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Writing a thesis on euthanasia can be an arduous task, requiring in-depth research, critical analysis,

and ethical considerations. Exploring research paper topics on euthanasia demands a comprehensive
understanding of the subject matter, including legal, medical, philosophical, and societal perspectives.

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US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Doctors and hospital staff have the
advantage of being used to seeing such things and having clinical detachment, friends and family do
not. Kevorkian was again interviewed by Cavuto on Your World on April 1. For chronic psychiatric
patients there is also a growth that is re?ected in the numbers. He appeared on Fox News Channel's
Your World with Neil Cavuto on September 2, 2. On April 1. 5 and 1. Kevorkian appeared on CNN's
Anderson Cooper 3. The government must set a hard line of requirements and look to take the issue
no further. There is little question that euthanasia is a complicated issue. Pericles expressed his
admiration for the Athenian citizens during a funeral ceremony held amidst the initial. Each act, as
stated in the 1973 paper, should be reported and subject to judicial assessment. Last but not least,
you should provide the bibliography to readers to let them know about the resources that you have
utilized for writing your Euthanasia research paper. Public perceptions toward these characteristics
vary. To cap it all euthanasia is performed by the people having pessimism in their life and we should
not support such ideologies at any cost as they can engulf our societies within no time along with our
values. In the past there have been inclinations and a reality in Germany before and during the
Second World War, to extend ending life to others than requesting extremely suffering patients, such
as physically and mentally handicapped persons. Euthanasia is the deliberate advancement of a
person's death for the benefit of that person. But sometimes out of their misfortune, these people are
caught by the hand of the enemy nation who torture them to the core. The implications of this study
is that perhaps euthanasia was more widespread than once believed and in fact it is important to
openly discuss the matter and formalize a strategy to be utilized by different health institutions.
Some consider this as good but others are not in favor of practicing euthanasia by equating it with
suicide. Let's now examine whether these safeguards are indeed still holding around the world. There
is no duty to undergo not relievable suffering. Kevorkian allegedly assisted only by attaching the
individual to a euthanasia device that he had devised and constructed. Liberals supported a lenient
approach and legalization; Christian Democrats, for decades one of the largest factions in Parliament,
opposed it; while the Socialist parties were divided. Jack — and, lastly, the third child, Flora. In 1.
95. 2, he graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School in Ann Arbor. In a 1. 95. 9
journal article, he wrote: “I propose that a prisoner condemned to death by due process of law be
allowed to submit, by his own free choice, to medical experimentation under complete anaesthesia
(at the time appointed for administering the penalty) as a form of execution in lieu of conventional
methods prescribed by law. Haider Al-Marayati 11DE Euthanasia Right or wrong Euthanasia, or
assisted suicide is a very sensitive and debatable topic of todays world. Physician-assisted death laws
have had a hard legal road in the states where they have been passed. In very broad terms one can
say that in relation to patients who are dying or incurably ill the legal duty to act in a patient's best
interest means preventing or retarding a deterioration in their condition, and the relief of pain and
suffering. No matter the subject, difficulty, academic level or document type, our writers have the
skills to complete it. If you are assigned with a research paper on euthanasia make sure that your
research paper deals with the following aspects of the topic to cover all the issues associated with it.
Netherlands officially legalized euthanasia in 2001. Acceptable euthanasia in the Netherlands is the
result of a “bottom-up” movement, rather than the result of top-down forced political decisions by
parliamentary majorities, as in Belgium and Luxembourg. Those two places are the State of Oregon in
the U.S., and the Northern Territory of Australia.
The two that matter the most among all the mentioned above is the review of the ethical codes and
the applicable laws and regulations surrounding the dilemma in question (Graf, et al. 2007). Both
decision making processes are important because they offer the aspects of knowledge and awareness
as well as protection from malpractice lawsuits and license revocation for the nurse in question.
