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International Training Institute

Stage Name Interaction

Procedure Materials Time Comments
& Aims Pattern
Ask Ss to read the questions and think about their answers. T-SS
1. What type of movies do you prefer to watch?
Power point S 8
2. What is your favorite movie?
Have them check in pairs and then nominate volunteers to share their answers slide 1 S-S
with the whole class. Ss-T
Show Ss the title of the text and the picture and elicit some
ideas about what the name of the film is, and what they T-SS
think it is about. S
Power point 10
Ask students to match the key words (wire walker, crime, slide 2,3,4
arrest, bow and arrow) you give them with their pictures and
definitions. Have Ss work in pair/groups. Check the answers
with whole class. Drill them if needed.
Have Ss read the text and answer the questions in EX2a individu- New Total Eng
ally. Set a time limit so they read quickly. Then get them to peer- Int - SsBk, T-SS
check. Have some whole-class (w/c) FB and refer back to the U2.1, p 22 S
previous stage to see if their ideas were right or not. S-S
Reading Ex 1

Before reading the text, ask the Ss to read the questions

EXb and ask you if they do not understand any parts. Set a
longer time limit to let them answer the questions New Total Eng
individually. Later, put them in pairs to check the answers. T-SS
Int - SsBk,
Then, I will check Ss have correct answers first and then S
U2.1, p 22
use the key to make sure everybody has got the right Reading Ex 2
T-SS 12
Ask the Ss to read the personalized questions and give them time Power point T-SS 8
to prepare. Then, regroup them to discuss the opinions in pairs/ slide 9 S
groups. Monitor closely and only interrupt if need be. Nominate SS-SS
some Ss to share ideas in w/c FB. Give them feedback on lan-
guage if necessary. T-SS

Created with English Lesson Planner ©

Stage Name Interaction
Procedure Materials Time Comments
& Aims Pattern

 Have you seen/Would you enjoy the film?

 Would you be brave enough to do what the man did?
 What is the story of your favorite film?

Created with English Lesson Planner ©

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