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Title: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Research Paper Example

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis can often feel like navigating through a labyrinth of
challenges. The task demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and eloquent articulation, all
while adhering to stringent academic standards. However, amidst the myriad complexities, there's
one area that particularly stands out in its intricacy – researching and writing about fetal alcohol

Exploring the depths of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in a research paper requires delving into
multifaceted domains encompassing medical science, psychology, sociology, and public health. It
demands a comprehensive understanding of the physiological and neurological effects of prenatal
alcohol exposure, coupled with an examination of its socio-cultural implications and the challenges it
poses to affected individuals and society at large.

Furthermore, crafting a compelling thesis on FAS necessitates navigating through a sea of scholarly
literature, deciphering complex scientific studies, and synthesizing diverse perspectives into a
cohesive narrative. It demands the ability to distill vast amounts of information into coherent
arguments, backed by empirical evidence and scholarly discourse.

The intricate nature of researching and writing about fetal alcohol syndrome can overwhelm even the
most seasoned academic writers. It requires not only expertise in the subject matter but also a
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research paper.
Eligibility for early intervention services is based on an evaluation of your child’s skills and abilities.
The literature in recent years suggests that an effective way to help alcohol-abusing women who had
FAS children is through intensive case management (Bacon, 1988; Davis and Frost, 1984; Masis and
May, 1991; Rosett and Weiner, 1981b; Weiner et al., 1989). Continuation of care into the post-
partum period achieves or facilitates many goals. At the cellular level, ethanol exposure was reported
to cause a permanent loss of neurons; ectopic neuron formation; and altered synaptogenesis and
myelinogenesis. The cost factor of raising a child with an fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is
significant. If one child in a family is diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome, it may be important to
evaluate his or her siblings to determine whether they also have fetal alcohol syndrome, if the mother
drank alcohol during these pregnancies. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers
as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The seriousness of the consequences from alcohol abuse by
women directly impacts their own health, as well as the health of their fetuses, during pregnancy.
Postpartum women recruited into the program are those considered at the highest risk based on
abuse of alcohol or other drugs during pregnancy, little or no prenatal care, and a lack of successful
involvement with social service agencies. Older children and adults with fetal alcohol syndrome can
also face challenges. Ethanol-induced neural defects in zebrafish embryos. Mechanisms outlined
above are not independent of each other, suggesting that multiple ethanol targets produce a complex
interplay between pathways, which cascade down to a myriad of changes at DNA, RNA and protein
levels. Several of these kinds of adoptive as well as foster mom dads have been scold highly for
harming the fetus when also they are trying to give the best possible treatment. RA supplementation
(1 nM) rescued most of these defects. A biomarker for alcohol abuse would not be a substitute for a
health care provider's verbal assessment of alcohol use by at-risk women. Unfortunately, the time
when the child is most at risk is early in the pregnancy, even before the woman’s first period is
missed. Reduced contents of sialic acid cause an increase in the amount of higher isoelectric points
than normal. The effects of fetal toxicity on development of the fetal organs occur mainly at the
early stage of pregnancy including the embryonic period, and on the entire growth of the fetus at the
period of mid to late pregnancy. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 5.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2013. Trevino claims that his attorney for his
case not only did not discover evidence that would have mitigated Trevino's crimes at the penalty
phase so that he possibly would not have gotten the death penalty. If a child is born with fetal alcohol
syndrome, there are many services available to help with any problems they may have. There’s no
known lower limit of safe alcohol consumption or whether there is a cut off level where it is okay.
Researchers have found that, for a child with identified fetal alcohol syndrome, incurred health costs
were nine times higher than for children without an fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Choline
deficiency may also reduce DNA methylation, changing epigenetic events that lead to a wide
spectrum of defects. Although both measures correlated with each other, the SAAST seemed to be
the more sensitive test. Are special facilities for female alcoholics needed. American Indian and
Alaska Native Mental Health Research 1989; 3:16-33. There are different types of cleft lips, varying
in extremes between a slight notch in the outer lip, to a complete separation on either the right or left
side of the face, a unilateral cleft. International Journal of the Addictions 1989; 24:385-395.
