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Educ 300- Methods of Research

The Research published by Dr. Felix Chavez clearly emphasizes the Essential

Role of Research in Shaping Societal and Economic Development. I agree with his

statement for the reason that research can answer some queries based on facts and

evidences and it can inclined the economic status of a certain country and helping the

society to be more progressive and sustainable. We believe that through research we

can achieve a “comfortable life”

The role of Research and development was confirmed in the models like

Romer( 1987), Romer(1990), Aghion & Howitt(1992), Grossman & Helpman (1991) and

Barro & Sala-i-Martin( 2004). In 1990s and 2000s, the empirical investigations made it a

significant factor of economic growth.

It is very sad that Philippines shows the lowest number of publications and lowest

growth overtime compared to all other countries due to noted reasons Lack of budget

being given or the underinvestment of resources, unfocused projects of R&D, Low

collaboration with government agencies and many studies end as a project report or

graduate thesis.

In early years, Germany became the leading county based on the number of

Nobel Prize winners. These leading countries adopted the European Model. USA

encourages brilliant European to migrate USA and give lucrative compensations in

universities. Japan adopted the pattern by inviting leading foreign experts to be

employed and give lectures and encouraged Japanese to have training in Europe.

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