouting girl and (the not far from pouting) man, “after
tasting your baking I can understand why anyone would want more of it.” He turned his
smile to Cat, “Stuffed or not.”

Jason turned curious, “You liked them then?”

“I loved them,” Dick answered sincerely. He couldn’t imagine anyone not loving what was
essentially euphoria in a buttery crust.

Giving a nod, the man seemed pleased, “Good.”

“And I’m pretty sure your daddy has to work today, so let's cut him a little slack, okay?” Dick
poked Cat fondly and the girl finally nodded. “And maybe if we ask nicely, he’ll bake us a
cake for all the missed birthdays,” he not so silently added, giving Jason a wink.

Jason shook his head, but he seemed amused, something Dick decided he quite liked the look
of. The Alpha seemed younger, more at ease, “Oh my god…Kit, come here, so I can leave.
Before I agree to something ridiculous.”

“You sure? There might be a baker's hat in…”

“Leaving…” Jason called over his shoulder as he did just that.

Dick would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the view as he did.

His brain literally felt like it had knocked the message on his skull the moment his mind
drifted to such places.

Can’t. Won’t. Nope.

“Don't worry, we’ll get Allie a birthday cake, even if it’s kind of late,” Dick assured Cat
(mostly to distract himself and fend off his rebuking thoughts of what could never be),
handing her one of the capes to try on.

The girl nodded happily in response.


The Omega across from Jason refused to look anywhere but the floor. His shoulders were
tight, but he kept his gaze and demeanor as small as he possibly could. Small, quiet, and
pretty much trying to take up as little space as possible. A typical Omega response to an
Alpha’s anger. The Alpha, on the other hand…

Couldn’t seem to shut up for one goddamn second.

Jason hated these kinds of interactions. Worse, he hated not being able to do much about
them. The Alpha ranted and the Omega just continued to look more and more withdrawn.

“Okay, I’ve heard enough,” Jason finally decided.

“Like I said, I didn’t hit him!”

“Well he got the bruise somehow,” Jason replied, trying to keep his own anger in check.
“He’s going to a safe place for a few nights and I suggest…you figure out some self-control
in the meantime.”

The Alpha approached his desk in a near rage, “How are you even in this job? You’re the
weakest excuse for an Alpha I’ve ever..”

“Mr. Henderson,” But Jason was speaking to the Omega still seated, not the Alpha. “I see
your husband’s brain doesn’t seem to retain much so I’ll be communicating solely with you
from now on.”

The Omegas eyes were the size of dinner plates.

Not protocol or by the book in any way, shape, or form, but Jason had honestly had enough.
Arrogant and rude, the Alpha had done nothing but belittle his Omega, who seemed to flinch
every time the larger man moved near him. And if he thought Jason was going to take his
bullying, he was terribly mistaken.

“You son of a…my lawyer will be hearing about this.”

Jason remained nonplussed. “I’ll get you transportation so you can get what you need, pack
for at least a week or so,” he continued to the Omega. “We’ll see if his temper can improve
after a few anger management courses.”

Unlikely, but really all Jason could lawfully do.

“Are you listening to me, you…” Jason knew despite being a moron, the Alpha wouldn’t
actually try to attack him. The man was clearly out of shape and seemed full of way more
bark than actual bite (at least against other Alphas). “This is bullshit!”

Jason nodded to the Omega that he could leave. He seemed thankful, though still
apprehensive, giving a small nod of appreciation. The Alpha just looked on in complete
annoyance and disbelief.

“And don’t even think about contacting him until this is filled out,” Jason tossed him a paper
of required anger and therapy courses. The man crumpled it in his hands with a sneer.

“You’re a disgrace,” he seethed as he stomped out of the room.

Jason cracked his neck and stretched his arms over his head. He’d been called a lot of names
over the last few years of doing this, but disgrace was definitely a new one.

“Another happy customer, I see.”

“Another asshole, who’ll take a few classes and never change,” Jason retorted, feeling tired
and drained. He dropped the pen he’d been writing with and raised a brow when Roy came
deeper into the room.

“Sooo…” the redhead began coyly. Not that Roy was ever really coy.

“What?” Jason was sure he was snappy, but he really wished he could punch something right

“About Mr. Teacher…”

Jason threw a hand up, “You know, you’ve become so obsessed with him, I’d swear you want
to date him.”

A long pause and rethink of how Jason definitely shouldn’t have phrased it like that.

Roy’s brow peaked and his smile grew. He rested against the desk and Jason suddenly wished
he could just push him out and lock the door.

“Are you saying you want to…”

“You know that’s not what I’m saying, but Jesus, I get it. He smells off, I get it.” They’d had
a lengthy ‘conversation’ with Roy mumbling the same thing about Dick’s smell over and
over in a drunken slur.

“Very off,” Roy reiterated. “And it’s not just that. Something isn’t adding up.”

These were all thoughts Jason could relate to. Even a few days prior, Jason himself was ready
to investigate the Beta on the ‘off’ feelings alone, but the more he talked to him…saw Dick’s
smile, and how much Cat liked him, the ‘off-ness’ just seemed less and less to actually

“I know how love can blind a person,” Roy was clearly joking, but it still wasn’t all that
funny. “But we can both agree you don’t always pick the best people.” Okay, maybe not
joking, but now really pissing Jason off.

“Excuse me? You have a phone filled with different women’s naked bodies and Christ knows
what else and I’m the one not choosing the best?”

“We both know I’m not like you, Jason,” Roy responded mildly, softly even. “I have fun, I…
don’t fall like you do.”

Jason didn’t know why Roy was acting like he’d proposed marriage to the Beta and fallen
head over heels in love with him, but his patience was growing thinner and thinner the more
the other Alpha spoke, “I’m not falling for anything.”

“It’s not always the Alphas that are terrible. You…you should know that better than almost
anyone.” Roy fell off with a frustrated sigh.

Jason bit his lip, caught somewhere between anger and well…not a hell of a lot else, really,
“I’m sorry, is there something you’d like to say?”

“I’m your friend, I just, I don’t want to see you make another mistake.” Jason’s mouth
twisted and Roy reworded, “And I don’t mean a mistake as in Cat I mean…fuck Jason, you
know what I mean.”

Jason glared instead of speaking, knowing he might say something he couldn’t take back.

“You’re pissed, okay, go ahead and be mad. But…you need to see this.”

Roy grabbed a paper from his back pocket and tossed it onto the desk. He motioned down to
it when Jason didn’t immediately look at it.

“You looked him up?”

“Technically, you were looking him up first, I just followed through,” Roy countered. “And I
think it’s because you got the same feeling I did.”

Jason pushed the paper away, “He hasn’t done anything.”

“He’s looking after and educating your kid, Jason, and…I mean look,” he waved at the paper

Jason finally looked.

Redacted. Almost everything aside from Dick’s name and date of birth…all of it was either
blocked out or just didn’t exist.

His marital status…even his second gender, where he lived, his phone number, all were
blocked out.

Roy pointed at it all as if Jason didn’t have his own eyes to see. “He could be anyone. Maybe
he’s on the run, maybe he’s that strangler they never caught. What if he’s some complete
psycho? And he’s teaching kids?”

“Roy, shut up,” Jason breathed deep and waited for the man to stop talking. “That’s not
usually why this happens.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re in missing persons, how do you not know…” Jason didn’t even bother finishing. It
was worrying sometimes, Roy’s lack of paying attention and not knowing things he
absolutely should, but it wasn’t entirely relevant at the moment, “Nevermind, it means he’s in
protection. Usually, it happens with Omegas, but…I’ve seen it happen with a few Betas.”

Very, very rarely. But still.

“Protection? For what?”

“More likely from who,” Jason answered. It usually took months and huge expenses not to
mention tons of legal paperwork to actually hide an Omega’s (or in this case, Beta’s) identity
and living situation. Alpha’s just kept too much power usually.

“An abusive partner?”

“Or a family member, an Alpha most likely.”

Jason was already thinking of how Dick’s eyes had changed at his asking about his spouse.
How the man had clutched his ring like a lifeline… “Goddammit,” he hissed.

“So…this isn’t the bombshell I thought it was, is it?”

“Probably not.” Somehow, it seemed worse. Jason’s blood felt warmer, his head less clear.

This was about the last thing he’d expected or wanted to be in Dick’s file.
Roy crossed his arms, indignantly, “I’m not going to apologize for looking out for you, man.”

“I know,” Roy wasn’t one to apologize in general. The sentiment was nice, but Dick…also
didn’t deserve his dirty laundry strung out like this. “Just don’t go snooping into anything

“You’re honestly not the least bit curious?”

Of course, he fucking was. Jason was a lot curious. He wanted more answers the more he
thought about it, but... “No, Roy. No, I’m not.”

Roy hummed in a disbelieving tone, “Sure, man. I suppose you’re not upset by any of it

His eyes were on Jason’s hand, where Jason had apparently at some point decided to crush
his pen, sending blue ink everywhere.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading.

Chapter 8

“Do you think I could be an ice skater, daddy?”

Jason’s brow rose at his daughter’s question as they made their way down the hallway to her
classroom, “Is this because of the movie last night?”

Some low-budget ice skating princess film or something. Jason had tuned out of most of it,
especially when the animals had started singing, but again, Jason’s movie experiences were
pretty much nothing over PG-rated kids titles anymore.

“Did I hear something about ice skating?”

Dick sounded almost as excited as Cat at the idea, Jason…really found it hard not to smile,
honestly. They were barely in the room and Cat ran up to the Beta and proclaimed, “I’m
gonna be an ice skater.”

“Really, that’s awesome, I love ice skating.”

Soap (and scrubbing for over three days) had thankfully washed most of the blue off his
hands but Jason would still see the slight hue every once in a while when he looked down.
His desk, however, was pretty much a goner. Whatever had been in that pen, was about as
permanent as it got. He’d thrown away the shirt and wished he could throw out the desk too.

He hated the reminder of what it meant, but now he seemed to feel it even when he looked at
Dick’s eyes. His very, very blue eyes.

That aside, why was Jason not surprised that… “You ice skate?”

Dick shrugged, good-naturedly, and like it wasn’t a big deal, “Well, not professionally or
anything, but I’ve got a few moves.”

But Jason was distracted and barely heard him, “You’ve also got some pipe cleaner in your

“Do I?”

It took all the control Jason had within him not to remove the object himself when Dick
seemed to miss it after a few swipes before the green tinsel stem finally fell away.

“Been cutting those suckers all morning, one must have gotten away.”

Jason could only imagine what new project would be falling apart all over his kitchen floor
with all the others. He loved Cat enough not to care too much and if it made her happy, then
nothing else really mattered.

“Can you teach me ice skating?” Cat was grabbing Dick’s hand, something she didn’t do with
anyone but Jason himself (and possibly Roy). Jason…didn’t know what to do with this

“Well, we’d need a skating rink for that, not to mention, ice skates,” Dick chuckled. “And it’s
been a while, I’m probably pretty rusty.”

Jason highly doubted that, “I bet you were a really athletic kid, weren’t you?”

Dick pondered the question before answering, “I guess you could say that. What about you?”

“Me?” Dick seemed to be waiting so Jason gave him the cleanest version he could. “I was
more the run from the law, type. So if you consider that a sport, then sure.”

“Really? And now you’re…”

“Ironic, I know,” Jason almost laughed. “I didn’t have the greatest childhood.”

Dick nodded in understanding. Something about the compassion in his gaze was more
upsetting than it probably should have been. Dick was the one in at least some kind of trouble
and the idea of someone possibly abusing him or hurting him enough that he needed

Jason blamed his job (and Roy pulling up Dick’s file), that’s what it had to be. He shouldn’t
be this concerned about a man he barely knew, a man he had repeatedly worried over for
different reasons (never mind the attempts to try and fix them, small as they’d been)…it over
and over again didn’t make any sense.

“Cat’s extra lucky to have you then.”

And then the man had to say things like that. Things that really shouldn’t affect Jason as they
did. It had to be the kind of thing any teacher would tell a parent.

“I try, but that doesn’t mean we're getting an ice rink or anything,” he pointed out before
anyone could ask any more about ice skating.

Dick laughed, “Well, not to overstep, but it really is fun, if you guys ever get the chance.”

“I’ll take your word on that.”

With any luck, Cat would move on to something else next week. Although, now knowing
Dick liked it too…maybe this obsession wouldn’t pass so easily.


The sleek black car in the driveway gave Dick pause on his trek up the driveway. Friday
night, nothing to do for two whole days, and instead of partaking in the fun most unmated
Betas his age (probably) had, Dick Grayson was going to be dealing with…his shoulder fell

Well, with…this.
An unexpected boom of thunder foretold that if one storm didn’t happen, then another most
definitely would.

Dick didn’t remember rain in the forecast, but it was almost too perfect timing.

Her smell, along with the distinct scent of the Alpha of the house, hit the moment Dick
opened the door. Concern, worry, and, of course, the Bruce Wayne specialty of Alpha
disappointment. Bruce was mad about something, or at the very least displeased, and the
sweet Omega scent was supposed to help counter it.

Dick wanted to throw up instead.

“I promise I didn’t say anything,” Tim hissed from the corner of the stairs, causing Dick to do
a double-take. Was the Beta…hiding? “I don’t know where he found it.”

Beyond confused, Dick asked, mimicking the younger man’s quiet tone, “Found what?”

Dick got his answer a few moments later when his name was called. He looked back and Tim
was gone, clearly wanting no part of whatever was happening. Bruce called his name a
second time and Dick finally let out an exhausted sigh.

“Bruce, I’m…”


“Beloved, softer,” a woman’s accented voice suggested.

Dick rolled his eyes, feeling all of ten again and wondering how it was that the one place he
had ever actually considered a home had been a traveling tent. No permanent walls and an
open sky and still, he’d felt more at ease and safer than with an Alpha.

Surely that was being dramatic? Dick had felt secure with his husband at some point…hadn’t
he? And Bruce had taken him back in, even after all the fighting.

Dick closed his eyes and took a breath just outside the waiting room.

“Given you everything….Ungrateful.”

He couldn’t remember if it had been Slade or Wintergreen (or even Bruce) that had said it,
but either way, they were probably right.

The two were at the table, a chair length and then some away from each other. Bruce was
standing, of course, always ready to be the tallest in the room.

Talia Wayne seemed more concerned with the filing of her nails, but at least acknowledged
Dick’s presence with an upturned mouth. With a curtain of hair, perfectly set to accentuate
her face, she looked beautiful, as always. The appearance of a pampered, trophy wife Omega,
living off her rich Alpha with not a care in the world.

Only Dick knew better.

Dick was about to ask where the Omega had taken off to, or better yet, where she’d come
from this time, but the object lying in the middle of the table stopped him.

Don’t know where he found it…

Of course.


If the exclamation was at the need to bring an Omega to help deal with his ‘sensitivities’
better, or just the idea that Jason’s treats had to be showcased like some kind of forbidden
artifact (complete with the above light shining on them)...hell, did it even matter? Either one
was ridiculous.

“I think you should sit.”

“I think I’m fine standing,” Dick countered, crossing his arms. He really had no desire to be
lorded over by feeling even smaller than the already large Alpha in front of him.

Bruce’s grip on the table tightened somewhat and the Omega in the chair next to him made a
light sound with her throat, though her focus was still on her manicure.

Dick suddenly realized Talia’s presence was more for Bruce’s sake than his own. Meaning
Bruce’s Alpha was more than the usual amount of upset and probably moments away from
going off.


“Where did you get this?”

“Where did you?” Dick retorted. “Or is my room just an open invitation for you to snoop
around in whenever you feel like it?” He hated how easily Bruce could make him feel like a
teenager again. Like Dick was a prisoner and had no rights to his own things.

“It’s my job to protect the members of this household, so again, I’ll repeat, where did you get

“I’m a teacher, Bruce. Sometimes, believe it or not, parents bring gifts for their children’s

Bruce’s blue eyes remained fixated on him like they were discussing a weapon of some sort,
or (seemingly) worse, an engagement present, “Was it an Alpha?”

The corner of Dick’s mouth lifted, but it wasn’t really a smile, “You never believe or trust
me, do you?”

(With your record of making such great decisions…why would he?)

Bruce’s expression remained the same, but Dick could see the slight twitch in his eye, “Let
me reword the question, Is this something I need to be concerned about?”
Dick considered the few remaining pastries he’d been saving, his heart feeling a bit sore at
having to say, “It’s just a friendly gesture. It means nothing more than that.”


“It doesn’t Bruce, okay? I didn’t ask for them or give any indication I was interested in…
anything,” Dick felt almost hollow now, just repeating things, things that honestly kind of
hurt to say, over and over again. “I promise, it’s nothing.”

Bruce’s response was slow and measured, “You know you can’t have Alpha’s giving you
things, especially not food.”

Dick felt his arms fold closer as he pulled his grip tighter around them, “I’m a Beta, Bruce.”

“Tim’s a Beta and he’s got the Kent boy following him around like a puppy.”

Talia seemed interested in this, raising a brow at her Alpha questioningly.

“I’m not Tim and Conner is…”

“An Alpha interested in my son.”

And the added anger now made more sense. Dick had put a stain on not only himself, but
also the younger two. A stain that Bruce now couldn’t see past.

And it was all Dick’s fault.

“He’s not the same. Conner loves Tim…he wouldn’t…” Dick’s voice broke as the whole
world took on a cold and bitter hue. All attention was solely on him and for one of the few
times in his life, Dick hated it. He hated that his voice had cracked and his posture had
broken, hands balled into fists, eyes straining to remain forward instead of downward. “Don’t
be unfair to him.” Just because Dick’s relationship had collapsed didn’t mean Tim and
Conner deserve to feel the repercussions, “He hasn’t done anything.”

Bruce gave an exasperated exhale and there was a long quiet that had Dick hoping the
conversation was over.

“There is something else I wanted to discuss.”

A segue with all the warmth and subtlety of ice water being dumped on one’s head.

“The Gala.”

The annual Wayne fundraiser Gala, a massive affair that Dick had never really looked
forward to, but certainly hadn’t shied away in a corner at either. He’d never been a
wallflower, especially when music and dancing were involved. He’d always considered it
making the best of what could otherwise be a very dull and stuffy situation.

Definitely not this year though. Probably never again, if he were being honest.
Dick already saw where Bruce was headed and offered for him, “Don’t be there, I got it.”

But Bruce shook his head, “For obvious reasons I can’t announce you with the rest of the
family, but…I’d like you to be there. I just ask you to use some discretion.”

Dick couldn’t think of a party or social gathering in the last few years he hadn’t been discreet
at. Wishing he’d been even more invisible with the whispers at his back, the unwanted
contact and constant prodding, the constant invasion of his space. Asking when he’d been
expecting? What was taking so long?

The sound of rain falling finally hit the windows.


Dick nodded. “Gonna be a boring party, though,” He joked, feeling, even more, carved out by
how little his heart was in it.

They had a few weeks until the event, maybe Dick would be moved out by then.

(…and maybe Miss Weaver would give him the teacher of the year award and promise to
change her ways forever)

“Maybe boring is what we all need this year,” Bruce (for Bruce, anyway) couldn’t have
sounded more pleased with the idea. “I need to have a discussion with Damian, too.”

Bruce left, giving one final, very pointed look at the pastries and Dick took his first full
breath in what felt like hours.

Talia hummed in a way to grab Dick’s attention. “I know I’d feel at least a little something if
an Alpha offered me this,” she said, wrapping the pastries back up, slowly and carefully,
before handing them to him.

It was done softly, in an uncharacteristically gentle way that just seemed to make everything
feel worse, not better.

Dick thought of any response to give, one that didn’t make it obvious that he was struggling
with any kind of notions or ideas that he knew he honestly just couldn’t have. He said a small
‘Yeah,” instead, feeling like he’d lost a battle. A battle he couldn’t even give a name to.


Jason grabbed Cat’s panda umbrella, adding it to his own so he could shake them both off
before he entered the apartment.

Goddamn Gotham weather, pulling dreary clouds from nowhere that would probably last the
whole weekend at the very least.

A blonde woman pushed at the door of the apartment next to his, catching Jason’s attention.
The Beta woman exclaimed a sound of aggravation and kept trying, seemingly getting
“Sorry to bother you, but do you think…” The Beta fully faced him and her eyes widened in

Jason did a quick inventory of faces and decided he knew her and yet it took him a moment
to realize from where, “You’re…” and still the name escaped him.

Her blonde hair fell across her face and she smiled, whether she was being shy or…
something else entirely, all Jason could really remember was the literal heart eyes she’d made
at Slade Wilson at their first meeting, “Terra.”


Given Jason had been more interested in the color of her shirt at the time, and hadn’t seen her
since, he felt he could be forgiven for not remembering right away.

“Are you moving in?” Jason hadn’t even realized the space was empty. Just last week, The
Windells had still been there. They weren’t on each other’s Christmas card list or anything,
but Jason assumed the couple were at least friendly enough to let him know they’d be moving

Terra nodded, “I just moved to Gotham for this job and this was the first place I could find.
That’s a cute umbrella,” she pointed at the folded-up panda shape in his hand. “Do you think
you could help me?”

Jason grabbed the door handle and was surprised when it opened easily and smoothly.

The Beta didn’t seem shocked at all, too busy combing through her hair, and seemingly also
studying him. Jason had to wonder if she had been trying at all. It seemed weird that she
wouldn’t have been, but he’d felt no friction or fight with the lock whatsoever.

It wouldn’t be the first time someone pretended they needed his ‘Alpha’ strength, but it was
usually Omegas. And Terra seemed much more interested in their boss…

The apartment also seemed to be fully furnished. And yet Jason hadn’t heard or seen any
moving trucks.

Terra was again watching him, tracing something with her eyes before looking away. “Thank

This woman was…well, not mincing words…kind of weird.

“Do you need help with anything else?” Jason wanted to get inside, he had Cat waiting for
him and he hadn’t picked the best jacket for the cold, wet weather and was sort of fucking

She shook her head.

“Okay, well…Good luck with the new job and everything,” Jason had enough things to worry
about so he never tried to be shitty to his neighbors unless they deserved it (and a few very
much had).
Also, still freezing his literal balls off and wanting to end this…odd encounter.

“Yeah,” she answered softly. Jason was almost inside, but she continued, her tone turning
different, lower, “We’re both going to need a lot of that.”

Jason stopped, turning back. Maybe she didn't know what else to say, or it was a reflex to
parrot the same thing back at him (or very strangely in some way trying too?), but the
response still felt weird and out of place for a reply to a pretty general statement.

But Terra had already shut the door.

Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

I know it’s been awhile. If you’re still reading this, thank you.

The second box fell with a solid thump.

Resting against the car and feeling like every fiber in his body wanted to collapse, or better
yet, liquify like goo, Dick let it. He let the stupid box fall and hissed a curse before reminding
himself he was in the Little Steps parking lot and possibly some of his students were about.

And his agitation wasn’t at any of them, or even his job really, Dick was just so damn tired

Late. It was bound to happen, but Dick was later than he should have been to set up the
classroom, and honestly, despite the boxes filled with stuff that probably should have
reminded him, he had no clue what he’d actually planned for that day. His mind had been
blanking all weekend.

His medication, the fact that Damian hadn’t nested with him for days, Bruce being well…
Bruce, any combinations of these were probably causing anxiety, and thus, the spacing out.
Dick’s entire center seemed completely off its axis and the familiar feeling, despite his best
efforts, was something he could only ignore for so long.

A fact he’d learned from experience.

The smell of angry Alpha came before Dick could sense the eyes on him. The bully Alpha
dad of the kid who had picked on Cat, Tobey, was glaring at him from a few cars away. Dick
returned the stare with a friendly smile. Fully remembering how the man had screamed and
shouted at him.

Treated him like…

“Maybe you just need a real Alpha to get you nice and wet.”

The cold hands on his neck made Dick jump. Already leaned over his kitchen sink, from
feeling sick, the Omega was further pushed against the wood cabinet as the heavier man
pressed into him. Dick’s hands grabbed the counter and his knuckles turned white.

He breathed, nausea turning into an even stronger sickness. Soured with disgust.

Manhandled in his own home, a breath away from a room full of cops. Another party Dick
should have a bigger part in, but didn’t. Even the jackass behind him was some form of law
enforcement. Supposedly sworn to protect and serve, and yet…

The hand continued to trail up until it finally rested on the back of Dick’s head, teasingly. “I
don’t normally like taller Omegas but there’s something about you,” the Alpha sneered in his

5’10 was tall for a male Omega, but it had never bothered Dick. His outward appearance
had never been a problem. Dick had never lacked confidence in anything having to do with
his body, not until...

“Maybe you just need a real Alpha to put a baby in you. Hm? Want to find out, doll face?”

Even half-dazed, the punch was solid enough to make the larger man stagger back. It
happened right as soon as Slade entered the kitchen. Dick had begun to question their bond
strength over the last two and a half years, but in such a close space, Dick’s distress must
have been obvious and probably impossible to ignore.

That or the pervert Alpha’s arousal had alerted him (which seemed more likely).

Either way, Dick had punched an Alpha and…

And just like that, all the anger at the handsy Alpha melted away and a deep sorrow filled its
place. Seeing his tall, impossibly strong-looking Alpha, Dick could only shake. He shook
uncontrollably as the words came out, shaky and broken.

“You don’t love me.”

The accusation was like a knife cutting the air and hurt even as it left Dick’s throat.

It wasn’t true.

Dick was out of line.

(Except it was. It had to be.)

Slade’s look wasn’t one Dick could openly put a name to. He’d never seen the expression on
the man’s face before. It almost appeared to be disbelief or shock, but that seemed almost too
hopeful a sentiment.

Why he chose to say it then and there, Dick couldn’t explain. He should be angry at the other
Alpha that had attempted the assault, the rational part of his brain knew that, and yet…all he
could do was look at his husband, his Alpha…

Dick had tried and done everything and yet…

“Why don’t you love me?”

He was caught right before he fell to the floor and the world turned black.

Well, maybe it hadn’t been the same.

It was a different kind of attack and definitely not the kind of crap Dick needed to be thinking
about this early in the morning.

The doctor clicked the pen against her pad and presented the falsest sincerity of a smile. She
pushed up her glasses and further observed Dick before finally addressing Slade, “It happens
sometimes on this prescription, hormones go into overdrive and they sometimes say things
they don’t mean.”

Meaning Dick was not only not conceiving as he should have been, but he was now unstable.
Shouting delusions brought on by an overstimulated body and mind. He already felt guilty for
having said it and figured she had to be right.

“I can’t imagine an Omega in his position not feeling cared for or loved.” She raised a brow
at Dick in a manner that, while challenging, also said he wasn’t free to argue.

Not that he would have.

Dick finally looked back down at the boxes to realize one of them had overturned, sending
several items under his car.

Seemed about right, considering how the morning had started.

Sighing he reached down to start retrieving the contents. He climbed under the car, scooping
up his keys in bewilderment, wondering when the hell he had even dropped those.


Dick had to get a grip and this, dropping stuff and acting like a zombie were the complete
opposite of getting it together.

“Lose something?”

A familiar voice and a questioning look at Dick’s current position on the ground putting
things back in a smashed-up box.

Dick smirked up at Jason, “Probably my own head if it wasn’t attached. I seem to have
woken up with noodle hands this morning.”

Cat’s hair was half down today and Dick had never noticed just how wavy it was. Though
Dick was pretty sure Jason had a slight curl in his too. It was just too short to tell as much.
Her eyes were big as she asked excitedly, “Your hands are noodles?”

Dick laughed. He showed her that he still had regular, human hands, wiggling his fingers, “It
means I keep dropping things.”

“It’s okay, I can help,” Cat tugged at one of the cardboard ends, pouting when it didn’t move.

Dick applauded her efforts, “Thanks kiddo, but I think that one might be a little heavy.”

“I’ll get it, but first,” Jason offered his hand.

Dick blinked at it.

“I mean unless you’d like to stay down there,” Jason proposed.

Not that Dick couldn’t absolutely get up by himself, but the offer was still nice. Maybe too
nice even. Dick could almost sense a small ghostly Bruce apparition, shaking his head and
warning him. No food and definitely no hand touching. Despite that, Dick smirked,
amusedly, “See, you would have been just right as Prince Charming.”

“Cute,” Jason answered.

“I like to think so.”

Using Jason’s strength to get his feet back on the ground, Dick was both a bit breathless and
surprised when instead of the asphalt catching him, he fell into the Alpha. Not enough to
push Jason all that much, but enough that Dick was definitely…way too close.

Maybe Dick looked heavier than he was, or Jason had misjudged how much added assistance
he actually needed.

“Looks like you’ve got noodle feet too,” Jason’s response was measured and mild, complete
with a brow raise and smirk.

Or maybe Jason had done it on purpose. But that would be…

Before Dick could finish the thought, Jason stepped back, making ample space between


Just Dick’s overactive imagination.


Just an Alpha helping and nothing more.

An incredibly attractive Alpha who smelled warm and earthy, like pine in a forest, like deep
soil where one could take root.

Definitely delusional.

“Yeah,” Dick agreed with a small smile. “I guess so.”

“Nice car, by the way,” Jason was already grabbing the box now that his arms were free.

Dick wanted to groan because despite being the least flashy of Bruce’s cars it was still…way
too much. And Dick didn’t mind some extravagance, but the car was just ‘too Bruce’. It even
smelled like The Alpha. Which seemed impossible as Dick was positive the man had never
actually driven it.
“It’s…thanks. Here, I can…” Dick held out his hands, but Jason was clearly ignoring him,
adding both boxes.

“In the class, right?”

“Yeah, but…”

Jason started moving towards the entrance.

Dick crossed his arms and looked down at Cat. “He doesn’t listen well, does he?” Not that he
was probably one to talk.

“He’s got noodle ears?” Cat asked, sounding curious to see if she’d said it right.

Dick grinned back, “Looks like it.”

Except now Dick was kind of all kinds of wound up, even from such a small interaction. But
really, was it his fault Jason happened to smell great while also having an amazing well…
everything. And speaking of ears…

Dick was pretty sure little ghost Bruce’s head would have looked ready to explode. (Where it,
you know, actually there)

No food, no hand-holding and absolutely never, ever any ear nibbling.

Dick bit his lip instead, trying not to sigh or let anything show on his face as he helped Cat
towards the building.


“Not a great day to be late, kid.”

Jason checked his watch with a frown, “I’m like ten minutes at the most.”

Hector didn’t look like he was kidding, shaking his head as he added, taking another sip of
his coffee, “Terminator’s out and about.”

A (not so) affectionate nickname for the massive and solidly built new chief. Slade Wilson
had (unsurprisingly) not made a great impression since his arrival, though it was probably
better than the previous chief’s epithet of Wide Load. Towns had been hated, but Slade
terrified people.

“And he’s in your office.”

Okay, that…Jason didn’t love that.

“What?” Jason’s instinct was to further ask why, but he had a sinking suspicion he knew why.
It was the only thing that made any sense. “Godammit.”

“Damn, that bad? What did you do?”

“Pissed off the wrong Alpha, probably.” It turned out Alpha Henderson did indeed have a
lawyer, a well-known one that seemed to want to get Jason off the case dealing with his
battered husband. Apparently, anger management hadn’t worked and according to the
weasely Alpha, it was Jason’s fault the man couldn’t beat his partner as he liked.

Towns would have definitely reprimanded Jason (the man had loved good old-fashioned
bribes and payouts for reports suddenly going missing), so maybe, despite their initial talk,
Slade was no different.

“Stay strong, kid.”

Hector Diaz was one of the few people Jason felt aligned more with his thoughts on Alpha’s
abusing their power. Jason gestured his appreciation and headed towards his office.

Unfortunately, the other Alpha was right.

Slade was browsing through one of Jason’s books, ‘Dealing With Omegas’ looking
deceptively relaxed.

Jason had four copies of the book (all more useful as paperweights than anything else) and
could recite the text pretty much backward and forwards. Most of it was archaically ancient
thinking bullshit and yet, for some fucking reason, it was still the best, most modern way the
force could ever think to educate them.

A program that hadn’t changed a damn word or thought in well over 50 years.

Only the best in Gotham.

“Interesting read.”

“That’s one word for it.”

Slade closed the book and placed it back on the bookshelf with a hum. In either agreement or

Jesus, who cared?

Better to rip the bandaid off and get it over with, “I assume this is about the complaint?”

“Complaint?” It was hard to know if Slade was confused or trying to get Jason to rat on

Jason crossed his arms, not sure if he needed to be playing offensive or defensive quite yet,
“The Henderson Omega abuse case I’m being accused of mishandling. I know they filed a

“Ah.” Slade rested against the desk, against Jason’s desk, just like he’d done in his own
office. Except this was Jason’s desk and this wasn’t just Roy or even Hector…this Alpha had
a presence he was trying to imprint in the room. Slade’s grey eye observed the space and
finally fell back to Jason, “I see you keep quite a clean office.”
“I don’t like clutter.”

“Baggage can be a bit cumbersome, can’t it?”

Jason hadn’t said baggage. Slade continued, only after letting the oddly worded question sit
for a moment. “I rejected taking you off the case. In fact, I want more cases handled the way
you’re doing them. That's not why I’m here.”

With Slade’s eye shifting down to the area beside his large hand, Jason noticed the request
form, the one he’d filled out and handed in a week earlier, sitting on his desk. And it all came

“I want to know about your interest in staking out the Ice Palace.”

“It's not really an interest, I just think it’s something to keep an eye on. I wasn’t in Haven but
I know…”

“The missing Omegas?” Slade waited for Jason’s nod. “And you know we cleared the Club
of those charges?”

Jason didn’t, “From what I heard it was never…”

“It was,” Slade finished for him. “I wanted nothing more than to lock Cobblepott away and
toss out the key, just like I’m sure you do, but we couldn’t. We never found anything and the
case was closed. He has the right permits, the right to build it. It’s all legal.”

Jason was once again thrown off by Slade Wilson. He’d assumed of all things, this would be
the one area the other Alpha might agree with him on. Wasn’t it the reason the man was here?
Why the transfer had happened so quickly?

“I feel my answer has disappointed you.”

“A little,” Jason admitted. More like a lot, actually.

Slade readjusted his stance, somehow looking even taller, “As I’ve alluded to before, I trust
your judgment and while there’s nothing I can do about it now, if anything does happen I’ll
have you and Detective Harper look into it immediately.

“Roy?” Jason preferred partnering with the redhead to anyone else but (going by office
rumors) Slade had also made it obvious his distaste for the man.

A brow rose, “He is Missing Persons, is he not?”

Oh. “He is.”

“You quite like him?”

Jason’s shoulder twitched at the smirk with the question. “He’s a decent guy and a reliable
coworker,” The second part was slightly bullshit, but he wasn’t throwing Roy under any bus.
Slade nodded, slowly and evenly, “Then you must see something I don’t.”

“Roy is…”

Slade waved a hand as if shooing the man’s existence from the room. “A topic for another
time. I did have one last thing to ask you, however.” He reached for something else on
Jason’s desk before, pulling out a large, black envelope.

“How is your dancing?”

“My…” The question surprised him, but Slade offering him the envelope also threw Jason for
a loop. His brain had yet to catch up to either “...what?”

Turning the envelope over, Jason could now see the intricate designs embossed on the front
and back, as well as the giant, cursive W seal holding it closed.

“I’m guessing you don’t get invited to these kinds of affairs often,” Slade mused at his

Wait. W? As in…for Wayne. Bruce Wayne? “Is this for the Wayne Gala?” The time frame
added up and Jason only really knew about them because the yearly event was treated like a
Hollywood event on the news and radio. A real who's who of celebrities always came and
fashion labels always rushed to make their outfits. Rich people were weird and lived in a
world Jason didn’t understand. Not that he’d never been curious about what the event might
be like, but…

“Are you inviting me?” As in Slade’s plus one, or something?

Jason definitely had to draw the line at that. Boss or not.

Slade chuckled, “I’ll be unable to make it. I want you to go in my stead.”

Breaking the seal, Jason pulled out the actual invitation (which was even more elaborate and
over the top). “This is addressed to Towns.”

“My transfer must have happened after they sent them out. We’ll let them know someone else
will be representing the force instead. It shouldn’t be a problem.”

“I don’t…”

“Have anything to wear?”

Among a giant list of other things. Jason was growing more than frustrated as he admitted,
“Well, no, but…”

And Slade pulled out yet another envelope like he’d fucking thought of everything and Jason
was just left floundering out in the cold, completely blind-sighted. “Since you’re doing me
the favor, I’ll take care of everything. Pick out something nice. Something with a little color.
Maybe something with blue.”

“I really do appreciate this, Jason,” Slade clasped his shoulder as he moved past him to leave.
“And who knows? Maybe you’ll meet someone interesting and have some…fun.”

Doubtful. And when exactly had Jason said yes anyway?

“I’m counting on you to make us look good so spare no expense.” Slade gave a wave towards
the second envelope and he was gone.

Common sense told Jason what was in it, but he looked anyway.

A business card for a custom tailor and a sizeable check.

Meaning this wasn’t part of a sick prank and Jason…well Jason really needed to get off of
Slade’s ‘trust’ radar if this was supposed to be some kind of reward.
Chapter 10

A few days later, Jason finally had a chance to vent about the unwanted invitation.

Roy took it all with a laugh while they sat for lunch, sending a splash of ketchup on Jason’s
desk. “Gala, huh?”

“Wayne Gala,” Jason sighed. He rotated the invitation on the wooden furniture with his
finger, not sure why the distinction even needed to be made. “Ever been to one?”

Roy snorted alongside his chewing, “Not a Wayne one specifically, but trust me, you’ve been
to one Millionaire Gala, you’ve been to them all.”

An odd statement for the average working Joe, but (for Roy anyway), apparently true.

“Isn’t Wayne a Billionaire?” Not that it made a difference millions or billions, either was a
fuckton way too much money for anyone to have.

“I think so, but don’t tell Ollie that.”

“I’ll be sure to skip the topic at our next weekly brunch,” Jason sarcastically shot back.

The redhead grimaced at him, “Why are you so bitchy, anyway? You’d think with Daddy
Slade-bucks making it rain for you, you’d be a bit more congenial.”

“It’s not free money, Roy. It’s…” Jason grumbled and tossed his hand at the envelope.

Roy took a sip of his soda from the Bat Shack (which, despite the restaurant's name,
promised to contain no actual bats) before chuckling, “Well, no shit, he’s pimping you out,
but I assure you the booze and food will definitely be free.” He used a napkin to wipe his
hands and continued, “Hell, if your tits weren’t so big I’d let you borrow my tux and you
could just pocket the money. That’d be a win, win.”

Jason crossed his arms, nothing about this sounded at all like a win, “I’m taller than you.”
Aside from being broader in the…chest area.

Roy frowned, “Are you?”

“I get the feeling he’ll know if I don’t use it for that, anyway.” The card had a time and date
already on it. Slade really had thought of everything.

“Well, you wanted to be the teacher's pet…”

“No, I didn’t,” Jason grumbled into his hand, staring at his own barely eaten burger with the
horribly unappetizing bat logo on the wrapper.

“You could have probably bartered with the club, you know. Agreed you’d go if he permitted
you to do at least one stakeout.”
Jason blinked because, goddammit, Roy was…

A grin at Jason’s downturned mouth, “You’re mad you didn’t think of it, aren’t you?”

Like it wasn’t obvious? “A little, but I didn’t exactly have time to really think.”

“Terminator blows his load that fast does he?”

Jason didn’t even bother a response, just a glare.

“Look, jokes aside. It’s not like we can’t just, you know, go off duty. Scope the place out as
‘customers’.” Roy finger quoted the last word.

Jason sighed, “I could think of better ways to spend a Saturday night.” Sadly, he could also
think of worse. “I guess I’ll have to actually pay the cover charge this time, though.”

“Hold on,” Roy’s lunch was now more on his shirt than anywhere else. He cringed and wiped
at the mess, further staining the fabric, before giving up and continuing, “You’ve been

Jason shrugged, “Sort of, I guess.”

Roy smacked his shoulder, “Dude, already? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Jason shook his head, “I was a teenager. It was years ago.” A decade at least.

“You went to the one in Haven?”

“I snuck in, yeah.” If entering the backstage area qualified as anything.

“Why were you In Haven, though? Vacation?” Roy sounded rightfully skeptical. “Or did you
go specifically for the club?”

Jason doubted anyone ‘vacationed’ in Bludhaven and shook his head at the last question.

“I ran away. Or I was trying to, at least. I needed some space from my old man.” Two Alpha’s
(one very new to it) trying to dominate a household had led to a lot of tension. “Before I did
something stupid.” Like rip the abusive asshole’s head off. “And I thought I’d see if the
stories about it were true.”

“About Haven?” Roy chortled. “Stories like what? That it’s a dump?”

Jason's shoulder lifted, “I was restless. My hormones were everywhere and I was…”


Jason scratched his cheek, feeling more stubble than he was usually comfortable with,
“Angry mostly,” But definitely horny, too. What newly presented Alpha wasn’t?

Jason was just trying to find a place to smoke. Fifteen and not quite having grown into his
limbs, the oversized jacket he’d stolen from his father (along with the wad of bills in the
pocket) helped add at least a year or two onto his age.

At least, that was the intent.

Walking back towards the place he’d been staying (a seedy motel that hadn’t even asked for
his ID and was strictly cash only) an eclectic light suddenly caught Jason’s attention. The
enticing effect of the sun setting against the icy blue writing made him stop.

The buzzing sign was all he could see.

A sign about dancing, drinking, and most importantly, Omegas.

Just the word alone made him gulp. Hard.

How Jason actually found himself in the ritzy, out-of-place (in relation to the rest of the toilet
bowl city) club, all seemed like a dreamy haze. Especially as Jason had simply crept past the
front entrance and found an unguarded back door. With seemingly no one around to stop him,
the teenager gave one quick look around, smirked, and slipped in.

Too easy.

Peeking out from behind the first shimmering, blue curtain, he watched the hustle of the well-
dressed Alphas with interest. Wads of money were placed down as Omegas entertained,
laughing and showering the Alpha’s with as much attention as they paid for. All to the icy
decor that made Jason wonder how they weren’t freezing.

“Might want to find a better hiding spot, handsome,” Whispered one of the Omegas. “And if
you’re looking for our pretty bird, he’s still getting ready.” She breezed past Jason with a
wink, long red hair swaying as leaves covered only the barest of her body. Paint and glitter,
alongside very little actual fabric, seemed to be the norm. And (currently trying to work
through nights of frustration at his own changing body) Jason couldn’t say he didn’t…
appreciate it.

Jason wasn’t sure who she meant though. He’d never even heard of this place or any…bird?

All he knew was everything smelled of Omega. Differing notes from the various natural
scents collided together, but they were all equally appealing.

Sweet, soft. Heavenly.

With the giant warning he passed as he crept further in, Jason deduced that not only was he
back in a restricted area, but this place needed better security.

Maybe he’d apply for the job in a few years.

The loud rattle of a desk drawer slamming shut peaked both his ears and his attention. Jason
shimmied down the textured, crystalized wall, passing several silver curtains with ‘dressing
room’ written above them, until he found the one curtain that was slightly askew.
Something suddenly flew under the fabric and crinkled under Jason’s foot. The black and
white text and grainy picture of a pretty, young woman stared back at Jason. His sneaker was
on the bulk of the word that filled a good portion of the top. Missing. It was a missing
person’s poster.

Jason’s brow furrowed in confusion as footsteps from inside the room paced, opening
drawers and closing them in frustration, “Where did it go?” The smell screaming of Omega
had Jason wanting to not only see more but also offer the poster to the Omega if that was
indeed what he was…


Feeling a tough yank on the back of his jacket collar, Jason yelped.

The angry voice continued, “This isn’t a free peep show, you little creep.” The giant block-
shaped goon grunted as he pulled the much younger Alpha across the hall like Jason weighed

Tossing him out the door, not unlike yesterday's trash, Jason landed on his ass with a scowl.

“Come back after your first knot and with some goddamn money or don’t show your face
around here again.”

Jason flipped him the bird and the man rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut.

“So are you going to ask sexy teacher to be your plus one?” Roy smirked at Jason’s glower.
“Hey, just because he smells awful doesn’t mean he isn’t…”

“I’m not taking a plus one,” Jason snapped.

“You sure? Those things can get pretty long. Might be nice to have someone to talk to. And
you might be a lot of things, but I wouldn’t call you a social butterfly.”

The encouragement was overwhelmingly underwhelming, “I’ll make do.”

Roy snorted, “Who knows? Maybe you’ll end up being the belle of the ball.”

Jason picked up his burger and tore off a bite, it didn’t mask the growling retort, but perhaps
that was the point.


Dick tried to remind himself how creative kids could be, but holding the orange paper in his
hand and moving it around to maybe find a different angle he’d somehow missed, he always
came back to the same image.

Jason’s footsteps and scent (because now that he’d basically taken too much of it in, Dick
couldn’t not immediately recognize it) came just in time for Dick to turn and ask.

“In your professional opinion, what does this look like?”

The professional part was a jest, but Dick also needed another adult eye to make sure he
wasn’t overreacting. (And he dared not show it to Ms. Weaver in fear of her head exploding)

He made sure to move nearer so that Cat wouldn’t possibly see and watched the other man’s
eyebrows shoot up as he took in the drawing.

Yep. Just as Dick thought it was two stick figures having…

“Is that a…?” Jason tilted his head as Dick had done earlier.

“I think so,” Dick winced at the illustrated…appendage.

“It’s very…detailed. That’s almost…impressive.”

“I can’t put this in the parent's books I’m making,” Dick sighed. He laid the paper on his desk
making sure to keep it upside down.

“To be fair, that apparently is their parents.”

The assignment had in fact been to draw your parent/parents. Dick held the bridge of his nose
and exhaled, “Oh my god.”

Jason chuckled, “You’d be surprised what little privacy you get with kids so, you know.”

Dick supposed Jason had a point.

“This little monster,” Jason nodded at Cat who ran up and latched onto his leg, ecstatic to see
him. “I couldn’t do anything without her following me. And I mean anything. Speaking of,
what did you draw?” he asked her with a cautious brow raise.

Dick smiled, “It’s a surprise until the books are finished, but I promise it’s uh…well not
anything like…that.”

“No peeking yet, daddy,” Cat shook Jason’s leg and the man smiled.

“Okay, no peeking, got it.”

“It’s flattering, don’t worry,” Dick assured him. He tried not to even think of what he’d done
if Cat had drawn any kind of picture similar to…

“Noodles, daddy.”

“Yeah, Kit, I know. I didn’t forget,” He looked over to Dick with a faux look of exasperation.
“All that talk of noodles a few days ago and she made me promise to make them for her

“You’re just a regular super chef, aren’t you?” Dick teased.

Jason snorted, “Putting pasta in boiling water isn’t exactly hard.”

“I mean…” Dick rubbed the back of his neck, “You’d be surprised.”

“I can bring you some leftovers tomorrow, if you want.”

The suggestion was so casual, yet genuine that Dick very easily could have said yes
immediately because he knew it would make Jason happy. And something about Jason being
happy made Dick well…certainly not unhappy.

“It’s the best!” Cat added, just to make it harder.

Dick smiled weakly, “I really appreciate it, but…” And two pairs of puppy dog eyes were
looking at him, seeming to sense his intent to say no (in the nicest way possible), begging
him not to finish his sentence. “Seriously,” Dick scoffed with a laugh, putting his hands on
his hips, “Do you guys practice this twin act or something?”

“It’s a Todd special ability,” Jason had his hands in his jacket and shrugged. He seemed
awfully pleased with himself.

“Really?” Dick dragged the word out with a humored tone.

“So that was a ‘Sure, I’d love some. Right?” The cockiness shouldn’t have been as attractive
as it was.

Dick relented, “Fine, but when I get fat from all this food, I’m going to blame you.” It wasn’t
like he had to bring it home. It wasn’t like…Bruce had to know.

(Playing with fire, Grayson)

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.” Jason countered back, his eyes moving up and
down Dick’s body in…

Hunger. Hungry eyes everywhere.

Dick internally shook his head. No, not…

Jason laughed a grumble as Cat persisted to shake him again, “I know, I know, Kit. Calm

Dick laughed, “I know that hunger. I won’t keep you from your noodles any longer.”

Jason bit his cheek, causing it to hollow out. It almost looked like he wanted to say or ask
something further. Dick even raised a brow to show he was still listening if the younger man
wanted to add anything else.

He didn’t.

Dick offered them a goodbye instead and Cat pulled Jason out of the room, while the man
played along and rolled his eyes.

Dick was left alone. He gathered the obscene drawing and put it in his desk drawer.
“You don’t honestly think he’ll make a good mother, do you? He doesn’t even clean the house
and he sure as hell can’t cook.”

Another Alpha he didn’t know, but sure as hell seemed to know him.

“I suppose that duty would fall to me as well.”

As if Dick would ever let Wintergreen raise his child.


And, of course, ghost Bruce was also back and all Dick wanted to do was brag about how
much he would enjoy those damn noodles (that real Bruce would never know about).
Because even if Dick set off fire alarms himself while trying to cook…

He didn’t think Jason would care…

And that…that wasn’t just playing with fire, that was tossing his whole arm in.


The trek back from the apartment dumpster wasn’t a particularly great-smelling one. It
reminded Jason of truly the entirety of what Bludhaven had been, which in turn made him
think of just how long the Omega disappearances had actually been happening. And why it
was all suddenly a closed case when not a single one of them had been found.

He let the ash fall from his cigarette and observed someone had followed him.

Terra was sitting on the outside stucco balcony, her legs dangling. Being on the bottom floor
it wasn’t that far from the ground but she still stared down as if looking at something

Jason hadn’t heard or caught much of her since her initial move in, but he swore, particularly
at night, he could sometimes hear a man’s voice. He’d never seen a man, but he’d also barely
seen Terra either.

Jason tried not to pay her too much mind, taking one last drag before tossing his cigarette on
the ground.

“Is that your daughter?”

Terra’s blue eyes were on him now.

Jason nodded, keeping it polite but cautious.

“She’s very pretty.”

Jason already decided he didn’t want to talk about Cat with this woman. He put his hands in
his pockets and observed, “It’s kind of cold out for not having a jacket on, isn’t it?”
Her slim shoulders moved upward, “Doesn’t really bother me.”

If the girl weighed 110 pounds soaking wet, Jason would be shocked, there was no way she
couldn’t be cold.

“He doesn’t really trust many people, you know,” Terra tossed her hair so it fell more evenly
on one side, but still seemed to obstruct a lot of her face.

Jason had been made aware more than once, “I’m assuming you mean Slade.”

She smiled, “You should be flattered.”

“Should I?” Jason responded before he could stop himself. He really didn’t want to even
think about it anymore, he had to finish wrapping up leftovers and Cat had insisted on
decorating it, and he really didn’t need to be told how happy he should be to be chosen for
something he never asked for.

Especially with a young woman so obviously enamored with the older Alpha.

“His trust…it’s important to have.”

“You know,” And Jason realized he was going to sound like a hypocrite for saying it, but…
“There’s lots of Alphas out there.” Alphas who weren’t over twice her age. “It's a big world.”

But Terra shook her head. “He’s…not a bad guy. He’s not a…,” She swallowed. “He can be
very kind.”

He could only sigh at that. Jason felt some pity rising as he pursed his lips. It had seemed like
a one-sided obsession from what he’d observed, but it wouldn’t be the first time a Chief had a
sexual fling with their secretary.

Though he also hadn’t smelled an inkling of desire when the girl had been in the room with
them. At least, not from Slade. Not that it meant it hadn’t happened but…Terra was clearly in
love with an Alpha either not interested or using her.

If anything it just made Jason like Slade even less…which probably hadn’t been what Terra

“I’ll take your word on that.”

Terra just nodded and looked away.

Chapter 11
Chapter Notes

TW for some slight underage stuff. Nothing graphic. Just a warning for the future as

Giovanni ‘last rich sounding name’ (honestly, Jason didn’t care what it was) was late. Or
maybe, in some weird way, it was Jason who was early (by…being on time). Jason didn’t
study or partake in the affluent lifestyle of the rich and famous, so he was unsure what the
protocol was.

He was probably breaking it…whatever it actually was.

It looked like the master tailor or designer, or whatever he was, had a schedule of his own.
And no caring for anyone else. It had been close to an hour of waiting on a chair that looked
like it belonged in some kind of torture museum (a high-end art piece created by a sadist no
doubt) and Jason still had no clue why he didn’t just say the hell with all of it and just leave.

Well, partly he didn’t want the Beta in the front to try explaining or offering things. Again.

Water, a magazine, another apology, the poor guy looked ready to have a heart attack, leaving
Jason to wonder if clients often went off on him for Giovanni’s apparent lack of time

Probably mostly the Alphas. Which might be why the man seemed so nervous.

Jason sighed.

“Top of the food chain, son. Best place to be.”

Ramblings from his oddly proud, shit-faced old man (like Jason had aimed to be anything
like his sorry ass).

And why the hell was Jason thinking about that asshole so much lately, anyway? Memories
of the bastard smacking around his Omega stepmom were about all Jason could handle
thinking about before wanting to punch something. It had been years since he’d seen or heard
from him, especially after Catherine’s death, fucking prick was everything Jason hated.

“Cat’s extra lucky to have you then.”

Yeah…maybe partly from that.

Jason rubbed his face and exhaled. Maybe he did need some of that water after all.
“You’re a dork.”

A young, dark-haired man on a cell phone seemed to appear from nowhere, sweeping into the
chair across from Jason like he knew exactly how to sit on the damn thing. The Beta
elegantly crossed his legs, looking for lack of a better word, quite natural in it.

His clothes, his mannerisms, even his layered, pretty boy haircut all said rich. Rich and
probably a repeat customer.

“No, a joke doesn’t qualify if you’re the only one that laughs at it,” It was said with a slight
smile though. He listened before continuing, smoothing out a wrinkle on his soft-looking
sweater (that probably cost more than a month's rent on Jason’s apartment) with his free
hand, “Yes, I do realize you find yourself amusing. I suppose someone has to.”

Familiar banter. Jason tried to tune out from it.

Jason’s own phone suddenly chimed, and a text message with the single word Twins? And
two wide-eye emojis filled the screen. He rolled his eyes and didn’t even have to look at the
name to know who it was from.

If Roy meant actual twins or tits or balls, or anything else that came in sets of two…Jason hit
the screen off because he really didn’t care.

Jason’s ass was asleep and he might be getting scoliosis from the goddamn chair and he was
starting to get hungry to top it off.

Date? The screen lit up again, this time with pleading emoji eyes.

Jason grumbled and hit the off button again. Like he’d even consider after the last fiasco of
Roy supposedly setting him up. Despite being his closest friend, Roy didn’t know one thing
about picking out good men, or women, despite claiming the opposite.


“So are you going to ask sexy teacher to be your plus one?”


And what a disaster that non-attempt had been. Dick opening up the floor and giving him the
perfect chance to ask only for Jason to say…fuck all.

“Shit for brains.”

Yeah, maybe his old man was right sometimes.

There was a shift, bringing Jason’s attention back to the younger, smaller man and his
continued conversation. The Beta flicked some hair from his face, only to wrap some inky
colored strands around his finger in what looked like an unconscious habit. “No, Conner’s
not here yet. He’s got the truck today and he’s doing a few…is that Damian? You tell him he
better save me some food this time. I know Al’s making…” He tutted at whatever the other
person said, “No, I don’t want your portion, I want…” The man listened again, his eyes
narrowing slightly.

Another phone ding.

Doody Date? Roy tried again.

Jason nearly smashed his phone. The returned fixed Double Date? and laughing emoji didn’t
lessen the desire to see the device crash into a million pieces.

“You already ate, didn’t you?” The Beta’s tone wasn’t accusatory, more curious. “I’m not
going to say anything…I…” He hesitated a moment, then lowered his voice, “Is it that Alpha
again?” His blue eyes seemed to be trying not to look at Jason (being the only Alpha there
and probably making things awkward) as he turned slightly sideways like he was somehow
blocking Jason from the very public conversation (that Jason wasn’t even trying to listen to,
honestly). “I know it’s not a big deal, but…” he waited for the other person to finish. “Well, I
mean, was it good?”

And then an actual picture popped up on Jason’s screen, showing two very beautiful women,
one with long flowing red hair and the other jet black, alongside a very pleased-looking Roy
in the middle. They had the same faces, same smiles, but it was obvious their tastes in how
they liked to appear were quite different.

Jason shook his head before realizing that obviously, Roy couldn’t see it through the phone

Hell no.

But his finger refused to hit send.

Jason stalled, biting his lip and thinking.

They were pretty. Very pretty.

“I know, probably a stupid question after trying the last stuff,” the Beta laughed.

And what the hell else did Jason have going on in either his love or sex life?

Minus the random thoughts on a man who flipped off a bookshelf and wore a wedding ring

Jason’s mouth ground as he looked at the picture.

…was ten times as gorgeous?

The 15th?

A weekend after the stupid gala, maybe Jason might need…want…

In a weird panic and also annoyance at himself for even responding, Jason quickly flipped his
phone upside down. Probably a bit too harshly as the Beta seemed to raise a brow even as he
continued his phone call. Immediate, repeated buzzing let Jason know that Roy was sending
multiple texts.

Jason groaned, but could only blame himself. He should have just turned the goddamn thing

(Or, just actually taken the chance to get rejected even if it was just so Jason could…know)

The buzzing finally and mercifully stopped, but honestly, it was too late at that point. Jason
had sealed his fate.

“Uh, huh, yeah, you too,” The Beta hung up at the same time Jason gave a low growl of
defeat. The younger man almost dropped his phone, looking slightly alarmed.

Jason shook his head and spoke first, “I’m not…” (having an Alpha fit) he lightened his tone,
“Is this guy always this late?”

The Beta offered a small smile (Jason wasn’t sure if there was relief in there, but it seemed
likely). “First time?”

Jason kept his voice low, he really didn’t want the other Beta upfront to hear him and blow
another gasket trying to ‘please’ him, “It’s been an hour.”

“My boyfriend's appointment was fifteen minutes ago, it’s pretty normal. Giovanni just…”

The playful question, “Did someone call Giovanni’s name?” caused them both to turn.

The booming voice that forwent the man coming towards them was…a lot. Maybe not as
much as the Alpha’s flowing scarf, tiny sunglasses, plastered down hair, and stilettos…but
still a lot.

Jason was sure he was gaping. He’d lost feeling in his backside just for the cause to come in
like the tall, statuesque man was leading some sort of parade.

Jason wasn’t impressed, but clearly Giovanni was.

“Well, well” The man drew out the words, lowering his eye wear with a gloved finger. His
eyes roamed Jason up and down and his red-painted mouth lifted, “Just look at you.”

Jason side-eyed the Beta for help, but was offered a humored-looking shoulder lift in return.

A clap and an adamant, “Come, Come,” came from Giovanni.

There were no clearly visible exits past the ones at the boutique's entrance, but as Jason was
forced behind the curtain and further inspected, (the other Alpha making notes and noises of
how inspiring this one was going to be) Jason was sure if or when he found one…he was
definitely running for it.

Dick leaned back against his pillows with a sigh, biting his cheek and observing the lump
near his feet. It was the second time that week Damian had tried sneaking in. Since Talia’s
return, the nesting had pretty much been placed on halt.

Dick understood, it had to be hard to have another Omega’s scent on your kin, but it still
didn’t make it easy.

“Dami,” He said to the boy underneath his covers. “Come on, you have to go.”

A muffled sounding growl of what was no doubt a ‘no’ and the comforter covered lump
moved even more into a defensive ball.

“Damian,” Dick warned.

When he got no other response, Dick gently kicked the lump, causing an arm to reach out,
much like a cat swiping at him.

When the boy's face did emerge, Dick pulled the fabric off so he couldn’t burrow back under,
“I’m serious. You know your mother doesn’t want…”

Damian snorted, “And why should she care?”

Dick almost faltered because the boy looked both angry and sad and there was nothing he
could really do. “Because she’s your mother.” And more importantly, Damian’s Omega.

Damian shifted so he was sitting on his knees, “And where has she been for the last few
months?” Dick knew it was a rhetorical question, but he couldn’t help wanting to answer it
with some kind of excuse, though he didn’t know why.

To make it somehow easier that the woman took off at the drop of a hat?

To somehow not let Damian know the lack of nesting affected Dick as much as it affected

“And who knows when she’ll leave again.”

Dick smiled softly, poking him with his foot until the boy looked at him, “Hey, I think it’s
about dinner time. Aren’t you hungry?”

Damian pouted, “Don’t try to distract me, I don’t want…”

Dick reached over and pulled him into a hug. It didn't do much, if anything, to help, but it
was all Dick really had to offer. At least the boy didn’t immediately push him away. Keeping
his voice firm, Dick spoke into Damian’s hair, “We’ll figure it out, but your mother is the
Omega of the house. We have to respect her.”

“It’s hard to even remember what she smells like after she leaves.”
It felt like Damian hadn’t meant to say the thought aloud.


But the boy was now pulling back, causing Dick’s Omega more distress than it should. “I
can’t wait to be an Alpha. I’ll change all these stupid rules, I’ll…” he huffed as he slid off the
bed, “Everything will be different.”

Dick didn’t counter the argument that were he that grown, Damian wouldn’t need to nest.

“Do you think I’ll be an Alpha, too?” Sweaty bangs hung in his face as Dick beamed up into
the impressed-looking Alpha’s face. With the final swish of the ball falling through the net
he’d managed to outscore the older man for the very first time.

Bruce laughed, congratulating him with a good-natured shoulder squeeze, “Well, all the best
athletes are so I’d say your chances are pretty good.”

He couldn’t have sounded prouder.

“I assume you won’t be coming for dinner,” Damian didn’t sound quite bitter, more dejected.

Dick shook his head, “But…Dami, you know I love you, right? No matter what.”

Not that Dick doubted either Bruce, or Talia, even Tim and Alfred didn’t love the boy too,
but…maybe he needed to hear it.

Damian rolled his eyes, “Of course I do.”

But Dick knew it was more affectionate than mocking.

With Damian closing the door behind him, Dick felt an immediate pull at his chest. He hissed
at the feeling, the sharpness radiating up his shoulder, past his blocker, and onto his neck.

“I can take the physical mark away, but the bond, ” Leslie looked at him with worried eyes.
“It might never fully break.”

Dick had taken the chance. He’d taken the immense pain to have the wounds healed,
removed completely.


Dick’s feet fell from the bed and onto the carpet as he headed for his closet.

“You may still need a part of him. Or more accurately..”

Pulling the doors open Dick began pushing objects aside, plucking and pulling, digging
through boxes and bags, trying not to feel frantic, until he found it.

“...his scent.”

A dark-gray shirt, a color he’d always associated with the Alpha.

“There’s a reason it’s called a bonding mark.” Leslie reminded him. “It’s supposed to be

The same button-up Slade had been wearing when he’d promised to help Dick, when he’d
felt like the first Alpha to actually listen, actually hear him.

Going from the Ice Palace to the police station hadn’t been on Dick’s to-do list today. He
wouldn’t say he wasn’t nervous, he’d probably picked his nails to bits by now.

Who had ratted him out and better yet why, remained a mystery. Dick had his suspicions it
was the new blonde dancer, Goldie, but had no proof past constantly feeling the man’s intense

If only he knew how much Dick didn’t actually care about the Alpha attention. Not in the way
the other Omega probably assumed.

After what felt like hours, the interrogation room door finally opened and the man that
entered was completely opposite to the man who had booked Dick and asked him initial
questions. That Alpha had been stocky and unkempt, looking like he’d rather be anywhere
else, even as he’d handed Dick a blanket to cover himself in. This Alpha, however…

Salt and Pepper hair, a handsome face with a groomed beard, a body wrapped in layers of
muscles, height, and strength that never seemed to end.

“Are you warm enough?”

Dick hadn’t realized he'd let the blanket slip from his shoulders. The sparkling mix of red,
green, and yellow fabrics underneath left little to the imagination and he wondered how much
the man had seen. Dick rewrapped himself and nodded.

The question had been kind, softer than he’d expect such a large man to sound. His missing
eye…Dick wondered what had happened to it.

“I have to say your boss isn’t happy I’m taking away his crowd favorite,” the large man
leaned on the desk, standing closer than Dick would have liked. “Seems…” he looked down
at the folder with Dick’s information that lay open beside him. “...Robin drew quite the

“Pretty sure that’s not a crime,” Dick quipped, unable to help himself.

“No,” the man agreed. “But lying about your age to dance in an adult club is.”

Dick huffed in annoyance, arms crossed, “I'm 17.”

The man looked amused, mouth lifting, “Just barely according to this and that’s still a year
shy of the legal age, isn’t it?”

Dick looked away.

“What I’m wondering is, why you were really there.”

Dick returned his eyes with a questioning brow.

“Ward of Bruce Wayne, with impeccable school records. You seem like a smart kid with a
bright future so exactly what made you decide to do this? Surely not money.”

“I like drawing a crowd,” Dick brought back the previous statement, sarcastically. All while
wondering how much he could push this Alpha before he snapped.

The Alpha’s gray eye just seemed to sear deeper into him, brow lifting. “That may be, but we
both know that’s not the answer I’m looking for.”

He seemed undeterred, not put off, or even annoyed.

“I’m doing what you all should be doing,” Dick mumbled into his blanket.

“And what is that?”

“I’m looking for my friend. I’m trying to find out where the Omegas are disappearing to.”

A furrowed brow, “By trying to get kidnapped yourself?”

“No…yes…I don’t know,” Dick bit at his lip. “I just…have to do something. She started
working there and then she was just gone. It feels like no one even looked for her and…”

A large hand fell on his shoulder, the warm touch and size of it made Dick feel small. Not
small as in helpless (like some Alpha’s did), more…protected.

“Richard?” using his full name (that the Alpha had no doubt read off the paper) brought
Dick back and he shook his head.

“Dick,” he corrected. “I prefer Dick.”

The innuendo sat awkwardly.

“I meant my name…I prefer…”

“I got it,” the man assured him, moving on. “Tell me, Dick, what was your friend's name?”

Dick was immediately suspicious, “What? Why?”

“You’re right, we should be trying to find her and I want to make sure that happens.”


“I want to help you,” the man’s hand had moved to grasp Dick’s own. Seeming to know the
exact spot he could rotate his thumb over to bring a wave of calm Dick hadn’t felt in ages. It
was better than the blanket Dick was wearing in making him feel secure. Feel seen. Feel
listened to. “But I can’t do that if you yourself get caught up in it all.”

Dick just felt dazed, unable to really respond.

“No more dancing, alright. I’ll help you, kid, but no more.”

He gave Dick his number, his name too…His name and number and all the assurances that
everything would be okay…

It was moments like this, when his eyes stung and his throat felt clogged with something he
couldn’t swallow, when Dick let out a sob with his face buried into the shirt, trying to get
relief from the pain. When his legs slowly gave out and slid to the floor…

That Dick realized he might never truly be free.

Chapter 12
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Dick stared at his reflection in the glass of the mirror, wondering when he’d started to look so
gaunt. It made sense as he often felt like his skin was stretched too tight over his body, but
Dick hadn’t realized how much he’d physically started to look drained. Worn out. Tired.


Did Slade even find him attractive anymore?

Dick pulled at his sleeves as he wrapped his arms closer around himself, feeling foolish for
the thought. Truthfully, his Alpha had been paying more attention to him after the outburst at
the last party. The powerful man had made it a point to scent Dick more than he ever had
before, leaving his cool, icy smell on nearly every inch of Dick’s skin. And yet…somehow
Dick still felt alone. He felt alone far more than he felt wrapped in his husband’s presence. In
the security, Dick had hoped he would always feel.

They’d argued over a house closer to Gotham. A smaller one, one where every empty room
didn’t remind Dick of his failure to have even one child for his Alpha. One closer to the
manor. Closer to somewhere Dick could go when he felt he might break something if he had
to see Wintergreen’s face, in place of his husband's. Closer to his family.

Dick had lost the fight.

The mirror in front of him was different now. Familiar in that it was one he’d used for years,
but still different. His reflection was different too. A few years older, face back to its normal
fullness, but…did Dick feel any different inside?

With the sounds of steps behind him and catching Bruce’s eyes in the mirror, Dick exhaled.
The older man’s face seemed more stressed than Dick had seen it in a while. Brows tense,
shoulders strained. The Alpha still looked put together, of course, tall, broad and handsome.
No one wore a tux like Bruce Wayne.

His expression, however, was one Dick knew all too well.

“I can’t drive?”

Bruce’s countenance was measured, he appeared determined to stand his ground, but it also
seemed hard for him to say, “You’ll be driven, I…don’t want you getting hurt.”

“Hurt how? You don’t think I’m capable of learning?”

Dick was turning 15 and a half in a week. After his stupid presenting as apparently the worst
thing he could possibly be, nothing seemed accessible to him anymore. It was as frustrating
as it was hurtful. Bruce no longer played basketball with him, he’d been homeschooled for
almost the whole year and hadn’t seen his friends in all that time.

He’d been told it was safer for him as Dick was still not stable in his heats and being around
him might activate unwanted advances from any newly developed Alphas.

It was just the way of things. Apparently.

“You’re more than capable, Dick. It’s other people I’m worried about.”

Bruce tried to reassure him, to grab his shoulder and do the placating thing that was only
pissing Dick off recently instead of making him feel any better. The teenager stepped back,
stepped out of his reach and the man’s face fell.

“Is my life over?” The question was shaky and quiet.

Bruce sighed, “Dick.”

“It is, isn’t it? I’ll never be able to do…anything.”

The idea made his heart freeze, almost as if it had stopped beating completely. In the year
since becoming an Omega, Dick had felt many changes both mental and physical, but this
was beyond that.

His very existence was slipping through his fingers. Dick’s potential, any plans he’d ever
had…they were all…

“It’s not, Dick. I promise it’s not.”

But the words felt hollow.

And untrue.

“You look nice,” Dick offered, finally turning from the reflective surface to address the man.

Bruce nodded in an appreciative gesture, opening his mouth to say something Dick may not
have wanted (but was also ready) to hear.

Telling Dick to stay hidden.


The youngest Wayne came behind Bruce, breaking the two men’s focus and bringing it to
Damian and his decidedly unhappy-looking stomp as he fidgeted with his jacket collar, “This
is ridiculous. This whole thing is wildly unnecessary.”

“Damian,” Bruce sighed. “We talked about this.”

“He’s been doing these since he was five, you’d think he’d be used to it by now,” Tim,
perfectly dressed with his elegant features showcased proudly, came from the other side with
an eye roll.

“You look good, Timmy, and you too Dami,” Dick smiled at them both. “Very grown-up.”

The ten-year-olds back straightened at that. He clearly enjoyed the compliment but when he
saw Dick fully, his mouth downturned. His blue eyes flicked up and down almost angrily,
“You’re wearing that?”

“Um,” Dick glanced down at himself, unsure where the distaste was coming from. The
tuxedo was tamed down from what he would usually wear with only slight blue accents and
might even come across as boring (for Dick anyway). “I mean, yeah.”

“Hm, maybe it’s your hair,” Damian sniffed. “I don’t like it.”

“What’s wrong with my hair?”

“Nothing,” Tim assured him. He lowered his voice, leaning in so only Dick could hear, “He’s
been really testy about not being able to see you as much lately. He’s probably gonna play
guard dog against any prying eyes tonight.”

Dick blinked, looking over at the boy in question.

Damian continued to scowl, arms crossed.

“Can we…” Bruce looked like he needed to take more than one deep breath as he held his
arms to silence all conversation. “Everyone looks fine, this event will go smoothly and
everyone will be on their best behavior.” Bruce grit out the words like he was at gunpoint, or
keeping to a script he was trying his damndest to believe.

“I think B’s upset about Con too, so, you know…brooding Waynes,” Tim continued quietly,

Bruce’s mouth made an ‘I heard that Timothy’ tick and Dick knocked The Beta’s shoulder,
letting the younger man know he probably shouldn’t push the Alpha too much.

Tim nodded in a ‘yeah yeah’, kind of way.

Dick was happy for Tim and the chance Bruce was giving Conner. Just allowing the Alpha to
come was a step in the hope that maybe Dick hadn’t destroyed everything for his brother.
Tim deserved it, so did Conner.

Dick, however…

“Is my life over?”

Dick had no plans other than being a ghost.

That and maybe enjoying one of Stephanie Brown’s fabulous cocktails.


Not only was Wayne Manor nothing short of gigantic, but the gothic architecture of the actual
home looked downright out of place against the temporary runway built outside it.

Standing at the end of a red carpet, Jason was planted to the spot in utter bewilderment and
slight dismay. He felt like a star in an action movie on a quest. A quest to get inside with as
few flashbulbs blinding him and as few microphones shoved into his face as possible.

It wasn’t easy and a few wandering eyes behind cameras seemed to catch him, even as he
slipped by. Jason wasn’t a small man, and if they weren’t interested in his looks or height,
they probably liked the outfit. Even Jason could tell it was high-end fashion and the kind of
thing a photographer would love to snap a picture of.

It fit him well if nothing else. Jason wasn’t used to flashiness or sparkle or whatever the hell
Giovanni had placed all over the damn thing, but at least the garment wasn’t uncomfortable
to move in.

Cat had liked it and that was something (good or bad was yet to be decided). Roy was, of
course, a teasing asshole in the way Roy usually was, but he was also Cat’s babysitter for the
night, so Jason was slightly forgiving.

Three hours, Jason told himself, dodging another camera. Five to eight pm and he'd be out of
here. No way was he staying until midnight when the gala was officially supposed to be

Slade owed him big for this shit.

Sidestepping one last careless selfie taker, Jason managed the entire line in a way that left
him with almost (okay more than almost) a strange sense of pride. He smirked at his victory
just as a tall woman turned around, looking directly at him.

Her long dark hair was curled over one of her eyes as the other deep green orb observed
Jason with interest. Diamonds no doubt costing well into the millions adorned her neck,
wrists, and gold dress, shimmering almost obscenely with any movement she made.

Even with her beauty and grace, there was an obvious sharpness around her as well. Like a
panther that might strike at any moment.

“And who might you be?”

“Mother,” scoffed a boy next to her, sounding disgusted.

“I’m just asking, dearest,” The woman hummed. Jason wasn’t sure where her accent was
from, but her refined features were definitely not native to Gotham. “You seem familiar.”

“Probably not. I’m with the police department. The chief was supposed to come but…” Jason
shrugged. “I was told it would be okay.”
Jason had already shown the invitation at the front gate so he figured he’d be clear from any
more questions.

Apparently not.

“Well, in that case, we’re quite pleased you came instead, Mr…”

“Jason. Jason Todd.”

The boy made a sound as if the name offended him somehow.

Jason sometimes wondered how he’d have handled having a son instead of a daughter.

Hopefully, he wouldn’t have been as bratty as this kid seemed to be.

“Talia Wayne, hostess and mistress of the home. And this,” she placed a gentle hand on her
son’s shoulder, “is my pride and joy, Damian,” the boy, Damian, seemed as unimpressed by
Jason as one could possibly be.

“Thanks for uh…having me.”

“The pleasure is all ours,” Talia squeezed Damian’s shoulder, making the boy glare at Jason
harder. It was obviously a cue he was supposed to agree with his mother and offer a
pleasantry, but Damian clearly did neither. “I would bring my husband over but he’s a bit
preoccupied at the moment.”

“It’s fine,” Jason assured.

“Then enjoy your evening. Perhaps save me a dance?”

Jason was sure she was joking (or maybe just mildly flirting), but she’d already started
greeting another guest before he could answer.

Christ, was it eight yet?

Damian’s heated blue gaze seemed to follow him into the entryway. Where once again, Jason

And gawked.

Jesus Christ. Was this a house or a goddamn hotel? The walls, the decorations, the giant
tapestries, and expensive-looking artwork, hell, the chandelier on the ceiling could easily
have been larger than Jason’s whole apartment. No doubt worth ten times as much too.

Jason was like a tourist in a foreign land, feeling dwarfed by everything as he moved further
in, all while wondering how anyone needed a place this huge. The next room he entered had
both tables and a massive area clearly meant for dancing. A small band played music and
people moved about. Some sitting at the tables and some taking pictures. It was clear the
actual event hadn’t started yet, but…
Something caught Jason’s eyes. A woman taking a selfie very rudely bumped into a man
holding a large platter filled with small plated appetizers. The elderly Beta was clearly on the
verge of dropping the entire plate and Jason reacted without thought.

Making a mad dash and grabbing the bottom of the object moments before it crashed to the
floor, Jason barely managed to stop the dropping of any of the plates, small or large.

“Oh, my,” the man exclaimed in a British accent. “Thank you, young man, that could have
been quite disastrous.”

“Sorry,” the woman lamely offered at the damage she’d almost caused before going back to
her picture taking.

“That’s quite the reflex you have,” The Beta continued to Jason, sounding impressed.

Jason shook his head, “Cop.”

“Ah. I was most fortunate for your help, either way.”

Jason was just glad he hadn’t dropped the goddamn thing trying to assist and somehow made
an even bigger mess “Sure,” he peered at the plates, curiously. “What is it anyway?”

The man’s eyes twinkled, “A secret family recipe, perhaps you’d like one?”

Jason realized he hadn’t eaten in a while, and smelling food was making him hungry, “Why

“Take two if you like,” The Beta chuckled. “Seems everyone here is on a diet. I was just on
my way to putting it over on that table.”

Jason walked over to the serving table the man had motioned to and placed it down.

“Thank you again, that was most kind.”

Jason popped the food into his mouth then grabbed another one, for good measure. The mix
of flavors was unique but not at all unpleasant, “These are really good.”

“Very glad you think so, sir.”

Jason nodded at him, he looked around the room again, “I think I’m supposed to find a
table…or something.”

“The number should be on the invitation,” the Beta affirmed.

“Right, thanks,” Jason held up the appetizer, “For this too.”

The man bowed his head slightly, “Of course.”

Heading back towards the tables, Jason checked his invitation to find his table number was
pretty far back. There were already two women and one Alpha male sitting there. The two
Beta women were clearly engaged in a conversation, so only the Alpha looked up as Jason

“Hey, man,” The youthful faced man beamed at Jason and it took a moment for it to click
why he seemed so familiar.

“You’re from the…fitting.”

“I prefer Conner, but yeah, good to see you again.”

Jason had only seen him as he’d left. He hadn’t been wearing glasses then and his hair had
been…less tamed, but it was definitely the same man.

“Jason.” Jason offered as he sat down. He looked around for the petite Beta anywhere, “Is
your boyfriend here, too?”

“Yeah,” Conner, toyed with the end of an unfilled wine glass, “Tim’s at the uh…head table,

“Head table?”

“That’s where the Wayne family sits. I’m not family. Hopefully soon, but not yet.”

The Beta, Tim, was a Wayne? Well, the expensive clothes suddenly made a lot more sense.

“I’m gonna propose soon,” Conner continued to play with his glass but was looking earnestly
at Jason as if wanting his input.

Jason blinked.

They’d clearly skipped several steps into a conversation they hadn’t had yet and Jason could
only nod, awkwardly, “Okay, yeah…good for you.”

Conner smiled, dreamily, “I think he’ll say yes. I hope he will.”

Alright then.

“Here’s hoping,” Jason agreed, wondering when and where he could get a drink. It had
already been too long of a day and it looked like he was in for a lot of talking. Or, more
realistically a lot of listening.

“His dad doesn’t really like me, though.”

Yeah, this guy was more than chatty. Three hours was looking longer and longer. “It happens.
Hey, is there a bar around here?”

“Yeah,” Conner pointed to the complete opposite of the room, “It’s way down there, on the
Jason clasped his shoulder as he rose from his chair. He seemed like a good enough guy.
Friendly if nothing else. “Thanks, man. Are you old enough to drink?”

Jason wanted to check before he offered to bring something back.

“Just turned 21 this year, but I don’t really drink.”


Maybe smart, but Jason didn’t really care about being smart at the moment. He had three
hours, he could get a shot or two and it would leave his system by then.

Or he could always call a taxi.


Steph was on her fifth olive to Dick’s seventh. She finally slapped his hand away from taking
an eighth, “I’m not going to be able to make any martinis if we don’t stop.”

“You started it and I wanted something salty.”

“Then get some salt from the salt shaker.”

Dick made a face, “Yuck. No, thank you.”

Stephaine Brown was as close to family as any of his brothers and Dick had always cared for
her like a sister. She was also the best bartender in all of Gotham and Dick’s current
hideaway buddy. Very few people actually came to the bar, choosing instead to have waiters
bring them drinks.

“How are you, anyway?” the blonde Beta asked, pulling up a stool next to him and resting
her hand under her chin.

“Well,” Dick clinked the ice around in his drink and started slowly, carefully, “I’m teaching
again, I’ve got some pretty fun kids and it’s been…nice. Fulfilling, I guess. I’m good.”

“Uh-huh,” Steph acknowledged, clearly wanting more than that. “And everything else?”

“What about you?” Dick countered, chasing his straw around the glass and very clearly not
deflecting the question.

“Okay, fine, I can take a hint,” She chuckled, but didn’t press any further. “I’m good, Cass is
good too, sad she couldn’t be here.”

“Yeah, it would have been nice to see her.”

Steph’s mouth fell a little, “Sorry you have to be here all night.”

Dick snorted, “Please, I’d rather be here than…”

Steph hit his shoulder, “Don’t you dare lie to me and oh, look, look…” her tone turned
excited. “I think I’m getting an actual customer.” She let out a light appreciative whistle as
Dick continued to focus on playing with his ice cubes. “Damn, with those thighs, he better be
coming here.”

“I’m sure Cass would love to hear that,” Dick laughed.

“A girl can look. Oh, yes, yes he is. Dick, you have to see this.”

“Fine, fine,” Dick laughed again as Steph ran to the counter.

Rising from the stool to see what had the Beta in such a flurry, Dick immediately lost his
breath at seeing the ‘customer’



The world seemed to stop moving as the drink slipped from Dick’s hand.

The sound of glass shattering echoed across the room as he croaked, unable to believe what
his eyes were showing him...


Chapter End Notes

Just wanted to let you all know that every comment has inspired me not to give up on
this story, so thank you for your kind words, you have no idea what they mean.

Also thank you for reading.

Chapter 13
Chapter Notes

I want to thank you all so much for all the comments last chapter. I was floored by all
the kindness and it’s honestly why I’m posting this so soon. I love you all and thank you

Jason was…

Well to put it frankly, Jason was just about as confused as could fucking be.

The splintering sound as whatever drink Dick had been holding fell was enough to draw
more than one gasp and curious look their way.


Hearing his name brought the Alpha to look from the glass remnants on the floor back to the
Beta. To the man he’d been considering inviting to this damn thing…only he was already
here, looking absolutely incredible, but also shell shocked.

And Jason…

A Beta suddenly pushed beside Jason with his phone up, no doubt to start recording the mess,
probably hoping for more.

Jesus Christ.

“Pal, you better turn that somewhere else,” Jason suggested in what was close to a growl. He
didn’t have any more patience for people or their goddamn clout chasing. He’d lost that after
the near plate dropping earlier and now this idiot, trying to catch something exciting or
whatever…the phone was going to end up under Jason’s shoe in another second.

The man slinked back to his seat, but now Jason was back to his original issue of…

A breathtaking Beta, looking…worried?

“You’re…” Dick’s eyes couldn’t seem to focus on one thing, moving up and down Jason’s
body, back to his face and down again. It seemed like he couldn’t quite catch his breath or
think of what to say. “,” he settled on, anticlimactically.

“...last I checked, yeah.”

“Oh, boy,” the pretty blonde Beta beside Dick sighed, shaking her head. “You two sure know
how to state the obvious.”

Dick turned sheepish, “Steph, I’m so sorry about the mess, I don’t know why I…”

“Oh stop, it’s nothing. Hey, Hot Stuff,” she was clearly speaking to Jason now, “can you hand
me that broom from over there?”

Jason found it in the corner and she took it from him, gratefully. She gave him a bright smile
before beginning to sweep the pieces in a pile, “The name is Stephanie, but you can call me
Steph, and…I’m guessing it’s Jason, right?” she continued before there was an answer. “Well,
Jason, I can already tell I like you.”

“Steph, don’t be,” Dick laughed, but it sounded more than a little forced. He seemed uneasy,
but he was clearly trying to hide it, rubbing the back of his neck with a weak smile, “I’m
sorry, she’s…”

“Hey,” Steph exclaimed, poking Dick with the broom handle. “ She’s cleaning up for you, so
be nice.”

Jason might have found it funny, he might have laughed at the antics, he might have done…
really anything if he weren’t just so damn unprepared to find his daughter's teacher…in about
the last place Jason could have imagined, doing...

“So you’re a bartender, too?” Jason just felt the need to ask. Dick definitely looked very well
dressed, almost too nice for the position if that was the case, but…

Steph giggled at the idea, shaking her head, “Can you imagine?”

“It’s not that funny,” Dick insisted as she continued to chuckle.

Jason guessed that was a no, then.

“Everything okay over here?” Another Beta was at Jason’s side, thankfully this time a
somewhat familiar one. Tim, apparently a Wayne, bit his lip and drummed the counter,
“Someone said there was a fight?”

“Someone was being very dramatic,” Steph rolled her eyes. “I dropped a glass, it happens.”

Dick’s eyes found the floor and Jason’s heart sort of squeezed at seeing the reaction.

“You don’t drop glasses, Steph,” Tim seemed suspicious.

“I do too. Ask Jason, he saw me. Total butterfingers.”

Tim was looking at Jason now, seemingly surprised at his presence, or just now recognizing
him, “I’ve come to prefer the term noodle hands,” Jason replied.

Dick’s mouth lifted, which was…something.

Tim’s fingers moved like he wanted to toy with his hair but couldn’t since it was gelled, his
brows furrowed somewhat at seeing Dick’s reaction. Or maybe it was something else. Jason
wondered if he’d said the wrong thing because Tim suddenly seemed determined to chew a
hole through his cheek.

“Sorry, um…” Dick was worried about the younger Beta, or at least worried about…
something, and walked out of the bar. He almost laid a hand on Jason’s arm as he passed by
him, but at the last moment refrained, making a fist instead. “I’ll be back. Just give me a sec.

“I’ll take care of him, he did come for a drink, after all,” Steph waved the other two Betas

Dick nodded, giving Jason one last apologetic smile before ducking into what Jason swore
was a hidden door, Tim following after.

“What the hell?” Was all Jason could manage.

Steph popped a cherry into her mouth as she nodded. As if Jason had said something
prophetic instead of being befuddled. She tapped her red-colored lips two times as she
chewed. “You like it straight up?”

At this point, Jason couldn’t care less what the drink was, just that it…was. “The stronger the

Steph’s eyes danced happily, “I like that answer and oh, I have just the thing,” She began to
pour from a bottle filled with a deep brown liquid and Jason found it hard not to focus on the
door for Dick’s return.

“So how do you know our Dickie?”

Jason noticed she was continuing to serve well past one or even two shots, “He’s my
daughter’s teacher.”

Steph made an affectionate noise, “I’ll bet he’s really good too. He’s always loved kids.”

“Cat really likes him,” Jason agreed.

The bottle clinked as she placed it back down, “Just Cat, huh?”

Jason was looking at the door again, not even sure he’d heard her right. Truthfully, he had a
million questions he could be asking right now, but his mind froze on any of them, too intent
on studying a goddamn door instead.

“He’s a special guy.”

“Yeah,” Jason again agreed, absently. “He is.”

“He also really loves to dance,” she added, none too subtly.
He snorted, turning back to her. “That doesn’t surprise me, but I don’t like dancing.” Jason
took the drink with a small thanks, stopping when he noticed the strawberry wedge on the

“The fruit of romance,” she winked, holding her palm out like she was performing some kind
of spell.

Jason just said to hell with it and downed it.

Steph whistled, clearly impressed.

The door finally opened as Jason massaged his temples and both Dick and Tim reappeared.
Well, Tim gave a short nod at Jason, “Nice suit,” he said as he kept walking, Dick, however,
rested against the counter, finally giving Jason a real-looking smile.


As if they were starting all over.

“Hey,” Jason returned, still confused but willing to play along.

A deep sigh came from behind the counter, “And now I’m on a break. Watch the station for
me, boys, anyone that comes by tell them I’ll be back in 10. No 15,” Steph smiled pointedly
in Jason’s direction before she brushed past them.

There was a moment's breath.

“I’m sorry about-”

“You’re a Wayne?”

They both spoke at the same time, but it was Dick who responded with a pained-sounding
laugh, “What gave it away?”

Jason wasn’t accusing, he was just…well more than a little surprised.

Dick lost his humor slightly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would matter.”

Jason shook his head, “It doesn’t.” Because honestly, it didn’t. “Does explain the car though.”

“Yeah, that’s Bruce’s.”

“Bruce Wayne,” Jason tested the name before grabbing the bottle to fill up another shot. “She
won’t mind, right?”

Dick motioned him to continue his pouring.

“I met his wife and her…well I guess your…” Jason knew Talia couldn’t be Dick’s mother,
so was her son Dick’s brother? “Hell, I don’t know. The kid. Sharp eyes, looks like he likes to
play with knives.”
“Damian,” Dick sucked in a breath.

“Yep,” Jason’s lip popped on the P. “Perfect name for him.”

“He can be a little…intense,” Dick agreed.

“His glaring could be an art form,” Jason granted. The liquor was nicely warming his blood,
giving everything a slight layer of ‘who gives a fuck’ to it. “Jesus, how stiff is this stuff?”

Dick grabbed Jason’s glass and poured his own shot, sipping at it and making a face, “Oh
god, how are you drinking this?”

“I did ask for something strong, I guess. We could get another glass,” Jason smirked after
Dick took another drink.

“You’ve seen how good I am at handling them.”

Jason’s smile fell away as he remembered how horrified Dick had looked before the glass
fell, “Are you upset I’m here?”

Dick's hand shook and for a moment it looked like he might drop this glass too. He gingerly
handed it back to Jason probably for safekeeping. “I’m not, Jason, it’s…you just look…you
look really good and I was a bit shocked. I promise I’m actually really glad you’re here.”

Jason hoped to god Dick’s smile was genuine and not trying to bullshit him, “I look good,

Dick chuckled, “More than good…” his hand found an embroidered piece on Jason’s chest
and he traced it gently. He seemed to realize what he was doing and Dick took a step back,

“Don’t be,” Jason grabbed his hand to stop him. “I mean this damn thing probably cost
enough that it should be appreciated.”

“Red’s really your color,” Dick said softly.

That decision might have been a bit of a middle finger to Slade for suggesting blue.

“Thank that Giovanni guy, and my boss, I guess. I’m only here because he didn’t want to
come, or couldn’t, I don’t know. They both have expensive taste.”

Like Dick’s outfit was any less grand and they weren’t standing in what was basically a

“It’s not just the clothes,” Dick murmured, his voice light.

Jason realized he probably should have released Dick’s hand already. He probably should
now too as he felt the band on the man’s finger…
“Gentlemen,” Came a deep and friendly sounding voice. A large hand fell on Dick’s shoulder
and the tall Alpha that had joined them gave Jason a charming smile. It was almost
disarmingly too perfect and way too white. “How is this fine evening treating you both?”

Dick took his hand back and left Jason a little lost as the older Alpha addressed Jason,
reaching his large hand out instead.

Which was definitely not the hand Jason wanted in his at the moment.

“Bruce Wayne.”

The man’s manicure, even his perfectly trimmed fingernails shone in the light. Never mind
the watch on his wrist screaming one of a kind, million dollars plus showpiece.

“Jason Todd.”

Bruce wasn’t aggressive, nor was he kind in his shake. It was somewhere oddly in the

“I heard you’re part of our police department,” Bruce congenially stated, breaking the shake

“Detective,” Jason nodded.

“And I see you’ve met my son.”

“Tim was already here, Bruce. Everything’s fine,” Dick cut in. He was trying, but failing
miserably to hold in the strain of his voice.

Jason sensed some tension, even though both men were smiling.

It was almost...eerie.

Bruce laughed, deeply and richly, like Jason assumed most rich guys laughed. “I know, I just
thought I’d check in myself, make sure everything was okay. And to thank Jason for his
service to the community, of course.”

“I…do what I can.”

“No need to be modest,” the man insisted. “And this is your first year with us, correct?”

“It is.”

“Well, I certainly hope it’s not the last. And I hope you enjoy yourself. And remember,
there’s a lot more to do than drink in a corner. There’s lots of interesting people here and I’m
sure a good-looking guy like you could fill up a dance card pretty fast.”

Jason had no clue how to react to…any of that.

“I’ll remember that,” he settled on.

“Good to hear.” Bruce nodded to Jason then Dick. “If you’ll excuse me, unfortunately, I still
have some things to do,” He gave one last smile. “Have a good night, boys.”


“Well,” Dick said hoarsely, reaching for the glass again as he watched The Alpha leave.
“Now you’ve met everyone.”

Jason still felt like Bruce was looking at him, even though he was engaged in a conversation
elsewhere. Smile still in place. “Was he threatening me?”

Dick chuckled, pouring the alcohol to almost the brim of the glass, “Want another shot?”

“Dick, that’s a lot…”

“I know,” Dick agreed, taking it all in two gulps. His eyes watered as he slammed it down.
Clearly, the taste no longer bothered him as much.

“Do you want to talk?” He seemed like he might need it. Jason had never seen him like this

Dick’s hair had come slightly undone from his swept-back style, a few strands falling across
his forehead. “I don’t know. I’m tired of just…standing here,” he admitted. He did look antsy.
Even more so after talking to Bruce.

Steph’s words echoed in Jason’s mind, alongside Bruce’s comment too. “Well, Bruce did
suggest I fill up my dancing card.”

