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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Thesis on Research Paper: Video Games and Violence

In the academic realm, crafting a thesis is a formidable task that demands rigorous research, critical
analysis, and eloquent articulation of ideas. When delving into controversial topics such as the
relationship between video games and violence, the complexities of the subject matter can intensify
the difficulty of the writing process.

The debate surrounding the impact of video games on aggression and violent behavior has been a
focal point of research, sparking discussions among scholars, psychologists, and the general public.
As aspiring researchers embark on the journey of exploring this contentious topic, they often
encounter challenges in structuring their theses, formulating compelling arguments, and presenting
evidence that withstands scrutiny.

One of the primary difficulties lies in navigating through the vast and conflicting body of research.
With an abundance of studies offering divergent conclusions, synthesizing a cohesive narrative
becomes a formidable task. The meticulous evaluation of existing literature, discerning credible
sources, and constructing a coherent framework are crucial elements that demand both time and

Additionally, the ethical considerations surrounding the topic add another layer of complexity.
Researchers must tread carefully when discussing the potential influence of video games on real-
world violence, being mindful of the potential consequences and societal implications of their
findings. Striking a balance between academic rigor and ethical responsibility requires a nuanced
approach, further contributing to the intricacy of the thesis-writing process.

To alleviate the challenges associated with crafting a thesis on the research paper topic of video
games and violence, many students turn to professional assistance. Among the myriad of options
available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable platform that offers expert support tailored
to the unique demands of academic research. By leveraging the services provided by ⇒ ⇔, individuals can benefit from the experience and expertise of seasoned
professionals who specialize in navigating the complexities of controversial subjects.

