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GRAMMAR CHALLENGE 1° Study the VOCABULARY on the back of this page. Highlight nouns, adjectives and verbal structures which could v. . help you explain the argument that is being made by the cartoonist. x 1b) Write a short paragtaph in which you analyse his argument. Underline the words from the back of this sheet that M7 you have managed to fitin, B1 aim for shorter sentences [4-6] B1+ aim for longer, well-connected ones [3—4] 2° B1 Use the words / structures in italics to fillin the blank in each sentence. Modify the verb form where necessary:- scientific [adj] carry out experiments {loc vb] experience [nm] play God [vb +nm] do research [loc vb] a) Frankenstein realized too late that he shouldn't have .. b) Most scientists order to find new treatments. ) They also to help people and find new vaccines d) The creature’s . among men was deeply traumatizing so he had to leave. 1 discoveries sometimes go too far. B1/2:.Give the verb in brackets the correct grammatical form so it can fulfil its function in the sentence. Choose from:-Prétérit, mode actif ou mode passif -> a.s ou a.p // Past perfect, mode actif -> a.soua.p // Gérondif Frankenstei = [feel] lost and bereft {4ésemparé] when his mother Idle). He ... [become] obsessed with the idea of «» [bring] her and every person ‘who would ever die back to life. In the university town of Ingolstadt, he .. . [do experiments] for some time until, one stormy night, he .. . [succeed] in .- freanimate] a dead F10B. HE we [know] at that moment that he . just make] a world-changing breakthrough. He then [work] day and night to use the knowledge he [acquire] on a dead human body which he [previously stitch together “assembler” fr] from the limbs of people who ._ [die] of the cholera. After months of insomnia and relentless work, the ‘creature’ finally .. [come] to life: a new man ... {be born]. However, Frankenstein [abhor] by the hideous aspect of the stitched-together ‘human’ he .. [create] and he ... [abandon] him on the spot. We could argue that the ‘monster’, his scientific son, [turn out] to be more human than Frankenstein [ever be]. He [drive] to do evil things because no one was there to teach him how to channel and manage his emotions and because he .. [spurn] by all human society and by every human being. Loneliness and rejection. .. [drive] him to hatred, 4° TRANSLATE Il fait peur alors que c'est lui qui a peur. lest constamment frustré par son impuissance face 4 hostilité des hommes. lWessale de grandir malgré son apparence hideuse et son existence marginalisée.

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