(Like people used those anymore?)

“Huh?” Dick looked like he was going for another shot, but Jason knew that would be too

Jason pushed the bottle down gently to stop him, “Dance. It’s something besides standing and
Steph said you like it.”

Love it. Same difference.

“Do you?” Dick asked, cautiously.

“Not really, but consider it your lucky day.” Jason presented his hand for the man to take.
“Seriously, I’m only offering once so you better…”

Jason had expected some kind of hesitation. Even Dick seemed surprised by how quickly he
took the Alpha’s hand.

Huh, yet again.

The grin though, Dick’s beautiful smile was definitely worth it.


“Tim, I know, I know, I don’t know why he’s here,” Dick tried not to sound panicked.

“It is him though, right?”

Dick couldn’t pretend to tell a lie, Tim’s instincts were too good to even try to fool, “...Yeah.”

“Crap. You really do like him, don’t you?”


“I know Steph didn’t break that glass. He at least seems decent but…I mean, Damian is on
the prowl and Bruce is…just crap.”

“I’m not going to do anything, Tim. I…can’t.”

To which, Dick was now proving to be very much a liar. He was very much doing something
and what was worse (or perhaps better) he truly didn’t give a damn what anyone thought.

Because Jason, with his large, strong shoulders pressing through the crowd of people all
waiting for the waltz to begin, was leading him onto the dance floor.

Dick felt weightless, Dick felt…

“You okay?” Jason asked him, his deep voice vibrating all the way to Dick’s chest, as he
centered them, his other hand grabbing Dick’s waist.

Dick nodded. He started to take the leading position, but Jason shook his head, switching
their hands.

Dick hardly felt his hands or legs, all he felt was air, all he saw was Jason. Jason, who despite
not seeming the type to dance, also seemed to know exactly what he was doing from the very
first piano note.

It was almost too much.

Even with the dancing he’d done at the previous galas, Dick had always led. Alpha’s or
Beta’s, neither seemed to ever know how to control the flow, the pattern, the movement, that
was always Dick’s job. And he’d never minded, but…

“I thought you said you couldn’t dance?”

“No, I said I don’t like to,” Jason corrected, mouth lifting. “I may not be able to flip off
bookshelves, but…” he pulled Dick closer, “I’m not completely hopeless.”

Jason wasn’t hopeless in any way, not in Dick’s book. Not when his feet didn’t once step on
“I’ll have to ask Cat where her daddy learned to be such a good dancer.”

“It’s not exactly rocket science. Truthfully though, my stepmom liked it and I took a few
cheap lessons with her. My dad wouldn’t, so…” Jason shrugged. “She got sick and it was one
of the few things she still was able to do.”

“I’m sorry.”

Jason spun him at exactly the right moment, something no one else around them seemed able
to accomplish. “We practiced this one a lot,” he said with a smirk to Dick’s shocked (and no
doubt impressed) looking face.

Dick was pretty sure they were both slightly tipsy (Dick probably more so), but the Alpha
was warm and yet somehow still gentle. Reminding Dick of what a good father he was.

How loving and gentle he was with his daughter.

How Cat absolutely adored him and ran to him every time she saw him, knowing he would
always protect her.

The music continued, but Dick no longer heard it.

He only heard his own heartbeat, only saw the reflecting red of Jason’s jacket, the green of
his eyes.

Dick leaned on the Alpha’s chest, resting his face near the man’s neck, not caring about the
dance anymore, not caring that for once he was the one ruining the flow.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. It felt like the 50th time he’d said it that day. Dick was always

“I think you’re a little drunk,” the Alpha said somewhat humorously. His voice had such a
nice rumble when he spoke. His smell was…Dick couldn’t help wanting to bury his
everything inside it.

The smell of the campfires he’d enjoyed and laughed around as a child. The deep earth, rich
and welcoming. The peace of watching the rain while draped in a warmth that never went
away. Nature, pine mixed with cedar and leather. The slightest whisper of fresh mint. Intense
and grounded.

Nothing like the cold bitterness of Slade. The chilling feeling that seemed more like an ocean
ready to drown Dick in its depths than any calming waters.


The music had stopped a while ago and there was chatter about. Chatter alongside Jason’s
very confused saying of his name. His shocked eyes wide stare as Dick finally pulled back.

It took a moment to register.

Like the very slow waking from a dream.

It took a moment, but when it hit…

Dick’s lungs constricted.

He pushed away, feeling sick, feeling numb…

“Dick?” Jason tried again, looking lost.




“I’m…I’m so sorry. I…”

Dick had scented the Alpha.

Dick had scented Jason…

Scented like an Omega.

Dick shook his head, wondering how he could be so stupid, so careless, as he fled from the
Chapter 14
Chapter Notes

Thank you again for the wonderful support.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


But he was gone…

Two giant, terrified eyes. The repeated apology over and over…

Jason’s head was spinning a little, though he now felt more sober than he had in a long time.
He…Dick had…

Jason’s neck still tingled from the contact.

A friendly shoulder grab brought Jason back from staring at the spot Dick had slipped from
his literal grasp. Where the man had just…disappeared into the crowd without even a glance
back. “Looks like you two both might have had a little too much to drink,” Bruce Wayne was
talking to the crowd as much as he was talking to Jason. “But…” He stopped for what felt
like a dramatic flourish, and ended with a humorous sounding, “...who hasn’t?”

Damage control. The man had either been waiting for something to go wrong or was just that
damn fast on his feet.

Perhaps a little of both.

Several laughs and affirming nods followed the man’s joke. Which seemed to work in
lightening the mood.

“We used to have quite the ragers in the day, didn’t we, Brucie?”

Some rich middle-aged man holding a much younger male Omega around the waist, chortled
like he himself was inebriated, raising his wine glass. His face was either red from the drink
or possibly high blood pressure, but he looked like a tick ready to pop.

“That we did, Barney,” Bruce agreed back with a chuckle. “It happens to the best of us.” The
Alpha was good at putting up a front, possibly one of the best Jason had ever seen, but Jason
wasn’t that tipsy (or stupid) and he was starting to sense some cracks in ‘Brucie’.

Once people were back to conversing and seemingly moving on from the scene (that might
have been bigger in Jason’s head, to begin with) Bruce signaled the musicians to start up the
music again, his hand still firmly on Jason’s shoulder as he moved them to the edge of the
dance floor so the waltzing could continue. He spoke low for only Jason to hear, but kept up a
smile for the benefit of any passerby, “I should have cut him off, he’s never been able to hold
his drinks well. He’ll do better with some sleep.”

Like Dick was a goddamn child.

Jason was sure he was glaring, but the man chose to ignore it, “You on the other hand, well it
looks like you’ve acquired quite a line of admirers.”

Jason was a bit shocked when following Bruce’s head wave to see a literal fucking line of
people…waiting to dance with him?

To which Jason would politely say; no fucking thank you.

“He’s retired for the evening,” Bruce’s voice fell quieter again. Firm, just like his final
shoulder squeeze. “Plenty of people left here, though.” His voice rose again as he proclaimed,
“Sorry for keeping him every one, he’s all yours now.” sweeping a hand at Jason before
disappearing back to wherever he’d come from.

Did old Brucie know his left eyebrow rose a little when he was bullshitting?

As in bullshitting about almost everything he’s just said.

Dick may have run, but goddamnit if Jason was leaving without some kind of answer to…
something, fucking anything really.

And now Jason had…a line of goddamn fans to deal with.

“Sorry, I’m done for tonight.”

Who knew a few lousy dance lessons would make him so popular?

“Really? You’re only going to let him get a chance to…come on,” the first Beta woman

“Looks like it,” Jason agreed. He offered no other pleasantries as he left and the few weak
groans of disappointment only pushed his desire to get further away from the dance area

Bruce was probably watching from afar, but honestly, it was the kid, Damian, that Jason
swore was openly moving towards him like a fucking shark following a blood trail. Or at
least he was until he suddenly seemed to vanish behind someone.

Jesus fucking Christ, what was this place? What was this night?

And where the fuck was Dick?

“It’s not really surprising,” A voice caught Jason’s attention as he realized he’d somehow
ended up back near his assigned seat. He didn’t need to hear anymore, Jason knew the Beta
woman was talking about… “He’s always been a whore. ”

“Really?” her companion gasped, sounding scandalized and yet eager to hear more.

The first woman nodded, “He’s always been loose with his legs and probably just as eager to
spread them for the first Alpha he…” she seemed to notice Jason for the first time that night
and gave a sympathetic sound with her tongue, “Oh, you poor thing, don’t feel bad, he’s
always doing things like this. He’s…”

“He’s what?” Jason asked coldly, arms crossed as he waited for her to finish her statement.

“I…” the woman gasped as a dark red liquid ran down the table and all over the front of her
very expensive-looking white dress. The glass it had been in nearly rolled off the table,
Conner catching it just in time.

“Oh geez,” The younger Alpha said sheepishly. “Oh gosh. Oh no. Here…” he grabbed his
napkin to help her, but the woman pushed it away angrily. “I’m so sorry,” he called to her as
the Beta and her friend rushed to the bathroom to no doubt try and remove the stain.

Good luck, Jason thought, collapsing into his chair and giving the other man a grin, “You
almost made that look like an accident.”

Conner cleaned the liquid from the table before it could run onto the floor, “Dick’s really nice
and doesn’t deserve stuff like being said about him and, call it Alpha intuition I guess, but I
kind of got the feeling you might do something worse.”

He probably…wasn’t wrong.

“And I guess I should welcome you to the club,” Conner continued.

“Club?” What club?

“The Bruce Wayne hates you club,” Conner really shouldn’t have been genuinely smiling as
he said it, but the guy did seem to like to smile. A lot. “We don’t have T-shirts or anything,
but our numbers are growing. So um…welcome.”

“Jesus Christ,” Jason mumbled, shaking his head slightly.

Not that knowing Bruce now hated him was news, Jason had sensed as much.

Conner shrugged, “It’s not so bad. But,” He twisted his arms in front of himself looking even
younger with the motion, “’re actually kind of my hero, you know.”

Jason didn’t know, “...okay?”

“You just did it. You danced with Dick and you didn’t even hesitate…you just did it,” Conner
sounded almost in awe.

“I wouldn’t say it’s done me any favors,” Jason said tiredly. Aside from frustrating him
maybe. And putting him on Bruce Wayne’s shit list.
“It’s worth it,” Conner returned with conviction, almost as if he were speaking to both Jason
and himself. “They’re definitely worth it.”

“I honestly don’t know what anything is right now,” Jason admitted, running his thumb over
his forehead to hopefully alleviate the headache he felt coming on.

“She was full of crap, by the way. Dick isn’t like that with Alphas he’s,” Conner nodded at
wherever his mind was going, but also stalled from saying more, “…you should talk to him.”

“Bruce said he went to bed…or whatever the hell else ‘retired’ is supposed to mean,” Jason
hated that he sounded like he was talking about a freaking kid and not a man older than him.

“He went that way,” Conner motioned down the room, near the bar area again. “The
bedrooms and main house area are in the opposite direction. So I doubt he’s gone to his


Jason bit his lip, considering his options, “I mean, I’ve already fucked up any chance of
getting another invitation for next year, anyway. Right?”

…certainly hope it’s not the last…

Conner shrugged, “Maybe not.”

What optimism. Especially from the guy who had just welcomed him to his Bruce Wayne
thinks your trash club.

Yeah, Jason wasn’t holding his breath.


The silence of the night was oddly…not as peaceful as Dick hoped it would be. The coldness
of the iron bench and the trickle from the water of the fountain, Dick hardly felt or heard

His mind screaming over and over what an idiot he was…probably wasn’t helping.

“I know, Bruce.”

The man just looked so…disappointed? But also not surprised, which…


Dick knew that he kept screwing up, that he kept getting chances only to destroy them.

“You’ll come back,” Wintergreen sneered as the car slowed and finally stopped. “You
already know you will.”

Dick slammed the door shut. Determined not to listen, to not even consider it an option.
Not this time.

His lone companion, (that appeared to hop from out of nowhere) seemed to agree about
Dick’s patheticness, letting out a croak and giving Dick the judgiest of frog eyes.

“Alfred’s not going to be happy about you,” Dick murmured as he leaned closer to observe
the amphibian sitting atop the fountain's edge. “But…I also know a little girl who would
probably be pretty excited to see you,” he added with a soft smile.

Which made him groan and once again use the word. Stupid.

“You know,” A voice started slowly. “There are way better places to take a swim and I’d
really rather not have to fish you out of there.”

Dick’s pulse leaped and his hands scurried to find the edge of the bench, ready to…

Jason sighed deeply, stopping Dick’s immediate flight response with an oddly calm, yet also
tired sounding, “Jesus, you’re not really going to make me chase you across this whole place,
are you?”

God, just how manic was Dick becoming? He took a breath to calm himself and shook his
head. His words came out stilted like he couldn’t capture one coherent thought. He didn’t
know how he hadn’t smelled Jason, aside from all he could smell since the dance was…
Jason. “No, I’m…how did you...I wasn’t trying to…”

“It kind of looks like you’re determined to go headfirst into that,” Jason motioned to the

“There’s a frog, I was…”

Jason observed the area he was pointing to, moving closer, but not quite in Dick’s personal
bubble. He filled the space with such power from his silhouette it was hard not to be taken

And wasn’t that the problem?

How and why the man hadn’t left, or simply written Dick off for what he’d done…

“I don’t see anything.”

“He’s…” Dick looked back at the now-empty space with a frown. “Well, he was.” Unless
Dick was really losing it.

“This place is kind of,” Jason touched one of the wilted roses as his shoes crunched the grass,

“It was Bruce’s mother’s garden. I think after she died…it’s just too hard for Bruce to really
come out here a lot.”

It did feel a bit like a cemetery, honestly.

“Perfect hiding spot,” Jason observed, turning back to him again.

“Maybe,” Dick agreed lightly. “I find it weirdly comforting, though.”

“Creepy is a better word, but…” Jason shrugged. “Either way, I doubt he’d be very happy I
was here.”

It seemed more like an observation than Jason feeling he wanted or needed to leave.

“I told him it was my fault.”

“Yeah, well,” Jason laughed roughly. “Parents can be pretty protective of their children. I’m
guessing no matter how old they get.”

“But it was, and…I shouldn’t have…I’m sorry.”

“Well if it helps, I think it’s pretty much blown over by now.”

“I’m still…I’m sorry.”

Jason took a few steps closer, cautious, as if testing the waters, “I don’t think it’s the end of
the world. I mean…unless,” he motioned to Dick’s left hand.

Dick squeezed it into a fist, “I’m sorry,” he mumbled again.

“Yeah,” Jason moved another breath closer. “You know,” a small smile as he looked down,
then right at Dick, “I almost asked you to this…whatever the hell this is.”

“You…” Dick’s jaw almost hit the floor. Maybe he was still drunker than he thought,
imagining frogs and now… “...what?”

Jason lifted a shoulder, “I was told these parties are boring alone and it seemed like
something you might like. Though I have to admit, I could describe this night in a lot of
ways, but I don’t think I would use the word boring.”

“No,” Dick chuckled weakly, “I guess not.”

“Would you have said yes?” Green eyes were once again on Dick’s left fist as Jason asked it.


Dick took too long to respond. He honestly didn’t know how to.

A deep inhale, “Well, I’ve been turned down in worse ways, I guess,” Jason laughed, with no
real humor, starting to move a step back.

“No,” Dick jumped up to halt him.

They both stared at the arm Dick was desperately clutching, refusing to let go of. Dick could
feel the thick muscle underneath. The incredible fiery warmth.
“You know, Dick, I gotta be honest,” Jason's eyes were neutral, not angry, but not exactly
happy either. His sigh, however, was impossible to miss, “I'm kind of getting whiplash from
all these mixed signals.”

Dick swallowed, “I…would have wanted to say yes, I really would have.”

And that was the truth.

Jason didn’t look especially impressed by the reply. Dick admitted it was lame and essentially
a non-answer in many ways.

Jason took on a reasonable, yet firm tone. “Look, if you want me to leave, I will. We can
just…say this never happened. If that’s what you want, just…tell me. Tell me what you

It was the perfect way to end it. No worrying about anything but going back to parent and
teacher, no feelings, no wanting more of something Dick shouldn’t, no…

“No,” Dick surprised himself by saying it out loud. “No, I don’t want you to…” his voice
cracked and for a moment Dick didn’t know why.

Want. The word felt foreign to say out loud.

An Alpha…asking him what he wanted.

“Dick?” Jason prodded softly.

“I’m sorry,…I’m not used to…”

A sound not unlike explosive gunfire suddenly filled the air. Bright colors quickly spread,
illuminating the sky before becoming sprinkles of disappearing glitter. Leaving only smoke
in their wake

“You guys don’t really skimp on anything, do you?”

And Dick didn’t know why the realization hit him then, it had probably been building for
months, but why watching fireworks fill the sky…

“I can’t go back in there.”

“Yeah, I’m not exactly eager to either,” Jason agreed.

Dick’s eyes stung as he watched more colors explode above them, “I don’t just mean the

Jason was looking at him, but Dick couldn’t stop watching the falling streaks, wondering
why all he saw when he looked at them was…

“I want to be…somewhere I can’t,” he finally said.

“And where is that?”

The answer was hard to put into words.

“I love my family, but…”

“You’ll come back.”

Dick shut down the thought with a quick, “Nothing. Nevermind.” As if the idea alone would
lead him right back down the same path he’d been trying not to revisit.

“Where, Dick?” Jason repeated.

“Anywhere but here, or there…anywhere that doesn’t feel…that feels free,” Another
firework as Dick fell off, he felt he was babbling anyway.

“By here you mean...”

“The manor.”

Ungrateful. His mind reminded him.

“Is that what you want?”

Dick nodded. Feeling he was probably adding yet another mistake to add to his growing list
of irresponsible decisions. He shouldn’t trust Jason this much, he should have learned.

But things…felt different in a way he couldn’t describe.

Jason asked what he wanted.


“Well damn,” the Alpha exclaimed in a soft tone. His words caught Dick off guard until he
saw the returned amphibian, once again on the fountain. Dick was silently relieved to know
he hadn’t imagined it. “There really is a frog.”

“Told you.”

Jason hummed in slight amusement, “You weren’t sure for a minute though, were you?”

Dick scoffed, “I absolutely was.”

Jason gave a disbelieving snort.

The fireworks had stopped, leaving the sky filled only with the smoke residue and the glow
of the moon.

“Do you ever wish we could see the stars?”

“With all the pollution and the city lights…might be a pretty long trip for that,” Jason replied.

“Yeah,” Dick agreed. “I miss them sometimes.”

“I’ve honestly never really seen them.”

Dick turned to him, “You’ve never been outside of Gotham?” His accent was certainly
Gotham through and through.

“Not really. Not unless you count Bluhaven as…going anywhere.”


Dick’s shift in mood seemed to become quite obvious as Jason asked, “Something wrong?”

Dick wasn’t even sure if he answered or not, everything felt muddled and all he could see
were flashing lights, a sour smell in the air, a place he’d desperately tried to call home. A
man he had loved and given everything to only for…

“Okay,” A pull on his arm. “Okay, we’re going.”


“I can’t handle this doom and gloom garden anymore and I think Froggy here might like his

“Froggy?” Dick’s mouth lifted at the silly name, realizing it was something Cat would have

But Jason shrugged, “You said you wanted anywhere but here so…”

Dick tried to stop him, “Jason, I was just…”

Jason continued, undeterred, “…we’re going. Okay?”

Jason was giving him a chance to say no.

A skipped heartbeat. An…excitement?

An agreement.


Chapter End Notes

Sorry this took a little while. I was hesitant to post it since I think it might be slightly
disappointing? Either way, thanks again for reading.
Chapter 15
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Jason drove a little too fast, or maybe it was Dick’s heart that was beating too quickly.
Everything seemed to be moving in a blur. Lights moving so fast he could barely keep up
with where they were currently at, or more importantly, where they were heading.

“No offense, but these damn things are a little too much after a while,” Jason removed his
jacket and threw it in the backseat.

Dick raised a brow and chuckled, “Why would I be offended at that?”

At the next red light, Jason rearranged his shirt to unbutton the top and roll up his sleeves, “I
dunno, seems like something you shouldn’t tell a rich guy, I guess.”

“Bruce is rich,” Dick corrected. “I got a small inheritance after my parents died…and now
I’m a teacher. My salary isn’t exactly breaking the bank.”

“No support from your husband?” Jason asked as the car started moving again. It was a fair
question, but still made Dick’s chest pulse a little too tight.

“I…no, we never settled on anything.”

“What is this?”

Dick stared, utterly bewildered as to where the Alpha had found the paper stack being placed
before him. Dick’s answer…was to stammer and genuinely come up with nothing except to
actively tug on his hair, wondering, praying that he was having a bad dream.

Praying that his husband hadn’t just found divorce papers Dick remembered hiding. Exactly
so it wouldn’t happen like this when Dick was off guard, his mind muddled and unprepared.

Slade's sigh at his non-response was a tired, “Get rid of it.”

The weeks it had taken to get the legal paperwork together, the planning, the nervous
butterflies in Dick’s stomach for days on end…and Slade wouldn’t even entertain looking at
it. He didn’t even sound angry either, just…dismissive.

Like Dick was an idiotic child who didn’t know any better. A moron.

Which was often how Dick felt nowadays. He dropped plates, his hands shook, he wasn’t even
sure he could manage the simplest handstand…which made him feel closer to losing a limb, a
part of his soul, than simply an ability.

“I can’t…please just…” Dick’s throat was on fire and it was hard to swallow, his thoughts
just never came out in full sentences anymore. “...please, this will help us both start over,
please…please just let me go.”

“I wasn’t aware you were being held prisoner,” the Alpha said, this time with condescension.
He pushed the lever so the wastebasket would open. A clear indication Dick was supposed to
toss the substantial stack in the bin. “Get rid of it,” he repeated. At Dick’s hesitation, the tone
turned harsher, “Now.”

Dick watched the papers fall, watched all the work and hope vanish with the top slamming

Slade was inescapably close as he demanded lowly, brushing Dick’s hair. Almost affectionate,
almost like he used to, “Who gave you those?”

Dick wasn’t going to rat out Tim or the help he’d gotten from the Beta’s lawyer friend.
Divorces weren’t common between Alphas and Omegas, but if an Alpha agreed to one
willingly, it wasn’t completely unheard of either.

An Omega could only ever present the idea and…hope.

There was no telling what the reaction would be, however, and that was part of the risk. No
doubt many Omegas ended up bloodied and bruised. But Slade…wasn’t like that.

Dick never should have had those papers made…He…

Slade tipped Dick’s chin up to force the Omega to look at him. To look at the man he’d once
sworn his whole heart to. His tone was level, his thumb rubbed against Dick’s bite mark to try
and soothe him, “Obviously someone has been toying with your sensitive state of mind,
putting thoughts in your head that don’t belong there. But don’t you ever bring anything like
that in this house ever again.” he warned, finally toying with Dick’s bottom lip. His tone
never once rose in any kind of anger, “Understood?”

Dick…could only nod.

“But you’re…” Jason gave a vague wave like he was cutting something in half and Dick got
his meaning.

“It didn’t work,” Dick replied. “We tried for years but…” he shrugged, hoping that was

“I just want to make sure I’m not gonna get clocked by him or something,” Jason’s mouth
lifted as if humoring himself, his accent really coming through. “Although I think your
family might be a bigger threat, honestly. But anyway, here we are.”

Glad of the subject change, Dick asked, looking out the window, “And where is that

“I’m hungry and I figured it’s far away enough, right? Though it’s probably not the kind of
food you’re used to.”

“I eat pop tarts,” Dick reminded him.

“That’s right, you do,” Jason gave a false sigh of disgust. “Unless you’d rather do something

Dick studied the slightly run-down, but also somewhat homey looking dinner, noticing the
few working lights only illuminated the letters d, i, and e,

Jason shrugged at his look, “Maybe the owner thinks it’s funny and never bothered to change

Dick hummed, arms crossed, “Do they have milkshakes?”

“Don’t see why they wouldn’t.”

Which was more than enough for Dick.

Upon opening the door, it was blatantly obvious they were way too overdressed, even without
their jackets. The booths and dated decor were probably from the actual 50s, but they added
atmosphere if anything.

Jason motioned a head shrug to ask if the place was alright and Dick…

When was the last time Dick had even been to a place like this? The smells, the people, the
unpretentious attitude and not feeling he had to impress anyone, the fact that Dick actually
had an appetite to enjoy anything…

“It’s perfect.”

“That might be stretching it a little, but I’d say it’s not bad for a place that's sign just
threatened us.”

Their Beta waitress seemed relieved when Jason simply relaxed into the booth with calm
confidence, showing no signs of dominance or aggression. Like he easily could have.

Like Slade would have…

And the ‘DIE’ dinner did indeed have milkshakes, possibly the largest Dick had ever seen,
and that was honestly more than fine. And not that Dick’s milkshake could be outdone by the
size of Jason’s burger, but it was pretty damn close.

Jason watched Dick alternate between dipping his fries and onion rings in the strawberry
shake with a mild brow raise.

Dick stopped chewing and grinned at the other man, “You should try it.”

Jason studied the five cherries on top of the whipped cream, with an odd amount of interest,
“You mold the young minds of America…and eat like this?”

“I figure they can learn the food pyramid in kindergarten.”

Jason looked from the towering monstrosity, mouth twitching slightly up, “Don’t you have
the chart on the classroom wall?”

“Oh…yeah,” Dick snorted probably a little too loudly, causing Jason to openly chuckle.
“Sorry, I’m…”

“Don’t apologize, but you might want to start eating that mountain of sugar before it floods
all over the table.”

“You remind me of Alfred sometimes,” Dick couldn’t hold in a grin at how much the two
men shared such a distaste for sweets. Well, cheap packaged sweets, anyway. And both could
probably run a bakery with their baking skills.

“Must be a smart guy,” Jason commented as he bit into his burger.

“He is. I think you’d like him,” Dick took one of the cherries and popped it into his mouth. It
was hard, despite how much he was enjoying himself, not to notice the pack of Alphas in the
corner booth. Especially one guy who continually kept leering and trying to catch Dick’s eye
with obscene gestures.

Jason frowned and Dick wasn’t sure why at first. The Alpha hummed, rising from his seat
and looking back at the group of men almost lazily. He then surprised Dick by sliding in
beside him so they were both on the same side of the booth. “Since his pants seem to be on
fire, I figure he can flirt with me too.”

Dick choked, only barely stopping himself from swallowing the cherry whole.

Jason smirked when the Alpha didn’t look back over, now purposefully keeping his eyes
elsewhere, “Seems, he lost interest though.”

Dick often wondered what being an Alpha must be like. He’d spent his whole childhood
assuming he would be one…and now he couldn’t even imagine what having so much control
of your own life must feel like.

Being seen as strong…always right.

Able to own things, able to…

The seat suddenly vibrated, all but shaking them both. Jason sighed, wiping his hands on his
napkin and grabbing his phone. The object continued to buzz and he bit his lip when he saw
the number.

Dick was surprised he didn’t step away to answer it, though also wondered if it was the
Alpha group keeping him there. Jason’s voice…just reverberated so nicely next to him.


Not the nicest greeting, Dick thought, trying to focus more on his melting ice cream drink
and not necessarily snooping.
Jason looked at his watch and cringed slightly, “Yeah, I didn't know it was that late…is she

Dick could only think he meant Cat and he studied the back of the ketchup bottle at the end
of the table.

Bruce was going to kill him.

Dick swiped some whipped cream with his spoon, but his stomach suddenly felt sour and it
was hard to swallow it down.

The waitress came by again to ask if everything was alright. Jason nodded absently at her,
before replying into the phone.

Damian was probably blowing a gasket.

“Did you at least feed her?”

Bruce would take the car.

“No Roy, a bowl of cereal is not dinner.”

Dick would have to quit.

“Yeah, I know she can’t,” Jason said, his voice softening. “Tell her I’ll be there soon.”

Dick just barely kept from spilling the glass everywhere as he shuddered past the thoughts of
what his actions were going to cost him. He put on a smile as Jason ended his call and put his
phone away, “Cat?”

“Yeah, it’s past her bedtime but she doesn’t really sleep well without me nearby. Hasn’t since
she was a baby.”

“That’s because you’re such a good daddy,” He lightly teased.

“Actually,” Jason took one last sip from his soda before rising, clearly showing he was ready
to leave. “According to her pediatrician it was detrimental for her to bond with her Alpha like
that, but…” he shrugged.

Dick bit his lip over the question if Cat had ever bonded with her mother. Or if the Omega
had died that early on. It really wasn’t his place to ask and Jason had made it obvious…
talking about the man wasn’t pleasant for him.

He chuckled weakly, “Well, then you better save Miss Cat, I can uh, call someone to come
get me.”

Jason was counting through some cash he’d pulled from his back pocket, “I don’t think that’s
a good idea. They can come to pick you up at my apartment.”
Dick wanted to suggest that might end much worse than him just staying here, but ultimately
nodded. He was in trouble and ultimately screwed, either way. “Um…okay, thanks.”

“You really thought I was gonna ditch you in some dinner?” Jason’s mouth lifted as he tossed
the money on the table, probably much more than the meals actually cost. “I might not go on
dates all that often, but give me some credit.”

Date? Dick blinked.

“You ready?”

Dick rose to follow him out the door and Jason thanked the waitress as they left.

As they got back in the car, Dick put his head back against the headrest and slyly smiled, “I
do have to say you’re wrong about one thing though.”

“Yeah? And what’s that?”

“A bowl of cereal can absolutely be dinner.”

Jason started the engine, only shaking his head.


“I’m tired, daddy.”

Jason held in a laugh. Cat had pretty much fallen asleep the moment he’d walked out of
Roy’s house, shoving her head into his neck and whining softly.

(Because apparently, Jason’s neck was quite the popular spot that evening.)

Jason re-positioned the girl so he could open the apartment door, agreeing, “I know baby, I

Dick shuffled a few steps behind them and it was obvious how uncomfortable he was.
Jason…well, he pushed the door open and ushered him inside.

Cat hadn’t even noticed Dick as she’d barely been able to keep her eyes open, murmuring
things but not actually saying much. Which might be for the best since Jason still needed to
work out what to even say to her about…this.

This being whatever the hell Jason was doing.

“You said you would be back by nine at the latest.”

“I lost track of time. “Not a lie, but certainly not the answer Roy was fishing for.

The red head’s squint called bullshit, but he didn’t press it, “Whatever man, you owe me an
explanation on Monday.”
Dick took a look around as the door shut behind them and Jason considered making an
excuse for the place being so small, or not as clean as it could be, a few beer bottles and Cat’s
crayons littering the coffee table, but Dick genuinely grinned at what he saw, “This is nice.”

Jason knew he had to be bullshitting. Wayne Manor probably wouldn’t even use this
apartment as a storage shed, but Jason nodded his head towards the couch where the man
should sit, “I’m gonna go put her down. I’ll give you the address and stuff when I get back.
Just give me a sec.”

He didn’t wait for Dick to agree, heading towards the second bedroom.

Cat went down like a rock, falling back asleep almost instantly. Making sure she had Allie
near her and the Polar Bear blanket she liked so much, Jason kissed her forehead gently and
quietly left the room, snapping on the nightlight as he did.

And as he reentered the living room, any conversation of calling someone to come get Dick
would have to be paused because the man…was also fast asleep. Curled up on his side and
breathing evenly, Jason…needed to wake him.

Reaching out his hand, Jason stopped when he saw what had to be the Beta’s phone on the
table. Maybe Dick had called someone, but picking it up and scrolling through it, Jason saw
no recent calls or texts. None outgoing anyway, the phone was blown up with several blocks
of texts from both Damian and Tim, but nothing Dick had responded to.

Jason should wake Dick. Before Jason looked deeper into the phone for things that he had no
right to, except…

Dick readjusted himself, still fast asleep, and Jason…


Taking a breath, the Alpha did the one thing he’d been itching to do since the dance. Since
Dick had scented him, had run away in fear, since Dick…well truthfully, if Jason was being
honest with himself, since Dick had literally flipped into his and his daughter’s life. Smelling
so off it was borderline offensive.

Jason gently moved the man’s collar back and…


Sometimes he hated being right.

How the patch was even still staying on was quite a miracle, it looked one move away from
peeling all the way off. Dick’s scents were getting mixed, a beautiful sweetness blended
with…whatever that goddamn Beta patch had been emitting and it all meant one thing.

Jason…had to call.

He had to let someone know where Dick was. He just…had to.

Tossing the phone lightly around in his palms, Jason headed for the back porch, closing the
door so Dick hopefully wouldn’t hear anything.

Scrolling through the contacts, Jason went past Alfred, Bruce (hell no), Damian (even bigger
hell no) passing several Do not answers (which were both odd and worrying), and finally
settled on Tim. Or Timmy, who Jason assumed was the same person.

The beta…definitely seemed like the safest option.

Safe being a relative term.

The phone didn’t even fully pass a ring before it was picked up, a frantic voice demanding,
“Oh my god, Dick, where are you? I’ve called like a hundred times, I…”

“Is that him?” A second voice demanded, sounding farther away, but scurrying closer, as if
the speaker were sprinting. “Give me the phone this instant!”

“Damian, let go, it’s my…get off!”

Static and what sounded like deep breathing and Jason gaped at how much yelling there
suddenly was. He couldn’t even make out half of it, but his ears were hurting and he was
getting tired of wincing every few seconds from what sounded like the phone being used in
some kind of tug of war.

“Hey!” he shouted after having had enough.

The voices and rustling stopped.

“D…Dick?” Tim’s voice sounded frightened, which set off an alarm bell (among already
numerous red flags Jason still needed to go through.)

“This isn’t Dick. But I wanted to call and tell you he’s…”

The voice quickly changed to what had to be Damian’s, “Who is this!? Who are you!? What
have you done to him!? I’ll cut you into ribbons, you hear me!? I’ll…”

“Damian! Get out, so I can hear!” There was a door slamming and more rustling before Tim
spoke again, his voice still not fully composed. “Who are you?…What do you want?”

Jason was way past the point of alarm bells and moving towards blaring sirens, “It’s Jason,
from the gala.”

Tim breathed a sigh of what sounded like relief, which Jason took as the first good sign. “Oh,
um…is uh Dick okay?”

“He’s fine, he’s asleep, he’s safe. I just…I knew I should call, I…I know about…” Jason
thumbed at his forehead, “I know.”

“Right,” it was clipped, unsure. “He told you?”

“Sort of.”

“...and he’s okay?”

“Yes. He wanted some time away, I thought it seemed like a good idea. He seemed really
upset and I thought it might help.”

“Okay,” Tim agreed. “Can I talk to him?”

“I don’t want to wake him up,” Jason couldn’t explain why that was. “But I promise he’s…”

There was a smash, like wood splintering and Tim cursed.

“It’s that fiend isn’t it?!”

Fiend? “Certainly, never been called that before,” Jason joked.

But Tim didn't sound humored, “Damian! God! Stop it!”

“Don’t you dare run from me, give me that damn phone.”

Jason felt he needed to get his peace out before more fighting started and nothing was
accomplished, “Look, If I promise to have him call you in the morning, would that be okay? I
actually deal with,” Jason swallowed over the word, “...Omegas for a living, I know how to
handle stuff like this.”

Which was only partly true. Never had Jason taken an Omega posing as a Beta…home.

There was silence, like Tim had finally found a safe place to respond, “Okay, I think I can
talk to Bruce, but…” he hesitated before continuing, “ brother’s been through so
much…please…” his voice quivered slightly.

“I promise I won’t hurt him.”

That was the only thing Jason knew for certain.

Tim still sounded unsure, but maybe slightly more at ease. “You’ll have him call me first



Hanging up the phone, Jason did the only thing he could think of.

He grabbed his pack of cigarettes from the table, placed one in his mouth and lit it.

Chapter End Notes

So I would say this is the end of the first major ark of the story. But there’s still more to

I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading.

Chapter 16

“A perfect 100.”

Dick couldn’t have been more proud of himself. Studying the license again, Dick grinned
back at his own smiling picture before flopping onto the massive bed. He wished he could
have shared the news with Alfred, or maybe Tim, someone who could congratulate him
further and share in his elation.

Someone who would actually be happy for him.

Bruce had thought the Omega couldn’t handle it, maybe that he couldn’t even pass the test,
but boy, had Dick proven him wrong.

“Yes, I was there,” the Alpha propped up next to him commented lightly, turning another
page from his stack over and looking at some names followed by numbers. Slade frowned at
something and grabbing a pen, he blocked out whatever was bothering him with several dark

Rolling over so he could put the card back on the nightstand, Dick then shimmied closer to
Slade, getting as near as he physically could, causing the man to move his arm up to
accommodate him. Dick had lied to Bruce about being at Donna’s again but…his friend
always vouched for him. She liked seeing him happy and Dick loved her all the more for it.

Guilt often followed the lies, but…

Dick swore it was worth it.

Resting his head across the man’s torso with a contented sigh, Dick absently watched the
muted Television and some awful infomercial for Omega enhancement pills.

Something Dick’s seventeen-year-old mind scoffed at, inwardly refusing to ever need such a

Dick had been aware of the odd looks at the DMV and the idea of an Omega getting a
driver's license. But Slade, as he did with most things, had taken care of it. Telling him not to
worry, the handsome man had just...signed a few things and that was that.

Because Slade cared. He wanted to help Dick find his missing friend and he…

Slade liked seeing him happy, he liked giving Dick things and allowing him to participate in
ways Bruce would never have allowed. Slade was…everything Dick wanted an Alpha to be.

And yet…

Nearly a decade later, back turned from the man, feeling sore and stretched, but also cold
and…empty, Dick watched the same commercial, realizing with a growing numbness that he
hadn’t had a single heat in close to a year…and it had nothing to do with being pregnant.
Even with all the help, the therapy, the supplements, the neverending shots…

Dick pulled up the covers over his head, vowing he wouldn’t cry.

Crying did nothing but cause Slade to sigh and make Dick feel even worse.

Still…the tears were there, unshed or not, and he could feel them even now.

Somewhere deep in his consciousness, floating like a cloud above him, Dick could hear a
child giggling. Light, happy talking, then something banging, like a pan, maybe, something
whisper soft touching Dick’s fingertips.

His first thought was possibly a baby blanket, but as he reached further down the object, it
was clearly something with volume and structure.

Fluttering his eyes open, Dick’s first thought was…utter confusion. Confusion at an
unfamiliar room, an even more unfamiliar bed, but also the most alluring scent and feeling he
could burrow himself back under the smooth, silky dark covers and just…never leave.

Sniffing, the man sat up and wiped at his eyes. Clearing them with a few hard blinks and an
eye rub, Dick’s hand fell once again on the softness as he tried to figure out what was going

A cow. A stuffed cow was smiling up at him.

Moo Moo.

It took a minute to place where or why he knew the name when Dick noticed a smiley face on
a post-it note attached to the animal's side drawn in familiar handwriting.


Cat talked about Moo Moo a lot and…

Dick inhaled.


It all came rushing back. The gala, the dance, the dinner, picking up Cat, Jason’s apartment.

This was Jason’s apartment.

Dick…shouldn't be here. This was…Jason’s bed. Dick needed to get out, he hadn’t meant for
this to happen. Any of it. Looking down, he saw he was still dressed from the night prior, but
someone had removed his shoes. Biting his lip and looking around the room again, he
couldn’t help but notice the obvious red and black color scheme or how much Jason seemed
to like rich, dark colors. That and the towering, almost overflowing bookshelf and what
looked like a well-kept bonsai plant in the middle.
It was…

His legs bumped a stack of clothing as Dick tried to exit the bed. The man was just able to
catch the bundle before it fell to the floor and he unfolded a shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

Jason’s. They were Jason’s. Clearly set there for him to use.

Fingers tracing the worn design on the front of the shirt, Dick…exhaled.

Changing out of his stiff, rumbled clothes to something much softer was definitely appealing.
Even with Dick’s mind screaming he shouldn’t be wearing another Alpha’s clothes…

(But you don’t have an Alpha, Grayson…remember?)

Unbuttoning and tossing off the remains of his dress attire, Dick took a breath, quickly
changing both pieces with Jason’s clothes before he could give himself a chance to decide
against it. Smoothing out the slightly too long pants and shirt, Dick was sure his hair, crunchy
from unwashed product, looked a fright.

(You’re not impressing anyone…just go thank him and be on your way)

Opening the door as quietly as he could, the first thing Dick noticed was the sound of a metal
bowl being scraped.

“You have to measure, if you dump all that in there you’re gonna make us all sick.”

Dick peered down the hallway, moving closer to the voices.

“But it smells so good.”

Cat was on the small kitchen counter contemplating a bottle of some kind of baking
ingredient. She appeared to be trying to help make whatever Jason was mixing in a bowl, but
was probably splattering the ingredients more on the counter than in the actual bowl.

“You don’t drink your bubble bath because it smells good, do you?”

She made a face at Jason, pushing his arm slightly. “Daddy, that’s gross.”

“So is an entire bottle of vanilla in pancakes, trust me.”

“Did someone say pancakes?”

Dick was a little hungry and it kind of seemed like the perfect ice breaker, causing both Cat
and Jason to look at him. Cat’s eyes lit up at seeing him, but Jason…Jason looked like he
hadn’t slept a wink. Even his voice sounded close to hoarse, but he offered Dick a wan smile.

“Daddy’s pancakes are the best!”

Dick chuckled, “I’m sure they are.”

Jason looked down as he continued his mixing and something about his demeanor seemed
tighter than it had the night before, “I thought you’d be more comfortable in the bed, that
couch…is a piece of crap and a horror to sleep on.”

Which made Dick even more convinced the man was working off no sleep. Or bad sleep on
an apparent nightmare couch.

“I didn’t mean to put you out,” Dick pulled at the overlong hem of the shirt. “Thanks for…

Jason shrugged, “Cat picked it out. I didn't even know I still had it.”

The girl twisted her shoulders back and forth, “I like the birds.”

“Yeah, they’re really pretty,” Dick agreed. He wasn’t sure what Jason had told her about why
he could possibly be here, but the girl seemed pretty unbothered by it, all things considered.
“And Moo Moo, he’s even better in person.”

Cat turned to Jason as if remembering, “Moo Moo likes pancakes too, daddy.”

“Sure, the alligator, the cow…let’s invite them all,” Jason grumbled goodnaturedly.

“I’m gonna go get him.”

“Wash your hands and face while you’re at it,” Jason suggested as he helped the girl off the
counter and she took off down towards where Dick had come from.

Dick wasn’t sure where to start, toeing the linoleum floor with his sock, “I’m…”

“You need to call Tim,” Jason firmly cut him off.


Jason stopped what he was doing and sighed. He opened his mouth and closed it, finally
settling on, “Call your brother. He’s worried…I’m sure they all are.”

Something had definitely happened, Jason wasn’t not looking at Dick, but he seemed hesitant
to keep his eyes on him for too long and he appeared short of breath. Or rather, trying not to
breathe in too deeply.

Dick wondered if he maybe smelled, or something. He scratched at his neck, only to realize
with horror…his shoulder was bare.


Dick slapped up and down his neck, shoulder, and chest blindly, but it was no use.

The blocker was missing. Probably stuck somewhere in Jason’s sheets.

How the hell hadn’t Dick noticed?

Jason’s lips were hard-pressed together and Dick didn’t know what to say. His mind had gone
blank and all he could feel was his heartbeat.

The Alpha…obviously knew. Either from moving him to the bed or…god, did it even matter


The Alpha’s voice softened, “You need to tell him you’re okay.”

Dick nodded, taking his phone from the counter, “I’m sorry,” he murmured softly as he
headed back towards the room to place the call.

His hands shook the entire way.


Jason truthfully had lost count on how many cigarettes he’d smoked in the last few hours. His
fingers were probably stained at this point. His lungs burned with all the continued abuse and
with every breath he could feel it more and more.

Dick, Jesus…why did he have to smell a million times better than Jason could have ever
imagined? He dealt with Omegas all the time, he knew how to control himself, but this…

“Um…” Dick was at the back door, glancing between Jason and the floor, Jason hated that
his demeanor had seemed to change so suddenly, “Where should I tell them to come get me?”

“Here,” Jason reached for the phone and Dick handed it over. “Timmy, I presume?" he said
into the receiver.

“Thank you for taking care of him, I…”

Jason decided to stop the Beta with an idea, “Since he’s already here, how about we make it a

“I’m sorry…a weekend?” Tim asked in confusion.

Jason observed Dick to see his reaction, but the…Beta…no, Omega was mostly frowning at
the overfull ashtray on the table. Maybe not knowing what else to do, “I’ll drive him back on

Dick’s head whipped up at that, eyes wide.

“Unless you’d rather go home now?”

Dick looked…confused, just as he’d looked shocked when Jason had asked him what he
wanted at the gala. Jason would take him home, if he wanted, or offer his address if that was
easier, but he also wanted Dick to know he didn’t have to leave. That honestly, selfish as it
was…Jason didn’t want him to. Not yet.
Dick slowly shook his head.

“He said no, didn’t he?” Tim sounded tired but also…kind of relieved?

“Looks that way,” Jason concurred with a smile in Dick’s direction.

“God, okay. Just…I don’t have to threaten you, do I?”

“I think your little brother did enough of that last night,” Tim made a light huffing sound and
Jason wondered if he might be away from the immediate manor and Damian overhearing
anything. “But tell you what, if I do anything untoward, you can send that big boyfriend of
yours to come crush my skull in, okay?”

There was a pause and Jason almost thought they’d been disconnected.

“...Okay?” Tim seemed lost for words. “Can you give Dick the phone back now, please?”

Jason handed it back over and Dick moved away so Jason couldn’t hear much before he
ended the call. They both fell silent as Jason took a long drag.

Dick inhaled as if to finally speak, “I’m…”

“If the second word is sorry, please…don’t.”

Several moments of more silence passed.

“You smoke?” Dick asked instead.

“It’s either that or punching walls,” Jason replied with only slight humor. He chuckled,
flicking some ash, “Cat knew.” Way before Jason did, apparently. He continued at Dick’s
unsure blink. “Blockers don’t work on kids. Most kids anyway. I think they just see things
too clearly…innocence or some crap like that.”

“Some crap like that,” Dick chuckled weakly. He hugged his arms around himself, Jason
would definitely say he enjoyed seeing the man in his clothes, “I wonder if that’s why they
like me?”

“Nah,” Jason stamped out the rest of the cigarette with a head shake. “They like you because
you’re you.”

“And you?” Dick asked, looking over with a suddenly unwavering stare.

Was he asking why Jason liked him? Maybe why he was doing this? Why Jason had offered
him a safe haven, instead of demanding answers?

Not that Jason wasn’t itching for answers.

Jason scratched at his arm, “I like that you don’t smell like a burning tire factory anymore,”
A bit dramatic and not exactly accurate, but it made his point better. And truthfully as much
as he hadn’t been prepared for Dick’s full Omega…he’d take it over the former fake Beta any

Dick’s mouth fell into almost a pout, “They’re that bad?”

“Just be glad you couldn’t smell yourself,” Jason joked as he entered back into the

Dick hesitated to join him, his hand resting on the door handle to the sliding glass, “Jason?”

“Yeah?” He asked, looking back at the smaller man. Jason had a feeling he already knew
what he was going to say and stopped him, “I already said no more apologizing, okay?”

But Dick shook his head, smiling softly, “Actually, I was going to say…thank you. This…
means a lot.”

Dear Christ, did he have to have such earnest blue eyes and fucking full lips? Even as an
Omega, it just…

“Oh, don’t thank me,” Jason smirked. “You do realize Cat is going to introduce you to every
one of her stuffed animals, don’t you?”

“I don’t mind,” Dick laughed, shoulders lifting.

Jason almost wouldn’t believe him if he were anyone else, but he was Dick Grayson…a
mystery Jason felt he was only starting to unravel.

“Look, I know I complained, but If you’re more comfortable with it, I can get you another
blocker,” Jason offered.

Dick bit his lip, closing the door behind him as he seemed to think, “Actually, It might be
nice to not have to wear it…for a few days. If…that’s okay?”

Jason would gladly say it was more than fucking okay.


“Bruce is going to have a…”

“I know,” Dick acknowledged. “I know.” He knew his life was basically over, that Bruce
wouldn’t get over this one, not after Dick had told him explicitly that this…wouldn’t happen.

He also knew Tim, besides Alfred, was the best at dealing with Bruce. Being level-headed
Betas probably helped.

“I haven’t even seen Damian since last night,” Tim paused. “I think he’s sulking

“Probably in my bed,” Dick sighed.

“Con actually likes him,” Tim sounded like he was shuffling the phone from one shoulder to
another. “So this isn’t blind faith, I trust Con’s judgment, and Al’s too.”


“He said Jason helped him from dropping a tray or something…I believe he called him ‘a
good sort’.”

Trust Tim Drake to be the voice of reason, something Dick felt he needed right now.


“Don’t try to thank me…you owe me big, okay?”

“Thank you,” Dick said anyway. Truthfully meaning it.

The Beta was giving him a chance to feel at least somewhat free for a few days. He was
giving Dick something he hadn’t had in years.

“I think she’s my favorite.” Dick settled on, giving the stuffed animal in front of him a pat on
the head.

“Eli?” Cat crawled over to where Dick was sitting cross-legged on the floor against her bed.
Her animals were pretty much everywhere, but Dick…liked it. He liked the feeling of love in
the room. Bright and warm and filled with every color imaginable.

“She reminds me of an old friend,” he said, fondly tracing the stuffed little trunk.

“You were friends with an elephant?” Jason rolled a bright ball on the dresser next to him,
using the only chair in the room.

“You weren’t?” Dick teased, looking up at him.

“Oh, oh. Can I meet her, can I meet her?” Cat asked, jumping to her feet excitedly.

“Kit, he’s joking.”

“Sorry, kiddo,” Dick shook his head at Cat with a small smile as she jumped in front of him.
“I haven’t seen her in a long time.” He knew Zitka was alive, but that was about it. Keeping
in touch with the disbanded Haly's Circus had been beyond difficult to almost impossible.

Jason leaned forward, “Wait, you’re not kidding?”

“She was probably one of my best friends, so no, I wouldn’t kid about that,” Dick reassured,
still smiling, toying with a loose thread on the animal's plush body.

“Bruce had an Elephant?”

“This was…before Bruce. I didn’t mention I grew up in the circus?” Dick knew he hadn’t,
but he enjoyed the slight eye-widening response from Jason. “Guess not,” he laughed.
“Like the circus, circus?” Jason asked.

“With the funny little clown cars you love and everything,” Dick assured with a wink.

Jason shook his head, “That explains the,” he motioned in a circle.

“What’s a circus?” Cat asked, before Dick could respond to Jason.

“It’s the best,” Dick explained, feeling a genuine sense of happiness at all the memories.
“Lot’s of lights and performances, popcorn…elephants, all kinds of animals, really,” Dick
grinned. “It’s lots of fun. Especially the clowns.”

A snort of disagreement that Dick had somehow expected.

Cat looked over to Jason and…

“No, we are not going to the circus,” Jason could clearly see where his daughter’s mind was
going as she all but bounced at the idea.

“It’s out of season unfortunately and besides,” Dick none too quietly whispered to Cat.
“Daddy is afraid of clowns.”

“Daddy!” Cat exclaimed at the news, going to push on Jason’s knees like she couldn’t believe

The Alpha looked unmoved, “I’m saving you years of therapy, you should be thanking me.”

“I think the closest place you could find an Elephant would be the Zoo,” Dick mused.

This seemed like both the right and wrong thing to say as Jason immediately rolled his eyes,
groaning in exasperation, while Cat patted his arm over and over again, trying to get his
attention. “Daddy, it’s okay, zoos aren’t scary.” as if both asking to go and consoling him at
the same time.

“It’s probably still open,” Dick reasoned with a smirk. It wasn’t even noon yet. “Could be fun
for her.”

“It won’t be scary, daddy, I promise.” Cat continued to assure.

“And you know that how, exactly?” Jason asked her, obviously stalling.

“Please, daddy, please?”

And Dick could tell the Alpha was finished at the hands of the four-year-old’s pleas.

Jason hung his head, before looking at Dick. “This is all your fault.”

Dick shrugged in a ‘what did I do’ kind of way.

Knowing exactly what he’d done.


“Why do I feel like you want to go as much as she does?”

Dick didn’t deny it, readjusting Jason’s red hoodie he was borrowing, zipping it half-closed.
“I like animals and I haven’t been in a long time. I took Damian when he was about Cat’s age
but um…he didn’t really like it…” Big surprise. “But I think she will.”

“Here…” Jason motioned with the scarf he was handing the man. “I’ve worn this a lot so it
should be pretty…strong.”

Dick smiled softly, taking the item and wrapping it around his neck. “Between the clothes
and this…I think it should be fine.”

He’d given Dick his tightest pair of jeans that still hung a little too loose around his waist
but…Jason hoped it was enough. “When was the last time you…went out without it?”

“A while,” Dick admitted, rubbing at his chest a bit hesitantly.

“And you’re okay?”

“I have you, don’t I?” Dick tilted his head in amusement.

It sounded like it was supposed to be a joke, but something in the air…in Dick’s eyes…

“Yeah,” Jason agreed after a moment. As long as Dick stayed by him, there shouldn’t be any
problems. He was more than doused in Jason’s scent (hopefully). “I’m just missing one little
monster,” Jason called back into the apartment. “Who I’m going to leave behind if she
doesn’t hurry up.”

Cat finally emerged, wearing a dress covered in birds over her leggings and boots.

Clearly, she’d wanted to match with Dick‘s shirt.

Making sure she was bundled up and ready, Jason locked the door behind them.

Something, he couldn't say exactly what, but something made The Alpha check over his
shoulder several times. Terra’s door was closed, her apartment quiet and nothing seemed
generally amiss, but Jason still felt he needed to look.

Coming up with nothing, Jason finally shook his head.

He only just missed the well-hidden shadow and the eyes that narrowed as they watched the
three head towards the car.
Chapter 17

From atop the Alpha’s shoulder the four-year-old couldn’t have sounded more excited. Green
eyes, big and wide.

“She’s so big!”

Jason could say with one hundred percent certainty the elephant currently bathing itself was,
in fact, not a she. The large enclosure was filled with grass, dirt, and water and there were at
least two other elephant’s inside, but the largest of them by far and the animal currently
fascinating his daughter was… well, it was impossible to miss the creature's second ‘trunk’.

Dick was also clearly trying not to correct Cat or bring focus to the appendage and agreed,
“Yep, they’re the biggest land mammals on earth.”

“Were you a tour guide at one of these at some point?” Jason teased. Dick clearly hadn’t been
kidding about liking animals. He’d seemed to know at least some information on every one
they’d seen so far. Although literally growing up with them, it kind of made sense.

A circus, it was still kind of hard to believe. A goddamn circus…who grew up in one of those
and came out even remotely normal?

(Hiding in cabinets, dodging used needles and strange people knocking on the doors at all
hours, spinning the old man on his face so he didn’t choke on his own vomit…any of that
ringing a bell as normal?)

Jason continued, “Must have been hard to make friendship bracelets big enough for those…

Dick observed the animal with fondness, like he was thinking of a time or place with great
nostalgia, “She wasn’t fully grown yet so she was quite a bit smaller, and…she didn’t really
like jewelry anyway.”

Jason snorted, “She told you that, huh?”

“What is that?” Cat suddenly asked, pointing. She turned as if expecting Dick to answer but
the man smiled and reverted the query to Jason instead.

“Why don’t we ask daddy, since he has the pamphlet?” A smirk and a brow raise mixed with
both playfulness and expectancy…

Clearly, his payback for Jason’s tour guide comment.

The man had his hands in his (Jason’s) pockets, and Jason was busy fighting against how
much he just wanted to pull him closer. To just…keep him pressed against him. To…

Cat nearly poked Jason’s eye as she blindly patted at his face to get his attention, “What is it,
Instead of acting on any of those desires, the Alpha had to explain to his daughter about an
elephant’s massive dick…

And Jason was pretty sure that wasn’t in the goddamn family-friendly, illustrated animals
waving at him, pamphlet.

Dick brushed Jason’s shoulder, offering quietly, yet still helpfully, (much like a teacher might,
funnily enough), “Second sentence under elephant.”

Soft, just like his skin looked.

“Although, Mr. Todd,” A full mouth lifted as the Omega leaned in closer, his dark hair
blowing in the slight wind so he had to push back some from obscuring his vision. Dear
Christ, Jason hadn’t thought of how their two scents mixing this much with the man wrapped
in Jason’s clothes would just…make it this hard to even operate the nonterritorial side of his
brain. The part that reminded him he wasn’t this gorgeous man’s Alpha, “It might be easier if
you had it,” Dick rotated the folded paper in Jason’s hand, “the right side up.”


“Maybe I happen to read upside down?” The joke didn’t quite land. Jason hadn’t even
realized it was the wrong way, which might be why everything had looked slightly off. And
why the animals had been sending their salutations more at his junk than his face.

“You’re tired,” Dick sounded worried, but more than that, guilty.

“Sort of,” Jason agreed, trying to blink some of the said tiredness away. He was more than
tired, but admitting his blood was heating a little (even in the colder weather) probably
wasn’t the best idea at the moment. His Alpha was definitely…pleased, and that was
something Jason knew he needed to control. “Wow, these things look even more horrifying
this way.”

“It’s that,” Cat reached down to point at the animated elephant's mouth, or more
appropriately, at one of the animal's tusks.


Well, that sure topped discussing a penis, anyway.

“Tusks. They’re big teeth.” Or so Jason assumed.

“Elongated canines,” Dick nodded. “But they can do lots of things with them like dig, eat,
protect themselves, kind of like the stuff we use our hands for,” He said to Cat. “Pretty cool,

“Uh-huh,” Cat agreed.

Jason’s mouth lifted at Dick and his once again much more detailed explanation, “Show off.
Here,” he handed the pamphlet up to the girl. “Read up on it since you’re so interested.”
Cat knew a few words and would enjoy the pictures more than him anyway.

Or at least he tried to hand it, but the girl lost her grip and the paper went flying, disappearing
into the wind. “Daddy!”


“It’s okay. I’ll get another one,” Dick volunteered.

Cat wiggled to get down, “Wait. I want to come too. Daddy, can I?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

It wasn’t too far so Jason didn’t argue against it and let her down to join the Omega. He could
clearly see them both and the area wasn’t super packed so it seemed safe enough.

The two took off hand in hand and Cat chatted about something, making the man smile and
nod along as they walked. She’d loved all the animals so far and hell, if Dick wanted to gush
about them too, he could have at it.

Jason meanwhile, found a nice bench to watch them from. He stretched and rolled his neck
and held in a yawn, happy for the small chance to rest his legs.

“Man…this place sucks ass and everything smells like shit.”

Well, so much for the respite.

The closest of the two Alpha’s that had suddenly overtaken the second bench, the taller and
arguably uglier one, sniffed in agreement with his companion, “Yeah, Travis was definitely
lying about the MILFS here. I haven’t seen a single one.”

And Jason wasn’t that old, or out of touch, he definitely knew what that meant.

They both looked in their very early 20s and reeked of Alpha horniness. Though why they
were at the goddamn Zoo, searching for…Jesus, was this a new trend? ‘MILF’ hunting?

Did they realize the fire they were playing with going after most likely mated Omega
mothers? Was it a challenge? Some new weird clout chasing shit?

The world seemed to sink lower every goddamn day.

Jason sighed, glad Cat had gone with Dick instead of having to listen to these two geniuses
drool over hot…mothers.

Cat and Dick were searching through the wall of pamphlets, Dick stretching to grab one Cat
was pointing to.

“Wait, wait,” the taller one smacked the other’s arm, his eyesight in the same direction as
Jason, though for much different, less innocent, reasons, “Dude, look at that ass. I knew we’d
get one.”
Jason wanted to correct the other Alpha that he was the ass, but he had a feeling he was going
to be shutting these two down in a minute anyway.

The second creep’s neck craned to get a better view. He whistled lowly as Dick turned around
and yep…this wasn’t going to go at all how either of them thought, “Damn dude, that’s not
just a sweet ass, that’s the whole damn package. Could carry my litter all day, any day.”

“Fuck, that’s hot.”

The shorter creep licked his lips, starting to stand up. “Looks like he’s alone with just the kid,
let’s go.”

Jesus, fucking Christ.

“Are you two suicidal, or just plain fucking stupid?”

They stopped and the taller one shot back, “Hey, man, back off, we saw him…” He fell off as
he took a moment to study Jason’s extra size to his own, still evident even when he was
sitting. The pea-sized brain inside the otherwise empty head was no doubt working overtime
as the man finally seemed to realize, “Wait…he’s yours?”

Jason could only chuckle, not because it was funny, just fucking moronic. Dick may not have
been ‘his’ but these two numbskulls were going to get beat senseless by someone with a lot
less control than Jason if they kept this shit up trying to get…whatever fucking thrill this was
supposed to be, “Do yourselves a favor and get the hell out of here. Now.”

There was a hesitation, like the guy honestly thought he had some kind of fighting chance,
but he instead ultimately scoffed, “Whatever, man.”

Jason pointed behind him to show which direction they should go, “That way. Don’t even
look at him again. Understand?”

The two stomped off and Jason…well things had certainly changed since the days of
sneaking into glorified strip clubs. Now even family destinations were hunting grounds for

God, Jason was suddenly way more tired. Another thing he'd no doubt start seeing at work,
Alpha’s complaining about punks going after their husbands and wives when their kids were

Achieving Christ knows what to get their rocks off.

“Look, daddy.” Cat ran up to him, holding a different paper than the one they’d originally
gone searching for. She had a few new pamphlets filled with more new animals.


Dick, however, seemed to sense something was off, joining Jason on the bench, “Everything
Jason thought about making a joke about needing to add more clothing layers in the future,
but decided against it.

Thinking about a term like ‘in the future’…was probably premature of him anyway.

He went with playing exhausted, which was still very much a part of the truth, if not all of it,
“Any chance we can get the animals to come to us now instead?” Dick’s mouth lifted in
understanding while Cat grabbed Jason’s arm to get him up. No sympathy at all.

“Didn’t think so.”


“Tell me he’s not adorable.”

Jason looked over at the giraffe-shaped chicken tender being pressed by his mouth in a light
almost kiss. The Alpha really did look drained and Dick wanted to get him to at least smile
and figured a little snack refuel might help too, “Isn’t it a little sick to be eating chicken…in
the shape of other animals…in front of birds…at a zoo?”

Dick saw he had a fair point (if one were feeling as grumpy and unimaginative as the Alpha
seemed to be at that moment). Their booth was next to a safely meshed aviary, so they could
watch the colorful creatures while they ate.

Jason just appeared…somewhere between antsy and tired and Dick couldn’t help feeling
more than partially responsible.

“I think I should take the couch tonight,” Dick decided. He’d thought about it pretty much all
day and kicking Jason out of his bed had felt…wrong. Especially after everything he’d done
for the Omega.

Jason considered it for less than half a second, “Nope,” he answered before biting off the
giraffe's head, leaving Dick with the bottom half and a fake scoff at his manners. The alpha
chewed and made a face, “Never mind what I said. That is not any kind of real meat and
definitely not chicken.”

“Jason…” Dick tried.

The man shrugged, “It’s fine. I can handle another night. And honestly, I’m gonna have to
throw out those sheets anyway.”

The Omega smell probably. Now Dick felt even worse.

“It’s not the end of the world,” Jason assured to Dick’s worried frown.

“I guess…” Dick bit his lip, placing the rest of the tender in his mouth. He swallowed before
adding, “I just wonder why you’re doing this. Helping me and…”

“I want to.”

Jason almost sounded amused, “Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m an Alpha. I’m doing it
because I want to, Dick. No one’s making me.” It wasn’t harshly said, but the words rang true
enough. And the man did honestly have choices that Dick himself would just never have.
And the Alpha was apparently…choosing this. “I’m not really a by-the-books kind of guy, I
do what I think is well…right, I guess. Hell,” Jason popped another animal-shaped (not)
chicken piece into his mouth, “I don’t even know how I still have a job sometimes.”

“You’re charming and handsome,” Dick offered with a smile. It was a tease, but in no way
was he telling a lie.

Jason chewed and gave a half-smile at the compliment, “Except I don’t think my boss is
trying to get into my pants. He’s…hell, I don’t know what he is.” He finally swallowed, “You
know once you get past the plastic taste, these aren’t half bad.”

Dick munched on one of the abandoned fries instead and Jason yawned, “What about you,

“I believe my words were, they’re adorable,” Dick reminded.

Jason gave a short laugh and a headshake, “No. I mean…I guess I didn’t really have much
time to prepare anything, but are you gonna be okay? I don’t want to set anything…,” he
looked over to the other side of the booth, but luckily Cat was distracted with the birds.

And everything seemed to tumble from the fun lightness into the dark depths of frozen icy
water. The frozen cold Dick had lived in years.

“That…won’t be a problem.”

Jason looked surprised at how flatly he said it, but…Dick's eyes found one of the many
pregnant Omegas he’d seen in that area alone. The entire animal park had been filled with

This was Jason, someone Dick felt he could trust. But Jason was also an Alpha and Dick

“It’ll be fine,” Dick felt his smile return, however shaky. “I don’t…” He felt foolish for
having to censor the discussion of his non-existent heats, but the setting didn’t seem
appropriate for openly talking about the topic either. “It’s not a concern.”

There was a pause that made Dick worried.

“Okay.” Jason’s eyes clearly said he wanted more, even if he didn’t demand it, but at least
Dick could breathe again.

“Kit,” Jason then called to Cat across the booth. The girl was entertaining a very animated
cockatoo and was either too engaged or ignoring him. Dick thought it might be the latter.
Jason tossed a disgusted hand towards the food, “23 bucks on some fake chicken and she’s
more interested in playing Dr. Doolittle.”

“More for us, I guess.”

“Yeah,” Jason grabbed another tender to eat. “She’ll be complaining about being hungry in
less than an hour though. Watch.”

“She does the same thing at snack time and lunch,” Dick acknowledged.

Although now that Dick knew about her attachment to the Alpha about sleeping (and
realizing why she never napped well, if ever) maybe Cat didn’t like food not made by Jason
either. She’d had no problems with the pancakes earlier.

Crossing his arms to rest on the table, Jason sighed, “Well, since my daughter won’t listen
anymore I guess I have no choice but to,” he paused for added effect, as if knowing she was
secretly listening. “…sell her to the circus.”

“Really?” Cat’s eyes lit up at the idea as she finally turned her attention from her new bird

Jason gave an exasperated, but somehow still humored look.

Dick didn’t quite hold in a laugh.

“I still blame you for this, you know,” Jason pointed the tender at Dick.

Dick leaned over, playfully plucking the food from Jason’s fingers, he decided, “I think I can
live with that.”


“Never again,” Jason vowed to the sofa as he collapsed against it.

Dick removed Jason’s scarf and hung it on the coat rack by the door, “I think what daddy
means is that it was fun and he can’t wait to do it again.”

“No, daddy said what he said and meant every word,” Jason mumbled.

Cat kissed his cheek with her new stuffed parrot, “Thank you, daddy.”

Jason turned so he could look at her better. He was sure Dick had a hand in reminding or
rather prodding her to say that, but…Jason moved some of the hair so it was somewhat back
in its hair tie. “Did you have a good time?”

She nodded, though Jason could tell she would probably be passing out soon from all the
activity catching up to her.

“Good,” he kissed her cheek in return for the earlier bird peck. “Now go introduce…” he
glanced at the parrot thinking of what name she’d given it, “Polly?”

“Right,” The stuffed thing would no doubt be eating meals with them from now on. “Go find
him a nice home.”

She sprinted off and Dick’s light chuckle and sweet smell pleasantly filled the space as the
Omega took the spot next to him. Leaning back and stretching, the man asked, “It wasn’t
really that bad, was it?”

Jason watched the movement with unwavering eyes, barely hearing the question. The man’s
frame was pretty much perfect. Soft where it should be and more toned in others. Muscled
and sculpted into immaculate lines, evident even under the slightly too big clothes…


He would have told her to head back to her room and make Petey’s introduction a bit longer,
but Jason’s instincts were immediately alerted at the tone of Cat’s voice.

Dick also looked alarmed, stopping his movements to ask, “What’s wrong.”

She came faster into the room, joining them on the couch and basically flying into Dick’s
arms, “I saw someone outside,” she said into his chest.

Dick looked at Jason in shock, appearing to not know if it was serious or an overreaction or
what to do.

Jason had never seen her like this, it was an apartment so people walked by sometimes, but
all the feelings of earlier, of feeling…watched.

He opened the hall closet and grabbed his gun.

“Stay here.”

Opening the front door, Jason again found nothing, even as he searched the area, gun at the

“Pathetic,” said a sneering voice behind him.

It was a voice Jason had only really heard once, but once was more than enough to remember

Jesus Christ.

Jason knew how to sweep out legs well enough and maybe it was worth teaching a lesson
about being a creepy little peeping Tom, but…the Alpha sighed, wondering how it was he
should be more surprised but yet somehow…wasn’t.

Sharkboy had followed the trail and Jason…was tired. And annoyed.

Ultimately, however, the intruder was still a kid.

And there was really only one way Jason could think of to deal with a little pest who had
clearly forgotten just who the Alpha here was.

This was Jason’s home, his territory.


Whatever haughty, rude, or bratty thing Damian Wayne was going to say was cut off as Jason
turned around, grabbed the scruff of the kid’s neck, and tossed him into the apartment.
Chapter 18
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

They sat on the couch, both watching the back door. Jason nursed a beer, not quite sure he
had expected this kind of reaction from Dick. The man always seemed so even-keeled,
almost alarmingly so (even when being screamed at by an asshole Alpha), so seeing him
march back and forth angrily, hands on his hips…

Jason didn’t know if he should be alarmed, pull out some popcorn and enjoy the show, or
turned the hell on.

He knew he should still be pissed and Jason had been, no mistake about that, but watching
Dick immediately march the child out onto the porch…

They’d been out there a while and every time Dick mused and fussed with his hair, no doubt
in frustration, Jason bit his lip.

That’s why Jason had left to get a beer in the first place. He’d needed a small distraction and
to get up and not watch the Omega’s movements, a moment to clear his head.

Which hadn’t worked well, or done much of anything.

Had Jason always been this fascinated with hair? Wanting to feel it and touch it. Every damn
time Dick even so much as did…really anything with it…it just spiked something in the

Twisting locks of gold through his fingers he watched the Omega sleep. The other man looked
softer then, still pretty, but he felt more real…more…like Jason might one day actually know
his name, his past, his real-life story. Not the bullshit Jason had found out was all lies, but
something authentic.

Something genuine.

The beer suddenly felt twice as cold in his hands and Jason held in a sigh. Guess he had.

“He’s in big trouble, huh, Daddy?”

It was the one solace Jason had to see Cat be more curious than scared once she caught a
good look at the ‘intruder.’

“Looks that way.”

Dick had not been pleased. But he also somehow didn’t seem as shocked as he should be
either (and yet neither had Jason) so…this was probably normal behavior for the little brat.

“Mr. Grayson’s really mad.”

Jason nodded in response because he could hardly disagree, “Sure is.”

He was sure Damian was still somehow glaring at him, even though his back was turned to
the Alpha. In fact, the boy surprisingly took the rant with a slightly turned down head. Not
quite submissive, but at least maybe with some…regret?

Jason was emphasizing big on the maybe.

“Is he gonna have to go to time out?” Cat asked, toying with one of the couch pillows while
looking thoughtful. Petey the parrot had taken up residence in his lap and Jason had to take a
sip to keep from laughing at the thought.

Truthfully, he’d expected to have to tear the kid a new one himself, he hadn’t expected Dick
to (from the looks of it) basically do it for him.

Jason placed the can on the table next to Cat’s crayon (adding to the collection he still needed
to clean), “Well you can’t go sneaking onto other people’s property.” But honestly, Jason
doubted Damian Wayne had ever been sent on a time-out. Although, feeling Dick’s almost
maternal bond with the boy…

The back door slid open with the return of Dick and Damian. Jason probably should have
looked away and pretended they weren’t watching basically the whole exchange, but
Damian’s lifted head and narrowed eyes let him know things were far from over.

God help the world if this kid turned out to be an Alpha. At least Bruce had the decency to
know how to bullshit in his contempt.

Dick closed the door. He put his weight back on it for a minute and exhaled before stating,
“Damian has something he’d like to say.”

“I’m sure he does,” Jason deadpanned. He then realized Dick was…trying and although the
Omega swallowed and nodded, Jason noticed his expression fell a little too.

In contrast, Damian’s countenance grew tighter, his mouth more twisted in his frown.

“My scaring the girl was…unintentional,” he finally bit out.

Jason waited, sure Dick had coached him on something actually remorseful to say, judging by
the other man’s expectant wrist rolling for him to continue.

Cat hugged her legs, looking unsure what to think.

The silence stretched.

…and stretched.

“That’s it?” Jason finally asked, because someone had to fucking say something.

Damian bristled like an angry cat. Like Jason had challenged his very existence, “You have a
terrible security system, as in none whatsoever, I was right to come here.”
Jason blinked.

Dick nursed his forehead like he was fighting off a headache, his whole body moving with
his sigh.

Jason was getting slightly pissed again. “Is that supposed to be an apology? You’ve been
creeping around doing god knows what, frightening my kid into almost tears, and that’s all
you have to say?”

Damian didn’t look dressed down in the slightest, so assuming there was any kind of regret
had clearly been nothing but Jason’s imagination. It might have been simply the physical
reaction of a child wanting to appease a distressed Omega, which made Jason wonder even
more how deep Dick’s and Damian’s bond actually was.

“You’re a real…” Jason shook his head to stop himself and snorted. He reached for his beer,
drowning the rest of it in one go. Christ help him from doing something he’d regret.

Damian watched the action with a sneer, “You can’t possibly think I would leave him alone
with you. Drake may trust you, for whatever soft-hearted, misguided reason, but I don’t.”

“Yeah, I got that after you called me a fiend.”

“Damian,” Dick rebuked lightly.

Damian’s brow rose, “I still stand by that. Maybe even more so.”

“Of course, you do.”

There were so many questions, like how long the little bastard had been camped out, but
also… “How the hell did you even get here?”

“I have my ways.”

Jason turned to Dick, already done with the kid and his continued attitude and arrogance,
“He’s going home, right?”

Dick opened his mouth…

“If he stays, so do I.”

Like the brat had the end say so.

Jason felt his lip lift in a slight growl, “I wasn’t asking you.”

“Those are the terms.”

“This isn’t a negotiation.”

“It’s not,” Damian agreed, as if Jason were the simple one not understanding. “I already said I
was staying as long as he is.”
Jason again looked at Dick, “Seriously, who can we call to get him?”

The man sighed, “I’ll…call Tim again to at least let him know where he is.”

That was not the same thing as coming to pick him up and judging by Dick’s dodging of
direct eye contact as he said it, the Omega was well aware of that.

“And he’ll come to get him?”

“I’m not leaving,” Damian insisted.

“I don’t think he’s leaving daddy,” Cat ‘whispered’.

And that was when Jason decided he’d had more than enough of this shit.

He needed to play Alpha?


Rising from the couch he moved to the center of the room, so he could be squarely in front of
everyone before pointing, “Everyone’s asses on the couch. Now.”

He’d taken the energy and focus of everyone and made his demand inescapable and frankly,
Jason was fine with that.

Dick meekly took the spot next to Cat, where Jason had previously been, but Damian…

Pushing the boy so he almost flew headfirst into the furniture, Jason clarified, so there would
be no fucking confusion, “You too, pipsqueak.”

Damian turned and glared, “My genetics show I’ll be much taller and more powerful than
you so I’d watch your…”

Jason cut him off, “Well, you gotta live that long to even get there now, don’t you?” he
reminded with a snap. “So sit down and shut up.”

Damian angrily took the last spot, but it might have been more Dick tugging him down into it
than him agreeing freely.

And Jason got on with it.

“We live by my rules here. This isn’t the manor. I don’t want to see any more snooping, going
through shit that isn’t yours, and don’t even think about making my daughter upset.”

He realized this was literally all aimed at Damian, but whatever.

“And I swear to god, nobody else better show up here unless it’s to take you home,” Jason
didn’t even bother hiding it anymore and pointed at Damian directly. He exhaled. “Got it?”

Damian made a half-grumbled sound in his throat. Not a growl, but close to it.
“Is that a yes?” Jason asked Dick.

Dick’s shoulder lifted slightly, not exactly as confident as Jason would have liked. “We
usually take it that way.”

“Fine, now we’re all gonna have some dinner and I swear to god any complaints, even a face
at what there is, and you’re out.”


Jason glared, his shoulders squared and he stood taller, he wasn’t kidding about tossing the
kid out and it seemed Damian finally realized that as whatever he was going to say fell off.

The boy sank back into the couch. Arms tightly crossed, he looked slightly dejected.

Jason couldn’t hold in a smirk. Winning a battle against a child wasn’t the highlight of his
life, but…

…most children also weren’t Damian Wayne.


Dick couldn’t believe it, pacing back and forth he just…

“I don’t trust him.”

“Damian, that’s…”

Damian’s eyes were sharp, “I couldn’t do anything then, but I will now.”

Dick shook his head. Not even sure how to argue against that.

Damian lifted the covers, looking at them in distaste. He let them fall as he observed Jason’s
room further, the room they’d all decided it was better he stayed in with Dick, “Tacky.”

Jason’s warning had seemed to somewhat stick, but Damian was still…Damian.

“What does tacky mean?”

Cat had taken to shadowing the older boy, seemingly oddly fascinated by him. Dick was
relieved the girl wasn’t forever scared of him after Damian’s horrible and thoughtless
introduction and terrifying the poor thing. Instead, she’d retrieved a stuffed monster toy
‘Scruffy’ with a grumpy-looking face she swore looked just like him and had tried many
times to get Damian to agree.

Damian didn’t look humored at the comparison, but Dick also realized the boy hadn’t really
dealt with younger children much (if at all), and all things considered, he was being
surprisingly patient (if still blunt) with her.

“Don’t they teach you things in school?” Damian asked her, hand on his hip.
“I just learned a bunch about animals,” she stated proudly.

“And she’s a very good artist,” Dick chimed in.

Damian looked unimpressed, “You mean those…things all over the refrigerator?”

“Hey, I supervised the making of most of those,” Dick defended. He looked down at Cat.
“And you shouldn’t really use the word tacky like that, it’s not nice. Don’t tell your daddy

“Daddy already heard,” Jason's voice came from the doorway that he pretty much filled. He
swept a tired hand across his face, “Kit, you’re supposed to be in bed.”

“I was just leaving Scruffy,” the girl insisted, sitting the toy on the bed.

“Uh-huh,” Jason moved so she could stand by him. “Now say goodnight.” He actually
seemed to be saying it more to Damian, his green eyes daring the boy not to. Dick couldn’t
blame him for still being upset, the Omega knew he needed to talk to the Alpha, privately.

Damian’s goodnight sounded more like a busted car engine trying to start than anything, a
stark contrast to Cat’s, but it seemed enough to satisfy Jason to scoot the girl down towards
her room.

He then turned to snap, “Sorry it’s not up to your standards, there’s always the outside
pavement if you prefer.” And with that he left, not quite closing the door.

Jason was…definitely unhappy.

And with guilt welling up inside him, Dick knew he couldn’t leave it at that.


It wasn’t Dick's footsteps as the man crept towards the couch that alerted Jason to his
presence. It was seeing his reflection when the TV went black for a moment.

And the smell, of course.

“Are you asleep?” the man softly asked.

“Not unless I’ve learned how to answer questions in my sleep,” Jason grumbled into the
crappy, itchy pillow. He knew he was misplacing his anger at the last person who deserved it
and sighed, lightening his tone. “No, I’m awake.”

“Can I…” Dick motioned to a spot on the couch and Jason moved his legs before sitting up,
giving him enough room.

“Is he…”

Dick seemed to understand before Jason had to finish, “He’s asleep. My scent on the sheets is
pretty strong, especially without the…” he motioned at his shoulder. “He’s a pretty heavy

“He sleep with you a lot?”

“He used to, for a while,” Dick admitted. “Talia…didn’t like it that much so we stopped.”

Cutting a brat like Damian off to someone who radiated as much warmth as Dick definitely
seemed incredibly ill-thought out, “Can’t imagine he’s taking it well.”

Which was clearly obvious.

“Not really,” Dick agreed. He looked down for a minute, toying with a loose thread before
continuing, “I wanted to say I’m sorry by the way, I didn’t…”

“You are not seriously going to apologize for him, are you?”

“I…” the man looked slightly lost and Jason cursed again at how snappy he was being.

“What I mean is, it’s not your fault.” He clarified. “He doesn’t seem like he listens to much of
anyone.” Jason gave out a light laugh, “I still want to know how the hell he even got here.”

“I would guess some share riding service, I’m sure Bruce will be furious when he sees the

Jason clicked his teeth at the idea, “Well, at least Bruce didn’t show up too, I guess.”

“Yeah,” Dick’s eyes found the television screen and seemed to stay there. It was a stupid
infomercial, but for whatever reason appeared to have his full attention. He stared, unblinking
at it, almost alarmingly still.


“Can we…” Dick’s voice was barely above a whisper, “…change this?”

Jason did, noting as he clicked the remote that it was some Omega product being displayed
on the screen. He was tempted to go back and see exactly what, but his immediate concern
about Dick’s reaction stopped him.

“Sorry, I…”

Jason stopped him, “It’s late, no more apologies, okay?”

“It has been a long day,” Dick agreed, eyes shining against the dimness of the room.

“Saw way more elephant dick than I wanted to,” Jason conceded over a yawn.

A laugh, “Cat had fun though.”

“Did you?” Jason asked, slightly teasing.

“I enjoy spreading my knowledge wherever I can,” Dick replied with a cocky grin before the
smile turned more genuine. “I did though, yeah. It was nice to be…unrestricted for a day.”

“You’re gonna go back on it?”

Dick gave his own yawn and a quick neck stretch, “On the patch? Yeah, I kind of have to.”
He sighed, smoothing some wrinkles from the sweatpants he’d changed back into, “I didn’t
expect I would still be doing this at this age. I thought…” he fell off with a shrug. “I do love
doing it though so I don’t mind having to wear it.”

Lying about your whole existence, just to appease the fucked up views of society…but Jason
was sure there was more he wasn’t saying. The report (or rather the redaction of basically
everything in it) kept bringing up a bad taste in Jason’s mouth.

Dick continued, his words sounding more unsure, “I guess that is if I can go back to it. This
was all approved by Bruce, even if I didn’t really want him involved, but he owns the school,
the car, technically it’s his call.”

Well, goddamn. That was… “You think Bruce will…forbid you to go back to work?”

Dick’s eyes wavered, his voice cracking a little, “I don’t know. I hope not.”

Now Jason was the one feeling apologetic, the idea that the Omega would lose his job over…
just wanting a little time away?

“It’s okay,” Dick said to his frown, leaning forward so he could brush his thumb against
Jason’s mouth lightly to try and smooth it away. “I knew it was a possibility. I said okay


Dick smiled, letting his hand fall. “You have quite the reputation, you know.”

Jason raised a brow. No reputation he’d ever been associated with had been particularly in his
favor, “And what’s that?”

“You’re the gossip of all the teachers at lunch. They call you,” he quoted, using his fingers
for emphasis, “Hot Dad.”

“...Hot dad?” Jason repeated in disbelief.

Dick held his hands and laughed, “Don’t blame me, I didn’t start it.”

“Well now, I’m insulted.”

“I didn’t say it wasn’t true…but,” Dick took a breath, “it would suck to not have hot dad as
one of my bragging points anymore.” Jason could tell Dick was only slightly joking and the
idea did, in fact, bother him a lot more than he was letting on.

“Kit would be devastated.”

Dick bit his cheek and nodded.

The mute television showed some old sitcom and Dick finally spoke again. “Anyway,” he
started to get up, “I should let you get some sleep.”

“Or,” Jason offered, grabbing his wrist to stop him, “You could stay out here.”

Dick hesitated a breath.

“It’s a small couch, Jason.”

Jason didn’t want to say he knew for a fact that the couch could fit two people just fine for
sleeping, that Dick was pretty much the same size as…

“Not that small.”

“You said repeatedly how horrible it is to sleep on,” But Dick was kneeling back on the
cushion as Jason laid back, avoiding the Alpha’s legs as the taller man positioned himself on
his side.

“It is,” Jason assured. “But it would feel a lot less terrible with some company.”

Dick appeared nervous, “That…I don’t know.”

“You seem pretty flexible to me, we’ll fit,” Jason countered.

“That’s not the...problem.”

“I know, it’s just to sleep, okay? Nothing else.”

Jason knew, but the Alpha…was afraid? Was that the right word? He was afraid he’d found
another man he was going to lose. That Bruce would make it impossible for Dick to ever be
in Jason’s company again, that Cat would lose the teacher she loved, that…


Dick lowered himself so he could fit right in Jason’s arms. The larger man wrapped himself
around him and…

Dick's voice was warm, sweet like his scent, “Thank you, Jason. For…everything.”

Jason didn’t respond, he couldn’t. He didn’t even know what to say. So he focused instead on
wrapping his arms tighter, hoping the Omega felt secure even if it was just for this one night.

This might be Jason’s only chance to do this and goddammit, he was going to savor every
moment of it.

Chapter End Notes

So since I’m no longer using my tumblr if you’d like to follow my art for this please
check out my link below.

As always, thank you for reading.

Chapter 19
Chapter Notes

Warnings for me realizing I’ve written the apartment more like the ones where I live
than they would be in Gotham, because I forgot apparently. So please excuse that.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Something sharp tickled his nose making Dick shift his face away from the onslaught. Not
actual spikes, though they might have felt that way at first, hair, just very sharply cut hair. A
familiar scent, not quite strong in one way or the other, not an Alpha, Beta or Omega, simply
clean, with only the slightest hint of spice. Dick murmured at the arms around him, the
recognizable weight and how the boy nuzzled at his neck.

It was nice, but…


Talia was going to be upset again…Dick had to get the boy off.

Damian mumbled a whine at the slight push, causing Dick to open his eyes.

It took a few moments of blinking away the fog and moving hair from his vision to realize
there were arms not only holding him from the front, but also the back. Damian was in his
favorite sleeping position of facing him and stuffing his face near the crook of Dick’s neck
but there was also a weight behind the Omega, a much more sizable form that was…

“...just to sleep…”


The Alpha was so warm and comforting, better than any blanket.

Dick wasn’t sure when or more importantly how Damian had shimmied his way into fitting
on the couch with the two of them, but he had certainly seemed determined to do so. Running
a hand through the boy’s hair, Dick sighed. He needed to maneuver out of the pretzel of limbs
around him. Dick needed to…relieve himself if nothing else.

After managing to slip out, thankfully still more than limber enough to not pull anything or
wake either of them up, Dick placed the pillow he’d been using in his previous spot. He
hoped it would make up for his disappearance and also give enough space so neither the
Alpha nor child would actually be touching.
Reaching over, he brushed Jason’s cheek to see just how asleep he was, Dick made a mental
promise to try and come back quickly to avert any unneeded chaos.

As he finished his business, noting again his horrifyingly messy reflection in the mirror
before switching off the bathroom light, Dick began heading back towards the couch. He
didn’t make it very far before the reality of what had actually happened hit him. Grabbing the
hallway wall to support himself, Dick realized he’d quite literally just slept with Jason and…

Why hadn’t Damian flipped out more?

And better yet, why was Dick flipping out now?

His eyes wandered, trying to calm himself down. Jason had welcoming, rich colors around
his apartment and nice soothing, stylized art pieces that while abstract were still beautiful.
And there was also the feeling of a well-loved home, a content, well-cared-for child,
everything an Omega would want and…Dick breathed.

And it was then his eyes caught something Dick thought for sure he was imagining but, as he
had to remind himself, yet again (not from the lack of smell or his frame certainly) Jason was
an Alpha. Still, Dick’s heart sank a little.

“I would suggest reading chapter 12 of this.”

The newest Doctor tapped his pen against the closed book cover, “There’s quite an
interesting idea that stubborn Omegas who don’t react at all to treatment might be blocking
their own ability to get pregnant. Put simply,” he wrote something in her notebook and tore
off the page before stuffing it under the cover of the book. “He’s either not trying hard
enough, or…” his words carved into Dick’s very soul, “he simply doesn’t want it to happen.”

Dick’s fault. He could feel Slade’s eyes on him, but kept his gaze on the wall behind the
Doctor. He was always screwing up.

But what if it was true? What if…

Dealing With Omegas, the cover was different, but it was clearly the same book. Tentatively
taking it from the shelf, Dick pursed his mouth, took a breath, and let the volume fall open
somewhere in the middle.

The immediate bombardment of notes on almost every page, ranging from bored doodles to
angry rants, was quite shocking. Turning the pages, Dick found the word bullshit written
many times on several different pages. Underlined sentences with the words ‘who writes this
shit’? filled almost an entire page and caused Dick to pause. It was all in Jason’s handwriting.
In fact, the whole book, or at least a large part of it anyway, seemed to be filled with the
Alpha’s commentary of anger and annoyance.

Dick’s eyes burned a little as he shakily put it back. His breathing was troubled for an entirely
different reason now. The Omega felt slightly stupid for the smile on his face, but also guilty
he hadn’t given Jason more credit. The man clearly had his own mind and didn’t hesitate
speaking it and…Jesus, Dick did not need yet another reason to find this man so absolutely…
“I water them every day,” Came Cat’s almost indignant voice from the kitchen.

“Overwatering can kill as easily as underwatering, you need to make sure they’re safe from
the elements more than anything, especially in weather like this. You really should read up on
gardening before attempting it.”

Oh no.

“Elements? What’s that mean?”

Rounding the corner, Dick almost bumped into Damian, who looked beyond frazzled. How
long had Dick been looking at that book that the boy was now awake? “There you are, will
you…” Damian raised a frustrated hand at Cat who was busy filling a watering can in the
sink. “She asks a ridiculous amount of questions.”

“Damian, she’s four.”

Cat shut off the water and hopped down from her stool, “I was gonna show Damian my
flowers,” She struggled to say his name a little, but it made it sound all the sweeter.

Damian sighed, “She doesn’t seem to realize I’ve already seen them. And the sorry state
they’re in at that.”

“She’s four,” Dick repeated, quietly so only Damian could hear. “Be nice.” He glanced
around for Jason, hoping there hadn’t been any incident, although Dick was pretty sure he
would have heard it had there been one. How had Damian not made a scene at waking up?
“Is Jason…”

“The oaf is still sleeping,” Damian sneered, his expression darkening. “He’s sneakier and
more brazen than I thought, but I was expecting it.”

Dick could only sigh.

“It’s only,” Dick peered at the stove’s clock, then blinked in disbelief, “not even 6 in the
morning? Seriously, we should all be sleeping. And stop it,” he pointed his words at Damian,
“No oafs, no fiends, stop it.” Dick didn’t even touch the rest of Damian’s accusation.

“I have to water the flowers,” Cat insisted.

Damian crossed his arms and shook his head, “I will take no part in that. They’re already in a
weakened state and you’re going to kill them.”

“No, I’m not,” the girl insisted, starting to sound upset.

“Okay, okay,” Dick put his hands up to stop them both. “We'll water your flowers, okay?”
Dick said to Cat. He almost got the feeling the girl wanted to show them off more than
anything. “And…”

“I refuse.”
Dick tilted his head at him, then shrugged, “Guess it’s just you and me then, kiddo,” he
addressed Cat slyly, knowing full well Damian was going with them too, despite his
insistence otherwise. “Go put on something warm though, it’s probably cold out there.”

Cat took off, leaving her can on the table and Dick turned to Damian, “Stop telling her
they’re going to die.”

“It’s the truth.”

“Then show her how she can stop it. She’s a lot younger than you and you’re just making her
sad. Maybe she’d like it if you taught her something instead of talking down to her.”

Damian blinked.

“Nicely,” Dick added, because god did he need to emphasize that.

“Don’t patronize me,” But the words did seem to be sinking in slightly. “Fine,” Damian
ground out just as Cat returned, reaching again for her small watering can.

“Okay, since Daddy,” Damian’s nose twisted up at his use of the word, but Dick ignored him,
“is still sleeping, let's be careful to be extra quiet so we don’t wake him.” Jason deserved to
sleep, especially after all the craziness of yesterday.

Damian rolled his eyes and Cat nodded. Two very contrasting, yet entirely expected

Dick opened the front door as softly as he could to let the three of them out, making sure to
close it equally as soft behind him.

Jason, thankfully, still seemed fast asleep.

The sun was barely starting to rise, painting the sky a deep purple and yellow, and Dick
initially had to shield his eyes from the blinding rays before adapting to them. The air was
more than nippy, making the man wish he’d taken his own advice and at least grabbed
Jason’s hoodie.

Cat immediately pointed Damian towards a few potted flowers Dick hadn’t noticed before.
Apparently, being out here for however long he had, the boy was already familiar.

Dick stretched, enjoying the outside air despite the cold. He watched Cat explain the different
plants to Damian and watched the boy struggle not to tell her everything she was wrong

It seemed he was trying, if obviously struggling, which was…

“Excuse me?” A soft voice came from behind him. Dick quickly turned to address the person
and was met with a petite blonde Beta fiddling with her hair. She seemed almost…nervous?

She studied Dick for a moment, looking him up and down. “Oh, are you her mother?” but she
sounded doubtful.
Dick shook his head, “Um no, I’m…I’m just visiting,” he said with a smile.

“Oh,” the woman took this in with more hair fiddling. “So neither of them are yours?”

