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Name: Aimee G.

Section: 1CMT-4


Instruction: Create a reflection paper of the psychological perspective of the Self with 200 words
and emphasize your self-discoveries.

Psychological perspective of self refers to one’s view about his/her presentation of

himself/herself. Many psychologists have presented their own theories or principles that
explain how people are influenced in understanding the self. Among those psychologists and
theories, the one that captured my interest the most is Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial
Developmental Theory of the Self. This theory simply showed how the psychosocial capacity of
a certain individual is developed throughout one’s life as he/she grows older and mature.

As a young individual, I have encountered different types of persons of all ages already
and from what I have experienced, I was able to identify and connect the developmental stages
that Erikson made from the reality I experienced. It was mentioned in Erikson’s theory that the
first stage that a person undergoes is the infancy stage where it is all about trust and mistrust.
As I took care of a baby for some time before, I noticed that if a person is unfamiliar for the
infant, the baby tends to cry and doesn’t want to be cuddled or carried by others. The kid will
not stop crying not until his/her mom holds him/her. Normally, it is the mother whom the
baby recognizes and trusts first. This reflects the trust and mistrust during infancy stage. As I
entered the stage which Erikson called “Young adulthood” which involves intimacy and
isolation, I was able to identify myself on the category “isolation”. The Young Adulthood stage
is where people with strong sense of self-identity are ready to commit themselves with others
and be responsible for them. I, as a student and a young adult, I know that I don’t have that
kind of self-identity yet. I’m still in the process of developing myself to be the best out of me. As
I self-reflect, I realized that I have many things to discover and develop yet to be a fully grown
and mature individual.

Erikson’s different stages of psychosocial development emphasize the various

characteristics an individual might have be depending on what stage they are in. His theory
gave me a deeper understanding towards the changes, especially the development of a certain
individual. Moreover, this theory had led me to self-reflect and discover more about myself.

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