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The Rough Guide to Casino Offers

(& How I Profit From Them)


Pete Smith

So, what's a casino then? ................................................................................................................................. 3
How casinos make their money ................................................................................................................... 4
How we make money instead .................................................................................5
Understanding and getting used to risk.................................................................................................... 6
Different levels of risk ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Starting your casino journey ...................................................................................8
Recording profit & loss..................................................................................................................................... 8
Starting the offers ............................................................................................................................................ 11
You lucky, jammy bastard ............................................................................................................................ 11
Surely, it's about to pay out now, just one more spin ...................................................................... 12
Removing the emotion .................................................................................................................................. 13
Lights, Camera, Gamble................................................................................................................................. 14
Counting bets and spins? Yawn ................................................................................................................. 14
Start making money (maybe not straight away) ......................................... 17
How I record profit & loss............................................................................................................................ 18
Alright, I’ve got the hang of low risk now after a few months and can see the long-term
profit ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Approaching medium risk and protecting your bankroll .............................................................. 22
Get out, you’re barred .................................................................................................................................... 23
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
My Casino Spreadsheet ..............................................................................................1

I'm Pete, and you've probably noticed me commenting on the PA Facebook group
about casino quite a bit. I was writing another long post the other night and I thought "I
bet I could write a book about this". Well, I've never written a book in my life, and
haven't read many either. So, I thought, just for a laugh, I'll write all my casino
knowledge in a book and see how many people find it useful. Or how many people
think it's a load of crap, but there's only one way to find out.

I'm by no means an expert on the subject either, I've only been doing it for about 5
months and only just started doing medium risk. But what I've picked up and seen in
that time while doing it should help others, especially ones who don't really know the
best way to approach it, or those who tried it and packed it in after a load of losses. It
might not change your mind if you really don't want to do casino offers, but that's ok as
casino isn't for everyone.

So, what's a casino then?

Well, it's a big building full of gamblers and the occasional gangster, who play silly
games for money. Like in that film, Casino. The casinos that we're interested in though
are the online ones, where there's no danger of Robert De Niro putting your head in a
vice for taking value.

The worst you'll get is your promotions taken away, but we can live with that. I have
always fancied going to Casino 36 in Wolverhampton and standing at a Blackjack table
with PA's Blackjack calculator on my phone, but I don't think that would go down too

How casinos make their money
Casinos make their money from rigged games. Not games like "Guess Which Hand" or
"Pick a Number Between 1 & 10" like in that film, Vegas Vacation. The games we find
in casinos are a bit more grown up, but they're still rigged. When I say "rigged", I mean
the odds are tipped in the casino's favour. This is also known as the "house edge", so
any normal sucker who walks into a casino and plays these games is at a
disadvantage. They might get lucky and win a few quid, but if they went in there many
times and played those games, they'd be down overall.

Why? Casinos set a house edge or RTP on all their games which means when played
an infinite number of times, they get a percentage of money back over time. A few
examples are:

Blackjack - has an RTP of around 99%. This means that over time, after an infinite
number of plays, the casino keeps 1% of whatever has been wagered. Therefore, it's a
firm favourite on PA offers for wagering, but a lot of the time it doesn't count because
the RTP is so high, so it's only certain offers you can use it on.

Roulette - this one's got an RTP of around 98%, so the casino gets 2% of everyone's
money who play it. Would be a nice little game if the red & black were split 50/50, but
some complete tosser decided to throw a green 0 in there which then meant the casino
suddenly got the advantage.

Slots - these have varying RTPs. The ones we're interested in are usually around 96%,
but they can vary from 92% to 98%. I'll explain exactly how they work later, but just
know that the casino keeps 2% to 8% of all money that's put through them (some have
even lower RTPs, but you won't normally find these in a PA offer).

How we make money instead
Ok, so we know casinos aren't charities. They use their house edge to guarantee that
they profit and take everyone's money over time. So how do we make money from
them instead? By taking advantage of their offers of course. The only way to get value
from a casino is by using their offers.

Extra spins or extra Blackjack hands when you think it's about to pay out are a big no-
no. Definitely not, and I'll explain why later. When you take on a casino offer, you're
getting something extra after you've done your normal wagering. This is usually in the
form of free spins or a bonus.

Now, because we're getting these little extras for free as part of an offer, suddenly this
gives us the advantage long term. We've turned a 96% RTP game into one that's over
100%, because the free spins give us an extra shot at hitting a win without any extra
cost. So, when the RTP goes over 100%, it means the player has the long-term
advantage and will be up after an infinite number of plays.

That's the maths behind it and that’s basically how casino offers work. This is shown as
an EV figure, which stands for expected value. This is the amount that's been
calculated by simulating the offer millions of times, so it's the average amount it's
expected to be worth. Anything that's +EV will be profitable in the long term, anything
that's -EV will lose money in the long term. All offers listed on PA are +EV for obvious
reasons, no one joined the service to lose money, only make it.

When you do casino offers, think of it as “collecting” the EV that the offer comes with.
You won’t make that amount on every offer every time, but you should make that
amount on average. You’ll lose money or make less than the EV figure on one offer,
but then you’ll make more than the EV figure on another offer. As you’ll see in my
spreadsheet later, the offers even out and overall, you’ll be just above or just below the
total EV figure after a number of offers.

Understanding and getting used to risk
Risk. Gambling. The same? Sort of, but there's a bit more to it. Gambling is when you
blindly place bets or play casino games in the hope of a win, with no thought or control.
We're matched bettors, we don't gamble. We're not interested in losing money long

But a lot of matched betting offers, especially the more advanced ones, carry a level of
risk. There are sports and casino offers that come with risk. The difference is, the risk
is controlled, and it's done in such a way that we have the edge, so we still profit in the
long run.