In conclusion, tackling a thesis on the research paper topic of video games and violence is
undeniably challenging. Navigating conflicting research, addressing ethical considerations, and
constructing a compelling narrative require a level of skill and dedication that can be overwhelming.
For those seeking assistance, ⇒ ⇔ emerges as a valuable resource, providing a
pathway to navigate the intricate landscape of academic research and thesis writing.
You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Reply Delete Replies Reply
Ramma Foundation Repair August 10, 2021 at 8:50 AM As per the World Health Organization,
Violence is the utilization of actual power or force purposefully against oneself, another individual or
a gathering (Adachi and Willoughby, 2011). When writing an essay, you should alternate between
sentences of different lengths. The classes are spread across DPS, tank, and support.While defend it
is good to have one of each and use your ultimate and regular abilities to trap and prepare for the
attackers. This will have a positive impact on your future grades in the subject. Essentially, the more
violent a game is, the more likely a player is to become highly involved within it. With video games
acting as different ways of dealing with anger and other emotions. Another major thing is video
games help you deal with situations in games that also you can refer to in real life. This text is free,
available online and used for guidance and inspiration. Early “shoot-em-up” games involved fairly
simple plot lines in which the player would merely shoot at everything he (and seldom she) saw in
front of him, somewhat similar to the type of shooting that occurs in an amusement arcade. Thus,
you do not buy a “pig in a poke”, but get a high-quality order and make sure of this from a third
party, in your case, a teacher. In fact this case may suggest, in a bizarre sense, that the conditioning
offered by videogames can actually limit the potential number of killings. The wide usage and
popularity of video games have greatly increased over the years and it is now widely used as a form
of entertainment. In his own research, he did not find a causal connection aggressive thoughts and
aggressive behavior. Scalia wasn’t persuaded enough from the plaintiff that video games do any
harm to a minor’s behavior. When observing people playing video games, have you ever considered
what they might be gaining. Shariff, 2013). To what extent do video games contribute to violence
among. Research psychologist Christopher Ferguson has been a particularly outspoken critic of
studies that link video games and aggression. Such things may involve bullying and substance abuse.
It does not even have to be someone venting and help with distressing because of the different
activities you can do in gaming. One of the main things are who can aim and shoot first and who has
the best with either using cover or avoiding the bullets. In fact, the learning principles that good
games incorporate are all strongly supported by contemporary research in cognitive science- the
science that studies human thinking and learning through laboratory research, studies of the brain,
and research at actual learning sites like classrooms and workplaces” (Gee). The limitation is there
are no actual data about the effects on children. These people refer to this as more “socially
acceptable” and so they decide to interact with this form of media (Ward). Doing exercises some
knowledge prior to you making any future personal computer. Subsequently video games have
become increasingly violent, and now offer a whole range of simulated violence that would assuage
the most developed imagination possible and yet they set that violence within a complex
environment in which quite a lot of thought is often the requirement of the day. It is a shame that
video games are being blamed for problems that are not occuring and are actually making better.
Though video games may be correlational to violence today, it is not necessarily causal to the school
shootings and other crimes. Society and the Media need to deal with the violent aggression in the
adolescents that have shown a predisposition for such violence. The causal link being identified here
is not in terms of violence and increased visual ability, rather between the concentration required for
the game and visual complications that the brain must process in the course of the game.
This is a certain safety net that allows each client to be sure that the purchased essay can be
corrected for free if such a need is needed. In most cases video games are one of the best things to
teach about is because its like a little sandbox to test and plan. Briefly, children can benefit from
video games by improving their mindsets of achieving goals or learning new ways to think. Video
games has produce a wide variety of games, ranging from peaceful and adventurous to violent and
fast-paced. Another way is while battling a captain they can charge at you and you would have to do
the same thing to not take any damage. According to them, the available results of the research have
been unable to validate their notion of a causation relationship between videogames and violence.
Numerous videos on the internet regarding the different massacres around the world makes one
realize how Violence in Video Games are destroying our children and giving them the perception that
such acts of shootouts make them powerful and strong. It concludes that video games are making
people become less aggressive and are being used to deal with things like depression. No mom I’ll
do my homework later!” Many people around the world believe all gamers are like this: violent and
lazy. As you go you learn about the story and more about the greek gose and how evil they truly are.
Do violent video games contribute to youth violence. Another reason is that it helps people deal with
the way they see things. “Some video games help kids overcome fear”. I used this article because the
journalist who used this information left out certain parts and only gave a brief summary of some of
the statements within the article and I think it would be more effective to get better statistics from
the people who actually published the data. In situations like with close quarters you have to listen
for the enemy’s movements like footsteps or actions. Bushmans General Aggression Model and
found that adolescents in their early stages of puberty tend to be more prone to violence. Violent
video games do not cause bad behavior in real life. Other states which have appealed to do the same
ended up with the same conclusion. Support Jamie was very friendly and helped me to fill in my
order form. This causal relationship is necessary if the person is attempting to condemn violent video
games based upon an applied ethical, rather than a normative ethical standpoint. Even though this
genre of gaming is believed to create violence, it is actually the opposite, “First-person shooter video
game players are 67 percent less likely to produce hate materials than are non-players(Virginia Tech,
2018).”. As Anderson (2003) suggests, a lot of research still needs to be done on the effect of video
games upon people, both violent and otherwise. In a November publication of Journal Pediatrics,
children in the United States and Japan are observed to have inhibited a more hostile attitude after
playing violent video games. I believe that violent video games directly cause aggression. A lot of
consequences concerning this issue has been coming to light. Join the ranks of happy and high
achieving students. 5 Customized Service We will meet you halfway, however complicated and
demanding your order is. The ethical correctness of the activity is found within the fact that it exists
and is allowed in literal terms. A diversity of views and activities guards against the abdication of
expression to the totalitarian few. The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility,
aggressive behaviors, and school performance. Not to mention, parents worry that their children who
play video games are isolating themselves playing video games in their room for hours and not
