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Exploring the rich tapestry of the Middle Ages through a research paper is a journey that many

scholars undertake with both excitement and trepidation. Delving into this complex historical period
requires a meticulous approach, extensive research, and a keen understanding of various disciplines
ranging from history and literature to art and religion. However, amidst the allure of uncovering
hidden gems of knowledge lies the daunting task of crafting a thesis that succinctly encapsulates
one's findings and insights.

Writing a thesis on the Middle Ages presents its own set of challenges. The vast expanse of time,
spanning from the 5th to the 15th century, encompasses numerous significant events, cultural shifts,
and societal transformations. Navigating through this labyrinthine era demands clarity of thought,
thoroughness in research, and the ability to synthesize diverse sources into a coherent narrative.

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of Middle Ages studies necessitates scholars to transcend
conventional boundaries and explore multifaceted perspectives. Whether delving into the political
intrigues of feudal Europe, analyzing the theological debates of the Catholic Church, or unraveling
the complexities of medieval literature, researchers must grapple with a myriad of primary and
secondary sources to construct a compelling argument.

In the face of such daunting challenges, many aspiring scholars find themselves overwhelmed and in
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Archives from Medieval England identifying with what the normal individual did are uncommon,
yet some still exist which inspect what ladies living in the towns did. He spent one or two periods of
is time in disrespect and unpopularity. In addition, the medieval women were not allowed to claim
property of any sort unless they were widows. The Italian states like Venice and Genoa could not
meet their force. Feudalism developed when the central authority cannot perform its function and
cannot prevent the rise of local governments. With the growth of cities, trade guilds were formed
and artists were often required to be members of a guild—as a result, because of better record
keeping, more artists are known to us by name in this period than any previous, some artists were
even so bold as to sign their names. Gothic cathedrals could be highly decorated with statues on the
outside and painting on the inside. Illuminated manuscripts represent the most complete record of
Gothic painting, providing a record of styles in places where no monumental works have otherwise
survived. All these books give us an insight into the lives and times of the medieval knights. Irish
Literature; Selections from the Works of the Chief Poets, Orators, and. They met the Egyptian
merchants bringing spices from the South Asia near the Red sea, collected their goods and sold it for
huge profit in the Europe. Parish priests, on the other hand, came from poorer backgrounds and often
had little education. In the 11th century, populations north of the Alps began to settle new lands,
some of which had reverted to wilderness after the end of the Roman Empire. Still more died on a
yearly basis due to regularly unsanitary conditions (Alchin, 2012). In a male dominated society, no
lady would straightforwardly grumble about this divergence. The crucial legal concept of
representation developed, resulting in the political assembly whose members had plena potestas--full
power--to make decisions binding upon the communities that had selected them. Schultz, J. 2006.
Courtly Love, the Love of Courtliness, and the History. He had many things that normal people
could not have. Topic for a research paper - Historum - History Forums. Secular literature in this
period was not produced in equal quantity as Religious literature, but much has survived and we
possess today a rich corpus. The notions of relying onto someone always lead to the role of helper. In
the Medieval Period the government system was well thought out and played a major role in the
daily lives of the people. Jobs are mostly believed to be available in the urban regions. The crusade
ended in a truce as both the parties were equally strong. He also interlinks life during the Italian
Renaissance to the depiction of hell because of the prevailing social evils and heaven to the
enlightened future which was about to come. 3. What is symbolic retribution. Although the language
used by Chaucer must have been ideal for his time today it needs to revise because it is quite difficult
to comprehend the ambiguous language and the classic English. (Myles, 7-8) 11. How do the
prologue and tale fit the character of the Wife of Bath. Although there was some medical knowledge
that this situation was not healthy, little was done until the outbreak of plague in 1348. Most of these
items were originally intended solely for display rather than for actual use so the art and
craftsmanship are stunning. By the 1370s, laws banned rubbish from being thrown into the street. It
promoted new forms of individual and social representation.
The code of conduct was applicable to this pledge, and a true knight always abided by these codes.