So, what stuff has risk attached to it and what does that mean? In any matched betting,
the risk is short term. It means that right now, you could lose a small amount of money
if the offer doesn't win. The same as just putting a normal bet on? Not quite.

With this sort of risk, what you lose now you'll make back later and more. With a
normal bet, you can just lose and lose, maybe get lucky and win some back, then lose
it all again when that "dead cert" falls at the first fence like a sack of spuds. So, with the
level of risk that we see in matched betting offers, the odds are still in our favour long

One example is with extra place offers, or EPs. There are wizards out there who know
a lot more than me on the subject, but my understanding is the implied odds (or IO) is
key. If you only put EPs on that are over 20 IO, then you only need one of them to land
in 20 attempts to break even. If a few of them come in then you start to see a decent
profit, because even though they lose most of the time, the amount you get when they
do win means the profit outweighs the loss.

The same goes for horse refunds, the trick is to get a qualifying loss (or QL) low
enough to push the odds in your favour, so that when one wins it wipes out all the
previous losses.

This is the type of risk that we see with casino offers, it's all about volume and letting
the wins outweigh the losses. Another thing I've started to dabble in that's similar is
trading on Betfair, in particular scalping. Not one that's discussed on PA, but the idea is
similar. It takes a lot of work and practice, but scalping involves making a small profit
from the odds movements on Betfair. The trick is to jump in and out just as the odds
drop, which as I say takes a lot of work and practice. What I'm getting at though, is if
you have a high strike rate on that and find that most of your trades win, then the wins
outweigh the losses. It's the same controlled risk.

Different levels of risk
Casino offers are divided into different risk levels. Some are risk-free, but most of them
are low, medium or high risk. The level of risk depends on what the offer involves and
how much you can lose.

Risk-free - these are just free spins or other games that you can play with no wagering.
Wins can vary, but they are usually quite small or rare. You might win some free spins
and then win something from those, so they’re still worth doing if you have some spare
time. I once won some free spins on one, the winnings had to be wagered, then a
bonus round kicked off during the wagering and I won over £160. Haven't had another
win like that since, but we can always dream.

Low risk - a lot of offers are low risk, and these are the ones you should start with.
Usually these involve wagering between £10 and £20 and then getting free spins or a
bonus at the end. It's very unlikely you'll lose the whole amount if you do smaller spin
sizes. You then might make some back with the free spins, so your losses shouldn't be
too big. This is what makes the risk quite low.

Medium risk - these are the next level up and shouldn't be attempted until you've done
a lot of low risk, got used to the ups and downs and have plenty in your bankroll to
cope with the losses. A lot of medium risk offers take a different approach; you'll
usually make a deposit to get a bonus. The deposit & bonus are then wagered
together, so there's a good chance that you'll lose the lot. The wins tend to be bigger,
but you must wait longer for them.

High risk - similar idea to medium risk in that you wager the deposit & bonus and have
a high chance of losing it all, but it's usually with bigger stakes. I wouldn't recommend
these until you've done casino for a year, and even then, high risk isn't for everyone.
For some people, the losses can be too big to stomach even if you do make it back in
the long run. Some of the high-risk wins can be massive, but you need to be ready to
accept a lot of big losses. I probably won't start high risk until next year.

Starting your casino journey
By now, you should have a good idea on what casino involves and whether or not it's
for you. This is the bit that's like that film, The Matrix. You can either take the blue pill
and decide that casino isn't for you, delete this book and call me a PG-rated insult in
the comments. Or you can take the red pill and carry on reading, and I'll attempt to
explain the way to profit from them and how I go about it.

Recording profit & loss

Before you do your first casino offer, you need to have a way of recording the outcome
of each offer. This is an absolute must, as without it you'll get lost and won't know how
much profit you've made. The sheet should have the date, the offer details, the EV of
the offer and the profit & loss from that offer. Mine also has a running totals column for
the total EV and the total profit, this is needed if you want to see your results as a
graph. There is a spreadsheet template on the PA forum here:

Once you start filling this in, you should be able to see the maths work. It might take
over 100 offers, but eventually the profit line on the graph should start to follow the EV
line. Once you see this happen, it gets a whole lot easier. Mine was at a loss for over
50 offers, then it started going the other way. It wasn’t until I’d done nearly 200 offers
that I finally went over the EV, and it's been above and below the EV ever since.

When you see my spreadsheet and graph, you’ll notice it looks slightly different to the
template that’s on PA. That’s just because I already had a matched betting
spreadsheet set up, so I just made it fit into mine and I also shrunk the graph so that it
fits nicely on the Overview sheet. If you know your way around Excel, you can also fit it
into yours.

This is my profit & loss graph for casino so far:

Looks quite a steady movement upwards, but that’s it zoomed out showing every offer
I’ve done. I’ll now show you what it looked like close-up at various stages getting to
that point.

This is my graph after the first 100 offers:

By offer 50 it was a complete disaster, going completely the wrong way, then it started
to change. I think offer 88 was a good one that almost brought me to the EV line, then
it went to pot again.

By offer 250, the graph looked like this:

Around offer 200 there was a massive win which shot the profit up way over the EV
line. Even though before that, you can see the actual profit is starting to follow the EV
and almost touches it at one point, this is where it flies above it.

Further along the graph, you’ll see it evens itself out:

Hit quite a big losing streak there and the actual profit just sloped down back below the
EV, before rising again a bit later.

So now you’ve seen my graph and how it’s worked out for me over the last 5 months,
it’s time to see how it works out for you. It won’t be exactly the same, but you should
still see a profit.
Starting the offers
Once your spreadsheet is done, you're ready to start doing offers. That means you
jump in and bang through all the high risk offers, make a ton of money, stick two
fingers up at the boss, then go and retire to a nice villa in the sun living the absolute

Not quite, no, as with anything this is progressive, and you start slowly from the bottom
and work your way up. That means do low risk first, starting with all the signup offers to
get the accounts open. You might find you win one or two of these as the risk is lower,
but don't get too excited if you do as you will hit losses. Also, don't get depressed if you
just hit losses as sooner or later, you'll hit a win that makes up for it.

