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Writing a thesis, especially on complex and divisive topics such as standardized testing, is an

endeavor that requires not only a deep understanding of the subject but also exceptional writing and
research skills. The process involves extensive literature review, data collection, analysis, and the
ability to craft a compelling argument. The challenge is compounded by the need to present this
argument in a clear, concise, and academically rigorous manner.

Standardized testing, as a subject, presents its own unique set of challenges. It sits at the intersection
of education policy, psychology, and statistics, requiring a nuanced understanding of each.
Researchers must navigate through a vast array of literature, decipher complex data, and engage with
ongoing debates about the efficacy, fairness, and impact of standardized tests on education systems.
The task is daunting, and the stakes are high, as the conclusions drawn can have significant
implications for educational policy and practice.

Given the complexity and the demanding nature of writing a thesis on such a topic, seeking
professional help can be a wise decision. This is where ⇒ ⇔ comes into play. This
platform provides access to experts who specialize in academic research and writing. Their team is
well-versed in the intricacies of standardized testing and is equipped to handle the multifaceted
research and analysis required. By opting for professional assistance, students can ensure that their
thesis is not only well-researched and insightful but also meets the highest standards of academic

In conclusion, crafting a thesis on standardized testing is a rigorous and challenging process that
demands a high level of expertise and dedication. For those looking to produce a comprehensive and
impactful thesis, enlisting the services of ⇒ ⇔ can provide the necessary support
to navigate this complex task successfully.
In the event that by the one year from now the school has still not met the AYP objectives, the area is
compelled to supply Title I supports for every individual defectively scoring person. Testing students
does provide information about a school district, student, and teacher, but it is definitely not the
entire picture. In the wake of endeavoring to actualize programs that indicated practically zero
positive comes about, the superintendent had the principals modify person records. According to
Woolfolk (2006) the effects of testing among the learners cannot be regarded as useful since a great
percentage of the teachers have no passion in terms of follow up on the performance of the tests. The
writing portion is the part where a person marks it. This will make most of them fail the test, not
because they are poor in learning but due to the inadequate skills in answering the questions. It does
not discriminate on the basis of sex, race or religion. The sampled students, if they have attained the
majority age, or their parents, will be contacted and scope of the study explained to them with focus
on extending long-term economic benefits to the families for improving academic outcomes of their
children, and informed consent obtained. Many students find learning opportunities to be few and
far between in schools and this hampers their growth and development. Head Start (the most widely
recognized preschool system) and bilingual projects were substantial parts of Title I too (Mycoff 36).
Standardized tests only measure specific areas like reading, writing, and math. In the course of
teaching, it is important that teachers change their perception on tests, and formulate methodologies
in which they can handle issues that revolve around the tests. Download Free PDF View PDF Item
Response Theory: An Introduction to Latent Trait Models to Test and Item Development Ado Abdu
Bichi, PhD, rohaya talib Testing in educational system perform a number of functions, the results
from a test can be used to make a number of decisions in education. In this section the evaluations
are done to meet the research objectives. While many agree that standardized testing helps improve
students education. A comparison of teachers’ principal ratings and residual gain on standardized
tests. Test readiness could be an exceptionally unpleasant time period both for people and instructors
and when educators cooperate to accomplish a typical objective it is amazingly valuable to the
learner. This, according to Plank (2009) relates to the fact that, in the learning and teaching process,
the educators pay little attention on the quality of tests in the learning process. Topics of the Day. A.
