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3.2. Oguma (Literature)

Qorannoo ogumaa keessatti, ‘gooroo’ jechuun bifa ogumni uunkaaleefi amaloota addaa addaattin
qoqqoodamee ittiin ibsamu jechuudha. Ogumni damee ogafaanii (oral literature) fi ogbarruun
(written) dhiyaata. Ogafaan waan jecha dubbiitiin dhaloora irraa dhalootatti daddarbu.
Ogbarruun (written literature) ammoo bifa asoosamaa (fiction) bifa alasoosamaa (nonfiction)
qaba. Lamaanuu bifa barreeffamaatiin kan dhiyaatan ta’anii garaagarummaan isaanii sadarkaa
argayaadummaafiqabatamummaa irratti ta’a. Garaagarummaan isaanii dameen alasoosamaa
bu’aalee kalaqa sammuu osoo hintaane waan saayinsii, seenaafi barreeffamoota dhimma
qabatamaa irratti ragaan deeggaramanii dhiyaatan irratti xiyyeeffata. Asoosamni (fiction) ammoo
hojiiwwan kalaqaa sammuu dhala namaa ta’an kanniin akka wolaloo, doo’ii, dhangala’aa
(asoosama dhangala’aa gabaabaafi dheeraan) hammataa bifaalee gurguddoo lamaan mul’ata.
Isaanis, ogafaaniifi ogbarruu barreeffamaadha.

Ogbarruun barreeffama kalaqaa asoosaan ykn woloon barreessee maxxansiise ittiin yaamamu
yommuu ta’u hojiin kalaqaa kun abbaa waan qabuufi barreeffamaan waan dhiyaatuuf ogafaan
irraa adda. Deemsa qunnamtii kana keessatti, barreessaafi dubbisaan fuulaafi fuulaan walitti
dhufuun dirqama miti. Barreessaan carraa namoota yeroofi iddoon isa/ishee irraa fagaatanii jiran
qunnamuuf carraa qaba. Dubbisaan barreeffama barreessaan yeroofi iddoo tokko jiraate/tu
wajjin karaa maxxansaan wal qunnama. Kunis hubannoon, dandeettiifi sirni barreeffamaa
dhufuun isaa walii galtee dhala namaa dubbiifi barreeffama jechuun akka iddoo lamatti qoodamu
taasisee jira.

As literature is generally defined as anything written, the concepts of Fiction and Nonfiction are also
anything written. The major difference between them is that the former deals with the creation of
imagined materials while the latter deals with real materials. There are two major aspects regarding
factual and no-factual writings. These are Fiction and Nonfiction

3.2.1. Alsoosama (Non Fiction)

Nonfiction on the other hand, is defined as the factual writings which are written by the writer
who uses facts in his/her works. On the other hand, nonfiction is a factual writing about real life
situations. Nonfiction is the literature that deals with real people, real events, and real
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experiences, that is, it is created entirely from the facts. Purposefully, nonfictional literature
designates writings intended to instruct, to impart knowledge, wisdom or faith, and especially to
please. They probably include more than half of all that has been written in countries having
literature of their own. Writing or narrative that is nonfictional is generally supposed to cling to
reality more closely than that which invents stories or frames imaginary plots. This book is also
an example of instructional and academic nonfiction textbook.

The common major literary examples of nonfiction include expository, argumentative,

functional, and opinion pieces; essays on art or literature; biographies; memoirs; journalism; and
historical, scientific, technical or economic writings. The minor types include specific types such
as letters, documentaries, photograph, diagrams, dictionary, textbooks, encyclopedia, thesaurus,
self-helps, philosophy, and the like.

There are also various forms of Nonfiction as a genre. The following are the common forms of
Nonfiction literature.

 Letters and Journals. These contain personal thoughts and other reflections

 Biographies. A biography is the story of a person’s life or the life of someone written by
someone else/another person. The word ‘biography’ comes from Greek words ‘bios’
which means ‘a life’ and ‘graphein’ which means ‘to write’.
 Autobiographies. These are the writer’s account of his/her own life. Autobiography is
the narrative in which the author tells the story of his or her own life. The word
‘autobiography’ comes from three Greek words; ‘auto’ meaning ‘self’, ‘bios’ meaning
‘life’ and ‘graphein’ which means ‘to write’ thus meaning to write one’s own life.

 Memoirs. These are the person’s record of experiences form his/her own life.

 Essays. These are writings which are medium in length and discuss a topic about the
author, author’s personal feelings or on a certain topic. This is a short piece of nonfiction
writing in which the author presents his or her view on a particular topic. The essay form
was invented by the French man Michel de Montaigne in 1572. Montaigne called his
written pieces ‘essais’(French) which means ‘attempts’ or ‘tries’ in English. Essay
always features the author’s opinions, arguments, observations, recollections, and
reflections. The essay is typically 5 to 7 paragraphs, but can be of any length. It contains

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a definition, body and conclusion. Essays do not usually include citations, but rather
based on a person’s point of view and typically written in third person.
 Articles. These are found on newspapers and magazines. They written specifically to
focus on the facts of a subject and they express an author’ ideas or opinions on a topic.
 History. Is a factual account of real events that occurred in the past. Mostly, history is the
form of a narrative arranged in a chronological order.
 Diary. Diary is a written account of person’s experiences and thoughts recorded each day
or every few days. Many people keep diaries as a personal record. Most do not intend that
other people read their diaries. They provide an insight into the events and customs of a
particular period and place about a writer and his/her interactions with others.
 Periodicals.
 Instructions manual

3.2.2. Asoosama (Fiction)

Fiction is defined as the non-factual writings which are written by the writer who uses his/her
mere imagination. Fiction is a story or writing that is created from an author’s imagination. Thus,
it is a form of narrative based upon the imagination of the author. Any writing that an author
creates from his/her imagination is termed as a fiction.

