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A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens

The Ghost of Christmas Present

Questions to Consider
1. How does Scrooge feel as he waits for the Ghost of Christmas Present? (53-54)
2. How does his room transform? (55)
3. How is the Ghost Of Christmas Present described? (56)
4. What does the Ghost of Christmas Present show Scrooge after he touches his robe? (57-62)

A. ‘nothing between a ________ and a ________ would have astonished him very much’ (54)
B. ‘The walls and ceiling were so hung with ________ ________, that it looked a perfect ________’ (55)
C. ‘Heaped up on the floor to form a kind of ________, were turkeys, ________, game, poultry’ (55)
D. ‘It was clothed in one simple ________ ________ robe’ (56)
E. ‘For the people who were shovelling away on the rooftops were ________ and full of ________’ (58)
F. ‘And it was a very ________ kind of ________’ (60)

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