“No, we’re…family friends.”

Did Dick know this woman? There was something so oddly familiar about her but he
couldn’t place where he’d seen her or if he was just mistaking her for someone else.

“I guess they don’t really look like you,” it wasn’t said rudely, but still felt…

“Who are you?” Damian demanded, stomping over, Cat all but hiding behind the boy.

“I live next door, I heard shouting yesterday, I wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
She looked at Dick again. He was starting to wonder if he had something in his teeth or on
his face, because she just kept…looking. Staring.

“We’re fine,” Damian supplied because for whatever reason Dick had suddenly lost his

Her blue eyes were now on Dick’s left hand, an indescribable expression on her face, “That’s

“I’m…sorry?” Did she mean his ring? That’s certainly where she was looking.

“Is there a part of we’re fine you don’t seem to understand?” Damian snapped.

Dick’s smile grew strained at his open rudeness, even if he would have preferred this woman
leave. “What he means is we’re…”

“It’s okay, I just…” Her almost vacant expression as she looked back at Dick’s face was
slightly startling. “...had to make sure.”

Dick smoothed down his hair, mostly for something to do and because he felt she was
somehow judging him…and Dick knew he wasn’t looking his best, “Well, thank you for
checking and um sorry for the noise. We'll try to be quieter from now on.”

Why wouldn’t she stop staring? Even as she nodded and turned to return home, Dick felt she
was still… looking at him.

The moment of unease was only broken when she entered her apartment door and…

“This would be the kind of people he lives next to. Completely deranged.” Damian declared.

Surprisingly, Cat agreed, “Daddy told me not to talk to her.”

Damian snorted, “Probably the smartest thing he’s ever said.”

“My daddy’s really smart,” Cat stated proudly.

Dick interrupted Damian before he could say anything to the contrary, as he no doubt would,
“Let’s go back inside.”


“This is ridiculous.”

Jason’s eyes fluttered open. Spotting the voice’s owner sitting crossed-legged in front of the
television, giving open commentary like some kind of know it all (which he definitely
fucking was)…Jason allowed them to fall closed again, letting out a low grumble into his

So much for wishing Damian’s disturbance had all been a bad dream brought on by the fake
chicken tenders.

At least the pillow smelled nice and Omega sweet, even if it was still itchy.

“No, it’s Beaver’s Big Adventure,” Cat’s voice corrected.

A scoff, “A talking beaver with a magical tophat? It’s ridiculous.”

“Guys, we’re trying to be quiet so he can sleep, remember?”

The only other male voice Jason actually wanted to hear. Well, he actually wanted Dick back
on the couch with him, but settled for sitting up into a yawn and stretching, “Too late.”

“Sorry,” Dick’s mouth twisted into an apologetic smile. “I tried.”

It was nice that the man was the first thing Jason could clearly see that day. He also didn’t
point out that Dick’s voice hadn’t been much quieter, because at least the sentiment was

“We made breakfast, daddy,” Cat jumped up so she could sit on his lap.

Jason spied a plate of dried-up bread on the table, slathered sloppily in jam. Dear Christ.


Was that what it was?

“Yep,” Dick took a slice and slipped into the couch beside him. “Want some?” he bit into the
piece, stretching the words out like a taunt. “It’s pretty good.”

It also looked severely burnt, and like it was crumbling in Dick’s hands, “I think I’ll pass.”

“That lady was outside again, Daddy.”

“Lady?” Jason moved a few curls from her face, his mind was still waking up and he was a
little lost by all the activity happening. “What Lady?”

Certainly better not have been another Wayne showing up at his door.
“Your neighbor,” Dick answered for Cat. “She’s…” he seemed to be trying to find a nice
word to say, but was falling short.

“Terra?” Jason could only assume it had to be her.

“She didn’t say her name, but I’m guessing so.”

“She asked if Mr. Grayson was my mother,” It sounded like Cat wasn’t sure if she should
find the idea silly or not.

Dick’s face visibly paled.

Jason studied the man and Dick’s sudden fiddling with the rest of his charcoal colored toast
before putting it back on the plate. Jason decided to tread the water carefully, speaking gently
down to Cat, “She did, huh?”

“Ridiculous,” Damian stated, though if he meant the show again or the current topic of
conversation was anyone’s guess as he hadn’t looked away from the screen.

“It was an honest mistake,” Dick however, still seemed off.

“Oh, oh, it’s Orange. Look,” Cat got down and pointed towards the back door where the giant
orange tabby was sitting on the balcony. “I’m gonna go feed him. Come meet Orange,” she
patted Damian on the head and the boy looked at her angrily.

Jason expected him to snap or push her away, but the boy instead shot up and stomped to the
back door and they both went outside. Jason was initially more than surprised until he saw
Damian intended to keep his position so he could watch them while simultaneously petting
the damn cat.

Meaning he continued to be a freak.

“I told him to be nicer to her, or to try to at least,” Dick chuckled, but he was now full-on
pressing his thumb into his ring for some reason and Jason wasn’t even sure if Dick was
aware he was doing it.

“What is it?” Jason asked, he could tell something was bothering him. “Is it Terra?”

Dick’s mouth twitched, “I…don’t know why, but I feel like I know her from somewhere.”

“I know the feeling,” Jason sighed. “We actually work together at the station, she came with
my new boss and now we’re neighbors, the whole thing has just been…kind of weird. And”
he put his hand on Dick’s arm so he would look at him. “I’ll talk to Kit about the…mother
comment,” In case that was concerning him too. “I kind of have to explain to her that she
can’t really talk about this at school anyway.”

Jason could already tell there was an apology coming and he stopped the Omega short,
“Nope, don’t say it.”

Dick’s mouth fell into a frown, “I just hope it didn’t bother her.”
“She’ll be fine,” Jason scratched at his jaw, feeling it might not be Cat who was upset by it.
“Did it bother you?”

It felt like a fair question given that…if this were to progress at all, it might not be out of the
question of it becoming at least some form of a reality.

Dick quickly shook his head, “No, not at all,…I’m just thinking.”


“An Omega can’t have his thoughts?” Dick’s smile returned, but…

Fuck it, Jason was going all in.

“You know you can talk to me, right? About anything. I’m not going to demand it, but…I’m
here,” Jason was dead ass serious. He wanted to know everything about this man, his past, his
present, and hopefully even his future.

“I know, I…you’re amazing and…” Dick’s voice sounded sore as he continued. “You deserve
things that I might not be able to give you. So does Cat, you both do.”

“That sounds…” Like Dick was breaking up with him before they’d even really begun.

“It’s not a cop-out, I promise. Just…I can’t…,” The man looked down and the slight
annoyance at the answer Jason thought he was getting quickly turned to genuine worry. Dick
was distressed, very much so. The Omega’s voice fell to a shattered-sounding whisper as his
next three words filled the air almost like Dick was cutting physical pieces of himself to say
them, “I’m broken, Jason.”

And for the second time that weekend...Dick fled from him.

Jason heard the bathroom door shut, feeling once again…completely and utterly lost.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading.

Chapter 20
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“Well, well what do we have here?”

Dick barely managed to evade having his arm snatched up by the Alpha coming down the
hallway. The Omega had grown used to the layout of Slade’s house pretty quickly, and often
there were people (namely Alpha’s) coming and going. Some Alpha's he’d become familiar
with seeing and others he only ever saw once. Slade was an important man and Dick knew it
was part of his job as the police chief to have meetings with prestigious people, but this man
was unfamiliar and the first one to ever attempt to openly grab him. Dick had felt leering
eyes many times, but never had anyone reached for him (not here anyway). Not with Slade so
close by.

“I take back what I said, Wilson,” Eyes wandered the Omega’s form. Dick’s…lack of pants
under Slade’s button-up shirt seemed to especially amuse the taller, much older man. “I can
see what all the fuss is about.”

It was Sunday, so Dick could be forgiven for thinking wearing just an oversized shirt was
okay, Slade didn’t usually have meetings on weekends.

“Roman…” A deep warning for the man to shut his mouth as Slade’s form filled the hallway.

‘Roman’ apparently, took the cue and kept walking, a smiling jeer on his face as he gave a
waving yeah, yeah, motion with his hand, “Keep me informed on any updates.”

Dick watched him leave with disdain. Rubbing the wrist the man had tried to take hold of, he
declared, “What a creep.”

Slade didn’t agree or disagree as the man disappeared out the front door, instead raising a
brow at the papers in Dick’s hand, “And what have you been up to?”

“Researching,” Dick stated, his mood lifting once again as he remembered his original
purpose in finding the Alpha and presented the printouts with a proud grin.

“Oh?” Slade asked, smirking at his eagerness and taking the forms to look at them. “And
what sort of research is that?”

Dick moved some hair behind his ear, it was getting too long (even for his own tastes) and
was probably time for a cut, “I know you’ve been busy and I know you probably haven’t had
much time to…”

“These are about the missing Omegas,” Slade's tone wasn’t one of disappointment, but Dick
still felt he’d somehow done the wrong thing.
Dick licked his lips, “I…yeah, like I said, I know you’ve been busy and I thought I might be
able to help since…”

“I’ve told you these investigations take time.” Not impatience, but very close to it. Dick,
however, kept on.

“It’s been months and it just keeps happening and…”

“You’re safe, aren’t you?” Slade’s hand ran affectionately through The Omega’s hair, no
doubt to reassure him and Dick blinked at him. “I’ve made sure of that.”

“But it’s not just about me.” It never had been really, Dick had started to dance to find a way
to stop the disappearances entirely. He’d wanted to build trust enough that some Alpha
involved might spill something. Being in harm's way had been the least of Dick’s concerns.

Slade’s whole body moved with his sigh, but his words stayed more warm than cold, almost
humored as he titled his finger to prop up Dick’s chin to regard him, “You really are a
stubborn thing, aren’t you?”


“I admire what you’re trying to do, kid, I really do.”

Dick’s mouth fell, he hated it when Slade reminded him he wasn’t 18, or technically an adult
yet, but still…“I’m not a kid.”

“When you pout like that, I have to disagree,” Slade murmured, tracing the corner of Dick’s
lip with his thumb.

“I want to help.”

“I know,” Slade acknowledged. “But you need to trust me.”

“I do,” Dick did, wholeheartedly. “But…”

Slade traced the outline of Dick’s cheekbone, “I think you enjoy being difficult.”

“I think I was meant to be an Alpha,” Dick countered, feeling slightly annoyed at the brush-
off. He was only considered difficult because he was an Omega, something he still struggled

Slade chuckled, shaking his head at the idea as if it were completely ludicrous, “This face…
this…” he pushed the small of Dick’s back until he was flush to him. The large Alpha’s scent
flooded his entire being and Dick never wanted to pull away, “You were meant to be nothing
but what you are.”

“An Omega,” Dick mumbled into his powerful chest trying not to sound bitter.

“Mine,” Slade corrected. His declaration sent a shiver inside Dick the likes of which he’d
never felt before.
That night was the first time they had sex in the shower.

Jason’s shower was less grand surely, smaller, and more compact with a combination tub.
Staring back at it through the mirror while sitting on the tub's edge, Dick wished he could
disappear down the drain.


What was wrong with him? Why was he running…yet again?

“You’ll be back.”

He ran and came back, over and over again. But…


Dick tried to breathe through it, but no amount of trying to will away the fire, the unbearable
agony streaming through his veins was enough.

Water rained down on him, ice-cold against his tender skin, the marble of the shower only
making him feel worse. He tried to reach for his Alpha, begging him to help him, but Slade
wasn’t there…

Dick had tried, he’d wanted to make it better. But seeing Dick in an unnatural amount of pain
from the heat inducer had just made Slade angry as The Alpha talked aggressively to
someone on the phone in the other room. Too far away to reach and Dick passed out before
he ever could, wondering as he watched the water pool around him, if this was how he would
die. The pain and what felt like tearing at his insides made it seem he just might. If he didn’t
drown first.

Not even childbirth seemed it would hurt as much as those goddamn pills had…not that Dick
would ever know.

“You know an Alpha needs a rut and release as much as an Omega needs a heat, don’t you?
You know you're not fulfilling your duty and leaving him unsatisfied and frustrated.”

Dick didn’t want that, he’d never wanted that.

The pills had been the solution and the solution had failed.

Jason deserved more than Dick could give him. It wasn’t even just infertility but without
heats…Dick was basically useless as an Omega. Useless to an Alpha who wanted an
Omega…not less than half of one.

And yet…Dick, even knowing this…didn’t want to run from Jason. Even though he had,
twice already. Granted he couldn’t get far as he’d literally trapped himself in the house so to
speak but…

Hearing the shouting outside the door, probably closer to the living room area he’d just
escaped from, Dick’s whole body fell into a sigh as he put his face into his hands.
He had to stop doing this.

He…had to break the cycle.


“I knew it!” Damian proclaimed after he’d come racing into the house with no regard for the
preservation of Jason’s back door. “I knew you couldn’t be trusted.”

Jason considered knocking him back, mostly because the boy came at him so aggressively,
but honestly, he really didn’t need to add any more to the grief that he was already feeling.
And Damian was still much shorter and smaller than he seemed to imagine himself.

And no matter how much of a little shit he was…Damian clearly knew something Jason

“Don’t yell at my daddy!”

Jason raised a brow at his daughter’s outburst after seeing Damian charge up to him, but the
girl wasn’t done.

Damian didn’t have a hard time blocking the stuffed parrot he was being smacked with and
the toy was essentially a giant marshmallow, but the boy still stared wide-eyed, bewildered at
the smaller girl's sudden onslaught.

Jason may have let his daughter hit the boy a second time before reining her in, reaching
forward so he could grab her arm and pull her back. ”Kit,” he warned, “Enough.”

“He’s being mean to you, daddy.”

Jason removed the animal and placed it on the couch so she couldn’t try again. “That’s not
the same as him hitting, we don’t hit first, remember?” He eyed Damian. “No matter how
much they might deserve it.”

Damian looked properly thrown off, which was amusing if nothing else. Jason almost
wondered if getting attacked by a four-year-old was worse than anything The Alpha could
have done to him.

And before he could do much else, the sweet smell of an Omega returning made Jason’s heart
beat a tad faster.

Dick must have heard the commotion.

“I leave for two minutes and world war three erupts,” Hands on his hips, Dick reentered the
living room, looking more or less perfectly put together, especially considering his previous

Nothing could put into words how seeing Dick’s face crumple as he declared himself broken
had made Jason feel.

Dick cut Damian off with a weak smile, “I just had to use the bathroom, Dami. I’m fine.”

Damian crossed his arms, looking as annoyed as could be and despite not liking the kid all
that much, Jason could completely understand why. Dick was lying…and quite badly at that.

“Speaking of,” Dick looked sheepishly at Jason, pointing his thumb to motion behind him. “I
think I may have broken your sink or there’s something wrong with it. You might want to
come look at it”

Jason knew his sink was fine, but Damian probably didn’t. He took the cue and nodded,
giving a warning glance at Damian as Jason followed the Omega into the bathroom.

Dick turned as soon as Jason closed the door, “Your sink is…”

“I know,” Jason said, before pulling the cold tab so it was somewhere in the middle of full-
blast and a trickle. Once the pipes started going it was almost impossible to hear anything
coming from the room over the creaking sound, so eavesdropping wouldn’t be possible and it
could also seem like Jason was trying to fix it.

Jesus, he was trying to fool a what…nine, ten-year-old just so he could talk to his brother?
“This is insane.”

Dick winced and Jason cursed at himself, “Not you, him, he’s…” Jason motioned towards the
door before shaking his head.

“Yeah,” Dick sat on the tub's edge. “It’s probably my own fault, honestly.”

“I somehow doubt that,” Jason rebutted, sitting next to him but also giving the man some
space…if he needed it. “They named him after the literal son of Satan…he was doomed from
the start.”

But Dick shook his head at Jason's doubt, “I was 17 when he was born and I probably spent
too much time with him, mothering him a little too much. I had started to think about kids
and having a family and I know I doted on him more than I should have.”

“At 17?”

Dick nodded, “I was told I was a late bloomer, actually.”

Jason wasn’t an Omega so he couldn’t say he understood. He hadn’t wanted kids until well…
until he’d unceremoniously and unexpectedly gotten one.

“I’m sure you’ve wondered about it,” Dick continued, looking at him through a fringe of hair.

“I’ve wondered about a lot of things, Dick,” Jason admitted as he leaned forward to rest his
folded arms on his thighs.
“A 27-year-old Omega with no kids,” Dick prodded, picking at one of his fingernails. His
eyes moved, no longer looking at Jason.

It had crossed his mind about Dick being married yet having no kids, but in the giant list of
things Jason was concerned about when it came to Dick Grayson, the Omega's safety and
well-being being the most important, it hadn’t even fallen in the top ten.

“It’s…not something I can fix.”

“Fix?” Jason had heard language like that all too often in his field and it always pissed him
off. Broken and fix…Omegas weren’t inanimate objects you could take some glue and a
hammer and nails to. Little things for Alphas to mold and push around as they pleased.

Dick wasn’t the goddamn (supposedly) busted sink.

“I’ve tried, I’ve tried everything. I’ll…never be able to give you what you need.”

“What I need,” It wasn’t a question, just a repeat of the sentence as a statement. “Dick, I
don’t know what you think I…”

“You’re an Alpha.”

“Thanks for noticing,” Jason half-joked, flatly.

Dick persisted, “You need…”

Jason stopped him, “I need to stop being told what I need. Jesus, Dick, you know I like you,
right?” In case Jason hadn’t made it obvious.

Dick nodded, but there was a lack of any return sentiment, instead…

“I can’t have children,” It was mumbled so low and so light, Jason wasn’t sure he’d heard it
at first. The damn sound from the water didn’t help either.

Dick was obviously growing upset again, sinking into himself, “We tired, but…I couldn’t

Jason took this in, cautiously. The news was a bit shocking considering he’d smelled Omegas
who had lost their fertility, usually through advancing age, but Dick…Jason wasn’t trying to
be callous, but, “Are you sure it was you?”

Dick blinked at him as if he’d just proclaimed the moon was purple and filled with flying

“They hardly ever check Alphas,” Jason reasoned. He knew this for a fact, “It’s possible it
wasn't you.”

Dick didn’t look relieved at the idea, just more depressed.

“And what if it is me?” Dick asked, seemingly utterly heartbroken, telling Jason he’d said the
wrong thing and made him feel even more insecure. “What if I knew it was?”

Pondering this, Jason pursed hip lips, moving so he could sit on his knees in front of Dick so
the man would look at him. “Listen,” he began, taking Dick’s hands and hopefully his
attention as well. “My old man was a colossal piece of shit. The kind of shit that shits took a
shit on. He dismissed me from the moment I was born and loved drugs and booze more than
any fucking thing else. Including me or my mom. He was the reason she overdosed, just
trying to escape him,” Dick’s brows rose, but Jason wasn’t finished. “He was…”

“A piece of shit?” Dick offered lightly.

“See? This is why I like you,” Jason's mouth lifted, but he continued. “When you use words
like broken or unfixable…that’s who I think of, someone who refused to ever man up for
their shit. An asshole who just used and abused everyone. That’s broken. You are,” He
brushed some hair from Dick's face, “no matter what anyone has told you, not something that
needs to be fixed. Not to me.”

Dick watched him, his eyes growing misty.

“Jesus, I would have given anything to have someone in my life that cared about me, no
matter if they were my blood or not. It’s why I…” Jason breathed. “It’s why I didn’t chase
after Cat’s mother, why I knew I couldn’t.”

“Chase?” Dick asked in confusion.

The floodgates had opened apparently, a fitting analogy with the water currently running
down the sink behind them. “He’s…he’s not dead,” At least not as far as Jason was aware. “I
know I said he was, but…” Jason bit his cheek in anger. “He left her. We weren’t mated or
bonded or anything so I had no real connection to him. We stupidly shared a heat, but in the
end, there was nothing there,” No matter how much Jason had tried to believe there was. “He
left her literally on my doorstep with a note telling me not to come after him and to do what I
wanted with her.”

Dick looked aghast.

Jason had never been able to bond, never been able to feel his child inside the man who had
carried her. It was almost a wonder Cat hadn’t rejected him…which Jason had refused to let
happen, giving the infant every moment he could of his attention.

“I tried to find him for a week or two, thinking it was some kind of postpartum thing, but
then I realized she needed a parent, not an absent father chasing after someone who had
abandoned her. When years passed and he didn’t come back, well…” Jason lifted a shoulder.
“I knew he’d meant it.”

“Jason…I’m so sorry.”

“It was his loss, honestly.”

“Yeah,” Dick agreed. “It was,” He smiled, the first bright smile Jason had seen in a while, “I
was right about you being such a good daddy.”

“Yeah, well…”

There was a bang on the bathroom door, possibly Damian had grown impatient of waiting or
realized he was being fooled.

“Your child needs the bathroom.”

Or, that.

“Guess they made up,” Jason surmised as both he and Dick sat up, the smaller man stretching
his back and once again showing how limber he was.

“She’s growing on him,” Dick decided.

“She attacked him.”

Dick tilted his head, his lip twitching sideways in almost laughter, “Damian respects
warriors,” he jested.

Jason made a huh sound and grabbed the man’s hand one more time before they left. He had
to say it, because Dick had to fucking know, “I don’t care.”

Dick looked like he was still holding back from fully believing him. There was probably a
reason, a reason Jason vowed to never give more fire to.

“Maybe I should,” Actually Jason knew he should, that it was an Alpha's very instinct to find
a mate he could spread his line through, watch grow heavy with his children, “But…I don’t.”

What he cared about more was the goddamn ring on Dick’s finger, that was…

Another bang and Jason opened the door, just as Dick switched the faucet off.

“Sinks fixed.”

Damian sneered at Jason’s proclamation as Cat rushed in and the Alpha closed the door
behind her.

“Quite a feat with no tools whatsoever,” Damian observed coolly.

Dick bit his lip and Jason knew he could have made up a further fib about there being tools
under the sink, but…

Letting Damian stew in the knowledge he’d been outsmarted felt so much better.

Chapter End Notes

As always thank you for reading and the Wonderful support!
Chapter 21

“Pennyworth is outside,” Damian announced. His decreeing like a fucking bellman, ringing
the stay was over, put an anchor in Jason’s stomach.

“I still say I could have driven, it’s not a big deal,” Jason was selfishly thinking of the time he
would miss spending with Dick. Even if it would only be an hour at the most.

It might be the last hour he ever got.

(God, was Jason not going to let that happen)

“As if I would trust your motor skills,” Damian sniffed.

“Well you,” he emphasized, “could have walked, swam, hoverboarded,” Jason motioned that
he really didn’t give a shit. “…do whatever the hell got you here in the first place. You seem
to be able to get around just fine on your own.”

“I truly will not miss any of…,” Damian motioned around the apartment, ending on Jason
himself, “this.”

The return ‘Right back at ya, kid’ would have been way too easy.

“It’s…probably better this way,” Dick smiled, but it wasn’t very full. He pointed at the front
door but seemed hesitant, “We um, probably shouldn’t keep him…”

“Don’t forget,” Jason picked up the folded pile from the small entryway table, handing Dick
his clothes from the Gala.

“Oh, yeah, thanks,” the man smiled.

“I’d uh…” Jason looked over to Damian, who was more preoccupied with impatiently
looking out the window at the expensive car waiting outside, “Just make sure to check the

Dick’s brows swept up in confusion, but he nodded.

“Wait, wait,” Cat’s yelling stopped them once again as the girl came racing into the room,
holding something familiar, “Take Scruffy with you.”

She held out the stuffed toy to Damian.

The boy (for the second time that day) didn’t seem to know what to do, taking a half step
back at the offering, “Why would I want…”

“He said he wants to go with you,” Cat insisted.

Jason was ready to snap at him to just take the damn thing (since he could see Cat’s smile
starting to fall the longer Damian hesitated) but the boy finally reached out and took it,
holding it awkwardly by one of its legs.

“He likes pizza, but hates baths,” she warned, with all seriousness.

“I…” the boy just continued to stare at it rather cluelessly.

“Hates them,” Jason reiterated (admittedly to be a bit of an asshole), causing Damian to glare
at him.

“Damian really appreciates you sharing him and will be sure to give him a great, new home,”
Dick assured as he leaned down to address her, “I hope you had a fun weekend.”

Cat eagerly nodded.

“I’ll…” Dick seemed to falter a moment, but kept his smile, “See you soon, okay?”

“Tomorrow?” she asked. “For school?”

“Soon,” he promised, squeezing her shoulder lightly.

He rose and gave Jason what the Alpha refused to consider his last smile, “I…”

But Jason didn’t want a fucking thank you, a goodbye, any pleasantry that meant any sort of
permanent parting, “Soon,” Jason repeated.

Dick weakly nodded, pulling his clothes closer to his chest.

Damian (apparently done with it all) opened the door and who Jason saw standing by the car
door was…

“Wait? That’s…”

A familiar, well-dressed, older man in a suit, gave the slightest head bow.

The gala, the woman not paying attention…

Dick chuckled in amusement, “Tim said you helped him from dropping a plate.”

Jason nodded absently, still a bit surprised.

“That’s our Alfred,” It was said affectionately, but also with a deep tone of respect. “I’m
pretty sure he’s already a fan of yours,” Dick added with a wink.

Jason…would definitely take it. Having allies in the Wayne household seemed like it couldn’t
be a bad thing, considering…

Cat moved to get a better look at who they were talking about and the well-dressed man
bowed even lower at her offering a rather charming smile that made her giggle.
“And a fan of yours too, it looks like,” Dick chuckled at her.

A frustrated sigh stopped them both, “Is your neighbor always such a meddlesome

Jason was almost impressed with how…creative Damain’s insults could be. If he didn’t find
the kid so absolutely fucking annoying he might have been amused.

Terra was watching from her front porch area. She appeared to be talking on her phone and it
looked like she might be glancing over more than actively watching them, but when her eyes
did flicker to them…something about her stare was never not unnerving.

“Damian,” Dick chided lightly, but it sounded weak. Like he might slightly agree but was
trying to be kind.

“I don’t like it.”

Jason had learned a little too much about what Damian Wayne didn’t like that weekend,
something The Alpha couldn’t say had exactly been a highlight. The only thing the kid hadn’t
complained about the entire time was Jason’s cooking.

…whatever small prize that was.

“I’ll be sure to let her know,” Jason replied.

Damian clearly knew he was being mocked, shaking his head, he started to get into the car.

“Bye Damian,” Cat called to him. “Bye Scruffy. Be good.”

The boy stopped, looking down at the stuffed toy in his hand, he unexpectedly stomped back
towards them. He offered some kind of strange pat to the girl’s head like she was a literal cat,
before going back and entering the car.

“It’s progress,” Dick assured, to Jason’s flummoxed expression.

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“Bye, Mr. Grayson.”

Dick gave her the most beautiful smile as he returned the words before following Damian
into the car.

One last head nod from Alfred and the car was pulling away. Jason watched it leave with his
heart twisted, even as Cat happily waved.

He swore he felt like Terra was watching the scene, but as Jason turned to affirm this (while
wondering if maybe Damian had put thoughts in his head), the woman was already gone.

Dick was met with a small whining gurgle the moment he opened the door and placed his
overnight bag on the floor.

“Hey, you,” He affectionately greeted as he stooped down to scoop up the nine-month-old,

making grabby hands at him. The boy pawed happily at his face and Dick wondered when
Damian had gotten so good at crawling. The Omega hadn’t been gone more than two days,
but the boy somehow looked and felt like he'd grown in that short time.

“I swear he smelt you all the way in the driveway, he started fussing until he was let go.”
Poor Tim looked slightly tired as he entered the entryway. “He’s been fussing nonstop the
past couple of days, actually.” The twelve-year-old stretched. “He still doesn’t like for me to
hold him.”

Tim didn’t sound particularly bothered by this. Thus far, he didn’t really seem to be a fan of
the new edition to the family.

“Oh my goodness, have you been a Fussy Gusy?” Dick asked the boy sitting on his hip,
booping his tiny nose and causing Damian to gurgle another sound in response.

Tim made a face, “Maybe because I don’t talk to him like that.”

Dick grinned at him, even as Damian tugged on Dick’s hair in what looked like amazement,
“I would have talked to you like that too.”

“Thank god, you couldn’t.” Tim had been far too old when Bruce had adopted him.

“I mean, I still can if you…”

“God, no,” Tim cut him off. His face then fell sober (which was quite a feat since Tim already
looked rather serious by default), and Dick felt his heart drop at the next words, “I don’t
know what you did, but…he’s not happy.”

Tim clearly didn’t mean Damian.

The Alpha’s scent hit the room before the man did, not that the house didn’t already smell like
him, but…

“Hey,” Dick called to the man in a friendly tone. “I just got back. It was a crazy weekend
and I…”

“I’m aware.” But Bruce’s tone didn’t say he was amused or ready to hear the lie Dick had
already planned. “Tim, take Damian into the kitchen, please.”

Oh god.

“But he hates me,” the boy wined.

“Well maybe you two just need to spend some more time together,” Bruce suggested
somewhat firmly. “Now. Please.”
Tim took the baby, who immediately started howling and reaching out for Dick to take him
back. Dick resisted every urge he had to help soften the wails, knowing he had bigger
problems to worry about, but his Omega was still affected.

Dick still felt distressed in seeing them leave.

“So,” Bruce said after a long moment, once it was just the two of them in the giant, echoing
room. He placed his hands in his front slack pockets before asking, “Are you going to tell me
where you were the past two days?”

The scripted words fell too easily, “Donna’s, I told you…”

“Dick,” Bruce’s tone wasn’t raised, but it still cut the air, telling him to stop. Dick stilled. “I
called Diana.”


“She said that you weren’t there.” Bruce exhaled, “So I then talked to Donna.” Christ. “Who
was very reluctant to say anything but eventually told me you’d been in Bludhaven.”

Nothing about Slade…Dick breathed in relief.

“Is that where you were?”

Dick hesitated, he could sense Bruce knew something more. But how much and exactly
what…Dick wasn’t sure. The Omega had made sure to shower and wash several times to
make sure he didn’t smell like Slade but…

It still felt like a test.

Slade’s words, warning Dick he couldn’t tell anyone, not if they wanted to stay together...not
if he wanted Slade’s help.

Dick nodded to Bruce’s question, feeling a sourness in his stomach, “I just…wanted to get
away for a few days. Explore somewhere new. I’ve felt…cooped up lately.”

Lately would have meant years if his explanation weren’t leaving out certain details.

Bruce shook his head, looking like he was struggling to keep in real anger, “You’re a
seventeen-year-old Omega with no protection, Bludhaven is…even more dangerous than here
for you to be out on your own. You could have been…”

“But I wasn’t. I’m fine,” Dick muttered bitterly. Again with the protection crap…“I didn’t get
hurt so it doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter, Dick. You’re a minor, an Omega, and I clearly can’t believe what you tell me
anymore. I’m the head of this household and that includes you. Which is why you’re not
going out unsupervised, by either myself or someone I approve of. Not for a very long time.”
Dick threw his hands up in exasperation, feeling his heart rate elevate at the idea he wouldn’t
be able to see Slade for however long he was grounded. “I’m apparently the wrong,” Dick
motioned down his body vaguely, “ ..thing to you. I’m never going to be able to leave this
place.” If he meant the manor, Gotham, under Bruce’s guardianship…

At least Slade trusted Dick could still do the same things Betas and Alphas could do. At least
Slade didn’t cut down his life to virtually zero just because of what was between his legs.

“You’re not wrong to me, Dick. I’m…”

But Dick didn’t want to hear anymore, “I get it. Can I go to my room now? Please?”

Bruce sighed, but let him go.

Ten years old now instead of a baby, Dick turned to Damian, wondering what his thoughts
and intentions were, “What are you going to tell…”

“Nothing,” Damian interrupted him. He sniffed as he pushed the manor doors open, adding,
“Father had his chance.”

Dick paused for a breath at the boy’s tone, the sharpness of the words, and what they meant,
but Damian continued into the mansion, giving The Omega a chance to see what Jason had
meant by ‘check the pockets’.

He pulled out a slip of paper.

In case you need it again ~ J

It was Jason’s phone number, but the meaning in giving it…was clearly much different this
time. Dick smiled, glad he at least might still be able to communicate with the Alpha,
regardless of what happened.

Dick slipped the scrap into the pocket of Jason’s sweats.

“What the…” Tim's surprised-sounding voice in the entryway brought Dick back to the
situation, and how much Dick had probably just signed his own imprisonment, yet again.
“What the heck is…that?”

Cat parting with a toy she obviously cared for probably meant more than Damian realized,
but the boy seemed to be slowly growing on the idea of 'Scruffy.’ Still, Damian glared at Tim
and kept the stuffed monster close to himself, like he was guarding it in some way.

“It’s none of your concern.”

Tim’s eyes went to Dick next and he visibly seemed to exhale. The 22-year-old wasn’t
exactly an overly affectionate person so when he threw his arms around Dick to hug him and
even take in his scent (which wasn’t all that common for Betas to do, to begin with) Dick
was…more than a little surprised.

Tim had clearly been more worried than he’d let on.
“I’m okay, Timmy,” Dick reassured as he petted the younger man’s hair, soothingly.

“You smell like him,” Tim mumbled. He didn’t sound upset, just observant of it.

“It’s kind of hard not to when…”

A deep voice stopped Dick short, “We’ll speak later.”

Damian wasn’t looking at Bruce or his words with any fear. The Alpha gave the toy in the
boy’s hands a raised brow but otherwise didn’t comment on it, “Your mother’s been worried,
you should go explain to her why you felt the need to distress her in such a way.”

“You’re trying to get rid of me.”

“Obviously,” Tim said lowly, releasing Dick and following Damian out of the room so it was
just Bruce and Dick. Just like before…though with thankfully less crying.

…so far, anyway.

How many confrontations had already happened in this spot? How many times had Dick
been relieved to think they never would again after he got married and started his family?
That living with Slade he’d finally learn to have a better relationship with Bruce when the
man no longer had to fill in as his Alpha.

How could Dick have been so utterly wrong…

About almost pretty much everything.

Bruce started, “You said I didn’t have to worry.”

The combative fire Dick might have had previously was mostly extinguished if not
completely gone, “I know.”

“You said this wouldn’t happen, that it wasn't a gift that meant anything.”

Dick kept his gaze closer to the floor than Bruce’s eyes and nodded. The man’s nose flared.

“Your blocker is…”

“It fell off.” Dick realized that it sounded like it could have happened through something
physical happening and reiterated. “We didn’t do anything. I mean, we kind of couldn’t have
even if we wanted to.”

The unspoken name Damian made Bruce massage his temples. He observed Dick with a
conflicted expression.

“It was my fault. I…asked Jason to do it, it was on me. I was careless and reckless but…”
Dick had just had one of the most freeing weekends he’d had in years. “I really like him,
The last sentence was partly a slip up with saying it out loud, but Dick couldn’t hold it in. Not
after everything Jason had shared and the man being so…good to him.

“I’ve heard those words before.”

Dick held in a wince, knowing Bruce was right, “It’s not the same.”

“Just like the food wasn’t anything special,” Bruce countered, sounding more than tired.

Dick stayed quiet, before admitting softly, “I don’t want to quit.”

Bruce took the sudden subject change in stride, only sighing slightly, “Alfred says you’re
really enjoying teaching again.”

Dick was a bit saddened to realize that was something Bruce himself should know, but The
Omega just hadn’t felt comfortable sharing much with the Alpha anymore, if at all.

The years before Dick’s presentation seemed to be the last time they’d really gotten along and
Dick honestly missed it. The man could be charming and fun and Dick wondered sometimes
if he’d killed a part of Bruce when he’d not turned out to be an Alpha or at the very least a

“I love it,” Dick admitted over a hitched breath, feeling more emotional about it than he’d
expected to.

Bruce studied him, letting his eyes roam to the folded-up clothes in Dick’s hands he was
gripping like a lifeline, “I’m not going to take that away, more home visits, no more
running off at a moment's notice…I need to know every extra movement you take before and
after school.”

“I need to know him better as well.”

That honestly could have meant anything, “Bruce…”

“I need to go, but…please don’t make me regret this, Dick. I really do want to trust you.”

Dick nodded numbly, letting the man touch his shoulder in the lightest of pats before going
out the door.

All in all, it could have been much worse, but Dick expected Bruce would now be tracking
his whereabouts through his phone (if he hadn’t been already)

Pulling out said phone, Dick bit his lip, he reached for the slip of paper again and added
Jason’s number, starting to type his full name he stopped at Ja…then simply added a y. Jay
fell right before Timmy and right after…

Do Not Answer.

Dick swallowed.
“Go, I’m not going to stop you.”

It had to be a trap, it had to be.

“But know that if you do, you will regret it,” It wasn’t a raise above Slade’s normal speaking
voice, and it wasn’t even necessarily a threat, more like a fact the Alpha was merely sharing.

Dick shook his head, focusing on his task of sending Jason a message. A hopeful one that he
wished would help shut down the coldness (just like Slade’s scent) that had suddenly just
entered his stomach…
Chapter 22
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Dick swore two rainbows were hanging on the wall, though he was sure he’d only ever
stapled up one. It was staring at him strangely, the cloud bubble at the end…the cloud that
most definitely didn't have a face when he’d purchased it and yet suddenly did.

Was it singing or dancing or just…

“If you’re unable to do this you could have just said so.”

Marcia was tearing down his progress, causing Dick to blink. He initially wanted to protest
before realizing what he was doing and why she was so upset.

His posters were all hanging the wrong way.


He went for a smile and a shrug, “I mean…maybe some people read upside down?”

The retelling of Jason’s (not altogether great) joke fell flat on the woman, who ripped down
another laminated sheet with absolute venom in her eyes. Dick would admit the reaction was
hardly unexpected and honestly…he really should have been paying more attention.

“Sorry, I’m…” tired. Dick had slept barely a wink. He’d felt…lonely and cold. His bed had
become too big and empty and every place he’d tried to curl up in it had felt wrong. He’d
twisted his pillows to make them almost feel like another person, but it hadn’t worked to the
desired effect. He’d grown frustrated and nervous and spent most of the night stretching and
pacing, all while wondering if it was too late to text Jason.

“Making more work for me,” the woman sighed, readjusting her glasses and looking more
than tired herself. “And with all this nonsense on the walls to begin with…”

Meaning the rainbow and the monkeys and all the color Dick had tried to bring. The life.

“This is a classroom, not a circus.”

Dick smiled, wanly this time.

Her palm stretched at him, meaningfully, “I’ll do it myself.”

Dick handed the rest of the posters over, knowing it was better than arguing. “They could
have at least made them cute.”

“They’re practical, unlike…” Ms. Weaver motioned at the giraffe on the wall next to her.
“We need to pass the proper and safe childcare inspection on Thursday.”
“We will,” Dick assured.

She exhaled, giving him a look. A pointed look as if to say he, Dick Grayson, might
personally be the reason if they didn’t.

“I’m good at this, you know,” Dick assured, perhaps a bit defensively, but it was hard not to
be, “I’m not going to…”

“Let’s hope not,” She agreed, cutting him off, somewhat coldly. “I’m going to put these in the
other room.”

The female Beta only got a few feet, heels clacking, before she turned as if remembering
something, “Oh, that reminds me. I’ve gotten a few complaints.”


The Alpha dad that had raged at him maybe? Dick hadn’t heard anything otherwise. A few
parents had commented they liked the new atmosphere and that their children were much
happier. Nothing negative, and certainly nothing Dick would call a complaint.

She nodded, folding her arms. Despite being the same height as Dick, the woman still seemed
to be looking down at him, “About your prioritizing some parents and students over others.”

“Prioritizing?…” Dick was lost, but hoping she wasn’t implying what he thought she might
be. “What?”

“We pride ourselves on taking care of all of our students. Equally.”

“I do. I care about all these kids.”

Dick truly did, but he may as well have not spoken at all for how much she seemed to hear
him. “If it persists, there might be a needed call for disciplinary action. We can’t have parents
who pay good money to come here feeling their children are being neglected.”


From the woman who put a stuffed animal in a time-out?

“Is this a bad time?”

The redheaded Alpha that had entered the room raised a brow over his sunglasses. Dick
couldn’t place him at first, but seeing Cat’s familiar backpack beside him, made The Omega
do a double take.

“Are you a parent here?” Marcia asked, peering at the man who had interrupted them with

“Nope,” The unshaven Alpha smirked. “But I’ve got a pass this time and I’m here to drop off
your best student.” The sticker for a visitor was clearly visible on his shirt and while seeing
‘Uncle Roy’ again wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, it did make Dick a little worried.
Where was Jason?

The woman zeroed in on Cat behind the man. Her eyes had shifted at hearing ‘best student’,
as if Roy had personally thrown down a fighting gauntlet.’ “I certainly hope we won’t have
any disciplinary issues today, Catherine.”

Roy snorted, aggressively chewing the gum in his mouth as he laughed, letting the girl stay
close to his leg as he came in further, “This adorable angel? You’re kidding, right?” He
tugged on one of Cat’s pigtails playfully, “Or have you been pulling the taekwondo moves
I’ve been teaching ya.”

If only the man knew how little the Beta enjoyed any kind of humor.

Ms. Weaver's face was filled with disgust, “We don’t condone violence here. Please don’t
encourage such behavior.”

And with that, Marcia retreated to the other room. Letting the door slam shut behind her.

Roy whistled, “Did someone crap in her coffee or what?”

“It’s…been a morning,” Dick offered with a small smile. “But either way,” Brush it off and
keep going, “It’s good to see you again…”

“It’s okay,” Roy pushed down his glasses, sounding amused. “You can say you’re

“No, I’m just…” Dick helped Cat with her backpack and smiled as she placed Allie on the
desk while asking, “Is everything okay?”

The Alpha scratched his hairline. “Todd got called in really early. Our new boss is a massive
shitbag that seems to have it out for him so...” Roy shrugged, which led to a stretch. “I’m
playing school bus driver for my favorite four-year-old today.”

“Out for him?” That didn’t sound good.

“I honestly can’t decide if he wants to get into his pants or ruin his life.” More gum chewing,
and Dick was sure (or maybe hoping) he was at least partly making some kind of twisted
joke. “And when I say massive I mean,” the man raised his arm to show added height. “A
real monster of a guy.”


Other students started coming from down the hall and seeing an Alpha they were unfamiliar
with caused some of the Omegas to stay back a little way. Roy, unfortunately, didn't seem to
hold the same kind of awareness for Omegas that Jason did.

The man openly waved at them and Dick felt the need to push him (hopefully not too
harshly) towards leaving.

“Alphas…usually try not to stay too long,” Dick tried with a somewhat forced smile.
“Oh yeah, my ex usually drops my kid off so…” Blue eyes wandered for a moment as Roy
pushed his sunglasses back up. “Old Jay’s really the Romeo type, isn’t he?”

Dick wasn’t ready for the sudden topic change and merely raised a confused brow.

“Seriously though, he hasn’t had a booty call in ages.”

“I…that’s not…we..,” Dick wasn’t sure if the man had seen him in Jason’s car the night of
the gala or what, but he hoped the Alpha had said it quietly enough no one else could hear.

The last thing Dick needed was for Marcia to hear from someone about a supposed booty

With the Alpha, he was already supposedly favoring over other parents.

(Which isn’t really a lie, is it. Grayson?)

And stammering about it was just making people look at him.

The Alpha raised a hand, “Hey, it’s not a big deal. I say live and let live and all that. He needs
to get laid more any…”

“Maybe we can talk about this another time?” Dick all but pleaded, not knowing if he could
physically push the larger man out but he could at least lead Roy towards the second door

Pointedly using his hand to show it’s where The Alpha needed to go.

Roy finally (and thankfully) took the hint and sauntered off with some kind of weird wink
and gun gesture and all Dick could do was fall back against the doorframe.

He really hoped it was Jason who came for pickup.


The pen in his hand was becoming dangerously close to shattering. Which would be another
casualty in Jason’s dwindling collection of writing instruments.

Two Alphas disputing over who could buy the Omega they both wanted a drink…

An urgent matter he’d been roused out of bed for…

At three o clock in the fucking morning.

Bullshit. Jason had come into bullshit and continued to deal with even more frivolous bullshit
all while he vowed he wasn’t going to ruin another shirt or further stain his desk with more
goddamn blue ink.

“You okay, kid?”

Jason looked from his stack of papers to the speaker, seeing, with no small amount of dread,
that Hector Diaz was holding even more forms of cases for him to look over.

“I swear if those are for which Alpha gets to send the first rose for Valentine's Day…”

In the end, the Omega hadn’t wanted either Alpha…just the drink.

And Jason was usually empathetic…but…

Jason had come in right after rolling out of an infuriating uncomfortable bed he’d spent all
night wanting to punch over and over. The Alpha (despite what he’d claimed) had no
intention of getting rid of the sheets or really anything Dick had touched, but Jason realized
he was also…aggravating himself…which in turn was pissing him off even more.

Jason had come in frustrated and the feeling was doing nothing but building. He’d eventually
told all parties, both Alphas, and Omega, to get the hell out after two hours of wasting his

The older man pursed his lips as he gingerly placed the papers on the edge of the desk as if
Jason were a bear he didn’t want to rouse. “Should I ask Terra if she can get you some coffee

Jason quickly shook his head. “Thanks, I’m…good.”

Even Diaz didn’t seem to believe him, but…had Jason even combed his hair? He’d definitely
tried to shave with his toothbrush, that much he remembered. “Not what I’d call it but, don’t
work too hard, okay?”

Jason didn’t even see him leave, but nodded. Pulling out his phone to make sure Roy had
actually accomplished getting his daughter to school, he was met with two emoji messages: a
cat and thumbs up followed by an eggplant and another thumbs up.


But at least Dick was okay.

Getting the simple message of ‘See you tomorrow’ from The Omega had been…

“I guess you need this,” It sounded like it should have been a question but the splash of
brown liquid that fell on the paper closest to him made Jason scoop up the cup before Terra
spilled anymore.

“I told him I didn’t,” Jason snapped, finding a safe place to set down the paper coffee cup.

“I heard,” Terra assured. As if her answer didn’t make the total opposite of sense.

Jason wiped some of the liquid up with a tissue, observing, none too kindly, “You seem to
hear and see a lot of things, don’t you?”

The Beta stared.

This shit again.

“You know…”

“I don’t get it.”

Jason swallowed his words, more than a little confused. And irritated. “What?” He asked,
almost not even wanting to know.

“Him…I don’t…what does he,” Terra folded her arms against herself, almost defensively,
looking even smaller than she already was “...have?”

‘He’ could have been anyone from Diaz to Damian freaking Wayne, but Jason had a feeling it
was somehow related to Slade Wilson. And Jason was not in the mood to decipher whatever
she meant by ‘have.’

“Terra, I am really busy.”Jason massaged his temple as he clicked his tongue, moving his
chair from side to side as he considered, “Tell you what, how about you have the coffee?”

“I don’t like…” she rethought, saying it softly as if to herself, while she toyed with her hair.
“Does he like coffee?”

If there were ever a person Jason thought clearly needed to get out more…

“Look, I really need to…”

“He wants to see you.”

There was no guessing who the ‘He’ was in that statement, but Jason was still dumbfounded
why she hadn’t simply led with that.

“Of course he does,” Because why not have the day get shittier?

“I could be…”

Jason stopped for a moment, not sure if she knew she was speaking aloud or not. She didn’t
say anything further which was more than a relief.

The office was no less cold and unfeeling as it was the first time Jason had been called in,
though this time he was a little less unsure why he was here. Slade wasn’t doing performance
reviews that he knew of so it had to be about…

Slade hung up the phone as Jason entered. Terra lingered, not as long this time, but her gaze
was still too intense at the much older man for only being his secretary.

“Jason,” the deep voice rumbled when the door shut. “Please, sit.”

The younger Alpha couldn’t help but notice a decorated envelope on the Chief's desk.

It couldn’t possibly be another invitation to something else…could it?

Jason wasn’t going to beat around the bush as it was clearly set up for him. “What’s that?”

“A thank you gift from Wayne Enterprises,” Slade's eye stayed on Jason as his mouth lifted,
“It seems you left too early to receive it. Or rather,” the man sat back slightly, his thumb
under his chin. “They couldn’t seem to locate you to give it to you.”


Well, shit.

“I can only assume you took my advice,” There was something slightly off about the man’s
tone. It didn’t sound as humored as his smile might suggest.

“I went with red, actually.”

There was a pause as the man processed Jason’s meaning before The Alpha let out a chuckle,
“Well perhaps…blue is simply a prettier color to look at.”

Thinking about Dick’s eyes, how they sparkled no matter what light they were in, Jason
could hardly disagree.

“But I was referring to having some fun.”

Oh. Right.

“I mean…” If it gave Jason an out from this awkward conversation. And as the man had just
said it was his idea. Even if the fun had mostly involved an extra brat and animals, “Sure, I

Slade studied him, long and hard. In an all-consuming way. As if the answer was still wrong
in some way. There was a silence that lasted too long. Long enough that Jason was about to
ask if he needed anything else of it he could go or…

“How would you describe an Alpha Omega bond, Jason?”

Jesus. More weird questions.

It was way too fucking early for this and thinking about the pile waiting on his desk just
brought back annoyance that he was playing 20 questions instead of getting through it. Jason
exhaled, tapping the arm of the chair with his fingers.

But Slade was clearly waiting for an answer.


Slade's hand affirmatively motioned. A go-ahead for him to continue.

Jason thought before answering. “I think they can be a little… one-sided.” A lot one-sided
really, but Jason was cautiously treading water on what the hell the man really meant.
“How so?”

The reply was almost too obvious. Or it should have been, “Alphas get the power, the control
over pretty much everything.”

He couldn’t tell if the answer was right or wrong, Slade didn’t show any indication of
agreement or disagreement. He’d asked though and Jason wasn’t going to sugarcoat it if he
wanted honesty.

“And how do you feel about…being unfaithful to that bond? That vow?”

A shoulder lift. “I’ve encountered a few Alphas do it. It usually doesn’t end well but…I’ve
had a few cases.” Usually, Alphas going after other Alphas for not keeping their hands to

“Alphas,” Slade mused the word like it was a fine wine he was testing. “And you wouldn’t
place any blame on the Omega?”

He’d taken everything. Every penny Jason owned…the bitch had literally stolen it all.

Jason would never say an Omega couldn't be at fault.

Lies weren’t enough. He had to take…everything. Had to crush Jason for being a stupid,
fucking…hopeful idiot.

Most Alphas would no doubt blame an Omega for being too alluring but…

“I guess it would depend on the situation.” Jason paused before asking, “Is this about a case,
or something?”

Maybe one Jason hadn’t gotten to yet?

Slade moved his thumb across his bottom lip, not really answering as he once again seemed
to ponder Jason’s very existence with his one god damn eagle eye.

But the man had already basically sung Jason’s praises, hadn’t he? Or was ditching the Gala
making him rethink otherwise?

There was an alert from the man’s computer and he turned to observe it.

“You can go now.”

Yeah. Okay. Jason was more than happy to fucking do so.

“Jason,” the man called as he was halfway out the door, “You’re forgetting something,”

Jason couldn’t give two shits about the gift on the desk but turned to grab it anyway.

“An extravagant man, isn’t he?”

Jason studied the gold watch on Slade’s wrist, positive it hadn’t been picked up in the bargain
bin at the local retail chain down the street.

“You have no idea,” Jason replied.

Slade laughed his first real laugh that seemed genuinely amused.

Which was odd because it really wasn’t that fucking funny.

Letting the door finally close and ignoring Terra, Jason didn’t even look at what was in the
envelope as he headed back to his office.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading.

Chapter 23

The universe was testing him.

Terra continuing to lurk around, Diaz giving him two other files…making him late to pick up
Cat, Jason was being tested. Tested on whether or not he was going to tell the whole precinct
to go fuck themselves…or punch a hole through the goddamn wall.

And maybe if that had been the worst of it, Jason could have coped. He could have coped
with the slight boil to his blood, the continued scowl he knew he was wearing, and the idea
that he was giving off an aura that he might snap at the next person that looked at him

“Handstands are hard.”

A light laugh, “You’re doing great. I promise with a little practice, they’ll get easier.”

Jason stayed outside the classroom door and bit his cheek, curling his hand into a fist to try
and relieve…something. His pulse raised just listening to Dick’s voice…

Seeing the man lean forward, almost squatting so he could help Cat rise back to her feet…

The universe was really fucking testing Jason Todd.

And despite wanting to push Dick Grayson into the nearest wall and scent him up and
down…Jason had to fucking control himself. The Omega smell lingering in his apartment
didn’t travel here, it wasn’t tempting him in an all-consuming way, not with the return of the
goddamn blocker.

That horrid, manufactured garbage. Jason never thought he’d be happy for its return. Maybe
more relieved than happy, but…

Jason had to pass the test. Jason needed control. He simply…had to cope.

He also needed goddamn sleep but without Dick in his arms, the days of any kind of restful
slumber almost felt over.

And as Cat giggled and Dick turned back to look at him…

“Sorry, I’m late.”

Dick’s smile was possibly the most beautiful it had ever been (or maybe Jason’s fiery
yearning was just making it so). The older man sat fully on the floor next to Cat and grinned,
“It’s okay. We’ve been entertaining ourselves, right?” he asked her.

“I’m gonna learn acrobatics, daddy,” Cat agreed.

“Simple ones,” Dick corrected to Jason’s brow raise. Jason ignored the wink he sent her and
gave an over-dramatic sigh, joining them both on the floor.

“Your hair looks funny, daddy.”

Cat’s braid was almost completely out of its hair tie, no doubt from all the physical activity,
so really… “You’re one to talk.”

“It’s cute,” Dick assured, reaching out to smooth some of the stray wisps of dark brown locks
back down.

Any other person he would have ducked away from, but Dick’s touch was far too calming,
which Jason needed more than anything right now. “I haven’t been cute since I was ten.”

Even then, he’d always been called more scrappy than cute, but Jason had never been hung
up on his looks at that age. Keeping a roof over his head had been more important.

Dick made an exaggerated frowny face before shaking his head, “I sincerely disagree.”

Jason changed the subject. Mostly because the light petting was almost putting him to sleep.
“I’m glad you’re still here.”

More than glad, but the right words were escaping him when all Jason could do was imagine
how even the smallest part of the Omega tasted.

Did his sweet scent amplify with sweat on his skin?

“Me too,” Dick replied softly. His hand dropped and he wrapped his arms around his knees.
“I just uh…have to check in with Bruce. So no more home visits.”

Jason nodded, but he didn’t like it. He also knew he had no choice but to take it. He’d rather
see something of Dick, than nothing at all. Bruce honestly could have taken the man away
forever, so while it might end up driving Jason mad, he’d have to deal with the small amounts
of time he got.

(Until Cat was no longer in Preschool and then what?)

“It was quite the morning without you.”

“That your way of saying you missed me?”

Dick smiled, but didn’t argue against it, “I think Uncle Roy made quite an impression on Ms.

Jason snorted, “Yeah, he’s got a way of doing that.”

Dick’s tone turned a bit more serious, “He said you were called in early. That your new boss
is…” his eyes seemed to shift over to Cat as if realizing he needed to censor himself (even
though Jason was sure Roy hadn’t used any kid-friendly terms that morning).
“Running me ragged?” Jason offered with a mouth tick. “Yeah.”

Dicks eyes were sympathetic, “I’m sorry.”

“Pretty sure it’s not your fault,” Jason leaned back on his palms, pulling his neck back to
crack it.


“I’m kind of used to it. Gotham PD isn’t exactly known for having the cream of the crop.”
Especially the higher up you went.

“Well,” Dick unfolded his arms and put a hand on Jason’s thigh so he could lean in. The
contact was like a rainstorm falling on a fire. Adding to the previous gesture, Jason finally
felt able to breathe normally for the first time that day.

Maybe the universe was finally throwing him a bone.

“Maybe I could give him a talking to? I can get pretty forceful when I need to.” It was a
tease, obviously, but Jason had seen Dick stand up to an Alpha with no real problem. Being
that he’d been an Omega the whole time, it stood out even more impressively in Jason’s

“I don’t doubt it, but…”

“Oh thank god, you haven’t left yet.”

The female voice cut them both off and made Dick pull back his hand in shock. Jason
honestly wished he’d stop doing that. First with Bruce and now with…

“Nancy, is everything okay?”

The very pregnant woman Jason had seen only a few times gave a pained-sounding chuckle.
She entered the room in what could only be called a waddle, looking more than a little pale,
“Not doing nearly as well as you it seems.”

Dick’s eyes were large and nervous, “This isn’t what it looks…”

“Oh, I hope it’s exactly what it looks like, but right now, I…” Nancy hissed, holding one
hand on her back and the other on her extremely large belly.

Jason had a bad feeling the moment he’d seen her he knew what was happening and Dick
shot up at the motion, rushing to her side, “Oh my god, are you…is it…”

“It’s not supposed to be, but yeah…” She whined low in her throat. “So much for a perfect
birthing plan.”

Dick let her latch onto her arm, looking like he wanted to offer something, some kind of
comfort probably, but not being able to do much. Not as a Beta.
“Where’s your Alpha?” Jason asked as he also stood up. He tried not to be too domineering,
knowing she might shy away from a mostly unfamiliar Alpha, especially at such a vulnerable
time, but they needed to contact them before anything.

“Three hours away on a work trip, I texted her but…” the woman groaned again.

Jason didn’t know how an Alpha let their Omega still work or better yet didn’t stay close to
them when they were this heavy and close to birth. Even he could tell how ready she was.
Her Alpha should have sensed it tenfold.

“It’s okay, we’ll get you to the hospital,” Dick assured, looking at Jason meaningfully.

Jason nodded. Without an Alpha, things could get sticky just trying to even get her in. Being
an Alpha with a badge would probably help even more.

“Thanks…oh my god,” she closed her eyes and gripped at her belly again.

“Do you think you can walk?”

“Slowly,” she admitted, squeezing Dick’s hand. “God, just be glad you never have to deal
with this.”

Dick didn’t outwardly react in any jarring way at the statement. It was merely his eyes that
seemed to lose a bit of spark, just for a second, a flash most probably would have missed

It brought Jason back to the bathroom, back to the absolute sorrow in Dick’s words.

The man never let up his grip, never flinched, never seemed to get physically upset…

This woman couldn’t possibly know, but there was a part of Jason that was…angry. And he
knew he had to tuck that part away, she was in pain and simply making a joke and his
emotion was probably an irrational one for the moment.

Putting it all aside, while feeling much less calm than he had a minute ago, Jason realized he
knew how to do a lot of things. And that list ranged from building a car engine from scratch
to perfecting any braid imaginable blindfolded. (Not to mention being able to double knot a
cherry stem with this tongue) Jason was an adept Alpha and good at many things.

He did not, however… know how to deliver a baby. Or, judging from the woman’s size…

And it wasn’t a skill he wanted to learn. Not today.


Hanging up the phone, Dick sighed.

Bruce hadn’t been happy, far from it, but guessing he was looking at Dick’s location through
his phone, he seemed relieved it wasn’t Dick needing the hospital.
Not this time, at least…

And taking the first step and calling to tell the Alpha of the situation, Dick hoped that gave
him some additional credit.

Putting his cell in his pocket, Dick rubbed at his eyes and held in a yawn. The Maternity ward
waiting room walls were adorned with the smiles of babies, pregnant bellies, and muted
pastel colors. He wasn’t sure of the status of the twins or Nancy after admittance, only that
Jason needed to remain present as the Alpha residing, until her actual mate arrived.

So leaving until then was impossible.

Looking at a few pamphlets fronts on a stand detailing the conception and birthing process…

(Not something you’ll ever have to worry about)

Dick took a step back, way more familiar with the other stand, the much smaller rack about
fertility issues. The rack with barely any missing pamphlets with pictures he’d seared into his
mind as he’d twisted the folded paper at every appointment.

“Shit soup or salmonella sandwich?”

Dick chuckled at the selection being offered to him, a soup in a cup and an admittedly
questionable-looking sandwich. “Take a trip to the vending machine, did we?”

“Pretty much all they have that’s not just chips or candy.”

Judging by the Alpha’s look, he wasn’t going to take the answer of ‘whatever you don’t


“Good choice,” the man handed it over and Dick offered an appreciative nod.


They headed back towards the seating area, where Cat was taking up a few chairs so she
could color with a small box of crayons and some sheets that had been given to her by the
staff. Dick couldn’t imagine spending time in a hospital after a full day of school to be all that
fun for her.

“Can I use this, daddy?” She asked, pulling something out from his jacket pocket on the seat
beside her.

Jason gave his daughter a raised brow at what she was holding and Dick noticed the familiar
W insignia on the thick, folded paper.

The man shrugged, “Sure.”

“It’s probably cufflinks.” Dick blew on his soup and Jason looked again at the envelope in the
girl's hands. “HR hands them out.”

“Well there you go Kit, you’re first pair of cufflinks.” In a way that said Jason found the idea
sort of ridiculous.

But she seemed more interested in doodling on the paper than what was inside, which
brought Dick back to looking around the room.

“I swear they tried to make this place as uncomfortable as possible.”

Dick smiled, “Is it bringing back memories?”

Jason shook his head, taking a tentative bite from the sandwich as if to test it first, before
taking a second, larger one, “Never been here. When you get babies in baskets you kind of
skip the whole…hospital thing.”

Dick nodded, feeling his heart drop a little at the idea.

“This whole actual preparing for a baby though, it’s got to beat panic buying and trying to
learn everything in a day. Hell,” Jason swallowed his bite, “Catherine was my step mom's
name. It was just the only name I could think of.”

“It’s a good name,” Dick argued.

Jason’s shoulder lifted.

“I spent more time in clinics, but I’ve seen my share of…” Dick waved his hand around at
the nearest baby on the wall.

“Creepy fucking pictures?”

“I think it’s supposed to be encouraging,” Dick was toying with the soup in his hand, much
like he would have a pamphlet on his infertility.

“Can’t imagine how,” Jason took Two more bites, finishing the sandwich.

Dick pulled his thoughts together, “When you try everything, every pill, every shot, every
supplement, every possible thing, I guess…you start to hope even pictures will help,” He
said, mostly into his soup.

“Or it makes it worse and adds more pressure you probably don’t need,” Jason offered as he
chewed then finally swallowed, sounding annoyed.

Dick was a little lost on how to respond. Jason’s unorthodox responses to things just
continued to surprise him, “I…”

“Jason Todd?” Asked a deep voice that made Dick pause. Something about it was…looking
up he was immediately struck with the image of a doctor….a man. Deep black eyes and
tanned skin, just a light pepper of gray in his hair, older than the Omega remembered, but

“You’re not quite as lively as I was told you’d be.”

Dick’s face hadn’t really lifted much from first his water glass and then his meal, and now he
rested it in his palm, while wondering if it were possible for someone to take a hint, without
having to flat out say ‘not interested.

“Thanks,” Dick offered blandly, knowing he hadn’t been on his best behavior this entire
courting ‘date’, despite Bruce telling him to give the young man a chance.

Bruce playing matchmaker, attempting to find someone he found ‘suitable’ for Dick…it
wasn’t turning out well for anyone, really.

At least Bruce had stopped chaperoning the ‘dates’ and amid Dick’s pleas had allowed Clark
Kent to monitor them from a nearby table instead.

The man chortled as if the Omega had made a witty retort and wasn’t instead completely
dying of boredom. Dick was sure it had more to do with the Alpha’s inflated ego of himself
that there was no way Dick could possibly be anything but enthralled by his tall, handsome
physique and pearly white smile…

Completed with the personality of a bucket of oil.

So far they’d discussed the Alpha’s, education, his plans to be an OBGYN and somehow
ended on Dick’s hips and how nicely his ass was filled out and what that meant from a
medical standpoint about his fertility…

And despite the man ‘praising’ his body’s…potential…Dick had never been less interested in
anyone in his life.

“Yeah,” Jason replied, sitting up a little straighter. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine, mother and babies are fine, her Alpha just got here and…”

Brian Tanner, Dick only remembered his name after seeing it on the man’s white coat. He
hadn’t been the first or last candidate in Bruce’s attempt to find him a husband.

“I’m sorry…” His eyes were on Dick, “...but do I know you?”

Dick toyed with his hair slightly, he didn’t wear it quite the same as he had all those years
ago, and with the Beta patch, his smell was unrecognizable. He hoped it was enough, “I don’t
think so,” he mumbled to the floor.

Brian hummed before continuing his previous statement, “Everything’s fine,” he finished.
“You can go see them if you’d like. Just make sure you sign off on the release form before
you leave.”
His eyes trailed up and down Dick. It was the same look he’d given when he’d clearly been
checking out his ass on their first meeting.

“Got it, thank you,” Jason said in a firm tone that was only a few decimals away from a

The man finally turned and left.

“Bruce sure can pick them, can’t he?” Clark joked as he sat next to Dick on the bench
outside the restaurant.

Dick nodded, leaning his head back against the stone wall with a deep exhale, “It would be
nice if he listened when I told him I didn’t want to do any of this.”

Or if Bruce didn’t only pick sons from well-to-do families he did business with.

Dick didn’t want any of them. He knew what he wanted.

And he knew Slade would never be a candidate Bruce would approve of.

“We both know he doesn’t listen well,” Clark agreed softly. He looked like he might start a
statement on how Bruce was only doing what he thought was best for the Omega, but the
much larger man stopped at the pleading look Dick shot him.

The Alpha smiled and changed topics, tapping Dick's knee congenially, “I don’t know about
you, but that food was barely an appetizer, how about we get some burgers and ice cream?”

Dick smiled for the first time that night as he nodded.

Jason cocked his head to ask, “You do know him, don’t you?”

“Bad date,” Dick replied in a hushed tone. “Really bad date.”

Dick moved his hair back into place, tossing the rest of the soup in a trashcan nearby.

Jason’s tongue clicked, “Must have been.”

Cat lightly smacked the man’s shoulder to get his attention, “Can we see the babies, daddy?”

“It would be nice to at least say hello,” Dick agreed.

Jason sighed, grabbing his jacket and telling Cat to clean up her mess before slowly agreeing,
“Yeah, okay.” Though the man looked like he’d rather be doing anything else.

Without thinking, Dick grabbed his hand after he rose.

Jason looked amused, “What? Trying to make Mr. Doctor jealous?”

Dick smiled his reply as they started towards the rooms, Cat holding Jason’s other hand.
Chapter 24

He’s lying.”

Large, yet agile hands moved through his dark hair, soft and light despite their size. Despite
the power he could feel behind them.

The words sent shivers down his spine as it mockingly continued, “You know that, don’t

Dick’s core was hot, burning, and nauseously ill, but his throat was ice cold. The hands on
him were icy too. They used to be warm…once upon a time.

“I know,” Dick admitted in a hoarse, soft whisper.

A hum, a chuckle, deep in the throat as he was suddenly pulled closer to the speaker. The grip
was almost painful around his shoulders, as the other arm bordered close to Dick’s neck,
making it harder to breathe.

“Liar,” the voice whispered, as a mouth pressed against the shell of his ear.

The hold of the large arms around him grew stronger, pulling into a vice-like grasp Dick
couldn’t move away from. As he squirmed and struggled with futility, the appendages
suddenly pushed down with all their might…


He couldn’t breathe.

The classroom's sounds and colors carried on around him, but still, the dream hadn’t left
Dick, not even hours later.

Dick couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a nightmare he couldn’t shake, not since he’d
stopped taking most of his medication. He’d awoken barely able to catch his breath, coughing
and holding his throat against a phantom force…

The voice had sounded like a combination of Alphas mocking him, but not one he could
pinpoint exactly.

And yet he knew who exactly they were talking about…

Green eyes under a serious brow, assuring him about his infertility, “I don’t care.”

How could Dick not?

The hospital, the babies…Cat watching in amazement. Dick hadn’t felt quite right (as right as
he did anymore) since.
Dick thought for sure he’d begun putting that chapter of his life to rest. The guilt, the unease
at his own body for refusing to work as it should…but clearly his psyche had other ideas.

He’d been happy for Nancy, it hadn’t been that.

It was Cat’s excitement at seeing babies, it was knowing Jason had been watching him,
gauging the Omega’s reaction, a reaction Dick hoped he held together better than he felt he

Cat would make an amazing big sister and as Dick had been reminded for years, an Alpha
Omega bond was never completed without at least one child…

“He said he wants to plow Mr. Grayson on top of a desk.”


That was certainly a sobering take you out of a mental fog comment if ever Dick had heard

Since taking on Nancy’s class of 15 kids, to add to his 15 already, Dick wasn’t exactly at his
wit's end, but he was very slowly creeping towards it. Particularly with Bryson, a four-year-
old who talked well beyond his years and constantly spouted things that confused (and rightly
so) all the other kids. Three days had felt infinitely longer and Dick couldn’t wait for the new
teacher to arrive.


“What does plow mean?” asked Kendall, though a few other students looked interested in the
answer as well.

“It means we’re going to finish coloring and not talk about that anymore,” Dick firmly

“He said he lives by a castle,” A boy…Dick couldn’t remember his name yet, accused,
tugging on Dick’s pant leg to make sure he heard him. “He’s lying.”

“I am not,” Bryson defended. He stood as one of the tallest in the class, and Dick would have
bet money he was a future Alpha. “I said Palace, not castle, stupid.” He dragged out the last
word tauntingly.

“No one here is stupid and we don’t…”

“My dad goes there all the time,” Bryson continued defiantly.

His dad no doubt being the ‘he’ who wanted to plow Dick into a desk. The Omega couldn’t
say he’d pictured the well-dressed lawyer to relay such a thing, but…

“He says my mom’s a fat cow and he has to get away from him sometimes. That’s why he
goes there.”
Dear sweet whatever being or force from up above…

“Okay, that’s...”

“It’s made of Ice.”

“Nuh huh, there’s no such thing!” the boy at Dick’s leg replied. “That’s just a movie.”

“It’s not a movie, it’s real!”

The Omega was about to interject that it probably was from some animated film the boy had
seen and he might be confused, when Dick finally put the two ideas together and…


Made of ice…


The squat man in front of him used his cane to inspect him, circling the teenage Omega and
tutting before grabbing Dick’s ass to literally squeeze it.

Dick hadn’t expected it but tried not to freeze at the unexpected contact.

He was sure things would get much worse, much more invasive when he worked out in the
actual club. He needed to at least steel himself for touches if he wanted to be convincing.

If this was what it took…he’d have to deal.

Whether he wanted hands on him or not.

“All natural huh, You’d be surprised how many of these bitches try to fake it. Not many look
so pretty both coming and going as you. Not naturally, anyway.”

Moving back to the front, the greasy man licked his thin lips, barely visible under his massive
hooked nose. No matter how well he dressed or tried to present himself, Oswald Cobblepot
still gave off a slimy used car salesman feeling. His beady eyes were hungry after everything
he’d seen as he decided, teeth flashing, “You’re gonna make me a lot of money, I can tell.”



But…it made no sense. Unless Bryson lived in Bludhaven, but that one had finally been shut
down…hadn’t it? Hadn’t Slade told him that or he’d read it somewhere? Once the blackouts
started he’d not been able to really keep track of much anymore.

Dick had a growing feeling in his gut.

A very bad one.

Surely he hadn’t been that out of it that he hadn’t noticed…

“And this is…”

With a feeling of deja vu, Dick turned at Marcia Weaver’s voice as she entered the classroom,
he expected to hear ‘where we keep the problems’ as she talked to a slim woman in heeled

Instead, Marcia said, at the chaos of kids pretty much everywhere, “We’re getting a
replacement teacher for the one we lost starting next week, so this is temporary.”

“Well, it’s too many children for one person according to state regulations, but…” The
unknown woman’s olive colored eyes found Dick and her bright red lips pulled into a smile,
“You’re new.”

She wasn’t unfriendly as she introduced herself, “I’m guessing you’re Dick Grayson. I’m
Inspector McCary.”

“As I said before, he started a few weeks ago.” Even inspectors got the sour end of Marcia
Weaver apparently.

It felt so much longer than only weeks.

Dick’s mind was pretty much everywhere, especially with Bryson’s news now adding to the
already weird nightmare aftershock…

She gave him another smile and motioned him on that he should continue, checking the walls
and structure with Ms. Weaver instead and all Dick’s confidence that ‘he knew what he was
doing’ as he’d claimed days earlier seemed to completely evaporate.

He wanted to keep his eyes away, not looking right at her.

Everything about the woman’s scent said Beta…

But Dick realized when they finally left, that he’d been holding his breath because of the
smell. The smell that followed her…

The smell was severely off.


“So about the twins…”

“Twins?” Jason looked up from his paperwork with a twisted brow. What did Roy possibly
want to know? They were infants, they ate, shit, peed, and cried…that was pretty much it.
“What about them?”

“Which one do you want?”

Jason’s pen dropped as he almost growled in frustration, “What?”

Dark red brows fell into a furrow, “Dude, I don’t know where your attention is or what you’re
thinking about, but I’m guessing they have a phallic name. I’m also guessing,” Roy sat on the
edge of Jason’s desk. “I was wrong about the booty call.”

Jason glared.

Roy’s return smile was infuriating, “Do you want to see the picture again?”

Jason was lost, “What picture?”

Roy nodded as if the answer made perfect sense. He confidently decided, as if he’d been
keeping track on an invisible list, “Just as I thought.”

“I swear to Christ, Harper…”

Roy’s teeth clicked on his next two words, “Knot brain.” He waited for a reply, but only
received a deeper glare. “You haven’t stopped thinking about him for days and we’re clearly
talking about two different sets of twins, so…knot brain. Your junk is doing the thinking

“Okay, I fucking get it,” Jason snapped. He also now realized Roy meant the stupid date he’d
agreed to…also rather stupidly. And that he indeed had attributed the question initially with
something relating to Dick instead of the two women he’d never really been that interested
in, to begin with. “I’m not going.”

Roy snorted, “I know, I was just shitting with you. You’ve found your Cinderella, I get it.”

“Roy, that’s not even…” Jason was no prince and Dick wasn’t…well maybe Damian
qualified as an ugly stepsister, but...

The other Alpha shrugged, “Hey, analogies aren’t really my thing, but you get what I mean.
He’s giving you knot brain and it’s pretty severe.”

“Don’t you have work to do?”

“I’m gonna throw you the best bachelor party…red and blue should definitely be the wedding

Neither of them brought up the wedding ring already on Dick’s finger, mostly because Roy
was just amusing himself.

Like a jackass.

“Go on that fucking date with them both and…” Jason waved his hand around, adding
somewhat lamely. “Leave me the hell alone.”

Roy winked, “Already planned on it.”

“Perfect,” Jason snarled. Right as he realized Roy’s assessment of having knot brain might
not be that far off.
Roy clapped his shoulder as he turned to leave, “Get laid dude, you’ll feel better.”

The small book Jason threw barely landed anywhere near the retreating Alpha. Roy observed
it with a downward-turned mouth, “Might want to work on your aim while you at it, big guy.
Gonna need it.”

The second one didn't miss.


Drumming his fingers against the desk, Dick kept moving, kept pacing, kept going back to
rest against the desk, then back to pacing. Picking his fingernails, just like he’d done the
night he’d been brought into the station, the night he’d met his…

“No more dancing…”

The Ice Palace. He’d looked it up on his phone and sure enough, there was now one in

And Dick felt sick. Worse than after the nightmare, his stomach was in knots and he knew, he
just knew…Omegas were in trouble.

“I don’t like Bryson. He’s mean.”

Dick smiled, thankful for the distraction as Cat continued to use the wall for support as she
did another handstand while they waited for Jason.

“He’ll be out of the class by next week,” Dick assured. Not that he wanted to speak ill of any
student, but the boy was…trying to say the least. “He didn’t hurt you or anything, did he?”
With so many kids, and being distracted to all hell, he might have missed something.

“I’d kick him in the leg nuts if he did,” the girl proclaimed as she rolled forward before
laying on her back.

Dick would hate to encourage it, but the boy would probably be asking for it at that point.

“I hope Daddy beats up his daddy,” Cat decided.

“Why would you hope that?” Dick asked, somewhat shocked. It had thankfully been
Bryson’s mother who had picked him up that day, but Dick hadn’t forgotten anything the boy
had so eagerly shared.

“Because he calls his husband fat and is mean too.”

Dick wasn’t sure how happy Jason would be about Cat talking so openly about beating
people up. He also knew the Alpha certainly wouldn’t have been happy about the desk
comment either.

“Maybe we just don’t tell Daddy about Bryson or his daddy?” Dick suggested.

There was a knock at the open door, “Oh,” the woman, Inspector McCary (she’d never said
her first name, had she?) said as she entered. “You’re still watching kids, I thought pick-up
time had already passed?”

“Not quite. Is everything okay? Did you need more information, or..” Dick motioned down
the hall, “Sammy in the office might be able to help you with any paperwork, if she hasn’t
left yet.” The inspection had been over hours ago, or so Dick thought as the building wasn’t
really that big. It seemed impossible that they had that many issues that needed going over.

Or maybe they had failed?

Her long blond streaked hair moved as she shook her head, “There’s a few things I’ll be
coming back to check on, once your new teacher arrives, but there’s nothing else. Nothing
pertaining with the inspection anyway,” She looked down at Cat, but seemed much more
interested in Dick.

Which was what he’d been afraid of.

“I was wondering if you knew any good places to eat. I live in Bluhaven and haven’t been
here in a long time. I also don’t really trust internet reviews so…” She readjusted the strap of
the bag on her shoulder as she waited for an answer.

Dick hoped the light caught his ring as he pulled a few stray pieces of hair from his eyes, “I
don’t really go out much, sorry.”

“Daddy likes to cook.”

The woman’s eyes moved between Dick and Cat. Piecing together a story, however untrue,
thanks to the girl's statement and Dick’s ring.

“Daddy!” Cat exclaimed as she got up and ran to Jason appearing at the door. The Alpha
looked confused as she tugged at the end of his jacket so he would bend down and she could
whisper in his ear.

“Sorry I can’t be of much help,” Dick offered as a distraction, while Jason continued his quiet
conversation, looking more understanding of the situation as he was piecing things together,
“But for what it’s worth, the reviews probably aren’t that off.”

“There’s an old place just up the street,” Jason offered, somewhat louder than he needed to. “I
heard they have a slight bug problem but if that doesn’t bother you, the food’s been said to be
pretty decent.”

“I’m sure I’ll find something, thank you” she said, much more stiffly. The Beta didn’t seem
to appreciate Jason’s presence or suggestion one bit and stood up taller. Her smell was
becoming far too strong and it was hard for Dick not to cough at how unpleasant it was. “I’ll
see you next week.”

Dick nodded as she turned to leave, calling out, “Have a good night.”
“The hell was…”

Dick put a finger to the Alpha’s mouth to stop him, quietly murmuring, “She might still be


If Dick was going to go with the lie he may as well fortify the story solidly for the next week
when she would be back. “I have a feeling she doesn’t give up easily.” Considering she’d
waited hours to come back and find him…

“She smells bad, daddy.”

Dick definitely had to agree.

“She’s wearing a blocker,” Jason stated.

“How do you…” Dick finally took down his hand so he could pull up his collar to sniff
himself, “God, do I smell that bad too?”

“Not quite, but close. It’s definitely too close to be a coincidence.”

Why would she be wearing a blocker though? Was she an Omega?

Dick didn't sense that she was.

“Uncle Roy said I have to make sure Daddy protects you, just like with Owen’s daddy and
she smelled…bad.”

Jason mumbled under his breath, rubbing at his temple. “Fucking Roy.”

“For what it’s worth, I think this time it may have made it easier for me, so…” Dick popped
his lips before adding. “Not that lying is a good thing,” he added to Cat.

“For the record, I would never buy you something so…gaudy,” Jason's eyes went down to the

Dick turned the jewelry with his finger, saying softly,” That’s what Damian called it too. It…I
really wanted it.” Maybe not this exact one, but Dick had wanted a band, not just a bite mark
like most Omegas got, but an actual wedding ring. “He…”

“Hey,” Jason took his hand. “It’s okay if you still like it.”

Did he? Even at the time, it had been more of a bribe…

…An apology for missing time when Slade should have been there.

And the physical sign of the beginning of all the pain.

The beginning of the treatments…

It wasn’t even not liking it.

Dick hated it.

In fact, Dick had never wanted it off his finger more than he did at that moment.

“I should walk you out there, make sure she’s not still…hanging around, or whatever.”

Dick nodded, “Thanks.”

“I mean playing pretend husband wasn’t on my to-do list today but…” he seemed to chuckle
at something he was remembering, mumbling again, “Fucking Roy.”

“I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve you,” Dick said, genuinely meaning it. “You just
continue to help me and I…” he fell off. He (or some version of his consciousness) had called
the Alpha a liar. Whether he believed it or not, he’d agreed he thought it…even if the
situation hadn’t been real. Honestly, what the hell had Dick offered Jason in return other

“Well, I’d wait before saying anymore because when it comes, the bill is going to be

Dick needed to figure out what to do about the Ice Palace, he needed to do a lot of thinking
and probably some planning.

Dick had a lot running through his mind and things to work out.

But right now he just wanted to laugh at Jason’s joke, bask in the man’s warmth and…not
think about anything else for a moment.
Chapter 25
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The wisps of the cold, autumn breeze were stinging. Like a cold whip that seemed to slice
through his skin. His hoodie was too light, barely shielding anything.

The large jacket fell heavy on his shoulders.

Staring up from the illuminated pool to his husband, Dick realized the sun had set without his
notice. Meaning he’d lost track of time. Again.

Slade let out a sigh as he slid on the patio sofa next to him, his size, his warmth being enough
that Dick was more than happy to lean into it. The man let him, wrapping his arm around The
Omega as he asked, “How long have you been out here?”

Dick shrugged, “A while.” Hours at least.

“Were you planning on going swimming?”

Dick shook his head, “I…like being by the water,” Something about it felt freeing. He wasn’t
sure when it had started but now that he felt too sick to do much physically, watching water
move was like a small escape.

Slade made an acknowledging sound, but didn’t appear happy, “Let’s get you inside.”

Wintergreen returned the next day.

Always watching, never far enough away that Dick felt he was ever alone, not even when
showering or doing anything private. The Beta returned…and never left.

And no amount of Dick’s pleading about how much he disliked him, how uncomfortable he
felt…did anything.

He’d yet to go inside. Staring at the dying flowers, the sound of the fountain trickling behind
him. Dick had been trying to find some peace, some way he could untangle his thoughts but
the garden just wasn’t giving him the shelter it usually did.

Maybe Mr, Froggy was here, maybe he could tell Dick just what in the hell to do.

Dick rubbed his eyes for what felt like the 20th time, both from the wind drying them out and
just…pure exhaustion.

“I certainly hope you don’t intend to live out here now.”

A warm mug of hot chocolate was presented to him, alongside a fuzzy blanket. Dick hadn’t
heard the elderly man enter the gate, but noticed Alfred had a second cup for himself. Tea, no
doubt. Dick took both with a smile of gratitude, moving over so the man could sit as well.

Taking a sip and enjoying the warmth from the soft fabric as he draped it on his shoulders,
Dick let a peaceful moment pass before asking, “He knew, didn’t he?”

“That’s rather a broad question, young master,” Alfred responded, though there was a light
tease in his voice.

“Bruce…he knew about the club.”

Alfred took a thoughtful pause, “Master Bruce battled long and hard to keep that wretched
place out of Gotham. I think he’s partly ashamed he wasn’t successful.”

Dick ran his fingers across the mug, feeling the slight ridges of the design. The answer didn’t
surprise him, but... “It’s bigger than Bruce. It’s…” a painful smile pulled on his lips, “but
what does an Omega know?”

“Quite a lot, I’d say,” Alfred took the first sip from his tea cup.

“I saw it, how all of it worked,” And Dick understood why most Omegas did it. With such
limited jobs for an Omega to have, a place that offered food, shelter, and even a little bit of
cash, had to sound like a dream come true. Dick knew he was lucky enough that he’d never
had to worry about those kinds of things, but many Omegas did and the club seemingly took
advantage of that. He’d seen the mistreatment, how they were all handled like pieces of meat
rather than people. “I just needed a bit more time and I would have gotten more information
on him.”


Dick realized then, that he’d never really shared anything of what he'd found with anyone.
Mostly because he’d always been shot down and then he’d gotten too sick.“They just called
him the boss, I think he’s the real mastermind behind it all. Everyone thinks it’s Cobblepot,
but…” Dick had learned about the short, rotund man well enough that while he was scummy
and beyond a creep, there was definitely someone above him that he answered to.

“What do you intend to do?” Dick stopped his next drink in surprise, looking over at the man
who merely chuckled. “I’ve seen that same look on your face since you were nine, I know
what it means.”

Dick bit his lip, “I don’t know yet.”

It was half truth, Dick hadn’t ironed out any plans yet, it was still too new.

“There are people that might be able to help, you know.”

“I’m not telling Bruce, I…” Dick swallowed, “Please don’t say anything to him.” Bruce
would stop him. Dick would never see the walls outside the manor ever again if the man
found out Dick was planning anything.
Keep him safe, everyone wanted to keep him safe…but no one wanted to listen. He was
weak, frail, and incapable of doing anything but getting in the way.

Not this time, Dick wouldn’t be talked out of it. Neither Bruce nor Slade…

“I wasn’t referring to Master Bruce.”

“Then…” Dick was lost.

Alfred’s eyes crinkled at the corners, “There’s a certain young detective you seem to have
grown quite enamored with. A rather good dancer and a brave man from what I’ve seen and

“Jason?” Dick asked, wondering if the breathless sound coming from his voice could be
heard or was merely in his head. He felt suddenly lightheaded at the idea, “I can’t…he
can’t…” Jason was brave and strong, willing to pretend to be married to him to keep away
advances Dick didn’t want…Jason was all of that and so much more. But Jason was also an
Alpha, Jason…


The word echoed over and over, Slade had used the phrase so many times it almost seemed to
lose all meaning.

Jason would…might…probably…would…

Alphas wanted to protect and give demands…they never wanted to hear.

“You know you can talk to me, right?”

“No,” Dick decided amid his heart beating faster, his pulse quickening. He couldn’t take the
risk. Not after… “No, I’m going to do this myself.”

“Then I must insist you let me help you at the very least.”

“Al…” Dick nearly fell over in shock.

“If you’re set to do this, you’ll need a plan,” The Beta continued, in all seriousness. “Going
in half cocked will get you nowhere.”

Alfred Pennyworth’s military training seemed to be pulling through and all Dick could do
was gape in astonishment, “Are you…sure?”

“As sure as I am that the pigheadedness of certain Alphas is going to destroy this society one
day. Now,” the man rose dusting off his suit pants rather elegantly. “How about some soup to
help warm our bones?”

Dick still didn’t eat with the family all that much. If Alfred was shocked when he agreed,
“Yeah, sure,” the man didn’t show it.
Maybe he was just the ally Dick needed after all.


Jason was on his second shot by the time the bartender decided he wasn’t a sleazebag. Two
different Omegas had sat near him, both squirming in their seats, but Jason hadn’t bitten.

Past a glass raise, he hadn’t acknowledged either.

“What, are you blind?” Asked the second one before stomping away.

Being an Omega-friendly bar (one of the very few in Gotham), it was Jason for once, who felt
like he might say the wrong thing and get booted out. Roy already talking up half the place…
certainly wasn’t helping.

“Jimmy, you want to pass me my usual?”

The next Omega who sat down, this time right beside him, this one was different. He was the
star, the one Jason had just seen perform on stage. He regarded Jason with his elbow on the
bar, looking nothing short of stunning in all gold to perfectly match the color of his curly
hair, “Never seen you before.”

Jason took a gulp that finished the glass before putting it down, “I’m just here with a friend.”

The Omega pointed behind them, even his nail polish was gold, “The redhead?”

Jason blinked. Roy really was making the rounds, it seemed. He couldn’t hold in a chuckle,
“He hit on you?”

“He’s cute, but not really my…” Large almond-colored eyes looked Jason up and down. His
red-stained lips smiled, “You know.”

Jason’s brow rose, “Do I?”

“Well you’ve had the attention of nearly every Omega here so…I’d say you do.”

Jason was aware.

“You’ve got a nice voice,” Jason acknowledged, just to turn the conversation around, and
also because it was true.

“I’ve got a nice…a lot of things,” the man corrected. His hooded eyes shone with all the
glitter around them as he leaned closer to Jason, “I’m an artist.”

“Are you?” Jason felt he may have laughed a little at the glare the man gave.

“I happen to be very good at it. I also happen to know I’m the prettiest Omega here so…”

He probably was, but…“I’m just here to drink.”

“And I’m just here to sing and dance…”

“Maybe some other…”

The man grabbed his arm, stopping Jason, “Come to my room in the back.”

“I don’t…”

“You’re the hottest guy here by a mile and besides,” he practically batted his eyes, knowing
Jason was enjoying his honey-sweet scent that grew stronger the closer he moved in, “We
both know you aren’t going to say no.”

Jason blamed his youth, alcohol, and the long day of academy training for falling weak for
the scent. The man was beautiful, if somewhat shallow and his art (that Jason had assumed
was a joke) was pretty good.

If Jason had let it end there, just one stupid night of fun, he’d not have roped himself into lies
upon lies…being spun like a spiderweb.

But he also wouldn’t have Cat either.

Stumbling across the note alongside the baby blanket that Cat had been wrapped in, Jason
hadn’t been looking for either, instead searching for a thicker blanket since it was so
goddamn cold all of a sudden…

The creeks from the springs on the bed behind him made Jason pause. Letting out a light sigh
and finally pulling out the right blanket and shoving the note and blanket back in the box…


“It’s Allie.”

Jason rose from his squatted position, cracking his neck as he asked, “What’s Allie?”

But he didn’t really have to ask because it wasn’t just Allie. It was Allie, Petey, Mr. Moo, The
goddamn Elephant…

All lined up around his daughter who had the covers pulled over her head.

“Uh huh,” Jason acknowledged to the scene of stuffed toys. “Big girls sleep in their own
beds, remember?”

The motion that was no doubt a head shake, sent the covers swishing, “They want to sleep in

Jason tossed the blanket on the end of the bed, “Just them, huh?”

Cat pulled the covers down a little to look at him with a smile.

It was so close to his…when it had been genuine and not a forced sultry put on trying to
seduce Jason out of…whatever he wanted.
“Fine, but this is the last time.” Which was probably a lie, but…Jason really wasn’t looking
forward to rolling on stuffed animals all night. “And keep your cold feet to yourself.”

His feet had been the same, like goddamn ice cubes attached to legs, shocking Jason every
time they managed to rub against him.

“My feet aren’t cold,” the girl insisted.

Jason took off his shirt, placing it in the hamper with a snort, his socks following right after,
“I think I’ll be the judge of that.”

Climbing into the bed, Jason turned to shut off the lamp on his nightstand.


Jason stilled his actions to look around at his daughter, “Yeah?”

She was toying with the end of Petey’s beak, pursing her mouth slightly. She seemed to be
thinking before she finally asked, “Can we get a baby?”

Jason had truthfully been waiting for some form of this conversation since the hospital. Just
not at 9:30 at night when all he really wanted to do was sleep. He sat up and held in a sigh,
“Kit, it’s a little more complicated than just…getting a baby.”

“You get a big belly right?” Kit pulled the covers down further so she could emphasize a big
circle around her middle with her arms. “Then you go to the hospital and you get a baby.”

Jason was a bit shocked how she’d put that together, realizing just how quickly she was
growing up, “It’s a bit more than that, Kit.” Not much, but Jason wasn’t going to go into
graphic details…

“But why can’t we get one?”

“I already got my baby,” He motioned at her. “You just…grew up.”

“But we could get another one, right? Mrs. Peters had two.”

Jason chuckled in slight horror at the idea, “You really think I could have handled two of

Having multiple children was a bragging point for most Alphas, but Jason was sure he’d have
lost his mind taking care of two screaming infants at the same time. Double the diapers, the
bottles, the clothes…

“I coulda had a sister,” Cat’s eyes lit up at the idea.

“Or a brother,” Jason offered.

The girl squished her nose, violently shaking her head.

Jason rolled his eyes at her dramatic reaction, poking her cheek in amusement, “Yeah, I
know, boys are gross, but it’s true. You don’t choose what you get.” Just like you didn’t
choose your presentation at 14. The world would probably be nothing but Alphas in that case.
“And I only got you and that’s more than enough for me.”

Cat didn’t seem very happy with this answer.

“Hey,” he prodded her with his shoulder. He often wondered if it bothered her that she didn’t
have a mom, or grandparents...something he was sure most other kids in her class had. It
seemed impossible that it didn’t and Jason could honestly only do and be so much, no matter
how hard he tried. Jason knew what it felt like to feel alone and he refused to ever have his
daughter clean up after his vomit or a mess he’d made from being pissed out drunk or high.

Cat would never grow up like Jason had, not for one damn second.

Wherever his old man was, Jason wouldn’t have let him within a hundred feet of her. He
hadn’t reached out for contact or to let the bastard know he was a grandfather and Jason
never fucking would.

He ultimately wasn’t sure how to apologize that he came from a fucked up family. All Jason
had to offer was himself and maybe that wasn’t enough but, “You know I love you, right?
Like…a lot.”

It was her turn to roll her eyes, turning over so she could move closer to him, “I know that,

“Then we don’t need a baby, do we?”

Cat bit her lip before shaking her head. She played with Allie’s skirt, changing the topic, “I
wish Mr. Grayson could stay here again.”

Jason couldn’t even begin to say how much he wished the same thing, “That was fun, huh?”

She nodded, her face turning serious, “I hope Scruffy’s being good.”