The beauty of low risk is the most you'll lose is £10 or £20 and usually it's less than
that. This should ease you into the idea of losses and that the wins make up for it in the
long term. It will be a game of profit and loss, and it will need to be run like a business
with no emotion. You need to get to the point where the losses don't bother you and
you just record it in the spreadsheet and move onto the next. At first it will be hard, but
once you see the profit start to rise it should get easier.

You lucky, jammy bastard

"You lucky bastard!" shouts that old guy in The Life Of Brian as he's hanging from the
wall in the jail. That's exactly what you might think when someone posts a big win on
Facebook or the forum, and it might make you think that casino is the road to easy

But the wins you see posted are only occasional, they will either be from people who
have had a lot of losses beforehand, where that win has put them back into profit, or
they're in the 10% to 20% of people who got lucky on a medium or high risk offer and
managed to complete it without busting out.

Casino games are random, there's no real skill to it so you should never compare your
results with someone else's because everyone's results will be different, even mine.

Surely, it's about to pay out now, just one more spin
No. It isn't about to pay out, and if it does then it's just a fluke. As I mentioned just,
casino games are random. Slots are just posh random number generators, that's all
there is to it. As soon as you hit spin, it generates a random number that decides what
multiple of the stake you're getting, and then how often it pays out is set by the RTP. It
then just animates the reels for effect, maybe throwing in a feature round which is also
decided randomly.

It would save a whole lot of time if it just spat all the numbers out in a row and gave
you your profit and loss for the whole offer in seconds, but that would also be quite dull.
This means that each spin is independent of the last, it's not like the old days when a
fruit machine in a pub would only pay out after a certain amount of time or losses.

Online slots don't have to be kept topped up with coins, nor do they have Dave the
landlord there to fiddle with it. This myth has been applied to online slots, and to be
brutally honest it's all a load of bollocks. Your winnings are determined by randomly
generated numbers when you hit the spin button and nothing more.

With this in mind, it's important that you do not chase losses with extra spins or hands.
All you're doing is throwing money away on a gamble, yeah it might pay off and you get
a winning spin and make some back. But chances are it won't and you'll just waste
money, so never do that. If you find you're drawn in and tempted to gamble, then
STOP. Some people do have addictive personalities and gambling is an addiction, so if
you start to feel like you need to do more spins then maybe casino offers are a bad
idea, unless you can overcome it.

There is a good thread on the PA forum about gambling addiction here:

Removing the emotion
To make it easier to play slots, you need to detach yourself from the money aspect and
remove all the emotion. The same applies with any low risk offers like EPs, refunds or
even trading. If the losses bother you, then you can be tempted to chase them so you
can't let them bother you. As I said before, run it like a business where you get profit &
loss and then just record that profit & loss and move on. You have a lot of losses with
casino, so the more you do then the more you get used to it.

Slots are designed to hook you in and spend money. They have flashy visuals and
sounds that make them appear fun. I don't know about you, but my idea of fun isn't
losing money. The best way to play slots is by playing them in silence and only paying
attention to the number of spins you've done. Ignore the flashy visuals and music and
sounds, play them with the sound off and just focus on the spin button.

I don't care if I can listen to Guns N Roses while playing their slot, I'll still play it in
complete silence. If I want to listen to Guns N Roses, I'll just open Spotify and play it on
there, or The Offspring, or INXS or whatever I fancy. I can also do that while playing
any slot I want; I don't need one of their themed slots on to hear it.

Open the slot, turn the sound off and focus on the spin button and number of spins
required, nothing more. Then when you're done, record the profit or loss in your
spreadsheet and move on. The same applies to Blackjack and Roulette and any other
game, all your doing is focusing on the re-bet button and counting your bets.

Some Blackjack & Roulette tips. Well, this is how I play them anyway. Always use the
Blackjack calculator. After you’ve played it loads of times, you might get a good feel for
what you should do next. But it’s always best to just check it through the calculator first,
as that will work out what to do based on the probability.

With Roulette, I always just go red or black and once I’ve picked a colour, I stick with it.
Even if you do other bets, stick with the same selection. If you hop all around the
board doing different bets, it can always go the wrong way especially on red or black. I
just pick the colour, stick with it, and then wait for it to land. If I change it halfway
through, I just know it will land on the opposite one next time.

Lights, Camera, Gamble
The live casino games can be the most tedious. When you do one of these offers, you
know you’re going to be sat there for a while. You see, unlike the normal Blackjack or
Roulette, you have to wait for everyone else.

Take the live Blackjack for example. You get put on a table with everyone else, so you
sit there watching in amusement as all the gamblers do silly things like hit on a 20, split
when no one else has and occasionally, they’ll pause to make lewd comments towards
the young female dealer. Oh, what fun, but at least there’s a countdown timer so you
can’t get held up all night. Sometimes I wonder if they’re actually old enough to
gamble, or if they’ve just logged onto their dad’s account.

The other thing with these games, is they use live presenters to brighten them up and
make it all seem like a gameshow. This encourages people to gamble more, especially
when they make the game sound easy, so the same advice applies. Turn the sound
off, get in, place the exact number of bets required and get out of there. Then just write
down your profit & loss for that offer.

I used to find the NetBet live Blackjack ones gave me quite a good win sometimes, but
then other times I’d get an awful set of hands. They’ve gubbed me anyway, so I can’t
do those anymore.

Counting bets and spins? Yawn

I know, it used to be so easy. When I started casino nearly half a year ago, there was
this marvellous feature called Autospin where you could set it off with your required
number of spins and then leave it going. Then some jizz wizard came along and
decided it should be removed as it encourages problem gambling.

