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On 23.09.2023, my mom, dad, brother, and I went to a concert by Richard Clayderman in

Lisinski. It was his world tour.
He is a French pianist who has put out several albums, instrumental versions of popular
music, movie soundtrack arrangements, ethnic music, and well-known classical pieces.
"Ballade pour Adeline" is one of Richard Clayderman's most iconic pieces, and it is my
favourite that I heard. The gentle romantic melody of "Ballade pour Adeline" is beautiful.
The composition's romantic and timeless atmosphere is characterized by its melodic and
emotive piano arrangement. His other pieces that I also heard were Love Story (also one
of my favourites), Souvenirs d'enfance, I Have a Dream and Dolannes Melodie. I have to
say the most interesting part of the concert was when he played all the soundtracks from
movies he has worked on and some famous ones.
I really enjoyed the concert because while listening to him playing I forgot about all my
worries and responsibilities and I must thank my mom because she introduced me to his

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