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The mentioned diagram demonstrates how frogs develop at

different stages.
As can be seen from the picture, a frogs have to go through eleven
stages in order to mature. The process starts with eggs and continuing
until they become fully-grown adults.
At the first stage of the life cycle, frogs lay a couple of eggs and the
process results in eggs carrying embryos being placed on the water.
Once the spawn hatches, tadpoles are then cling to aquatic vegetable.
The external gills for breathing and their tail developing after these
tadpoles will grow larger. Lastly, their hind legs appear to tell us that it
has reached the stage of forming a baby frogs.
Following that, the baby frog lives from food stored in the tail. The
appearance of the creature undergoes significant changes which result
in the development of the front legs. During this stage, frog’s tails
become shorter and it disappears when they reach the period of the frog
growth. Then they’ll get rid of the water and begin to live on the ground.
At the end, young frogs are transformed into mature ones and the cycle
repeats itself when a pair of adult frogs mate.

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