The word ‘fiction’ comes from the Latin word ‘fictio’ which means ‘a making or a fashioning’.
Although literal and reportorial are not included, authors may include facts about real people or
events, but they combine these facts with imaginary settings and situations. Fiction is a narrative
in which situations and characters are invented by the author, hence it include the books and
stories about imaginary people and events.

Conclusively, the term fiction in literature takes its form in narrative writings such as prose
(novel and short stories), plays and poetry with which we are going to cover later in this book.

Fiction writing is the composition of non-factual texts. Fictional writing often is produced as a
story meant to entertain or convey an author’s point of view. The result of this may be a short
story, novel, novella, poetry, screenplay, or drama, which are all some of the types of fictional
writing styles.

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There are various forms of Fiction. They range from major forms of literary genres to the minor
forms. The following are among of them:

 Novels and

 short stories

 Plays or dramas

 Poems

 Fables

 Legends

 Myths

 Folktales

 Tall tales

 Epics

 Trickster tales

 Fairy tales

3.3. Gooroowwan Asoosamaa

Ogumni (the literature) dameewwan gurguddoo lama qaba: asoosamaafi alasoosama. Dameen
alasoosamaa ogbarruuwan akka kitaaba afaanii, seenaa, saayinsii, herregaa, amantaafi kanniin
hojiiwwan kalaqa argayaadaa hinqabne hammata. Dameewwan alasoosanaa kunniin miira
barreessaafi kalaqa sammuu argayaadaa irraa hamma tokko bilisa yommuu ta’an afaan itti
fayyadamanillee afaan ogumaa osoo hintaane afaan diriiraa ykn afaan guyyuutti (everday or
palin language) fayyadamu.

Dameen asoosamaa ammoo hojiiwwan kalaqa argayaadaa qaban kanniin akka asoosama
dhangala’aa (Asoosama Dheeraafi Gabaabaa), ogwalaloofi doo’ii jedhaman qabata Dameewwan
kunniin asoosama jalatti kanniin ramadaman yommuu ta’an, unkaan malee bu’aa hojii sammuu

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arga yaadaa ta’uun isaaniitiin wan wal isaan lfakkeessu qaban. Tokkoon tokkoo isaanii bifa
gabaabaa ta’een haa ilaalu.

3.3.1. Asoosama Dhangala’aa

Asoosamni dhangala’aa dameewwan asoosamaa keessaa isa tokko. Asoosamni dhangala’aan

hojii barreeffama kalaqa sammuu/argayaada ta’ee bifa hololoon dhiyaata. Kana jechuun bifa
ogwalaloo tokkolle hin haammatu jechuu miti. Asoosamni dhangala’aan dameewwan ogbarruu
sadarkaa sadarkaan bifa asoosama gabaabaa, asoosama giddu galeessaafi asoosama dheeraan
dhiyaachuu danda’a.

Asoosama dhangala’aa gabaabaa hedduun gocha, yeroo, muuxannoo, tokkorratti xiyyeeffata.

Asoosama dhangala’aa gabaabaan hundi kan barreessaan akka bu'aa tokko qofa fiduuf kalaqe
miti. Gama biraatiin, asoosama dhangala’aa dheeraan kan kalaqa ta'eefi seenessa bal'aa qabu,
muuxannoo dhala namaa tartiiba gochaan wal qabsiisee, qindeessee kan dhiyeessuudha.

Asoosama dheeraan kalaqa seenessa holooloo dheeraa kan namaafi amaloota, raawwilee
dinqisiisaa fi hawwiilee haala dhokataan ykn fuuldura waraabameen haala fedhiifi muuxannoo
nama tokkoon dhiyeessu.

Asoosamni dhangala’aa dheeraan jaarraa 19 ffaa keessa biyyoota Awurooppaatti gosa ogbarruu ol
aantummaa qabu ta'aa dhufe (Melakneh, 1999). Asoosama Dheeraan muuxannoo dhala namaa
kanneen sanaan dura qabiyyee hojiilee ogbarruutti hin makamiin turan dabalee ibsu danda'uun
isaa iddoo cimaa akka qabaatuuf sababa ta'e.

Asoosamni dhangala’aa dheeraafi gabaabaan taateewwan, muudannoofi muuxannoo dhala

namaa bifa calaqqisiisuufi calaqqisiisuu danda’a jedhamanirratti xiyyeeffachuu kan
barreeffamaniidha. Fakkeenyaaf, Asoosamni dheeraa dhangala’aa keessatti kanneen akka:
Asoosamni dheeraa xiinsammuu; gosi kun, hojii kalaqaa ta’ee, sammuu namaafi yaada nama
tokkoo keessa wantoota naanna’aanirratti kan xiyyeeffatuudha.

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