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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Compelling Thesis on "Research Paper On Not Lowering The

Drinking Age"

Crafting a thesis on a complex and contentious topic like "Research Paper On Not Lowering The
Drinking Age" can be an arduous task that demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and
effective communication of arguments. As students delve into the intricacies of this subject, they
often encounter a multitude of challenges that can make the writing process daunting.

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angles, anticipate counterarguments, and present a well-rounded perspective. This demands a high
level of intellectual rigor and clarity of thought, which can be challenging for many students.

Furthermore, effective communication is paramount in presenting a cohesive and compelling thesis.

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A few individuals I know would say that the way “kids” act today has determined their fate to have
to wait several years after becoming an “adult” to purchase alcohol legally. If there was not a
problem with the drinking age at 21 they would have never raised the age to 21, the law was set in
place for a reason and it has been shown that it is a good law. There is ongoing debate on whether
keeping the drinking age of 21 has the positive or negative impacts. It simply puts young adults at
greater risks. (2) Many agree with McCardell and say that the drinking age of 21 does not prevent
college students from drinking. A sample of 82 participants (50% women) was randomly assigned to
either an alcohol, placebo or control group. Moreover, psychological problems like anxiety,
depression, psychosis, schizophrenia etc are also found to be associated with binge drinkers.
Congress had raised the drinking age to 21 despite states wanting to keep it at 18. Studies have
shown that people tend to drink to get high or to be in a high-spirited moment. However, there was
a dramatic rise of many negative impacts to a point that legislatures had to amend the law in most
states. Alcohol cause problems to those who take it whether one is old or young; thus, maintaining
the legal drinking age at 21 may not solve problems associated with alcohol. Hence to prevent cases
of unreported alcohol-related complications that can lead to death, it will be practical to reduce the
legal drinking age to 18 years. It would just be something to have to deal with in life. If you want a
unique paper, order it from our professional writers. Stories about drinking on college campuses and
high school parties are. As per 2009, over 5,000 persons below 21 years were dying annually due to
alcohol related accidents like homicide and suicide. According (Toomey, et al. 1958), demand for
alcohol among College students does not change even if the alcohol becomes costly or unavailable.
Even though people reason and make decisions differently in their personal capacities, when one hits
the age of majority there is a sense of responsibility in him or her (Kiesbye 1503). Citizens in other
countries are able to make their own alcohol consumption decisions at the time of being able to walk.
Nevertheless, the above counter-argument against having the legal drinking age at 21 can only be
termed as baseless. This includes barring young adults aged below 21years from drinking. These
questions bring up solid points, however, with a legal drinking age of 21 decreasing traffic accidents,
underage drinking, and reducing the detrimental effects alcohol has on the brain, there’s reason to
keep the age the same. In trying to prove to his or her peers that indeed he or she has graduated to
adulthood, the same alcohol legal law rule will be broken making the young adult use all means
possible to buy and consume alcohol. For those of you who are, 18 years old you are considered
adults in nearly all aspects of the law, including voting. Moreover, since founding the drinking age of
21 in 1975, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration claims that the number of car
accidents within 18-20 years old drivers in the U.S decreased sharply by 13% (SFGate). Smith
(2008) pointed out that “teenagers have not developed the cognitive, social, and psychological
mechanisms that are needed to make thoughtful and logical decisions about alcohol use” (Smith). By
leaving the drinking age to 21 it will continue to save many lives from traffic crashes. The chemical is
called ethanol, in order to make alcohol you need the ethanol, and fruits for some drinks and grains
for others. Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements
from scratch. It is reported that young adults below 21 years have on one occasion used fake or
stolen ID to buy alcohol. Just because you make something illegal it does not mean that people are
just going to stop doing it.