“I’m sure Damian is taking good care of him,” Jason was positive Dick would be on top of
that. “But I’m sure you could ask about him tomorrow.”

Cat yawned, burrowing her head into the pillow before agreeing, “Okay.”

It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep after that. Jason quietly rearranged the animals to sit
on the nightstand (he’d been serious about not rolling on the goddamn things) pulling the
blanket up so it covered Cat, he was going to turn out the light…

But tossing and turning didn’t sound all that appealing, and he didn’t want to risk waking the
poor kid up either. Throwing back the covers, Jason headed out the room, through the
kitchen, and finally out into the living room and the back porch.

His nicotine addiction didn’t do much for Jason’s overall health, but The Alpha would take
the calm the shitty little sticks brought over thinking about him any day.

His eyes were fuzzy and he was sure he smelled like an ashtray, even after a long morning
shower. One cigarette had turned into two, and so on and so forth.

It was hard to really speak with Dick with so many new kids in the classroom, many of
whom arrived earlier than Dick’s usual students. The man seemed slightly overwhelmed and
Jason couldn’t really blame him, just offering a smile he knew wasn’t very helpful, but at
least it seemed that weird woman from yesterday wouldn’t be there for another few days.

Jason was ready for the weekend, ready to have a few days off from paperwork and worrying
how many times a day he would run into Terra. At least at his apartment he could close the
door and be done with her. In the office, it was a free roam and the woman just reminded him
of a lost dog searching for its owner.

And speaking of owners…

Jason’s car wasn’t a hunk of junk, nor was it high-end luxury. It got him from point A to
point B with a few added bells and whistles. It was not, however, even a fraction as nice as
the car parked next to him.

Black and sleek, everything obviously custom…

And the owner of said car, wearing what was probably the rich man’s version of casual with a
turtleneck, slacks, and a jacket. A look that probably still cost more than what Jason made in
a month. The owner placed his hands in his pockets to address him.

“Jason,” The man acknowledged.

Jason had no fucking clue why Bruce Wayne was here or what the hell he wanted…

“I was hoping we could talk.”

But he was apparently going to find out.

Chapter End Notes

Half way point of the story.

It feels like reader intrest has dropped somewhat so any comments are greatly

Thanks for sticking with me and sorry how slow everything is moving.
Chapter 26

The place they ended up at was surprisingly…average Americana in nature. A simple cafe
that seemed far too ordinary. Not the kind of establishment Jason assumed a billionaire even
walked into, much less ate at.

“Dick loved this place,” Bruce explained, in a way that explained nothing to Jason’s
satisfaction but instead made him feel he was being set up into a trap of some kind. If Bruce
was going to threaten him, maybe offer Jason some money to stay away…

“I still come here a lot. Always in this booth, it’s…a memory I like to hold onto. Dick…”
Bruce gave a small smile that seemed genuine (given all the posturing he’d done at the gala,
Jason wasn’t sure genuine was something the man could actually do). “Well, there wasn’t an
ice cream sundae that couldn’t cure almost anything in those days.”

Maybe Jason was willing to bite a little. If he was going to sit here, he may as well get some
answers to fucking…something, “Those days?”

Bruce held the handle of his coffee mug, pausing a moment before answering, somewhat
cryptically, “I was told I should have noticed, that maybe I was being willfully blind.”

Jason still didn’t know why the man was saying any of this to him, other than seeing it as a
way to soften the blow of whatever way Bruce was going to try to take Dick away from him.
In other words, manipulative bullshit, “Noticed what?”

Bruce’s eyes found the window beside them, observing the activity of daily life happening
down the busy street before he replied, his jaw ticking, “His love of sweets, the way certain
Alphas acted since the moment he became my ward. He was a gifted child, smart, funny, and
charming. I…thought maybe that’s what they were amazed by.”

Dick did seem to have the ability to catch attention quite easily, through both his looks and
demeanor, but the darker undertone in Bruce’s words…

“I love my son.”

Jason looked up at that declaration. Right into the man’s steel blue eyes that seemed both
younger and older than they had moments before. The overly grandiose Bruce Wayne from
the gala was nowhere to be found and Jason could tell that the man meant it.

“And I protect the things that I love.”

Jason had heard this Alpha speech many times, usually with the same results. Protecting and
dominating, often the line was so blurred it was almost as if it didn’t exist.

It was an excuse and not a very impressive one at that.

“I watched for years as a man my son trusted destroyed everything about him slowly and
methodically…” Bruce was gripping the cup so hard that it looked visibly ready to shatter.

“What did he do?”

Bruce blinked as if not seeming to understand Jason’s response. Or perhaps not expecting it.

Maybe he expected Jason’s anger to be more at the idea that he was going to be told to stay
away (if that’s indeed what this was) and there was some truth to that, but…

Jason’s worst fear was pretty much being laid out for him and the part of him that wanted to
punch Bruce square in the face if he was suggesting Jason was any kind of Alpha that would
ever harm Dick fell shorter than the concern and desire to fucking know…

“What did he do to him?” Jason repeated.

Bruce’s eyes returned to the window, evading the question.

Jason crossed his arms, “Look, maybe you think you know everything or you’re used to
people telling you that you do, but you don’t. You don’t know me and I wouldn’t hurt him.
Ever.” The younger man wasn’t going to be grouped with an abusive asshole Alpha. Not in a
cafe before noon by a man who spent every goddamn day being waited on hand and foot, a
man who wore an air that he had Jason ‘all figured out’.

A pause before, “You don’t understand, Jason.”

The tone was softer.

Jason rested his folded arms on the table, his demeanor more than snappy, sarcastic even, he
probably could have dialed it back, but annoyance was definitely winning out, “Then explain
it to me…Bruce.”

“Dick is bonded.”

Jason bit his cheek, his heart taking a sharp stab against his chest as he nodded. It was pretty
normal for a married Alpha and Omega to bond.

Apparently, this wasn’t the response Bruce expected as the man studied him, “I can assume
you’ve never been bonded yourself.”

“You seem to assume a lot,” Jason bit back. Something in Bruce’s tone was pissing him off…
except… “Wait? If he’s bonded, where’s his bite mark?”

Bruce’s brow shifted the slightest bit, maybe at the idea that Jason had studied enough of
Dick’s neck to know there was clearly no bite there, but he ultimately replied, “Dick had it

“Removed? But that’s…” It was almost unheard of due to being so expensive, dangerous, and
above all, excruciatingly painful.
Bruce continued as if understanding his meaning, “It was one of the few things I could do for
him. Changing his last name back, and hiding his information, I did everything I could.
But…only the mark is gone.”

Jason nodded “You can’t officially unbond them.”

“No,” Bruce agreed, solemnly. “I can’t.”

So Dick was still married and mated, despite clearly not wanting to be. Which made Jason
wonder, “How much does Dick know about all you’ve done?” Jason had heard a lot of ‘I’s in
Bruce’s statements and there was a dodginess that made him wonder if the Omega was even
aware all his information was essentially under lock and key. Or Christ knows what else.

Bruce’s back stiffened, “Dick knows what he needs to.”

Jason rubbed at his third eye, not really surprised by the answer, but somehow still miffed by
it, “You mean what you think he needs to,” he corrected.

“I’m willing to do what I need to for him to live as normal a life as he can. And for that to be
possible …it’s better that he doesn’t know about some things,” Bruce sighed at Jason’s glare,
realizing he wasn’t getting anywhere with the younger Alpha on the path he was going. “You
may not agree with my methods, but…”

“Alphas know best,” Jason finished with a snort of disgust.

Bruce took a contemplative silence before responding, not in anger, but something else, “He
used prescriptions to drug him.”

Jason stared in shock, “What?”

“It’s all considered legal since it’s prescribed and he’s his…Alpha,” Bruce’s grip tightened on
the mug again. “I don’t know for what purpose but…every pill I was able to find records on
was keeping Dick sedated, possibly worse.”


“I don’t think Alpha’s know best, not by a long shot.” Bruce’s eyes were as solid as stone, his
words just as hard.

“So we get the fucker locked up for abuse and…”

“It’s not that simple,” Bruce sounded tired, old. Jason’s front pocket started buzzing, but the
younger of the two ignored it. “As I said, it’s all legal. And they are bonded. This…is for
your protection too.”

Now he was pulling the bullshit line on Jason too?

Jason was at a loss and only the sound of the cell's continued vibration filled the booth for a
Buzzing on and on alongside the fire buzzing in Jason’s veins.

When he finally found his words, they were the opposite of happy.

“So…what? Did you seriously bring me here to tell me there’s no hope? That I should just
leave Dick to this abusive fuck he doesn’t want to be with and wipe my hands of it because
they’re bonded?” Jason knew he was being irrational, that this was the way things worked,
that he saw this shit every day and he fucking knew this was how it was, but his Alpha
simply wasn’t having it. “That only you can…protect him?”


No. Fuck that.

Jason finally looked at his phone because he was losing patience with the damn vibrating
(and was also afraid he might say something worse to Bruce if he didn’t have some kind of

It was Roy.

Where the hell are you?

Jason ground his mouth, pushing the phone back into his pocket while trying his best to not
crunch it into a million pieces.

If this was all Bruce was going to offer…

Jason rose from the booth with a clenched fist and an even tighter feeling around his heart.
He stared daggers at Bruce while realizing he honestly wished it was Dick’s husband sitting
there instead (mostly so he could slam the nearly empty coffee mug into the man’s skull)

Dial back the rage. Calm the Alpha. He’s not yours.

He’s bonded.

To someone else…

Again, fuck that.

Looking down at the man, Jason exhaled, “Look, Bruce, I don't know what you planned in
telling me all this. If you thought I’d tuck my tail and run, or whatever, but just so you
know…” He felt his fingers alight with an energy he needed to use, however idly, merely so
he wouldn’t hit something. “You’re not the only one who cares about him.”

He didn’t wait for a response or even pause to see if Bruce had planned to give one, leaving
the cafe with two new thoughts in his mind.

Grayson wasn’t Dick’s married name.

And Jason needed to research legal prescriptions for Omegas.


“Do you like my necklace, Mr. Grayson?”

Dick smiled at the gold jewelry piece Cat was stretching on its chain to show him. It gleamed
in the light and he peered down with a hum. After a pretend moment of speculation, he
decided, “I do. Is it new?”

“Daddy said I could have it,” the girl looked down at it fondly. “It was my Mommy’s.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“Daddy said my mommy was really pretty.”

“I’m sure he was,” Dick agreed. “I mean he did make you, didn’t he?”

Cat favored Jason so Dick couldn’t say for sure, but he had no doubt the girl's mother had
been beautiful.

Beautiful and yet able to abandon this sweet, little girl…

Dick had to stop himself from such thoughts. He didn’t understand any of it. The process of
carrying a child, and what it did to the body and mind, he’d only read pamphlets and
experienced it through others. He had no right to judge.

The gold sparkled and the more Dick studied the pendent the girl was playing with…

Something about it…

Had Dick seen it before or was he just…

“Goddamit,” came a grumble from behind them.

Jason’s face was both weary and exhausted as he grabbed something from the floor,
something he seemed to almost have tripped on, and slammed it into the rainbow-colored
trash can.

“Bad day at work?” Dick started with an easy, almost teasing smile, until he saw that there
was genuine anger in the man’s shoulders as the Alpha gripped the trash can like a lifeline.
“Jason?” he ventured, a bit less certain now.

“I’m fine…” the man finally stood up and turned, giving an unsteady sigh as he added,

But Dick shook his head, “It’s..just…are you okay?”

“I guess it was a bad day,” the man offered, not giving even half a fake smile. He hesitated a
moment, looking like he was chewing the inside of his cheek as if contemplating something,
“I found out some shi…” he corrected himself upon seeing Cat. “...stuff… and I’m not sure
what to do with it..yet.”
“Well,” Dick ventured, walking up and, brushing down the man’s jacket collar so it sat
correctly, “I find some ice cream usually helps with a bad day.”

Jason stopped him before Dick could remove his hand. It seemed almost involuntary and
even Jason looked surprised with how quickly he did it. And yet his hold was gentle despite
how fast he’d done it.

“Jason?” Dick questioned as he realized the man was breathing unevenly. “Jason, what’s…”

Dick was suddenly swept into the taller man’s chest as Jason mumbled into his ear, wrapping
both arms around him in a way and with a heat that Dick nearly lost all ability to think
straight, He was so lost for a moment, the reverberation of the man’s voice, quiet as it was,
almost startled him, “I’m sorry.”

He sounded both angry and…something else. And Dick…

Dick had to reorient himself, taking longer than he should have just to smell Jason, to take in
his warmth before The Omega found the ability to joke, pulling back slightly to address the

Jason was looking at him and Dick’s mouth took a moment to work.

“I’m pretty sure the trashcan will forgive you.”

Because it seemed like they both needed some humor.

Jason snorted, shaking his head and seemingly raising his mood somewhat, “God, you’re…”

“Hilarious? Yes, I’ve been told.”

A brow raised in disbelief, “By who, yourself?”

Dick scoffed as Jason finally let go, “Well now you definitely have to demand ice cream from
him,” he said to Cat.

The girl nodded eagerly.

“In solidarity with the trash can,” Dick insisted.

“Yeah, daddy. You were really mean to it.”

Jason stared, gaping for a moment, “What does that have to do with…you two are insane.”

Dick smiled and waved them off a wink to their dessert, promising he just had a few things to
finish up before he would be leaving too.

Jason had hesitated but Dick had insisted.

Because he needed a moment alone.

A moment to think.
Dick knew something was bothering Jason and unfortunately with Cat there on top of his
curfew and having to check in with Bruce, there wasn’t much he could do or say. He also
knew another hug probably wouldn’t have been a good idea either because…

Dick was pretty sure, as he’d pulled away and looked into the man’s eyes that Jason…had
wanted to kiss him.

And Dick was also sure…we would have let him.


Toying with Cat’s hair as her head laid against his thigh, the dark curls falling in and out of
his fingers, Jason idly watched the television screen, barely able to process anything actually
happening on it. His mind felt like it was adrift in the ocean. Lost at sea. He took another
drink from his beer, moving an empty ice cream container back into the bag it had come in.

Omegas were known for loving sweeter foods and as Bruce had claimed Dick indeed did
seem to find solace in ice cream. And of course, Cat hadn’t let it go.

Which had no doubt been Dick’s plan.

Jason was pretty sure he was more interested in how the man’s mouth tasted than any stupid
ice cream, but...


Jason hadn’t thought she was still awake, replying softly, “Yeah, baby?”

“Do you think Mommy would like my art as much as Mr. Grayson does?”


Like Jason hadn’t been dealt enough gut punches today. Maybe giving her that necklace
hadn’t been a good idea but she’d just seemed so interested in it and despite Jason’s feelings
about him…he still was her mother.

But Christ, what a fucking question.

“Hey,” he poked the girl so she would sit up and look at him. “You want to know a secret?”

Cat nodded.

“I think your art is better than your mom's ever was.”

Though maybe Jason was a bit biased.

“Daddy,” Cat fell against him in a rebuking, disbelieving way, but didn’t hold in a giggle.

“I’m serious and besides, who doesn’t like your art? I love it and Mr. Grayson tells you how
good you are all the time, doesn’t he?”
Cat nodded, though it wasn’t as enthusiastic as it could have been. Jason hoped it was just
being tired, but had a feeling it was related to something more.

He just didn’t have the energy for it right now.

“Anyway, go wash up. You should have been in bed hours ago”

The girl rolled her eyes as she herself also rolled off the couch.

“Take the Alligator too,” Jason reminded before she got too far and she slipped her arm back
up to grab the toy.

Hearing the bathroom door close, Jason prepared to turn off the television and hit the hay
himself. But just as his finger was about to hit the button on the remote, he paused. A
commercial had started. It wasn’t anything overly flashy or amazing. in fact, it was rather
simple and low budget, and actually seemed to be an infomercial.

“Can we…” Dick’s voice was barely above a whisper, “…change this?”

Jason slowly sat back down again and watched. Waiting for it to show what the product
actually was. The product Dick hadn’t wanted to see.

And when it did finally show what it was…

Jason took another swig from his can, sitting forward so he could view the whole program in
its entirety. Grabbing one of Cat’s crayons so he could write notes and details on an old
newspaper he pulled from the coffee table drawer...

Jason was clearly in for a longer night than he’d originally planned.


Readjusting the bag on his shoulder, staring at the cool blue lighting illuminating the walls
and ground around him, Dick took a shuddering breath.

God, why had this been so much easier the first time around?

Maybe age really did bring wisdom and knowing just what he planned to get himself caught
up in again was giving him cold feet.

(Or maybe you just don’t feel as attractive as you used to.)

Except broken parts didn’t show on the outside and as long as he smelled nice enough…

Age may have brought wisdom but it didn’t didn’t mean much in the Ice Palace, they wanted
diverse types for all Alphas to enjoy.

It may have been taboo in the ‘real’ world for an Omega of his age to have no children, but
It was all fantasy.

A sick, twisted, deluded…

“Hey,” the man at the door called to him. Eyeing him up and down, Dick waited, grip

“You coming in or what?”

Well, he must still have something left to not be turned immediately away.

Dick put on his meekest smile and nodded, following the man and trying his best to level out
his heartbeat as the door shut closed behind them.
Chapter 27
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“Ric Todd?”

The Omega let the paper fall on the desk, observing Dick as if he had a bad, lingering smell,
the right side of the man’s lip twitching slightly. He either didn’t believe the name or just
seemed to find Dick…repulsive?

“How old are you?”

Considering they had to be around the same age (if Dick had to guess), the question
seemed…unnecessary at the very least.

His light brown eyes had barely glanced in Dick’s direction since he’d been brought into the
lush, overly decorated room, adorned in icy diamonds that shimmered in every light. Now the
other Omega seemed to be staring almost too much, critical of every inch, yet somehow still

“Nevermind,” the platinum-haired man concluded before Dick could respond, “It doesn’t
matter, the answer is no.”

“No?” Dick mirrored, mostly in confusion.

The man smiled in an unkind way, leaning forward on the desk he was sitting at and resting
his face under his laced fingers. He seemed to sparkle nearly as much as the room, his perfect
makeup and outfit a match to every glistening gem. “I don’t know what you expected or what
you’ve heard about how easy it is to get in here, but we have strict guidelines, and you…”His
eyes started from the top, working his way down as he counted on his long, pointed
fingernails, “Boring hair, average face, body needs a ton of work…we see a dozen of you
every day so sorry, but no.”

Everything about this felt strange.

And nothing at all like Dick’s first experience.

Dick didn’t need this snobby Omega who was clearly never going to let him through.

Dick needed an Alpha.

(Dear Christ, how he still hated that idea sometimes…even at almost 30)

Lowering his eyelids and turning his attention to the obvious security in the room, Dick
looked at him longingly. Begging him to help.

To interject on his behalf.

The tall, stocky Alpha in the black suit seemed to stiffen at Dick’s gaze. He swallowed and
despite his hands being clasped in front of him, it almost felt like he wanted to reach out so
he could touch Dick in some way.

Maybe to comfort…maybe to cop a feel, at the moment, it hardly…

“And a shameless slut, apparently,” the Omega continued, looking both bored and continually

Dick was almost sure he was going to get tossed out on his ass (as he’d originally feared)
when a distinct, revolting voice chimed in.

Something crunched unevenly on the marble floor.

“Now, now, pet, there’s no need to be so discourteous to our guest.”

Oswald Cobblepott wasn’t exactly a sight for sore eyes, waddling on his cane in his tailored,
yet somehow still ill-fitting suit, but Dick did breathe a little easier at seeing him.

A sad thing to admit, but…

He could impress Cobblepott. Dick knew how the Alpha thought, what he wanted to see,
what dazzled him. This other Omega…Dick would have better luck convincing a brick wall.

“I’m starting to see why no one gives you lot any real power.” Cobblepott snickered as he
hobbled further in, observing Dick through his one monocled eye. “One ounce of it and it all
goes to your bloody heads.”

“He’s lying about his name, he’s…”

“As if any of you cunts use your real goddamn names,” Cobblepot sneered, silencing the

Even Dick held his breath at the cruelty and venom aimed in the words.

Cobblepot leered at Dick as he continued to look him over, “Ah, yes,” he rounded the Omega
once before returning to Dick’s view, proclaiming, (as if he’d just been offered the finest cut
of meat for dinner, mouth all but watering), “I knew it was you.”

“You know him?”

“This” the man tapped his bulbous nose to show the sparkling Omega, “Is never wrong. He
was one of my favorites,” As if Dick were a thing and nothing more. “One of my biggest
crowd turners.”

Dick could feel the distaste from the Omega only growing.

“Sadly, he got taken by…” the Alpha shook his head, “Well none of that matters now, my
little bird has returned. And,” the squat man pointed his cane at the Omega at the desk, “ I
don’t give a shit what he calls himself now, you’re going to stop your bitching and put him in
the show.”

“He should work the floor first, like everyone else,” The Omega insisted. “You gave me this
job to…”

“Weed out the shit.” He took a step back towards the Omega. “As I said, perhaps that was a,”
his thin lips peeled into a grimace, “mistake.”

Cobblepot’s giant nose flared and Dick…

“I don’t mind a few nights on the floor.”

It only felt right to try and de-escalate where he could.

Dick might not have been fond of the Omega thus far, but he certainly didn’t want to see him
hit or possibly worse. And working closer to the Alphas, handing out drinks, and being able
to start multiple conversations, flirt, and learn as much as he could with multiple ‘patrons’
Dick could definitely see how that would be beneficial.

At first, it looked like Cobblepot wanted to snarl at Dick for speaking at all, but his angry
scowl quickly turned into a sharp-toothed grin. He patted (almost closer to slapped) Dick’s
face, his jagged nails almost cutting the skin. He turned to the other Omega still seated, “Now
that’s how a good Omega behaves.”

The other Omega looked incensed, “Wait until Roman gets…”

“Shut your twat mouth before I have your tongue sliced out. This is my place, and I make the
rules,” (But Dick knew that wasn’t true…not completely anyway) Cobblepot took a breath.
“Now do the proper bleeding thing you should have done the moment he got here and give
him a mirror.”

Not a dressing room, not a personal one, at least. Not yet. But maybe a different path was
exactly what Dick needed this time.

The Omega looked indignant and almost unwilling to do so, but as an Omega, a lower form
to even the short, malformed Alpha barking orders, he really had no choice but to obey.

However begrudgingly.


“Numbers?” Jason asked from Roy’s couch, sitting back so he could observe the papers he’d
been handed, skimming a finger for something to tell him just what in the hell he was looking
at. Columns of numbers and what looked possibly like names? But nothing to say what any
line or row meant.

From the Ice Palace’s old Haven records apparently. Something Roy’s Omega ‘friend’ had
been able to help him find.
“These have to be stage names, right? Alias or…whatever?”

“I would guess so,” Roy shrugged, slurping up some of the lo mein he’d ordered for them
and the girls for lunch. He wagged his brows, “A Nom De Guerre for the mystery and
intrigue of it all.”

Jason bit his lip and continued looking down the list. Huntress, Ivy…a line and name blacked
out followed by more?

They had to be Omegas. But the numbers…

And why was someone crossed off?

Had they been taken? Were they fired? Jason chewed his cheek, deceased?

“I told you I would look into it,” The redhead continued, taking a swig of his beer.

Jason nodded absently. Despite being seen as mostly a slacker, Roy could get shit done when
he wanted to, something Jason appreciated.

If only Jason knew what in the hell these papers were.

And why they honestly put a rock in his stomach the more Jason thought about what names
and numbers together could mean.

Unfortunately, no answer The Alpha could come up with was in any way positive.

“Not impressed?” Roy almost seemed pouty, or maybe he was heading towards tipsy.
“Obviously, we have to figure out what it all means but finding anything left over from the
place wasn’t exactly easy.”

“No, just…” Jason finally put the papers down on the living room table, squeezing the bridge
of his nose. “Having processing overload.” Between looking up prescriptions all day,
realizing he couldn’t access any of Dick’s information until Monday, where he’d no doubt
need higher clearance still, which also meant…

“Your friend wouldn’t happen to be able to see protected information of individuals, would

“Mr. Teacher?” Roy guessed, checking a message that had come in on his phone before
responding. “Nah, I already tried, that’s over her head apparently,” He paused another bite at
Jason’s brow raise. “Hey, that was before I decided he wasn’t a serial killer.”

Jason just sighed.

“And what happened to being ‘not the least bit curious’ and all that shit?”

“I lied,” Jason shrugged. “People do it every day.”

“Screw Live, Laugh, Love, you should have that framed on your wall,” Roy snorted. He
continued eating, “What else do you want to know anyway?”

Everything, Jason couldn’t answer.

“His last name for one. His married one,” Jason clarified. “Except something tells me Bruce
might have scraped all evidence of it from the planet.”

Roy half nodded his head. “Yeah, you’d probably need Terminator clearance for that,
assuming there’s anything actually left. But you’re right, with that kind of money, Bruce
could make a lot of things disappear.”

Anything but a bond it seemed. Neither Bruce Wayne nor money could do that.

“Should have guessed about the Omega thing,” Roy rubbed at his nose. “He’s too pretty for a
Beta, honestly, and that ass…” his hands cupped as if to demonstrate said item.

“Knock it off!” Jason snarled before he could stop himself.

“Easy tiger,” Roy held a placating hand. “Happily experimenting with two lovely twins.” He
reminded, then seemed to think on it further, “...and an ex that might want me dead most
days. I was just…making a point.”

“Have I ever ‘just made a point’ about Jade’s ass?”Jason snapped, knowing in part his anger
wasn’t even at Roy, just general frustration he wasn’t properly letting out.

Roy dropped his chopsticks, “Damn,” he mumbled as he deeply observed Jason. “I was
kidding about a wedding, but…” His expression was more worried than anything, “Christ,
Jay, getting laid and having fun is one thing, but you can’t…”

“Start falling in love with an already married, mated, and bonded man?” Jason joked
sarcastically. Because he didn’t feel enough like an idiot already.

“Fuck,” Roy softly exclaimed. “You really have, haven’t you?”

“Guess I can’t say you didn’t warn me,” Jason sighed, getting up from the couch so he could
go smoke.

I have fun, I…don’t fall like you do.

Or possibly go hit his head against the stucco wall outside.


Fuck indeed.


“Well I’d call it rather a success then, wouldn’t you?”

Dick held the hot chocolate closer and gave somewhere between a shrug and a nod, sharing
the previous night's odd happenings with Alfred, where he’d ultimately been given a uniform
(if one could call such little clothing a uniform) and it was explained what his duties would
be. Since he wouldn’t be living at the Ice Palace, Dick had been signed on to work only
weekends for now. And today being Saturday… “Guess we’ll see tonight if I’ve still actually
got it.”

“Diamond’s horrible to everyone,” the young Omega in the community dressing room
assured Dick as soon as the silver-haired Omega, Diamond apparently (he certainly hadn’t
offered his name) sashayed away.

The speaker was adorable with mocha-colored skin and giant brown eyes and seemed quiet
and slightly shy and…Alphas no doubt ate him up.

(God, could he possibly be underage like Dick had been? He looked like a baby)

It had to be the maturity of no longer being 16 himself, maybe the maternal instinct he’d
never been able to fully realize, but Dick just wanted to shelter this…boy from this place.
Take him somewhere safe and just…not here.

“Although he might just be jealous because….you’re really pretty.”

“Somehow I doubt that, but thanks for the boost,” Dick chuckled. “What’s your name?”

“Sage,” the boy replied, stripping off his shirt to no doubt start getting ready. “Are you
working tonight?”

“Nope, not till tomorrow, but my name’s Ric.”

“You seem nice,” Sage swallowed, smiling sheepishly. “Not like a lot of the others here.” His
hands…Dick didn’t know what situation had brought the younger Alpha here but they were
basically shaking.

Dick decided then he needed to look out for this kid.

And Diamond…that name didn’t sit right for some reason.

(Just like apparently Ric Todd didn’t either)

The weird part had been how venomously Diamond had been looking at Dick’s clothes,
particularly his hoodie (well Jason’s hoodie honestly). He must have found them homely, or
maybe he thought the items added to Dick’s supposed boringness…

Showing up in clothes that screamed any kind of money felt like it would have been foolish.
Even though Cobblepott no doubt remembered he was tied to Bruce Wayne…Dick really
didn’t want that getting around too much if he could help it.

Grabbing one of Alfred’s famous cookies (that the man had no doubt made for Dick as he
used to years ago when he knew the Omega had suffered a stressful day) Dick hesitated.
“Body needs a ton of work…”

And yet…

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.” Jason’s green eyes, certainly not looking at
him with any kind of disgust.

Dick took a bite because…he loved these cookies, dammit.

“Oh, you’re both here…”

Dick turned to look at Tim, raising a brow at the breathless quality of his voice. The Beta was
pale, even paler than usual, and he seemed almost in a daze, holding the wall as if it might be
the only thing keeping him standing.

His eyes in particular looked larger than ever and his hair was mused into an unrecognizable
state. Spooked, if Dick had to find any kind of describable term. Tim appeared spooked.

Which made every instinct Dick had ready to jump out of his chair in alarm, “Oh my god,
Timmy, are you…”

Tim stopped him with an outstretched hand and a head shake, “I’m fine. I’m fine. I…” he sat
down unsteadily in the chair next to Dick, nearly missing it on the first try while still giving
one last assurance, “I’m fine.”

Tim tended to have grace in almost everything he did, big or small, so seeing him nearly
sliding off the table…

Dick shared a look with Alfred as he finally swallowed his cookie piece, the older man also
seeming worried, “Master Tim…”

“Something happened,” Tim blurted.

“Good happened or bad happened?” Dick asked cautiously, ready to catch the younger man if
he decided to faint (which it still looked like he just might)

“Good,” Tim swallowed, his lips pulling into a small breathy smile, “Definitely good. I…
I’m…Ummm…” he flashed his left hand. “Getting married.”

Married? Little Timmy?

“Tim,” Dick lost all control and hugged the smaller man to him, all but falling off his chair
now too. “Tim, Oh my god!” He pulled back and jokingly scoffed, “Why were you acting
like…This is amazing!”

Tim’s eyes told the answer before he did. And the wave of guilt that washed over Dick that
Tim would feel nervous about Dick’s reaction to such wonderful news…

Conner was nothing like Slade.

And Tim was smarter than Dick could ever hope to be.

The two were not even close to the same situations (they couldn’t have been further apart
honestly) and Dick would not allow his brother to feel he had to be worried over him when
this was something Tim should be celebrating.

“This is incredible,” Dick reassured, shaking his shoulder with a grin. “So just…breathe,

Tim did, taking his first breath and looking like the world had been lifted from his shoulders.

“It’s gonna be amazing.”

Tim nodded, biting his lip, “I just…I was worried that…”

Dick shook his head, and repeated, “It’s going to be amazing.”

“I…” Tim’s eyes looked close to tears now as he murmured, “Thanks.”

Dick hugged him again, just…wishing things had been different. Tim, Damian, Bruce…
Alfred, all they seemed to do was worry about him and it wasn’t right.

“My deepest congratulations Master Tim, Conner Kent is a wonderful young man.”

“Thanks, Alfred,” Tim sat back on his chair, more confident this time, but still with nervous
hands. “Bruce was…well he tried to be happy when Conner asked his blessing…I think.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Bruce,” Dick pleaded.

“The day I give my blessings about that…” Dick didn’t think he’d ever seen Bruce so
enraged. The man pointed vaguely and couldn’t even muster any form of Slade’s name and
shook his head instead, seeming ready to spit fire “...will be no day I breathe on this earth.”

“Talia will probably be excited to decorate the Manor for it,” Dick offered as a hopeful
alternative. Although Bruce not downing an entire bottle of bourbon and slamming things in
his office…seemed like a positive sign.

“Actually, we were thinking about having it on the Kent farm,” Tim shrugged. “But we don’t
know yet.”

Dick was almost positive Bruce wouldn’t be super fond of that idea, but…he squeezed the
young man’s shoulder, “You two should do whatever you want.”

“I thought Conner was gonna ramble himself to death when he asked me,” Tim laughed,
looking down at his ring, he smiled, then continued. “I also think he weirdly wants Jason at
the wedding…for some reason.”

“Jason?” Dick nearly choked.

“He really seems to like him and says he gave him the courage to finally ask in the first
place,” Tim shrugged.

“And I mean if you two wanted to sort of come together then…” The Beta prompted.

Dick couldn’t give any answer to that, shoving the rest of the cookie in his mouth and

Ecstatic for Tim and Conner but also…


And above all, regretful.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading, comments are life and I greatly appreciate them.
Chapter 28
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“You’re new.”

Fingers trailed up his leg, openly enjoying both his outer and inner thigh before a meaty hand
palmed his ass, thumbing just right at the smallest part of his back.

A sensitive spot for most Omegas, which this man no doubt knew.

And yet Dick had shut off the part of his brain that wanted to slap the man’s hand away. He
knew to survive this, he couldn’t seem disgusted or put off by any of it.

No matter that the man was thumbing the bikini bottom under the corset…like he wanted to
shove his whole hand up it. Or possibly rip it down completely.

But there were rules in the main room, and even in the depravity, there were limits to what
Alpha’s could do without being tossed out.

That was what the private rooms were for and even those were only for a select few.

Twisting in a way he knew the man could still admire his ass, Dick turned to smile, “Glad
you noticed.”

And man was honestly a pretty generous term as the ‘man’ all but drooling on him barely
looked like he fit in his suit, barely looked human, in fact. Balding, messy long hair and eyes
that looked like they literally wanted to devour the Omega. And yet it was obvious he had
money. His massive fingers littered with flashy rings and a button-down shirt that Dick knew
cost well into the thousands.

Definitely a candidate.

“Gorgeous fucking face too, don’t make them like you no more.” Fingernails bit in a bit
deeper, not quite breaking skin, but close to it.

The deep heady smell of a dangerous, growing lust.

“Oi Desmond, don’t hog all the new ass to yourself.” Another Alpha a few tables down
called out, snapping the Alpha from his trance.

The man let out a low, possessive growl in return.

“Desmond?” Dick tried, leaning over and smoothing one hand gently on the man’s shoulder
so he would look back at him, while using the other to loosen his too-tight grip and Dick
could move to face him fully. “Can I call you that?”
It changed from Alpha to Alpha but Dick doubted playing more aloof or scatterbrained, even
downright dumb (whatever was needed), would work quite as well with this massive man.

Most preferred being referred to as Alpha but Dick had a feeling…

“Roland,” the man growled again.

“Roland,” Dick corrected. Observant (Dick mentally check-marked), this man wanted to be
remembered, wanted Dick’s attention and interest, “Strong name to go with a strong Alpha.”
Stroke the ego as always. “You don’t have any drinks. Aren’t you thirsty, Roland?”

The much larger man pulled his arm so Dick was almost in his lap, “I’ve got my fill right

A heart thump and panic Dick swallowed quickly away.

“Now Roland,” Dick laughed, “You know that’s not what I mean,” He remained soft and
playful but also firm.

He could tell the man both loved and hated the teasing, “Who the hell do you think you’re

“We both know you aren’t like these other Alphas,” Dick lowered his face closer to the man’s
ear to whisper. Revulsion ran up his spine at the overly spicy smell of the Alpha. “That
you’re…better. Stronger. Smarter…”

“Richer,” Roland mumbled under his breath.


“So don’t be afraid to show it. And I think you’ll feel a lot better after.” And more loose-
lipped, hopefully.

Roland smirked, “You a fuckin salesman?”

“I don’t know,” Dick leaned back to look into his eyes and winked. “You tell me.”

Another growl. This one more relenting, finally giving in.

“You…you better not be lying to get away. You better fucking come back,” Roland warned.
“I don’t want any of these other bitches here tonight.” He ran a hand over Dick’s ass. “Only

“Do I look like a liar?” Dick teasingly scoffed.

“You look like a goddamn angel, but even angels lie.”

“I’ll be back,” Dick stood back up, lightly removing the hand for the second time. “I
He walked away before the man could try and stop him, also knowing Roland was watching
him like a hawk. Yet, Dick felt another pair of eyes on his as well. Not on the floor, where the
music, the lights, the sparkles of makeup and costumes filled almost every corner, but…

Looking up, there was a second story (it was amazing how close this setup was to the one in
Haven, almost identical really) and indeed someone was looking at him. Dressed in all
tailored gray and black, his face was hidden behind a dark mask, and yet…Dick knew the
man was staring at him.

Could it be the Boss? Dick had never seen him before, only heard stories, but his large,
muscular size and the way he held himself, confident and aware of his power…it certainly
seemed possible.

Dick wasn’t sure how, but he could feel a smirk under that mask. But it felt anything but

Dangerous. Like it might actually cut Dick.

…like it wanted to.

“Oh my god, will you move already?”

With a blink back to his surroundings, realizing he was standing in the way, Dick mumbled,
his mind slightly spinning from the encounter, “Oh, sorry.”

The Omega behind him motioned exasperatedly as they hissed, “Then move!”

Dick did, shimmying out of the way so the girl could get to the bar. And when he looked
back up…

The man was gone.


“Okay ladies,” Roy laid out the deck of cards on the table and the four and six-year-old
looked on in interest, “Roy Harper’s gonna teach you all how to play some Poker.”

Cat’s eyes lit up, though it was doubtful she knew what Poker was, seeming more interested
in the cards themselves as she moved them around with her fingers.

“You mean how to cheat at it,” Jason corrected. “And it’s ten in the morning, on a Sunday…”

“You become a man of the cloth suddenly?” Roy joked, before speaking to their daughters
with a forced sigh. “And since Uncle Jason has decided to be a boring sourpuss he doesn’t
get to play.”

“However will I cope,” Jason deadpanned, palming his phone for at least the tenth time
Something felt wrong. Had since last night if Jason were being honest.

Roy didn’t even have that shitty of a couch, so it wasn’t that, but Jason hadn’t slept much.

Something was tugging at him.

Since looking at the papers earlier, since realizing the damn infomercial was for fertility

“He used prescriptions to drug him…”

“And what if it is me?” Tears formed as the Omega desperately clung to the side of the tub.

“What if I knew it was?”

It wasn’t that Jason wanted to be right about what his suspicions were starting to gather, he
actually really fucking didn’t.

No one deserved to hear that, no one deserved to learn that their partner had hurt them like
that…drugged them, and possibly taken away a big part of them without their knowledge
(and for what purpose, honestly?). No one deserved that…least of all Dick.

Fuck how Jason hoped he was wrong.

He wanted to hear him, that was all. Jason…just wanted to hear his voice. Just wanted to hear
that Dick was…safe. It made no sense at all at that moment and that’s what Jason was
wrestling with. Dick was probably at the manor or somewhere near his family, no doubt
protected so why was there this aching feeling Jason needed to…


If this was even an inkling of what a bond felt like…Jason was starting to ponder how more
Alphas didn’t go mad.

Heading once again for the back door and wondering how the hell he hadn’t smoked himself
into a coma, Jason said to hell with it and dialed the number.

He almost didn’t expect Dick to pick up, so halfway through lighting his cigarette, he was
taken aback by the quick surprised sounding, “Jay?” that answered.

“Shit,” Jason mumbled when he nearly dropped the lighter and burnt himself.

“Are you…is everything okay?”

Hadn’t Jason called him to ask that, and…wait? “What did you call me?”

“Sorry, it’s what’s in my phone,” Dick said hurriedly, “If you don’t want me to…”

“No, it’s…I like it.”

“Okay, well that’s one worry down,” Dick laughed. “I don’t think you’ve ever actually called
me, so…” It sounded like a spoon was being scraped against something.

“Are you eating?”

“Just some cereal,” Jason could see the shrug in the man’s tone. He countered with, “Are you

Jason exhaled and flicked some ash, “Maybe.”

A hum, “Well…Is Cat okay?”

Like Dick was trying to guess why Jason was calling him…because that’s how phone calls

Could Jason blame this on a butt dial?

“Yeah, she’s…Roy’s teaching her…” Jason looked back inside to see Roy struggling to keep
the girls from playing (quite literally) with the cards, “Poker, supposedly.”

“Well maybe she can teach me,” Dick mused, still playful. “So no ones in trouble then?”

Apparently not.


“Well it’s good to hear your voice anyway,” Dick offered, sounding like he was running
water in the sink.

“Yeah,” Jason agreed.

This was all going backwards…right?

“Actually, I was going to ask you on Monday, but since you called…” The water shut off and
Dick continued. “How do you feel about weddings?”

Jason snorted, the words flying out almost with a snap, “Can’t say I’m too fond of them at the

Dick’s damn ring, that fucking bond…

There was a pause that clearly said Dick hadn’t expected that answer. “Oh, um…”


“No,” Jason scratched at his forehead, “No, sorry…they’re fine. They’re…why?”

“Well…” Dick’s lips popped and he sounded genuinely happy, “Timmy’s getting married.”

Jason’s own mouth raised, “Conner actually went through with it then?”
“He…wait, you knew he was planning it?” Jason could feel the pout through the phone.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Didn’t I?” Jason joked, wishing he could physically smooth the downturned mouth he could
tell Dick had. “I mean good for them honestly.” They seemed like a perfect match from the
small amount Jason had seen.

“Well, I guess Conner really took a liking to you.”

“Yeah well…he told me his whole life in like five seconds if that means anything,” Or so it
felt like. He also stood up for Dick and the woman calling him a whore, so he was more than
alright in Jason’s book.

Dick chuckled, “He wants you at the wedding.”

“I mean yeah, sure.”

“I may also have convinced them to make Cat a flower girl.”

Jason chuckled, “Well, she’ll love that, but what about…”

“Bruce is okay with it.”

Jason had a feeling someone had done a lot of convincing for that to happen. Dick, Tim,
Conner…whoever it was…

Did that mean Jason was now the lone member of the ‘Bruce Wayne Hates You Club’?

“They think it’ll be pretty soon, they don’t really want to wait too long.”

Jason exhaled, “Yeah, that’s…Kit will have fun.”

“And what about her daddy?”

Jason thought as he took another drag, “As long as he gets to be near her teacher…I think
he’ll cope.”

Dick laughed, “I do have to go though, Damian’s yelling about…something, I’ll see you

Even hearing his voice, hearing that he was obviously okay, something was still eating at
Jason, but it seemed more irrational and less urgent now.

People could talk about Omega hysteria but Jason was starting to think Alpha’s might get it

Or maybe it was just him.

“Yeah, tomorrow.”

Hanging up, Jason smashed the bud into the ground.


Dick sent a quick text to Alfred letting him know he’d arrived safely. Putting the phone in his
bag before zipping it up, he caught a familiar Omega, one he’d been looking for since last

“Sage,” he called to the younger Omega, signaling him over.

“Everyone was talking about you yesterday,” the boy mumbled as he came closer with a
small smile. “It was so cool how you can move like that.”

Which move he meant was irrelevant, but Dick was sure he might have played it up a little
too much. Although Roland had certainly liked his flexibility.

Speaking of.


Handing the boy the envelope, the Omega’s eyes widened as he realized what it was filled

Hundred-dollar bills, well over 50 of them.

“This is…”

“Just keep it somewhere safe, okay?”

“You made all this last night?”

Roland Desmond was an easy drunk, handsy as all hell, but also extremely generous. No
wonder Omegas had tried to get his attention away from Dick, when the man literally paid
out money the more Dick laughed at his horrible jokes or teased him, or let him pet his ass,
touch his legs…

“I don’t need it, just…make sure no one else sees it, okay?”

“Okay, I…thank you.”

Dick nodded as the boy took off, glad maybe something good might come out of all this.
He’d taken three showers last night and still felt he smelled like Roland.

The idea alone made him shiver in disgust.

Pulling Jason’s jacket closer, he tried to hope it still had enough scent to nullify it.

“Red’s not really your color,” A voice cut in Dick’s wishing Jason was actually there and not
just his hoodie. Not that Dick would want the Alpha to see him like this, but…

Dick held in a grimace, not really in the mood, but also wondering how much this ‘Diamond’
might know about the inner workings of the Palace. He obviously enjoyed petty, even bitchy
banter, and Dick might have to kill him with kindness to break through.

“Your performance was really good last night.”

Which wasn’t a lie, the man was a talented singer and dancer, there was no doubt about that.

An eye roll and scoff, “Tell me something I don’t know,” his heels clacked as he moved
closer, “Like for instance…” his eyes were close to daggers. “Where you got that?”


“That jacket…” as if Dick were a simpleton. “Where did you…”

“Boys, boys,” Two hands pushed between them, and Dick hadn’t realized just how close
Diamond had gotten to him. “There’s no need for fighting. You’re both pretty.”

The petite blonde woman between them was dolled up in white makeup from head to toe
with pink and blue tips in her pigtails. Wearing a red and black shirt with a cropped top, her
thick Gotham accent was made even more evident by the fact Dick swore she was chewing

Diamond stepped back in disgust, “Don’t touch me you degenerate clown.”

“Rude,” the woman scoffed.

But the Omega shook his head, glitter and diamonds sparkling with every motion, “I swear
this place becomes more like a circus every damn day,” he spat before stomping away.

“Seriously, what do people have against circuses?” Dick crossed his arms.

“Yeah,” the woman agreed. “Complete discrimination.”

“I was honestly trying to compliment him.”

“You’re an Omega, doll,” the woman explained, tossing her hand up, “He doesn’t like none
of us. My Ivy says he used to work here then left and came back with a big glow-up. And
now he thinks his shit don’t stink.”


She was still here?

His tone must have indicated his shock. “You know my Ivy?”

“I…” Guess it was going to come out one way or the other once Ivy saw him. “I…also used
to work here. Not for very long, but I was a performer. But I’m trying to keep it kind of…”
he motioned in a hush-hush kind of way.

The harlequin-dressed woman laughed, “No kidding? Why’d you come back?”
“I just got out of a bad relationship, and…I’m trying to start over, I guess,” Which wasn’t a
lie, but still somehow felt like one.

“Ah, been there,” the woman waved a knowing hand. “Got caught up with a real creep for a
while myself.”

“Yeah,” Dick agreed quietly.

“You’re new Alpha smells nice though.”

Dick frowned, “What?”

She pointed at his jacket, “Real warm and inviting, but also strong. No wonder Diamond was

Jealous? Over a scent? Was that what that was?

“At least I’m assuming it’s not your ex’s,” She blinked at him.

Dick shook his head, “No he…” was ice. Jason was fire and Slade had been ice. Cold
unyielding ice. “It’s not.”

“That’s why I don’t go for Alphas no more.”

Omega relationships were about as taboo as it got. Unless it was for an Alpha’s pleasure, of

“I wouldn’t give up my Ivy for anything.”

Dick smiled.

“Anyway, let me know if he bothers ya again. I got a nice bat and I ain't afraid to use it.”

Dick nodded his thanks as she waved her exit, pretty sure it wouldn’t come to that.

Hoping it wouldn’t, at least.

Pulling out his phone again, there was a big part of Dick that wanted to hit the second
number on it. Alfred had helped him get a cell that Bruce didn’t know about and Dick had
programmed two numbers.

Al and Jay.

But why did he want to call Jason?

Maybe because he didn’t want strange Alphas touching and ogling him and yet he knew it
wasn’t an option. Not if Dick really wanted to do this.

Maybe so he could learn if Cat had actually learned Poker from Uncle Roy?

Maybe to tell him about the man on the top floor?

“You know you can talk to me, right?”

Or maybe (most likely) because he’d felt worry through the phone earlier, something he was
sure he’d felt very little with Slade, if ever.

Pushing the phone back in and zipping it one last time, Dick breathed deeply. Any of those
reasons didn't matter though, because Dick knew he couldn't.

Looking at the clock on the blue shimmering walls, it was nearing seven.

Nearly showtime.

Chapter End Notes

Comments are greatly appreciated and loved (and help me know that intrest is still there
to post more...since I know this a long story, lol)😊

Thanks for reading

Chapter 29
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


Dick pulled at his shirt collar, halfway between insanely itchy and just too damn hot. Putting
his bag down on the desk, he tried to stretch. Everything felt achy, sore, and yet somehow
also clammy and the Omega desperately wanted to lower the classroom's temperature by at
least 10 degrees.

Had the room always been this warm? And had his clothes always fit him this badly? Or was
it Dick’s skin itself that felt too tight and not his pants?

Had he caught something at the club? Or was Dick just falling ill from something else and it
was all a coincidence and just really bad timing or…

Jesus how Dick just…wanted to dump his water bottle over his head.

“And I know you’re aware of…” The voice that trailed in with the opening of the number 4
door made Dick inexplicable cringe. Usually, he held it together better when Marcia was
around so he wasn’t sure why he felt so irritated, but he immediately was.

“Yes, I’m…” the voice that answered was female. The new teacher maybe? Dick knew he
shouldn’t be rude, that he should introduce himself before Ms. Weaver threw some sort of
title that gave the Beta a bad impression of him. He just wished he had more energy to even
muster a smile.

“Dick and I go way back.”

Having tuned out of most of the conversation between the two women, Dick’s head shot up at

Green eyes, bright red hair…glasses, and a full smile. Always beautiful with just the right
amount of sportiness in her wardrobe. Hair swept back and ready to work hard.

Dick nearly laughed, because of course.

Of course, Bruce would do this to him.

“Miss Gordon,” he didn’t know when he’d crossed his arms, but he was feeling defensive.

And annoyed.

Barbara Gordon, of course, Bruce would send her to spy on him. To find yet another way to
keep him away from Jason or vice versa. To make sure Dick was being a good little Omega
and not stepping out of line. Because at the end of the day, that’s all that Dick was…an
Omega. Not the Alpha Bruce had been expecting, a son he could be proud of. Dick was no
more to him than an object, just like the rest of the goddamn Alphas at the palace, Dick was
no more than…

This Alpha liked big eyes and a shy smile, more demure than forceful, “Good little bitch
aren’t ya?”

“I didn’t realize we were going to be so formal…Mr. Grayson,” Barbara joked. “It hasn’t
been that long, has it?”

“And I didn’t realize it was suddenly your dream to teach preschoolers,” Dick countered,
leaning on the edge of the desk and letting his displeasure be known.

Even Marcia seemed surprised at his snappy demeanor.

“Well I do have a Bachelors and I took the proper courses,” Barbara countered. “I’m just here
until there’s a more proper replacement.”

Or until Cat was in kindergarten or Jason…moved onto another Omega because Dick was…

“I’m here to help, Dick,” Barbara assured in a soft, yet slightly combative tone. She seemed
upset and honestly…

What in the hell was Dick doing?

Barbara was a family friend, always had been.

Being overheated and weirdly sore was no reason to act like…well like Ms. Weaver or even
worse, Diamond.

“I…I know,” There wasn’t even an excuse Dick could think of really. “I’m…”

“A mess, obviously,” Marcia snapped as she turned to leave after realizing introductions
wouldn’t be necessary. “At least button your shirt, this isn’t a strip club for god’s sake.”

Dick had loosened a few buttons earlier, but it still hadn’t helped.

“Does she always talk to you like that?” Barbara asked, watching Marcia’s exit with a small

“She’s…” Dick waved it away. “It’s fine. Nothing to tell Bruce about.”

Barbara blinked. She readjusted the bag on her shoulder as her face fell at the accusation, “I
didn’t say anything about telling…”

Dick swept his hair back in agitation, “Babs, I’m not an idiot, I know that’s why you’re here
just…it’s fine, okay? I can deal with her.”

“It doesn’t seem fine,” Babs countered somewhat stubbornly, “And I’m here to help out a
“And which friend is that? Me or Bruce?”

Again, Dick seriously needed to dial it back. But he just felt angry, frustrated…useless.

Babs shook her head, “I didn’t realize I had to pick. Dick…what’s going on? You’re not
acting like yourself and you look…”

“Like crap?”

“Flushed,” Babs corrected, reaching out to touch his forehead, “Are you sick?”

“It was a long night last night, that’s all. I’m fine,” Dick fixed his buttons with a sigh.

“I’ll repeat, you don’t look…”

“Babs, please,” Dick was close to begging at this point, though the anger was also returning,
“Kids will start coming soon just, please just…let me do my damn job.”

“Okay,” the woman agreed, taking a step back and folding her arms. “But just know I wanted
to help as soon as Bruce called me. Over 30 kids is a lot for anyone and I honestly thought
this could be fun. Us…working together like this.”

“I…” Dick fell flat at her small, hopeful smile, feeling more like an ass than he already did.

“I may need your help with going through some of Mrs. Peter’s stuff later…” Babs seemed
cautious. “Is that alright?”

Like Dick was a ticking time bomb ready to explode, but wasn’t he sort of acting like one?

He nodded, “Yeah, of course, anything you need. Just…let me know.”

She smiled and nodded, turning to head into the other room.

Dick wondered, as he heard the door close and the itchy, odd feeling returned…if between
the Palace and teaching…if maybe he’d simply bitten off more than he could chew.


When Jason opened the door to Slade’s office he didn’t expect several closed boxes to be
sitting on the man’s floor. It seemed strategically placed though, almost like the Alpha was…

“Are you going somewhere?”

The taller man didn’t look up from where he was leaning, apparently reading over some
papers on his desk, “I have a few obligations back in Bludhaven to attend to, so I’ll be gone
for a few days.” Slade didn’t seem any less composed than usual, but Jason could smell
something was…different with him. The air seemed unusually cold, almost like someone had
left a window open in the middle of a Gotham snowstorm. But Jason felt it was more Slade’s
scent…just radiating through the room.
“I…Bludhaven?” The man had come from there so that made sense, but…something still felt
a bit strange.

Slade finally glanced up as he finished signing something, “Not your favorite city, I take it?”

Jason shrugged, observing the boxes and wishing he could see what was actually in them.
“Never spent much time there, but I haven’t heard the best things about it.”

“It has its ups and downs…just like any city,” Slade grabbed his coat from off his chair. “I’ve
always found the company you keep to be more meaningful than a specific place. City or

“I guess that’s true,” Jason humored him before being blunt. “Do any of these obligations
have to do with the Ice Palace?”

Slade’s mouth lifted at Jason’s abrupt boldness as he slipped his arms into the expensive
looking outwear, “You’re lucky I quite admire stubbornness.”

“It’s a gift,” Jason offered flatly.

The man rolled his massive shoulders as he smoothed out his collar and sighed, “Truthfully,
I’m having some renovations done to my home there and I’d like to oversee that they’re
being done correctly.”

“You still live there?” Jason knew he was overstepping quite a lot. It wasn’t his business how
many homes Slade had, but he also knew how much a Police Chief actually made and
owning property in both Gotham and Bludhaven…not to mention the nice clothes, the
expensive watches, now renovations…none of that sounded cheap.

Slade studied him, almost like he was pondering if he should answer or not. His reply when
he did offer it, however, was not what Jason expected, “I have an unwell Omega, Jason.”

It had to be the first time Slade had mentioned having an Omega, but at his age, in his
position, (although he’d never struck Jason as a family man) it made sense he had one.

“He’s quite beautiful, stunning, in fact.”

Jason doubted Slade would go for anything less. And the older Alpha seemed all too proud to
brag about it. A pretty Omega probably always dressed to the nines in flashy jewelry and
rich, luxurious fabrics.

“His body is perfect but his mind…” Slade waved away whatever word he wanted to use. “I
thought some time away from Bludhaven would be good for him. My husband has always
had an…adventurous spirit.”

It didn’t sound like Slade found adventurousness nearly as admirable as stubbornness.

Although what the man meant by adventurous in the first place…

“And I rather fear he might be falling ill with a…physical ailment as well.”
Jason had no doubt things like that could be felt through bonds. Hell, he hadn’t even needed a
bond with Dick to feel worried for him. Even that morning, Jason could tell the man wasn’t at
100% (no matter how he tried to fake otherwise).

“Anyway, I’m afraid I’m running late so whatever you need, it will have to wait until I

“Who will run this place in the meantime?”

Slade chuckled, “You’re all professional adults, I trust you can handle a few days without me.
I understand that my predecessor was seldom here.”

That was true, Jason supposed. “And yet you said you wouldn’t trust anyone here to tie their
own shoes...or whatever.”

“Well, I certainly don’t look forward to the mess I’ll no doubt be returning to,” Slade agreed
as he moved past Jason, pointing two men at the boxes to be carried out with him.

Jason supposed the man had the right to take care of personal things, especially if he did
indeed have a sick husband he needed to look after.

And yet, watching Terra react to Slade’s leaving, the woman looking like she was begging to
come with him and the man shaking his head. It almost looked like she was going to start
crying, but Slade didn’t seem like he could care less, stonly explaining things that Jason
couldn’t hear.

There were many descriptive words Jason could think of when it came to Slade Wilson but
compassionate and caring….certainly weren’t anywhere on the list.


Dick was beyond grateful when he could smell Babs entering the teacher's lounge.

“I just need five more minutes,” Dick’s head was on the table as he barely had the strength to
stay upright. “Can you watch them just another…”

“No,” Babs said firmly as she sat across from him.

Dick tried his best to look at her, mumbling sincerely, “I really am sorry for being an ass this

Babs hummed, “Well the fact that you can admit you were gives me some hope, but that’s not
what I mean. I mean no because you’re going home.”

You’ll come back.

The Omega’s whole heart jumped, “No, no…I…I don’t want to. I told Bruce I wouldn’t go
back to him,” Dick gulped painfully. “I promised Bruce I…promised and he’ll never believe
me again…he’ll..”
Babs grabbed his shoulder and it seemed to help in reorienting him somewhat, “Dick, I called
Alfred, okay? He’s taking you back to the manor. You need a day or two at least to fight off…
whatever this is. Maybe longer. I can take care of things here but you need rest, maybe a
doctor, but you need to get better, okay?”

Dick wanted to fight the idea, but ultimately couldn’t. He was too hot, too achy, “Okay just
will you…tell Jason that I’m okay. He’ll worry and I don’t…just tell him I’m okay. Please?”

Babs nodded, “Okay, sure, but…which one is Jason?”

Dick smiled into the table, half delirious but still so happy to think about the beautiful, strong

“You’ll know when you see him.”


A cold shower had done nothing.

Not even bothering to dress from the shower, wandering…looking for it, Dick made his way
to his closet.

Dick stumbled, shaky, sweat pooling on his skin…

Slade’s scent, cold. Dick needed cold for the heat. The aching had gone from his chest, down
his stomach, and was now resting in his lower belly. A burning heat that tore all the way up
his flanks, unrelenting and…hot. He needed to be touched, Dick just needed…

His Alpha.

Pulling the gray shirt so he could inhale it, Dick knew it should work. That this was the only
thing that could work. His phone had been vibrating for at least an hour and Dick just knew it

He moaned helplessly to the air.

Partly because he didn’t want it, didn’t want the icy smell, but also and more importantly…it
wasn’t working. The idea of smelling Slade while entering himself (in some hope of some
kind of relief) merely made Dick feel sicker than he already did.

Falling against the wall of the closet, Dick wanted to weep as the fabric fell from his hands.
He wanted to throw the phone, throw any thought of his Alpha out the window, he wanted…

Dick’s foot caught the bag he’d been using for his trips to the Palace. The bag with…

Green eyes, big warm calloused hands…

Shaking fingers reached down to open it.

Dick shouldn’t…

But did.

Would Jason help him? Would the Alpha help his aching, the now relentless throbbing
between his legs?

Dick sunk to the floor, pulling the red fabric to him. Wrapping himself in it…he laid on the
floor, just to rest his eyes, just until he had the energy to try relieving his throbbing need, that
was no doubt moistening down his thighs. But the burning seemed to subside and just as he
was about to lie there in relief (forever if that’s what it took), Dick felt incredibly nauseous.

Running for the bathroom and barely making it in time, Dick threw up.

And just like that, whatever fog, ailment, sickness, aching that had taken him was almost
immediately gone and the Omega was left with the bottom of the ceramic against his back,
panting and

Clearminded, but also

…incredibly confused.


The attractive red-headed woman in the glasses turned at Jason’s arrival. “Well, he was right
about me knowing,” Folding her arms she didn’t quite hold in a smile.

“Excuse me?” Jason asked, a bit breathlessly. He’d nearly rammed his car into a lane-riding
asshole on the way here…so he really wasn’t in the mood for fucking jokes.

Maybe Slade talking about his sick Omega had put ideas in Jason’s head but…he just knew
something was wrong.

“Jason, right?”

“Right.” The Alpha agreed, looking around and not even bothering to use the formality of
Mr. Grayson. “Where’s Dick?”

He’d tried texting and calling, but the man hadn’t answered.

Something was definitely wrong.

“He’s fine,” The woman assured.

“Fine?” Jason snapped, not buying it one bit.

“Just…take a breath, okay?”

Jason almost growled when she tried to touch him in a comforting way. Jason didn’t want
comfort, he wanted… “Okay look, I’ve had about all the animosity I’m going to take from
you two,” She returned sternly. “Dick is fine, he knew you’d worry and he told me to tell you

“Which means he isn’t,” Jason interjected. He knew being a Beta she had an ability to be
more level-headed than he did when it came to worrying about an Omega, but her calmness
was only irritating him at the moment.

“Mr. Grayson was sick, daddy,” Cat ran up to him, hugging his leg.

He petted her hair soothingly as he glared at the redhead. Well, at least someone was willing
to tell the goddamn truth.

“What’s wrong with him?”

She shook her head, her demeanor turning openly concerned now, “I don’t know. I had Alfred
come and get him but…I’ve never seen him like this before.”

“Alfred? You know…who are you exactly?”

She sighed and it sounded almost like a laugh, “I swear I wasn’t expecting the third degree on
my first day. I’m Barbara Gordon,” Barbara held out her hand. “I’m a friend of the Wayne’s.”

Jason took it cautiously, shaking it, “Bruce?”

“Yes, including Bruce,” Barbara clarified. Their hands dropped and she observed him, “I
suppose you think I’m spying for him too.”

“I don’t know what I think, I…”

“Your phone, Daddy,” Cat poked his pocket and the man reached to retrieve it.

The screen had a thumbs up in a text from Dick.

Or at least the message started that way.

“Food poisoning?” Jason mumbled as he read the long rambling text that really made his
eyes hurt with all the emojis and…over explanations of what was essentially…Dick had food
poisoning but felt better now and was going to try to sleep off any of it that might be left in
his system.

Dick’s only other texts had been short and simple, this was essentially a short novel, and

“Did it seem like just food poisoning to you?”

Barbara gave him a wan smile, readjusting her glasses as she sighed, “Do you want the

“Pretty sure you just gave it to me,” Jason put the phone back in his pocket.
“I told him to take tomorrow off too.”

“Probably a good idea.” The immediate need for worry had lessened somewhat but again,
just like when he’d hung up yesterday wasn’t fully gone.

“Hey, my first compliment of the day,” Barbara weakly laughed.

“Thanks for looking out for him,” Jason added. “And sorry for…”

She cut him off with a hand wave, “Dick deserves some happiness and if that’s…you, well
then I’m happy to help.”

Jason snorted, “Not sure Bruce would be too pleased to hear that.”

Barbara shook her head, “Bruce wants him to be happy too, even if he has a hard time
showing it. But,” she looked at her phone. “It’s past my clocking out time, I’ll see you
tomorrow, Hunny okay?” she said to Cat lightly as the girl nodded. “And,” she openly patted
Jason’s shoulder this time, “He’s safe, okay? I promise.”

Jason couldn’t even make himself nod as she left. He couldn’t explain why the more he tried
to assure himself of that, the more he was told that there was nothing to worry about and that
Dick was safe…

The less he believed it.

Chapter End Notes

Comments are super appreciated and mean so much. Thank you for reading.
Chapter 30
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Pursing his lips as he sat on the secluded bench off to the side of the Little Steps entrance,
Dick crossed his arms, and to put it bluntly.

He sulked.

“Bruce, I’m fine. I took the extra day like you all wanted. Leslie didn’t see anything and I
keep telling you I just ate something bad so can I just…please go to work?”

Dick had been prodded and poked and the results had all come away with the same
conclusion. He was fine. His heart was fine, his bloodwork was fine, Dick Grayson was fine.

Uncontrollably emotional, almost taking off Babs’ head, moaning and wanting to pleasure
himself in his closet while wearing Jason’s jacket. So hot he basically burned on the inside
while feeling empty and just…wanting to be filled...

Dick sat back, crossing his legs at the remembrance as he…

Food poisoning, he reminded himself.

Dick was…

Definitely fine.

So why exactly had he been kicked out of his classroom, yet again, by Barbara Gordon?

“Go play hooky.”

Dick blinked at the term, “Hooky? This isn’t high school, Babs. We have that inspector again
tomorrow and…I already took the second day I didn’t even really need.”

“72 hours before you can return. Those are the rules,” Babs shrugged like there was nothing
she could do.

“...Did you make that up?”

She smiled as she pulled out some more printouts for the kids to color. “Someone didn’t read
the employee handbook.”

“That’s not in the…”

Babs put her hands on her hips as she interrupted him. “Seriously, I’ve never met anyone
who wasn’t excited about another day off. Especially when…” She shook her head, “Just take
it and…thank me later.”
“Why would I thank you for…”

But Babs was shutting the door in his face, shooing him with her hand in the window.

Whatever she thought she was doing, however, this was supposed to be something positive
(or so it seemed she wanted it to be) it wasn’t helping Dick at all. He’d been excited to come
back, to feel somewhat normal again, to have something to distract his mind with for most of
the day.

Going back to the manor, just sitting around for another day, avoiding thinking about what
his body had done…and why…it wasn’t something Dick was looking forward to. Not one

At least he was warm in the morning chill (and not in a way he couldn’t control, but in a way
Dick wanted to be).

Toying with the small hole at the bottom of the jacket’s left sleeve, Dick wondered if he’d put
it there or if it has always been…

“You’re alive.”

Dick looked up from his hole musing to feel his heart thump and his mouth lift.

“Guess so,” he shrugged, knowing they were both playing it a bit cool as Jason smelled of
obvious…relief, and Dick could only imagine how he looked.

Anxious but also happy…

Wearing the man’s jacket so casually in front of him like…he had any right to.

“Are you not sick anymore?” Cat came up to him as she played with one of the straps of her

“No, I feel a lot better now,” he assured her with a headshake, gently touching her shoulder
and offering a smile to reassure her. “But Ms. Gordon’s gonna be your teacher for one more
day. She’s nice though, huh?”

The girl seemed to contemplate this, biting her lip before deciding, “I like you better.”

Dick chuckled, “Well, I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?”

“Tomorrow?” Jason’s brow rose curiously.

Dick sighed, “Apparently, I’m supposed to play hooky for today or something. I don’t know.”

Jason made a vague sound, looking almost thoughtful until Cat spoke up again.

“I drew you something to help when you were sick.”

Dick took the paper she’d pulled from her backpack with a smile. It was two birds, one red,
one blue, and a little purple bird between them. They looked so happy next to their nest and

“Is it bad?” Cat sounded worried.

Dick was either looking at it too long or his face must have been frozen in some way because
he knew he was…staring. Just staring at such a happy picture that was so beautiful and

“No,” he traced his fingers over the purple bird with a fond smile as he looked up at her. “No,
Cat it’s…it’s really wonderful, thank you.”

Cat pointed at the nest, her upbeat spirit returning, “It's neat because the red bird doesn’t like

Dick laughed, “Ah, I see,” he acknowledged, “A tidy little guy, huh?” She nodded. “Well,” he
decided with a grin. “If I didn’t feel better before, I sure do now.”

“Come on, Kit,” Jason prodded her towards heading for class. “I’ll…be right back.”

In a way that said Dick shouldn’t move, not that the Omega had planned to.

“Boy or girl?”

Dick laid so he was upside down on the sofa, his legs hanging over the furniture’s top.

“Boy or…” Slade stopped his reading to observe him, as if Dick had lost his mind, lounging
so in-eloquently over their nicest piece of furniture, “What are you doing?”

“It’s supposed to help, you know…” Dick waved his arms to demonstrate, “…keep it in. Give
me better chances.”

Slade went back to his reading, “That’s an old wives tale, the medication will do that not…
whatever this is. I’m pretty sure the only thing you’ll get this way is a headache.”

Dick shrugged, “I was thinking I could try more natural ways and I’ve been reading that…”

“You didn’t respond to the natural ways,” Slade reminded, turning another page.

“I…” Dick wasn’t sure if the man realized he hurt him when he said things like that so
bluntly. The bond they shared, Dick wondered if he was supposed to feel more than he did. He
loved Slade, he truly did, but sometimes he wondered if he was supposed to feel like
something was…missing.

He asked his first question again, some of his enthusiasm lost, “I was just wondering if you’d
want a boy or a girl?”

Probably a boy Dick would assume, or maybe the man would adore a little girl to dote on…
Dick would gladly take either.

“What I’d want and do want is for you to stop hanging around like a monkey and…”

Dick front rolled where he landed correctly on the couch, “Got it,” he mumbled.

Slade sighed, maybe feeling the Omega’s melancholy now (Dick never knew) “I’m not trying

“It’s fine,” Dick assured, folding his arms around his legs.

It was always just…fine anymore.

“I wanted birds for a nursery.”

Jason sat down beside him with a questioning look. The Omega wasn’t sure why he felt the
need to share that, but it was something he’d never told anyone, including Slade.

Dick studied the drawing again, “Like for the theme, I always wanted birds.”

“My theme was hand me downs so…” Jason stretched his arms above his head. “It was
basically whatever leftover crap Roy and the little old lady next to me had.”

Dick smiled lightly, “I realize now the theme isn’t as important as…” he fell off because it
hurt too much to say. “I really do love this.”

“Well, then put it on your no doubt industrialized-sized fridge, Kit will love that.”

Dick hummed in consideration at the idea.

“And with that out of the way, now we can talk about…” Jason continued, toying at one of
the strings of the hoodie Dick was wearing.

Jason’s hoodie.

“…I was planning on giving it back,” Dick lied.

Jason gave him a suspicious smirk, finally letting the string drop, “Kind of hard to do when
you’re wearing it.”

“Okay…maybe I wasn’t,” Dick admitted. “It um…it’s comfortable and I like it?”

In more ways than he could ever put into words.

“Good,” Jason sat back, looking smug and incredibly pleased, his green eyes crinkling
slightly. “Because I like you in it. It’s also how I found you.”

“I wasn’t really hiding,” Except Dick was, sort of. “I just…I don’t really know what to do.”

“Whatever you want to,” Jason offered.

“Not without…” Dick wasn’t even sure which argument to make. Bruce tracking him being
the most prominent, of course. He hadn’t shared past his throwing up with the Alpha, fearing
if he’d said anything more…he’d still be trapped in the manor. It had been too short for a heat
and he’d never thrown up and just felt better. (even after so long of not having one Dick
knew he remembered that if nothing else) There was no trace of drugs in his blood so…none
of it made sense. Dick almost wondered if he’d dreamed half of it. “I don’t know.”

Dick didn’t know a lot, apparently.

“Not very good at playing hooky, are you?”

Dick’s shoulder lifted, “Not really. I liked school.”

“Jesus Christ,” Jason mumbled in a laugh as he slightly shook his head.

Dick crossed his arms, “It’s not funny, I honestly did. I still do.”

“Okay, okay,” Jason was trying to placate him. “I guess we’ll have to go off my expertise

“Meaning?” Dick asked.

“Meaning if my boss can take a few days off for personal stuff, I can take one too. Christ
knows I haven’t for a while, so…what do you want to do?”

Dick stared, “You…”

“Hooky is always more fun with company, trust me.”

“Well I suppose you’re the expert,” Dick agreed. “I was kind of thinking about…feeding the
ducks at the park?”

“Uh. Huh,” Jason ventured, slowly, disbelievingly.

“Are you gonna make fun of me?” Dick wanted to take care of…something today. If it
couldn’t be kids, why not ducks?

“No,” Jason scoffed in a way that said he clearly was. “No, not at…” He wet his lips as he
turned his head, “I mean you know aside from…” He stopped at the look he received. “I just
mean we could go to the boardwalk, a museum if you want to learn or whatever, anywhere
you want and you pick feeding…”

Dick cut him off, “I can go alone, you know.”

“Alright, alright, Princess, I got you, let’s go.”

“I’m not a…”

“I think I got something even better that you’ll like more than the park, anyway.”
Dick smiled, despite himself, folding Cat’s picture carefully so he could put it in his pocket.

“Is your phone…”

Jason may as well have said tracker since they both knew that’s what it was.

“I can put it in the car.”

Jason nodded as they rose off the bench, “Well as long as I have you back by 5, Brucie
should be none the wiser.”

“That almost makes it sound like a date.” Another one…at not even nine in the morning.

Jason just quirked his mouth in an “isn’t it?” kind of way as he took Dick’s hand.


“You realize that’s not for sitting on.”

Dick had basically flipped onto the old wooden railing the moment they’d arrived on the
bridge. Seemingly excited, more excited than Jason had expected, “It’s sturdy enough,” the
Omega argued as he settled onto the structure.

“Well if you get ass splinters, I’m not picking them out.”

Dick laughed, watching the water below.

Seeing the man in his jacket, seeing a smile that Jason knew he’d helped put
there…“Thought you might like this. Granted it’s not stars, but…kind of need it to be
nighttime for that.”

Dick looked back at him, “How do you know about this place?”

It did seem out of place for Gotham, pretty, with large hanging trees overhead, quiet, not
smelling like rotten garbage, and almost picturesque in a way. Even the sky seemed clearer,
more blue, and less a polluted, thick gray.

“Playing hooky,” Jason wasn’t even making a joke. “I explored a lot as a kid. It was easier
than being…home all the time.” Until he’d turned 15 and everything had turned into well,
wanting to fuck.

And to be honest, watching Dick against the sunlight…the light hitting that goddamn ring as
Dick moved some hair from his face…

“He didn’t deserve you.”

Jason wasn’t sure why he said it, and realized it was an abrupt thing to bring up, but fuck it.
The Omega’s eyes widened but Jason doubled down, crossing his arms. “I’m serious.”
Dick’s face turned back towards the sun, where he seemed to be contemplating something.
He leaned against one of the taller pillars, his hair blowing softly in the wind, “He would
have hated this. He…would have hated spending this much time with me.”

Jesus Christ. “Then he’s a fucking idiot.” Because all Jason wanted to do was spend time
with Dick.

Thinking about Dick being sedated and drugged up…as he watched the man look so full of
life, excited over a damn bridge he could climb, it made Jason’s blood boil.

“I think I was the idiot, honestly.”

Jason opened his mouth to refute this but the man continued, “I honestly thought he
understood me, that…he was going to give me the life I wanted, a freedom, a way to not feel
I was less,” Dick sighed, a small, sad smile forming. “No Jason, I was the idiot.”

Biting his cheek, Jason decided he couldn’t disagree more.

“What about Cat’s mom? Would he have…” Dick waved his hand out at the water.

Jason snorted, shaking his head, “Not in a million years. Hell, he probably wouldn’t have
taken a step out of the car.”

“You never take me anywhere nice.”

Jason couldn’t imagine his red bottom shoes anywhere near the old bridge.

“Cat would like it though, right?”

Jason shrugged, “I would think so, especially those…” he pointed at two swans and their
three babies that emerged and Dick’s face lit up.

“Oh my god. They’re beautiful.”

Not as beautiful as Dick though, never as…

“Did you know the little ones are called cygnets?”

It was so hard not to ask, not to demand what all the Alpha, Dick’s supposed husband had
done to him. Who this fucker was, and most importantly, what Jason could do to…help.

They both watched the birds for a while, watched their beaks touch to form what looked like
a heart as the little…cygnets, (apparently), swam around them.

Dick filled him in with more facts, some Jason already knew, but he humored the Omega

It wasn’t until they were far out of sight that Jason spoke again.

“I know the Ugly Little Duckling,” He provided proudly. Just to see Dick smile.
“Maybe you could come read it to the class one day,” the Omega teased before pulling up
into a crouch, then standing up on the wood.

“Please tell me you aren’t thinking about diving into that.”

He’d likely break every bone in his body with how shallow it actually was.

Dick looked back again, this time in amusement, his blue eyes all but twinkling, “Actually, I
was thinking more about doing…” A back handstand that turned into another before he
finally ran out of room.

“Guess I’m not as rusty as I thought.”

“Right,” Jason swallowed because it was hard to say what seeing stuff like that did to him.
He spotted something out of the corner of his eye that spelled trouble, “So how about you
come down now and we can…”

“You don’t want to see more?”

To Dick’s pout Jason could only swallow again, “Dick…you have no idea how much…more
I want to see.” Jesus, there wasn’t an inch of Dick Jason didn’t want to witness. “But…”
scooping the unsuspecting man from his knees and knocking him back so Jason could catch
him in a bridal carry, The Alpha pointed with his head off in the distance as he righted the
man on his feet, “There’s storm clouds.”

Trust Gotham weather to turn from sunny to rainy at any damn moment.

Dick wasn’t looking at the clouds though, but instead at him, making Jason wonder if he had
something on his face.

“What?” he asked with a crooked smile.

Dick touched Jason’s face, fingers feather soft.

A cold spot bit into his skin like a knife.

“Dick,” the Alpha wasn’t usually one to beg, but…he couldn’t take it. “Stop.”

“It doesn’t feel like you want me to,” the man all but whispered, leaning closer. Close enough
that Jason wanted to rip that stupid patch off so he could smell Dick, the real Dick.

Jason caught his hand to stall his movements, “It’s…I fucking hate it,” he couldn’t hold in the
growl or the truth. Not anymore.

Screw saying it was okay if Dick liked it because…

“But…” Dick looked lost like he wanted to shoot back and Jason stopped him.

He intertwined their hands together to show what he meant. “This,” he pushed down on the
circular engraved metal, as he’d seen Dick do many times before. “I fucking hate,” he did it
again. “This.”

And feeling it on his face had just made Jason despise it more.

Dick’s blue eyes intensely studied him before he shook his hand free. Taking a step back, The
Omega looked out across the water again.

He was clearly upset and…

“Dick…” Jason tried.

Studying his hand, Dick fiddled the ring in between his thumb and pinky, “He didn’t even
give it to me at our wedding. It was all I wanted and he…” his mouth twitched. “...wouldn’t
do it. Not until…he could use it as a reward.”


Dick’s attention remained on the ring until he finally ripped the gold band from his finger.
Observing it one last time, he admitted, barely above a whisper, “I hate it too,” before pulling
his arm back and throwing it with what Jason would guess was all his strength.

There was a plop in the water somewhere, but Jason wasn’t watching where it fell.

Dick inhaled. But it sounded wet.


Pulling Dick back to him, Jason wiped away the tears that threatened to fall down the man’s
cheeks with his thumbs, “It’s okay,” he assured. “It’s okay.”

Maybe it was okay, maybe it wasn’t, Jason would be there for him either way.

The thunder boomed overhead and alongside the wetness of Dick’s eyes, the wind picking up
and blowing both their hair…

Dick looked up at a flash of lightning that followed. He sniffed, rubbing at his nose, “You
were right, we should…” he fell off.

“Yeah,” The Alpha agreed, moving even close, close enough that all he could see, all he
could feel was Dick. The Omega’s heartbeat was racing and Jason felt pride at how fast the
man’s pulse was thumping. Thumping wildly for Jason. “Yeah, we…” One last step forward
and their lips were barely touching, light and soft.

Soft, just like Dick’s hair and smile…


Dick’s eyes shone at him and Jason…

Jason couldn’t take it anymore, crushing the man’s mouth to his own with a force he couldn’t
fight. But Dick didn’t cower or push back, he invited it, wrapping his arms around Jason’s
neck. Offering all of himself in one simple motion.

It was nothing like Jason had imagined and was still perfect in every way. How Dick fit in his
arms, how the man tasted, how Jason could feel his smile. Could feel the man’s fingers in his

Joy, happiness…shock, whatever the fuck was going on Jason would take more of it any day
of the fucking week.

They broke at yet another clap of thunder.

Dick kept their lips touching as he finished the suggestion Jason had gotten distracted from,
sounding breathless, “Get somewhere…warm?”

Jason smirked. He couldn’t agree more.

Chapter End Notes

I’m not well versed in romance writing and hey it only took me 30 chapters for it, lol.

Also I don’t know if Playing hooky is a globally known term or even used that much
anymore (I’m kind of old, lol) but just in case it isn’t it basically means ditching school.

As always thank you for reading. Your comments keep me fueled and give me life, so
extra thank you for those.
Chapter 31

They slammed into the wall as Jason tried to close the door with his foot, the man grumbling
angrily into Dick’s mouth when it took him more than three times.

(Though the rant involving the repeated use of the word fuck…could have meant a lot of
things at that moment.)

Dick attempted to help while still trying to keep his legs around Jason’s waist all as the Alpha
cursed the wooden object into oblivion, but the door eventually managed to slam shut.

Dick smiled at Jason’s mumbled finally.

(Not that anyone walking by or looking out a window probably hadn’t already seen…way too
much already.)

They hit a picture, some keys jingled and a plant nearly overturned when they ended up
against the entryway table.

The red hoodie came off first, but as the Alpha tried to do more…

Jason couldn’t rip his shirt, that’s all Dick’s mind focused on in the haze of heat and the
Alpha’s wandering hands. He couldn’t risk letting Bruce (or Damian, really) see him with
destroyed clothes (or worse, showing up in more of Jason’s clothes as a substitute for the loss
of his own)

“Can’t…” Dick breathed as he pushed back slightly, but it was hard to get much in. “Bruce
can’t…don’t…I…” he was a bit lost in just how good of a kisser Jason was and was barely
able (or really wanting) to alert the Alpha to stop.

Jason finally let up so Dick could finish his sentence, a bit breathlessly.

“We…shouldn’t leave shredded evidence.”

Taking the words in (while also seeming to need to find his breath), Jason nodded slightly,
letting Dick work on the buttons of his shirt as the taller man steered them toward the

The Omega jumped off the Alpha as he continued his quest, kicking off his shoes, and toeing
off his socks, all while still removing his shirt, then moving to his pants. Never let it be said,
Dick Grayson couldn’t multitask when he needed to.


Realizing he may have removed his clothes a little too quickly (looking maybe too much like
a ‘shameless slut’ as Diamond had liked to call him) Dick stopped, his fingers hovering just
over the lace sides of his thong. The only article left.
Slade had always preferred…quick and…for him to be naked as soon as possible.

But Jason wasn’t Slade.

Dick absolutely couldn’t and wouldn’t compare them.

Especially not for this.

It could have been seeing Jason still had only removed his shoes and socks, but Dick
suddenly wished he’d at least asked the Alpha what he…desired the Omega to do.

Moving closer, the Alpha’s eyes darkened with lust.

“Every time I think you can’t get any more gorgeous…” Jason’s hands circled over Dick’s
hips, thumbing the edge of the lace as he pulled him closer, causing the fabric to rip slightly.
“I’m guessing Bruce won’t see these.” The husk in his voice didn’t last long as he stared
down at Dick, noticing his expression and asking.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t…” Dick murmured it mostly into the taller man’s chest, feeling foolish at admitting
something he’d always felt came quite naturally for him, or so he’d always assumed. “I don’t
know what you want. I…I’m used to asking or having to guess or being told but…” He hated
thinking of Jason as any of those Alphas at the Palace. A puzzle he had to manipulate, to…

“I want you, Dick.” The man’s mouth moved to his ear, causing Dick’s hair to lightly ruffle
with his breath. “All I’ve thought about for weeks is you and I promise that’s all I want.” He
turned his head so he could gently kiss him, “Okay?”

Dick’s smile returned as he gave a small nod. His heart felt lighter, knowing he honestly
didn’t deserve Jason, but also that he couldn’t help how the man made him feel.

He looked down where Jason’s hands still were, his thumbs lightly stroking the skin under
the fabric.

“These are expensive, you know.”

“Are they?” Jason hummed as if considering. “Well, in that case…” He pulled again. “ I
thank them for their service…” The blue lace ripped more and more, “and sacrifice.”

One last tug and the ruined undergarment fell to the floor. Grinning like a hungry animal,
Jason scooped Dick up before tossing him on the bed.

Crawling over him, he studied Dick as he slowly began unbuttoning his shirt.

“Fucking beautiful.”

Though Jason could have easily been talking about himself as every inch of muscular
tightness the loosening fabric revealed had Dick’s heart beating faster, his hands moving to
feel the caverns of strength and power. Warmth. He swallowed over the light sprinkling of
chest hair, the dark pink nipples...

The thicker, darker trail as his fingers went lower, over more muscle and heat, leading right
towards the Alpha’s pants which Jason unbuttoned next.

Dick’s breathing became even quicker, his heart rate soaring as he fell into an almost
moaning pant.

A whisper (or possible a whimper even)


Not a word he used lightly but…

Looking up at the Alpha longingly, grabbing the larger man’s wrist, he pleaded. Begged…



Big blue eyes he couldn’t possibly ignore, a hand grabbing his arm, begging.

“Fuck me.”


Jason smirked. Hungry but also proud. Smoothing the man’s hair in a soothing motion, he
realized Dick very much liked what he saw. And his Alpha…couldn’t be more pleased. The
Omega all by quivering, pleading over and over…


It seemed asshole ‘husband’ might be a bit lacking in the actual dick department (if the look
on Dick’s face meant anything), but Jason certainly wasn’t.

And Dick…Dick was never not radiant but his tanned skin, stretched over an almost too-
perfect body, filled out in all the right places…

Was being poisoned with that horrible, disgusting thing tarnishing it.

Tearing off the patch with a disgusted growl, Jason inhaled Dick’s scent, his sweet Omega



A bakery.


Mouth watering.

All of it just begging Jason to take a bite.

The Alpha wanted him, He wanted him so bad it literally hurt. His cock throbbed and feeling
for Dick’s hole, seeing how ready he was, Jason was (pleasantly) surprised at some wetness,
his fingers easily slipping in.

Capturing Dick's mouth again, Jason continued to use his fingers, pumping them in and out
as the Omega keened, rocking his hips. Jason’s insides blazed at the sound and the words
mine, mine, fucking mine played repeatedly like a broken record inside the Alpha’s head,
“I’ve got you,” he assured. Another kiss followed by a trail of them down the man’s chest.
Dick shuddering breathing continued as Jason moved lower, a gentle pec on the Omega’s
stomach. Perfectly flat and toned, and whether it ever swelled or grew with Jason’s child or
not, the Alpha still vowed. “I’ll take care of you…”


“Jay…please…I need…” Dick's voice fell smaller, a desperate plea, “Alpha.”

It wasn’t enough.

The Omega needed more.

And the Alpha needed to help him.

Jason removed his fingers. His mind was growing hazy, less composed. Growling and
flipping the man over, he could feel his control slipping. Dick’s ass as the man presented
himself…Jason was sure he’d never see the likes of it again. It was perfect, plump, and…


Maybe he hissed it into the man’s ear, maybe not, but Dick buckled either way. Jason knew
he was hissing other things, things that would probably make a sailor blush, but he fucking
loved this man and planned to fucking make sure Dick…Dick’s Omega…and his fucking
beautiful wet pussy knew that.

Dick cried out at the first thrust.

How Jason knew the Omega was a screamer should have been a mystery, but as the man’s
next sound was muffled by the bedcover he bit into, Jason couldn’t help but be curious to see
just how loud he could get.

Determined more than curious, really.

It was the middle of the day and Terra (and most people in his complex) should be at work
Truly and utterly…

Fuck it.

Another muffled cry.

And another.

“So good…”

But still, Dick was begging into the covers. Still wanting more.

Wanting everything.

Every cry that came with every hit was muffled.

Jason wanted to hear him.

Sweaty and streaming more words into Dick’s ear, more promises, more assurances that he
would never leave him, no matter what, Jason gave one last thrust…

And got his wish.

The scream from the Omega was nothing short of earth-shattering. Loud, perfect, and fucking
letting everyone know…

It was beyond absolutely orgasmic.

And all for Jason.


Moving his fingers lightly down Jason’s arm, Dick continued to hum as the digit went left to
right, then up and down. A swirl here, a star there. A smiley face for the rest.

“What are you doing?” the Alpha asked.

The Omega thought for a moment, before deciding, “Just appreciating.”

“Well stop,” the man commanded with no real heat.

“But I like appreciating you,” Dick rebutted.

“It tickles.”

Dick did stop, moving the arm and flipping on his other side so he could see the man’s face
as he pondered, “You’re ticklish?”

Jason bit his lip as if in a deep debate with himself. Clearly deciding he wasn’t going to
answer (which in itself was an answer), he sat up and began heading toward the door instead.
Dick tried to stop him, but the man chuckled at his failed attempt, quickening his pace. “Oh
come on I wouldn’t…exploit that for any reason.”

“Yes, you would,” Jason called from what sounded like the kitchen area. “Do you want

Moving to sit up himself, Dick realized how long it had been and couldn’t hold in a hiss.

The hope that I can walk normally again, he didn’t say.

“Maybe a shower?” He needed to get the smell off him anyway. Reeking of literal sex and
Jason might just blow Bruce’s head clean off. “A really long one.”

Jason came back with a glass of water, he looked downright angry at the idea.

“Jay…” Dick took the offered drink, using the name the Alpha seemed to like to soften the
blow somewhat, “You know I can’t…”

“I know,” the man acknowledged, his tone still unhappy. “Doesn’t mean I can’t hate it.”

Dick smiled, taking his hand. “I honestly don’t know what I would do without you, Jason

The man’s mouth twitched into an almost smile, but his eyes had darkened a little. Shaking
his head to stop whatever he was thinking (probably nothing he could share in front of Cat…
if Dick had to use a gauge), Jason concluded, “Use Kit’s soap, it’s some Peach Princess
flavored crap, but…”

Better to smell like fruit than an Alpha.

“Might…” Dick let the Alpha help lift himself off the bed before letting the man’s hand fall.
He was sure he was walking right…maybe. “...take me a while.”

“Yeah,” Jason snorted. “Probably.” He looked pleased as punch at the idea his scent was
practically soaked into Dick’s pores, “I’d love to help, but…”

Dick honestly would have loved it too as he truly felt exhausted just thinking about it and the
idea of having a sturdy body to rest on and help him would be heavenly, but the counteractive
cycle it would no doubt cause…

The Omega frowned as he realized something, something he’d not had a chance to notice
until now.

“The sheets…you said you had to throw them out.”

Jason made a noncommittal noise, “Couldn’t do it.” He looked at the mess they’d made of
them, from three consecutive rounds. “Definitely can’t do it now.”

“Isn’t that…”
“Torture?” Jason laughed with no humor. “Isn’t the jacket?”

Dick shook his head, feeling confused at the question and Jason’s flippant tone. “No. No,
it’s…it’s comfort. You bring me comfort Jason,” He paused for a moment, not sure he wanted
to know the answer, “Do I really…torture you?”

A silence.

An aching silence that tore at Dick’s heart.

Jason responded, but it was slow, controlled, “Dick, I fucking…hate that I have to leave you
every day. That I have to come home to your scent, but I…I want you here Dick. I
want a family with you.”

Dick felt his heart breaking more, “Jason, I can’t…”

The Alpha quickly stopped him, “Not…we can get a dog, or a turtle or something, Kit would
love that, I just…I hate that you’re not fucking here. That I can’t wake up to you, that…I
have to fight just to see you. That’s what…” the man didn’t finish the sentence, he didn’t
have to.

That’s what tortures me.

Jason shook his head as if willing the whole conversation from his mind, finally sighing
before asking, “Anyway, you hungry?”

Dick wanted to touch him in some way, but instead nodded, not trusting himself to say
anything at that moment. Fearing he might make things worse for the Alpha.

The Alpha who wanted him…for him.

The only thing Dick had ever wished for.

The man left down the hallway and only then did Dick let the tears fall.


It wasn’t that knowing he brought Dick comfort was a bad thing, it was exactly what Jason
wanted, in fact.

(The force of the knife’s blow destroyed the tomato, squishing it from both sides.)

Just like Jason knew Dick had to wash Jason’s scent off…

And yet why was he feeling so goddamn angry?

(He actually punctured the cutting board this time, completely missing the head of lettuce.)

He’d just fucked the man, just listen to him cry out in ecstasy for him. Just filled the man
with himself, just…
Jason didn’t want to give him back.

(Stabbing the knife back in the holder, he gave up. Fuck it. Bread and meat it was.)

It wasn’t a great revelation, more of a final admittance to himself, but it still made the Alpha
toss the empty mayonnaise jar into the garbage can a bit harder than he needed to.

To Bruce, to his fucking husband, to whoever he was apparently supposed to, Jason just
didn’t…fuck he didn’t want to give Dick…

Something started vibrating. A phone obviously and Jason groaned as he really didn’t want to
answer any messages right now (although maybe letting know-it-all Roy Harper know that
getting laid might have just made Jason more manic…). Except, as he reached down Jason
realized…he only had boxers on and his phone was in the bedroom.

Which meant…

Reaching for the discarded red fabric on the floor, Jason pulled a phone out of the pocket. A
phone not only being blown up with missed call after missed call, but…hadn’t Dick put this
in the car? Or, Jason turned it over to further observe it, was it smaller? Different? Another

Dick had two phones?

The buzzing stopped and the number it showed wasn’t anywhere in the Gotham area code.
Jason was going to let it go, ready to place the object back when…the phone suddenly rang

Same number.

Same number calling repeatedly and although this one wasn’t listed as Do Not Answer, it still
didn’t sit right.

Grinding his mouth while half tempted to turn the phone off or answer it himself, Jason
decided on something else entirely. Rummaging through the kitchen drawer, the phone still in
his hand he found a piece of paper, his fingers scrambled to find a pen in time, but he wasn’t
fast enough and the ringing stopped. Hitting the screen only to be prompted to put in a
password, Jason cursed.

He waited.

And waited.

He almost thought they wouldn’t try anymore, but the phone eventually lit up again and
Jason took his chance to write the number down.