As a consort, the queen was a wife to the king during his reign. They were ordered like slaves and
didn’t have any luxuries. The 13th century was the apex of medieval civilization. The liturgy itself
was not in fixed form, and numerous competing missals set out individual conceptions of the order
of the mass. It encompasses a wide range of tales which are belonging to various genres like tragic,
erotic, humor, and practical jokes as well as the teachings of life that comprised of morality, values,
and guidance. The peasants of the middle ages were farmers, servants, and carpenters. Renaissance
was more defined among men than it was to women. This Knight took the Code of Chivalry and
was not the noble man he vowed he would be. Apart from the English society, some other
communities from the European nations are considered as well. This research has been undertaken to
understand about the difficult part of human psychology and the various mental disorders that are
faced by young adults and middle aged people. He spent one or two periods of is time in disrespect
and unpopularity. Artesian wells are named after the town of Artois in France, where the first one
was drilled by Carthusian monks in 1126. After two more crusades, Frederick II re-conquered
Jerusalem in 1229. On the night of their wedding, he would not look at his wife because her
appearance was wrinkled and aged. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Quotes
from Dante's Inferno provides much support for the thesis. The manors were entirely self sufficient
each containing a few hundred people. The historical, social, and religious beliefs of the Medieval
period were reflected in Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath’s Tale. These made them possible to achieve
their seemingly undefeatable kingdom by walking a strong but different from the typical path. The
King and Queen were the ones who people went to for help because they were fair and helpful, they
didn’t want anything bad to happen to those who were kind. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. The outline and rubric setup are great! — Skyler K. No
amount of prayer, however earnest by the priests of the church, could stop the disease from
spreading unchecked (Alchin, 2012). People of all social classes enjoyed dishes like breads, stews,
and pies. There were no antibiotics available to treat the diseases adequately, and while herbal
remedies made people comfortable, they surely could not always slow the progress of whatever virus
happened to inhabit the body of a person (Singman 1999). Scholastics developed two different
genres of literature. He had to pay rent for his land to his lord; he had to pay a tax to the church
called a tithe. Therefore, they were denied the rights to make any constructive decision that could
lead to the improvement of their lives. In addition, wives from a rich family typically did not care for
their youngsters.
The religion was dominated by Roman Catholicism, other practices were very uncommon. He cited
the case of Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria who, in their history and literature, have spoken about the
Europeans quite extensively, displaying a level of interest that is unprecedented elsewhere in the
Islamic world. Remedies for Disease in the Middle Ages All levels of social class in feudalism, from
the king to the lowliest serf, relied on remedies for disease that were more herbal in nature than
anything else. Such love stories were not possible in the medieval eras, as marriages within noble
families took place based on pragmatic concerns and dynastic relations, rather than marrying for
love, the later not even being considered and taken to be something of a radical thought. Great
Research Paper Topics About Medieval Literature. Increased literacy and a growing body of secular
vernacular literature encouraged the representation of secular themes in art. Populations throughout
Europe grew quite steadily in the Middle Ages, at least until the Black Death or bubonic plague
(Newman, 2001). They traveled and performed for the people, this was the advent of drama in
Europe which was condemned by the Church during the middle age. 14. What kind of play is
Everyman. They met the Egyptian merchants bringing spices from the South Asia near the Red sea,
collected their goods and sold it for huge profit in the Europe. He is a famous Christian theologian
whose works often border heresy. Young girls from rich families offered a role of wives as they were
married soon. Gothic sculpture was born in France in 1150 and spread throughout Europe, by the
13th century it had become the international style, replacing Romanesque. During the middle ages,
many entertainers emerged which roamed around for the sake of entertainment of people. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. The rich governors of Britain's towns did not see public
health as their responsibility, and did not provide clean water or sewage disposal facilities. The
exception to this method was the conductus, a two-voice composition that was freely composed in
its entirety. Complicating matters was the lack of space, in that in the cities people lived far more
closely together than in the countryside and thus quite innocently spread disease among themselves
without even trying (Singman, 1999). It illustrates the dramatic 3rd crusade and heroic antagonists
known as Saladin and Richard the Lion-heart. In Feudalism the whole country belonged to the kings
and all else were under him. These warriors or knights were primarily cavalrymen, heavily armoured,
possessed weapons, and played an important part in many of the major battles of those times. The
Queen and the other maidens came together and decided that he should be given a chance to find the
true wants of women. Rexroth notes that women were required to carry out some house chores such
as cooking and other domestic work. The Gothic cathedral was supposed to be a microcosm
representing the world, and each architectural concept, mainly the loftiness and huge dimensions of
the structure, were intended to pass a theological message: the great glory of God versus the
smallness and insignificance of the mortal being (Southern 56-59). The women were dependent on
the social class of the men in their families. The King and his family were considered “popular”, they
were looked upon with reverence and treated kindly. Kaeuper, R. (1999). Chivalry and violence in
medieval Europe. Oxford. People were also encouraged to pray to a saint as a special messenger, to
carry their message to God and ask for forgiveness for whatever sin they had committed to cause
their illness (Quigley, 2003). For example, the Bible has apparent contradictions and these have been
written about by scholars ancient and contemporary, so a scholastic would gather all the arguments
about the contradictions, looking at it from all sides with an open mind. This was the period in
which rhythmic notation first appeared in western music, mainly a context-based method of
rhythmic notation known as the rhythmic modes.