My opinion is the opposite, as it makes it easier to set limits but then again what do I
know. I could only benefit from this feature for a short time before it started to
disappear from all the slots. So, what do you do now? Well, you can sit there and count
all the spins in your head. But that's just tedious, and so easy to lose count when
you've got a wife and son in your earhole. You can get manual counters that you press
when you've done a click, but that's a bit too 1960s for me.

What I like is some sort of app that counts the clicks of your mouse and/or clicks it for
you. I only really do casino offers on the laptop, so not sure if there's a similar app for
phones, but this is what I use. You still need to keep an eye on the slot though, as
most bonus rounds need you to intervene and click somewhere else when it kicks off.
There's an auto click app here that you can try:

This one’s pretty easy to set up, set it to click at 5-second intervals, minimise it down,
put your mouse over the spin button and press the hotkey to start it (F6 by default).

Having something to click for you is one thing, but what about counting the clicks?

Well, I couldn’t really find an auto clicker that also counted. So, I was scratching the
bald patch on my head wondering what to do, then I thought well why not run two

There’s this other app called OdoPlus that counts clicks, it needs to be run on the
same screen as the slot you’re clicking but that’s not a problem, you just shrink the
browser window a bit and run it by the side like this:

So, with both apps running, you reduce the risk of overspinning. You’ll need to do
some quick maths to work out how many spins to do, so this is just the amount you
need to wager divided by the spin size.

To set up this magnificent beast, you load up your slot so it’s ready to start spinning,
open up the auto clicker and set it to 5 seconds then minimise it, open up the OdoPlus
app, shrink the browser so they can both fit on the screen together, click the Clear
button in OdoPlus to reset the click counter, move the mouse over the spin button and
finally hit F6 to start the auto clicker off.

The mouse will click the spin button every 5 seconds, and OdoPlus will count the
clicks. Keep an eye on the slot in case you hit a bonus round. If this happens, quicky
press F6 to stop the auto clicker and make a note of how many clicks OdoPlus has

Play through the bonus round until it finishes and goes back to the main game, then do
some quick maths to work out how many spins are left. Clear the OdoPlus counter,
position the mouse over the spin button and hit F6 to start the process again.

Always keep an eye on OdoPlus and when it reaches the required number of spins, hit
F6 to stop it before it can do any more. Some casino sites, such as Sky, are really
good and will pop up when you’ve qualified for the free spins in an offer. This makes it
easier, and the counter can just be used as a guide to see how many are left. Others
won’t say a dickie bird and will let you spin all day (they make more money from people
losing count), so you need to use the counter to know when to stop.

The OdoPlus counter can be downloaded from here:

Start making money (maybe not straight away)

So now you know the best way to actually play the slots & games, but how do we
make money? How fast you make money will be down to luck. But the law of averages
means you will make profit as long as you stick to the guidelines, it's just that some
people will make more money quicker than others and that's just down to how lucky
you are with the wins.

All casino offers listed on PA are +EV so that means you always have the edge. It will
just feel like an eternity sometimes before it feels like it’s working. The thing is, you will
probably lose on more offers than you win. Therefore, you can have long losing runs
and it will kick you in the nuts. Then you'll probably have a couple of wins in a row. One
week I had 4 days of solid wins, it never happened again but it was nice. That was
followed by a 2-week losing streak, so that's how it goes.

The hardest bit is when you first start, and you do your first 50 offers. Picture the
scene, you do your first one and you lose money. You then do your second one and
you lose money again, then the same happens on your 3rd, 4th,'d be tempted
to just pack it all in and want your Diamond membership fee back.

But once you stop, you've lost that money and have no chance of making it back. Then
you'll do another offer, and it wins and puts you in profit, only a small amount though as
the previous losses have taken most of it. You think you've nailed it and do some more,
only to have another losing run wipe that profit out and now you're back in the red.

Well now you're really pissed off and wonder how all these jokers actually make any
money on this crap. Well, that's all perfectly normal when you start, as you haven't had
enough time to let the variance play out. That's what happened with me and many
others when we first started, if you can get past that first stage of disappointment then
you can get past anything. I'll put my entire casino spreadsheet at the end of this book
so you can see exactly what offers I've done and the profit & loss at different stages.
When I started though, I was in and out of the red until offer 54. On the 54th offer I
finally hit a win that put me back in profit and I’ve been in profit ever since because it
had built up enough by then. It's been up and down, above and below the EV since
then, but it's always been in overall profit.

I also want to point out that this is all strictly low risk and that's how it should be.
Jumping straight into medium or high risk is one of the fastest ways to the poor house,
especially if you don't have the bankroll to cover it. Low risk offers are there to build up
your bankroll over time and get you used to how casino works. It's progressive, so
once you've done enough low risk and only when you feel comfortable, you can move
up and progress to medium risk. There really is no rush, you'll never make big money
fast with casino unless you get really lucky. It’s more of a slow, steady profit over time.

How I record profit & loss

The way I record profit & loss might be a bit different than most people, but it does help
to cope with losing streaks. This can be applied to other low risk stuff like EPs &
refunds, basically anything that has lots of losses followed by a win. All you do is take a
profit when it comes and then wait. You don’t take losses away from your overall profit
as that’s just depressing, you just wait and don’t record any profits until the losses are
cleared. I’ll use a bit of my spreadsheet as an example:

Now mine is a bit different to the template on PA, that’s just because I nicked the
formulas from theirs and put it in mine. A few of the columns are self-explanatory, but
column D is the EV for the offer, E is the profit/loss from the offer, H is just where the
profit for that period ends up, J is the running total for the EV and K is the running total
for the profit.

A green line is drawn whenever I hit a win that’s big enough to clear all the previous
losses and put me back in profit. The previous losses are deducted from this win, and
the remainder is then recorded in my Profit Tracker as actual profit from that offer. If I
hit another win after that, then I just move the green line down to there and record the
entire win as profit because I’ve already accounted for the previous losses.

