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Teaching and Assessment of Literature Studies

Teaching and Assessment of Macro Skills

TITLE OF PROPOSED STUDY: The Impact of Classroom Seating Arrangements

on Student Behavior and Classroom
NAME OF STUDENT: Dhelcy B. Atchecoso
COURSE: AREA OF SPECIALIZATION Bachelor of Secondary Education-Major in
NAME & RANK OF ADVISER: Samantha Joyce T. Alicante-Acebido, Associate
Instructor 1
The physical configuration of a classroom is
RATIONALE more than an organizational or stylistic choice
(State the situation that is problematic situation by the instructor. In-person classroom seating
and provide legal basis) arrangements affect student learning,
(Discuss the importance and validity of your motivation, participation, and teacher-student
research) What are the research gaps in the and student-student relationships. In the virtual
scientific literature on your topic? classroom space, such as real-time platforms like
Zoom, instructional choices to employ
engagement strategies and provide feedback
opportunities also positively impact student
learning outcomes. Studies have reported that
seating arrangements impact the learning
process. Students occupying the front rows are
more attentive than those in the back. The
students in front are the ones who generally
answer questions asked in class. Classroom
arrangement; from a student's point of view,
symbolizes their personality.

Moreover, an instructor can maximize

student engagement by changing the physical
setup of chairs, tables, and presentations in the
classroom. Instructional communication theory
suggests that seating arrangements can impact
how the instructors communicate with students
and how students interact with one another,
impacting engagement, motivation, and focus.
Furthermore, more recent research suggests
that the set-up of the classroom space shapes
instructor pedagogy, choice of activities, and on-
task student behavior. For example, a classroom
with seating affixed and directed toward a
podium at the front of the room results in
instructors spending more time in lectures and
students demonstrating less active engagement.

In contrast, having good seating arrangements

leads to instructors and students engaging in
more active learning activities, resulting in
improved learning outcomes (Brooks 2012). The
disadvantages of both seating arrangements
were increased noise levels, uneven distribution
of interaction, discipline problems, and
decreased classroom discussion.

This research unfolds the reality of what is the

importance of having good seating
arrangements for the students to get equal
opportunities and equal attention so that all the
students will participate and cater their needs.

Student seating is one of the easiest, most

PURPOSE cost-effective classroom management tactics
(What are the objectives of your study?) available to teachers. As an antecedent
intervention, seating arrangements may help to
minimize or eliminate problem behavior without
the need for consequence interventions (e.g.,
differential reinforcement or punishment). So,
this research contains what is happening in the
classroom that we need to notice so that it can
be avoided, because, Classroom seating
arrangements play an important role in student
learning, engagement levels, and the overall
success of the class. Seating can influence how
comfortable students feel participating in
activities as well as how much they focus on
their work.

Moreover, this research contains the

impact or advantages/disadvantages of proper
seating arrangement and not. Thus, If the
classroom is not well planned and set up for
student success, it can be very difficult to
determine the use of different areas. This not
only can confuse students, substitutes, and
visitors, but it also makes it harder for students
to learn and teachers to teach. The purpose of
this research are
1. Optimizing Learning Environments and
understanding: Seating arrangements impact
the learning experience in educational settings.

Researchers may investigate the effects of
different seating layouts on student engagement,
participation, and academic performance.
2. Enhancing Collaboration and
Communication: Exploring how seating
arrangements influence collaboration and
communication in various settings, such as
workplaces, to identify the most effective
configurations for fostering teamwork and
3. Improving Classroom Management:
Investigating the relationship between seating
arrangements and classroom management. This
includes exploring how specific arrangements
contribute to a positive classroom climate,
minimize disruptions, and support effective
teaching strategies.
4. Promoting Social Interaction: Studying the
social dynamics within groups based on
seating arrangements. Researchers might
examine how seating choices impact the
formation of social networks,
inclusion/exclusion dynamics, and overall
group cohesion.
5. Maximizing Event Experiences:
Researching effective seating arrangements
for events to enhance attendee experiences,
networking opportunities, and overall
satisfaction. This can include understanding
how seating layouts influence the
atmosphere and interaction among

Lastly, the purpose of this research is to

strengthen the connection between the students
and the teacher during class hours so that the
needs of the students will be catered to and give
equal opportunities to all.