Our Fundamental Problem Again: Learning About Populations from Samples B. Such an idea gives
rise to mistakes and unpleasant incidents during the tests. It is used to evaluate the efficiency of
education programs in the school. How does an external testing program affect a school's
organization. Self-efficacy is another factor to mathematics performance and is therefore a threat to
validity and reliability of standardized tests for mathematics (Wendell, 2015). The Stanford-9 exam
comes with a booklet just to let a student know what to do should he vomit over the paper. Share to
Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Numerous accept that on the grounds that there is such
extraordinary weight for people to get a certain score or show the measure of development obliged
that educational module has ended up excessively limited and centering just on overcoming the test
and less on true taking in. Cultural factors, emotions, anxiety, and illness can wreck the test for a
student. 10 Lines on Standardized Testing in English Standardized testing has not entirely improved
a student’s achievement. Too much time being dedicated on the setting of tests, which would
alternatively be dedicated upgrading the pedagogy methodologies of learners. Short Essay on
Standardized Testing 150 Words in English Short Essay on Standardized Testing is usually given to
classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. These tests are not subjected to the educator’s biased emotions since the
scoring is done with a computer’s aid.
In light to this argument, it is of great importance that educators deal with the challenge facing them
regarding formulating a standardized approach of assessing learner ability and how they can get
involved in dealing with the challenges that come along with the tests subjected to the learners. The
study seeks to investigate effectiveness of standardized tests in measuring students’ learning in
mathematics. Shrub in 2001 has created a few significant changes inside state funded schools in
regards to financing, testing, and the reporting of test effects. There is also zero-tolerance to the act
of plagiarism. Long Essay on Standardized Testing 500 Words in English Long Essay on
Standardized Testing is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. For proceeded disappointments, a
school might be liable to outside remedial measures, including conceivable legislation changes.
According to Plank (2009) standardized tests are an interpretation of the standards in which schools
operate within, with the results of these tests giving a clear indication of the concepts being taught in
that particular educational setting. Indeed, various analysts and researchers of concern with the
educational sector have shown a lot of interests on the efficiency of the strategies used to train
students and assess their mastery of concepts taught in the classroom setting. However, with the 5
systematic steps mentioned above, it can be accomplished in a very formal manner. Some analysts
and researchers bring out the view that, the ability of learners cannot be analyzed through tests while
others believe that, at present, tets are the only way in which learners’ ability can be weighed. Case
in point, in one Texas secondary school the graduation rate had been gradually declining over a time
of a few years. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 17(2), 41-48. When I was a child, my
cousin, who was of the same age, died of a. Despite the fact that many professionals and scholars are
united around the idea that students require modern skills to be successful today (Rotterham and
Daniel Willingham, 2009), results are however mixed on the effects on teaching. Moreover, this
pattern of testing also implies that the applicants are needed to be standardized and generic
themselves, with no need for individuality (Kuncel, Hezlett, and Ones, pp 148-161). It is completely
unjust to judge them using the standardized testing format. Levine, J. (n.d.). The test: Why our
schools are obsessed with standardized testing-But you don’t have to be, Anya Kamenetz. Cristina
Manalo of ACT reiterates what is fundamentally wrong. Teachers end up dedicating a lot of time in
setting tests; therefore, the instruction methodology is greatly affected. With any extraordinary
change in training, there must be a gigantic measure of financing included from the state and
national governments. Education in this context is inclusive of the tests being administered on the
learners, as a method of weighing their ability to grasp concepts taught in the teaching and learning
process. Yearly Testing: By the 2005-06 school year, states were obliged to start testing learners in
evaluations 3-8 every year in perusing and math. This test was in the long run adjusted to end up
what is presently the Scholastic Aptitude Test or better known SAT (Edwards, standard. 10). As
standardized testing got to be more mainstream and ordinarily utilized, the legislature paid heed and
started creating approaches to enhance testing inside state funded schools. Standardized tests have
also been credited for their ability to set aside measures for assessing the standards of education
being offered in the schools. Redirecting the center to real test scores was a significant venture in
enhancing education in America and was more than likely the motivational variable and thought
behind the following and current step taken in education change (Mycoff 36). In most schools in the
US, state Standardized testing is a common practice. New Developments on Effectiveness of
Standardized Tests for Mathematics. The true issue instructors are having with the Act is the stress
put on standardized test scores. This would help better engage the students learning environment by
having them perform or create something that they're interested in and apply this to their learning.