What I’ll usually do is not actually draw the green line until I hit another loss, then just
draw it over the last profitable win. The green line is always at the point above where
the next loss is, so then the waiting game begins again until I hit another win that
clears the losses. Sometimes it happens the next day, other times it can be more than
2 weeks. But rather than take losses away from my profits, I’ll just freeze it until the
losses are wiped out and I’m back in profit again.

In my sheet, the number on the end of each green line is the profit taken in that period.
So, it’s the sum of the amounts between the cell underneath the green line and the cell
on the next green line. In the example from my spreadsheet, the cell with the last
recorded profit has the formula =SUM(E665:E667) in it. That just means that it’s the
total amount between the two green lines, including the amount inside the bottom
green line.

So, for this one, I took a profit of £13.20 for the first offer as that’s what was left after
the £10 loss was deducted. The second offer was a £1.41 profit, so I took the lot as the
previous losses have been accounted for. £23.20 + £1.41 - £10 = £14.61, so that’s why
that number is at the end of the green line.
The number on the last, bottom green line is always a minus. That’s because that’s
where the next losing run has started, so this cell has =SUM(E668:E700) in it. This
means that it starts adding up the losses below that line, up to line 700 to allow for a bit
of a losing streak.

When I hit a win that’s big enough, the minus figure then changes to a plus figure as
the losses have been wiped out. That’s the figure I take as the next profit and any wins
after that just go in as straight profit. When the next loss comes, I draw a new green
line above it. In the green line above that one, where it had =SUM(E668:E700) in the
cell, I change the 700 in that formula to the number of the cell where the last win was,
which is also where the new green line is. That means the profit for that period is
calculated in there and the whole process starts again with the new set of losses.

So, with this one, the losses get added up and the number at the end of the green line
is -£2.38. This continues until there’s a win big enough to change it to a plus figure.
When this happens, the plus figure gets taken as profit for that offer and the whole
thing starts again.

Jesus, that was complicated

Well yeah, I’m not the most complex person in the world but I do have a weird way of
doing certain things. You might need to read through it a couple of times, looking at the
screenshots, but once you get it then you might find that’s your preferred method to
record the profit & loss. I’ve just always done it that way, as I made it up in my head as
I went along. The other thing is, I only record the risky stuff in that sheet. The risk-free
stuff like the daily free games just go in my profits as normal, I’ll only put stuff in that
sheet where there has been a risk of a loss involved.

Alright, I’ve got the hang of low risk now after a few months and can
see the long-term profit
That’s excellent news. You can see that casino works and how much of a pain in the
arse it is sometimes. But your profits are on the up and you’ve built up a bigger
bankroll, so now you’re ready to move it up a gear. This is where the ups and downs
start to get bigger, so you’ll need to be ready for it. You’ll see that this is pretty much
where I am from looking at the spreadsheet:

I’ve “collected” £1,008.89 in EV and my actual profit is £1,142.47 so I’m actually

£133.58 above what’s expected. It also looks like I’ve done 669 offers to get that far,
but on closer inspection there are 3 cells at the top of the sheet before the offers start.
This means I’ve done 666 offers, which is an awesome number, as Iron Maiden would
have you believe that it’s the number of the beast. But anyway, I digress. 666 offers
over almost 5 months, resulting in just over a grand.

I’d recommend having at least £1,000 casino profit built up, so that the losses don’t
hurt as much, but the PA offers also recommend a minimum bankroll once you get to
medium risk. It’s so important that you have at least the amount stated and that it’s
available for your casino offers.

If you do sports stuff as well, it’s a good idea to not include exchange balances or
anything you need for free bet offers, EPs etc. as part of your casino bankroll. The
minimum bankroll amount that a PA offer has on it should be the minimum amount that
you’ve got available for casino.

Approaching medium risk and protecting your bankroll
Now you could go in all guns blazing and smash through all the medium risk signup
offers in one go, a bit like the finale of Scarface, going absolutely wild. That’s ok if
you’ve got a big bank and don’t mind losing a few quid short term. The thing with
medium risk offers is they work slightly differently to the low-risk stuff you’re used to.

With these, they tend to give out a bonus when you deposit, and the catch is you have
to wager them both together. We’re still getting value and we’ve still got the edge, as
you have a free bonus to play with in the hope of hitting a win. But the risk is higher
because you have a good chance of losing the lot, in fact the bust rate is listed on each
offer on PA. This is an indicator of how often you bust out if the offer is done an infinite
number of times. So, if the offer has a bust rate of 80%, it means that 80% of the time
it’ll lose and 20% of the time it’ll win. This is why it’s so important to keep going, as
those 80% of losses will be covered by the 20% of wins.

But what if you’ve had a few losses in a row and it’s getting a bit much? Well, you can
always go back to low risk reloads for a bit to protect your bank and let it build back up
a bit. In fact, you shouldn’t really stop doing low risk reloads as it’s all profit. You just
might want to have a break from medium risk for a few weeks to let it recover and
that’s fine. I did just that when I started the medium risk signups, had a few of them
lose so I stopped them for a couple of months and built some profit back up with low
risk. I went back into it the other day and won on the first offer, so I did the next offer
and lost. I’ve only got 3 offers left and I’m expecting them to lose, so I’ll probably space
them out over the next week or so. After that then it’ll be the medium risk reloads
during certain days of the week.

The high-risk offers are the same sort of thing, but the stakes are bigger so you can
lose a lot more (and win a lot more if it goes to plan). Rather than depositing £20 and
getting a £20 bonus on top, you’ll deposit say £100 and get a £150 bonus on top. The
same applies, you play through both and if you double your cash balance during the
wagering, then great. Take the money and run away. If your cash balance drops to
zero because the slot just isn’t paying out, well then it’s time to go big or go broke. You
spin and hope to hit a few decent bonus rounds, so that you can get through the 30x or
40x wagering requirement and take a big win. Or if it still isn’t paying out, then you just
take a £100 loss after it’s all gone.

