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Are you struggling with writing a thesis on teenage drug addiction? You're not alone.

Crafting a
comprehensive and insightful research paper on such a complex and sensitive topic can be incredibly
challenging. From gathering relevant data and statistics to analyzing the underlying causes and
consequences, there's a lot to consider.

One of the most significant hurdles students face is conducting thorough research. Finding reliable
sources, synthesizing information, and ensuring accuracy are vital but time-consuming tasks.
Moreover, organizing your findings and articulating them coherently while adhering to academic
standards adds another layer of difficulty.

Then there's the emotional aspect. Teenage drug addiction is a pressing societal issue with far-
reaching implications. Delving into its intricacies can evoke strong emotions, making it challenging to
maintain objectivity and perspective.

Fortunately, there's a solution. ⇒ ⇔ offers professional thesis writing services

tailored to your specific needs. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in various disciplines,
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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on teenage drug addiction overwhelm you. Turn to ⇒ ⇔ for professional assistance and ensure your research paper stands out for all the
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From a medical perspective, cannabis is used as an analgesic, to stimulate hunger in patients, nausea
ameliorator, and intraocular eye pressure reducer. Steroids areanabolic drug to build growth
hormones that include the androgens (male sex hormones) principally testosterone and estrogen and
progestogens (female sex hormones). The signs include: frequent drinking above usual norm,
developing tolerance to alcohol, wanting to quit but being unable to, experiencing withdrawal
symptoms after stopping alcohol consumption and finally the one that is a clear indication of
addiction, letting both personal and professional responsibilities flounder in favor of drinking. No
one chooses to be a drug addict or to develop heart disease. Substance abuse among teenagers is a
growing problem in our society. Norderstedt, Germany: GRIN Verlag. Carroll, S. J. (2005).
California's K-12 public schools: how are they doing. Instead, they should give them a hand to
escape from that dangerous addiction. Scientists have determined that most addictive drugs initially
affect the brains reward system. Depressants can be highly addictive since they seem to ease tension
and bring relaxation. To find out the problems associated with drug abuse and addiction among
teenagers 2. Research Question Main research question should, therefore, be, how do demographic
characteristics vary with individual effects of drug addiction. In the year 2011, 7.2% of the 8th
graders, 17.6% of 10th graders, 22% of 12th graders used marijuana in the past month. Most
teenagers who abuse heroine are often seen selling the drugs to other people. The remaining 48% of
teenagers who abused cocaine reported skipping their meals or not eating at all until they are
extremely hungry. The movie Thirteen, directed by Catherine Hardwicke, displays an excellent
portrayal of the psychological construct of social influence and how children act when going through
the adolescent stage by depicting how children cope with fitting into their new fou. Dependency on
drugs at an early age impairs thinking leading to poor grades. Drug addicted people are often in
unhealthy conditions. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for
their writing assignments. At the same time, saliva test is less expensive that other tests like hair test
and blood test. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. Addiction to such drugs causes a severe loss of appetite and weight,
constipation, increased anxiety and withdrawal of hypnotic drugs might lead to epileptic seizures and
delirium. Marijuana is the top illegal drug that teens abuse. This, in its turn, causes problems in
relations with family, friends, at work or in university. During this stage, the teen will try and steal,
drug dealing or buying to get the narcotics he is using. We can also request institutions to pass laws
against drug and alcohol consumption while in school. They are legal Some of the drugs that have
the most users are completely legal. This research paper deals with subject matter of the influence of
drugs among the teenagers. This threatens the society because such criminal activities involve murder
and sometimes rape. Hyponatremia is a condition where excess fluid intake swells the brain resulting
in coma. Exposing systems of an individual to a foreign material over a long period results to
Effects hit the victim within 15 to 20 minutes after being taken. Drugs can be abused in a variety of
different ways by people from every walk of life. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. Drugs can have bad outcomes on the teens overall health, affecting the
body and the brain of the teen because they are not fully grown physically or mentally. They also
miss their parents and siblings and wonder how to make new friends. Stimulants are generally
psychoactive drugs used medically to improve alertness, increase physical activity, and elevate blood
pressure among other functions. Conclusion The results of the conducted study reveal that there are
various social, behavioral, and health complications associated with teen addicts, and which are not
exhibited by non-addict students. It is evident that parents have failed in their role of protecting and
giving proper guidance to teenagers. Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were gone. It is
a pity to see many young female teenagers pick on drinking and smoking and indulge themselves
more than male teenagers. People possessing a low self esteem have a higher probability of indulging
into drugs than the ones who have a higher self esteem. One of the most significant aspects that
cause teenagers to use drugs is because of their family. Some of the teenagers use drugs to prove that
they are able to do something different from their friends. If you want to find out what writing
services are popular in 2017 you can do it now with the help of TopWritersReview. To reduce drug