And throughout the past decades, education reforms have been introduced.
Each student must have a desire on what is expected from the studies they are taking. In order to
find how reliable this system is, it is quite necessary to evaluate and assess both the positive and
negative aspects of this system, before reaching a conclusion on its reliability. Testing Service (ETS)
in the United StatesTesting Service (ETS) in the United States. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. On the other hand, standardized
achievement tests are the scores on which the citizens and school board members rely on evaluating a
school’s effectiveness. Economic, social, and cultural statuses, among students from Chile, have
greater effects on mathematics skills than on reading skill and this means that the factors influences
effectiveness of standardized tests for mathematics among the students and others. Some students
do not care what grades they are going to be in the tests. The study involved 971 nursing students
studying in the Ministry of Health Malaysia training colleges. However, this aspect requires a lot of
monitoring and inclusion of incentives, for instance rewards on teachers, to see to it that reforms are
put in place in the educational system. Presently, school areas have the ability to exchange up to half
of stores gained from the national government to Title I subsidizes or to any positive projects, for
example, instructor quality awards, instructive engineering change motivations, and safe and pill free
schools programs. With the adaptability given to class areas instead of to state sheets of training,
there is no prerequisite expressing that these exchanges must be affirmed by the state. They don’t
provide a full picture of soft skills needed to learn, such as creativity, motivation, and cooperation.
Gray, J. (2010). Are principals good at identifying effective teachers. All this is put into your hands
as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honor it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it
to your children. The prerequisites have been clarified and the inquiry remains, how is the greater
part of this decided. Online Yearbook of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research. 1-12. London:
Routledge. Plank, D. (2009). Handbook of education policy research. On the other hand,
Standardized Testing was not generally utilized for literally the same purposes it is today, nor was it
as imperative and as intensely depended on by our The reasons have gone from an equalizer of
chance to an apparatus of isolation used to partition by insights, as well as socio-investment status,
riches, and benefit. In other words, passing a standardized test, student has no opportunity to show
their creative skills. The preliminary instrument consisted of 150 multiple-choice items that on a
sample size of 300 students were performed. These tests are not subjected to the educator’s biased
emotions since the scoring is done with a computer’s aid. Conclusion: the inability of these empirical
studies to provide enough evidence of superiority of the IRT over CTT may result from the
instruments they used in conducting the studies. Data calibration was performed using an IRT-based
software, Xcalibre based on the negative twice the log-likelihood statistic (-2LL). For these reasons,
a closer look into the different assessment strategies employed in learning institutions provides a
clearer view of exactly how learners should be assessed and which strategy truly serves its purpose.
It does not consider how much a student has grown over the course of the year. In the case, state
laws provided for the tests that aimed at evaluating students’ competence in math and reading but
the parent argued that schools took more time conducting the tests than teaching students. It is in this
light that a great percentage of teachers ignored the tests during the lessons. Assess the contribution
of one of the following to the development of Cold War tensions: Truman; Mao; Castro. (2013)
Assess the contribution of one of the following to the development of Cold War tensions: Truman;
Mao; Castro. (2013) Assess the contribution of one of the following to the development of Cold War
tensions: Truman; Mao; Castro. (2013). In the course of teaching, it is important that teachers change
their perception on tests, and formulate methodologies in which they can handle issues that revolve
around the tests. It is evident that the educational system has been facing a myriad of changes that
led to the demand for putting in place measures that would cater for all the demands of the
educational system.
