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Hello and welcome!

I'm so pleased you're reading this and I hope this little guide gives you some tips and
inspiration to simplify your day.

In the words of Annie Dillard...

"How we spend our days is how we spend our lives."

It's a powerful thought when you realise that, for many of us, our days are spent largely
doing what we HAVE to do, not necessarily what we WANT to do.

With bills to pay, kids to educate, family and friends who rely on us, not to mention an
increasingly complex and fast life, we don't often get the luxury of choice.

Our time, energy, minds and hearts are often filled with a mix of things to remember, people
to see and tasks to do.

Our days run away with us and we run on autopilot...

This guide and question prompts will help you to simplify your day with some simple, easy
tips. Small steps that will help you make big change. I hope they help!

Drop me an email at to let me know how you find it.

Antonia x

P.S. You'll find a few links over the page which you can refer to for further information and
help. Here are some other useful resources you might like too:

How to be less busy so you have more time and freedom

Signs you might be too busy and what to do about it
How to stop living for the weekends and enjoy your week more
How to be more productive at home and in life

01. Make your bed so your bedroom is neat and tidy and it gets you mentally prepared for
the next part of your day.

02. Get up early so you can get a head-start on your day before the rest of the house wakes
up. Read more on creating a simple morning routine.

03. Do something for you so you can put yourself first for a little while and do something
you WANT to do, rather than what you HAVE to do.

04. Put a laundry load on so the dirty clothes don’t build up and you’ve always got clean
fresh clothes in the wardrobe.

05. Fold/put away laundry before you go to bed so you’re not left with piles of clean but
crushed clothes adding to the clutter.

06. Don’t check emails first thing in the morning until you’ve got time to deal with any that
need actioning.

07. Prepare school and work bags the night before so you can be super-organised for the
morning and have time to concentrate on not forgetting anything.

08. Lay out clothes the night before to make it quicker and easier to get dressed in the
morning without having to decide on and find something to wear. Read more on creating a
simple evening routine.

09. Self-care is important so spend a little time making sure you do what you need to do to
look and therefore feel good! Read this article if you struggle.

10. Get some fresh air, even if it’s just 5 minutes. Natural daylight does wonders for your
mental health and it’s so calming to be out in nature.

11. Do some exercise and get those endorphins flowing. It doesn’t matter what type of
exercise it is, even just a walk. Choose something you enjoy and get your body moving.

12. Catch up on the news so you know what's going on in the world.

13. Write a To Do list for tomorrow so you get your thoughts out of your head and on to
paper. You’re less likely to forget things and more likely to keep on focus. Read more on
creating a simple, strategic To Do list.

14. Write a gratitude list, to get things in perspective and focus on all the things you’ve got
to be grateful for. It’ll help to keep you feeling good even if you’re having a bad day. Read
more on gratitude lists.

15. Journal/brain dump when you’ve got so much on your plate that you don’t know where
to start. Get all the thoughts out of your head so you can think clearly. Try these tips.

16. Check the post and deal with paperwork so the paper clutter doesn’t build up.

17. Check your emails and deal with them so your inbox doesn’t fill up with junk and you
can make sure you don’t miss anything important.

18. Chat and spend time with your partner and give each other time and love as every
relationship needs work to keep it strong and healthy.

19. Spend some quality time with your kids, playing a game, building Lego, reading a book
etc when you’re not distracted or multi-tasking doing something else.

20. Prep the lunches for tomorrow to save you time in the morning.

21. Go to bed saying I love you and never end on an argument as tomorrow is another day
and you want it to start out right.

22. Check your calendar for tomorrow so you don’t forget or miss any appointments or

23. Spend 10 minutes doing housework so you don’t have to spend all weekend catching
up. Read more on simple household routines.

24. Do dishes after every meal so your dirty dishes don’t pile up in the sink waiting for you
to do them in the evening when you could be doing better things!

1. How do you feel about your day at the moment?
Do you struggle to get things done? Do you feel tired, out-of-sync, even a little resentful? Do you
wish for more free time, more time for yourself?

2. What changes could you make?

Is there anything you can do to make your day easier, less stressful and give you more freedom?
Small changes can make the world of difference...

3. How could these changes benefit you?

What would you like to change? Do you want more time, more energy, more clarity, more peace?
What would you do with these and what opportunities could these give you?


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