getting any socialization with people. They also reviewed laboratory studies involving individuals
playing violent video games in a laboratory setting that demonstrate a connection between the video
game play and aggressive feelings and behaviors. To achieve this, good games allow players to
customize the game to their own levels of ability and styles of learning” (Gee).
The gap between thinking about something and doing it is thankfully still quite vast. Now, it is
normal to socialize through our phones, computers, or gaming consoles. While playing each operator
has their own gadgets that you and your team can use to place down for defence and or traps in
doorway alongside the objective for maximum defence. With that being said, I have become
interested in the media debate over whether violent video games contribute to aggressive and
sometimes fatal behavior such as school shootings. Playing violent video games frequently increases
the likelihood a person will behave aggressively in the. Data gained from a group of children along
with their peers rated their aggressive behavior months after being exposed to violent video games.
The interviewees are talking about their opinion on a case in the supreme court about whether violent
games should be banned because of its negative effects. In the early ages of call of duty it thought
the player about how the army handled world war one and world war two. With video games acting
as different ways of dealing with anger and other emotions. There are so many revolutionary
inventions that have risen in the 20th century and some have increased the ability to be more violent,
but video games is not one of them. Playing video games helps many people cope with this stress
and socialize with their friends while at it. Gee argues games allow players to be producers and not
just consumers. Just because there are violent activities in games, does not mean that these are the
causes of violent activities in people. In god of war it teaches you about greece, rome, sparta and
athens. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. Video game sales have
swelled while cases of juvenile delinquency reduced. It concludes that video games are making
people become less aggressive and are being used to deal with things like depression. There is also
the fact that if someone is spending time playing a game, that means that they are not spending that
time commiting crimes. These games only seem to help decrease crime, but are constantly being
blamed for these problems. Then there is the fact that the internet produces so much content that have
a wide range of material for the general public. Society and the Media need to deal with the violent
aggression in the adolescents that have shown a predisposition for such violence. In conclusion, the
need to link violent behavior to video games has resulted in the utilization of warning tails that seeks
to demonize any activity that causes misunderstanding by people not experiencing it. The dispute is
over whether it is a violation of free speech to ban them. Ferguson states that environmental issues
accelerate violence rather than violent video games:Thus, although the environment does not cause
violence propensity, times of stress may act as catalysts for violent acts for an individual already
prone to them. It is precisely such difficulties that very often exacerbate the ability to write high-
quality work yourself. For example, the Columbine High School killings of 12 students and 1 teacher
were committed by two young men who had played thousands of hours of a first-person shooter
video game that had been modified to have the same lay-out as their high school. Video games has
produce a wide variety of games, ranging from peaceful and adventurous to violent and fast-paced.
An example of this is Jaws: The Revenge in which the gamer plays the role of the shark rather than
of a character trying to kill it as might have been expected. But the right to stop such games cannot
extend to the supposed right to stop others from enjoying these games as they see fit. When
something extremely bad happens, the media will see it and report it.
Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Creating more of a social
community creates unity onto another from all backgrounds. Most children play video games, and
regardless of how we parent there usually will come a time when our child. This has become a grave
concern amongst parents, mental health professionals and other medical professionals, and.
Consequently, this violence in video games essay them capable of understanding that video games
present fantasy scenarios that are absent in the real world thus, prevent them from conducting violent
actions. Jonathan then goes on to elaborate that adults’ attention has turned to violent video games.
In this case, as with many others, it seems as though video games were used to practice violent acts
which the perpetrators were already planning to carry out. (Columbine, 1999) They were useful dry-
run for the murders rather than a causal agent. Willoughby, 2011). The application of violence has a
higher tendency of. Improving visual and cognitive skills within individuals, especially at a young
age is a desired outcome. So, I wanted to further examine previous studies and evidence pertaining
to the notion that violent video games bring about aggressive behavior. World Health Organization,
Violence is the use of physical force or power. There are people who love killing people in games but
that does not mean that they will do that in real life because most people have some moral compass
that keeps them on the right path. The characters in the games began to take on more “human”
(physical) attributes; they actually looked human so to speak. Thus, you do not buy a “pig in a
poke”, but get a high-quality order and make sure of this from a third party, in your case, a teacher.
In the context of the ethical constructs drawn in line with the whole discussion, an aspect that comes
to the rescue of supporting the violent videogames could be remarked as both normative as well as
applied in terms of nature. Some notable cases which support the engagement in video games in
general are from the undergraduates of South Ridge University in the USA who find it as a relevant
activity because of its social nature which strengthens their friendships. By continuing we’ll assume
you’re on board with our. Did violent video game play lead this young man to go to school with a
gun. The authors are assessing scientific findings about how violent video games affect young people
and ways to mitigate the adverse effects. Leaving all that negative emotions onto a game is far way
better than doing something really bad in real life that can bring harm to one another. You can look
at people of many and different ages, religions, backgrounds, race, and economic scale. In most
cases video games are one of the best things to teach about is because its like a little sandbox to test
and plan. When used in recreation videogames can offer a form of psychological release. Video
games require children to play in violent situations where they have to slaughter other players, shoot
and kill them. Gee argues, “Since games are often challenging, but do-able, they are often also
pleasantly frustrating, which is a very motivating state for human beings. The dispute is over whether
it is a violation of free speech to ban them. They stated that, “This was true even after the researchers
took into account how aggressive the children were at the beginning of the study, a strong predictor
of future bad behavior. (Harding). Another notable observation is how being engaged in violent
video games instead of merely acting as a third party lets the players experience sensations similar to
the real world. Coming to the quarters of the emergence of violence within the video games’ arena,
one finds that the development of such (violent) video games has become increasingly complex,
realistic and imaginative in terms of the types of aggression and brutality being presented to the
target audiences. I will discuss the research on the effect of violent video games on children in