Personal Directives made in advance are designed to bring this about and to maintain dignity in the
process. Why is the law and the public treating the killing of a disabled child different to the killing
of a non- disabled child. At later stages of many terminal illnesses, organs are severely weakened
and, in some cases, failing - it may not be possible to use them at that point. Unleashing the Power of
AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. The country has already fallen down the
slippery slope that is physician assisted death. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should
contain. The DNAR order is usually given by a doctor in an attempt to avoid 'over treatment' and
cardiopulmonary abuses. I can do things that just about anybody else can do. He had carried out
thorough investigation into the patient. He. The difference between physicians and their patients, and
physicians and the AMA (American Medical Association) are looked at. If a patient wishes to end his
or her own life with the help of another person, no one can judge them for choosing one way or
another not knowing exactly what they are going through. Autopsies showed five people had no
disease at all. However, he also said in that same interview that he declined four out of every five
assisted suicide requests, on the grounds that the patient needed more treatment or medical records
had to be checked. Bullying is one of the most prevalent issues trying to be addressed and dealt with
in our society every day. And requesting PAD hardly seems the act of a rational human being since
incurably ill patients often suffer from depression or have their minds clouded by the medications
being used. It was only after the case of Aruna Ramchandra Shanbaug versus Union of India (2011)
4 SCC 454, Supreme Court in its judgment declared that Passive Euthanasia is legal in India. There
are two cases for an assisted suicide according to Euthanasia Research. There have always been
proponents, especially outside of the medical profession in the general public, and a minority of
physicians have played and still play a major role in trying to realize legality for this intervention. The
job of a physician should always be to help their patient in any way possible. And indeed if you
know someone will have a condition that will lead to pain in the future, why not prevent the bad life
before it begins. Published 14 July 2021 Students who are assigned with a research paper on
euthanasia can find certain difficulties to accomplish it professionally. Health professionals were not
therefore - in law anyway - responsible for his death. The doctor gives them three months to live, but
only with the continuation of treatment. Philosophical Library. ISBN 9. 78- 1- 2. The Call Of The
Wild Essays. Dowbiggin (2005) highlighted that there have been a number of highly publicized cases
of doctors being convicted of assisted suicide. The US needs to stop this snowball effect before it
goes too far like it has already in Netherlands. The controversial issue of euthanasia has been going
on for decades and as of nowadays, there is no end in sight. Minority-based attempts at regulation in
several countries in Europe and the USA can be observed since the nineteenth century. It is upon this
foundation that one could for this section will focus on special stakeholders interests in euthanasia.
There comes a point where these treatments are no longer offering therapeutic benefits, and they are
merely prolonging the dying process. Suggesting that people can be 'helped' by offering them
physician-assisted suicide. According to Keown (1995) in a sub article written by Dieter Giesen it is
the case that there are a number of controversial decisions made by superior courts in a number of
nations. Later convicted of second degree murder, Kevorkian served eight years in prison before
being freed in 2008 (Tonelli et al., 2013) If Kevorkian were a Nazi Germany doctor, he would have
been hung after the Nuremberg trials. I was able to think about the impact of withdrawing care on a
terminal patient and the potential suffering that may ensue. By reason alone, euthanasia sets us
against our nature. In the Schoonheim case (1984) the court’s message was the recognition of a
con?ict of duties, between the duty to protect life and also to alleviate suffering, legitimizing life-
ending interventions in certain individual cases. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with
our cookie policy. It means a greater sense of control for patients and less risk for suicide. At the
start of her eloquent essay, Thomson acknowledges that fetus has a right to life as it is considered a
person at conception. Dowbiggin, I. (2005) A Concise History of Euthanasia: Life, Death, God and
Medicine. Kevorkian) and lacked a psychiatric exam in at least 1. But in a post-mortem carried out
by a coroner, called Llibusia Dragowich, it was discovered that out of thirty-nine patients: Ten were
suffering from a terminal disease, twenty-six were in a little pain but death was not an option and
three had nothing wrong with them at all. After Youk provided his fully informed consent (a
sometimes complex legal determination made in this case by editorial consensus) on September 1.
The groups that are fighting against the legalization of euthanasia are conservative religious groups,
medical associations, and groups concerned with disabilities. The average cost of euthanasia is
somewhere around 40 dollars, while the complete care for a dying patient normally costs ten
thousands of dollars. Those who wish to maintain it usually tend to support passive euthanasia and
oppose active euthanasia. Making anyone watch this while hoping for a quick end to his or her loved
one’s suffering, would be wrong in itself. Definitions: Assisted suicide I kill myself but someone else
gives me the tool. Now what does that mean for the disability rights movement. There have always
been proponents, especially outside of the medical profession in the general public, and a minority of
physicians have played and still play a major role in trying to realize legality for this intervention. If
the US continues down this road it will end up euthanizing children because they are disabled or are
mentally unfit. Jack Kevorkian. Born. Jacob Kevorkian(1. May 2. 6, 1. 92. 8Pontiac, Michigan, U.
