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Immanuel Kant: What is Freedom?

In a world of rational beings, we humans ought to ask what is the freedom that humans
can have in their existence?. In this reaction paper we will observe and explore the idea of the
philosopher known as “Imannuel Kant” about the concept of freedom. It was tackled in the
university of Harvard by professor Michael Sandel. In this lecture they highlight some of the
important concepts of Kant through the understanding of the word “freedom”. They said
“humans are the only capable or the only beings that can hold freedom”. Also that human
freedom can also be affected solely by the means of nature not only depending on their own
rational thinking. The first concept of Kant is autonomy, wherein humans can act freely
according to a law they give themselves. They called it self-governance or leading one's life
according to reasons, values, or desires that are authentically one's own. The second concept is
heteronomy, wherein humans act according to desire they haven’t chosen. It’s a complete
opposite of autonomy. That is just some highlights of what's in the content of the lecture
provided by professor Sandel. To question more on this topic I will digest and debunk some of
my subjective opinions.

As for my perspective or experience living here in our precious world, we are special
beings that can easily manipulate things by our own motive and duty, and that is a fact. All of the
arguments or theories given by Imannuel Kant are helpful in our society to distinguish the real
definition of freedom. Though Kant disagrees with“utilitarianism” since it uses its power to unify
human behavior. I believe that utilitarianism is also a half right and wrong since it fails to take
into account consideration of justice. The happiness which forms the utilitarian standard of what
is right in conduct, is not one’s own happiness, but that of all concerned. As between their own
happiness and that of others, utilitarianism requires them to be as strictly impartial as a
disinterested and benevolent spectator. I also argue that not all happiness and desire are
compatible with freedom, maybe it can affect other morals since it’s because we are following
eudaimonia. In an era today that some have characterized as "the age of self-interest,"
utilitarianism is a powerful reminder that morality calls us to look beyond the self to the good of
all. Especially when we imagine our daily happenings in life, we can say that we are morally
right because of our own environment, we live in a shell full of advice from our own parents and
seniors. We do the right thing for the right reasons because of our own conscience and nature.
But we do consider that we aren’t 100% morally good. We lie, do bad things, curse and
sometimes we think it is just normal for a person to do that. But that is not true freedom really
works. Freedom is a value wherein it can benefit ourselves and others by doing morally good.
According to professor Sandel “what matters is the quality of the will, the character of the
motive”. I argue that is perfectly right since, to do the freedom we should know what is the will
or motive in order to say that we are doing the right thing.
The lecture of professor Manuel Sandel through the philosophy of “Imannuel Kant” is the
eye opening for us that not all we do is morally good. There is a law and rule that we should
follow in order to express ourselves freely. Knowing what is right and wrong can benefit the
society to have the freedom and peace they want. It’s not about our ego or pride to be morally
right but to give a betterment for our own good.


Santa Clara University. (n.d.). Calculating Consequences:The Utilitarian Approach to Ethics.


Triethoc 42. (2020, October 8). [Justice course] Lecture 11 - Immanuel Kant: What is Freedom?

[Video]. YouTube.

Utilitarianism Critique from Kantian perspective - 1347 words | Essay example. (2022, February



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