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Dhruvi Khandelwal Sukhnani

Final Report

In navigating the challenging simulation, I encountered several difficulties that posed

significant obstacles to achieving even sub-optimal project outcomes. Reflecting on these
challenges and the strategies employed to address them offers valuable insights into project
management practices, particularly in contexts marked by uncertainty and evolving

One of the primary difficulties I faced was in setting and managing the project scope.
Balancing the urgency of the humanitarian crisis with the complexities of the sectarian
conflict required careful consideration. While I aimed to deliver a comprehensive Level 4
emergency protocol to meet the demands of the situation, uncertainties in the evolving
landscape made it challenging to anticipate all necessary components accurately. As a result,
managing scope creep and ensuring that the protocol remained aligned with the evolving
needs of the crisis posed ongoing challenges throughout the project.

To address these challenges, I attempted adopting an adaptive planning strategy by including

regular status reviews of the project scope and ongoing communication with the team to
gather feedback and boost their confidence. However, despite these efforts, maintaining a
precise scope proved difficult due to the dynamic nature of the crisis and the limited
experience of the organization in managing such complex scenarios. In terms of setting and
managing the project schedule, I encountered significant difficulties in meeting the tough
deadline set by senior management. While the urgency of the situation required swift action,
uncertainties in the availability of resources and the evolving nature of the crisis contributed
to delays in project execution. After the first few weeks, there would always be an occurrence
which would lead to unfavorable conditions in the team. Additionally, disagreements among
the management team about the workload of taking on such a new and uncertain situation
further complicated efforts to adhere to the schedule. These unforeseen circumstances are
always a complication.

To mitigate schedule delays, I focused on maximizing team productivity and efficiency by

streamlining workflows, prioritizing critical tasks, and allocating resources strategically.
However, despite these efforts, unforeseen challenges and resource constraints ultimately
resulted in the project falling behind schedule. Managing project resources presented another
significant challenge, particularly in light of the increased budget provided by senior
management. While the additional funding offered greater flexibility in addressing the
complexities of the crisis, it also introduced additional pressure to deliver results within
budget constraints. However, uncertainties in resource requirements and evolving needs of
the crisis made it difficult to accurately forecast and allocate resources effectively.

To address resource challenges, I implemented rigorous cost-control measures, including

regular monitoring of expenditures, prioritization of essential resources, and negotiation with
suppliers to secure favorable terms. However, despite these efforts, cost overruns occurred
Dhruvi Khandelwal Sukhnani
due to unforeseen expenses and fluctuations in resource demands, resulting in the project
exceeding the budget target set by senior management.

One of the most prominent challenges I encountered was managing team morale amidst the
relentless pressures of the crisis. The inherently stressful nature of disaster response, coupled
with the uncertainty and volatility of the situation, created a challenging environment for
team members. The constant influx of evolving information, coupled with disagreements
among the management team and the high stakes involved, contributed to heightened stress
levels and morale issues among team members. Maintaining team morale in such
circumstances required a multifaceted approach that prioritized open communication,
supportive leadership, and proactive efforts to address stressors. Regular check-ins,
team-building activities, and opportunities for feedback and input helped foster a sense of
cohesion and camaraderie among team members, providing a much-needed source of support
and solidarity in the face of adversity.

However, despite these efforts, managing morale proved to be an ongoing challenge, as the
relentless nature of the crisis and the complexities of the situation continued to take their toll
on team members. Balancing the demands of the project with the well-being of the team
required a delicate equilibrium, as I sought to navigate the fine line between pushing for
results and ensuring the welfare of those under my leadership.

In addition to managing team morale, balancing the various demands of the project presented
another significant challenge. The scope and scale of the emergency response efforts, coupled
with the need to navigate the complexities of the sectarian conflict, required careful
coordination and strategic planning on multiple fronts simultaneously. The dynamic nature of
the crisis meant that plans often had to be adjusted on the fly, requiring a high degree of
adaptability and agility to respond effectively to emerging challenges and changing

Critical thinking skills were instrumental in navigating these challenges, as I sought to

analyze complex information, anticipate potential risks, and identify creative solutions to
overcome obstacles. From devising strategies to streamline workflows and optimize resource
allocation to evaluating the potential impact of various decisions on project outcomes, critical
thinking played a central role in guiding decision-making processes throughout the
project.aints placed additional strain on the team, further exacerbating these challenges.

Reflecting on the project outcomes, several key lessons emerge. Firstly, the importance of
flexibility and adaptability in managing projects in dynamic and uncertain environments
cannot be overstated. While setting clear goals and objectives is essential, the ability to adjust
plans and strategies in response to changing conditions is equally crucial. Secondly, effective
communication and collaboration are essential for navigating complex and challenging
situations successfully. Building strong relationships with stakeholders, fostering open
dialogue, and maintaining transparency throughout the project are critical for ensuring
Dhruvi Khandelwal Sukhnani
alignment and addressing emerging issues effectively. Finally, managing team dynamics and
morale is paramount for achieving project success. Investing in team development, fostering
a supportive work environment, and addressing stressors proactively are essential for
maintaining high levels of productivity and engagement, particularly in high-pressure

The iterative nature of playing the project management game multiple times provided
valuable insights into the complexities of managing emergency response efforts in Scenario
F. Each playthrough offered a unique learning experience, allowing me to experiment with
different strategies, adjust to evolving conditions, and refine my approach based on feedback
from previous attempts. As I navigated the challenges presented by the crisis, I discovered
that there was indeed a learning curve involved, and each iteration brought me closer to
uncovering optimal strategies for success. One of the most notable aspects of playing
multiple times was the variability in outcomes. In some playthroughs, I found myself
achieving higher scores, meeting or even exceeding management goals, while in others, I
encountered greater difficulties and fell short of expectations. This variability highlighted the
dynamic and unpredictable nature of managing complex projects, particularly in
high-pressure and uncertain environments.

However, with each playthrough, I gained valuable insights into the factors influencing
project outcomes and honed my ability to anticipate challenges, make informed decisions,
and adapt to changing circumstances. Feedback from previous attempts served as a guide,
helping me identify areas for improvement and refine my strategies for subsequent plays.

For example, in earlier attempts, I may have struggled to balance competing priorities or
manage team morale effectively. However, as I continued to play and gained a deeper
understanding of the nuances involved, I was able to develop more effective approaches for
addressing these challenges. By leveraging critical thinking skills, fostering open
communication, and prioritizing team well-being, I found that I was better equipped to
navigate the complexities of the crisis and achieve successful outcomes. Moreover, playing
multiple times allowed me to experiment with different pacing strategies. In some
playthroughs, I opted for a more rapid approach, focusing on completing tasks quickly and
meeting deadlines with minimal delay. In others, I took a slower and more methodical
approach, prioritizing thorough planning and strategic decision-making to mitigate risks and
optimize resource allocation. Through these experiments, I discovered that there was no
one-size-fits-all approach to project management in Scenario F. Instead, success depended on
my ability to adapt my strategies to the specific challenges and constraints of each
playthrough. By embracing the iterative nature of the game and learning from both successes
and failures, I was able to derive a better approach over time and improve my performance
with each subsequent attempt.

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