Some may point out there are still drunk drivers out there and that are even more drunk driver arrest
today than before they act of 1984 which set an age limit to drinking (Fell). Lowering the legal
drinking age limit to 18 years will enable the young adults to consume alcohol in a more responsible
manner. It may cause problems in his family and in the society. When people drink alcohol, the
chemicals that come from alcohol are going straight to a person’s brain. Rainforth also mentioned
that “either a person has the ability to make rational life decisions at age 1. In sum, delaying drinking
age to 21 years old will not make 18 years old teenagers to wait until they can drink legally. The
government should remember that the only way it can reduce cases of use of illegal drugs by young
adults is to create an avenue for a safe and responsible way of consuming alcohol. Since young
adults outside the drinking age limit of 21 years are not allowed to drink, they will, in fact, use other
forms of illegal substances to make them get high like their peers who can drink. If 18 years old
teenagers can be trusted enough to go to war, jail and start a family, they should also be trusted to be
responsible enough to drink. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. By continuing,
you agree to our Terms and Conditions. At the college level, most students lie in the age bracket of
18-21 years. Over the life of many people it has been proven that most people drink the most in their
late teens and early twenties (Chen 1). An third, eighteen year olds may not be mature enough to
know their limitations on drinking alcoholic beverages. Similar studies have shown that persons who
did not go to college and start drinking at a lower age than 21 years are even more likely to become
addicts compared to those who continued with their studies. The only thing that changes is the
supply chain of alcohol to those below the legal drinking age limit since they rely on friends and
family members to buy them alcohol. While this is very true, many fail to point out that there is more
support and police involvement to prevent drunk driving. Some of the negative repercussions that
were being associated with having a low drinking age of 18 included the numerous accidents that
were happening as well as the rise of alcohol binges (Heather and Stockwell 39). Lowering the
drinking age can bring serious consequences such as traffic accidents and alcohol poisoning. The
most unfortunate part of it is the fact that these young adults who become alcoholics at that tender
age (below 21 years) may become hooked up to alcohol for life or keep struggling with their efforts
being always fruitless. School shooting incidents are growing day by day in America and majority of
these incidents are caused by alcoholism among teenagers. Receive a tailored piece that meets your
specific needs and requirements. But by 1984, the federal government implemented a drive to
standardize the minimum drinking age to 21 through a congressional initiative. The company was
founded in July 1956 with an aim of producing high quality non-alcoholic soft and hot rinks.
Therefore, to eradicate buying of alcohol in a dubious manner through black market that may be of
health hazard and deny the government tax, the drinking legal age should be reduced to 18 years.
Becoming stricter on under age drinking laws can prevent this. Adding alcohol to the mix of
hormonal kids will most likely end in an unpleasant result. Keep on browsing if you are OK with
that, or find out how to manage cookies. Drinking really doesn’t do anything bad to the body unless
they keep drinking over, over, and over then it starts to do something to your body so that is why it
should be lowered to 18. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our.
Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Conversely, while
lowering the legal drinking age to 18 is sensible, there are other factors that the government and the
society needs to consider in this regard. Making the same adult not to consume or not to freely buy
alcohol becomes a psychological trauma to the same adult. Others argue that anybody who is 18
years and above is an adult and should be allowed to make decisions on their own. Hence to prevent
cases of unreported alcohol-related complications that can lead to death, it will be practical to reduce
the legal drinking age to 18 years. Moreover, the law led to decrease in the number of accidents
induced by alcoholism by more than 63% since 1984 not considering the high number of lives that
have also been saved since innocent people are no longer hit by those immature alcoholic drivers.
