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Types of

Oral Com: WEEK 6
Types of
I n f o r m a t i v e Speech
PeRSuASive SpeeCh
EnteRtAinment SpeeCh
DemOnStRAtiOn SPeeCh
Types of
the branch of linguistics that
st udies and int erpret s messages based on
their tone and style.
is the unique way in which the speech
message is delivered to the audience.
Types of
Speech Style
Types of
Speech STYLE
used between people who have very
close relationships

share experiential knowledge in common

do not care about grammar or pronunciation

do not plan or monitor their speech and may in

fact employ a lot of sentence fragments and
broken speech
A grandson sharing his
stories of achievement
to his grandmother

Two best friends recalling how their

friendship started
conversational way of talking used
among friends

use a lot of trendy words and phrases

speaks in incomplete sentences; uses slang

not conscious about pronunciation, grammar or

choice of words.
speaks in complete sentences in
order to minimize misunderstanding

speaker pronounces words well;chooses

words carefully

communicators who are not very familiar to each

other or between two parties who have different
social positions.

conversational style in which the speaker constantly observes

the listener’s verbal and nonverbal cues for feedback as to
whether the speaker seems to be giving too little or too much
speaking in formal settings no
matter how the participants are
related to each other.

language spoken in formal style

speaker usually prepares in advance so that

content is logically organized and the
structure is polished.

The choice of words is predisposed to the standard language.

The sentences and paragraphs are interconnected through
cohesion devices.
The rendering of the utterance is
monoton and formal.
The language used in this speech style is
often filled with allusions and rich
often seen in formal ceremonies and rituals
like weddings, baptism and other proclamations
with formulaic statements

very formal style which is characterized by the lack of

participation and feedback giving from the receiver’s end

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