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What are health services? e individual's hea, thi ntain, or improve : - Activities that are done to assess, maintain, include the diagnosis ang can be considered as health services. These also le treatment of illnesses, injuries, or disabilities. How are health services evaluated? Evaluation of health services is an important element in the definition of an adequate and affordable health care system. For a health care company, it is essential to understand how its consumers perceive and value its products. Every company should know how its image is perceived by potential consumers and, when necessary, Pre oy redesign products and services according to this perception. In evaluating health services, the consumers’ preferences may be measured in relation to these five attributes, namely: 1. location of service points; effectiveness of doctors, clinics, and hospitals; 2. promptness and kindness when caring for patients and family members, 3. _ ease of access to the authorization forms for consultations; 4. price; and 5. diversity of available doctors, clinics, and hospitals, Who are the health professionals? Medical specialists, dental specialists, nurses, and mental health professionals are some of the health professionals who are engaged in Providing solutions to health-related problems. Anesthesiologi lolo, ’ ai ‘Administration of anesthesia like in surgery Cardiologi: ies ‘oronary artery disease; heart disease Dermatologi sed _.Skin conditions Famil ici 'y Physician. General care physician ..Female reproductive system .. Treatment of diseases in adults _.Pregnancy, labor, childbirth ..Eye disease and treatment ..General health and medical care Primary care physician... Surgeon. _.Treats diseases by surgery eneral care of teeth and oral cavity Dentist... iseases of tooth below gum line and root canal therapy Endodontist.. Teeth alignment, malocclusion | orthodontist . Dental care of children Pedodontist. Periodontist. . Diseases supporting structures Construction of artificia, appliances for the mouth, Prosthodontist... Mental Health | Psychologist Practitioners Psychiatrist The Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Other Health Professionals What are health care facil Health care facilities are hospitals, barangay health centers, primary health-care centers, private clinics, maternity centers, and others that are created to provide basic health services. What is health care (PhilHealth, HMO, medical insurance)? The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) system So finance. ie was established in 1995 to create law = “he l “h a universal health coverage forthe healthcare’ e a om tax well education ee t. one capital lan Philippines. It is a government- aa sor People PlaM ve. owned and controlled corporation bene Garon Ce (GOCC), and is attached to the Department of Health. Its goal is ensuring a sustainable national health insurance Program for all. HMO means“Health Maintenance Organization,” HMO plans offer a wide rangé of health care services through a network of Provider: to members. Health insurance is insurance against expenses among individuals. It covers medical exper conditions. S who agree to supply service’ the risk of incurring medic Ses for illnesses, injuries, 2™4 pow can health Services be evaluated? er The efficiency of health Care cai yarious Measures. Study the following Be Wed categories, so! evaluated 9 Criteria as measures of quality: Importance Is the health service important and efficient? Scientifically Sound Has the health service been assessed by experts in the field? Criteria for Evaluating Health Services Feasible Actionable Are the actions and costs Can the information be reasonable and realistic? translated to action? What are some ways to buy health products and services intelligently? 1. Read. Read the labels and look for information pertaining to the nutritional quality of food. Read carefully and critically all health-related advertisements. Read the local laws and regulations that will protect you as a consumer. Compare the products and services and judge for yourself re useful, beneficial, and effective. Buy lable because they are also effective and 2. Compare. which among the products al generic drugs when they are avail comparably cheaper. questions to sales personnel if there are things about ot clear to you before buying it. 3. Inquire. Ask direct the product that are What is herbal medicine? The word‘herb’ refers to any plant or part of a plant. Thus, herbal medicine refers to the use of plants or parts of plants like stems, roots, barks, seeds, leaves flowers, and fruits for medical purposes. Whatare the 10 Phi pine medicinal plants approved by the Department of Health? TheTen Philippine | Medicinal mae English Name Their Functions ‘Acapulko Acapulco For the treatment of insect bites, itchiness, ringworms, infections, scabies, and eczema + ‘Ampalaya Bitter melon or bitter gourd —_| Asa supplement in treating diabetes, burns, coughs, and hemorrhoids ; Bawang Garlic As a supplement in reducing blood cholesterol level; used also as antibacterial and anti- | [inflammatory drug Bayabas Guava Used as antioxidant, anti- allergy, antimicrobial, and anti-diabetic drug ian — Lagundi Five-leaved chaste tree For the treatment of cough, colds, and fever Niyog-niyogan | chinese honeysuckle