The seating arrangement in a classroom

INTRUCTIONAL MANDATE (How will this plays a significant role in contributing to
research/project proposal contribute to instruction?) effective instruction. The way students are
(What new knowledge will this research/project positioned can impact the learning environment,
generate for the academic community?) student engagement, and overall classroom
dynamics. How and where students are seated
can have a positive impact on student behavior,
academic performance, and class participation.

Studies have also found that students perform
better in seats that are allocated to them as
opposed to choosing where they sit.
Furthermore, this research helps the teachers
and gives them an additional idea that seating
arrangement is also important to have an equal
contribution of knowledge to the students.

Moreover, in the classroom, some students

prefer to stay at the back as of the reason that
they are afraid to be called in oral recitation or
maybe first in to perform in performance task or
activities, therefore a better seating
arrangement can help for the teachers so that all
the students would participate and change their
behavior, also their mind that being in front is
not good at all. Additionally, The use of seating
plans in the classroom supports teachers in their
overall management of the classroom and
further supports students’ learning. A well-
thought-out and considered seating
arrangement should take into consideration the
layout of the classroom, groupings of students
and their inclusion data to create the optimum
learning environment.

Furthermore, classroom seating plans

allow teachers to exert a level of control over
their students. By constructing their classroom
and making informed decisions on where their
pupils sit, they can take action to solve problems
before they occur - for example, not seating two
chatty best friends next to each other or placing
the student who is visually impaired at the front
of the class. This research will help the teacher
and also the students to be better and have an
optimum learning environment.
There are many benefits to providing
COMMUNITY EXTENSION MANDATE (How will this different seating arrangements in the classroom.
research/project contribute to extension?) (What can Arranging desks into circles or U-shapes allows
communities learn from this research/project?) for more interaction and collaboration between
(What extension activities can be provided by this students, which can lead to a deeper
understanding of the material being taught.
Studies have reported that seating arrangements
impact the learning process. Students occupying
the front rows are generally more attentive than
those in the back. The students in front are the
ones who tend to answer questions asked in

Moreover, this research shows that the
classroom arrangement, from a student’s point
of view, symbolizes their personality. Often, the
diligent, focused students occupy the front rows,
in order not to miss out on any vital information
whereas the laid-back, more casual students opt
for the back benches to avoid being noticed by
the educators.

Lastly, this research will contribute to the

participation of the students and their
production as they learn. Moreover, the teacher
will benefits of it because it can be strategy for
them to make a conducive environment,
especially it can be a way to make easier giving
This research will eventually help to
PRODUCTION MANDATE (How will this improve the contribution of the students and
research/project contribute to production?) (What improve their activeness during class hour. So,
concrete products/services can communities there are kinds of seating arrangements that we
produce from this research/project?) (What can apply to our classroom or discussion.
production activities can be provided/assisted by
Teachers can adjust the seating arrangements
this research/project ?)
for learning advantage.
Row arrangement:
This is the most common arrangement in a
class. The room is divided into say three
columns, the extreme ends may have two seats
each with the center portion having four seats
joined together. The number of rows is decided
by the strength of the class. This arrangement
gives teachers space to walk among and around
the students. This allows educators to utilize the
entire space of the classroom while teaching,
help students with their work, or adjust
movement to make any corrections with ease.
Walking between students helps teachers serve
as a reminder to students that they are expected
to continue working. Supervision and teaching
can be made easier with the row method.

Circle arrangement:
When a teacher is conducting discussions, a
circular arrangement can be apt to facilitate the
flow of ideas, thoughts, and expressions.
Students have a clear view of the person
expressing their opinions; educators using a
circle seating arrangement find it easy to control
the discussion and can motivate passive
students to pitch in. Teachers can arrange the
seating of students in such a manner that the

active members are seated next to them and
more passive students opposite to them. This
can enable the teacher to signal to more active
participants while providing opportunities to
the others, and permits establishment of eye
contact with students who may need encourage
to participate. This circular arrangement can
help foster group dynamics.

