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Biblically Accurate Aasimar

Sight Rings. The rings that hang around you neck float
Aasimar Traits upwards and begin orbiting your head. eyes sprout out of
Your aasimar character has the following racial traits. them and you can see in every direction at once. you gain
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases a +5 to passive perception and creatures do not get
advantage from flanking you and instead get +2 to their
by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1
attack roll. Additionally, your darkvision extends out to 120
Age. Aasimar mature at the same rate as humans, but
ft. While these rings are active, you may only avert your
they can live up to 160 years.
eyes by using you upper wings.
Alignment. Imbued with celestial power, most aasimar
War Rings. One of the rings on each of your hands
are good.
glows with a radiant power, you have an amount of energy
Size. Aasimar have the same range of height as
in the rings equal to your level + the level at which the spell
that activated the rings was cast at. Whenever you cast
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
another spell while these rings are active, they gain an
Darkvision. The eyes of an angel can pierce any
amount of energy equal to the level at which that spell was
darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as
cast. When you make a melee attack, you may spend an
if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
amount of points equal to your proficiency bonus to deal
You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
extra radiant damage equal to the number of points you
6-winged. You have 6 pairs of wings, small enough to fit spent. If you did not use that ability, you may instead, as a
under most clothing but you must have clothing or armor bonus action, make a ranged spell attack dealing damage
designed to accommodate them to gain their benefits.
equal to the amount of points you spent. If your hands are
when your wings are out, you fall at a rate of 10 ft. per free, as a bonus action you may spend a number of points
round and may move up to your proficiency bonus *10 ft equal to your proficiency bonus to move 15 ft. upwards.
in any direction except up. When the rings deactivate, if they still have energy in them
Upper wings. Your upper pair of wings come out of that is greater than your player level, make a charisma
your shoulder blades they may be used to cover your eyes saving throw equal to the number of points in the rings -
but doing so reduces your glide speed by 10 ft. your player level. on a success, the energy dissipates
Middle wings. Your middle pair of wings come out of safely, on a failure, take 2d4 piercing damage as the rings
your abdomen and are the largest of your wings. Without explode and all creatures (including yourself) within 5 ft. of
them out, you fall at the normal rate. you make a dexterity saving throw or take radiant damage
Lower wings. Your lower wings come out of your heels equal to half the energy that was left in the rings, on a
and can be used in place of shoes without consequence. success they take only half the damage. You automatically
while using them as shoes, your glide speed is reduced by fail this save. You may choose to fail the save to contain
10 ft. and you suffer none of the negative effects of being the rings power. the explosion of your rings also happen if
in consecrated land and automatically succeed your saves they are destroyed while active though you are allowed to
against the effects of the upper planes (i.e. elysium's make the dexterity save to resist the damage.
overwhelming joy). Peace Rings. One of the rings on each of your hands
Angelic Rings. You have 6 rings on your person that glows with a radiant power, you have an amount of energy
contain celestial power, two around your neck and two on in the rings equal to your level + the level at which the spell
each of your wrists. these may be removed from you but that activated the rings was cast at. Whenever you cast
cannot be used by anyone other than you and lose their another spell while these rings are active, they gain an
magic after a day without you wearing them. A new ring amount equal to the level at which that spell was cast. as a
can be crafted out of 50 gp of platinum and a long rest of bonus action, you expend an amount of energy up to your
crafting, if you have your old ring it may be re-enchanted proficiency bonus and touch a creature within 5 ft. of you
with a short rest. After you cast a spell of first level or and it will regain hitpoints equal to the number of points
higher, you may activate a pair of your rings for the next you spent. this does not work on undead or constructs. If
minute. each ring can only be activated once per short you still have energy in the rings once they deactivate, the
rest. For all saves and attacks using these rings use 8 + energy dissipates harmlessly.
Proficiency Bonus + Charisma as the save and Proficiency
Bonus + Charisma as the attack bonus. Your rings have 1
hitpoint each and AC equal to 15 + your dexterity modifier.
Your rings may only be targeted while they are active
Feats Thunderous Voice
Your voice of your ancestors could shake mountains and
Empowered Rings level cities, you have some of that power within you.
Magical power flows stronger through your rings, they are all creatures in a 30 ft. cone must make a Constitution
more resistant to damage and can channel your magic
saving throw or take (your proficiency bonus)d10
more strongly.
thunder damage
your rings gain hp equal to your proficiency bonus. after you use this ability make a Con save or lose your
they are resistant to bludgeoning piercing and slashing voice, becoming unable to use this ability, speak, or
from nonmagical weapons. perform verbal components until you take a long rest
your rings gain +1 AC
you gain a +1 bonus to AC for each pair of rings that is
Be Not Afraid
activated. You learn to invoke the ancient power of the angels to
your unarmed strikes are considered magical and if any
terrify your enimies and bolster your allies resolve.
of your arm rings are activated, your melee weapon
attacks are too. as a bonus action, you shout be not afraid and rise up
choose either your arm rings or your head ones and to 60 ft. in the air, all of your rings activate, and all
gain the bonuses listed below. creatures in a 60 ft. radius, 60 ft. height cylinder must
you may take this feat multiple times as long as you make a Wisdom save or be frightened of you. if a
choose a different ring set to improve. creature has succeeded on their saving throw before
if you take this feat twice, your rings are resistant to all and they are friendly, they don't have to make the save
damage. against being frightened of you and you may allow
them to reroll their save against the frightened
arm rings condition from another source with advantage and has
your rings gain points equal to your proficiency bonus advantage on all other saves against being frightened. if
every round. they have already succeeded on their save before and
the total amount of points you can spend per round is they are hostile, they have advantage on the save.
doubled. the use of this ability does not count against the
when using the war rings to make a ranged attack, you amount of times you can use your rings
may choose two targets and make an attack using up to you cannot use this ability again until you've finished a
your proficiency bonus in points per attack. long rest
when using the war rings to propel yourself upwards, if you also have the Thunderous Voice Feat, the radius
you gain 20ft. of elevation instead of 15. of the cylinder is 75 ft and all hostile creatures in the
area must make a Con save or take 2d8 thunder
sight rings damage.
the base effects of the sight rings are always active.
you may activate them further and gain the following
you can see in darkness as if it was bright light, this also
applies to magical darkness
you can see into the ethereal plane out to 5 ft.
the rings begin to improve your other senses allowing
you to detect if someone is lying

Strong Wings
Your wings become strong enough to hold you aloft.

you gain a flying speed equal to 20 * your proficiency

if you gain a flying speed from a non spell class feature,
you may add that speed to your flying speed to a
maximum of 5 * your proficiency bonus
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