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List out all the stakeholders in an IT project and their responsibilities.

Product owner: The product owner is responsible for all the duties that involves from the planning to
development. The product owner would be connected and involved during all the phases.

Product manager: This person is responsible for all the planning and analysing risk that involved with the
whole project.

Project coordinator: The coordinator helps the product manager to make sure all ends are met. They
also help in arranging meeting and making sure all goals are met in timely manner.

Business analyst: BA is someone who analysis the business side of the product and make sure all
requirements are met.

QA Manager: QA managers mentor the QA team to make sure all requirement are met keeping in mind
the industry standards.

QA Analyst : QA analyst are the individual that conduct test on software and program to test them out
for bugs and helps them make better product.

Developers: They are responsible for all the coding and development of the software

Technical Analyst: This person helps to make sure everything is running smoothly and all system are
good for better execution

Database Administrator: This person keeps record of all the data which helps them trouble shoot and
solve any clients issues.

System Analyst: This person uses system to design systems that can solve busines problems using
information technology.

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