Overexposure to RA can disrupt the morphogen gradient and cause embryonic malformations. In
these cases, because of possible stigmatization of the mother or the child, as discussed in other
sections of this report, diagnoses should be assigned conservatively by qualified dysmorphologists or
other clinicians skilled in the diagnosis of FAS.
FASD incidences are as high as 2% to 5 % children born in the US, and prevalence is higher in low
socioeconomic populations. These interventions are mandated by federal and state law. The iris of
the eye can have defects ranging from thinning to the formation of holes. Florida National
University Gerontology 82 Year Old Man Case Discussion. Choline deficiency was previously
shown to alter G9a activity. He enjoys drinking regular coffee throughout the day, says it is a habit
he has had since his days in the service years ago. At least one Native American community has used
tribal laws to allow for the enforced incarceration of pregnant women at very high risk for FAS.
Fetal alcohol syndrome effects A diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome requires the presence of all
three of the following findings: All three facial features Growth deficits Central nervous system
problems. A person could meet the central nervous system criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome
diagnosis if there is a problem with the brain structure, even if there are no signs of functional
problems. Following is an overview of the diagnostic guidelines for fetal alcohol syndrome. Babies
often face growth deficiency, being excessively under average height and weight compared to babies
born without the syndrome. Reducing Risks for Mental Disorders: Frontiers for Prevention
Intervention Research. Reasonable and necessary services are provided to pregnant, substance-
abusing women. They are ARND and alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD). However, this test
should be practiced to help determine risk for abnormalities of a fetus or newborn baby, but never in
order to recommend an induced abortion. His medications include donepezil, memantine, and
acetaminophen for pain and fever as needed. In 1996, the Institute of Medicine established
diagnostic categories delineating the spectrum but not specifying clinical criteria by which diagnoses
could be assigned. Women are more strongly affected by alcohol for the reason of differences in
absorption of alcohol in the blood (Frezza et al, 1990) and these distinctions may make females more
helpless to the effects of alcohol regardless of the body weight. Lelang atau sistem tender sangat
digemari terutama oleh perusahaan-perusahaan, mengingat jumlah nominal dan durasi kontrak dalam
suatu lelang sangat besar dan bervariasi. Evidence showed destabilization of ?-catenin, reduction in
?-catenin-mediated transcriptional activation and initiation of apoptosis after ethanol exposure in the
neural folds. The Tolerance question is scored as 2 points if the respondent reports needing more than
two drinks to get high. Many authors have documented the lack of treatment slots for pregnant
women. These children are more likely to have mental health problems, disrupted school experience,
as well as trouble with the law (Abel, 37). For example, although self-help groups, particularly
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), have been perceived as male oriented, evidence suggests that women
may be more likely than men to attend self-help groups (Humphrey et al., 1991). The high level of
social support provided in self-help groups and the recent development of specialized women's
groups may make this a good option for pregnant women who abuse alcohol. Fifty percent of all
alcoholics appear to have elevated levels of CPK. Alcohol interferes with the oxygen being delivered
to the unborn baby. Ethanol exposure can induce the caspase cascade, which leads to apoptosis of the
cranial neural crest cells (CNCCs) via two known mechanisms. Ethanol can activate G-protein
coupled receptors, activating phospholipase C, which breaks down phosphatidylinositol-
bisphosphate to IP 3 and DAG. It is also estimated that each year in the United States, 1 in every
750 infants is born with a pattern of physical, developmental, and functional problems is due to fetal
alcohol syndrome (FAS), while another 40,000 are born with fetal alcohol effects (FAE)
(KidsHealth, 2007). As the body attempts to eliminate alcohol from its system, a metabolic tolerance
to alcohol occurs in the blood (Mihas and Tavassoli, 1992). These characteristics are readily
detectable through separation by charge. Boxes 7-2 and 7-3 represent family- and community-wide
pledges related to drinking during pregnancy that are used by two Native American communities.