He was also forbidden by the rules of his parole from commenting about assisted suicide. The
similarities are that patients must request an end to life, being competent adults, with unbearable
suffering, physically and mentally, from an incurable disease. Definitions have become pivotal in the
act of euthanasia. The two that matter the most among all the mentioned above is the review of the
ethical codes and the applicable laws and regulations surrounding the dilemma in question (Graf, et
al. 2007). Both decision making processes are important because they offer the aspects of knowledge
and awareness as well as protection from malpractice lawsuits and license revocation for the nurse in
question. Dr. Death. Alma mater. University of Michigan(B. S., M. D.)Occupation. Physician,
painter, author, musician. One of the most popular arguments against euthanasia is the sanctity of life
doctrine. David Seedhouse (1988) combines the theories of utilitarianism and Kant's notion of
consistency into one theory.
As homicide law is relatively fixed and routine, this trial was markedly different from earlier ones
that involved an area of law in flux (assisted suicide). Every different case will always be a
confrontation with important existential and emotional issues. It is also important to recognize that
individuals have the right to make decisions about their own lives, including the right to request
euthanasia, if it is legal in their jurisdiction. It will also provide a wider moral basis for human rights
in society. While the primary issue for dying with dignity Canada is the right of all competent persons
to choose the time and manner of their own death, this advanced set of guidelines in the UK for
quality of dying for children causes one to ponder how differently Mr. Robert Latimer might have
fared in his first trial, for alleviating the suffering of his desperately disabled and pain- ridden
daughter. At that time, only in those three states was assisted suicide legal in the United States, and
then only for terminally ill patients. They assert that it encompasses a collection of principles and
customs that contribute to the subordination of women. This test is based on what the patient would
have wanted, regardless of what others may think is a 'good' outcome. Although his definition
appears to be straightforward, there were other supporting factors that impacted the definition. Now
the point for Euthanasia is that when a person is extremely ill and there is no chance for him or her to
survive, at the same time the person is suffering As keeping in mind that it is actually his own life
which he wants to terminate. Unless, the so-called 'substituted judgement test' is used. It was
reviewed in Entertainment Weekly online as. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and
updates from Harbinger Pro Audio. They either need assistance from machines and family for the
rest of their life. Euthanasia The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical discussion on the topic
of euthanasia. Does the term apply only to adults or also children, does it cover active rather than
passive euthanasia, and does it cover only competent but also incompetent (e.g., comatose) patients.
Rebecca Badger, a patient of Kevorkian's and a mentally troubled drug abuser, had been mistakenly
diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The principle of beneficence is often seen as the overriding duty in
health care. It is also said that a person under care of a hospice company can live out their last
months in comfort and peace. Some consider this as good but others are not in favor of practicing
euthanasia by equating it with suicide. And assisted dying will be requested by patients feeling they
are a burden, desiring to take away the strain on their families or by family interests in ending life,
not the least for economic reasons of cost, especially when there is no or inadequate insurance.
Bangladesh is a country where this process becomes essential to legalize because the shortage of
hospital beds and less life expectancy suffering people is increasing every day. These differences
were independent of other risk factors. So, for example, if a patient commits suicide by taking an
overdose of tablets you have left by the bedside for that purpose, you could be found guilty of
assisting suicide (under the Suicide Act 1961). An independent collegial consultation on the legal
conditions must take place. Discussed are the shaping of this process, the roles of the profession, the
courts and politics in realizing a regulated practice with safeguards, the review of each individual
case, and the overall evaluations of the effect of the legalization of “active euthanasia.”. Surely a
terminally ill sufferer is better qualified to decide for themselves whether they are better off dead or
alive. He was often portrayed in the media with the name of. The job of a physician should always
be to help their patient in any way possible. Each school of thought will tackle situations in different
Contrary to other researches, the researcher agrees only with the narrow construal of euthanasia, i.e.
active euthanasia. The researcher’s definition of euthanasia is: intentionally causing a terminally ill
person’s death through an action performed by a physician. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on
board with our cookie policy. Kevorkian discharged his attorneys and proceeded through the trial
representing himself, a decision he later regretted. The implications of this study is that perhaps
euthanasia was more widespread than once believed and in fact it is important to openly discuss the
matter and formalize a strategy to be utilized by different health institutions. He lectured at
universities such as the University of Florida. A part of me agrees with what Raymond says, but I
still feel that some patients maybe truly in that much pain and suffering. In this paper, I propose to
put forward arguments about why I believe that active Euthanasia should not be legalized.
Euthanasia The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical discussion on the topic of euthanasia.