particular. Instead of politicians and the other American people blaming video games which is a very
minimal cause, they should try to maybe enforce laws on guns, the many crimes that are happening
like in Chicago or in some dangerous third world countries where young men as well don’t have the
money to play video games.
The effect of violent media on children is an issue which has plagued society over the last two
decades with many believing that it is mostly negative. Therefore, it’s not only gamers who believe
video games make people violent but the Supreme Court like Antonin Scalia’s statement agrees with
gamers. I used this data because it gives factual evidence of the decreases of crimes. You can also
order a plagiarism-free custom written essay on the topic from our professional essay writers. Playing
video games is a tool many people can’t live without and should be seen as a beneficial tool. The
idea that video game violence is an absolute wrong as it coarsens society in general and makes young
people desensitized to violence is perhaps epitomized by the organization called MAVAV (standing
for Mothers Against Videogame Addiction and Violence in Underground Video Game Cultures).
Join the ranks of happy and high achieving students. 5 Customized Service We will meet you
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such service and I was really nervous. A more recent laboratory study (Barlett and Rodeheffer, 2009)
showed that repeated play of violent video games increases aggressive thoughts and feelings in
players. Players can receive creativity and knowledge as to where in school they mainly just
consume and not produce these tools. This is useful because it exemplifies the negative effects of
violent video games on a more personal level. It has created millions of jobs, used to increase
creativity, to help teach kids and adults alike, and has created so much enjoyment in people’s lives
that without them, would be far less happy. According to The Entertainment Software Association,
the average amount that people play video. In a November publication of Journal Pediatrics, children
in the United States and Japan are observed to have inhibited a more hostile attitude after playing
violent video games. Assaultive violence with a gun is a major trigger for motor defensive reactions,
and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the most characteristic psychiatric sequelae. Receive a
tailored piece that meets your specific needs and requirements. Various courts in the United States
have failed to uphold the findings of the various researches on videogames and violence, violence in
video games essay. Video games are a form of digital media used for entertainment. A secure
payment system processes all transfers to ensure their safety. If you are using mobile phone, you
could also use menu drawer from browser. This is probably the case because this person takes a
relatively unbiased position and gives data that she found on the matter. From the data Ferguson
gathered, there was no causal evidence that video games increased violence. Now, it is normal to
socialize through our phones, computers, or gaming consoles. As the shark, the gamer dwells in a
strange underwater world in which it needs to eat fish to keep going, it can attack people, boats and
other animals for a reason (as part of the plot) or for no reason in entirety. Despite the fact that there
may be a short increase in violence, he professes that there is no lasting increase in violence from
playing video games (Freedman, 2010). Essay writing: structure and main characteristics Even
though such an essay is distinguished by free composition, a certain structure must be observed
when writing it. These people refer to this as more “socially acceptable” and so they decide to
interact with this form of media (Ward). Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you
with the best. The audience this is aimed towards seems to be towards people who are not
necessarily for or against video games but are trying to find more information on the subject and then
make an answer for themselves rather than being told what to think by an article. Even though this
genre of gaming is believed to create violence, it is actually the opposite, “First-person shooter video
game players are 67 percent less likely to produce hate materials than are non-players(Virginia Tech,
New apps and video games are being created each and every day. The customers usually have a
choice of buying a single game for whatever console they happen to have. Now, some people might
think there is more violence now then there was in the past, but that is incorrect. In all of the ways i
prove that then are not bad i list multiple examples of each subject. You won’t find a trace of
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such words will cause the reader to misunderstand, thereby reducing the value of the work.
Published: Argumentative Essay On Violent Video Games. However, it is my belief; video games are
not the source of violence. I believe that this article is extremely reliable because it uses data
collected from police departments from the largest cities in the nation along with data from the
Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) which is a national security organization that deals with law
enforcement. People such as parents, teachers, and the media tend to generalize gamers as a whole
aggressive group just because of the few mass shootings that happened in America who the gunmen
were gamers. It lacks sufficient data however it will be supplementary information about how
parents are experiencing the effects of violent video games on their children. Video games require
children to play in violent situations where they have to slaughter other players, shoot and kill them.
It will help the author to fully reveal the topic and consistently express thoughts. This has become a
grave concern amongst parents, mental health professionals and other medical professionals, and.
However, not all countries share the same ideologies. These new generations tend to try and explain
this new gaming world to the older generations. In 2005, a law from California was appealed by the
Supreme court because there wasn’t enough evidence that violent video games cause bad behavior
onto a child. Video games facilitate the release of anger and stress among the players. Specifically,
game-players exhibited more than 20% increase in attention span over non-game players on a series
of tests. Early “shoot-em-up” games involved fairly simple plot lines in which the player would
merely shoot at everything he (and seldom she) saw in front of him, somewhat similar to the type of
shooting that occurs in an amusement arcade. However, as computers and increasingly dedicated
game consoles, became increasingly complex and more powerful, so did the games started to expand
in terms of their range of activities which were available towards the characters and the type of
violence they would indulge in. Thus, you do not buy a “pig in a poke”, but get a high-quality order
and make sure of this from a third party, in your case, a teacher. This is used for the data and how
many people are becoming more aggressive. Most children play video games, and regardless of how
we parent there usually will come a time when our child. Some of these video games may include the
widely known “Call of Duty franchise, “Halo, “Grand Theft Auto, and “Destiny. Some environments
may not even take place in the games themselves. These inherently hostile actions are also attributed
to the understanding that we are living in an equally unpleasant world. Is there a causal relationship
between video game violence and real- life violence and aggression. Numerous videos on the internet
regarding the different massacres around the world makes one realize how Violence in Video Games
are destroying our children and giving them the perception that such acts of shootouts make them
powerful and strong. A more recent laboratory study (Barlett and Rodeheffer, 2009) showed that
repeated play of violent video games increases aggressive thoughts and feelings in players.

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