The Risk and Costs of Compromised Data Integrity Breaches Essay.
The opening results when parts of the upper lip do not fuse together. Expression of ngn1 rebounded
and overshot the control levels at later developmental times ( Figure 1 C). Fetal alcohol syndrome is
a series of mental and physical defects that can develop in a fetus if a woman drinks an excessive
amount of alcohol while she is pregnant. If a child is born with fetal alcohol syndrome, there are
many services available to help with any problems they may have. The upper lip thins out similarly,
depending on the amount of alcohol that passes through the placenta. Brucite is found in the
botryoidal habit in the ultramafic rocks of Bela Ophiolite associated with the chromite mines in the
Baran Lak and Amorzai area of Wadh in the host rock dunite. It’s helpful to know whether or not
the person’s mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. A reduction in the volume of cranial ganglia
was seen after ethanol treatment. As the child gets older and should be experiencing more noticeable
changes and developments, the doctor will be looking at cognitive ability, language development,
motor skills and behavior. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders The range of consequences from drinking
alcohol during pregnancy are collectively called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, as not all signs and
symptoms are present in all children with the disorder. Fifty percent of the alcohol crossing the
placenta enters the bloodstream of the fetus, and the remaining 50% enters the circulatory system via
the fetal liver. Ethanol-induced alterations DNA methylation profile during early neurulation in
developing mouse embryos and neural stem cell cultures were also observed. Black arrowhead
indicates presumptive midbrain region. This not only affects their childhood, but their adult lives as
well, making them more likely to be unemployed as adults. The T-ACE questions: Practical prenatal
detection of risk-drinking. NIDA survey examines extent of women's drug use during pregnancy.
Desialylated transferrin as a serological marker of chronic excessive alcohol ingestion. One of them is
structural abnormalities which consist of head circumference at or below the tenth percentile adjusted
for age and sex and clinically the brain abnormalities are more significant through imaging. If a
woman is sexually active and not taking the necessary precautions to avoiding pregnancy, she should
consider giving up drinking to ensure that an unplanned pregnancy does not go wrong. For example,
a study in Pittsburgh reports deficits in height and weight at age 3 associated statistically with
moderate drinking (Day et al., 1991). This implies the need for research on the applicability to
pregnant alcohol abusers of a range of treatments with demonstrated effectiveness in the general
clinical population. A Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Screening test (FAST)(3) (Table 1) can be used for
embryo screening. There are other two terms which are used to describe manifestations in mildly
affected children. Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM).
However, any amount of alcohol puts your baby at risk. Public knowledge about the risks of drinking
during pregnancy in Multnomah County, Oregon. Some of the other effects caused by maternal
drinking ranges from an increase in the number of stillbirths, an increase in the number of birth
defects, increased developmental delays to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and an increased death rate.
This developmental period includes optic primordium specification and neurogenesis events. In
recent years, some FAS prevention projects of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) include contraception as part of the package of prevention services being studied. These cells
later form the functional sensory cells in the inner ear and neurons of the eighth cranial nerve.
I need Help with an assignment on Technical WritingThe Assignment Instructions are: Technical
writing should strive to be. Studies on animal models showed that ethanol interferes in all stages of
brain development, but exposure at various developmental stages caused distinct brain
developmental abnormalities. Case management involves all members of the extended family and
should include enlisting the positive action of the male partner. Questions are posted anonymously
and can be made 100% private. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. The project in South Dakota, which is conducted in conjunction with the Indian
Health Service, is working to change community attitudes toward drinking during pregnancy. In
addition, Georgetown University Medical School has offered the course for two years, and
Northwestern University Medical School began offering it in 1995. A positive response to the Worry
question scores 2 points, and a positive response to the last three questions scores 1 point each.