For the elimination of intestinal : parasites a Sambong Blumea or ngai camphor As a supplement in treating hypertension, kidney stones, theumatism, cough, and colds i eel Tsang gubat Wild tea For the treatment of skin allergies Ulasimang bato or Peperomia pellucida For treating arthritis and gout pansit-pansitan Yerba buena | Peppermint For insect bites, coughs, and colds | What is massage therapy? medicine that is known to improve one’s wel plood. It also helps reduce muscle pains and its relaxing effect. What is quackery? Quackery is the promotion of false and unproven health products and services for a profit. It is a consumer fraud that involves the practices of promoting and selling useless products and services. Some of the claims of these health products are: 1. ascientific breakthrough 2. to have a secret ingredient or procedure ple or a wide range of illnesses 4. cures multi What is a quack? Aquackis a person or company involved in health fraud which usually tries hard to appear scientific. A quack may endorse products or services witha promise of quickcures, miracles, or unbelievable formulas. Quacks tell people what they want to hear. They may sell door-to-door or by telephone rather than in conventional ways. They provide testimonials from people who are believed to have been healed by particular Products. Massage therapy is another form of alternative II-being. it is generally believed to result in good circulation of stiffness. It also provides relief from stress. It is popular because of 3, being a miraculous cure or an ancient remedy oF prac if ‘ SSS What is a health fraud? Health fraud is the advertising, promoting, and selling of Pos and services that have not been scientifically proven safe and Sen ai i i lot of frauds not just in health products and services but in almost all, if not all, ce S of trading. Consumers are the usual victims of these unfair acts. Many othe aware that consumers have protection from deceptions in trading. What are the rights of consumers? How are they protected? How are quacks recognized? To recognize quacks, evaluate and then ask the following questions: Does the seller use scare tactics that play on fears and emotions? Does the seller claim that traditional medical treatment is more harmful rather than helpful? How To Recognize Quacks? Does the seller claim that the medical Profession.does not recognize this Product or service? Does the seller guarantee a quick cure or a cure foran incurable disease? i] i i Consumers should | be ver | any remedy not Prescribed a ethiopia : ; In that: matt uses celebrity as endorsers; + doesnothaveade, quat i : for use and direct 'e labeling like indications ions; claims that the Product has a secret formula; has conspii ‘ ae 'SPICUOUS promotion such as over the phone and by direct ee Cure for different disorders like cancer and sexual dysfunction; an claims all natural, no side effects, works immediately and permanently, or no doctor's consultation necessary. Consumers should gather information about health products and services. They should keep records like receipts of all purchases. Contact consumer protection agencies for suspicious practices of any sellers or providers of health care. Ttuses fake, ineffective, and risky means for claimed medical cure. It includes drugless therapy, risky abortion, and diagnosis by eye ‘examination. Note that delaying medical treatment or cure may result to complication and death. Though the cause of cancer is still nt thoroughly discovered, quacks give false cures like secret"formulas. Some known quack cures are Koch treatment—using distilled water and ‘Mucorchicin—fermented wheat, yeast, salt, water, and molds. Patients may die from delayed medical attention. Ee, Food Quackery Arthritis and Rheumatism Quackery Device Quackery Beauty Quackery Psychological Quackery Balding Quackery Quacks sell food, in which ingredients do not contain Substance good for the body and might be risky. These foods may oversupply certain substances that may lead to kidney stones to high-salt content, high blood due to high-protein Content, o lack of it like goiter, anemia, etc. Rheumatism still has no sure cure. Because this ailment keey coming back, quacks may claim credit through the usual Use of massage devices, uranium pads, liniments, and Copper bracelets Rheumatism may become severe. Quacks in the Philippines use necklaces, pyramids, and toning water to falsely diagnose illness with these devices instead of medical equipment like x-ray, electrocardiogram, and electroencephalogram. Many individuals like to have a pleasing appearance. There are many quack products being sold pretending to give beautiful skin, reduce weight, strengthen hair, or do body parts enlargement. Effects would include skin infections and hair loss. This quackery involves the abuse of minds. These include psychic healing like faith healers, Psychic surgery, incompetent psychotherapy-quack therapists, and fa ke sex therapy clinics. Patients may have the risk of delaying medical attention and add up to present problems or illnesses, Quack products in hair growth include Pseudo hair growing | shampoos, hair weavers, special tonics, suction devices, and electric brushes. Hair implant may result to infection while halt weaving may result to hair loss and infection, J

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