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Book Review

Title: Special Section Author: Teresa Sanchez

Date started: November 26, 2022 Date finished: December 03, 2022

What was the book about?

Individually, the Special Section students are passing away. Although a few people think it's a curse, the
transfer student name Rhianne believes one among of her classmates is the killer. Rhianne thought she
belonged to the top when she changed schools and entered Special Section. She was surprised to join the
Special Section, the class where all of their school's most attractive, intelligent, and wealthy students are
gathered. However, she quickly discovers that behind each of her new friends' innocent smiles is a dark
secret that might endanger her life. A curse has started killing their classmates, their professor has
disappeared, and attitudes have altered. Rhianne must uncover the truth behind the lies, deception, and
betrayals as her classmates and friends start to pass away one by one. Everything started to fall apart. At
this point, anyone might be the murderer—the person you thought of as a friend may wind up being the
one to murder you.

What did you like about the book?

The thing I liked most about this book is that it will give you a lot of thrills and it will be really exciting
because you will truly wonder who the killer is in this story; many questions will cross your mind, but
they will also be answered after you complete reading the two volumes. So that you may believe that the
things might actually occur in real life and that they are extremely realistic.

Were there any parts you didn't like? Discuss

I can say that other parts of the story were a bit predictable. I love mysteries, and I've read enough of
them to know that this story was making an excessive effort to impress its readers. Although a page
turner, it was quite underwhelming. I detest the final revelations since they weren't all that surprising and
were quite predictable.

Recommendations (would you recommend this book? Who to? Why?

I would love to recommend this to my friends if my friends who enjoy mystery, horror, and other genres
read this book, they will have something to do when they are bored and idle, and we can discuss it

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