Having enough knowledge of the codes will also act as a good defense strategy in case there is an
ethical malpractice lawsuit in the future as one will have followed these codes to the letter leaving no
hanging lose ends. At the present time, people are living in a world where they have Google to
answer all their questions, Facebook and IMs to connect with their networks, YouTube to watch
things happen all over the globe, cellphones and laptops to makes their lives easier. Thus, in one of
many studies that have been carried out over the last few years - both on attitudes to and the practice
of euthanasia - it was revealed that 22 out of 750 doctors admitted to having actively ended the life
of a patient on request and a surprising 46% said they believed they should be legally permitted to
do so (Mason et al. 2002). Nevertheless very few doctors who have taken part in some form of
euthanasia are prosecuted for murder. This definition does not endorse physical punishment or harsh
strategies to achieve desired behavior. Abstract Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide are burning
issues across the globe. The view of human goodness presented In the preceding chapter Is one
which Is at present flung remarkably wide acceptance. But to-day there appears a strange unanimity
as regards the ultimate formula of ethics. How, then, would it justify for a person assisting suicide to
be burdened with painful distress. So make sure that you are taking this help to deal with the
assignments of writing a good quality research paper for the best score in assignments. Later
convicted of second degree murder, Kevorkian served eight years in prison before being freed in
2008 (Tonelli et al., 2013) If Kevorkian were a Nazi Germany doctor, he would have been hung after
the Nuremberg trials. And assisted dying will be requested by patients feeling they are a burden,
desiring to take away the strain on their families or by family interests in ending life, not the least for
economic reasons of cost, especially when there is no or inadequate insurance. For the purpose of this
paper euthanasia will refer to any activity that is enacted to enable a more rapid ending of a life that
relieves pain and suffering of a patient. Two types or examples of advanced directives are the Living
Will, and the Durable Power of Attorney or Health Care Proxy. There are two different usages of the
term euthanasia: a narrow construal of euthanasia and broad construal of euthanasia. In very broad
terms one can say that in relation to patients who are dying or incurably ill the legal duty to act in a
patient's best interest means preventing or retarding a deterioration in their condition, and the relief
of pain and suffering. There have always been proponents, especially outside of the medical
profession in the general public, and a minority of physicians have played and still play a major role
in trying to realize legality for this intervention. Although his definition appears to be
straightforward, there were other supporting factors that impacted the definition. Also a person
cannot choose to end their life at the first diagnosis of a terminal disease. Overall, euthanasia is a
complex and multifaceted issue that raises a number of important questions about the nature of
suffering, the value of human life, and the role of autonomy in end-of-life decision-making. Many
people have heard of doctors who report that they have given heavy doses of morphine to relieve the
pain and suffering of patients who are near an inevitable death. The states where legislation has been
introduced will also have a hard time passing this legislation.
Health professionals were not therefore - in law anyway - responsible for his death. Age
discrimination - evidence strongly suggests that DNAR orders are issued more often and more freely
in older patients irrespective of the diagnosis and prognosis (Mason et al. 2002). This shows an
inequality in decision making. Kevorkian) and lacked a psychiatric exam in at least 1. The person
must seek treatment for the illness and show that medical help has been sought to cure or at least
slow down the life-ending disease. Unlike Dr. Jack Kevorkian, assisted suicide should involve the
whole family and relatives of the individual, it should not be done alone. The emotional effects
including depression, guilt, and some other results could last for years. Two types or examples of
advanced directives are the Living Will, and the Durable Power of Attorney or Health Care Proxy.