Sometimes you’ll get free spins to use as well, so this will probably be a last chance to
make something back, but that’s the joys of high risk and why it might not be for
everyone. I’m not even going to go there until maybe next year, it needs a certain type
of mindset to be able to deal with it. But by starting small and building up, hopefully that
mindset will develop.

Get out, you’re barred
This is something that happens to everyone, mostly on sportsbook but occasionally
casino as well. LCI are the worst for casino gubbing, I’ve lost all their Gala ones, Foxy,
Cheeky Bingo and maybe some others. The Pools and Boylesports had decent weekly
offers as well, until they gave me the poke. You’ll see certain ones gradually disappear
as my spreadsheet goes on.

It’s the virtual equivalent of being picked up by some beefy bouncer and thrown out of
the back door into a pile of cardboard boxes. But you can come back in if you want to
gamble and spend money. No-one knows the exact formula that triggers it, the
detection is also probably based on the size of the bookie or casino.

My guess is that some of the smaller ones will have a department of staff that go
through each account, looking for the ones that are taking long-term value. Some of
the bigger ones probably use AI (artificial intelligence) to check the accounts, then gub
the ones that are taking long-term value. AI is quite common now, especially with cloud
services like Microsoft Azure (you can tell I work in IT), so it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s
all automated.

The principle is the same though, if your account is taking too much value long term,
they’ll stop the promotions as it’s no longer profitable to them. Caan Berry did quite a
good Youtube video where he really laid into the bookies for doing this, as they also
send more promotions to people who gamble a lot.

The thing is, once you’re gubbed it stays that way. Going on live chat and giving them
sob stories about how the wife ran off with the milkman won’t get anywhere, neither will
telling them you’re never spending any more money there. They won’t care, and the
decision is final. Unless it’s Foxy Bingo, I’m sure I got gubbed by them and 2 months
later they emailed saying they missed me and sent a promo. Still gubbed on Foxy
Games though, so maybe I didn’t get gubbed on both.

Hopefully after reading all that you’ll have a good understanding of what casino offers
are, what they involve and the best way to go about them. You should also have some
ideas on how to protect your bankroll and how to record the profit & loss, so you don’t
get lost with it. The rest is up to you, so have fun making some extra money from this
side of matched betting and remember to take it easy.

The rest of the book will be my complete casino spreadsheet, so you can see how 5
months of it worked out for me.

My Casino Spreadsheet

Date Casino Offer EV Profit/Loss Total EV Total Profit/Loss

20/10/2021 Sky Vegas Champion Win Spins £1.77 £2.44 £1.77 £2.44
20/10/2021 Foxy Bingo Win Wheel £0.86 -£1.00 £2.63 £1.44
20/10/2021 Sky Bingo Wager £5 for 5 free spins £0.30 £9.20 £2.93 £10.64
20/10/2021 Heart Bingo Wager £25 for 30 free spins £5.12 £0.96 £5.63 £8.05 £11.60
20/10/2021 PaddyPower Weekly Slot Club £2.46 -£6.35 £10.51 £5.25
20/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £5.00 £10.95 £10.25
20/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £1.25 £11.85 £11.50
21/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£1.00 £12.29 £10.50
21/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £1.15 £13.19 £11.65
21/10/2021 Betfred Wager £10 for 5 free spins £0.44 -£2.56 £13.63 £9.09
21/10/2021 Lottoland Wager £10 for £5 bonus £3.82 -£6.01 £17.45 £3.08
21/10/2021 Planetsportbet Wager £25 for 25 free spins £3.81 -£9.18 £21.26 -£6.10
21/10/2021 Sky Bingo Wager £5 for 5 free spins £0.30 -£1.46 £21.56 -£7.56
22/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £6.00 £22.00 -£1.56
22/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£2.74 £22.69 -£4.30
22/10/2021 Coral Wager £25 get cash £0.81 £2.51 £23.50 -£1.79
22/10/2021 Grosvenor Deposit £60 for 40 free spins £3.41 £3.11 £26.91 £1.32
23/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £2.01 £27.35 £3.33
23/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £3.15 £28.25 £6.48
23/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£4.22 £28.94 £2.26
23/10/2021 Coral Wager £25 get cash £0.81 £3.43 £29.75 £5.69
23/10/2021 Kwiff Wager £20 get 20 free spins £0.54 -£0.23 £30.29 £5.46
23/10/2021 NetBet Wager £5 for £5 bonus £3.92 -£3.01 £34.21 £2.45
24/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £2.23 £34.65 £4.68
24/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £10.15 £35.55 £14.83
24/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £2.40 £0.96 £36.24 £17.23
24/10/2021 Coral Wager £25 get cash £0.81 -£9.92 £37.05 £7.31
Deposit & Wager £5 for spin on the
25/10/2021 Foxy Bingo wheel £0.86 £5.00 £37.91 £12.31