abuse and stop it for good, work needs to be done at the starting level. Many people, young and old,
are addicted to it though they already know the negative effects of it. You can easily see that if you
group the two together, illegal drug use and prescription drug misuse, we have a huge problem.
Factors such as family background, drug perception in their culture, peer influence and mass media
are among the factors that influence teens to take drugs. One of the most important reasons behind
the influence of prescription drugs among the teenagers is peer group pressure. The individual
becomes lethargic; he has no energy. And make sure that your child has good role models around
them instead of those that are giving them the impression that doing drugs is okay. So, parents must
be careful about the fact that even painkillers kept at home can attract the teenagers towards
prescription medicine abuse. Look closer and chances are great that you will uncover a drug
addiction component to any of these stories. Unlike stimulants, drug abuse essays, depressants
reduce anxiety and the central nervous system activity, drug abuse essays. Furthermore, Mass media
has extensively contributed to drug addiction among teenagers. Some narcotics such as morphine
and codeine are derived from natural sources. Due to excessive use of inhalants will cause serious
damage to the myelin and that will lead to muscle spasms, tremors, and the high possibility of losing
basic abilities such as walking, bending down, and talking. The teenagers have now shifted their
preference toward nonmedical use of prescription drugs which they say are easier to get hold of than
street drugs. They can be dealt with to help them end the drug addiction. Every individual needs to
be aware of the consequences of drug abuse and to help spread the word starting at young ages.
The study revealed that 40 percent of teenagers who abused drugs had very low confidence and self
esteem compared to non-addicts. Today, there is a great discrepancy between that perception and the
reality of who is likely to abuse drugs. Name Westwood College Abstract An abstract is a statement
summarizing the important points of a paper. What are the possible cheap and effective remedies to
drug addiction. In fact, some keep alcohol in the fridges in their houses freely in a manner that
children can access it at an early age. The entire paradigm of addiction towards narcotic drugs or the
rising number of drug addicts is not news anymore. As one loophole of previous studies, researches
have majorly concentrated on the general effects of drug addiction on a general population. It is,
therefore, imperative to identify ways of minimizing drug abuse and misuse cases, as a step in
establishing strong law enforcement programs. Because drug addiction leads to death and moral
degradation, exploring more about addiction is, surely, a step in reducing overall national mortality
rates as well as upholding quality moral standards in every society. Scholars can use them for free to
gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. To examine the, social,
political, economic, and ethical implications of drugs abuse among the teenagers Justification of the
Study This study is significant because, drug addiction among teenagers in the world today is
alarming. Despite this enormous challenge, drug addiction can be overcome through myriad ways of
treatment. Before this assignment, we knew that drug abuse was a problem but we never took the
time o realize who is affected. Drug dependence is a bad disease and one can’t quit using pills within
a few days. Teens have shown many signs of obvious alcohol usage. When a doctor prescribes pain
medication for a back injury or abscess tooth, no one plans on becoming a drug addict. In a society,
addiction leads to moral degradation making society to produce individuals who do not recognize
the importance of societal norms. Goldstein (2001) argues that drug addiction forces societies to
deviate from normal roots, taboos, or culture through behavioral changes. However, as the frequency
of binging increases, the duration of the normal stage decreases. The biggest problem is that among
all age groups, teens are the most vulnerable to drug addiction. Drugs can have bad outcomes on the
teens overall health, affecting the body and the brain of the teen because they are not fully grown
physically or mentally. To be specific, Residential Treatment Schools co-ordinate social skill
development, treatment, rehabilitation and academic needs of the teenagers and help them to have
easy recovery. Brady (2005), opines that “As parents and as a community, we cannot allow teenagers
to send messages to other children that drug use is a rite of passage or “cool” ” (p.26). Within this
context, community oriented programs can identify drug related problems among the teenagers, take
preventive measures and can evaluate the outcome of preventive measures adopted. Drugs impair the
capability of teenagers; for example, teen addicts have a lower concentration and focus compared to
non-addicts. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. It is characterized by behaviours
that include one or more of the following: impaired control over drug use, compulsive use, continued
use despite harm, and craving. Some of the other factors which force the teenagers to be influenced
by drugs include low self-esteem, depression, stress, and boredom in day-to-day life. When
teenagers face the problem of drug addiction, the future scope of prosperity is limited to an extent.
The research presented by Agha, Zia, and Irfran assesses the role of the family and how families
function in relation to the psychological problems experienced between drug addicts and non-drug
addicts. Mental health problems can include depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder as
well as symptoms of withdrawal. I let them feel uneasy, uncomfortable, and let writers continue to
play with names to get an on-going sense of our modern literature ideally: Blogging allowed us to
broader, systemic issues, just as a tool for second- language learning pp. The physical impacts caused
from inhalants are very similar to what someone would be like if they were to get drunk from alcohol.

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