There are few people that believe it should be changed to something lower than 21; but most of
society thinks it should stay 21 and it should not be changed. I have come to the conclusion that the
legal drinking age should be changed to eighteen. It is reasonable for those who are being headache
when they get older. For young adults in high school or college, this could negatively affect memory,
which could lead to lower grades. On a personal viewpoint, gaining the rights as an adult at age 18
should earn one the privileges of deciding how to drink responsibly. Nowadays, young people have
many opportunities to access to alcohol that leads to negative affect, such as damage brain
development, increase car accidents, give high school students greater access to alcohol early. The
legal drinking age in the United States should be reviewed and lowed to 18 years because this will
play a role in helping young people to avoid problems with the law. Second, lowering the drinking
age might influence eighteen year olds to buy alcohol for younger teenagers. The law should not
decrease the legal drinking age because of the effects it can have on an undeveloped brain. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Alcohol is dangerous and
should not be given to teenagers under 21. Johnson believes that if they lowering the drinking age
young adults would learn to drink responsibly and stop binge drinking. Immediately you can smoke
cigarettes, vote, be a jury member, even join the military and fight for your country. But. The debate
has been talked about for the last few years. Every year, millions of American kids graduate from
high school, throw massive parties and get drunk. Despite this, other far less novel and more
compelling reasons if taken to consideration will prove that lowering the current drinking age would
be a costly mistake. My final reason for why the drinking age should be lowered is that if an eighteen
year old is considered an adult and have the same responsibilities as a twenty-one year old they
should be able to purchase and consume alcohol and drink as much as they desire only if they are
able to control their maturity and take on much more responsibilities as to not drink and drive. In the
article College-age Drinking Problems states “the age limit at 21 has saved 16,500 lives in traffic
crashes alone since 1975” (Hingson 1). Alcohol can influence people to participate in dangerous or
illegal activities. For example, according to Sunrise House an American Addiction Center, they say
that Vodka is 40-95% alcohol, Gin, Rum, and Whiskey are all 36-50% alcohol, and beer is 4-8%
alcohol. This has been greatly attributed to alcohol being purchased through dubious ways and means
by those outside the legal age limit of 21 years and above. Since 1987 the decrease of drinking and
driving problems have gone down. In addition, allowing 18 year olds to access alcohol might not
keep them from trouble and this could cause problem in future life. The legal drinking age in North
America is twenty-one.
In other words, they are not taking decisions to operate weapons and therefore immature decisions
to use weapons can be eliminated. According to (Hallgren, et al. 471) since a person is considered as
an adult when he or she attains the age of 18 years, he or she has the mental understanding he
deserves to be treated as an adult. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional writers.
One of the worst things for any family to experience is getting a phone call and hearing a police
officer say their child got into a wreck especially if that wreck cost them their lives or if they took
someone else’s life. According to (Coghlan 6), many studies conducted on the effectiveness of legal
drinking age of 21 years have appeared to show that it has not been helpful in controlling underage
drinking as it was much anticipated. The current legal drinking age of 21 years has led to increased
irresponsible drinking among the youth and there have been increased incidences of crime. If the
states were to lower the drinking age we would be putting many lives at risk. They are not matured
enough to take wise decisions for their future. In 1980 the minimum age of drinking in the United
States was raised from 18 to 21. Therefore, to eradicate buying of alcohol in a dubious manner
through black market that may be of health hazard and deny the government tax, the drinking legal
age should be reduced to 18 years. The mere fact that these young adults are experimenting with
alcohol through illegal means pose trouble for both the government and parents alike. My final
reason for why we should lower the drinking age is a person can purchase a firearm upon turning
eighteen years of age. The deaths relating to alcohol decreased from 5,000 in the 1980s to 2,000 in
2005. Banning alcohol at age 18 will just make teenagers hide when they are drinking and it is more
dangerous. If younger people had easier access to alcohol, they would supply to their younger
underage friends, and more high schoolers and middle schoolers would have easier access to alcohol
(Drinking). Furthermore, while there are other laws that allowed at eighteen it is important to
understand that many of those liberties are not at the risk of one’s health, and there are many other
liberties as well that are not granted until the age of twenty-one and in some cases twenty-five.
