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Another key moment is when Katherine convinced Joan to apply to Yale University

because of her interest in law school. She had already enrolled in pre-law which
made the teacher aware of her interest. After the conversation with the teacher,
Joan applied to Yale University and was accepted. However, she changed her mind and
decided to get married to her fiancée, Tom Donegal. When the teacher got wind of
the news, she became frustrated and angry that Joan had made that choice. Joan told
the teacher that being a wife did not make her any less intelligent. Parents’
influence on children is strong because students follow what they learn and see
(Morin 165). The decision to become a wife conformed to what the school wanted but
was against what their teacher taught them. For the teacher, it was better to
continue studies and venture into careers that they prefer. This part also
indicates the role of the teacher in shaping the decisions of the students in a
positive way (Kupfer 95). However, some of the students are influenced by their
parents to adopt more conservative ideals that limit their independence.

When the school invited Katherine to continue teaching the school, it indicates how
popular her class had become. It also showed the school had realized the importance
of educating students to make informed choices and not putting limitations on their
development. Betty, who had also chosen to get married, found Katherine as the only
one who cared to listen and help her when her marriage got rocky. Eventually, she
decides to divorce her husband and move to Yale university to start a law degree.
She had decided to live a life of her own without worrying about what society
thought. This was an indicator of how the influence of a teacher can help change
the way people think and act. The teacher was able to have a profound influence on
the students.

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