People just require to have knowledge about what drinking at the pregnancy period can do to a
developing embryo and the lifelong impact that it can have on a child. Zebrafish embryos were
exposed to ethanol for various times during gastrulation and somitogenesis stages. ( A, B ) Ethanol
treated and control embryos were stained by in situ hybridization (ISH) to detect proneural gene,
neurogenin1 ( ngn1 ) expression patterns at 8 hpf. In addition, to be diagnosed with neurobehavioral
disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure, the mother of the child must have consumed
more than minimal levels of alcohol before the child’s birth, which American Psychiatric Association
2) defines as more than 13 alcoholic drinks per month of pregnancy (that is, any 30-day period of
pregnancy) or more than 2 alcoholic drinks in one sitting. The strength of the intervention should be
proportional to the risk. The physical effects will last throughout the lifetime of the child; some
surgeries may be done to fix the thin upper lip or flat philtrum, though most people do not bother
with fixing these deformities as they are seldom noticeable. Laboratory markers of ethanol intake
and abuse: A critical appraisal. Please let us know what you think of our products and services.
Unfortunately, currently there is little evidence of successful approaches. Although the effects of low
levels of alcohol exposure during pregnancy are easier to study rigorously in one sense (the
population of pregnant women who drink at low or moderate levels is much. The serpentine is found
in several locations associated with the altered ultramafic rocks formed after the serpentinization of
peridotite. Lateral view, anterior to the top. ( K ) Ethanol reduces cranial ganglia development.
Because alcohol is a legal substance, there have been fewer attempts at using such measures with
women at risk for FAS. Acetic acid undergoes several and complex routes, and is finally broken
down into H2O and CO2 which are discharged to the outside of the body. Look at military,
education, science, medicine, finance, utilities, municipalities, etc.Use at least three sources. Black
arrowhead indicates presumptive midbrain region. Therefore, the time required for the completion of
alcohol metabolism when several kinds of alcohol are consumed can be estimated by dividing the
total amount of alcohol consumption (g) by 7g. Healthy People 2000: National Health Promotion
and Disease Prevention Objectives. Women troubled by the information or identified as having
significant substance abuse problems were referred for supportive counseling. Respond to two of
your classmates by Sunday 11:59 pm EST. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications
(JLPEA). Additional research is needed to identify mechanisms underlying choline rescue of specific
behavioral parameters and DNA methylation. Young people will promote supportive roles for each
other in developing healthy lifestyles with a sense of unity within the community.
Through completion of this dissertation project, I hope to raise further awareness on the significance
for prevention of FASD, and to encourage agencies such as Social Services, Health, Midwifery
Services and Education Services, to participate in training to gain awareness of this life changing.
Women who abuse illegal substances and who know that contact with health care systems might
reveal this drug use and lead to incarceration or to removal of children from their care generally do
not stop abusing, they simply do not seek medical care (Blume, in press; Geshan, 1993). The opening
results when parts of the upper lip do not fuse together. With a sensitivity of 65% and a specificity
of 92%, the test surpasses gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) values making the blood acetate levels
one of the leading biomarkers to detect early alcoholism (Korri et al., 1985). As a potential
therapeutic tool for canonical Wnt signaling, GSK3. Initial cell culture studies examined specific
neuronal miRNAs, showing that some miRNA expression levels changed after ethanol treatment.
One-third of the women who received intervention stopped drinking for the duration of their
pregnancy. Psychology of Women's Health: Progress and Challenges in Research and Application. A.
L. Stanton and S. J. Gallant (eds.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, in press.
There is also the problem drinking screening chart for pregnant women as shown below(5) (Figure
1), a combination of the FAST method and the Kurihama Alcoholism Screening Test (KAST)(6)
(Table 2) to be used at the time of pregnancy or labor. It is an excellent candidate for preventive and
therapeutic treatment to alleviate behavioral and other defects due to prenatal ethanol exposure. The
effect of ethanol on spatial and working memory was not as severe, but these defects were
considerably improved following choline supplementation. It combines questions from the MAST,
CAGE, and T-ACE tests that have been found to be most effective in identifying high-risk women
drinkers (Russell, 1994). In Japan, Dr. Takashima and others presented the first case in 1978.
