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A Research Proposal
Presented to The faculty of
Tiaong, Quezon

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) and Computer



Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Financial problem, it refers to a situation or an event where an individual faces challenges

related to managing their financial resources. It includes issues such as budgeting debt,

investment losses, or unexpected expenses. among Filipino students, some source of stress

are financial difficulties to students or their family have experienced. Finance has been a

problem, especially for those students who are living in poverty. it has been affecting

students of St. Francis Academy, Inc. since it is a private school, expect that you will have to

pay some expenses. students have found it difficult to pay the expenses, since they don't

have enough budget to pay for it. It is crucial for fostering an environment where they can

thrive academically and holistically. This problem can increase stress and anxiety for

students, diverting their focus from academics to their personal concerns. They may need

part-time jobs to support themselves or their families. Financial problems may delay

students’ ability to engage in activities or educational programs that can enhance their

holistic development. As this can contribute to mental health issues, negatively affecting

students’ ability to concentrate, focus, and perform well academically. Unexpected

expenses, can quickly affect students' financial resources and disrupt their academic

progress. Scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs can help lessen the financial

burden for students from low-income backgrounds. Schools and communities play a vital

role in providing support to lessen these challenges for students. Limited access to

educational opportunities and resources may maintain poverty, making it difficult for

students to break free from economic hardship in the future. Thinking this, students can be

distracted from their studies due to this problem. Worrying about your basic needs can make

it difficult for a student to focus in class and perform well on activities and exams.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

This theory is anchored to the "Financial socialization theory" (John E. Grable). According

to this theory financial difficulties of students explain why knowledge of financial

information is considered a primary necessity for individuals, especially for students. It is

stated here that financial difficulties may occur within the school. It is also mentioned here

that friends are one of the biggest influences on students' financial problems in high school.

Such as comparing with friends, this may affect spending habits excessively, lack of interest

in saving, and other activities that may affect their school-related financial expenses.

According to this theory, students' financial problems may affect the events and payments

required in school. When a student faces financial problems, it may affect and limit their

participation in extracurricular activities, attendance at school events, and funding for

expenses such as school supplies, uniforms, or tuition fees, field trips, or special programs.

These financial problems may push students to prioritize their basic needs over school-

related needs.

This theory is anchored to the "Family stress model theory" by Reuben Hill in 1949.

According to this theory, financial problems can affect the holistic development of a student.

In terms of Emotional Well-being, a family under financial stress may experience feelings of

anxiety, low self-esteem, or negative self-perception. The stress from financial challenges

can also lead to behavioral problems and emotional disturbances. Regarding Social

Relationships, financial limitations can impact students' interactions and relationships with

peers. They may feel ashamed or excluded due to their financial situation, leading to social

withdrawal or a sense of not belonging among their peers. This feeling of being left out may

prompt a student to distance themselves from others rather than face potential ridicule from

their classmates. Concerning Physical Health, the ongoing stress related to financial

challenges can have physical health implications for students, such as sleep disturbances,

weight loss, and overall health decline. Finally, Cognitive Development may also be

affected as the stress from financial hardships can interfere with students' problem-solving

abilities, critical thinking skills, and effective decision-making.

The conceptual framework of this study is presented in figure 1 in the form of a paradigm.

The paradigm presents the different factors/variables to describe the parameter of the study.

The independent variables include different terminologies such as ____, ____, and ____.

The dependent variables include the performance of the athletes such, as _____, _____, and


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Research Paradigm

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Financial Difficulties Holistic Development

- Limited Financial Resources - Access to Basic Needs Resources

- Burden of Tuition fees - Academic support services

Statement of the problem

The study is aimed to determine the relationship between the variables.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the perception of Financial difficulties?

1.1 Limited Financial Resources

1.2 Burden of Tuition fees

2. What is the perception of the students’ holistic development?

2.1 Access to Basic Needs Resources

2.2 Academic support services


3. Do the perceptions of the Students on the Financial difficulties significantly related to

their performance?


The perceptions of the Students on Financial Difficulties have no significant

relationship to their performance.

Significance of the Study

This study will be benefited the following;

STUDENTS. for them to understand the importance of the different terminologies used for

physical activity, and to apply them in their actual performances.

TEACHER. The teacher in physical education must be the first to understand the

importance of________ so that they will not be _________.

FUTURE RESEARCHER. For them to conduct another relevant study with a wide

number of respondents to be able to come up with the best results. This study will serve as

their reference.

Scope and Limitation

This study will be conducted to determine the relationship between Financial Difficulties

and Holistic Development of Students. The study is limited to all grade level students of St.

Francis Academy, Inc. enrolled for S.Y 2023-2024. As this study may be applicable to all

students of St. Francis Academy, Inc.


Definition of Terms

SPORTS. In this study, it is an activity being participated by the students.

ATHLETES. In this study, they are the most considered respondents to be the subject of the

researcher in analyzing the results of the problem.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Make introductory statements


Relationship between the terminologies used in physical activities and performance of the


Terminologies for physical activities have been crucial nowadays due to the misconceptions

not only for the students but also the teacher, particularly in physical education (R.G 2011).

According to.


Rogers G. 2011, Sports Management and values orientation, pp.21 REX bookstore

Performance of the athletes

Cognitive performance of the student in contemporary dances.

As stated in the article published by D.M 2012, the cognitive performance of the students in

a particular discipline

Perception of the athletes on terminologies used in physical activities

Perception on sports

According to J.D. 2014, sports are the most interesting part of the study in physical

education. D.W 2016, discussed in his article that sports are the most beneficial activities for


Literature is relevant to your study. 10 literature on each variable not older than 2012.

A vertical arrangement of your SOP.


Note: Kung ano ang nasa paradigm lahat dapat may literature.

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