It depicts a pilgrimage of 30 people, who are going on a spring day in April to the shrine of the St. It
is a representational punishment that is usually expressed during the principal protests. Excellent
Topics For A Research Paper On Medieval Literature. It is to these forms of literary writing that
Richard Francis Burton refers to when he says “Were it not evident that the spiritualising of sexuality
by imagination is universal among the highest orders of mankind, I should attribute the origins of
love to the influences of the Arabs' poetry and chivalry upon European ideas rather than to medieval
Christianity”9. While diet was limited to what could be produced and varied with the seasons,
nobility could usually afford fresh meat at all times of the year alongside shellfish and other forms
of protein, and ate bread made with refined flour (Singman, 1999). So, it is as Barron tells us “the
paradox of romance in all periods is that it expresses man’s need to see life not as it is but as it might
be, yet the very formulation of the ideal rests upon his awareness of personal and social
imperfections”.14. Several people including Pope Paschal II, Pope Gregory VII and various Emperors
conflicted over the issue. This Handbook brings historians, literary scholars, and legal historians
together to build on and challenge these and sim. Pilgrimages were very common, and they do not
really occur today. After two more crusades, Frederick II re-conquered Jerusalem in 1229. Similarly,
knighthood is also analogous to skilled horsemanship. Knights code of Chivalry. Web. 11th August
2010. Accessed at. One day, the young Knight crosses paths with a young and beautiful maiden.
Emphasis was also laid on the ambiguity of the language used. In the tale, the government played a
big part by how the King and courts were portrayed and how they worked. But this one time, the
Queen’s decision overrode the King’s punishment. This meant that water-based germs and parasites
were common. Gothic cathedrals could be highly decorated with statues on the outside and painting
on the inside. A warrior on a horse has been a symbol of power and bravery, right from the start of
the human civilisation. By way of Islamic alchemists, initially used as medicinal elixir. The poor had
to live through a hard life, in which all they had to do was work. Although the middle age was soon
to be replaced by the age of discovery, renaissance, medieval people never appreciated change.
Quotes from Dante's Inferno provides much support for the thesis. The Queen and the other maidens
came together and decided that he should be given a chance to find the true wants of women.
Similarly like young adults, middle aged people also suffer from severe mental disorders because
women and men in their mid life think themselves as a old generation who have difference needs
and choices than the younger ones, thus in many cases they feel a sense of loneliness and ignorance.
With a ready cache of herbs available, people of the Middle Ages, including physicians, honestly
believed that they were doing what was necessary to cure the ailments of others. It is most well
known in its application in medieval theology but was applied to classical philosophy and other fields
of study. The religion paved way to great crusades and immense power struggle in the Medieval
Europe making its founder a significant person. Medieval England was not an agreeable place for
women; they perpetually had some major difficulties in a period when numerous men existed and
lived brutal lives. The Magyars had ceased their expansion in the 10th century, and by the year 1000,
a Christian Kingdom of Hungary was recognized in central Europe.
The religion was dominated by Roman Catholicism, other practices were very uncommon. Still more
died on a yearly basis due to regularly unsanitary conditions (Alchin, 2012). It uses the mice in the
test under standard conditions to realize the mechanisms of the circadian clock that involves the
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). This was accompanied by an intensifi cation of research into law
making and prom-ulgation and the role of literacy as a power tool of monarchs in pre-Carolingian
and Carolingian Europe. This meant that water-based germs and parasites were common. I think that
Chaucer achieved great things in this life, and might have influenced the English that we speak
today. The history of the Ancient Greece shows clues of their powerful authority over the European
language, politics arts, science, beliefs, and educational systems. Aeneid of Virgil, according to the
history of Ancient Rome was one who possessed great heroic reputation. Thus, while the aristocracy
and those that had money may have had more options available to them for health care, they in no
way had a better chance of surviving because of it. It includes major art movements and periods,
national and regional art, genres, revivals, the artists crafts, and the artists themselves. He also has to
set right a deed gone wrong, kill a dragon, and also break a magic spell, meanwhile finishing off an
incomplete task, and in the process also finding the road to heaven at the end. Those that could not
be seen by one made do with non-medical personnel. Methods such as potions and herbs, in addition
to other practices such as using leeches or “bloodletting”, the opening of a vein to allow blood to
escape, were common and everyday remedies (Quigley, 2003). Here Scultz tells us “because the only
records of courtly love are literary, we will never know the extent to which it actually did function as
a social norm.but still.the study of courtly love adds an important chapter to the history of sexualities
that were not peripheral”16. Christians from all over the Europe joined together and waged a war
against Muslims in getting their holy land back. Hand-washing was, however, practiced regularly,
though only with minimal soap and cold water, and then only in the houses of nobility, where hands
were regularly washed before meals (Alchin, 2012). Consequently, a popular occupation, as
perceived by a society, was for the most part out of the span for any lady living in a town. When
Chaucer was about sixteen, he took some time off of the royal family and went to a school. Looking
closely, it is not hard to imagine large corporations as manors and fiefs, taking care of those within
them from top to bottom, yet providing the best benefits (including health care) to those at the top,
while those at the bottom struggle to pay the bill for even a simple visit to their family provider.