Neuropsychiatric studies have revealed deficits in studying and recalling, and in executive
functioning also, in kids revealed to alcohol during pregnancy. A pilot project on fetal alcohol
syndrome among American Indians. He found that embryonic ethanol exposure delayed maturation
of the auditory system, and a significant number of ethanol exposed neonatal mice showed
sensorineural hearing loss. Ulleland, C. (1972). The offspring of alcoholic mothers. If a woman
drinks alcohol and has other risk factors for FAS, health care providers should deliver selective or
indicated prevention interventions, and this requires training and preparation. Gender differences in
the treatment of abusers of alcohol and other drugs. There are currently at least two controlled
research projects comparing intensive versus standard education interventions. Providing
neurotrophic support, including BDNF, VE and PPAR-. Treatment for mothers with alcohol
problems Treating the mother’s alcohol use problem can enable better parenting and prevent future
pregnancies from being affected. Therefore, this study aims to examine changes in mental health
among university students. Drinking small amount of alcohol during pregnancy can cause a large
amount. This was articulated by the Surgeon General in 1981 (U.S. Public Health Service, 1981). For
more information on the journal statistics, click here. The physical effects will last throughout the
lifetime of the child; some surgeries may be done to fix the thin upper lip or flat philtrum, though
most people do not bother with fixing these deformities as they are seldom noticeable. Retinal
development is well characterized in most animal models. Such information could be useful in
targeting interventions. Clarification of this issue, including the possible mechanisms of paternal
alcohol effects, awaits further research.
A positive response to the Worry question scores 2 points, and a positive response to the last three
questions scores 1 point each. Epidemiologic literature shows that most women cut down on their
drinking during pregnancy (CDC, 1995b). Proper diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome cannot take
place until after a baby has been born. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a difficult thing to deal with. White
line indicates the neural plate width, which is wider after ethanol treatment. Moderate drinking and
health: Report of an international symposium. References: 1. Caley, L. M., C. Kramer and L. K.
Robinson. (2005). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Figure 2 describes the various parts of the
infant brain damaged somehow by revealing alcohol to it. According to some surveys, its incidence
appears to have increased (CDC, 1995a). However, RA plus ethanol treated embryos showed cardiac
edema ( Figure 3 E, black arrow). The maximum of these mother and fathers do a tremendous job of
doing work along with loving the affected kid. Contingency management in methadone treatment:
The case for positive incentives. Most prevention efforts should be aimed at the mother, and to some
degree at the father, of the child. In another study, mechanisms underlying ethanol-induced retinal
defects were dissected. More recently, the involvement of several other molecular pathways was
explored, including non-coding RNA, epigenetic changes and specific vitamin deficiencies. One can
understand that the public health message encourages total abstinence. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. Based on feedback from you, our users, we've made some
improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on our website. Trevino
claims that his attorney for his case not only did not discover evidence that would have mitigated
Trevino's crimes at the penalty phase so that he possibly would not have gotten the death penalty.
Choline is also thought to influence DNA methylation by serving as a methyl donor and thus
regulating gene expression. Florida National University Gerontology 82 Year Old Man Case
Discussion. He enjoys drinking regular coffee throughout the day, says it is a habit he has had since
his days in the service years ago. Although both measures correlated with each other, the SAAST
seemed to be the more sensitive test. Definition fetal alcohol spectrum disorders FASD refer to a
group of conditions acquired by people born of mothers who drank alcohol during their pregnancy
period and the effects of the alcohol on those in are prevalent afterwards. The most serious problem
fetal alcohol syndrome can cause is developmental delay. In addition, to be diagnosed with
neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure, the mother of the child must
have consumed more than minimal levels of alcohol before the child’s birth, which American
Psychiatric Association 2) defines as more than 13 alcoholic drinks per month of pregnancy (that is,
any 30-day period of pregnancy) or more than 2 alcoholic drinks in one sitting. Then acetaldehyde
dehydrogenase (ALDH) converts this acetaldehyde to acetic acid. Although the effects of low levels
of alcohol exposure during pregnancy are easier to study rigorously in one sense (the population of
pregnant women who drink at low or moderate levels is much. Fatal Alcohol Syndrome can only be
caused if a woman drinks heavily consistently or if she does binge drinking occasionally. Visual
disorders are a variety of disorders that can result from alcohol exposure to the fetus.