Placing the phone back and tossing the garment on the couch, Jason went to retrieve his

Stepping onto the porch, hoping Dick was still in the shower, Jason dialed the number.
He hesitated for only a second, not sure who or even what would be on the other end. If it
was ‘husband’ well…

Pressing the dial button, Jason waited.

It rang

And rang

And rang


“Pick up you fucking…”

“Well, well, isn’t this a surprise?”

The voice that answered sounded smarmy and made Jason’s skin crawl. Dear Christ, if this
was Dick’s husband…

Who seemed to already know him?

“Who the hell is this?”

A chortle, “Oh, come now Little Alpha, there's no need to be rude.”

Jason’s mouth twisted at the man’s open condescension, “Little…” he repeated, much less
composed. “Who the fuck is this?”

“Merely a concerned party looking out for a family members well being.”

Family Member? Why say it like that?

“That’s not an answer,” Jason growled.

A dramatic sigh, “I’ve never understood you Alphas and your thinking with your dicks
instead of your brains. And they call you the superior gender.”

Was he calling Jason stupid?

And yet it felt like he meant something else. Something more.

Jason’s eyes narrowed at the revelation, “You’re not an Alpha?”

“I’m strong, boy,” the voice sneered at him. “Much stronger than you, apparently.”

If he wasn’t an Alpha…this couldn’t be the husband then. So just who in the fuck…

“You think I wasn’t tempted? Seeing him everyday? But I knew better than to touch.”
“What?” Something was growing in the pit of Jason’s stomach. He already felt disgusted,

“I really should thank you, you know.”

“Thank me?”

“You’ve done more than you know, Little Alpha.”

“What are you...”

But the line cut off.

Jason was about to hit redial, but a text message was coming through that stopped him.

Be careful what you tell him or he’ll never trust you again.

Followed by another

Wouldn’t want that now, would we?

And when Jason tried the number again…

The line was out of service.

Chapter 32
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Someone was knocking on the door.

Redressed again and toweling off his hair, Dick wondered why Jason hadn’t answered it. He
placed the towel on the kitchen counter, turned the corner, and realized the Alpha was out on
the patio using his phone, and as he talked to…whoever it was, the knocking continued.

It sounded frantic, and again Dick looked back to see Jason was still preoccupied.

Glancing out the peephole, Dick couldn’t see much, but the knocking persisted.

Biting his lip, he contemplated answering it.

Was it Terra? That odd neighbor that had asked if he was Cat’s mother.


Suddenly, a hand was shoving him back against the wall, and clearly out of view, “Don’t.”
Jason warned lowly. His smell was spiked, agitated, on alert, and above all, defensive.

Well, defensive over Dick anyway as the Alpha almost ripped the door clean off demanding,
“What the hell do you want?”

“Ah, good afternoon sir, I was wondering if I could interest you in…”

“No, now get the hell off my porch!”

The door slammed on the stuttering man and Dick felt he’d missed out on a key factor as to
why Jason was acting like…well, like a jerk to be honest.

“Don’t answer the door. Just…don’t…” the man commanded. Looking out the front window
in search of…Dick had no idea.

“I doubt he’ll be back,” Dick joked lightly. He doubted most people would try again after a
large Alpha had ordered them not to.

“It’s not him I’m…” Jason seemed to rethink. “You didn’t know him, did you?”

“No…” he’d looked like an average Beta from what Dick had been able to see. “I mean, I
don’t think so. Why?”

Jason stared at him for a moment, there was a silent debate about something going on inside
the man’s head and Dick could only think it had to do with either the sex, the conversation
after the sex…or the phone call.
Dick went with the third.

“I saw you were talking to someone, that's why I was going to…I’m sorry.”

Jason sighed, his whole body moving as he turned away from the window. He motioned to
the couch and the red hoodie, “Your phone was ringing.”

Turning to look at it, Dick’s brow furrowed, “Ringing? But…I put my phone in the…” He
stopped. If that phone was ringing then. “Oh my god, Alfred, it has to be…” He was the only
one who actually knew the number. Reaching towards the sofa in a panic as to why the butler
would be calling him now…

“It wasn’t Alfred.”

Dick’s whole body froze. Looking back at Jason, the Alpha folded his arms, “Then…” And
Dick suddenly didn’t want to look at the phone at all, he just…wanted to scream. Why was
he surprised? How was he still shocked every damn time that his numbers were always
found? “I hate him,” he hissed. “I truly hate him.”

Always following him now, always…staring.

“He’s very hateable,” Jason agreed.

“You talked to him?” Which, of course, made sense, given the previous statement, but it was
all taking a moment to register in Dick’s brain. It felt like someone had pushed fast forwards
and he was just trying to keep up.

“Briefly,” Jason offered. “He wasn’t very forthcoming but he wouldn’t stop calling.”


It was the first response the Omega could think of. His head was barely moving while his
heart was in overdrive.

Jason sighed, dropping his arms and running a hand against his temple, “Don’t waste an
apology on that asswipe.”

“What did he say?”

With Wintergreen anything was possible, he would have goaded Jason no doubt, but…god,
Dick was feeling sick.

“A lot of bullshit, but something that made me think…he’s not your husband.”

“No,” Dick’s stomach turned at the very idea. “Never.”

Jason prompted. “But he called you a family member.”

“He was my husband’s family…” If that was even the word to use. “Not mine. He took care
of things, took care of me in a way…I guess.”
Jason’s expression fell dark and angry, “Your Alpha,” he spat the word as if it disgusted him,
“let that creep take care of you?”

“He was away a lot,” Dick picked unconsciously at his lip with his teeth, really not wanting
to talk about any of this. “Jason, can we not…”

But Jason continued, taking a step forward even, “What did he take care of exactly?”

Dick tucked his shoulders in, knowing he was trying to make himself smaller somehow.
Wanting to escape, “My medication, mostly. Making sure I ate.”

Dick’s showers…where he sat outside the door, claiming it was to make sure the Omega
didn’t fall and hurt himself.

“I don’t really remember a lot of it.”

A pause, “What?”

“I had a lot of side effects. Blackouts became pretty common. So I lost a lot of time.”

Jason’s lips thinned and his eyes moved to the side in thought, before reverting back, blazing.
“Bruce said you were drugged.”

“Bruce?” Dick’s mind just wasn’t up for the task of all this. He wasn’t sure if he felt more
hurt or confused, but he didn’t want to be here having this conversation.

He’d vowed no more running, but…

Jason took a breath, clearly, it was something he’d been wanting to say for a while, “Bruce
came to see me a few days ago. I…wasn’t trying not to tell you, I just wanted to do my own
research first.”

“Research?” Dick’s heart was starting to fall too, alongside everything else, “Like…I’m a

“No,” Jason closed the distance between them, grabbing his shoulders. “No, Dick, like Bruce
can talk out his ass and you’re…you…” he grabbed his face next, “You have no idea what
you mean to me. Dick, I promise I…”


“He promised too.”

Jason stopped. He stilled and waited for Dick to continue.

And the familiar list started. The one the Omega had repeated and would continue to repeat.

“He didn’t hit me, he hardly ever yelled. He…wasn’t like that,” Dick smiled weakly, sadly.
“But Bruce didn’t believe me. You…probably don’t either.”
“Dick, we both know that yelling and hitting isn’t the only way to abuse someone. And the
fact that he let this fucking creep around you, left you with him…that he loaded you full of
drugs that gave you fucking blackouts and didn’t bother to test himself to see if he was the
fucking problem…”

Every defense flag and shield was rising at the accusations and Dick felt he was swimming
against a current he had to beat. Every preservative instinct was on alert, “I was willing to do
it. I wanted a baby.”

“I know you did, but…Jesus, Dick, did he?”

Dick had no response other than to stare.

“Because there’s no way you would have been healthy enough to even have one with those
kinds of side effects.”

Dick blinked.

“I know you couldn’t do anything. That he had all the say in what happened to you.”

Dick watched as everything started to feel like it was moving away from him. Only when the
furniture and walls didn’t surround him anymore did he feel able to speak, even as the world
dimmed slightly.


Dick cut him off, “Bruce wasn’t in my marriage, Jason…I was.”

It felt like he was moving away from Jason now too, or at least trying to. “He doesn’t, you
don’t… neither of you knows…he didn’t.”

“Bruce is an ass, but I think he’s right about him, Dick. About what he was doing to you.
What he was…taking away.”


Jason kept his grip tight, making sure Dick couldn’t leave like he so desperately wanted to.
“He’s a failure, Dick. A failure as an Alpha, as a protector as…a fucking human being. He…
Dick, are you with me? Are you hearing me?”

Did it even matter if he disagreed again?

Was Dick even here or was this another nightmare? Maybe he was still in Jason’s bed, or
possibly back at the manor, or even still with…

Slade’s grey eye looked over, “You’re awfully restless tonight.”

Light concern but also a warning he shouldn’t further disturb the Alpha trying to sleep.
“I just…I really thought this time…” Dick sighed. “It felt different like there really was
actually something there,” his voice grew smaller, he felt alone, despite the large man next to
him, “like I was…”

But there wasn’t.

And he wasn’t.

It was negative, as always.




“The medication will do that…”

One heartbeat




Slowing down now, everything moving so far away his mind felt pretty much empty.

…it doesn’t matter.

“Okay,” he agreed, his voice flat, lifeless. Resigned.


Jason looked bewildered, “No Dick, no it’s not fucking okay, it’s not…”

But it was.

“Jason, I’m…okay.”

He was.

Dick finally pulled away from the confused Alpha. He walked down the hall, ignoring (or
maybe not even hearing) the man’s voice as he called out to him. Closing the bathroom door
behind him, the refuge he’d promised not to take again, Dick took a breath.

Just before his stomach upturned and he dashed to heave what little he’d eaten that day into
the toilet.

Jason had seen spirals before, hell he’d been in more than one himself, drinking or smoking
for days, being an asshole, not wanting to talk to anyone…

But this…

The emotional lightswitch flip he’d seen go on and off in Dick…

The wanting to argue, wanting to fight how Jason was wrong to just total agreement, using
the word okay in a way that it was anything but…like Dick truly either believed it, or had
convinced himself he did.

Jason had sensed it before, had seen small pieces of it with Dick previously, and to some
degree, he understood the need the Omega might feel to do it, but when the man went to
eating, went to acting like commenting about Cat’s artwork on the fridge was somehow the
most normal jump they could have…

Jason was at a loss. He felt he’d just backpedaled on everything between them. Like Dick had
flown even further out of his reach.

And he fucking hated it.

Denial was one thing, but Dick had agreed. He’d agreed to the accusation and just…moved

His eyes weren’t as bright, his smile not as sincere and Jason could tell he was putting up a
front (consciously or unconsciously, it didn’t fucking matter). He could just fucking tell.

The Alpha in him, the fire that wanted Dick as his own, Jason’s every instinct was growing
angry at being cut off. Knowing Dick wasn’t allowing himself to feel…something, anything
when all he wanted was for the man to know he could rely on him.

Selfish, maybe. But an instinctive desire nonetheless.

And that asshole, what he had to assume was a Beta bitch, apparently doing Dick’s husband’s
dirty work thinking he could tell Jason what to do.

Be careful or he’ll never trust you again.

Fuck him.

Fuck him and fuck the idiot Alpha who was too stupid to see he was lusting after his

“Seeing him every day? But I knew better than to touch.”

Fuck all of this, really. Sitting here, feeling he might push Dick right over the edge if he
asked more, shutting the man down completely or worse getting a smile and reassurance that
everything was under control and okay.

“Like…I’m a case?”
Jason knew better, Dick was starting to feel things, to see things, and then…

“Trying to make sure it’s really dead?”

Jason was caught off guard, halfway through chewing, he asked, “What?”

Dick pointed to Jason’s sandwich that the Alpha had unknowingly almost torn to shreds.


“I get really hungry after good sex.”

It wasn’t a joke, he wasn’t trying to make Dick laugh, it was just a fact, a truthful response,
but the man did anyway.

Dick laughed and Jason’s food was further destroyed in his grip.

“You know you could…” ‘actually eat instead of pretending to’ was interrupted when Dick
suddenly stood up.

“Isn’t that Orange?” Dick motioned his head towards the back door and the orange tabby cat
on the wall. “He seems…”

Rearing back and hissing, the animal was obviously upset, smacking at something that didn’t
become apparent until Jason saw three teenage boys run past. But they didn’t bother the cat,
they seemed to be chasing after something else.

“Did you hear that?”

“Hear what? The cat?”

“No…something…something is…,” Dick’s brow furrowed, and before Jason could process a
guess on what he was trying to say, the man took off.

“Dick?” Jason scrambled after him as the Omega tore the front door open, sprinting outside.

Jesus Christ, he was fast.

“Dick, what are you…”

Jason followed after him, keeping pace, but with Dick’s head start, he was still a few steps

Something yelped in either pain or horror.

It sounded very young. Almost like it was crying.

The three teens were cornering whatever it was and Jason darted, grabbing Dick’s elbow just
in time for the group to turn around and spot them.
Dick seemed angry, which was something. But starting a confrontation with a bunch of no
doubt horny new Alphas who liked to pick on things weaker than them, probably wasn’t the
best idea for an Omega.

Especially after that whole MILF fiasco.

“Hey! What the hell are you doing?”

And then there was scurrying as the kids took off at both hearing and seeing Jason, allowing
Dick to run into the bushed area and see what they had trapped.

“Who would do this?”

“Dick.” Jason caught up and moved in behind him. As the Omega went to his knees to get
better access, he pleaded with the man. “Dick, please be careful…” It was possible whatever
it was could be dangerous, or provoked enough to attack and Dick Grayson was exactly the
type to go after a rabid animal trying to help it and not caring about the consequences.

“It’s just a baby,” The man scoffed lightly at him. “They wouldn’t…oh my god, look at you.
Come here. It’s okay. It’s okay.” Dick was coaxing the creature out with a soft voice and
Jason couldn’t help but wonder…

“How the hell did you hear that all the way in the apartment?”

They were clear across almost the entire other end of the apartment complex.

“You didn’t?” Dick continued to rustle through the leaves and were Jason more of a pervert
he might enjoy the view a bit more than he should.

But Jason wasn’t a pervert.


(Or maybe he was going to hell for lying), but either way…

“Come on, there we go. Just a little more.”

A puppy, a goddamn puppy was growling but Dick still insisted on trying to pick it up.


“It’s just a little bite, I’ll be okay.”

“It bit you?”

“It’s just a little blood,” Dick insisted, holding the puppy out to him like Jason was supposed
to either admire or take it.

After it has just attacked him.

The blood leaking down the shorter man’s hand was concerning, to say the least, but Jason
would really rather not have his face bitten off, “Jesus, Dick watch where you…”

Something wet and cold hit his face, causing Jason’s words to fall off and his nose to squish
at the sensation. He remembered the feeling from his childhood when he’d briefly befriended
a dog he’d snuck into the house for a few weeks. A dog who had loved licking his face.

Jason had liked dogs, and he still did. He’d never gotten one as an actual pet, but having a
friend to hide under the table with while his father screamed and threw things…

“Aw, see. She’s got good taste.”

“She stinks,” Jason rebutted. The dirty looking thing smelled like it had quite possibly never
had a bath.

Dick looked over her back, “She’s got some cuts, maybe we should take her to a vet.”

“More than just cuts,” Jason observed as he was finally able to get the animal to stop licking
by taking a step back, while the little dog tried to reach out to him with a wine.

Dick turned her around with no caution for his movements and Jason was afraid she’d bite
him again, but the puppy was happy to lick him now too.

“Your leg? You poor thing, Jason we have to…”

The Alpha wasn’t sure which would have been worse, Dick standing there or Cat. He
couldn’t seem to say no to either of them.

“Yeah, yeah, fine. Let’s at least try to clean her up a little first. Maybe see if she can eat

The missing leg didn’t seem like something new, maybe just another reason for the teens to
pick her out to terrorize.

Seeing Dick smile, really smile as he reassured the puppy that they were going to take good
care of her and get her patched right up…

“You too,” Jason motioned to Dick’s still-bleeding hand.

“What do we call her?” Dick mused as the animal continued to lick his hand.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Jason insisted as he pushed him back toward the

But this was his fault, wasn’t it? Hadn’t he put it out into the universe about getting a dog
with Dick.

At least the emotional flip back on was on something real. Jason’s concern, his annoyance
even was still there, but maybe a distraction, something Dick could bond with for a little
while, maybe that’s what the Omega needed.
Granted Jason had no clue just what in the hell they were going to do with a three-legged
dog, but…

Maybe Cat would be getting her wish after all.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading and comments are really appreciated.

Chapter 33
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“Haley with an ey.”

Jason looked up from his position hunched over the overstocked cart of absolute nonsense no
one animal would ever need, (because why not overstimulate the puppy by buying it the
whole damn store) at Dick’s odd clarification.

“Isn’t that how it’s usually spelled?”

Dick seemed slightly startled at the question as the license machine whirled to life and started
to engrave what he’d put in, “Sorry, didn’t realize I was talking out loud.”

Which didn’t really answer the question.

“Dog is still an option, fewer letters, practical…”

“Practical?” Dick looked down at the puppy, with her new collar and leash. Haley with an
‘ey’ did a little spin at being addressed, as the Omega put a hand on his hip and scoffed, “Did
you hear that? He wants to call you Dog because it’s practical.”

Thankfully, the vet had determined that Haley was fine, the leg was probably a birth defect
and aside from a dewormer she needed to take, a bath had helped clean most of her right up.

“I told you I wasn’t good at names.”

Dick reached down to grab the printed license before attaching it to the puppy’s collar. He
stood back to admire it, deciding it was up to his standards. He then turned to Jason, eyebrow,
and lips raised, “I thought you were just being coy.”

The taller man was starting to feel a cramp in his shoulders so he stood up straighter as he
stretched, “I don’t do coy.”

“No,” Dick agreed, pressing his hand against Jason’s left pec, seeming to enjoy how solid it
was, “No, you certainly don’t.”

“Really?” Jason snorted in amusement as he took the man’s hand. “You’re going to do this
now? In the…”

“I need to pee.”

It was whispered, but unfortunately not very sexy.

Jason frowned, “Didn’t you go before we left?”

“I drank a lot of water. I always do after…” he moved his head in a way for Jason to fill in
the word ‘sex’. “I get really thirsty.”

Maybe Jason had already known this as he’d brought the man the glass of water in the first
place. Or at least his Alpha had.

“Okay, let’s find a bathroom then.”

The man smiled, “Sorry.”

Jason quickly kissed him, mostly to get rid of the unneeded sorry, “Nothing to apologize for,
come on.”

Dick’s injury had also been easy to clean up, the cut very minor in relation to how much
blood Jason had seen. He sometimes did that with Cat, just seeing more blood and injury than
there actually was, the Alpha part of him not wanting to see any, feeling he’d failed in letting
something he loved get hurt.

Dick handed over the leash as he headed inside the Omega-labeled bathroom and Jason
positioned himself outside the door. Haley’s tail thumped on Jason’s boot as she sat beside
him, panting, then pawing at the floor as if she wanted to play.

Christ knows she’d have enough toys to…


Jason turned to the older man addressing him, “Excuse me?”

The man raised a pointed brow, motioning his head towards the bathroom door, “Very pretty.”
Tall and well-built (for a Beta anyway) the man was leering. His cocky, slimy demeanor put
Jason’s every instinct on alert.

The man continued, “You should be proud, it’s hard to find naturally pretty ones anymore.”

A Beta. A creep. Looking at Dick…

I knew better than to touch.

Little Alpha.

He was up against the wall in an instant and Jason was close to seeing fire. He was tall, but
Jason was still fucking taller and ready to bust his goddamn windpipe if he said or did
anything else, “The fuck did you just say?” He hissed.

Haley was barking at the man now too and his eyes looked ready to bug out of his head in
terror. He scrambled against the wall as he tried to get away, “I didn’t…I’m sorry, it was just
a compliment. Honest.”

“Jason?” Dick sounded alarmed and only at his voice did the Alpha step back, letting the man
up so he could run off into whatever disgusting pit he’d come from.
After calming Haley down with some reassurance and petting, Dick grabbed Jason’s arm,
“What was…is everything okay?”

Jason shook his head, “Just an asshole. It’s…let’s just get out of here.”

Several people were looking over, and yeah, starting a fight in a Petstore wasn’t his style
(anymore) or something he was proud of but…Jason was an Alpha, not to mention a cop, and
while this meant he was allowed to act how he had, it also meant he’d now put the whole
damn store on eggshells.

It had to be said though that he’d had some nice backup.

“I’m starting to really like you,” he addressed Haley with a light head pat. She was small, but
already she seemed brave and willing to protect. The dog was happy to pant and lick his hand
in return.

Now to try and convince the cashier he wasn’t going to rage on them.

And to get that look of worry out of Dick’s eyes.


Sitting in his car, back at the Little Steps parking lot, Jason watched in amazement.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone finish an entire Kitchen Sink Combo…in one sitting…
by themselves,” It was almost a marvel really. How the man wasn’t in a diabetic coma after
eating almost every flavor The Best Scoops Ice Cream Parlor made mixed in one giant
container was nothing short of a miracle.

“She helped,” Dick rebutted, pointing down to the sleeping Haley in his lap. As if the puppy
had eaten anything past a few licks on an extra spoon.

Maybe Bruce had a point on sweets helping Dick feel better, but at least he’d eaten and while
The Omega should be nursing either a brain freeze or a stomach ache, he seemed fine.

Small victory, Jason supposed.

Dick placed the empty container back into the bag and onto the floor of the car, careful not to
rouse Haley. He seemed to be the kind to leave trash in a car, but Jason wasn’t concerned
about that now.

The Omega played with his hair for a moment, watching the Preschool's front doors and
biting his lip before asking, “Did he say something?”

Jason raised a questioning brow, “He?”

“The Beta at the store.” The man continued before Jason could answer, “If he did…I’m used
to it, you know.”

“Used to what?”
Dick began absently petting Haley as he thought, “Being treated like I’m not there. Talked
about like a…thing, I guess. It’s…you get used to it.”

Like that made it fucking right.

“Just because you get used to something doesn’t make it…” Jason was cautious to use the
word, but felt he needed to, “okay.”

Dick seemed hesitant to agree. “Just…you don’t have to fight them. I know it’s an instinct
but…” he smiled weekly. “I promise I’m stronger than I look.”

Blue eyes were on him now and Jason exhaled, “I know you’re strong, Dick,” his mouth
lifted, “Hell, I saw you stand up to an Alpha I swear you could have taken out. I’ve seen your
strength, both physical and mental more than once, but…I’m always going to protect you,
Dick. ”

“Protect?” Dick said the word tentatively as if it scared him.

Jason grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers, “Really protect Dick, not take away. So
you can be happy, and you can feel safe. Actually safe,” he reiterated, “not imprisoned, but

Dick’s eyes wouldn’t leave his, seeming almost conflicted, “Jason…”

“And if someone says something to you or tries to hurt you…they’re gonna get their face
smashed in,” Jason shrugged. “Or at the very least held down so you can hit them…if you


“Telling you that I’m here,” Jason insisted. “I don’t know how many more ways I can say it
but…I am. I can’t…it’s hard when you cut me off.”

“Cut you off?”

“I know you’re not okay, Dick. Fuck, you shouldn’t be. I know you wanted a baby, I
know…” And Jason realized he was using too many ‘I’s’ and ‘I knows.’

Just like fucking Bruce.

“Fuck,” he hissed angrily at himself, slamming his head back against the headrest. He looked
over and saw Dick staring out the window, his eyes seemed distant, far away. Jason squeezed
the man’s hand, fearing the worst, and was thankful as fuck for the light squeeze back.

“I’m sorry,” Jason said softly.

“You said that, on that day, when you…you seemed so angry.”

“I was,” Jason sighed. “I was furious and I didn’t know what else to say.”
“Did Bruce…” Dick paused as if to rethink his question, but couldn't seem to find the right

“I think he was trying to scare me off,” Jason provided for him. “Remind me you were
bonded that…I should give up, or some bullshit.”

The other man nodded, not seeming surprised at hearing that. “I’m…glad you haven’t,” Dick
smiled, small and light.

Jason’s heart spiked and his stomach fluttered. Leaning over closer, finding it hard to not give
in to the desire to nibble all up and down the man’s long, tanned neck, he reminded, “You got
wet for me.”

Dick’s turned his head to face him, eyes wide.

“Kind of hard to do when you’re infertile.”

Jason wasn’t a doctor, but he’d taken plenty of Omega biology courses.

And as flattering as the idea that Dick would only get wet for him was (and Jason certainly
wasn’t ruling it out)…

He brushed some hair from the man’s eyes, but Dick didn’t respond. He looked frightened
again and Jason couldn’t fucking stand it. “I’m not an expert or anything but maybe you
should see someone who is, and get some real answers.”

Dick’s breath hitched and he looked like he wanted to run again. The look Jason fucking
hated. “I can’t…I can’t try again Jason, I…” his eyes were heading back out the window,
pain in them. “I can’t go through that again.”

Holding in the anger at whatever pain that was, Jason continued.

“It’ll be different,” Dick’s eyes stopped and focused back on him. “No medication if you
don't want, just, we can start slow. Find someone unbiased that you don’t know, someone
with a fresh set of eyes, who can just give us some answers.”

“Us? You’d…come with me?”

Jason smiled, brushing his cheek and murmuring, “Of course. And if you don’t like them
then we won’t go again. We’re gonna make the rules this time, Okay?”

Dick studied him, maybe searching for some kind of stipulation Jason was going to throw at

Jason sighed, still stroking his cheek, “Look, Dick…I’m not sure what else I can do or say,
but at some point, you’re going to have to trust me. I’m not like…”

“I know,” the man whispered. “I know, I’m…”

“Don’t you dare say sorry.”

Dick gave a weak smile, “Okay,” he said instead, resting his head on the Alpha’s shoulder.

Jason worked his fingers through the man’s ebony hair, having used Cat’s body wash the
Omega smelled even more like home, like everything Jason wanted, “Okay, as in?” Just
wanting to be sure.

He could feel Dick’s swallow, “I’ll do it, we can…do that.”

And damn did Jason like his use of the word we.

“Okay,” Jason agreed. Glad they’d discovered a real use for the word. His eyes found the
school’s entrance as he saw parents and students starting to leave the building. He chuckled,
“Ready to see an insanely happy four-year-old?”

“She’s gonna flip, huh?” Dick agreed with a smile.


Jason was flipping too, or his heart was, at least.

And opposite to joy, Jason's heart was flipping at the idea that the day with Dick was almost
over and despite the hours they’d spent together…

His fingers went around and around the same lock of Dick’s hair…

It just never felt like enough.


“You two certainly have an interesting way of playing hooky,” Babs had her hands on her
hips, observing Haley as Cat happily pet her and the little dog continued to spin over and
over again, wagging her tail, much to the girl’s delight.

The parking lot was mostly free now so there was plenty of room for Haley to explore and
Cat was determined to follow her.

“Oh, come on, tell me she’s not the cutest thing ever?” Dick argued, crouching down so the
dog could come for pets from him now too. “And I mean she’s doing what most dogs need
four legs to do with only three.” Cat had asked about the leg so that was more for her benefit.
“Which makes her extra special, right?”

Cat nodded excitedly before turning to Jason, slightly worried, “Are we going to have to give
her back, Daddy?”

Arms crossed, the man shook his head, “Frankly, Kit, I don’t think there’s anyone to give her
back to.”

The girl's eyes brightened as she grabbed his leg and looked up at him, “So we get to keep
Jason chuckled, “Yeah Kit, we do. Happy Birthday.”

Cat looked confused, “It’s not my…”

“Well, considering how much I just spent on her, I’d say it’s at least two of your birthdays.”

He was joking, surely.

Dick grabbed the girl’s hand to pull her away. Keeping his voice quiet, he assured, with a
wink for extra measure, “Don’t worry, Daddy doesn’t mean that.”

Dick would make sure of that.

“The hell he doesn’t,” Jason grumbled to himself. But his mouth was lifted, almost smiling.

“Haley, huh?” Babs squatted to pet the dog as well.

“With an ey,” Jason said with a twirl of his finger.

“Gonna be an interesting Coparenting situation,” the woman observed.

“We’ll…” Dick glanced up at Jason to see if they were on the same page.

“We’ll figure it out,” The Alpha agreed.

Dick touched Cat’s shoulder, “We got her lots of toys and fun stuff to play with, but you’re
gonna have to help Daddy teach her how to go to the bathroom outside and feed her and
make sure she has water and clean up after her, do you think you can do that?”

Cat quickly nodded, “Can she learn tricks, too?”

“Well, of course. She’s going to be amazing at tricks,” Dick assured with a laugh. “And,” he
turned to speak more to Jason now, “If Daddy lets you, maybe you can use his phone to take
lots of pictures of her that you can show me.”

Jason gave him a slightly exasperated ‘really’ kind of look.

Dick smiled in return.

“Okay, well,” Babs stretched and rose back to her feet with a yawn. “It’s been fun and all, but
I'm pooped and ready to go home.”

“It’s a lot of kids,” Dick agreed.

“I swear that Bryson…” Babs shook her head at whatever else she wanted to say. Nothing
good, presumably.

“Yeah,” Dick agreed, rising to stand himself. Cat was preoccupied with already asking Jason
for his phone, and the man looked resigned, handing it over.
“Did you have…” Babs knocked his shoulder lightly, keeping her voice quiet. “A good

Dick watched as Cat tried to take a picture using the phone the completely wrong way before
Jason corrected her.

“I’m guessing by that smile, you did.”

“We got a dog,” Dick offered cheekily.

Babs rolled her eyes, “I meant more…did you have a really…really good time.”

He knew exactly what she meant and tried not to laugh, “Babs, come on.”

But she didn’t relent, “Okay, If you say anything I’ll know you didn’t, but if you don’t say

Dick scoffed lightly, shaking his head. He didn’t say anything though.

Because he’d had a nice time.

A really, really nice time.

“I knew it!”

Dick appeased her with humor, “Okay, Detective Gordon. You’re right.”

“Always am, but…” Her cockiness fell slightly. “Just know I’m here as your friend too, Dick,
not just Bruce’s” The Beta squeezed his arm until he nodded.

“Thanks, Babs. I…thank you.”

She nodded before heading towards her car, waving at Cat and Jason before calling back,
“Told you you’d be thanking me.”

Yeah, guess she had.

Jason watched her leave before exhaling, “I think she’d help us.”

“Probably,” Dick had agreed to the doctor idea, but he wasn’t all that eager to think about it
too much. “But, it’s almost 6. You two should probably…get going too.”

“Come on, Kit,” Jason motioned Cat towards the car, carrying Haley and putting the dog in
beside her. Dick gave her a thumbs up and a smile as she was fastened in and the door shut.

Jason hesitated beside the vehicle before sighing.

“Fucking Bruce…” He sounded so bitter and Dick stopped him, wrapping his arms around
the muscular man’s neck so he could put their foreheads together.
He rubbed his thumb at the Alpha’s nape, admiring his beautiful eyes, “I wish it wasn’t so
hard on you. I wish…I could give you comfort too.”

Jason rumbled a growl against him, right before he took the Omega’s mouth with his own.

It could have progressed back into a repeat of earlier as their lips and tongues collided, but
Cat was waiting and…Dick would need yet another shower.

They both pulled back.

“That helps,” Jason murmured.

Not as much as Dick knew the Alpha needed or wanted.

But at least it was something.


The weather was beautiful that afternoon, just a slight breeze but no need for a jacket. The
sun shone as it shimmered across the blue water, reflecting and warming with its golden rays.
They sat on the blanket on the grass, a basket set up a few feet beside them.

The baby wasn’t fussing much, seeming to enjoy watching the butterflies and birds overhead,
gurgling as he tried to catch them with his hands.

Smiling and rocking the bundle, taking the soft little hand with his finger, the Omega looked
over at his Alpha…

But the spot was empty.

Dick was alone.

Confused, he rose, careful as the baby had started fidgeting in unhappiness. He stood only
for the wind to pick up, for the sky to darken, for the whole scene to change.

The sunny meadow slowly transformed into a dark, rocky cliff. The waves crashed down
below a steep drop.

Dick was confused and breathless.

The baby was suddenly ripped from him and he couldn’t stop it. A familiar dark, large
shadow, a silhouette he’d once loved and adored was now holding his baby…their baby, as if
it were meaningless. Nothing more to him than something to be…


No .

The shadow was heading toward the edge. Towards the drop.

No! Please…
Dick fell to his knees because he couldn’t move otherwise, he wasn’t allowed to do anything,
but listen to his baby cry. He couldn’t even speak. All he could do was silently beg.


The man raised the bundle in one hand, holding it by the blanket as it rocked and squirmed
and cried…

Throw me instead! He tried to scream. Tried to move, tried to do anything.

The shadow held it over the edge, looking back at Dick with his dark, empty face, not caring
one bit about Dick’s anguish, his distress, his pleading for their child. The shadow loosened
his grip…

Please! he sobbed.

…before finally letting go.

Jolting awake in the darkness of his room, Dick cried out. His eyes were moist with tears as
he reached to save nothing, a baby that had never been. That never could have been. He
was…Dick choked on a sob, and the tears started and didn’t stop. He pulled his legs closer to
his body in defense. To shield himself from the shadow. Because he was a moron a stupid,

Two arms pushed against him, forcing Dick’s position to open up for a smaller body to
shimmy in. Burrowing in Dick’s neck, sharp dark hair tickled his cheek as the child wrapped
themselves around him.

Not the non-existent baby but…

“Dami…” he tried to choke. Not sure when the boy had come in.

But Damian shook his head that he wasn’t leaving.

And Dick, stroking his hair, and holding him tight, was glad.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading. Comments are appreciated, loved and I promise this is going
somewhere, lol.
Chapter 34
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“The storm outside means we have all recesses inside.”

Ms. Weaver was in full dictator mode that morning.

Dick, Babs, and the other three teachers gave varying degrees of understanding. From
headshakes to eye rolls, to even an audible groan.

Inside days usually meant restless kids, kids who wanted to play out in the rain, or just didn’t
want to be cooped up in the classrooms all day. Kids that were wound up and even more
rambunctious than usual.

Normally Dick wouldn’t mind, he liked the kids being well…kids and he hadn’t groaned or
rolled his eyes, he just wished he was feeling better than he was.

Nightmares really seemed to take it out of him and Dick would at least have appreciated
some sun making an appearance that day, instead of the never-ending, dreary Gotham gray.

“The inspection will also be overseen by Mr. Wayne personally today so we can continue our
jobs without interruption.”

Dick’s attention was caught at that as a few murmurs of excitement went around.

Babs gave an I swear I didn’t know look and Dick believed her.

“And a reminder that fraternizing with parents in any inappropriate way will result in
disciplinary action.”

Dick was sure all eyes were on him, but he brushed it off.

He was done being worried about what Marcia thought or said about him. Or her threats.

“Does that apply to everyone present, Ms. Weaver? Or are you not included in that rule


So, maybe Dick shouldn’t have told Babs about Marcia coming on to Jason.

Amid the snorting chuckle from one of the other teachers, Marcia glared, “It includes
everyone, Ms. Gordon.”

She continued a few more points and Babs smirked at him.

Dick couldn’t say he wasn’t amused, but the Beta needed to watch herself.

“I think she’s going to end up hating you more than she hates me,” Dick warned after the
meeting had ended.

Babs waved the notion away, “I’ve dealt with bullies like her before, I can take it.” Her tone
changed to something more serious, “And I…swear I didn’t know about…”

“It’s okay, I…” Dick bit the side of his mouth. He had no doubt Bruce had smelled his
distress last night. It was possible the man thought dealing with the inspector personally was
helping Dick out in some way…and it was the older man’s property so.. “It’s Bruce.” He
finished lamely.

“Yeah,” Babs agreed, touching his arm. “But, let me know if you need anything, okay?”

Dick smiled and gave her an assuring head nod.

While not feeling assured himself at all.


Sleeping with a four-year-old and a puppy, both as rambunctious as the other. Jason was sure
this was his life now. If Cat and her stuffed animals were worse or Haley simultaneously
whining at the thunder while also nosing him for attention…Jason hid under his covers from
them both, bundled up in a way that he hoped to be left alone so he could get at least a few
hours of sleep…

They had, of course, all ended up tangled into each other. Cat’s freezing feet on Jason’s back
and Haley every so often pawing his head.

The toys had all been tossed off the bed at some point, Jason vowing no more…

Until the next night that is.

(Truly, what an Alpha he was.)

The storm seemed to be keeping up from last night (the reason the two had joined him in the
first place) as the rain and lightning were visible through his office window. Running a hand
through to try and unflatten his wet hair, Jason placed his jacket on the wall hook.

Dick had looked surprised at the lunch he’d presented him and while Jason wasn’t trying to
treat the man like a child or like he was incapable of making his own meals (while
remembering the dreaded Pop Tarts), Jason would put his foot down that the Omega just
needed better nutrition. And Jason was going to provide it.

Simple, no arguments.

Not that Dick had given any.

Seeing the new stack of cases on his desk from his day of absence, Jason grumbled as he
swept his hand across the folders, fanning them out to see just how many there actually were.
In doing so, he unknowingly knocked something off the desk.

Jason stared down in confusion at the soft, colorful animal that landed near his boot.

Or, Jason reached down to retrieve it, thumbing at some missing sequins and fabric on the
animal’s back, it would have been colorful, were it not so worn.

An elephant. It looked like it had to be at least a few decades old, worn from love and
probably daily use. Something someone had clearly treasured.

The animal brought him back to the day at the Zoo, but…what in the hell was it doing on
Jason’s desk?

“A dog, huh?”

Roy’s query filled the room as he entered loudly and purposely, placing a coffee on Jason’s
desk, “Never thought I’d see the day.”

Jason returned the stuffed animal to the furniture’s top before reaching for the coffee. It was
cold as balls outside, so he was happy for the warmth on his hands.

Jason nodded his thanks, realizing a few weeks ago he wouldn’t have believed he’d be a dog
owner either.

“Found her in the complex. It just kind of…happened,” Jason explained as he took a sip. Roy
always overloaded it with sugar but today, Jason wasn’t going to complain. He needed all the
sugar and caffeine he could get.

“Do tell.”

Jason blinked at him, not sure what part the man hadn’t gotten, “I found a dog. It happened.”

“Well, goddamn, Todd, you always tell the best stories.” Roy positioned himself comfortably
in Jason’s chair. “Puppies are a lot of work though, dude. That’s why I got a cat,” he lifted his
fingers to display the points on the greatness of cats, “Pisses and shits in a box, can play by
itself, low maintenance,” He got to three then seemed to rethink, “Granted she’s
temperamental and half the time you don’t know if she hates or loves you…” he clicked his
tongue as if realizing something, “Kind of like Jade, honestly.”

Jason rolled his eyes, “Well now that we’ve done our self-revelations for the morning…”

“The hell is this?” Roy reached over and prodded the elephant. “Jesus, did the dog get to it?”

“No, it’s…frankly, I don’t know what it is. I would guess it was supposed to go in lost and
found.” Jason pursed his lips. “Have you seen Terra?”

Maybe it was a weird prank by her or something? It seemed odd, but…

So was Terra.

“Cute girl, but…” Roy pointed to the side of his head with a whistle. “Something’s definitely
not spinning right up there.”

Jason couldn’t disagree with that, “I meant is she here today?”

Roy waved his hand, “She’s probably in Terminator's office crying or smelling his chair or
some shit.”

“Jesus fuck, Roy,” definitely not an image Jason needed right now.

The man shrugged and held his hands, “I heard he likes them younger so…who knows what
the hell those two do.”

Never mind, that would definitely mean Slade was having an affair (which might put the
weird question he’d asked Jason on infidelity into some kind of perspective), but…“Likes
them younger?” Jason asked.

Roy nodded, moving the chair from side to side slightly, “Olsen worked in Bludhaven with
him. He said his husband’s a total knockout, but like 20 years younger than him or

“He said his husband was sick.” Unwell, whatever.

Roy raised his shoulders, “Dunno, man. Sounds like a trophy husband to me.”

That had been Jason's first thought too, “Do they have any kids?”

“Can’t say I thought to ask,” Roy said flippantly. “The idea of mini Terminators though…”
he cringed at the thought.

Again, Jason couldn’t disagree.

“On a different note,” Roy took one last drink before he tossed his coffee cup in the trash,
stretching his arms over his head. “I think we should do it.”

Jason was going to need some immediate clarification, “Do what?”

“The Palace, this weekend, we should do it.”

Jason raised a brow. The Ice Palace? “Just like that?”

“We said we would, right?” Roy leaned forward in the chair so he could rest his elbow on the
desk. “I mean what better time is there? Unless you’ve got a hot date or something?”

“That’s usually your area,” Jason wondered why the man was so adamant about it all of a
sudden. “The twins break up with you, or something?”

Roy looked unbothered, “Nah, we’re not exclusive.”

Right. They were experimenting…or whatever.

“And if we have to find a silver lining in all this shit…” Roy toyed with one of the edges of
the reports, smiling as he did, “I wouldn’t say no to seeing some sexy Omegas.”

“Never thought otherwise,” Jason deadpanned.

“Jade can watch the girls, it’ll be fine.”

Jason’s arms folded and his brow rose, “The same Jade that hates you?”

Roy scratched his cheek as his mouth ticked, “Fine, I’ll ask Dinah, alright? Now, are we
doing this, or…”

Jason nodded, “Fine. If the Chief’s not going to cooperate until after something bad

“We do it without him. Word of advice though,” Roy’s mouth lifted. “Try not to look like a

A narc?

“How the hell do I look like a narc?” Jason had been raised mostly by the streets, he’d spent
more time avoiding cops than actually being one (thus far). “I wasn’t exactly raised with a
silver spoon.”

Or a millionaire who wiped his ass whenever he was in trouble.

Roy pursed his lips as he thought how to answer, “You have a thing about you, man. I respect
it, hell I wish I had more of it myself but…you can’t save the Omegas in there. Or at least
you can’t look like you want to. Get what I mean?”

He probably did have a point, but Jason wasn’t going to let him know that, “Be an ogling
pervert. Got it.”

Aka, be more like Roy Harper.

Roy grinned, “Exactly. And show some chest and forearm, Omegas go wild for that shit.”

Jason rolled his eyes.

“’ve got the attention of nearly every Omega here so…”

“Anyway, do you want me to take this to lost and found on the way out? Or, I don’t know,”
Roy gave the elephant a disgusted face as he looked at it closer, “the dumpster?”

Jason knew he should let him, but something he couldn’t put a name to other than instinct,
something stopped him from agreeing, “It’s okay, I’ll do it later.”

He still planned to ask Terra about it, but also…

it just felt too important to throw out.


Dick smelt him before the Alpha joined him at the table. Smoothing his shirt as he sat, Bruce
looked at the items Dick had spread out.

“That’s…quite a lunch.”

Dick was hungry and really not in the mood for this fight. He’d just wanted some peace and a
few seconds to himself in the Teacher’s Lounge for his lunch.

Which was not to be, it seemed.

He’d known the man would corner him in one way or another, but unlike the Manor, Dick
couldn’t hide in his room.

Bruce’s eyes scanned over every item, seemingly genuinely impressed after accessing each
one, “A perfectly balanced meal.”

Dick almost wanted to shield it from him, “I’m not telling him he can’t bring me lunch,

Dick was done with all that and the fear of being seen having or eating Jason’s food.

“Well, if he can get you to eat this nutritious all the time…”

“You interrogated him. You..” Dick wasn’t looking for a joke from Bruce (if that’s what the
man thought he wanted), the Omega shook his head and took a bite of the sandwich.

Bruce appraised Dick with a neutral expression as the Omega swallowed, “Is that what he…”
The Alpha stopped, not turning in any direction but still seeming to be listening to something.
“I believe we have company.”

Looking towards the door, Dick saw it was cracked with a familiar face peeking in.

Cat looked so small, especially with her expression of wariness as she glanced into the room
and Dick’s every instinct was to go comfort her.

Rising from his chair to be next to her, the man asked, “Hey kiddo, Is something wrong?” He
brushed his hand across her forehead but she didn’t feel warm and she didn’t appear sick or
in pain.

She was clearly upset though. Her big green eyes, watering.

“Haley,” the girl said quietly.

“What about Haley?”

Dick was sure Jason would have said something if there was anything wrong with the dog.
“She doesn’t like the thunder and she’s all alone. What if she got scared again?”

The storm had really picked up, making every boom feel like an overly long, massive
gunshot so Dick was pretty sure the girl might be scared too.

Cat was talking almost into the door now, “Ms. Gordon said I could come find you.”

Spying the redhead past the girl, Babs gave a wave before taking off.

Dick took her hand and ushered her into the room, knowing if Marcia saw him she’d be
bitching for days, but he had to do something. Haley was his responsibility too and he hated
seeing Cat so close to tears. “Don’t worry, we’ll see if Daddy can go check on her, okay?”

Of course, this would happen with Bruce here, just making it more obvious that the two were
continuing to see each other. Despite his best attempts otherwise.

The girl hiccuped as she nodded. Dick sat back down and as there were no other chairs at that
moment (just a sofa), he positioned her on his lap so she could access the table easier as he
offered. “Are you hungry? Daddy made it, so it’s extra good.”

Cat nodded again, nibbling on a piece of fruit from Dick’s lunch while she got her first good
look at Bruce. The man calmly observed her back.

Dick sent Jason a text asking if it were possible if he could check on the puppy anytime soon,
while Bruce softly addressed her, “You must be Catherine.”

“Cat,” Dick corrected for him. Bruce had probably investigated all of Jason’s history so it
wasn’t surprising he knew her name. “Cat, this is Damian’s daddy, Mr. Wayne.”

It seemed to make more sense to introduce him that way to the preschooler and Cat’s eyes got
a little brighter at the revelation, “Your Damian’s daddy?” she sniffed, but her unshed tears
were drying up.

Bruce chuckled, “Sometimes. Depending on what he’s done.”

Cat didn’t seem to understand the joke but didn’t seem to be scared of talking to Bruce either.
Something Dick hadn’t expected. The girl sniffed again, “He helped me water my plants.”

If Bruce was surprised by this, there was no physical reaction to show so, just a simple, “Did

Cat nodded, as she tried to push back some hair that had fallen out of her braid. Dick helped
her, tucking the stands in as much as he could, “He was kind of mean sometimes, but he
petted Orange and Scruffy liked him.”

“I see. And Haley?”

Again, if the name was something he registered, Bruce didn’t outwardly show it (though
Dick wasn’t sure how he wouldn’t). Though the question seemed to be pointed more at Dick
than Cat.
“She’s our new puppy. He doesn’t know her yet,” The girl looked back at Dick, growing
more excited than sad. “Can he meet her?”

Dick took a breath, aware of Bruce’s eyes on him, “Cat, hunny, I don’t…” Thankfully
(almost as if the universe was throwing a bone for once) Jason’s message came through with
a ding. “Hey, look, Daddy says she’s fine.”

Jason had apparently been thinking ahead and was home for a break to check on her anyway.
Being that it was around noon, and lunchtime, that made sense. He’d sent a picture of the
puppy and Dick showed it to Cat to further reassure her, “See?”

The girl nodded, and Dick was glad to see her mood visibly improve. “She’s only got three
legs,” She proudly said to Bruce, holding up three fingers to reiterate her point. “She’s really

“Sounds like it,” the man agreed. “I remember my first dog, Ace, he was special too.”

“Did he play a lot? Haley likes to play a lot.”

Bruce smiled, “He certainly did.” He appeared to recall the dog fondly. “He was my best
friend for a very long time.”

Cat thought on this before deciding, “I think Haley’s my best friend too.”

Even Bruce had to smile at that.

Dick’s watch alarm went off and the man sighed as he turned it off, “Well that’s my lunch
officially over now.”

“You’ve barely eaten,” Bruce frowned.

Dick grabbed a carrot stick to pointedly chomp on as he placed everything back into the bag,
prodding Cat off his lap and onto her feet before standing himself. “I’ll live.”

“Dick.” Forceful, commanding but also concerned as he watched Dick place the bag back in
the fridge, “You need to…”

“He said you told him I was drugged,” Dick looked down at the seated Alpha, eyes
unwavering, just...needing to know. “That he…drugged me.”

Dick wasn’t sure what answer he wanted, what answer would even help…

Bruce answered slowly, meaningfully, “I told him the truth.”

Bright blue on midnight blue, neither gaze moved for what felt like an eternity.

Dick finally nodded, his eyes falling downward in submission.

“I’m…sorry, Dick.”
What he was sorry for when it was clearly all Dick’s fault to begin with…

Dick hadn’t listened.

Dick had refused to believe, been stubborn and disobedient…defiant.

And now he was paying for it.

This was Dick’s punishment.

Feeling he had no right to do so, the Omega nodded again, even as his heart fell and his
throat tightened. He let Cat wave goodbye to the Alpha but refused to face Bruce again as
they headed for the door.

He simply couldn’t.

Chapter End Notes

Comments are appreciated and really help keep me motivated. Thanks for reading.
Chapter 35
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Entering the kitchen, Dick stopped short at the scene. There appeared an explosion of glossy,
shiny images and text, pretty much everywhere. They covered the kitchen counters, the table,
and almost every surface, while a seemingly very troubled Beta sat in the middle of the paper
storm. Tim looked ready to smash his head repeatedly into any one of the plethoras of books
and magazines around him and his deep blue eyes looked up at Dick’s arrival, asking,

“Please…you have to help me.”

Tossing the towel he’d been drying his hair with on the back of the chair next to the Beta (as
there was simply no other counter or table space left) Dick stared at it all in amazement,
“Timmy, what are you…”

“I’m going to go crazy,” The younger man was all but pulling at his hair. “I…can’t do this.”

“Can’t do…” Dick looked behind him, grabbing what looked like a magazine for flower
arrangements, then seemed to understand. “Oh.”

“We’re going to elope,” Tim slammed the book in front of him closed. “I can’t do this.”

Dick smiled, pulling the chair out to join him, “You’re overthinking it.”

Tim laced his fingers behind his head and hunched his shoulders, “Damian says everything I
pick out is tacky, Bruce only wants things I know Con will hate and I don’t know if I can
handle a planner doing everything either…I want to elope.”

Dick reached out to grab his shoulder, “No, Tim, you…want your family there, it’s…trust
me on that.”

Dick’s wedding had been exquisite in terms of beauty. Everything had been picture-perfect,
set up with a well-designed mix of just the right flowers, decorations, and music.

It had only been missing one thing.

But he’d loved Slade and as long as Dick had him, his family not being there…

Bruce refused to give him away, still begging Dick to reconsider, making his objections so
well known that anyone from the Manor had been banned from the event by Slade.

“He upsets you,” Slade’s hand was in Dick’s hair as he held the Omega after a rather loud
and angry altercation with Bruce.
“I won’t allow that.”

Dick hadn’t argued because he just wanted the man as his husband, just wanted to feel

Just wanted the fighting to end.

To be able to be himself.

Looking back in hindsight, Dick was realizing more and more that things had never been as
good or wonderful as he’d thought or imagined. Not even in the beginning, or possibly…

But he had realized that at some point, hadn’t he?

“You don’t love me.”

“Why don’t you love me?”

He’d known.

And he’d been called crazy.


But Dick couldn’t think about all that now. It was almost 6:00 and being it was Friday

Tim gave him a look, his eyes falling slightly as he understood Dick’s meaning, “Yeah,” he
agreed. “I do.”

Smiling, the Omega let his hand fall and the Beta sighed.

“Well…” Dick drummed the flower magazine’s cover as he considered, really wishing he
could offer more, “I have somewhere I have to be, but…how about we try again tomorrow?
Maybe some time away will help you come at it with a clearer head?”

Tim’s mouth ticked to the side as he agreed, resting his face in his palm, “My head literally
hurts right now, so yeah, maybe.”

It wasn’t typical for Alphas to participate too much in wedding planning; it was either the
Omega or Beta’s responsibility (or in Dick’s case it had been Wintergreen…as everything
usually was), “You should have Conner help too if he wants.”

Tim nodded, but his eyes grew a bit sharper as he observed him, something Dick knew meant
he was analyzing or deeply thinking. He seemed to ponder about what he wanted to address
before finally saying, lowering his voice quite a bit, “You’re going to the Palace…aren’t
Dick’s brows furrowed as if he didn’t understand, hoping it covered some of his shock at the
question, “I don’t…”

Tim quickly looked behind him as if searching for something (or someone), before leaning
forward, his voice still quiet as he cut the Omega off, “Dick, you’re seriously gonna need to
lie better than that. I know there’s a new one in Gotham and…”

He continued at Dick’s wide-eyed response, “If I’ve figured it out, it’s only a matter of time
til Bruce does too, he’s just got more on his plate. But…Dick, please be careful.”

A smile, maybe to help ease the guilt growing at seeing the Beta’s concern, “I’m always
careful, Timmy.”

Tim’s mouth thinned, the reassurance seemingly doing little of what it was meant to, “I may
not have understood it as well when I was 12, but…I know that place is dangerous Dick,
especially for…”

“I’m being as careful as I can Tim, I promise,” Dick rose from the chair and squeezed the
man’s shoulder, “After all, I have a wedding to attend very soon,” He smiled as brightly as he
could manage. “And I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Tim had a nervous purse to his lip as he nodded…clearly not happy, but not able to do much

The Palace wasn’t safe and Tim was smart enough to know that. Just like Tim was smart
enough to see patterns of when Dick had tried this before and had put it together where he
was going now.

It wasn’t safe.

But that couldn’t , wouldn’t stop Dick.

Nothing would.

Not this time.


Dick tried his best not to overtly stare or bring up the obvious, but his hands were finding it
hard to focus on what he was doing when the boy next to him was desperately trying to cover
what was obviously a bruise.

“...we both know that yelling and hitting isn’t the only way to abuse someone.”

And yet, Dick had always found marks hard to look at. Even the most elite Alphas often
struck their Omegas and even in his world of champagne and parties with Slade, covered
bruises had been common.

Slade had never once struck him, though, Dick knew that even with the blackouts.
Maybe he hadn’t cared enough to.

Jesus. Dick gripped the counter and his stomach twisted with nausea.

He couldn’t think like that. Especially not here. Not with real victims who had no other
choices. Who might be homeless otherwise.

“You okay?” Sage’s brown eyes looked with concern at him and Dick felt sick at himself.

He wasn’t the one trying to cover an obvious mark of being hit.

“Just, nervous maybe?” Dick smiled.

“Nervous?But you’re so…good. Even Diamond seemed jealous at how much attention you
were getting.”

Diamond. Dick had realized why the name felt wrong. He’d known him as a different one,
back when he’d worn all gold.

It was a sneer that had made Dick remember. A sneer and glare as he’d left last Sunday. A
glare that had made Dick pull Jason’s red hoodie tighter around himself. A sneer he’d
remembered from when the Omega had watched him as Robin.

“I heard he walked out.”

Dick looked over at that, “What?”

“Diamond, I guess he was upset about something. It was shortly after you got here, actually.”
Dick had immediately thrown his stuff in the communal area and started to get ready, he
hadn’t even seen Diamond. “Cobblepot’s furious since now there’s no star for the show
tonight.” Sage rubbed at his cheek, unconsciously.

“Did he do that?” Dick wouldn’t put it past the short Alpha.

The boy shook his head, “No it’s…just an Alpha, they wanted to see if they could…if it

And Dick felt sick all over again, knocking a pot of glitter over as his hands fell heavily onto
the table.

Sage watched Dick’s anger, taking a few moments before asking, softly, “Do you ever
wonder what it would be like…to not be, To be one of them?”

“Not as much as I used to,” Dick answered honestly. “But, yeah.”

Sage nodded, “I thought for sure I’d be a…”

“Ungrateful bitches, the whole lot of ya!”

Something shattered outside the blue curtain. Whether it was glass, a mirror, or something
else entirely, there was a following roar of, “Don’t just stand there, you brain-dead idiot,
clean that up!”

Oswald Cobblepot nearly ripped the curtain from the rod as he pulled it back with a growl.
He entered the room with a hobble, looking ready to use his cane on anyone or anything.

“Useless, lazy, entitled cunts! I give you food, shelter and this is how you repay me?!”

Clearly the Alpha’s anger at Diamond was now being projected onto everyone else.

His beady eyes looked around, seething with anger as he searched for something he could
physically hurt. Something which Dick had to try to stop at all costs.


The man snorted at Dick’s attempt to speak, snarling at him, “You!” And his tone changed as
he started to realize who was speaking. “You…yes, you.”

“I just think…”

“I don’t give a flying piss what you think!” He waved his cane as if physically trying to wave
Dick’s thoughts away. “You, you’re my answer.”


“Did I say you could speak?” The Alpha snarled again. He motioned to one of the suited men
behind him. The one Dick was pretty sure he’d tried flirting with to help him with his
meeting with Diamond originally, “Escort him to the other dressing area.”

“Come on…beautiful,” the man grabbed his arm, whispering the last part right into Dick’s
ear. The Omega couldn’t even manage to give Sage a look or motion that he would be okay
as he could smell the boy’s concern. He was a bit preoccupied with how he could feel the
Alpha behind him as they began to walk. The man’s breath was hot on Dick’s neck, while he
pushed the smaller man back so that he could feel…the Alpha was rock hard in his pants.

“That big enough for you…slut.”

The hiss had Dick wanting to quip that he’d recently had much bigger, but where would that
get him, really? He wasn’t in any kind of control here and Cobblepot was still looking for
something to break.

The icy-looking hallway he was marched down led to another set of blue curtains, a much
larger set with what Dick knew would be actual personal spaces for each performer.
Assuming it was similar to the one in Haven.

Pushing him through the fabric, the two other occupants in the room stilled at Dick’s arrival.
The Harlequin woman he’d met a week earlier was sitting in a redhead’s lap, both on a couch.
They’d obviously been kissing, arms still around each other, and seeing him enter, they both
raised their brows.
“You two make yourselves useful and fix him up,” Cobblepot commanded them. He looked
back at Dick with a pointed, disgusting leer, “He’s our star tonight.”

Watching the man and the bodyguard walk away and the curtain fall back into place, Dick
was left standing there, unsure of what to do.

“You hear that, Ivy? We got a new toy to play with,” There was a menace to the blonde
woman’s tone that made Dick take a step back.

“Harley,” The redhead prodded the other woman off of her. “You’re scaring him.”

“Oh, he knows I’m joking. And oh, right, I’m Harley,” the woman pointed to herself. “You
know, Harley. Harley Quinn? It’s genius, right?” She laughed at herself and her apparent
(supposed) cleverness and Dick gave an uneasy smile. She motioned to her partner next,
“And this is my Ivy, but I guess you already know that.” She pointed at Dick now, “And

“Robin,” The other woman stood, matching Dick in height, her long deep red hair and green
eyes just as mesmerizing as he remembered. “We were worried when you suddenly
disappeared. I…feared you’d been taken.”

“Nah, he just got caught up with some scuzbag,” Harley put a finger to her cheek. “Right?”

“Something like that,” Dick agreed. “I um…” he looked around, noticing the divided areas,
one filled with plants and greenery, the second with black and red diamonds, that was clearly
Harley’s…and the last decorated with nothing but diamonds. “...I guess Diamond left, or

Harley put her hands together in the mocking of a prayer, “He will be sadly missed.” She
grinned, somewhat manically,“But now we can ravage through his stuff.”

Dick truly had no desire to touch anything of the Omega’s whatsoever, more concerned with
why he’d left in the first place, “What happened?”

“Oh, it was a whole big thing. Diamond found some drawing that made him go totally
batshit. Cobblebuttface said he had to get his act together or leave, so he left.” Harley
shrugged. “No real loss if you ask me.”


Harley shrugged again.

“Either way, it looks like you need to do some quick planning,” Ivy reminded.

Dick glanced over at Diamond’s costume on the display mannequin with a wince, “I don’t
think it’s really my style.”

“It wouldn’t fit anyway, your butt’s too big.”

“Harley,” Ivy chastised.

“What?” The Harlequin held her hands. “Diamond was pretty, but he didn’t have an ass. I
mean he was an ass, but…”

Dick snickered at that.

Harley pointed, “See, he gets me, he likes my jokes.”

“We’re on a bit of a time crunch,” Ivy pulled softly on one of Harley's pigtails. “So let’s try
and maybe focus a little?”

Dick scratched at his elbow, “Harley’s probably right but um…I don’t really have anything to
make anything else.”

And he knew the signature look for the servers on the floor he was wearing now wasn’t going
to cut it.

“I think I might be past the time of being Robin too…” Dick ran a hand through his hair,
feeling genuinely stumped.

“So do something different,” Harley interjected, Ivy’s hand on her shoulder. “Everyone loves
a glow-up.”

“I’ve seen what you’re capable of, I know you’ll think of something,” Ivy offered.

Harley snapped his fingers, “I’ve got some fabric mostly red, but…black, I’ve got lots of

“Any blue?” Dick asked, not even sure what he was thinking only that he had to do
something. And red…reminded him of Jason and the last thing he wanted was to associate
this place with Jason.

“Some, not as much, but…”

“Whatever you have,” Dick nodded gratefully.

“Ah, Ivybaby, we’re gonna make him so pretty,” Harley grinned at her girlfriend as she went
to find the fabric. “And then we're gonna have sex on diamonds. Just like I always wanted.”

Dick wished he could share in her joy, but his mind was so full, so full in fact, that he missed
the slip of paper that flew past his feet and outside the curtain as Harley returned.

A torn-off slip with a drawing of a blue bird.


“Look daddy, look.”

Jason held in a yawn as Cat climbed onto him to show him yet another picture. From his
position of lounging on the sofa, arms under his head, he acknowledged her, “Yeah Kit, that’s
The picture was blurry and Jason wasn’t sure what it actually was, but he had to guess it was
Haley. The puppy was sleeping in her bed right now (something Jason wished he could be

Cat turned the screen to look at it with a frown, “It looks weird though.”

“You just need to practice more.”

“I can’t send this,” she mumbled.

“I think you’ve sent enough for awhile,” He motioned with his hand for her to return the
phone, seeing Dick had been replying to every damn picture with encouraging responses.

It was the Omega’s fault for suggesting she should send them in the first place so Jason didn’t
feel bad she was bombarding him. He was more concerned about how much space she was
taking up or that she was getting into stuff she shouldn’t.

Laying on top of him now, Cat mumbled into his shirt, “I’m hungry, daddy.”

Brushing her hair up through his fingers and letting it fall, he rebutted, “You just ate.”

“I want ice cream.”

Jason snorted, “What, were you and Mr. Grayson talking about ice cream earlier or
something?” He wouldn’t doubt it.

Cat didn’t deny it, smiling into his chest.

“Hey,” he poked her, “Ms. Dinah’s going to be watching you and Lian tomorrow night,

“Who’s that?” Cat asked toying with one of his buttons.

“It’s a friend of Uncle Roy’s. Me and Uncle Roy are going to be gone for a few hours, okay?”

Cat pulled her head up so she could look at him, sounding excited, “So Lian gets to meet

“Yeah, guess so,” Jason agreed.

“I wish Damian could meet her too.”

“Damian?” That was definitely not a name Jason was expecting to hear.

“I met his Daddy yesterday.”

Dick had told him. Jason still wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

“He said he had a dog too.”

“Yeah?” Jason yawned again. “Sure he didn’t mean Damian?”

The brat could easily fill the role of a rabid guard dog. Especially when it came to Dick.

“Damian’s not a dog, daddy.” Cat huffed at him.

He smirked at her frustration that he would think such a thing, “You sure about…”

Someone knocked on the front door, interrupting him.

Jason frowned, looking at his phone and seeing it was after seven, he muttered…“Who the

He patted Cat to get off him and stretched as his body had cramped from his position.

The knocking continued.

Heaven help them if it was that idiot Beta that had been knocking when Dick was here.
Although anybody at the other end at this time of night was likely to get chewed out. Getting
up after cracking his neck, Jason looked through the peephole and inwardly groaned. Blonde


The last person he wanted to deal with right now.

“Kit, go get ready for bed,” he called, hoping to save his daughter from any more interactions
with the odd woman. He could ask about the elephant though, as Terra had suddenly (of
course, when Jason needed her) become impossible to find at work.

The toy was still in Jason’s car, still something he was unsure what to do with yet.

Twisting the knob, ready to tell the woman off for pounding on the door at this hour,
especially knowing he had a kid, Jason pulled the door open…

And froze.

The person standing there was certainly blonde…

But it wasn’t Terra.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading

Chapter 36
Chapter Notes

It’s officially been a year since I started...for whatever that’s worth I guess, lol.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The porch light created a halo.

Blonde hair, almost white now, lighter than he ever remembered, illuminated his vision. Not
looking as soft, or touchable, curls obviously tamed with some product, but still…it was…


Jason’s chest rose up and down and he was sure he was breathing, but the world wasn’t
making sense, nothing was moving as it was supposed to. Almost five years…and it felt like
it had happened yesterday. Jason’s hands tingled as if numb, til the tingle fell into a steady
pulse, before his hands finally turned into fists.

The shock was wearing off. Anger, but above all, the need to protect his daughter was quickly
taking its place.

He pushed the smaller man back further out onto the porch as he slammed the door shut
behind him.

There were so many questions to ask, but Jason didn’t care where the blonde had been or
even what he’d been doing, not anymore, demanding instead…

“What the fuck do you want?”

No kindness, no pleasantries, Jason frankly, had none to give.

The Omega pulled his no doubt designer label jacket closer to himself with a scoff,
“Seriously? We’re going to have a conversation out…” An eye roll. Like this was a typical,
daily fight (they’d often had) and not something four years in the making. Like the smaller
man hadn’t left Jason high and dry, then dropped off a baby. He pursed his (for once
unpainted) lips seeming to understand what Jason was doing by keeping him outside, “Really,
Jason? You really think I’m going to hurt my own…”

“Nothing here is yours,” Jason cut him off with a hiss. He pointed out into the night, away
from his home, away from Cat. “I don’t know where you came from, but you need to leave.
But he didn’t. Because, of course, he didn’t. He wasn’t going to make this easy, not when
Jason actually wanted him gone. Jason was going to have to get ugly.

“Goldie…” He warned.

“Actually, it’s Diamond now.”

Jason would have laughed, but it wasn’t funny, just so goddamn predictable, “Right,” that
explained the white hair. “Of course it fucking is.”

Diamond (not that Jason fucking cared either way what he wanted to be called) crossed his
arms. Whether he was consciously trying to use his Omega against Jason or not, he seemed to
grow smaller, and more submissive. Five years ago…it would have worked, would have
made Jason feel…something. Now…it just came off as an act, and Jason wasn’t falling for it,
“It’s cold out here, can’t I come…”

“No,” Jason shot down. “No, you can’t.”

“Don’t be like that.” Diamond took a step forward, his attempt to touch Jason was knocked
away and the older Omega grew frustrated, “Don’t you want to know why I’m here?”

“I’d much prefer to know when you’re leaving,” Jason retaliated.

“I’m…Jesus, Jason I carried her for nine months you really think I would hurt…”

“Don’t,” Jason warned dangerously. “You left her, you left her in a…” he couldn’t finish,
shaking his head instead. “You need to leave. Now.”

“I needed time, I just…I wasn’t ready.”

“And I was?” Jason pointed to himself, then stopped. “No, fuck this, I’m not doing this. You
gave up your right, you…”

“I’m her mother, Jason. Something no one else can ever be.”

The use of the words ‘no one else’ felt calculated.


Jason sucked at his cheek, his fury rising. He’d never hit an Omega, and he promised himself
even now that he never would, but he desperately wanted to push Diamond off his doorstep.
To push the blonde man out of his and his daughter’s life. Forever.

But he’d bite, he’d bite because something was off. For the man to show up out of the blue,
just as Jason was moving on with someone else… Jason tried again. “What do you want?”

“Do you want to do all this, out here?”

Jason didn’t want to do ‘all’ this at all, but Diamond had a point, and starting a fight on his
porch might alert some eyes (namely Terra)
“I’m going to put her to bed. You stay quiet, out of sight, and don’t touch a goddamn thing.”

This was a bad idea, Jason knew that.

But everything with Goldie, fucking Diamond, who the fuck ever…always had been.


“Who is that, Daddy?”

Despite his best attempts, Cat wasn’t blind and had seen or at least knew someone else was in
the house.

“Just someone I need to talk to for a little bit.”

Dead, he’d told his daughter her mother was dead.

Jason wished now that he honestly was.

Or living on the other side of the planet. Or maybe in a fucking sewer…

Just somewhere neither Jason nor Cat would ever have to see him again.

“Is it another friend of Uncle Roy’s?” Pulling up her blanket to tuck her into her bed, Jason
moved some hair from her face, musing that Roy might just kill him for even joking about
the two of them ever being friends.

“It’s not always the Alphas that are terrible. You…you should know that better than almost

“Just…get some sleep, okay?” He looked over at Haley who tiredly lifted her head from her
curled-up position at the sound of his voice. He petted her until it went back down, “You

Closing the door and heaving a sigh, Jason headed back towards the kitchen, intending to get
a beer. Instead, he was met with the sight of Diamond's bare back, almost fully visible in a
shimmering halter top, meaning the man had already taken off his jacket and placed it on a
kitchen chair.

Jason crossed his arms, “I wouldn’t get too comfortable.”

A light hum as the man touched one of Cat’s pictures on the fridge, “She draws just like I

“Fucking Christ…” Jason couldn’t deal with this, moving the man out of the way by opening
the fridge.

“You still talk that way? Even around a three-year-old?”

Jason let the door slam shut. He popped the bottle’s top off on the edge of the counter before
taking a swallow.

Diamond watched him and all Jason could reply (trying not to growl) was… “Four,” his teeth
set angrily. “She’s four. But you’d fucking know that if you…”

“I’m her mother.”

Jason rubbed at his forehead, not able to hold in an ill-humored chuckle at the weak defense
the man kept using. A defense that was already growing old, “Did you just wake up and
remember that today?”

But Diamond’s attention was back on the refrigerator, focused on a particular drawing. The
center picture of a man with dark shaggy hair, a smile, and two bright blue eyes.

The drawing of Dick.

The Omega seemed to be pointedly pressing harder on it, his long nails pulling.

Pulling so hard that it actually smudged.

Jason was going to stop him from ruining it more but the man halted on his own, “Cat?” he
asked as he saw the signed name.


It wasn’t clear if the man liked the name or not, “She’s…”

Jason was growing tired of playing pleasantries and just needed to know, asking for yet the
third time, as he placed his bottle on the counter with a loud clink, “Gol…Diamond, enough
of this bullshit already, what do you want?”

Turning to face him fully now, Jason couldn’t say that Diamond wasn’t still beautiful. The
Omega’s jeans tightly hugged his legs and dipped low in the front. So low that they didn’t
quite meet the hem of his flowing slip of a shirt.

But Jason wasn’t going to be distracted or knocked off track by the Omega's looks or body.
He’d never make that fuck up, that misstep, ever again.

“You leave, take all my money, take anything I had of any value, don't even tell me you’re
pregnant, leave my newborn daughter out in the cold. You don’t show your face for years…
so for the last goddamn time, what the fuck do you want?”

More money? To steal more of his stuff? To take Cat?

“I want to try.”

Jason’s head snapped at that, his mind going to a million different places and none of them
good, “What?”
“You asked what I wanted…I want to try again.”

“Try again?” Jason was sure his brain had malfunctioned and the man wasn’t suggesting…
“Do you think that’s fucking funny?”

“No, it’s…” Diamond suddenly made a face. “Jesus, I can smell him, It’s disgusting.”

“Him?” Jason had to assume he meant Dick, but that…

The man almost spat the words out. “The stench, it's just…everywhere. And it smells…you
know he’s playing with you, don’t you?”

The Omega’s light brown eyes had always looked younger when not lined in black and
glitter. It was unnerving how he was the same height as Dick. His scent was similar too, but
somehow the sweetness was turning Jason’s stomach.

“Pretty sure that was and still is you,” Jason growled, still lost on what the man thought he
was doing, but knowing he had to be full of shit. “Have you been stalking me?”

After he was the one that had left?

Diamond smiled, “You’d like it if I had been, wouldn’t you?”

“Trust me, I really wouldn’t.”

“Truthfully,” Diamond sighed slightly, dramatically even. “I’m tired of how things are. The
praising, the being told how gorgeous I am, it starts to get old after a while.”

Jason was almost sure he was trying to make a joke, but it fell flat.

“Won’t be a problem here,” Jason deadpanned.

Diamond didn’t seem to believe him, his tone almost playful, “You’re mad at me, I get it.”

Mad? Mad was when Jason hit his little toe in the dark and cursed repeatedly for five
minutes. No, Jason wasn’t mad, he was… “I’m done with you, Diamond. I’m done and I
don’t want a single thing from you. So if that’s why you're here…”

The man remained aggravatingly undeterred, “And what about her?”

“We’re not talking about her,” Jason coldly stated.

A slim hand grabbed his arm. Unlike with Dick, Jason felt…nothing other than the desire to
shake it off, “You don’t think she won’t ask? That she won’t realize who I am?” Hazel
colored eyes sparkled in amusement as he continued, “That she’s not listening to us right

“Kit?” Jason called out, looking behind him and seeing that indeed, the girl was hugging a
corner, trying to make it look like she wasn’t eavesdropping.

Jason’s heart fell, realizing he’d been raising his voice and that Diamond, once again (as if no
time had passed), was getting under his skin.


“It was too loud, I couldn’t sleep,” the girl was talking into her Alligator's head as she
clutched it, looking worried.

“I know, baby, I’m sorry. But everything’s okay,” The Alpha looked pointedly at the Omega
before finishing, “He’s leaving now.”

Jason grabbed the jacket and tossed it at Diamond, none too kindly, “Now.” he repeated.

“You always were sexy when you…”

“I’m not going to say it again.”

The man relented, putting his outwear back on and Jason continued to keep the Omega in
front of him so he couldn’t see any more of Cat as they headed to the entryway.

He stopped Jason from opening the door, draping himself in a way that he probably thought
Jason still liked, “I…really do think we could give her a real family.”


That was the only word that felt appropriate.

Jason felt no warmth from the man, nothing that made him think Diamond actually wanted
what he was saying. That he actually wanted to be in Cat’s life. That he regretted…anything.

The words were just…fucking empty.

Jason remembered how cold she was when he found her, how he almost feared the worst
until he heard her cry.

How he’d spend all night panicking, not even knowing the first thing to do.

How he’d gone from not ready, to having no other fucking choice.

But the argument of why Diamond had done it…wasn’t one Jason was ready to hear. Because
Jason was sure none of his words meant anything…


Family. The repeated use of the words I’m her mother…

“You’re saying what you think I want to hear.”

Trying to give his Alpha assurance that he was ready to be a good mate and mother while
doing nothing to prove it.

In response, Diamond reached for his jacket, pulling something from an inner pocket,
something he held between his pointer and middle finger. A piece of paper, folded and torn
on one end. “He can never be what I am.”

Jason would have asked him what the hell it was, but as he took it and unfolded it, the Alpha
recognized a familiar red and purple colored bird…and half a nest. The blue bird had been
completely ripped out, but it was definitely Cat’s picture she’d given Dick.

“Where the fuck did you…”

Hooded eyes as the Omega pulled on Jason’s collar to lean forward and talk into his ear,
seeming almost like he was trying to scent him, “Ask him yourself…since you seem to trust
him so much.”

Jason pushed him off and the man, seeming to know he actually had something Jason wanted
now, raised his lip, “Still want me to leave?” He answered his own question a moment later,
while Jason remained unsure how to respond with Cat not far off. “Well, either way, I have to
now anyway, but,” he smoothed a wrinkle in Jason’s shirt, murmuring softly, “…I’ll be

And with one last touch to Jason’s cheek…he left.

While Jason remained…utterly clueless and confused.

He could feel Haley at his heels a few moments later, the dog alert and no doubt wondering
why he was just standing there.

And despite being flummoxed, angry and now worried…there was one thing Jason wouldn’t
allow. And that was for Cat to see the picture she’d so lovingly drawn for Dick…torn,
returned in the hands of what would be a stranger to her. Like Dick might have thrown it out
after destroying it (which he knew couldn’t be true). Quickly folding it and putting it in his
pocket, Jason…couldn’t let that happen.

Still, despite sparing her from that, Jason knew that something was wrong, that…his daughter

Clutching Haley as she was now on the floor.


The girl kept her face in the dog’s white and gray fur.

“Kit?” he tried again worriedly, squatting down so he could touch her. “Baby, what’s…”

She looked shaky, almost like she might be…

Pulling her gently from Haley so she would look at him, Jason let her leap into his arms.

She knew.

Whether instinctually, or from something Diamond, or maybe even Jason had said…

Maybe she’d even seen how the man had purposely smudged her drawing.

Or felt the same hollowness in his words that Jason did.

Maybe she was just confused.

Either way…whatever it was…

Supporting her head as he picked her up, letting her cling to him and burrow her face into his
neck, Jason motioned his head at the puppy to follow, already knowing she would anyway
“Come on.”

Knowing he needed to comfort his daughter above all else…

Jason wouldn't mind sharing the bed tonight.


“You know for someone that just had pretty much every Alpha out there popping knots…you

“I know, I’m…” Dick kept feeling a throbbing soreness in his chest but tried a weak smile. “I
think I’m just tired.”

Nervous and now tired…he was really going through all the lamest excuses lately.

Harley was lounging on the velvet couch, wearing half of Diamond's outfit as some kind of
makeshift crown she’d created.

Reminding him of Cat and her many crowns during the fairy tales…

Which just seemed to make the pain worse.

“Make sure you get all that off,” Harley motioned at his face and the leftover makeup.
“Unless your boyfriend's okay with what you do.”

“I…” It wasn’t something he liked to admit. “He doesn’t know.”

“Yeah, most of them don’t. Oh, but they brought over your stuff and you got something…”
She motioned with her foot to a vase of roses on Diamond’s (or what used to be Diamond’s
anyway) vanity Dick had missed. “I’d hide them before Ivy sees them though. She hates
people cutting flowers that can’t take root somewhere else, ya know? Sees it as killing.”

Who would give him roses though? And why?

There was a printed card too but it only read…


“Is this…normal?”

He certainly didn’t remember it happening when he’d been Robin.

“Nah, you must have impressed someone,” Harley blew a bubble from her gum as she
jumped off the couch to stand (probably too) close behind him to observe.

“I…do you think they’re from him?”

“Him?” Harley pondered as she played with the gum, twisting it around her finger.

“The…um…” Expect maybe bringing up the Boss at that moment wasn’t the best idea. Dick
still wasn’t sure where Harley stood on things…(minus her enjoyment of destroying
Diamond’s belongings). “Nevermind.”

He might have been reaching anyway.

But the woman remained intrigued, “What you think they’re from your ex-sleaze bag or

Dick shook his head, if anything he was the one to use rose petals, not Slade. “He doesn’t live
here, he wouldn’t…even know.”

Slade would have scooped in and stopped him…

Probably assured Dick he would look into it himself. That he shouldn’t worry…

Dick shook his head, reaching for his bag they’d put on the clear (yet still expensive-looking)
chair. Realizing it was unzipped, he stopped, “Did they go through it?”

“Probably looking for panties,” Harley responded with a stretch. “Otherwise they usually
leave most stuff alone.”

But all of that was still in there. Shifting things aside, he didn’t notice any of his clothes or
toiletries…really nothing seemed to be missing.

Pulling out Jason’s jacket and slipping it on, he noticed that his phone was now in the bag
instead of the pocket…checking the other one for Cat’s picture (which he’d found hard to
part with)...

It was empty.

Dick searched the bag again, sure he must have missed it. He stopped, wondering if he’d put
it somewhere and not remembered (his memory was still not as sharp as it once was after…
everything), but he was sure…

Another pulse, another pain in his literal chest.

“Everything okay?”

No, he wanted to say, but instead assured, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

But part of him just wanted to break down…

It was the most frustrating and unexpected feeling and his chest just burned.

Break down with grief…

Grief that (at that moment, at least) didn’t feel like Dick’s own.

Chapter End Notes

Just to clear up so it doesn't feel like I didn't address it in the fic, or it comes across as a
plot hole...(which I know there will probably still be many, lol) Diamond isn't a cannon
character. I hope that doesn’t disappoint I just didn’t want to seem like I never answer it.
Chapter 37
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“I figured we could split up.”

The voice sounded distant, far away even though he was sure it was right next to him.

Jason chewed at his lip as his mind wandered.


He shouldn’t have left her, he really should have stayed home and just…

Just what? Cat seemed happy at seeing Lian and meeting Dinah. Excited to have new people
to introduce Haley to and had cracked her first real smile since the hell that was….last night.

Seeing her finally talk again after staying so quiet and shaking her head anytime Jason asked
her anything that morning or afternoon, gave him some hope that maybe he hadn’t fucked up
as badly as he felt he had by lying. By even opening the goddamn door.

Because…kids were resilient. Right?

He’d been. Hadn’t he?

(Not the best example and really, Cat ending up hating him for being a piece of shit like Jason
had his own dad, wasn’t exactly the most desired outcome.)

Surely Cat would talk to him again…

Surely she didn’t…hate him?


Jason despised being uncertain about shit like this.

Almost as much as he despised Diamond for causing it.

And to make matters worse he’d been thinking about the drawing. How and why Diamond
had it in the first place and despite wanting (needing, honestly) to talk to Dick about it…

A slap on his arm, “Hey, dude…focus. What the hell planet are you even…” Roy’s blue eyes
looked him up and down. The man took a step back as if realizing something. “Jesus,
you’re…Jason, you can’t torture yourself for saying what you did. For all you know the bitch
actually was dead. Who knew he’d show up randomly out of the blue after so long?”
Standing under the stupid blue, neon sign, the younger Alpha shook his head. Looking up at
the same icy letters, the exact same shape and flashy font as he remembered from a decade
ago, Jason exhaled as they moved towards the entrance, “That’s just it. It didn’t feel random.”

The music assaulted them as they entered past the rope and while it wasn’t that loud, it was
awful and repetitive, hitting his eardrum in the worst kind of way.

Jason couldn’t say the interior looked identical as he had only little snippets of memory to go
by, but the coloring was definitely similar. Blue, some light dashes of black and white, but
overall…icy and dark blue. Things seemed perhaps bigger, grander, the ceilings higher,
leading to more stories than he remembered, but it still felt (if nothing else) pretty much the

“What? Like he’s…been watching you? But why would he…”

“I don’t know,” Jason cut Roy off. “I don’t…fucking know.”

It felt like the list of shit Jason didn’t know about was far outgrowing what he did.

And it was way past the point of starting to…

Roy leaned close to talk into his ear, “Dude, cool the glare. He’s not here. And Dinah will
beat his ass to a pulp if he tries anything tonight with the girls. They’re safe.”

Jason knew that. Dinah Lance wasn’t a woman to be messed with. He knew Cat wasn’t in

“Maybe I’m just being territorial?” He quipped, noticing he was putting even a few Alphas
on edge. Alphas who were taking a few steps away to give him room, despite the crowded
area. Which was honestly fine by Jason, “You told me to…”

“Ogle, not glare. Keep it natural, remember. Maybe, just pick one to be infatuated over? Find
one that’s your type and just…”

“I know. I fucking got it,” Jason growled.

He wasn’t a virginal first-knotter (not like last time) and just because he didn’t fuck around
and experiment with fucking twins, and Christ knew who else, didn’t mean…

“Right,” Roy smirked. “Of course you do, big guy.” His eyes wandered to an Omega dressed
in a blue and black corset with black underwear underneath holding a tray. A woman whose
long dark hair had Roy’s gaze trailing all the way down it.

Heading towards the opposite end to the last entryway on their left, Roy continued to watch
her every sauntering step until Jason was sure his head might snap right off his neck.

“Feeling at home?”

Roy wagged a brow, “Only in the best kind of way. And speaking of ways,” he motioned to
the area she’d disappeared into. “I’m being called thataway.”
“Whatever,” Jason replied. It truly made no difference to him what area he ended up in.

He was honestly more curious about where the roped-off, winding stairs led to. The area
above was curtained off too, and just thinking about its purpose, and what it was possibly
used for, the answers only led Jason down paths that led to Omegas never being heard from

“Always the sweet talker.”

Jason looked back from observing the stairs at Roy’s retreating voice as the man had begun
walking away. The older Alpha pointedly popped his collar, flashing a Rolex and a grin in the

Jason gave an eye roll in return.

Roy was gone with a wink and Jason, toying with his own watch and once again staring at
the stairs…

“Oops, sorry,”

A slender, blonde-haired Omega in the same outfit as the woman Roy had followed after
bumped into him, and while the weight wasn't enough to propel the larger Alpha all that
much, the hit felt a conscious decision.


The man had clearly done it on purpose (considering his small tray with a drink on it hadn’t
moved much at all) and Jason knew he should seize the opportunity to at least attempt some
kind of flirting. The man was pretty cute and it was obvious he wanted Jason’s attention (or
maybe his wallet), but all Jason saw when he looked at him were…hazel eyes and an
insincere smile.


Jason realized then he might not even have the ability to pretend.

He should have stayed home. Jason wasn’t going to be able to think, much less act if
everywhere he looked all he saw was Diamond.

The Omega appeared nervous now, making Jason wonder if he was glowering at him. He
wasn’t interested in the blonde, sure, but this was going to be pointless if every Omega was
too scared to approach him.

“It’s okay,” Jason leveled his tone to be light and forgiving. “No harm, no foul.”

“Oh, thank god,” The man seemed genuinely relieved, clutching the hand not carrying the
tray over his heart. “Sorry, I thought you might be…” ready to go off on him, Jason assumed
he was going to say, but the Omega shook his head instead. “I really am sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Jason assured him, even giving a slight smile. “Actually,” he mused. “Maybe you
could help me out a little.”

“Sure,” the Omega leaned forward, “First time here?”

Jason raised a brow, “That obvious?”

“Well, I’m pretty sure I’d remember seeing you before,” the man giggled.

That seemed almost impossible, “Don’t you see hundreds of Alphas every night?”

The Omega’s eyes shone, as they flickered up and down the Alpha, “Trust me, I’d remember
you.” If Jason didn’t know better, didn’t know this was the man’s job, he’d almost believe
him. “I like your…” he seemed to hesitate, “necklace by the way.”

Maybe Roy had a point with the showing most chest thing as Jason felt it wasn’t actually the
necklace the Omega was enjoying.

“Thanks,” Jason thought for a moment, wondering just how much this Omega might know,
“Hey, just out of curiosity, how familiar are you with this place?”

“Well, I’m still kind of new, but,” the blonde popped his painted lips as he considered, “I get
to pick who sits in the middle booths, so…like I can get you the best seat in the house if you
want. And considering we’re packed to capacity…”

“I did notice it seemed pretty full.”

“Yeah,” the Omega agreed, swinging his shoulders slightly. “We’ve got a new star and like…
everyone loves him so he brings in pretty big crowds.” He leaned forward so he could speak
quieter. “Honestly, I’m glad we finally got rid of the last one because he was like…well, I
shouldn’t really say, but like…”

An easy guess, to keep the smaller man talking (which didn’t seem like it was going to be too
hard), “A bitch?”

“Oh my god, yes. He was the worst,” the blonde agreed, pulling out the last word like a
whine. “But his replacement is nice, so I can’t complain anymore. He even shared his tips
when he was on the floor which, like…no one does, but I think he’s got a rich boyfriend that
takes care of him or something.” He shrugged, glancing at a clock on the wall. “Anyway, the
show's about to start so like if you want that seat…”

“Yeah, sure.”

The blonde made sure to sway his ass as much as he could as Jason followed him (making
small talk Jason gave small affirming noises to) and while it wasn’t unappealing, several
other Alphas enjoying the view he was providing…

Really, no one had an ass like Dick Grayson.

Not that thinking about Dick (or his backside) was going to do much other than frustrate
Jason at the moment, but facts were facts.

Entering the area the Omega led him through, the lights dimmed even more and everything
seemed to take on a sparkling glow. As if the shitty ice theme wasn’t enough to make it all
scream ‘trying way too hard’, Jason couldn’t help but think the gaudiness needed to be
lowered several degrees…

(Jesus, he was sounding like Damian Wayne now)

The black rounded booths were almost all filled and just like the man had said he could, he
gave a showy hand gesture towards the one right in the middle. The best one, apparently.

“You have a mate, don’t you?”

“I…what?” Jason asked in surprise as he sat.

“Or someone special you’re faithful to. I can tell,” the man smiled, but it was small and
almost melancholy. “Anyway, whoever they are, they're very…”

“You’re not my angel!” A monstrous voice roared from the booth to his left.

Jason glanced over and the revolting man making the fuss looked more like some kind of
Frankenstein monster than an actual human being. Barely stuffed into a suit with rings on
each one of his sausage-sized fingers and overlong scraps of hair swinging with his temper
tantrum, fist pounding…

The poor Omega trying to serve him looked frightened and Jason couldn’t blame them
considering the man looked at least three times the girl’s size.

The worrying part was that the Alpha appeared to either have, or know, someone with money
as all his jewelry and even his outfit all looked straight out of the ‘Bruce Wayne I’m a
millionaire and have to show everyone’ collection.

He set off every one of Jason’s alarm bells.

“I don’t want you! Where’s my Angel?” He demanded like an overgrown, very dangerous-
looking child. His voice echoed through the whole of the room.

“I…he’s…I…don’t know, I…” The poor girl was fumbling for a response. “I don’t know.”

“Where is he? Where’s my Angel?”

Jason, despite knowing he should let it go, could only really deal with so much bullshit and
pretending to be okay with any of this. And this goon was heading right past his limit, “You
got wax in your ears, pal, or are you just deaf? She said she doesn’t know.”

Dark eyes in a near-neanderthal-looking skull turned to him. And while, yeah, Jason hadn’t
come looking for a fight, this freaky asshole was pushing every one of his goddamn buttons.
And if anyone looked like they stole Omegas for a living…

The responding growl and table slam let Jason know the man wasn’t happy (but maybe knew
better than to start a physical altercation here?) and the poor Omega took the opportunity of
his distraction to scurry off.

“Wow, you um…” Jason turned back to the blonde, almost forgetting he was still there as the
Omega placed the drink down on the table. He sounded almost breathless, amazed.
“You’re… incredible.”

Jason could feel the Alpha still glaring at him, “Is he a regular?” he asked.

And more importantly, was he always this much of a jackass?

“Unfortunately,” The Omega nodded before smiling again. He seemed to be far less
interested in the man than Jason was, however, quickly changing the subject. “I’m Paris, by
the way. If you…need anything else or like…” he clasped his hands together over the now
empty tray, “you know…” He was being about as subtle as a brick and Jason had no doubt
anything truly meant…anything.

“Yeah, thanks,” Jason replied just as his phone signaled a text. “I’ll let you know if I do.”

There was an obvious disappointment the man was trying to hide, but he nodded before
taking off and Jason looked down to read the message.


He wasn’t sure where Roy actually was in the crowded room, but the other man must have
either seen or heard him.

Jason probably shouldn’t be smirking, but…

“Alright, you lot, settle down and find your bloody seats,” Oswald Cobblepot was quite
possibly even uglier in person and as Jason placed the phone back in his pocket and settled
back with an arm over the top of the booth, it was hard to stomach watching the man
hobbling up the stairs of the stage, knowing his insides were no doubt as rotten as his twisted

Cobblepot went on to brag about his entertainer, Jason tuning out of most of it to observe the
stage itself. More curtains. Just like the stairs.

Jason almost wondered if he could slip out and get a look at what was behind those curtains
up the stairs while everyone was distracted by the show, but he had a feeling, with the
spotlights now turning onto the stage, that he might be stuck here awhile.

Jason exhaled, taking his glass of whatever Paris had given him, feeling he’d no doubt enjoy
it more than the show.

Because there was no way in hell, no matter how much Cobblepot wanted to brag, the
performer (star, whatever) could possibly be that good.

“What’s a Nightwing though?”

The name he’d finally come up with seemed to fall flat for his audience. Sitting on a swing
attached to the ceiling Dick hadn’t noticed before, Harley played with some vines growing
around the ropes.

“It’s just a…” Dick rotated his wrist for an explanation his mind hadn’t quite come up with
yet. “It’s…dark and mysterious?” Robin had been bright and colorful, the colors meaning
almost as much, if not more, than the actual performance.

Nightwing could be more mature, more…

A hum that sounded severely unimpressed, “Should have just gone with something about your

Hearing the name announced now, it was different than the circus, different than being a
Flying Grayson. Different than Robin.


Nightwing was different.

Nightwing would get answers, and make sure no Omega was ever taken again. Nightwing
would accomplish what Robin was too weak, too young, too impressionable, and
inexperienced to.

Slade…Nightwing didn’t trust him as Robin had.

The curtains pulled back and all eyes were on him.

Looking over a crowd, one of the oldest and easiest ways to perform. Not that Dick got
nervous from people watching him, but it was always easier to feel than to see.

Looking at eyes, at faces, could be dizzying. Could make it harder to focus. His mother had
taught him that.

Even as the first strings of music began, Dick didn’t have to do much but stand there, arms
outstretched, and already there were murmurs and sounds of appreciation.

Which was nice, but honestly…Dick wasn’t satisfied with that.

This was his element and even if he hated the venue and what it stood for…Dick Grayson
never performed anywhere (no matter the location) half-assed.

The music started and he moved.

Moved and moved and moved.

Flips, twists, backward then forwards, he moved with every sound.

Fast, then slow.

Lingering on teasing, then quick as a blur.

Feeling the energy, hearing the murmurs, the sounds of excitement, of awe, it all came like
second nature and Dick let his body take over.