It is recommended that further studies be conducted with different tools to further explore the true
picture of the framework and provide enough evidences to justify or prove the theoretical stands of
the two frameworks in the field of educational and psychological measurement. Test readiness could
be an exceptionally unpleasant time period both for people and instructors and when educators
cooperate to accomplish a typical objective it is amazingly valuable to the learner. Parents also
disregards students’ standardized tests results as measure of teachers’ performance and this suggest
unreliability of the tests and political stakeholders such as teachers unions and politicians in the
opposition politicians have reflected significance of the parents’ opinion (Edwards, 2015; Levine,
n.d.). Colleges have also shifted from reliance on standardized tests for admission and the trend
suggests weaknesses of the tests (Roach, 2014). Development of new types of standardized tests
could undermine the identified weaknesses. Periodical content may be reproduced freely with
appropriate attribution. This framework shows up exceptionally scientific and even names the
understudy as the Achievement in this framework is credited, in extraordinary part to instructive
settings and atmospheres (Misco 12). The sampled students, if they have attained the majority age, or
their parents, will be contacted and scope of the study explained to them with focus on extending
long-term economic benefits to the families for improving academic outcomes of their children, and
informed consent obtained. While standardized testing has been used for a long time and in
numerous diverse organizations, it has never conveyed the weight that it does today. The main issue
with that hypothesis is that not all people are great test takers and those tests are the major, if not
just, instrument used to measure learner development (Mitchell, par.19). It helps instructors
concentrate on clear goals in their educational module and aides them through the material that ought
to be secured. When the school has fizzled for two consecutive years, folks are made mindful of
their choice to move their youngster into an alternate open or sanction school in the region to which
the locale is answerable for giving transportation (under NCLB, this alternative is additionally given
to folks of youngsters in schools that are famously and over and over brutal or risky). In the past 15
years, standardized testing has become a lot more controversial. Placement Test (ESLPT), San
FranciscoPlacement Test (ESLPT), San Francisco. Those necessities state that all instructors must
hold a four year certification, must get full state certificate, and show an authority of the center
scholastic subject they will be instructing. At the point when the outcomes are set on a diagram, they
generate a bend plan, as appeared. Lack of resources and poor treatment of teachers are not
addressed. Case Analysis: Computer Hardware, Software Communications And Peripheral
Components Of The Personal Computer Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act Who Is The
Most Important For My Profession. Consequently, the pressure places a lot of stress on the student,
and teachers too. The purpose of this paper is to shed light upon the pros and cons of standardized
testing. Findings from the IRT analysis showed that more than 92 percent of the items are
significantly fitted to Three-Parameter Logistic Model. Results showed there is no significant
difference between mean scores of boys and girls. Helping would unquestionably be a venture in the
right bearing the extent that straightening out our schools. Introduction to Language Testing.pptx 1.
Introduction to Language Testing.pptx What is a test What is a test Aligning tests to standards
Aligning tests to standards Chapter 4( standardized testing) 1. Finish your essay with some food for
thought, overall conclusion, or a rhetorical question. An outline will help you stay on track and
remind you which points you wanted to discuss next. Home Page Research Standardized Tests
Essay, standardized testing essay. A blog that tackles issues on basic education (in the Philippines and
the United States) including early childhood education, the teaching profession, math and science
education, medium of instruction, poverty, and the role of research and higher education. In other
words, passing a standardized test, student has no opportunity to show their creative skills. Wolberg,
L. (2013). Psychotherapy and behavioral sciences: Contributions of the biological, psychological,
social, and philosophic fields to psychotherapeutic theory and process. At present, there exists a solid
ground to argue that colleges put too much stock in standardized test scores. This study concurs with
the work of Kannapel and Clements (2005) that carried out a study in elementary schools in
Kentucky to assess if poverty levels implicate the performance of learners.