This is another area in which clinical research, with strong evaluation components, needs to be
implemented. The most common effect that is observed is a rise in the degree of spontaneous
abortions which in other word also known as miscarriages. Based on feedback from you, our users,
we've made some improvements that make it easier than ever to read thousands of publications on
our website. However, this child may not be able to understand the concept of time and needs help
organizing their daily routine. The effect of volume and duration of prenatal ethanol exposure on
neonatal physical and behavioral development. Other behaviors indicating that the infant’s central
nervous system is malformed include recurring jitteriness, and irritability. This is followed by an in-
depth description of prevention strategies for women at risk of giving birth to an FAS child. A more
recent review (Toneatto et al., 1992) of 108 treatment outcome studies states that many studies that
could report outcome by gender do not do so; among those that have, there is no consistent evidence
pointing to gender differences in outcome. He has been incontinent since his return to the hospital
but the staff their attributes this to the catheter and his deconditioned state following hospitalization.
Additional research is needed to identify mechanisms underlying choline rescue of specific
behavioral parameters and DNA methylation. Researchers found that there were other characteristics
of the disorder, including Partial FAS (pFAS), which represents those with some but not all of the
facial features of FAS; and Alcohol Related Birth Defects (ARBD) which are defects to the heart,
kidneys, eyes and ears. Green boxes indicate therapeutic targets that have been tested for rescue of
oxidative-stress mediated cell death. It goes without saying that a mother can prevent causing fetal
alcohol syndrome in her babies by avoiding alcohol as soon as she becomes aware of being pregnant,
or if she is consciously trying to become pregnant. These include partial fetal alcohol syndrome,
Fetal Alcohol Effects, alcohol-related birth defects, alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder,
and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (Warren et al. Matching alcoholics to coping skills or
interactional therapies: Posttreatment results. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1989;
160:863-868; discussion, pp. 868-870. Ethanol reduced the number of rod photoreceptors, bipolar
and ganglion cells. These complexes inhibit gene expression by binding to mRNAs and inhibiting
translation. Consider giving up alcohol during your childbearing years if you’re sexually active and
you’re having unprotected sex. These criteria have been simplified for a general audience. To find
doctors and clinics in your area in your area visit the National and State Resource Directory from the
National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ( ). The shareholder theory supporters argue that
the main purpose of a business is to maximize profits for shareholders. On th. Red arrows indicate
effects of ethanol on cell number. Symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome baby include: Poor growth in
the womb. Ethanol exposure can induce the caspase cascade, which leads to apoptosis of the cranial
neural crest cells (CNCCs) via two known mechanisms. Ethanol can activate G-protein coupled
receptors, activating phospholipase C, which breaks down phosphatidylinositol-bisphosphate to IP 3
and DAG. Learning disabilities can also be helped with proper care and treatment, principally those
that have been defined and properly diagnosed. Initial cell culture studies examined specific neuronal
miRNAs, showing that some miRNA expression levels changed after ethanol treatment. Since all
social institutions can be potential agents of change (Bloom, 1981), a broad-based approach seems to
be most appropriate. Epidemiology of fetal alcohol syndrome among American Indians of the
Southwest. These children need a variety of services such as special education, special medical
procedures, living assistance, behavioral therapy, and physical therapy.

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