He knew he’d do better in the air, on some bars, wire, or even circles, but with how quickly
thrown together this was, Dick had to make do.

The rhythm of the song helped as did the pole that had been originally in Diamond’s act.
Dick knew he probably used it differently than the blonde had, but for the ending, the finale,
at least he could get some height, some feeling of weightlessness that would send his heart

Imagining he was trying to reach for the stars, that he was back under an actual night sky and
not the artificial lights being created on the ceiling, that he and Jason had actually seen them
together, Dick smiled. Swinging up it to stand at the top of the pole, taking his time, letting
them admire, letting the cheers rise as he slowly felt down his body until he reached his

The handstand before the flip off was only the slightest bit messy and truthfully Dick might
be judging himself a bit too harshly, if the applause he received when hitting the ground was
anything to go by.

One last outstretching of his arms as the music ended and Dick knew he’d had their attention.
All of it. The whole time.

And he smiled. He smiled and bowed and as the clapping and whistling started he looked out
into the crowd for the first time.

And his whole body locked in horror

Two familiar green eyes. Shocked. Bewildered.


It couldn’t be and yet…

Dick suddenly forgot how to breathe as the curtain closed on the man’s stunned face.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading. Your comments have really helped me and mean so much to me,
thank you so much.
Chapter 38
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“You were dancing.”

Bruce said it calmly, quietly. Which was somehow worse than if he’d yelled.

“You said you needed space and that’s why you were in Bludhaven.” The man’s face never
moved from its deceptive calmness, even as he leaned on the desk. Even as Dick averted his

The teenager had been pulled into the office (which was more secluded and the doors could
be closed). Where Bruce could play the statue of stoicism that was just waiting to crack into a
million pieces.

Someone had apparently been showing a video of Dick.

Dancing at the Palace.

To employees of WayneTech.

And (of course) it had gotten to Bruce.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

If he meant about Dick’s plan (that Bruce had no doubt deduced when he’d realized the
location) or that he’d done it in the first place, Dick could only shrug.

“I just…wanted to help. It was the only way I felt I could.”

It was almost as if Bruce didn’t know how to answer, he stayed quiet for several seconds.

“Dick…” he started.

“I don’t do it anymore,” Dick cut him off, trying not to sound as bitter as he felt. The Omega
couldn’t do much of anything anymore with being locked down in the manor. “It’s old, I
honestly…don’t even know how they took it.”

Video recording and pictures had been strictly banned in the Palace. Dick had no idea who…

Bruce was gripping the desk now with an audible sound like it might just crack under the
strain of his strength. “You think my concern…” each word was slow and painfully pointed
“ how someone took it?”

Dick opened his mouth to reply before pressing his lips closed. Bruce wouldn’t understand
anyway, so it hardly seemed worth the effort to even try and explain.
All he’d get was a lecture and even more of his freedom stripped away.

Told once again how weak he was because he didn’t have a knot.

Bruce was angry, so the worry, the almost out-of-character desperation the Alpha suddenly
gave off when Dick refused to answer…

“It’s not just this, it’s…what else don’t I know, Dick? What aren’t you telling me?”


What was Dick going to say? What the hell was he going to…do?

He was still mumbling under his breath, still not sure he wasn’t just having a horrible
nightmare, or that he’d mistaken another Alpha for Jason…

But that look of absolute confusion…

“Oh my god. Oh my…”

Tossing the costume away, Dick had to…he had to…

“Certainly eats all his Wheaties, don’t he?”

Dick’s head fell back in a groan.

Pointing Jason out to Harley was proving to be another screw-up in Dick’s growing list of
screw-ups. She’d been curious about his freak out though and peeking behind the curtain to
see what all the fuss was about…and why Dick was having a meltdown instead of reveling in
his success (yet again)...

“The creepazoid in the front?”

Dick didn’t know if she was joking by assuming he meant Roland, but his heart was beating
too fast to play into any humor at the moment, “Not the one on the right, the…”

“Beefcake in the middle?” She asked in a way that said she’d already figured it out. “So
that’s Mr. Nightwing, huh?” The blonde continued to glance outside the curtain, “Who's the
redhead with him?”


She looked back to Dick with an amused smirk as her brow peaked, “Your boy into Alphas


Risking a slight peek only to indeed see a very familiar redhead now with Jason, Dick…

Dick felt even sicker.

“That’s not…” Dick tried to explain to her sharp grin, except he was pretty sure he might bust
his head open if he didn’t think before putting on his damn pants (like he’d nearly done
getting his costume off). Tripping over his literal legs would be about the most humiliating
way to go, especially considering…what he’d just done.

Taking a breath, he tried again. One foot then the other.

“He’s more than just…”

“A hottie with a body?”

“Yeah,” Dick agreed with a frown, even though he knew she was teasing. He finally pulled
the denim up over his hips to fasten them before working on his shirt, then his shoes, then
grabbing his bag. “He really is.”

And Dick needed to find him. Dick…

Dick ignored her scoffing snort and pushed open the one-way exit door exclusive to their
room. It led to a way where they could go unnoticed, protected from unwanted Alphas
looking to find them after their performances. Basically, a secret back entrance.

And of course, (Dick realized as the door slammed shut behind him), one way also meant he
couldn’t get back in from the outside, and in his frantic hurry, he’d forgotten to wipe off the
makeup and glitter on his face and body.


Dick considered knocking on the door so Harley could let him back in, but at this point,
Jason had already seen him, so…

“Well, well, that was quite the show, wasn’t it?” A dark, yet amused voice chimed from
behind him.

Unfortunately, that safety didn’t apply against Alphas who already knew the location.

Alphas like Roman Sionis.

The taller man was, of course, blocking his way. Barring any path of escape. Looking like a
well-dressed corpse. “We meet again, Richard Wil…”

“It’s Grayson,” Dick snapped before he could finish.

That wasn’t and would never be his name.

Never again.

“Is it?” The man pondered, the lines of his tailored suit illuminating in the lighting against the
darkness of the sky. He took a step forward as Dick took one back. His brown eyes flicked to
Dick’s bag in interest, “And where would you be running off to in such a hurry, little birdie?”
Dick clutched the bag closer, “None of your business.”

Roman hummed. If he found it humorous or annoying, the sound could have meant either. He
adjusted his cufflinks and commented, “You still have that wonderful spark, I see.”

Dick felt the same disgust he’d always felt when being around the Alpha, “And you’re still a

The larger man growled, suddenly snatching Dick’s chin to both silence and force the Omega
to look up at him. “I’d really watch my mouth if I were you.” Roman studied him, finally
able to enjoy touching Dick as he’d tried to do all those years ago. He forcefully turned the
Omega’s head to admire him from every angle, “You really have only gotten more delicious,
haven’t you?”

Dick could only assume the Alpha had sought him out for one reason, “Did he send you?”

Roman’s almost skull-like face cracked a horrifying scowl as his grip tightened, “Well, he
certainly wouldn’t be happy with what I’ve found if he had, now would he?”

Dick remained firm, “I’m not going back.”

A snort. “This would be your what…” The Alpha paused to think, his teeth clicking as he
did, “...third time throwing this same tantrum? It’s a wonder he doesn’t chain you to the…”

“He let me leave.”

Roman laughed. It was cold and full of condescension, “You stupid, slut. You have no

But the Alpha didn’t finish his sentence. One minute his dark eyes were boring into Dick and
the next, the Omega’s jaw was released as the man was pulled off him and quite literally
thrust into the wall.

Dick should have smelled Jason, he really should have, but with Roman being so close and
Jason seeming to come so quickly from out of nowhere…

Roman growled in anger at the assault. “Do you have any idea how much this suit…”

“Do you have any idea how much I don’t give a fuck?” Jason growled in return. The man
looked like he desperately wanted to punch something, (namely, Roman at the moment) and
Dick knew it had to be almost entirely his fault.

Roman was studying Jason now and Dick’s heart was thumping. “Oh.” his eyes moved back
to Dick and he pulled the words out slowly, “Oh, I see.” He reverted to Jason again, looking
like the cat that ate the canary with whatever he’d seemed to realize, “I’d take a look around
you if I were you.” He pointed his head up towards a camera high on the wall. “Unless you
want to be banned for assaulting one of the co-owners of this…fine establishment.”

“Jason,” Dick pleaded, knowing none of this could end well.

But Jason wasn't looking at Dick, even as he unwittingly let the man go.

And Dick realized, his stomach dropping, that Jason was angry…at him. The other Alpha
wasn’t helping, but Dick, Dick was the one who had clearly lit the fuse.

Smoothing his suit jacket, and taking a step back, Roman sneered, “I always knew you were
a whore, but…”

Jason was definitely going to swing at that and Dick begged the younger Alpha, grabbing his
arm, “Jason, please. Please, don’t.”

Roman tutted, smoothing the top of his bare head, as he continued, undeterred, speaking
solely to Dick now, “Pulling this poor schmuck around like an elk in rut, letting him…bond
with you. I had no idea you were this…wicked.”

He sounded like the idea enthralled him and all of Dick’s blood froze as the Omega felt light-
headed again.

“Who the hell are you?” Jason demanded. Despite still not looking at Dick, he remained in
Roman’s way of trying anything else.

“Oh,” Roman snickered as he walked back a few steps more, “Trust me, dear boy, I’m not the
one you need to be worrying about.” He seemed to reconsider and added (in a way as if to
amuse himself), as he started to leave, “Not this time, anyway.”

Jason ground his mouth as Roman faded from view. It was obvious letting the man cockily
strut away was driving him up the wall.

“Jason…” Dick tried, unsure where…anything sat between them at the moment. “Jason, I…”

“Not here,” the man gruffly snapped. “I need…” his hands were fists as he hissed out, “I get the hell away from this place.”

“Okay,” Dick agreed quietly.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Jason sent a glance his way, and as Dick had
feared his eyes were furious. Not cold, but alight with fire.

As Dick felt his legs unable to move, however, the fire started to dwindle somewhat.


It was suddenly harder to breathe and Dick just needed a moment, resting his hand against
the wall, “I’m okay…I’m…” It felt like either his heart was beating too fast or his blood
pressure was too high as his chest felt like it was being squeezed, his head throbbing.

They stood there and instead of feeling better, the feeling only grew more and more intense.

After several times of crossing and uncrossing his arms, Jason decided (so low Dick almost
didn’t hear him)
“Fuck this.”

At first, Dick had a fear, a crippling panic that the Alpha was going to leave him. That he was
done. That Jason had had enough.

And how could Dick really blame him after…

But instead of being left or face planting head first into the concrete, Dick was suddenly
being lifted. Scooped up in a bridal carry that he probably should have at least tried to fight
against as he could definitely…(maybe…possibly) walk on his own.

But something (many somethings, in fact) told him Jason wasn’t in the mood to be argued


An eye roll at seeing them, but Jason wasn’t going to let Dick fall on either his ass or face…
regardless of how confused he was feeling at the moment.

“A bit dramatic, isn’t…” Roy stood up straighter from where he’d been leaning against his
car as Jason walked closer. “Wait? Jesus, is he…”

Jason had snapped at him to just drive.

Silence had filled the car the entire way and although Roy had attempted several times (and
failed miserably) to start a conversation, all he’d ended on was, “Nice moves.”

Being that Roy had a sports car with only two seats and Dick was already illegally sitting
(somewhat squashed) on Jason’s lap…

It was all pretty much the opposite of a comfortable (and safe) ride.

And now Jason was outside on Roy’s back porch, freezing his balls off, all while wondering
if anything he knew about Dick Grayson was real or true.

Having severe Deja Vu…

…or maybe feeding off of Diamond’s bullshit from the night before.

Lighting his second cigarette and pacing, cracking his knuckle for something to fucking do…

Was he really being the same idiot over again? Falling for a pretty face and ignoring shit he
shouldn’t because what…they knew how to work a goddamn pole?


Maybe Roy was right and he was being dramatic, but…

The fucker in the suit, that fucking asshole…seeing his hands on Dick, even as Jason himself
was still wondering just what in the hell was going on.
Dick had been too comfortable, too…fucking enchanting, too perfect at what he was doing
for it to be his first time.

Jason was angry, confused, but also…worried?

And despite it all, Jason knew there was something he couldn’t deny, no matter how he felt
right now.

He loved him.

Jason Todd loved Dick Grayson.

And if that made things better or worse…Jason had not one goddamn inkling of a clue.


“He’ll cool down.”

Dick watched the backyard from the kitchen window. He bit his lip and nodded.

“He drives worse angry than drunk so…it’s better that he does.”

Another nod, even if Dick’s eyebrow shot up slightly at that revelation.

“You want a…” Roy looked like he wanted to suggest a beer, but his hand switched over to a
water bottle at the last moment.

Dick shook his head, “I’m okay. Thanks.”

The redhead shrugged, popping the tab of his own beer to take a sip, “You been to a doctor


The Alpha swallowed and pointed with the can, “That almost fainting thing…or whatever
that was.”

“Oh no, I was okay,” Although Dick didn’t know that, not for sure, but he did feel better
(physically anyway) now. “Jason was just…” And it was hitting him all over again as he
looked back out the window. “God, He hates me. He has to.”

“Ah, so you’re both drama queens. That must be fun.” Roy’s tone turned more serious and
despite holding a beer, he seemed the soberest Dick had ever seen him. “Look, Jason has
some well-earned trust issues and the timing of this is well…just frankly kind of shit. Just…
don’t fuck around with him. He already really likes you and it would…just don’t.”

Roman’s accusing words came back and a tight ball formed in Dick’s throat.

“For what it’s worth, though,” Roy added with a chuckle, “you put on a hell of a show. Way
better than…”
But Roy’s attention was pulled elsewhere at the sound of paws hitting the wood flooring and
what sounded like giggling, all moving closer.

“You two realize it’s…” Roy said to the two girls that appeared as he looked at his watch.
“Okay it’s not that late, but…”

The taller, darker-haired girl sighed, “We’re not babies, dad.”

Haley came to jump on Dick’s leg and he bent down to pet her, just as Cat’s eyes lit up and
she ran over too.

Dick smiled. Seeing the girl was the first real joy he’d felt since…

“Are you a hooker?”

The question was enough to pull Dick to look up at the other, unknown girl in shock. He was
wearing normal clothes but…did he still smell like the club or something?

For his credit Roy almost choked on his beer at the question, “Lian, come on, baby, that’s…”

But the girl insisted, “Mom said you always bring them home. And that they wear too much

The makeup, Dick had completely forgotten after…well everything.

“She did?” Dick couldn’t tell if Roy was amused or annoyed by this information.

Clearly, the girl was parroting words and probably didn’t understand the full meaning behind
them, but being called a slut, whore, and hooker all in one night…

“I think it’s pretty,” Cat rebutted.

Dick appreciated her trying, but getting it off was probably something he should really work
on. “Do you happen to have a bathroom I can…”

Roy nodded, “Yeah, sure. Down the hall, on the right.”


“I can show you.”

Cat seemed happy to be able to take charge so Dick waved her on, Haley following as well.

He washed as well as he could, drying his face with a towel Cat had found for him. The girl
was sitting on the tub to watch, Haley sitting beside her and Dick smiled at her obvious
comfort in the space. “You like coming to Uncle Roy’s house, huh?”

Cat nodded, “I wish our house was like this.”

Dick was aware he’d most likely own a place like this, had he been an Alpha and let Bruce
help him pay for it. It was big and spacious, but missing some very important things as far as
he was concerned, “Well, your house has Daddy, Haley, all your toys,” He smiled through the
mirror at her as he folded the rag over the sink’s edge, “And most importantly, you. So I think
I like your house a little more.”

Cat bit her lip, giving not quite a nod, instead kicking her legs slightly against the tub.

The sharp pain from last night was back, but this time, Dick somehow felt he might be able to
do something about it. Sitting beside her, he pet Haley for a moment.

The girl scooted a little closer and Dick used his other hand to brush at some of her curls,
“You okay, kiddo?” he softly asked.

Cat shook her head, “It’s not fair.”

A sentiment Dick could agree with on most days and yet this wasn’t about him, “What’s not

“Lian said her mommy smells good.”

“Well, it’s probably true. Mommies do smell good,” Dick agreed. He’d never forget the scent
of Mary Grayson, the soft sweetness that always promised love and understanding, no matter
what. He understood Cat feeling left out though, not knowing what it was like to…

“I threw the necklace away,” Cat was talking to her feet now. “I don’t want it anymore.”

The necklace she’d proudly shown him not that long ago? “Why? I thought you liked it and it
looked really good on you.”

The girl rubbed her eyes, clearly getting physically upset now, “He hurt daddy. He made him
sad and he ruined my pictures. He's…really mean and I don’t want it.”

Dick looked at her fully now, slightly worried at what she was saying, “Cat, honey, who is?
Who’s really mean?”

“My…” the girl hiccupped over the next word. “Mommy.”

And for what felt like the millionth time that night Dick’s whole world bottomed out.

Sensing him with ease this time and looking up to see Jason leaning in the doorway, watching
them both…

Dick had no clue what to say.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading ❤

Chapter 39
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Dick, for all his skills of apparently knowing how to mesmerize an audience (Jason included)
wasn’t a very good liar, that was something Jason had learned early on. He could shut down,
could try to hide behind the mask of being fine, but at the end of the day, he was frankly shit
at outright lying. So unless he’d learned the art of manipulation (ala Jason’s ex) in just a few
hours, Jason doubted the Omega had the acting chops to look so convincingly devastated
sitting next to Cat.

So either Dick really was just Diamond in another form or…

(Soothingly holding Cat, probably giving the girl something even Jason himself couldn’t…)

Or, he was the complete opposite.


“I should…”

And of course, the Omega was the first one to break the silence. His saddened look fell into
his I can fix everything with a few reassuring words and a forced smile.

Which Jason was shutting the hell down.

“It’s late.”

The Alpha’s arms were tightly crossed and he was sure his face was pinched.

Dick bit his lip, agreeing all too quickly to…whatever Jason meant by the spilled-out words,
“I…yeah. Okay.”

What the hell were they even talking about? They were like two children searching for
words, so much so that even Cat looked confused.

And Jesus, how much Jason wanted to tell her none of this was her fault. That she didn’t need
to feel guilty about not wanting the necklace and that…he wasn’t going to let Diamond ruin
their lives.

That no matter what happened, they had each other.

He also had to physically fight from being pulled into the same warmth Dick was offering
Cat. His Alpha was drawn into the idea all too easily as he had to remind it that…they were

Furious (or should be, at least).

And yet a part of him was also begging to ask what Dick had eaten today.

And really, if his Alpha could just pick one fucking thing to focus on right now, he might feel
a little less like he might rip the trim off the doorframe if he let his arms free.

Dick was clearly waiting on him, gauging his reaction and what he was going to do. Cat,

“Does he have to go home, Daddy?”

Which was when Jason decided that no, he wasn’t ready for this, and he marched out of the
room and back into the hallway.

It was the longing in her voice, the feeling Jason himself had experienced more times than he
could count since meeting Dick…

“It’s okay honey, Daddy’s just…it’s not you.”

Now only hearing the Omega’s voice that grew farther away with each step, the guilt in
Dick’s tone was somehow more horrible than Jason could have imagined.

The suited man’s words were haunting Jason too, even as his Alpha continued to snap at him
to go back and take care of them, because what the fuck was he doing?

“I had no idea you were this…wicked.”

“Going that great, huh?” Jason didn’t realize he’d reached the kitchen already at his fast pace
and Roy was eating straight from an ice cream carton as he asked it.

“Can you…” Jason lightly shook his head, not even sure what he was going to ask. “Maybe
go put something on for them.”

Them, of course, being their daughters.

Roy pointed his spoon at him, almost threateningly, “Oh no, If you think I’m watching that
damned raccoon movie again…”

“It’s a beaver,” Jason corrected. Like it fucking mattered. “They’ll be asleep within five
minutes anyway.”

Roy snickered slightly at hearing the animal but corrected his humor when he saw Jason’s
face. He gave a long, dramatic sigh. “Fine, Fine. But you owe me.” he looked about the
kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips off the refrigerator (as if to go with his ice cream, which he
moved to steady in one arm). “And look, however you two want to break or make up, or
whatever just…I mean Jade’s got a pole in the gym if he wants to use that, but just…don’t
break anything. Okay?”

Before Jason could answer or ask what the hell he was talking about, the redhead was
heading out of the room, bellowing that it was “Ferret movie time.”
Just to be a jackass.

But Jesus did Jason appreciate that jackass.

In the now-empty kitchen, Jason took his first full deep breath in what had to be hours.

He still couldn’t get the image of Dick out of his mind, just how…gorgeous and sexy he was.
How in control he seemed to have felt while performing. How goddamn good he was at it.

Spying some wrappers on the counter, Jason opened the trash can to slide them in, when a
twinkle of gold caught his eye. His hands balled into fists as he breathed.

Diamond’s necklace. Sitting right at the top.

Mocking him.

“I don’t want it anymore.”

Pulling the necklace out (to do what with it, he didn’t know) Jason smelled Dick’s arrival and

The Omega stopped short, looking uncertain as his eyes fell onto the object in Jason’s hand,
“Is that…”

“Yeah.” Holding it up to look at it in the light, Jason studied the piece for what felt like the
first time. He wondered if it was stolen (maybe from some Alpha before him), or if Diamond
had come by it honestly. He then realized it really didn’t fucking matter. “Guess she really
did throw it away.”

“I…” Dick took a few tentative steps forward. The closer he got the faster he moved until
suddenly, he was touching the pendant, his scent strong and sweet, only a tempting breath

And Jason saw the look of recognition in his eyes.

“You know it.”

“Ask him yourself…since you seem to trust him so much.”

“You know him.”

“I wasn’t sure at first but…” The Omega turned his eyes up at Jason. The blue shining,
looking large and apologetic, “Jason, I…”


“How?” Dick repeated, almost as if he were in a daze.

“How do you know him? How the hell did he end up at my apartment with your drawing?”
But Jason realized the answer as soon as he’d asked it. It was the only thing that made sense.
“The Palace. It was the Ice Palace, wasn’t it?”

Jason had met Diamond in a bar singing and dancing so of course…Christ, he was an idiot.

Dick swallowed, but nodded, “He saw your jacket and I used your name, it's…he must have
taken the picture from my pocket,” It felt like he was piecing together things too, while
growing paler and paler. “I…had no idea.”

“My name?”

Dick took a step back and his voice cracked, not seeming to hear the query, “This is all my
fault. I’m the one who brought him back,” His eyes were close to tears. “To hurt her, to

The Alpha grabbed his arm to stop him from retreating even more, “No.” Jason quickly
affirmed. “No one forced him to steal, lie and abandon his daughter. Not me and certainly not
you,” Jason refused to let the man lose eye contact with him, knowing he’d lose the Omega
completely if he did.“You’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to that girl and I…”
he fell off a moment before he found the words. “Jesus, Dick, I just need to know. I need to
know what you’re doing. Why you’re…”

“I’m trying to help,” it was a wounded sound that stabbed right at Jason’s core. Dick’s
following laugh was bitter, angry, but also…defeated, “I keep trying and it seems like every
time I do, I only make things worse.”

He even shared his tips when he was on the floor which, like…no one does…


Dick really was everything Diamond wasn’t.

“Dick, that’s not...”

But the Omega didn’t stop, “It’s one of the few things they allow us to do. I know I’m in a
much better place than most of them there.” His mouth pulled, almost as if he were in pain.
“They lure them in, then take them like nameless cattle and just…no one cares.”

“Dick.” Jason tried again.

“I lost my friend, I tried so hard to find her and he told me…he told me he’d help and

“He who?”

But Jason, despite his best efforts, was losing the man. Dick seemed lost in a place Jason
couldn’t follow, rambling like that text he’d left after getting sick. “I was supposed to be an
Alpha, that’s why Bruce took me in. I woke up one day and was…wrong. Everything was
wrong, I was…”
“Dick, please, this is…” It was more that Jason wanted him to stop talking about himself like
that. This was all…unraveling fast.

“It was all gone. I woke up and everything I’d ever wanted, was gone. Bruce resented me, I
hated what I was.”

Jason frowned. Bruce was an ass, sure, but…

“I love my son.”

“I never wanted to hurt her, I never…”

“Dick. Dammit, stop!”

The almost growl was just to get the man to focus, so when he did stop, Jason wished he
looked a little less like a chastised, frightened animal.

The smaller man’s shoulders slumped, resigned. “Sorry.”

But Jason didn’t want his fire gone, just for him to stay on track so the conversation actually
went somewhere and the man didn’t have to feel so frantic, “Dick, I’m not…” and the
realization that Dick probably hadn’t had much support in being listened to and not simply
talked at, that maybe he felt he had to get that all out before he was shut down. Shut down…
like Jason had probably just made him feel… “I just can’t understand when…” Jason
swallowed and tried again. “Dick, I want to understand what you’re telling me. Start with the
Palace. With Diamond. Just start there.”

Dick hesitated for a moment, but thankfully eventually nodded. His voice sounded sore
though, tired. “I knew him longer as Goldie but…he started before I did, he never liked me
and I can’t say I knew him all that well.” Jason refrained his retort of ‘that makes two of us’.
“It’s how I met my husband actually, I uh…” Dick paused for a moment. “I was underage
when I started.”

“Underage?” Jason blinked. “Jesus, Dick how long have you been…”

Dick shook his head to stop him, “I stopped after I met him. I only started again a few weeks

And he hadn’t said anything.

“You were in Bludhaven?” It was funny how Jason swore he hadn’t heard the city's name in
years and now it just seemed…everywhere.

“I was commuting through a friend. Bruce…wasn’t very happy when he found out.”

Jason crossed his arms, he could understand why, “Hold on, your husband works at the
Palace?” Or was a Patron or maybe another owner like that asshole from earlier?

“No, he…I was kind of arrested. By him.”

So a jerk ass cop then, but, “Arrested?”

“Underage,” Dick reminded quietly. “I’d been arrested before that, too, though not by him.”


“Not really relevant, I guess,” Dick gave a small semblance of a smile.

“Later,” Jason agreed, making a mental note to circle back to whatever school-loving, good
boy Dick Grayson could have done to get slapped in a pair of handcuffs. (Before the
underage dancing, that is). “But you were either arrested or you weren’t.”

“I explained what I was trying to do, that I was looking for an in to find out what had
happened to Dawn, to all the Omegas, really. He agreed to help and I was let go without

“Your husband?” Jason’s brain was trying to catch up, “Your husband that was…I’m sorry, he
started dating you when exactly?”

“We were friends first, it…” Dick was biting his lip and his eyes fell slightly at seeing Jason
clearly didn’t believe him. “I know now it was stupid, but I…made a mistake.”

Jason felt he could say it out loud this time, “That makes two of us.”

Dick looked up again at that.

“You’ve met him,” Jason offered. His tone turned colder, though not necessarily at Dick.
“Sounds like yours was definitely old enough to know better though.”

He also had the feeling, mostly due to Dick’s reaction, they were talking about more than just
a few years.

“It was a long time ago, Jason.”

“He still took advantage, Dick.”

Jason had to imagine Dick was just as pretty as a teenager. Young, impressionable, possibly
naive, and clearly in a bad place with Bruce.

The idea of someone seeing an opportunity in that, then later drugging the Omega, to what…
keep him from progressing? Keep him docile, something the Alpha and his Beta goon could
easily continue to manipulate, while never having to worry about having actual children Dick
needed to take care of? The whole thing turned Jason’s stomach inside out.

Dick shot back, clearly defensive, “And…Diamond?”

Jason snorted, finally unfolding his arms, “Oh, he’s running for mother of the year now,

Dick’s annoyance quickly fell and his eyes widened slightly, “Do you think he could be?”
“I’d eat Allie the alligator before saying that man knows or wants anything to do with being a

“I still can't believe…it's him.”

Jason either on most days, “To be fair I was drunk a lot of the time.”

Not the greatest excuse really, but, definitely the truth. Which led them back to what this all
boiled down to and why he’d found Dick doing what he was doing.

“Dick, I…” No, Jason had to be blunter than that. “You didn’t trust me.”

It wasn’t an accusation, so much as a fact. “You were doing all this and you…didn’t think
you could tell me.”

Dick didn’t deny it, “I thought you’d try to stop me.”

Jason nodded. He turned and headed for the refrigerator, not actually opening it, but resting
his hand on the handle, just to feel the cold against the warmness in his blood.

“Are you ever going to?”

He could feel Dick freeze up behind him, but Jason needed to know.

Maybe it was easier to talk at the inanimate object than to deal with the blue of Dick’s eyes
right now. “Because frankly, Dick, I can’t do this. Not again. I can’t…we can’t not trust each
other. This won’t work if you’re afraid to tell me things. I’m not that kind of Alpha and I’d
hoped I’d shown you that by now.”

Nothing happened for what felt like minutes but might have only been moments. Dick stayed
silent and all Jason could hear was the hum of the stainless steel beneath him when two arms,
hesitant at first, wrapped around his waist. Dick’s head rested against Jason’s back and he
could feel the man was close to shaking.

“I’ve told people before, even people I thought I could trust, but I was always…I’m…”

And then a phone started to vibrate.

Jason went to check his pocket but realized it was coming from behind him.

Dick lightly cursed, pulling back so he could answer it.

“Sorry Al, I got a bit…” Dick paused as if listening. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m…” his eyes rested
on Jason as waited again. “Yeah, I’m with him. He um, he knows.”

“Tell him if Bruce has a problem, he can drive his rich ass down here himself.” Jason had
more than a few words he’d like to share with the older man. “And not the mini brat,” He
reiterated, not in any kind of mood to have Damian Wayne show up on the doorstep. “Bruce.”
Dick winced. But it seemed the Beta was talking again. “He…he does?” He looked back at
Jason again with a slightly bewildered expression. “Okay, I’ll ask him. I…thanks Al, I yeah,”
A small smile that seemed unconscious, showing how much Dick cared for the Beta, “You

“Is he coming?”

Dick put the phone, the second phone (that made more sense now if Dick was hiding his
activity from Bruce and couldn’t risk being tracked) back in his pocket. His mouth fell open
then closed again, before he responded, “He wants you to come to the manor tomorrow…for

An unexpected response but, “Fine, yeah. Good.” Jason was more than prepared.

Dick appeared uncertain, “That usually means more than just lunch.”

Jason made an amused sound, “He’s already tried getting rid of me. It’s not going to work,
whatever this new speech or whatever he has planned, I’m ready.”

Dick smiled weakly, though he still didn’t look like he thought it was a great idea.

“Look, Dick,” Jason took his hand. “I’m sorry no one listened to you. And I’m sorry about
your friend.”

“They said she ran away and didn’t want to be found, but I know that’s not true.”

“No, probably not,” Jason agreed. “I think they’ve been making up false explanations for the
disappearances to cover their asses.”

Dick intertwined their fingers, “Jason. I do trust you. I promise I do.”

The Alpha bit his cheek, “You know after seeing that bastard’s hands on you, seeing all those
eyes watching you, Dick, I can’t function knowing you’re in danger, knowing I’m not there if
you need me to be. I understand why you want to help those Omegas, I do too, but…”

“I’ll be careful.”

“No,” Jason already knew that Dick could be the very opposite of careful. “These creeps, I
felt their intentions, I know what they want. It’s not just about you being careful. You need a
better plan.”

“Okay,” Dick ventured, but Jason could tell some tension had fallen off his shoulders. “Any
ideas, then?”

“Putting our notes together probably wouldn’t hurt.”

“Are you saying…”

“I’m saying there’s no way in hell you’re going back in there alone.”
They had so much more shit to go through, but right now, as Dick nodded, looking dead on
his feet, Jason pulled him into his arms and decided it might be time to call it a night.

(After he made Dick at least a sandwich, that is.)

Chapter End Notes

Happy New Year!

Just a little pic I hope you enjoy

And as always thank you for reading.

Chapter 40

Love you…”

Dick adored tracing the contours of the man’s face. He loved the feeling of rough skin under
his thumb as he explored his (hopefully soon-to-be) Alpha, appreciating every muscle, every
scar, wondering if one day he’d know the story that came with each one of the pale white
lines. He loved the wintery smell, loved how soft his hair felt between his fingers even
peppered with gray.

Slade’s expression was more relaxed, almost peaceful while he slept and Dick loved that too.

“You are persistent, aren’t you?” The man’s deep voice grumbled into the pillow only making
Dick smile more.

“I want to paint a portrait,” he softly teased.

A gray eye peeked open to regard him with a gruff, but amused, “I’ve seen your drawing

An eye roll, as Dick shifted his position and slowed his fingers, “Not an actual one, I just…I
love you.”

It was the first time he’d said it out loud and Dick bit his lip. Perhaps he’d been too
presumptuous with the declaration, but he couldn’t hold it in. Not after so long of feeling the
way he did.

Slade seemed much more awake now, even grabbing Dick’s hand, though he stayed quiet for
several long moments, studying Dick intently.

The Omega’s smile fell a bit at the lack of a response, but he tried to keep up his positivity
regardless, “Sorry, I…”

“Nothing and no one will ever mean as much to me as you do.” Slade cut him off. His tone
was firm, his daze unwavering as he repeated, making sure Dick kept his eyes on him.

The words had both chilled and excited him, but…

Watching Jason now, longing to do the same and simply touch him, Dick felt lost. He had
sworn he’d loved Slade with every last fiber in his body but the man had never fully repeated
it back.


Jason had mumbled the words, almost as if he might not have even realized it, right before
he’d drifted off.
“Love you…”

After everything, after it was so obvious he’d been hurt by Dick not telling him about the
Palace. After Dick had tossed way too much on the man’s plate, knowing he needed to stop
talking but he just simply couldn’t…

After he’d asked too much of the Alpha, and still the man had refused to let him go to bed

The words still echoed in the guest room of Roy Harper’s house. A place that felt
comfortable enough to Jason for the man to have basically a drawer of his and Cat’s clothes

Roy was clearly Uncle Roy in every way that mattered.

And despite being exhausted earlier, the Omega was now very wide awake. He hadn’t
expected to hear the declaration first. To feel like…maybe Jason meant it?

While also worrying about Bruce and what the Alpha had planned for Jason.

And then there was Diamond which…was a whole other mess.


The question pushed through Dick’s thoughts, his worries, and he couldn’t help but smile at
the sound.

Dick had probably been moving in the bed too much, as he did when he was antsy.

Jason mumbled it like the sentence was all one word, not opening his eyes. Really, by all
rights, looking still very much asleep

Dick did stroke his hair then, softly saying, “You said you loved me.”

A pout, “Cause’I’do.”

If it didn’t sound so much like a determined, very tired toddler saying it…Dick smiled
further, now moving his thumb over the man’s cheekbone, teasingly. “Uh-huh. You don’t
happen to sleep talk, do you?”

“No.” The man murmured mostly into the pillow's fabric. Dick waited for more but was
pretty sure Jason’s heavy breathing meant he actually was asleep again.

“Jay?” he tried softly, just to be sure.

No response.

Climbing off the bed, being careful not to jostle the Alpha, Dick pulled up the sweatpants
(Jason’s slightly too big sweatpants) to sit back on his waist.
Dick began to stretch when he heard a whine at the door. A whine and what sounded like
something scraping the door.

No, not scraping. Scratching.

Opening the door as quietly as he could, Dick smiled down at the puppy who immediately
perked up at seeing him, raising both her ears and wagging her tail.

“Hey, girl, where’s…” Dick searched down the hallway but no one seemed around. “Are you
all alone?”

Letting the wooden object softly close behind him, Dick decided, “Well, I’ll come hang out
with you for a while.” At least Jason could get some sleep without his constant moving then.
“Sound good?”

Haley took off down the hallway in excitement, stopping and looking back as if clearly
waiting for him to follow.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Venturing out after the dog, his bare feet hitting the cold, wood floor, Dick spotted lights on
in what looked like the living room. Lights he knew Jason had made sure were all turned off
before they’d left. The Omega assumed it would be Roy, but was surprised when a small
dark-haired girl, not paying attention, nearly ran into him.

Lian (if Dick remembered right) looked up at him and frowned, just as Cat rolled off the sofa
with a giggle, Haley going to go lick her.

Lian crossed her arms as if fighting against something Dick hadn’t spoken, but his face must
have relayed in some way, “We’re not babies. We can stay up late.”

Dick smiled, this was a familiar argument with her then, “I can see that.” And yet, he was
curious. “What are you two doing, though?”

“We’re doing hair,” Cat exclaimed. This answered why her wavy dark locks were filled with
all sorts of barrettes and bows, though it seemed more like she was trying to take them out.

“You both have beautiful hair,” Dick acknowledged. “But where’s your dad?” he asked the
older girl as he went to go to the sofa Cat had been on to help the girl.

“Talking to his girlfriends on the phone.”

Dick could tell she was waiting for him to say something or possibly correct her that she
must be wrong about using the plural term, but somehow…the Omega wasn’t surprised.

“Well, I was going to keep Haley company anyway, so I’ll just stay with all three of you until
he gets back.”

“We’re not going to bed,” Lian continued to insist.

Dick considered this with an amused hum as he prompted Cat to sit in front of him so he
could start taking out her hair accessories

“You’re pretty,” Lian decided as she continued to study him.

That was leaps above asking if he was a hooker, so Dick graciously took it. “Thanks. I think
you’re pretty too, Lian.”

“I look like my mom. She’s prettier than anyone I’ve ever met.”

Dick could see some slight glimpses of Roy in the girl, but unlike Cat, she indeed must have
favored her mother. “I’m sure she is.”

But the girl wasn’t done, watching him work as he finished taking out the last bow from Cat’s
hair, before bluntly saying, “We think you should be Cat’s new mom.”

Cat for her part, just petted Haley, looking up at him from the floor with a soft, yearning

Hopeful, Dick realized with a suddenly raw, almost hurting throat.

We think? Just how long had they been talking about this?

Dick took a breath, he knew freaking out was not the solution but the words still hit him like
a sledgehammer, “You do, huh?”

“You’re pretty, you smell good, and you like Uncle Jason,” Lian listed the qualities in a no-
nonsense manner. She nodded as if convinced further when she finished with, “You’d be a
good mom.”

Dick’s heart thumped.

Jason saying he loved him (sleep talking or not) and now Cat looking at him in a way he
wished he could actually be something more than just her teacher…

Hearing words he’d never heard before…from a child of all things.

“I…Lian, thank you.”

The girl wasn’t able to respond as a deep, grumbled voice came from behind them.

Shirtless, with a wicked case of bed hair, Jason wasn’t amused by anything he was seeing.
“What the hell? No, this is…no, everyone’s going to bed. Now.”

“But we’re…”

“I know three other languages I can say it in,” Jason countered to Lian, his arm pointing back
toward the bedrooms. “But you’re six and it's past midnight and we’re all going to bed.”

“Can we come to your room, daddy?” Cat asked.

Jason didn’t miss a beat, even if he was shaking his head in near annoyance as he prompted
the girls to get moving. “Fine, just everyone get their ass in the bed. No talking, no making
noises, no messes, bed.”

And the two girls and Haley took off towards the bedroom, far more excited than two girls
swearing they weren’t ready for bed should have.

“You do this often?” Dick asked with humor as he rose to stand, then realized when Jason
looked at him… “Oh wait, I’m…” he pointed down the hallway also. “I’m in the…’everyone
get your ass in the bed’ too?”

“You most of all.” Jason grabbed his literal ass so he could pull him close, and Dick could
feel his growl, then frown, almost as if he was worried, “You’re not feeling sick, are you?”

“I…from earlier? No, Jay, I’m fine. That was just…” Dick still didn’t know. “I feel a lot

The man made an unconvinced grunt, holding him tighter (if that were possible) but didn’t
press further.

Dick felt he should explain why he’d left, though, “Haley was scratching at the door and then
I saw the girls were up.”

And they’d been discussing him (at some point, anyway).

Dick had to ask, knowing the man had to have heard it, “Do you think she’s…”

“Right?” Jason asked, sweeping some of Dick’s hair to the side. “She left out a long list of
other reasons you’d be amazing at it, but yeah, Dick, I really do.”

“It’s not that I wouldn’t want…but what if I’m…” And Dick realized he could give a million
reasons he felt ill-equipped, why after so many years of not conceiving he’d just assumed
he’d never been meant to be a mother. That the universe had decided that for him.

But was that even true with what…might have actually happened? And even if it was…

“I love her, Jason, I do. I love…” he looked up at the man.

His lips were captured, his breath stolen, and the words were pressed against his mouth, “I
love you, Dick Grayson.”

And that Dick couldn’t blame or explain away as sleep talking.

Dick felt like a fool but also…a happy fool. Hearing those words, knowing he couldn’t
mistake them…Dick Grayson was a very happy fool.

“Ric Todd,” Dick supplied instead, causing the man to pull back as the Omega smiled at his
confused expression. “What? You don’t like it?”

And a slow realization came over Jason, “That’s the name you...”
Dick interrupted him by pulling him down for another kiss, mimicking Jason’s previous
actions, “I love you, too, Mr. Todd.”

And Dick did, especially when Jason looked wild right out of bed and smelled all the world
of grumpy Alpha trying to wrangle everyone so he could protect them all.

Broad-shouldered, with those green eyes that could whisk him away to places outside the
coldness he was used to. To a warmth, to…

Dick didn’t quite jump at the sound of something crashing in the direction of the bedroom,
but it was close.

“Sorry, daddy!” Cat’s voice called out.

Jason groaned as they parted again and Dick gave him a smile he hoped was encouraging and
didn’t read, what did you expect?

Jason clicked his tongue as he shrugged in a 'yeah, yeah' kind of way. Grabbing the Omega's
ass again, this time to move Dick down the hall, he switched the light off for the second (and
hopefully last) time.

"He never said…" Jason stopped and Dick hadn't realized he'd spoken aloud.

He didn't finish but Jason seemed to know what he was saying anyway.

The Alpha kissed him again mumbling a familiar sentiment that sounded like 'he’s a fucking

And they continued on to see what (or who) had made the crash.


A buzz sounded as Dick took another bite of his syrup-free pancake and Jason glanced at his
phone sitting in the cupholder. He’d been having a conversation for some time with someone
from work and it didn’t seem to be going well.

“Shit,” the Alpha mumbled when he saw the message. “I have to…” He looked over at Dick
and raised a brow at what was on his lap, just now realizing how many pancakes he actually
had. “Did you take the whole plate?”

“There was another one,” Dick said (no, not defensively). “Roy won’t even notice.”

Jason had made the delicious things like they were going out of style and so what if Dick had
taken…a few extra of them.

Jason’s mouth lifted, “Uh huh.”

Dick prompted him back to what had made him curse, finishing off the cake in one last bite,
“What’s wrong?”
“Diaz,” Jason then explained, knowing Dick wouldn’t know who he meant. “Another
detective can’t find a file that I know is in the system, but probably wasn’t put in right. So…”
he fell off but his meaning was clear.

“You need to help him find it?”

Jason’s mouth ticked, but he nodded, “Are you okay with police stations?”

“Um…” Dick’s leg started bouncing, even as he tried to make it stop.

Ever since nearly being assaulted in his own house, ever since the party the…

“Maybe you just need a real Alpha to get you nice and wet.”

Ever since he’d begged to know why his own husband didn’t love him…

“Dick,” Jason prompted.

“I’ve never had a problem at one,” Not a lie since he hadn’t been to the Bludhaven PD station
more than once or twice and there hadn’t been any incidents.

“But…” Jason knew there was more.

“It’s more the cops themselves.” Dick then quickly corrected, “Well some of them, anyway.
But I can handle it.”

Jason didn’t seem to like that answer one bit, “I’ll drop you off back at Roy’s then we can…”

“Jason, that’s at least a half hour in the other direction,” Dick stopped him, grabbing his arm
so the man didn’t merge for a u-turn. “I have to handle a lot of things, it’s…just part of it. I’ll
be okay.”

“That really doesn’t make me feel any…”

“Jason,” Dick offered in a soothing tone. “It’s your job, it’s what you need to do. And,” he
pointed to his pancakes. "I've got snacks for us."

Us being Cat, himself, and Haley.

And Dick still wasn't sure how Bruce was going to receive the four of them showing up but
as Jason had so eloquently put it…

"I don't give a shit."


"It should only take ten, fifteen minutes tops," Jason said, still not sounding fully at ease as
he parked the car, but left the engine running. They were three stories up in the garage and a
light rainstorm had started with a chill that made Dick grateful he didn’t have to leave the car.
“I’ll be fine,” Dick reassured. He’d placed the plate on the dashboard, so he could stretch, “I
have the radio, my phone, the heater, Haley and Cat. We’ll be fine.”

Jason drummed the car’s exterior as he leaned back in to look at Dick after exiting. He still
seemed concerned.

“Jason, I’ll be…”

“Here,” the Alpha shrugged his jacket off his shoulders and tossed it at Dick.

“Jay, I just said I have the heater.” And the larger man probably needed it more than him,
even with the long-sleeved shirt underneath. “I’m not even the one going…”

Jason’s eyes crinkled slightly as his mouth pulled into the mimic of a smile, “Humor me.”


Dick knew that particular pitch in Cat’s tone, and looked back to see…yep it was gonna be a
little more than ten or fifteen minutes. “Guess there’s gonna be a bathroom stop in there.”

“Why does no one know how to pee before we leave like I ask?” Jason grumbled as he
opened the back door and began getting the girl out of her seat. “You okay,” he asked Dick
“…you need to?”

Dick shook his head, while fighting a smile as Cat was placed on the asphalt, thankfully
already dressed warmly. “Not this time.”

Jason looked at Haley next, “And I know you went so you better not even think about going
in here.”

Closing the door, Dick waved at them, Cat sent a wave back before the Alpha and girl took
off hand and hand, heading towards the elevator.

Pulling the jacket on, (because why not, if Jason was going to be stubborn?) Dick leaned
back in the car’s seat with a sigh.

“Hey,” He said after a moment, patting the driver's seat as he spoke back at Haley. “Want to
come join me up here, so I won’t be lonely?”

The puppy perked up at his prompting, quickly jumping over and happily panting from her
new spot.

Dick smiled and made himself comfortable again. Happy to wrap himself in the too-big

“I could do it, right? The mother thing, I’m…” Dick bit his lip. “Bruce took me and Tim in
and he…” Okay, maybe not the best example of a non blood relationship. “I think he cared
about me, at some point…he’s done a lot for me.”

Even after Dick had made his life hell.

Humming along to the song on the radio for a little while, Dick suddenly felt the need to
continue, “I hope Bruce isn’t horrible to him. I hope…” Dick spied someone coming out of
the elevator and heading towards the concrete ledge. “they can at least be cordial and…”

The woman became familiar when Dick noticed the blonde hair covering most of her face as
she played with it. Terra seemed almost frantic, talking on a phone, walking back and forth.

Finally hanging up the phone, the petite Beta, took a few steps forward before shaking her
head. Turning around, she started heading even closer towards the ledge.

Dick watched, worriedly, “She’s not…you don’t think she’d…”

But something about Terra had felt…sad to him. Lost even. She’d made him uncomfortable,
sure, but there was an underlying melancholy that had Dick concerned the woman might be
heading for the ledge with an intent.

Three stories up was a far drop and she clearly seemed very upset and Dick…

“Dammit,” The Omega opened the door before he could stop himself.

He couldn’t watch, or not try to stop her. Even if all she needed was a friend or someone to
talk to, or he was over blowing the situation, he had to…

Slamming the door behind him, the Omega ran to catch up to her, calling out, “Terra?”

The woman didn’t turn at first, merely staring down at the stories below.

Dick tried again, “Terra, is everything…”

She cut him off, “I’m supposed to give it back to you, but…” The Beta continued to look at
the ground.

Give something back to him?

“Give what back?” Dick asked, more than lost.

A moment passed and Terra finally turned. She took in Jason’s jacket and frowned further,
“All you do is hurt him.”

Hurt who? Jason?

Dick kept his voice light and open, “Terra, I don’t know what you’re…”

The woman shook her head frantically to stop him, reaching into her pocket, she withdrew
something from it.

Dick didn’t know what to expect, but he took a slight step back because something…
something suddenly didn’t feel right.
Terra looked close to tears, “I don’t know how you could throw it away like that, how you

And Dick remembered the thing she’d been obsessed with when they’d met. The thing she’d
asked about and couldn’t seem to stop staring at.

And Dick suddenly wanted to run.

Because outstretched in her palm, looking clean and almost like new…

...Was his wedding ring.

Chapter 41
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Closing yet another drawer and cursing how obvious it was that Terra knew nothing about
filing what she was supposed to…

“Welcome to the fucking GCPD,” Jason hissed under his breath (to no one in particular),
skimming the content of the next cabinet drawer before letting it roll shut.

All because since taking over (and deeming them as imbeciles), Slade insisted on seeing
every report now, having to look over every goddamn thing like they couldn’t do anything
themselves, which to be fair…

No, Jason was still pissed, and whether or not most people here actually were as incompetent
as Slade claimed they were…The older Alpha seemed to have brought the most incompetent
person of all.

To royally fuck everything up.

“Did you find it yet, daddy?”

Cat was watching him from a desk chair she seemed to be having fun slowly spinning around
on. Yet, her tone was one of boredom.

“Sure did, baby, I’m just doing this…” Jason pulled open another drawer, saw it was empty,
and slammed it shut, “...for fun,” The Alpha probably needed a few deep breaths and to be
less of a jackass, but Cat merely spun again at the answer.

“You’re grumpy, daddy.”

Jason raised a brow at her observation, “Well, I did have two little monsters kicking me all

That and Dick being out in the car, whatever bullshit Bruce had planned…getting paper cuts
from going through papers too fast.

Jason was quite possibly…a little grumpy.

Cat grinned as she changed her position so she was on her knees, “That was fun.”

“Glad someone had some,” Jason mumbled as he tossed a few more files with a sigh.

Maybe if it didn’t feel like a wild animal had tried to organize all this and Jason knew the
point of reference Terra had been trying to use, instead of what looked like pure insanity…
maybe then Jason wouldn’t feel the desire to put his foot through the wall.
“Wow, she’s really grown in the last year, hasn’t she?” Diaz laughed as he entered the room,
spotting Cat and holding what was clearly more stacks under one of his arms. Joy. “Reminds
me of my Lacey when she was that age.”

The man had six kids, including a set of twins, something Jason knew he was very proud of.

“So what do you think, Cat?” the other Alpha asked the girl kindly as he laid the folders on
the only semi-empty table. “You want to be a detective like your dad?”

“Pretty sure she wants to be an ice skater,” Jason replied, heading for the next set of reports.
“Or maybe a zoo keeper.” Whichever one it was this week.

“No,” Cat shook her head at them both, twisting the chair in not quite another spin, “I want to
be a teacher.”

Jason blinked at that.

“A teacher, huh?” Diaz hummed. “Well, that’s a good option too.”

Jason looked over at her, not sure what he wanted to say, but…

“And a ballerina.”

Right, there it was. Diaz chuckled and Jason went back to his looking, barely able to hold in
his annoyance that it was all taking way too damn long.

Dick out in the car…at least he had the Alpha’s jacket, but…Jason still hated it.

He rubbed at his forehead in agitation. “I thought this would only take a few minutes. How
did this all get so…messed up?”

The other Alpha shook his head, clearly just as lost, “For a guy that claimed we were the
screw-ups…” Diaz let the rest fall, probably assuming (rightly) that Jason could fill in the
rest. “I really do appreciate you helping though.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not letting an asshole get off on charges just because of missing paperwork,”
Jason, having had enough, closed the last file and demanded, “Seriously, where the hell is
Terra, anyway?”

Diaz shook his head, “Don’t know.”

“We need to find her.”

Diaz nodded, “Though I feel like she might just make it worse.”

Nothing felt like it could be worse than the mess Jason was trying to wade through.

“Do you think they’re still okay in the car, daddy? I hope Haley hasn’t peed.”

“Haley?” Diaz asked.

“Our new dog. Puppy really,” Jason clarified, “She’s in the car.”

“You could have brought her in, I love dogs.”

Jason knew that, but, “She’s not alone.” He then addressed the girl to answer her question,
“She’ll be fine, Kit.”

Cat pouted, “I wish Mr. Grayson could have come in with us too.” Because she was four and
loved Dick and didn’t understand that Jason was trying not to bring attention to the Omega
he’d left in his car.

It was partly for protection, okay, maybe more than partly…

Jason trusted Diaz more than probably anyone else here (save for Roy) but the look in Dick’s
eyes when he’d talked about cops…

Now knowing his husband had been a uniformed creep, no doubt way too old to be having
the relationship he’d had with the Omega…

The kind of power manipulation he might have used on the underage teenager to get what he

Jason exhaled. Getting enraged about it right at that moment wasn’t the answer.

Though, goddamn, did he want to.

"He's an acrobat," Cat continued to offer (because really what was Jason going to do…tell
her not to talk about one of her favorite people?)

Diaz looked intrigued, crossing his arms and leaning on the desk closest to the girl before
asking, "An acrobat?"

"He's limber," Jason tried to explain, before realizing he might not be helping all that much.
"Flexible," he tried again, and Jesus fucking Christ. “He was in the circus.”

Diaz now seemed both humored and somewhat puzzled, maybe thinking he hadn’t heard
Jason right, “The circus?”

Cat jumped in to reply before Jason could, "But we can't go to the circus because daddy's
scared of clowns."

“Right, okay,” Jason decided, because Cat would no doubt keep on going if further prompted.
“I’m gonna go check Wilson’s office.” The Alpha had noticed when first arriving that it was
open and it felt like the only goddamn place he hadn’t looked yet.

(It also wasn’t a way to escape the conversation. Not at all…)

Heading down the hallway, Jason felt…he just really wanted to make this quick. Switching
on the light and not sure what he was expecting to find, Slade’s office was pretty much
unchanged from the last time he’d been in it.
When Slade had been leaving for Bludhaven and…

Whatever. Jason started his search because he didn’t have the time to ponder how a man who
seemed as cold and detached as Slade could possibly deal with a sick husband.

And the search didn’t last long because…


The folder was right on the desk. Like Terra had purposefully put it there and Jason really
was ready to…

Stopping his mental rant as his eyes moved to find the one lone picture sitting on the man’s
desk (something he hadn’t been able to see from the other end he usually sat on) Jason felt
his fingers still over the folder.

The photo was from the back and obviously of a young male, probably twelve or thirteen if
Jason had to guess, but something about it…

Dark hair, with someone’s arm around their shoulder, a person that had clearly been cropped
out. It might have been Slade’s kid (assuming he had any as no one seemed to know), but
why the hell would he have a picture from the back? A picture that sort of seemed like it had
been taken without the kid’s knowledge.

And who was the person who had been cropped out? The husband?

“He said his husband’s a total knockout…”

So why purposely cut him out?

Either way, it felt like the last picture anyone would want to frame, not even artsy or
anything, just…strange in every way.

Shaking his head and heading out of the room…

Diaz met him in the hallway, Jason held up the file, "Found it."

"What a coincidence," the stocky man observed, his face somber. "Because I found Terra."


“If you do this, Dick. If you make this commitment…this bond…” Bruce’s face wore an
expression Dick had never seen before. He looked haunted, dark, and bedraggled like he
hadn’t slept in days, and Dick couldn’t help feeling it would be better for the man when he
was gone.

Dick didn’t like seeing Bruce like this, but he also…wasn’t going to give up Slade.

They could both live better lives after Dick left, after there was a distance between them.
The Omega was sure.

“There’s no coming back, Dick. You’ll be his forever and I can’t…”

“I know.”


That’s what Dick had expected. Wanted.

But staring at the ring now, the gold glinting in a way that felt anything but comforting…

Dick took another, larger step back.

What was the woman doing with it? Had she been…had Slade been…none of it made any

Dick was confused and his mind didn’t know which question to ask first. All his words and
feelings were jumbled in his head. Like an impossible puzzle with too many pieces that
refused to fit together.

“I would give anything to have something like this and you…” Terra’s eyes fell and her tone
turned bitter. “Whatever. Just take it.”

Dick shook his head. He couldn’t. Wouldn’t.

But a coldness seized its way inside him, flooding his lungs like they were now made of ice,
causing every inhale and exhale to burn in pain…

"You don't deserve him."

Was it in his head or had Terra said it?

Dick…didn’t know. Just like he didn’t know who she meant by him. If she was talking about
Jason, as she kept looking at the jacket, kept seeming to judge Dick every time she looked at
him, but somehow, that didn’t feel right.

Dick found his voice (small as it was) even if it took him a few times, “Where did you get it?
Were you…did you follow us?”

Or worse, had Slade…

Dick shivered at more iciness he knew wasn’t from the weather.


You’ll be his forever…

But Slade wasn’t here so how did it still feel like he was? Like the man was around the corner
and knew Dick would eventually fold and take it back.
“His patience with you is utterly astounding,” Wintergreen was mixing something in his meal,
something the Beta swore was for Dick’s own good and would help bring up his fertility

The smell alone turned Dick’s stomach.

“You’re very lucky, you know. Most Alphas would have chipped you.”

Like an animal, something Dick knew happened to other Omegas, but Slade would never do.

Because Slade loved him and Dick didn’t give a damn what Wintergreen thought.

“I told him he couldn’t tame a wild orphan pretending he’s a Wayne, but well…,” dark eyes
looked up to regard Dick with a sneer. “You’re just too pretty to let go of, aren’t you?” The
Beta smashed the last remnants of the powder into the food before tossing the plate on the

Terra sounded somewhere between pleading and angry, “You have to…just take it.”

The woman seemed unable to finish a thought and Dick wanted to at least try to understand,

Finding understanding when someone was holding something that had brought him nothing
but pain, asking him to retake that pain, whether knowing what it was or not…

No. Dick needed to get away from her. He could hear Haley barking from the car and he just
wanted to get back to her. To the warmth of the car’s interior and Jason’s scent. A place he
never should have left.

Even if he could get into the station, where he could at least ask for Jason.




Dick just needed to get away.


But, the ring fell into his palm instead.

His vision shifted into a warm, wet mist and his eyes stung as the cold object felt more like
fire against his skin. How had he gone from swearing he’d be free of the ring to now holding
it again and…

“Hey. Is everything okay?”

Looking up from his hand, Dick saw he was alone. Terra was gone and someone else, a bald
cop, was coming towards him.

He had to be distressed, of course, he was. Of course, an Alpha would smell it and try to
approach him and while it wasn’t their fault, Dick just really wanted to be left alone. He
didn’t want…

“I’m fine,” he told the uniformed man coming near him, attempting to keep them at bay,
while also wiping his eyes to somehow make it look more believable. “Please, I’m…”


The Alpha halted at Jason’s approach, quickly turning the way he’d come at seeing the taller
man running towards the Omega.

Dick couldn’t help it.

It hadn’t been that long, yet it felt like a lifetime and Dick was just so cold.

“Dick? Jesus Christ, what…”

If he pulled Jason to him or the Alpha grabbed him first, Dick would never know. All he did
know was that he needed him. Dick needed him and Jason was more than willing to support
him as he nearly collapsed into him.

“Terra, she…”

“Diaz caught her on the camera, are you…” Jason pulled back to inspect him. “What was she

Dick shifted his arm to show him the ring and it was a wonder Jason’s teeth remained intact
with how much he ground them upon seeing it.

“The fuck? How did she…”

“I don’t know. I think she might have followed us but I don’t…”

“Christ, Dick you’re shaking.”

Was he? “I don’t…” Dick’s hand remained open and he just didn’t know what to do with it,
his voice hoarse and dry. “I don’t want it.”

The Alpha seemed to contemplate the item for a moment.

“Here,” Jason decided as he took it from Dick’s hand, asking, as he slipped it into his pocket.
“Bruce has a tech company, doesn’t he?”

Dick nodded, unsure what that had to do with anything.

The man bit his cheek in thought before nodding, “I’ll hold onto it for now.”

Jason wiped some leftover moisture from Dick’s eyes, “Hey, you don’t have to worry, okay?
Let me do that.”

But that felt unfair to Jason and Dick didn’t like the idea of putting his burden on…

“Alpha,” As if he had to remind Dick, feeling like the warmth of the sun the Omega so
desperately needed. “I want to, remember? And if anyone should be worried it’s that
creeping, stalking…” but his threats fell off at something he saw in Dick’s face. Something
that must have said Dick desperately just wanted to leave. “Come on, I’ll go get Cat and we

He didn’t have to finish, Dick nodding as he grabbed his arm, feeling unsteady on his feet.
His heart was heavy, and his mind filled with a million worries.

Jason would hold and support him though, that was about the only thing Dick knew without a


Haley was going absolutely bonkers, jumping up and down the Omega’s leg as the man tried
to walk and Dick kept attempting to pet her to calm her down.

The relieved puppy (much like Jason himself) couldn’t seem to stop touching and making
sure the Omega was okay.

Cat may have sensed something was wrong, but Dick had done a good job of masking any
kind of distress, offering her nothing but smiles and soft, affectionate tones.

The girl was currently looking around the grounds in amazement and Jason couldn’t really
blame her. Without the glam of the red carpet and overly done-up celebrities, Wayne Manor
no doubt resembled something right out of one of her books. Massive, majestic, and maybe
even a little haunted-looking. Traveling up what seemed like a never-ending path that Jason
supposed would be a driveway, the girl’s eyes were everywhere.

“Damian lives here?”

“We both do,” Dick replied.

Cat gasped, “You live in a castle!?”

The man smiled, seeming to enjoy her wide-eyed observing (even if Jason noticed he kept
looking at his left finger every so often, the ring still clearly on his mind) “Kind of looks like
one, huh?”

She nodded, “Is Damian’s daddy a king?”

“He’d probably say yes if you asked him,” Jason offered under his breath.
Dick lightly smacked the Alpha’s arm before answering her, “No, not quite. He is very well
respected, though.”

Jason snorted at the reply and Dick gave him a look. “Hey,” the Alpha rebutted. “I’m just…”

Dick lowered his voice so she couldn’t hear, “Let’s let her have some fun with it, okay?”

Jason rolled his eyes, but of course, wasn’t going to say no. He watched the Omega for a
moment. Dick continued to entertain Cat and point out things she might find interesting, and
yet, despite his cheery demeanor, the smaller man simply couldn’t seem to erase his
underlying aura of worry.

Jason was also worried, but more pissed than anything.

Dick squeezed his hand to acknowledge he felt Jason’s anger and that it was okay.

Except, it really wasn’t.

Terra…Terra was in for it.

But right now, Jason had Dick, the ring was out of Dick’s sight (if not his mind) and a happy
daughter and puppy.

Even if he now had more questions for Bruce.

“You think his head will explode?” Arm and arm with the Omega (that he was not letting go
of), he expected Bruce might lose his shit at the sight. Mouth lifting, Jason had to admit,
“That would be fun for me.”

“That wouldn’t be fun for anyone,” Dick assured. “And I don’t think…”

Something shifted in one of the trees.

They stopped and Haley started towards it, ears alert.

“I’m guessing that’s not a squirrel,” Dick’s tone was somewhere between amused and very
tired, putting his free hand on his hip as he sighed.

And Jason was hit with a severe case of deja vu that had him shaking his head.

Rustling bushes, a shadowy figure outside his apartment...

“Jesus, he’s not really…he does it at his own house?”

“It’s called being prepared.” The face was shadowed by the dark green hoodie he wore, but
nothing could disguise the cold condescension in the child’s voice as he became visible in the
leaves. “Something you should learn about…Todd.”

“I’ll put it on my to-do list,” Jason assured with sarcasm. “But seriously, how long have you
been up there?”
Granted the rain had stopped a while ago, but still…

Damian Wayne Jason had to remind himself.

“That is none of your…” Spying their intertwined arms and fingers, eyes moving to Dick
wearing Jason’s jacket, the Alpha could all but hear the boy growl.

Just as Cat made a sound of excitement.

“Did you climb up there all by yourself?” She went to touch the tree so she could look up its
full length, seemingly amazed by the feat.

Damian looked down at her from his crouched position with a frown, “What is she doing
here?” He frowned at Haley next. “What is…”

A firm, accented voice stopped the boy from finishing.

“Master Damian, get out of that tree at once!”

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading. Your comments mean the world to me and are always so very
Chapter 42

“You have a dog.”

Not a question, but a statement. Said through clenched teeth with sharp eyes, but Dick could
tell Damian was curious.

Dick only hoped the boy’s genuine caring for animals and the pleading look the Omega sent
him were enough to stop any unneeded animosity.

Dick also knew that was like asking a cat not to chase after a mouse. Or Gotham not to rain at
the most inopportune moments.

With Damian’s clear dislike of Jason and very obviously seeing him as a threat…

“Her name’s Haley,” Cat cheerily provided to the boy moving in the branches above her,
watching him in fascination. “She’s only got three legs so she’s special.”

Damian made a tsking sound as he took his last leap out of the tree, though it seemed the
declaration of annoyance didn’t have anything to do with the puppy.

Crossing his arms and facing Jason, he glared. Haley sniffed at his shoes, playfully wagging
her tail and Dick was sure the boy wanted to show her attention but intimidating Jason
seemed a higher priority.

“Does he really think he’s…”

Dick squeezed Jason’s hand, this time to make him stop. Taunting and egging the child on
wasn’t going to accomplish anything.

Even if Damian had just come down at Alfred’s command and lost his higher ground, the boy
was never going to yield to Jason. Not after tracking them down weeks ago and certainly not

“Now then,” Alfred’s tone turned much more congenial at seeing everyone on the ground
(even with their assorted scowls and strained smiles). “I suppose it’s well past time for a
formal introduction, Alfred Pennyworth, at your service.” He bowed his head slightly, then
continued. “I do hope the rain wasn’t too much trouble for you.”

The older man looked at Dick and something flashed in his eyes, a look of concern he
quickly and professionally hid away, but would no doubt be discussing with the Omega later.

The ring wasn’t even on him anymore, but Dick still…felt it.

And his stomach turned.

Even now, he really just wanted to puke. It wasn’t the pancakes making him feel ill (not
completely anyway) but his stomach was threatening to toss them at any moment, and the
more he thought about Terra and the strange look in her eyes, the more the nausea seemed to

“It wasn’t,” Jason assured. “Sorry we’re late, we had a bit of a…situation to take care of.”

Jason himself was still fuming at the blonde Beta, and not hiding it all that well. Dick really
hoped the results of that anger (mixed with Damian’s theatrics) weren’t going to cause
fireworks in the manor.

But again, that felt very much like hoping in vain.

“No problem at all, lunch is already prepared so if you, the young miss, and your canine
companion would follow me.”

They did, Damian falling to the back so he would be able to watch Jason's actions. Dick felt
the heat of his blue eyes, and was almost glad when Cat decided to walk with him, Haley at
her side.

Any distraction causing the boy to engage in something else that wasn’t only focusing on
Jason could only be a good thing at this point.

Speaking in Dick’s ear so they wouldn’t be overheard, Jason hissed, “He’s not going to do
anything to her is…”

“He likes her,” Dick whispered back in assurance. The boy had even made sure to display
Scruffy on a shelf above his bed. “It’s you he…” The Omega stopped, realizing what he was
going to say and his tone turned apologetic. “Well, you know…”

Jason barely chuckled. In fact, it was more of a tight wheeze, “Oh, trust me, I do. And the
feeling is very mutual.”

Dick felt his heart sink somewhat, not really blaming the man but still…disappointed. It
would be nice to feel some kind of…comradery might come out of this meeting, but his
nauseous stomach just wouldn’t allow Dick to remove the growing doubt. Much as he wanted

“Mr. Pennyworth knows a lot of big words,” He overheard Cat say from behind them. She
struggled with saying Pennyworth and even Jason’s mouth lifted at her effort.

Damian sounded slightly annoyed at being addressed, but thankfully, didn’t ignore her,
“Might not hurt you to learn some too.”

“I know lots of animals,” Cat insisted. “And I can draw a cat, a dog, and an elephant now,

This time Dick was the one who couldn’t hold in a smile.

Damian sighed (no doubt as unimpressed as the last time she’d said it) and Dick was almost
sure the boy was focusing more on Jason’s hand placement than the girl, but he did continue
to talk to her. And something about how he slightly softened his voice and let less aggression
into his tone (even if his words were still somewhat biting)...

…made Dick smile even more.


Jason’s first thoughts upon seeing Bruce, in his too-nice sweater and slacks, were mostly
centered on which version of the man he’d be dealing with today. The overly animated Bruce
from the party, or the more genuine feeling Bruce from the diner.

Incidentally, Jason wasn’t sure which one he was hoping for (since none didn’t appear to be
an option)

“Jason,” Bruce acknowledged with an unreadable tone, his handshake much firmer this time.

The lines around the man’s eyes seemed more pronounced and Jason wondered if he’d slept,
or if Dick not being home had kept him up all night. The younger man honestly couldn’t say
he cared all that much either way, but Jason was going to try to play somewhat nice, if only
for Dick’s sake.


The ring was burning a goddamn hole in his pocket and their destination for this supposed
lunch…well, they’d followed Alfred to a room on the opposite side of the ballroom area that
looked much less casual than the Americana-themed dinner and more like…

“It’s the smallest of the dining rooms. I thought it would be the most comfortable.” Bruce
commented to Jason’s appraising eye.

Smallest meaning the table could still seat at least 12 people, but sure, Jason would let Bruce
try his bullshit version of humble, or pretending to play nice, or whatever.

Bruce's hand and attention quickly fell away from Jason and turned instead to the Omega at
his side.

Dick’s eyes lingered somewhere towards the floor and not really on the older Alpha.

Guilt, submission, Dick gave off a feeling of at least a little of both.

Bruce’s eyebrows pinched together as he watched the Omega. Worry. Clearly controlled, so
much so that only Jason could probably sense it, but the man (or his Alpha anyway) was
troubled. And truthfully, Dick was pale and had been growing paler since they’d gotten to the

Well, since the station honestly. But it seemed in the last few minutes the facade he’d been
putting up had all but fallen away.

Jason was about to ask if he was okay, but the other man suddenly unwound their arms.
Giving a slight smile, he softly announced, “I’m just…I’m gonna use the bathroom really

Jason's first instinct was to go with him, but this was Dick’s home and he was assumedly safe
here and Jason didn’t need to add to the list of overbearing Alphas already in the man’s life.

As the Omega brushed past with a wink that was probably supposed to comfort Jason, it was
nearly impossible to let go of his hand.

“I’ll make it fast, but…don’t wait for me, okay?”

Jason very much wanted to wait. He’d wait the whole damn day if that’s what it took. But…
he nodded.


The boy was moving to take off after Dick and seemed annoyed at being halted by his
father’s tone. Annoyed, but listening.

Something the brat could do, apparently.

It was then that Jason noticed Tim standing slightly to the left of the doorway. His wan smile
and the pathetically small wave didn’t really scream excitement to be there.

Bruce really had turned this into a family affair, hadn’t he?

There was a familiar pull at his pants, the same tug Cat had done since she’d pretty much
been able to stand, letting Jason know the girl wanted attention.

Bruce’s eyes didn’t turn kind, per se, but they lightened at seeing her. “Catherine. Cat,” he
quickly corrected. “We meet again.” His sight then turned to the movement behind her, “And
I see you brought Haley, too.”

The puppy was jumping on Tim, who tentatively pet her back, though Damian was the one
now holding her leash. Almost possessively.

Cat didn’t seem put off by Bruce and Jason wasn’t sure why (other than the most obvious,
childish reason) that agitated him somewhat.

“Damian wanted to see her.”

The boy puffed up slightly, looking both scandalized and defensive, but ultimately didn’t
retort or rebuke Cat’s words.

Bruce merely chuckled, “She’s certainly lively, isn’t she?”

“The food will get cold if we wait much longer, Master Bruce,” Alfred lightly reminded the

But Jason wasn’t hungry, he was searching for the return of Dick’s scent and growing more
anxious and aggravated without it.
“Right. Of course. Help yourself and take as much as you want, Cat.” Bruce said to the girl.
“And we’ll make sure Haley gets something to eat too.”

And Jason realized when the man’s eyes reverted back to him…

Bruce addressed everyone else in the room, even as he continued to look at Jason, “You may
start without us.”

Announced indeed, like the king Jason assumed he thought he was.

But more than that, it meant Bruce and Jason were moving somewhere else.

The two Alphas. Alone.

“That usually means more than just lunch.”



“You know if you wanted to talk, you didn’t have to put on this whole lunch facade.” Jason
had been raring to demand more from the wealthy prick for quite some time so being alone
might just make that a hell of a lot easier.

Silver linings…or whatever.

Bruce didn’t respond at first, letting the doors close behind them. Moving past Jason, he
began rummaging through a liquor cabinet at the far end of the room.

It was either an office, or literally just a room for booze that wasn’t a cellar. There were
certainly enough of both dark and light-colored liquors to justify thinking so.

Jason didn’t know if he was ever going to speak, but Bruce eventually pulled out a crystal
bottle he found to his liking that seemed to loosen his lips. “It’s not a facade.” His face was
shadowed by the poor lighting that felt intentional (given the guy had to be able to pay his
light bill) “We have to provide for them."

Jason’s brow furrowed, “That’s…”

“Barbarically simple maybe, but,” Bruce poured the liquid into a glass before he finished,

“Yeah, fine. Okay,” Jason exhaled, slightly shaking his head. “Whatever Alpha excuse you
need to use.” He just wanted to get this over with. Crossing his arms, Jason got right to it.

“So when does the speech start?”

A dark brow rose as the bottle was returned with a click from the crystal, “Speech?”
So they were going to fuck around, were they? Jason bit his cheek and took a deep breath,
“Bruce, despite what you might think, I’m not an idiot.”

“No,” the man agreed, leaning slightly back on the counter next to the cabinet, swirling his
drink as he regarded Jason with near midnight-colored eyes. “Aside from the many tardies
and absences, you did quite well in school. Even better at the academy.” He finally took a sip
from the glass and swallowed. “I don’t think you’re an idiot, Jason. Not at all.”

So the bastard had his whole history on file, huh? Jason’s lip lifted, but not from any kind of
smile. “That’s cute, Bruce. Really.” Then his tongue clicked and his words turned more
venomous. “But If I’m supposed to be impressed you know the right people to throw money
at to get whatever information you…”

“You’ve bonded with him.”

The subject change was as swift as a sword strike slicing the air, and Bruce’s expression was
just as sharp, “I told you it was dangerous, and you…bonded with him.”

Aw, now they were getting to it.

“I told you I cared about him,” Jason retorted.

“And I told you…”

Jason’s mouth twisted but the words poured out like kerosene, just waiting to be lit, “How
about we start with what you didn’t tell me, huh, Bruce? Like, for instance, that Dick was
basically being medically sterilized, not just drugged. That he was underage, that you…let
some creep come after your teenage son. Your teenage son who was just trying desperately to
be seen as more than the fact that he wasn't, ” Jason emphasized the word, “an Alpha.”

The asshole wanted to talk about providing? Dick had very obviously felt he was less, so
maybe they should begin with what Bruce had provided to cause that?

Bruce’s eyes narrowed in reply.

“I’m not going to stop,” And Jason wasn’t, not by a long shot. “Which I’ve already said but I
guess it bears repeating. So if that’s why I’m here, to listen to all that…” there was no better
word, “bullshit again, you can save the lecture.”


Pulling the ring from his pocket, Jason slid it onto the table nearest to him. Because he was
done playing ‘ring around the fucking Rosie, “Is he being tracked?”

Bruce briefly looked at the object and Jason clarified, complete with sarcasm, “I mean,
besides the way you track him already, of course.”

The man’s eyes were unreadable now, the flash of anger turning into a face of stone. He took
almost too long to answer.
“There’s no tracker in the ring.”

In the ring.

Jason’s mouth twitched at the distinction.

“And you know that for sure?”

A nod, “I’ve checked every time. Thoroughly.”

Jason frowned, “Every time?”

What the hell did that mean?

Bruce placed his drink down, almost as if to give himself a moment to fully answer. “I check
everything every time he returns. This isn’t the first time Dick has…attempted to leave him.”


Jason felt his nails dig into the fabric of his shirt, “Well, it’ll be the last. You can carve that
shit in stone,” Remembering his surroundings, he offered, “Or marble. Whatever the hell you
rich people use.”

Another pause as Bruce’s eyes moved to a picture on the wall. A painted portrait of a boy
smiling next to a large dog. Jason guessed it was the man himself, looking much younger and
clearly, much happier.

When they finally came, Bruce’s words were quiet and morose. Almost like he was talking
more to himself than Jason, “You have no idea the amount of pain you’re inflicting on
yourself with this bond.”

Jason wanted to roll his eyes but un-amusedly chuckled instead, “Guess it’s a good thing I’m
not really afraid of pain then, isn’t it?”

The pain would be walking away and leaving Dick.

That would be what destroyed him.

“You’re obviously brave, Jason. It’s…commendable.”

Yet somehow, it didn’t feel like a compliment, “But what?” Jason took a very likely guess.
“Brave, but stupid?” He felt his own eyes narrow this time. “Because frankly, Bruce, I don’t
give two shits what you think about me. I’m…”

Jason halted, a quickening feeling that something was…off suddenly rushing through him.
Looking around to find what it was, his green eyes moving for a feeling (a sound?) he didn’t
recognize, Jason realized…it wasn’t in this room.

Bruce rose cautiously at his reaction, “Jason?”

He couldn’t explain how or why he just knew…


Bruce didn’t ask, or maybe Jason didn’t give the older man a chance to say anything before
he was out of the room. Probably pushing the door so it slammed open, maybe even cracking
the wood slightly, the older Alpha didn’t rebuke him or demand to know what Jason was
doing, but swiftly followed him instead.

Jason expected the worst, expected Dick to be somewhere passed out on the floor or…

Jesus, what was this?

The manor was a blur and how Jason remembered where the goddamn room even was with
all the space...

“Since when do you like quiche?”

A small laugh, “Come on, Timmy, a guy change his…” the voice stopped and two very blue
eyes widened. “Jason?”

Jason was breathing too hard, he knew that. Holding onto the door frame of the dining room,
his fingers all but sinking into the wood with the pressure he was using…

“Jason, what’s…”

Dick was sitting next to Cat, the girl almost in his lap as he was helping her make a

Tim was giving Jason an odd, almost spooked look and Damian sneered, but all Jason cared
about was…

“Are you okay?”

How was it that Jason had been the one ready to ask that and yet…Dick had not only beaten
him to it but also…seemed fine? His skin was even back to its usual tanned hue and indeed,
his plate was filled with what looked like almost all the quiche from the table.

Jason was almost gasping in confusion, “You’re…I thought…”

“Thought what?”

Jason felt his heart rate slow, his breathing falling more steady as the adrenaline seemed to
peter out before fully dying away. Only a tingling in his hands remained. “I…nothing, I

A harsh exhale was in his ear and the gruff voice wasn’t filled with either compassion or
scorn. Though a hand did squeeze his shoulder.

“You should eat, Jason.”

Jason turned to look at the man, but Bruce was gone.
Chapter 43

“Do you want some, daddy?”

Cat offered one of the quarters of her sandwich to Jason and Dick was more than relieved
when the Alpha took it. The man really did need to eat since Dick was almost sure he hadn’t
actually enjoyed any of the breakfast he’d prepared that morning.

“Thanks, baby,” the man mumbled, just…not seeming like himself. He’d pulled up the chair
to the left of Dick and had pretty much shimmied it as close as he physically could, yet he
still felt a million miles away.

What had Bruce said to cause Jason to seem both confused and almost…on edge? Unsure?

Dick didn’t know.

A throat was cleared and all eyes turned to the young Beta on the other side of the table, “So
um, sorry if I’m a little behind here, but…uh, where did the dog come from?”

Maybe a way to break the awkward silence, or possibly just genuine curiosity (as Haley was
circling his chair in interest). Dick smiled at Tim either way.

“You’re always behind, Drake,” Damian grumbled into his water glass.

“That’s Haley. We found her after…” Dick stopped, realizing there were children’s ears
present, not to mention Bruce was…somewhere. ‘After having sex’ was simply an unneeded
detail, “At Jason’s a few weeks ago. She needed a home and...” Haley had made her way to
him, standing on her hind legs so he could pet her. “Now she has one.”

“I’m gonna teach her how to do tricks,” Cat supplied.

Tim nodded, “That’s really…cool.”

The Beta was clearly not sure how he was supposed to react about…well anything. Jason had
come racing in like the manor was on literal fire with a look in his eyes…Dick still couldn’t
explain. That, and Damian was pretty much Tim’s main comparison when dealing with
children so Cat was no doubt a mystery to him.

“I was thinking after lunch, Miss Cat might enjoy a tour around the manor,” Alfred was
clearing away the bowl Haley was done with and looking at Dick while he said it.
Meaningful and obviously with a purpose.

Dick needed to talk to Jason alone and the Beta saw that.

Thank all good things in the universe for Alfred Pennyworth and his intuition.
Dick looked to Cat to see if she might be interested. “Hey,” The Omega brushed some of the
girl's hair back to get her attention. “How about if Damian shows you and Haley around,
huh? This place is pretty big and I’ll bet you three could have lots of fun exploring.”

Damian bristled angrily while shaking his head, “Absolutely…”

But Dick wasn’t going to be deterred.

“I can’t think of anyone better for the job,” Dick interrupted, flashing a smile. First, to the
boy he knew his smiles almost always worked on, then to Cat who nodded, looking happy at
the idea.

Jason however…

“How about literally anyone else?” the man grumbled, tossing down his mostly uneaten
sandwich portion, angrily.

Which seemed to both perk Damian’s ear and make him glare harder.

Dick kept on, despite both their pouting, “He knows this place better than anyone and I know
he’d love to do it.”

Love might be exaggerating a bit, (okay, a lot) but…

“I think that’s a splendid idea,” Alfred concurred.

Jason opened his mouth, looking ready to disagree, but seeing Cat's big green eyes on him,
no doubt going to ask if she could…


Dully and unenthusiastically.

Dick held in a frown.

Dick had seen the man furious, humored, passionate, upset, and above all protective, but this
might be the first time he could ever say the Alpha’s countenance was simply…lost.

It made Jason look years younger. Made Dick want to kiss the downturned corner of his
mouth upward, while also asking: what had happened? What was wrong?

Dick continued speaking to Cat, though he let his hand dip over to touch Jason’s thigh. The
man seemed to relax somewhat, but still not enough for the Omega’s liking, “You were
asking about Scruffy, right? Well…”

Cat’s eyes were alight with joy before he could finish, “Scruffy? Where is he? Is he being

“I…” Damian cleared his throat, putting on a tone of disinterest, “He…It,” he clarified,
“might be around here.” A vague hand wave, “Somewhere.”
“Isn’t it in your room?” Tim tried not to sound like he was outing Damian as being protective
of the plush toy, but his sly smile gave him away.

“He is? Can I see him?”

Damian rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he mumbled, sourly, “I suppose.”

“Can we go now?” She asked, growing more excited.

“If we…must.”

Damian went to reattach Haley’s leash and Cat got down to join him.

“Make sure she goes outside first so she doesn’t have an accident!” Dick called after them as
they left.

“Hopefully it’s on him if she does.”

Dick sighed. Resting his head on Jason’s shoulder he hoped his Omega would do…
something for the Alpha.

“So um…thanks for agreeing to come to the wedding.”

Jason looked up at Tim addressing him. He’d been busy staring at the quiche still left on
Dick’s plate like it had personally offended him and was caught off guard at the comment,
“Yeah, sure. Congrats by the way.”

Tim nodded his thanks as he placed his napkin on his plate and scooted his chair back, “Just
so you know, Bruce can be a bit um…well he and Conner didn’t get along at first either. I
know it’s a little different of a situation for you two, but um…” He looked over at Dick and
his lips pursed as the words fell off. The Beta was obviously trying to say something helpful
but wasn’t sure how. Before either Dick or Jason could reply, the younger man was taking his
plate and motioning towards the door. “You know what, I think I’ll just help Alfred with
these.” A clear signal he was giving them the room.

Quiet fell and Dick was about to speak when…

“I thought you wanted something sweet.”

Dick pulled back to look at Jason, utterly confused, “What?”

“You…this morning I thought you, fuck,” the man rubbed at his forehead. “I don’t know
what I thought.”

“Are we…are we going to have a fight about food?” It felt sort of ridiculous to suggest but
Jason honestly seemed to be growing agitated.

Over quiche of all things.

But the man shook his head, “No, I…no. It’s not about…He just…he’s fucking…”

Jason was the one to sigh now, leaning forward on the table with his elbow so he could rest
his face in his palm, “I really thought you needed me.”

“Who says I don’t?” Dick pushed a stray lock of hair from the man's forehead, “Because I
very much do need you, Mr. Todd.”

Jason snorted, the first inklings of a smile forming, “Yeah?”

“Of course, I do.”

The Alpha toyed with the edge of his lip with his teeth as he seemed to be considering
something. He finally asked, “Don’t I get one too?”

“Get one what?”

Jason grabbed the hand playing with his hair to intertwine their fingers, “A tour. I should get
one too, right?”

Dick lightly chuckled, “I mean, I can call Damian back if you want to…”

“Christ no, no. I’d take one from you though.”

“I mean sure.” Dick was more than happy to, he was just surprised the man was even
interested in one, “Is there something you want to see in particular?”

Jason’s mouth ticked up at that, “Actually, there is.”


Jason studied the Haly’s Circus poster, arms crossed as he went over every detail. The bright
colors (somewhat muted from age) still made Dick smile every time he saw them. He could
still recall the familiar smells, could still hear the laughter and cheers after every
performance. It still sent a warm feeling, a feeling of family and love whenever he touched it.

“Well, at least I get in now.”

“Get what?” Dick quickly pulled a few stray pieces of clothing off a dresser and tossed them
into the closet. His room actually wasn’t that untidy (a somewhat rare thing), but there was
no way socks and thongs laying around looked good.

And yeah, maybe he still wanted to impress Jason a little. Or at least not come off as the
world's messiest Omega.

He twisted his foot to close the closet door, just as Jason turned, raising a brow at seeing the
Omega’s leg move back.

Slade’s button up, Dick realized as the door slammed shut. He’d made the right decision as
the last thing Jason needed was getting a whiff of…that.
Dick wanted the man to feel better, not defensive, angry, or…any kind of worse.

“Haley with an E,” Jason answered.

Dick gave an affirmative Ah.

Jason pointed, “You forgot the cereal bowl behind you. Do you want to do that body pretzel
thing and get that too?”

Dick tried not to smile, “I was saving it for later.”

Nevermind, that it had to be close to two days old now.

“You’re lucky you’re cute. And flexible.” Jason joked as he spied the second and third
posters next to the closet, “Are those?”

The Flying Graysons.

Dick nodded. “Pictures would tend to get lost with all the traveling, so these are all I really

Some days it didn’t feel like enough, but at least he had his parents with him in some form.
He often wondered if they’d be proud of his decisions.

Or just disappointed in his mistakes.

Jason walked closer to get a better look, “Can’t imagine what it must have been like.”

“It was a different world,” Dick acknowledged. “Omega’s were never looked down upon. My
mother was just as respected as anyone else. We were just people, just a…family. There were
instincts, yeah, but…I had no idea that Omegas were seen as weak, not until I lived here full

Then, Dick had been determined to never be one.

Jason nodded as he continued to appraise the artwork of John and Mary Grayson, “Sounds
like you guys had the right idea.” He quickly amended, “Minus the creepy, clown shit.”

“It was a long time ago. It’s not my reality anymore,” Dick hated how his voice cracked
slightly. “The circus disbanded after they died, Bruce took me in, and well…here I am.”

“Yeah,” Jason agreed, his eyes going a darker shade of green as he pulled Dick closer to the
bed. “You certainly are.”

“Cameras,” Dick warned. He slowed Jason’s pulling when they reached the bed’s edge,
motioning above them.

Jason scoffed, clearly unsurprised, “Of course there fucking are.”

“Don’t worry,” Dick said with a wink as he pushed the man backward and he landed in the
middle of the large mattress. “Just give me a…” un-tying one curtain strap from the post,
then the other, he let the dark fabric fall and cover the outside frame of the bed.

“And here I thought you were just a weirdo for having a canopy bed.”

Climbing so he was sitting on the man’s lap, Dick got to it, bypassing the joke with a pointed,
“What happened?”

Jason’s hands moved right to his ass, enjoying the curve with his palm then rising to pull up
his shirt to trace the Omega’s waist with his thumbs.

An exhale and an admittance, “I don’t know.”


“I honestly don’t. Dick. It’s…” Jason’s hands continued to stroke as his brow furrowed. “It’s
frustrating. I’ve never felt this way about something and been…so wrong.”

“Wrong? What do you mean?”

“It's just,” Jason wet his lips as he continued. “Something just felt really, I don’t know, it felt
like someone, something, really fucking needed me and…I thought it was you.”

“I told you, I do…”

“I know,” the man cut him off. “I thought for sure the ring had a tracker in it too. Bruce said
it doesn’t but…Christ, I don’t even know if I believe him.”

Dick bit his lip with uncertainty.

“Maybe Bruce got into my head or something…” The idea was clearly pissing him off even

“He can do that sometimes, but…you scared me, Jason. I’m…are you okay?”

“I’m sure I’ll live,” A rough laugh, but he did seem to be perking up somewhat. “You are
really sexy in this light, you know that?”

Dick wanted to cheer him up even more, offering, “Maybe we could run away.”

Jason stopped his ministrations on Dick’s lower half and blinked, “What?”

“We could get a farm somewhere. You, me, Cat, and Haley. We could live off the land, raise
some cows, become dairy farmers or something.”

Another blink, “Do I look like a farmer to you?”

“Okay,” Dick tried again with a growing smile and a hum. “How about a cabin in the woods?
All that nature, no one else around for miles…”
“Dickie,” Jason stopped him. “That’s literally a fucking horror movie.”

The Omega squeezed his thighs on either side of the man, making Jason quickly inhale with a

A curse that made him all but purr.

"I like it when people I love call me Dickie."

"Well, Dickie," Jason leered, "You put us more towards the beach and you've got yourself a

Dick leaned down to kiss him with a smile, “Promise?”

A light growl as Jason grabbed him to…

“Daddy?” Cat’s voice asked as the door was opened. She sounded tired and upset and Jason
released Dick as they both turned to look.

Jason’s voice rumbled, “I swear if that little shit did anything to…”

“I think it's closer to nap time,” Dick said, motioning he needed to get off.

Jason gave a long suffering sigh as he made one last sweep down Dick’s ass before letting his
hand fall so Dick could dismount.

Not necessarily angry or upset, but clearly…frustrated.

Dick gave him an apologetic and understanding pat as he went to pull the curtains back.


“...utter nonsense.”

Dick's eyes fluttered open to hushed voices and…darkness?

Had someone turned the lights off?

Blinking once, twice, then pushing some hair from his face as he tried to remember just when
he’d fallen asleep, a small ball of panic formed as the Omega questioned what time, or even
what day it was.

It felt like he’d slept for a week straight.

The light and hum from the flat screen tv brought some illumination to the room, but rising
up on his elbow…someone was buried up next to Dick. They were far too small to be Jason,
or even Damian, but they were still familiar. A messy braid that had mostly fallen out of its
tie and even with his moving, Cat still looked dead to the world.

Blinking again Dick carefully sat up, Cat whined slightly but didn’t wake. Dick looked up
and over at the speaker lounging next to him, taking note that Haley was stretched out next to
the Alpha, asleep as well. “Jason? When….? How long was I…”

“A while. You both seemed to need it, so I figured it was best to let you,” The Alpha

“I…” Dick rubbed at his face, feeling like a mummy that had awoken from a thousand-year
sleep. Wrapped in wrinkled clothes and sheets, he tried to untangle what felt like layer after
layer while also shaking his head in confusion. “Sorry I…I don’t know why I…” his legs
stretched and hit something solid. Another body that wasn’t Cat’s.

“The good news is we got a chaperone,” Jason deadpanned, pointing his thumb at the lump
Dick had hit. A huddled body laying on its side watching the screen. A form that could only

“He doesn’t even have good taste in television,” Damian snapped into the bedspread he had
wrapped himself in.

Dick squinted at the muted tv, not sure what the show was, but it hardly made a difference.

If Jason liked it, Damian was going to hate it.

“As you can see, he’s been wonderful company.”

“I’m sorry,” Dick mumbled again. “I don’t usually do that.”

Not for so long and without warning, anyway.

Jason looked slightly confused at his reaction, “It was a nap, Dick, not a crime.”

Even still.

Was it bad that Dick kind of just wanted to lay back down again, pull the covers back over
him and Cat, and…

A buzz filled the room.

“That’s the second time,” Jason informed.

Dick swallowed, “Is it yours or…”

“Mines in my pocket.”

They looked at each other meaningfully and Dick…god how much he didn’t even want to
check. After Jason talking to Wintergreen and…Jesus, what if it was…

Jason grabbed his jacket to reach for Dick’s phone.

“Do you want me to…”

“No,” Dick held his hand out as Jason passed it over. “It’s okay,” he steeled himself. “I’ll…
get it.”

Even Damian seemed on alert, sitting up and turning to look at Dick with a pursed lip that the
Omega knew was his way of worrying.

"I'll gut him like a fish," the boy hissed.

Jason raised a brow, but didn't look like he disagreed with the threat.

“It’s local,” Dick wondered if for once it was just a wrong number. “Hello,” he answered

“Ric?” a voice asked, somewhat timidly.


The speaker turned hesitant at his silence, “I hope it’s not a bad time.”

And then Dick remembered and he sat up straighter. Sage. He’d given his number to the boy
at the Palace after seeing the bruising, just in case.

“Sage? No, it's not a bad time. Are you okay?”

"He kicked me out. He's pretty drunk so I know tomorrow he'll probably demand I come back
but…" Sage fell off, clearly distressed.

Dick bit his lip, "Can you get somewhere safe?"