Semi-circular arrangement:
A semi-circular seating arrangement can be
effective when audio-visual aids, interactive
boards, etc. are being used. This ensures clear
visibility for every student. Teachers can
maintain eye contact with all students and also
check to see that they are being attentive. This
arrangement can assist in managing the class
flow as students are in the open and their
actions can be observed.

The beneficiaries of this research is the

BENEFICIARIES (Who can benefit from the study?) students and teachers. As of the reason that it
(Include both direct & indirect beneficiaries) contains the strategies for teaching, giving
instructions and also how to manage the
classroom with diverse students, different
attitudes and learning style.

Second, the students as they are the one

that is focused to be better and improve as they
go further in their journey and prepare them to
be a good and competent enough to fight with
their own self.

Lastly, the people surrounded by, if you’re

not good in communicating, maybe it can affect
the connection between you and others,
therefore being a good student and Cooperative
will help you be a good citizen also not just in
school but even outside
A classroom with a better seating
RESULTS (What are the expected outputs of the arrangement can lead to various positive
study?) What journals/publishers will publish your outcomes, impacting both students and teachers.
results? Will the study provide policy Here are some potential outcomes associated
recommendations? Will results be presented in with an effective seating arrangement in a
research conferences?
1. Improved Student Engagement: A well-
thought-out seating arrangement can
enhance student engagement by creating
an environment that fosters active
participation and collaboration. Students

are more likely to be attentive and
involved in class activities.
2. Enhanced Classroom Management: An
effective seating plan supports classroom
management strategies. Teachers can
strategically position students to minimize
distractions, address behavioral concerns,
and create a positive and focused learning
3. Facilitated Communication: The layout
of desks and seating can influence
communication patterns within the
classroom. A good seating arrangement
ensures that students can easily
communicate with the teacher and their
peers, promoting effective verbal and non-
verbal interactions.
4. Encouraged Collaboration: Grouping
desks or using collaborative seating
arrangements encourages teamwork and
group discussions. This can foster a sense
of community and provide students with
opportunities to work together on projects
and assignments.
5. Optimized Teacher Visibility: The
arrangement of seats ensures that all
students have a clear line of sight to the
teacher, instructional materials, and audio-
visual aids. This contributes to better
communication and understanding of the
lesson content.
6. Support for Different Learning Styles: A
flexible seating arrangement allows for the
accommodation of various learning styles.
For example, providing options for both
individual and group work spaces can
cater to the diverse needs and preferences
of students.
7. Increased Comfort and Well-being:
Ergonomically designed seating
contributes to the physical comfort of
students. Comfortable seating can
positively impact concentration, reduce
physical discomfort, and contribute to the
overall well-being of students.
8. Promotion of Inclusivity: Careful
consideration of the seating plan can
promote inclusivity by ensuring that all
students feel welcome and included.
Accessibility needs and diverse learning

preferences can be taken into account
when planning the arrangement.
9. Positive Classroom Atmosphere: The
physical layout of the classroom, including
the seating arrangement, contributes to
the overall atmosphere. A positive and
welcoming environment can positively
influence the attitudes and behaviors of
both students and teachers.
10. Adaptability to Different Activities: An
effective seating arrangement allows for
easy adaptation to different types of
activities. Whether it's a lecture, group
discussion, or individual work, the seating
plan can be adjusted to suit the specific
needs of each instructional activity.
11. Increased Student Accountability:
Certain seating arrangements, such as
assigning specific seats or using a seating
chart, can help promote student
accountability. This may be beneficial for
tracking attendance, assigning
responsibilities, or creating a sense of

In summary, a better seating arrangement

in a classroom can contribute to a positive and
productive learning environment, impacting
student engagement, collaboration, and overall
well-being. It also provides teachers with tools
to manage the classroom effectively and tailor
instructional strategies to meet the diverse
needs of students.

REFERENCES: Spencer, B. (n.d.). The benefits seating plans can

have in your classroom.

Hahn, B. (2022, June 28). Do Seating

Arrangements have an Impact on Student
Learning? - Professional Learning Board.
Professional Learning Board.


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