Paragraph 2: The ethical concerns that will be highlighted will touch on what the National lowering
the drinking age Paragraph Contents Paragraph Whether the drinking age in the US should be
lowered to 18 years or not has been a subject of intense discussion across the US. It cannot be both
ways (Rainforth 1).”At the age of 1. The Califonia State Supreme Court recently gave prosecutors
the authority to charge minors as young as 1. On a personal viewpoint, gaining the rights as an adult
at age 18 should earn one the privileges of deciding how to drink responsibly. Let us write or edit the
research paper on your topic. If young adults have the right to such life-changing decisions, why is it
that they cannot choose to consume alcohol. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to
an academic expert. This means that lowering the age is likely to reduce such cases of getting in the
wrong side of the law. Alcohol consumption among these young adults also leads to cases of sexual
assault, a factor that is contributed by either both the offender and the victim being drunk or one of
them. Therefore, those between the age of 18 years and 20 years tend to use any means possible to
buy and consuming alcohol having in mind that they are adults hence they can consume alcohol even
though the law prohibits them from doing so. It is very obvious that the law has failed, and should
just be changed back. Immediately you can smoke cigarettes, vote, be a jury member, even join the
military and fight for your country. But. A study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism found that 36% of 18- to 20-year-olds reported drinking in the past month, despite the
fact that it is illegal for them to do so. It is important to note that most alcohol-related cases of
alcohol poisoning among and spiking of alcoholic drinks when those between the ages of 18 years to
20 years go unreported due to fear of legal penalties and repercussion. The Commission met over the
next 18 months and ultimately advanced 39 recommendations to President Reagan.
By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Research substantiates the contention that the
legal drinking age should remain at 21. Excessive alcohol use is attributed to 88,000 deaths yearly
and Americans stand to lose 2.5 million people annually due to alcoholism. Teens should be able to
drink by the time they are 18 because that is when they are going to adulthood at that time. It can
also stop underage drinking by creating more laws towards the people who sell to minors. However,
the 18 year olds still find other illegal means to access alcoholic drinks, thus, the law does not
achieve its objective of barring 18 year olds from drinking; consequently, it is important for the
government review the law and lower the drinking age to18 years. In trying to prove to his or her
peers that indeed he or she has graduated to adulthood, the same alcohol legal law rule will be broken
making the young adult use all means possible to buy and consume alcohol. Purchase age is not
always responsible for driving problems and accidents during driving. The drinking age should
therefore be lowered to 18. Conducted researches have shown that human brains continue to develop
up to the age of 21 years meaning that persons below this age are not yet grown up and alcohol
taking can damage their brains development or make it malfunctions or even dead if they become
alcoholics. By exceeding the daily drinking limit is about four or more drinks in a single day, and
college teens shown that hey binge drink. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional
writers. Rainforth also mentioned that “either a person has the ability to make rational life decisions
at age 1. To conclude, drink age should never be lowered to 18. The argument against changing the
legal drinking age has many issues. Dogs, cats, monkeys, mice, and other animals are kept in dark
rooms in. In addition, problems associated with alcohol exist whether the drinking age is raised or
lowered. Another major reason that people use in arguing that the minimum drinking age should be
21 years is the issue of health. Moreover, since founding the drinking age of 21 in 1975, the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration claims that the number of car accidents within 18-20 years
old drivers in the U.S decreased sharply by 13% (SFGate). The author of the paper states that the
higher rate of underage drinking has resorted to the debate if the government should lower the
minimum age limit of alcohol drinking. For people under 21 drinking and driving increases the risk of
being involved in a fetal traffic crash with each alcoholic drink they have. Engs Ruth. “Why the
drinking age should be lowered: An opinion based upon research” March 20, 1998. Web. April 20,
2014. Making the drinking age be 21 by President Ronald Reagan was among the most prudent ideas
the country has ever made. In this instance there would be a risk of many more deaths in America
due to drunk driving. No studies have ever proved any positive results associated with drinking. The
idea was that if 18 -year-olds were mature enough to take part in an election and to fight and
sacrifice their life for the nation, they were mature enough to consume alcohol. Therefore, it stands to
reason that 18-year-olds should also be allowed to purchase and consume alcohol.In addition, there is
a growing body of evidence that suggests that the current drinking age is ineffective. Maybe we
could be like sophisticated and notable England and allow those under age to consume alcohol in
restaurants. Like national Prohibition, it was been counter- productive. Both of our bordering
countries and our allies are allowed to drink at age eighteen.

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