"Yeah, but…” Dick could hear the wind through the speaker. “Maybe this sounds crazy, but I
think I was being followed."


"I just got to my mom's place. I'm just…sorry if I shouldn't have called. I didn’t really have
anyone else to…"

Dick shook his head, even knowing the Omega couldn't see it, "No, don't be sorry at all. I
told you you could and I'm glad you did. In fact…" Jason was cautious watching, seemingly
ready to jump in at any moment if he needed to, and Dick…

Dick suddenly had an idea.

If they could set up a meeting and Sage could at least try to stick some kind of charge of

"I know someone I think you should talk to."

Chapter 44
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“Are you his Alpha?”

The dark-skinned, young (make that incredibly young) looking Omega rubbed his hands on
the arms of the chair while his leg bounced up and down.

Dick played with his phone, using his finger to twirl it on the sheets. Jason could tell he was
trying to distract himself from looking too upset after he’d ended the call, “His name is Sage,
but it’s…we work together,” He looked up at Jason and made a motion with his head.

Jason kept an eye on Damian, knowing the idea of talking about the Palace in front of him
probably wasn't a great one.

“Got it.”

Moving so he could lean into the Alpha’s neck, Dick exhaled, “Thank you.”

Jason nodded. He was more than happy to offer his scent to the Omega.

(And smirk at the scandalized tightening of Damian’s mouth.)

Sage’s tone wasn’t nervous sounding exactly, but he definitely seemed…jittery.

Jason had grabbed the papers he needed, but for the most part, was trying to keep things as
casual as possible, giving the younger man a chance to sit in the place he found most
comfortable first. Jason then pulled his own chair so he was near enough to the boy, but not
too close. “I’m sorry?”

“Ric,” Sage clarified, one hand moving to play with the string on his bright yellow hoodie.
“He says he really trusts you, so I thought you were…well, together, or at least really good

Jason figured Dick had a connection with this Omega and while Dick seemed to want to help
the boy in any way he could, he’d also told him his name was Ric so…some information was
probably better left off the table.

(Even if the words ‘yes, yes he was’ were marching through The Alpha’s head like a mantra.)

“Ric’s a…very special person.”

Sage quickly agreed, “He’s really nice, and if he trusts you then so do I.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“Mr. Todd…”

“You can just call me Jason.”

It was always easier to give Omegas his name versus a title they had to use. It made for a
better connection and usually made them open up more. That, and the old cliche of ‘Mr. Todd
was my father' wouldn’t exactly work as Willis Todd had never been called Mr. in any
respectable sense by…anyone.

(And hearing Mr. Todd just made Jason think of Dick and the whole different…meaning the
name took on the Omega’s tongue.)

The kid rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly, “Sorry, my mom taught me to respect my

Jason sucked in a cheek at that. He expected maybe being respectful of his Alpha status and
being a detective, but being called an…elder? “Well, I’m not quite dusting the earth with my
ashes yet, so let’s just stick with Jason, okay?”

The boy nodded. He wet his lips and leaned forward, “My real name is Duke Thomas. Sage
is just…I like green and gray.” He pulled at his hoodie as almost an afterthought, “And
yellow. But I liked how Sage sounded.”

Jason took this in, leaning back in his chair slightly as he asked, “Is Duke the name you

Duke shrugged slightly, “For this? I guess so.”

“And how old are you, Duke?”

Jason had made sure his mother and a Beta friend were outside in the waiting area, in case
Duke felt he needed either of them.

That made the Omega pause, “Um…am I in trouble if I’m…I mean with the…Palace and

Jason didn’t particularly like the idea of young teenagers dancing for perverts, but, “It’s not
relevant to why you’re here right now, so no. But if another officer picked you up there, I
can’t say you wouldn’t be.”

Duke looked uneasy, so Jason continued.

“Abusing an underage Omega can result in stronger charges. So if you are a minor,” (Jason
would sign his knot away if Duke wasn’t), “It’s more I can work with.”

Sad, but true.

“I’ll be seventeen in three months.”

Jason was unsurprised by his response of trying to round up. At that age, when most kids
desired to sound older, it was almost expected, “So, you’re sixteen?”

“It’s…he’s not always a bad guy.”


Jason studied a fading bruise on the teenager’s chin with a frown. They could circle back if
he wasn’t ready for that quite yet, “You said you thought someone was following you the
night you called?”

Duke seemed more willing to answer that, “It was pretty dark, but yeah, I thought so. At least
two guys if I had to guess.”

“Did you know them or recognize them at all?”

Duke shook his head, “Not really. I couldn’t see their faces. They were…wearing masks, I

Jason wasn’t sure if Duke’s hesitation was his memory actually failing him, or if he was just
scared of talking too openly with the Alpha.

Scared that Jason wouldn’t believe him.

Or maybe that he’d get angry with him.

But, true to his word of seeming to trust the Alpha, Duke kept on, “I know it’s weird, it…I
couldn’t tell what they were, but they had some kind of design on them.”

Designs? “The masks?”

“Yeah, it’s…but I don’t know, he says I imagine things sometimes, so maybe I did then, too,”
Duke shrugged slightly, falling back into uncertainty.

It was always angering how many Alphas played with their Omega’s heads and made them
think they were crazy or hysterical, but Jason had to ask, “Were you inebriated in any way
that makes you think you might have? Had you consumed any drugs or alcohol?”

The Omega hesitated for a second. “I had a beer, but I wasn’t drunk. He…” Duke rubbed his
arms, “...he was.”

There might have been bruises there too from the way he’d flinched at the motion.

Jason gave him a moment, realizing men following in freaking masks was something he was
definitely going to have to investigate as well, just as the Omega seemed to find something of
interest, his face lighting up.

“Oh my god, that’s adorable.”

Jason followed Duke’s line of vision to the picture of Haley, Dick, and Cat the girl had drawn
now taped to one of the shelves (something she’d made Jason promise to do after seeing how
‘boring’ his office was). The teenager was smiling in earnest at it.

“My daughter likes to draw.”

“Your…” Duke smiled even more, seemingly growing excited at the idea. “You two have a

Which made Jason smile slightly in turn because really the teenager had an infectious way of
making the Alpha want to (again) say, yes, yes they did.

“I love kids. I can’t wait to have one of my own.”

Jason replied, in all earnest, “Well, I hope when you do, it’ll be with someone that doesn’t
hurt you.”

Jason wasn’t scolding him (what kind of hypocrite would the Alpha be then with someone
like Diamond hanging in his past) but the kid deserved better than imagining a future (and
baby) with someone who physically struck him.

Duke deflated slightly, “Yeah,’ He agreed, wrapping his arm around himself. “Me too.”

He then looked Jason right in the eyes, took one deep breath, and asked “So, uh, how do I get
charges made or whatever? What do you need to know?”



“That’s what he said,” Jason sighed, but it almost became more of a yawn. He sounded tired
in general, which made it that much harder that Dick couldn’t just physically reach out and
touch him. “I told him not to go out alone for any reason and made sure he had someone he
trusts to take him home.”

Dick could hear moving voices in the background. As if the man was quickly passing through

“Good idea,” Dick agreed, taking a bite of the spinach in his salad as his mind whirled with
ideas. “What if it’s related to…”

Jason already seemed to know where he was heading. “The Palace disappearances? Yeah,
that was my first thought too.”

Dick stabbed the next leaf a bit too hard, “I should go tonight.”

It was clearly the wrong thing to say.

“You…what?” Jason sounded like he was choking on something, possibly a growl. “No,
absolutely not, not until…”
Dick persisted, watching the break room window to make sure no one was coming and he
wouldn’t be overheard. “If something happens to him, Jason, I will never forgive myself.”

He wouldn’t lose another Omega.

There was a whistle, like Jason had loudly exhaled, “He promised to stay away from the
Palace for a few weeks, so he should be fine. And we’re not going back in without a plan
first, that was the agreement.”

Dick knew his defenses were rising. A familiar feeling (he’d apparently not let go of yet) like
he was arguing with Slade, or worse, Bruce, was starting to surface, “You don’t think I

“Jesus Christ, Dick, if you finish that with ‘do it’...” The Alpha took a calming breath and
lowered his voice, “I absolutely think you can and you know that. But…” Jason paused as if
pulling the phone away to talk to someone else for a second, “Look, I've got to drop off this
report and don’t have much time…how's your lunch?”

Looking down at it, The Omega could only reply, his voice turning soft, “It’s perfect.”

He wasn’t even a big fan of salads but Jason’s just tasted...maybe it was more just knowing it
was from the Alpha that made it more tolerable.

Dick was feeling sort of lonely all of a sudden. Lonely and mad at himself for not trusting
Jason when he really should have.

Angry, sad, depressed, worried…Dick didn’t know what he was.

“Good, and we’ll figure something out, okay? Just…promise you won’t…”

“I won’t,” Dick relented, feeling himself sink slightly into the break room chair. “I just…I
wish you were here,” he mumbled.

There was no response, only the line cutting.

Had Jason meant to hang up or had they been disconnected?

Dick toyed with his salad some more as he put his phone away, resting his elbow on the table,
face in his palm, he watched the ingredients swirl in the container, his appetite suddenly

Why did either answer make the Omega want to cry?


“Fuck,” Jason wasn’t sure why his cell had decided to shit out on him right then, but…

“Hey, Todd, you know anything about this shit?”

Placing his phone back in his pocket, Jason turned to the voice questioning him.
“Harrison? What are you…” Nick Harrison was one of the street cops that didn’t seem to
know his ass from a hole in the ground. One of the people Slade Wilson would no doubt
deem a ‘disappointment’. So why in the hell was the dark-haired man stationed outside the
older Alpha’s office like…

“Where’s Terra?”

(Jason swore he asked that question more than any one person ever should)

“Gone, apparently.” Harrison cursed as he tried to submit something into the computer and
the machine beeped an error message at him. “Jesus…fuck, I’m supposed to be on the streets
busting assholes, not,” he whacked the screen on the side as if trying to get it to work by the
neanderthal way of simply hitting it, “doing this shit.”

“Terra’s gone?”

The man smacked on his gum as he glared up at Jason, “That’s the part of the conversation
you freaking care about?”

Apparently so. Something about Harrison had always pissed Jason off (probably his well-
documented racial and sexist profiling that went mostly unchecked) so The Alpha’s sympathy
for the shorter man’s current predicament was pretty much non-existent, “Is the Chief back?”

The door was closed so Jason could only assume…

“Who do you think put me out here?” Harrison was in full-blown jackass mode now. The
man’s anger seemed to shoot from zero to a hundred and Jason wasn’t interested in giving
him a file to fuck up.

(Not that Terra had done much better)

“Right,” Jason offered, none too kindly. Not that he was an expert at the digital system or
anything, but he doubted it could be that hard to figure out.

Let the schmuck keep at it.

Harrison made a noise of disgust. “Yeah, thanks for nothing,” He grumbled and went back to
looking like a braindead idiot, randomly smashing buttons like he was trying to snap the
keyboard in two.

Hopefully, Slade was okay with spending GCPD funds on getting a new computer when the
moron finally broke it.

But getting back to Terra…

Jason knocked on the door.

“Pretty sure I’m supposed to do that, but…” Harrison waved a hand, “Ah, who gives a shit.”
When Jason was given the okay to enter, he didn’t give the other cop a moment's more
attention quickly opening and closing the door behind him.

Jason’s mouth…probably wasn’t going to have much of a filter. Harrison had probably pissed
him off a little, but Jason’s phone dropping out on Dick had been worse. Then the poor kid
with his asshole of a supposed boyfriend…maybe today was the day Jason would get that
pink slip, after all.

“Is there something I can help you with, Jason?”

Slade, from what Jason could see of the man’s face past the goddamn eyepatch, didn’t look
all that happy to see him.

Maybe Jason wanted to play pleasantries…

“How was Bludhaven? Probably couldn’t work on your tan, huh? Can’t imagine it was too

(Or be an asshole.)

Setting down his pen, Slade Wilson observed him. It almost felt like the man had grown an
inch since the last time Jason had seen him. Or maybe he’d always been this goddamn huge.
The Alpha crossed His arms and Jason was sure the man could smash his solid-looking desk
in half if he wanted to.

“No, Jason, I’m afraid there was no sun.”


Slade interrupted him, “I heard from Detective Diaz that Terra…overstepped her bounds
while I was away. I assume that’s why you’re here.”

“She did,” Jason acknowledged, then emphasized. “Actually, she really did, but…”

“I can assure you, she will no longer be a problem.”

Jason nearly took a step back at how coldly the man said it. He’d get rid of her that easily?
Just like that? “I don’t…”

Jason then noticed something not quite hidden under a few papers. A touchscreen tablet
paused on a frame in a very familiar-looking area. Not quite crystal clear, but clearer than
most surveillance footage Jason had gone through. It was of the parking garage and focused
on two people.

Dick and Terra.

“You watched it?”

Slade’s eye moved from the screen Jason was pointing to, then back to Jason, where the gray
iris just sort of…lingered.
Like Jason had suddenly become a bullseye.

“I expect my directions to be followed,” the man replied after a long, tortuous moment. “I
give chances, but there are also…” his mouth twitched in neither a smile nor a frown,
“consequences after too many missteps.”

Another pause and Slade still didn’t look away.

Jason met his gaze, wondering if maybe the man knew about him and Roy visiting the

(Or if Slade knew that his new 'secretary' was the walking epitome of a misstep.)

The gray eye finally slid to the computer screen.

“Richard John Grayson.”

The sudden announcement of Dick’s full name shocked Jason to nearly drop the file in his

There was an uncontrollable fight between a shudder at how the sound fell off the Alpha’s
mouth and Jason’s blood heating that the man would even say it at all.

And unfortunately, Slade didn’t stop, “Something about that name feels…wrong, don’t you

No, Jason didn’t think. “You identified him?“ Jason swallowed, his blood growing warmer
and warmer in anger. “Why?”

Slade had probably done it using facial recognition. But again…why? Slade could have just
asked and it wasn’t as if Dick had been the perpetrator. At least Roy’s attempt had been done
with (somewhat) decent intentions.

This…this felt invasive for no reason.

“I thought it would be best to offer an apology for Terra’s actions.”

Jason scoffed, “Do you normally do things like that?”

Call him crazy, but Jason was going to guess, with Slade’s far from comforting nature, that
was beyond a hell no.

The man remained nonchalant, “He seemed in a state and I thought he might appreciate it.”

It felt like Slade was waiting for Jason to disagree with him.

And Jason, sure as shit, did, “I really think he’d rather just forget about it.”

Which wasn’t true, not by a long shot. In fact, Dick had an intuition in him better than most
of the actual detectives Jason worked with and a desire to always know…more if anything.
But Slade really needed to stay the hell out of anything to do with…

Well frankly, anything to do with Jason’s Omega.

Slade almost looked, fuck almost sounded, amused, leaning back slightly to observe Jason
more humoredly now, “You think that, do you?”

Jason wasn’t sure what the fuck Slade was doing now, but it felt close to mocking. “I do. He
was a little shaken up, but he’s fine.”

Slade tilted his head slightly this time. As if weighing something in his mind before deciding,
“Well, if you’re so sure.” He then motioned to the stack in Jason’s hand. “Did you want to
submit that?”

No. Jason didn’t.

No, suddenly Jason didn’t want this man to have anything that was his. Even if it was just his
goddamn paperwork. “I’m still working on it.”

“Very well.”

There was something about Slade being able to talk about Dick that made Jason want to do
the same, in some kind of (maybe childish) retaliation, even, “How’s your Omega, by the
way? You said he wasn’t doing well before you left.”

Slade’s brow moved upward at Jason’s boldness, but he answered, “Last I heard he seems to

Jason wanted to dig a little deeper, still feeling challenged, “So whatever it was cleared up

“That…remains to be seen,” Slade replied, his tone an odd one Jason couldn’t place. The
phone on his desk then lit up and the gray-haired Alpha offered. “Is there anything else?”

“I…” Yeah, there was the fact that apparently guys in masks were chasing after a teenage
Omega, but Jason shook his head instead. "No, that's it."

Leaving the office, knowing Slade was watching him the whole way, Jason finally let go of
his vice-like hold on the file as the door slammed shut.

It had become nearly deformed in his grip.


What in the ever living hell was…any of that?

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading and have a great day.
Chapter 45

Breathe in.

He lifted himself on one hand, pulling his legs straight up in the air.

Breathe out.

Switching hands, still trying to breathe and focus on just himself and the mat, Dick...

Dick should have found this relaxing.

One full breath. Then another.

Something was keeping him from being able to clear his mind.

But what?

Maybe it was his stomach feeling in knots.

Maybe it was his itching to get back to the Palace, to find out who the people in the masks

…he could feel a smirk under that mask. But it felt anything but lighthearted.

Maybe it was the news about Terra.

“Terra’s gone.”

“Gone? What do you…why?”

“My boss fired her, I don't,” Jason shook his head angrily as he had to admit. “I don’t

Or maybe it was the smell of Alpha in the space, the man watching Dick quietly, yet with
purpose. Hiding in a shadow like a creature of the night.

(As if the expensive cologne mixed with the man’s natural scent didn’t give him away.)

Thankfully, Bruce gave him enough credit and finally emerged before Dick had to call him
out, his steps large, yet surprisingly quiet as he came closer. The Omega flipped so he was
sitting on the mat, arms crossed over his bent legs…

Waiting for whatever the man wanted.

Bruce’s tone started light, congenial even, “It’s good to see you using the gym again.”

Large hands and a steady grip caught him before he fell.

“What are you…” There was a slight growl, somewhere between anger and possibly concern,
but all Dick could feel and focus on was the rumble of the man’s chest he was pressed
against. “I told you to…”

“Why can’t I do this anymore?”

The words felt confused. Jumbled and unsteady. Just like his limbs.

Sad, scared, Dick’s body felt both heavy and limp and he knew he wasn’t supposed to be
working out in his state, but…

A tightening on his waist, fingers pushing his head upward, “You don’t have to,” Slade tried
to assure.

But Dick did. He did have to and it was killing him that he couldn’t. That his body refused to
work, that his Alpha…refused to listen.

“I never wanted to stop.”

He was saying it to the wrong Alpha as his reluctance to work out after returning to the
manor wasn't the same as the inability he’d been stricken with from the drugs. Either way,
Dick had to save himself from having a discussion he really didn’t want to have. “So do I
have to guess why you’re here or…?” he let the question fall, pointedly.

The look in Bruce’s eyes turned a bit more somber and it only led to one thing in Dick’s


“Jason,” Bruce agreed, his voice slightly gruff, “Is definitely part of the conversation, but not
the whole of it.”

“Okay?” Dick moved his hand to brush some hair from his eyes, sure the man had at least a
few words about the younger Alpha, but seemingly something else was at the forefront of his
mind. “So what is?”

Bruce’s reply wasn’t at all what Dick expected, “I think you should see Leslie again.”

Dick scoffed, “I just saw her a few weeks ago. I was fine, it was just some bad food. I even
stayed out longer to please you all.”

Bruce, Babs, Damian, Alfred, probably even Jason too, it felt like everyone had insisted and
he’d listened.

There was a time, back when he was younger and fertile that Dick’s heats would need to be
checked and prepared for. But even that had been every six months. It wasn’t until his
struggles of conceiving started that he’d seen doctors by the week.

“This isn’t about pleasing me, Dick. It’s about your health.”
“I don’t know if you noticed, Bruce, but,” Dick's laugh was broken, small, and painful as he
reminded, “I don’t get heats anymore.”

Bruce rested his hands in his pockets, probably to keep them from becoming fists. His mouth
twitched in what seemed to be anger, but it didn’t feel aimed at Dick. He took a moment to
respond, “Leslie said they could come back.”

Dick wasn’t even doing a handstand anymore and he still felt like he might fall over at
Bruce’s words, “I…what?” Come back? “When? I don’t…” The shift in Bruce’s stance at
Dick’s stuttering became a realization and the Omega suddenly understood. He pulled his
legs closer and lowered his eyes.

“I guess that was another thing I didn’t need to know.”

He didn’t mean to sound so bitter. This was the way of things, how it had been for years with

This was why he’d tried becoming a Beta, but…that had fallen apart, hadn’t it?

But…he liked being himself. He liked being himself around Jason most of all.

Either way, it had all become a mess and maybe that was part of Dick’s recent semi-constant
nausea too.

Bruce replied, “She didn’t want to give you false hope. She said the likelihood was less than
five percent.”

Dick nodded, still not looking at him. Bruce had known the drugs were keeping him infertile,
so it made sense he knew other things he hadn’t shared.

It was expected, in a way.

Bruce continued, “Even still,” his voice turned slightly hoarse, “I should have told you.”

The Omega did look up at that, his eyebrows furrowed. He wasn’t sure why Bruce felt the
need to say that. He had been the Alpha, it was his decision. Probably what he’d thought was

And yet, the man seemed remorseful.

“Jason…” No, not just Jason. Dick started again, “We think I should see a new doctor.”

Dick waited for the argument, the refusal.

Bruce exhaled deeply, his whole upper body moving like the weight of the world was against

“I really want to,” Dick persisted. He hadn’t realized just how much until that moment.
The fight was clearly in Bruce’s eyes, but his words didn’t match his outward reluctance,
“Fine. You can, but after this. After we know for sure.”

“Know for…Bruce, what are you talking about?”

“Jason is young,” Bruce removed his right hand from its pocket to stop Dick’s rebuttal. “His
bond is new. You remember when I first bonded with Talia?”

Bruce hadn’t let anyone near her when she’d been close to her first heat, he’d looked almost
as…frantic as Jason had.

“I can’t imagine what fighting an already existing bond must add to that.”

Dick’s eyes moved closer to the floor again, his heart filling once more with guilt.

“Jason made his decision, he was going to do it no matter what anyone said. He’s…”

Dick’s mouth lifted slightly, despite everything, “Amazingly stubborn?”

Bruce let out an audible sigh.

“With such a new bond, his instincts are heightened and it’s possible he sensed something
neither of us could. Something he didn’t understand himself.”

Bright blue eyes glanced back up at the Alpha.

“You two aren’t going to stay away from each other. You clearly haven’t…and you’re
obviously not going to.”

Dick didn’t deny it, his voice breaking slightly, “I can’t, Bruce.”

Bruce was conflicted, looking over to the side and nodding slightly, but it seemed like an
unconscious gesture as his mouth ground over words he finally let out, “I don’t doubt that
he…cares about you. That he would do anything for you.”

Not like Slade was implied if not said.

Dick couldn’t put his finger on what exactly, but it looked like Bruce so desperately wanted
to say more. The Alpha’s blue eyes were back on him but were too guarded for the Omega to

“She’ll be back in Gotham in a week or so. Until then, if you feel off in any way, you need to
stay home, or call myself, or Alfred, no exceptions.”

Dick didn’t know how to explain that he already felt off more often than he felt normal, but
he nodded, knowing Bruce meant heat symptoms specifically.

The battle was…well there had been none. Bruce seemed almost as surprised as Dick was,
clicking his tongue, the Alpha ventured, seeming to find the conversation over, “Okay, well,
I’ll leave you to…”
“Bruce,” Dick stopped the man’s retreat. The Alpha had half turned and was looking back at
him, brow raised as he waited. “Were you,” Dick licked his lips and realized asking the man
if he’d been upset Dick was an Omega probably wasn’t a question he wanted an answer to.
“…I’m sorry I wasn’t an Alpha.”

It felt years, more than a decade too late. The words filled the space and immediately Bruce’s
face fell.

“No, Dick,” the man’s eyes were open this time, deep and sorrowful. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I
failed you in so many ways. I was…unprepared. That was my fault, not yours.”

Again Dick nodded, slightly speechless and not sure how to actually respond.

The Alpha continued, “I’m…”

Bruce’s back slack pocket gave off two distinct buzzes, stalling his words. He pulled his
phone out and seemed to reread the message on the screen several times.

“Is something wrong?”

Bruce shook his head, “No it’s,” he blew out a breath, “...Alfred wants to know if you have a
preference for dinner and Damian…Damian humbly asks that you watch a movie with him.”

Dick didn’t have his phone on him thus why they were asking Bruce instead, but…

“Humbly asks?” Dick didn’t even try to keep the disbelief out of his voice.

“I assume the tone he should,” Bruce emphasized the word, “be using was lost in

Dick laughed, somehow doubting that very, very much, “Tell Al spaghetti sounds good and
tell Damian…fine, but I’m finding the longest, sappiest movie I can.”

Bruce smiled at both replies, “I’m sure he’ll love that. And…we’ll see you for dinner then?”

Dick only hesitated a second, even offering a nod.“Yeah. You will.”

Bruce acknowledged the answer with a nod as he headed for the door, leaving Dick to exhale
and contemplate...

Why did a five percent chance he might not be infertile feel almost worse than zero?


It was sort of a stupid argument to say Jason wasn’t spying.

Cat had caught him looking through the window and before he could duck away and swear
he wasn’t watching Dick and the Alpha coming to pick up their kid from a distance because
Jason didn’t feel like he had any self-control not to wring the guy’s neck, the girl had started
moving to the door.
Jason hadn’t become almost unnervingly protective of anyone suddenly being around The
Omega, Alphas especially.

He hadn’t.

“Richard John Grayson.”

“What?” Jason’s head snapped up from his paperwork to look at Roy Harper sitting on the
second chair in his office.

“Just testing something,” the redhead said, his soda fizzing and overflowing as he unscrewed
the cap, causing the man to try and quickly slurp at it to stop the explosion.

“Which is?” Jason snapped after a moment with no further explanation, just Roy continuing
to fiddle with the bottle.

The man shrugged his shoulders after he swallowed a sip, “Well, do you want to punch me?”

Measuring him up, Jason admitted, “A little.”

“Because I said his name?”

Jason saw what Roy was doing and understood he might be overreacting a little to hearing
Slade say Dick’s name, but…

“Because you got soda all over my damn chair.”

“Daddy,” Cat was peering out the large numbered door that made her look tiny in
comparison. Holding the handle, she slipped out and gave him an odd look. “What are you

Dick was distracted with the parent, smiling enthusiastically with whatever he was explaining
to the man and it made Jason’s mouth twitch.

“Who is that?”

Cat was still looking at him strangely as she came to stand next to him, but she answered,
“That’s Alyssa’s daddy. Her mommy is sick today so he couldn’t come get her.”

Jason nodded, his twitch turning into a full-blown scowl when the Alpha, seemingly
overloaded with a baby that looked no older than six months, handed the girl over to Dick so
he could address something with the older of the two children. Alyssa presumably.

A part of Jason was at least sympathetic to the man’s plight (remembering the days when he
himself had struggled with a baby) and he assumed Dick had offered to take the girl to help,
but something about the way the baby fell on the man’s hip, how at ease Dick seemed with

“Oh god,” Jason realized as the Omega instantly became what might be considered almost
too animated, exaggerating his words, much to the tiny girl’s delight, “he’s a baby talker.”
And why the hell was that something that was turning Jason on a little? He’d absolutely hated
it when people had done it to Cat, making silly faces and using high-pitched words at her like
she was an imbecile. He should be disgusted and yet...

“Babies don’t talk, Daddy. Not until they get older.”

Jason rubbed at his forehead, not even really hearing her, but wondering, “Am I being

Undoubtedly, not a question for a four-year-old, but it left Jason’s mouth all the same.

Cat adamantly shook her head, her pigtails flying with the motion, “You're big Daddy, but I
don’t think you’re a bear.”

Jason did a double take at her answer, then finally snorted because really what had he

Dick’s voice came closer to the door, Alyssa’s dad finally walking through it, the man’s eyes
sizing Dick up like a piece of prime rib as the baby was returned to him.

Yeah, Jason was gonna call himself right on this guy wanting more than just a conversation
and his kid held by the ‘Beta’

“I hope he gets better soon and I’ll see you…” Dick’s eyes widened slightly when he noticed
Jason and his glaring at the Alpha. He quickly saved face and returned his smile, speaking
down to the girl, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Alyssa, okay?”

The other Alpha clearly wanted to say more, but…

Soft lips and a quick, “Hey,” against his mouth had Jason a bit breathless.

Breathless in a very good, go the hell away Alyssa’s dad he’s mine, kind of way.

Alyssa’s dad seemed to get the picture quite quickly.

The Alpha didn’t seem happy, but he made for the exit, prompting his daughter who shared a
quick goodbye with Cat before turning to follow after him.

Jason mused, as he rubbed his lips together, watching the jackass leave with satisfaction, “I
liked that.” Dick had never openly kissed him in front of anyone before and it was more than

“I had to do something. I thought you were going to attack him, Jason.”

“Yeah, maybe,” Jason agreed, as he pulled the man closer. Only half kidding.

“Jas…” The Alpha kissed him again before he could finish.

“You’re going to get me in trouble,” Dick finally managed as they both went further back
into the classroom. “Marcia’s already warned me about showing you favoritism.”
“Well, I am your favorite, right?”

Dick huffed, “That’s not the point.”

“I mean, you started it,” Jason pointed out.

Dick rolled his eyes but didn’t dispute it, intertwining his hands behind the Alpha’s neck.

“It’s,” the Omega bit his lip while he thought, his blue eyes wavering over whatever it was he
wanted to say. He took a breath while Jason waited, “Bruce thinks I might be getting a heat
and that was what you sensed that day.”

A heat?

“I…” Jason stuttered for a moment, looking down at the man to ask, “I mean, do you think
you are?”

Jason had shared a heat with Diamond. He knew what the Omega had smelled like before,
how he’d acted, and how the air had felt between them. Fiery, hot, and Jason had nearly lost
his mind in it all. The Alpha didn’t sense any of that right now with Dick.

He wanted to kiss Dick, wanted to have him down on all fours, sure, but Jason felt
completely in control.

Dick bit the side of his lip as he answered, “It’s been so long it’s hard to know, but I don’t
think so. He said my doctor told him they could come back, but that the chances were very
low,” the man fell off with a shrug.

Jason made an affirming huh with his throat. He’d looked up a few medications, but without
Dick’s medical records (that only Bruce and maybe the husband seemed to have access to) it
had been hard to find specifics. He’d found more information about what the pills did rather
than what getting off them would do.

“Either way, I want to get back to the Palace.”

Jason had been waiting for it to be brought up again (he was surprised it had taken the Omega
this many days after the meeting with Duke), but with the news Dick had just thrown at him,
it was making it even harder to put the man back out there.

Dick sensed his reluctance, “I don’t think I’m having a heat, Jason, Bruce does, but he could
be wrong. Either way, we have to do something. People in masks following Omegas, we have
to find out what’s going on.”

“Yeah,” Jason agreed, even if he wanted Dick as far away from it all as possible. But Dick
wanted to help, he felt he needed to. “Yeah, okay. But…”

“If I feel off in any way, I will stay home, no exceptions.”

Jason raised a brow.

“Bruce already gave me the rundown. I got it, I can do this.”

And there was a part of Jason that wished then he was the kind of Alpha who could tell Dick
no. Could lock the man away and shut down the idea that Dick was ever stepping foot in that
place again.

But Jason wasn’t and Dick had kept his word and the Alpha needed to keep his.


Pulling out his phone, he made a call to Roy, wondering if Dick knew that eye-twinkling
thing he was doing, like Jason was the only person on the planet and his entire world, could
probably be used as some kind of super weapon.
Chapter 46

Cobblepot didn’t look up from his desk for several moments, rubbing at his greasy combover
he took a drag from his cigar and ran his fingers over a diamond decorated shot glass.

“You’re all the same.”

Finally raising his black eyes, he smashed what was left of the nub in his mouth into an
ashtray, a thick smoke filling the air around him, “You cunts think you can take off whenever
you feel like it, and ol’ bleeding heart Oswald’s supposed to take you back, just like bloody
that?” He snarled as he took a long drink and slammed the glass down. “I lost money off you.
People came to see you and you were…”

“I had a heat.”

Probably a stupid time to speak, all things considered, but Dick had to know if it would work.
If Cobblepott was going to toss him out it was better to do it now than to have to listen
through a neverending tirade (complete with hurling objects) the Omega knew the man was
more than capable of.

“It was…unexpected and I wasn’t prepared for it.”

Copplepot leaned back slightly, sucking at his teeth in a way that showed his sharp canines,
his nose flared as he took in the words. Dick couldn’t tell if the idea repulsed or excited him,
but his eyes floated lower than the Omega’s stomach to between Dick’s thighs. Then slightly
up again.

“You’re not knocked up are you?”

It was hard not to laugh, even if it wasn’t the time or the place.

And it wasn’t exactly funny.

“No, we wanted to make sure, that’s why I took some extra time,” Dick hadn’t had to ‘make
sure’ in what felt like a lifetime, but… “and…no, I’m, I’m not.”

The man’s thin lips lifted, “Well, we’re not responsible for anything happening to you or an
unborn brat either way, that’s your bloody responsibility, but…” he toyed with the shot glass
as he considered the Omega, “you might be able to get back into my good graces.”

Dick didn’t realize he’d ever been in the man’s ‘good graces’, but wisely kept his mouth shut
on the matter.

Cobblepot pointed at him, his finger nearly a claw, “I’m tempted to make you beg, but I’ll
give you one last chance.” If only Dick didn't actually need the man’s mercy and to hold his
head in submission as he waited for the rest. “You’re going to give all these customers a show
and then some. I want every bloody Alpha in there satisfied? So bloody satisfied they can’t
bleeding see because their knots are making them blind. You are going to give them every
damn last of their pennies worth and nothing bloody less.”

Dick nodded, still keeping his eyes averted. He could feel Cobblepot’s satisfaction at his
humbled reaction and the short Alpha snorted as he began preparing another cigar to light.

“That’s bloody fucking right,” he mumbling gloated to himself.

Dick wasn’t sure why, but the moment the flame hit the tobacco paper, his stomach began to
turn. Maybe it was the smoke or perhaps some weird combination of the old and new smells
mixing together, but Dick knew he’d vomit if he stayed in here much longer.

Cobblepot snapped his gold lighter closed, gave one last disgusted growl then waved Dick
out of the room

“Now get the hell out of my sight,” the short man snarled.

The Omega had never been so happy to do anything in his entire life.


“I was getting a little worried, you know.”

The glass was placed into his hand and Jason raised a brow. The tone didn’t make it sound
like anything to be alarmed about, but back in this place, with the lights, the stupid, fucking
tacky decorating, and Omegas with their bodies on display like slabs of meat, it was possible
something was worth being concerned about, “Worried?”

The same blonde Omega from last time looked like he was holding in a pout, “You left in
such a rush and you seemed upset, I thought I’d never see you again.”

It was almost shocking how quickly he’d found Jason in the line of Alphas.

And yeah, Jason probably had acted more than a little upset at his exit last visit, but he took
the drink and gave the Omega a small, reassuring smile he thought the blonde might like,
“Well, I’m back.”

Jason's eyes had been moving around the room, but mostly they seemed stuck to the curtain
that had yet to rise, something the Omega appeared to notice, “But not for me.”

It wasn’t accusing or angry, just matter-of-fact, teasing even.

Before Jason could respond, Paris continued, brushing some hair behind his ear, “It’s okay,
I’m guessing you heard he’s back. I’m honestly glad he is too, our employer was like really
mad he left.”

“Employer?” Jason mused, stirring the drink slightly, “You mean that short, creepy guy with
the very punchable face?”

The blonde nodded, though he seemed to almost flinch before doing it.
“He’s never hit you, has he?”

Dick sighed softly as he moved the printout of Oswald Cobblepot on the table so it was in the
center of all three of them. It seemed like he didn’t want to answer.

“Has he?”

Roy didn’t look surprised that Jason would ask the question. Scratching at his overgrown
stubble, he concluded, after a moment of Dick saying nothing, “Of course, this asshole hits
Omegas, Jason, fucking look at him.”

Which was probably not as helpful as maybe the Alpha intended it to be.

But Jason hadn’t asked about any Omega, but Dick personally.

Blue eyes looked at him as Dick finally answered, “He hasn’t, but even if he had…”

“You can’t go busting his face up the moment we get in there,” Roy finished for him. “Fun as
that might be.”

Jason wouldn’t have used the word fun so much as satisfying, but he got the point. Even if he
didn’t like it.

He just really hoped Dick wasn’t lying or giving a half-truth, because…

Paris’s eyes moved just past where Jason was sitting, watching something that made him
frown. “Oh no.”

Jason assumed he meant the same ogre-looking son of a bitch from last time making his way
to the booth on Jason’s left.

The nasty Alpha shooed away the Omega that was offering to help him as he lumbered into
his seat. The action set Jason’s jaw to clench in anger.

“Roland?” Roy snorted as he pulled the paper closer, his eyes widening at the image of the
man, “Oh, come on, that can’t be this fucking guy's name.”

Roland Desmond actually, but neither name seemed to suit him.

Only one small misdemeanor was listed on the rap sheet, something (considering the man’s
behavior of viscously yelling, slamming things and overall acting like a mutant, selfish child),
Jason found very hard to believe.

Dick gave both a nod and a shrug. He was munching on a bag of sour gummy sharks Cat had
begged Jason to buy. Roy appeared like he wanted to try and nab a few but Dick was quite
frankly hogging them (intentionally or not).

“He was screaming last time about an angel. Any clue about that?”
“I um,” Dick swallowed, pausing a second before he admitted, “I may have made an
impression on him?”

Jesus Christ.

But it wasn’t Roland Paris's attention was pointed towards. He was looking to Jason’s right,
where a whole other set of problems was being escorted in.

“Roman Sionis.”

“The son of a bitch from the alley?”

Dick bit his lip.

Roy scoffed at Roman’s picture too, “What the hell? Is there an ugly mug contest going on at
that place, or what?”

Roman definitely seemed like a different animal altogether. Someone Jason really wished
he’d left as a smear on the brick wall that night he’d laid his hands on Dick.

“Bad news?” Jason asked as he watched the man walk in like some kind of royalty. Still
looking like he’d stolen his face from a corpse in a too-nice suit. Not pinstripe this time, but
black and white.

“He can be,” Paris admitted, keeping his voice quiet, almost close to a whisper. “I haven’t
seen him in a while though.”

It appeared that Roman was intent on taking the empty booth he was heading towards, until
at the very last second, he spotted Jason. The younger Alpha hoped for a sneer or some kind
of gesture from the other man, maybe an open threat that said he was watching Jason, but
instead, the asshole did something far worse.

He began heading for Jason’s table.


“Drink this.”

“Drink…” Dick took the glass filled with a murky-looking liquid with what he hoped wasn’t
a disgusted face, because…whatever it was…truly looked disgusting. “What is this?”

“It’ll help,” Ivy assured as she went to tend to the roses she’d been very miraculously
keeping alive. Oddly, Dick almost swore they looked healthier than ever despite being cut
and in vase for a few weeks.

“You’re green, Nighty,” Harley observed from over his shoulder, where she was resting her
chin. “And not in the sexy way Ivy is when she gets all dolled up.”

“I’m not…”
“You look awful,” Ivy cut in, somewhat forcefully, “But more than that you’re going to have
the Alpha’s worried about you if you go out there sick.”

Except Dick wasn’t sick, just green...apparently.

“We were worried too,” Harley pushed him slightly. She moved back so she could fold her
arms at him. “We didn’t think you were coming back.”

“Thought I was pulling a Diamond?” Dick asked with a small smile.

She shrugged, “Maybe, but since you were doing Mr. Nightwing for a few days I can’t say I
really blame ya.”

His heat story had stuck, it seemed.

Dick peered back into the glass, uncertainly.

“It’s my special blend, I promise it’ll help.”

Dick wanted to deny there was anything to help, but really if it in fact would help the souring
in his stomach…not to mention the last thing he needed was Alpha after Alpha trying to dote
on him...

Drinking the horrid-looking stuff, Dick could say it actually looked better than it tasted. He
wondered, as he watched Ivy smile as he choked it down, looking as if she were pleased
about something…

If maybe Dick should have worried about it being poisoned.


“So tell me,” Roman started, smoothing his jacket and looking all the world like Jason had
offered an invitation and he had every right to spread out on the opposite end of the round

“Are you the fox in my little hen house?” the man paused over the question with a smirk, “Or
is it just the one little birdie you’re after?”

He was goading him, being a complete fucker and Jason really wanted to smash every tooth
out his deformed skull of a face.

“Did it take you all day to think of that?” Jason asked with no humor whatsoever.

The man’s smile, more of a sneer really, fell just a fraction, “Well aren’t you just a snarky
little shit?” He snapped his fingers at Paris, who was busy looking between the floor and
Jason with surprise and didn’t catch it at first. “Are you both deaf and blind?!” the man’s
voice rose to a near roar.

The poor Omega stuttered and Jason almost expected Roman to grab him like he’d done
Dick, but the rage seemed to pass as fast as it had come when Paris bowed his head and gave
an apology.

The Omega seemed to know what Roman wanted without the Alpha having to say more and
Paris quickly took off.

“It’s so hard to find good help these days.” Roman sighed as he straightened a sleeve out, his
cufflink shimmering in the dim lighting as he turned to Jason again, “And what about you,
hm?” his black eyes looked Jason up and down, almost a bit too long.

“See something you like?” Jason asked as he swirled his drink because Jesus, this guy was

Roman’s eyes narrowed slightly, “You think I don’t know what you’re doing?”

Jason’s brow rose, coolly, “And what am I doing?”

“Being a fool for one,” The other Alpha sighed a false and dramatic sigh. “But a pretty face
does tend to make fools of us all, doesn’t it? I assure you whatever it is you’re searching for,
you won’t find it.”

“But there is something to find?”

The bald man snorted, partly in amusement and partly in disgust, “There’s always something
to find, fox. But smarter men than you have tried and frankly…you reek of the station and
your piggy friends.”

Apparently this assface thought himself some kind of clever poet. Yet he seemed unstable in
a way that Jason thought he might strike an Omega just for the fun of it.

A psychopath with too much money and a severe complex.

Paris returned with a drink and Roman snatched it before the young man had a chance to
properly hand it over. “Stand over there and be silent until you’re needed,” he hissed at the

Jason bit the inside of his mouth, realizing not smacking this guy (in public or not) was going
to be a hell of a lot harder than he thought.

(Maybe he didn’t sound much better than Roman, but fuck it)

“How is our little Helen of Troy by the way?” the man continued with a snide sneer. “I
suppose you think you’re being noble, helping the poor lost little bird that bats his eyes at you
and cries over how unhappy he is,” Roman made an ugly sound as he took a sip from his
drink. “Like he isn’t a spoiled, ungrateful bitch running from Alpha to Alpha wanting the best
of all worlds.”

Jason wondered if he could smash the man with the glass in his hands without too much

Maybe he could time it with the beats of the godawful pulsing music.
(Not much better at all.)

“You’re going to be sorry and truthfully, I’ll be happy to see it,” The man leaned closer so he
could hiss, his eyes cold as ice, “Because no one puts their fucking hands on me and gets
away with it.”

Which was when Jason had had enough of Roman Sionis and his too ugly to look at fucking
face, “I swear to Christ, If you touch him…”

Roman laughed as he started to stand, motioning with his hand that Paris should offer the tray
for him to put his drink on. “You really are as dumb as you look.” He waved as he had done
the last time he got to walk away, just like he was doing now. “Good luck, fox.”

“You’re going to need it.”


Jason didn’t quite slam the sliding door off its tracking, but it was close.

Dick had kept up his end of the deal he’d promise Cobblepot, dancing and greeting many
Alphas afterward. Whatever Ivy had given him had felt nothing short of a miracle worker and
he’d given well over 100 percent (and then some) while Jason…

“You’re angry.”

Jason had looked like he wanted to tear up anything and everything in sight.

Jason was halfway through lighting a cigarette and stopped to stare at the Omega as Dick
followed him outside, “Really? How could you tell?”

But Dick bypassed the anger to frown at the idea of the man actually lighting it, “Do you
have to?”

“Do I have to what?” Jason asked before realizing what Dick meant and his eyes rolled, “Yes,
Dick, I have to.”

Toying with his lip, the shorter man sighed, “I’m just worried about you. And I want Cat to
have her daddy around for a long, long time.” Dick rubbed his arms in the cold of the night as
he took a few steps closer to the Alpha. “Those things are terrible for you.”

Not to mention the smell and the smoke…

Just like Cobblepot’s cigar, Dick felt his nausea slightly returning at the thought.

“After the night I’ve had…” Jason shook his head. “You can save the lecture, alright?”

But Dick wasn’t going to leave it at that. He had a feeling he knew why Jason was being so
testy, “You do realize they’re going to touch and look at me, right? Jason, we talked about…”
“I know,” Jason snapped. Looking away, his tone lowered and he grumbled again. “I fucking

Dick tried to get him to look at him instead of glaring at the stucco of the porch wall, “I love
you, we’ve established this, right?” He tried giving it some humor but Jason didn’t seem to
be having it.

“It’s not just that, it’s…” Jason finally looked at him again. “I think Roman already knows
what we’re trying to do.”

“Probably,” Dick agreed.

Jason continued to look frustrated at the Omega’s calmness so Dick explained, “Roman And
Oswald are the faces of the company, but they’re ultimately beneath someone else.”

“Who?” Jason asked.

“I don’t know,” Dick shook his head. “But I think he wears a mask.”

At the word mask, Jason massaged his forehead with a groan, like he was fighting off a
sudden headache, “Of course he does.”


Haley was rattling and scratching her one front paw against the glass to be let out and Dick
did so.

“I swear she won’t leave you alone,” Jason mumbled.

Dick now felt he was getting ridiculous. It was true that Haley had pretty much been his
shadow anytime he came over anymore, but… “You’re not going to get mad at her too, are

Jason gave him an exasperated look that turned into a frown as he seemed to notice
something about the puppy, or rather what she was holding, “What the hell? Where did she…
I hid that thing so she wouldn’t mess with it. How the hell did she find it?”

“Hid?” Dick looked behind and around as the puppy was doing a circle around him holding
some kind of stuffed toy. Leaning down so he could see what she was obviously trying to
show him, Dick addressed her, “Aw baby, let’s see. What did Daddy hide from…”

The shape was obvious the moment her mouth let go of it so Dick could take it from her.

But not just the shape.

The slightly dulled color, the missing sequins, the frayed strings that had only gotten worse
with time…

Dick knew instantly without a single doubt what he was holding.

“Dick, are you…” Jason’s voice sounded far away and Dick didn’t know if he was shocked,
scared or a combination of both, but he suddenly felt lightheaded and faint.

A hand steadied him, though it felt lightyears away, “Jesus, what’s wrong?”

“Why?” Dick asked hoarsely as he looked over the elephant. “Zitka.” The one thing he’d
regretted not taking with him when he’d left Slade…

His eyes looked up and his voice pleaded, not knowing what else to ask but, “Why do you
have her?”
Chapter 47
Chapter Notes

Reuploaded so the formatting should be fixed now

“A stuffed animal?”

Dick jumped on the bed to swipe up said animal before Slade had a chance to do much more
than look at it. The large man gave a confused blink at the Omega’s reaction, but Dick was
standing by his action. “Don’t make fun of me,” he huffed into the faded elephant's trunk.

“I just didn’t realize I was going to be sharing my bed with…” Slade almost didn’t seem to
know what to call it. He didn’t look upset, more humored than anything.

And yeah Dick was over 20 years old, legs crossed and hunched over a toy he was clutching
to his chest like a child…

So what?

“She means a lot to me,” Dick pouted.

Slade leaned down, observing Dick’s face for a moment, his eye an intense yet still beautiful
shade of steel. Pushing Dick’s face up so he could kiss the Omega, the man murmured in
reply, “Of course she does.”

But there was a hidden meaning, even in the softness of the words.

But not more than me.

A warning that Dick’s past, his life with Bruce, even the time before, when he’d gotten the
animal from his mother…something he’d named after his best friend and could always have
with him…

Nothing was allowed to mean more to Dick than his Alpha.

And for a long time…nothing did.

Dick took a breath.

“Nothing and no one will ever mean as much to me as you do.”



Jason's voice was loud and frantic enough to snap Dick to look at him. He’d obviously been
saying the Omega’s name and trying to get his attention more than once.

“You…” Dick seemed only able to repeat…his heart thumping wildly, “Why?”

When had Dick slid down the wall? Why was he on the concrete floor, clutching the animal
once again as he’d done all those years ago? Haley was whining in worry as she pawed at
him, and Jason, the Alpha was…

Openly concerned. Furiously concerned even. Not fury at Dick (at least he didn’t feel any)
but fury all the same. He was crouched, hands suddenly attached to Dick’s arm like a lifeline,
like he never wanted to let go.

“I don’t know, Dick.” And the man couldn’t look more irate about this fact if he tried. “I
thought it was Terra, but I have no fucking clue. It was on my desk at the station one day. It
was just…fucking there.”

The station?

Jason ground his mouth and started to stand, “But, I’m done with this bullshit, I’m going to
her apartment and getting some fucking answers.”

Dick’s heart continued to pound.


But that didn’t feel right.

She couldn’t have gotten this on her own.


It had to be a trap.

But no, Slade…

Slade had let him leave.

“I won’t stop you.”

Slade had let Dick’s body be ruined.

Calloused hands up and down his spine, running like ice down Dick’s back.

Slade, Dick’s husband, the man he’d loved, the man he’d trusted, had let Dick’s mind nearly

Another prescription, another doctor visit, another tired sigh.

No, Slade was done with him.


Dick pulled on Jason’s arm to stop the Alpha, causing the taller man to look back at him.

“Wintergreen, he…” The Omega tried to moisten his dry mouth as every word came out,
nearly breathless from the effort it took. “It had to be him.”

Maybe he was hiding somewhere, maybe he was…torturing Dick from afar. Reminding Dick
of his and Slade’s combined scents, reminding him whose bed the animal was supposed to be

Where Dick himself was ‘supposed’ to be.


Near or far, using Terra to do it, neither answer mattered in the long run because he was
taunting Dick all the same.

“Winter who?”

“He always brings me back.”

Dick’s stomach rolled at the idea.

Something seemed to snap into place for Jason, “Wait, you mean…the fucker on the phone?
The Beta?”

Maybe Terra was some sort of beginning for answers but…Dick felt tired and weak. Like his
body was struggling to keep up with his breathing. Like he was entering a black tunnel and
the light around was getting smaller and smaller. Like he was chewing on cotton.

He needed Jason here with him and he needed the Alpha to know that.

“Jason…I…” he managed to get out. “I’m not…”

Jason stalled any attempts to leave and go find Terra. His nose flared slightly and there was a
primal look in the green eyes that shone in the porch light before the Alpha was back on the
ground with Dick, touching the Omega’s face, grasping it in alarm.

“Fuck, Dickie, what? What is it? What’s wrong?”

Dick didn’t even have the strength to hold Zitka anymore, the animal falling to the side,
alongside his arms, (which felt too heavy), but he did try to smile because smiling might take
away Jason’s frantic frown.

“Am I green?”
Or at least that’s what Dick wanted to ask. Wanted to joke and maybe help himself get past
the reality that his body felt like it was shutting down while his pulse was pounding in his
ears, his heart moving way too fast.

Truthfully, he had no clue what the words actually came out as.

Dick only knew that Jason was cursing and suddenly he was being lifted.

And that something felt very, very wrong.


“Holy Fuck!”

Roy nearly dropped the leftover container filled with pasta he’d taken from Jason’s fridge.
Surprised didn’t even begin to describe his reaction at seeing Jason rush in through the back
door holding Dick.

Jason had never done well in hospitals. Well, not when he was with the person who needed
one anyway. With the beeping, the echoing sounds, the long stretch of hallways, his mind
tended to recall the long days with Catherine as he’d watched her waste away in one. Young
and helpless and losing the only person he’d ever been able to call a mother.

The only person that had been any kind of love or stability in his life…

But this…this wasn’t going to be that.

Thank Christ, Roy was still there. And thank the fucking even bigger Christ, that Cat was in
her room, asleep. The last thing he wanted was for his daughter to see this. The girl worrying
or asking questions that Jason had no answer to.

Dick…wasn’t dying.

He couldn’t be.

He was conscious now which was something, mumbling about not needing a hospital, trying
to smile at him and it was pissing Jason off.

The Alpha couldn’t sit, pacing the room while Dick picked at his fingernails.

Jason loved this man too much not to be pissed that he was trying to pretend he wasn’t just on
the floor less than an hour ago, looking pale as a fucking ghost.

“You’re giving me a headache, please…I’m okay, Jay.”

It sounded sincere, but mostly tired and that was what made Jason stop and finally take the
chair next to the Omega.

“I’m sorry, I think,” Dick reached for his hand to maybe try and calm him a little. “I think I
might just be dehydrated or something.”

Jason nodded, his heart wanting to believe it was that simple, but also knowing ‘or
something’ was looking very much more likely.

Dick sighed, “They’re going to call Bruce.”

It was so quiet Jason barely heard it at first. Looking over at the man, Dick smiled softly. “He
owns all these hospitals and there’s a rule, one of his kids comes in,…they call him.”

As much as the idea annoyed Jason, having a name, the name of a fucking flavor of gum, but
still, a name to grill the older Alpha on…

A name that had pretty much put Dick into the state he was in.

And that elephant. Zitka, apparently…

There was a knock on the door before a man, an Alpha, a familiar Alpha, white coat and all,
entered the room.

“Well,” There was almost an amused smile on the man’s face as he greeted them, “we meet

Jesus, fucking Christ.

“What, are you the only doctor in the city or something?” Jason’s Gotham accent probably
made the question sound a bit more threatening than it should have been, but this guy rubbed
him the wrong way even more than he had last time.

Dr. Brian Tanner, or so his coat read.

“I’m the best Omega specialist in the city,” the man corrected. Looking at Dick as he took his
seat across from the man, he smiled as he began reading over Dick’s chart, “I knew I
recognized you. You really hurt me when you ditched our date, you know.”

Dick bit his lip, looking slightly sheepish, “I didn’t…”

“Hey no, it’s cool, I wasn’t the best back then, I know.” Flipping one page then another, more
focused on the papers than either of them, the man hummed at what he saw. “Settling down
with a husband and some kids kind of cooled me down a little.”

“That’s an amazing story, really,” Jason jumped in, completely deadpan and way passed
annoyed. “But we’re kind of…” He motioned to show the seriousness of what was

The other Alpha nodded in understanding. “Welp, your vitals actually look good,” He finally
looked up as he asked, “have you had any kind of major stress recently?” It was nice that he
was talking to and addressing Dick and not Jason (as the Alpha present), but…
(Cool it, Todd, he’s here to help. Arrogant ass, or not)

“A little,” Dick shrugged. Again trying to play off that he might not need to be here now that
he could sit up without the wall needing to support him.

Just like the last time at the Palace when he’d first looked ready to collapse and then seemed
to get better.

“Well, I think that’s your answer but, let’s take some blood, shall we? Most doctors do urine
but blood is pretty much definitive.”

Dick nodded.

“It’s a Beta nurse, don’t worry,” Dr. Tanner assured Jason as he started to rise, looking like he
wanted to pat Dick’s shoulder, or give him some kind of comforting touch, but ultimately
thinking better of it. “I’ll look over the results after we get them, but I’m pretty sure.
Shouldn’t take long. I’ll send her in to get everything ready, okay? Just, relax and take a few
breaths in the meantime.”


This prick really thought he had all the answers just like that?

Dick gave a squeeze to his hand and Jason let his hackles down somewhat. He wasn’t a
doctor (he had to remind himself) and this was about Dick, the person he loved, this was
about his health, not Jason’s need to get this Alpha out of their space.

“Sorry,” he mumbled to Dick after the man was gone.

Dick just smiled, “Would you believe me if I said I already feel better and think I cured

Jason didn’t reply, simply giving him a look that said you know I fucking wouldn’t .

Dick bit his cheek and nodded, “Thought not.” Looking down at their intertwined hands
while Jason stared at a picture on the wall he’d just now noticed, the Omega seemed curious
about his sudden interest.

“What is it?”

Brian Tanner looked much different out of his doctor's coat and with a more casual attire, his
husband at his side and indeed three children (as the man had claimed he had) but it wasn’t
the family portrait, it wasn’t the wall of diplomas that filled the otherwise white wall up, all
printed with the Doctor’s name, it wasn’t any of that Jason found interesting.

It was the decor in the snapshot, the hanging banner in the back.


Wintergreen, Winterfest...there was a whole lot of winter shit going on all of a sudden.
Dick made a sound of questioning, before realizing what he meant, “Oh, that. Yeah, it’s a
winter festival in Gotham every year. You’ve never been?”

Jason shook his head.

“It’s a blast. There’s light shows and food and a skating rink, lots of rides for kids, they have
it every December,” Dick looked thoughtful and there was a shine in his eyes Jason was glad
to see return. “I bet Cat would love it.”

A light chuckle, “You’re really determined to get me in a pair of skates, aren’t you?”

Never mind that Jason couldn’t skate to save his life.

“Oh absolutely,” Dick laughed. “Bruce and I used to go every year, before…” The light was
lost a little and the unsaid words fell off.

Before he’d presented.

“I always loved it.”

Jason had a feeling those words were going to do him in and with Cat’s desire to learn to ice
skate, he’d be going to the damn thing.

Assuming Dick wasn’t dying and it was just stress as Dr. Tanner seemed to think.

The Alpha was also determined that fucking Wintergreen who the fuck ever was going to
regret the day he’d ever been born.

But one thing at a time and Dick definitely came first.

“Is the banner always the same?”

Dick’s brow furrowed at what probably seemed like an odd question, “I think so, why?”

Before Jason could reply about Slade’s picture and the banner he remembered clearly in the
back of the odd, creepy photo, there was another knock on the door and the nurse entered to
take Dick’s blood.


“Right again,” Brian looked pleased as could be as he returned to the room. “You know I
have a pretty much perfect record at this.”

Dick wished he could share the man’s enthusiasm at whatever had made him so happy, but
Jason seemed on the verge of possibly punching Brian in the face as the doctor once again
pulled up his stool to sit on.

There was a near growl as the younger Alpha demanded, “What the hell does that…”
“I suppose I can’t blame you for not noticing,” Brian cut him off. “Probably would have been
a week or two before it became obvious.”

At both their confused looks the man himself seemed to become a little lost, “I’m…haven’t
you done this before? You do have a daughter, don’t you?”

Jason immediately grew quiet, his back snapping up and straightening like he’d realized or
caught onto something at the question.

Dick didn’t know if this was an Alpha thing they were sharing, or what was going on. He
only knew he felt left out of whatever was happening. All while it was his health that was
frustratingly in question.

“I’m…I’m sorry?”

“Oh, right,” Brian said, still looking smug, but also somewhat apologetic now. “I suppose it’s
preferable to say congratulations, I know my husband always likes that.”

Jason didn’t reply, still locked up like a statue, but Dick, despite wishing Jason would at least
join in on questioning the man too, was still completely confused.

“We can take a look to see how far along you are and if you’d like I can stay on as your
OBGYN. As I said, best in the city.”

Dick’s world grew smaller as it finally made sense.

Even if it absolutely didn’t.

Because it ultimately…couldn’t.

Far along?


Dick had heard those words before, had heard them many times, in fact. He’d never heard
them spoken to himself however and right now they didn’t feel like they belonged.

Because again, they couldn’t.

“Why is it negative?”

No matter what they did or tried it just always…was.

Not wanting to say the man was lying, but Dr. Brian Tanner needed to relook over what he
was bragging about.

“I don’t have heats,” Dick said, trying not to sound cold but the words had to be said. The
man had to redo the test, he could redo everything in Dick’s chart if he had to. The Omega
would give all the blood he needed if he’d just redo it and find something else. “I’m not able
to…I can’t get…” Dick couldn’t say it, hissing between his teeth, his body shaking slightly,
his hand grasping the chair beneath him, his words falling to a near whisper, “You’re wrong.”

Whatever response Brian had expected or was looking for, Dick’s flat-out denial clearly
wasn’t it, “I take it this wasn’t planned?”

Dick shook his head. “There’s nothing to plan, I’m…it’s something else. Please,” He was
starting to feel his blood rushing again in a panic. “It’s something else, don’t…” his voice
finally broke and his eyes stung with pain as he begged, “Please don’t do this to me.”

Brian appeared dumfounded, but not unsympathetic to Dick’s obvious distress, “Okay, okay,
just take a few breaths. We need to keep your stress down, okay?.”

Dick didn’t need any breaths, he needed an answer.

A real one.

“Can you…” Jason’s voice was soft, yet firm as he finally broke from his stony silence,
surprising them both. “Can you give us a moment?”

Brian observed them both one last time before beginning his exit. Lifting himself up so he
could leave them to discuss it he agreed, “Right, Of course. Take all the time you need”

As soon as the door closed behind him, Dick was off his chair, his legs moving on their own,
“We need another doctor.”


But Dick shook his head, ready to get his things and leave, just wanting to get the hell out of
here, “No, Jason, he’s wrong. He’s…”

Jason’s voice grew firmer as he also rose, “Dick.”

The tears that had been threatening and stinging his eyes finally fell and Dick just wanted to
escape this room, just wanted to escape that look in Jason’s eyes. The hope that had settled
there, the hope that Dick knew he couldn’t provide. “No, it’s not, it can’t be…it can’t…”

Arms wrapped around him and Jason’s voice, his question rumbled and shook Dick’s entire
body, “And what if it is?”

Everything stopped.


Pulling back to grab the man’s face, wiping the tears away with his thumbs, Jason again
asked, softer, more gentle, almost begging for an answer, “What if he’s right? What if it’s

“I…” Dick's eyes flickered to Jason’s as his mind tried to answer the question his broken
heart was trying to avoid. “I don’t…” but Jason’s continued gaze stopped him.
Dick could feel something dropping away. Jason’s confidence, his strong arms, his ability to
think straighter than Dick was right now…letting out a light sob, Dick considered the idea,
feeling himself start to smile, start to…

“Oh my god,” he gasped as it sank in, settling there and staying. Staying and not being
shaken away by his denial. Dick’s smile continued to grow “Oh my god, Jason…oh my…”

“Yeah,” Jason brushed his cheek, his mouth pulling up into a smile. “Lucky for you I make
the world's most adorable babies, so…be ready for all the compliments.”

The Alpha kissed him before Dick could reply.

Chapter 48
Chapter Notes

The orginal chapter since I know some people wanted to read it.

And thank you for the kind comments, they helped me feel a lot better


Cat’s voice on the other end of Jason’s phone was a slight bit of a shock. She was not only
awake now, but somehow the girl had either found Roy’s phone or the Alpha had let her
answer it. Which…


Tit pics, graphic messages, Christ knew what else the girl (or anyone really) didn’t need to
see. Jesus Christ, Jason hoped Roy actually had just handed it over to her and she hadn’t just
found it.

Jason moved further down the room so he was mostly out in the hall and could talk
somewhat louder.

“Kit, where’s…”

Cat interrupted with a huff. “Uncle Roy said you were getting a baby.”

It sounded almost accusatory. Like they’d gone and gotten said baby without her. In the dead
of night…on a whim.

And Cat was very upset she’d been left behind.

Jason looked back to see Dick continuing to talk with the nurse over something Jason himself
had tuned out of long before he'd decided to call Roy after texting that everything was okay.
The Omega really did have the ability to start a conversation with almost anyone and talk
bullshit in a way that almost seemed like it wasn't bullshit, but that Dick actually cared.

Jason didn’t care about the bullshit, though, he only cared about Dick.

Dick with his earnest smile. Dick who was…

…getting a baby…
“He…” Jason gaped slightly at the words now spinning around in his head. But, how in the
hell could Roy have possibly known? “What?”

The other end of the line shuttered and shuffled as if the phone were being moved around
until there was a beep and Roy’s familiar voice echoed, indicating he’d put his cell on

“What I said,” The Alpha was chewing on something and there was a bowl clink. “Was that
you two were at the hospital, but Catgirl here,” Cat made a noise like Roy might have poked
her, “seems to think Hospitals are only for getting babies,” his tone turned amused as if he
were teasing the girl, “She said you can even get two sometimes.”

“You can,” Cat insisted.

“Hey, I’ve tried to tell her there are other things a Hospital is for, but she’s as bull-headed as
you are,” Roy continued to Jason before his voice turned more serious. “How is he though, is
everything really okay?”

Jason bit his cheek as he noticed Dr. Tanner heading down the hall to go shake the hand of
someone Jason couldn’t quite see past the corner, but had a feeling he knew. (If the familiar
rich guy scent wafting in the air meant anything).

“I can never decide if this is more uncomfortable for the fathers or the mothers.”

Dr. Tanner was still annoying and Jason was sure his hands were taking a bit too long to
move from Dick’s bare stomach as he applied some gel for what he’d called a ‘dating scan’.
The joke was a jab at Jason’s open hostility no doubt scenting the room, but the younger
Alpha found no humor in the man taking his sweet ass time touching what wasn’t his.

It seemed like someone else should be doing this anyway. Didn’t he have other patients to see,
or did the good old doctor just want to get handsy with the one Omega who had rejected him
by his being a smarmy asshole?

(Supposedly moving on with a happy family, or not.)

“I’m not the one with goo slapped all over my stomach,” Jason (almost) didn’t snap.

Dr. Tanner continued his arrogant smile with a shrug but finally got to work looking for their

He hummed, “Well they’re sitting where they should be and there’s no growths outside the
uterus which is good,” It seemed like he was going down a checklist as he moved the wand
and the results appeared on a small screen beside them. Something Jason preferred to his
lousy small talk and bad jokes, and seeing the growing relief on Dick’s face every time he
didn’t find something awful, made Jason’s dislike for the man seem less and less important.
“There’s the presence of a heartbeat and the sac is holding it nicely. In fact…” Dr. Tanner
finally pulled the small machine off, concluding, “I’d say, all in all, you have one happy little
fetus in there.”
Dick blinked, “I…really?”

“Yep, you’ve got the beginnings of a healthy baby growing. So again, congratulations.”


Jason wished Dick didn’t sound so shocked and almost like he didn’t know what to ask. That
he still didn’t look so unsure, glancing at the snapshot on the screen like he was waiting for
something to jump out at him or for someone to proclaim it was all a prank. But the Omega
steadily breathed and seemed to be calm as he was motioned to sit up. Before Dr. Tanner
could try to clean off the crap on his stomach, however…

“He can do that,” Jason firmly assured.

The Alpha had done what he needed to and any extra touching at this point was clearly going
to be just that.

The man held up his hands in retreat as he passed the wipe over, adding (as he started
heading for the door) that he’d be back in a few minutes.

Dick absently cleaned himself off while most of his attention was still on the screen.

Jason was slightly worried he was falling back into denial, or worse, going to start panicking
again. “Dick, are you…”

“I've had these,” Dick swallowed, his voice quiet as he pulled his shirt back down. “I’ve had
ultrasounds so many times and there’s, there’s never been…” His brow pinched slightly as he
briefly touched the screen, “there’s something there…” His eyes flew to Jason as if begging
for an answer, “it’s actually there, right?”

Jesus fucking Christ was Jason going to break every bone of the man who had done this to
Dick. The bastard who had made this beautiful man so sure he was broken and unable to do

“Yeah, Dickie, it’s there.”

Which made Jason briefly wonder if Diamond had done this. If he’d seen Cat inside him and
watched her grow with any kind of wonder. If the man had even cared…

Or if he’d hated her instead.

Dick grabbed his hand and it almost felt like comfort for the idea, even if Jason knew he
wasn’t as aware of Jason’s feelings as the Alpha was of his.

Even if their bond might forever be one-sided.

“I can…I can do this.”

Jason smirked, leaning down to kiss the man and nip at his lip, the Alpha all but growled in
pleasure at his determination, but also to remind, “We can do this.”
“Everything seems to be going well. We’ve got til around,” Jason took the weeks and
converted them going with the estimated month instead, “May.”

“May? For what? Does he need surgery or another test, or something?”

“For the baby, Uncle Roy,” Cat said in an almost exasperated way.

Roy grumbled a sort of frustrated laugh, “Catgirl, it’s not…”

“Actually,” (Jason hated being an ‘actually’ guy, but really, was there a better time for it than
that moment?) He let the word hang for a few seconds then finished. “Yeah, he’s…we are
getting a baby.”

“I told you,” Cat proudly stated.

“Are you shitting…he’s pregnant?” Jason’s mouth lifted at hearing the word. “Were you
planning…” the man was tumbling over his words, “you had a heat together? When?”

Which was still the question of the day. One even Dr. Know it All didn’t seem to have an
answer to.

“Well, I suppose there’s a first time for everything. I guess you’re my first non-heat

Like it was something he was adding to his walls alongside his other plaques of notable

And speaking of Dr. Tanner…who might be better known as Dr. Brown Noser…

“They’re going to call Bruce.”

No wonder he’d gotten the blessing to officially date Dick because if the man could get any
further up Bruce Wayne's ass, he’d probably be coming out the other fucking end. The Alpha
seemed almost starstruck by the Billionaire as Bruce started walking towards the room (in a
way that said he did, in fact, own the place) so Jason could see him. Purposefully so he could
see him, no doubt.

“We’ll be home soon, I’ll explain it all then, okay?”

Roy was still shooting off questions when he hung up. Unfortunately, Jason had a pretty big
obstacle to deal with and needed his full wits about him.

An obstacle with neatly coiffed hair that didn’t dare to move an inch out of place even as the
man removed his glasses. Because, of course, Bruce Wayne wore sunglasses inside, in the
dead of night, to take off dramatically like some kind of movie star trying to disguise

Like that didn’t make him look more suspicious.

Jason wasn’t sure if his snort was loud enough to be audible, but it looked like the other
Alpha had zeroed in on him regardless.

Turning in the doorway so Dick would see him, giving a finger to show he’d be back in a
minute, to which the other man nodded, Jason met Bruce halfway (because he wanted Dick
out of earshot if the man was going to be an asshole), “I hope this a congratulatory visit.”

It was mostly (if not fully) a warning. Because there was no way in hell Bruce didn’t already
know about Dick’s condition (with Dr. Asskisser no doubt all but bragging about what a great
job he’d done).

Bruce didn’t respond, instead heading for the room closest to them, heading in a way that
said he both already knew it was empty and that Jason should follow.

“Thank you, Brian,” the man said as the door slammed closed on the Doctor. Seeing the look
on “Brian’s’ face as he was shut out from their conversation was about the only positive thing
Jason found in now being alone with Bruce…for yet the third time. The room did seem
different to the others, with no actual medical equipment and Bruce flicked on the lights
before walking over to a desk.

Jason walked after him to see what he was looking at. A monitor screen lit up with the push
of a button. There were several monitors, in fact.

“You have a spy room?”

Color him not as surprised as he should be.

But Jason had to wonder, as Dick and the nurse could now be seen on the screen, if Bruce
only had a camera in that specific room, or…

“I can’t believe you wanted that asshat as his Alpha.”

Bruce’s mouth tightened but he still didn’t respond.

Jason could ask if he’d been watching them, but he had a feeling he already knew the answer.
Probably on his phone even, or some other mobile device.

The question that came out instead was, “Did you know?”

Bruce finally regarded him, though his eyes weren’t filled with any kind of warmth, “I had a
few theories, but for obvious reasons, I put this one a bit lower,” the man looked back at the
screen, “I hoped I was wrong.”

A small sliver of red filled Jason’s vision as the words took a moment to settle.

Hoped he was…


Everything went from zero to a hundred.

Jason’s blood warmed with the speed of a ticking time bomb and boy howdy, was Bruce
going to miss his fancy equipment and expensively maintained face in about two seconds.

Bruce might have exuded power, but Jason wasn’t concerned about his ability to put the man
through the goddamn wall. Because this…this was Jason’s…Jason’s and Dick’s child and
Dick, Dick was…Jason grabbed Bruce’s shirtfront, “You better never,” Jason’s teeth
practically rattled in anger and he spat, “fucking ever say that shit in front of him.”

Jason knew he was emotionally charged from the day he’d had, all the ups and downs
weighing on his mind, and Bruce had just picked the wrong fucking thing to say.

The older man didn’t give any inclination he intended to fight. His stare was level, but Jason
swore he saw some kind of remorse in the dark blue of his eyes.

Remorse, anger (from his Alpha being challenged, no doubt) but also…something else.

Releasing the man and taking a step back, Jason observed, his fury dissipating as he grew
somewhat confused, “You’re worried.”

Jason might have been learning to read Bruce better, but the younger Alpha had a feeling it
was painted quite obviously over the other man’s countenance. Something Jason didn’t know
was possible.

Bruce’s gaze was back on the screen, back on Dick, his voice quiet, “How is he?”

“You were watching, you tell me.”

Bruce exhaled, appearing tired as he gave Jason a look. He hadn’t bothered to straighten his
shirt yet and despite his flashy entrance earlier, he now looked somewhat haggard, making
Jason realize he really was preoccupied by something serious.

Jason relented, “I think he’s in shock but…happy overall. I’m sure it’s a lot to take in but, I
think he’s accepting it.” Jason would watch over Dick and make sure he was fine. “He’ll need
to stay with me, though.”

Bruce couldn’t have shaken his head faster if he tried, “No.”

Jason sucked through his teeth, expecting the answer but still annoyed by it. The man had his
baby, brat boy Damian so he knew how this went. “He…both of them will need me.”

It was the healthiest, safest way. “Even Doctor Assface said…”

“I know,” Bruce replied, just as quickly as before. “But Dick won’t be leaving the manor.”

Jason felt his irritation growing again. Because Bruce was worried about something and
Jason had a feeling he knew what it was. And since he wasn’t going to willingly share… “It’s
the husband, isn’t it?”

The more Jason had thought about it, the more…none of it made any fucking sense. Who
would willingly let an Omega like Dick just…go? Especially after he’d been perfectly put in
the state the Alpha had seemed to want.

Barren and sick. Docile and pliable to be whatever the man wanted him to be.

Dick Grayson was someone Jason knew he couldn’t even think of letting go of. Which
brought the question again, what kind of Alpha would?

Bruce’s nonresponse was a response in itself.

“Dick said he doesn’t love him anymore.”

It almost seemed like Dick felt the Alpha never had.

“Dick,” Bruce took what looked like a pained breath, “Dick has no idea the obsession that…”
It seemed like he didn’t even want to use the word, “ man has with him.”

“I can protect him, Bruce.”

“I know you believe that.” Bruce's tone wasn’t unkind even if his words were rather blunt,
“But he’s not the only one I’m worried about.”

Jason was sure he couldn’t possibly have meant him, and yet, “What are you…” He stopped.

Dick seemed like he was starting to get ansty on the monitor, looking out the door almost
worriedly that he couldn’t see Jason anywhere in the hallway. He must have been gone longer
than what the Omega was expecting. Bruce appeared to realize it too, concluding, while
knowing they needed to get back to Dick, “There’s only one option for now.”

Whatever Bruce was going to say next, Jason knew…he wasn’t going to like it.


“Six is the most I've ever seen at one time.”

Dick felt his stomach tighten at the very thought, “Six babies?” He was sure the woman had
to be kidding. “At one time?”

The nurse, Katrina, nodded with a giggle, “Poor thing couldn’t even walk, but don’t worry,
hon,” she patted his shoulder in reassurance, “Doc says you’ve only got the one so…” her
eyes flew to the doorway and she let out a sound of surprise, Oh.”

Her surprise was Dick’s relief as Jason entered the room, followed closely by Bruce.

“You’re,” the woman was blushing slightly at the older of the two Alpha’s. “Why you’re
even more handsome than in the magazines.”

Jason rolled his eyes and ducked out of the way so Katrina could gush over Bruce, who took
her repeated compliments in stride.

The way only Bruce Wayne could.

“I think I’m gonna vomit,” Jason mumbled as he joined him, taking the hand Dick offered

“What happened? Is everything okay?”

Jason’s mouth ticked to the side,” Did you know he has a spy room?”

Dick blinked. “What?”

But the Alpha just shook his head.

“Is he…”

“An asshole?” Jason asked while Dick bumped his shoulder to stop.

“He’s…” the other man squinted as if trying to think of an appropriate response, just as his
phone started ringing. He quickly answered after he saw who the number was, “We’re
leaving right now, it’s…” Jason paused over whatever the other person was saying. “Who
is?” His eyes flicked over to Bruce as he listened some more, his mouth thinning and brow
furrowing. “Fucking…yeah, no, no it’s fine, you can let him.”

Jason hung up with a sigh, “Son of a bitch.”

“What’s going on?”

“That was Roy. Apparently, Bruce Wayne’s butler is at my apartment.”

“Al?” Dick asked, unsure what was going on. “Why?”

“To pick things up, I guess. Namely Cat and Haley.”

“Pick them up?” Dick echoed, wishing he understood what Jason meant. “For what? To bring
them here?”

But that made no sense.

“Christ, I wish,” Jason said as he rubbed his thumb against his forehead.

“Jason’s what’s…”

Jason continued to appear agitated as he cut him off, “It’s his plan, not mine.”

“Plan? What plan?”

“The plan that involves us being together,” Jason didn’t look particularly happy about this
though. “Under his fucking roof.”

“His…” Dick’s brow wrinkled at what he was implying, “The manor?”

Jason rolled his eyes again…

…but nodded.
Chapter 49

Jason was pretty sure he might be starting to downright despise Wayne Manor.

“Jason, you don’t have to…Bruce said you could have the other room.”

A repeated point Dick had said more than once that did nothing to stop Jason’s determination
as he tossed another pair of sweats to the side.

It was nearing one in the morning, he was tired as shit, and everything, fucking everywhere
Jason turned, everything reeked of Bruce fucking Wayne.

One weird sock, another, Jesus Christ, who had this many hideous, mismatching socks?
Tossing them into a pile he planned to organize in a few minutes (after he found them all),
Jason informed, “I really don’t care what Bruce said.”

“Okay,” the Omega behind him ventured, a hand suddenly on Jason’s shoulder, “But maybe
you could calm down a little then?” Dick’s mouth ticked in an almost smile that looked more
like a wince. “So my entire closet doesn’t fall on us both?”

Heaving a sigh, Jason didn’t disagree that it was a possibility with the strength he was using
that he might end up tearing it all down.

His hands just wanted to do something, fix something, be more in control of something, and
at that moment the only ‘something’ he felt he had any authority over was the state of Dick’s
closet and trying to cohabitate their belongings together.

And yet…

“Why the fuck am I organizing a closet at one in the morning?”

Half naked at that.

“I don’t know, but…maybe you could stop?” Dick’s hopeful smile was enough to make Jason
groan. Leaving the closet, the Alpha sat on the bed before falling on his back deciding that he
indeed did need to stop.

Jason could all but hear Dick biting his lip, “If you’d rather have your own space, you don’t
have to stay in my room.”

“I already have my own space,” Jason grumbled. A space he very much liked and had spent
years setting up how he wanted. “I wanted you to come live with me. Not…” he lifted an arm
and let it fall back down pointedly.


“No,” Jason growled, pushing himself up so the man could see his face, “No sorry, not from
you. This is bullshit and you won’t take the blame for his…”
Jason, again, stopped. He stopped because what in the everloving fuck was he doing, this
man, this beautiful man was standing before him and…

The look of uncertainty on Dick’s face, the almost sadness there…

Jason was causing that.

“Christ, I’m…”

Jason was having a kid, he didn’t need to start acting like one too.

Dick was having his kid and the Omega was feeling…


No, not under Jason’s watch.

“Dick, I’m…”

Lowering himself onto the bed, Dick scented against the man’s neck, making Jason feel
infinitely more sleepy than he had a moment ago. Pulling them both down with his weight as
he nestled into Jason’s side, the Omega murmured, “No. No sorries.”

Jason mumbled in agreement, realizing that this, feeling this, being with this was worth the
bullshit of Bruce Wayne times a hundred. Because Dick smelled amazing and right now even
Bruce’s scent couldn’t change that.

Hands in the man’s dark, silky locks, Jason nudged, “How are you feeling?”

Dick resettled himself to rest his head on the Alpha’s shoulder with a hum, “You know if
you’re going to ask me that every hour for the next several months…I’m going to go insane.”

It sounded pleasant enough but was definitely a threat.

Green eyes rolled, “I’ve only asked…”

“You’ve asked several times since we got here, Jason. Not to mention all the times at the

And Jason wasn’t apologizing for that, even if Dick was keeping track, “Just humor me for
one last time tonight, huh?”

Dick blew out a breath but Jason could feel his smile, “I’ll let you know if it’s bad, okay? But
there’s a possibility I may not get any symptoms at all.”

“Well there will be at least one symptom,” Jason corrected. A pretty physical, obvious one,
that even if Dick masked his scent, would eventually be big enough to give him away no
matter what he did.

There was a moment of silence before…

“I want to try to make it to the end of the school year.”

Jason blinked, not sure if his tired brain had really heard that or not, “Dick, the school year
ends in May.”

“Early May,” Dick corrected.

“Early May, late May…” Jason was sure the man had to be as exhausted as he was to say
such a thing like the distinction at all mattered. “Either way, you’ll be nine months by then.”

Dick traced some of Jason’s chest hair with a shrug, “I think they're some exercises I can do

“Dick, you can do yoga every day till the sun goes up and down, but there is no way in hell at
nine months you’ll…”

“I may carry small. No one may even notice.”

Jason’s eyebrows squished together. Male Omegas never carried small (at least not small
enough to be virtually undetectable). There was no way he was being…“Are you…”

“Screwing with you?” The man asked, his voice turning teasing. “Maybe a little.” He
admitted. “For being rude to my clothes.”

“Okay, okay,” Jason gave him. “Maybe I deserve that.”

Dick sighed, “I do want to try for at least another month or two though. It’s…it’s important to
me. I want to at least be able to say goodbye to the kids.”

Jason nodded at that. It felt like Bruce was going to be a deciding factor in that decision,

“Speaking of, I think I should go check on Cat.”

“Are there any ghosts here?”

It was a strangely out-of-left-field question and so far Cat hadn’t asked about or brought up
the baby, (which Jason had put off to her tiredness and confusion about everything going on).

The girl was holding onto Allie and Jason turned from putting some of her clothes on a large,
velvet chair for the morning. It was asked mostly into Dick’s pants as the girl was swaying
into the Omega, her green eyes looking both intrigued and also worried about what the
answer might be.

Which was of course a no, but there was usually only one reason she would ask such a
question. Not that the manor wasn’t creepy on its own, but…

“Kit, were you watching something scary with Lian?”

The girl gave not quite a nod, nor a head shake, seeming to want to stay more beside Dick,
where Jason couldn’t see her or her answer as easily.

Dick sat up and stretched, causing Jason to growl in disappointment at the loss of his

“There’s no ghosts, Dickie, she just watched something she shouldn’t have.”

And Cat, despite the question, had crawled into the bed and seemed…fine. Almost too fine,

“Well I don’t know for sure, Tim’s the ghost hunter, not me.” Which wasn’t the answer the
Alpha had been looking for and might have been another joke, but Jason was getting too
exhausted to tell anymore. “But I want to check in on her just in case. I know how scary this
place can be for a kid, especially at night.”

Dick’s scent moved farther away as he rose, which unfortunately meant Bruce’s unbearable
Alpha musk was threatening its miserable return. Pulling the pillow Dick had been using
closer to try and keep some of the smell all to himself, Jason grumbled an affirmative sound.

Going from raging in the closet to now barely able to keep his eyes open made Jason realize
he wasn’t the one meant to be having mood swings.

“I’ll come too.”

“No,” Dick moved the hand Jason had tried to reach out with back around the pillow. “You
need sleep.”

Jason frowned, pretty sure they had this backward, “No, you’re the one that needs…”

There was a gentle kiss on his forehead, “Just rest. I’ve got it, okay?”

Jason could feel his eyes growing heavy, but he had to say what was weighing on his mind
because screw Bruce, Jason needed Dick to know, “I’ll protect you, you know that, right?”

“Protect me from what? The ghost?” Dick jested.

But Jason wasn’t joking, not one bit. “No,” he corrected.

“From him.”


Dick didn’t blink, didn’t give one inkling that the words bothered him or even registered at
all, he instead said, still smiling, “I’ll be back.”

But Jason insisted, grabbing his arm so he couldn’t leave, “I’m serious, Dick.”

The facade fell slightly, and Dick replied, his tone more somber, “I know you are, it’s…he’s
gone, Jason.”
If that was true or not it didn’t feel right to argue the fact at that moment and get Dick worked
up in any way, but… “That shitbag Wintergreen, too. He’s never gonna touch or bother you
ever again. I mean it.”

Dick's eyes did seem to waver upon hearing that, his swallow looked heavy, but he nodded,
“Okay,” he said hoarsely.

Jason let his hand fall, lightening his tone and the mood somewhat by adding, “You’re
amazing, you know that?”

Dick’s smile returned, “I think you’re just sleep-talking again.”

Jason snorted into the pillow, not quite holding in a yawn, “I told you I don’t sleep talk.”

Dick was perfect and would only be growing more so in the coming months and closing his
eyes to the perfect man’s soft ‘I love you’...might have made the idea of living with Bruce
Wayne just a little less terrible.


Seeing Jason take his frustration out on Dick’s closet (while the Omega knew the Alpha
probably needed it) had sucked. At first, it felt like Jason didn’t want his stuff mixed with
Dick’s (which had sucked even more) but the Omega soon realized Jason was growing more
irritated by Dick’s suggestion to take the other room.

Jason instead worked harder to shove their things together, almost to insist they be melded,
but also wanted it done his way, causing the Alpha to look like he might short circuit at any

The man was clearly angered by the lack of control he felt in the situation and Dick honestly
couldn’t blame him. He himself still got annoyed at feeling like a prisoner sometimes, and
he’d had years to get used to it.

And Bruce, Bruce had scented almost everything to a near neurotic level, not helping matters
one bit.

Seeing Jason’s genuine remorse after though…and those words, those damn words.

“From Him.”

Dick needed the distraction of leaving the room and his thoughts as much as he could
genuinely feel…Cat wasn’t as alright as she seemed.

He was met with Haley the moment he opened his door. Motioning with a light whistle as he
softly closed the door behind him, they headed down the hall to the next room over. A very
familiar room that had been Dick’s when he’d first come here himself, once upon a time.

The door was wide open, the lights on, and Cat was sitting on the floor, all her stuffed
animals sitting around her. Haley trotted into the room first and Dick followed.
She looked a bit wide-eyed at seeing him, but he smiled at her to let her know it was okay
and she wasn’t in any kind of trouble.

He’d sought plenty of comfort from Zitka over the years so Dick more than understood the
importance of soft, stuffed friends.

“Having a party?”

“We can’t sleep.”

Dick nodded in understanding. Sitting on the floor across from her, he agreed, “Well, that
makes…” he quickly counted the animals, adding Cat, himself, and Haley, before concluding,
“Twelve of us.”

He spied an open book, a book that looked remarkably like…

Pulling it so he could get a better view, Dick asked, “Did Daddy get you a Fairy Tale book?”

Cat scooted closer to him, nodding excitedly, “I like the pictures.”

Dick skimmed through the pages. He studied a few of them and had to agree, they were
beautifully drawn. He also had to wonder if this might be another reason for the ghost
question though as some were also somewhat…macabre.

Returning the book to its original spot in front of Petey the Parrot, he asked, “Do you like the

Dick himself had enjoyed staying here (minus the first few months of grieving he’d no longer
be living with the Circus), he’d simply needed more space as he’d gotten older. With a
pointed ceiling and a large window seat, Dick could envision making the area something that
felt more personalized for her.

(Which Dick knew was putting a band-aid on the bigger problem of this not being ‘her’
home, but band-aids were all he felt he had right now.)

Cat looked around and came away with a slight shrug as she played with Allie’s tail, “I don’t
think Daddy does. I think he’s mad that we’re here.”

It never shocked Dick the insightfulness of children, but it still pulled at his heart slightly to
hear her sound so sad about it.

“Daddy has a lot on his mind,” Dick replied softly, brushing some of her hair back fondly.
“But he loves you and we all have to do this right now, even if we don’t want to.”

“For the baby.”

It wasn’t a question, the girl, in some small way, just knew. Even if not why, she knew Jason
and her had come here because of the baby.
Dick touched the soft fur of Moo Moo the cow, remembering how he’d thought it was a baby
blanket when he’d first felt it. Haley thumped her tail to remind him that she was there too
and he turned to scratch her ears as well. He prompted, after a moment, with some caution,
“Are you happy you’re going to be a big sister?”

Cat rocked back slightly, looking thoughtful on how she should answer, “Am I getting a

Dick smiled at the question, “Well, we won’t know that for a little while. Do you want a

The girl vehemently nodded.

“Not a brother?”

The girl’s nose squished in disgust.

Dick laughed, “Oh, come on, brothers aren’t that bad.”

She looked like she didn’t believe him.

“I have two brothers and they’re the best.”

Cat still seemed skeptical, thinking about it for a moment, she ultimately shook her head.

The fact that she was open to a sibling at all was a promising start and if the conversation of a
brother did eventually have to arise, well…

“You know what…” Dick decided, slapping his thighs as he stood up. He motioned Cat that
she should follow him, because there was one way, one thing he was sure could help raise
both their spirits right now, “Come on, I know just the perfect place for when you can’t


It wasn’t a surprise to see Alfred when they entered the kitchen. Cat looked like she’d rolled
out of bed with her messy braid that Dick had tried to fix somewhat and the Omega doubted
he himself looked any more put together, but the butler offered them both a pleasant head
bow over the cup of tea he was nursing.

Tim (who Dick had sworn had gone to bed already), Tim was the surprise.

“Is this insomniacs anonymous? Because we’d like to join.”

Tim…tried to smile at Dick’s humor. The Beta was wearing a pair of oversized flannel
pajamas that had to be Conner’s and drinking what Dick hoped wasn’t coffee (which Dick
smelled) because the Beta did need to sleep at some point.

Blue eyes looked at the Omega and Tim sighed. “It’s decaf, Dick.”
“I didn’t say any…”

“You gave a look. Your Omega…it feels stronger.”

Haley brushed past Dick’s legs to go check out more of the kitchen and Dick scoffed, “It
can’t possibly have changed that much in one day,” He argued with no real heat.

Tim didn’t retort back, merely shrugging and staring into his mug, looking like he'd rather
suddenly be anywhere else. Dick realized then, everything about Tim, his smell, his
mannerisms, everything felt slightly…off.

“I'm afraid I can’t serve you any decaf, no matter how little the caffeine, but I can offer you
some water, if you’d like, Master Dick.”

Dick put his hands on his hips, because….really? “Water?”

“Water is very good for the expecting mother.”

“Well this one wants some flavor in his life,” Dick rebutted.

“And for the young Miss?” Alfred turned to Cat.

The girl put Allie on the table, causing Tim to look at the animal with a raised brow, as if he
didn’t know quite what to make of the purple alligator, “Daddy likes tea.”

Alfred nodded approvingly.

“But…Cat,” Dick winked at her to follow along, “would rather have some hot chocolate,

“And by Cat you mean you,” Tim muttered.

Dick felt indignant, “I…well I don’t just want…water.”

But the eldest man agreed, “Yes, very well. Although I could use some assistance if Miss Cat
would be so inclined.” Alfred rose and motioned the girl towards the cooking area, where Cat
was eager to follow. They moved just out of earshot.

Meaning Alfred knew there was something wrong with Tim too.

“Are you upset,” Dick tried not to let his voice quiver as he kept his volume just low enough
for the other man to hear, “about the baby?”

Dick wasn’t sure he was going to be able to do this if his family wasn’t behind him. Damian
had gone into hiding, Bruce was…having his manic scenting episode, and Tim…he couldn’t
have Tim angry with him too.

“No, Dick,” Tim shook his head, his eyes looking at the Omega earnestly as he insisted. “I’m
happy for you, I really am, it’s…at Jason’s apartment when I was helping Alfred get things.
I…” he toyed with the rim of his mug, “I found Zitka.”
Dick didn’t know what to say to that, but his heart thumped sharply all the same.

“Have you…” Tim seemed hesitant to ask, “you didn’t go back to get it, did…”

“No,” Dick felt his throat growing a lump in it. “No, Tim, I didn’t. I wouldn’t.”

Even if he had…before.

“Then how? Why is it…”

“Wintergreen must have left it at Jason’s work to mess with me. He…wants me back.”

Tim blinked, “And Slade doesn’t?”

It had been so long since Dick had heard anyone say his husband’s name. It almost froze him
to the core.

“Look, I…it’s too late for this,” Tim motioned his head to a box on the counter, “I sealed it in
there with some other stuff I found that I think Bruce shouldn’t see,” He rubbed his face,
looking so young and tired, and Dick...

Dick stepped forward, “Timmy…”

“I’m gonna head to bed, I’d um…I’d give Damian some time. I can’t imagine he’s ready to
be ‘Uncle Damian’ quite yet,” Tim pushed his chair back to stand with a yawn.

Dick could believe that, but he had to ask, hoping he didn’t sound too worried, “And what
about Uncle Tim?”

Tim did give a smile then, ruffling the back of his hair, the Beta decided, “Yeah, I think I can
live with that.”

“Thanks, Timmy.”

Cat and Alfred came back with two hot chocolates, just as Tim left with a wave.

Leaving the box behind.

Chapter 50

“You smell good.”

A scoff, as if the statement were taken more as an insult than a compliment, “I should always
smell good, Jason.” The blonde Omega rose from the bed and flipped his hair, “God, you
Alphas think saying that sounds so much better than it does.”

Goldie was moody on the best of days, but something about his scent recently, something had

Jason sat up to ask, “Are you…”

“I’m not anything, Jason,” The man said as he started going through the dresser drawers to
find something to wear.

But Jason could tell. The Omega’s smell, the placement of his hips…the fact that he seemed
almost to be sweating.

There were many times Jason realized how much that night, and the next few days after it,
how much sharing a heat with Diamond had changed his life.