Long Essay on Standardized Testing 500 Words in English Long Essay on Standardized Testing is
usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Education Policy Analysis Archives Download Free PDF
View PDF Education Policy Analysis Archives Achievement at Whose Expense. Yet however
gainful standardized testing may be, similar to all else it has its downsides. Improper formatting will
certainly cost you some points. To achieve the objectives of the study, (WinGen3) software was used
to generate the IRT parameters (difficulty, discrimination, guessing) for four forms of the test. There
is also a clear tendency for students to study for a test by reviewing past tests and concentrating
their efforts on the types of language and test items that are known to appear on such tests. This
study was carried out through the use of interviews and survey studies. Findings from the IRT
analysis showed that more than 92 percent of the items are significantly fitted to Three-Parameter
Logistic Model. The opposite of standardized testing is non-standardized testing. It is this purpose
that the researcher must keep as the core base for the ways to write a research paper. Any kind of
grammatical or syntactical error can make the research paper get rejected for various future
recognitions. In Testing, Stress, and Performance: How Students Respond Physiologically to High-
Stakes Testing (NBER Working Paper 25305 ), Jennifer A. In general, this necessity may have been
baffling for instructors, however is genuinely better for scholar achievement in the long run.
Consequently, teachers lose the creativity and dynamism that makes learning enjoyable (The National
Center for Fair and Open testing ). You can download the paper by clicking the button above.
President Johnson proposed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 1965. Once you
provide enough background information on the topic, finish your introduction with a thesis
statement that shows the main arguments of your discussion. Edwards, H. (2015). Leaving tests
behind: The backlash against standardized tests has left lawmakers searching for ways to keep
parents happy yet still hold schools, and students, accountable. Standardized test also prove useful in
providing accurate comparison across groups of people, as this tests are sat by relatively all schools,
especially in Texas. Ph.D Candidate and MEd in TESOLPh.D Candidate and MEd in TESOL.
Curriculum-Based Assessment (CBA) Links instruction with assessment. Results The findings
indicated that the degree of invariance of the item difficulty parameter across different samples,
usually considered as the theoretical superiority IRT models, also appeared to be similar for the two
measurement frameworks. The standardized test comes with a few drawbacks as well. The paper
concludes with some suggestions for test developers and test specialists at all levels to adopt IRT for
its identified crucial theoretical and empirical gains over CTT. State standardized testing is common
in the schools in the US. Wendell, K. (2015). The moderating effect of self-efficacy on normal-
weight, overweight, and obese children’s math achievement: A longitudinal analysis. Basal: This is
the starting point which helps test the mastery of the task given. This is a very important question
that needs to be answered before coming to the standardized testing format. IRT based parameter
estimates should be superior and reliable than CTT based parameter estimates. In other words,
passing a standardized test, student has no opportunity to show their creative skills.
Glovin, David, and David Evans. “Standard Error.” IRE Journal 30.5 (2007): 21-22. Do standardized
tests destroy schools and fail prepare students for the real world. Helps classifies students placement
in the school, whether to place the student in remdial or gifted programs. Helps educators selct
students for instructional groups based on their different abilities in reading or mathematics. The
purpose of this paper is to shed light upon the pros and cons of standardized testing. Standardized
tests that are aptitude based predict how students are likely to perform in an educational setting.
With any extraordinary change in training, there must be a gigantic measure of financing included
from the state and national governments. Standardized testing has had a positive effect on many
students. Bramble marked into law the No Child Left Behind Act. This is the paper in which you
chose a controversial issue or idea and argue either for or against it using the evidence and
arguments. Yearly Testing: By the 2005-06 school year, states were obliged to start testing learners in
evaluations 3-8 every year in perusing and math. Please note the Research Writing Cycle for clear
understanding-. The greatest issue in the classroom is the narrowing of educational program and
accomplishment of authentic scholarly objectives because of such a center being put on doing
admirably on tests (Hawley 176). While standardized testing may offer a basis for evaluation,
consideration of such factors as disabilities and special needs undermine the equal opportunity
concept. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The room
for mistakes builds the vitality of an adjusted measure of learner accomplishment and development.
Some think that standardized tests are unfair and discriminatory against non-English speakers. The
standardized test patterns are designed so that the questions for administering and scoring remain
consistent or standard. An alternate column in the Act is about concentrating on educating routines.