Legislative discussions for permitting active Euthanasia in various countries have been repeatedly
debated among their public, the politicians, the jurists, philosophical ethicists and even medical
practitioners resulting in drastic to insignificant or ambiguous changes in the concerned country's
legal framework. It refers to the practice of ending the life of a person who is suffering from an
incurable illness or injury in a painless and humane manner. It was only after the case of Aruna
Ramchandra Shanbaug versus Union of India (2011) 4 SCC 454, Supreme Court in its judgment
declared that Passive Euthanasia is legal in India. In addition to that, the definition excludes suicide,
assisted suicide, and physician-assisted suicide. Athens, a significant city-state in Greek history,
served as a prominent hub for cultural and intellectual progress and was renowned for its
philosophers. The government must set a hard line of requirements and look to take the issue no
further. Some consider this as good but others are not in favor of practicing euthanasia by equating it
with suicide. The implications of this study is that perhaps euthanasia was more widespread than
once believed and in fact it is important to openly discuss the matter and formalize a strategy to be
utilized by different health institutions. And assisted dying will be requested by patients feeling they
are a burden, desiring to take away the strain on their families or by family interests in ending life,
not the least for economic reasons of cost, especially when there is no or inadequate insurance. It
could be done by taking certain good decisions by the intelligentsia of society. The ?rst is not starting
or discontinuing medical treatment that has no foreseeable bene?t for a patient, as in a situation
where physicians agree that continuing a treatment will not lead to a cure or an acceptable state of
health for a patient. Social arguments based on ideas of a person being a valuable member of the
state play a signi?cant role. Also check our tips on how to write a research paper, see the lists of
research paper topics, and browse research paper examples. He started at a time when it was hardly
talked about and got people thinking about the issue. It is not a choice between life and death but a
choice between peace and suffering. Voluntary euthanasia is the easiest to justify on autonomy
grounds - because it is based on a patient's free and informed choice. It is indicated only for patients
who have terminal or chronic unbearable suffering. However, there are still people out there that don't
have the. Kevorkian, however, suggest that though many had a worsening illness. This is because I
find Euthanasia to be against the individual right to life, and its legalization can open floodgates of
the murder of innocent people under the pretext of Euthanasia. The incident with the Rudolphs is an
illustration of the opposing views about VSED, a form of Euthanasia which is legal in all states in
the US. The information on the Netherlands is more extensive in comparison to the other two
countries since more information is available over a longer period of time. Very likely I will not wake
up one morning with my legs being there. The Netherlands has been the ?rst country recognizing the
need for regulation of both an existing practice and patients’ rights for a self-chosen death, followed
by Belgium and Luxembourg.
This decision made at a time when the individual was in a relatively healthier state is now practically
the only thing keeping him alive in a near vegetative state. Notably, Socrates and Pericles were two
philosophers with contrasting viewpoints regarding the city-state and its inhabitants. Assisting a
patient in death is a slippery slope for a physician, starting with good intentions. The author takes
into account the moral aspects of Euthanasia, outlines the possibility of relieving patients from
unbearable pain. Haider Al-Marayati 11DE Euthanasia Right or wrong Euthanasia, or assisted
suicide is a very sensitive and debatable topic of todays world. This means that generally they are
keen to put enormous resources into prolonging a person's life irrespective of the. It is complicated
by the fact that it not only traverses moral and ethical principles, but also faces religious opposition.
She was one of the three who were wrongly helped to commit suicide. The emotional effects
including depression, guilt, and some other results could last for years. Right now there are only two
places in the world that it is legal to have an assisted suicide, or a physician assisted suicide where a
medical doctor assists in directing the suicide of a dying patient. Many religions and medical
practitioners opposed the idea of euthanasia and strongly claimed it to be illegal.. Euthanasia on
Socio-Economic Grounds Socio-economic conditions of the people of a particular society as
described above also push the people towards their poor situations of committing these types of
work. So the charge here should come as no surprise to you. Although his definition appears to be
straightforward, there were other supporting factors that impacted the definition. It features
Kevorkian on the flute and organ playing his own works with. Let us write or edit the research paper
on your topic. The incident with the Rudolphs is an illustration of the opposing views about VSED, a
form of Euthanasia which is legal in all states in the US. Here as in some other Western countries,
decisions to stop or not to start treatments are no longer classi?ed as (passive) euthanasia, but called
“death in the course of nontreatment decision (NTD).” Neither are medical decisions to treat patients
with severe symptoms while foreseeing death also due to these treatments classi?ed as (passive)
euthanasia but “death in the course of alleviating pain and symptoms (APS).”. One of these
arguments is that if we make it legal then people will take advantage of the system. As of the early
1990s, they found that fifty percent of those euthanized were no longer voluntary. Besides, there is a
right to life that an individual cannot give up. However, there seems to be some instances when this
rule does not apply. A pro-family leader believes the appointment of a special counsel to look into
allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government during the. Allowing
physician-assisted dying (PAD) will send a message to society of the devaluation of human life.
Both sides have their own ideas to base upon, and this contradiction has brought along the topics for
discussions. Bullying is one of the most prevalent issues trying to be addressed and dealt with in our
society every day. Inadequate documentation and communication - failings in formally recording
and communicating DNAR orders - verbal orders are often the most common form of
communicating DNAR status - mean that there is often confusion among staff about the procedure
(Tschudin 2003). With the assistance of Fieger, Kevorkian was acquitted three times. We have been
educated with the idea that killing people is against our morality as well as our religious beliefs.
Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide All sides to the issue. As there is no consent ability
someone else will decide for the to be person and for the born infant.

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