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Young Screenwriters:

Simplified Beatsheet

ACT ONE – Pages 1 to 2

1. PROTAGONIST – hero, the person whose story we follow
2. OBJECTIVE – what the protagonist wants
3. ANTAGONIST – bad guy, stands between the protagonist and objective
4. MENTOR – protagonist meets a father figure, best friend or confidant
5. FLAW – protagonist’s character flaw
1. INNER NEED – connected to flaw, the change the protagonist seeks
6. NORMAL WORLD – where protagonist lives, comfort zone
7. INCITING INCIDENT – moment that turns protagonist’s world upside down,
nothing will ever be the same
8. RESPONSE – protagonist’s moment of indecision
9. CALL TO ACTION – protagonist commits, takes action

ACT TWO – Pages 2 to 9

10. OBSTACLES – challenges the protagonist must overcome
11. FRIENDS and ENEMIES – offer protagonist support or sabotage
12. PREPARATION – protagonist prepares for big battle or Ultimate Test
13. ULTIMATE TEST – protagonist confronts greatest fear and challenge
14. RESOLUTION – protagonist conquers fear, corrects flaw
15. FINAL FIGHT – confirm the protagonist has grown and changed

ACT THREE – Page 9 to 12

16. REBIRTH – protagonist is transformed
17. RETURN – protagonist returns home, literally or metaphorically

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