For both the best and the worst.

The best being Cat.

The worst being thinking the man begging him to stay after Jason wanted to leave, using his
honey eyes and poison mouth to say and coo the things that Jason’s Alpha wanted to hear,
thinking that any of it meant a goddamn thing.

“I…really do think we could give her a real family.”

Something that hadn’t seemed to have changed, apparently.

Waking up in Dick’s room, in Dick’s bed, with Dick in his arms, with a clearer head on

Jason was pretty sure Diamond's favorite complaints of him being too clingy, too needy, too
touchy-feely…it was entirely possible he was any one of those things.

(If not so needy for Diamond anymore)

But right now, Jason needed less to worry that he was smothering Dick already, and more that
he needed to piss. And call Roy. And make sure Cat hadn’t actually met a ghost. And maybe
see if he could make the three (four) of them some kind of breakfast.

Easy, right?
Untangling Dick (while not waking him) was a bit of a task, but Jason managed it with only a
few protesting sounds from the Omega (who thankfully rolled onto his other side and went
right back to sleep). Being as quiet as possible, Jason pulled on his jeans and headed for the
closet in search of a shirt.

He felt like he needed a shower first honestly, but tossing open the door, Jason
remembered…oh right, he’d trashed the closet.

Well, fuck.

Observing all his clothing to be in the way back, Jason silently cursed again. There was no
way he could manage getting to them without making any noise.

He wasn’t seemingly boneless like Dick (who could probably have flipped in and out without
being heard) and wasn’t about to attempt trying to be.

Which left what was right in front of Jason as his only option.

Aka, Dick’s clothes that he’d planned to sort.

Biting his cheek and debating if this was something an Alpha should even do, Jason
decided…screw it.

(Since when did he do what Alphas should do, anyway?)

Grabbing the nearest thing that looked like it might fit him (a shirt with some logo he barely
looked at) Jason tugged the garment over his head. It fit…or rather fit enough that he didn’t
feel he’d rip it, but the immediate smell of Omega on his skin as he pulled it down…

It felt like the perfect defense to the smell of Bruce.

Carefully closing the doors so they didn’t squeak, Jason caught sight of the posters of Dick’s
parents and froze. Their stares, even through their perfectly white, happy smiles, made Jason
feel sort of… self-conscious? Of course, the Omega would have had beautiful parents too,

Jason waited for them to appraise him, good or bad, and he, of course…

Got nothing.

Because he was trying to communicate with dead people on a fucking poster. Dead people
that for all he knew, might have hated him even more than Bruce did.

And that was yet another thing Jason didn’t need to worry about.

Roy, he needed to call Roy.

Jason needed to piss and call Roy…

And inquire about a certain name.

And hell, if he could find someplace to have a cigarette as well…all the better.



“Wintergreen,” Jason corrected.

“First name or last name?” Roy asked over a yawn.

Jason wasn’t sure, (even if Wintergreen would be a weird ass first name) so, to be thorough,
“Get both.”

Jason didn’t want evidence on his computer. He didn’t trust Slade not looking at his history.
Not pulling up more of anything to quiz Jason on later like the Alpha seemed to like to do.

There was a mumble of an affirmative sound before Roy switched his tone, the phone
shuffling as he asked, “So what…you’re seriously having a kid…without a heat? How does
that even happen? Are we talking about an immaculate conception type deal or…?”

“We don’t know yet how it happened.” Pulling open the large bathroom cabinet, looking for
something Jason could clean the gross morning film in his mouth with, he demanded,
pushing assorted items around “How the fuck does a billionaire not have any extra

Even Jason had a few lying around his apartment, just in case.

“You have a lot to learn about millionaires, my friend.”

“Billionaire,” Jason corrected, pulling a random drawer open.

“They gotta pay for their jet fuel somehow,” Jason could hear the shrug in Roy’s voice.

“Well if the jet has a goddamn toothbrush on it…” Jason might be complaining a little less.

“I’ll have her look it up, okay? In the meantime, I guess this news of little Junior means
Dick’s out of the Palace for now, huh?”

Jason rubbed at his forehead and admitted, “Yeah, he is.”

It was hard not to be angry about the idea that the man had been dancing…while pregnant.

While also acknowledging how upset Dick was going to be that he was essentially benched
for now.

What sounded like a fridge door opening filled the speaker, “Hey, do you think these
meatballs in here are still any good?”

Jason could only assume the Alpha still being in his apartment was because Roy was
hungover…meaning the man had consumed most, if not all, of Jason’s beer.
Jason sighed, “Yeah, just clean the damn dish when you’re done, okay?”

He didn’t need to come home to any bugs or rodents infesting his apartment.

Roy started chewing, “Word of advice though, man, and I’m talking from experience here,
everything’s gonna be heightened with him. Sense, touch, emotions, fucking all of…” There
was a click and he paused, “oh wait…wait, I gotta go, Kori’s on the other line.”

Jason had no clue who Kori was but the phone clicked again, this time to signal that Roy had
hung up. Putting the phone in his pocket, Jason’s continued explorations finally paid off
when he found some toothpaste and mouthwash to use.

Which was good enough.

Leaving the bathroom and peering into the next room over, expecting to see his daughter,
Jason was a bit surprised to find the large space empty. No Haley, no Cat, just a lot of stuffed
animals everywhere.

There was no immediate rush that anything was wrong, but it still made Jason frown as he
doubled back down the hallway in the opposite direction.

He descended the stairs that he noticed split into two separate wings. Not sure if he was
heading in the right direction, but recalling certain things that looked at least slightly familiar,
Jason followed what felt instinctively right, trying to imagine Dick beside him, navigating
him down the halls.

(If only Jason hadn’t spent most of the time watching the Omega’s ass instead of paying

Jason could also honestly say, Bruce needed a new decorator. (Were tons of pictures of dead
relatives looking down on him just…a thing here?)

“I keep trying to explain to him that plaid is a pattern, not a color. But…he gets those cute
puppy eyes and I can’t be mad. It’s like a superpower and he knows it.”

Voices, that was a good sign. Jason followed the echoing talking of what sounded like Tim.

“Indeed, Master Tim,” the accented voice of Alfred affirmed, his tone placating.

Jason entered the kitchen and both Betas turned. Tim’s mouth snapped shut.

“Maybe we just won’t have any colors,” The Beta murmured, seeming to shake his head at
whatever thought he was thinking, mumbling to himself something that involved the word

Which meant Jason had walked in on some kind of wedding talk.


“I hope you slept well, Master Jason,” Alfred offered, bringing Jason’s attention to him.
“I wouldn’t let Bruce hear you say that,” Jason half joked as he stepped further in, searching
for Cat in one of the chairs yet not seeing her anywhere. “But I did, thanks.”

“If you are a member of this household you are addressed as such,” the elderly butler

Jason snorted, not wanting to correct the man that he wasn’t a member, but instead asking,
“Has anyone seen…”

“Miss Cat?” Alfred guessed before Jason could finish. He thoughtfully hummed as he filled a
mug from what had to be the world's fanciest looking kettle, “She partook of some eggs
earlier, but I do believe at the moment, she and the pup are trying to coerce Master Damian
from out of his room.”

Jason frowned. Damian. Just about the last person he could care about being coerced out of…

But at least his daughter had eaten something.

(Even if Jason hadn’t been the one to make it)

Tim observed, taking a bite of his egg. “Cat’s pretty…persistent. It’s kind of amazing that
anyone besides Dick wants to be around him, honestly.”

Jason (his kin or not) had to agree.

“Is he mad?” Not that Jason particularly cared, but…

“He’s…” Tim waved his fork around in the air searching for the right explanation. “He’s

“A wedding and a baby on the way, what luck we’ve come into,” came a voice from behind
Jason, causing him to turn.

Green eyes sized him up as the mysterious Omega from the gala, Talia Wayne, entered the
large stone archway with a smirk. Even this early, she seemed perfectly put together. Tall and
regal, wearing a dress that looked right out of some Cosmopolitan magazine, Jason wondered
if the comment about Damian had been heard.

She looked over at Tim who avoided her gaze, “After all, children are such wonderful

Jason took that as a yes.

Bruce’s entrance soon after was the first time Jason seemed to remember…this man had an

A very flirty Omega.

Bruce’s eyes fell right to Jason’s chest, where they narrowed. It was only then Jason realized
(upon looking down) that the shirt (the arguably very tight shirt) did indeed have a logo on it.

A logo for Haly’s Circus.

Blue eyes seared, “Your clothes were brought too, weren’t they?”

Talia stroked her Alpha’s arm in a comforting way, “I think it’s rather sweet.”

Jason hadn’t been going for sweet, but he’d take it if it meant making Bruce look like a

Bruce switched topics, even if the shirt was still obviously bothering him, “Is the room to
your liking?”

It felt like he wanted Jason out of Dick’s room and that was more why he was asking…
waiting for Jason to complain and demand (as an Alpha) to have his own space, which as
shown last night, was not going to happen.

Jason actually laughed, “Are we really going to pretend that this is some kind of bed and
breakfast I booked for the weekend and not a hostage situation?”

Bruce was full-on glaring now and Jason was all too happy to return fire. Folding his arms
and raising a brow, Jason offered the unlit fuse and dared the other man to say one thing, one
goddamn thing, to light it up.

Tim tensed and Jason almost expected him to run from the room or make an excuse he had
somewhere else to be. Even Jason could smell his own scent filling the room to battle Bruce’s
so he could hardly blame the Beta’s reaction.

A soft sigh cut the tension, “This is about Richard and his health, is it not?”

Both Alphas turned to look at Talia’s question. She brushed some hair over her shoulder as
she took a cup of tea Alfred offered her and gave them both a meaningful stare.

“Not would you call it?” she moved her manicured hand as if searching for the right
English words, “…Alpha pissing contest?”

The harsh diction made it obvious she knew exactly what she was saying.

Exhaling deeply and wishing he had some kind of rebuttal to keep his anger alive, Jason
ultimately knew, he couldn’t disagree with that.

Then there was the sound of something, someone panting.

“Is there a…”

Dick all but slid into the wall as he sprinted into the kitchen, causing everyone in the large
room to look over in varying degrees of alarm.
“What? What is it?” Jason ran to the Omega, determined to reach him first. He grabbed
Dick’s face, turning it from side to side, searching for something, anything that might be
wrong. He then looked down. Looked for blood, for any kind of…

“Fire,” Dick said, breathing heavily as Jason continued to check him over. “I thought I
smelled a fire.”

Jason looked at him in confusion, “What are you talking about? There’s no…” he fell off.

Their scents. Bruce and Jason…their confrontation was literally causing the smell of
something burning. Of a roaring fire.

“Dick,” Jason’s heart was somewhere in his throat, “Dick, you can’t be running like that.”

“I thought the place was burning down,” the Omega rebutted over a frustrated wheeze.

“It’s…” Jason had no clue what to do other than to hope Dick could feel he was trying to
lower his Alpha. To stop the smell so obviously bothering him.

A teacup was set down and heels clacked on the floor.

Talia grabbed at Dick’s elbow, pulling lightly until Jason finally let go. “Alphas,” she said
with an eye roll. Leading the other Omega out of the room, she continued. “Come. Fresh air
will be best.”

Jason watched them leave and as much as he wanted to blame Bruce, wanted to knock the
man back (and maybe bust out a few of his perfect teeth) for causing Dick to panic and risk
the safety of both himself and their kid…

Jason knew he was just as much to blame.


Pacing in Martha's abandoned garden, Dick was relieved to finally be away from the awful
smell. There were still light remnants, but the plant life and outdoor air helped cover enough
to make it bearable.

Light footsteps came from behind him. Cautious at first, so Dick made it easier for him,
breaking the silence and assuring him, “I’m okay, Jason.”

“I was told I tend to suffocate,” Jason’s arms pulled him so that Dick’s back was against his
chest, the larger man’s face near his ear as his voice rumbled. “I didn’t realize it was literal.”

“Are you…is that a joke?”

Dick laughed, honestly laughed, because what a time for Jason to try a stand-up routine.

He liked it though. Dick genuinely liked the awful joke.

“I’m sorry,” the man murmured sincerely.

Dick turned so he was facing him, “Jason, I’m…”

Falling off, his eyes bugged slightly and Dick wondered…how in the hell had he missed…
“Is that my…”

Jason shrugged, pulling at the shirt's hem a little. Pulling it so that it snapped back to outline
his torso.

His incredibly muscular torso…

…and arms…

…and shoulders…

…and chest…

“I thought I’d try something new.”

Another joke…another joke that should make him laugh, but…

Dick couldn’t think.

Everything else seemed far away and like it no longer mattered that he’d woken up thinking
the whole place was in flames.

And Jason had no reason to apologize, because…

Dick gave a long blink.

“Are you petting me?”

Probably Dick didn’t reply, but his hands had started moving on their own volition and he
couldn’t stop them.

With everything in front of him, the words…the words that meant so much to him, stretched
across the Alpha’s broad chest…the valleys of Jason’s pecs, the scent of Dick still lightly on
the material, and all the memories of the location drawn on the shirt…

Jason placing himself in something Dick loved…

Looking like he did…

Dick just couldn’t think.

He bit his lip, but couldn’t think.

Dick couldn’t think

So he reacted instead.

He didn’t quite give Jason the biggest reaction time to do so, but the man caught him all the
same. Cupping his hands under Dick’s ass as the Omega leaped and wrapped his legs around
him, Dick inhaled his scent. Burrowing in Jason’s neck, Dick just wanted, needed…more.

No unbearable fire, just the pleasant heat, Just Jason. Just Jason and Dick and the flowers
around them (mostly dead or not).

Jason held him tight and close and exactly how he wanted. Dick turned his head to capture
his mouth in a kiss to thank him. Their lips met over a bite that turned softer and softer until
finally, Dick pulled back enough to speak.

“Did Diamond call you suffocating?”

Jason huffed not quite a laugh, “Well it must not have been too suffocating since he’s decided
he wants back in.”

But his eyes definitely said yes.

Dick ran his hand down the man’s chest with an annoyed head shake. Diamond had no idea
what amazing things he’d pushed away in leaving how he had. “You’re not suffocating,
Jason, I…Cat, me, we…” The Omega motioned down, hoping Jason got the picture. “We all
need you.”

He also needed Jason and Bruce to stop fighting, but for now, he’d take this.

Jason studied him, rubbing his thumb across Dick’s ass, he finally asked, “All this because of
a shirt?”

Dick exhaled and put their foreheads together, “Jason…”

“I know, Dickie, I just…fuck you have to realize what doing that does to…”

“Oh, I realize,” Dick assured with a sly grin and hooded eyes. He realized and very much felt
what he was doing to Jason.

The solid hardness was all but digging into him.

“Good,” the Alpha acknowledged with a light growl that came from a place the opposite of
anger and Dick sort of loved the sound of it. “Because you need to do something about it.”

Dick smirked.

Fair enough.
Chapter 51
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes


Jason looked over from his viewing of the ridiculous smiling rainbow poster telling him how
‘awesome’ he was to glance at the Omega putting assorted colored papers and happy-looking
bat printouts on the tables.

“What?” he tried not to snap (he really did).

“You keep doing it, daddy.”

“Doing what?” Jason asked.

“That sound like Orange when he gets mad and puffs up.” Cat’s hands formed the effect of an
angry (literal) cat. “He gets really loud sometimes.”

Jason’s brow rose, “So, I’m a cat?”

“You’re growling,” Dick corrected, another black sheet being placed down, then rearranged
until it was where the Omega wanted. He further clarified, “You’re growling… a lot.”

Jason rested his back against the wall and sighed. Crossing his arms and looking at the other
man, he had no clue how to explain how irritated he was. How even if it was irrational, and
something that shouldn’t bother him like it did, that even it seemed almost childish at this

“I don’t like it.”

“So you’ve said,” Dick was searching for something else, his lips pursed until he finally
opened a cabinet and found the bin containing what he needed.

Before Jason could open his mouth to disapprove, the Omega motioned, maybe to placate
Jason’s Alpha, that no, he wasn’t going to try and lift the bin from off the top shelf. That
despite the godawful stench he was covering his beautiful changing scent in…Dick was
being careful.

A small smile with the gesture and an added tease…“A little help from a big, strong Alpha?”

Jason went to pull the large plastic container and easily placed it on the ground, all while
staying behind Dick so he could pull the man close and hiss into his ear, “I hate it.”

As happy as he was that Dick was getting the next few weeks that he wanted with the kids…

Jason had to admit, his Alpha might be going a little feral.

He’d despised the goddamn fake smell before, but now…it was even worse.

“It’s necessary,” Dick reminded, patting his arm to let go. “And you’re growling again.”

Jason would defend himself and say that most Alphas probably didn’t have to deal with their
Omega covering up something so important. Not only the Omega’s scent themselves (which
was bad enough) but the life they’d created together growing inside them as well. “It’s…”

“I miss Orange,” Cat’s sudden interruption made both men look at her.

Jason finally let Dick go and acknowledged, “I know, Kit.”

Jesus, how he hated how her eyes fell and there was nothing he could really do.

How Jason hated Bruce’s stupid plan.

Hated society and its fucked up rules…

But at least the overwhelming Alpha smell had lessened. Bruce had become more scarce
around the manor in general and Jason wasn’t sure if that was typical or not, but he greatly
preferred it. It was a lot easier not to be around a man he thought about punching in the face
more often than not. In fact, the person he spent more time with (other than Dick, of course)
was Alfred, who was decent company.

The man could brew some good tea if nothing else.

Cat had apparently not been successful in getting Damian to leave his room, but…Jason
certainly wasn’t shedding any tears over that.

Dick put an arm on Cat’s shoulder and crouched down slightly, “Well,” he motioned to her
drawing of Orange on the bulletin board to try and cheer her up slightly. “I like to think he’s
with us anytime we're here. In his own special way.”

Even with the goddamn blocker trying to suffocate it…

The maternal scent of…comfort and caring…

Cat’s return smile as Dick continued to give her the soft touches and assurances she needed…

“Probably about time to go,” Dick warned him, bringing Jason from his daze of how much he
loved the (technically) three people in front of him.

Which was for the best, really.

The Alpha could sense the arrival of Omegas (whose scents weren’t aggravatingly
disguised…the Alpha might add) and before he could put any more of his angered scent into
the air and distress anyone…

“Come on, Kit,” he said his goodbye as the girl came over, but didn’t stop at just her.
“Oh,” Dick made a surprised noise when Jason went over to him next, pulling him at the
waist so he could brush their foreheads together. “I get one now too?” It was partly said as a
joke, but the other man didn’t look or sound like he wanted Jason to move away.

“No,” Jason corrected him. “That’s for them.”

His eyes moved downward and Dick got his meaning. The Omega’s playful smile grew more
real and earnest with the implication and what the Alpha truly meant, but before he could
respond, Jason captured his mouth.

“This is for you,” he clarified, his voice slightly hoarse.

“Jason…” Dick’s tone was almost breathless. Yearning even.

But they both knew it couldn’t go any further, not right now, anyway, “No over-exerting,” he

And Jason meant that.

Dick huffed but nodded. “Yeah, I know. Babs knows. It’s…everything’s gonna be fine, but…
you have to go now, okay?” he sounded apologetic, pecking one last kiss on Jason’s mouth
for good measure.

Jason knew, but it was hard to leave.

Perhaps even harder than it was not to rip that goddamn blocker off, especially being this
close, the stench all but mocking Jason with how fucking…in reach it was to him.

Hard, but as Dick had said earlier…



“Lian wants to be a ninja wolf.”

Jason had no earthly clue how that was relevant to anything as he’d just walked in the office
door, but placing his coat over his chair and sipping his coffee, he simply replied. “Um,

“I mean I know what a ninja is. And what a wolf is,” Roy continued, motioning with his
hands that he clearly understood both individual things. “But what in the ever living hell is a
ninja wolf?”

Jason frowned at the new reports lying on his desk, noting how many had appeared in the last
two days, “A wolf who wears a lot of black?”

“Okay, and where the hell do I get a costume of that exactly?”

“It’s October, dude, you know, almost Halloween?”

Oh. Right. Jason supposed it was.

The bat printouts probably should have been a clue, but call Jason a bit preoccupied with
other things at the moment.

“It’s too bad he’s not big enough to do the pumpkin belly.”

Roy kept on at Jason’s confused look. “You know where they can…” the redhead motioned a
sphere around his stomach as he stood sideways, “paint it like a pumpkin.”

Jason’s face probably told his answer to that idea better than any words, “Absolutely never.”

“Oh, come on, you know he’d love it.”

That’s what Jason was afraid of.

“Anyway, how's the new living arrangement?”

Again, Jason was sure his expression gave the answer his words couldn’t properly express.

“Jesus, it’s that bad?”

An exhale, and a subject change, because Jason didn’t want to think about it anymore, “Did
you get the name?”

“About that…,” Jason already didn’t like the tone change and Roy gave an apologetic look,
letting Jason know he probably wasn’t going to like his answer either, “She’s been having
problems getting through to the Haven server, I guess it’s been a bad connection for weeks
and they still haven’t fixed it.” He helplessly shrugged, “You know how cheap this place is.”

Jason’s eyes narrowed, despite it supposedly being weeks…that felt almost too convenient all
of a sudden.

Roy held his hands up in defense, “Just the messenger, man.”

Jason bit his cheek, shaking his head lightly, he placed his coffee cup on the desk, trying to
stay as calm as he could, “There were none in Gotham?”

Wintergreen had called from a Bludhaven number, but it was possible he’d moved to

“Only a few Omegas and an Alpha and a majority of them were female. It’s not exactly a
common name,” The man corrected himself with some humor. “I mean, unless you’re a
deodorant, or a mouthwash, or something.”

“Sorry man,” he said to Jason’s continued frown.

But, it really wasn’t Roy’s fault. It was possible, despite really not wanting to, that Jason was
going to have to take a visit down to the Bludhaven Station himself.

Or maybe try and contact someone who could look it up and send it to him.

Just as long as Slade…had no knowledge of any of it.

Jason’s mouth ticked.

“Does she know any trustworthy cops in Haven?”

Jason realized that was like asking for a needle in a haystack.

Roy shrugged, “Dunno, I could ask,” now looking through his phone in a way that told Jason
he’d received some messages he was really going to ‘enjoy’.

Jason rolled his eyes, “Can you take that…” Somewhere…anywhere else really.

“Yeah, yeah, Dad, I know. I know.” Roy ventured off, saying the term as if he were not only
the older of the two but also not an actual parent himself.

Leaving Jason to his pile of overflowing folders and cases…

“Maybe we could run away.”

Every day that passed, the idea sounded more and more appealing.


Stapling another leaf onto the chain he was creating on the wall, Dick squinted, using his
hand as a level as he stepped back to make sure it was straight…

Well, mostly straight anyway.

Dick frowned.

Without Jason here and Babs haven taken the kids outside for their first recess, it was
tempting to try and put some of the leaves higher to give it a better effect.

Dick judged the distance, something he knew(from experience) he could easily get to.

Probably quick enough that no one would even know either.

The monkey cutouts higher up needed some pumpkins (along with the leaves) to complete
the look and it would only take a second or two.

Biting his lip, Dick…

Knew he couldn’t.

Maybe there was a ladder…something Dick had never needed before, but…
“That’s for them.”

It wasn’t just about him anymore, was it? The idea was still taking some getting used to and
part of Dick wondered if this all wasn’t still a dream sometimes, but…

The sound of heels came from behind him and Dick could barely hold in a sigh. Marcia was
going to try and rain on his parade, he just knew it. But Dick was excited for Halloween and
wasn’t about to be talked out of anything he felt was merely festive fun.

“I know it’s not perfect, but I’m making sure it’s not too scary and I think when it’s all

“It’ll look even worse?”

Dick was quick to turn around, sure he hadn’t heard the voice that he swore he had because…

It wasn’t Marcia Weaver behind him.

Honey brown eyes looked him up and down in disgust, “You’re one of those frumpy, ugly
Christmas sweater-wearing Omegas, aren’t you?”

Dick shook his head, not going to play into anything this man was going to try, simply
shutting him down with, “You can’t be here.”

But Diamond came further into the room, the opposite of what he should be doing, and
clicked his tongue, “I’m viewing the classroom.” he informed, sounding almost bored.
“Something as a mother I was supposed to be allowed to do before the school year.”

“You can’t…”

“See where my daughter is learning?” the man asked snidely. “Know who her…teacher is?”

Dick felt his anger rising but tried to breathe through it. He needed to have Diamond
removed, that was the proper action to take. This was against protocol and Dick had no idea
how the man had slipped by in the first place. Maybe Sammi wasn’t at her desk like she
should have been, but…

Going over to the door and closing it, making sure they couldn’t be overheard, Dick

Screw it.

If he could stop this man from hurting Jason, or even worse, Cat any further…

Dick was willing to try.

“What do you want?”

Diamond's mouth lifted into an almost smile as he readjusted his sparkling top back onto his
shoulder, an expensive-looking bag hanging from his other arm, “Do they know you work at
the Palace?”

“I don’t. Anymore.”

Diamond hummed, “And Oswald seemed so sure you were his next meal ticket. Guess he
should have listened.”

Dick was sure the squat man was going to lose his mind when he realized Dick wasn’t
returning after all, but that Really wasn’t his most immediate concern at the moment.

Diamond, his sparkling attire and makeup, his ability to use his beauty as the worst kind of

The man was goading him, trying to get Dick upset, and he couldn’t let that happen.

The man slowly began walking around the classroom. Openly judging everything until his
eyes caught the picture of Orange and he stopped.

Dick tensed at what he might possibly do to it, no doubt seeing that it was Cat’s.

“Her name is Jewel.”


A smile as the man traced the drawing, his long, decorated fingernails covering Cat's
signature almost purposefully. “Trust Jason to pick the most boring name imaginable.” It was
said with an odd fondness though, like Jason was still…something to him. Someone he was
still in a relationship with. “It’s her real name, Jewel.”

“Her name is Cat.”

Diamond let his hand fall and continued as if Dick hadn’t spoken.

This was getting nowhere, not with Diamond’s measured but clearly antagonistic sizing
things up and down, checking the desks, and looking for…whatever he was looking for. And
Dick just wanted the man out of here before the class, (more specifically before Cat) came

Lifting one of the unfinished projects that had yet to be glued together, the blonde asked, with
a slight grimace, as if he were holding something radioactive, “Parents don’t actually like
these things, do they?”

“Jason does.”

Hearing Jason’s name from Dick’s mouth seemed to set something off in the man’s eyes, but
Diamond simply placed the project (almost too calmly) back down.

“I don’t know why you continue to play with him,” Diamond said after a few more steps,
finally resting against Dick’s desk. “I warned him, but…” he titled his head, giving Dick an
open look of disgust, “I think you enjoy being a homewrecker.”
Slade traced the outline of Dick’s cheekbone, “I think you enjoy being difficult.”

Dick chased both accusations out of mind as best as he could, “I’m giving you a chance,
Diamond, just…why are you here?”

The other Omega hesitated.

“Jason,” he started slowly, it seemed like it physically repulsed him to even have to ask, “Is
he living with you?”

Jason had moved, Dick realized. Diamond didn’t know where Jason was and had maybe gone
back to his apartment, only to find it empty.

“I can’t tell you that.”

On either a professional or personal level, Dick simply couldn’t.

Not to mention wouldn’t.

Diamond pounded the desk with his hand. “We have a child together, I have the right to
know!” He pointed at Dick as he continued, angrily, “You come in there with his jacket,
using his name…stinking up every inch of his apartment…and now you think you get to act
self-righteous? Like you’ll be a better mother than me because you can what…” he waved at
the papers he’d been looking at earlier, “make…ugly ass arts and crafts projects?”

Dick could feel his breathing getting quicker and knew he needed to calm down a little. That
he couldn’t get too emotional or stressed, that this was his job and he needed to first be a
teacher above all else, “This isn’t a competition, Diamond.”

And Cat and Jason weren’t merely prizes to be won.

Especially when Diamond had been the one to toss them both out in the first place.

“Oh please,” the man rolled his eyes. “You’ve always been on my coattails, trying to take my

Dick needed to stop this.

He needed to regain some control and not head down the wrong path by engaging with the
other Omega’s accusations.

He needed to be above it.

Stay the level-headed one.

“And yet you were the one who reported me at the Palace and got me arrested.”

Dick inwardly cursed at himself.

(So much for what he needed to do)

Diamond gave a bored looking head shake, “That wasn’t me. I wish it had been, but it

Dick bit his cheek. Not sure he believed him and yet…why would Diamond lie about
something he just admitted he would have enjoyed doing? “If it wasn’t you, then…”

“I was getting the performer's spot the next week after you left anyway, why would I waste
my time? I don’t know who it was and I frankly don’t care.”

Dick’s mind was swirling with confusion as he’d been convinced it had been him. They’d
both had different names then, but…

“God, why are we even talking about you? This isn’t about…”

“Diamond, you have to go,” Dick cut him off. Finally realizing this was all about Jason and
Jason…wasn’t here. “The kids are coming back soon and…we don’t allow parents in the
classroom without permission during school hours.”

“I am a parent though,” the man sneered.

And despite everything…Dick couldn’t deny that, absent for years or not…

“I’d eat Allie the alligator before saying that man knows or wants anything to do with being
a mother.”

Dick sighed, not sure why he was offering but…

“Do you at least want to see what she’s done?”

“I want…” Diamond reached into his bag to pull out a small card, grabbing a pen from
Dick’s pencil cup he wrote out a number on it before slapping it on the desk. “Jason to call

Of course.

“And Cat?”

“I saw her picture,” the man acknowledged with a raised brow like he didn’t understand why
Dick was asking about her. “She has my drawing abilities so of course it’s good I’ve seen
everything else you try to call ‘art’,” he air quoted the word, “…what else do I need to see?”

So this really wasn’t about interest in his daughter or viewing the classroom.

Dick nodded. He nodded and his heart broke even more for Cat. This was about Jason and
Cat…was just a weapon Diamond was going to try and use against him. “You need to go,” It
was the last time Dick was going to say it before he got security. “And you can’t…you can’t
do this again.”

“We’ll see,” the man haughtily replied, pushing himself off the desk and adjusting his outfit.
Sauntering to the door, he stopped before opening it. “I do have one word of advice
though…” He turned and his eyes looked Dick up and down not for the first time. “Whatever
it is you're eating…” his mouth lifted, but it wasn’t a kind smile. “I’d be careful. It’s making
you really…” He seemed to contemplate the last word, “puffy.”

And then he pushed the door open, and finally left.

Chapter End Notes

It’s been a rough month with everything that’s happened but thanks so much for all the
support, for your understanding, and for reading.

Please consider following my Tumblr if you’d like to see my art and other Jaydick

my tumblr
Comments would be very appreciated and I hope to see you all soon.
Chapter 52
Chapter Notes

Warning for some weight/eating related issues for this chapter and the next. Just in case.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Are you a cop?”

Jason blinked at the unexpected question. Looking away from the scene outside and the man
talking to Bruce, he regarded the speaker.

His badge was on display and two large brown eyes zeroed in on it curiously.

“I am,” Jason replied.

The small boy was pulling at his curly hair. He looked up at Jason as if he didn’t know what
to make of him.

After a moment of what seemed like deep compilation, he continued, shifting slightly on his
feet, “You’re really big. Do you beat up a lot of people?”

“Dante,” Came Dick’s voice before Jason could respond. The man appeared with a sigh and
put his hands on the child’s shoulder to steer him back into the classroom with a tired smile.
“Buddy, come on, you know you can’t just be wandering around.”

“But he’s really big, Mr. Grayson,” Dante informed him, sounding like it was of the utmost
importance and something he needed to share. “And he’s a cop.”

“I know,” Dick agreed with a light laugh. “It’s pretty cool, but you need to stay with everyone
else, alright?”

The Omega gave someone a thumbs up and Jason had to assume it was Babs. Probably to
signify that all the kids were accounted for now.

Despite everything…everything being Jason gnawing the inside of his cheek while he
wondered how it was that Diamond couldn’t honestly just go to hell…

Jason looked back out at the window, at the older dark-skinned man in the suit who seemed
to be nodding at the things Bruce was saying…

“I think this all a bit excessive," Dick commented as he came to stand next to him. “And it’s
already making the kids confused and curious…”

Thus the wandering Dante, apparently.

Jason looked over and saw the man was massaging his forehead, “You okay?”

“Just a small headache.”

Jason’s mouth twitched unhappily.

A headache probably meant stress, which was the last thing Dick was supposed to be having
more of.

“I’m okay,” Dick seemed to sense his worry. “This is…Bruce is just doing too much.”

Jason couldn't say he agreed. “I’m starting to think this is just…Bruce,” He offered. He
wasn’t mad about it though. Just the opposite. For once, Bruce’s neurotic ways, more security
to keep Dick safe…safe from…

Jason ground his mouth.

The fucking Beta creep wasn’t enough, now they had Jason’s ex crawling around like some
kind of spider…

If only he was as easy to squash under a boot.

Dick exhaled, “Babs called him. And now he’s…” Dick raised a hand as if to point out what
Jason could already plainly see. “Securing this place like it’s Fort Knox.”

Expectant eyes were on him in a way that said Jason was supposed to be in some kind of

Truthfully, the Alpha was more surprised Bruce wasn’t already monitoring the place.

“Oh my god,” Dick lightly groaned when Jason said nothing. Turning and falling so his back
was resting against the wall closest to the window, the shorter man sighed.

“I don’t like anything about this Dick,” Jason assured with a deep frown. “Not one damn

But as he’d said, it wasn’t Bruce’s reaction that was bothering him.

Dick checked to make sure the door to his classroom was closed. “I don’t think Cat saw
him,” he said softly. But there was worry in his tone.

“Was he looking for her?”

Jason already knew the answer before Dick’s face fell. Those same expectant eyes now filled
with a sadness that had the Omega biting his lip and shaking his head. His throat bobbed as
he thickly swallowed and Jason was sure Dick was somewhere close to tears….

God fucking dammit.

Dick seemed in deep thought, his voice quiet and slightly shaky, “I tried to understand but…I
just don’t.”

“It might be because you have a soul,” Jason offered.

Dick didn’t laugh, he scoffed slightly instead, “Jason…”

“I’m not kidding,” he wasn’t. Not at all.

Dick gave the idea a moment, before admitting, “I mean…I guess he did say my projects
were ugly, so maybe you’re right.”

Jason blinked, but he could see Dick’s smile slowly growing to show that his pout was
merely for show and that the comment hadn’t really hurt him.

(Too bad the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.)

“What else did he do?”

Dick didn’t say anything about any physical altercation in his phone call and he didn’t seem
to have any marks or anything.

“Just insulted some things. Made some comments,” Dick said in an almost too flippant
manner. “He was…Diamond, I guess.”

However, Jason swore Dick was suddenly crossing his arms too low down on his body to be
natural. Like he was trying to make himself smaller but…not to be submissive.

At least it didn’t feel submissive.

“He did make it obvious he wants to talk to you, though.”

Jason snorted. “Good for him.”

Pretty sure purple alligators wearing tutus would fly before that happened…again.

“I think he went to your apartment,” Dick continued. “Or somehow figured out that you

Jason sighed heavily. “Is this supposed to be some kind of silver lining?” He wasn’t asking
Dick so much as the universe in general.

If this was the plus to having everything uprooted…

“Do you think you should?”

“Should what?” Jason tested. “Should talk to him?”

Dick considered it, seeming somewhat hesitant before he replied, “I…maybe.”

Jason rolled his eyes, “There’s nothing I want to say to him that I haven’t already said, Dick.”
Dick answered slowly, “You’re…you have the power, Jay, it's…maybe you could talk it out,
let him know you’ve moved on?”

Jason assumed (or hoped rather) that it was Dick’s good nature and not an intense naivety
that was talking. But, either way…

The answer was no.

“He’s had four years, Dick. I’m not...” giving him a second more was left unsaid.

Dick was right about one thing though.

The Omega didn’t have any power, especially when it came to Cat. To put it in a simple (if
admittedly misogynistic) term, Diamond didn’t have the knot that Jason did so his privileges
were pretty much anything Jason would give him.

Which at his moment (and probably every moment after, truthfully) was a big fat nothing.

If Diamond wanted to burn every last bridge he could when it came to Jason…going after
Dick was certainly the fastest way to do it.

And yet Diamond had done just that.

“You know him, he’s not exactly the kind of person you can talk reasonably to. Especially
when he wants something.”

“I guess not,” Dick quietly agreed after a moment.


Jason decided, fuck it, he was going to touch Dick if he wanted to and no jealous witch of a
Beta was going to stop him. Grabbing the side of the man’s face he explained, “Look, I know
you’ve got one of those super big hearts I don’t understand, but…”

“I’m not defending him, Jason,” Dick exhaled tiredly. “I’m…”

"Is this a bad time?"

Jason was sure he must have given off the aura of at least somewhat unpleasantness, but Beta
scent or not, he wanted whoever was asking the question out of his and Dick’s space, right
the hell now. The only thing that stopped him was Dick’s seeming to know the person.

“Lucius,” the Omega addressed, causing Jason to turn and look to see it was the same man
Bruce had been talking to earlier. Bruce himself was a few steps back from the Beta, on his
phone, but somehow Jason knew he was still paying attention.

"A pleasure as always, Mr.…" Lucius gave a slight pause as if to ask which name to use.

“Grayson,” Dick offered with a somewhat strained smile.

“Of course, Mr. Grayson, it’s been a while.”

Dick nodded, “It has.”

Dark colored eyes moved to the Alpha, “And you must be…”

“Jason Todd,” Jason offered before the man could guess.

The man smiled, “Lucius Fox. I figured you might want to check out everything we’ve
decided on.”

Jason wasn’t sure if the Beta meant it as an appeasement to Jason’s Alpha (concerning his
relationship with Dick) or simply Jason being a cop.

Either one could be a valid reason, honestly.

“I should…probably get back to the kids, anyway,” Dick suggested in a way that left Jason
with no real room to argue, except…

“Isn’t Babs…”

Dick cut Jason off with a smile, “She’s been dealing with two classes for most of the day, I
don’t really think I’ve been pulling my we…” the man stopped, but quickly continued,
changing his words for some reason. “I think she could probably use a break,” he weakly
laughed. Pulling away from the wall, and sweeping his hand down Jason’s arm as a form of
goodbye without being too physical. He nodded at Lucius and began moving towards the

Jason watched him leave, wondering all the while why he felt like he was missing


Not really, Jason couldn’t answer Lucius, wanting to follow his Omega instead.


Dick wasn’t sure how, but he’d managed to nap through dinner. After everything, he’d just
been wiped out.

More exhausted than he’d realized, he guessed.

The Omega combed his sleep-mussed hair with his fingers, while tiredly trying to not step on
the puppy at his feet. Dick smiled as Haley happily followed after him until they both
reached the kitchen.

“Anyone here?”

“Ah, Good to see you up, Master Dick. I saved you a plate,” Alfred welcomed as the Omega
announced himself before entering the kitchen and looking for…well where Dick kind of
thought Jason might be, honestly.

“Thanks, but I’m okay right now, Al,” Dicked waved the plate off with a yawn. “Have you
seen Jason?”

The Omega had woken up in his bed alone, something he wasn’t as used to anymore.

(Except Dick supposed he probably shouldn't say completely alone as his canine companion
was very much thumping her tail against him to remind him.)

“I believe Master Tim, Miss Cat, and Master Jason all headed to the library for some


Well at least Dick had a destination now.

“Okay, thanks, Al.”

“Master Dick,” Alfred halted him, the Omega resting his hand on the entryway as he stopped
and turned. “Perhaps there’s something else I can make you instead? Something you might be
feeling more partial to?”

Dick hadn’t looked at the food, but he gave a reassuring smile all the same, “I’m sure
whatever you made is great, Al. I’ll have some later, I promise.”

A familiar tightness pulled at the man’s face. There was a nod that said the Beta wanted to
believe him…


Drumming the wall with his fingers, the Omega left before he had to make more promises.

Realizing that he wasn’t always so great at keeping them.

(Like your wedding vow for one…)

Pulling open the box of items from Jason’s apartment that Tim had sealed up, Dick firstly
found the documents from their investigation of the Palace.

Dick couldn’t help how his heart fell a little that once again…he couldn’t do much to help.
Once again he was being forced away from it…

(Though to say this reason was anywhere near the same as last time was something that even
in his disappointment, Dick could and would never do.)

Zitka was also in the box and gingerly removing the stuffed animal…Dick smiled this time at
seeing her.
“Sorry about the freakout,” he apologized, honestly happy she was here with him again as he
placed her against the pillows on his bed. While smoothing down a few sequins threatening
to fall off, (and also hoping that somewhere the other Zitka might also know how much he
missed and still loved her)…Dick caught sight of a document file he didn’t remember seeing

It must have been on the table with the rest of the Palace printouts but… taking it out and
opening the manilla envelope…

He spotted Roy’s name, which meant it was probably his report and maybe it had gotten
mixed up or he'd forgotten it by accident, but…the name of the subject on the file made Dick
pause from shutting it again.

Joey Hamond.

Where did he know that name from?

Dick noted it was a missing persons form with various notes and the time the man was
reported missing.


It was after Dick’s birthday and he remembered the spring flowers he’d tried to plant that
were wilting, fluttering in pots outside in the light wind.

The hot, clammy hands on him.

The sharp sneering and jeering in his ear….

“Maybe you just need a real Alpha to get you nice and wet.”

Feeling slightly breathless, Dick quickly turned the first page to see the man’s picture. The
man who had…

Grabbed him against the sink...

Who had made Dick proclaim that Slade didnt love him...

Flipping back almost frantically, Dick made sure that he’d read it right. Missing? The cop
from the party, he was missing?

Looking at the date again, looking at the year…Dick’s mind still tended to have large blank
spaces of forgotten time, but the year, the date, it had to be close, if not exact…

"Why dont you love me?"

Joey Hamond was…

Turning the second page…

Deceased. Found dead a few days ago near the Arkham Bridge. Years of decomposition and
bloat had left him almost unrecognizable. Concluded as an accidental suicide as a previous
witness had said they’d seen the man drunk and wandering off alone before he’d gone

Dick read it all, remembering with a twisted lump in his throat that the man had indeed
reeked of liquor.

But seeing his face again, too afraid to actually look at the final page of what was probably
the man’s corpse and the end of the report…Dick closed the folder and tossed it, and all the
other papers, back in the box. He shoved the cardboard container back under the bed, just

Just wanting Jason, honestly.

Haley whined that he’d stopped moving, worry obvious in her bark as she circled him and
continued to let her thoughts be known through loud barking, whimpering, and pawing at his

Dick snapped out of his daze, knowing that he had to quiet her down or risk someone (if not
everyone) coming to see what was wrong, “Hey, hey, no, no, it’s okay. I’m okay, we’re okay.
We’re…” he patted her head, glad to see she’d at least stopped being so vocal, “we’re all
okay. Okay?”

She tilted her head, but Dick took that as a yes, motioning her forwards again with a sweep of
his hand.

They continued onward and Dick continued to whisper at her in hopes she’d stay quiet until
they finally reached the library…

Only to see Cat and Tim sitting at a table loaded with magazines amidst the middle of the
walls and walls of books around them...

But still, no Jason.

“He went out to get more cigarettes,” Tim answered before Dick could ask, looking up from
one of his wedding planners. (One of several, Dick might add). “Those things are beyond
disgusting, but judging by how grumpy he was at dinner, I’m guessing it’s probably for the

“Daddy was pretty grumpy,” Cat agreed.

Dick nodded, his worry slightly lessened. He walked curiously over to the other table, the
opposite one to Tim, covered in books, many open and scribbled in Jason’s handwriting…

When had he had time to do all this?

And more importantly, what exactly was the Alpha reading?

“I have my wedding table, he has his baby table,” Tim replied once again to the unasked

Dick blinked at that. Right. Jason preferred physical books to tech screens.

Which probably made Dick smile more than it should.

“So you’ve finally got a little helper then?” Dick asked as he motioned his head at Cat.

“I mean…she’s been more helpful than anyone else at this point,” Tim winced as he rubbed
his neck from his position of obviously having been hunched over for too long.

“She does have good taste,” Dick agreed, smiling at the girl.

“I get to throw the flowers!” Cat spouted happily as she turned the wheeled chair so it wasn’t
quite spinning, but moving enough for it to be entertaining for her.

“Yeah, she’s…pretty excited about that,” Tim scratched at his hairline and sounded like he
didn’t know if that was a good thing or not.

“Maybe Haley could throw some too?” the girl suggested as Haley joined her and was
happily petted.

Tim’s sudden look of alarm had Dick trying not to laugh.

“How about if we put her in some photos with the flowers instead?” Dick offered her.

Cat considered it and nodded.

Tim gave a silent thank you.

Dick then sat at the other desk, flipping a page of one of the open books, he continued to
peruse through the material Jason had been reading until he stopped over a section on healthy
weight gain amounts during the first trimester. Seeing it made him suddenly blurt out, almost
in defense, “Do you think I’m…frumpy?”

He meant the…other word, but, he’d settle for tossing either out like a bomb Dick felt he
needed to release before it exploded.

Tim raised a startled brow at the unexpected question, “Well, I mean I don’t think you’re
winning any fashion awards in the near future, but…no, not really?”

Not really.

But Jason was reading this book. Reading and taking notes and…would he judge Dick?
Make sure he stayed within those limits printed out? Looking at the Alpha’s written words
while also thinking back again on the report…

Dick was feeling sort of nauseous. But not from morning sickness.
“Do you think…” Because Dick was going to continue to ask probably odd-sounding
questions, it seemed. He deeply exhaled, before continuing, “Do you think Slade would…

He fell off and couldn’t finish because, Jesus, what did Dick even want to ask?

That report was just…really bothering him.

Probably more than being called…puffy.

“I think Slade Wilson is old and creepy and a lot of other things I can’t say in front of a
child,” Tim’s tone was dark and angry. “That’s what I think.”

“Okay,” Dick rose from his seat and pushed it back into the table. He didn’t know what other
answer he’d expected, but he suddenly needed a bigger space to breathe. “I’m…I think I’m
gonna go get some fresh air.”

“You should probably eat something too before Jason gets back,” Tim suggested.

Dick glanced back at the book, a giant knot forming in his stomach.

He couldn’t quite nod.

Chapter End Notes

Comments are so so appreciated. They are what keep me going and help me know that
you all are still interested in more...I could honestly use the support, thank you.

I thank you so much for reading.

Chapter 53
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

"He’s doing it on purpose.”

Tim glared at the toddler who once again threw another dinosaur-shaped cracker at him.

“Dami, are you hitting Timmy on purpose?” Dick asked the boy in his lap. (They were both
snacking on the crackers if he were being honest)

To which Damian rather openly and happily nodded.

Tim huffed. Since nearing the age of 14 and his presentation, the teenager had been all sorts
of annoyed at almost everything, hormones no doubt racing and the impending day probably
looming in his mind. It was a feeling Dick had never felt himself. He’d been so confident, so

And look where that had got him.

Dick swallowed away the guilt that Tim’s stress might be due to seeing Dick and what had
happened to him, not wanting to become…what he was.

Tim’s slight frame and stature…his face bordering more on pretty than handsome…it had to
be worrying.

Dick would be there for him, of course, whatever happened. He wasn’t perhaps the best role
model one could find, but he’d tried to help if he could…

Where the worst to happen.

“See? I told you.”

Dick smoothed some of the boy’s dark hair and tutted. “I think he’s just being playful.”

Damian threw another T-rex-shaped treat right at Tim’s forehead.

And laughed.

“Right,” the teenager drawled out.

Dick looked down at the tiny boy with a frown, “Dami, you can’t be mean to Timmy, he’s…”

“No,” Damian exclaimed pointing at Tim. “Don’t want.”

“Right back at you,” Tim mumbled as he rested his head back on the table. Looking
Dick opened his mouth to offer…some kind of advice he might not have been qualified to
give, just as his phone on the table started to buzz.

“Is that him?”

The worry in Tim’s tone had Dick shooting his head up to look at the teenager as Damian
continued to demand his attention by hitting his chest.


Dick’s heart sank at the idea of Slade being just a…him.

Bruce had been so unfair and so unwilling to even give the Alpha a chance. And now Tim…

The text was from Donna asking if he was okay and not from Slade at all, but Dick turned the
phone screen upside down and asked, somewhat softly, “Would you tell Bruce if it was?”

Tim shook his head, though it took him a moment to do so, “I think he’d already know, Dick.”

Yeah, probably.

They both fell silent and Dick continued to absently play with Damian’s hair, just for a
distraction. For something to do.

“I…” Tim started then stopped, almost as if he wasn’t sure he should continue, then simply
went for it. “Dick, he’s…he’s like really old.”

Dick was a bit startled by the statement and the brashness of it, but truthfully he could see
why Tim might feel that way, being only 13. But Dick didn’t see Slade’s age as anything more
than security, honestly. Another reassurance that the man could provide and be there for him.
That the Alpha was self-assured, mature, had a good job, and he treated Dick like his opinion

And Dick found him sexy. Tall and broad, he liked the feeling of Slade’s rough beard kissing
down his neck and how his large hands felt holding Dick’s own. How Dick could wear his
button-down shirts and entice The Alpha with nothing underneath…

How their bodies melded together and Dick could make the man actually chuckle with one of
his jokes.

“When you love someone, things like age don’t really matter.”

“I mean…” Tim toyed with his long bangs as he asked, “Where did you even meet him

“Hey, what’s with the interrogation all of a sudden?” Dick asked with a breathy laugh that
fell off. “I…can’t be in love?”

Tim’s eyes feel slightly at the accusation in Dick’s tone, soft as it was, “No, you can, I just…
maybe I just don’t understand yet, I don’t know.”
And Tim’s opinion hadn’t changed, it had just grown stronger really. And he’d grown more
confident in sharing it.

…old and creepy…

“I wasn’t looking for company.”

Standing near the bench, setting down the cocoa and the covered plate…

Dick blinked at the food and thermos being offered to him.


Alfred added a large warm blanket he draped over his shoulders, rearranging the item so it
was fully covering the Omega before nodding in satisfaction.

Dick’s brow and mouth both lifted at the gesture, “I’m not going camping, Al.”

“You might run into a rather obstinate boy out there and I’d rather you be prepared.”

As if Dick were going off more to war than to camp.

“I was just dropping these off,” Dick remarked to the boy sitting there.

“No one asked you to.”

“Well, Maybe not directly but…” Sitting on the bench as well, Dick sighed. “Damian…”

“I don’t want you here.”

“I know,” Dick replied softly, causing the boy to finally turn to look at him. “But kiddo, I’ve
been coming to this garden since before you were even born.” He smiled at Damian’s glare.
“It was my brooding place first.”

“I’m not brooding.”

Dick hummed as he let go of some of the blanket's rather long length so he could drape it
over Damian as well, “Of course not,” he agreed.

Damian didn’t stop him but he didn’t seem happy about it either.

“Why him?” he suddenly asked.

“Why…” Dick hadn’t expected to be grilled once again about Slade, by Damian especially
(who had been barely out of diapers when it all happened) and the question put a lump in his

“Todd,” Damian clarified, letting Dick breathe again and remind himself…Jason was the one
in his life now. “He’s unworthy of you.”

Dick took a breath, knowing Damian was showing his hurt through anger.
“I love him, Damian.” And what felt even more important, given how he’d felt for years...
“And he loves me. This…this doesn’t mean I don’t still need you or love you too.”

“I still don’t like him,” Damian concluded, though it was a bit softer.

“You didn’t like Tim for a long time either.”

At Damian’s look, Dick realized he might have used a bad example. “Look…”

“You’re right.”

Well, that was slightly refreshing to hear.

“I agree that you do need me.”

Dick blinked, slowly and cautiously. Because Damian’s tone was…

“As will your child.”

Oh no. Dick knew what that inflection meant.


“They will need a strong person to look up to.”

Dick repeated…


But the boy was talking almost to himself now, “Father has proven his ineffectiveness too
many times and Todd is obviously completely incapable…”

“Dami…” Dick continued to try, somewhat helplessly.

The boy nodded, not at anything Dick had said though, but at what appeared to be his own
thoughts and findings.

(Not that Dick had meant anything close to what Damian was inferring.)

“Damian, I…I already have enough Alphas in my life.”

“Most of whom have been utterly useless.”

Which seemed an unfair proclamation and caused Dick to sigh, “The problem was…” but he
stopped himself from saying ‘me’. Damian was ten, he didn’t truly know what it was like to
be an Alpha, Beta, or Omega. And he still had a few years until he found out.

Dick preferred that for now.

He smiled instead, running his hand through the boy’s hair, “Look, I really would love your
help, Dami. If that’s something you want to do. I want both you and Tim to feel…included in

Dick would have to monitor that help and make sure it didn’t overextend to step on Jason’s
authority (which he realized was almost impossible…given the boy had shown up at Jason’s
apartment uninvited), but…he’d had quite a shit day honestly, and the idea that Damian was
speaking to him again…

Dick didn’t want to lose his family, not like before. Instead of getting smaller and more
estranged, he wanted it to grow.

“What is it?”

Damian was looking at the plate now.

Dick pulled the covering off and considered the meal. “I think it’s a gift from a concerned

Which might have been Alfred’s plan all along in supplying him with the food and blanket...

For both of them, it seemed.

Abd Dick was honestly pretty hungry.

“I’ll eat half if you do.”


Arriving to the sound of the television on, Dick sitting cross-legged on the bed, wearing
Jason’s red hoodie, a book open the Omega was skimming through…

“You know, most people pick one or the other.”

Dick’s mouth moved upward, eyes still on the book, “I’m too invested now, I want to see if
Cookie wins the princess crown.”

Recognizing the music and voices the more he listened, Jason smirked.

“Oh, she does.”

“Jay, that’s called spoiling…” the Omega whined.

Green eyes rolled, “I’ve seen it a million times and I’m sure you will too.” The Princess
Pageant…involving talking animals and songs meant to drive any person over the age of ten

“I may have also gotten preoccupied with…” Dick picked up the book to show him what it
was, but the smile on his face was a little strained.

Walking over and grabbing the remote laying on the bed to turn the TV off, Jason wasn’t
quite sure why he seemed almost…upset.
“I thought it would be good to be as prepared as possible.”

Had the Alpha purchased nearly every book he could find on the subject in the expectant
mother section of the bookstore?


Dick’s thumb absently traced over the page open in front of him. “I was curious what was in
it,” he finally looked up from the book to Jason. “I also kind of wondered why there’s so
many of these.”

His finger underlined one of the crossed-out sentences to show Jason what he meant.

The Alpha shrugged and simply answered, “Honestly, it’s unhelpful sexist shit I don’t really
need.” He then looked around for the reason the man had no doubt been watching the
animated TV show in the first place. “ Is Kit…?”

“In bed,” Dick said with a stretch and a yawn. “We had a little reading session with the gang
and she was out.”

Jason noted the book in Dick’s hands had fallen open to a section about sex and pregnancy.

The man scoffed at the implication of Jason’s eyeing it, “Not from this, obviously.”

“Obviously,” Jason agreed with a mouth tick that was almost a smile. “But…the gang?”

“Yep. Most of them are soft, cuddly, and filled with fluff. They’re very good listeners,

Jason had noticed the return of Zitka further up the bed. “That part of the gang too?”

“I…” Dick’s mouth tightened up a bit from its smile. “Tim brought her.” Which seemed to
trigger something that made the man finally close the book and put it to the side. “You were
gone awhile.”

Jason nodded, “I ended up getting more than I planned and one of the stores was out of the
right body wash. I didn’t want to wake you either. It says you should listen to your body and
rest if you need it.”

“It says that, huh?” Dick appeared like he was trying to avoid looking directly at Jason.

“Pretty sure Dr. Asshat said that too.”

But it almost felt like Dick hadn’t heard him, his hands going inside the pockets of the hoodie
as if looking for protection of some kind.

“Is something…”

But Dick quickly removed one hand to hold up his finger before Jason could finish. The
finger that Jason had learned meant the Omega needed to…

“Yeah. Sorry. Be right back.”

Jason waved him out the door. Apparently, peeing was something Dick was going to be doing
more and more often.

He moved to the closet, which had thankfully been completely coordinated in the last two

"Alfred gave up on keeping any of this,” Dick motioned with his arms, “tidy a while ago."

"I can see that." With a clearer head on his shoulders and Bruce’s scent no longer filling
every goddamn corner of the room, things were starting to feel much easier to organize.

Dick removed a loose thread on a pair of sweatpants he was folding, “He stopped pretty
much right after I presented."

So presumably as soon as Bruce had started to shut Dick off from the world.

“I think it was his way of…”

“Giving you a place that was yours.”

Realistically, there wouldn’t have been much else the Beta could have done for him. Just
trying to give him at least one spot that no one would touch his stuff or tell him what to do.

Dick smiled, small and sad, placing the sweats on one of the many shelves, “Yeah, maybe.”

Jason couldn’t wait for this day to be over. Stretching his shoulders and neck, he wished the
fucking knot from his overworked, tense muscles would just chill the fuck out. Pushing the
bag that Dick had pulled the jacket out of (the one he’d used for the Palace) Jason let out a
sigh of annoyance when he saw a shirt he must have forgotten to hang up. How it had gotten
smashed behind the bag in the first place, rolled up even…

Jason’s brows pinched in confusion.

This wasn’t…

The fabric felt like nothing Jason owned as he pulled it off the shelf and let the expensive-
looking button-up unravel in his hands.


It was grey, but not a grey Jason liked, and Dick…

Jason had never seen Dick in a color like this.

Grey but dark, and dare Jason say it…dreary.

The Omega would also be swimming in the size of it.


It was way too fucking big.

It screamed one thing and really one thing only.


The scent was obviously a combination of Omega vanilla…and…Alpha.

The mixing of the scents made it unrecognizable as any one individual smell, but even just
touching it Jason could somehow feel Dick had worn it more than once.

It didn’t feel like Bruce’s and it sure as fuck wasn’t Jason’s…

Walking back out of the closet, not sure where his destination was…

“You know, Cat was talking about…”

Dick froze.

His eyes. The widening…the look of absolute shock at what Jason was holding.

If Jason was hurt, confused, angry…

Jason didn’t fucking know. He only knew…

“You were hiding it.”

It was a fact.

Dick had been hiding the shirt. Or trying to anyway.

The Omega didn’t defend against the accusation, he merely swallowed, his hands went back
inside the hoodie's pockets and his face was filled with sorrow.

“I didn’t know what to do with it,” he admitted

The words were so quiet Jason barely heard them.

Well, now Jason didn’t know what the fuck to do with it either.

“You could have tried fucking burning it.”

Dick winced, his left-hand shooting and going to the side of his neck. The side that…would
have held a mark, had it not been erased.

“I needed it for so long,” Dick’s eyes were blue and wavering and filled with pain. “I don’t…
know if I can be without it.”
The Omega moved to sit back on the bed, shoulders hunched, posture strained, “I want him
to be gone.”

“You said he was,” Jason reminded.

Dick made a small, pained sound, “Physically yes, but…I’m bonded to him, Jason. I
physically don’t know if I can separate from it.”

They both fell silent. The fabric in Jason’s clenched fist felt so cold it almost burned.

“You’re wearing my jacket,” Jason pointed out for the second time that night. “Not this
goddamn shirt.”

Dick toyed with the drawstring on the hood and nodded, “I missed you,” he muttered. “I
know it’s stupid, but…” he exhaled and seemed to head down another train of thought,
“When I was sick, it made me feel better…” he looked at Jason earnestly, “Thinking of you
made me feel better. I…” his voice choked now.

“Dick…” Jason moved closer.

“I’ve never fit into a book, Jason. I…I don’t know if I ever will.”

Now it felt like they’d veered down another path completely and Jason was more than a little
lost. “What are you…”

“I’m tall…”

“You’re gorgeous.” Jason counted in near confusion. He liked taller Omegas. Slightly longer
legs all leading to the most perfect ass the world had ever seen…who the fuck was going to
complain about that? Unless…Jason shook the shirt, wondering, “Did he say something?”

“No, he always said I was perfect.”

And despite hating the Alpha prick with an immense passion Jason had to agree, “Because
you are.”

Dick bit his lip, “But what if I’m puffy and…I like Christmas sweaters and…everything
doesn’t go exactly like in the book?”

Jason stood directly in front of him, “Dick, I have spent my whole life not trying to be the
Alpha fuckhead that some books tell me I can be. It’s not to tear you down or measure you to
anything…” Hell, Jason had removed large bits of text to not fucking do that. “Is that what he

“The doctors did,” Dick replied. “Wintergreen too.”

“And what about him?”

Jason noticed he tended to deflect to Wintergreen almost too much.

“I don’t…” Dick shrugged slightly. “I don’t know. I disappointed him a lot. I…don’t want to
disappoint you too.”

“You’ll never disappoint me, Dick. And certainly not because of shit like that.”

Just because Dick liked a sweater or felt…

“I have no idea why anyone would let that whale on stage, it was embarrassing. Did you see
how puffy he looked?”


Jason sat on the bed next to him, his next word a barely held in hiss as it all fell into place,

He was gripping the shirt of a colossal piece of shit but they weren’t the only one causing
damage and hurt.

“Diamond. Fucking…” Jason didn’t know where to start other than to grab Dick’s hand.

Dick rested his head on Jason’s shoulder, seeming relieved at the touch. “I know he was just
being…himself, I’ve dealt with it before at the Palace. I don’t know why this was different.”

Jason didn’t want to bring up heightened emotions from his current state or make Dick feel
like he might be overreacting.

The Alpha had seen how vicious Diamond could be.

“Dick, please don’t listen to him, he’s…”

“I know,” Dick assured again. But Jason hoped he actually meant that.

“Jesus, did we both just pick…the worst fucking people imaginable?”

“Maybe,” Dick huffed tiredly into his shoulder. He looked at the shirt and swallowed, “But
what…what if I don’t need it anymore?”

He sounded hopeful but also scared.

“What do you want to do with it?” Jason needed it to come honestly from the Omega and not
what he thought Jason wanted to hear.

This had to be Dick’s decision and no one else's.

“I want…” Dick’s hand returned to his neck, but his tone was determined, “I want it gone.”

Chapter End Notes

I really hesitated posting this...

I kind of want to add for further context that Jason doesnt smell the same scent that Dick
does with the shirt he smells the combination of both Slade and Dick...

I understand if anyone might still see this as Jason appearing unintelligent for not
immediately seeing it as Slades...

I'm only adding this as I'm still sort of affected by someone screaming how stupid Dick
was last chapter, and I really hope that doesn't happen this chapter as well but possibly
with Jason...

But anyway sorry for my babbling and anxiety, lol. I hope you enjoy.

Thanks for reading and comments are greatly appreciated.

Chapter 54
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Dick didn’t know if he was supposed to feel this different this quickly (considering
everything), but if nothing else, he felt...less constricted than he had in quite some time.

He knew he had Jason to thank for that.

Jason was holding the shirt in one hand. Like he wanted to destroy it in any way he could.

Dick had never meant to hurt Jason by keeping it, but it wasn’t hurt Jason had on his face

“I think,” The Alpha seemed to be struggling with his next words. His teeth grinding as if he
were fighting thoughts or feelings he didn’t like. “Dammit, I think we need to see how safe it
is first.”

The response wasn’t what Dick expected. He was sure Jason would be happy to destroy it.
Especially given the earlier comment about Dick burning it. He looked at the man in
confusion, “Jason…”

But Jason squeezed his hand in the assurance that he’d thought it through, “I don’t know
bonds well enough to cut you off to something you might need and…I’m not taking the
chance of something happening to either of you. But it can’t be here, it can’t…I can’t have it
here. Not in this room.”

It was so beyond reasonable that Dick didn’t even know what to say.

“I…Alfred could probably find a place for it.”

Jason seemed to agree with a light nod but asked. “Is this it? I’m not gonna run into anything
else of his, am I?”

Dick shook his head, “But Jason you don’t have to…”

“I fucking love you too much to…take the chance, okay?”

And so it was on this Sunday morning, trying to both eat and drink away the awful-tasting
prenatal vitamins (because he loved Jason and because he loved their baby)...

“Okay,” Tim dropped the bag, emptying the contents on the table as pill bottles rolled out.
“We got everything Dr. Tanner prescribed.”

It wasn’t…a lot. Much less than what Dick could say he’d grown used to at one time.
Jason followed in shortly after, his shoulders slightly tense as he asked, “Are you going to be
okay taking them?”

Dick couldn’t say his chest didn’t tighten slightly over seeing pills again after being without
any for a little while, but…

Tim and Jason weren’t Wintergreen…sneering at him. Offering him nothing but scorn and
scoffing, that he hadn’t fulfilled his duty. Constantly reminding him that he was failing his

This was different and after a few breaths and processing what he was seeing…

“The pharmacist said you have to take these,” Tim’s finger pointed to one bottle, then
another, “before these but after those ones over there.” Dick looked to see the other bottle the
Beta meant that Jason had stopped from rolling off the table. “It’s mostly vitamins so none of
them should really give you side effects.”

Alfred placed a cup into the sink, not exactly chastising Dick for eating and drinking over
said sink, but absently swiping a few crumbs up, he informed, “I could provide you a plate
for that.”

“Sorry, Al,” he said with a chewing smile. “I’ll be quick.”

The added coffee cake was to hopefully fool his taste buds into thinking they hadn’t just
consumed the awful-tasting tablet.

And because it was sweet and delicious, that too.

“It's almost like I didn’t teach you boys any manners.”

Dick scoffed lightly at Bruce as the man retrieved his mug of coffee from Alfred. Stuffing the
last bite in his mouth, the Omega countered. “As if you didn’t eat that whole tub of ice cream
straight from the container that we all caught you with. More than once.”

“I thought we decided never to speak of that,” Bruce recalled with a small smile as he took a

“Master Bruce, there was another call about the event for you,” Alfred informed.

The Alpha gave a visible sigh.

“The Haunted Harvest?” Dick asked as he rinsed his fingers off in the sink.

“I’d honestly like to skip the whole thing this year,” Bruce admitted.

Dick began drying his hands with a frown. Was it over Dick? It sort of felt like it had to be.

Considering Dick had disobeyed literally everything Bruce had asked of him at the Gala…he
could at least offer the man that he’d sit in his room all night and not cause any kind of
trouble. Although…
“I mean…It’s not like I can run off with Jason anywhere this time.”

“I realize that,” Bruce replied, still looking tired.


“It helps a lot of kids, Bruce.”

Not every family had money or the privilege of having a fun, safe way to celebrate the
holiday and even if it was only one night, it still felt like it contributed to something bigger.
The proceeds of any donations went to the children’s hospital and Dick couldn’t even think of
Wayne Manor not holding it.

“Please don’t take that away just because of…” Dick swallowed, holding the sink and biting
his lip, it was him, he knew Bruce was hesitating because of him. “Please Bruce, it does so
much good.”

The Alpha considered him and what he was saying, then exhaled and turned to speak to the
Beta behind him, “Alfred, give me the number and I’ll call them back. ”

“Of course, sir.”

But the Alpha wasn’t done, even as Dick was getting ready to take his second pill. “Do you
want to run it?” Bruce asked Dick, seemingly before he could stop himself.

Dick blinked in confusion, “Run it?”

Bruce had insisted he couldn’t be allowed to drive for his own safety, but now he wanted him
to… run an event?

The taller man nodded, “You’re obviously passionate about it, and…it might be good to get a
different perspective this year. You’ll have help, of course, but I’ll give you the final say.”

Final say?

Dick was pretty sure he’d never had a final say in…probably anything before.

And certainly not with Bruce.

“But what about Talia?” It was the Omega of the house's job to do something like decorate
for a party, as it was considered a lesser job than being the actual host.

“She can focus on the Masquerade inside. Honestly, you’d probably be doing her a favor.”

Even if Bruce was trying to appease him in some way, it was still more responsibility than
he’d ever received from the man before.

Responsibility that didn’t involve hiding away and trying to make himself as unseen and
unheard as possible, anyway.
For the second time in just a handful of days, Dick felt more free than he had in…so long he
could hardly remember. “I’d…love that, Bruce.”

The man nodded as he went to no doubt go make the phone call.

And Dick suddenly…couldn’t stop smiling.


It had been about a week, but he still couldn’t…

Eyes trying to focus on his paperwork, Jason frowned.


The ink stains from the pen still stained his desk, no matter how he’d tried to clean the

But the color had faded with the repeated attempts.

Faded from blue to more of a…


If only Jason had actually destroyed the goddamn shirt. Lit it up in a fire or ripped it into a
thousand pieces like he’d wanted to.

If only Jason wasn’t so worried that Dick did need it because…as everyone continued to
remind him, Bruce, the fucker Roman, even Roy a few times…

Jason was in a one-sided bond.

And something he couldn’t name, some feeling being here in the station the last few days,
something was pissing him off.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were having a Halloween party?”

“Because I’m not,” Jason replied to Roy as the man entered Jason’s office in an unnecessarily
dramatic huff.

“Then why did Dick just send me an invitation for one?” the redhead retorted.

“The Wayne Foundation is having a charity thing,” Because it was what rich people did
apparently. Galas and parties…

Tax write off bullshit probably.

Jason was still looking at his desk and not at the phone and subsequent text message Roy was
showing him as his proof. He had no doubt Dick had invited him. The Omega was downright
excited about it.
“One or two?"

“Umm…” Cat considered the question before answering, "Two." She used her fingers to
show him the number as well.

The Alpha looked at what she’d placed on the bed. "Well baby, you only brought one of
these," Jason showed her the sparkly hair tie. "You want two ponytails, you've got to bring

The girl looked around, patting the comforter with a pout. Realizing Jason was right, she
sighed before sliding rather slowly off the bed. "Okay." she agreed, saying the word much
longer than was actually needed.

"Yeah okay," Jason agreed as he watched her leave in a slow, meandering fashion.

He could hear the rattle of Haley’s collar down the hall and the girl telling the dog, “I’ve got
to bring two.”

Like she couldn’t believe the inconvenience of it all.

Imagining more pigtails and sparkles with another kid…possibly another girl…

"You like Halloween, right?"

Jason looked up at Dick’s entrance in the doorway and answered, rather bluntly. "Not really."

He wouldn’t say he disliked or downright hated it, Jason simply didn’t care all that much
either way.

(He certainly liked Dick’s silhouette in the room's lighting though.)

But it was as if the man hadn’t heard him as Dick climbed onto the bed next to Jason. "I've
got a project," he said into Jason's shoulder as he grabbed the Alpha’s arm.

Jason raised a brow at his excitedness, "Those vitamins are really doing it for you, huh?”

Dick shook his head with a light grimace, “God no, those things smell like dirty feet and taste
like chalk.”

Which….fair enough.

At least the Omega had agreed to willingly take them.

“You’re quite the poet,” Jason observed. “But okay, I’ll bite. What’s the project?"

"The Haunted Harvest."

Dick blinked expectantly at Jason’s blank stare.

“You know the…” he motioned vaguely.

As if Jason was supposed to know what he meant.

Jason tested the words, “Haunted…”

Just as the Alpha remembered he was pretty sure he’d either seen or heard of Wayne Manor
doing something for Halloween…sometime in the past.

Which probably meant…

"Is it another gala?"

Jason was definitely not ready for that.

(Although at least his invitation wouldn’t be from Slade Wilson this time.)

Dick made a so-so motion with his head, "Kind of, but it's for families. Bruce has a small
party inside for the important investors that can't be without booze for a night, but otherwise,
it's outside,” Dick waved his hand as if trying to sum it up more simply. “More costumes, less
formal with lots of candy and games."


"Sounds like a lot of screaming, sticky, sugar-high kids."

Dick furrowed his brows and looked up at the Alpha and his unenthused tone with a frown,
“But…you like kids.”

Jason held in a snort. “I like my kids,” he corrected.

“Well,” Dick countered, “kids like you.”

Jason really hoped Dick wasn’t using Dante the roaming four-year-old as any kind of
confirmation for that.

“And Cat said she’s never been trick or treating.”

“I mean,” Jason began, not really having thought about it too much before. The girl had
been young enough Jason had felt it didn’t really matter. “The old lady next door used to
bring her some candy?”

Dick looked unimpressed, “Well, I want her to enjoy this too. I think she’ll have a lot of fun.
This…means a lot to me, Jason.”

Another Wayne Event…

But if Dick thought he could handle it and it wasn’t too much…

“Okay,” the Alpha assured, his hand gingerly moving up the side of Dick’s waist. “Sticky kids
it is.”

Because where else was Jason going to be that night, anyway?

Letting a bunch of strangers around his pregnant Omega (who had definitely started smelling
different in the best possible way) without him?

Absolutely not.

“You’re…” Dick huffed, but he was failing to hide a smile, “You’re…awful.”

Which might have meant more if he hadn’t reached over to kiss Jason, who in turn dragged
him until they were both flat on the bed.

“The worst,” Jason murmured in agreement.

“I mean you do live at Wayne Manor now. And you’re having a baby that’s basically half

Jason sucked in his cheek and finally looked at the man.

“Dude, you’re…are you okay?”

Either Jason looked as on edge as he felt or… “Something fucking stinks,” he admitted.

Jason didn’t know what it was or why it was affecting him so goddamn much but every time
he entered the station he just felt…

“I swear I took a shower,” Roy insisted as he proceeded to smell his jacket.

“It’s not you, it’s…” Fuck, Jason didn’t even know.

It was the grey on his desk, the smell in the air that he couldn’t describe or even put in a
distinct place. It was just…all over the fucking station. And it set his Alpha in agitation mode
the moment he entered.

“You don’t smell that?”

Roy scratched at his elbow and shook his head. “Is this some kind of sympathy smelling?
Because you know Dick’s the one that’s supposed to have the sensitive nose, now, right?” At
Jason’s look, the man held his hands. “Dude, I don’t know, this place never smells great.”

But something was…

Jason shook his head and assumed it might just be him still dealing with the shirt.


“Babs thinks the colors should be green and purple, but I think…”

“Red, yellow and White,” Jason offered. He hit the button on the vending machine, not
usually one for snacks loaded with shit he couldn't pronounce, but he needed something in his
stomach beside the coffee from earlier.

“Red, Yellow and white?”

“You know, like a circus tent?”

Jason could all but hear Dick’s mouth falling in annoyance, “Oh my god…who started that
whole circuses are scary thing anyway?”

Jason tore open the packet of almonds and scooped some into his hand for a bite. “People
with working ears and eyes.” He offered as he chewed, taking another handful and finishing
the snack off. “You add some clowns and…”

“I just might,” the man threatened with no real heat.

Jason smiled as he tossed the empty wrapper into the nearest trash. Hearing the Omega’s
voice might be the saving thing from having to deal with the shitty smell, (that didn’t actually
smell like literal shit, but something cold and awful Jason couldn’t put a name to) and…

Turning around at the feeling of someone watching him, Jason pivoted to see nothing at first.
Until he noticed a taller Beta with short, well-kept hair and an expensive-looking coat. Older,
but (like Slade), not someone Jason would say presented as old. The man wasn’t looking at
him per se and seemed like he was waiting to be let into the chief’s office.

So why…


“Yeah, sorry,” he mumbled to Dick, finally regaining his focus back on the conversation.

“You okay?” Dick’s tone sounded like the Omega might have been trying to get his attention
for a while.

“Yeah, baby, I’m fine,” he answered almost on autopilot.

“Baby?” Dick seemed amused now, “Since when do you call me baby?”

“Guess I’ve got Jason Jr. on the brain,” Jason blandly joked as he continued to watch the
Beta. It made no sense, he didn’t know the guy and so far he hadn’t done anything untoward
or wrong, but…

Maybe it was because Jason was the one watching him in reality, but as the man entered the
office, he turned. Just enough that their eyes met for a moment...before the door closed
behind him.

Jason’s phone buzzed, signaling a message and Dick heard it on his end as well. “Are you
busy, do you need to go?”

The Alpha looked at what had come through on his screen, really wanting to say no, but
also...he squinted at the odd-looking image. What the hell?

“Roy just sent me something,” he explained. He had no idea what though. Until he saw it
seemed to be more than just a picture “It looks like a video?”
“What for?”

“I don’t…”

Then the text of ‘Wait for me’ came through and Jason knew he needed to view whatever it
was in his office. Giving one last look at the closed door, he said into the phone, “Hey, I’ll
call you back later, okay?”

“Okay. I love…”

The line cut off and Dick was unable to finish speaking. Which…hadn't this happened
before? What the fuck was with the shitty signal in here all of a sudden?

Shaking his head, Jason moved back towards his office, seeing Roy was already there
looking more sober than he had earlier. A hand on his hip while he toyed with his facial hair.
The other Alpha glanced over at Jason’s arrival.

“Dude, it’s...”

Jason closed his door just to be safe.

The man continued, “She just sent it to me. It’s from the Palace. It was evidence originally in
the case, but it got thrown out for some reason.”


“The video?”

Roy nodded in confirmation. “The timecode on it is from at least a decade ago, but…that
Omega said he saw someone in a mask following him, right?”

“Yeah, is…”

“Just watch it.”

Jason did. It was only about 2 minutes long and everything started out dark and grainy,
almost way too muddy to actually see anything. Before several men became visible, all were
seated around a large table.

All wearing masks.

Jason raised the audio but everything was gargled with a loud humming and several words
were cut off. The whole thing was filled with several odd cuts and jumps that were no doubt
the file either being corrupted…

Or purposefully spliced up.

The man in the middle of the expensive-looking desk wore a suit and a mask and although he
wasn’t the biggest person in the room, he still gave off a power like he might be important.
But it was a man on the side, not even fully in frame, but somehow he seemed to really have
Jason’s attention. His arms were crossed and his body language was agitated, and for some
reason, Jason couldn’t keep his eyes off of him.

Frankly, Jason had no idea what he was looking at, only…

Only that this whole thing appeared so much more fucking creepy and worrying than he ever
could have imagined.

Chapter End Notes

Comments would be very appreciated and thanks for reading!

Chapter 55
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

“Tim might know.”

Dick scooped another cherry off the sundae in front of him to put into Cat’s bowl.

Jason cracked his neck while drumming the worn looking table with his fingers. He realized
he hadn’t told the Omega that Bruce had taken him to this exact cafe (this exact goddamn
booth even) to talk to him (the first time he’d tried to stop their relationship) but…

“Dick loved this place a lot.”

Clearly, the Omega still did.

Cat also seemed to be enjoying looking around at all the knick-knacks on the overcrowded
walls, leaving Jason as the odd one out with how little he wanted to be here.

(Call it a bad experience…with an Alpha he didn’t really care for…informing him that Dick’s
husband had been poisoning him…while also none too subtly telling Jason it didn’t concern

Dick seemed to have some agitation of his own, though, his leg moving under the table as he
tried his best to look like he wasn’t chewing the inside of his cheek raw.

While mashing around ice cream he had yet to really eat.

Dick stayed outside the car while Jason strapped Cat in. The short length of the godawful
video thankfully gave the Omega the chance to quickly watch it without raising Cat’s
suspicions she was being left out of something.

Jason took the phone back from the Omega after he closed the back door. Leaning against the
car, Dick stood in thought for a few moments before saying…

“Let’s get ice cream.”

Looking at the Omega, Jason could only blink in surprise, completely lost, “What?”

“It’ll be fun,” Dick assured with a very tight smile as he opened the passenger door to get
inside as if it had been decided. As if everything he was saying and how he was reacting was
completely and totally normal.

Was Jason missing something? Some kind of code even his Alpha couldn’t seem to decipher?
“Is this…”

“It’s ice cream. I think we can all use some. And I know just the place.”
Truthfully, Jason could use a hard drink, not goddamn ice cream, and he’d call this place
pretty much anything but fun.

“Tim might know what?” he questioned back to Dick 's original statement.

Dick scooped and dropped the ice cream repeatedly with his spoon, never once raising it to
his mouth. “He’s a wiz at audio and visual stuff, he could tell where the cuts are and where
it’s been edited.”

Jason thought the cuts were pretty obvious and voiced this, “Dick, the whole thing has been

Dick’s face tightened the slightest bit as he pushed his spoon around some more, “I know,
I’m just…doesn’t something feel like it’s in there but we just can’t see or hear it?”

Jason had seen enough of the video to know it pissed him off (if nothing else), but it was
possible Dick had a point.

“I mean…does he know about it?”

“The Palace?” Dick answered his own question before Jason could. Adjusting himself on the
bench while looking decidedly and oddly uncomfortable, he further replied. “Yeah, Al does

Which almost made Jason sigh as he considered the improbability that the two Betas would
know something the overly protective, borderline domineering Alpha of the house didn’t.
“And you think Bruce doesn’t?”

Dick huffed poutily as he accused, “You sound like Tim.”

Bruce’s eyes found the window beside them…

Dick was suddenly looking out the same window, in almost the same way. Something that
really wasn’t helping the throb growing in Jason’s temple.

“Dick needs to see it.”

Roy held his hands in the form of a t for a time out as he shook his head. No doubt ready to


“I think he’s the Boss. The one in the middle.” Dick’s tone was soft, but the words had no
less impact in their sincerity. “That's the same guy I saw.”

Well, that was genuinely helpful. Even if such a generic term as the ‘Boss’, (given how much
this was all looking like some kind of fucked up cult or something), almost didn’t seem a
strong enough title.
Dick placed his elbow on the table so he could nervously play with his hair. “At least I’m
pretty sure it is.”

More ice cream moving, this time adding more to Cat’s bowl even though the girl wasn’t
really touching hers either.

“What about the others?”

Primarily the one apparently pissed about something Jason couldn’t decipher in the gargled,
shit for audio.

The one putting a trigger up Jason’s ass that he really, really wished he had a clearer view of.

A lip bite and a sigh, finally dropping the spoon…

“I don’t know,” Dick admitted, though he looked somewhat crushed to say so. “I know I
probably should, but…I’m sorry.”

The guilt in his voice was about too much to fucking handle.

“Jesus, Dick. I didn’t say that.” Maybe Jason had sounded snappy or demanding without
realizing it, but judging by the concerned frown on Cat's face, he wasn't alone in his worry
about Dick’s reaction.

The Omega gave a deep, watery-sounding sigh. And then he went back to his dessert

Jason just watched him continue to mash around what was essentially little more than liquid
at this point, the Omega chewing his lip and looking more deeply into the swirling mixture of
flavors in an almost worrying way.

Jason shared a look with Cat that had her shrugging at what they were both watching.

“Dick,” he tried, reaching across the table to hopefully help the man's obvious distress.

But Dick suddenly pushed backward into the booth, almost like he didn’t want Jason to touch

Which brought about an icy cold pain in Jason’s heart that the man was going to try and
escape from him…either mentally or physically…


And for what?

For fucking sharing something Jason thought the Omega would want to see? Was that it?
Dick was going to push Jason away for…

But Jason didn’t want a goddamn apology.

“Dick, you…”

“I have to…”

And suddenly, Jason was much more concerned about the hand the Omega had abruptly
clamped over his mouth.

Within seconds, Dick had gone pale and clammy, even slightly shaky. Almost like he was…


As Jason watched Dick make a mad dash out of the booth and head for what had to be the
restroom area, the Alpha could admit he might have been a bit too quick to judge the
situation and what was happening.

(Dick and bathrooms also tended to mean hiding, but…)


“He did that twice at school today,” Cat informed as she literally crawled over Jason's lap so
she could look outside the booth in curiosity at where Dick was going. “I think he threw up.”

Jason was (more than) thinking so too.

“Okay,” Jason acknowledged with a sigh. He prodded the girl to continue moving further out
of the booth so they could both exit, because this (whatever this actually was) was over,
“Come on. We’re going.”

Roy’s hands were placating as he held them up, “Look, I’m not trying to be a sexist jerk,
okay? But do you think it’s a good idea to show him? Right now, especially?”

Jason had been slightly pissed at first, knowing that he wasn’t going to hide something so
crucial from Dick, not after the man had put himself in danger trying to help.

But Jesus…

Fuck even…

Was Jason the sexist jerk for now wondering…

if maybe Roy had been right?


Dick wiped his mouth with the paper towel, steadying himself on the bathroom sink before
he tossed the brown paper into the trash. His stomach felt a little better, a little less like it was
turning over and over, but his breathing still needed a moment to settle.

“ Maybe I won’t get any symptoms at all.”

Dick scoffed.

Maybe he’d been a blabbermouth who had clearly tempted fate, only to lose not only his
lunch but also…

Damn, he didn't even have a punch line to that joke, Dick was just…

“First pregnancy?”

The urgency of not tossing his entire stomach in public had obviously overtaken Dick’s
awareness of his surroundings.

Coupled with the video, the unknown Alphas involved in it, the palace itself, all of Dick’s
thoughts muddling into a panic he'd tried to drown in ice cream…

Either way, whatever had distracted him, Dick had very obviously missed the other Omega
who’d been reapplying some lip gloss next to him.

Great, Grayson, this was really great.

He’d been feeling so good the last few days too, and now...

Now he was dragging Jason into his mild hysteria of not knowing how to react and obviously
confusing the younger man (not to mention throwing up in front of strangers…)

Jesus, Dick, get it together.

“How could you tell?” He asked, praying his voice wasn't too shaky.

The male Omega just offered a raised brow that said it was obvious. “It gets better,” he
offered as he fluffed some of his hair using the mirror to smack his lips and check his
appearance. “People say they can’t tell because, well,” he motioned to his very slim and
toned physique, “But anyway, I’ve had 4, and barely got sick with any of them. My friend
though…” he let out a chuckle. “She lived in the bathroom. Hopefully, that won’t be you.”

Dick wasn’t sure how that was funny exactly, but… “Yeah, hopefully not.”

Too bad Dick and hope hadn’t exactly been friends in quite some time.

The man checked himself one last time before fully looking at Dick, “My boy was much
easier than my girls…so you’ll probably be fine.”

Dick blinked.


The man observed him up and down, concluding, “Yep. And I haven’t been wrong yet.”

Dick was tempted to ask if the man was related to Brian Tanner with how confident he
seemed of himself, but the Omega was already leaving with a, “Good luck,” before Dick
could respond with really anything.

Which left Dick realizing he still needed to walk out himself. Walk out and face…well,
Jason’s face he supposed.

And Dick really (make that really) liked Jason’s face, but…

The door creaked open again and it was a relief when the person peeking through barely hit
the height of the door handle. Meaning Jason was showing his concern not by forcing his
way into the bathroom, but…

Cat entered the room and Dick asked, “Did Daddy send you in here?”

The girl nodded.

“I’m sorry if I scared you guys,” He apologized.

Except Cat didn’t look scared, more curious than anything, “Daddy said the baby can make
you sick sometimes.”

Dick gave a light smile, “Seems that way.”

Cat squished her nose, “But why would the baby do that?”

Why indeed?

“I don’t really know, kiddo, it just…sort of happens.”

(Not exactly a standout ‘I’m a teacher’ answer he had to admit)

Cat didn’t look reassured and Dick couldn’t say he blamed her.

“How about we ask Daddy when we find him, huh?” he proposed to her frown. After all,
Jason had been reading all those books and everything. “Which…we should probably do
before he gets too grumpy.”

(Something that might have been a lost cause at this point.)

Dick realized he had no one to blame but himself if Jason were upset. And the Alpha had
every right to be, honestly. Taking a breath, Dick opened the door, ushering Cat out in front
of him as they left.

Jason was…

Well, the man’s arms weren’t folded, (mostly because he was holding something in one of
them). He was leaning against the wall, however. Leaning right at the beginning of the
hallway and looking at Dick with a raised brow.

The kind of raised brow that demanded an explanation.

Why is it negative?
On autopilot Dick replied his usual, desperate, answer of… “I don’t know.”

Jason looked slightly taken aback and Dick quickly corrected himself. Jason was neither
Slade, nor Wintergreen, he reminded himself (for what felt like the hundredth time). And this
situation was actually the direct opposite of what he was used to.

“I’m sorry,” He stammered. “It started this afternoon, I…”

“Here” Jason handed him the object he’d been holding. A take away cup.

The Omega blinked, not sure how to say he really didn’t want the leftover ice cream if that’s
what it was.

“It's Ginger ale. It should help,” The Alpha assured.

Oh, thank god.

Dick took it in appreciation, smiling genuinely at him in thanks. “I guess…I think I might
have jinxed myself by joking about it. So um…yeah, I’m not doing that again.”

Jason gave almost a smile, but shook his head. Wrapping an arm around the smaller man, his
voice unusually soft, he asked, “You good?”

Dick shrugged lightly. He’d forced them all here for really no good reason at all, but…

“Yeah. I...think so.”

if Jason believed him or not was a mere guess as the Alpha didn’t reply past a deep exhale.

Looking up at him to make sure everything was alright (or at least alright enough) Dick

Jason seemed in a glaring competition with some part (or perhaps all) of the wall decor
hanging nearest to them and what he was seeing was making the man’s mouth twitch in

After a moment of silence, Jason gumbled…as if he’d thoroughly decided…

”I really fucking hate this place.”

And before Dick could even begin to ask...

Jason was dragging them towards the exit.


People had been coming in and out of the garden the last few days. Wayne Manor may have
felt like the size of a planet some days, but it still seemed like Jason heard the construction
going on anywhere he went.

Like a hammer literally slamming into his head.

It was only a day until the Harvest so the sudden rush to get everything done made sense,


It might have been a bit wrong to be territorial of a place that by all rights wasn’t his in any
way, but fuck it, he needed to smoke. And since Bruce had demanded this be their home for
however fucking long…

Yes, Jason had set up a place, far enough away that he didn’t have to worry about his habit
affecting Dick, but also close enough that he could still watch the Omega work. (And more
importantly, make sure that the rest of the set-up crew kept their hands and eyes to their
goddamn selves.)

So far no one had really tried anything (maybe they knew better because of Bruce), but…

Jason’s mind was moving too much for him to just sit around the literal mansion. And while
chain-smoking might itself have seemed mindless, it at least gave him something to do.

Dick was struggling. Jason wasn’t stupid, he could see that. The man was smiling and trying
to act at ease (moving past the ice cream incident) but…the morning sickness (which was
about the stupidest name ever considering it seemed to be all day) was getting to him.

Jason nearly smashed a second cigarette in anger at the reason why.

(The reason greater than just the physical discomfort it was causing the Omega.)

And the video really wasn’t fucking helping matters either. Jason had sent it to Tim to hook
into some kind of audio and visual program or some shit, but really...

Slade had already seen it. If it had been evidence (thrown out or not) there was no way he
wouldn’t have.

Slade had seen it...

While claiming...

"We never found anything..."

And that…

“Instead of spectating, you could consider helping.”

Jason held in a groan.

Damian had been scarce since his return from sulking, but still not scare enough for Jason’s

“You’re letting him work while you…” the boy motioned at the stick in between Jason’s
fingers. “Pollute the atmosphere and just watch?”
“Pretty sure he wanted to do it, squirt,” Jason observed. He then pointed out, exhaling smoke
as he did, “And I don’t exactly see you lifting a hand either.”

Damian waved the air in disgust. Which seemed dramatic as Jason had purposefully turned
his face so the smoke went the opposite way to him, “You really are foul.”

Almost pointing out that Damian was the one that had interrupted him, putting himself where
he wasn’t needed (or wanted, frankly), Jason instead demanded, sort of already done with the
boy, “You know I’m not him, right?” He emphasized the word so the other understood
exactly who Jason meant. “That I’m not going to hurt Dick like he did?”

Damian appeared unmoved. “You’re an Alpha.” he replied, arms crossed. “I don’t trust
Alphas and I don’t trust you.”

The apartment stalking had made that obvious enough.

“And yet you want to be one?” Jason questioned. Not understanding the logic.

“I will be one,” Damian snapped as a correction. “But unlike you, or any other Alpha I know,
I will make changes and make this world a better place to live than it is now. Not just sit
around, with toxic vices,” clearly meaning the smoking, “and be complacent with how things

Well, hot damn, color Jason surprised. The kid had aspirations that didn’t sound completely
self-serving (even if he clearly didn’t understand reality and its limitations…because the brat
was fucking nine).

Who fucking knew?

Jason flicked some ash and leaned against the wall, careful of the vine growing behind him,
“Well, it might just interest you to know that I don’t trust most Alphas either.”

Very few really, but that didn’t seem to impress Damian Wayne.


If possible he seemed insulted, “Is that some sort of futile attempt to try and win me over?”


Jason outright laughed at the suggestion. It felt like the first chuckle he’d had in days.
“Junior, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t win you over if hell froze solid and pigs danced across the
moon. And you know what?” His smirk grew the more he thought about it. “I’m kind of okay
with that.”

More than okay, really.

Jason tossed the cigarette under his shoe to stomp it out. He didn’t miss the ‘disgusting’
Damian mumbled at the action.
Looking down at the boy, Jason continued, “Look, I don’t like you and you don’t like me, but
we do have something in common.”

There was a look of doubt in the dark blue eyes, but Jason continued.

“We both love him.” Something Jason knew the twerp wasn’t going to deny. “Which

Damian’s brow furrowed, seemingly unsure where the Alpha was headed.

“We should go help him.”

Damian opened his mouth to rebut something, but Jason called out, “Hey, Dick!” causing the
man to stop what he was doing as he looked around for the source of Jason’s voice.

Turning, the Omega spotted them, smiling brightly as he waved. “Hey guys!”

Waving back, Jason talked back down to Damian again, “After all, it was your idea.”

“I never said I…”

The Alpha cut him off, “You tell me you’re going to look in those eyes and tell him no.”

Damian exhaled deeply, but didn’t reply past a snort of annoyance.

“Didn’t think so.”

Chapter End Notes

Comments are really appreciated and help me know theres still intrest from you all.

Thank you for reading!

End Notes

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