The NCLB Act has set an extensive trouble on educators and school directors by more than
essentially obliging extra testing. That is why we would recommend you to clarify what type of
formatting is needed once you are assigned the task and find a comprehensive guide to stick to. This
is where a student chooses the correct answer from five choices. Did my holistic teaching help
students' standardized test scores. In an article distributed on the Public Schools of North Carolina
site, AYP is depicted as being dictated by person scores on standardized tests starting with perusing
and math for third through eighth graders. The following sets of hypothesis are tested for the
research questions. Case in point, in one Texas secondary school the graduation rate had been
gradually declining over a time of a few years. Wood, D., Eichner-LeFrank, L., Wood, S., and Braus,
J. (n.d.). Environmental education in the schools creating a program that works. The question has to
be raised, though-- what exactly, standardized testing essay. Standardized Tests are detailed exams
that have proceudres for timing,scoring, and interpreting for valid and reliable results. How does an
external testing program affect a school's organization. It is true that multiple choice exams are not
that accurate, but if given four choices for each question, a student still manages to score below 25
percent, something is wrong.
It is completely unjust to judge them using the standardized testing format. In this case a great
percentage of them opted to ignore the supposedly reliability and viability of these tests. Therefore,
from the standpoint of identifying creative potential, most of the tests are quite limited.
Standardized tests are used to evaluation students’ intelligence for grading and comparison with
other students. Scholarships and extended benefits to the student’s families will be the treatment. At
this step the researcher needs to understand voracious readings as part of building authentic
understanding about the research purpose and the contributions that have been made in this particular
field. Standardized testing is simply excessively of a basic result that no more helps the individuals.
Locale must give comparable report cards indicating school-by-school information. Argumentative
essay is perhaps one of the most popular kinds of academic writing in schools and universities.
Testing students does provide information about a school district, student, and teacher, but it is
definitely not the entire picture. These tests such as school-leaving examinations, employment exams,
or university-entrance exams, can directly or indirectly influence the educational systems, and the
reason probably lies in the fact that they usually involve a set of determining functions in testees' life
ranging from employment and promotion to placement and achievement. Shrub in 2001 has created a
few significant changes inside state funded schools in regards to financing, testing, and the reporting
of test effects. For example, if you find this method useless or even harmful, you may write a paper
on why standardized testing should be banned. By 2007-08, they needed to tests scholars in science
at any rate once in rudimentary, center, and secondary school. One significant preference of worth
included evaluation is that it is truly scholar particular implying that instructors know the qualities
and shortcomings of every learner and can react to those needs instead of attempting to change their
whole educational module simply to support test scores. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that,
or find out how to manage cookies. Download Free PDF View PDF Comparison of Classical Test
Theory and Item Response Theory:A Review of Empirical Studies Ado Abdu Bichi, PhD, Rahimah
Embong Background: The practice of testing has become increasingly common and the reliance on
information gained from test scores to make decision has made an indelible mark on our culture.
Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 17(2), 41-48. To browse and the wider
internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. There is also
zero-tolerance to the act of plagiarism. The law additionally included procurements planned to give
states and regions more stupendous adaptability by they way they used a parcel of their elected
distributions. It was originally a fair way to evaluate the students, but it is no longer the best way to
measure students’ potential. In what ways, and with what significance, did either Kennedy or
Reagan influence the development of the Cold War. At the point when the outcomes are set on a
diagram, they generate a bend plan, as appeared. Standardized testing determines whether a student
is prepared for the next grade based on their test scores. This would help better engage the students
learning environment by having them perform or create something that they're interested in and apply
this to their learning. The approach helps test the student, then retrain them if there is difficulties, and
retest to recieve a better result. Placement Test (ESLPT), San FranciscoPlacement Test (ESLPT), San
Francisco. This is completely different from ACT test because even if a student fails a question,
there will be no deduction made from the other scored questions. So standardized and percentile
Norms for all subjects calculated.

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