Traveling on long journeys in the Middle Ages was a dangerous activity. The King’s position was far
superior in the story compared to the Knights or any other character in the story. Medicine in the
Middle Ages Given the hygienic and sanitation standards of the time, it is not surprising that disease
spread freely and unchecked throughout the population, differing little from nobility to common
serf. By 1154 Saladin, son of the Damascus governor appointed by Nur ed-In started to emerge as a
major Muslim power. The common people continued to use their respective vernaculars. In the end,
though hygiene was found to be the culprit of the many diseases and viruses that were afflicting
people, it was too late for most of the population, as the Black Death and swept through
indiscriminate of status or land holdings, and the dead could not be brought back to life, as even
kings and the pope lacked the power to raise the dead. The rich, namely landowners and aristocracy,
were catered to and could expect a life of health and privilege, while the poor serfs and commoners
who constituted a majority of the population were lucky to live to the age of thirty, or even past
childhood (Alchin, 2012). The lowest were peasants, they were at the bottom of the chain because
they were the poorest of all the social classes. In architecture, many of the most notable Gothic
cathedrals were built or completed during this era (Mundy 5; Evans 13-14). By this time, the
Mongols and Mamluk empires became much more powerful. Carried by fleas that were in turn
carried by rats, viruses and disease had no trouble finding a home due to the poor sanitary
conditions, especially in cities such as London, where 20,000 people died within two years due to the
Black Death (Alchin, 2012). In today’s context chivalry has however taken an entirely new meaning,
and refers to courteous behaviour of men towards the women.
In addition, wives from a rich family typically did not care for their youngsters. He would abandon
his childhood games for those of a soldier and would serve first as a page at a court of a noble
friend of his father, at fourteen he would become a valet or squire, and he would receive his first
sword to serve the knight, with whom he would share the rigours of training in the risks of
combat”6. This deep rooted connection between the concept of knighthood and Christianity is also
explained in the book written by a knight named Ramon Llull. Since Latin was the language of the
Catholic Church, which dominated Western and Central Europe, and since the Church was virtually
the only source of education, Latin was a common language for Medieval writings, even in some
parts of Europe that were never Romanized. For those schooled in the subject, it was easy to make
the diagnosis that the stars were out of alignment, and thus that was why the patient was unhealthy
(Newman, 2001). First depiction on church carvings dating to around 1180, about a thousand years
after its invention in China. New inventions and discoveries were made during this era. Historical
evidences prove that the mental picture that we have of knights, a picture created by the literary
classics of the medieval period, in fact, to some extent did not exist. Kaeuper, R. (2009). Holy
Warriors: The Religious Ideology of. Instead, they fought on Italys behalf with Hungary and
conquered the city Zara. Thus, knights became noblemen only from twelfth century onwards, and
their positions were also made became hereditary during the thirteenth century, and it was mainly
during these times that we see the rise of classical literatures that represented knights as warriors in a
shining armours, adept at all forms of chivalry and courtly love, and riding high to rescue the lady
love from captivity. Finally at the age of 21, or even earlier if from the royal family, or if displaying
exceptional strength and skill in the techniques of warfare, he was declared a knight by the king. He
had some ups and downs in his life but he never stopped writing. They had complete administration
control over the areas. Whether you were a peasant or Lord, your life was dominated by Christianity.