25/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£1.40 £38.35 £10.91
25/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £0.25 £39.25 £11.16
25/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£1.65 £39.94 £9.51
25/10/2021 Coral Wager £10 for £2 free bet £0.90 -£4.71 £40.84 £4.80
25/10/2021 NetBet Wager £10 for live bonus £1.94 -£1.50 £42.78 £3.30
25/10/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 get free spins £1.88 -£4.40 £44.66 -£1.10
25/10/2021 Betfred Wager £10 get 10 free spins £1.70 £3.47 £46.36 £2.37
25/10/2021 Virgin Games Wager £10 for 10 free spins £1.54 -£0.34 £47.90 £2.03
26/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £0.03 £48.34 £2.06
26/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £0.35 £49.24 £2.41
26/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £3.54 £49.93 £5.95
Deposit & Wager £5 for spin on the
26/10/2021 Foxy Bingo wheel £0.86 -£4.00 £50.79 £1.95
26/10/2021 NetBet Wager £10 for live bonus £1.94 -£4.00 £52.73 -£2.05
26/10/2021 Virgin Games Wager £10 for 10 free spins £1.54 -£1.84 £54.27 -£3.89
26/10/2021 Betfred Wager £10 for 10 free spins £0.83 -£3.63 £55.10 -£7.52
26/10/2021 PaddyPower Weekly Spin Club £1.52 -£3.85 £56.62 -£11.37
27/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £1.50 £57.06 -£9.87
27/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£0.70 £57.96 -£10.57
27/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£3.84 £58.65 -£14.41
27/10/2021 Virgin Games Wager £10 for 10 free spins £1.54 -£4.02 £60.19 -£18.43
27/10/2021 Betfred Wager £10 for 10 free spins £0.83 -£1.83 £61.02 -£20.26
27/10/2021 NetBet Wager £10 for live bonus £1.94 £3.00 £62.96 -£17.26
27/10/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 get free spins £1.88 -£1.10 £64.84 -£18.36
28/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £0.00 £65.28 -£18.36
28/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £1.15 £66.18 -£17.21
28/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £1.95 £66.87 -£15.26
28/10/2021 NetBet Wager £10 for live bonus £1.94 £9.00 £68.81 -£6.26
28/10/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 get free spins £1.88 £20.15 £70.69 £13.89
28/10/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £15 for 15 free spins £0.88 £4.30 £11.99 £71.57 £18.19
28/10/2021 Betfred Wager £10 for 10 free spins £0.83 -£4.44 £72.40 £13.75
28/10/2021 Unibet Wager £25 for risk free bet £2.89 -£3.84 £75.29 £9.91
29/10/2021 Buzz Bingo Friday Boost & wager £30 for free spins £3.38 £20.27 £9.81 £78.67 £30.18
29/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£1.36 £79.11 £28.82
29/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£4.95 £80.01 £23.87
29/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£5.20 £80.70 £18.67
29/10/2021 NetBet Wager £10 for live bonus £1.94 £9.50 £82.64 £28.17
29/10/2021 Sky Bingo Wager £5 for 5 free spins £0.30 £2.32 £82.94 £30.49
29/10/2021 Coral Wager £25 for wheel spin £0.81 £9.50 £83.75 £39.99
29/10/2021 Sky Vegas Wager £20 get free bet £3.22 -£9.42 £8.67 £86.97 £30.57
29/10/2021 Betfred Wager £20 for 10 free spins £1.62 -£2.13 £88.59 £28.44
30/10/2021 Kwiff Wager £20 for 20 free spins £0.54 £0.52 £89.13 £28.96
30/10/2021 QuinnBet Wager £20 for £20 bonus £10.15 -£8.52 £99.28 £20.44
30/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£1.95 £99.72 £18.49
30/10/2021 NetBet Wager £10 for live bonus £1.94 £0.50 £101.66 £18.99
30/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£0.95 £102.56 £18.04
30/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £0.04 £103.25 £18.08
30/10/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for free spins £1.88 -£4.88 £105.13 £13.20
30/10/2021 Betfred Wager £20 for 10 free spins £1.62 £16.80 £106.75 £30.00
30/10/2021 Coral Wager £25 for wheel spin £0.81 £13.96 £107.56 £43.96
31/10/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £4.70 £52.72 £108.00 £48.66
31/10/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£0.20 £108.90 £48.46
31/10/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£4.28 £109.59 £44.18
31/10/2021 NetBet Wager £10 for live bonus £1.94 £1.50 £111.53 £45.68
31/10/2021 Betfred Wager £20 for 10 free spins £1.68 -£6.70 £113.21 £38.98
31/10/2021 Grosvenor Wager £20 for £5 free bet £3.90 £6.68 £117.11 £45.66
31/10/2021 Coral Wager £25 for wheel spin £0.81 £31.72 £117.92 £77.38
31/10/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for free spins £1.88 £24.00 £21.57 £119.80 £101.38
01/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£2.00 £120.24 £99.38
01/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£0.85 £121.14 £98.53
01/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£0.01 £121.83 £98.52
01/11/2021 Betfred Wager £10 for free spins £0.35 -£8.76 £122.18 £89.76
01/11/2021 Sky Vegas Wager £10 for 10 free spins £0.59 -£2.42 £122.77 £87.34
01/11/2021 Unibet Wager £25 for £5 bet £2.77 -£6.30 £125.54 £81.04
01/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for 10 free spins £1.88 -£19.35 £127.42 £61.69
01/11/2021 Betfair Wager £5 for 10 free spins £0.70 -£1.78 £128.12 £59.91
02/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £0.00 £128.56 £59.91
02/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£2.35 £129.46 £57.56
02/11/2021 Lottoland Wager £10 for £5 bonus £3.58 £5.75 £133.04 £63.31
02/11/2021 Planetsportbet Wager £25 for 25 free spins £3.52 -£0.47 £136.56 £62.84
02/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£3.76 £137.25 £59.08
02/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for 10 free spins £1.88 -£11.80 £139.13 £47.28
03/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£4.62 £139.57 £42.66
03/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£4.35 £140.47 £38.31
03/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£4.69 £141.16 £33.62
03/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for 10 free spins £1.88 £0.05 £143.04 £33.67
04/11/2021 Fafabet Signup Offer £7.30 -£7.20 £150.34 £26.47
04/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £0.26 £150.78 £26.73
