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Course ID 502047

Lab 2 – Intro to Linux (continue)

- Review Lab1 (previous week lab) by yourself.
- Read “Lab2-Lecture.pptx” for all of command using in this LAB.
- Install Virtual Box and the image provied
- Finish following instructions step by step and write down command you’ve typed OR what show
on screen after using a command.

1. Create a new user, naming sv2

2. Activate password for sv2 account

3. Create sv2 directory in home directory

4. Transfer owner of sv2 directory to sv2 user

5. Similarly create sv3 user following steps 1-4

6. Create the lab2 group

7. Add sv2 and sv3 users to lab2 group

8. List the users of the lab2 group

9. Rename group lab2 to lab3

10. List all the users of the lab3 group

11. Delete sv2 users from lab3 group

12. Lock up sv2 account

13. Unlocking sv2 account

14. Switch user sv2 back to lab3

15. Add test.doc file to sv3 directory

16. Show access permissions for sv3 files and directories

17. Change the permissions of test.doc file to: Owner has the right to read, write;
Group can read only; Others have no rights at all.

18. Change access to sv2 directory to: “Owner can read, write, execute; Group can
read and write; Other groups read” using octal code.

19. Change the mask so that the files are created from now can read only by the

20. Transfer owner of sv3 directory to sv2 user

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