Such love stories were not possible in the medieval eras, as marriages within noble families took
place based on pragmatic concerns and dynastic relations, rather than marrying for love, the later not
even being considered and taken to be something of a radical thought. A respectable marriage was
usually accompanied by an exchange of goods: a dowry from the woman's family to the husband, a
bride-gift from the husband to the wife, or a dower from the husband to the bride's family. It uses
the mice in the test under standard conditions to realize the mechanisms of the circadian clock that
involves the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN). Quotes from Dante's Inferno provides much support
for the thesis. Chicago, IL: Reed-Elsiever, Inc. Singman, J. L. (1999). Daily life in medieval Europe.
But, the crusaders were unable to succeed and pay back the money. Excellent Topics For A Research
Paper On Medieval Literature. It is believed that an excess of 20% of all ladies died in labor, and it
was the most widely recognized reason for death among youngsters (Stoertz 73). Increased literacy
and a growing body of secular vernacular literature encouraged the representation of secular themes
in art. These late 13th-century works are in three, sometimes even four parts, and have multiple texts
sung simultaneously. The common connector among the levels of social structure was, quite simply,
the land parcels that were handed out by the king to his most trusted noblemen, who divided it into
smaller parcels amongst their own followers as well as employing serfs, or peasants, for various
functions (Nelson, 1999). The code of chivalry is a moral system which brought up qualities
idealized such as bravery, honor, strength, and respectful of women. Philadelphia, Pa: University of
Pennsylvania Press,2009. 2. Therefore, they were denied the rights to make any constructive decision
that could lead to the improvement of their lives. Medieval authors were often overawed by the
classical writers and the Church Fathers and tended to re-tell and embellish stories they had heard or
read rather than invent new stories.
An 8 page research paper that explores the lives of medieval women. The shield bears the sign of the
holy Christian trinity, thus endorsing the idea that a knight is a warrior who stood for christen ethics,
morality and religious rights. Because of the Knight’s answer, his wife became beautiful and good.
His book Book of the Order of Chivalry is a sort of manual that served to help in training future
knights. Mint was by far the most popular, believed to cure over forty ailments from headaches to
poor memory (Quigley, 2003). Excellent Topics For A Research Paper On Medieval Literature. Those
that were left could not stop working long enough to attain treatment even if they did fall ill.
Considering the function of the women in conjunction with marriage and child bearing, their role is
defined. Gothic sculpture was born in France in 1150 and spread throughout Europe, by the 13th
century it had become the international style, replacing Romanesque. Even though the Knights
followed the Code of Chivalry, they were often thought of as thugs rather than heroic and honorable
Knights. He started as a commander in Nur ed-dins forces trying to conquer Egypt and got the
control of Syria. In the current world, slaves are not entitled to any property or inheritance. This
system functioned pretty much the same way as the modern governments do. With the different
survey considerations performed by the researchers of this study, a practical presentation of the
different issues concerned when dealing with health check procedures is to be shown. No matter
how hard they tried, they could not get the people to listen to them. The only widespread religious
writing that was not produced by clerics were the mystery plays: growing out of simple tableaux re-
enactments of a single Biblical scene, each mystery play became its villages expression of the key
events in the Bible. In architecture, many of the most notable Gothic cathedrals were built or
completed during this era (Mundy 5; Evans 13-14). These late 13th-century works are in three,
sometimes even four parts, and have multiple texts sung simultaneously. The Middle Ages.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985. x. It cannot be found surprising that people
died regardless of their belief in the star patterns causing their illness, or even if their bodily fluids
were brought back into balance, according to the humoral theory. Panel paintings began in Italy in
the 13th century and spread throughout Europe, so by the 15th century they had become the
dominate form supplanting even stained glass. He initially planned to write a total of 120 takes but
failed to do in his lifetime. 9. How many stories were completed. Research Help and Topic
Suggestions for Major - Paper Masters. Children were kept at home to work, but many children died
young from illnesses and the lack of medicine required to help them. Often, by the time ships were
turned away, it was too late, and a town was already infected (Alchin, 2012). In the high scholastic
period of 1250 - 1350 scholasticism moved beyond theology into the philosophy of nature,
psychology, epistemology and philosophy of science. The historical, social, and religious beliefs of
the Medieval period were reflected in Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath’s Tale. While medical advances
have been made to allow for comfort and sterility of treatment, the type of health care received still
depends greatly on income and status. Much of what is known about women in the Middle Ages is
known from the works of nuns such as Clare of Assisi, Bridget of Sweden, and Catherine of Siena.
He was captured and he then returned to England after the treaty in 1360.

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