04/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £4.45 £151.68 £31.18
04/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £0.00 £152.37 £31.18
04/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for 10 free spins £1.88 £52.35 £154.25 £83.53
04/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £15 for 15 free spins £0.80 £4.27 £155.05 £87.80
04/11/2021 Betfred Wager £25 for 10 free spins £1.61 -£2.60 £156.66 £85.20
05/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£0.87 £157.10 £84.33
05/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£4.00 £157.79 £80.33
05/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£2.60 £158.69 £77.73
05/11/2021 Sky Bingo Wager £5 for 5 free spins £0.28 £0.62 £158.97 £78.35
05/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Friday Boost & wager £30 for free spins £3.38 £13.63 £162.35 £91.98
05/11/2021 Betfred Wager £25 for 10 free spins £1.61 -£5.96 £163.96 £86.02
05/11/2021 Heart Bingo Wager £25 for 30 free spins £2.24 £32.30 £166.20 £118.32
05/11/2021 Gala Bingo Wager £20 for 100 free spins £8.91 £1.03 £175.11 £119.35
06/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £0.50 £175.55 £119.85
06/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £3.10 £11.25 £176.24 £122.95
06/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£0.05 £177.14 £122.90
06/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for free spins £1.88 -£3.95 £179.02 £118.95
06/11/2021 Betfred Wager £25 for 10 free spins £1.61 £11.77 £180.63 £130.72
Wager £20 for free spins & bingo
06/11/2021 Cheeky Bingo tickets £2.10 £3.48 £25.66 £182.73 £134.20
06/11/2021 Kwiff Wager £20 for 20 free spins £0.54 -£4.11 £183.27 £130.09
06/11/2021 QuinnBet Wager £20 for £20 bonus £10.15 -£11.43 £193.42 £118.66
07/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£2.15 £193.86 £116.51
07/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £1.05 £194.55 £117.56
07/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£2.50 £195.45 £115.06
07/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for free spins £1.88 £4.40 £197.33 £119.46
07/11/2021 Betfred Wager £25 for 10 free spins £1.61 -£3.49 £198.94 £115.97
Wager £20 for free spins & bingo
07/11/2021 Cheeky Bingo tickets £2.10 -£0.57 £201.04 £115.40
08/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £3.50 £201.48 £118.90
08/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£0.95 £202.17 £117.95
08/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£3.85 £203.07 £114.10
08/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for free spins £1.88 £8.85 £204.95 £122.95
Wager £20 for free spins & bingo
08/11/2021 Cheeky Bingo tickets £2.10 -£2.14 £207.05 £120.81
08/11/2021 PaddyPower Weekly Spin Club £2.15 -£4.82 £209.20 £115.99
09/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £0.85 £209.64 £116.84
09/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for free spins £1.88 £23.90 £211.52 £140.74
09/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £1.26 £212.42 £142.00
Wager £20 for free spins & bingo
09/11/2021 Cheeky Bingo tickets £2.10 £17.86 £26.26 £214.52 £159.86
09/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£5.85 £215.21 £154.01
09/11/2021 Sky Vegas Wager £10 for 10 free spins £0.56 -£1.94 £215.77 £152.07
10/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for free spins £1.88 £16.70 £217.65 £168.77
10/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £1.00 £218.34 £169.77
Wager £20 for free spins & bingo
10/11/2021 Cheeky Bingo tickets £2.10 £2.85 £220.44 £172.62
10/11/2021 Pink Casino Wager £30 for £6 bonus £5.62 £4.50 £226.06 £177.12
10/11/2021 Slot Boss Wager £30 for £6 bonus £5.62 £9.00 £16.70 £231.68 £186.12
10/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£0.10 £232.58 £186.02
10/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£0.50 £233.02 £185.52
10/11/2021 LeoVegas Wager £30 for £6 bonus £5.62 -£2.50 £238.64 £183.02
10/11/2021 Wager £30 for £6 bonus £5.62 -£2.00 £244.26 £181.02
10/11/2021 BetUK Wager £30 for £6 bonus £5.62 -£1.00 £249.88 £180.02
11/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£8.50 £250.32 £171.52
11/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £5.50 £251.01 £177.02
11/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £11.65 £251.91 £188.67
Wager £20 for free spins & bingo
11/11/2021 Cheeky Bingo tickets £2.10 £14.15 £12.13 £254.01 £202.82
11/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for 10 free spins £2.68 -£5.45 £256.69 £197.37
11/11/2021 Unibet Wager £25 for risk free bet £2.74 -£9.52 £259.43 £187.85
Wager £20 for free spins & bingo
12/11/2021 Cheeky Bingo tickets £2.10 £26.75 £261.53 £214.60
12/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £0.35 £225.17 £262.43 £214.95
12/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£1.50 £262.87 £213.45
12/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£0.85 £263.56 £212.60
12/11/2021 Sky Bingo Wager £5 for 5 free spins £0.28 -£0.38 £263.84 £212.22
12/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Friday Boost & wager £30 for free spins £3.38 -£14.95 £267.22 £197.27
13/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 £0.05 £268.12 £197.32
13/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 £6.99 £268.56 £204.31
13/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 £0.00 £269.25 £204.31
13/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for free spins £1.88 £3.25 £271.13 £207.56
Wager £20 for free spins & bingo
13/11/2021 Cheeky Bingo tickets £2.10 -£2.00 £273.23 £205.56
14/11/2021 Foxy Games Daily Spin £0.44 -£1.05 £273.67 £204.51
14/11/2021 Gala Bingo Daily Spin £0.69 -£3.30 £274.36 £201.21
14/11/2021 Sky Casino Free Spins Boost £0.90 -£1.60 £275.26 £199.61
14/11/2021 Buzz Bingo Wager £30 for free spins £1.88 -£1.20 £277.14 £198.41
Wager £20 for free spins & bingo
14/11/2021 Cheeky Bingo tickets £2.10 £3.35 £279.24 £201.76
14/11/2021 NetBet Wager £10 for bonus £1.94 -£2.00 £281.18 £199.76
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